the stress management societycorporate wellbeing solutions ‘stress is the biggest hindrance to...

The Stress Management Society Corporate Wellbeing Solutions

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Page 1: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

The Stress Management Society

Corporate Wellbeing Solutions

Page 2: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Corporate Wellbeing Solutions

‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity,

efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to

absenteeism, low morale and increases staff

turnover. The solution – Workplace Wellbeing.

It is one of the few areas that you can invest in

your organisation to yield a massive return.

According to Dame Carol Black every £1 spent

on workplace wellbeing can yield between £3

and £6 in gained productivity and efficiency.

There are limited options that will give you

that kind of ROI’

Neil Shah, Director of the Stress Management Society



Business Stress Risk Review

Stress Risk Assessment


Excelling under Pressure

Managers Managing Stress

Directors Managing Stress


Focus Groups

Health & Wellbeing Days

Stress Screenings


Promotional Stress Products

Stress Mood Cards

The Stress Management Society can help you to

reduce absenteeism, boost staff morale and

increase productivity and efficiency.

Take action now and contact us for a

free, no-obligation consultation.

0203 371 3219

[email protected]




Page 3: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

The Stress Management Society

Dedicated to helping individuals and

organisations tackle stress.

Extensive knowledge of stress and

natural coping techniques.

Impartial view of stress management

products and services.

We pride ourselves in providing a valuable,

user-friendly support network to offer stress

management and well-being advice, news and

documents. We provide this in an accessible

and understandable format so that

organisations and individuals can utilise this

support and apply our recommended

interventions without difficulty.

We have a proven and long-standing track record

in helping both private and public sector

organisations manage workplace stress.

Our clients and partners range from local councils

and occupational health departments to The

Home Office and the NHS. We have also worked

with a variety of large private companies such as:

British Airways


Sky TV

Standard Life


Our services not only help companies with stress

management, they also help companies attain

other benefits:

Reducing sick leave by up to 20%

Stabilising staff turnover

Enhancing companies’ reputation as an

employer of choice

Our onsite workshops also help companies to

understand how stress affects employees, what

physical, mental and emotional responses it causes

and how people can improve their ability to cope

through stress reduction techniques.




Page 4: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Organisations can choose from a number of


Get to know what stresses there are in your

organisation through a Business Stress Risk


Start tackling the problem with a stress or

mental health policy

Book training for managers or staff to help

them cope with stress or recognise it in their


Order branded stress awareness or stress

management products to publicise your stress

management message

Book well-being days at your organisation,

from on-site stress testing or stress awareness

events to pamper days.

Other support includes:

Our Website at – including

useful tips on stress reduction & information on

our work events.

Workshops to help people learn important

holistic techniques for natural stress management.

Free Stress Guide and Newsletter – with

seasonal tips for stress management. We regularly

publish articles and recent news surrounding

health and wellbeing.




Page 5: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Stress is a condition or feeling

experienced when a person perceives

that “demands exceed the personal and

social resources the individual is able to


Stress can affect the workplace in a

variety of ways:

Increased absenteeism levels

Friction caused between colleagues

Work not being completed to a high


In-depth research carried out by Mintel (2013)

states ‘work-related stress and life style stress are

two major causal factors of a variety of

sub-health conditions’

The Stress Management Society adopts an

engineers definition of stress. Force over area

equals pressure.

When a bridge is carrying too much weight, it will

eventually collapse. You would be able to see the

warning signs before this happens, the bridge

would bow, buckle and creak.

Similarly, the same theory can be applied to human

beings, with many tasks and stresses on our

bridge. There may be a few signs here and there

but it is likely that stress can creep up on some

and a breakdown could be unexpected.

When a breakdown does occur this could take the

form of a sign-off from work, health issues or even

a heart attack.

What is Stress?

Stress is a physical response. Under stress, the

body thinks it is under attack and switches to ‘fight

or flight’ mode and in response it releases a

complex mix of hormones and chemicals to

prepare the body for physical action. This causes a

number of reactions, from blood being diverted to

muscles to shutting down unnecessary bodily

functions like digestion.

There are very few situations in modern working

life where this response is useful. In fact, this

response needs control to avoid problems of poor

health and burnout.



Understanding Stress

Page 6: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale



Indicators of stress

The mobilisation of the body for survival has

negative consequences. In this state, we are

excitable, anxious, jumpy and irritable. This

actually reduces our ability to work effectively

with other people. Individuals can find it difficult to

execute precise, controlled skills. The intensity of

focus on survival interferes with a persons ability

to make fine judgments by drawing information

from many sources. Individuals are less able to

make logical decisions.

Employers can help reduce stress levels:

Take stress seriously

Tackling stress is part of Health and Safety

responsibilities and employers are legally obliged

to take action if you have such a problem at work

Communicate well

Keep employees informed about workplace

changes. Be clear about job roles and targets, and

be sensitive in the way you communicate.

Give feedback

Feedback can improve employees confidence and

keep them informed on areas to work on. This can

provide a consistent approach to prevents an

overload of criticisms which can impact on stress


Remember the team

Focus on creating good team spirit and get all staff

involved and engaged. Organise company events

out and wellbeing days. Being valued and involved

like this is a major factor in happiness at work

Ask for opinions

People often feel stress when they are powerless

over their job content. So if change is required,

consult those involved so they can have a say in

work-related decisions


Memory problems

Poor judgement

Inability to







Chest pain, rapid


Aches and pains

Frequent colds


Increase intake in

alcohol, cigarettes and

caffeine to relax

Isolating yourself from


Sleeping too little or

too much

Page 7: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

The increasing cost of workplace stress

impacts you and your organisaton:

10.4 million working days are lost a year

to stress (HSE 2012)

The average cost of ‘sick’ days costing

£618 per day, workplace stress cost the

UK economy a total of £6.4 billion in

2012 (Xpert HR 2012)

Workplace Stress is directly responsible

for 25% of sickness absence, 70% of visits

to the doctor and for 85% of serious


Stress is common amongst all people of all ages.

Work related stress develops because a person is

unable to cope with the demands and high

expectations within the workplace.

Stress, including work related stress, can often be

the cause of illnesses and is known to be linked

with high levels of sickness absence.

Stress, anxiety and depression, are the reason

for 1 in 5 visits to a GP (NHS Choices 2013)

According to the Labour Force Survey (2012)

increased absenteeism has lost the UK 10.4

million working days



Cost of Workplace Stress


(CIPD Survey 2008)

Workforce Size 1000

Average number of sick days per em-

ployee (all causes) 8

Estimated total sick days 8000

Estimated proportion of sick days

attributable to mental health 40.5%

Estimated annual number of sick days

attributable to mental ill health 3,240

Average cost per day per employee:


Annual est. cost for workforce of 1,000:


Page 8: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale



Key Findings

Canada Life Group (2013) polled 1001 UK

workers, finding that despite the increasing

problem of stress, almost a third (31%) of

respondents report that their organisations are

not doing anything to reduce stress.

Only 10% of respondents have a helpline or

external organisation they can contact in case they

become ill for an extended period of time.

Despite issues of stress, respondents continued to

work highlighting a rise in presenteeism. Reasons


Not thinking the illness is serious enough to

warrant a day off (76%)

Having too heavy a workload to take time off


Worrying about the financial implications


Their colleagues, such as senior members of

staff made them feel guilty for taking time off


Feeling threatened by the risk of redundancy


A Stress Management Society Survey (2009)

found that 78% of the general working population

claimed that stress was affecting their health,

mood and sleep. 61% of this group have not done

anything about their symptoms.

The Centre for Mental Health (2008)

calculated that presenteeism from mental ill health

alone costs the UK economy around £15.1 billion

a year.

In 'Mental Health at Work: Developing the

Business Case' the Centre for Mental Health

estimated that stress, anxiety and depression cost

employers an (inflation-adjusted) £1,149 per year

for every employee in the workforce:

Absence (£372 or 32% of the total);

Presenteeism, or under-productivity at work

(£672 or 58% of the total);

Staff turnover (£105 or 10% of the total).

This amounts to £114,900 for an organisation of

one hundred employees.

From a fiscal perspective, presenteeism in the

workplace should not be ignored. From a

wellbeing perspective managing presenteeism can

contribute to a more engaged and productive


Minimise your Risk

The positive news is that once you have

understood the impact of stress to your

organisation, through appropriate training, you can

invest in your workforce efficiently. A HSE case

study of Somerset County Council (2005) found

that it saved £1.9 million on stress-related work

issues through a training and development

investment of only £390,000. Culminating in a

return on investment of nearly £5 for every £1


Page 9: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Our Business Stress Risk Review (BSRR)

incorporates a HSE compliant Stress

Risk Assessment in order to:

Understand the causes of stress within

your organisation

Have clear data regarding the cultural

and commercial impact of stress

Tackle these issues to improve morale,

boost your organisation’s productivity,

efficiency and in turn profitability

How does stress impact your organisation?

Last year there were 10.4million days lost to

stress, with the average cost of ‘sick’ days being

£618 per day meaning workplace stress cost the

UK economy a total of £6.4 billion in 2012.

Generate a Return on Investment with

our BSRR:

The positive news is that once you have

understood the impact of stress to your

organisation through a BSRR you can invest in

your workforce more wisely. A HSE case study of

Somerset County Council in 2005 found that it

saved £1.9 million on stress-related work issues

through an investment of only £390,000 on a

training and development programme. This was

based on the outcomes of a Stress Risk Analysis,

generating a return of nearly £5 for every £1


Commercial Benefits: The process of a Stress

Risk Review will help identify stress problems,

which can be addressed before they become cost-

ly disasters for the employer. Taking action can

minimise the risk of long-term stress related

illness, high staff turnover and other serious

consequences of stress such as poor performance,

lower productivity, presenteeism and negative


Cultural Benefits: By identifying the nature,

location and extent of stress problems, the BSRR

can help employers focus resources on where

they are most needed. The BSRR demonstrates a

commitment to the wellbeing of employees, which

is normally reciprocated and manifested in higher

morale in the workforce.

Legal Obligations: Risk assessment is a

statutory obligation under Health and Safety law.

Stress should be seen in the same way as any

other health and safety risk hazard. Therefore

employers should be assessing stress risks in a

logical, consistent and coherent way.

Business Stress Risk Review S




Page 10: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Why choose our BSRR?

Our Business Stress Risk Review goes beyond a

simple Stress Risk Assessment based on the

survey questionnaire along the guidelines of the

Health and Safety Executive (HSE), which entails

35 multiple choice questions.

Survey subgroups

We will create up to 5 subgroups among survey

participants based on your own criteria (e.g.

departments, locations, etc.), allowing you to

differentiate and compare between these groups.

Demographic analytics

In addition to the original HSE questions we can

also incorporate demographic aspects into the

survey such as age-range of staff, their length of

service, and whether they have line managers

responsibility or not. This will provide a more

differentiated analysis within each subgroup.

Qualitative Data

We can also assess qualitative data by:

Incorporating open-format questions in the

survey; and

Conducting Focus Groups with selected

groups of staff.

Comprehensive Reports

Based on the survey results we will create a

comprehensive report that analyses all quantitative

and qualitative data at hand and identifies your

performance in the different areas of HSE


Action Planning

We will also produce a report and action plan

with suggestions on how to tackle the issues that

have been recognised. This could include

modifying your existing support resources,

creating/amending policies or conducting

additional training. Any subsequent activities will

therefore be tailored to individual stress triggers

and specifically address the needs that the Review

has recognised.

We can support you with:

Creating up to 5 subgroups among survey


Distributing online and/or manual

questionnaires via email;

Monitoring the process and providing

technical support to participants;

Sending reminder emails;

Facilitating Focus Groups;

Collating the data and producing feedback on

the data results;

Analysing the quantitative and qualitative data;

Producing detailed reports on your results;

Action planning and design of interventions,

evaluation and review of actions.


We ensure that the entire BSRR process and all

information we gain remains completely





Page 11: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Our Business Stress Risk Review incor-

porates a HSE compliant Stress Risk As-

sessment to:

Understand the causes of stress within

your organisation

Have clear data regarding the cultural

and commercial impacts of stress

Tackle these issues to improve morale,

boost your organisation’s productivity,

efficiency and in turn profitability

Our Business Stress Risk Review Process (BSRR)

is a unique undertaking that allows for higher level

analytical review against independent

organisational demographics and statistics that can

be made to your specification.

Based on the results we provide you with a report

and action plan to tackle any issues that have been


Planning Process

A planning call allows us to gain a better

understanding of your organisation and objectives.

We will clarify (but are not limited to):

Participants in the BSRR

How many and which members of staff will

take part in the Stress Risk Assessment?

Who are these participants in terms of

departments, job roles, age ranges and gender?

Subgroups in the BSRR

You can choose up to 5 subgroups, the results

of which can be calculated separately.

This will allow you to compare results

between subgroups, e.g. departments,

locations, job roles allowing for a more

differentiated understanding of the issues and

positive outcomes.

Online vs. Manual Survey

Surveys can be conducted online, manually or

a mixture of both depending on your needs.

The Survey

Our survey questionnaire incorporates the HSE

Stress Management Standards. It also includes

demographic and analytical questions that

will allow us to create a report and action plan

that takes these aspects into consideration.

Our questionnaire can also include an open-

format question that will allow participants to

add any other concerns they may have that have

not been addressed by the survey questions.

Business Stress Risk Review Process




Page 12: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

This gives the participants the opportunity to

express their own concerns and provides useful

additional qualitative data.

Survey Distribution and Monitoring

The online survey email provides the

recipient with a URL that leads them directly

to the website of the online survey.

Each subsection will have its own log-in


Focus Groups (Optional)

Where there are known issues in a particular

department or grouping of staff focus groups can

be facilitated to allow participants to talk about

their experiences and express their concerns at a

more personal level .

Survey results

After completion of all online and/or manual

surveys we will calculate the results based on HSE


We will then send you all results including:

An overall summary that compares your

results to the HSE Standards,

Your results according to each area set by the

HSE Standards; and

The numbers of each separate question

The Report and Action Plan

Based on the survey results we will create a

report that analyses the data at hand and identifies

your performance in the different areas of HSE


As part of the review we may analyse any other

existing Management Data such as; Absenteeism


Usage reports from any EAP or Occupational

Health provisions, details of any other employee

surveys, any Stress/Health and Wellbeing Policies

and Procedures. We would suggest using this as

an opportunity to review all existing support

resources, policies and procedures that reference

Stress and Mental. These can then be amended to

reflect any needs that the Review process has


We will then create a report and action plan.

Based on the finding of the survey/Focus Group

the action plan may include:

Suggestions on how to tackle the areas of the

HSE Standards that require improvement;

Recommendations on how to address any

organisational issues such as change,

leadership, and time management.

The final part of the report and action plan will

provide you with an overview of how we can

support you to implement the suggested


This is not a ‘tick box' exercise; it should be an

enabler for business and process improvement

within the environment of human resources and

organisational management.

According to what has been previously agreed

upon, we will create one report and action

plan for each subsection and/or one report

and action plan for all subsections together.

Please keep in mind that reports for all

subsections are subject to additional charges.

We ensure that the entire SRA process and all

information we gain remains completely





Page 13: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Can your employees cope with their

work demands?

Do they often feel under pressure and


We can help employees to:

Recognise the signs and symptoms of


Understand the causes and effects of


Learn practical techniques and strate-

gies to deal with stress

Create a Resilient Workforce

Stress is one of the biggest issues facing the

modern workplace, preventing people from

functioning at their best. Most situations would

benefit from a calm, rational, controlled and

socially sensitive approach.

In our Excelling Under Pressure Workshop we

will discuss with your employees; what stress is,

how it impacts us in our everyday lives, when it is

harmful and when it may be beneficial. We

explore some of the flawed strategies that are

commonly used to deal with stress and provide

you with some practical techniques aiming to

de-stress in times of excess stress.

Our sessions cover three key areas:

Understanding Stress – What is stress,

how does it affect us, what is its purpose?

Stress Reduction Techniques – Time

Management, Relaxation Techniques,

Visualisation and Breathing to change our


The 10-Step Stress Solution – Created by

our founder and director Neil Shah

You will be assigned a personal project manager

who will work with you to create a unique stress

awareness workshop. We can incorporate a

variety of different options into your workshop,

working with you to create a bespoke training

experience catered to your needs.

Excelling Under Pressure




Page 14: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Workshop Options

Various modules can be incorporated into

our workshops:

Time Management

Introduce ideas to increase productivity, plan your

time more effectively and smarter approaches to

dealing with high workloads.

Change Management

Ensure that your people are well equipped to cope

with change, and ensure that your people are

working in alignment with your organisation.

Workplace Wellbeing Techniques

Introducing practical exercises that can be

completed at work stations to alleviate common

tensions that build up during the day. Exercises

include ‘Desk Massage’ and ‘Desk Yoga’.

Visualising for Success

Incorporating techniques used by professional

athletes to ensure that the subconscious is

focused on success and goal achievement, not


NLP at Work

Uti l is ing Neuro-l inguistic Programming

techniques to increase confidence and maximise

success, through improved internal and external

communication, relationship building, and public



The holy grail of business. It is essential at every

level of a company, and for dealing with

customers, staff and investors alike. Employees

may benefit from new training, a refresher course,

or a new look at an existing strategy.

Confidence Building

Stress can impact confidence and in turn impact

performance. Understand what action you can

take to boost confidence and self-esteem.

Minimise your Risk

According to new ICM research carried out on

behalf of the Priory Group (2012) more than 13

million employees are at risk of mental health

problems caused by the stress of their jobs.

The new figures:

55% of respondents felt that their employment

had an adverse affect on their mental

well-being and day to day life

Over 50% admitted they found it hard to

‘switch off’ after a day’s work

34% of those questioned suffered feelings of

lack of control over, or an inability to cope

with the stress caused by their working life

Companies are becoming more proactive in

employee health promotion now that health care

spending exceeds profits at some organisations.

Our workshops can be utilised as an exploratory

session to review work related stresses, and

therefore offer advice on strategies to overcome

any key issues. You may not be able to reduce the

demand that your people are subjected to,

however we can increase their resilience to better

cope with the pressure and challenges they face.




Page 15: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Are you concerned about the effects of

stress on the productivity and wellbeing

of your team members?

This workshop will help you to:

Recognise the signs and symptoms of

stress amongst your team

Improve your skills and confidence to

support your team by identifying areas

for action

A highly specialised programme designed to

comply with the HSE Management Standards.

Managers will benefit from learning how to spot

the early signs of stress and risk assess for any

issues amongst their teams.

This is a specific training programme for

managers and supervisors who have a duty of care

to employees. They need to be certain of how to

promote wellbeing at work and to recognise when

stress is having a negative impact. Acting as the

first line of support for employees, they play a key

role ensuring business objectives are met and

exceeded. Without adequate training your best

laid plans may be going to waste.

The key topics covered in this session include:

Identifying the Six Key Stressors, and how they

can be utilised to identify and improve the

effects of stress in the workplace

Improving managers’ skills and confidence in

dealing with stress and wellbeing in the


Discuss the duty of care responsibilities for

line managers

Identifying areas for action to create and

maintain a mentally healthy workplace

Each customer is assigned a personal project

manager, who will work with you to create a

bespoke training programme to fit your specific


Our Managers Managing Stress workshops are

fully interactive to ensure maximum engagement

of participants and we never use slide shows as a

delivery tool.

Managers Managing Stress




Page 16: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Workshop Options

Understanding stress

We help managers to understand the purpose of

stress and clarify the causes and effects of stress in

the workplace.

Identifying the key factors that contribute

to a mentally healthy workplace

We demonstrate how to recognise stress and

mental health challenges in team members and


Our workshops improve a managers’ skills and

confidence in dealing with stress/mental health and

wellbeing in the workplace by analysing ‘the Four


Engage people in the issue;

Exemplify work life balance yourself;

Embed the value in everything you do;

Evaluate the effects and benefits over time.

Increasing awareness of stress and mental

health issues in the workplace

Ensuring that managers are aware of their

responsibilities in relation to health and wellbeing.

We also cover legal aspects surrounding stress.

Engage managers in practical exercises that

demonstrate how to deal with stress related


Time Management exercises

By using time management skills effectively, you

can reduce work stress by being more in control

of your time, and by being more productive.

How to recognise the impact of stress on

your organisation

The consequences of stress to your organisation

and the link between stress and absenteeism and

stress and presenteeism.

Minimise your Risk

Training line managers is a key initiative in stress

management, coupled with providing all employees

with information and opportunities to engage in

activities that help prevent mental health


It is important to provide support and advice on

mental health issues. A need also exists for

guidance in identifying mental health problems and

ensuring that these are not simply treated as poor


A HSE case study of QVC shows that since

implementing a stress management training

programme to their management groups in January

2009, there was a decrease of year on year

sickness absence. Figures at their Knowsley

Operation decreased from 5.31% in 2008 and

ending the year of 2009 at 4.96%. QVC also

experienced a 20% decrease of the average

number of employees on long term absence

between 2008 / 09.

Dealing with stress and mental health at work is

more likely to be effective and have a greater

impact if accompanied by management training.




Page 17: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

How does stress impact your

productivity, efficiency and in turn


We will work with you from a risk

management perspective and identify:

How to minimise your exposure to the

negative effects of stress

How to maximize efficiency through

developing a culture of wellbeing

Create a business case and recognise

the potential ROI when investing in


This is a highly specialised training programme

designed to comply with the HSE’s Stress

Management Standards.

This is a specific training programme for Directors

and Business Leaders. Learn how stress can have a

negative impact on your organisation and affect

productivity and efficiency.

We will work with your Directors/Senior

Managers/Leadership team to ensure that the

negative consequences of Stress are fully


Key things that are covered in this session


Identifying the key factors that contribute to a

mentally healthy workplace

Understanding how exposed you are from a

Risk Management perspective

Clarifying how you can quantify the cultural

and commercial impacts of Stress to the busi-


Creating a strategic plan to recognise and

manage the negative impact of Stress to the


You will be assigned a personal project manager

who will work with you to create a bespoke

training specifically catered to your needs. Our

workshops can be run in one or two day sessions.

Directors Managing Stress S




Page 18: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Minimise your Risk

Stress should be seen as any other hazard within

an organisation. Due to this, employers should be

addressing stress risks in a logical way using a clear

and concise method.

Over 300,000 employees leave their jobs because

of stress each year and research from MIND

(2011)shows the number is rising. Hiring a

replacement costs up to half a year's salary.

(BHP Directors' Briefing 2011) Stress can lead to

behavioural changes in your employees. For

example, those affected may:

Feel constantly rushed and unable to


Not be able to switch off from work, or feel

tired all the time

Dread coming into work

Lose their sense of humour and become

moody and irritable

Change the pattern of their working day (e.g.

they might start staying late and consistently

refuse to take breaks)

Start taking more sick leave

The standard of work drops

Diminished judgment leading to health and

safety issues

Workplace stress is also responsible for a range of

other indirect costs. The government's report

'Links between Mental Wellbeing at Work and

Productivity' (2008) identified:

Accidents and mistakes

Increased workplace conflict and grievances;

Damaged brand and reputation;

Damaged goodwill and motivation;

Liability for personal injury;

Tackling stress can therefore bring many benefits

to your organisation. A study of Somerset County

Council found that it saved £1.9 million on an

Investment of £390,000 in reducing stress at

work, a return of nearly £5 for every £1 spent.

Our Directors Managing Stress workshop

evaluates the Cultural and Commercial Costs of

Stress to your organisation. We work with senior

staff to create a strategic approach to addressing

wellbeing that they can filter down the

organisation for a maximum return on investment.




Page 19: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Improve staff productivity by engaging

your workforce in health and wellbeing

Create a more healthy and resilient


Increase staff awareness around health

and reduce absence rates

Our service is fully bespoke and we can provide a

number of different options tailored to your

specific training objectives.

Health and Wellbeing Stand

We can conduct on-site mini health checks on a

drop in basis, taking you and your colleagues

through a health and lifestyle evaluation. This

would give you a better idea of how stress and

lifestyle choices are impacting an individual’s health

and wellbeing.

Stress Thermometer – A biofeedback

device to measure stress

RESPeRATE – Measures respiration rate

(breaths per minute) which can be impacted

by stress.

Blood Pressure Monitor - Reads blood

pressure and heart rate.

Freeze- Framer – Reads Heart Rate Variability

Body Analysis Test - Calculates body weight,

body mass index, body fat and body water

HeartMath Emwave - A device that reads

peoples stress level

All the above are non-medical and non-invasive

processes. The tests show participants immediate

results. Our consultant would provide feedback

and tips how to reduce stress levels and

demonstrate their effectiveness through retesting

the individual concerned.

Health & Wellbeing Days S




Page 20: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Stress and Wellbeing Workshop

We ensure interactivity by asking engaging

questions and providing stress management

techniques such as breathing exercises where the

group participate as a whole. The workshops

educate staff with many techniques to help them

to cope better with stress. These techniques relax

‘stressed’ individuals by helping to rebalance the

body and mind. Once learned they can be applied

in any type of work environment, or even on the

train going to work.

We work with you to create a bespoke training

programme to meet the specific needs of your

organisation. We can provide this workshop to

groups including the full audience off 600 if facili-

ties are in place to present to this number.

Promotional Products

We can also offer a variety of products to further

enhance the experience for your staff. These

include our Stress Mood Cards, a 10 second stress

test that can be branded with your company de-


Minimise your Risk

CBI survey, Fit for Purpose (2013)

Each absent employee cost their employer an

average of £975 in 2012 through a combination of

direct costs in sick pay, lost output and provision

of cover through temporary staff or overtime.

Across the economy as a whole, the direct costs

alone amount to more than £14bn a year.

Long-term absence accounts for a major

proportion of all working time lost through

employee absence. Across respondents as a

whole, long-term absences lasting over four weeks

made up nearly a third (30%) of total working

time lost. Mental health conditions, including

stress, anxiety and depression, emerge as the

single most widespread cause of long-term

absence amongst both manual and non-manual

workers when respondents were asked for the

five main causes.

Problems related to anxiety, stress and depression

are major causes of both short- and long-term


Nine out of ten (92%) employers now offer

employees support for stress and anxiety. As a

healthy workforce has lower sickness absence, it is

clear that employers can achieve significant cost

savings if they can reduce their absence by

improving employee health and wellbeing at work.




Page 21: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Give your company a competitive edge

by generating an undeniable buzz

Our promotional products are a great

talking point and an easy way to open up

a dialogue regarding stress

All products can be branded with

specific company information

Create three times more brand


Stress Mood Cards

Our stress mood cards are portable stress testing

cards, small enough to fit into your purse or

pocket. Their mission is to increase stress

awareness, the interest generated through the

stress testing feature is always very high and they

have proven to be great extras for staff wellbeing


Research has shown that company branded stress

mood cards generates three times more brand

awareness than the conventional branded

marketing product. They are often labeled the

business cards that never get thrown away.

How does it work? Stress Mood Cards use a bio

-feedback technology which gives a colour

indication of a person’s stress level measured by

their body temperature.

Promotional Stress Products

The promotional cards

have a small 12mm

LCD biofeedback

square attached to

them. The technology

of our squares

provides an accurate

stress reading of the

user indicated through

four colour readings.




Page 22: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Pre-designed Mood Cards

These cards contain our contact details and great

tips to help individuals de-stress.

Bespoke Mood Cards

Create your own art work or have a professional

designer create a unique design for you.

Aroma Dough

Aroma Dough is multi-sensory soft pliable dough.

According to research at Oxford University, touch

is essential for our emotional well-being. The

Aroma Dough’s combination of touch, smell and

satin-soft texture of the dough has a calming and

relaxing effect.

Our Aroma Dough is made with top quality

essential oils and uses no artificial fragrances.

These essential oils are absorbed through the skin

and through inhalation.

We have 13 different fragrances of Aroma Dough,

each specially developed to support a unique

function. Our most popular are:

Health and Wellbeing - lemon, lime and

lavender combined for recovery and wellbeing

Calming - lavender, lemon balm and neroli to

ease agitation and alleviate anxiety

De-Stress - lavender, neroli and sandalwood

essential oils for calmness and mental clarity

Essential oil formulations and colours can be

customised to match your marketing message and

corporate colours. Let us design your label for a

conference, training, workshop or as a

promotional hand out.

Minimise your Risk

Research from Canada Life Group (2013), who

polled 1001 UK workers, showed that 37% of

respondents are not aware of any form of

workplace support around sickness absence in

their organisation.

The stress test is a fantastic way to open up

dialogue about stress, an issue which usually has a

stigma around it in the workplace. We work with

you to highlight your own health and wellbeing

programmes for employees and increase staff

awareness on stress management.




Page 23: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

Contact Us

Our head offices are based in Harefield, Middlesex

located a few miles away from Uxbridge in West

London. The nearest underground and rail stations

are Uxbridge (Piccadilly or Metropolitan Lines) and

Denham, we are then a short taxi or bus (U9)

journey away.

Suite C, Quay West

Salamander Quay




We provide training and services throughout the

UK and Internationally.

We are always happy to discuss how we can

support you, please get in touch today and take

the first step in reducing the impact of stress to

your workforce.

Contact our Asia Pacific Operations:

Name: Kathleen Lee Roberts

Email: [email protected]

Stress Management Society NZ

Suite 4794

17B Farnham Street


Auckland 1052

New Zealand

Tel: +64 (0) 9 849 6563

Mob: +64 (0) 21 104 2808

Contact our African Operations:

Name: Narmin Kassam

Email: [email protected]

Mob: +254 (0) 733 603 804




For more information

please contact us:

0203 371 3219

[email protected]

Page 24: The Stress Management SocietyCorporate Wellbeing Solutions ‘Stress is the biggest hindrance to productivity, efficiency and even profitability. It can lead to absenteeism, low morale

‘Most of us experience stress in situations where it is not the most

appropriate response - it's not that stress is the problem, it's just the way we

use it in modern society. Whether you are hoping to understand the effect of

stress and minimise its impact or to promote a sense of wellbeing in your life

or in your organisation, The Stress Management Society is here to support


- Neil Shah, Director of the Stress Management Society

and author of ‘The 10-Step Stress Solution’

Any trademarks or logos used throughout this guide are the property of their respective owners

Copyright © 2013 Praesto Training & Development

We have supported many organisations, including: