the sun. (new york, ny) 1866-08-21 [p...

WA.vri:i. A 1.1 HELP, MALE AND fema.'e. -- lOllor rool illnMloni, will do will br efp fine to Mr. MANNl.Ni: 15 Court it, Ilrookrn. TLIe office l well known In hi tit mm rcereclille f tbe kin. I In tbe Unite! Mitei, and u inch we eta rrecrnmend lt, 543 "A STOIT, ACTIVE YOUN& MAN IS DE- - i ui of oli'elnlog a iltusilon iii liiht poitor.and li willing to tnOse U mielf leneral.r netful. Addre-- ereiply tnj Kill 16'let, 81 floor. C. I1AWKINH 84 A good stout, Aciivr. uoy wanted, toil l Is mii oil. lo like cere of Lor it iu.i hake li.meelf uroiui on a country Kit mif iked tr i rood home ai month, ti. It. IIUUIIELL, U 111. id n. IS A Rl.SPECTARLE YOt:NG WOMAN DE-i- m a equation n chimbrmii1 and eeimittees er unlit; it willing end oMlelni. Call al 31? I'.nl loth it, lit ire MliiK.ClM.r..t. MJ A COACHMAN, 3 VEGETABLE GAlH '"l.eia, porter, 4 eileamsn, bookkeeper, copyist, gmcerr, lUitpiur. e 'try and rrelihl elmii, firemen, urieiier-fa- . eitchmen, aa.l all reiticctablo men cni of imp imi" '. nil at tbe cl.1 eilebii bM of l.VNN tt Jc. M Nuiia itrseL UooJ epemogi thiediv. 113 A MAS "and wife on a farm two rotdiiit'U, Sgi'tienon wintr-l- ; alee portere, t.irtetideie, wiie-i- , wirbm-n- . Lrikeeme n. conduct-tr- i. dilrr i tuoekoerere and all oibere deal Ing im tue .tile errp oymeni Oil etrly it the tireaiAme. tlrin llu'inrea Aiencr, 3o8 llroidway, rocm 6. lilt "a IIVKER WANTS A SITUATION A3 SI) Jk-o- r .11 tin J. Aiply In tbe grocery itore, 48 h it. aad Hi an, f,9 A RESPKUTADLE YOUNG "nNGLISll-tai- f Jul t landed, lecki eruoloynient la inr light tnde. mibuiaclory or ell. emit, where bo could make filnieelf unful. sod be In a pillion to Iuru tie bnilue-e-- eUuttion ai under liana deilra bie. Any pmou inroriri lor tba ilnr.liir i euliable berth would be liberally ieinuneretid. No o jpi t'oa to leave Niw York, Addreu C L. W- - II. 1 JG Son Office. 133 AN OPERATOR ON WHEELER A. machine, at 3i 8lh it, bat avoe A ana II, rtcm 4 I'd A" DOTWANTED TO RUN A 001! DON pirn, at it l'ark How, ro in 3g. 17 A STEAM AM) ANTED V ono tbal underitaodi plulubuii pialettcJ. I. ilon S o'clock at No. 0 Uietitnjl I'laca, .liriar htr. . i"s A IIAKEi: WANTS A SITUATION, WHO a. ipiioil 0 yrari to tlabutiuiii In tba old uuntry. Call on or a4drm II. l 13 tUii llroad. WIT 63 ACOOD KI.OOliltAN IIOnSESIIOEli S) Willi it, LtarCanat. B" OY" WANTfcD AI'I'LY AT 208 '.'16 IlOW-er- r. BOYS WAN rEDlN A MACIIINK SHOP, ou li'.bti. (io.4 bicdi only ncaJ ippijr at 101 I'tSMit. 81 BKIOkLAYKKS WANT ED, IN 60lh ST., aTo. N. CIIKIRTY. 1S5 BAKEH WANThD TO'WOKK AT IlreaJ a ncmy man; ilnile prclariai. Apply US Win it. atSurll A.M. 08 BAKEKS WANTED, A MAN TO ASSIST lunuin 14.6 Fourth airs cor. of Vth !rt f ASTi;ilS ON HEAVY COATS-GO- OD 'picci tu flrit tlm hiniii; nona but thoia mid ipjly at 910 mh aTennr. 81 BKASb MOULDER WANTED ONE to wnik Inf on Taliei. piorarraJ, Aaplr to WATTr1, CAMI'IIKI.I, h CO.. l'male Hiclilna Worki, cor ot U(iea and I'aaaalo iu, Nil ar,. J. B7 JLACKSMITII HELl'l'.i: WANTED, Al'Ct J-- llamillon Ar, IlruoWyn. S7 COl'I'EKSMrni WANTED A GOOD Water it, llrooklyu, naar lullon Jft JT 16 VUIt hEWEIiS, LINERS AND A FEW a- (Irlt to (aim waotiid. Alio a boy with food to letrn the trade. Apply al T3 Ku.ton it, Urookim, in iloor. 1W lINISIIEUS AND 1IASTKIU WANTfcD a. on colli at &1 Illilon it. None but rood hinds ca di.ijly.wii ilia Jd Itoor, ISAAC klAUKS. Hi 17L K LlJsrUS WANTED Al'I'LY AT MT X M II kUM 63S llroidway. 10) I7LK SEWLKS" WANTED, FOR FINE ai M. MilACKl &' 6J1 llroadw.y. jrjg plltl WANTl D ON LOOMS TO WE,.Vri ik t latei; only inrh that are tborouxhly coin. I la! mat ipplrat W. COI1IC.VB lacwry, 914 ta lit Ui.iailh it, Let 7ta aad ifth 111. WT PIHL3 WANTFD FOR AKTIF1CIAL Flow vJ an, 4J II ooiiie it. 1C3 K'MRI.S WANTED TO LEARN THE VEST ard opuailnc on Dlncet'i machine. 1'aid after tba two firu wtaki while leirnlui. Call for a eik at W Uaill it, mar Myrtlo a?e, Uiooklyn. Air) iidlii lauibt to epeiate perfect. $?. A3 pOOD UOOKFOLDER3 WANTED AT II UU, UAll.VS 3 Dalch at, cor. of John; bd GOOD OPERATORS WANTiD ON l'ANUY ihlila, with tbclr owu nwlur, machlnri, .teady work and cood pricei paid to rood hanoa, .all lor one wiek al Sla? f. C, In tbe tora. 8J nllll. WANTED TO FEED A PRESS S uue uiad to au Adama or Cainpbell preii. Apply t 40 Columbia it, llrooklyn, near rultou kirtr. to; .tor ' 1IIJUS WANTED FOR EXCELLENT 8lf. catloni, mcli ei cooki, chaaliermaldi,waHreiiaa, lunditiiaa, itamitrtie and hoarewarkori; alio aili Iitrly landed. Apply at the t.niploy. nent llouie. cer. Cih are, and llih it. I4J Fl'JOP SKTUT HANDS WANTED Steud wuiployiiient throafhouk the winter 10 good iindi. A pplyj oC. UU AU1TTB. M Warren il. Iii rTANDS" WANTED TO MAKE SHIRTS Liinddiawiriouuiechineiofthelrewn.el No. 83 iitdal uaitalll. 4 TurSK PAINTERS WANTED GOOD .1 wurkuaa only. Apply at J33 Ortenwlch il, cor airy 11 J,, U ADIE3 TAUGHT TO OPERATE ON ialnmi'i and W, Si W.'e nlng macbluua. Pric ica lill ptrlacl on all kludi of rtiuml ahlrle. 10 (uod ihoin after learning, and work Iveu. Apply at KM llirlilon it, near Clinton. Hi 4 f AST1.R3 ON MISSES' AND CACKS-- 19 --i Catharine it, tear. 41 f ADlES TAUGHT TO OPERATE ON -- J tinier! and W, tt WIImu'i lawlni machine! 1 iirned perlect tor tl, on iblni and drawer! work Ten out after learned. Hi Wait 83d it, bet. luth u iHh at C3 TAUGHT ON blNGER'S AND U Wl ion'1 raachlnee to hem, tuck, and cioak.macmg, aleohejidjon leather, IAI'IES 10 ibopi after learning. Machine! ,or tale on pwt piytneut, at kin. THOU. VVeet tftail, bel tlh and 8th 1TI. lit OR ARE WANTED OYerjr m 'liy to learn on iewlu( macklnee. Call Ihliday, lirernwich avenue, work teidy whan leirned; M ui Irom 1 10 tl, Vou will lire time by Uarn-f- t :eie beloie letllnc machine!, er lotnf to a ihop, good inicbtuai tu tent out and lall. 34J ADIES" TAUGHT OJ?ST5fG ER'S AND H iV L W. machine! perfect, for tl, la Umlly aev-- i.iicliui'j and ttmnel ihlrt uiaklng; recunimendt 10 iboiw Itiaruinf. Apply 111 Allen iu be m.o and Dflancey, laxity iwie. 813 AUDi TAUGHT ON SINGER'S, WHEeC I ei t Wllion'iind all eiher iewln macnlnaa. I 4 lire until perfect Ihrouah tbe day and alter B beoenlui! Work (Ireu out r tu the hauae, ! 'iiii uiaohlr.01 to tent and iell. AIM all klnda lor , eicl'inceu and iipuiii Oil, nedlaa and all iimnji l u3i lleoty et. near Jackaon. 833 H ASO.SS" WThD TEN GOOD Miaona IM .aaoud, CM al the new bulldUgacor.7th and K lUiugiou, or Meadow and (th iu, UoUiktn. 34t H PLUAIORS WAiTTtD VVlTU WUIiEL-e- B trt Wlliiu'i raichlnii, on fine rlinsal ahlrtii aHl e but sood madi need aly. Call all the week d 'leutn arebet 41H aud 4id iu. 18 CERATOKS WANTED 1 ON WHEEL-- I ar t Wl.iou'a, and 1 on IJlptlc Lock Stitch kta I jai iim d baiiera, 1 bultoohole mikj and preae .uc.aU. Apply all tba week, 147 aWata let it, htr cny 1M 'A"IiATORS WANTED TO WORK AT Ifliue 00 llmnel ihlrie, ereralls, aad duck pants, ftiuce reiiulied; alio lame flrls wanted to work J'ibop. Iuioue 1V1 Fulton it, np itiltl. Ill I. l'lATORS-- 10 IIASTLRB AND FINISU-H- a. CiUatUSLewisiuUthi raiA U. MCJC-gji- t, m wVaS"m:i. wanted on singer's operators A Wl ioi'i michlneion fln lln. aal ehlrte rood and nanly hindi will hive tu. Hint work. Inquire at 370 Tut 4lh it, bet "II and C. 73 Ol'ERATOIW WANTED ON SHOE WORK, machlnn. Illowe'i) neady woik all year tuund. Apply 1S3 7lh At, cor 18ih ,L top floor. 191 OPERATORS WANTED "ON WHEELER A lncet'e michlnre forqulltlag fine work Tbe eld banda can take wotk out. lMUriud it, bet. I rciby aeeElra. W PANTALOON MAKERS, WITH THEIR own micbtnei. wintid. Apply at 6 l'ark Place, tipiUlri. II.JACOnV ACQ. M PANTALOON MAKERS AND FINISlU and aperalori with er with- out mecblnii; also a good preuer wanted. Aeply ltj N n airnae. corner llih it, entrance In I'm it lllgbfit pncee paid to good hinJi. 4JI PLAIN COOK, WASHER AND IRONER pleaaint place In tbe country, o datrr work, rroteiunt mlddle-iged preferred waiei IS. Appir at 47 C urtlendt ilforS derij 4 S" AIL MAKER APPRENTICE WANTH). To a good hind good wagei. Apply W., Hu 89S, Sun OfSca. 1 SCOURING AND DYING WANTED, A to attend an clTlce: molt underitand the boilnrii perfectly. Addteie DVKIU Blilloa 1), Uible llouie, itatlng where last employed, Aiwa boy 343 PO IIOOKIIINDERS-W'ANT- ED AN KX---- L tra forwarder, alia a plain loiwirJer. A ro",t lad ibcnl 18, whocan read aud write, at E. WALK KK 4 hONri. 114 Fulton it. 106 TO'llOOK SEWERS WANTED, TWO iewers. Alto reipertible yimag girl ta Iriintbe bookiewlng at 1C. WALK Kit Ja SONS, 114 FullonM. 3u7 TO TAILORS WANTED C GOOD COAT miken, to make cuiiom and hopcoeti alter a msehlne, kuqulrs at 3 lioeery. Entrance In Itoyer etreet. 301 TO IJAKERS WANTED, A GOOD Itrend baker, to take charge. lZ'Jt Third ar, cor. of Bodet. 4t TO PLUM11ER3 AND GAS FITTERS a good plomter and gai fitter. A rood man that understand! both bunches cm have itiady employmeol the yeir round. None other need irply, Appir it WILLI AU 1 OSVKllb', 83 Carmine at. Let. Hi if ird and III, ocker 111, 7 Tinman" wanted a smart active tkorooih workman t to ineh e one teadr employment will be given. Aply to JOHN l.ori'ltr.U. ISJ'lhltd are. 3J a'OllAKERS WANTED ASECOM Hand Howe's bskery. Myrtle are. rear Clueoriave, llrooklvn. 11 PO'IIOSS BOOKUIN DERS A GOOD JOU J- - flulaher would llk to flud emiloymeat. Address II. II . Finisher, Hoi 897 Son Ojnce. 18 TO TAIIX)RE8SESOPEiaTORS, HAST-er- e and ftultheri wanted on putalooni. 1 Dir. ery. l.ntrauce lnltoyerat. JAMhn HL'OMF.S. 78 rpoI100KFOLDER"S WANTED"" 2 GOOD Apply il It. LANK'S,3IT fnlton at, 4lh floor, 67 rPRUCKMAN WANTED HONEST, IN-J- - dnitrloni ind with good recommendalloni. Apply at Tier 7, N. K. I TO IWOKHINDERS WANTED" A GOOD A. Hamper on cloih work. Apply at l. (IKDNKY'B lllnderv, lOand 13 HeiJe et. U7 TO SHOEMAKERS LAHTERS WANT" it 88 Vmy it, Imraidliuly. 71 0 hakers Wanted, a sd hand ou brsad. Apply $1)1 8th Avenue, aflor 8 o'cloca. A. M. lb rVO TAILORESSES wanted a good X talloreu to woik an costs. Ore that can oper ate on rJInrrr1! micklne preferred. Call at VA S eit ISth it. COLLINS. 1M VESTS WANTED GOOD PIASTERS AND makers on rests. Csll all the weea alJM Vatt 3oth it, 3d Moor, front; i) WANTEIWTEN SHIRT HANDS ON michlnet 30 oparatore on boeoma. Alio 4 goal folderi; none bnt etiwrl. enced hine need apply at J AH, FKA.SCK i CO , 3 Front it, lliouklya. Vi WANTED-All- OY 16 YEA OS OLD IN A futory, tnpiper roodi; wotk clean, Hchl andi'ridr. Wagei J3 &' to $1 per week. Ad drees with referenee, FACTOKY, lui 8V9 bun WANTED 12 EXPERIENCED CORSET and 33 oparaton on Wheeler d; Wl) son's machine! to tike work hoaae. Apply te J. ASIEI.Jt CO, 86Wallcr it. 6 1 WANTED-- 20 GOOD PANTS FINISII-v- V era;woik given outlothoee that ate recom- mended; none but rood hinds noed spply. 7 Chjmbere 11, Call all the week. 183 WANTED A GIRL TO FOLD AND Sew pamplele lu thejlob book bindery. No. IS9 William it. 181 WANTED FOR A STOKE A HOY FROM years old. Apply 48 John itriri, up-i- ll I ri. 30 WANTED GOOD VEST HANDS can mike good bultenhelce, Call all the week. 34Wcil 10th it, 3d floor, 31 WANTED W F.AVE RS ON HOO' Skirt webbing t beit banda, male and U' male, warned. Apply 3S8 Hletcker et, 4lh lleor. 3T WA NT F,D OPERAT ORS ON W. and Plnger'e aewlng machines, to make flannel shirts. Apply at 133 Lewie et. far S days. 38 WANTED 2 TAIIaOUESSES TO JJASTE constant wort aad gool ws-- es gtrea to good hsndi; no ethers need epp.y. Call during the waek al 4ul Wert 38ih it, cor tith are, 1 WANTED OPERATORS ON SINGER'S & Wilson's sewing machines, te mike flannel ehlrte and overalli, and place work: steady work and rood wages to good hands, at 738 Becond are, near 8lh et. 14 W-iNTE- A OOl) STOCK. FITTER; VV alio a full team on sewed work. Aply to tbe Klngi County rlhoa Manufactory, 60 Devoe atreet, WUllimiburgh. 367 WANTED 100 IIONNET FRAME Makrre Apply Immediately at HBCKKN-DBP- Canal 11. 810 WANTED A OIRL TO DO GENERAL Apply at 806 llleecker at, bet. O rare snd Christopher an. 43 WANTED A FEW GOOD SHADE Indira at 67T Dioedway, stain. kl WANTED A UOY TO LEARN THE HAT trade. Apply 19 Aun slreet, 4IU floor. 307 ANTED EXPERIENCED HANDS TO work an feathers. Uigheal vages paid, by M. MOSKlt. 19 Walker it. it3 WANTED-- A ilUSIIEUIAN, ALSO AN on einrer's machine. Apply al 313 Bprfng st, eor.el WaiMngtun, in ihebaiauenl,lll3 WANTElk AN OPERATOR ONWHEeC. machine alao girls on neckties. None but experleaeed kuds need apply, 11 kj. d ridge eu 831 WANTED A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE and cake 1 none but a competent man need ape lr, el KK.NNfcUY'B, bet 84th and luth eta, Idava. YutkvlUs. W3 WANTED-A- T 12 COURTLANDT ST, UP clan operators on Wheeler A VTI I son's maehlnea; hands experienced in making shirts wUl receive the hlgheet wagea aad conauat work.33J Wanted kxpiuienced female opeiallree (Enillah preferredl. aecuitomed to rk tn raring and Br trainee. Liberal waxes to !! "rkeri. Anply to QSO. A. CLAJUC A EllOd wttsa4e at. New York. ill Vy ANTED SMART OPERATORS ON .I JirufA'.f H "4 ! wak. e IIEKRMiN.Vrl.lWglithst. lift VUANTED- -A GOOD ULACKSMITH AiD U help, at JOHN II ARKETPiJ Ceaeh rictory, ttoernm at llrooUyn. 31 4 llTANTED A MAN THAT UNDER. wnds eataenl roofflng, at 334 Canal at, eor, of Centre. Call after 9 e'clockT til WANTEp-'i(a;ai- KM FOR TRIMMING Udiei' aela.and also for frame mixing and wiring. App m Canal at. 300 TU ANTED GIRLS TO BRANCH "jLBTI- - trial flanera. JjJy m " rtnT l VAr'n:i. ANTF.D-MILLIN- F.RS ,and fancy trimmers. OOITUETUEN. NATHAN. MS t CO.. 360 Csnsl It. 163 TTTaN'TITD 2" lHICK WfRE DRAWERS W ,t ,n, n,. jsnsy Wire Mill, Newark. N. J. IIF.NRY UOHKRTrt. 804 WANTEDlOO TAPE SKIRT HANDS. the beet of warn paid, and a tih premium varying Irom ii i lo (40,431 to t and (lOpildtotbe glrli miklne the roost ood iklrti In amenth Apply al 8IIKKV N'8. cer. of llroidway and Warren it, orar lerlln'i clolhlag itore, 4ih and 6th floor e.Kn trance on nreidsy, 870 WANTED A FIRST-CLAS- S IRON RAIL. None ether seed apply, at M0 Orave at, Jeriey Clly. 170 IVANTED GOOD FINISHRliS AND VV sewers on rspe. 18 Forsyth at, J fllrh'sof etalre. 81 WANTED-- A WATCHMAN OF STEADY v hablta alao grocery clerk and cleik for offico alao salesmen. Cell early, al 113 Nassau il, ofllce 9. Immediate empteyraenl. 8A WANTED SEVERAL OOOD Operafora coats. Call 161 and 163 llrooins 11, CI fleer, fiont room, 6.1 WANTKD-GIR- LS TO OPERATE ON eawlnr machine, Kerrrenee rmislred, Inquire al 191 Fulton it, npitalrs. 100 WA N TE I CLA BORERS CAN (ilfFsTcAdy empluvmeot and eiwd wares at tbe M Man nfaclnrlnr Compiny'i Winnre Worki, en the Mark, entack Hirer, 8 snllei bict of ,1 eraer Clly, near tbe Newark Koad. Apply on Ihe preuilaee. 13 WANTED AN OPERATOR" ALSO 3 OK fialiheri oncuatom aadihoppanti ; also a young man, lately landed, that bu leen at the trade. Iteit prices and steady work, at 8M7 Molt it, lit floor, back room, 74 WANTED A FEW GOOD LOOKING- - makers. Apply at 143 Centre it. 90 Wanted-girus- 'to "work on eoatuwei; none hut good handi need arp'y. it lu Forsyth el. si WANTED SPANGLERS ON HOOP work, good pay. at ihe t'nlon Skirt and Corset Maaafacturlng Co4 17 Th'miu t. 116 VVANTUD-HASIE- RS AND IH'TTON-- v holeinikert on reiti at 161 West 37lb et. near toltage Apply all tbe week. Cfi WANTED OPERATORS ON SINGKPS for coraeti 1 alobivlers. lonerund flnUhen. Apply at 8F1 IV, III A CO.'M, 7 klerc.r a I, upnalri. 6H WANTLD A FIRST CLASS OPERATOR Wllaon'i machine en linen com. Call at Mrs. CALLA1I AN'p. 143 Kim it. f WANTED GOOD HANDS TO COVER aad all klnda of Hull work at 182 Chambers aUJd floor. 91 WANTED-- A "HOARDING HOUSfc Kr-p- . ,r f,r to toard 40 laborers In the Huleol Mas. sachnsetts also a foicman for to loog over 1I10 Apply af 37 drotawlcb. et. U. ZILTLOW 41 CO. 91 WANTED A IILACKSMITH'S HELPER, neir VinJerbl t ave, IlrAin.91 WANTED FINISHERslON PANTS michloe. Noae but good hand! need apply all Ine weak at 337 Ural are, tap Hour. 79 WANTED OPERATORS ON WHEELER inschine, to work onfsecy ihlrt front!, WATbON li HTKWAkT.44 Kuuie al. M WANTED-- A GOOD MACHINE HlXck7 le sccuatomed to work ou anohlne work of all deacrlptlona. Call laamadlately al No. 3 Bammltet, I'oulh llrooklyn. V WANTED A STOUT P.OY ABOUT 1C act, lo work In a gank-- a, drlre wayon, and attend to some cowl rUotrh, IrlihorOr-nufti- no etilectioni to oni lilo.y landed. Apply to UOlt-KU- rilOlirsON, aicone ate and Ilyeiaou mem llrooklyn 89 WANTED HAND ON WHEELER A toeew ea ladlei' nndrrgir mente, for 3 date. 3S7 Uroonie it, 61 WANTED A TA IIX)R AN D TA I I.OIiESS, on bniluei! coeti, at 814 Kiel Dili it, bet. Am n and C. 4t WANTED A FEW (TOOD SEWERS TO also a good opcraler at ti (ttirr t, Wllllimiburih. 87.1 A GIRL THAT blngir'i machines. Arp.y 83 Spruce 11. A. Illl'l'. 371 WAN I ED-- 29 OR 30 FIRST CLASS lilikeri, Alao a few appreull ei 10 liarn reilmaklag. Aprl? at 33 Citbarlue it, top lioor. 171 WANTED, 11Y T MAN" OF GOOD AND 33 t eaie old, who apaski Frcnrh and Kurllih, a iltuillon, either 11 ILihi por'rr. n't t wilchman, er to driveahom; he has im1 icier-enre- s, and no otjtrloni to ?n 111 the country, l'lene addren II. A., box 896 Hun cfllce, for 3 daya, 131 WANTED TWO OPERATORS ON E ON and cne on Drover k llakui'iiuichlna; ali9 3 baiiera and flalaheri ind preaiman oncnatotu aud ibop pinli, Immlre 0 Franklin 11. 164 W ANTED A GOOD ADAMS' PRESS feeder; also a rvllLder preae feeder. Apylrat CUBTIHt SON"!) Factory, corner 01 Third and lloytits. 374 WANTED GOOD OPERATOIUT aND on reiti; nom but good hsndi nssd apply. Inqnlra 144 F.aal 4ih it. In the itoio. 43 WANTED GOOD lTNISHERS ON FINK Apply 311 Dlrlalen et, 3d floor 173 WANTED A RESi'LCTAIILK YOUNG do general homework ! must bo a good washer and Ironer and underatand plain rooL lag. Apply 14S franklin st, N. YCiir. 77 WANTED GOOD PAfJTALOON and flrat-cta- UaUra. D. MOOUK, top floor, 163Ceailei. 1 64 WANTED A I1LACKSMITH -- A YOUNG Utely landed IIMJIKIK CIlAWl'omi, Middle Village, 8 from Wli. liiraaburrh. L. 1. 3 WANTED FIRST CLASS OPERATORS & W.'i machines. H Iranklln at, 70 WAN1ED A SERVANT GIRL FOR houiewovk, to go a short dli'.tnee In tbe country. Apply SSI Weet 40th at. Mn. TAY- LOR. 177 WANTED GOOD OPERATORS AND on coals, 104 I'm si., In the rear hoaae. M WANTED AN OPERATOR ON PANIS. snd 30 flril.clue finishers Ihe highlit wagu Paid to those that will suit, Call all Ihe week. 1U4 lliyird st, lop Moor. 64 NURSES CAN OIUAlS IjTTnT-Uon- i dally, without lee, at tbe Nui iei' Agency, B Blith it. near Bowery. 81 WANTED A f AILORESS TO SUW AND Blnger'e machine, en frock coiti. Call al 366 Wait 10th it. 310 WANTED GOOD OPERATORS AND 10 work oi eoe'i; hlgLut wages given, Call ai 137 Clinton it. New York. 308 WANTED OPERATORS AND FIN and button hole makers, that can flnlih. Call tba waole week, 34 Alleu 11. A. HAN KaTlSB, 807 WANTED-- A GIUL TO COOK, WASH Inquire at 141 East 30th el. 194 VVANT'EI)-OI','IiATO- ItS ON SINGER'S rv sewing machines aad good finishers 00 fine shop coats. Also 3 men for pressing and tailing ; none but good bands need apply al 61 Hail llroid- way, Jld floor. Ifcv W" ANTED GOOD OPERATORS ON coats t pay good hands $10 a week. Only good hands need epply at lit Grand il, Call all ike week. 167 WANTED A YOUNG GIRL AUOUT 10, and to make herself generally aaefnl. One aceuaiomed to ihlUnu pieleirea. Wageefrota 44 10 (6 per month, 673 Jd ave, near 41th at, over ehoo itore. 16 WANTED OPERATOItS AND HASIER3 on basinets sad al 183 Aje.C,lel HooTj 193 W" ANTED TWO OPERATORS OMK ON Sieger's for fine qnllllng, and one o Wheeler Il Wlleoo-- s for tlannei mini. Call 181 nVrlne it, room 8, tront. 191 WANTED 2S FINISHERS ON CUSTOM pints. Call all tLs week. A poly al 116 Chatham et. near Melt. ij WANTED VEST UA3XKK3 JLKD Le-r- n- . .... . ivaiti-:- . W'TED IMMEDIATELY KXPrl r tienced iperslors lor Wheeler Wilmii'i end Hllcoi 4. tillU' machines, on liJlli' linen eoiliri andcufli None but tbe bail nee.l to apply Siair work, and nop ece werk. 313 llroadwar. ur ai'ri.V6' Wanted-iian- ds ON SINGER MA- - ehlnra. 10 overills, hickory skirts, te. Ca'l at 861 Droidway. np aiilre, ii VANTED30 EXCELLENT TURNERS' ' ' for ladlca' linen coilare and ctiffi; work and beat wuea gtren to well eiperlrn'ed hands: alao a UN who Is naedlodeplslilng, 343 Uroidwar, np itslrs. gs9 VyANTFJ) PERSONS WHO WISH TO learn loopersie on Sinter! and Whealer It n Heon'iMwIngniarhlne; terms emr and taugbl woll. Also cool lewrre to Uara pantaloon miliar. Inquire at lOtl Allen II. firat Iloor 8Si WANTED A" WET NURSE WITH A ' friin hrreal ot milk, Atply Immediately at rrcildeai it, 3d bouae Irom fmiih at, llteoklyn, 331 TUANTF.D-- A FIRST CLASS OPERATOR ontsdles' merocro iKoei. on I'lanit'i macklne. Also a baaler. Call at 31 AUeu it, 3d Iloor, front moro. 4 WANTED - EXPERIENCED FEMALE for 1 cot ion liclorr In Newaik, NJ Aprly to Uk.O. A. Cl.AI.K L UllOd., M Uei.le m N V. 319 2 OPERATORS AND M) SKIRT HANDS earned il 160 Chunberi it. 9$ 1 HO fiOOD SHIRT HANDS WANTED irll'1! ' VANIIItK L 10,767 llroa.lway.181 Olin LAHORKRS WANTED IMM EDI-'- -' atelr. to woik on tbe laylnr ol the "Second Waur Miln''for tbe Clly. Ihli lirery dcurable work, will lut one yoart porfetlly l.ealihr localltyi gord waceai pay every 3 weeki, Apply on work on Atlaatlo ave, netr New York ave, lliookiyn. KIN'lB-LE- f KFN. Y, Coulrsctora. SAS iflf) SKIRT HANDS WA NT El ) S I oaily V work, ind hlrbeat warei la Ibe eity given. CaM at K. (irSsr.-J- Wirteuit, np etalre. lit r)()() SI'IltT" HANDS WANTED FOR V. miking ihtrti and c, f. dreweri br ana- - iblnea. Inquire al 19 Murray al, ue autre. 373 ijni:iui. m'Nirvi-'Mn- . A GOOD FULL-TONE- UPRIGHT Piano, for (linnet 63 wlnh st, up floor. JAt'Oll or.Ag.o, a AMERIUA'N Sl)Cfl'T"YK)i: THE Pr!R. OF CM F.l.TY IO ANIMAlJJ. ltronu. irtl l'ruadnay Proposili fwlih deilguai will be twelve 1 tor tte erection of iiilu tile drinking trcuili, for horn-- i and coca, at ronvenlent point! througtioul tbe cllleiol Sew York and llrooklyn, te be p In front of albiee or ihoi-s- , with Ibe emiicut uf the eeuere tbenoti and to have aiiachel thereto, hr clieius, lion cupe, enabling person! toil' Ink iheiefiom, IIF.MtY IIKIIIill, 1'ieildenl. JVM COVr.NTIlY II. WADIiKLU tw. 411 23KST, CHEAPEST ami MOst'DUKAltL E nilliyTM rinalantineoui) IIAIK DYR. It re now nknowle Ue.l by all 10 be itie 81'ANIIAllll IlkF. Ol' '1 11)1 WOKI.II, snd le need lu prlleienco lo all other!, termae It IKirs NUT inline the Hair or Skin, but ihiutea gtey Kalrtua I etutllul III.Al.Kor UHOvVN It raj te bad of all liriiie late al nri y tKNfS nox (leneral Wholesale Arent-- C. N tKITTrNTOX airuae, nr. lourtli, U) wUuui ill orotic ehould be addnsaed. H) CARD-N- O, Ti r.I.!l)kT5 LANK New mn., Aug. IX, 1S0C. We deilre to correct Ihe ritwrl la the mrn nt Kpsra of thu I6II1, lu tegiid to Ibo 11 0 In llsidon The facta ore, tha' a I iwotiy itiruare ou the Udfloirot No. 43, eet our pre.inire on 11 e, iunt the creitcildsniare toriir lull dmg. We ate li,iiuty and ro .o,i 0 de. iroin our irleu'U aal Ilia public, us onr tiuilueai will not bo Interr jpted by the loi. t'ntt-- Melronollttn Fire llcparlmejil sill Iain, raure 1 atrol. ee are ur.ilc. obll'itlom 'r thu pro.npl-nee- i snd energy dieplgyol. Noi.e could line i,oue belter. rn ivns i.oirritr.i 137 rltatti-e- ii sul 1'iiute.i. 77A.SHIONS-FA- I.L FASHION'S. A IlEAf. a- tltul diaplir ot all the lateit and t eat aty ea .or litlei and cLtldtru'i itii-i- i In the frpi No. of UK IllF.hV.-- l M INlll.'.V. now re.dv. Una No. a sue malm a grand couill'iitii.. of ilieraty novel tlei, iwrtea, intiaic, Iloem e,. As. lli 70!: SALE CiILaP A LARGE l uOT laitic, Willi wb'ol ''tank, waj a, Asa., sn t In run ing crtler, with ikiit ul toole, Aiviy 7C Vmck alien 13 JUST AKKIVKD FROM FLORIDA -- IT. " bund, til 1. .liking till tie a very fine tot. Tube eoldcheep, it 1VS V.'.,i II otdmr. 377 fVTEW YORK SAVlNtjS HANK, WH AVE. J- - 'cor llih el. SIX Pvf cint I ue eei Ina of tit. lJrpi,alte madoon or bw.oro rep. Ill, wlh uruw in t ia. Irom 8rpl. lit. l'llUUAS CIICl.-iI'V- , I'ree. K. II. Ill I.I. boo. d7l NOTTCf. TO THE STnf'K HOLDERS OF Anieliininlon ouipajy. A mre. lug of the elocihol. Oieof tbo IVuitr .inilg.ln iu Corutiuir will be he.d at tbe office of tha oiiipiuy. No. 67 In the city ot .ee Ine IHlh day of Auiiuit, lb lit, at U o'rl'ick II, In vote uon the prupoaiil, n 10 iuctuiao lue ptr valno of tlieihirnof nil compsuy Irom iqu dollars 10 ooe bundled dollars, and to ' itock to five million dolliri, (n.aoo.) JAi,Oil liOKUKU HK.SHY WL'in,, IAVL W. IM.LKU, C. U lu.N ill'l K, Mnjorilr of Trmieei. D ol. Now Yoik, Augut 4th, 11.66. tkfi PAWNI1ROKKHS' TICKETS PURCHASED fto. A litre lot of p uJeei Juii received. IlualDeae coaii, u, ill lilick fuck costa, ji to $30. Ciieuneio pauie, lltor-'- , Vrali,! to till. 4i7 Uroonie 11, atar llroidway (IhO. l.KMK. 1,9 PURE CALIFORNIA WINE.- - (iURNKR Cedir at, N.Y. toltlos ami I witheuteilra chstge 10 any pirioiNe Yoik, Jer aey City or ltrooklya, Mt 'PHK AMERICAN SOCIETV FOR THE JL 1'reveutiou of Crn-lt- y to Atiltui'i, de a to re- ceive plain or model! 01 inpi doi.gtie I to catch, aud at the nnie time inatanlly kill, rau. mice aad ether duilruciUeanlma'e, which can b) ueedinplaco of the torturing loattumeute now employed for tuch Uooua of the Uoclit, bio llroauwsy, cor. of Ulh at. 44J AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THE A. Frerrntion ot Ciuelty to Autmale bilng In Ibe dally lecelpl 01 li Here trein citlzene, compiainlng ot rrnelty intiictrl cu bonei by beating and allowing them, when duabied, elowlv 10 periah of nam upon the pavement wheie ther have leiicu, napecitully lntoim the pullic that all coinplnuu mule 10 it, 01 whalerer character, ete complejclr Inetlertiiil ua trie iccornpinit-- d by the name aud eoiiHsot ibe as well as tbal 01 tbe cfieudnr, and other pullLUliri, Tbe tociety wtmld rlidly redreii Ihene wrong! ; but le do au It u.iutbe put lu poeieaaloo of aUUie facts. IIKSI'.Y UKKQII, Pres. W. 0. If. VTADnCLU Hie, 8i6 llroadwar. cor. of 15lhL 441 l.OMT A.- - fl'OeU i. ROOK 9.994 OF LOST-RA- NK Trillin' nirlugi lnatitullon. Tbo flnJer widpline leire II atlhe Hank JS2i LOST HANK HOOK NO. iblMl, ON THE Hiring! liant. lhilUder will elene leife II al ibellank. 1 L'OST IUNKIIOOK O.N HI.EIl KER ST. No.3J7.li81, Ibe finder will be lullibly rewarcedbyleavlne it at No. 374 Klautu avenue. HiNllY M. N1XON. 118 CO REWARD STRAYKD FROM NO. 272 V Or?eventh ave, a amill while poodle dog; auiwen to the name of HICK. Anr peraou bnuglnt the lime le tbe above No. wUl recolve the auova reward aud Ibiukiofjihaowjior, 3 (TA REWARD-IX)- ST ON SATURDAY VeJ nirbt, a King Charles dog. aniwerlag to the name ef I'lnkey. Ibe above rewaid will be paU, and noqueeilim uked on reluming the dog lo 1. WAUNhtl,67XIJivii"u it. 3i REWARD-- A WHITE GREYHOUND tr,,ui baa been loiti itie bu olio bead, sua u Ihe Dime of "Lady" The ebote reward will bo paid at 330 Third it, by C. 11, 1I311- - IIACK. 9 CTh RKWARD-LO- ST ON SUNDAY, 19lli 'X V) luii, a buck Newtouadland dog with on Iell cheek, snd inr laalde of Isf; thigh. The abova reward will te paid to whoever will retina the dog to WM, PObl', cfflcirNew ltiwery Iheaire. 6 CQfi RWARl)-I-O- ST IN fiOING FROM 90J Canal aud Ueneick its, and through tireeu-wlct- i st. to lieabioiiei it. toriy, a gold wsioh, hum-lo- case, with shale aad charms attacaad 10 Uooch. Any hi leaving Ike line al 11 ltenwiek 11, mar Canal el, will isoeira Um ilkore--- i- a4 m jjie t AailJHBt ILVl'M. TJARSUM'S NEW AMERICAN MUSEUM. J- It'. a.lwir, letwern Hprlrr n., I'rlncofirvvj;. CoOLLdr l'LACE OF KNJOYUKNf IN TUB CITY. Ur O. Im FOX, mics katt. rr.N?v()YKi!, vn. r.K.rox. ..Illi I.UVNit I'ANTOKIUE COur.kNY In EVtllY AHKIINOON AT 1. HVKMMl ATS. The gieil Comic l'ioi,inlni enllljed Ihe W0NnrnFri7Tnii,Krt,.1)M ybtkk'ioct rrt s- - 1 UILM ATIONS, AS (;iumr.OU8BCK.MU DANCB br Ihe LUIpi'mii'Voniler, Oen. finANT.Jr kli-u- r A1.L1 V II, INFANT To conclude with the hi 11 1'antomlme of lb FHI'KY cold" r, FH.LOr MIKTII AMI VFIiniUF.N'T. NKW ACCK1MION IIF Lt HIOMI I'll'.t. OOKOON CtMMINl.'rt COI.LF.CTION' conalatliir of Heidi, Horni, Tuaki, !kins, etc. of tro HIPl'OI'OrAVI'H, ItHINOS KKO-- FI.KfllANlt I1IUAFFF.. I.IOVN TlllF.118, l.t.Ol'AKDd AND Ol IICK AFRICAN AMWAI.C, im ril'F.CIHKNS. Tliey will leeihlhlted in A NKW AND bl'ACIOL'S 8AIAOM. Jnal npeuel VII. I. KK'S NATIONAL nF,ON7.r.rOUrilAIT tlAti I.tllY. A MAMMOTH PAT INFAMT. only TUIIIlr. Y AK.1 OI.IIWFIIIMIMJ IP8 I.1V3. , OLAbii 11I.OWLI1H. THItti: DWAHV A ClltCASSIANIillll. 16 IIF N A. INDIAN CHUT. T1IK AI UICAN VfLrl'ltK. TMK APU'TANT. l,OI.IANI) H1LVFK I'lli:KN'T! Al.'rll KALIAN (ll't)r"' ll ASPYOl'Sa LIVINK MiMCf.t , Coimonitiisjs Iarncd foal. Hippy Inmlly, UnvA Aquiria. tJ.iaxJCurtofltlrr.. Adnil-alo- Ho ctei ctilliln-- a nmlrrlrn. ISrlr. 11 OLYMPIC THEATRE EVERY" NIGHT WUCIl. il.e WrbbSlaleriMlrand betmin Opera Lhorui: Teieaa Wood; Millie Fcwlen acrnerri girsl citalt aud " A Illy Too feoireona Circle Soreula. gCO T'ONY" PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSF 201 J-- Ilonary. Krery arming Ihie week and WelLCi-di- r and rjatnrdiy ifliraoot a,s new hli'ortcal drama, "The Chiarun, or the lliie of Ciomwell." TONY l'AdlOltand the neit none in 'j"'1 A GRAND "THIRD ANNUAL PIC-NI- C and Coillllcn Ki'iitalon of tbe United (Ilia, f.'ulliri Aiaociition will like place on, Atiiusl'i'M, IS!, lo Myere' Urvrn. Tickets if I, to be had on tbe mot nlug of ihe escuitnn at the lotlew Ing landings Fwlof.lsr it. New York, where Ihe Ihe bergee Ur while Ihe e.eemNut mike Ihe follow- ing landiaea. (lrveriioiiil ferry, tlrmnpolnt, al 8 o'clock! Jarolrmon el, llrooklyn, at MW o'clock, and &VvV." 0,k " 0 A- llULY, I'ree: T KKI.l.V. V,ca I'reai W. ,1. (lAHCIIinNK. Fin. Jjti .1. J O'CONNOK, Hec Bee. II. CONNOLLY, Tleir. t69 A GRAND tXCURNlON TO THE FISHiNG Itenke. by the lirte and rommodloue eteamer CIIAMI'ION, Capl. Win. 11. 1 oor, Irjring ernry diy, Bituider etcretel,frriey Cltr. "iiiiox it., 13j: IVck blif, 7.UJi Chrlatoi'her ai.'HJti Hey el., 8,43 : 1'ier 4. 9 A M. Faie H. I.ulr'a Hand. Ilait, line and lolreahmenta aboird .1. w. SAI!lHupt. 337 PONEY ISLAND IVRRY-Al'HIt- " STEAM" 9k(, t, tt Ueyel. 9'. lit, 3V 1 Morrie il, (pier 4; lt, I, 4, Ml CHOLERA RANKS - THIS TUESDAY llil. The ua Homier. rtr.TII LOW, I a el. 0. 1). Merrill! An leiaou Coiwrll, I'llots .lay et. 11; C.hrlitopbei et. -, 1'ock eilplli. Coifeeend chowilrr eerred fro, l alu il. 1'I.TEIt nUTOIt, J AS. .4 (J. A. r C'J If J 4 DAILY I XCUUSIONS TO WHITE Stun Dork, (lie. 1 U k, fiioda I'olnl, (lieu Coe, Mri'l'a link, floawotil, and lloelyti. The alt. luVal Alt'.l ): .'III I'll, Car)' hiuilb, will leare I'rck I'icr 31. Fjut H eierymoining, itlMt Mr ihe eimto lauilingi, a .11 letve et. at It 1. si., touching tor puti'ctii j el !l or H,.a i. 11., rieu wey. 3J 1?XCUrvSlOH OF THE VKTI ItAHS OF i-- J ihiiWini ril, T. uteday, Aug. 33. Tbo. who have no llckeia mar Le lupplled al ihe following leudm on Hie eUivo mottling ltiuorne el, K. li.. 7; I'nk Hi.n, 8: and st 'h' lurye rout of Morion it, where e'ie win is. tiom 7 loll .'clock A.M. ilea. II. 1(41 MON1I.I hn. Cm 1 IMLI.Y. Hoc. V. II. bhouM ti rain the Kiritraion will ha tntponed. 4o3 CRAND EXCURSION T O 'J I IE CHOLERA llir a'eon.r CIlAH. Oil AMIIKKLA1N, Csplilu lliid. will iiiiso au vir iraiou to tbe Cbolirn lUkeori ITimada.', Aurii't '.'Ja. Ihoil. leaving l'ccc el 11, i; t hr.etopber al, t'; Hay ei, 6; l'ier 4, N. It, 6 o'c col. A 11. lu'i lefteelinieute on li'ird. .Mor tbo laigeii bue fiili uaiigbt. aud olO 11 llif largi-a- t aea Im., jn i,,r ','11 excurilon. fV I Hi J AM KllaC, Jul! I I. VI lull. ANDr.ltHOrl till W I 1.1. 1'iiol. 134 PUNTPONI MINI OF TIIK I. It. II. ulc- - In cotieeo.uence ol tbo aeveiltyot Ihevioi Iber this gian't I'lcnlc, whli h vin to bivo takeu P'ai-- ou Hie i'l'' . wiii te i.d on Friday, -- 4ih Inrt al liallevue t,iui(ina, UusiU.ib m, Mnahin'e celt-b.- Drue H nl will i,e compuiyal the Apollo Hoomi, 76 .'rltite it, at H o'clock A. II wbein alt tnvuileii ol the 1 K. It. ato icquceted to atleiiL, Jiniri t'Ophru!. C. O.l. H. (jejual flleilaou, Cip-ta- ln Coadoo, arid otli re latulytiom Ireland will be p r cut. All tickets lamed lor Cillton Park, Bie'ea in in J, will I1010 d. 313 ronsACs; ..-- : t i.ivv. T"lIOUSr. AND 'M'TS ON THE COR. OP t aLmi and Joheaon in. neir 1yrtle ave, llrocklyt:, K !., lor piiierl.3U: U.i.sraay, Alsoloteln llnioklyn, Yo ike'i Mdioao aud Now York. Appiy 37 New Cliambor it. 101 VMCh "COT 1 AGE HOUSE AND FULL Vol for n o ai - X Mnlth 11, Willi lMirlnrrb. Le Iwraalitaul ard Ktmien ill, or will bu letter to a lilco fnmlir, Apply 01. the iiremlaei, or loO'HHIl'.N at lAFI'AN, W Aun l. N. Y. 361 I?UU SALE CHEAP A HOUSE, X u rlin iiie uriier, with two lull lo'sof grouni sll planted witti fruit lul rogrtatilei. Canto ill tbo lirrlie wlihlu om block ut tlio p'ace. Also, i.luiof 13 city lois in tbe iorn of New itorheilo. Will be aril very (help as lh j owner Is liarlmf tin clly lnf.u re on IWh 1 real. -- 1 iiouio abue CU are, acutu Hrooilyu, of WM. F HVidi l:S T70r"siX-THenI!- ,W STORE ON THE A. com ii of l'.'ih el. ajd 6ih avo, tu lor any luke-- y, riwery, luuher, liquor ur dlUK etore. Ti e houio liu 11 rouxe, with 10.1 ceil. 1, water aud get. 1'rlce low. Aply to 1'. IlLlllll.o, ou tbo pieuilaM. rooili llrooilyn. 178 VOR SALIa"NEAT 2STORY I'iiAMi; a-- houae. coulitnlng two parlors. lo.ding doori. two cLanibeti, two lio lloouis, aitcbun aud eeiltl. lot -- 3 by 114). Apply on tne pfeiiiiiuj, No. 3 Daaa st, near l'oweriit, llroiilyu. 4lf jToTfSALL-- A" AND IIASh.MEN'i X Louio. with iiuie lu ., ovs, Lei. IWiti aud 13o;n sn. APP to 6. IK aKAMAN, 04 no. to:. 1344 u-- J 13Jd s'.s. r.'OR SALE A FRAME HOUS2 i. sad lot wlih liurii o. of ai.ewa Htabie la the icir, nice gudeu ill pinned, rrapo arlnr. Alio Ihe furnilnifl and ciipilv 11 wautol. I Uoy ire ill ew I hie ie a biniiun tor luy poraoa wanting a nice home. Apply in.C .11 .ti 'lulllN, car if iotu it aud 6111 ive, riouih Iliuoklyu. HO 17011 SALE I'Oi 1 AGE HOUSE AND 1 X or 4 loia, on liaii c ave. ICait Nee- - YorL, aud baieiueut, .oon ,u upali : p ra sutlr ioreied 11. Hit MiY, HI iioeii'K at, N.Y iro, II, 11 1. 1. Kit.' 11 uv. , Lin New YorL. 3.6 'PO LET OR A FRAMIi JL tiouae, wl.k gaideu on i nun titiea, si. nstedlwu rnllei 0111 Kmjilon Dijui, New Jtrae, lonui moderate, 1 or pail.culaie sdilnai 1. 11 ., Hoi MO aun Ollico. '8 ff0 LET A WORKSHOP; "'.'oHYOi FEICT, Xgn rear ei 113 rllnim 1 , im iitnieu. Ull THE ATTENTION OF ALL WHO WISH X 10 purchlw duinie aul sour village loth lor linden 0 or 14 IUV1104 10 Ciauloid, N..I., in IwCeo.m il. I'., oueluue rido Irou toot of Loony al. wneiu n cteip. AplHy tt HOilu. il, from 10 10 . iu, atil 4 to op. iu, . TO LET-PLA- CES IN 51 Til ST., NEAR X 8ih aveuue. lieui 18 and ell pei iuj-l- tt, llj 1 Ofin-- A bACRIFK'E FOR CASlC H CJJ ibe 2 no. dwohiiig bouie and alien ear ave and " If rd at, lltvoklu, 36 by ll Iret deep, ion oci;ui. beur aud blliliiU galooui 6 loomion id floor and a alitiie en leaaed 101 5 1 aire to run; cm be lal lu ill per uouihi ibie cbiuie open lor J din or aay pneon having thr iidio imoont to loin ou bond and morlgaie properly, worth $1 r will rectlre 4i6 oonui. 10 or addreai I1L1J. Wlliril, al ibe cor.ju ictlou ol Mrnle are. 1'iauk Loa-- 1 aud tuuani a., ll.ovi-lyn- . fe. D. OLD BTEREOTYPi: PLATES WANTED U vUi4 eaxce, . ,' . . . h

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Page 1: The Sun. (New York, NY) 1866-08-21 [p ] · WA.vri:i. A 1.1 HELP, MALE AND fema.'e.--lOllor rool illnMloni, will

WA.vri:i.A 1.1 HELP, MALE AND

fema.'e. -- lOllor rool illnMloni, will do will brefp fine to Mr. MANNl.Ni: 15 Court it, Ilrookrn.TLIe office l well known In hi tit mm rcereclille

f tbe kin. I In tbe Unite! Mitei, and u inch we etarrecrnmend lt, 543"A STOIT, ACTIVE YOUN& MAN IS DE- -

i ui of oli'elnlog a iltusilon iii liiht poitor.andli willing to tnOse U mielf leneral.r netful. Addre--ereiply tnj Kill 16'let, 81 floor. C. I1AWKINH 84

A good stout, Aciivr. uoy wanted,toil l Is mii oil. lo like cere of Lor it iu.i

hake li.meelf uroiui on a country Kit mif iked tr i

rood home ai month, ti. It. IIUUIIELL, U111. id n. IS


a equation n chimbrmii1 and eeimitteeser unlit; it willing end oMlelni. Call al 31? I'.nlloth it, lit ire MliiK.ClM.r..t. MJ

A COACHMAN, 3 VEGETABLE GAlH'"l.eia, porter, 4 eileamsn, bookkeeper, copyist,

gmcerr, lUitpiur. e 'try and rrelihl elmii, firemen,urieiier-fa- . eitchmen, aa.l all reiticctablo mencni of imp imi" '. nil at tbe cl.1 eilebii bM off.eeof l.VNN tt Jc. M Nuiia itrseL UooJ epemogithiediv. 113

A MAS "and wife on a farm tworotdiiit'U, Sgi'tienon wintr-l-; alee portere,

t.irtetideie, wiie-i- , wirbm-n- . Lrikeeme n. conduct-tr- i.

dilrr i tuoekoerere and all oibere deal Ing imtue .tile errp oymeni Oil etrly it the tireaiAme.tlrin llu'inrea Aiencr, 3o8 llroidway, rocm 6. lilt"a IIVKER WANTS A SITUATION A3 SI)Jk-o-r .11 tin J. Aiply In tbe grocery itore, 48 h it.aad Hi an, f,9

A RESPKUTADLE YOUNG "nNGLISll-tai- fJul t landed, lecki eruoloynient la inr

light tnde. mibuiaclory or ell. emit, where bocould make filnieelf unful. sod be In a pillion toIuru tie bnilue-e-- eUuttion ai under liana deilrabie. Any pmou inroriri lor tba ilnr.liir ieuliable berth would be liberally ieinuneretid. Noo jpi t'oa to leave Niw York, Addreu C L. W- -II. 1 JG Son Office. 133


machine, at 3i 8lh it, bat avoe A ana II,rtcm 4 I'dA" DOTWANTED TO RUN A 001! DON

pirn, at it l'ark How, ro in 3g. 17

A STEAM AM) ANTEDV ono tbal underitaodi plulubuii pialettcJ.

I. ilon S o'clock at No. 0 Uietitnjl I'laca, .liriarhtr. . i"sA IIAKEi: WANTS A SITUATION, WHO

a. ipiioil 0 yrari to tlabutiuiii In tba olduuntry. Call on or a4drm II. l 13 tUii llroad.

WIT 63

ACOOD KI.OOliltAN IIOnSESIIOEliS) Willi it, LtarCanat.

B" OY" WANTfcD AI'I'LY AT 208'.'16

IlOW-er- r.

BOYS WAN rEDlN A MACIIINK SHOP,ou li'.bti. (io.4 bicdi only ncaJ ippijr

at 101 I'tSMit. 81


BAKEH WANThD TO'WOKK AT IlreaJa ncmy man; ilnile prclariai. Apply

US Win it. atSurll A.M. 08

BAKEKS WANTED, A MAN TO ASSISTlunuin 14.6 Fourth airs cor. of Vth


'picci tu flrit tlm hiniii; nona but thoia midipjly at 910 mh aTennr. 81

BKASb MOULDER WANTED ONEto wnik Inf on Taliei. piorarraJ,

Aaplr to WATTr1, CAMI'IIKI.I, h CO.. l'maleHiclilna Worki, cor ot U(iea and I'aaaalo iu, Nilar,. J. B7

JLACKSMITII HELl'l'.i: WANTED, Al'CtJ-- llamillon Ar, IlruoWyn. S7

COl'I'EKSMrni WANTED A GOODWater it, llrooklyu, naar lullon

Jft JT 16

VUIt hEWEIiS, LINERS AND A FEWa- (Irlt to (aim waotiid. Alio a boy with food

to letrn the trade. Apply al T3 Ku.ton it,Urookim, in iloor. 1W

lINISIIEUS AND 1IASTKIU WANTfcDa. on colli at &1 Illilon it. None but rood hindsca di.ijly.wii ilia Jd Itoor, ISAAC klAUKS. Hi17L K LlJsrUS WANTED Al'I'LY AT MT

X M II kUM 63S llroidway. 10)

I7LK SEWLKS" WANTED, FOR FINEai M. MilACKl &' 6J1 llroadw.y. jrjg

plltl WANTl D ON LOOMS TO WE,.Vriik t latei; only inrh that are tborouxhly coin.

I la! mat ipplrat W. COI1IC.VB lacwry, 914 talit Ui.iailh it, Let 7ta aad ifth 111. WT

PIHL3 WANTFD FOR AKTIF1CIAL FlowvJ an, 4J II ooiiie it. 1C3

K'MRI.S WANTED TO LEARN THE VESTard opuailnc on Dlncet'i machine. 1'aid

after tba two firu wtaki while leirnlui. Call for aeik at W Uaill it, mar Myrtlo a?e, Uiooklyn. Air)

iidlii lauibt to epeiate perfect. $?. A3

pOOD UOOKFOLDER3 WANTED AT IIUU, UAll.VS 3 Dalch at, cor. of John; bd

GOOD OPERATORS WANTiD ON l'ANUYihlila, with tbclr owu nwlur, machlnri,

.teady work and cood pricei paid to rood hanoa,

.all lor one wiek al Sla? f. C, In tbe tora. 8J

nllll. WANTED TO FEED A PRESSS uue uiad to au Adama or Cainpbell preii. Applyt 40 Columbia it, llrooklyn, near rultou kirtr. to;.tor '1IIJUS WANTED FOR EXCELLENT 8lf.

catloni, mcli ei cooki, chaaliermaldi,waHreiiaa,lunditiiaa, itamitrtie and hoarewarkori; alioaili Iitrly landed. Apply at the t.niploy.nent llouie. cer. Cih are, and llih it. I4JFl'JOP SKTUT HANDS WANTED Steud

wuiployiiient throafhouk the winter 10 goodiindi. A pplyj oC. UU AU1TTB. M Warren il. IiirTANDS" WANTED TO MAKE SHIRTSLiinddiawiriouuiechineiofthelrewn.el No. 83iitdal uaitalll. 4

TurSK PAINTERS WANTED GOOD.1 wurkuaa only. Apply at J33 Ortenwlch il, corairy 11 J,, U

ADIE3 TAUGHT TO OPERATE ONialnmi'i and W, Si W.'e nlng macbluua. Pric

ica lill ptrlacl on all kludi of rtiuml ahlrle.10 (uod ihoin after learning, and work

Iveu. Apply at KM llirlilon it, near Clinton. Hi 4

f AST1.R3 ON MISSES' AND CACKS--19--i Catharine it, tear. 41

f ADlES TAUGHT TO OPERATE ON--J tinier! and W, tt WIImu'i lawlni machine! 1

iirned perlect tor tl, on iblni and drawer! workTen out after learned. Hi Wait 83d it, bet. luthu iHh at C3

TAUGHT ON blNGER'S ANDU Wl ion'1 raachlnee to hem, tuck, and

cioak.macmg, aleohejidjon leather,IAI'IES 10 ibopi after learning. Machine!

,or tale on pwt piytneut, at kin. THOU.VVeet tftail, bel tlh and 8th 1TI. lit

OR ARE WANTED OYerjrm 'liy to learn on iewlu( macklnee. Call Ihliday,

lirernwich avenue, work teidy whan leirned;M ui Irom 1 10 tl, Vou will lire time by Uarn-f- t

:eie beloie letllnc machine!, er lotnf to a ihop,good inicbtuai tu tent out and lall. 34JADIES" TAUGHT OJ?ST5fG ER'S AND

H iV L W. machine! perfect, for tl, la Umlly aev--

i.iicliui'j and ttmnel ihlrt uiaklng; recunimendt10 iboiw Itiaruinf. Apply 111 Allen iu be

m.o and Dflancey, laxity iwie. 813

AUDi TAUGHT ON SINGER'S, WHEeCI ei t Wllion'iind all eiher iewln macnlnaa.I 4 lire until perfect Ihrouah tbe day and alter

B beoenlui! Work (Ireu out r tu the hauae,! 'iiii uiaohlr.01 to tent and iell. AIM all klnda lor

, eicl'inceu and iipuiii Oil, nedlaa and alliimnji l u3i lleoty et. near Jackaon. 833

H ASO.SS" WThD TEN GOOD MiaonaIM .aaoud, CM al the new bulldUgacor.7th and

K lUiugiou, or Meadow and (th iu, UoUiktn. 34t


trt Wlliiu'i raichlnii, on fine rlinsal ahlrtiiaHl e but sood madi need aly. Call all the week

d 'leutn arebet 41H aud 4id iu. 18

CERATOKS WANTED 1 ON WHEEL-- Iar t Wl.iou'a, and 1 on IJlptlc Lock Stitch kta

I jai iim d baiiera, 1 bultoohole mikj and preae.uc.aU. Apply all tba week, 147 aWata let it,

htr cny 1M

'A"IiATORS WANTED TO WORK ATIfliue 00 llmnel ihlrie, ereralls, aad duck pants,ftiuce reiiulied; alio lame flrls wanted to work

J'ibop. Iuioue 1V1 Fulton it, np itiltl. IllI.l'lATORS-- 10 IIASTLRB AND FINISU-H- a.

CiUatUSLewisiuUthi raiA U. MCJC-gji- t,



wanted on singer'soperators A Wl ioi'i michlneion fln lln.aal ehlrte rood and nanly hindi will hive tu.Hint work. Inquire at 370 Tut 4lh it, bet "IIand C. 73

Ol'ERATOIW WANTED ON SHOE WORK,machlnn. Illowe'i) neady woik

all year tuund. Apply 1S3 7lh At, cor 18ih ,L topfloor. 191

OPERATORS WANTED "ON WHEELER Alncet'e michlnre forqulltlag fine

work Tbe eld banda can take wotk out. lMUriudit, bet. I rciby aeeElra. WPANTALOON MAKERS, WITH THEIR

own micbtnei. wintid. Apply at 6 l'ark Place,tipiUlri. II.JACOnV ACQ. M

PANTALOON MAKERS AND FINISlUand aperalori with er with-

out mecblnii; also a good preuer wanted. Aeplyltj N n airnae. corner llih it, entrance In I'mit lllgbfit pncee paid to good hinJi. 4JI

PLAIN COOK, WASHER AND IRONERpleaaint place In tbe country, o

datrr work, rroteiunt mlddle-iged preferredwaiei IS. Appir at 47 C urtlendt ilforS derij 4

S" AIL MAKER APPRENTICE WANTH).To a good hind good wagei. Apply W., Hu 89S,

Sun OfSca. 1

SCOURING AND DYING WANTED, Ato attend an clTlce: molt underitand

the boilnrii perfectly. Addteie DVKIU Blilloa 1),Uible llouie, itatlng where last employed, Aiwaboy 343



tra forwarder, alia a plain loiwirJer. A ro",tlad ibcnl 18, whocan read aud write, at E. WALKKK 4 hONri. 114 Fulton it. 106

TO'llOOK SEWERS WANTED, TWOiewers. Alto reipertible yimag

girl ta Iriintbe bookiewlng at 1C. WALK Kit JaSONS, 114 FullonM. 3u7

TO TAILORS WANTED C GOOD COATmiken, to make cuiiom and hopcoeti alter a

msehlne, kuqulrs at 3 lioeery. Entrance In Itoyeretreet. 301

TO IJAKERS WANTED, A GOOD Itrendbaker, to take charge. lZ'Jt Third ar, cor. of

Bodet. 4t

TO PLUM11ER3 AND GAS FITTERSa good plomter and gai fitter. A rood

man that understand! both bunches cm have itiadyemploymeol the yeir round. None other need irply,Appir it WILLI AU 1 OSVKllb', 83 Carmine at. Let.Hi if ird and III, ocker 111, 7

Tinman" wanted a smart activetkorooih workman t to ineh e one

teadr employment will be given. Aply to JOHNl.ori'ltr.U. ISJ'lhltd are. 3J

a'OllAKERS WANTED ASECOM HandHowe's bskery. Myrtle are. rear

Clueoriave, llrooklvn. 11

PO'IIOSS BOOKUIN DERS A GOOD JOUJ- - flulaher would llk to flud emiloymeat. AddressII. II . Finisher, Hoi 897 Son Ojnce. 18

TO TAIIX)RE8SESOPEiaTORS, HAST-er- eand ftultheri wanted on putalooni. 1 Dir.

ery. l.ntrauce lnltoyerat. JAMhn HL'OMF.S. 78

rpoI100KFOLDER"S WANTED"" 2 GOODApply il It. LANK'S,3IT fnlton at, 4lh

floor, 67


dnitrloni ind with good recommendalloni. Applyat Tier 7, N. K. I

TO IWOKHINDERS WANTED" A GOODA. Hamper on cloih work. Apply at l. (IKDNKY'B

lllnderv, lOand 13 HeiJe et. U7

TO SHOEMAKERS LAHTERS WANT"it 88 Vmy it, Imraidliuly. 71

0 hakers Wanted, a sd handou brsad. Apply $1)1 8th Avenue, aflor 8 o'cloca.

A. M. lb

rVO TAILORESSES wanted a goodX talloreu to woik an costs. Ore that can operate on rJInrrr1! micklne preferred. Call at VA S eitISth it. COLLINS. 1M

VESTS WANTED GOOD PIASTERS ANDmakers on rests. Csll all the weea

alJM Vatt 3oth it, 3d Moor, front; i)

WANTEIWTEN SHIRT HANDS ONmichlnet 30 oparatore

on boeoma. Alio 4 goal folderi; none bnt etiwrl.enced hine need apply at J AH, FKA.SCK i CO , 3Front it, lliouklya. Vi

WANTED-All- OY 16 YEA OS OLD IN Afutory, tnpiper roodi; wotk clean,

Hchl andi'ridr. Wagei J3 &' to $1 per week. Addrees with referenee, FACTOKY, lui 8V9 bun

WANTED 12 EXPERIENCED CORSETand 33 oparaton on Wheeler d; Wl)

son's machine! to tike work hoaae. Apply te J.ASIEI.Jt CO, 86Wallcr it. 6 1


era;woik given outlothoee that ate recom-mended; none but rood hinds noed spply. 7Chjmbere 11, Call all the week. 183

WANTED A GIRL TO FOLD AND Sewpamplele lu thejlob book bindery. No.

IS9 William it. 181

WANTED FOR A STOKE A HOY FROMyears old. Apply 48 John itriri, up-i- ll

I ri. 30

WANTED GOOD VEST HANDScan mike good bultenhelce, Call all

the week. 34Wcil 10th it, 3d floor, 31

WANTED W F.AVE RS ON HOO' Skirtwebbing t beit banda, male and U'

male, warned. Apply 3S8 Hletcker et, 4lh lleor. 3T

WA NTF,D OPERAT ORS ON W.and Plnger'e aewlng machines, to make

flannel shirts. Apply at 133 Lewie et. far S days. 38

WANTED 2 TAIIaOUESSES TO JJASTEconstant wort aad gool ws-- es

gtrea to good hsndi; no ethers need epp.y. Callduring the waek al 4ul Wert 38ih it, cor tith are, 1

WANTED OPERATORS ON SINGER'S& Wilson's sewing machines, te

mike flannel ehlrte and overalli, and place work:steady work and rood wages to good hands, at 738Becond are, near 8lh et. 14

W-iNTE- A OOl) STOCK. FITTER;V V alio a full team on sewed work. Aply to tbe

Klngi County rlhoa Manufactory, 60 Devoe atreet,WUllimiburgh. 367

WANTED 100 IIONNET FRAME MakrreApply Immediately at HBCKKN-DBP-

Canal 11. 810

WANTED A OIRL TO DO GENERALApply at 806 llleecker at, bet.

O rare snd Christopher an. 43

WANTED A FEW GOOD SHADEIndira at 67T Dioedway,


trade. Apply 19 Aun slreet, 4IUfloor. 307

ANTED EXPERIENCED HANDS TOwork an feathers. Uigheal vages paid, by M.

MOSKlt. 19 Walker it. it3WANTED-- A ilUSIIEUIAN, ALSO AN

on einrer's machine. Apply al 313Bprfng st, eor.el WaiMngtun, in ihebaiauenl,lll3WANTElk AN OPERATOR ONWHEeC.

machine alao girls on neckties.None but experleaeed kuds need apply, 11 kj.d ridge eu 831

WANTED A MAN TO TAKE CHARGEand cake 1 none but a competent man

need ape lr, el KK.NNfcUY'B, bet 84th and luth eta,Idava. YutkvlUs. W3

WANTED-A- T 12 COURTLANDT ST, UPclan operators on Wheeler A VTI I

son's maehlnea; hands experienced in making shirtswUl receive the hlgheet wagea aad conauat work.33J

Wanted kxpiuienced femaleopeiallree (Enillah preferredl. aecuitomed to

rk tn raring and Br trainee. Liberal waxes to!! "rkeri. Anply to QSO. A. CLAJUC A EllOdwttsa4e at. New York. illVyANTED SMART OPERATORS ON.I JirufA'.f H "4 ! wak. e

IIEKRMiN.Vrl.lWglithst. liftVUANTED- -A GOOD ULACKSMITH AiD U help, at JOHN II ARKETPiJCeaeh rictory, ttoernm at llrooUyn. 31 4llTANTED A MAN THAT UNDER.

wnds eataenl roofflng, at 334 Canal at, eor, ofCentre. Call after 9 e'clockT tilWANTEp-'i(a;ai- KM FOR TRIMMING

Udiei' aela.and also for frame mixing andwiring. App m Canal at. 300

TU ANTED GIRLS TO BRANCH "jLBTI- -trial flanera. JjJy m " rtnT l

VAr'n:i.ANTF.D-MILLIN- F.RS ,and fancytrimmers. OOITUETUEN. NATHAN. MSt CO.. 360 Csnsl It. 163

TTTaN'TITD 2" lHICK WfRE DRAWERSW ,t ,n, n,. jsnsy Wire Mill, Newark. N. J.


WANTEDlOO TAPE SKIRT HANDS.the beet of warn paid, and a

tih premium varying Irom ii i lo (40,431 to t and(lOpildtotbe glrli miklne the roost ood iklrti Inamenth Apply al 8IIKKV N'8. cer. of llroidwayand Warren it, orar lerlln'i clolhlag itore, 4ih and6th floor e.Kn trance on nreidsy, 870

WANTED A FIRST-CLAS- S IRON RAIL.None ether seed apply, at M0

Orave at, Jeriey Clly. 170

IVANTED GOOD FINISHRliS ANDVV sewers on rspe. 18 Forsyth at, J fllrh'sof

etalre. 81

WANTED-- A WATCHMAN OF STEADYv hablta alao grocery clerk and cleik for offico

alao salesmen. Cell early, al 113 Nassau il, ofllce 9.Immediate empteyraenl. 8A

WANTED SEVERAL OOOD Operaforacoats. Call 161 and 163 llrooins 11, CI

fleer, fiont room, 6.1

WANTKD-GIR-LS TO OPERATE ONeawlnr machine, Kerrrenee rmislred,

Inquire al 191 Fulton it, npitalrs. 100

WA N TE I CLA BORERS CAN (ilfFsTcAdyempluvmeot and eiwd wares at tbe M Man

nfaclnrlnr Compiny'i Winnre Worki, en the Mark,entack Hirer, 8 snllei bict of ,1 eraer Clly, near tbeNewark Koad. Apply on Ihe preuilaee. 13

WANTED AN OPERATOR" ALSO 3 OKfialiheri oncuatom aadihoppanti ;

also a young man, lately landed, that bu leenat the trade. Iteit prices and steady work, at

8M7 Molt it, lit floor, back room, 74

WANTED A FEW GOOD LOOKING- -makers. Apply at 143 Centre it. 90

Wanted-girus- 'to "work oneoatuwei; none hut good handi need

arp'y. it lu Forsyth el. siWANTED SPANGLERS ON HOOP

work, good pay. at ihe t'nlonSkirt and Corset Maaafacturlng Co4 17 Th'miut. 116


holeinikert on reiti at 161 West 37lb et. neartoltage Apply all tbe week. Cfi

WANTED OPERATORS ON SINGKPSfor coraeti 1 alobivlers. lonerund

flnUhen. Apply at 8F1 IV, III A CO.'M, 7 klerc.r a I,upnalri. 6H

WANTLD A FIRST CLASS OPERATORWllaon'i machine en linen

com. Call at Mrs. CALLA1I AN'p. 143 Kim it. f

WANTED GOOD HANDS TO COVERaad all klnda of Hull work at

182 Chambers aUJd floor. 91


,r f,r to toard 40 laborers In the Huleol Mas.sachnsetts also a foicman for to loog over 1I10

Apply af 37 drotawlcb. et. U. ZILTLOW41 CO. 91

WANTED A IILACKSMITH'S HELPER,neir VinJerbl t ave, IlrAin.91

WANTED FINISHERslON PANTSmichloe. Noae but good hand! need

apply all Ine weak at 337 Ural are, tap Hour. 79

WANTED OPERATORS ON WHEELERinschine, to work onfsecy ihlrt

front!, WATbON li HTKWAkT.44 Kuuie al. M

WANTED-- A GOOD MACHINE HlXck7le sccuatomed to work ou anohlne

work of all deacrlptlona. Call laamadlately al No. 3Bammltet, I'oulh llrooklyn. V


act, lo work In a gank--a, drlre wayon,and attend to some cowl rUotrh, IrlihorOr-nufti-

no etilectioni to oni lilo.y landed. Apply to UOlt-KU-

rilOlirsON, aicone ate and Ilyeiaou memllrooklyn 89

WANTED HAND ON WHEELER Atoeew ea ladlei' nndrrgir

mente, for 3 date. 3S7 Uroonie it, 61

WANTED A TA IIX)R AN D TA I I.OIiESS,on bniluei! coeti, at 814 Kiel Dili

it, bet. Am n and C. 4t

WANTED A FEW (TOOD SEWERS TOalso a good opcraler at ti (ttirr t,

Wllllimiburih. 87.1

A GIRL THATblngir'i machines. Arp.y

83 Spruce 11. A. Illl'l'. 371

WAN I ED--29 OR 30 FIRST CLASSlilikeri, Alao a few appreull ei 10 liarn

reilmaklag. Aprl? at 33 Citbarlue it, top lioor. 171

WANTED, 11Y T MAN" OF GOOD AND33 t eaie old, who apaski Frcnrh

and Kurllih, a iltuillon, either 11 ILihi por'rr. n't twilchman, er to driveahom; he has im1 icier-enre- s,

and no otjtrloni to ?n 111 the country, l'leneaddren II. A., box 896 Hun cfllce, for 3 daya, 131

WANTED TWO OPERATORS ON E ONand cne on Drover k llakui'iiuichlna;

ali9 3 baiiera and flalaheri ind preaiman oncnatotuaud ibop pinli, Immlre 0 Franklin 11. 164

W ANTED A GOOD ADAMS' PRESSfeeder; also a rvllLder preae feeder. Apylrat

CUBTIHt SON"!) Factory, corner 01 Third andlloytits. 374

WANTED GOOD OPERATOIUT aNDon reiti; nom but good hsndi nssd

apply. Inqnlra 144 F.aal 4ih it. In the itoio. 43

WANTED GOOD lTNISHERS ON FINKApply 311 Dlrlalen et, 3d floor 173

WANTED A RESi'LCTAIILK YOUNGdo general homework ! must bo a

good washer and Ironer and underatand plain rooLlag. Apply 14S franklin st, N. YCiir. 77


top floor, 163Ceailei. 1 64


CIlAWl'omi, Middle Village, 8 from Wli.liiraaburrh. L. 1. 3

WANTED FIRST CLASS OPERATORS& W.'i machines. H Iranklln at, 70

WAN1ED A SERVANT GIRL FORhouiewovk, to go a short dli'.tnee In

tbe country. Apply SSI Weet 40th at. Mn. TAY-LOR. 177

WANTED GOOD OPERATORS ANDon coals, 104 I'm si., In the rear

hoaae. M

WANTED AN OPERATOR ON PANIS.snd 30 flril.clue finishers Ihe

highlit wagu Paid to those that will suit, Call allIhe week. 1U4 lliyird st, lop Moor. 64

NURSES CAN OIUAlS IjTTnT-Uon- idally, without lee, at tbe Nui iei' Agency,

B Blith it. near Bowery. 81

WANTED A fAILORESS TO SUW ANDBlnger'e machine, en frock coiti.

Call al 366 Wait 10th it. 310

WANTED GOOD OPERATORS AND10 work oi eoe'i; hlgLut wages given,

Call ai 137 Clinton it. New York. 308

WANTED OPERATORS AND FINand button hole makers, that can

flnlih. Call tba waole week, 34 Alleu 11. A. HANKaTlSB, 807

WANTED-- A GIUL TO COOK, WASHInquire at 141 East 30th el. 194

VVANT'EI)-OI','IiATO- ItS ON SINGER'Srv sewing machines aad good finishers 00 fine

shop coats. Also 3 men for pressing and tailing ;none but good bands need apply al 61 Hail llroid-way, Jld floor. Ifcv

W"ANTED GOOD OPERATORS ONcoats t pay good hands $10 a week. Only good

hands need epply at lit Grand il, Call all ikeweek. 167

WANTED A YOUNG GIRL AUOUT 10,and to make herself generally

aaefnl. One aceuaiomed to ihlUnu pieleirea.Wageefrota 44 10 (6 per month, 673 Jd ave, near41th at, over ehoo itore. 16WANTED OPERATOItS AND HASIER3

on basinets sad al 183Aje.C,lel HooTj 193

W" ANTED TWO OPERATORS OMK ONSieger's for fine qnllllng, and one o Wheeler

Il Wlleoo-- s for tlannei mini. Call 181 nVrlne it,room 8, tront. 191

WANTED 2S FINISHERS ON CUSTOMpints. Call all tLs week. A poly al

116 Chatham et. near Melt. ijWANTED VEST UA3XKK3 JLKD Le-r- n-

. .... .

ivaiti-:- .

W'TED IMMEDIATELY KXPrlr tienced iperslors lor Wheeler Wilmii'i end

Hllcoi 4. tillU' machines, on liJlli' linen eoiliriandcufli None but tbe bail nee.l to apply Siairwork, and nop ece werk. 313 llroadwar. ur ai'ri.V6'

Wanted-iian- ds ON SINGER MA- -ehlnra. 10 overills, hickory skirts, te.

Ca'l at 861 Droidway. np aiilre, iiVANTED30 EXCELLENT TURNERS'' ' for ladlca' linen coilare and ctiffi; work

and beat wuea gtren to well eiperlrn'ed hands: alaoa UN who Is naedlodeplslilng, 343 Uroidwar, npitslrs. gs9

VyANTFJ) PERSONS WHO WISH TOlearn loopersie on Sinter! and Whealer Itn Heon'iMwIngniarhlne; terms emr and taugbl woll.

Also cool lewrre to Uara pantaloon miliar. Inquireat lOtl Allen II. firat Iloor 8Si

WANTED A" WET NURSE WITH A' friin hrreal ot milk, Atply Immediately atrrcildeai it, 3d bouae Irom fmiih at, llteoklyn, 331

TUANTF.D-- A FIRST CLASS OPERATORontsdles' merocro iKoei. on I'lanit'i macklne.

Also a baaler. Call at 31 AUeu it, 3d Iloor, frontmoro. 4

WANTED - EXPERIENCED FEMALEfor 1 cot ion liclorr In Newaik, NJAprly to Uk.O. A. Cl.AI.K L UllOd., M Uei.le m

N V. 319

2 OPERATORS AND M) SKIRT HANDSearned il 160 Chunberi it. 9$

1 HO fiOOD SHIRT HANDS WANTEDirll'1! ' VANIIItK L 10,767 llroa.lway.181


atelr. to woik on tbe laylnr ol the "SecondWaur Miln''for tbe Clly. Ihli lirery dcurablework, will lut one yoart porfetlly l.ealihr localltyigord waceai pay every 3 weeki, Apply on work onAtlaatlo ave, netr New York ave, lliookiyn. KIN'lB-LE- f

KFN. Y, Coulrsctora. SAS

iflf) SKIRT HANDS WA NT El ) S I oailyV work, ind hlrbeat warei la Ibe eity given.

CaM at K. (irSsr.-J- Wirteuit, np etalre. litr)()() SI'IltT" HANDS WANTED FORV. miking ihtrti and c, f. dreweri br ana- -iblnea. Inquire al 19 Murray al, ue autre. 373

ijni:iui. m'Nirvi-'Mn- .

A GOOD FULL-TONE- UPRIGHT Piano,for (linnet 63 wlnh st, up floor. JAt'Ollor.Ag.o, a


ltronu. irtl l'ruadnayProposili fwlih deilguai will be twelve 1 tor tte

erection of iiilu tile drinking trcuili, for horn-- i andcoca, at ronvenlent point! througtioul tbe cllleiolSew York and llrooklyn, te be p In front ofalbiee or ihoi-s- , with Ibe emiicut uf the eeueretbenoti and to have aiiachel thereto, hr clieius,lion cupe, enabling person! toil' Ink iheiefiom,

IIF.MtY IIKIIIill, 1'ieildenl.JVM COVr.NTIlY II. WADIiKLU tw. 411


nilliyTM rinalantineoui) IIAIK DYR.It re now nknowle Ue.l by all 10 be itie

81'ANIIAllll IlkF. Ol' '1 11)1 WOKI.II,snd le need lu prlleienco lo all other!, termae ItIKirs NUT inline the Hair or Skin, but ihiuteagtey Kalrtua I etutllul III.Al.Kor UHOvVN

It raj te bad of all liriiie late alnri y tKNfS nox(leneral Wholesale Arent-- C. N tKITTrNTOX

airuae, nr. lourtli, U) wUuui ill oroticehould be addnsaed. H)

CARD-N- O, Ti r.I.!l)kT5 LANKNew mn., Aug. IX, 1S0C.

We deilre to correct Ihe ritwrl la the mrn ntKpsra of thu I6II1, lu tegiid to Ibo 11 0 In llsidon

The facta ore, tha' a I iwotiy itiruare ou theUdfloirot No. 43, eet our pre.inire on 11 e, iunt thecreitcildsniare toriir lull dmg. We ate li,iiuty

and ro .o,i 0 de. iroin our irleu'U aal Iliapublic, us onr tiuilueai will not bo Interr jpted by theloi.

t'ntt-- Melronollttn Fire llcparlmejil sill Iain,raure 1 atrol. ee are ur.ilc. obll'itlom 'r thu pro.npl-nee- i

snd energy dieplgyol. Noi.e could line i,ouebelter. rn ivns i.oirritr.i

137 rltatti-e- ii sul 1'iiute.i.77A.SHIONS-FA- I.L FASHION'S. A IlEAf.

a- tltul diaplir ot all the lateit and t eat aty ea .orlitlei and cLtldtru'i itii-i- i In the frpi No. ofUK IllF.hV.-- l M INlll.'.V. now re.dv. Una No.a sue malm a grand couill'iitii.. of ilieraty noveltlei, iwrtea, intiaic, Iloem e,. As. lli

70!: SALE CiILaP A LARGE l uOTlaitic, Willi wb'ol ''tank, waj a, Asa., sn t In run

ing crtler, with ikiit ul toole, Aiviy 7C Vmckalien 13

JUST AKKIVKD FROM FLORIDA -- IT." bund, til 1. .liking till tie a very fine tot. Tubeeoldcheep, it 1VS V.'.,i II otdmr. 377

fVTEW YORK SAVlNtjS HANK, WH AVE.J-- 'cor llih el. SIX Pvf cint I ue eei Ina of tit.lJrpi,alte madoon or bw.oro rep. Ill, wlh uruw int ia. Irom 8rpl. lit. l'llUUAS CIICl.-iI'V- , I'ree.K. II. Ill I.I. boo. d7l

NOTTCf. TO THE STnf'K HOLDERS OFAnieliininlon ouipajy. A mre.

lug of the elocihol. Oieof tbo IVuitr .inilg.ln iuCorutiuir will be he.d at tbe office of tha oiiipiuy.No. 67 In the city ot .ee IneIHlh day of Auiiuit, lb lit, at U o'rl'ick II, In voteuon the prupoaiil, n 10 iuctuiao lue ptr valno oftlieihirnof nil compsuy Irom iqu dollars 10 ooebundled dollars, and to ' itock tofive million dolliri, (n.aoo.) JAi,Oil liOKUKUHK.SHY WL'in,, IAVL W. IM.LKU, C. U

lu.N ill'l K, Mnjorilr of Trmieei. D ol. NowYoik, Augut 4th, 11.66. tkfi


p uJeei Juii received. IlualDeae coaii, u,ill lilick fuck costa, ji to $30. Ciieuneio pauie,lltor-'-, Vrali,! to till. 4i7 Uroonie 11, atarllroidway (IhO. l.KMK. 1,9

PURE CALIFORNIA WINE.-- (iURNKRCedir at, N.Y. toltlos ami I

witheuteilra chstge 10 any pirioiNe Yoik, Jeraey City or ltrooklya, Mt

'PHK AMERICAN SOCIETV FOR THEJL 1'reveutiou of Crn-lt- y to Atiltui'i, de a to re-ceive plain or model! 01 inpi doi.gtie I to catch, audat the nnie time inatanlly kill, rau. mice aad etherduilruciUeanlma'e, which can b) ueedinplaco of thetorturing loattumeute now employed for tuch

Uooua of the Uoclit, bio llroauwsy, cor. ofUlh at. 44J

AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR THEA. Frerrntion ot Ciuelty to Autmale bilng In Ibe

dally lecelpl 01 li Here trein citlzene, compiainlng otrrnelty intiictrl cu bonei by beating and allowingthem, when duabied, elowlv 10 periah of nam uponthe pavement wheie ther have leiicu, napecitullylntoim the pullic that all coinplnuu mule 10 it, 01whalerer character, ete complejclr Inetlertiiil uatrie iccornpinit-- d by the name aud eoiiHsot ibe

as well as tbal 01 tbe cfieudnr, and otherpullLUliri,

Tbe tociety wtmld rlidly redreii Ihene wrong! ;but le do au It u.iutbe put lu poeieaaloo of aUUiefacts.


8i6 llroadwar. cor. of 15lhL 441

l.OMT A.-- fl'OeU i.ROOK 9.994 OF


Trillin' nirlugi lnatitullon. Tbo flnJerwidpline leire II atlhe Hank JS2i

LOST HANK HOOK NO. iblMl, ON THEHiring! liant. lhilUder will elene

leife II al ibellank. 1

L'OST IUNKIIOOK O.N HI.EIl KER ST.No.3J7.li81, Ibe finder will be lullibly

rewarcedbyleavlne it at No. 374 Klautu avenue.HiNllY M. N1XON. 118

CO REWARD STRAYKD FROM NO. 272V Or?eventh ave, a amill while poodle dog; auiwento the name of HICK. Anr peraou bnuglnt thelime le tbe above No. wUl recolve the auova rewardaud Ibiukiofjihaowjior, 3

(TA REWARD-IX)- ST ON SATURDAYVeJ nirbt, a King Charles dog. aniwerlag to thename ef I'lnkey. Ibe above rewaid will be paU,and noqueeilim uked on reluming the dog lo 1.WAUNhtl,67XIJivii"u it. 3i

REWARD-- A WHITE GREYHOUNDtr,,ui baa been loiti itie bu olio bead, sua

u Ihe Dime of "Lady" The ebote rewardwill bo paid at 330 Third it, by C. 11, 1I311- -


CTh RKWARD-LO- ST ON SUNDAY, 19lli'X V) luii, a buck Newtouadland dog with on

Iell cheek, snd inr laalde of Isf; thigh. The abovareward will te paid to whoever will retina the dogto WM, PObl', cfflcirNew ltiwery Iheaire. 6

CQfi RWARl)-I-O- ST IN fiOING FROM90J Canal aud Ueneick its, and through tireeu-wlct- i

st. to lieabioiiei it. toriy, a gold wsioh, hum-lo-

case, with shale aad charms attacaad 10 Uooch.Any hi leaving Ike line al 11 ltenwiek 11, marCanal el, will isoeira Um ilkore--- i- a4 m jjie


AailJHBt ILVl'M.

TJARSUM'S NEW AMERICAN MUSEUM.J- It'. a.lwir, letwern Hprlrr n., I'rlncofirvvj;.CoOLLdr l'LACE OF KNJOYUKNf IN TUB


mics katt. rr.N?v()YKi!, vn. r.K.rox...Illi I.UVNit I'ANTOKIUE COur.kNY In

EVtllY AHKIINOON AT 1. HVKMMl ATS.The gieil Comic l'ioi,inlni enllljed Ihe

W0NnrnFri7Tnii,Krt,.1)M ybtkk'ioct rrt s- -1 UILM ATIONS, AS (;iumr.OU8BCK.MU

DANCB br Ihe LUIpi'mii'Voniler, Oen. finANT.Jrkli-u- r A1.L1 V II, INFANT

To conclude with the hi 11 1'antomlme of lbFHI'KY cold" r,FH.LOr MIKTII AMI VFIiniUF.N'T.


conalatliir of Heidi, Horni, Tuaki, !kins, etc. of troHIPl'OI'OrAVI'H, ItHINOS KKO-- FI.KfllANltI1IUAFFF.. I.IOVN TlllF.118, l.t.Ol'AKDd ANDOl IICK AFRICAN AMWAI.C, im ril'F.CIHKNS.Tliey will leeihlhlted in

A NKW AND bl'ACIOL'S 8AIAOM.Jnal npeuel

VII. I. KK'S NATIONAL nF,ON7.r.rOUrilAIT tlAtiI.tllY.




Al.'rll KALIAN (ll't)r"' ll ASPYOl'SaLIVINK MiMCf.t ,

Coimonitiisjs Iarncd foal. Hippy Inmlly, UnvAAquiria. tJ.iaxJCurtofltlrr..

Adnil-alo- Ho ctei ctilliln-- a nmlrrlrn. ISrlr. 11


betmin Opera Lhorui: Teieaa Wood; Millie Fcwlenacrnerri girsl citalt aud " A Illy Toofeoireona Circle Soreula. gCO

T'ONY" PASTOR'S OPERA HOUSF 201J-- Ilonary. Krery arming Ihie week and WelLCi-di- r

and rjatnrdiy ifliraoot a,s new hli'ortcal drama,"The Chiarun, or the lliie of Ciomwell."TONY l'AdlOltand the neit none in 'j"'1 GRAND "THIRD ANNUAL PIC-NI- C

and Coillllcn Ki'iitalon of tbe United (Ilia,f.'ulliri Aiaociition will like place on,Atiiusl'i'M, IS!, lo Myere' Urvrn. Tickets if I, tobe had on tbe mot nlug of ihe escuitnn at the lotlewIng landings Fwlof.lsr it. New York, where IheIhe bergee Ur while Ihe e.eemNut mike Ihe follow-ing landiaea. (lrveriioiiil ferry, tlrmnpolnt, al 8o'clock! Jarolrmon el, llrooklyn, at MW o'clock, and&VvV." 0,k " 0 A- llULY, I'ree:T KKI.l.V. V,ca I'reai W. ,1. (lAHCIIinNK. Fin.Jjti .1. J O'CONNOK, Hec Bee. II. CONNOLLY,Tleir. t69

AGRAND tXCURNlON TO THE FISHiNGItenke. by the lirte and rommodloue eteamer

CIIAMI'ION, Capl. Win. 11. 1 oor, Irjring ernry diy,Bituider etcretel,frriey Cltr. "iiiiox it., 13j:IVck blif, 7.UJi Chrlatoi'her ai.'HJti Hey el., 8,43 :1'ier 4. 9 A M. Faie H. I.ulr'a Hand. Ilait, lineand lolreahmenta aboird .1. w. SAI!lHupt. 337

PONEY ISLAND IVRRY-Al'HIt- " STEAM"9k(, t,tt Ueyel. 9'. lit, 3V 1 Morrie il, (pier 4; lt, I,

4, Ml


I a el. 0. 1). Merrill! An leiaou Coiwrll, I'llots .lay et.11; C.hrlitopbei et. -, 1'ock eilplli. Coifeeendchowilrr eerred fro, l alu il. 1'I.TEIt nUTOIt,J AS. .4 (J. A . r C'J If J 4

DAILY I XCUUSIONS TO WHITE StunDork, (lie. 1 U k, fiioda I'olnl, (lieu

Coe, Mri'l'a link, floawotil, and lloelyti. Thealt. luVal Alt'.l ): .'III I'll, Car)' hiuilb, will leareI'rck I'icr 31. Fjut H eierymoining,

itlMt Mr ihe eimto lauilingi,a .11 letve et. at It 1. si., touching

tor puti'ctii j el !l or H,.a i. 11., rieu wey. 3J1?XCUrvSlOH OF THE VKTI ItAHS OFi--J ihiiWini ril, T. uteday, Aug. 33. Tbo.who have no llckeia mar Le lupplled al ihe followingleudm on Hie eUivo mottling ltiuorne el, K. li..7; I'nk Hi.n, 8: and st 'h' lurye rout of Morion it,where e'ie win is. tiom 7 loll .'clock A.M. ilea.II. 1(41 MON1I.I hn. Cm 1 IMLI.Y. Hoc. V. II.bhouM ti rain the Kiritraion will ha tntponed. 4o3


Csplilu lliid. will iiiiso au vir iraiou to tbe CbolirnlUkeori ITimada.', Aurii't '.'Ja. Ihoil. leaving l'cccel 11, i; t hr.etopber al, t'; Hay ei, 6; l'ier 4, N. It,6 o'c col. A 11. lu'i lefteelinieute onli'ird. .Mor tbo laigeii bue fiili uaiigbt. aud olO11 llif largi-a- t aea Im., jn i,,r ','11 excurilon. fVI Hi J AM KllaC, Jul! I I. VI lull. ANDr.ltHOrltill W I 1.1. 1'iiol. 134

PUNTPONI MINI OF TIIK I. It. II.ulc- - In cotieeo.uence ol tbo aeveiltyot Ihevioi

Iber this gian't I'lcnlc, whli h vin to bivo takeuP'ai-- ou Hie i'l'' . wiii te i.d on Friday, -- 4ih Inrtal liallevue t,iui(ina, UusiU.ib m, Mnahin'e celt-b.-

Drue H nl will i,e compuiyal theApollo Hoomi, 76 .'rltite it, at H o'clock A. II wbeinalt tnvuileii ol the 1 K. It. ato icquceted to atleiiL,Jiniri t'Ophru!. C. O.l. H. (jejual flleilaou, Cip-ta- ln

Coadoo, arid otli re latulytiom Ireland will bep r cut. All tickets lamed lor Cillton Park, Bie'eain in J, will I1010 d. 313

ronsACs; ..--: t i.ivv.T"lIOUSr. AND 'M'TS ON THE COR. OPt aLmi and Joheaon in. neir 1yrtle ave, llrocklyt:,K !., lor piiierl.3U: U.i.sraay, Alsolotelnllnioklyn, Yo ike'i Mdioao aud Now York. Appiy37 New Cliambor it. 101

VMCh "COT 1 AGE HOUSE AND FULLVol for n o ai - X Mnlth 11, Willi lMirlnrrb. Le

Iwraalitaul ard Ktmien ill, or will bu letter to alilco fnmlir, Apply 01. the iiremlaei, or loO'HHIl'.Nat lAFI'AN, W Aun l. N. Y. 361

I?UU SALE CHEAP A HOUSE,X u rlin iiie uriier, with two lull lo'sof grounisll planted witti fruit lul rogrtatilei. Canto illtbo lirrlie wlihlu om block ut tlio p'ace. Also,i.luiof 13 city lois in tbe iorn of New itorheilo.Will be aril very (help as lh j owner Is liarlmf tinclly lnf.u re on IWh 1 real. -- 1 iiouio abue CUare, acutu Hrooilyu, of WM. F HVidi l:ST70r"siX-THenI!- ,W STORE ON THEA. com ii of l'.'ih el. ajd 6ih avo, tu lor any

luke-- y, riwery, luuher, liquor ur dlUKetore. Ti e houio liu 11 rouxe, with 10.1 ceil. 1,water aud get. 1'rlce low. Aply to 1'. IlLlllll.o,ou tbo pieuilaM. rooili llrooilyn. 178

VOR SALIa"NEAT 2STORY I'iiAMi;a-- houae. coulitnlng two parlors. lo.ding doori. two

cLanibeti, two lio lloouis, aitcbun aud eeiltl. lot -- 3by 114). Apply on tne pfeiiiiiuj, No. 3 Daaa st, nearl'oweriit, llroiilyu. 4lfjToTfSALL-- A" AND IIASh.MEN'iX Louio. with iiuie lu ., ovs, Lei. IWiti aud 13o;nsn. APP to 6. IK aKAMAN, 04 no. to:. 1344 u--J

13Jd s'.s.

r.'OR SALE A FRAME HOUS2i. sad lot wlih liurii o. of ai.ewa Htabie lathe icir, nice gudeu ill pinned, rrapo arlnr. AlioIhe furnilnifl and ciipilv 11 wautol. I Uoy ire ill

ew I hie ie a biniiun tor luy poraoa wanting anice home. Apply in.C .11 .ti 'lulllN, car if iotuit aud 6111 ive, riouih Iliuoklyu. HO


X or 4 loia, on liaii c ave. ICait Nee- - YorL,aud baieiueut, .oon ,u upali : p rasutlr ioreied 11. Hit MiY, HI iioeii'K at, N.Y iro,II, 11 1. 1. Kit.' 11 uv. , Lin New YorL. 3.6

'PO LET OR A FRAMIiJL tiouae, wl.k gaideu on i nun titiea, si.nstedlwu rnllei 0111 Kmjilon Dijui, New Jtrae,lonui moderate, 1 or pail.culaie sdilnai 1. 11 .,Hoi MO aun Ollico. '8

ff0 LET A WORKSHOP; "'.'oHYOi FEICT,Xgn rear ei 113 rllnim 1 , im iitnieu. Ull

THE ATTENTION OF ALL WHO WISHX 10 purchlw duinie aul sourvillage loth lor linden 0 or 14 IUV1104 10Ciauloid, N..I., in IwCeo.m il. I'., oueluuerido Irou toot of Loony al. wneiu ncteip. AplHy tt HOilu. il, from 10 10 . iu, atil4 to op. iu, .

TO LET-PLA- CES IN 51 Til ST., NEARX 8ih aveuue. lieui 18 and ell pei iuj-l- tt, llj

1 Ofin-- A bACRIFK'E FOR CASlCH CJJ ibe 2 no. dwohiiig bouie and alienear ave and " If rd at, lltvoklu, 36 by llIret deep, ion oci;ui. beur aud blliliiUgalooui 6 loomion id floor and a alitiie en leaaed 101

5 1 aire to run; cm be lal lu ill per uouihi ibiecbiuie open lor J din or aay pneon having thriidio imoont to loin ou bond and morlgaie ouc.irproperly, worth $1 r will rectlre 4i6 oonui.

10 or addreai I1L1J. Wlliril, al ibe cor.ju ictlouol Mrnle are. 1'iauk Loa-- 1 aud tuuani a., ll.ovi-lyn- .

fe. D.

OLD BTEREOTYPi: PLATES WANTEDU vUi4 eaxce, . ,' . . . h