the sun. (new york, n.y.) 1900-01-29 [p ]. fileft fill hh snow and colder today northeast wind vol...

ft fill HH Snow and colder today northeast wind VOL LXVILNO 151 NEW YORK MONDAY JANUARY 29 1900COPYRIGHT 190 BV TilE SUN PRINTSAND PUBLISHING ASSOCIATION PRICE TWO CENTS h I k- c t It 7 1 I c I BRITISH RETREAT HIS LOSSES HEAVY Boers Say That He Left 1500 Dead at Spta Kop BULLER REPORTS FAILURE fioimemls the Troops in tho Costly Attack Doers Bight Flank Too Strong to He Forced Boiler Hays the Dlffleolty of Securing a Water Supply Contributed to the Failure Il treat Accomplished Without Inter ferenee From the lloers Holler Thinks This Shows That the Enemy Deen Taaiht to Ileipect the Fighting Power of the British Soldiers Boer Report Says the Situation In Ladyimlthls D a perate and an Attempt to Oreak Out Is EipectedEOect of tbe News In London If trial Glib ipafcA Bra LONDON Jnn 28 The following despatch Gen Sir Bedvera Duller announcing tho retreat of Oon Wotrena flanking col- umn acrosa tho Tugola was received at the SrEABMAMB OAMP Jan On Jan 20 as reported Gen Warren drove back tho onomy and obtained possession of the southern crests of tho high tableland extending from a line at Acton Homes and HonRcrs Poort to tho western Ladysmith- hills From then to Jan 23 he remained In close contact with the enemy who hold a strong position on the ridge of small kopjes tretchlng from northwest to southeast across the plateau from Acton Homes through Splon Eon to the left bank of the Tupelo The actual position held waa perfectly tenable but did not lend Itself to an ad- Vance as tho southern slopes wore so steep that Gen Warren could not get effective prtlllery In position and to supply his troops with wnUr was difficult On Jan consented to his attacking pplon Kop which Is a largo hill Indeed a mountain which was evidently the key of tho position but which was far more accessible from the north than from the south On the night of Jan 23 he seized Bplon Kop but It was very difficult to hold as Its perimeter was too large and water which ho had been led to believe existed In this extraordinary dry season was found very deficient The crests were held all that day against severe attacks and heavy shell lire Our troops fought with great gallantry I would specially mention tho conduct- of the Second Curaeronlons and the Third Rings Royal Rifles who supported on mountain from its teepest side In each caso they fought their way to tho top Also the Second Lancoshlres and the Second Mlddlcsoxes magnificently maintained the best traditions of the British throughout the trying day Also on Jan 24 Thornoycrofts Mounted Infantry who fought thronghout equally Veil alongside Gen NSoodgato who was In command at the summit being wounded the officer who succeeded him decjdod on tho night of Jan 24 to abandon the position and did so before daylight on tho 25th- I reached Warren ramp at D A M Jan 25 and decided that acecoml attack on Splon Kop would be useless nnd that thu enemys right waS too strong to allow me to force It I accordingly decided to withdraw the force the Tugela At 0 A M I commenced withdrawing the train By 8 A II Jan 27 Warrens force was concen- trated south of the without tho loss of a man or a pound of stores The fact that the force could withdraw actual touch In cues the lines were less than a thousand yards apart with the enemy In the perfect manner It did Is I think Riifllolent of the morale nf tho troops That wn woro permitted to withdraw fir cumbrous ox und mule transport across ii rlvcrolghtyflvo yards broad with twenty f f t tank a vury ewlft stream tintno- Icsttd wait I think proof that the enaaiy- lias boon taught to respect our soldiers Cabling 0 W8rr n and Fells Back Across mu Tnula Bravery of D g0 Ta train War OIco today 2710 P M I I 23 I II att- acks the south of per Eoatou lift t Army Toga from < ¬ ¬ AFlOV MIST DR UKAV Gallantry of the Troops la Capturing th Position That Could Mot He Ovid ttptctal Cabt Dapttck to TBI Bun From Tni Correipondent n Ballets Force SPKAKMANB CAMP Jan 20 040 A M Delayed On Tuesday night a force under Gen Woodgato attacked Sploi Kop and took the position at the tho bayonet At 140 A Wednesday the British were half way up to the summit and the field guns wore pushed forward Gen Lytteltons brigade was extended li- the centra opposite Potglcters Drift With telescopes Boors could be seen beokonlnf to comrades who wore climbing behind rocks on the west side of tho MIL While the British advanced from the there was a tremendous crossfire from the highest of the hill The troops have heavily while crossing the Bonoofflro The Boer guns were locate Their positions had been selected with masterly At 10 A M Doers began climbing down over the nek the naval guns playing lyddlto on At 2 tho wholo hill up to the net was held by the British who began throw- Ing up Intrenohments At 3 oclock advances began on the west The Third Rings Royal Rifles and the CatneronlanA made a magnificent assault up the most precipitous side of the sugarloaf mountain reaching the summit at 010 oclock This Is tho northeast ex tremlty of the key of the position BHITISII DEFEAT AT aPIOV KOP Doer Story of tbe Hard Fighting Which Drove Warrens Men Hack Sftcial Cfcit Dttpabb to Tar Bui DOER OAMP Modder Spruit Upper Tu gels River Jan oclock this morn- Ing some Vryheld burghers forming the outpoAts on tho highest hills of tho Splon Kop group rushed Into the laager that the British had taken Splon Hop Ruunforccmontswerosummoned but nothing could be done for some time as the hill was enveloped In mist At dawn there was a significant sign tho Kaffirs fleeing to their kraals from the Telegraphic communication with laager waa also cut off At daylight the Heidelberg and Carolina contingents who were commenced the ascent are rather precipitous projections tao Doer position Up those the burghers leaving their horses at the first bank of rocks ascended At the summit they found the British heavily entrenched Between the British trenches and the Doer commandos there was a stretch of open veldt which had to bo rushed under a heavy rifle lyddlto and shrapnel lire Meanwhile two parties of burghers ascended the other two spurs by tho Freo State Krupp guns The British tried to rush them but their Infantry fell as before a scythe The firing continued with undiminished fury the Boors advancing stop by step until 2 oclock Then a white flag was displayed and 150 British in the first trenches surrendered They were sent to tho hood laager The storming of the rest of tho summit was still proceeding The ears of the were deafened by tho tremendous cannonade- At midnight the British Infantry advance Df which the earlier stages bad been In tho afternoon continued on two 3f the east of Bplon Kop The of the British was to gain tho M those two kopjes In order to burghers who were attacking the trenches Many were shot down on top of the but tbo British were so numerous gaps wore filled automatically Theyreached the summit of tho second but got no Meanwhllo the Max line were belching on both sideswhile wall of flame Boor Mausers held bock the British centre Under such they gradually gave way broke and abandoned their position Tho British prisoners speak highly of the bravery of tho burghers who despising cover stood on tho skyline to bo shot at by the Dublin Fuelllcrs who wero sheltered In trenches Tim Boers rushed the trenches Ehoutlng Hands up weapons down The resistance howovor contlnuod for some time longer Then thu Dubllns and tho Light lloreo had enough and throwing up their arras rushed out of tho trenches An unusually high proportion of the British lyddlto shells foiled to explode The effect of tho British abandon ment of Splon Kop can hardly bo gauged yet but it will undoubtedly bo immense IADYUtl1B DBXPlUtATH Doers Expect OeD White to Make an to Escape From the City ftnal Caili PupabArf It HoER HEADQUARTEBfl LADVBU1TH Jan 21 There are signs that the besieged British are preparing to make a desperate coup In order to attempt to form n junction with Gen Bullet The relief forces on tho river nightly dis- play rockets and searchlights There is 0 HOI LO Ir1 Sol Wit point- of M- on the pint must bard to ski the P M abut Send 24At4 his supplement spur coyer kopje summit kopjes further Imo a pres- sure At- tempt TRI east an- nouncing Creusot be- holders re- ported ob- ject kop- je yes- terday ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ feverish activity In the outer forts Ladysmlth there is bugling at all hours Boors think that Gen White will make serious attempt to escape from the stricken city on Thursday- It is reported that Dr Jameson the leade of tbo Transvaal raid who is In Lndysmlth lisa boon wounded in tho leg by a from Long Tom President Stoyn has concluded his and has returned by train LONDON Jan 28 The latest deepatcl from Ladysmlth heliographed on Jan 21 describes the beleaguered British s being delighted by hearing the guns of the relief column It says It Is highly inspiring to all the folk and the garrison to listen to inspiring Some are keeping glosses their eyes to catch the first sight of the mncblookodfoi khaki uniform The gun fire seems to be increasing and coming nearer We have commenced to congratulate ourselves for we are all convinced that the relief of Ladysmith can now be only a matter of a few days Before It was known In England tho bitterly disappointed garrison must have realized the truth which yesterday plungod England into the gloom and at the same time evoked of jubilation in the Continental capitals wAnnBir LEFT tfloo DXADI Doers Say So and Admit That Tbelr Ix is i Were Also Very Hoary Sfitial CaMt 0 ipalcA to Tax Brie E LOBEXZO MABQUES Jan despatoh from tho Doer laager at Moddor Spruit dated Jan 25 0 P M said that tho British dead left on the field on Jan 21 numbredl- DOO Gon Bullet who was reported to be down with fovor has recovered A despatch from Pretoria dated Jan 25 announces the capture of ICO prisoners- It concluded God be thanked though we also had to give bravo and valuable lives rtrvvrvo BLoW TO ioyj ovI- Tallnre Admitted but There Is Stop That Deports of Are Exaggerated fpKial CMlt Dtita to TUB Bee LONDON Jan 29 Quotations from tho London papers cannot possibly convoy an adequate Idea of tho effect ot the news of the British retreat to the south bank ot the Tugela River after the con- fidence Inspired by Gee Bullora There will bo no turning back Though to cool here tho wording of the first despatch announcing the occupation of Bplon Kop did not convince them that the occupation was likely to be permanent the general retreat across the river comes upon all as a stunning blow The newspapers while not disguising the gravity of the news attempt valorously to find some comfort The Standard sara That there hs been a failure is obvious but If we are to believe the Trans- vaal report there has been a disaster It proceeds to compare the vcralons and says that an absolute contradiction of the Boor story is In Gen Butlers yet his omis- sions are unaccountable If the other is correct oven In its main outlines It argues that Gon Bullora despatch dearly implies voluntary relinquishment of thoi position and says It Is impossible that Gen Bullet should have suppressed all mention otherwise or if he mentioned it that the War Office should sjppress It for it would cause such a scandalous deception of the nation as would cause the resentment The paper concludes If the of- Ladysmlth Is not to be loft to bo all rebegun Tho centre and right have tried Both havo boon un- successful Can anything be done on the left along toward Weonen or when lens Boborta and have organized sufficient forces and trans- port will the main scene of operations be shifted to a very different quarter with fat more favorable result Such sentiments couched In varying terms find expression In a majority ot tbe papers All upon the discrepancy between the and Gen Bullets ac- counts They say they must accept Con hullers but tbwy plainly show great un- easiness Tbo Telegraph says It ian pity English people ure not treated with fraukor- contldenco in matters like those Tho- Tickfrnjift like the other papers draws at- tention without comment to Gen BullivB suppression of tin namo of the officer who decided to abandon Splon Kop It says editorially Parliament mcctsito morrow In the greatest crisis within lining memory Upon the wisdom or folly oftthe supremo council during the coming session will depend tho fatoof England Dnltediwe stand divided wo fall The house of Commons must do ono of two things oloeo up tho tanks or begin an attack on the Government which would simply mean a laceration of their own bowels This is tho tone of all the responsible journals Tho Daily Kemt Liberal says The Immediate duty of the opposfclon loader Is to support tire Oowrn ment The paper counsels Gen Bullor to protect Pletermarltzburg and to spare all tho men possible for an r1vauca on Blovmfonteln In which It says fbocatl In fever shell hoe tow sound dept 20A onlooker deep ref to nor lat thattho a visit ap- proaching Loss I > > < < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ one cluinco of relIeving Ladyswlth This I undoubtedly the opinion of airroat major- Ity an It has been ot the military cxperfj since tho outset Post which attacked tho Government says thuru must bo no ru crimination no partltuiuiihlp but the oo operation of all for the prosecution o the war The causes erf falters in war are usually either political strategics or tactical In the prevent war there evidences oweakntxtt under each The the preparation of the navy emergency for thereon the nation has to rely to prevent outside Intervention in the present war the mobilization of the militia and tho em bodiment of volunteers A grave danger in South Africa is a fresh rising in Cope Colony A still graver danger the paper says le tho unexpected hostility of ono or more hitherto neutral Against this tire best precaution Is speedy success In South Africa and the only defence is the British navy The paper complains of the splitting up of the army and says that the Government tannot bo thought to comprehend the situation unless it prepares to despatch 5000C moro men SOTABLK CAPE tOitfVr Members of the Vretorln Bar Who Ilat Taken Command lu the utKik total Bun CiTE 25 Advocate De Is commanding tbe Doers at so- ot a member tbo Capo TarlUmotit represent lug Allwal North Ha la o member of the Pre torts bur llo was graduated as a noncolle Slate by Cambridge University where tfulned the Chancellors lie li on example of the young AlrlkanJo benefltted by the highest aJrautagos of British rule but becoming hostile Advocates Jude and Btowart and Mr Stock enstroom who hold ImportantDoercotnmanilii are all members ot tliu JinglUh Im titooken- stroom U tbe heir to on English colon la baronetcy XXTUCSIAiX AT JDOKK LIOAT1O News of Oen Warrens H Arou Great Eirltrmeut In Scuial Callt Dtifalelt to Tn Soil 28Tlio news of tho retreat of the British under Oen Warren caused the greatest enthusiasm at the Transvaal Lena tlon here fitit Bleu Issood a special edition at 0 P M with ware beads This caused an Intense sensation on the streets and boulevards and In the cafiJs the people snatch log the vapors from the hands ot the now sellers The Is also delighted with Dr Leyds reeeftlon by President Loabet and Baron von Buelow German Minister of For sign Affairs regarding it as u upeolal mark of sympathy by Franco and Germany though Dr Lords declares that hit visits had no po- litical significance SOUK BUKLtlXtt AT TUK MODDER- Sletlmeni Long llnnge Gnnn at Work Gen Macilonnld fits HrlsuJe- fp rial Cat Pnralc to TUB Sox MODDEB lUvsn Jan 25 Oon Hector Mae donald who succeeds Gen W ucho o at the battle of Mageratonteln arrived yesterday and aaumed command ot his bri gada Ho paid an Informal visit to the camp of his command this morning and conversed with the officers of each regiment It Is said that he had a message from Gen Lord Roberts which greatly pleased tho brigade The sound of cannonading was heard in the direction of Klmbcrley during the night The British long tango guns shelled the Doers this morning spirit of all the troops Is excellent aniTian roniiKy AT COLBSSO Defeat a Party of Uethunes Mounted InfuntrfSO Killed r Wounded OOLKNBO Jan 24 Meyero commando im rounded a strong body of Bothunes Uonnted Infantry and killed or wounded twenty thorn Fifteen of the troopers were captured Iloberts Visits the Hospital Ship Stains Sfetitl Codlt D pa A to Tux 8UX- Oi B Tows Jan 24 Plold Marshal Lord Botxrts accompanied by the members staff today visited the hospital ship Maine which wa fitted out by American women In London Moore Ualtoons for Ilrltlih Army Sfttial Cotlt fipatc loTn 80- LOSDOS Jan 28 The Royal Engineers have been Instructed to prepare a second consign maatvbf twelve balloons Immediately FroIIoer Sinus Meeting Tonight The New York Committee to aid the South African Itepubllot has perfected arrangements lor the mass moating whloh will be hold at the Grand Central Mace this evening to express f Boers ExJudge leorgo lioeMen will preside end im Chanter Glenn Iou Auuuntut- Vun Wyck Van and the Father Brady of the Oblate who spent many vsnl and whoso remark principally be In lebuttalot the oftrepeated the Ht rsar autnuonists 01 the athollo religion Ih list of liioludnn names plu number of Governors UnlUul watis n Congressmen mate rend local ofllclalH over Vork business timid proS taco IfOtUIV VOIC HAt lllK- Ueclilnl Victory In County Primaries In II li Since for a Senate fleulpctlonB- tKiitNonAJi Ala Jan M Demoorutle primaries hold In Murongo cotta HIM yesterday show mnjorltlps for Senator John T Morgan against Oov Joseph Johnston ami the of the Senator is probably a mrud the load of th tlovernor over Tha counties which acted certain a week by Johns- ton but the Henutor mado a couple of ptx clie und his friends Mumped anl a tho Senator Tho Uovernor woe olntoil but not lost has started for county acts neXt Haturday Tho so far show that with holdover Senators Morgan twenty and twelvu votes M How Hnl has started his will probably Insure tho of- Mjnator fenator Morgan In making a warm Johnston and hi superb political machinery to whip down Senator Morgan anti are making a lively campaign Uovernor strong friends Tho counties to sot tlw general primaries are held on April U aro lc ins n vim Overdun Hleninrr Anlinntl Arrlrp- tlliiifAi N H Jan 23 Tho Eldor Uemt- st r steamer Awlmntl twenty days overduo from Liverpool with the Canadian ar- rived this aitornoon on the Atlantic and several times was blown coun No material damage was sUe the stam r Ort Art frt note power REBELS Doe SPa Cal Wet n he the law teat Jan Door tied St of A of mlla th Ih n- on nd elll toro dl heat hOI too W ore ha mal t tall b7 The 1furnng im- mediately modal In trieoc BassaLS The Legntion Com The Doers 3pgloi Cabt Dersakii totur his M- an the pounced are ieaatir ieaware Itoosoveil William lie 2k flW tltP Crenshaw and ties tube contest somne strongest with < ¬ ¬ ¬ > < It ItKPVSKl Kill X01ICRX Tim lUnion Given I That tbe Ilevlvnl li- Ilronklyu 8oeun to lie a StiiTeiiipu Against the Unitarian and AKnlimt Itauipaut Vlre and Crltur Iloraco Porter iHBodiito pastor o Plymouth Church owing to the iibsoueo of Dr nilll occupied the pulpit at tho aerv yesterday At the mornlnt uprvlco took against the lender of ties revival movement In llrooklyn on account the iletormlnod flKhtthat Unltarlaulsm He however did not do thl until after ho had hal n consultation with loading oflloors of Ilymouth Church before the morning service Tho cause of this was i printed notice he had received on Saturday night askloK him to read from Plymouths pulpit yesterday tho list of revival meetings that are to bo held during tho coming wek After he had read the various of his own church meetings he I have received a printed announcement o the meetings planned for the comlnu week b the loaders of tho present revival movement this borough with a ruuueat to read It here decline to do this ant will taco liberty of giving my reasons publlcally If the revival I Indeed at ties seemed to bo mll lixvdnrs of this revival n against vice and crime which an but It against one particular class to take the full responsibility tin absence of Dr roluslne It have always toned this class against which Isalleeed this movement Isdlroctod to be cml float for Its nobility of character und tho largo ne ol It charity If shall turn from their dellb walnut to a nnoralre viva movement tot regeneration of wicked have no heartier that from Plymouth Choroh of this was received with ap- plause and 8 V Whltn Thomas 0 loading membera of Church shook their heads In approval- We are to do all In our power In the Interest true revivals said Mr Hhearmat the day but we are opposed to thb tirade against The of tbe Mr Porter un refer artlcul rly to the asnerltoi kit Wednesday by the tier Dr A C Dlion pastor 01 Hanson Ilaco llaotlst Church th evangelists were working to court ternct Unitarian lam If there were any Unl In church Is reported to of the revival considerable fooling was x cited by what be said The Dr A T one of tuft principal speakers at the Intimated next that Dr Dixon bad apoken for himself alono At morning scnricos It wild that Dr Arthur Bmlth a missionary In China ooedoc 1500 to carry on his there and as hi represented Church the should be easy to obtain A collection taken and It was found that nearly 1SOO been contributed The lUiv Jlr Itortor lost that Dr Smith was In reality ai- Bidlutnnt Plymouth Church was doing excellent missionary work In hmcoorth he would boon the mruturiioyroll of the church JIROOKLXX JtfrirAJJSTS SCORE Pastor Eaton VnlrrnalUO Buys That Ultbonar God nnd Deny Christ The Rev Dr Charles II Eaton pastoaof UulversalUt Church of tha Divine Paternity Bcventydith street and Control Pork Wea- lpreachntjyeaterduymorulneon Brooklyn Mjteval Theology Ho characterized Itiv Lon 0 UroUKhton lllpVun Winkle the theological world and said In modern warfare of Christianity used by Broupliton and the Brooklyn posters who have working with him ore about 01 effective Van Winkles nhotitun that the watch dog of their doemna Is of as much use n4 Hip Van Winkles doit n luoed to A skeleton and up tree The oldfashloned preachers of Brooklyn wore shaken up In a lively by and the pastors congregation seemed to enjoy the process KllJtKD nr AN RLRVTttlC SHOCK Nord Took IbIS of tbe Bracket Supporting an Are Light nnd Onnldnt Let Oo Chance Nord of S14 East Third street a waiter In the old CnfiS Schumann at 38- Dowery which la now owned by Eontz i- Conda noticed lost evening that something was wrong with the electrlo are light that was held by an Iron bracket over the entrance to the ca6 lIe ran out and found that the supports to the bracket had become broken and that thu bracket had sagged down until the light was four feet above tho sidewalk To reach the light Nord had to stand on the over tbe basement Thomlnuto be took hol l of the bracket bo nave a ehrlek The light re- ceived Its electrlo current through tho hollow Lruokot and owing to the sagging of the the Insulation over the feed wire hail become worn oft und tho current was running through the bracket us well us Into tho lamp Nord found that could not roloaco his hold and ho shouted for help A large crowd gathered around him but every one was afraid to touch hint lor fear that lie would receive a shook Joseph Condo ono ol the proprietors ran out nod taking hold of Nord body tried to pull him away from tho bracket He was hurled away Nerd nnd thrown Into the doorway by the ihock Sev- eral of the employee finally managed to get Non loose from the bracket lie wan uncon ideas and a call was sent to Believes for an ambulance The ambulance arrived within eight minutes but before It got thor Nord died Conic was vary much shaken by shock be had received Tho Drush Electric Light Company wat notified and the lamp was removed by Its workmen When Kuntz Condo bought the cnfi two weeks wo Nord was dismissed Ills wile begged BO luird for that now proprietors finally deold l to take him bask und ho started to work again alout thirty mInutes before the accident occurred In which he lost lIfe itrn ILlS Jioit coKHii tfrn- tlinllo New pnper Mays Arrhblnliop I to lit Miiilu n N 111 It was ulntid yesterday In Catholic clrclne In- bU city that Archbishop Corrlcnn Irt inu to Homo tiller Dintir Tho ArchblHhoplt was mid Is thou to li tit oil Itmiwi to tint lope This visit luring which nn account of tho nlTalrs of his dloceso must bo- niiilo to ilio Iopo by Arulibi hop and Iiuhon lu olmruO of epieopnl sets every ton yours During Ills In Jlmue the Archblthop will iartlipilo In coremoiilcH In lioior of tliu Holy Vtiii Hfuw bits ileourture front title the Aruliblshop will ion eerutt the new chupc- lit M Joitftih semlnaryDimwoodlt Yonkers IMS clispol which cost about SIUOOO It a sift ol the ArchbiMiup to the Huminary tie noire utah Arutiblshop Corrlgan l going a Homo has revived talk of oxlbllltk of l lni iiiildn u Cardinal Tlu turnnitt alii 3 c iini declarer that It Is slutud thi- t authority that ArchblahopCnrrlunn wiU a lltimorit tu this that paper says have been In ilrrun lou IH well kunn higher unilcol circles that tho pr rn jubilee year will Anhbl tiop Corrlwin become a memh rol the College ol Cardiume letters from Intlmato thM then Sow will bo H- ileatof another of Ciirili The nrelitiiocino of New York iiit- o H p most Inunrtint In the catholic world nnd it i enioii It shuuid bo honorod inth- co of a Cardinal Herbert A Sbrrrnnn heal Kutnte limiter Ilaeft For l corn r5tUav niia thittlii u BLOW A IUIVALISTS Set The the RUT ices of the nUCOR said 1 In I by the move- ment not rampant of reed I It eorts ono elMS the the the Ih lrmAn UUn that trans he them out or them Dr money had of the and the In thAt the boo and only about bracket he front lad the rOB I hi I to effect t now It In no that ork her of the nol I j D o PL rirov I U- ft 11ev lie sides present I being shall the cated hills 10 orate liar have would bnvlti to ole try to convert As Dixon Is a leader hey wile was said night bIns and They iota a iron grating A tile his In tel coax u given stat count ri Ito ci lie I he lialitte unit again hut Cot nina matn College ant 4u < ¬ ¬ < < < > A n viiTiEYitit nt IIKKO- ailrlinel Ntatkii Olv Vp III Life to Thut of Mil Viiun er HrotlirrH- AVRRHTIIAW Jan JM Michael Stnhku 1 years of ngo heroically gao up his lilt to his twelveyeiirolcl brother Joseph front drowning lu a clay bank here last night two lads were skating some dIstance when Joseph broke through the with scrvnm Ulsappcnredr Michael skated over ail jumping In grubbed the fellow hold him until Hlntaiico The ploeoat which tho accident occurred so located that owing to a steep embankment although at least twenty penon wltuensii the heroic act no nsslttanee could be given tho boys until Robert McCoy canto u rope which he tied around his own was lowered down nnd swung on the Ice After gaining Ice he found thut he could not got near Michael who was struggling with hi brother who was then unconscious tho role from his own body threw the end to the toy tolling him to hold fast and Lo drawn out This the little nero did not do but Instead mine brother nnd told them to take him ontflretO- H he was almost dead lloforo Jowph was hundod UI to top of tbo bank Michael wits completely rxbaUKtod sank The was recovered In a few moments but life wai extinct Joseph remained unconscious until noon today ATTACKED AIACHK- Tliree Men M hit Were Imnpertlnc n Mine nn Arizona Canyon ttrrd On by IndtaiuI- HOENIX Aria Jan 2H Apachn Kid who had not been heard from for fcvoral month Is credited with instIgating the laUmt attack o- Indlaim on whites In this territory Cowboy Charlos Davis brings to town a story that hi and brother anti by Apaches while thoy wore prospecting ll- Loncy Canyon In lour Peak Mountains The three men were chased for miles when eopurntod DavlHn toothier not yet ap posted and it Is feared the Indians have klllii him The three cowboy were searching for lust Dutchman mine end toward night were startled by eovoral bullets whistling ucar them On tins cliff nearby were half a dozen IndIans who save chase on ixuilcw A running fight followed for miles but the darkness came on and the cowboys escaped The ambush coeurrod In the canyon which Apache KId formerly a d as headquarters and minor have boon killed in that place by the Kids band FATE OF I11K JtKlOATISK CT1LK- LHotlnecn Kilt the Captain Slate FoorBea melt and Seattle UM Vessel VICTOWA U 0 Jan 2KH is reported that tine Acstnllan brigantine Ethel whlcl has boon t ntod as missIng since Dec 1 wa scuttled by niutlncorn who killed the captati- mnto and lour tteamen The Ethel from Sydney and was owned l y J She measured 180 tons and was built In 1H7S Kealty Through lira Skating antI the Actor gav list New UATKX Cotton Jan 2fV W J Venrnani the lending man In the Tho Girl From Max Miss Msymo Kealty who t art of VIM IWoufton went to Late Whitney flour herd on Saturday altornooo to enjoy skating MUs Kealty Tcntnred on a thin in the Ice anti went Iowa Mr Fercuson to her rescue end hauled her upon Ice thick enough Then phe was to a hotel She appeared in tho evening HK TKLtKn run UOKSKL Mountaineers on the Train Killed Him Threw Ills tODdy Ofl- LONIMN KyM J W llryant one o the men who Frankfort Kyn a days ago on the Fpoclal train that carried nearly 1000 armed rooaiitalneorn to the capital not returned although it I known be left Frankfort for his home o Two men of the train wbo know well say that llryant was shot and killed pitched from the train window by the on tho return journey The men report Bryant was shot In the ear and mouth then pitched out because he yelled for Gonbe The family of at East Iksretad- tfniGUTKNKO US iriKB TO IHC4TH- lirobst Tapped on the Window With Fatal Result as He Camn From Work KKOKOUO Ind Jan 2a Alloo Krobwt wife of Frank Ilrobst n Roswell driller Under peculiar circumstances on Saturday evening Orobet returned from the gasflcld end on pejia a window of his home saw hi wife sitting on tire ol the boil Brotwt tapped on the pone end as he passed around to the ilnor hiuinl hor fall to the floor Into thin locked door ho found tier dead wss due to fright They had boon married only a short lAHHKNCK UnOAPKa STRICKKff Slay tile uf Apoploty finys lie It a Cousin of Cecil Rhodes Lawrence Ilhrawlen a commercial traveller was removed from lila In Mutropoll tan llotel to the New laMtolcb- tmanaliuslnnr of heavy chemicals and always stopped at the Metropolitan when be corns to lie hail at hotel this time for a week tie Is U years old At the that his condition wits oprloas In his visits to this city fre- quently drnared that ho was formerly a Colo- nel llrlllsh Army nail he hoed served South Africa said that bo was a isiucln of Cecil KUo les although he spoiled hIts run vtiTttiAsai AT iiKKiroot- Onr t Mr until Rilwln Ounld of Mr nnil Mm Ilwlclit M llnrrhI- AKKwnuii N J Jan 28 Tin Count nnd Countess of rai nllun arrlvutl m Laki wfx dby th noah train ant were riitrtiilned by- Mr md Mrs Dwehf M Harris nh n tiouce- it nn tla luke juice opposite lh J estate Mr ruil Kiiwlb flould nn- ulsu Hi cuiHtu of Mr nnd lr llirri anti liiiv been hurt enmi Count anil tnnnUKH dirt ospnetcd oremiln TII HII inorulnc- Mr HurrlH which tin Count nail Ciunless and Mr and Mrs Iv- lniuOoitM will tN of honor whim Mr Mr arc it- limi i pnrtyof Itxiil frleud ut ll lioorRlaneo- utlll IlKlt VAMlltllUlT IX SKWlOUT- Mopi n Iliiiirillnic Hume o t tIny Ine With Intter Palmer Ir 8Mr Alfred tlVnndnr hit p iiillniniliWiliiylii Newport with hh friend letter lalinrr Jr It was said that Mr Mill for Ilru yenterdny- u inxload ho ittiii i Intro emil stopped at u- IIIH nnlilM lionrdlng linu e und lav w n spent In driving and a Malurnr In Th r- ri that In H II A huntliie in nutlclpatlon- iii marriage ti is not kii rioiiHlv hors Some think lint derbilt Is to nbrond edison anti hat Alfred iii looking for n to that i will nut to compellfd to oicii Thi inakers- liniiKlilp linie ifiwn Ilontiil- NnnroLK Va Jan 28Thn Old Dominion Jamestown ashore nt hush Huff on Friday morning ran hunted title morning and went to oint pier bite appears to have sustained nu Sine Tine a Ito und Is will the Ito oDd around who fir the hail IrCurD zrr J rIGCON 1m and the vent to hurl d and Jan tat hIm and and Idle lat time rom from a tot the Mnttiniosott I this city abut abut sid Ir toll ul1 111 Jan I In 1 to his Mrs lot Liner save apart let attii tied it the body his Vahtor Sine were tIred eon they has several here 7 Miss Streaks lee While plam the spot bear the two few baa crowd that Bryant lives tiled jag the siifTerin apoplexy lie of Prosidenee It has tilso name itt airs t Jay itt rinl y wee he itt lirt gee Li iitnnir at nil I I iniorta in lii sit arid Nvwroaritl itti ii vIsit arimi 1 ort niomit ii Ii Elsie t lait last jury > < > < < ¬ ¬ > > > > > ST LOUIS AT A MntrnirKHTKit is mwnt1- rtnn Unit Alincnt In li Ylinm Unit mi Iliiiir Avlur CIIIUM to HiiT lire IliElnf nnil a Wnlrr Tnnrr- Tor A flrcrit Ilr In York Nliutf Tho American liner 8t Louis n off Rabla Island when slid met the northwesterl- yserwhiT that vWrl M nMiwnrd on Friday She Imil hind i lru ant wcuther biter At tlrst nlie rant into u nlmooiinukriitMtlve cnln from south West which cent tlin torn up to 117 Then thii camp ulonc the KVH crtNU nearly Melt a the hrlclu Tins mercury tell to veto In les tlnin null a tiny Bturra doors wurv chirped anil nil hands ox ship ofltc r wero forced t that In till hands that wero able to ml up Tho MUM wore deal attend nut lofty as oar tlu Ut Louis ever bucked her way through For furtyflghl hours the IrluM blunt tint bulling BrarlmckM and tliu Kt limbs ruclne kept her heading Into then at tin rate of six knots Till rni li r nice l most n ran bow whenever th Bhlpuntnmilripdn wave trigger than the avoracr Mart wiivlck tint notxuly was hurt and the uouJ ship herself was dnniuued a bit lInt or the she would have boon hero on Faturdiv II Itniham who Won applnn In Crano play ot The Senator by tikim tht iartofa Chinese dlotomit arrived on tit Si Ijnl H says be has coons to buy fourteen American engines tail Mriscii anti a water use In a play entitled A Steak Ftrr In Turk wlilcu wIll b pro duced at Mn I ari KxixwIUon Mr Braham- MIII he mircs nt Onrtrt MnArthur who in backed br I askers He bo la co the miltitutt thill will erpoiltlon exactly how the York firemen do their hamnioa4ati work Tin nlav be In a r i einistructwl llroiiroo- fbaldlntr th f which will b 0 anti rro nluro ath 12fi foot high There bo a ervit lak th tire rrftl Orrbottis tiMtruct t iiji our own will the ftami from di 4ks TluTe will lw greet jtajw r trol auto- mobile earr of e f th tire engines arid how earrltu which will itravD by thirty trained Aninncan hijr cs M- rIJwanl A Sii T n nnina p of I Fuller fanta tr lUrc r wi a a Dour tlut St look H iM that Lni hiv l her eight htndrrith bifnn the Parl to S w lent In No now wriiih elcht toot t Sh wlll rviurn Her propcrtiiin- TTireatrv Ibr Town Ta J jr With Sniiw tefors Wttlw th orid a5hoo koythloe about its eibteno tent within reach tnt Th weather Uen Mt tu ItaterM tint aoJthjfa men at Washington alter looitat over tholr reports from ml points of tho eompaM wIthin reach of tfcrt tttecraptt 4darmt that th r would b hId Bortniiistpriy wind la this B l hLorftood lr 4 j followwl by snow and roller vmthm Td wtwts cnn with lot of vain Kttwvtn 3 cdix ta th afternoom and mklntiht the tnaprrxturv haJ aropp U a trnJiMifT to terra tt inww rtijttth onn pcooaWy oriol W f mortt of rIM errloort th iirwpnpth TOa t At liwtnfKhr It was evntral tsnr than rTi bimilrr oiIHttera frlnj rain exUmriwl frora b low ITitternv alona- Khore to Jlontiiuk Point It ti not likely tr Inland AnntLiTtorm tb may nlnele with West Indian at Ma cr berwbixiti and erxati aerial rortion It irat tnuwiiuj at Wshlnnton- ltillafl anti unseen night VfhAtwet- tnay happen on lanJ the onenn steamships will rtoabtless get a lambasting from one storm M both n ocss POll ic TricT JT cuicica- Mr Ruti to Tpnpnrvrr Home There fur Urn Imt Out f Trisan- CnrcAco Jan 2 Hn bud BalllQctna hooch is finding mach eneoaraeemottt In her efforts to establish a bom In this city at which convicts i ru J from local antI Plate penal Institutions may ttad shelter until they tan honorable employ diont end at which for pay may eves after bifomlnr elf5atilnln If th r chooiii to remain them A for tb home has worn selfctrl aol committees an now en- Buecd In sollcltlne feeds which com lag freely Th project his been endorsed by Wanlen ITfCtnTinT V the United StttM ron at run L KTYnwr rth ami by war Irn of irisin of Illmot If l raid that JVOUi wtll b netlrl to esiaWlxli this prr je li l li xni an l fanl for It first WAr inamtntnw S vwrti rf tnntrarttkit ian raMe alien tioa n- Ihrepically incfncJ p op o this tulldte V sU- utclnl Ort R xtstnu AnrHllr Way Klrrtt In a luilmr A rma Ihtn titan trith srsy hulrnntiral tb- Holot n Iilln llmdijuartewilurlDS at 7 nclcwk lift might anti a kvd Sraaatl- lnyirn lor a rlshts k leinc The o an5- tnln hire e ut4 nut ae xnm l3ttit A latrr the noire of br cii3 ifa nml nhTiit roll nm ran ont row the man irking In iu iii en t of the Ilank f r Snvinff hnll acruvi tht trot lk fr roMvnmi could Krai hm tnt broiv Uir o put The priMner said howai Joseph ItoOtran 17 yen had to do It Tie erelalmel a he b IcooHnt tar Oi tre l IXNIXO XTKKKlJtK ttftl r IMren of a Ilnnt nt Itrlllnh Treicbt- Rtrnnirr IMtrkril Lp on the Irth Coast fpaiat OLK iff Tim acs- Ixirrtwx Jm lK A drsiitch from halls Ilrnd nnH that a pl t t oJ on rviitly bunt ben picked up thorn Oa It lire thn Icttirs Merrii It I probably from a Uloiujlcs to tins IliltiHh freight nUainfr Jlnrntme irhlcl- inalnl from QjetxT on Ot 7 for l lfa t and Milch was poslud ut UuyiU a oa Jim 10 Mritcuir iinvrnit TO TIIK KfviraI- riKrrntor rt l r jfii Sirurei the Vlndlra- tlin lie huiiutit- l il rMt l tit tt It Tir Tx- NANTKS Inn 4 M re r iMlnttc War win MioV ft very rrinlti t part In th- proHiTiition if Dreyfus hat l n clwtod to ties BuM be receiving 7al to IS east tin hIs opponent it Worn Miiitci tnsintKn Site Aloiincler Stopt n filhrnller With Her Msrliinrry of Order Vi rf nl fatl fttHf fo Sea OiniiALTMi Jan 1H Tho United fittf s raimrort Alexander line arrived here with her iimehinery out of order lynn 111111 if Drown University Dnnud- IroTitirsrr II I Jan JA Lyon Hall on if the ricitatloa hulls of Drown University formerly jcctipled bytbo Culronlty Oranmafl- ehool rntpl furnao In mppo4 to nvwid the Tho hull wa l br tile if Civil EngIneering and mathematics lo of seriously orlcple work of teaching for Brontt wt Alr a ram red l y realtatloa oome lH X01 SPEED ItlCfi4 IU1IIII IIUfPlS TO zmw I hit I r Cll t the aud trw nt tine inca through about the the time anti Ionird over the 110 gal fire ron tic land the Nor will v high near lar oa tIt besides hot IInh1ru to tIn EuroonM rhtrII tI I tgt t uunllr1l Guise Its tnr 1o know or the Uovernmcot omelets norn Eat en to earwen tblot the Trom to ra it ws Ut4J1 posted nrIM buss k Ijdocl m1ie ot swerve from lake the bl lat a lire the rr a hilI b tol1 nlioli the the rot t o nrnl i Ivle JllI tAU lit tnnflutiI hrun tit a n the l lIo ten wIniitoT nil tar Itd to the I ystri or a ull tin Or rot IIIlur itiflit out this evenIng An over the Sit tutu er I itt sire Inert Ii wiei sill inc lOok ports as great tons ol sitter 4 Los tower for Yew save leg toahow visIt ever stage fet the will bon the wagons expeete stniiiIi the ate etrtrlti veInsa PLvDtro1cjb aM- prhsetsrty AevabornstorrutPttrareUsi mnanymlleoa yeatenlay its vie trout hP cot testing The Its regIon StarS they live ante the wc t1tsI the newloarsrv liLC anti ehCtne pnbtetv nieiry lie S- It the etorva be few wee lows itt ins the the glaits was acelL tny longer Lor tin let brat set n I ion hit I Tea was fire Department The > ¬ > > < > > > < > < < > > > > < > < > > < > < < <

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ft fill HH

Snow and colder today northeast wind












Boers Say That He Left 1500 Dead

at Spta Kop


fioimemls the Troops in tho

Costly Attack

Doers Bight Flank Too Strong to He Forced

Boiler Hays the Dlffleolty of Securing aWater Supply Contributed to the Failure

Il treat Accomplished Without Interferenee From the lloers Holler Thinks

This Shows That the Enemy Deen

Taaiht to Ileipect the Fighting Powerof the British Soldiers Boer Report

Says the Situation In Ladyimlthls D a

perate and an Attempt to Oreak Out Is

EipectedEOect of tbe News In London

Iftrial Glib ipafcA Bra

LONDON Jnn 28 The following despatch

Gen Sir Bedvera Duller announcing

tho retreat of Oon Wotrena flanking col-

umn acrosa tho Tugola was received at the

SrEABMAMB OAMP JanOn Jan 20 as reported Gen Warren drove

back tho onomy and obtained possession of

the southern crests of tho high tablelandextending from a line at Acton Homes and

HonRcrs Poort to tho western Ladysmith-


From then to Jan 23 he remained In

close contact with the enemy who hold a

strong position on the ridge of small kopjes

tretchlng from northwest to southeast

across the plateau from Acton Homes

through Splon Eon to the left bank of theTupelo

The actual position held waa perfectly

tenable but did not lend Itself to an ad-

Vance as tho southern slopes wore so steep

that Gen Warren could not get effective

prtlllery In position and to supply histroops with wnUr was difficult

On Jan consented to his attacking

pplon Kop which Is a largo hill Indeed a

mountain which was evidently the key of

tho position but which was far more

accessible from the north than from the

southOn the night of Jan 23 he seized Bplon

Kop but It was very difficult to hold as Its

perimeter was too large and water which

ho had been led to believe existed In thisextraordinary dry season was found very


The crests were held all that day against

severe attacks and heavy shell lire Our

troops fought with great gallantry

I would specially mention tho conduct-

of the Second Curaeronlons and the Third

Rings Royal Rifles who supportedon mountain from its teepest

side In each caso they fought their way

to tho top Also the Second Lancoshlres

and the Second Mlddlcsoxes magnificently

maintained the best traditions of the

British throughout the trying day

Also on Jan 24 Thornoycrofts Mounted

Infantry who fought thronghout equally

Veil alongside

Gen NSoodgato who was In command

at the summit being wounded the officer

who succeeded him decjdod on tho night of

Jan 24 to abandon the position and did so

before daylight on tho 25th-

I reached Warren ramp at D A M

Jan 25 and decided that acecoml attackon Splon Kop would be useless nnd thatthu enemys right waS too strong to allow

me to force It

I accordingly decided to withdraw theforce the Tugela At 0 A M Icommenced withdrawing the train By 8

A II Jan 27 Warrens force was concen-

trated south of the without tho lossof a man or a pound of stores

The fact that the force could withdrawactual touch In cues the lines were

less than a thousand yards apart withthe enemy In the perfect manner It didIs I think Riifllolent of the moralenf tho troops

That wn woro permitted to withdrawfir cumbrous ox und mule transport across

ii rlvcrolghtyflvo yards broad with twentyf f t tank a vury ewlft stream tintno-Icsttd wait I think proof that the enaaiy-lias boon taught to respect our soldiersCabling


W8rr n and Fells Back

Across mu Tnula

Bravery of

D g0 Ta


War OIco today2710 P M



23 I



acks the

south of












Gallantry of the Troops la Capturing thPosition That Could Mot He Ovid

ttptctal Cabt Dapttck to TBI Bun

From Tni Correipondent n BalletsForce


Delayed On Tuesday night a force

under Gen Woodgato attacked SploiKop and took the position at the

tho bayonet At 140 A

Wednesday the British were half wayup to the summit and the field guns wore

pushed forwardGen Lytteltons brigade was extended li-

the centra opposite Potglcters Drift Withtelescopes Boors could be seen beokonlnfto comrades who wore climbing behindrocks on the west side of tho MIL

While the British advanced from thethere was a tremendous crossfire from thehighest of the hill The troopshave heavily while crossing theBonoofflro The Boer guns were

locate Their positions had been selectedwith masterly

At 10 A M Doers began climbingdown over the nek the naval guns playinglyddlto on

At 2 tho wholo hill up to the netwas held by the British who began throw-

Ing up Intrenohments At 3 oclock

advances began on the westThe Third Rings Royal Rifles and the

CatneronlanA made a magnificentassault up the most precipitous side of thesugarloaf mountain reaching the summit

at 010 oclock This Is tho northeast extremlty of the key of the position


Doer Story of tbe Hard Fighting WhichDrove Warrens Men Hack

Sftcial Cfcit Dttpabb to Tar Bui

DOER OAMP Modder Spruit Upper Tugels River Jan oclock this morn-

Ing some Vryheld burghers forming theoutpoAts on tho highest hills of tho Splon

Kop group rushed Into the laager

that the British had taken Splon

Hop Ruunforccmontswerosummoned butnothing could be done for some time as thehill was enveloped In mist

At dawn there was a significant sign

tho Kaffirs fleeing to their kraals from theTelegraphic communication with

laager waa also cut off

At daylight the Heidelberg and Carolinacontingents who werecommenced the ascent are

rather precipitous projections taoDoer position Up those the

burghers leaving their horses at the firstbank of rocks ascended

At the summit they found the Britishheavily entrenched Between the Britishtrenches and the Doer commandos therewas a stretch of open veldt which had to

bo rushed under a heavy rifle lyddlto and

shrapnel lireMeanwhile two parties of burghers

ascended the other two spurs by

tho Freo State Kruppguns The British tried to rush them buttheir Infantry fell as before a scythe The

firing continued with undiminished fury

the Boors advancing stop by step until 2


Then a white flag was displayed and 150

British in the first trenches surrenderedThey were sent to tho hood laager

The storming of the rest of tho summitwas still proceeding The ears of the

were deafened by tho tremendouscannonade-

At midnight the British Infantry advanceDf which the earlier stages bad been

In tho afternoon continued on two

3f the east of Bplon Kop The

of the British was to gain tho

M those two kopjes In order to

burghers who were attacking the trenchesMany were shot down on top of the

but tbo British were so numerous

gaps wore filled automatically

Theyreached the summit of tho second

but got no Meanwhllo the Max

line were belching on both sideswhilewall of flame Boor Mausers held

bock the British centre Under suchthey gradually gave way broke and

abandoned their position

Tho British prisoners speak highly of thebravery of tho burghers who despising

cover stood on tho skyline to bo shot at by

the Dublin Fuelllcrs who wero sheltered In

trenches Tim Boers rushed the trenchesEhoutlng Hands up weapons down The

resistance howovor contlnuod for some

time longer Then thu Dubllns and thoLight lloreo had enough and throwing up

their arras rushed out of tho trenchesAn unusually high proportion of the

British lyddlto shells foiled to explode

The effect of tho British abandon

ment of Splon Kop can hardly bo gauged

yet but it will undoubtedly bo immense


Doers Expect OeD White to Make anto Escape From the City

ftnal Caili PupabArf It


21 There are signs that the besieged

British are preparing to make a desperate

coup In order to attempt to form n junction

with Gen Bullet

The relief forces on tho river nightly dis-

play rockets and searchlights There is



Sol Wit


of M-



pint must

bard to


theP M




































feverish activity In the outer fortsLadysmlth there is bugling at all hours

Boors think that Gen White will makeserious attempt to escape from thestricken city on Thursday-

It is reported that Dr Jameson the leade

of tbo Transvaal raid who is In Lndysmlthlisa boon wounded in tho leg by afrom Long Tom

President Stoyn has concluded his

and has returned by trainLONDON Jan 28 The latest deepatcl

from Ladysmlth heliographed on Jan 21

describes the beleaguered British s being

delighted by hearing the guns of therelief column It says

It Is highly inspiring to all thefolk and the garrison to listen toinspiring Some are keeping

glosses their eyes to catch

the first sight of the mncblookodfoikhaki uniform The gun fire seems to be

increasing and coming nearer We have

commenced to congratulate ourselves forwe are all convinced that the relief of

Ladysmith can now be only a matter of afew days

Before It was known In England thobitterly disappointed garrison must haverealized the truth which yesterday plungod

England into the gloom and at the

same time evoked of jubilation in

the Continental capitals

wAnnBir LEFT tfloo DXADI

Doers Say So and Admit That Tbelr Ix is iWere Also Very Hoary

Sfitial CaMt 0 ipalcA to Tax Brie

E LOBEXZO MABQUES Jan despatohfrom tho Doer laager at Moddor Spruitdated Jan 25 0 P M said that tho Britishdead left on the field on Jan 21 numbredl-

DOOGon Bullet who was reported to be

down with fovor has recoveredA despatch from Pretoria datedJan 25

announces the capture of ICO prisoners-

It concluded God be thanked though we

also had to give bravo and valuable lives

rtrvvrvo BLoW TO ioyj ovI-

Tallnre Admitted but There Is Stop ThatDeports of Are Exaggerated

fpKial CMlt Dtita to TUB Bee

LONDON Jan 29 Quotations from thoLondon papers cannot possibly convoy anadequate Idea of tho effect ot the news of

the British retreat to the south bankot the Tugela River after the con-

fidence Inspired by Gee Bullora Therewill bo no turning back Though to cool

here tho wording of the firstdespatch announcing the occupation of

Bplon Kop did not convince them that theoccupation was likely to be permanent thegeneral retreat across the river comes upon

all as a stunning blow

The newspapers while not disguising thegravity of the news attempt valorously tofind some comfort The Standard sara

That there hs been a failure is obvious

but If we are to believe the Trans-

vaal report there has been a disaster

It proceeds to compare the vcralons and

says that an absolute contradiction of theBoor story is In Gen Butlers yet his omis-

sions are unaccountable If the other is

correct oven In its main outlines Itargues that Gon Bullora despatch dearlyimplies voluntary relinquishment of thoi

position and says It Is impossible thatGen Bullet should have suppressed allmention otherwise or if he mentioned itthat the War Office should sjppress It for

it would cause such a scandalous deception

of the nation as would cause theresentment

The paper concludes If the of-

Ladysmlth Is not to be loft to

bo all rebegun Tho centre and righthave tried Both havo boon un-

successful Can anything be done

on the left along toward Weonen

or when lens Boborta and

have organized sufficient forces and trans-

port will the main scene of operations be

shifted to a very different quarter with fatmore favorable result

Such sentiments couched In varyingterms find expression In a majority ot tbepapers All upon the discrepancy

between the and Gen Bullets ac-

counts They say they must accept Con

hullers but tbwy plainly show great un-

easinessTbo Telegraph says It ian pity

English people ure not treated with fraukor-

contldenco in matters like those Tho-

Tickfrnjift like the other papers draws at-

tention without comment to Gen BullivB

suppression of tin namo of the officer who

decided to abandon Splon Kop

It says editorially Parliament mcctsitomorrow In the greatest crisis within lining

memory Upon the wisdom or folly oftthe

supremo council during the coming session

will depend tho fatoof England Dnltediwe

stand divided wo fall The house of

Commons must do ono of two things oloeo

up tho tanks or begin an attack on the

Government which would simply mean a

laceration of their own bowels

This is tho tone of all the responsiblejournals

Tho Daily Kemt Liberal says TheImmediate duty of the opposfclon

loader Is to support tire Oowrnment The paper counsels Gen Bullor

to protect Pletermarltzburg and tospare all tho men possible for an r1vaucaon Blovmfonteln In which It says fbocatl












to nor









> >








one cluinco of relIeving Ladyswlth This I

undoubtedly the opinion of airroat major-

Ity an It has been ot the military cxperfjsince tho outset

Post which attackedtho Government says thuru must bo no ru

crimination no partltuiuiihlp but the oo

operation of all for the prosecution o

the war The causes erf falters in warare usually either political strategicsor tactical In the prevent war thereevidences oweakntxtt under each The

the preparation of thenavy emergency for thereonthe nation has to rely to prevent outside

Intervention in the present war themobilization of the militia and tho em

bodiment of volunteers A grave dangerin South Africa is a fresh rising in Cope


A still graver danger the paper says le

tho unexpected hostility of ono or more

hitherto neutral Against thistire best precaution Is speedy success

In South Africa and the only defence

is the British navy The paper complains

of the splitting up of the army and says

that the Government tannot bo thought tocomprehend the situation unless it

prepares to despatch 5000C

moro men


Members of the Vretorln Bar Who IlatTaken Command lu the

utKik total Bun

CiTE 25 Advocate De

Is commanding tbe Doers at so-

ot a member tbo Capo TarlUmotit representlug Allwal North Ha la o member of the Pretorts bur llo was graduated as a noncolleSlate by Cambridge University wheretfulned the Chancellorslie li on example of the young AlrlkanJobenefltted by the highest aJrautagos of Britishrule but becoming hostile

Advocates Jude and Btowart and Mr Stockenstroom who hold ImportantDoercotnmaniliiare all members ot tliu JinglUh Im titooken-

stroom U tbe heir to on English colon la



News of Oen Warrens H ArouGreat Eirltrmeut In

Scuial Callt Dtifalelt to Tn Soil

28Tlio news of tho retreatof the British under Oen Warren caused thegreatest enthusiasm at the Transvaal Lenatlon here fitit Bleu Issood a special

edition at 0 P M with ware beads Thiscaused an Intense sensation on the streets andboulevards and In the cafiJs the people snatchlog the vapors from the hands ot the nowsellers

The Is also delighted with DrLeyds reeeftlon by President Loabet andBaron von Buelow German Minister of Forsign Affairs regarding it as u upeolal mark of

sympathy by Franco and Germany thoughDr Lords declares that hit visits had no po-

litical significance


Sletlmeni Long llnnge Gnnn at WorkGen Macilonnld fits HrlsuJe-

fp rial Cat Pnralc to TUB SoxMODDEB lUvsn Jan 25 Oon Hector Mae

donald who succeeds Gen W ucho o

at the battle of Mageratonteln arrivedyesterday and aaumed command ot his brigada Ho paid an Informal visit to the camp of

his command this morning and conversedwith the officers of each regiment It Is saidthat he had a message from Gen Lord Robertswhich greatly pleased tho brigade

The sound of cannonading was heard in thedirection of Klmbcrley during the night

The British long tango guns shelled theDoers this morning

spirit of all the troops Is excellent

aniTian roniiKy AT COLBSSO

Defeat a Party of Uethunes MountedInfuntrfSO Killed r Wounded

OOLKNBO Jan 24 Meyero commando imrounded a strong body of Bothunes UonntedInfantry and killed or wounded twentythorn Fifteen of the troopers were captured

Iloberts Visits the Hospital Ship StainsSfetitl Codlt D pa A to Tux 8UX-

Oi B Tows Jan 24 Plold Marshal LordBotxrts accompanied by the membersstaff today visited the hospital ship Mainewhich wa fitted out by American women InLondon

Moore Ualtoons for Ilrltlih Army

Sfttial Cotlt fipatc loTn 80-

LOSDOS Jan 28 The Royal Engineers havebeen Instructed to prepare a second consignmaatvbf twelve balloons Immediately

FroIIoer Sinus Meeting TonightThe New York Committee to aid the South

African Itepubllot has perfected arrangementslor the mass moating whloh will be hold at theGrand Central Mace this evening to express

f Boers ExJudge leorgolioeMen will preside end im

Chanter Glenn Iou Auuuntut-Vun Wyck Vanand the Father Brady of the Oblate

who spent manyvsnl and whoso remark principally be Inlebuttalot the oftrepeated theHt rsar autnuonists 01 the athollo religionIh list of liioludnn namesplu number of Governors UnlUul watis n

Congressmen mate rend local ofllclalHover Vork business timid proS



Ueclilnl Victory In County Primaries In II liSince for a Senate fleulpctlonB-

tKiitNonAJi Ala Jan M Demoorutleprimaries hold In Murongo cottaHIM yesterday show mnjorltlps for SenatorJohn T Morgan against Oov Joseph Johnstonami the of the Senator is probablya mrud the load of th tlovernor over

Tha counties which actedcertain a week by Johns-

ton but the Henutor mado a couple of ptx clieund his friends Mumpedanl a tho Senator ThoUovernor woe olntoil but not lost

has started for countyacts neXt Haturday

Tho so far show that with holdoverSenators Morgan twenty andtwelvu votes M HowHnl has started his

will probably Insure tho of-Mjnator fenator Morgan In makinga warm Johnston and hisuperb political machinery to whip down

Senator Morgan anti are making a livelycampaign Uovernor strong friends

Tho counties to sot tlwgeneral primaries are held on April U aro lcins n vim

Overdun Hleninrr Anlinntl Arrlrp-tlliiifAi N H Jan 23 Tho Eldor Uemt-

st r steamer Awlmntl twenty days overduofrom Liverpool with the Canadian ar-

rived this aitornoonon the Atlantic and several times was blown

coun No material damage was sUethe stam r






DoeSPa Cal


hethe law














hOI tooW



mal t

tall b7

The 1furnng



modal In trieoc







3pgloi Cabt Dersakii totur



an thepounced are ieaatir ieaware



2k flW


Crenshaw and




somne strongestwith








Tim lUnion Given I That tbe Ilevlvnl li-

Ilronklyu 8oeun to lie a StiiTeiiipuAgainst the Unitarian andAKnlimt Itauipaut Vlre and Crltur

Iloraco Porter iHBodiito pastor o

Plymouth Church owing to the iibsoueo ofDr nilll occupied the pulpit at tho aervyesterday At the mornlnt uprvlco

took against the lender of tiesrevival movement In llrooklyn on accountthe iletormlnod flKhtthatUnltarlaulsm He however did not do thluntil after ho had hal n consultation withloading oflloors of Ilymouth Church before themorning service Tho cause of this was i

printed notice he had received on Saturdaynight askloK him to read from Plymouthspulpit yesterday tho list of revival meetingsthat are to bo held during tho coming wekAfter he had read the various of hisown church meetings he

I have received a printed announcement othe meetings planned for the comlnu week bthe loaders of tho present revival movementthis borough with a ruuueat to read It here

decline to do this ant will tacoliberty of giving my reasons publlcally If therevival I Indeed at ties seemed to bo mll

lixvdnrs of this revival nagainst vice and crime which anbut It against one particular class

to take the full responsibility tinabsence of Dr roluslne Ithave always toned this class against whichIsalleeed this movement Isdlroctod to be cmlfloat for Its nobility of character und tho largone ol It charity

If shall turn from their dellbwalnut to a nnoralre

viva movement tot regeneration ofwicked have no heartier thatfrom Plymouth Choroh

of this was received with ap-plause and 8 V Whltn Thomas 0

loading membera ofChurch shook their heads In approval-

We are to do all In our power In theInterest true revivals said Mr Hhearmat

the day but we are opposed to thbtirade against

The of tbe Mr Porter unrefer artlcul rly to the asnerltoi

kit Wednesday by the tier Dr A C Dlionpastor 01 Hanson Ilaco llaotlst Church

th evangelists were working to courtternct Unitarian lam If there were any Unl

In church Is reported to

of the revival considerable fooling was xcited by what be said The Dr A T

one of tuft principal speakers at theIntimated next that

Dr Dixon bad apoken for himself alonoAt morning scnricos It wild that Dr

Arthur Bmlth a missionary In China ooedoc1500 to carry on his there and as hi

represented Church theshould be easy to obtain A collectiontaken and It was found that nearly 1SOObeen contributed The lUiv Jlr Itortorlost that Dr Smith was In reality ai-Bidlutnnt Plymouth Church wasdoing excellent missionary work Inhmcoorth he would boon the mruturiioyrollof the church


Pastor Eaton VnlrrnalUO Buys ThatUltbonar God nnd Deny Christ

The Rev Dr Charles II Eaton pastoaofUulversalUt Church of tha Divine PaternityBcventydith street and Control Pork Wea-

lpreachntjyeaterduymorulneon BrooklynMjteval Theology Ho characterizedItiv Lon 0 UroUKhton lllpVun Winklethe theological world and said Inmodern warfare of Christianityused by Broupliton and the Brooklyn posterswho have working with him ore about 01

effective Van Winkles nhotitunthat the watch dog of their doemna Is of asmuch use n4 Hip Van Winkles doit n luoed toA skeleton and up tree The oldfashlonedpreachers of Brooklyn wore shaken up In alively by and the pastorscongregation seemed to enjoy the process


Nord Took IbIS of tbe Bracket Supportingan Are Light nnd Onnldnt Let Oo

Chance Nord of S14 East Third street awaiter In the old CnfiS Schumann at 38-

Dowery which la now owned by Eontz i-

Conda noticed lost evening that somethingwas wrong with the electrlo are lightthat was held by an Iron bracket over theentrance to the ca6 lIe ran out andfound that the supports to the brackethad become broken and that thu bracket hadsagged down until the light wasfour feet above tho sidewalk To reach thelight Nord had to stand on theover tbe basement Thomlnuto be took hol l

of the bracket bo nave a ehrlek The light re-

ceived Its electrlo current through tho hollowLruokot and owing to the sagging of the

the Insulation over the feed wire hailbecome worn oft und tho current was runningthrough the bracket us well us Into tho lampNord found that could not roloaco his holdand ho shouted for help

A large crowd gathered around him butevery one was afraid to touch hint lor fear thatlie would receive a shook Joseph Condo onool the proprietors ran out nod taking hold ofNord body tried to pull him away from thobracket He was hurled away Nerd nndthrown Into the doorway by the ihock Sev-

eral of the employee finally managed to getNon loose from the bracket lie wan unconideas and a call was sent to Believes for anambulance The ambulance arrived withineight minutes but before It got thor Norddied Conic was vary much shaken by

shock be had received Tho Drush ElectricLight Company wat notified and the lamp wasremoved by Its workmen

When Kuntz Condo bought the cnfi twoweeks wo Nord was dismissed Ills wilebegged BO luird for thatnow proprietors finally deold l to take himbask und ho started to work again aloutthirty mInutes before the accident occurred Inwhich he lost lIfe

itrn ILlS Jioit coKHii tfrn-

tlinllo New pnper Mays Arrhblnliop I tolit Miiilu n N 111

It was ulntid yesterday In Catholic clrclne In-

bU city that Archbishop Corrlcnn Irt inu toHomo tiller Dintir Tho ArchblHhoplt wasmid Is thou to li tit oil Itmiwi to tintlope This visit luring which nn account oftho nlTalrs of his dloceso must bo-

niiilo to ilio Iopo by Arulibi hop and Iiuhonlu olmruO of epieopnl sets every ton yoursDuring Ills In Jlmue the Archblthop williartlipilo In coremoiilcH In lioior of tliu Holy

Vtiii Hfuw bits ileourture front titlethe Aruliblshop will ion eerutt the new chupc-lit M Joitftih semlnaryDimwoodlt YonkersIMS clispol which cost about SIUOOO It asift ol the ArchbiMiup to the Huminary

tie noire utah Arutiblshop Corrlgan l goinga Homo has revived talk of oxlbllltk of

l lni iiiildn u Cardinal Tlu turnnitt alii3 c iini declarer that It Is slutud thi-t authority that ArchblahopCnrrlunn wiU a

lltimorit tu thisthat paper says have been In ilrrun

lou IH well kunnhigher unilcol circles that tho pr rnjubilee year will Anhbl tiop Corrlwinbecome a memh rol the College ol Cardiume

letters from Intlmato thM thenSow will bo H-

ileatof another of CiiriliThe nrelitiiocino of New York iiit-

o H p mostInunrtint In the catholic world nnd it

i enioii It shuuid bo honorod inth-co of a Cardinal

Herbert A Sbrrrnnn heal Kutnte limiterIlaeft For l corn r5tUav niia thittlii









nUCORsaid 1



by the move-

ment notrampant

of reed IIt

eorts ono elMSthe the


Ih lrmAn



trans hethem out or

them Dr







thAt the

boo and

only about










t now ItIn

no that orkher of the





PL rirov I U-



liesides present

I being

shall the


hills 10



havewould bnvlti to ole

try to convert As Dixon Is a leader





bIns and




iron grating




In tel

coax u



count ri



lie I he lialitte

unit again hut


ninamatn College










A n viiTiEYitit nt IIKKO-

ailrlinel Ntatkii Olv Vp III Life toThut of Mil Viiun er HrotlirrH-

AVRRHTIIAW Jan JM Michael Stnhku 1

years of ngo heroically gao up his lilt tohis twelveyeiirolcl brother Joseph frontdrowning lu a clay bank here last nighttwo lads were skating some dIstancewhen Joseph broke through the withscrvnm Ulsappcnredr Michael skated overail jumping In grubbed the fellowhold him until Hlntaiico

The ploeoat which tho accident occurredso located that owing to a steep embankmentalthough at least twenty penon wltuensiithe heroic act no nsslttanee could be giventho boys until Robert McCoy canto u

rope which he tied around his ownwas lowered down nnd swung on the IceAfter gaining Ice he found thut he couldnot got near Michael who was struggling withhi brother who was then unconscious

tho role from his own body

threw the end to the toy tollinghim to hold fast and Lo drawn out This thelittle nero did not do but Insteadmine brother nnd told them to take him ontflretO-

H he was almost dead lloforo Jowph washundod UI to top of tbo bank Michaelwits completely rxbaUKtod sank Thewas recovered In a few moments but life waiextinct Joseph remained unconscious untilnoon today


Tliree Men M hit Were Imnpertlnc n Minenn Arizona Canyon ttrrd On by IndtaiuI-

HOENIX Aria Jan 2H Apachn Kid whohad not been heard from for fcvoral monthIs credited with instIgating the laUmt attack o-

Indlaim on whites In this territory CowboyCharlos Davis brings to town a story that hi

and brother antiby Apaches while thoy wore prospecting ll-

Loncy Canyon In lour Peak Mountains Thethree men were chased for miles wheneopurntod DavlHn toothier not yet apposted and it Is feared the Indians have kllliihim

The three cowboy were searching forlust Dutchman mine end toward night werestartled by eovoral bullets whistling ucar themOn tins cliff nearby were half a dozen IndIanswho save chase on ixuilcw A running fightfollowed for miles but the darkness came onand the cowboys escaped The ambushcoeurrod In the canyon which Apache KIdformerly a d as headquarters andminor have boon killed in that place by theKids band


LHotlnecn Kilt the Captain Slate FoorBeamelt and Seattle UM Vessel

VICTOWA U 0 Jan 2KH is reportedthat tine Acstnllan brigantine Ethel whlclhas boon t ntod as missIng since Dec 1 wascuttled by niutlncorn who killed the captati-mnto and lour tteamen The Ethel fromSydney and was owned l y J Shemeasured 180 tons and was built In 1H7S

Kealty Through liraSkating antI the Actor gav list

New UATKX Cotton Jan 2fV W J Venrnanithe lending man In the Tho Girl From Max

Miss Msymo Kealty who

tart of VIM IWoufton went to Late Whitneyflour herd on Saturday altornooo to enjoyskating MUs Kealty Tcntnred on a thinin the Ice anti went Iowa Mr Fercusonto her rescue end hauled her upon Ice thickenough Then phe wasto a hotel She appeared in thoevening


Mountaineers on the Train Killed HimThrew Ills tODdy Ofl-

LONIMN KyM J W llryant one o

the men who Frankfort Kyn adays ago on the Fpoclal train that carriednearly 1000 armed rooaiitalneorn to the capital

not returned although it I knownbe left Frankfort for his home o

Two men of the train wbo knowwell say that llryant was shot and killedpitched from the train window by theon tho return journey The men reportBryant was shot In the ear and mouththen pitched out because he yelled for GonbeThe family of at East Iksretad-


lirobst Tapped on the Window With FatalResult as He Camn From Work

KKOKOUO Ind Jan 2a Alloo Krobwt wifeof Frank Ilrobst n Roswell driller Underpeculiar circumstances on Saturday eveningOrobet returned from the gasflcld end on pejia

a window of his home saw hi wife sittingon tire ol the boil Brotwt tappedon the pone end as he passed aroundto the ilnor hiuinl hor fall to the floorInto thin locked door ho found tier deadwss due to fright They had boon marriedonly a short


Slay tile uf Apoploty finys lie It a Cousinof Cecil Rhodes

Lawrence Ilhrawlen a commercial travellerwas removed from lila In Mutropolltan llotel to the New laMtolcb-

tmanaliuslnnr of heavy chemicals and alwaysstopped at the Metropolitan when be corns to

lie hail at hotel this timefor a week tie Is U years old

At the that hiscondition wits oprloas

In his visits to this city fre-quently drnared that ho was formerly a Colo-nel llrlllsh Army nail he hoed served

South Africa said that bo was aisiucln of Cecil KUo les although he spoiled hIts

run vtiTttiAsai AT iiKKiroot-

Onr t Mr until Rilwln Ounld ofMr nnil Mm Ilwlclit M llnrrhI-

AKKwnuii N J Jan 28 Tin Count nndCountess of rai nllun arrlvutl m Laki wfx dbyth noah train ant were riitrtiilned by-

Mr md Mrs Dwehf M Harris nh n tiouce-it nn tla luke juice opposite lh J

estate Mr ruil Kiiwlb flould nn-ulsu Hi cuiHtu of Mr nnd lr llirri antiliiiv been hurt enmiCount anil tnnnUKH dirt ospnetcd oremiln

TII HII inorulnc-Mr HurrlH which

tin Count nail Ciunless and Mr and Mrs Iv-lniuOoitM will tN of honor whim Mr

Mr arc it-

limi i pnrtyof Itxiil frleud ut




Mopi n Iliiiirillnic Hume o t tInyIne With Intter Palmer Ir

8Mr Alfred tlVnndnrhit p iiillniniliWiliiylii Newport with hhfriend letter lalinrr Jr It was said that Mr

Mill for Ilru yenterdny-u inxload ho ittiii i Intro emil stopped at u-

IIIH nnlilM lionrdlng linu e undlav w n spent In driving and

a Malurnr In Th r-

ri that In H II A huntliie in nutlclpatlon-iii marriage ti is notkii rioiiHlv hors Some think lint

derbilt Is to nbrond edison antihat Alfred iii looking for n to thati will nut to compellfd to oicii Thiinakers-

liniiKlilp linie ifiwn Ilontiil-NnnroLK Va Jan 28Thn Old Dominion

Jamestown ashore nt hush Huff onFriday morning

ran hunted title morning and went tooint pier bite appears to have sustained nu




Ito und




Ito oDd






IrCurD zrr J rIGCON

1m and the


to hurl d



tat hImand




romfrom a tot

the Mnttiniosott I

this cityabut abut sid


toll ul1



I In 1 to his





apartlet attii

tied it


his Vahtor Sine were tIred eon





Miss Streaks lee While



bear the two




Bryant lives




siifTerin apoplexy lieof Prosidenee It




itt airs

t Jay

itt rinl y wee he itt

lirt gee Li iitnnir at

nil I I iniorta in lii

sit arid


itti ii

vIsitarimi 1 ort niomit

ii Ii





> < >











A MntrnirKHTKit is mwnt1-

rtnn Unit Alincnt In li YlinmUnit mi Iliiiir Avlur CIIIUM toHiiT lire IliElnf nnil a Wnlrr Tnnrr-Tor A flrcrit Ilr In York Nliutf

Tho American liner 8t Louis n off RablaIsland when slid met the northwesterl-yserwhiT that vWrl M nMiwnrd on Friday SheImil hind i lru ant wcuther biter At tlrst nlierant into u nlmooiinukriitMtlve cnln from southWest which cent tlin torn up to 117

Then thii camp ulonc theKVH crtNU nearly Melt a the hrlclu Tinsmercury tell to veto In les tlnin null a tinyBturra doors wurv chirped anil nil hands ox

ship ofltc r wero forced t

that In till handsthat wero able to ml up Tho MUM wore dealattend nut lofty as oar tlu Ut Louisever bucked her way through For furtyflghlhours the IrluM blunt tint bullingBrarlmckM and tliu Kt limbs ruclnekept her heading Into then at tin rate ofsix knots Till rni li r nice l most n

ran bowwhenever th Bhlpuntnmilripdn wave triggerthan the avoracr Mart wiivlck tint notxulywas hurt and the uouJ ship herself wasdnniuued a bit lInt or the she wouldhave boon hero on Faturdiv

II Itniham who Won applnn In Cranoplay ot The Senator by tikim tht iartofaChinese dlotomit arrived on tit Si Ijnl Hsays be has coons to buy fourteen American

engines tail Mriscii anti a wateruse In a play entitled A

Steak Ftrr In Turk wlilcu wIll b produced at Mn I ari KxixwIUon Mr Braham-MIII he mircs nt Onrtrt MnArthur who inbacked br I askers He bo la co

the miltitutt thill willerpoiltlon exactly how the York firemendo their hamnioa4ati work Tin nlav

be In a r i einistructwl llroiiroo-fbaldlntr th f which will b 0

anti rro nluro ath 12fi foot highThere bo a ervit lak th tirerrftl Orrbottis tiMtruct t iiji our own will

the ftami from di 4ks TluTe willlw greet jtajw r trol auto-

mobile earr of e f th tireengines arid how earrltu which willitravD by thirty trained Aninncan hijr cs M-

rIJwanl A Sii T n nnina p of I Fullerfanta t r lUrc r wi a a Dour tlut St

look H iM that Lni hiv l hereight htndrrith bifnn the Parl

to S w lent In Nonow wriiih elcht toot

t Sh wlll rviurnHer propcrtiiin-

TTireatrv Ibr Town Ta J jr With Sniiw

tefors Wttlw th orid a5hookoythloe about its eibteno tent within reach

tnt Th weather Uen Mt tu ItaterM tintaoJthjfa men

at Washington alter looitat over tholrreports from ml points of tho eompaMwIthin reach of tfcrt tttecraptt 4darmt thatth r would b hId Bortniiistpriy wind lathis B l hLorftood lr 4 j followwl by snowand roller vmthm Td wtwts cnn with lotof vain Kttwvtn 3 cdix ta th afternoomand mklntiht the tnaprrxturv haJ aropp U

a trnJiMifT to terra tt inwwrtijttth onn pcooaWy oriol

W f mortt of rIMerrloort th iirwpnpth TOa t AtliwtnfKhr It was evntral tsnr thanrTi bimilrr oiIHttera frlnjrain exUmriwl frora b low ITitternv alona-Khore to Jlontiiuk Point It ti not likelytr Inland AnntLiTtormtb may nlnele with WestIndian at Ma cr berwbixiti and erxati aerialrortion It irat tnuwiiuj at Wshlnnton-ltillafl anti unseen night VfhAtwet-tnay happen on lanJ the onenn steamships willrtoabtless get a lambasting from one storm Mboth

nocss POll ic TricT JT cuicica-Mr Ruti to Tpnpnrvrr Home

There fur Urn Imt Out f Trisan-

CnrcAco Jan 2 Hn bud BalllQctnahooch is finding mach eneoaraeemottt In herefforts to establish a bom In this city atwhich convicts i ru J from local antIPlate penal Institutions may ttad shelteruntil they tan honorable employdiont end at which for pay may evesafter bifomlnr elf5atilnln If th r chooiiito remain them A for tb home hasworn selfctrl aol committees an now en-

Buecd In sollcltlne feeds which comlag freely Th project his been endorsedby Wanlen ITfCtnTinT V the United StttMron at run L KTYnwr rth ami by war

Irn of irisin of Illmot If l

raid that JVOUi wtll b netlrl to esiaWlxlithis prr je li l li xni an l fanl for Itfirst WAr inamtntnw S vwrti rf

tnntrarttkit ian raMe alien tioa n-

Ihrepically incfncJ p op o this tulldte V sU-

utclnl Ort R xtstnu AnrHllr WayKlrrtt In a luilmr

A rma Ihtn titan trith srsy hulrnntiral tb-

Holot n Iilln llmdijuartewilurlDSat 7 nclcwk lift might anti a kvd Sraaatl-lnyirn lor a rlshts k leinc The o an5-tnln hire e ut4 nut ae xnm l3ttit A

latrr the noire of br cii3 ifanml nhTiit roll nm ran ont

row the man irking In iuiii en t of the Ilank f r Snvinff hnll

acruvi tht trot lk fr roMvnmicould Krai hm tnt broiv Uir o put

The priMner said howai Joseph ItoOtran17 yen

had to do It Tie erelalmel a he bIcooHnt tar Oi tre l

IXNIXO XTKKKlJtK ttftl rIMren of a Ilnnt nt Itrlllnh Treicbt-

Rtrnnirr IMtrkril Lp on the Irth Coastfpaiat OLK iff Tim acs-

Ixirrtwx Jm lK A drsiitch from hallsIlrnd nnH that a pl t t oJ on rviitly

bunt ben picked up thorn OaIt lire thn Icttirs Merrii

It I probably from a Uloiujlcs to tinsIliltiHh freight nUainfr Jlnrntme irhlcl-inalnl from QjetxT on Ot 7 for l lfa t andMilch was poslud ut UuyiU a oaJim 10

Mritcuir iinvrnit TO TIIK KfviraI-

riKrrntor rt l r jfii Sirurei the Vlndlra-tlin lie huiiutit-

l il rMt l tit tt It Tir Tx-

NANTKS Inn 4 M re r iMlnttcWar win MioV ft very rrinlti t part In th-

proHiTiition if Dreyfus hat l n clwtod toties BuM be receiving 7al to IS easttin hIs opponent it Worn

Miiitci tnsintKnSite Aloiincler Stopt n filhrnller With Her

Msrliinrry of OrderVi rf nl fatl fttHf fo Sea

OiniiALTMi Jan 1H Tho United fittf s

raimrort Alexander line arrived here with heriimehinery out of order

lynn 111111 if Drown University Dnnud-IroTitirsrr II I Jan JA Lyon Hall on

if the ricitatloa hulls of Drown Universityformerly jcctipled bytbo Culronlty Oranmafl-ehool

rntpl furnao In mppo4 to nvwid theTho hull wa l br tile

if Civil EngIneering and mathematicslo of seriously orlcple

work of teaching for Brontt wt Alr aram red l y realtatloa oome




hit I


Cllt the aud trwnt tine inca through



thetime anti Ionird over the



fireron tic



will v


lar oa tItbesides


IInh1ru to tIn EuroonM

rhtrIItI Itgt t



Its tnr 1o know

or the Uovernmcot omelets norn

Eat en to earwen tblot


Trom to ra it ws Ut4J1

posted nrIM buss kIjdocl

m1ie ot

swerve fromlake the

bl lat




rr a

hilI b tol1 nliolithe the

rot to

nrnl i Ivle JllItAU

littnnflutiIhrun tit

a n the llIo ten


niltar Itd to the


ystri or a

ull tin




itiflit out this evenIng An over


Sit tutu er I


sireInert Ii wiei sill inc

lOok ports



tons ol sitter


Lostower for


saveleg toahow visIt

everstage fet


bon the wagons

expeete stniiiIi


ate etrtrltiveInsa


prhsetsrtyAevabornstorrutPttrareUsi mnanymlleoa


its vie

trout hP cottesting





they live


the wc t1tsI

thenewloarsrv liLC anti

ehCtne pnbtetv nieirylie



the etorva


lows itt

ins thethe



tny longer







hitI Tea


fire Department

















> <


< >





