the sunday oregonian.. (portland, or) 1900-10-07 [p 20].€¦ · 2tf the sjjn3piay obegoniani...

2tf THE SJJN3PIAY OBEGONIANi PORTLAND, OCOBEE! 7,,. 1900. NEW TODATT. ,Jf SIOCK. 100x100. rtlF corner East Seventh ua I Li. 1 and Yamhill BtreeU, $2250. easy terms. C. H. KORELL. 235 Stark St. INVESTMENTS Bonds, warrants and local stocks bought and cold. J. W. Cruthers & Co., Chamber of Com. 50x100. ON 21ST AND Corner GUsan, very choice, S2G0O. easy terms. C H. KORELL. 235 Stark st $100- - REWARD Xs offered for the apprehension and conviction of the murderer or murderers of H. R. Dlckel. Minerva Lodge, JJo. 10. I. O. O. F. By order of. Emll Frey. N. G. THIRD ST., NEAR larqaln l& extra fine Quarter 100x100 feet, with first-cla- ss double bouse of 8 rooms each; $5500 takes It. easy terms. C. H. KORELL. 235 Stark st 5 MORTGAGE LOANS- -5 On approved Portland city real estate. Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce. 50 X 100 FEET ON A Sacrifice Kearney, near 24th St., only $1750; cheap- est buy In this choice residence location. C. H. KORELL. 235 Stark st. MORTGAGE LOANS On improved city and farm property, at lowest current rates. Building loans. Installment loans. Macmaster & Blrrell, 211 Worcester blk. 100x100 ON COMMERCIAL A EC, near Skidmore, $450. Snap C. H. KORELL, 235 Stark st. HOUSES FOR RENT We have houses for rent, but want more. Owners should list their properties with as and secure good tenants. We collect rents and attend to tho making of repairs and payment of taxes. MONEY TO LOAN WJ: tato at 5 jer cent. TITLES INSURED ABSTRACTS FURNISHED Title Guarantee & Trust Co. 7 Chamber of Commerce BY J. T. WILSON AUCTION SALE 'Exceptionally' Fine and Nearly Kerr Household Furniture, Steel Range, .Etc-- , at 231 Grant Street, Between First and Second, Tuesday, October 0, at 10 A M. HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONS fROM THE OWNER, WHO IS LEAVING THE CITY, I nlll on the above date sell the contents or bis beautifully furnished home, comprising. In part: A beautiful three-piec- e parlor suit, in mahogany frame, upholstered Brocatclle silk; mahogany rocker; TURKISH COUCH, BEAUTIFULLT DRAPED; two large art squares, In Brussels; GOLDEN OAK SIDEBOARD. TRENCH PLATE MIRROR: MASSIVE GOLDEN OAK EXTENSION TABLE (10 FEET); TWO HEAVY GOLDEN OAK DINING CHAIRS, WITH CARVING CHAIR TO MATCH1. HEAVY IRON BED, 3EAUTIFULLY TRIMMED IN BRASS; GOL- DEN OAK BUREAU. WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR; oak center table; laco cur- tains; portieres; fancy hanging lamp; curled-ha- ir mattress; FANCY GOLDEN OAK EXPENSIVE CHINA DINNER SET. OVER 100 PIECES: decorated china and other dishes; SIX -- HOLE STEEL RANGE (Charter Oak); extra fine heater (Golden Pa- lace); refrigerator; household treasure; lino- leum, and other useful lots. THIS FURNITURE IS NEARLY NEW AND (IN PERFECT CONDITION. AND WELL WORTHY OF YOUR ATTENTION. AND WE I SPECIALLY INVITE THE PUBLIC TO THE SAME MONDAY AFTERNOON (PRIOR TO SALE. J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE JL,t Salesroom, 182 First Street, "Wednesday Next, October 10, at 10 A. M., Costly Bedroom Suit, Folding Bed, Silver-Plate- d Andirons, Cu- tting Box, Etc I WILL SELL ON WEDNESDAY NEXT ONE OF THE MOST COSTLY BEDROOM SUITS EVER OFFERED AT AUCTION IN THE CITY OF PORTLAND. CONSISTING OF THREE PIECES, BEDSTEAD, BUREAU, COMBINATION COMMODE - WASHSTAND AND LADY'S WRITING DESK. WITH SE- CRET COMPARTMENTS. MANUFACTURED FROM TOI WOOD, AND COST ORIGINALLY OVER ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS. THE OPPORTUNITY OF SECURING A SUIT OF THIS KIND MAY NOT OCCUR AGAIN IN A LIFETIME. I WILL ALSO SELL TWO VERY HEAVY OAK BEDROOM SUITS, WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRRORS; EXTRA HEAVY OAK HALL TREE. WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR. Also ash and oak and llack walnut bedroom suits; Y Y springs and mat- tresses; Oriental sideboard; TWO LARGE UP- HOLSTERED ROCKERS, IN LEATHER BED. WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR AND chairs; some extra good BRUSSELS, AND INGRAIN CARPETS; lace curtains and portieres; good mantel clock; extra fine three-quart- black walnut bed- stead; FINE LEATHERvCOVERED. SPRING-EDG- E COUCH; HANDSOME EXTRA-WID- E TURKISH COUCH; VERY FINE FOLDING BED. WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR AND WRITING DESK ATTACHED. ALSO FINE OAK WINDSOR FOLDING BED, WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR: separate bureau; good toilet sets; expensive black walnut exten- sion table; ash extension tables; drop - leaf tables and kitchen tables; dining chairs and rockers: oak center tables; household treas- ures; kitchen utensils; several good cook stoves and heaters; LARGE PIECE OF LINO- LEUM; NEARLY NEW CUTTING BOX; GENT'S BDXE. AND OTHER USEFUL LOTS. J. T. "WILSON, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Iry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crock- ery, Glassware, Etc., at Salesroom, 182 First Street, Friday Next, Octo- ber 12, at lO A. M. I will sell on Friday next a miscellaneous as- sortment of dry goods, boots and shoes, crock- ery, glassware, woodenware, brushes and brooms and other useful coods. Sale at 10 A. M J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer. MCttottSole f feo.J$'aVvera Co. SPECIAL SALE OP FINE OAK FURNITURE. VELVET CARPETS, RANGE, ETC., On Tuesday Next, Oct 9. at 10 A. M. AT CENTRAL AUCTION ROOMS. CORNER ALDER AND PARK STS. We are Instructed to sell tho fine furniture, etc, removed from NOB HILL residence for convenience of sale, COMPRISING: Costly articles of best quality SILVERWARE: OIL PAINTINGS: STEEL ENGRAVINGS; handsome painted plaques; ebony easel; very fine walnut settee. In hair cloth; pretty couch. In blue velour; COMBI- NATION BOOKCASE, In golden oak; WHITE SEWING MACHINE, In first-cla- condition; upholstered rockers and easy chairs; rattan xm chair; piano stool; very handsome center tables: BABY BUGGY: fine lace curtains; vel- vet and Brussels carpets; 0rl2 Axmlnster and Smyrna rugs: portieres; velvet stair carpet; akin rugs; GOLDEN OAK DINING, SUIT, viz.: Sideboard, with French plate glass; ft extension, table; six box-se- at chairs, en suite; crockery and glassware; table linens; carver's chair; three very fine oak bedroom suits, com- plete, with springs and mattresses; prime leather pillows; good sheets and comforters: cabinet folding bed; oak chiffonier; bedroom chairs; good six-ho- RANGE, and the usual kitchen utensils. Also ' gent's VICTOR WHEEL. On view Monday afternoon. Sale at 10 A. M. GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers. On Thursday Next, Oci II, at 10 A. M. JtT CENTRAL AUCTION ROOMS, corner Al-l- er and Park sts., REGULAR WEEKLY SALE of general household .furniture, carpets, cooking and heating stoves, etc Particulars later. GEO. BAKER fc CO., Auctioneers. TO RENT One good trprlght piano,' equal to new. Ap- ply GEO. BAKER & CO., SM Alder st. Both hBOt& NEW TODAT. FOR EXTRAtCHOICB LOT, BOx $900 100. on East, Taylor, near 14th St.; $300 cash, balance long time. C. H. KORELL, 235 Stark st. YOU1 CAN BUY lOOx For $150 100 ft at Ockley Green Station. 60 feet from car line: former value $800, now $150. C. H. KORELL. 235 tark st. SPECIAL AUCTION SALE Of Very Handsome Furniture, at Residence. . "We are instructed to sell by public auction at tne residence, No. 309 Sixth, street, bet-wee- Mill and Mont- gomery, on (tomorrow) Monday, O- ctober S, at 10 A. M., the costly iur-nitur- e, Including;! French plate pier Klass, upholstered parlor suits in red plush, sofas and easy chairs, xausic box, leather chair, walnut center tables; valuable painting:. Madonna and child (alter Raphael) j pastels, engravings, .banging: lamps, Brussels carpets, bouquet stands, bookcase, encyclopedia Britannica, a dulciphone, stand' lamp, rockers, oalc sideboard, extension table, O dining chairs, jjaintinss, hall rack, folding chairs, hall lamp, stair and hall carpets, heating stoves, costly bedroom suits in French walnut, mattresses other complete suits) lounge, marble-to- p tables, Japanese cabinet. Sale (tomorrow) Monday, 10 A. M., beginning with the ilner lots. S. L. X. OILMAN, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE Of Household Furniture, Books, Etc. "We are instructed to sell by pub- lic auction on Tuesday, October 9, at 411 "Washington street, at 10 A. M.t Handsome Turkish couch, brass bedsteads, white and green enamel) bedroom suits, in cherry and oak) wire springs, (mattresses, bed com- forters, walnut wardrobe, rugs, car- pets, bedsteads and mattresses, Wakefleld 'crib; pretty rockers, 'arm rockers, air-tig- ht ,stoves settees, walnut sideboard, extension tables, chairs, kitchen treasures) also books, medical works (standard), Obstetrics (Churchill), Clinical Atlas (Taylor), Reynold's System, of Med- icine, Surgery (Gross), Diseases of Children (Smith), System of Med- icine (Pepper), Therapeutics (Eg-ger- t), Flint's Practice of Medicine, Jahrs New Manual, Glisan's Text-Boo- k, People's Encyclopedia, Gram's Atlas, Bulwer's "Works, etc. Sale Tuesday next, 10 A. M., at 411 Wash- ington street. S. It. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. "' SPECIAL AUCTION SALE OJ Elegant Furniture, Car- pets, Etc. At residence. "We will sell by pub- lic auction at the residence, No. 170 13tb street, between Morrison and Xamhill, on "Wednesday next, Octo- ber 10, at 10 A. M.t Almost new Body Brussels carpets, Jn parlors) hall and stair carpets, of latest pat- terns) fine upholstered chairs, set- tees, leather couch and chair, hand- some center tables) 6 pairs very handsome imported Swiss applique curtains, hand-mad- e, at St. Gall, Switzerland, to which we invite the attention of buyers) two Arapahoe blankets) couch draperies) very handsome mahogany bedroom suit, with elegant dressesr) costly oak bedroom suit) brass bedstead) mat- tresses, In curled hair and wool) extremely handsome solid oak ex- tension table, 15-fo- very hand- some solid oak sideboard and Q sol- id oak dining chairs (en suite)) hall mirror and chairs) a valuable paint- ing ("First Love," by Tojeti)) "Wake- field rockers) Smyrna rug, 9x12 feet) costly mahogany bookcase and desk (very handsome)) flower painting) screen) xugs.-N- . B. We .invite tho attention of buyers of fine goods to this sale. "Wednesday next, 170 13th street. Sale commences at 10 A. M., with the finest goods first. - S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Auction Sale of Household Fur- niture. "We are Instructed to sell by pub- lic auction on Friday next, October 12, at 411 "Washington street, at 10 A. M., a large list of household fur- niture, including the furniture and fittings, of residence. Sale Friday next, 10 A. M. S. JL. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. BARGAINS IN REAL ESTATE EAST SIDE 5500 Two lota In Sunnyslde Addition, size 87x100. These are cheap. $800 Woodlawn, 50x100, and nice cottage, story. Snaps like this nearly all cone. $1250 Albino, 50x125, and neat cot- tage, on Morris st., close to car. $1350 Woodstock. 100x125, .and two pretty cottages; nice garden and shrubbery; rents $12 per month. $1850 Finest building site on E. Ankeny st, cor. E. 22d; contract expires soon, and price will be advanced. $S500 Near Prettyxnan Station, one Mount Tabor car line; beautiful residence, modern conveniences: grounds 100x165. "WEST SIDE $3000 Fine quarter block, cor. 10th and Col lege. $6500 100x100. N. W. cor. 15th and Everett, with cottage. We have several handsome residences for sale on the West Side at prices ranging from $6000 to $25,000. Income-producin- g business property that will show a steadily Increasing return. Call and let us know what kind of an Investment you are looking for. JfOWt-I- S THE TIME TO BUT $3500 a suburban home on the Sec- tion Line road near the Mount Tanor reservoir. & acres in mil. tlvatlon: bearing fruit trees and choice va- riety small fruits and grapes; large house, cost over $2600. W. G. Beck, 321 Morrison. FOB. SALE REAL ESTATE. $325 COTTAGE, THREE LOTS, MONTA-vlll- a. $600 Cottage, 4 lots, Woodlawn. $600 Cottage, near Sunnysldo; easy terms. $050 Cottage, Woodlawn. $800 Cottage, Feurer's addition. $1050 Cottage,, Sunnyslde; easy terms. $1050 Cottage, Feurer's addition; easy terms'. Residence near Brooklyn School. fl600 Residence, Stevens' addition. Houses, all sizes and prices, .in all parts of city, cash or Installments. Also good building lots. ' J. A HENKLE. , Rooms 225 and 226, Ablngton Bldg. FOR SALE-- MT HOME.. HALF BLOCK. COB, Multnomah and East Sccond'sts.. Holladay's Addition; house, full attic and base- ment; gas, furnace, electric bells; choice - shrubbery, fn:lt;-flne 'view; about1 to leave-city- ; cheap; part cash. 7, A, Hugglns. 107 yirrt st. FOB. SALE REAL ESTATES. $1600 BUTS A NEAT HOME OF SIX ROOMS, with brick basement, with fulllot, on East Seventh st. This is a snap. Easy .terms of paymentt if wanted. Sixth street Good cottage and lot, nice lo--' cation, having east view. Mortgage Co. will sell on easy terms of'payment A good homo for family wanting this side of the Fulton Park A nice house, with three lots, making a good 'home,- - for Bale by the Mortgage Co. for less than the cost of tho house. Easy terms It wanted. - - Portland Heights Choice Quarter block, nicely located, only $150O. , $1000 buys a nice corner property, with two cottages. Mortgage Co. will sell on easy terms of payment. $1500 buys a neat corner property, with a good seven-roo- cottage, good location; easy terms. v Thirteenth street A fine building lot on Thirteenth st., well- - located, near car line, near "Portland Academy. - Tenth street Corner, In good location. The Mortgage Co. will -- sell on easy terms of payment, making good opportunity for any one wanting to build.' ' Union avenue lot $300 buys fine lot on Union avenue In' good location. Cheapest lot in tho city for the moiley. $550 will buy fine quarter block, on Grand avenuo, well located. Is the best and cheap- est quarter block' In the city at the price. $000 buys that fine quarter block on- - East 14th and Clinton sts.- - The street Is Improved, . and sidewalk; lota about two feet hJgher-tha- the sidewalk. The MortgageCo. will sell on easy terms of payment It wanted. Ten-acr- e "tract on Johnson Creek, ' three-quarte- rs of a mile from car line. Cheapest piece of acreage having running water about-th- city. Forty-acr- o farm, mile and half from depot and town. Thirty acres In cultivation, good - house, banv etc This is a snap; must be To contractors, builders or Investors That fine block on McMlllen. Halsey, Ross and Wheeler streets. Will sell as a whole or sub- divide Into lots. This would make a good-payi- Investment If built upon; better than placing money at" Interest; or would make fine residence sites. Twenty-thir- d street lots; also lots on Over- ton and Pettygrove streets, at low prices. Flno farm of 7JS acres; one of tho best farms In the state, being sold to close up an estate. Anybody wanting flno largo farm should Inspect this. Houses and lots, fine vacant lots for sale at easy terms. Apply at C. K. Henry, selling agent for the Mortgage Co., 273 Stark st. $625 EACH-T- WO FULL LOTS IN HANSON'Sf $700 East 10th and Main streets; very de- sirable building lot. $1000 Corner Hoyt and 11th streets; ther very location for a store. - $3000 One of Portland's prettiest resi- dences; centrally located on the West Side. $5000 A beautiful residence on the East Side; an ideal home. $3000 A pretty home on the East Side," lawn and shade trees. besides a lot 150x120, and .two blocks from two different car lines, terms easy. . $750 Three full lots on Sellwood's main street, and surrounded by pretty- - homes. $1600 Two cottages on East Eighth street, Bold as a whole or a part, and on the Install-- - $1200 A quarter block In Portsmouth, neat-- ! ly painted cottage. Thls-l- s a snap. , $600 The most central quarter block in Piedmont This is a bargain, which will only .hold good for a few days. . $3000 Three beautiful cottages, consisting of 6 rooms, bath, "pantry and basement each; 4 gas and patent .closets, and situate In the Nob Hill district of the city; bringing In a good rental. Will only be sold as a whole $35015 lots in Peninsular Addition. 375x 100 feet, with small house and fruit trees. $700 and basement cottage and conservatory, In Portsmouth. ' $1200 cottage,' In Sunnysldo. $1000 Cottage, 4 rooms; 3. 10th and Pow- ell $600 Union ave., between Beech and Fre- - mont: cottage. $700 cottage, lot 50x 100, Vancouver avo., near Going st., Maeglcy Highlands Addition. A positive snap. "ALSO. The finest farm in Washington County, containing in the neighborhood of 300 acres, .all under cultivation: splendidly waterod and fully equipped with all necessary tools, wagons, etc., and a fine dwelling. One of the most profitable farms In the Northwest. " See usfor a price. - , ' AiSO. A large list of. very desirable property, both" Improved and unimproved. In' every part of the city. Money to loan; houses to rent and rents collected. Tour property will be sold If listed with ROUNTREE & DIAMOND. 241 Stark Street, corner Second. Phone Grant 201. DO TOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN GET JUST a real nice house, with full lot on East 10th street for $575? A real nlco cottage on East 22d and Oak. $650; a very desirable lot East Ankeny, .near 22d, for $650. A great snap In modern house? East 0th, near Ankeny, $1750. . An elegant place on Portland Heights, ono block to cars, for $2000.- - , An Investment you can't duplicate, that place on Caruthera,-- , near 3d street; monthly, rental, $40;. pays 10 per cent Interest on $4800. Place cost $6000; will sell for $4000. A real nice, high, sightly place In Clack- amas, 3 blocks from station, 3 acres, with good, house, good barn, choice fruit, for $1000. An elegant ranch, with fine house, good barn, choice fruit, living water, on good road, near Forest, Grove; price, $1600. Will exchange for property near Wood- lawn cars. A nice farm, fronting on the Tual- atin, 2 miles from Hlllsboro, for only $2000. I have a number of other bargains; money to loan at low rates; no commission. See me before you do business. R. H. DUNN, 140 Fln 8t- - A VERY CHOICE 50x100 COR. LOT ON E. 15th and E. Alder, south and east front. modern .house, lot 50x100. on E. Burnside st, close In; a bargain; price $2725. house, lot 50x100, on E. 14th st, "near" Ankeny; price, $1650; a snap. bouse, cor. lot, Sunnysldo, $000. house, two lots, Alblna; one block ' east of Williams ave.; streets Improved; $1300. modern house on E. Ash st, near 16th st; price, $1850; easy termB. House and lot, Holladay's addition, $2000. house, lot 65x100, E. Burnside; a bargain; $400 cash, balance long time. Eight lots at Highland, Unlon-avenu- o car line; $125 for inside, $150 for corners.' Choice building lots on E. Burnside, E. Ankeny and Washington and 12. 12th sts.; price reasonable. modern house and lot on Belmont t ; price $2100. $300, $500, $900, $1100 to loan at a low rate. F. BRESKE. Room 444 Sherlock Bldg., 83 3d st" ' $850 FIVE-ROO- COTTAGE, UPPER AL-hln- a, installments. $1500 Five-roo- cottage, Vancouver ave- nue, beauty. $375 Three-roo- cottage. Highland, Install- ments ( bargain. $500 Four-roo- cottage, four lots, East slope Mount Tabor, Installments; great bar- gain; Investigate. " $475 Three-roo- cottage, Feurer's addition, Installments. $1150 Six - room house, two lots. South Portland; onco sold for $3400; Installments; bargain. $700 Seven-roo- house, west slope Mount Tabor, Installments; exceptional bargain; in- vestigate at onoe. 012 Commercial Blk. FOR 'SALE OR RENT-60-AC- RE IMPROVED farm; 50 acres bottom, good, frame house and new barn, orchard; $1000, half cash; rent " $50. House, 6 rooms and bath, lot 50x150, $2250. Lots from $350 to $750, cloBe to car line. House and corner lot on Seventh, near Hall, $2500., Corner lot, Marshall, near 24th, $1700. Corner of Corbett and Gibbs, $1250. Good house, modern, Sunnysldo; $1500. MONTAGUE & BORDEN, 226 Stark. WE HAVE PROPERTY OF ALL lONDS and in all parts of the city and suburbs, for sale at lowest prices, and can make better terms than others, as we handle property owned principally by mortgage companlos. Call and see our list, as we have some special bargains on .hand, and will drive you out to see the property. It will cost you nothing to look It over. Grlndstaff & Blaln, 240 Stark street YOU CAN GET A HOUSE BUILT TO SUIT, Including lot from 5 to 0 rooms, on East Burnside st, fine location, ranging from $1800 to $2700. That includes full brick base- ment, two stories high, porcelain bath, fire- place, furnace heat, sewer, gas and electric light and generally"" modern and fine appear- ing, and are good bargains. Dammler, 611 Marquam Bldg. . . GOOD CORNER, 100x100, WITH GOOD cottage, stable and chicken house, fruit trees and shrubbery, on car line, this sido of Mount Tabor. Price, $700; terms. $50 each Sightly lots,. 50x100, on car line, this side of Mount Tabor; same lots for- merly sold for $375. . JOSEPH M. HEALY, 290 Morrison. J, W. OGILBEE, ROOM 11, 145 FEElST ST. $350 Two lots, with neat little cot- tage, with" shrubbery. In Peninsular' Addi- tion, some' distance ' from station on motor; VERY CHEAP: $100 cash, balance $5 per month, no Interest FOR SALE MODERN 'COTTAGE "OF FIVE "rooms; newly plumbed,' nice lawn,' improved street: half block from car serv- ice; close- to school, churches and stores. Ad- dress owner, 000 East Yamhill st. THREE ACRES,' WELL LOCATED. JOINS Piedmont near car, new, pretty house, 6 rooms nnd bath, ypung orchard, cheap, easy terms, certain to Increase In value. Dr.' Swain, dentist 713 Dekum Bldg. A FINE HOUSE. MODERN IM-- with two well - improved full fifovements, Brooklyn School. East Side; price $1800. Apply to C. F. Pfluger, Agent 148 Second st, near Morrison. WE HAVE 'MANY GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES i ana lots. J. A, Henkle, 223 Ablngton Bldjr. i V if FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOLLADAY'S,-- - ADDITION. QUARTER BLK., 16th and. Weldler, .$1600. This can't be beat in price and quality anywhere. 20th, near Belmont Two nearly new 8- - room houses, veryxheap; wllrsell separately. Hojladay.'s addition Beautiful new .cottage, ' complete in every detail. Very latest stylo architecture; price, low terms; easy. Base Line acreage $40 up; some finely im- proved closo In. Couch and King-tFl- no residence sites; Tth and, Irving, quarter, business, fine. Lincoln Park Lots al over from $75 up; someivery fine and all cheap; any terms; also - Lincoln 3ark Annex. It. M. WILBUR. , 233 Stark. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE; FIVE ROOMS, large bathroom, attic, brick foundation, wired throughout; mddel plan; excellent construction; convenient for town; bargain. H 23, care Oregonian. " FOR SALE $1000 FIVE-ROO- Y house, and barn, 1171 Hawthorne' ave. Hard- - - finished; city water; fruit trees; near school; . $550 cash, balance on mortgage. Hawthorne-avenu- e cars pass door. , 74 ACRES, THREE MDLES TO R. R. STA-tlon,- acres cultivation, good house, barn, - orchard; running" water; 13 miles from Port- land, $2750. Charleson & Staub, 245 Mor- rison, room 12. " TrnTTRH- - GROUND RENT. $1 60 . per month, $75; house, lot 25x100, saoo, naif casn, 'oaiance on nine, iu. wiiw on Sacramento $00O. 604 Goldsmith st,, Lower Alblna. FOR 'SALE A NICE SUBURBAN HOME: modern house, cement basement and cellar; pleasantly loca,ted,and In good re- pair. Inquire 1325 Cleveland ave., Piedmont. WASHINGTON ' ST. TWO EXCELLENT corner lots which if improved could bo rented to pay 7.84 per cent net Interest on cost F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton Bldg. CHOICE MODERN RESIDENCE. BARN, etc., and" two cultivated acres at Mount Ta- bor. Near car. Beautiful scenery. F. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton Bldg. ON 22D. NEAR HOYT, A HOUSE AND LOT; must, be sold; terms to suit; a bargain for somo one; investigate. Room 444 Sherlock building, 83 Third st FOR SALE LOTS- - 6 AND 7, BLOCK 139, Couch; price $3500: one-ha- lf cash. By Par-rls- h & Watklns, 250 Alder st $3000 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OF 2 acres. Rare opportunity to secure home. P 23, Oregonian. THREE ACRES, CHOICE LOCATION, ON car line; house, barn and 'fruit Room 226, Ablngton Bldg. GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY, ON RUSSELL Oregonian. ' $1250-50x1- 00 FEET," COLUMBIA. BET. 14TH and lflth. W. E. Thomas, 400 Chamber of Commerce. $500 " GOOD 'F.OUR-ROO- HOUSE, WITH basement large lot, on car line. F 20, care, Oregonian. '' FOR SALE 80 ACRES .IMPROVED, $42 60 per acre. This Is ar big bargain.' E 23, care Oregonian. U. ACRE TO ACRES; HOUSE. Apply at 378 Hawthorne. City. Owner. FOR SALE FARMS. SPLENDID FARM, OF 770 ACRES. IN THE best part of tho Willamette Valley. Railroad station on the place: good "story and halt house, large barn and dutbuildings;-0- 0 acres . In cultivation;- balance easily cleared; 12 acres of Italian prunes; also good, orchard of assorted fruits. Fine location for cream-'er- y and' stock ranch.- - Price, $6500.'- Joseph M. Hcaly. 200 Morrison st. , , FOR SALE 120 - ACRE DAIRY RANCH, "near Ilwaco. Wash.; ' owned 'by Mrs. M. HawklnsJ'good buildings,"" well fenced' and In good condition. For particulars Inquire ' of J. A. Howmton, 'Ilwaco, Wash. IMPROVED FARMS FOR , SALE IN ALL , parts of Oregon and Washington; payments made to suit' purchasers. For full particulars as to various properties; apply to Macmaster & iBlrrell, 311 Worcester Block. SNAP NICE LITTLE PLACE OF 20 ACRES. all good soil,- - only 11 miles east of the city: 16 acres .In, cultivation; good- - orchard and , living water. Price, $1000. Joseph M. Healy, 200 Morrison st. c . STOCK 'RANCH ALL OR PART OF 1000 4acresrin .Douglas County. S. P. R R. runs through It. Well watered. Cheap. Address Owner, 634 Flanders. , , RANCH FOR SALE 320 ACRES OF PAT-ente- d ground,, all fenced, good title and plenty of water. Address Mrs. S. J. Hulkowskl, Fish Springs, Utah. ' FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARM for sale, near city; will pay for Itself In four years; owner must sell at any sacri- fice. John Day, .Vancouver, Wash. FARMS SALE OR TRADE; LARGE LIST; slzo and price to suit. J. A. Henkle, rooms - 225 and 226 Ablngton building.- - FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT FRUIT AND STOCK FARM; good opening for responsible tenant who un- derstands the care of fruit trees; farm con- tains 2000 selected fruit trees, mostly Win- ter apples; 30 acres meadow and 'over 100 acres good .pasture, besides large range for young Btock. Present tenant, who Is going into other business,-woul- d sell stock and Im- plements cheap. Large .house, 'barns, stone dairy, and all necessary outhouses. In per- fect order; chicken yards, containing 7 acres, with broodhouses, pens, Incubators, etc., all ready for business. Open for a few days only, Satisfactory terms to right party. B or call on D. E. Budd & Co., 110 First street. , STOCK RANCH. FOR' RE.NT I WILL RENT for a term of years my stock ranch, near Alrlle, Polk County, Or,; 4500 acres, divided Into fields; 500 acres under cultivation. 7 barns, ,8 houses, hay,, grain, horses, Imple- ments, cattle, sheep, hogs, etc., to ( sell to lessee. Call on .or address E. P. Cadwell, Alrlle, Or. FARM FOR RENT 80 ACRES, ALL cleared; nice house., and' good barns, young bearing orchard; five miles 'from city, West Side. B. Goldsmith, 209 Ablngton building. FOR RENT GOOb GRAIN AND STOCK farms. W. A. Shaw, 110 1st. WANTED REAL ESTATE. I WANT TO BUY A HOUSE AND LOT from $700 to $1000 in Sunnyslde or Alblna, or on the Woodlawn car line; state price, house number or lot and block. Address W 23, care Oregonian. FOUR TO SIX -- ROOM COTTAGES ON IN-- " stallments, quick. Have three customers. 612 Commercial block. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. FOR SALE 600 ACRES YELLOW PINE land in the famous timber belt of Southern Oregon. Address K 10, care Oregonian. TIMBER, 200,000 acres; mill sites, claims, log- ging chances, school lands, and scrip. J. L. Martin & Co.,' 601 Oregonian bulldinj". 'BELGIAN HARES FOR SALE. BUY YOUR BELGIAN HARES AT BONAN-z- a Rabbitry. Finest Stock, lowest 'prices. Captain Chandos at stud. 1570 Macadam st, Fultqn. Take S. car. TO EXCHANGE. TO .EXCHANGE FOR PORTLAND RESI-dence.- suburban acre property Acre and city property Vancouver! Wash.; acre proper- ty Empire City, Or.; city lots Marshfleld; lot In Whatcom; lota In Blaine, Wash.; 193 acres hill land in Washington County; three lots and 10. acres Encenltis. Cal. C. C. s, 11 First st Phones, Oregon Main 710; 'Columbia 93. E FARM, WELL IMPROVED: FINE dwelling, large orchard, good outbuildings. Will exchange for stock of general merchln-dls- c. - For particulars, address G. H. Beebe, Hubbard, Or. '$2500. D BRICK BUILDING in Valley town, for stock of merchandise; will. some difference!, Hartman, Thomp- son & Powers, 3 'Chamber of Commerce. WANTED MAN'S BICYCLE, IN PAYMENT of Jlrst annual premium on life 'insurance policy' in one 'of largest and best companies. E '21, caro Oregonian.' ONE PLACE, YAMHILL CO., AND ONE place, '(Lewis Co., 'Wash:,' to exchange for Hood River Address C.,21, Ore- gonian. ' THREE ACRES," NICELY IMPROVED, South Mount Tabor! will tako house In city, in part payment. 226 Ablngton Bldg. A RELIABLE DENTIST WILL EXCHANGE dental work for diamonds or piano and pay" part cash. Address B 17, Oregonian. SET OF WORLD'S HISTORY, 32 VOLS., new, for ladles' bicycle; Dunlap tire pre- ferred. W 20, Oregonian. 'WILL EXCHANGE 160 ACRES TIMBER land, well located, for .suburb an borne. Q UK cars Oregonlaoy -- . . , '. . 'i - - ' FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SEWING MACHINBS-- 45 SECOND-HAN- high-ar- machines; 8 New Homes; 10 Whites; 3 Domestics; 5 Household; 6 Singers; ,4 Davis; 2 Montgomery Ward and 2 e. These machines are all warranted to do good work; price, $7 60 to $15; at- tachments complete; also 10 low-ar- ma-- .chines,- - good sewers, for $5 each. They can all be seen and tried at 250 Morrison st (Lewis Bldg.). A $10,000 PRHMTING PLANT IN PORT-la-nd to lease for long time, or will sell on easy terms; first-cla- location, cheap rent; doing- fair business; owner , going; away. Address G 11, Oregonian. SEWING-MACHIN- A "FEW SLIGHTLY damaged machines. Singer, White, New Home, and Wheeler & Wtlsoa, at astonish lng ' low prices. 335 Morrison street Mar- quam building. ' NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE AT WHOLE-sal- e and retail. varieties trees, . shrubs,, roses, hollys, vines and bulbs." Write e .list E.' E. Covey, 518 Clay st, - Portland, Or. FERRETS, GOOD RATTERS; GUINEA PIGS, Persian cats, Louisiana and India mocking- birds, parrots and cockatoos. Imported cana- ries. 320 Jackson, Stuhr. FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (WETHERS, ' nannies and billies); also Cotswold sheep (ewes and rams). . Edward L. Naylor, Forest , Grove, Or. NEW FURNITURE OF NINE-ROO- ROOM-Ing-hou- se at 188 7th St., for sale at a bar- gain. House full best class roomers and - boarders. , JTOR SALE TWO POOL AND ONE BDJ-lla- rd table, four bowling alleys, complete. . Inquire Adolph A. Dekum, 111 First st, or 171 18th. SMALL HORSE. WARRANTED sound, gentle; for lady or children to drive or ride, $35; or let for good keeping. 414 Hall st FOR SALE TWO . COMPLETE RIGS, SUIT- - - able for camping; 3 good young horses. Must sell Sunday or Monday. 382 Water st TYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. RENTED and sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies, etc. Coast Agency Co.. 206 Stark st LARGE STOCK OF VEHICLES. HARNESS, saddles, new and second-han- must go in 30 days. 6. Tomllnson. 211 Washington st FULL SET CANDY MAKER'S TOOLS. KET-- m tie and slab; also small supply. Inquire 6th and Burnside, upstairs, room 2. A GENTLE, YOUNG HORSE. SUITABLE for lady or gentleman to drive. Cart and harness. Call 802 Alblna ave. TWO FRESH COWS.' 8 AND 6 YEARS OLD; also horse,- - gentle, sound and true. Call Monday, 128 Union 'ave. FOX TERRIER AND - COCKER SPANIEL pups; thoroughbred, well marked, fine stock. 304 17th. near Columbia. . FOR SALE FINE BODY OF YELLOW FIR, and sawmill complete.- - Address Lock Box 6, Forest Grove, Or. FOR . SALE IMPLEMENTS .AND OUTFIT of hoc and chicken ranch; placo for rent. Inquire 91 Sixth st FULL-BLOO- D IRISH SETTER MALE PUP, 6 months old; some training. Address E 22, care Oregonian. . FOR BEST FUR, OAK AND GO to Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison at. Phono 180. - FOR SALE CHEAP TWO GOOD,- - GENTLE norses. num. divx East 'Seventh st, cor. E. Market FOR SALE, VERY 'CHEAP A FTRST-CLAS- S new dress suit. . Address K 20, care Ore- gonian. . . 6000 SHEEP, 5000 HOGS,' 5000 CATTLE, FOR . sale at the Idaho Market. Oregon South 1041: Col. 757. FRESH COW AND CALF. CALL ANY -- time. Cor. Elm and Chapman sts., Portland " Heights. FOR SALE LIGHT TAN CAPE; NEARLY, new; latest style; cheap. G 22, care Orego- nian. SOLID GOLD RINGS. ONLY teed. Uncle Myers. 143 Third, near Alder. Magic lanterns, new, second-han- moving pic- tures." Bullard & Breck. 131 Post San Fran. Upright piano $125, cost $500;, one $50 organ $35; all standard makes. 104 1st, upstairs. $10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER; $2 CASH, balanco $2 per month. -- Gas Co., 174 Fifth st. BEST. DRY FIR WOOD. HOOVER, 313 . Water. Phonos Ore. South 051, Columbia 83. One "Jump;seat Burrey, several new second- hand wagons and buggies. 51 4th, near Pine. THE TIMBER OF 250 ACRES; FINE PLACE for mill, close to river. E 15, care Oregonian. FOR SALE PRETTY BABY BUGGY, $4 60; gocart, $1 50. Address G 23, care Oregonian. REGISTERED JERSEY COW, WITH HEIF-e- r calf 4 weeks old. Inquire 3 E. 16th st SQUARE EMERSON PIANO FOR SALE; IN first-cla- condition; $65i 554 First Bt. FOR SALE SEALSKIN JACKET, GOOD condition, $65. 61 3d st, cor. Fine. FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED ENGLISH fox terrier puppies at 272 Ash st. FULL - BLOQDED ALTAMONT MARE; cheap. Inquire 43 3d. FOR SALE LARGE UMBRELLA PLANT AT 611 4th at., near Sherman. TOP BUGGY FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL 484 Burnside or particulars. GOOD DELIVERY HORSE FOR SALE OR trade. 89 Sixth st FRESH COW FOR SALE. 291 N. 18TH street . Pianos. PIANO. EXCELLENT CONDITION. BEAU-tlf- ul case and best make, cheap and on easy terms. H 22, Oregonian. NEW PIANO FOR- - RENT VERY CHEAP. Graves-- Co., 124 Sixth st HELP "WANTED MALE. MAN AND WIFE, CAMP. $70; 2 BUCKERS. $2 50; men and teams, $4, city; loggers, all kinds, $2 up; mill and yard hands, $1 75 and $2; laborers, camps and mills, $2; 80c and $1; metal polisher, $2 50; rock men, $2; short-ord- cook, $35; cooks, waiters, dishwashers, farm hands, $25 to $30. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison, log- gers' headquarters. WANTED MAN, UPRIGHT CHARACTER, to manage business of house; salary $18 per week and expenses payable each woek direct from headquarters. Ex- pense money advanced. Position permanent Reference. Standard House, S01 Caxton building, Chicago. ' SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED TO place departments of perfumes and toilet articles In all classes of stores. Very at- tractive advertising features. High cosh commissions and 'liberal contract to the right man. 'Tho Elyslan Mfg. Co., Detroit Mich. $12 STRAIGHT BONA FIDE WEEKLY SAL-ar- y paid direct from office; expenses, extra, commissions. Capable men and women to represent us appointing agents; rapid promo- tion and Increase salary. New brilliant lines. Butler & Alger, New Haven. Conn. SPECIALTY SALESMAN, WHO HAS HAD experience selling goods to the retail gro- cers of Oregon and adjoining states; must ' do missionary work for the jobbers. State full particulars regarding last engagement M 23, Oregonian. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED FOR high-grad- e staple line to dry goods and gen- eral trade. Contract for balance of this year and all of next It sales are satisfac- tory. American Standard Jewelry Co., De- troit, Mich. WANTED A GOOD STATE ORGANIZER for new and popular fraternal and beneficiary order; fine opportunity for good "man to make money; local organizers wanted also. Seo Chancellor, at St Charles Hotel, Monday afternoon: WANTED COMPETENT SALESMAN FOR furniture, carpets and draperies; man with knowledge of' crockery, stoves, etc., pre- ferred. Permanent position If satisfactory. Salary $100 per month. , Address O 21. core Oregonian. . BENCH HANDS. CABINETMAKERS AND machine hands, first-cla- sticker hands; ono year's work guaranteed; wages $2.50 to $3.50;' men with chests, tools; fare advanced; no office fees. Apply 110 First st, DV E.- - Budd &Co. SOLICITORS FOR "GALVESTON;. THE Horrors of a Stricken City," by. Murat Hal-stea- d. 500 pages'. Biggest book, best terms. Demand enormous. Solicitors clearing $5 to $30 dally. Outfits free. Standard Pub. House, 332 Dearborn st. Chicago. CHEF,' COOK. $2 DAY. CALL 10 A M. today; night cook, $1 25; waiters for Dalles,. $1 60 (faro); whlto .come; farmhand, $20 (milk." etc); wooUcaoper,i R. G. Drake, 152 Frst," - ' t; ' HELP WANTED MALE. 4 GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS OF appointments to be made. Examinations soon In every state. Circular giving full particu- lars, sent free. Write for It today to Nation- al Corresp. Institute, Washington, D. C. GOVERNMENT POSITIONS DON'T JPRE-pa- re for the postofflce or any other civil service examination without seeing our cat- alogue of information; sent free. Columbian Correspondence College. Washington. D. C. SPECIALTY SALESMAN, EXPERIENCED and acquainted with the grocers of Oregon, Washington. Idaho. Montana, to call on wholesalers and retailers. Give, references. H 20, care Oregonian. TAILORING SALESMEN, TO SELL MACK-lntosh- direct to consumer, cash on de- livery basis. Correct prices. Handsome sam- ples prepaid. Inter-Stat- e Rubber Company, 221 Fifth ave., Chicago. WANTED-B- Y WHOLESALER. ENERGETI- C salesmen to learn to sell elegant lino de- partment goods to merchants; large salary, no experience necessary. We educate. Box 790, Chicago. 111. A FniST-CLAS- S TRAVELING SALESMAN to represent established house. Liberal guar- antee and commission. Position .permanent-Addre- ss 1614-31- 5 Dearborn. Chicago. MECHANICS, ENGINEERS. "ELECTRICIANS, firemen, etc., a free scholarship In engineer- ing will be awarded to a few applicants. American School of Cor- respondence, Boston, Mass. YOUNG MAN. LEARN ILLUSTRATING v correspondence: free; tuition payable 60 days ' after position is secured paying $13 a. week. Correspondence Institute of America, Scran-to- n, Pa. WANTED A YOUNG MAN BTENOGRA-ph- er one with some knowledge ot drugs preferred. Address staring experience and salary expected. K 18, care Oregonian.. CAPABLE MAN TO TRAVEL AND APPOINT agents; $1000 yearly salary. Permanent po- sition. Rapid promotion. Supt, Co.. 356 Dearborn st. Chicago. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN, school furniture and supplies. Correspond- ence solicited. Union School Furnishing Co., 211 E. Madison st, Chicago. WANTED FIRST - CLASS TRAVELING - salesman to represent-wholesal- e llqnors, as a side line; references required. Address C 19, care Oregonian. , SALESMEN WANTED TO SELL te advertising novelties, liberal commis- sions. Buffalo D. & M.. 901 Mutual Life Bldg., Buffalo. ENERGETIC WORKERS TO DISTRIBUTE circulars and samples; permanent occupation; good pay: particulars for stamp. Dlst League. 49 W. 2Sth st. New York. YOUNG MEN INTERESTED IN MACHIN-er- y can find the way to valuable- business po- sitions by addressing- P. O. Box 627. Portland, On WANTED TWO ENERGETIC AND ABLE men can .find employment ' at 354 Morrison, Apply bet. 8 and 9 A. M. and 12 and 1 P. M. TWO GOOD. STRONG BOYS WANTED. Must be acquainted with city.- - Apply Great Eastern Tea Co., 326 Washington st. WANTED RUPTURED PEOPLE WHO WILL work a few hours for a free cure. Dr .SEEIRS, box 650, Westbrook. Maine. AN EXPERIENCED PORTER, TO WORK IN -- wholesale tgrocery house. Address "Whole- sale Grocer," care Oregonian. SHORTHAND STUDENT FOR PRACTICE; plenty ot dictation; state time In college. D IS. care Oregonian. COAT AND PANTSMAKER WANTED. MUST be tailor: no other apply. J. Pollvka & Co., 249 Mbrrlson st. YOUNG MAN. AS SALESMAN, LIVING AT home, to work In cigar store. References. V 21, Oregonian. WANTED ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THE making of chewing gum. Address O. W., care Oregortian. BARBER TO BUY 8HOP. CLEARING $30 week; two chairs and bath; price $250. R 19, Oregonian. WANTED-EXPERIENO- PICTTTRE FIT-te- r. Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washington street. WANTED 250 GOOD BUYERS TO DEAL AT the Idaho Market. Oregon South 1041; Col. 757. WELLDIGGER WANTED TO DIG WELL AT county poor farm. Apply to superintendent TVANTED-S- IX RELIABLE AND STEADY men. Room 7, 243 Ash st. GOOD POSITION FOR MAN OF GOOD AD- - dress. 184 Fourth st. BOYS WANTED. 162 FIRST ST. HELP "WANTED FEMALE. ANY LADY CAN EASILY MAKE $18 TO $25 weekly by representing us In her locality, and as the position Is both pleasant and profitable the year round, I will gladly send full partic- ulars to all. Even your spare time 1b valu- able, and If really want to make money, address, with 2c stamp, Mrs. Mary E Wheel- er, 87 Washington st. Chicago, 111. WANTED LADY IN EACH COUNTY FOR branch office work; no canvassing; straight bona fide salary, $18 per week and expenses payable direct from headquarters each week; permanent position; no capital required, ex- cept good references. Address Standard House. 300 Caxton building. Chicago. SILK WAIST OR SKIRT FREE-A- NY LADY answering this advertisement can get a coupon with which she can get a silk waist ortskirt absolutely free. This offer is made to quickly introduce our goods. L& Belle . Waist Co., 350 Morrison st, Portland. Or. WAITRESSES, PENDLETON. $20, FARE here; Kalama, $18; several city; chamber-wor- k; second work; nurse girl; cooks; laun- dry help: plenty of housework, $12 to $23; canvassers. Canadian Parlors, 226 Mor- rison. WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG LADY TO work for part tuition In shorthand or book- keeping. Behnke's Pernln Shorthand & Com- mercial College, 614 Commercial block. WANTED A FIRST-CLAS- S LADY BOOK-keep- er and stenographer; none other need apply; must furnish city references. N 23, care Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER TO WORK PART OF each day. Call at office, 269 Washington, room 4, Sunday or Monday, between 12 and 3 o'clock. WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGLE GIRL to take full charge of mangle-roo- Apply 7:30 A M., Electric Laundry Co., 308 .Madi- son st - WANTED A MIDDLE-AGE- D LADY, AS nousekeeper; nrst-cias- s cook; no others need apply. Thompson's Ticket Office, 128 3d st. WANTED A MIDDLE-age- d woman, of pleasing address, to fill a position of trust. O 19, care Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k; ono who will go to the country; good cook. Good wages to the right party. R WAITRESSES. $5; $15 AND ROOM FOR B. H. hotels, etc.: 50 domestics and house help. Drake, 152 First GIRL. TO SEW ON COATS. ONE WITH some experience preferred. 170 Second, cor. Yamhill. 3d floor. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A GIRL FOR chamber and general housework; no cooking. 381 Yamhill st. WANTED A GIRL. FOR GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k. Apply Monday morning at 335 Jef- ferson street. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; good home and wages. 423 San Rafael st. Upper Alblna. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL; MUST BE good cook, washer and lroner; references. 100 King st. WANTED60 WOMEN TO WORK IN PACK-Ing-hou- Apply Monday at 312 East Clay street EXPERIENCED SEWERS. AT G- - P. RUM-mel- ln & Sons, 120 Second st, near Wash- ington. WANTED FEW HOURS' HOUSEWORK every day. Apply Monday A M. 42 N. 21st street. WANTED 250 GOOD BUYERS AT the Idaho Market Oregon South 1041; Col. 757. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k. 627 Marshall, between 19th and 20th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR'GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k, .four adults. 414 Stark st, cor. 11th. WANTED COMPETENT GIRD: MUST BE good coofc. 607 Spring st., Portland Heights. FOR SALE CHEAP. BABY CARRIAGE. IN good condition. Inquire 319 Tillamook st. FOR SALE FIRST-CLAS- S FRESH COW and calf. F. Sanf tenberg, SelJwood. Or. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOOD boms to right part. Call 181 '17th at. HELP "WANTED FEMALE. WANTED APPRENTICE. BY DRESSMAK-e-r. Must be neat. 344 E. 2d st. N. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NO washing. 121 13th, cor., Washington. WANTEDGIRL. TO GO TO HARRISON school: work for board. 403 Third. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE OF FIVE-ROO- cottage for sale. S 20. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT. A PIANO: NO CHIL-dre-m Address S 21. Oregonian. WANTED-- A GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework. Apply 2S0 7th. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE-wor- k. 816 Lovejoy street. GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL HOU3K-wor- k. Call 327 W. Park. TWO JERSEY COWS AND CALVES FOR sale. 504 Rodney avenue. i WANTED YOUNG GIRL. FOR LIGHT SEC- - ond work. 147" 10th st WANTED WOMEN TO WORK .IN PRUNES. 312 East Clay. City. GIRL WANTED FOR HOUSEWORK. S49 Harrison. FOR SALE A GENTLE COW. 473 E. 12TK street. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED BY RELIABLE BUSINESS house, men or women, on salary and ex- penses. Apply 208 First st, room 20. after- noons. SITUATION "WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. RELIABLE. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP-e- r and solicitor desires position; speaks Ger- man; best references. Address Y 20, car Oregonian. BY STENOGRAPHER. AN EVENING either as correspondent or book- keeper. Charges reasonable. B 13, caro Oregonian. SALESMAN OR BUSINESS MANAGER. BY a man with 20 years' business experience; speaks German. Address A 20, caro Ore- gonian. BOOKKEEPER HAS FEW HOURS DUR-ln- g afternoon could devote to limited amount of work. Address' W 21. Oregonian. WANTED BY" 3TOUNG MAN. COLLECTING to do; commission or salary;, best ot refer- ence. U" 18, care Oregonian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN, AS COL-lect- part inside preferred. K S3, caro Oregonian. Miscellaneous. COMPETENT COOK AND' WIFE WOULD like situation .in country hotel or camp for Winter. GUt-fdg- a references. Address C. O. Russell, care St. Charles Hotel, Port- land, Or. WANTED POSITION AS STATIONARY er by experienced man. Can make my own. repairs. Address J. F Van Dervort. Bourne, Baker County, Or. TWO YOUNG MEN WISH POSITION AS waiters In restaurant In city, wlth little ex- perience; willing to work up. Address Box 243. Newberg. Or. EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS POSITION IN lumber business; understands bookkeoplng also. Is not looking for a snap. B 23, caro Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. A3 miller in full roller mill; 12 years' expe- rience; best references. Address G 20, caro Oregonian. ) BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION. BOOKKEEP-e- r or cashier; 10 years' experience; refer- ences; Oregon or Washington. M 20, Orego- nian. WANTED PERMANENT POSITION, BY young man, who ho.s horso and light de- livery rig. Address M. 2C6 Front st BY BRIGHT YOUNG MAN. SORER AND steady; am very handy, and would tako any- thing. B 18. caro Oregonian. JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION A3 help for cooking and general housework. H. K 393 Flanders st SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS MAN WOULD LDXH position as Janitor or warehouseman. Good references. 548 1st DRUG CLERK. EXPERIENCED AND REG-l"tere- d. wants position; reference. Address X 20. care OreSanlon. BY AN HONEST, INDUSTRIOUS BOY.WITH chance of promotion; aged 15. FredLlnd. Jr.. Fulton, Or. - 1 SITUATION. BY RELIABLE JAPANESE, who can speak good English. C 20, care Ore- gonian. JANITOR WANTS WORK. EITHER FULL or part day. Address C 23, core Oregonian. SITUATIONS "WANTED FEMALE. .Dressmakers. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WOULD like a few more engagements by the day. B 21. care Oregonian. SEWING, BY COMPETENT DRESSMAKER Address Miss E. Collins, Sisters of Mercy, Phone Black 371. IMPROVE YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE by getting- your clothes made reasonably at 446 Clay st FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING. 63 7TH st. near Oak. Mrs. Hawkins Bookkeepers and Stenographers. ACCURATE AND RELIABLE YOUNG LADY stenographer, with five years' experience and good knowledgo of general offlco work, de- sires position. L 23, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER LADY WITH FIVE years experience in New York office wishes position. References. M 21. Oregonian. POSITION BY EXPERIENCED STENOG-raphe- r. Best of city references. Address X 22. caro Oregonian. j : I SITUATION WANTED AS STENOGRAPHER and typewriter. Address u m, care urosummi. Housekeepers. WOMAN WISHES POSITION AS HOUSE-keepe- r. or manager ot boarding or rooming-hous- e. References. P 21. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. A YOUNG LADY, WELL VERSED IN ALL departments of the millinery business, has had four years' experience keeping stock and selling dry goods, etc., wants position, can give best of reference. A 19, care Orego- nian. A REFINED YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TO travel as companion with some middle-age- d lady. Address M. J.. P. O. Box 637, City. SITUATION WANTED BY LADY. A3 bookkeeper; five years' experience, and first-cla- ss references. J 18. caro Oregonian. WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY. TO ASSIST In housework and learn cooking. Apply after Sunday at 466 Vancouver ave. YOUNG LADY WISHES TO TEACH BEGIN-ne- rs on piano and guitar at 25 cents lesson. S 23. care Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WISHES TO DO OFFICE work for experience, small salary. X H. care Oregonian. WOMAN WISHES WORK SWEEPING AND cleaning offices. Y 23, caro Oregonian. K. WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY. Call on Sunday at 631. N. Union aVe. WANTED DENTAL WORK IN EXCHANG3 for weaving. 449, Washington st. WASHING AND IRONING, OR OTHER work by the day. 178 Grant st. "WANTED AGENTS. WANTED LIVE STATE AGENT TO SELL, Barclay Patent Corsets. Nothing like them. Sell at sight. Give straight front effect. Something ladles all want. We manufac- ture five styles. They please all who se them. Agents make ?20 to $30 per- - week. Robinson & Co.. 233 W 1st St., Los An- geles, Cal. GALVESTON HORROR- THE- - OFFICIAL story of tho terrible disaster by Murat Hal-stea- d; nearly 500 pages. Illustrated; agents making $10 to $20 per day; best terms; freight paid; credit given; books ready; outfit free. Write quick. s, 334 Dearborn, Chicago. AGENTS OUR TRADE 8ECRETS TEACH you how to mako fast-selli- and. specialties. For particulars write Wheaton & Co.. New Bedford. Mass. WANTED AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY TO sell Family Memorials: good profits and steady work. Address Campbell 8 Co. 889 Plum st, EJgla, 111,

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Page 1: The Sunday Oregonian.. (Portland, Or) 1900-10-07 [p 20].€¦ · 2tf THE SJJN3PIAY OBEGONIANi PORTLAND, OCOBEE! 7,,. 1900. NEW TODATT.,JfrtlF SIOCK. 100x100. ua corner East Seventh



,Jf SIOCK. 100x100.rtlF corner East Seventhua I Li. 1 and Yamhill BtreeU,$2250. easy terms.

C. H. KORELL. 235 Stark St.

INVESTMENTSBonds, warrants and local stocks bought and

cold. J. W. Cruthers & Co., Chamber of Com.

50x100. ON 21ST AND

Corner GUsan, very choice,S2G0O. easy terms.

C H. KORELL.235 Stark st

$100- - REWARDXs offered for the apprehension and convictionof the murderer or murderers of H. R. Dlckel.Minerva Lodge, JJo. 10. I. O. O. F. By orderof. Emll Frey. N. G.

THIRD ST., NEARlarqaln l& extra fine Quarter100x100 feet, with

first-cla- ss double bouse of8 rooms each; $5500 takes It. easy terms.

C. H. KORELL. 235 Stark st

5 MORTGAGE LOANS- -5On approved Portland city real estate.

Title Guarantee & Trust Co.7 Chamber of Commerce.

50 X 100 FEET ONA Sacrifice Kearney, near 24th

St., only $1750; cheap-est buy In this choice

residence location. C. H. KORELL.235 Stark st.

MORTGAGE LOANSOn improved city and farm property, at lowestcurrent rates. Building loans. Installmentloans. Macmaster & Blrrell, 211 Worcester blk.

100x100 ON COMMERCIALA EC, near Skidmore, $450.Snap C. H. KORELL,

235 Stark st.

HOUSES FOR RENTWe have houses for rent, but want more.

Owners should list their properties with asand secure good tenants. We collect rents andattend to tho making of repairs and paymentof taxes.

MONEY TO LOAN WJ:tato at 5 jer cent.


Title Guarantee & Trust Co.7 Chamber of Commerce


'Exceptionally' Fine and Nearly KerrHousehold Furniture, Steel Range,

.Etc-- , at 231 Grant Street, BetweenFirst and Second, Tuesday, October0, at 10 A M.

HAVING RECEIVED INSTRUCTIONSfROM THE OWNER, WHO IS LEAVINGTHE CITY, I nlll on the above date sell thecontents or bis beautifully furnished home,comprising. In part: A beautiful three-piec- e

parlor suit, in mahogany frame, upholsteredBrocatclle silk; mahogany rocker; TURKISHCOUCH, BEAUTIFULLT DRAPED; twolarge art squares, In Brussels; GOLDEN OAKSIDEBOARD. TRENCH PLATE MIRROR:MASSIVE GOLDEN OAK EXTENSIONTABLE (10 FEET); TWO HEAVY GOLDENOAK DINING CHAIRS, WITH CARVINGCHAIR TO MATCH1. HEAVY IRON BED,3EAUTIFULLY TRIMMED IN BRASS; GOL-DEN OAK BUREAU. WITH FRENCHPLATE MIRROR; oak center table; laco cur-tains; portieres; fancy hanging lamp; curled-ha- ir


SET. OVER 100 PIECES: decorated china andother dishes; SIX -- HOLE STEEL RANGE(Charter Oak); extra fine heater (Golden Pa-lace); refrigerator; household treasure; lino-leum, and other useful lots.



(PRIOR TO SALE.J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer.


JL,t Salesroom, 182 First Street,"Wednesday Next, October 10, at 10A. M., Costly Bedroom Suit, FoldingBed, Silver-Plate- d Andirons, Cu-tting Box, EtcI WILL SELL ON WEDNESDAY NEXT


AND INGRAIN CARPETS; lacecurtains and portieres; good mantel clock;extra fine three-quart- black walnut bed-stead; FINE LEATHERvCOVERED. SPRING-EDG- E

COUCH; HANDSOME EXTRA-WID- ETURKISH COUCH; VERY FINE FOLDINGBED. WITH FRENCH PLATE MIRROR ANDWRITING DESK ATTACHED. ALSO FINEOAK WINDSOR FOLDING BED, WITHFRENCH PLATE MIRROR: separate bureau;good toilet sets; expensive black walnut exten-sion table; ash extension tables; drop - leaftables and kitchen tables; dining chairs androckers: oak center tables; household treas-ures; kitchen utensils; several good cookstoves and heaters; LARGE PIECE OF LINO-LEUM; NEARLY NEW CUTTING BOX;GENT'S BDXE. AND OTHER USEFUL LOTS.

J. T. "WILSON, Auctioneer.


Iry Goods, Boots and Shoes, Crock-ery, Glassware, Etc., at Salesroom,182 First Street, Friday Next, Octo-ber 12, at lO A. M.

I will sell on Friday next a miscellaneous as-sortment of dry goods, boots and shoes, crock-ery, glassware, woodenware, brushes andbrooms and other useful coods. Sale at 10A. M J. T. WILSON, Auctioneer.

MCttottSolef feo.J$'aVvera Co.



On Tuesday Next, Oct 9. at 10 A. M.

AT CENTRAL AUCTION ROOMS. CORNERALDER AND PARK STS. We are Instructedto sell tho fine furniture, etc, removed fromNOB HILL residence for convenience of sale,COMPRISING: Costly articles of best qualitySILVERWARE: OIL PAINTINGS: STEELENGRAVINGS; handsome painted plaques;ebony easel; very fine walnut settee. In haircloth; pretty couch. In blue velour; COMBI-NATION BOOKCASE, In golden oak; WHITESEWING MACHINE, In first-cla- condition;upholstered rockers and easy chairs; rattanxm chair; piano stool; very handsome center

tables: BABY BUGGY: fine lace curtains; vel-vet and Brussels carpets; 0rl2 Axmlnster andSmyrna rugs: portieres; velvet stair carpet;akin rugs; GOLDEN OAK DINING, SUIT,viz.: Sideboard, with French plate glass; ft

extension, table; six box-se- at chairs, en suite;crockery and glassware; table linens; carver'schair; three very fine oak bedroom suits, com-plete, with springs and mattresses; primeleather pillows; good sheets and comforters:cabinet folding bed; oak chiffonier; bedroomchairs; good six-ho- RANGE, and the usualkitchen utensils. Also ' gent's VICTORWHEEL. On view Monday afternoon. Saleat 10 A. M.

GEO. BAKER & CO., Auctioneers.

On Thursday Next, Oci II, at 10 A. M.


and Park sts., REGULAR WEEKLYSALE of general household .furniture, carpets,cooking and heating stoves, etc Particularslater. GEO. BAKER fc CO., Auctioneers.

TO RENTOne good trprlght piano,' equal to new. Ap-

ply GEO. BAKER & CO., SM Alder st. BothhBOt&



$900 100. on East, Taylor, near 14thSt.; $300 cash, balance long time.

C. H. KORELL, 235 Stark st.


For $150 100 ft at Ockley GreenStation. 60 feet fromcar line: former value

$800, now $150.C. H. KORELL. 235 tark st.


Of Very Handsome Furniture,at Residence.

. "We are instructed to sell by publicauction at tne residence, No. 309Sixth, street, bet-wee- Mill and Mont-gomery, on (tomorrow) Monday, O-ctober S, at 10 A. M., the costly iur-nitur- e,

Including;! French plate pierKlass, upholstered parlor suits inred plush, sofas and easy chairs,xausic box, leather chair, walnutcenter tables; valuable painting:.Madonna and child (alter Raphael) jpastels, engravings, .banging: lamps,Brussels carpets, bouquet stands,bookcase, encyclopedia Britannica,a dulciphone, stand' lamp, rockers,oalc sideboard, extension table, O

dining chairs, jjaintinss, hall rack,folding chairs, hall lamp, stair andhall carpets, heating stoves, costlybedroom suits in French walnut,mattresses other complete suits)lounge, marble-to- p tables, Japanesecabinet. Sale (tomorrow) Monday,10 A. M., beginning with the ilnerlots. S. L. X. OILMAN, Auctioneer.


Of Household Furniture,Books, Etc.

"We are instructed to sell by pub-lic auction on Tuesday, October 9,at 411 "Washington street, at 10 A.M.t Handsome Turkish couch, brassbedsteads, white and green enamel)bedroom suits, in cherry and oak)wire springs, (mattresses, bed com-

forters, walnut wardrobe, rugs, car-pets, bedsteads and mattresses,Wakefleld 'crib; pretty rockers, 'armrockers, air-tig- ht ,stoves settees,walnut sideboard, extension tables,chairs, kitchen treasures) alsobooks, medical works (standard),Obstetrics (Churchill), Clinical Atlas(Taylor), Reynold's System, of Med-

icine, Surgery (Gross), Diseases ofChildren (Smith), System of Med-icine (Pepper), Therapeutics (Eg-ger- t),

Flint's Practice of Medicine,Jahrs New Manual, Glisan's Text-Boo- k,

People's Encyclopedia, Gram'sAtlas, Bulwer's "Works, etc. SaleTuesday next, 10 A. M., at 411 Wash-ington street.

S. It. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. "'


OJ Elegant Furniture, Car-

pets, Etc.

At residence. "We will sell by pub-lic auction at the residence, No. 17013tb street, between Morrison andXamhill, on "Wednesday next, Octo-

ber 10, at 10 A. M.t Almost newBody Brussels carpets, Jn parlors)hall and stair carpets, of latest pat-terns) fine upholstered chairs, set-

tees, leather couch and chair, hand-some center tables) 6 pairs veryhandsome imported Swiss appliquecurtains, hand-mad- e, at St. Gall,Switzerland, to which we invite theattention of buyers) two Arapahoeblankets) couch draperies) veryhandsome mahogany bedroom suit,with elegant dressesr) costly oakbedroom suit) brass bedstead) mat-tresses, In curled hair and wool)extremely handsome solid oak ex-

tension table, 15-fo- very hand-some solid oak sideboard and Q sol-

id oak dining chairs (en suite)) hallmirror and chairs) a valuable paint-ing ("First Love," by Tojeti)) "Wake-

field rockers) Smyrna rug, 9x12 feet)costly mahogany bookcase and desk(very handsome)) flower painting)screen) xugs.-N- . B. We .invite thoattention of buyers of fine goods tothis sale. "Wednesday next, 170 13thstreet. Sale commences at 10 A. M.,with the finest goods first. -

S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer.

Auction Sale of Household Fur-


"We are Instructed to sell by pub-lic auction on Friday next, October12, at 411 "Washington street, at 10A. M., a large list of household fur-niture, including the furniture andfittings, of residence. Sale Fridaynext, 10 A. M.

S. JL. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer.


5500 Two lota In Sunnyslde Addition, size87x100. These are cheap.

$800 Woodlawn, 50x100, and nice cottage,story. Snaps like this nearly all

cone.$1250 Albino, 50x125, and neat cot-

tage, on Morris st., close to car.$1350 Woodstock. 100x125, .and two pretty

cottages; nice garden and shrubbery; rents $12per month.

$1850 Finest building site on E. Ankeny st,cor. E. 22d; contract expires soon, and pricewill be advanced.

$S500 Near Prettyxnan Station, one MountTabor car line; beautiful residence, modernconveniences: grounds 100x165."WEST SIDE

$3000 Fine quarter block, cor. 10th and College.

$6500 100x100. N. W. cor. 15th and Everett,with cottage.

We have several handsome residences forsale on the West Side at prices ranging from$6000 to $25,000.

Income-producin- g business property that willshow a steadily Increasing return. Call andlet us know what kind of an Investment youare looking for.

JfOWt-I- S THE TIME TO BUT$3500 a suburban home on the Sec-

tion Line road near the MountTanor reservoir. & acres in mil.

tlvatlon: bearing fruit trees and choice va-riety small fruits and grapes; large house, costover $2600. W. G. Beck, 321 Morrison.



$600 Cottage, 4 lots, Woodlawn.$600 Cottage, near Sunnysldo; easy terms.$050 Cottage, Woodlawn.$800 Cottage, Feurer's addition.$1050 Cottage,, Sunnyslde; easy terms.$1050 Cottage, Feurer's addition; easy

terms'.Residence near Brooklyn School.fl600 Residence, Stevens' addition.

Houses, all sizes and prices, .in all partsof city, cash or Installments. Also goodbuilding lots. ' J. A HENKLE. ,

Rooms 225 and 226, Ablngton Bldg.

FOR SALE-- MT HOME.. HALF BLOCK. COB,Multnomah and East Sccond'sts.. Holladay'sAddition; house, full attic and base-ment; gas, furnace, electric bells; choice

- shrubbery, fn:lt;-flne 'view; about1 to leave-city- ;

cheap; part cash. 7, A, Hugglns. 107yirrt st.


$1600 BUTS A NEAT HOME OF SIX ROOMS,with brick basement, with fulllot, on EastSeventh st. This is a snap. Easy .terms ofpaymentt if wanted.

Sixth street Good cottage and lot, nice lo--'cation, having east view. Mortgage Co.will sell on easy terms of'payment A goodhomo for family wanting this side of the

Fulton Park A nice house, with three lots,making a good 'home,- - for Bale by the Mortgage

Co. for less than the cost of tho house.Easy terms It wanted. - -

Portland Heights Choice Quarter block,nicely located, only $150O. ,

$1000 buys a nice corner property, withtwo cottages. Mortgage Co. will sell oneasy terms of payment.

$1500 buys a neat corner property, with agood seven-roo- cottage, good location; easyterms. v

Thirteenth street A fine building lot onThirteenth st., well-- located, near car line,near "Portland Academy. -

Tenth street Corner, In good location. TheMortgage Co. will -- sell on easy terms ofpayment, making good opportunity for anyone wanting to build.' '

Union avenue lot $300 buys fine lot onUnion avenue In' good location. Cheapest lotin tho city for the moiley.

$550 will buy fine quarter block, on Grandavenuo, well located. Is the best and cheap-est quarter block' In the city at the price.

$000 buys that fine quarter block on- - East14th and Clinton sts.- - The street Is Improved, .

and sidewalk; lota about two feet hJgher-tha-

the sidewalk. The MortgageCo. willsell on easy terms of payment It wanted.

Ten-acr- e "tract on Johnson Creek, ' three-quarte- rs

of a mile from car line. Cheapestpiece of acreage having running water about-th-

city.Forty-acr- o farm, mile and half from depot

and town. Thirty acres In cultivation, good- house, banv etc This is a snap; must be

To contractors, builders or Investors Thatfine block on McMlllen. Halsey, Ross andWheeler streets. Will sell as a whole or sub-divide Into lots. This would make a good-payi-

Investment If built upon; better thanplacing money at" Interest; or would makefine residence sites.

Twenty-thir- d street lots; also lots on Over-ton and Pettygrove streets, at low prices.

Flno farm of 7JS acres; one of tho bestfarms In the state, being sold to close up anestate. Anybody wanting flno largo farmshould Inspect this.

Houses and lots, fine vacant lots for sale ateasy terms. Apply at C. K. Henry, sellingagent for the Mortgage Co., 273 Stark st.


$700 East 10th and Main streets; very de-

sirable building lot.$1000 Corner Hoyt and 11th streets; ther

very location for a store.- $3000 One of Portland's prettiest resi-

dences; centrally located on the West Side.$5000 A beautiful residence on the East

Side; an ideal home.$3000 A pretty home on the East Side,"

lawn and shade trees. besides a lot 150x120,and .two blocks from two different car lines,terms easy. .

$750 Three full lots on Sellwood's mainstreet, and surrounded by pretty- - homes.

$1600 Two cottages on East Eighth street,Bold as a whole or a part, and on the Install-- -

$1200 A quarter block In Portsmouth, neat-- !ly painted cottage. Thls-l- s a snap. ,

$600 The most central quarter block inPiedmont This is a bargain, which willonly .hold good for a few days. .

$3000 Three beautiful cottages, consistingof 6 rooms, bath, "pantry and basement each;

4 gas and patent .closets, and situate In theNob Hill district of the city; bringing In agood rental. Will only be sold as a whole

$35015 lots in Peninsular Addition. 375x100 feet, with small house and fruit trees.

$700 and basement cottage andconservatory, In Portsmouth.' $1200 cottage,' In Sunnysldo.

$1000 Cottage, 4 rooms; 3. 10th and Pow-ell

$600 Union ave., between Beech and Fre- -mont: cottage.

$700 cottage, lot 50x100, Vancouver avo., near Going st., MaeglcyHighlands Addition. A positive snap.

"ALSO.The finest farm in Washington County,

containing in the neighborhood of 300 acres,.all under cultivation: splendidly waterod andfully equipped with all necessary tools,wagons, etc., and a fine dwelling. One ofthe most profitable farms In the Northwest.

" See usfor a price. - , 'AiSO.A large list of.very desirable property, both"Improved and unimproved. In' every part ofthe city. Money to loan; houses to rent andrents collected. Tour property will be soldIf listed with ROUNTREE & DIAMOND.241 Stark Street, corner Second. Phone Grant201.

DO TOU KNOW THAT YOU CAN GET JUSTa real nice house, with full lot onEast 10th street for $575? A real nlcocottage on East 22d and Oak. $650; a verydesirable lot East Ankeny, .near 22d, for $650.

A great snap In modern house?East 0th, near Ankeny, $1750. .

An elegant place on Portland Heights, onoblock to cars, for $2000.- - ,

An Investment you can't duplicate, thatplace on Caruthera,-- , near 3d street; monthly,rental, $40;. pays 10 per cent Interest on$4800. Place cost $6000; will sell for $4000.

A real nice, high, sightly place In Clack-amas, 3 blocks from station, 3 acres, withgood, house, good barn, choice fruit,for $1000.

An elegant ranch, with finehouse, good barn, choice fruit, living water,on good road, near Forest, Grove; price,$1600. Will exchange for property near Wood-lawn cars.

A nice farm, fronting on the Tual-atin, 2 miles from Hlllsboro, for only $2000.

I have a number of other bargains; moneyto loan at low rates; no commission. Seeme before you do business. R. H. DUNN,

140 Fln 8t- -

A VERY CHOICE 50x100 COR. LOT ONE. 15th and E. Alder, south and east front.

modern .house, lot 50x100. on E.Burnside st, close In; a bargain; price $2725.

house, lot 50x100, on E. 14th st,"near" Ankeny; price, $1650; a snap.

bouse, cor. lot, Sunnysldo, $, two lots, Alblna; one block

' east of Williams ave.; streets Improved;$1300.

modern house on E. Ash st, near16th st; price, $1850; easy termB.

House and lot, Holladay's addition, $, lot 65x100, E. Burnside; a

bargain; $400 cash, balance long time.Eight lots at Highland, Unlon-avenu- o car

line; $125 for inside, $150 for corners.'Choice building lots on E. Burnside, E.

Ankeny and Washington and 12. 12th sts.;price reasonable.

modern house and lot on Belmontt ; price $2100.$300, $500, $900, $1100 to loan at a low rate.

F. BRESKE.Room 444 Sherlock Bldg., 83 3d st"


installments.$1500 Five-roo- cottage, Vancouver ave-

nue, beauty.$375 Three-roo- cottage. Highland, Install-

ments ( bargain.$500 Four-roo- cottage, four lots, East

slope Mount Tabor, Installments; great bar-gain; Investigate. "

$475 Three-roo- cottage, Feurer's addition,Installments.

$1150 Six - room house, two lots. SouthPortland; onco sold for $3400; Installments;bargain.

$700 Seven-roo- house, west slope MountTabor, Installments; exceptional bargain; in-vestigate at onoe. 012 Commercial Blk.

FOR 'SALE OR RENT-60-AC- RE IMPROVEDfarm; 50 acres bottom, good, frame houseand new barn, orchard; $1000, half cash; rent

" $50.House, 6 rooms and bath, lot 50x150, $2250.Lots from $350 to $750, cloBe to car line.House and corner lot on Seventh, near

Hall, $2500.,Corner lot, Marshall, near 24th, $1700.Corner of Corbett and Gibbs, $1250.Good house, modern, Sunnysldo;

$1500. MONTAGUE & BORDEN, 226 Stark.

WE HAVE PROPERTY OF ALL lONDSand in all parts of the city and suburbs, forsale at lowest prices, and can make betterterms than others, as we handle propertyowned principally by mortgage companlos.Call and see our list, as we have some specialbargains on .hand, and will drive you out tosee the property. It will cost you nothing tolook It over. Grlndstaff & Blaln, 240 Starkstreet

YOU CAN GET A HOUSE BUILT TO SUIT,Including lot from 5 to 0 rooms, on EastBurnside st, fine location, ranging from$1800 to $2700. That includes full brick base-ment, two stories high, porcelain bath, fire-place, furnace heat, sewer, gas and electriclight and generally"" modern and fine appear-ing, and are good bargains. Dammler, 611Marquam Bldg. . .

GOOD CORNER, 100x100, WITH GOODcottage, stable and chicken house, fruit

trees and shrubbery, on car line, this sidoof Mount Tabor. Price, $700; terms.

$50 each Sightly lots,. 50x100, on car line,this side of Mount Tabor; same lots for-merly sold for $375. .

JOSEPH M. HEALY, 290 Morrison.

J, W. OGILBEE, ROOM 11, 145 FEElST ST.$350 Two lots, with neat little cot-tage, with" shrubbery. In Peninsular' Addi-tion, some' distance ' from station on motor;VERY CHEAP: $100 cash, balance $5 permonth, no Interest

FOR SALE MODERN 'COTTAGE "OF FIVE"rooms; newly plumbed,' nice lawn,' improvedstreet: half block from car serv-ice; close- to school, churches and stores. Ad-dress owner, 000 East Yamhill st.

THREE ACRES,' WELL LOCATED. JOINSPiedmont near car, new, pretty house, 6rooms nnd bath, ypung orchard, cheap, easyterms, certain to Increase In value. Dr.' Swain,dentist 713 Dekum Bldg.

A FINE HOUSE. MODERN IM--with two well - improved fullfifovements,Brooklyn School. East Side; price

$1800. Apply to C. F. Pfluger, Agent 148Second st, near Morrison.

WE HAVE 'MANY GOOD BUYS IN HOUSES iana lots. J. A, Henkle, 223 Ablngton Bldjr. i

V if


16th and. Weldler, .$1600. This can't be beatin price and quality anywhere.20th, near Belmont Two nearly new 8--

room houses, veryxheap; wllrsell separately.Hojladay.'s addition Beautiful new .cottage,

' complete in every detail. Very latest styloarchitecture; price, low terms; easy.

Base Line acreage $40 up; some finely im-proved closo In.

Couch and King-tFl- no residence sites; Tthand, Irving, quarter, business, fine.

Lincoln Park Lots al over from $75 up;someivery fine and all cheap; any terms; also

- Lincoln 3ark Annex. It. M. WILBUR., 233 Stark.

HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE; FIVE ROOMS,large bathroom, attic, brick foundation,wired throughout; mddel plan; excellentconstruction; convenient for town; bargain.H 23, care Oregonian. "


house, and barn, 1171 Hawthorne' ave. Hard- -- finished; city water; fruit trees; near school;. $550 cash, balance on mortgage. Hawthorne-avenu- e

cars pass door. ,


acres cultivation, good house, barn,- orchard; running" water; 13 miles from Port-

land, $2750. Charleson & Staub, 245 Mor-rison, room 12. "

TrnTTRH- - GROUND RENT. $1 60. per month, $75; house, lot 25x100,

saoo, naif casn, 'oaiance on nine, iu. wiiwon Sacramento $00O. 604 Goldsmith st,,Lower Alblna.

FOR 'SALE A NICE SUBURBAN HOME:modern house, cement basement andcellar; pleasantly loca,ted,and In good re-

pair. Inquire 1325 Cleveland ave., Piedmont.

WASHINGTON ' ST. TWO EXCELLENTcorner lots which if improved could bo rentedto pay 7.84 per cent net Interest on costF. V. Andrews & Co., Hamilton Bldg.

CHOICE MODERN RESIDENCE. BARN,etc., and" two cultivated acres at Mount Ta-

bor. Near car. Beautiful scenery. F. V.Andrews & Co., Hamilton Bldg.

ON 22D. NEAR HOYT, A HOUSE AND LOT;must, be sold; terms to suit; a bargain forsomo one; investigate. Room 444 Sherlockbuilding, 83 Third st

FOR SALE LOTS- - 6 AND 7, BLOCK 139,Couch; price $3500: one-ha- lf cash. By Par-rls- h

& Watklns, 250 Alder st$3000 BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME OF

2 acres. Rare opportunity to secure home.P 23, Oregonian.

THREE ACRES, CHOICE LOCATION, ONcar line; house, barn and 'fruit Room 226,Ablngton Bldg.


Oregonian. '

$1250-50x1- 00 FEET," COLUMBIA. BET. 14THand lflth. W. E. Thomas, 400 Chamber ofCommerce.


basement large lot, on car line. F 20, care,Oregonian. ''FOR SALE 80 ACRES .IMPROVED, $42 60per acre. This Is ar big bargain.' E 23, careOregonian.

U. ACRE TO ACRES; HOUSE.Apply at 378 Hawthorne. City. Owner.


SPLENDID FARM, OF 770 ACRES. IN THEbest part of tho Willamette Valley. Railroadstation on the place: good "story and halthouse, large barn and dutbuildings;-0- 0 acres

. In cultivation;- balance easily cleared; 12acres of Italian prunes; also good, orchardof assorted fruits. Fine location for cream-'er- y

and' stock ranch.- - Price, $6500.'- JosephM. Hcaly. 200 Morrison st. , ,

FOR SALE 120 - ACRE DAIRY RANCH,"near Ilwaco. Wash.; ' owned 'by Mrs. M.HawklnsJ'good buildings,"" well fenced' and Ingood condition. For particulars Inquire ' ofJ. A. Howmton, 'Ilwaco, Wash.

IMPROVED FARMS FOR , SALE IN ALL, parts of Oregon and Washington; payments

made to suit' purchasers. For full particularsas to various properties; apply to Macmaster& iBlrrell, 311 Worcester Block.

SNAP NICE LITTLE PLACE OF 20 ACRES.all good soil,- - only 11 miles east of the city:16 acres .In, cultivation; good- - orchard and

, living water. Price, $1000. Joseph M. Healy,200 Morrison st. c .

STOCK 'RANCH ALL OR PART OF 10004acresrin .Douglas County. S. P. R R. runsthrough It. Well watered. Cheap. AddressOwner, 634 Flanders. , ,


ground,, all fenced, good title and plentyof water. Address Mrs. S. J. Hulkowskl,Fish Springs, Utah. '

FRUIT AND VEGETABLE FARMfor sale, near city; will pay for Itself Infour years; owner must sell at any sacri-fice. John Day, .Vancouver, Wash.

FARMS SALE OR TRADE; LARGE LIST;slzo and price to suit. J. A. Henkle, rooms

- 225 and 226 Ablngton building.--


FOR RENT FRUIT AND STOCK FARM;good opening for responsible tenant who un-

derstands the care of fruit trees; farm con-

tains 2000 selected fruit trees, mostly Win-ter apples; 30 acres meadow and 'over 100acres good .pasture, besides large range foryoung Btock. Present tenant, who Is goinginto other business,-woul- d sell stock and Im-plements cheap. Large .house, 'barns, stonedairy, and all necessary outhouses. In per-fect order; chicken yards, containing 7 acres,with broodhouses, pens, Incubators, etc., allready for business. Open for a few daysonly, Satisfactory terms to right party. B

or call on D. E. Budd & Co., 110 Firststreet. ,

STOCK RANCH. FOR' RE.NT I WILL RENTfor a term of years my stock ranch, nearAlrlle, Polk County, Or,; 4500 acres, dividedInto fields; 500 acres under cultivation. 7barns, ,8 houses, hay,, grain, horses, Imple-ments, cattle, sheep, hogs, etc., to ( sell tolessee. Call on .or address E. P. Cadwell,Alrlle, Or.

FARM FOR RENT 80 ACRES, ALLcleared; nice house., and' good barns, youngbearing orchard; five miles 'from city, WestSide. B. Goldsmith, 209 Ablngton building.

FOR RENT GOOb GRAIN AND STOCKfarms. W. A. Shaw, 110 1st.


I WANT TO BUY A HOUSE AND LOTfrom $700 to $1000 in Sunnyslde or Alblna, oron the Woodlawn car line; state price, housenumber or lot and block. Address W 23,care Oregonian.

FOUR TO SIX -- ROOM COTTAGES ON IN-- "stallments, quick. Have three customers.612 Commercial block.


FOR SALE 600 ACRES YELLOW PINEland in the famous timber belt of SouthernOregon. Address K 10, care Oregonian.

TIMBER, 200,000 acres; mill sites, claims, log-ging chances, school lands, and scrip. J. L.Martin & Co.,' 601 Oregonian bulldinj".


BUY YOUR BELGIAN HARES AT BONAN-z- aRabbitry. Finest Stock, lowest 'prices.

Captain Chandos at stud. 1570 Macadamst, Fultqn. Take S. car.



suburban acre property Acre andcity property Vancouver! Wash.; acre proper-ty Empire City, Or.; city lots Marshfleld;lot In Whatcom; lota In Blaine, Wash.; 193acres hill land in Washington County; threelots and 10. acres Encenltis. Cal. C. C. s,

11 First st Phones, Oregon Main 710;'Columbia 93.

E FARM, WELL IMPROVED: FINEdwelling, large orchard, good outbuildings.Will exchange for stock of general merchln-dls- c.

- For particulars, address G. H. Beebe,Hubbard, Or.

'$2500. D BRICK BUILDINGin Valley town, for stock of merchandise;will. some difference!, Hartman, Thomp-son & Powers, 3 'Chamber of Commerce.

WANTED MAN'S BICYCLE, IN PAYMENTof Jlrst annual premium on life 'insurancepolicy' in one 'of largest and best companies.E '21, caro Oregonian.'

ONE PLACE, YAMHILL CO., AND ONEplace, '(Lewis Co., 'Wash:,' to exchange forHood River Address C.,21, Ore-gonian. '

THREE ACRES," NICELY IMPROVED,South Mount Tabor! will tako house In city,in part payment. 226 Ablngton Bldg.

A RELIABLE DENTIST WILL EXCHANGEdental work for diamonds or piano and pay"part cash. Address B 17, Oregonian.

SET OF WORLD'S HISTORY, 32 VOLS.,new, for ladles' bicycle; Dunlap tire pre-ferred. W 20, Oregonian.

'WILL EXCHANGE 160 ACRES TIMBERland, well located, for .suburb an borne. QUK cars Oregonlaoy

-- . . , '. . 'i - - '


SEWING MACHINBS-- 45 SECOND-HAN-high-ar- machines; 8 New Homes; 10Whites; 3 Domestics; 5 Household; 6 Singers;

,4 Davis; 2 Montgomery Ward and 2 e.

These machines are all warrantedto do good work; price, $7 60 to $15; at-tachments complete; also 10 low-ar- ma--

.chines,- - good sewers, for $5 each. Theycan all be seen and tried at 250 Morrisonst (Lewis Bldg.).


to lease for long time, or will sell oneasy terms; first-cla- location, cheap rent;doing- fair business; owner , going; away.Address G 11, Oregonian.

SEWING-MACHIN- A "FEW SLIGHTLYdamaged machines. Singer, White, NewHome, and Wheeler & Wtlsoa, at astonishlng ' low prices. 335 Morrison street Mar-quam building. '

NURSERY STOCK FOR SALE AT WHOLE-sal- eand retail. varieties trees,

. shrubs,, roses, hollys, vines and bulbs." Writee .list E.' E. Covey, 518 Clay st,- Portland, Or.

FERRETS, GOOD RATTERS; GUINEA PIGS,Persian cats, Louisiana and India mocking-birds, parrots and cockatoos. Imported cana-ries. 320 Jackson, Stuhr.

FOR SALE ANGORA GOATS (WETHERS,' nannies and billies); also Cotswold sheep

(ewes and rams). . Edward L. Naylor, Forest, Grove, Or.


at 188 7th St., for sale at a bar-gain. House full best class roomers and

- boarders. ,


table, four bowling alleys, complete.. Inquire Adolph A. Dekum, 111 First st, or

171 18th.

SMALL HORSE. WARRANTEDsound, gentle; for lady or children to driveor ride, $35; or let for good keeping. 414Hall st

FOR SALE TWO . COMPLETE RIGS, SUIT- -- able for camping; 3 good young horses.

Must sell Sunday or Monday. 382 Water stTYPEWRITERS, ALL MAKES. RENTED

and sold. Expert repairing. Office supplies,etc. Coast Agency Co.. 206 Stark st

LARGE STOCK OF VEHICLES. HARNESS,saddles, new and second-han- must go in 30days. 6. Tomllnson. 211 Washington st


tie and slab; also small supply. Inquire 6thand Burnside, upstairs, room 2.

A GENTLE, YOUNG HORSE. SUITABLEfor lady or gentleman to drive. Cart andharness. Call 802 Alblna ave.

TWO FRESH COWS.' 8 AND 6 YEARS OLD;also horse,- - gentle, sound and true.Call Monday, 128 Union 'ave.

FOX TERRIER AND - COCKER SPANIELpups; thoroughbred, well marked, fine stock.304 17th. near Columbia. .

FOR SALE FINE BODY OF YELLOW FIR,and sawmill complete.- - Address Lock Box6, Forest Grove, Or.

FOR . SALE IMPLEMENTS .AND OUTFITof hoc and chicken ranch; placo for rent.Inquire 91 Sixth st

FULL-BLOO- D IRISH SETTER MALE PUP,6 months old; some training. Address E 22,care Oregonian. .

FOR BEST FUR, OAK AND GOto Pioneer Wood Yard, foot of Morrison at.Phono 180. -

FOR SALE CHEAP TWO GOOD,- - GENTLEnorses. num. divx East 'Seventh st, cor. E.Market


new dress suit. . Address K 20, care Ore-gonian. . .

6000 SHEEP, 5000 HOGS,' 5000 CATTLE, FOR. sale at the Idaho Market. Oregon South 1041:

Col. 757.

FRESH COW AND CALF. CALL ANY-- time. Cor. Elm and Chapman sts., Portland" Heights.

FOR SALE LIGHT TAN CAPE; NEARLY,new; latest style; cheap. G 22, care Orego-nian.

SOLID GOLD RINGS. ONLYteed. Uncle Myers. 143 Third, near Alder.

Magic lanterns, new, second-han- moving pic-tures." Bullard & Breck. 131 Post San Fran.

Upright piano $125, cost $500;, one $50 organ$35; all standard makes. 104 1st, upstairs.

$10 FOR A NEW GAS COOKER; $2 CASH,balanco $2 per month. -- Gas Co., 174 Fifth st.

BEST. DRY FIR WOOD. HOOVER, 313. Water. Phonos Ore. South 051, Columbia 83.

One "Jump;seat Burrey, several new second-hand wagons and buggies. 51 4th, near Pine.

THE TIMBER OF 250 ACRES; FINE PLACEfor mill, close to river. E 15, care Oregonian.

FOR SALE PRETTY BABY BUGGY, $4 60;gocart, $1 50. Address G 23, care Oregonian.

REGISTERED JERSEY COW, WITH HEIF-e- rcalf 4 weeks old. Inquire 3 E. 16th st

SQUARE EMERSON PIANO FOR SALE; INfirst-cla- condition; $65i 554 First Bt.

FOR SALE SEALSKIN JACKET, GOODcondition, $65. 61 3d st, cor. Fine.

FOR SALE THOROUGHBRED ENGLISHfox terrier puppies at 272 Ash st.

FULL - BLOQDED ALTAMONT MARE;cheap. Inquire 43 3d.

FOR SALE LARGE UMBRELLA PLANT AT611 4th at., near Sherman.

TOP BUGGY FOR SALE CHEAP. CALL 484Burnside or particulars.


FRESH COW FOR SALE. 291 N. 18THstreet



case and best make, cheap and on easyterms. H 22, Oregonian.

NEW PIANO FOR- - RENT VERY CHEAP.Graves-- Co., 124 Sixth st


MAN AND WIFE, CAMP. $70; 2 BUCKERS.$2 50; men and teams, $4, city; loggers, allkinds, $2 up; mill and yard hands, $1 75and $2; laborers, camps and mills, $2;

80c and $1; metal polisher, $2 50;rock men, $2; short-ord- cook, $35; cooks,waiters, dishwashers, farm hands, $25 to$30. Canadian Agency, 226 Morrison, log-gers' headquarters.

WANTED MAN, UPRIGHT CHARACTER,to manage business of house;salary $18 per week and expenses payableeach woek direct from headquarters. Ex-pense money advanced. Position permanentReference. Standard House, S01 Caxtonbuilding, Chicago. '

SPECIALTY SALESMEN WANTED TOplace departments of perfumes and toiletarticles In all classes of stores. Very at-tractive advertising features. High coshcommissions and 'liberal contract to the rightman. 'Tho Elyslan Mfg. Co., Detroit Mich.

$12 STRAIGHT BONA FIDE WEEKLY SAL-ar- ypaid direct from office; expenses, extra,

commissions. Capable men and women torepresent us appointing agents; rapid promo-tion and Increase salary. New brilliant lines.Butler & Alger, New Haven. Conn.

SPECIALTY SALESMAN, WHO HAS HADexperience selling goods to the retail gro-cers of Oregon and adjoining states; must

' do missionary work for the jobbers. Statefull particulars regarding last engagementM 23, Oregonian.

TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED FORhigh-grad- e staple line to dry goods and gen-

eral trade. Contract for balance of thisyear and all of next It sales are satisfac-tory. American Standard Jewelry Co., De-

troit, Mich.

WANTED A GOOD STATE ORGANIZERfor new and popular fraternal and beneficiaryorder; fine opportunity for good "man to makemoney; local organizers wanted also. SeoChancellor, at St Charles Hotel, Mondayafternoon:

WANTED COMPETENT SALESMAN FORfurniture, carpets and draperies; man withknowledge of' crockery, stoves, etc., pre-ferred. Permanent position If satisfactory.Salary $100 per month. , Address O 21. coreOregonian. .

BENCH HANDS. CABINETMAKERS ANDmachine hands, first-cla- sticker hands; onoyear's work guaranteed; wages $2.50 to $3.50;'men with chests, tools; fare advanced; nooffice fees. Apply 110 First st, DV E.- - Budd&Co.

SOLICITORS FOR "GALVESTON;. THEHorrors of a Stricken City," by. Murat Hal-stea- d.

500 pages'. Biggest book, best terms.Demand enormous. Solicitors clearing $5 to$30 dally. Outfits free. Standard Pub.House, 332 Dearborn st. Chicago.

CHEF,' COOK. $2 DAY. CALL 10 A; night cook, $1 25; waiters for Dalles,.$1 60 (faro); whlto .come; farmhand, $20(milk." etc); wooUcaoper,i R. G. Drake, 152Frst," - 't; '


GOVERNMENT POSITIONS THOUSANDS OFappointments to be made. Examinations soonIn every state. Circular giving full particu-lars, sent free. Write for It today to Nation-al Corresp. Institute, Washington, D. C.


for the postofflce or any other civilservice examination without seeing our cat-alogue of information; sent free. ColumbianCorrespondence College. Washington. D. C.

SPECIALTY SALESMAN, EXPERIENCEDand acquainted with the grocers of Oregon,Washington. Idaho. Montana, to call onwholesalers and retailers. Give, references.H 20, care Oregonian.


direct to consumer, cash on de-

livery basis. Correct prices. Handsome sam-ples prepaid. Inter-Stat- e Rubber Company,221 Fifth ave., Chicago.

WANTED-B- Y WHOLESALER. ENERGETI-C salesmen to learn to sell elegant lino de-

partment goods to merchants; large salary,no experience necessary. We educate. Box790, Chicago. 111.

A FniST-CLAS- S TRAVELING SALESMANto represent established house. Liberal guar-antee and commission. Position .permanent-Addre- ss

1614-31- 5 Dearborn. Chicago.

MECHANICS, ENGINEERS. "ELECTRICIANS,firemen, etc., a free scholarship In engineer-ing will be awarded to a few

applicants. American School of Cor-respondence, Boston, Mass.


correspondence: free; tuition payable 60 days' after position is secured paying $13 a. week.

Correspondence Institute of America, Scran-to- n,



one with some knowledge ot drugspreferred. Address staring experience andsalary expected. K 18, care Oregonian..

CAPABLE MAN TO TRAVEL AND APPOINTagents; $1000 yearly salary. Permanent po-

sition. Rapid promotion. Supt,Co.. 356 Dearborn st. Chicago.

WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESMEN,school furniture and supplies. Correspond-ence solicited. Union School FurnishingCo., 211 E. Madison st, Chicago.

WANTED FIRST - CLASS TRAVELING- salesman to represent-wholesal- e llqnors, as a

side line; references required. Address C 19,care Oregonian.



advertising novelties, liberal commis-sions. Buffalo D. & M.. 901 Mutual LifeBldg., Buffalo.

ENERGETIC WORKERS TO DISTRIBUTEcirculars and samples; permanent occupation;good pay: particulars for stamp. DlstLeague. 49 W. 2Sth st. New York.

YOUNG MEN INTERESTED IN MACHIN-er- ycan find the way to valuable- business po-

sitions by addressing- P. O. Box 627. Portland,On

WANTED TWO ENERGETIC AND ABLEmen can .find employment ' at 354 Morrison,Apply bet. 8 and 9 A. M. and 12 and 1 P. M.

TWO GOOD. STRONG BOYS WANTED.Must be acquainted with city.- - Apply GreatEastern Tea Co., 326 Washington st.

WANTED RUPTURED PEOPLE WHO WILLwork a few hours for a free cure. Dr

.SEEIRS, box 650, Westbrook. Maine.

AN EXPERIENCED PORTER, TO WORK IN-- wholesale tgrocery house. Address "Whole-

sale Grocer," care Oregonian.

SHORTHAND STUDENT FOR PRACTICE;plenty ot dictation; state time In college. DIS. care Oregonian.

COAT AND PANTSMAKER WANTED. MUSTbe tailor: no other apply. J. Pollvka & Co.,249 Mbrrlson st.

YOUNG MAN. AS SALESMAN, LIVING AThome, to work In cigar store. References.V 21, Oregonian.

WANTED ONE WHO UNDERSTANDS THEmaking of chewing gum. Address O. W.,care Oregortian.

BARBER TO BUY 8HOP. CLEARING $30week; two chairs and bath; price $250. R19, Oregonian.


Bernstein's Art Store, 807 Washingtonstreet.

WANTED 250 GOOD BUYERS TO DEAL ATthe Idaho Market. Oregon South 1041; Col.757.

WELLDIGGER WANTED TO DIG WELL ATcounty poor farm. Apply to superintendent


GOOD POSITION FOR MAN OF GOOD AD- -dress. 184 Fourth st.



ANY LADY CAN EASILY MAKE $18 TO $25weekly by representing us In her locality, andas the position Is both pleasant and profitablethe year round, I will gladly send full partic-ulars to all. Even your spare time 1b valu-able, and If really want to make money,address, with 2c stamp, Mrs. Mary E Wheel-er, 87 Washington st. Chicago, 111.

WANTED LADY IN EACH COUNTY FORbranch office work; no canvassing; straightbona fide salary, $18 per week and expensespayable direct from headquarters each week;permanent position; no capital required, ex-cept good references. Address StandardHouse. 300 Caxton building. Chicago.

SILK WAIST OR SKIRT FREE-A- NY LADYanswering this advertisement can get acoupon with which she can get a silk waistortskirt absolutely free. This offer is madeto quickly introduce our goods. L& Belle

. Waist Co., 350 Morrison st, Portland. Or.

WAITRESSES, PENDLETON. $20, FAREhere; Kalama, $18; several city; chamber-wor- k;

second work; nurse girl; cooks; laun-dry help: plenty of housework, $12 to $23;canvassers. Canadian Parlors, 226 Mor-rison.

WANTED BRIGHT YOUNG LADY TOwork for part tuition In shorthand or book-keeping. Behnke's Pernln Shorthand & Com-mercial College, 614 Commercial block.


and stenographer; none other needapply; must furnish city references. N 23,care Oregonian.

STENOGRAPHER TO WORK PART OFeach day. Call at office, 269 Washington,room 4, Sunday or Monday, between 12 and 3o'clock.

WANTED EXPERIENCED MANGLE GIRLto take full charge of mangle-roo- Apply7:30 A M., Electric Laundry Co., 308 .Madi-son st-

WANTED A MIDDLE-AGE- D LADY, ASnousekeeper; nrst-cias- s cook; no others needapply. Thompson's Ticket Office, 128 3d st.

WANTED A MIDDLE-age- dwoman, of pleasing address, to fill a

position of trust. O 19, care Oregonian.


ono who will go to the country; goodcook. Good wages to the right party.

R WAITRESSES. $5; $15 AND ROOM FORB. H. hotels, etc.: 50 domestics and househelp. Drake, 152 First

GIRL. TO SEW ON COATS. ONE WITHsome experience preferred. 170 Second,cor. Yamhill. 3d floor.

WANTED IMMEDIATELY. A GIRL FORchamber and general housework; no cooking.381 Yamhill st.


Apply Monday morning at 335 Jef-ferson street.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK;good home and wages. 423 San Rafael st.Upper Alblna.

WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL; MUST BEgood cook, washer and lroner; references.100 King st.


Apply Monday at 312 East Claystreet


& Sons, 120 Second st, near Wash-ington.

WANTED FEW HOURS' HOUSEWORKevery day. Apply Monday A M. 42 N. 21ststreet.

WANTED 250 GOOD BUYERS ATthe Idaho Market Oregon South 1041; Col.757.


627 Marshall, between 19th and 20th.


.four adults. 414 Stark st, cor. 11th.

WANTED COMPETENT GIRD: MUST BEgood coofc. 607 Spring st., Portland Heights.

FOR SALE CHEAP. BABY CARRIAGE. INgood condition. Inquire 319 Tillamook st.

FOR SALE FIRST-CLAS- S FRESH COWand calf. F. Sanf tenberg, SelJwood. Or.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: GOODboms to right part. Call 181 '17th at.


WANTED APPRENTICE. BY DRESSMAK-e-r.Must be neat. 344 E. 2d st. N.

GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK; NOwashing. 121 13th, cor., Washington.

WANTEDGIRL. TO GO TO HARRISONschool: work for board. 403 Third.


cottage for sale. S 20. Oregonian.


Address S 21. Oregonian.

WANTED-- A GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHThousework. Apply 2S0 7th.


816 Lovejoy street.


Call 327 W. Park.

TWO JERSEY COWS AND CALVES FORsale. 504 Rodney avenue.


WANTED YOUNG GIRL. FOR LIGHT SEC- -ond work. 147" 10th st



FOR SALE A GENTLE COW. 473 E. 12TKstreet.


WANTED BY RELIABLE BUSINESShouse, men or women, on salary and ex-penses. Apply 208 First st, room 20. after-noons.


Bookkeepers and Clerks.RELIABLE. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEP-e- r

and solicitor desires position; speaks Ger-man; best references. Address Y 20, carOregonian.

BY STENOGRAPHER. AN EVENINGeither as correspondent or book-

keeper. Charges reasonable. B 13, caroOregonian.

SALESMAN OR BUSINESS MANAGER. BYa man with 20 years' business experience;speaks German. Address A 20, caro Ore-gonian.

BOOKKEEPER HAS FEW HOURS DUR-ln- gafternoon could devote to limited amount

of work. Address' W 21. Oregonian.

WANTED BY" 3TOUNG MAN. COLLECTINGto do; commission or salary;, best ot refer-ence. U" 18, care Oregonian.


part inside preferred. K S3, caroOregonian.


like situation .in country hotel or campfor Winter. GUt-fdg- a references. AddressC. O. Russell, care St. Charles Hotel, Port-land, Or.


by experienced man. Can make myown. repairs. Address J. F Van Dervort.Bourne, Baker County, Or.

TWO YOUNG MEN WISH POSITION ASwaiters In restaurant In city, wlth little ex-perience; willing to work up. Address Box243. Newberg. Or.

EXPERIENCED MAN WANTS POSITION INlumber business; understands bookkeoplngalso. Is not looking for a snap. B 23, caroOregonian.

SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. A3miller in full roller mill; 12 years' expe-rience; best references. Address G 20, caroOregonian.


BY YOUNG MAN. POSITION. BOOKKEEP-e- ror cashier; 10 years' experience; refer-

ences; Oregon or Washington. M 20, Orego-nian.

WANTED PERMANENT POSITION, BYyoung man, who ho.s horso and light de-livery rig. Address M. 2C6 Front st

BY BRIGHT YOUNG MAN. SORER ANDsteady; am very handy, and would tako any-thing. B 18. caro Oregonian.

JAPANESE BOY WANTS SITUATION A3help for cooking and general housework.H. K 393 Flanders st

SOBER. INDUSTRIOUS MAN WOULD LDXHposition as Janitor or warehouseman. Goodreferences. 548 1st


wants position; reference. AddressX 20. care OreSanlon.

BY AN HONEST, INDUSTRIOUS BOY.WITHchance of promotion; aged 15. FredLlnd.Jr.. Fulton, Or. -


SITUATION. BY RELIABLE JAPANESE,who can speak good English. C 20, care Ore-gonian.

JANITOR WANTS WORK. EITHER FULLor part day. Address C 23, core Oregonian.



like a few more engagements by the day.B 21. care Oregonian.

SEWING, BY COMPETENT DRESSMAKERAddress Miss E. Collins, Sisters of Mercy,Phone Black 371.

IMPROVE YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCEby getting- your clothes made reasonably at446 Clay st

FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING. 63 7THst. near Oak. Mrs. Hawkins

Bookkeepers and Stenographers.

ACCURATE AND RELIABLE YOUNG LADYstenographer, with five years' experience andgood knowledgo of general offlco work, de-

sires position. L 23, Oregonian.

STENOGRAPHER LADY WITH FIVEyears experience in New York office wishesposition. References. M 21. Oregonian.


Best of city references. Address X22. caro Oregonian.

j : I

SITUATION WANTED AS STENOGRAPHERand typewriter. Address u m, care urosummi.



or manager ot boarding or rooming-hous- e.

References. P 21. Oregonian.


A YOUNG LADY, WELL VERSED IN ALLdepartments of the millinery business, hashad four years' experience keeping stock andselling dry goods, etc., wants position, cangive best of reference. A 19, care Orego-nian.

A REFINED YOUNG WOMAN WISHES TOtravel as companion with some middle-age- d

lady. Address M. J.. P. O. Box 637, City.

SITUATION WANTED BY LADY. A3bookkeeper; five years' experience, and first-cla- ss

references. J 18. caro Oregonian.

WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY. TO ASSISTIn housework and learn cooking. Apply afterSunday at 466 Vancouver ave.


on piano and guitar at 25 cents lesson.S 23. care Oregonian.

YOUNG LADY WISHES TO DO OFFICEwork for experience, small salary. X Oregonian.

WOMAN WISHES WORK SWEEPING ANDcleaning offices. Y 23, caro Oregonian.


WOMAN WANTS WORK BY THE DAY.Call on Sunday at 631. N. Union aVe.

WANTED DENTAL WORK IN EXCHANG3for weaving. 449, Washington st.

WASHING AND IRONING, OR OTHERwork by the day. 178 Grant st.


WANTED LIVE STATE AGENT TO SELL,Barclay Patent Corsets. Nothing like them.Sell at sight. Give straight front effect.Something ladles all want. We manufac-ture five styles. They please all who sethem. Agents make ?20 to $30 per-- week.Robinson & Co.. 233 W 1st St., Los An-

geles, Cal.

GALVESTON HORROR- THE- - OFFICIALstory of tho terrible disaster by Murat Hal-stea-d;

nearly 500 pages. Illustrated; agentsmaking $10 to $20 per day; best terms;freight paid; credit given; books ready;outfit free. Write quick. s,

334 Dearborn, Chicago.

AGENTS OUR TRADE 8ECRETS TEACHyou how to mako fast-selli- and.specialties. For particulars write Wheaton& Co.. New Bedford. Mass.

WANTED AGENTS IN EVERY COUNTY TOsell Family Memorials: good profits andsteady work. Address Campbell 8 Co. 889Plum st, EJgla, 111,