the superfrog isbi: chapter one

Chapter One: Average Joe and Me

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Post on 07-Nov-2014




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Page 1: The Superfrog ISBI: Chapter One

Chapter One: Average Joe and Me

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Welcome to my new ISBI with an unoriginal name! Yay! I wanted something light-hearted/insane to play now that my OWBC is almost over, and this challenge was recommended to me. :)

The ISBI challenge...I can only control one sim – the heir, or torch-holder. Think of it as an asylum challenge over a few generations. For more specific rules, see the link in the boolprop thread. Anyway, this ISBI will be running for five generations. :)

I decided all of my torch-holders/heirs would meet their spouses via the gypsy matchmaker. It'll spice up genetics, which is pretty fun. Also, I can't think of an interesting name scheme, so the babies will be named after stuff that just happens to be on my desk at the time.

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So let's get started! I couldn't be bothered to make a founder, so I'm starting with my simself, fresh out of CAS.

“Wait a second...I'm on an empty lot...that can only mean one thing...”

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“I'm in a challenge! Has real-me gone crazy? We're supposed to make founders for this kind of stuff!”

Stop breaking the fourth wall. Anyway. Sim-me, aka, Sam Super – because Superfrog sounded like a silly surname – is a standard Aquarius, 4/4/4/7/6. She's also a family sim.

“I want to raise twenty puppies or kittens!”

No. This challenge may be all about the insanity, but we're not that insane.

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Because lawn-living is dull and terrifying, I built a rather normal-looking house for Sam.

It's filled with cheap furniture, too! Don't you just love the early days of challenges?

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And because the Gypsy Matchmaker was walking past, I figured there is no better time to find that spouse.

The papergirl seemed to know what they were up to. “Oh no, a challenge! Quickly, evaporate off the lot!”


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“Eep. Him?” Sam dared to ask, as the old dude – Joe Graham – rose to his feet.

“Him, or forever alone.”


“Forever alone.”

“I just-”

“Forever alone.”

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“I guess he'll do, then...thanks...Matchmaker...”

Joe began displaying his smustle skills, proving he is more than qualified to go insane with us, “Weehee! Look, I still got it!”

“You're welcome, young simself...” the Matchmaker pulled out a sponge, “Spongebath?”

“Actually, I think I'll go introduce myself to my future life-partner...”

“Suit yourself.”

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“So Mr Graham-”

“Joe. Average Joe.”

“Right. I was wondering what your interests are?”

“I like...”

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“...not talking to simselves. I'm going over there now, bye.”

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“He's so hot when he doesn't want to talk to me.”

She obviously hates to see him go, but loves to watch him leave. How cliché.

Well, I suppose there are worse people to end up with for the rest of your life. He could have had the gorilla-face template.

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“I like you.” Sam decided to charm him. Maybe that would stop him wandering away.

“I like me, too.”

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That's when the Welcome Wagon showed up. Some of them weren't keen to hang around.

“Just keep walking, just keep walking, don't look them in the eye...”

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Others were keen to stick around.

“I spy! Psst, Vamsi, look at that! A young lady and an old man! I suggest we watch! Closely!”

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One member of the Welcome Wagon watched at all times.

“Does this count as photo-bombing?”

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Eventually, the crowd of sims outside wandered in.

“Michelle Tse is hot!”

Don't you dare use ACR to initiate that!

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“Oh Lyndsay! That dress looks wonderful on you! Look at the frills! And the pink!”

“Well, Sam, did you know most of us Bohemians have them? Seriously, it's no lie, in fact the other day I was saying to Marie...”

And Joe's response to the fashion talk? “* slouch *”

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Night soon fell, and the sanity did not increase. Michelle decided it was time to break out the super attention-grabbing dancemoves.

“I do think the price of oil is kind of high...” Vamsi was oblivious.

So was everyone else, actually. Michelle was dancing on her own, and no one cared at all.

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After that, Joe moved in.

“He'll never escape now, for I evil simself!”

Unglitch your eyes this instant. It's creepy.

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Well, he's not who I would have chosen for a spouse, but maybe that's a good thing. We shall see.

He brought only one simolean to the household funs. No fair.

“But true love!”

Okay. It's about love and not money.

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When Sam got up in the early hours of the morning, Vamsi and Lyndsay hadn't left, but Michelle had.

So Sam proceeded to dance in her underwear. Probably about to become a completely normal habit.

“I think these events would make a rather...interesting book, shall we say?”

And what did Joe do?

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“* slouch *”

Not all that surprising really. The most interesting thing about it is the fact daylight arrived while he slouched.

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Lyndsay is still here. I don't know why the others went home and she stayed, but that's how things worked out. She kept dancing despite the unusual things Joe thought about the weather.

“Something about the rain reminds me of woohoo...”

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“You know what, he's right! The rain does remind me of woohoo!”

“Told you so.”

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Sam came home from work early, which isn't a very promising sign...

“Got promoted.”

I love chance cards someetimes. :) Sam is now working her way up the Criminal career track. I wanted her to be Captain Hero, but it wasn't in the paper. * shrug * Life of Crime was my only other option.

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Later that day – well, night, because night had fallen by that point, but you know what I mean – Sam started showing the first signs of pregnancy.

“Oh! Insanely bright pyjamas!”

Yep. No morning sickness or anything, just a baby bump. Awesome.

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Joe then has an interesting time in the bathroom. Specifically by the shower.

“* sniff * I'm so depressed!”

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“Mmm...I am still enjoying that green sandwich I had yesterday.”

He then wandered out of the bathroom, quite randomly.

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Due to the fact I can't control him, Joe sleeps when he wants, where he wants. So Sam often gets the bed to herself. Why does she look so happy about that?

“zzz...double bed to self....zzz”

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Joe would rather spend his evenings wandering from room to room, slouching and then complaining he's hungry.

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He's not completely useless, though. He does occasionally fend for himself. It makes me worry about leaving the baby with him while Sam's at work, though...

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Speaking of the baby, I think the pregnancy must be having an effect on Sam's emotions.

“The shower's broken...I'm going to have a breakdown!”

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After that, Joe decides to be slightly more helpful. He stops slouching in doorways, and even answers the phone for Sam.

“What?! Why do you want to speak to my partner? I demand an answer!”

Unfortunately for Joe, he wasn't too great at talking to people over the phone.

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Sam ended up having to call her friends back.

“Sorry about that, Michelle, but you know what Joe's like.” Sam paused, “Yes, I'm sure me and the baby will be fine.”

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“Whoa! Look! I gained rings, like saturn has!”

I've never managed to catch the ripples until now...also, hooray, the baby's nearly here!

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Now that the baby's nearly, Sam starts looking huge in her custom pyjamas.

“Maybe I should wear pyjamas with less flesh on display.”


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Pretty soon, the baby is ready to make their debut.


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“Oh, this is all my fault! Instead of smacking my hand to my forehead, I think I'll reach in and take out my brain as punishment!”

“It is your fault, yes, but don't take your brain out. That's not helpful at all!”

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“Aw, look! Our baby girl!”

“Damn, I wanted a son.”


“I mean...yay?”

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Meet Star Super, named after a bracelet I found on my desk with a star on it!

Star has brown hair, and her father's skin and eyes.

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Joe's not completely useless. He does take care of Star to a certain extent. Though in this picture, he could be about to put Star in the fridge. Who knows.

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I suppose there are limits to how useful Joe is, though. Whilst Sam is at work, Star spends quite some time chilling on the floor.

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Star ends up on the floor while Joe sobs.

“Wah! I wanted a son, I want something to eat, my wife's at work and I can't change nappies, I assume I want something else because no one pays any attention to my needs!”

It's just not an option. Sort yourself out? Please?

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The next day, Sam comes home to find out she's pregnant again.

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Sam then goes and plays with a paper aeroplane made from the newspaper.

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Later that day, the time comes to throw Star into toddlerhood.

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Joe decides to wish Star a happy birthday from behind the fridge.

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Isn't my simself's daughter adorable?!

I'm not sure if she's picked up any features from her father, though.

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Here is where I leave you this time!

Join me and the Supers next time for more cute, more babies and more madness!

Thanks for reading!