the talon: through the decades- issue #11


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Change is constant. Nido has certainly seen it's share of change over the decades. Check out issue 11 as it dives into this theme.


Page 1: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11


I ssue 11 -June 2016Visit our webazine at : t het


Page 2: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11


Del CartwrightGrade 4


a Rob



e 4


a Garfein


e 4

Vincent Pohr


e 5

Caitlin D



e 3

Nicolas Rios

Grade 5

Naomi TemplemanGrade 3

Maya Purcell

Grade 5

Ameer NajaraliGrade 5

Christian Wu

Grade 5

Gaby Gomez

Grade 4

Sophia Shaffer

Grade 5

Lena Espinoza

Grade 3

Tristan Bohn

Grade 2

Ben Rios

Grade 2


Page 3: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

Far ewel l"The skill I learned the most was to work on a team. If you didn?t do your part correctly, then a lot of the magazine wouldn't be as nice or so complete. The other skil l I learned had to do with my writ ing skil ls. To work at home with a deadline. To craft an article that the reader can really connect with. One of the most important experiences that I will take from the Talon is that hard work can be paid off . That if we work hard enough, it is possible to make an amazing magazine.I learned how to write and edit better. You can ask my friends, I am a regular spelling freak, and that actually helps me. My writ ing went from cheesy short stories to full sports articles."

"I learned that co-writ ing pieces are easier said than done, but stil l doable. In all my pieces we had trouble, but we got through. I'm most proud of MY SPORTS ARTICLES! I mean, people congratulate me on my normal pieces, but nothing is l ike my sports section work. It 's my passion!

"I learned to better write my pieces so people could understand them better, and I learned how to use things like Google sheets to do things faster and better. The most important thing I will take away from my Talon work is my pride in everything we do to make the Talon work, and my pride in everyone who helps. I am proud of how grades 2-5 worked together to make this magazine and continued for 10+ issues."

"The thing I learned most was the improvement of my writ ing skil ls and the ability to focus on my work. The most important thing I learned in my Talon experience was the need for being with other people and working together to make one amazing magazine. I'm most proud of all of the sports articles I have done with Nico Rios. I'm also very proud of the f irst piece I wrote for this awesome magazine ."

"Working in the Talon really helped me with teamwork. I?m more of an independent person so the Talon really helped me develop the skil l of teamwork because we have to collaborate with each other to make this magazine perfect. I make sure that I work with Ben on the Layout and Design Team as we may not always be on the same page. The most important

thing that I will take away from the Talon is how kids can create things as professional as an adult can do. When I see the the magazine done, the part that I?m most proud of is that in a short period of t ime, where time is l imited and we feel that we might not f inish, we make this magazine perfect from almost scratch."

We would like to thank and congratulate you on your excellent work on The Talon. Your time, energy and passion for making this magazine has impacted hundreds of Nido ES students by meeting The Talon's mission!

This is Ameer, Vince, Sophia, Nico, and Christ ian's f inal Talon issue. We wanted to say farewell to them by asking them to ref lect on their Talon Time. If you see them around

campus, thank them for their contributions in entertaining you through this magazine.

Sophia; Talon issues 8-11. Thank You!

Nicolas; Talon issues 4-11. Thank you!

Ameer; Talon issues 4-11. Thank you!

Christian; Talon issues 5-11. Thank you!

Vincent; Talon issues 4-11. Thank you!

Page 4: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11


Your Vote

Change is inevitable. What was your favorite Nido change this year?

pages 14

How-ToMany of us will say

goodbye to friends this month. Here are some


page 5

Animals and Nature

Okapis and Kangaroos!

pages 6

SpotlightTeachers who's legacy at Nido are retiring at the end of this

year. We honor them by getting to know them better!

pages 11-13

Did You KnowLost & Found Solution, and more thoughtful stories full

of empathy.

pages 1-4

Imagination Creation

Nido f iction writers unite in the form of


pages 15-19

Wacky Pages

Wacky evolutionary tales, MADLIBS and

more comic fun!

page 22 and back cover


QB Comparisons, Fantasical Leicester, Goodbye Peyton and Kobe, and the history

of basketball.

page 7-10

World of Art

A history of music, ES Art exhibit ion, and the

Nido Talent show!

Pages 20-21

Page 5: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

By Keira Simon and Claire Gillen (Grade 3)

The lost and found problem has f inally been solved! The Third Grade Math Group has come up with a solution! We made a hanging rack system that will help organize the heap of lost clothing. We sorted the racks by color: red,blue,grey and white. The racks will be located in the original lost and found corridor. There is a permanent marker hanging from it so if you f ind your jacket and realize you don?t have your name on it write it IMMEDIATELY.

We started out with the engineering process of NASA (Identify Problem, Brainstorm, Design, Build, Test, Redesign and Share. We brainstormed and researched possible solutions for the Nido lost & found problem. Our best ideas were a hanging rack device that we would make by ourselves. We did some interviews and surveys to get dif ferent points of view. Then we started designing a prototype(f irst model to test)! After that, Mr. Chad gave us a design challenge where we had to  build a hanging rack using limited resources. We added two other important solution steps: being more responsible and advertising the new system which is what we are doing now. Please cooperate with us to make the lost and found more eff icient by doing the following:

-Do not play with the hanging racks

-Remind each other to col lect your belongings, i t takes a community.

-Put your name on everything!

-Check the lost and found when you lose stuf f .

-If you f ind something, put i t neat ly in the lost and found rack and tub system.

-Al l expensive items go to Miss Jacqui, including ski jackets and brand name clothing.

We all have to work together to make the lost and found more eff icient. Help each other to remember to not leave your belongings lying about.Remember to always help each other and be responsible! It takes a whole community to make the lost and found more eff icient .Work together with us to clear the sea of our lost items!

The Third Grade Math Club  



Page 6: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

Ameer Najarali (f if th grade)

Hey alien, are you from the moon???Hello grandpa, why you so old?? ¿Oye oso polar vienes de el polo norte? ?You so blind, get out of the school whitee.?This Talon article is not about bullying, it?s about albinism. My name is Ameer Najarali, and I have albinism. Also it?s not bad at all, it?s EPIC! (usually)

So albinism is? complicated

Here are some basics. First of all albinism can affect in three dif ferent ways. It can make you have low vision, make you be white or both, (l ike me) My dad is albino and so am I. Albinism is a gene. A rare one. Many people carry the gene but don?t have any effects. Then that person's kid gets a f if ty percent chance to get it. So let's say your father was lucky to get albinism, it is less rare for you to get it. This is because of genetics.   

Albinism can be very awesome. Like when in Disney World I got a handicap pass, which allowed me to go to the front of the line for all the rides during the day. Sometimes I think wow, I am like a diamond, I am rare. Also being albino makes me the f irst of many things, l ike the f irst albino student in all Nido. I get to sit on the front in multiple shows. Not unfair at all.

There are some drawbacks...

Believe it or not, it can be a tough time for an albino. There is this thing? . it 's called being mean. In this case, it takes the form of discrimination. Ok picture this, you are albino. You?re in another school, not Nido. Kids start staring at you, hiding their smiles. Kids

whispering behind your back. It is not your fault. You feel anger. And cut. It isn?t always like this, but when it is, you don?t even know how bad it feels.

So there are three dif ferent types of albinism, one to do with skin the other with vision. Oh, and both, l ike I said before. Sometimes people don?t know how bad it is. I can only see 10% of what you can. Here is an experiment. I am sitt ing half a meter away from the television. Take twenty steps back and see. What you are seeing right

now is what I see when I was sitt ing half a meter from the tv. Crazy, right?

But the worst part is when people get angry at you for sitt ing close to the screen. If you were ever in my class you know what I am talking about. It is very unfair to me because they can see so well far away and I get to see bad closely. And most of the time I do not even block anyone. Talk about unfair.

There is this organisation called NOAH. It stands for National Organisation of Albinism and Hypopigmentation. They support research for albinism. Every two years they have a conference about everything albinism. It?s like Comic Con but for albinism. I was lucky enough to go to one a few years ago. It was in Las Vegas. It was full of people with albinism. I felt a new weird feeling like everyone f inally knew what I meant by my bad vision. Like I was normal. It was epic. You know what else is epic, June 13 is International Albinism Awareness day. You can also donate to NOAH at

This is albinism. This gene is the best thing that has happened to me. I know that you have questions so go to (It?s free). Oh yeah and f inally I was born with this so I don?t expect anyone to ask me why I am white. Don?t feel jealous or anything. We are all lucky. SO go home and donate to You won?t regret it. I?m out.



Page 7: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

By Del fin Cartwright and Gabriela Gomez (grade 4)

The school Nido De Aguilas has been in Santiago Chile for 82 years! Have you ever wondered what the school was like in the past or what the uniform was like? Well read this article to f ind the answers to your questions. (We got this information from Ms. Lil l ian Jaques).

How has the school changed physically?When the school just changed location to Lo Barnechea it was very dif ferent from now. Before, the elementary building was in front of the middle school building where the ecc playground is. Then headmaster Dr. Strommen moved it to where it is now. After that Dr. Bergman created the pool, theater, and the admin building. He remodeled the middle school building, and the library.

How has the percentage of chilean students and teachers changed?At the beginning the percentage of chilean students was about 50-60% and now it is about 40-42% chilean students. Also at the beginning of the school there was 60-70 chilean teachers and by 2016 there is 30-40% chilean teachers.

How did the style of teaching (with technology) change over the decades?Before, teachers used chalk boards and books then computers were introduced. Later, the internet and wi-f i was installed in the school. Finally, the school started to use the laptops. After that, the computer lab was made.

Where was the school geographically before in this location?When the school was f irst created it was geographically in La Raina. After that the school moved to the upper hil ls of Peñalolen. Finally the amazing school Nido de Aguilas moved to Lo Barnechea.

How has the population of students changed from the beginning?When the school started there was only 50 students. Later on, the 50 became 590 students. Today there are about 1,740 students!

How have the uniforms change over the decades?When the school was f irst made in La Raina the uniforms were very dif ferent. For girls they had to wear a white blouse, a blue jumper, blue socks, black shoes, blue sweater, the school did not allow painted nails and grades 1-6 could not wear bracelets. For boys, they had to wear black shoes, gray slacks, white shirts, a blue jacket, a blue tie and a navy blue sweater. For P.E girls and boys

had to wear white socks, white sneakers, a white shirt with a red eagle outline and blue shorts. Also kids could not go to school in their P.E. uniform and had to change out of it after P.E. class.Can you imagine if in the future if we had to go back to wearing the old uniform and using the chalk and chalkboards. I WOULD DIE! Imagine wearing a tie or wearing a white blouse as well hearing the scratchy

sound of the chalk against the chalkboard all day! I am glad to we don?t have that today!



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By Ariana Robinson (Grade 4)

Have you ever wondered what the janitors think about the evolution of Nido? Well I did and I decide to interview one of these janitors. His name is Victor and he works in the elementary school area.  I found out what he really think. These were the answers Victor gave me

(translated from Spanish)

What did you feel like when you first started working at Nido?

?I felt good because it was an honor to work in a school l ike this?

Throughout your first year working at Nido how long did it take to get use to the way Nido works?

?About 1 year?

In what ways have noticed Nido changes from one year to another (Over the years working at Nido)?

?I noticed that there are more kids and more buildings are getting built?

When Nido has evolved in the past how did it affect you?

?When my boss changed I didn?t really want to come?

Those were the answers I got from the janitor. After this interview I kind of started to feel what the janitors feel. I think these answers should make you feel the same.



Nido Custodian crew in 1978

Victor the custodian

Janitors Broom

the janitors' broom, it sweeps every room,

under each desk, cleaning up the mess,

it never complains,

leaving a clean environment for our brains,

this broom is on a mission, without recognition...

- Author Unknown

Page 9: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

By Anna Liston (republished from issue 4)

How do you handle moving? This is the time of year when some of us will say goodbye to old friends. I myself have experienced moving 4 times, and I am only in 3rd grade! Moving can be sad, but it also can be fun. When I moved, I had my friends over and we talked about the problem we were facing. Then we played some games. My friends and I exchanged pictures on the last day of school. Some of my friends wrote notes to me in a keepsake booklet.

I talked with Mrs.Nancy and she gave me some helpful t ips for saying goodbye to friends. She explained, ?Before leaving you should use R.A.F.T (Reconciliation, Aff irmation, Farewells, and

Think destination). Reconciliation means solving problems. Aff irmation is to tell f riends how important they are and how much they helped you during your time as friends. Farewell is to say goodbye properly to friends and pets.Think destination is

thinking ahead to the new destination. When using Reconciliation make sure you do it respectfully and politely. Make sure that when you use the Aff irmation that you really mean what you say. Farewells should be fun and meaningful.

Thinking destination should be done positively.

After moving 4 times, I also have some advice. When you leave make sure you have each other?s contact information. It really helps! Also exchange gif ts to remember each other. Try and have a telephone call once a week, especially during the f irst few months after you say goodbye. You can  e-mail 2 or 3 times a week too. Look on the bright side of the move. Think about your new house, your new friends, and your new school! Open yourself to the idea of making new friends. Take advantage of this chance to move and have a fresh start. Most kids don?t get to have a moving experience. It may be hard to say

goodbye, but with these tips I think you will do just f ine.


How To


Page 10: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11


By: Emma Garfein (Grade 4)

The Okapi has such an interesting evolution, and here is why.

It all starts with the Pre-Okapi. After many decades, the Pre-Okapi evolves. Though not all of the Okapi?s ancestors have specif ic names, you can stil l tell the dif ference and the similarit ies. The evolution of the Okapi splits into two, the Giraffe and the Okapi, but along the way the horses and zebras come in. This is why people say the Okapi is the ancestor of the giraffe but they are actually more like cousins.

The Okapi is more similar to a Giraffe than to a Zebra or a horse. The stripes for the legs of an okapi are provide camouflage and help the babies recognize their mothers through the dense rain-forest. The giraffe like tongue is for taking leaves of the trees to eat, the neck is for stretching up into the trees. The horse part is the rest of the body?s shape, color, and size.For me, the Okapi evolution is super interesting. An animal with a mix of three species is really cool. I highly recommend visit ing the Okapi in the San Diego Zoo.

By Tristan Bohn and Samuel Lowthorpe [Grade 2]

A kangaroo wakes up in a snap and is ready to start the day. He jumps around and greets his friends. Three minutes later, he hops out to search for food. He discovers a treasure: piles and piles of all dif ferent delicious vegetables including: tomatoes, cabbage and carrots. He tells his friends and they carry it to the rest of the kangaroos. That night, all of the kangaroos had a party. They raced through the forest, chatted the entire time. But they saw something horrible: a pack of 10 dingoes!  They all thought: Oh no! We?re gonna die!  Jump for your lives!

Animal s and Nat ur e



FUN FACTS-Kangaroos can?t walk backwards.-Kangaroos can swim.-A group of kangaroos is cal led a ?mob?, ?t roop? or ?court?.-The red kangaroo is the largest marsupial in the world.-A female kangaroo is cal led a doe-A male kangaroo is cal led a buck-A baby kangaroo is cal led a joey

Page 11: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

Spor t sNext Generat ion Quarterbacks

by Nicolas Rios and Vincent Pohr (grade 5)

Connor Cook- Michigan State (by Nicolas)

College Statistics:

Passing yards:9,194

Rushing yards: 209

Rushing TDS: 3


Interceptions: 22

Attempts: 1,170

Complete: 689

I think Connor Cook will be a good NFL level quarterback because of his speed and passing yards. Although he isn?t on the gossip, he stil l has a major chance at being at a f ive star football franchise. He also has a clean criminal record, so no classic scandals for this guy. He has litt le interceptions and can make a play out of nothing.

He is a new and fresh QB. he's good for his speed and instinct for passing and rushing. He is also a regular Archie Manning, running around in his danger zone and making a dangerous play out of a sure sack or tackle.

The f laws of Connor are that he makes clear misses and he makes risky plays, that in the NFL are considered reckless or even stupid.

All in all he will be a steady and trustable quarterback, better than Vincent?s Christian Hackenberg.

Christ ian Hackenberg- Penn State (by Vincent)

College Statistics:

Passing yards:8318

Rushing yards:-246

Rushing TDS: 6



Attempts: 1221


Christian Hackenberg has a cloudy future BUT STILL has a good chance of getting drafted. He isn't high on gossip and many say he's slow but i assure you there?s no problem. Also he has a 48.1% completion rate receivers which is not the best.

He's good because of his 685 complete passes. Also keep in mind that he has been playing for 3 years, not l ike Nico's who's been playing for 4 years which means he will def initely overcome nicos 689 completes.

Although he may have negative rushing yards, once again there is no problem there as he has a lot of attempts  so he clearly prefers to pass not rush the ball. In the end the overall of christian hackenberg is a good and maybe better as Nico?s player.


Page 12: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

by Alexander Arthur (grade 4)

This season in the Barclays Premier League, the top English league, something incredible happened. Against all odds, the Foxes came up from behind and grabbed the chance while big names like Chelsea, Man U, Man C, Liverpool and Arsenal were all down on their luck and having calamitous, f iendish, utterly dismaying and disheartening seasons.

With help from great players like the unstoppable winger Riyad Mahrez and forward Jamie Vardy, now an England international, they clinched the tit le.

Could Leicester City F.C. be the next european superpower? Who knows. I think not for now, at least until the superstars of the early 2000s like Messi, Ronaldo, Bale and Aguero retire. But keep in mind, with Claudio Ranieri at the wheel, anything could happen. Anything.

All in all, this latest Premier League season has really been the day of

the underdog, with Tottenham dangling above the void that is the jumbled up teams of the middle to bottom sections of the the table that miss out on European football at 3rd, with The Gunners taking the runners up spot.

The days of Dwight Yorke?s less well known but nonetheless good career at Aston Villa are over, with them plunging into the championship. Norwich and Newcastle have also been rid of their privileges, and have been relegated.

Champions League football is in store for the lucky Leicester, Arsenal, Tottenham and Man C, while Man U,

Southampton and West ham are confined to the UEFA Cup.

Wil Ranieri prevail next season? Or will he be a one season wonder? I?ll leave that one up to you.



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Page 14: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11


By Christian Wu (grade 5)Have you ever wondered how these American sports evolved around time and how they have become so popular around the world? Basketball, f rom being made as a indoor game in Massachusetts, has evolved into one of most popular sports in the world. Baseball, being made in New York, is now played in more than thirty countries, in professional leagues. In this infographic you will see how Basketball evolved since 1891.

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Spot l ight

By Eduardo Galindo (Grade 2)

People at our school are always coming and going. For example, students, teachers and even principals! Today I?m going to show you how I interviewed one of the three teachers ret iring at Nido this year. Unfortunately one of them is Mr.Ray. Here are some of his last thoughts about Nido and about his own teaching through the decades.

Me: Where are you from?

Mr.Ray: I grew up in Chicago, Il l inois then, I went to school in Colorado and called it my home as an adult.

Me: After 35 years of teaching, what will you do next?

Mr. Ray: I?m going to go back to the United States for a while, and then I may move to Costa Rica to live and maybe tutor and give classes to the local Costa Ricans.

Me: Out of all those years of teaching, do you have a favorite year or moment?

Mr.Ray: No, every school year has been dif ferent and that?s what makes teaching fun. Dif ferent kids, dif ferent personalit ies, and unique minds that are eager to learn.

Me: Why will you miss Nido?

Mr.Ray: I?ll miss the kids, the teachers, my colleagues and my friends. But mostly the kids and the teachers.

Me: What is your favorite part of the school day?

Mr. Ray: Show and tell is my favorite part of the day because students get a chance to share something they really l ike. They are able to talk a lot about the item and often it starts really good class discussions.

Me: Who inspired you to teach?

Mr.Ray: I discovered I l iked working with kids when I taught ski lessons in Colorado to kids between 3 and 6 years old. That planted the seed, and now years later, here I am now at Nido ready to retire after a long teaching career.

Me: Did you work at another school before Nido?

Mr.Ray: I worked at 5 dif ferent schools before Nido. Torreón, Chiapas, Puebla, Ciudad del Carmen all in Mexico. I also taught one year in Colorado.

Me: Did you want to be a teacher when you were litt le?

Mr.Ray: No, I didn?t really know what I wanted to do when I was litt le.

Me: How has teaching changed over the years?

Mr.Ray: It?s becoming more standardized, they want teachers to do the same thing in every classroom.

Me: As a teacher, what accomplishment has been your proudest?

Mr.Ray: The thank you notes I get from children, especially years later. It?s fun when even high school kids remember me. In fact, last year?s graduating class was the f irst class I taught here at Nido when they were f irst graders back in 2004. It was really neat to attend their graduation and have students remember their experience in f irst grade so long ago. Now that you know a little bit about Mr.Ray, let?s be sure to give him a warm goodbye in June when he leaves. Oh by the way, the next time you see Mr.Ray don?t forget to congratulate him after all these years of teaching.

Mr.Ray's 35 Wonderful Teaching Years

Page 16: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

By Lena Espinoza (Grade 3)

Have you ever seen such a teacher? So positive about everything, about her surroundings. Well that?s Miss Vicki. A teacher that not only wants to teach you, but she?s a teacher who wants to educate you and help you as much as possible. She wants to make her students better human beings. But have you ever known how Miss Vicki really feels? This is an interview all about Miss Vicki?s experiences here at Nido.

Of all the moments you?ve experienced,what was one of the most emotional moments you have been through with a student or class?

My most emotional moment with a student happened when my dear student Amy died in 1980. My most emotional moment with a class was when I had my own classroom for the f irst t ime in 1977.

When you look back throughout all these years you?ve taught and educated Nido students, how do you feel?

It has been a pleasure and a privilege to work here at Nido. I feel blessed, I feel thankful. And, I feel motivated stil l to work with children in other f ields and dif ferent ways in the future. But overall, I feel blessed and thankful.

What advice would you give to a brand new teacher at Nido?

I would say to them never get bored, accept all challenges

because challenges keep you motivated, and be a real educator.

What do you plan to do when you retire from being a teacher?

I'm not planning on being bored that's for sure! I?m going to be traveling. I will go to the gym everyday at any time during the day I choose. I also plan to spend a lot of t ime with my mom and grandchildren.

Through the decades you have been working as a teacher, how has Nido changed for you?

Nido has changed and grown tremendously. When I began here, there were 700 students and now we are closer to 2,000 students. Therefore, the space is l imited, more classrooms have been built, more teachers have been hired, less Chilean teachers have been hired. However, there is one thing that will never change...the love that

we have for our students here at Nido.

Now that you?ve seen what Miss.Vicky truly feels about all the years that she has been in Nido it is clear she has done a lot of work to help

us. The appreciation we have for her is now until inf inity. Thank you Miss Vicky for everything you have done for this school!

The Journey of a Teacher:The Story of Extraordinary Miss Vicky


Page 17: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

By Emma Garfein (Grade 4)

I interviewed Ms. Andrea because when I heard she was leaving Nido, I was shocked and I wanted to have something to remember her by, which is this interview. I spent some time with Ms. Andrea Mardones from 1D and asked her these questions:

How do you feel about retiring?I have mix feelings, it will be very sad to leave a place that is almost l ike my home, and were the staff and kids are like my family, but after 29 years I need a change of pace

What main thing have you learned about teaching kids? Kids are all dif ferent, special, they all make progress in their own way.

Through all of these years that you have been here at Nido, what main thing do you feel has changed throughout the school?Lots, lots of change, the school has grown a lot, we have new buildings, and more students

If you were to give advice to a new teacher, what would you say?Make your students your priority and be very f lexible

What do you think you?ve improved on throughout these years of teaching students?I?ve improved In developing dif ferent ways to teach students who struggle with math, reading, and writ ing so that they all become successful.

How do you feel when a new class comes in every year?A new challenge, and one has to adapt to the new students, as each class is very dif ferent from year to year.

Do you feel satisfied from your teaching? And why?

Yes because when I see kids grow on a daily basis, feel excited about learning, being happy and successful, I feel satisf ied

After interviewing my 1st grade teacher, I saw that she was very happy with teaching kids and she told me that she will miss her students the most. I will really miss Ms. Andrea when she leaves.

The Lovely and Kind Ms.Andrea


Page 18: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

Your Vot e

Change happens. People leave, people come, we change, new decisions get made. Change can be good and bad, but one thing that?s true about change is? it?s constant

Those are some interesting results. Can you answer these questions about this poll:

Exactly how many 3rd and 5th graders combined answered this survey? ______

What was the percentage of the respondents who said ?other? or ?Mr. Brian as our new principal? as their favorite change this year? _____%


By Sophia Shaffer (grade 5)

Was the change in the cafeteria food your favorite this year? What about Mr. Brian as a new principal? Or, perhaps your favorite change was the removal of the dil ipidated wooden play structure from the hillside.  I went out and asked for 36 kids and 4 teachers what their favorite change was here at NIdo this year.  Here?s my results:

Page 19: The Talon: Through The Decades- issue #11

The Ruby Cur seBy Cecilia Chiarenza (grade 5)

?Master, there isn?t much time! Sooner or later someone will either f ind the ruby, or worse, break it! Time is slipping away from you; precious time you could be using to f ind the girl, and hmm, extract, the blood needed, but you know the rest. My point is, sire, that you, er, have been as lazy a sloth on a summers day, and this, sire, THIS, is what could make you get the power you have always, hmmm, desired.?

Farenga gently stroked his glass as he gave a piercing gaze to his assistant. ?Silence yourself please, Ribner, I know what I am doing, I don?t need a mere snake tell ing me. I know the girl will travel to Egypt in a few hours time, which then will give me the access to the ruby curse, but you know the rest. So, Ribner, MY point is, I know what I?m doing.?

Sarah winced as she turned through the pages. She was reading a particularly gruesome book called ?Ancient Egyptian legends.? As a child, Sarah loved fairytales, and stil l did, even though she was older, and everyone told her it was sil ly. She smiled as she got to her favorite part, ?The Ruby Curse? It was a legend, which stated if The Heir whoever that was, shed blood onto an ancient ruby it would give whoever made the wound that the blood came from the soul of The Heir and all the powers of the ruby.

But, if you broke the ruby, The Heir would be free of the constant danger she was in, and nobody would steal her soul. Sarah f inished the story, closed the book, and looked outside. Her daddy had taken her to Egypt for her birthday, and now they had taken the car to Giza. She admired the dry, but somewhat magical landscape that surrounded her. She walked outside, and kicked some sand. It f loated into the air, and then landed gently on her bare feet. Even though she was psyched because she was going to visit so many places, something didn?t feel right. Maybe she was just cold; it was windier than usual. But when she looked up at the Sphinx she saw it.

A cloud of yellow, brown, and gold. A sandstorm! Now, wind whipped at her hair, and sent sand into her eyes, which she soon closed. She felt herself being grabbed and pushed, and suddenly, it all stopped. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself in a cave full of

mirrors. She jumped back when she saw how much sand she had on her body. Her clothes had become brown, and her hazel hair, a pale gold. As she shook the sand out of her hair, she tripped and fell onto a box, t ipping it over. Under the box, was a button. Thinking it would get her out, she pushed it. The walls opened to reveal a large tunnel, which she walked through, curiously. Okay maybe you are wondering why she would do such a thing; so let me tell you the answer. If she didn?t, this story wouldn?t go anywhere. She got to the end of the tunnel and the lights turned on. But there, in the middle, was the most beautiful ruby she had ever seen. She glanced around, and the room seemed empty. But suddenly, from the shadows emerged a giant snake, its venom dripping from its pointed fangs. Sarah gasped. Just seconds later a man in a long purple cloak appeared right behind the snake. He pet the snake as it slithered up his leg. At that moment he pulled a knife from his pocket.

?Who are you!? Sarah whispered.

?Nobody,? he replied, ?all you need to know is that this will be over very soon, Sarah.?

?How do you know my name?? Sarah managed to say, as the walked back slowly into a corner.

?Sorry,? Farenga muttered, ?Maybe I should call you by your formal name, Heir.? Sarah gasped, again. Suddenly, she remembered the legends, the ruby, they all f lashed through her mind.

?No!? She screamed. Farenga came to her with the knife, but she dodged it. Then she saw the snake lunge at her with open jaws, but she moved away quickly. ?Stealing peoples souls is not really nice!? Sarah said as she dodged another blow, ?get a job!? She kicked the wall, and the lights went off . She heard a shriek, felt a stab of pain in her arm, and then she fell asleep. The next t ime Sarah saw light, it was in a hospital room. She woke up with cuts and scratches, and two holes that showed a snake bite right above her wrist. As a doctor walked in, she pretended to sleep.

?She?s going to be f ine,? the doctor said with a brit ish accent, ?but it?s a mystery how she got bitten though, usually snakes don?t come near the resort.?

?Thank you, doctor,? Sarah recognized her dad?s voice, ?let?s let her sleep.? As they exited the room, Sarah opened her eyes and looked around. On a table beside her, there was the ruby. She threw it onto the f loor, and it smashed into tiny litt le pieces. All safe, Sarah thought, luckily, most stories have happy endings.

Imaginat ion Cr eat ion


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The boy who cr ied pumaBy Tamara Gonzalez (grade 3)

Once upon a time there lived a boy who always took the cows up the hill to eat grass. One day he was so bored he thought, "I can have fun if I use the puma alarm."

"CHIIIIING!" went the alarm. Everybody in town ran to save the cows with torches and rakes.

When they got there , they saw the kid laughing at them. ?Look at you fools, ha,  ha,  ha...? he laughed.

The next day he did the same thing. When the men and women got there they saw the kid laughing again ?what a fool,? said a lady.

?Yeah,? said a man.  

?Let's go!?said another.  ?Come on!?shouted a woman. The only one who stayed with him was a girl that told him, ?why do you need to fool us? We ran here for nothing , and that's unfair what you are

doing. You will see the next t ime if there is a real puma and you make the alarm sound, nobody will come to rescue the cows because they will think it 's a joke. The cows will be eaten and they will say it 's your fault l itt le boy.?

"But how can it be my fault.?

?Because you sounded the alarm in the f irst place.?

?But is not my fault that I am bored.?he responded.

?It is!? yelled the girl and the girl felt some sticks breaking. Then he saw the puma. He ran up a tree. Then they boy heard some sticks breaking. Then he saw a puma so clever as Albert Einstein. He ran up a tree and shouted, ?PUMA PUMA!? But nobody came. The boy was a scaredy fox. Then it was too late.

All the cows were eaten minus one of the tiniest cows. It was Blacky, the lucky cow. When he went down with Blacky. All the men and all the women asked, ?Where are all the cows??

?The puma ate them. And it was all my fault. If I would of not sounded the alarm all the cows would have been with me.?

Then the same girl than before asked him ?Did you learn the lesson??

?Yes I did.?

?And what did you learn??

?That if I l ie to people with a fake alarm in the real alarm, they won't come.? And They Lived Happily Ever After...

FAIRY TALEBy Luca (grade 3)

Once upon a time there lived 3 litt le ducks...

But one day their mother said, ?You three are ready to go on and make your houses. The f irst duck was

named Ian, the 2nd one is named Mateo, the 3rd one is named Luca. And so they set on their journey. The f irst l itt le duck made his house out of wood.

The 2nd litt le duck made his house out of bricks. And so on. The 3rd litt le duck made his house out of metal

But his brothers just teased him just cause he worked all day, and he said don?t come to me when the big bad fox comes. ?There's no fox,? and the 2 brothers just sang.

?Who?s afraid of the big bad fox?? And they sang over again but when they turned to there left there stood the big bad fox. The 2 litt le ducks ran as fast as they could into the f irst l itt le duck?s house, but the fox couldn't get in the house. But the fox had a idea! The house was on the bottom of a hil l ? but on top of the hil l was a huge boulder so the fox ran as fast as he could to the top of the hil l. When he got to the top of the hil l he started to push the boulder.

It started to roll then boom! The fox saw the ducks. He ran after them. The litt le ducks got to the 2nd ducks house they thought the fox can?t get us? but then the was digging a hole to put TNT under the house. So he got a long piece of string he went in side of the hole connected the string to the TNT, ran away, then he liit the string. Then 100 seconds later boom! The fox ran down to where the house was, but he couldn't f ind the litt le ducks. When he turned to his left he saw the litt le ducks running to the third litt le ducks house he ran after them as fast as he could, but it was too late. The litt le ducks got inside the house? But the fox didn't see

The third litt le duck on the roof. He ran inside of the house and got a shovel with hot coals. He went on the on top of the roof and put the coals in the fox?s pants. Then he ran up the chimney screaming like a litt le girl. And so he was never heard from again, but wait till next time when he will return...     

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Dog Fight sBy Andres El Khaouli (grade 2)

Once there was a dog called Mia. One day Mia went to the park and one big dog was calling her names like crazy face, ?dummy and crazy pants? so Mia was REALLY frustrated at the dog. So she went home and told her mom

that a big dog was mean at her and called her names. So her mom went to the park and told that dog to be nice, but the dog said ?NO!?

Then the big dog?s moms fought against each other, but  Mia?s mom did not attack back, and she said ?lets be friends? and the other mom said ?ok? so they agreed to being friends.

They f inally became friends, and they all l ived happily ever after.

Lesson: You never solve problems with your hands so you shod solve problems with you words.

The book t hat t el l s t he f ut ur e (par t I)Ariana Robinson (Grade 4)


It was one dark and stormy night Pete was digging the hole as fast as he could, with his friend Harry. Placing ?The Book? in the deepest and darkest place of the hole. After they f inished their hearts pounding they rushed back to the house, there mother and fathers sitt ing together worried so. The friends walked in together when they heard a scream, it was coming from the kitchen Pete?s father rushing in along with the others. It was the nana she was lying on the f loor with a bite on her arm, it was from a snake. The fortune was true.


?Mum, are we there yet?? Andie whined in boredom. Suddenly the car stopped and so did she. They arrived at their new house, thinking it was the lamest thing ever. The mum, Caroline angrily said ?Come on, get out of the car and start unpacking. I am going to start making dinner?. The oldest sister Katy was in charge and when their mum was out of sight she yelled ?Look I am in charge now so you WILL do as I say, got that Andie?? then stomped out of sight. Andie thinking that she was crazy grabbed her things and walked inside.

The next day when they woke up after having dinner Andie decided to go for a walk in the forest because she could not bear to think of her sister. When in the forest she tripped on a mound of dirt. She observed for many, many minutes. When she f inally noticed the hole in the dirt about the size of a snake hole, but a big snake at that. Squinting he could just about see a book but this book wasn't normal it could tell the future. Andie ran back to the hose and grabbed the shovel. When running back to the hole she spotted a puppy and grabbed it along with the shovel. When she f inally reached the hole she started digging, she paused. Inside the hole was a necklace it had a symbol, a symbol with a picture of a dog and it looked exactly the same as the dog with her right now. She put it around her neck but then Andie heard a crumple come from the leaves, it was like a shock wave to Andie but an angry creature was running toward her. But the necklace stopped it from coming with energy. Like a power wave.

Staring in amazement she quickly got back to work and was done in no time. She grabbed the book and ran back home with the puppy in her palms. When at home she went to her mother's room and instead of tell ing her the whole thing she said that she found this puppy when she was walking. And guess what, her mum believed her and she happily went along to her bedroom and started reading. A tiny litt le note fell out of it and it said?

Dear reader,

I tried to hide this book from you for many reasons. But you obviously you don't l isten. If you learn the steps of this book then you may not only be able to tell the future but the past of this book itself . But beware this book will make you enter a whole new world.

With curiosity Andie opened the book and started reading.

Gordon's Goblins, The snake of all creatures what was all this nonsense? Well Andie was just about to f ind out. She opened to a page about how the book works it told her that the puppy will protect you and it 's name is Doki. It also told her about all the magical creatures and their weaknesses. She turned the page and saw the ways of the future. When she f inally f inished reading the book she tried it out, she touched the necklace and said ?Tell, tell the future I must tell tell me Katy's future? the necklace replied back ?Katy will start to complete her quest and she will pass the test?. What does that mean Andie thought.

To read the rest of this story, go to, and click on "NIdo Writers."

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The Bl ood TestBY: N.D.G (Grade 4)

?C?mon Nico get out of the car, we need to get your blood test taken,? my dad said. My heart was racing at the thought of a blood test, but I stil l got out of the car. Slowly, ever so so slowly we reached the off ice. As my dad opened the glass doors I could see twelve cashiers. I could tell they only cared about money and not service, well, that?s a big thumbs up I sarcastically thought to myself . Once we got to the cashier section, my mom was called by the guy behind cash number two who gave her information about the test and she paid. In the meantime, I sat on my dad?s lap waiting to go upstairs to get the dreadful blood test. My dad tried to have a conversation but I was helpless, I was too stressed to speak. Finally, after what seemed like ages waiting, we were called to go upstairs for the exam.

My name was called ?Nicolas Genge?? by a guy in the front desk. I was dripping sweat as I quickly whispered to my mom and dad ?Who is coming with me?? My mom and dad took a quick glance at each other and my mom answered ?I will go with you.? We went over to a door where a woman lead us to room # 3 and...

Once I went into the room, all I could see was the two inches of pure meanness, the needle. But after a minute my sight bubble cleared and I saw my mom, and a demon. The ?demon? was in reality the woman that would give me the blood

test. As I stared around the room I felt sick. What I mostly wanted was a nice hot breakfast for I had not eaten or drunk since the night before. While I looked around and thought about how I would rather spend my time, my mom said ?It?s going to be f ine? while holding my hand softly, but I knew better, it would NOT be f ine. I calmed down a bit and the woman/demon asked ?¿Estas listo? No mires?(?Are you ready? Don?t look?). The woman took the needle and put it in my right arm. I howled and moaned helplessly. My mom had a tight grip on my left arm as if keeping me on this world, l ike gravity pulling things to the core and not allowing us to f loat. Finally, the woman f inished and I looked at the f loor and it looked as

if it rained because of all the tears I shed.

I l imped along with my mom to get water. I gulped down a cup of water in a quarter of a second and got another one, I was so thirsty I didn?t mind the freezing water. We walked to the room where my dad waited patiently for

us. I sat on his lap drinking more water and trying to answer his questions, but when I blinked I somehow was not on his lap instead in a bed and I was wet but I didn?t know how it happened.    

?Are you okay?? my parents asked in harmony.

?Yes, but what happened?? I was confused.

?You were sitt ing on my lap and you collapsed but in the process your water fell on you, you fainted? my dad answered.

?Can we go home, I?m really hungry.? I pleaded.

?We should, it?s late.? my dad said.

Yet after that, I am stil l haunted by needles.

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Vel ma and t he BunnyBy Carla Rivas

Velma was a girl that l ived on the mountains with her grandpa.Velma had 2 sisters older than her,Jixi and Tripsi. Velma wanted something more than anything, she wanted a pet! But her grandpa said that there was no space because the house was to small.

One day she went to pick some berries and when she was returning home she saw something moving inside a bush. At f irst,she was scared ,but then she saw it was a bunny and relaxed. The bunny was brown with pink eyes and a white tail.?Hi l itt le bunny,you want some berries?? Velma whispered and offered him some berries.

Velma knew that her grandpa would not let her have the bunny as a pet, but she wished that he did.The bunny liked Velma's hand,?He likes me? she said.

?Can I have some more berries??said a voice.

Velma looked everywhere but did not see anyone.?Down here,hello!Am I talking to myself or what!?

Velma looked down and could not believe her eyes!THE BUNNY WAS TALKING!!!!!.Velma was shocked.But after 7 seconds she thought she

was dreaming.The bunny spoke again.?Can I have some berries!?

After that talk Velma noticed that she was not dreaming and gave the bunny some berries. Velma had to go so she grabbed the basket. Just then the bunny jumped into the basket

and ate all the berries.

When Velma arrived at her house she noticed that the bunny was in the basket snoring with his stomach full of berries.Velma got super mad. Just then her grandpa was passing by with a blender to make berry juice.Right in that instant Velma

grabbed the bunny,and threw it out of the window as fast as she could before her grandpa could see.

?I told you to to pick berries and all you did was play,you are grounded for a week,now go to your room!?

Velma went to her room with tears in her eyes and slammed the door closed.The next day she was sad in her room and the bunny was watching her so he remembered that there was a tree that makes berries . The bunny grabbed as much as his litt le paws could carry and gave them to Velma and then she gave them to her grandpa and she was happy again.

Moral : Never do things that are not right with other people's stuff because you can get that person in trouble and if you do it fix it.   

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Wor l d of Ar t

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Wor l d of Ar t

By Vince Pohr (Grade 5)

The talent show was a new t radit ion that many people enjoyed. It took place on May 13th inside the nido theatre. I l iked it , and i 'm sure many other people also did Talents ranged f rom dancing al l the way to jumping over a box with a pogo st ick! Here are some things teachers and students  said about the wonderful show.

WHAT TEACHERS SAID ABOUT THE SHOW:Ms. Andrea Mardones:Fantast ic show put on by students, hard work behind the scenes f rom teachers.

Mr. Brad Haugh; We need to keep this up! congratulat ions!

Ms. Ana Maria:Thank you everyone tha helped out . If you see any of the 4th grade student leaders please tel l what a wonderful job they did.


Nicolas Rios: I think that the talent show was a great way for students to share talents with the Nido Community.

Aditya Jadhav: The talent show was a good way for students to show their conf idence.

Lena Espinoza: The talent show was amazing because the kids f rom 1st to 5th grade had so much courage to present to the whole of elementary.

These are some of the things teachers and students said and you guys probably al l have your Own thoughts about this awesome show. What do you think about the talent show last month? Do you think it should cont inue next year? Do you want to be part of i t?



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Wacky Page

By: Nicolas Rios (Grade 5)

If you are reading this piece, you have already evolved into a kangaroo, just as Ameer evolved into a zebra, and Christian into a panda, and Delf in into a dolphin. This is the story of how that came to be.

Delf in was wandering around the busy streets of Santiago, when she saw a ragged-looking man eating a junky cheeseburger. He held up a sign saying: DOG FOR SALE: $5. Delf in went over there and asked the man if she could buy the dog. He happily gave it to her, in exchange for the cash.

Meanwhile, Ameer was having a soda at McDonald's, and he spied a lonely looking plant at the corner. He dug out the ragged mint plant,and put it in his car to take it home.

Christian came home from school to f ind a lovely rock, tainted with lively colors. He inserted it into his backpack. Next, he met up with the other two, to discuss their show-and-tell f indings.

The three put the rock in the plant, the dog then peed on it, and the bizarre mixture started glowing in a yellowish red light. A voice boomed: ?You shall now evolve into three dif ferent animals. Ameer, you shall turn into a zebra, because of your sense of danger, Christian, you shall become a panda because of your chubbiness. Del, you must now transform into a dolphin, just because.?

After the light show ended, the three looked down at their abnormal hands, and they looked in a mirror. With a screech, they became the terrif ic trio, Del the Dolphin, Christian the Panda, and Ameer the Zebra. Now, they travel through the vast hallways and search the grand internet, at the animal kingdom, where Vincent the Owl and Mr. Chad the bald eagle live too. You might notice your body change. That means you are turning into an animal too.

Make your OWN animal t it le!

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