the tea party radicals they created

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  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


    Placido Salazar

    [email protected]

    The tea party radicals they created

    The republicans should have placed Karl Rove behind bars when they had

    a chance, for his part in starting the FALSE AND WRONG war against Iraq,ridiculously hiding behind the 9/ll attack. They knew all along that Iraq

    had NOTHINGto do with the 9/11 attacks. Do KKKarl Rove and hislooney friends seem to care about all our American military men and

    women who died because of his stupidity? It does not even seem likely.

    More than several republicans would now like to divorce themselves ofthe Tea Party and the likes of Ted Cruz, the little tantrum boythey

    created, but they are now saddled with him. Placido(watch Jon Stewart youtube below)

    DAILY KOSBruinKidFollowRSS

    Daily Kos member

    Wed Oct 23, 2013 at 05:01 AM PDT

    MUST-SEE: Jon Stewart blasts Republicans for complaining about

    Tea Party radicals they helped create

  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created



    Last night, Jon Stewart blasted the Republicans who are nowcomplainingabout the Tea Party crazies, when they were the

    ones whoenabled themin the first place.

    But of course, the Republican Party's brain its architect, ElBlossom del Turdo has a plan to fix all this, and wouldn't youknow, his plan involves sending money care of El Blossom delTurdo.


    CHRIS WALLACE: Karl (Rove) has helped launch the ConservativeVictory Project ... that has made the Tea Party and people whoare supporting that part of the Republican Party very upset.

    KARL ROVE: Our object is to avoid having stupid candidates whocan't win general elections.

    (wild audience applause)

    "Oh, and um... and to make this country a better place for all itscitizens. Naw, it's actually the elections thing."

    The goal of Mr. Rove's Conservative Victory Project is toidentify candidates with bonafide conservative-basedcredentials whilst not actually being from the conservativebase, so that they are actually controllable. Because Roveknows the crazy talk's not supposed to be said (whispers)out loud.


    BILL O'REILLY: The Republican Party seems to have hurt itself. That's what the polls say.And you say?

  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


    KARL ROVE: I think that's accurate. Look, we Republicans and conservatives angry over the

    victory of President Obama wanted somebody to stand up and fight. ... The defund strategywas never going to work.

    Thank you, Commander Hindsight!

    "Listen, Bill, I told 'em it wasn't gonna work, and then I also called a guy, and I said, a Lone

    Rangermovie in 2013? No, I would never. And then I said to Steve Jobs, no one wants totake pictures with their phones. I mean, uh, cancel that. What I said to Steve Jobs was,

    sure wish I could fit all my songs in my pocket."

    But the shutdown. It's too uncompromising. Focused too much on stoking the anger of the

    Republican base over Obamacare without an exit strategy. It's as though the entiremisguided shutdown affair was a culmination of a decade-long strategy to rile up and

    politically engage the most rigid and ideological pockets of the Republican Party.

    Which is why Karl Rove has no right to complain about all these radicals ruining

    his nice Republican Party, because he's the one who invited them! (audienceapplause)

    I give you,Building Red Americaby Tommy Edsall. During the 2004 election, ol' Captain

    Retrospectively Obvious set out the GOP's strategy of "activating conservatives' angerpoints", rather than reaching out to moderates. Anger points like "free health care for

    illegal immigrants" and "same sex marriage", leading to scenes like this, a sitting UnitedStates Senator from Rove's home state of Texas sharing the stage at a rally with thisgentleman.

    LARRY KLAYMAN (10/13/2013): We are now "ruled" by a President who bows down to Allah.

    ... I call upon all of you to wage a second American non-violent revolution, to use civildisobedience, and to demand that this President leave town. To get out. To put the Koran

    down. To get up off his knees. And to figuratively come up (sic) with his hands out (sic).

    There are so many things wrong with that... factually, ideologilogically, grammatically.

    (wild audience applause)
  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


    Meanwhile, doesn't it... it looks like everybody behind him is like, "Shut the fuck up, so we

    can bid on those storage containers!" (audience laughter and applause)

    So now, ol' Turd Blossom here has to create a super PAC to attempt to battle the stupid he

    himself unleashed. So no simpatico, for a guy who started a fire that now rages out of

    control. (scene from The Naked Gun)

    Perhaps, the single least self-examining Republican crazy-enabler is the increasingly senior

    Senator from Arizona, who had this to say about his colleagues' uncompromising shutdown


    SEN. JOHN McCAIN, R-AZ (10/16/2013): We are now seeing the end of this agonizing

    odyssey that this body has been put through. ... It's one of the more shameful chapters that

    I have seen in the years that I have spent here in the Senate.

    WOLF BLITZER (3/8/2013): Senator John McCain calling some of his Republican colleagues,

    I'm quoting now, "wacko birds".

    You don't get to complain!! McCain, you don't get to complain. At all. Because if Iremember correctly, no matter how cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs you think your wacko birdcolleagues are, they don't come anywhere close to yourhatchling.

    SEN. JOHN McCAIN, R-AZ (9/4/2008): And I found just the right partner to help me shakeup Washington, D.C., Governor Sarah Palin from the great state of Alaska!

  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


    You opened Pandora's Box! You were the guy who gave theMogwaia post-midnight

    all-you-can-eat buffet! (wild audience applause) You don't get to complain that now the

    party's overrun with gremlins!

    "What's happening?? I don't know what's happening!"

    We'll be right back.

    Video below the fold.

    Kristen Schaal then talked aboutsexy Halloween costumes.

    Meanwhile, Stephen weighed in onlions versus tigers, newfood products, and theNeiman Marcus Christmas Book.

    Jon talked withMalcolm Gladwell, and Stephen talked with authorA. Scott Berg.

    Originally posted toBruinKidon Wed Oct 23, 2013 at 05:01 AM PDT.

    Also republished byElectronic America: Progressives Film, music & Arts Group.

    Charles Krauthammer John McCain Jon Stewart Karl Rove Recommended Republicans Tea Party The Daily Show with Jon Stewart


  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


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    Tip Jar (56+ / 0-)How to debunk the Right's lies on global warming

    byBruinKidonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 05:01:31 AM PDT

    Who could have guessed... (10+ / 0-)...that the abomination they created would turn on them?

    Everything Right is Wrong Again - TMBG (lyrics)

    byGreenPAonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 05:54:51 AM PDT

    o Zombie Reagan (6+ / 0-)and this is no joke, the policies the Reagan administration set in motion 32 years ago began us downthis road. And even if there was any intellectual thought or earnestness behind it like "hey this is agood thing we're doing, really!" , Bush/Cheney and their assembly of idiotic sycophants we are nowleft with, made sure it was as cynically applied a philosophy of robber-baron-hood as one could hopefor.Zombie Reagan lives to ruin us all. Unless we kill it.

    byNYFMonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 06:32:28 AM PDT

    [ Parent ]

    The end of the second segment... (5+ / 0-)... with Kristen Schaal is screamingly funny!!!

    I just howled with laughter!

  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created



    The first segment putting KKKarl in his place regarding the Teahadists was spot ON.

    I'm sick of attempts to steer this nation from principles evolved in The Age of Reason to hallucinations

    derived from illiterate herdsmen. ~ Crashing Vor

    byNonnyOonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 06:55:48 AM PDT

    the gremlins reference was apt (3+ / 0-)-You want to change the system, run for office.

    byDeep TexanonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 06:59:07 AM PDT

    I think the ironic bit (2+ / 0-)is that is tied into the Citizens United ruling. The conservatives are used to using their base for votes,

    not for money. They are used to calling the shots by contolling the money that comes into the RNC.Social media has allowed fundraising to be more democratized, and of course Citizens United pavedthe way for PACs to raise unlimited funds without having to disclose the names of donors. So a bunchof funds with "America" and "Freedom" in their names have sprung up, and allowed the far-rightpoliticians to be as radical as they like without worrying about losing funding from the RNC. Theydon't need the RNC anymore.

    "YOPP!" --Horton Hears a Who

    byReepicheeponWed Oct 23, 2013 at 07:27:48 AM PDT

    Karl Rove's solution? (3+ / 0-)Send me more money!

    "We the People of the United States...." -U.S. Constitution

    byelwioronWed Oct 23, 2013 at 07:31:18 AM PDT

    Combining "enthusiasm" of crazies with $ (3+ / 0-)of the top .001% was a pretty good strategy, allowing the minority party to punch way above itsweight. But the thing about crazies is that the are crazy, and not about to get back in the cage.

    "One faction of one party in one House of Congress in one branch of government doesn't get to shutdown the entire government just to refight the results of an election."

    byInlandonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 07:48:19 AM PDT

    The Tea Party/GOP is clearly a secessionist party (1+ / 0-)They see DC as the enemy because of racism, because of their theocraticleanings or because their Ayn Rand ideology.

  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


    The Tea Party IS the GOP now.

    And they are going over the cliff whether their more "traditional" members want it or not.

    It would be funny if they weren't so dangerous. In 2014 they'll hit the ground.

    Daily Kos an oasis of truth. Truth that leads to action.

    byShockwaveonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 09:01:25 AM PDT

    It's not fair to pick on McCain's VP choice... (0+ / 0-)and not remind folks that Al Gore thought Joe Leiberman was a good choice for a Democratic VP.Sarah Palin is a far better representative of the contemporary Republican party than Leiberman everwas for the Democratic party. Besides, McCain had Leiberman as his first choice, which does showsome sanity.

    Workers of the world, unite! You have nothing to lose but your shackles. It is by the picket line anddirect action that true freedom will be won, not by electing people who promise to screw us less thanthe other guy.

    byrhonanonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 11:32:01 AM PDT

    o You can criticize Gore's choice of Lieberman, but (0+ / 0-)the fact is he was never the locomotive for a runaway train the way Palin became.

    bytoddsmittsonWed Oct 23, 2013 at 12:28:31 PM PDT

    [ Parent ]


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  • 7/27/2019 The Tea Party Radicals They Created


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