the theosophist vol 1 - october 1879 - september 1880


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THETHEOSOPHISTMONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ORIEN'fAL PHILOSO-PHY, AR1', LITERATUREANDOCCUL1'ISM.rO:lvl1CrF.D IIYII. P. BLAVATSKY.UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY.Y0LUI EI. 1879-8O.BOl\IBAY:PUBLISHEDBYrliESOCIETY, lOS, OIROAIBl BACI( ROAP., :(; ,;~ nm.b1111 ;rmN'I'F.D AT -MIlo; IXI)(1STmAL 1>nr.SR.:i,:" tI,THETHEOSOPHIST.VOLUMEI.1879-1880(OOTOBERTOSEPTEMBERI.CONTENTS.1891911941941%198l!.l!.l201202204207211!1PJ.QE177178181ofof183184184,254185lil6181.,." .J oUl'nnlist N. 1\1 issioulIl'yPrisoncrFeigningDenthCuse of Ohscssion .. ,Welcome TheosoJlllYCcntul'yOHice of HoligionState of CllristianityKlIliYIl MllrullulI, 01' the cl'ushingKllliyu-thc Grl'lIt !::lCl'pentKrbhu"2677G7779818090Another .JEthrolmt .Mindisl\Inlorilll .113 Odcto Iudil\ ...114 Physiologyof Mllrrill:;e .116 Crcmntiouiu Americu .117 l\h. Whitworth'sStotement of Reli-117 gious13el iof...120 Coek/lI1l1 Bull. ..121 r-:ul...... n. ... ... ... 2at Spread of Uud,lhism ill Wc,"temRcvimlof221I Spiritunl Commlludl11rnls 2.j4 Countries 2901\Iode\'ll ScN'ofYisions 22:1 PrnrthanaSnlJlllj vs. Christinllity... 255 IonianThooAAphicnl Society 297London ClIlIR1'01' Buddhist l\fissiollnric5 227 Agni-lIoll'l\ Philosoplly... 2,jG Inllugurnl Address. Bombay TheoRo.DiFRo!l'ed Sonl... 228 Onl' Dclcgntcsill Crylon... .. 258, 2nD phicnl Society... ... 298I)eopl("s MOlltJdy. ... 229 Om' Sccoml Yem' ... 2n5 Wooden GOII 301J,ong Lifo 22!) Fruit!! of thoCeylonltIiFsion... 262 NangaBlIbn of Gwalior... 304Dmmnof Hnjn"lflnnmillWi\,l'!, 230 OCI'nlt Scirnces. 2G4 RussianSUpcl'Rtiti(,ns 308Chri81illnArloI' War. 230 Zorollstdllll Holigion ns Decadence of l'l'Otestnnt Christinllity 30(1Bewitched l\lil'I'Ol' ... ... 230],yM. IllIlIg 2G8 NotesontheBrej Mllntl'nll 309NlIlIllwt S('\'ell... 232,311 .. Spirit"Pl'IlnksIlItmClIUCll811S ... 271 At I 310s roogy...Wh,,1the West ('xpocts? 233, StlldyofStoncthrowingby Spirits 310,JllillXotioll of'thcCreutol'I Light fromtilt'Missiollllricswllllte.J. 276. Treatise on YogPhilosophy... 312JllJpm\'l',lIll'lIt ill IIIUi:lII AgriclIltm'l' 234 I on'1\ LUlld of278I Howtheyfnlit inIndi:l ... 315SomefIlings thl' Aryfln"knew. 24'j IluulnBellgnl. 2HO: Scorpion 1'0i::oll Antidote. Officilll Fllmilv01' '''lln''A Peli"iolls J\li88ion In the (Jnilcd I n ' J' I. J J ",," 0 . , ('portIrom >lIrOI II :1 1IiI 'Ira '111 111,1'1/\ '1',',1,) 811\.c.................... 2R3 D '1' I I ,r I' D ', '" ... ...... - I'. 1IIIIIe\' 1II11 11(1 c. If' oelt'llIPTheoryof'CW'!CF ... 242 Testingthl'Bewiklll'll Min'OJ'Theory2R4 1 t}' t "IB.I n )OUas... '. .. (: IillJpscof' Tlllltrik 2.11 So],s, SOIls 111111 l'osirs '.. 21-l4A, MONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ART, LITERATURE AND OCCULTISM: EMBRACINGMESMERISM, SPIRITUALISM, ANDOTHERSECRETSCIENCES,VOJ.. 1. No. 1.BOMBAY, OCTOBER, 1879. i.."Ii[..-i .' ... :kPUBLISHER'SNOTICES. I Thou/?hthe contri.butions tothis number of the. jonrualIt is evident the Tm:080rmST will offer to atlvoltisers unusual nd. nrenot 11I nil cases sIgned, wemaystate for the mforma-"antajl'os in ciroulation. Wo hnve nlrcndy 8ubscribol" in ovory part of tionof \Vesternreadersthattheir authors nrc nmOIJIT theIndia. in Ceylon, Burmah, andon tho PorsianGulf. Our 1'01'01'n1so goos . b t t' 1 I f I d' \V . tho to _1.toGroat Britain-.Franco. OorwlUlY, Hungary, Groeco, HU8sin. Constanli.: es naIvescars0 n la. e .can. 1nOle ,m miUl.enop10, Egypt.Austr\lia, and North and South Amerion, Tho following very' good the prollllse of our Prospectns m tins respect. Already.mOderate ra.have been adopted: wehavethe certaintyof being able to offer inc1l('I] olllyhytl\l' \llIrilyof011"'1" stllIl, awl /'('1'-1ringtIHi .. l'xislt'lIce Oil this l'art,h, ICl] a life of sewHlaltlfill (/ffaiIlIlH,tf..nlllalt,a.illa.ltlll willltlllt. it.. MlIIlIWlril .., tire:f1pl'dit.l's, 11llel who dild1'J'('matllrl'ly witlr thl' illtellsityIlIrlill'malll'l) of. all dllti"s. til' IIll1n!I,w,:,I ..ds Ilis lellow-IIII'II, ' of cllmal. llesires1II.1t1 t)l('irsepa-alldlirel'lm'atlOlI 01Irllllllllllfyt1l1'rl'l,y. mfttlll 11'0111 tlll'lr grOs.o; IM.dl('s. It IS such !\IlIlls ollly tlratTile Mal'a I/t rl'llI:lrkl,1Ihat it was\"I'ry gtltld, alldlIsk..d ' arc cOlIsil]ered to stil'k tH the ellrth, owl LccOlne whatlIle10 J'('llIaill with Irilll till' Sllllle tiljJl! at ICHSL Bill InrI' call ..dPisllClclUlS, ur what the 'Vestern spiritllalistskl'l't. si It'll t. awl I'l'I.lIl'lll'd 1111 n'l'ly: r had 1It11. yd filllllli i miscall ':-lpirit.s! Bllt I!Vl'n IIH>se are lIot cOlIsil!el'edtowlral [ snllgltt. Hisillg' till IlIllnlillg' "I'ryI cnntinlle in tllis state of' existpllce forevcr, 1101' is tlris(larly, I Idl. tllisri,1t .)w"llillg' alld W(II1. ttl .JtlShl'l Math. : slainconsid(!retl as ill allY way dl'sirnhle. With H'gartl'l'hl'rl', ill till' eOllll,all." tlr I>abd1:11 11'1', or1\1 allllnlslrt.raHII:IS- ,to the lIlajority of11111 nan sonIs, it islleltl thatncconlingtrw'S11/1' fl'1I1! :I.';I:I,til'sof' t.lteHh ()nler-II toIllllyIll.unholydl'l!dsHIHI tlt'siresin. tltis!ilc, tlteyr"Htedforawlull', ' go eltlrer ttl Irlgher alltl better worltls, ewllllgWithBmIL-(TtlI",CfllIt i 1/ /' I'd.) lila10/"(/, bythearclti l',idi lllli'!I(/, or tQthelIl'ther world!!,bytheyallla 1Il,i"ga,t The fonnl'r are cOllsillered tohe: tcmporary elevations tt) better existellces, the latter toI Wor:ill nxistenel's thanonthisworldill humall shape. Buttho'e of I'xistence kllown II.'! Pil:llwelut !fOld. isregar-dedill the I1inllu systemof philosophy allll religiollthemost horrible aud pitiful that the human soul eallellieI', Thl' J'l'ason of It isthnt it isthestatethat comesover thehUlllall soul os the result of the bnser dC8iresNow thatn medillill of comlilllllientiou, ill the having \lI'epllIlllerauce at the timeof sepmationfromtheRhopeof thei.'1t, hasII!'!'IIl'st.a.hlislwdI)('tweell tIle rorporea Lody; itisthestateill which the cHparities forElI"o;t 1I11d the 'Vest, 1'''1' I'xl>1mugillg idells 011 ulat!.!'rs of:the I'lIjOYUll'lIt of sensllItl pleasures are in lL devclopedphilmlOphy awl oecuitislll, it limy he liS!' I'll I 10 state iu statn, hnt thesoul lockstllPlIIl'ausof physical 1'lIjoymellt,W'ul'ml tenlls what II illllu plJilosopllY alii 1psychology viz, a corporeal oody; it is the state in whichthesoulhavetosayaboutSpiritlllllism, This isthu IllOreililpor- call ucver IImke progres.o; al,,1 develop into hetter exis-tallt illoslllllchasEllr"I'" 111111 AlilericII are lit tIll' prl'sl,"t tCIICU, It is considered that" inthis statetheBOlli beillg,laystartled allll hewild.. r..dhyt.hose J'I'IIIHrkahll' mallifes- lleprivl',1of themeausIll' l"joymeut throughitsown phy-tHtitlns of so-calie' I spirit.o;, whiehhave ri\'''' Itdthe IItJPlllioll simi hody, is perpetually tormentcdbyhUllger, nppetiteof the leanll'd, awl an' said to Imv(' drawlI away II1I,re aw]otllCrhodilyl]esire:-, alldcall have ouly vicl\Iious en-thllll twelltyIlIiJlitlllR ofl",,ple there 1'1'11111 thl' lltalt'rialistic jllyllwUt hy l'lItm'ing illto the livillg physical hodies oftlllldellei ..s of tl,,; pre:'lIII1. II).;'''. OtlWI':i, fII' hy allsorbillg tlto suht(I'st essellccslIf libationsViewl'll frulII thc Sllllllipoillt III' Ililldll philosopby. lIay, lu,,(ohlatiollso!tel'ell 1'01' t.11l'ir OWII sake. Nut 1IJ1 Pi,'1ha-lliatuf allY philoRuphywurlhyof Ihe lIallll', ehas clln ellter the li\'illg hUlllau Lody of another,list.ic1Il0Vl'mclltin AIIH'rica allll Ellrupeis10be haile,1as :1Il11 1I0lle call l'\lter the hOlly of a huly mau, that is, aun demonstrative cOllllelllltatill1l of t.hat gruss IIHI.terialislll, asceticor adept inoccull.islll,1mbversive of all religiouallll true sciellcP, whichpn'aelll's Very fewspirits are considered to possess tlte powertllnt nothillg of Inall sllr"iv('s the curptlrl'alof makingthemselvesmallifestLy I\Ssuming physical np-('alletlAltlllllg'st HilldllS, this WlIStIlt) beli('f alll] }ll'amnces for CVl'n a short time. These awregnnledI\Stho creed of thcCllllr"llks, wholll 0111' ha\'c havillg greater strengt.1t tltall the others, a\l(\ it is bclieVl'dOil tlwtfil'eOllllt" assotltat 110writer that. t.lIl'SCglt this pOWI'I' ovcr those who ill t110 sta"oof .I isti netioll amollgII i1)( IllScOllsidersit worllt Ids whilc oft.11Iir corporeal existellceOil earth, weregi veil nil totltetotnkethe tl'OlIbleof noticing llll'ir creedor rl'fnlillg'it. wursldpof, 01111 associat.ionwithdemons (Pisllllchos), ortoTlteseCh:'rv[Iks arePlltdowlI asthat, is. eJ'('ntllres the l'ontelnplntion alit I 1'1'lIctice of malltras that 1.'0111.1'01who areso ,11'f1cient ill philosophical t.hat t.hey t.ltpm, 0)' who weretlwvietimsof some overhcaringpas-arenot fit tohe argnedwith. aIII I heleft to tltem- sinll. Butthis state of beillgisdeemedthemost miscrnbleselvcstill hyexperiPllcl'or e\,('n Illedit.'\tioll theygd the a\l(l awful that anyone cu1l1t1have eutere.1upon, and itcapacity of perceivingtllat sOllletltiug sll1'vi\'estheLodily isolllythecOlllpamtivl'lIy good sOllls that uftl'rlong sulrer-Ilissolutioll. Thespirit.llalists of AmericaHlldEUI'OJloItave illgnllli }Jll1'ification ore ablo to pxtricatethemselves.thistl'1lthphenomellally delilollst.ratutl tot.ltolll andsoIiII' Thowholeseriesof prescribell Hindu funeral cer('mo-Easlernphilusophy t111l movcnll'nl.. Bllt. !lPYOIH] nil's, fl'Omthe1st to tho11th dayafter a mall's dellth, if!this it cannot go; forit findslittlt) reason t.o('ongratttlote lIotlling1II0rethanthemOlleillculcatedLythat religioll tothespirit.ualists IIpon 1,1)(, ncw idl'a.s Hili I 1I."l'iratiolls t.hey preventtIle1111111011soul frumbecoming a Pislwcha. ThePllt forth. Tltat lleath is t Ite IIlNP :'I,'paratioll of tIlP corpor('alIh\llle 1'1'0111 the Jil'(I, 01' sU1l1 tlmt HlliullIt.esit, is atnlth O/'j,It'ld.",. thi! word (':\n hnr,lIy oorellrated Hinduastrollomer, wholivell pight celltl1l'ies ngo, says -:-" If a metallic tubeII u3II I ---------I \"('rsearOSl', wlwtlaer it. has been ITPated or whet.her it It i:'! ill tlli:'! vim\' agaill of t.lae Yl'da t.hat. we regard it lIot beell creat.edat. all,-HewllOisit.s Itllier in tlais ast.heoriginof nligion. Alldlookedat from tlaii poillt'laighest Ileaven, Healollel{)Jows; alld if liedoeslIut., (,laell ofpointof vicw, tlaat istosay, fromwlaichyOIlf 110ollekllows.' - secill it all tlaetrueprillciples of II II iversal rl'!iffiou awlThe highest f1iglltof specnlat.ioll, themustlahoriclIIs Ilis- thechitof blelllislaestlaereof, awl also see thosocovery orevell tIll' bl,ldest assl'rtioll of allowahl(' dng- principII'sallll J,leillishestntheircnt\lrctisiHt: cugag.::rU?utdHot leavo nlO sIImdcut for. slIchha\'o Itto COIISClltIll)', ol'lg II III I hsgay bV1IJ1 ut!IilCll hyCol, Olcott ncconhng to his own dldcl'chon,- -IL'1', 'I"72TII E TII EO SOPII 1ST.[Dl'CCIIl her, 187!l.(I)tlillt IlleIIl'\'('r )llIhlicly lallglll, hllt )lrinddy Pad nl:l plldll. Tllisexcilpc!envyinthehn'llst,g of the otllercon\'l.yed 1'1'''111 ad!'pt, I"Isilldl 1101dwell "1'011 pllpils, to c!is)ll'1 wldch SlIlIkllm, ollce Stlllldilig 011 nilethese 'fadl'l 11111ll'ave 1111'111 10be dispos"d of liS Ihey will shoreof1111' rin'rwhich110\\'l,(1 hyIlis rl'sidclll'p, call1(1tohy ollrfri('lIds, thp '1'1 leosopllisl,s, for Wlllllll theIII)'S- 1'mlllla)llldll toc01l\euver toIlim;Iiredlr fl"Om the oppusiteti'calof lIatureolrers l'lItic('IIH'lIls, hank. Thnlallprol)(')'ed, andwalh'doverUIIAholll Illis SlllllC lilile gn'llf,Agastyn.thesnrlal'l' of Ihl' waters, which Sl'nt up II lotus lit cachIlilll wit.ll IItllt'r SIIg"'S,1.11 Ilis II10t1H:r thaI. lit' stepIll' tllllk. II wasontllisoccasion111l1! t.IwWIllie l'nd-would die ai, t,htl :Igl' Ill' tllirly-t,wlI: 1"l'l'lillg thll! this 11Imp:ulawa.'i givt'll himbySallkarn, as 1mwarmly cIIlIJrI\-Wt.rld 1111 atll,is h"yof I'igll!. Yl'lIrs dder-\cl'tlllilll ill ""l'ogllil,iunof hiscntllllsin,'Ilie dt\,olion.milled III ('llIhn\('e Ihl' lik of ItS:lIll1ytlsi, hllt his "'hilt It'l\chillgIlis)lupilsthe youthflll Il'ucher di(1 notmother ohj((kd. Iler 1I\1I11H'r1y pride d"lIhlll's,,, era\'illg ll; fail ofaJlltJlIgtheleaI1H.'(llIIl'nwilt)heldtenetsson10IlI'rWillishollldillherit oWII grelltll\'s,'Iof SOli I (Iifli.'n'nlto hisown, hilt he olt"vidm. He (In'w,nliel Illillel. TJ.elad'sdl'lt'rlllillat.i"l11I0t \I) hesJ.akell, saysfrlllll tile nrsellal ofa "list Yellie lenrllinJ{,II(,WI'\'\'I', IIl1d Ille 11111I,('l"IIal emlsell!..W/l.Sohiailll'd, asth( tJ.ewellpolls witll which t.ocOlllbat J.ispow('rfnl kll IlS I,ytlt( workillg' of II121. HlIt.hillg We amI,l'elll\'d10llietlescril'tiull of nil eiglitda\'s' llehateintill' l'in'l',olll' day, fllot. wns (all;.:llt hyanalligat.ol'. hetweellan(1Yya.'In, who appenrt'11Illlllertlieguiselie wailt'd soI"udt.hnlltis IIII,tJ.el' I'llll 1.0 tilt' spot, nlltlof nil ngt'e1 Bralllllill hilt whosei, WIISilltuitivelyre-t"lt1 llta! w"ulel 1I0t. II':I\'\' It is J.oldIIl1ti I eogll i7.l'd II'ast hyPmllllll paelll. The hi"grnpJ.ertellsusslil'IUIlI ag-I'l'l'dtoIIl'r SIlIl'S, hl'c"lIIillg allIIsl'l't.ic, eOl'ITl'd tltatspiril, ill liisa.'\S11111\'dguise oft.IH'livillgBrnllluill,illtogivillgIlI'reOIlS(lIl.. S:l1IknnwlmrayaI.hl'nul'0ll ('lillie I'J'OPOllllelttI /I. tlt"lIsalieltogreat RIIll-0111, 111'1111' I'iv\'r, alldIil'l' I,,, I,hnI'an!of shya 011 1,11n BralllllllSutras, wliichW(,1'1l all tl'ill1l1phalltlyalld fril'lIt1:ts nbollt of .liscn-I'II of lhcmint! nll.1 I'Vl'tell1. I'Xpl'l'illlenle.1forthe1II0"t !'t'dollslife :'!Ie!}II0t brcn)'CIII'6 wilhtho celebratel1"pf!rkins'1I1l'tlli .lise"" whnEOto solt'eo,f,l,c dijJlCIIltlf's tlu'!}ralscd, tIll' IIl'enll ",llIch lilme /It OliO lillie lIenrly cnmoto throllgh IhocnnllillgtheyooclIl'le.1few\liendlll'l.'d, t?lIn,tI Wllhsl/lllll lhcm" so fmul1of1\11 ElIgli;;h5poculllhH", Thismall, who \\'nllnthnt tho cry lho }llIlI, IIpecilllty of Ihemetallic trent melli, ",ns deteelc.1in imilntillgfill' nlld willi", tllllt Ihe01,1 !1II11111nllOlls of bl'lll.f InI.IIBeXpCIISi"IOI:ih'el', ('oppel" nll,1 lIidl'1 wilhringswe\'(\ mylhR, ',II, ,cOl' people, III,of woo,l pnililcd01' gilJed. Bill, thoresu.Jts \\,el'o1101. chlln!!ed; 111I\'010UlltichllmplOlI 111,10to fight PlltiClllswm'o1'lIrel1! NowiRII clem' cllse of the With theil' OWII ,WeOP?IIS: lIulo 10. tho. nlltl power. A11.1 Ih. ITllmmolld himsclf clllls itthCOI'lI'SLy.thl'lII 10 theil' ultllllaleconeillAlOlIs: /lhleto I .j "oll,illg more ,!Ifill lite l,ol/'cr ofailemimI ol'cr allollter,"u.llmlll'kthoprt't('nlJous IIrrognnce mCII who \\'oultl de!'tro)' I Tllis11011',1 IIIlIterinlistis IhrollghlycOllvinco,1Ihnl if0110penonRllnply hec/lllse the}" cnllllot IIppreclUtc: 111('11 who wonltl pull sultl, horllblelllleIlIld olhcr el:lhll('" of I'lll"kl'l illva..iollll dircetiollll, le1l1'1' "I' IIII)' lise('I/ilwlie Mirrur01' Bulrilllo..efr('1II lJllcl'igllth of1111 illdl to 1\ f,)Ot or Illorc, whit'h ""lI\ctiIllCll 1,.. I \r 1'" II' III f(SE-\ll. la, 1:)1 III e"I')'llIg II I..ulll IIC .. Cit or / or I l'n,"8 ('nt'h I,ther, IlIIt lIe\'C!' willi t110 reglllal"ily lUll 1oo)'IIIIIICII)' 0tllis, It 1111" uol l>coll OI,C IholUllUlll n;lIl1l1illCe tho Arahill\'('III"d \\'cprillt IheIIltlTlIri\'c ill filII :0111'f..olll I 10 10, allll Wl' - till,l IIl're ill purfect f01'l1l ., Sil'" (hlc dll)' wl,ellialkillg witllII wellJdlllwl' 11,;111 illLOlldoll.Illl'the ,;alllll lig-IIreM, Uilldc h) Iho law" of 1'1..,lIai ..,,1 uflillily oil Ihc "1l1,jl'd of('u II '" 01'.'lTillg 10 tI",EIII/"'I'OI'ohle:it ......kH, whid, fOl"lllt,d tllOcrllsl "f tltu('lIdh COlllltll'llll lIIil- l'npolooll'lI helicf ill II.., grl'at .t..rllhi"llof lit" II"y. III)' fl'il'IHlI,.111110HUll!! of )'our>! Lefor" there Wlilln \'I'gelohlu('I' ulliuwlill cxilliellcc," Ihlll I,cWIlKt,nCe ntII grllllll diul"'" ill !'ill'is,lIt II hi.-h lIIall)' 1I01,I1,II'1'lIt IIl11y bcn 11I('I\IIillt'le:'sf..rukof 1I11tU"l', 1II1l1it IIIl1yI,ethc \I'e.." I'!"':iCI: I, lollll Il,eill('idellt : ..t("III ,A Illellll!"I'ofllsof..ellkof IIove1'..epo.. I.... :eilhcl'C'IIII .. tcl'Xtl'lt,',ltlltllftlltu . HIcne:4; IO'V lil III 11M 111'l'bl'II('e n a i e "'.i1h l'allSCl 0 ua rUin18 1111.1 II grcllt C!IIIIIOII I:' cerllll."lyIt'llllln'd, I,('furo, \\'(' II", tl,'or til Iho ('eilillg witlt lloe EIII\,CI"tol' ..alc" u\,on it, al"ll,y 110ncdlt tIIcla all cXlrnol'dlllllry J"I'CO 01 IICWS, Hilt wlalll ISII yi",ihle/",WI'!'; alHl ullot'I' ... illlillll' lal...... "\rl'I'1I tl, .. gt'IIt.I"lIIall 111,,1freakof 1I111111'0? Tlaeof 1\ 1I1"UI'IlI l'IIU:'C; not CYCII II : tilli"I"", wlo" was pn'''':III,..aid, 'Tltat 1'llIlil'.I"., I'rl'lIk" ellll Illlppell ollacrwi:"l'. AII,I )"l'l., whell tlai" "1I115Ci" ! Illeof 1l1l1XI... .. i...JI("C "f,II,illl','wllidl a"f"ll"w",; . It. waK I\'hellIc\'idclI t who('\'el' I'I'CSIIIIICll logo nllYdl"'IH!I'i1110 ill> ol'i "i 11111 iOIl? was a... 11 "-lIlh,"t'r III Alglt'l'l'l t llllt t lou aflall' J11111 al ,olll to s\,l'I,kI ,f I"ukNol tlac seienlisls; gOllcl'lIl1)' ICII\'c IIll! prior 10 fllko I'llIcc. Tho1I1l'1I of Illy"0111111111,,1 wel'clllOstlylllLliI'",s, allll111111 I' I 1 S ., I I I CI,. IIIIICIo trnlll,lt'llloy1101' larg.. 11111111.1'1' "f "l'lIlluI all" ca.rc 0 I \'cs. ()JIIC SOli S 11111 t IC II"I:'t11l1l8 IlCarilllt"t'1'l wloid, llml tal,;"III,lat"c:11""111:: tl,elll, a1101 we 'Ililll takell greatmight1I,111'1I"!lellao 1I1)':'len,ollsIIgllres 10"'Oll1tJ111111 \.'\'('11 jmins to tillll out tla.. "aUSt',', 10111 wel"l'\ 111:111 wllo,li,1hiM,1111.'" ""d"dly, bllt hlltlII1UUll Clm"tIllIlS) ptlo all Ihe gllrbagellllll c\' tis01 1I1ll'crlect lilt cor11111 hilll; tu Kay to allY VIII', all,1 alll'a):i \\"I'lIl aholll alulle. IIcIllltUl'C-htls II (illlo of red. Tlte AII-Pl'rfeet i:; 110 1II0l'Cheld \I'll:! fromllae illtel"iol" ofAfrit'a, lilli, l;lIUUI, willa JUllg, dear-cut fCiI-TilE THEUSOPHIST. [Dccelllbcr,lS7!I.t lI\'l'S of n'llIl1l' StCIlllIlIll, tlie1I1Cl1;!.l'l'lllol'kahle I Ulllike 111!1 MorsJIIII, wcII/I\"c 80lllctldngtosoy. The Spirilu-ever Le],I,II1, 11111"! 1I11l1 IHlllles/11111allY11arktig11l'erllllilill': 01' Iyillgo1own ("011101 l'lIf la wal' la ,-,111' lit L III)11111 lilY, 'e IlWO jlltl')IIaJ'lCS, ...II'"I.:e.:- II' !''' -.. Al'chll'ological Notcs 1111 A\II:icl,t, SClllptlll'eSOil ItltC'ks ill 1111,1 I. t' I t''I'] "I' II ',' .. t'K 1 I .. "1 ) N l' k ' 1 I' f 1'00n lie .. /I (/11" :-" II' ..,I'COIlIIL0 .lI1atHeSl.'1'l'n'lIlc11l111l1I:OydIHlld, E>II.HI'lmji Bllllgwilll, E,.,/.Nur Ah,luI Hnllillilul, 10:"'1.IIn1'11IH!'ji CI1\'"cljiKooriewlIllI, E-'I. 1':illiJllll, E"I'1'. ,J. ))alll:lllin.DocI01'.I. (:"1'5011 DnCunlili. Kotillil'e, ]0;"1'JcIt:lllgll h.a\'Il"J1 ,1'1'AlIllllt GnllcshKotlli,.:, E",!.D(1clol"F. \\'. Doolittle.Sltaplll;ji.liwf\ji, E;'I(.I":U'llo?"ji :\Tel"\\'il.llji BIIII:iji, DIIl"IaHhMlinockJeol'l'lil, EM!.Nasuwiillji D. Bhii,lul'jcc )0'-'1Cowa",ji.V" N. Kil'tiklll', E811.HilO llnhlllllll' :--hllnknr l':IIlllnmllg l'antlil.Y (1'nF.RIIIE'iCl illcluding)SIND, HA,JPUTANA.MmJiJlil Uallga,III.-, E>,(., L.?I. &i". tiatla"hhji,btl',i Ilnri,!;i. Vililltitlli., E,,'1'I I1isIlighlle,"I HUllI:horilil CI,lIotiilal, Cllillf.:11l101I r\.lr:iyull 1111111, B,A.,LL.ll.HaoSal ...l,hil 1'lllllllil,Duclor BIIl'llcilallllra Kri"llIlllllhllh\'t1eklll.Kri>III1:"ji Luktillll:nll, E.q.W. 11. W"lIillgr'I', E'"'I.Vi,;111111H:io:-;.ihel. Kti,Il1I1Ui Nlini\'llll Khcr!\i1kullt VillllpkCllhnln',- i\lllgllllhlllii KllrllllleltulIll, E:'I(.Klilill n{d,:"oIl1l' Fnilllji Dilllilli"h All1litn\lI\ DIII\'i, M.A.,LL.B.H:io, B. DII t I, E.-fl.i\lntlOlI"r Lid. Eo'['Hlio ll:ill:idII I' .ll1l11i ...11I1ISllklllinlll1 Gl,d"il.Dnll'lhlllii Ilhllglll.lliii. ES'I. 0IlnlJII C. I:. Kri,:hllnHno.Acllllll:itlliiil G.1hll\,CI'CC', E",,!.Dill,,11lI1i Arde:,lIil' 'l'nlprnl'khulI, E.'I.I HitOlllill:iollll' i\,I,\ Guviutl Hili 11111('.i II"di\1"ltlide\' l'all,lil, IK. ]{CW"II-III,"t1, 1-;,.'1,I.I I.:wUnlillflllr Ul1Ie,lmlll Hllueltlwl'IllI:'.Till'ilhl" Day:'tnim, E>II', 1\I.A.BlIlwullt TrillllJl\k, ]0;"'1'Dodol' H.illlji GllOlIa\. GOOl'jlll', EStl:Hall BaIl/ifillI' Bholillliith.JII1I1.III'10l1l5 l'rCl1IclllIlIIl N:illil\'lIli, I1anA1111111, l'm'ullehl'l', SI':,II"gil'i Vitll:t1, 1'>'1.,1::1I1l1,II"ji Will. E'I., G0l':il ll"ri, E:,q.I,1::i'".8:'IIII'It i\,lllhJpllltalll RllP;lllll.Ilunclllllld(,opal, Esq.1\:111111 fo'.i1II'1. Frlllllji CIII:,clji.IlI.ioB:\llIidlll' Nan(YIlI1G:lI1csllCnl'tllill Kil'kwoo,lH.ioB:ill:idlll' Villlin,ln:ifJ.JIIIIIII'IIIIII Kil'-lallc. (;nlle:'11./iwnji KE-Iklll'I'lIIHlil (:irdl;llrlill ))111:(\\:: .E:'I).h.ltan,krao.Jnnnl'tlUII, KIII'III Kblll'i'Clj,i Hu"lolllji.1\,1.Huo, Ihnghllllal hHalllchnll,Jrn, 1,1."III'Y !{of'ke. I II It II I',UI'll II, ESI).I' 11111) u.k V 1\11111',UnoBalt:i,llIl' Villllll 1'111ICkll I'.i Nowro;o;ji Fnlmji AnlcEir, E;:(I.IPandit .""I,ulIlI,1"i8huullil 1':11111('11.Kltan Illilltldnl' NOWI'o;(ji DorAltji Kltllll-11:\lc\\Iill:l. '.DoctorIluumllllll'lloHllo:,le'.Shrillll11l1 Villll)'llknio nlills H:io I\ihl'.AbaVisllull 1'1IrrLUil:, HAoDhogillil!'nill\':lIlILlllltllis.'''1lI111l11 'rntin, Esq.Ballllllu.,:Dllrnsllll\\' DOflllJIIO)".;\Iallrldul .JUgJI\'llllllu8, Esq.('utili Bnlltl)"ol'lIIlh)'II)'n, E:lIJ. I>It 01111 ,1('\' Guptc, 1':"'1'DI\'1I11 BnllllulII' Hno.A. ti. Anllslrf)lJr', E,r(.1, I't \r . 1 nnt I 1'Il,InlIl\l I C.lll1tnlllll. (1'1CF.SII1ENcr),'J' G T. allnpal)'. YCI', Es,!.K. S. HllInaRau, ES'I', B.A..lIHU. CltillaPnrllshullllUlII"YII Estl.U. UhlljulIgHII'), E.'I' .'S. 81111,11'1111\ J)'er, 1'>1).G. NIII'lI:,illlhuluNllitiu, E",(.lImll Hlln!-:lInll)'aknluNn)'lIt1ec, E,.'1.Nli,lklll'l1i l\lulIgC>iIIl'1I0, J..;"q,A. CIIl'1l1lpllbwnrin,B.L.'1'IInlul05wlimyMoouliur, E:'II'A. Pllllllarilmk"llIlliu, ESII'll. K. NIIl'II)'llllinll, Esq.lJlIlIl NllrllsingHiio, ,J. Frelleh, Esq."n)'lIl'lIl)' NlIlllilUl ]\1001")', E.'.ll',H. i\l. \'l'nkntoHRII, E511'C. S. H:imllS\\'lil1\YlyeI', E:;'I.SlIl'gcolI 1\1. Eo Hl'purtcr.P. N. Dni\'lInaiglln, E'II., ,J. V. S"I,lmHllu, M. !\i" liYIIII Bllntji, ES'I'S. 1'. NIII'lI"ill1l1l11 Nlli,lll, E,,!.W. Hhrihh'a, H:'lg:1\'achill'i, 1'::,,(.Surgeo" D. P. Wnrliker:;.PUN.JAB.Dr. U. i\I. LciIIlCI.PriUCiPIlI, UriClltnl Collcfrc. LIIIIlI\'c.I,' . 1U Cr

ollcge, LlIltore.nlllIt ll:'ll1ltraoBlaojllplltrn.LliliaLakhl'at. Hlii.(:o\'lIl'IllInll E.II.I Lallll l\!IIIlUIIlII' Dc\'.1'. DUIII CI 1111 III , Lallll .Jimll nli"s.1"'('111SillghAhlll\\'lIlill, E"'l'1,111111 Hnlla Halli.LlliiaKnnll Nnill.LallaHnltllll Cllnll'l.Lalla:\lllllgni SlIill.IALIIII DlI)'a HIIIII.Lnllll Bellnl'i Lilli.Lnlln Mall.BllIIllillath, E"I.HillinHIIIII, E"I.c; CIHlIII1:tl, Ball!!I]"l', ESI!.LallaChalll!.1'II\1l1it PollioHillll.Br.l ;\Iokllllll, E"I.Khll,.hi H:il11, E.I(.Lallr, Ghil-i H'-llll.LallnDlIll'lIt HilI.Lnlla Amoluk Hall1.N. W. 1'., OUDlI, ANDBIUTISlI BUIOIAII.I niaj:ihl'nunotllllhuslioll De\'ll Ha),n. Ka III II I Kl'i:;llllll Bliididul'.BubuO. C. Dull.Bubll Ik\'clIl1raCllIlllllm Ghos(.'.1'111I Iii t I'rnlllutlllMitra.:\llIllIlrn KrislllUl llall:llllll.lIul>u Fallcl'11I11'll ;\lollllll 130:;11."Iisili\lillllic 11111111',ButJIIChlilldl'll.BalmA"illnseh:ulll1'll Ilullcljec.IIi,; IIighlll'.,:; Thaku\' J:WlI MolUlII SillltaBabuXlithDull. 0Doe[OI' HamDns SCII.lliioDIIIIl'ulsillgh , lIauuh11"1'11 RllmSwallli.IIi:! Hllj"Bftl'll,]ll Knllln.It L. 1\1. \\'illlulI,C.E.1111111/ HnjclldrnNnlhDlltl.II.. III :\Inllll HnllccSlIl'IlllIlIOyCC,MClllbl'\'of thoIlIll'cl'iul Onlc\' of theCrowlIt,f JIlliia.Liellf.-Col. W. GO\'l1oll,'l:lIakol'c Singh, Es,(.Chlll"1"i!HIIll'h Cosnholl, Esq.II. Hi\'clt Carnlll', E!'f1., 1l.C.S.D. W, '1'11)'101'E:'lJ. .RossScott Esq.UislJiguuc:sHawn VU\,UIlI.AMONTHLY JOURNAL DEVOTED TO ORIENTAL PHILOSOPHY, ART, LITERATURE AND OCCULTISM: EMBRACINGMESMERISM, SPIRITUALISM, ANDOTHERSECRETSCIENCES.22EZS __ .t2L = ==_.WVUL. I. No.4. BOMBAY, JANUARY, IHSO.DEA11'JI U}' NER.IEAN'l' ('oX.1'.. !:HlIISCnI 1lI-:I:S.; llao jo"n,,,1 11111'1"'; l"','n1.,.I'cr' 1lI!SSI1l1lH,I')' wor 1.11 I" la It IS prll ,a II' . t 1:.11. t IlJ 1'IIulicto rCllchIIl'e'T"i,lol clrCluo( rea"erd, than to Illako II I'Iotit. \\'e c,'''''ol Will belavlIred WltlI a 111111'11 IIILd,,,I \'('lItJl,tllllll of a "rllss"lfor,(, lllOrd, ..l; "In". "lnl'il'llls ill liteprllliliessbel'allse IItTII\,ali"lI III'...SIIt.'cril"'l s n I'rilllc.1 reedl'l for t1,dr rlllnolal,le, "II thi:l IH'lId,BeflH'o .Ioill!;IIIH\'C\'CI', wo will IH'l'lIIiso loy SlI)'illg, fOI' Iho thatOllt "f,10 tltCI'I'heOllc of Ilritillh 01' FI'ellch bil'lh.of OUI' DI'icnlll1 whotltis HI'. \\rillinmCl'OokclI althollghHOIIIC of tho 1IIO"t rellll\..kablo SpOilt IIIHeh of Iheil' !in'" ill. I . f I Fmllcl',1111.1allntltol' Cbrisliaul'IlCell se..1lI rel'l'esclltcd. A fcalll"ojs. 'l'lli5!!CIlIcmllil I"01100 I Iemosl elllillcnt Ih'illo" eh1 tualll"lIIallwill.tho dallgel'of hili t:atcl.illg til'e; I... t Illwa)"s lI)'in;.: baCKtotho RI".twl"'lIcoholll\\l ..isell. (Ill,,:,.,. w, .." l'aillc,lup t"ill,a;':":l 01' \,icllll'ClI, Ihlthe .-\.1,llC.....ill cady ;.:il'lhoud, oftell bd"I"] a c'lIcitix... ill tall-tUIII eallllll"l'ipllil alllOl''lu"'\l'clict:\ talll alto (IlitC"I'j."S SIIIIIII\,u..issilllllllllllll,lo\atlllll ill aen', '1'10.1 >lIII'''ilall.. tl; ill':lllillcllli t'leO se pa..i sitllcOlljllllxit ; Ilbi ctIUllploXIIII:l, ri>lll Cl'lt:lIl(lC"Dil"dllllililllllll illUixlI."Of i!1\' i:lil.lo tl'III1Sfcl':l In II ,I i:lllllle", thc 01,1)'slll'j"dsRCCIII 1,,1111\'(1hl'cil Colulllhllof Hielli, >llIi,l to 1111\'"hl.. n clll'I'ilHillUWi,I,,1\' lIellllil 1215-I::!Hi St.lllllul\cllluro.ltaliaIlCar0-15tl:> JUliOBartholomewof_-\.ughilll';I, l"rial' 1510 1I1.1I'\:hCohllullllOf nidi, ItalilluNUll ... 1468-1501 1IIlIyThoUll\li. Archbishop of Valcncill J.!A7-15:>5 Scl't.St. Ignatius Loyola, SI"Sol,lior... 1-I[1I-1"'5U.J IllyP"terof Al!11 Od.J. ItI'illcator, HOlIIl\n ProfcAAOr 15ilG ,J 11I10JO:ieph ofCuJ!o..tillo, I "\Iian fria\' 1ll')3HiG3 &'1'1.DoUllv1 ig-htC:lt dl.greu, At Ia.;t, 110, OolotwlOlcott, callieto Illdia with two Ellglish colleag'1l's, aIHItheirleal'lled CorrespolHling Rccretary, MadamB1avatsky.Theycmlleexpectingolllyto stlldy E'lsterll religioll aIHIYOgl\ Vidya, lind report theirdiscoveries to the \Vestel'llTheosophists. Bllt tllCyfoulld themselvesobligedto tUI'llteachersaswell. Hillduyou tIL were a-; iglloraut of fIlI-ciellt Aryall likmtllw, religioll awl lleience as Emopeallyouth; they, allis!llid1I0t evclI kIIOWwhat theVedaseOIl-tain, HotheTheosophistslaidOlltalIew cOllrseof aetioniil additiontotheirorigillal plall: t heywere already ill aclosealliancewit htheAryaSalllaj alldits great \