the thoughts of a common ignorant child

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I have no idea. I know nothing.


The Thoughts of a Common Ignorant Child.Chapter 1: Immortal Soul & The Follies of Impossible Dreams. Chapter 2: Two Truths & The Eternal Loneliness. Chapter 3: The Point of Life/Natures Cruel Joke. Chapter 4: Suicide & Morals. Chapter 5: Evil/The Depths to Which we Could Plunge. Chapter 6: The Very Essence of Being & The Hatred of Humanity.Everything inside a frame is a Two Cans and String message conversation. The highlighted yellow is myself and the highlighted red is an anonymous stranger. The pictures are all shamelessly stolen from the internet.

Chapter 1. Immortal Soul & The Follies of Impossible Dreams.Anything you'd like do discuss? Yes. I would like to tell you how I am feeling. I am both happy and sad and trying to figure out how that can be. I feel.. everything, all. Both ends of the spectrum, blessed and elated and content with life and all the wonderful amazing things I have and also utterly depressed by what I will never have and frustrated by what I can't have and sad due to that which I don't have, and extremely lonely. Also having a slight existential crisis. I want to live forever. I want to know what will happen! Also, I can't sleep. That is probably one of the most intense answers i've ever gotten; no wonder you cant sleep. One question... Why do you want to live forever? Because I want to know how the world will look in 200 years. 500 years. 1000 years. History fascinates and amazes me, the way things both dramatically change and stay exactly the same. Humans have been able to write, symbols meaning sounds, for under 5000 years. An amazingly short amount of time to have progressed as far as we have. But some of those earliest writings contains such modern thoughts, such as (and I paraphrase for I can not find the exact quote but I read it a fascinating book a while ago) "He who has much grain may have much bread and beer, but he who has no grain

can sleep at night" dating back from some of earliest 'civilised' cities. How much the world has changed since then but also how little. We can't even imagine how it will look in another 5000 years, but FUCK I would like to know. and not just know, but live it. To see empires rise and die, people come and go, time pass but not touch me. To never grow old and fade away to insignificance remembered only by a few and then forgotten entirely. Or at best, remembered just as a name passed down and distorted over time until even the stories told of you bare no resemblence to your true being. WHY???????? History fascinates me, but there I have no word to truely describe the way that the Future attracts and pulls me, the burning desire to see and live through what happens next. I do not believe in immortalitly.

how. I think this is the thoughts and feelings of one who has never truely suffered. Maybe that is my problem, I have had it too easy? can't sleep. Idk... i like the idea, but i'd probably get lonely. People would be young, your age, then old, while you remain untouched? Would you have loved ones? What would you do with each day; you have long term goals about seeing the world and its growth, but how would you live each day, what exciting things would you do? Would you need to eat or drink? I would have no loved ones, it would be no different to now. They may come and go, but even in this shorter life it is only a fleeting meeting (and a poor meeting at that) of two lost souls in the dark. I would still experience that, for all it is worth. Of course you'd get lonely, anybody would get lonely. But I am lonely anyway, I can take some more lonliness. Each day would be treated the same way I treat each current day, I would take joy in the rising of the sun and the exercising of my body. I would think and I would see and I would wonder. I would never understand, but I would be constantly awestruck. I would read and I would watch and I would listen. All of which I already do. I would try new things, I would have new obsessions and I would enjoy the novelty then the familarity then I would move on. Just as I do now. There is always something new and exciting to do. Always.

I do not know how the practicilities of an ageless immortal body would work with regard to eating and drinking. But I hope I would still be able to enjoy a fine meal and a complimeting drink to their fullest, as part of what is human is simply the joy of eating and drinking. You could travel the world, then. Experiance different culture. And by the time you get back to where you started, it will be completly different than when you left. You could spend years in the jungle just living off what you want, then go back to society and live in a big city. You could gain as many skills as you liked; youd have an infinite time to learn them. An intruiging subject... A burning desire. A vain longing for the impossible. A foolish dream. If only wishes such as this could be heard and granted...

Chapter 2. Two Truths & The Eternal LonelinessTwo truths, neither of them good. one: You will always be alone, forever. Nobody will ever share your thoughts or life in anything nearing entirity. Though people may seem to understand you, and you may touch, feel, smell and hear them, you do not share a single thought together. You will always be alone. two: You are never truly alone. You were born from a human and from that day, and before, other people have been a part of your life. You have interacted with them and connected with them, and even when they are not physically with you, they still exist. Therefore, no matter how hard you try, you can not escape from them. You are never truly alone. This is what I believe. What do you believe?

I feel that these two truths hold far more meaning than the silly wish of Chapter 1. A couple of people have disputed the first truth. They have claimed that it is possible to share a feeling or thought. The following examples are my own for I can not remember theirs, but they follow the same theme. Their claim was that, for instance, when you and another both happen across something that just makes you stop and stare in wonder and you both utter a single word wow, then are you not sharing something together. Or when a group of people are watching a show and everybody watching it shares the same concern when the main character gets captured or everybody laughs at the same joke when a comedian stands up on stage, etc. There are hundreds of other examples that could be used to claim that you can in fact share a feeling/thought with another person. I will admit you may be able to share a feeling, but you can never know that you are sharing

a feeling because you can not share a single thought together. Even in these examples you never know for certain that the other person is feeling the same as you. They could be laughing at something entirely different and you would never know, they could be concerned for a different reason, they could be awestruck by a completely different facet of what you're seeing. They could be lying when they say they love you and they could be lying when they tell you that they actually like your favourite book/hobby/film/song every bit as much as you do. The words they speak and the actions they do could be faked. Everybody lies, it is not difficult to do. With a little practice, you can even get good at it. So unless you can read another persons thoughts, you can never knew what they are thinking and nobody will ever know what you are thinking. You can tell them, but they won't know for certain that you are telling the truth, and you can't blame them for doubting because it would be just as easy for you to lie to them as for them to lie to you. That is why you will always be alone with your thoughts.

Chapter 3 The Point of Life/Natures Cruel JokeWhat's the point of life, as in. what is the point of staying alive? there is none. It's just the way we are. Look throughout the world and you will discover the same irrational struggle for survival in all of nature. Nature's cruel joke on the human species is that it has gifted us an awareness of the futility, meaninglessness and pointlessness of the ongoing struggle.


Chapter 4 Suicide & MoralsFrom an ethical point of view, what's wrong with killing yourself? I don't know. The main reason I wouldn't commit suicide is because I would feel like I was letting my family down and I know that my death would cause them much grief. but ethically.... bleh, ask a christian. You're implying that all ethics are Christian? no. I'm implying that most ethics are religious. Our definitions of right and wrong, namely ethics, are formed by basic rules of the societies that we reside in. Such as, in my western society: don't kill, don't steal, do unto others... etc. If however I had been bought up in a 'less cultured' society where, for example, the mark of being a man was to have killed at least 5 people from our enemy tribe then, ethically, I would see no problem with this because the rules laid down by my society allows it. The problem for societies is/has been, that if these rules seem to come from another human we are unlikely to follow them closely, because we don't and haven't viewed other humans as that much superior to us. (If we can't definie right and wrong ourself, then how can they?) However, if these rules seem to come from a supernatural higher being, us feeble-minded humans are more likely to follow them thus allowing our society to flurish. The christian viewpoint on suicide is that god has a plan for all of us and to take our own life doesn't allow his plan for us to happen, so they are against it. Since my (western) societies predominant religion is christian, suicide is frowned upon. disclaimer: imho. 0.0 hhehe, cobwebs!! I'm going sailing, have a good day. :) You mistake ethics for morality. I don't think I do. Ethics: "the rules of conduct recognized in respect to a particular class of human actions or a particular group, culture, etc.: medical ethics; Christian ethics." Morals: "of, pertaining to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong; ethical."

You asked how suicide was ethically wrong. I told you, because it goes against christian ethics, which is the dominant ethic class in my (and probably your) soceity. Maybe you meant to ask how it was morally wrong? The difference between ethics and morals can seem somewhat arbitrary to many, but there is a basic, albeit subtle, difference. Ethics point to standards or codes of behavior expected by the group to which the individual belongs. This /could/ be national ethics, social ethics, company ethics, professional ethics, or even family ethics. So while a person's moral code is usually unchanging, the ethics he practices can be otherdependent. I referred to ethics meaning the subset of philosophical principles. *laughs* whatever you say. So do you have an answer? You have only asked one question during this discussion. I have already answered it. You're a real douchebag. I'm sorry if my messages offend your views on how one should conduct themselves. But at least my thoughts and writings are my own, and not copy and paste jobs from google. Because of this, sometimes (maybe often) I am quite inncorect, for instance I was completely wrong to say you'd only asked one question. I apologise, you'd obviously asked three questions. However, I still maintain I answered two of them (one of which the third question referred to) with more detail than the person asking them warranted. Farewell, stranger.

Forgive my immaturity. This conversation was had nearly a year ago and since then I have thought about it a lot. From the top. There are many other reasons I don't commit suicide and, although the given answer was probably the main reason the evening when I got asked the question, if you asked me again tonight the main reason would likely be something different. I still maintain that most ethics are religious and I still don't know what my discussion partner was trying to prove by their copy and paste explaination (There are 1,650 google results for Thedifference between ethics and morals can seem somewhat arbitrary to many, but there is a basic, albeit subtle, difference.) which as far as I can tell agreed entirely with my dictionairy definition. Namely, That

ethics are based on the rules, codes or standards of your society. Or by the statement I referred to ethics meaning the subset of philosophical principles. . Philosophical principles? If I was having the conversation again, or maybe if I'd been in a better mood that night, I would've asked them what they meant by that statement. But they weren't showing many signs of

understanding what they were saying and obviously weren't grasping the difference between ethics and morals despite the lengthy description. So I didn't ask. Still however, the conversation has prompted me to reconsider my view on both ethics and morals over the past months. Before I believed that there were certain ethics I adhered to purely due to the society I lived in. Such as everybody is equal, regardless of gender or race, It's wrong to date multiple partners, etc. Then I also had an underlying moral code which had nothing to do with my society. I thought this to be far larger than my ethical code, and would include obviously wrong things such as don't steal, don't murder, nonconsensual sex is wrong, etc. Now though, having thought it over, I believe that the majority of things I thought of as being morally wrong are actually just ethically wrong and that my moral code is a hell of a lot shorter than my ethical code. I touched upon the reasoning in my second message in the above conversation with the point about how murder could be considered right in certain socieities. Indeed, even in this society murder is sometimes considered right. So it was a logical contuination of that thought to move to other extreme evils and whether they were actually morally wrong or if they were only wrong because of the society we live in. My conclusion is that almost every single rule, code or standard we live by is formed by our society. One proof of this is a new born child, which has no scruples. They will do anything they can to get not just what they need, but also what they want. It is only because they are taught from a very young age that it is wrong to do certain things that they consider them to be wrong in later life.

Chapter 5 Evil/The Depths to Which we Could Plunge.what is the worst/evilest thing one can do in your opinion? all of the above? ah come now. you can do better than that. You are telling me you can think of no worst a person can do than to take nude pictures of their 3 year old halfsister and sell them for money. Then to treat the same little sister as an inferior being purely due to them being half-colour. Then 3 years later, to capture both said little sister and their only sibling, an older sister two years their senior. To then repeatedly rape both sisters before making them swear to never tell. When they both promise with tears running down their cheeks you let them go. Only to murder them a week later for no good reason. THIS is the evilest a person can do? Do you honestly not think a person is capable of something even more repulsive than "all of the above?"? what is the worst/evilest thing one can do in your opinion? none of those are evil compared to the worst things you could do ahah! The very truth. I agree entirely. So, enlighten me if you can, what would be even more evil (in your opinion) than those listed above? forcing a person to eat themselves. forcing hot lava down their throats. tell them they can buy their freedom if they win a game.. watch as they try their hardest to win and then they do.. then you just kill them. though that will only seem evil if you have a group of people who are all sharing the same fate. and yet, I'm sure you would agree their is far worst that can be done even than those examples you list? So where does that leave us.

One can not even imagine.

Chapter 6 The Very Essence of Being & The Hatred of Humanity.'How are you?' she asked ingenuously, How could I possibly answer, how could I explain. This overpowering mass of humanity had rendered my tongue speechless and my body immobile. By contrast, my mind seethed with activity. My overactive imagination was drawing lines and creating fallacies based on the interaction of the individual humans surrounding me while creating unattainable fantasies for my own socially starved self. Below that shallow activity, burned a deeper resentment. For the truth was, I hated every one of these pitiful two-legged animals. I hated the way they would paint over the truth with fake smiles and speak false words of welcome and friendship without meaning. I hated the way they could act so free and careless as if they had not a worry in the world. I hated the way they were able to take simple pleasure in each others company and the easy way in which they bonded together. I hated the way they could turn a blind eye to trouble and ignore all that might unsettle their little lives. I would gladly see them all cease to exist and not shed a tear for their passing. But most of all, I hated that I too, was human. Good I replied, yourself? He replied in the usual way, ways I cannot seem to understand. Yet I know that I too, am bound by the same invisible lines. Though those slight words escaped my lips by some indentured guilt to social etiquette, I couldn't help but imagine that this time there'd remain a spoken truth clearer than any I had thus gathered. When I chanced to level my gaze with his, I knew it was not so. Some things it seems, must remain unsaid; it struck me odd that the very essence of being was a taboo so uncouth I dared not express it. "Fine." I mumbled.