the three secrets for making a difference in the world: helping with education in less privileged...


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Post on 19-Aug-2014




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Our CEO makes a case for using ICTs in education in rural schools in Nepal. The presentation is framed in terms of the "Three Secrets" or the essential elements that can help ensure that computers and the internet have a positive impact on the education of children in government schools. The presentation also goes onto discuss the positive impact technology can have on communities at large. We hope that this presentation helps to advocate the benefits that technology can bring to less privileged areas of the world as well as what attributes are required, in our experience, to help ensure the successful outcomes of these types of projects. The presentation also promotes our work and we hope will allow us to gain more support from the public so we can continue to help more schools on a not-for-profit basis. Most of the photos in the presentation were taken at our project sites in Nepal and are copyright of the author with a few public domain/open license photos and graphics used to illustrate the general discussion.


Page 1: The three secrets for making a difference in the world: Helping with education in less privileged areas of the world

3 SECRETS 3small DIFFERENCE in the world

by Mark Pinoli



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HiMy name isMark Pinoliand I’m the CEO of the Logged OnFoundation.

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We founded LOGGED ON in 2011 with the mission of helping schools in rural Nepal by bringing computers and the internet.

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We want all children to realise their POTENTIAL no matterwhere they are in the WORLD.

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A powerful way is with a GREAT EDUCATION

and we thought that computers could help.

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Computers are revolutionising the way children receive an education

in affluentcountries.

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What about children in rural Nepal?

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What about children everywherein the world?

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We were confident before we started.We knew that it wouldn’t be easy.

That we could help make a difference.

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But we weren’t sure

We read about the failures because . . .

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…Nepal is a challenging environment…

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…where the infrastructure is poor and thepower supply can be off for most of the day,...

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… where technical knowledge & teacher capacityfor using computers in education is generally low,…

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and Nepal is in the world’s top 10 countries for slow internet.

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in this environment,how can we

succeed in helping with education

using computers?

We thought

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Just giving away computers is not a good idea,

you need to take some responsibility forproviding ongoing training and support.

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A few training courses just won’t do. You needto build capacity and this can take years.

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You can’t just focus on building computer literacy skills, computers are a vehicle that can take you on a journey.

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The internet is a world of almost endless learning.

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And we think that education should

be more than justbeing told about the world.

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With teacher guidance, children can

be given the opportunity topursue their interest


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...where learning can happen through self-instruction and peer-

shared knowledge.

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Build a sustainable computing environment that will allow children to go on a journey

of learning and discovery.


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1. DETERMINATIONTo overcome the challenges & difficulties so communities have access to the information, skills & technologies they need to provide a quality education for their children.

3What do youneed for that?

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Before we started one thing was clear,

there was a school in Nepal that was DETERMINED.

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Because why would they try so hard to use these computer for


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In the context of daily life in rural Nepal...

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. . . where there is basic infrastructure anda general lack of resources in schools, . . .

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… why would you, of all things, want computers and the internet?

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Because there is a genuine belief that computers & the


will create OPPORTUNITIES for children.

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So we installed a COMPUTER CENTREat the Shree Bhumeshwor School

in the village of Astam.

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we have been working closely with the community,…

Over the years

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… helped with training & provided support,...

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… and helped to build the capacity of teachers to use computers for education.

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We have started expanding our program of installing Computer Centres & providing support to more schools.

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We are building Computer Centres in clusters where groups of schools can help support each other

and we helpthe schools.

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With funding, we will continue to do more schools

and we don’t want to stop.

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“Connecting childrento a

world of opportunity”

We say we are about


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What does that mean?

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EDUCATION is widely regarded as being at the core… of socioeconomic development because it holds the potential of CONNECTING people with OPPORTUNITIES that can improve their livelihoods. Information technologies…”

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…have the potential to transform and drastically improve

the state of education that exists in the developing world.”

(United Nations)

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So we want to connectschools to theopportunities that education can bring.

Computers deliver a rich source of educational

material for the benefit of teachers & students.

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Children are being taught computer science and


So they have the skills & knowledge tobe able to fully participate in the world.

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Where students can go and Google.

Anil wanted to learn about astronomy.

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There were NO astronomybook in the library,

so we showed him the NASA website.

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We are helping to connect children to online learning communities (

The SAMUDAYwebsite is allowingchildren to connectto each other…

so they can sharestories about their

lives, hopes andaspirations.

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where children in Nepal are connecting withtheir peers in Malaysia, India & Australia.

We are part of RMIT University’seTutor program

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Where students from Morang South Primary (Australia) & the Shree Bhumeshwor School (Nepal) are developing friendships & an understanding what life is like on both sides of the internet.

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We are delivering project-based learning initiatives...

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where students are learning to contribute content

to the web.

Visit Astam’s first

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Not just using technology!

Also through our Scholarship Programwho are struggling with their education.

We are providing scholarships to children

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But wait, there is more!

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We are building the capacity of teachers sothey can go on to help other communities.

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Raju PariyarWho is from the Dalit Community,became Chairman of the AstamComputer Centre Committee.

Went on to become…1. Ward Chairman. 2. Astam School Management Committee Member.3. Dalit Welfare Management Committee.4. Water Treatment Committee.



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We are helping to develop courses that focus

on the need of village women’s groups, and . . .

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... helping to bring digital literacy to the wider community

with our partners.

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Because we all live in a technological culture whereliteracy & numeracy alone are no longer enough.

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Without digital skills, inequalities between rural & urban,and developing & developed world will deepen.

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We don’t like

divides,discrimination or lack of OPPORTUNITY.

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2. CREATING OPPORTUNITIESThat come from a good education. Having technical, management, teaching and leadership skills. Having access to information & knowledge.


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Why Nepal?So why bother?

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It’s complicated!

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A connection with the Himalayas started in 1997...

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and it’s continuing in the Himalayas in 2014.

Those connections just keep growing, . . .

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...and it’s a privilege to be involved with


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And we are driven by the principal that every person should help giveothers a hand-up to a position which they themselves enjoy.

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Along the way, there have been many set backs & difficulties.

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But there are days you know it’s WORTH IT.

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And the children love learning on thecomputers, we just can’t keep them


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and it feels great to help out.

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Because of our work,we have begun to appreciate this well known statement...

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... "it take a whole village to raise a child."

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Well, we’re helping in the village too!

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Not just by physically being in the village...

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…but by connecting communities to theGLOBAL VILLAGE…

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…where more people can be involved in creating


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“it take a vil lage to raise a child," the globalMore than every before,

a global village with many different communities.

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We are CONNECTING communities in NepalFACE-TO-FACE.

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CONNECTING children to each otherthrough online learning communities.

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CONNECTING our supporters to the work and to the communities we support in Nepal

at our fundraising events.

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CONNECTING supporters through our Scholarships Program.

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CONNECTING teachers & schools to each other andstimulating new ways

of teaching & learning using computerseither online…

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or in the vi l lages of Nepal.

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We are also connecting with communities around the world through our website & social media.

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But wait, there is more!

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We are helping to keep FAMILIES CONNECTED.

Our Computer Centres are communications facilities too!

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"Everyone has a right to communicate. Communication is a fundamental

social process which enables individuals and communities to

exchange information and opinions. It is a basic human need and the

foundation of all social organization.”


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3. CONNECTING COMMUNITIESBring communities together, either in person or through the internet, so we can all share the responsibility for creating educational opportunities for CHILDREN.


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You also need a VISIONand a commitment to


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“Vision without action is just a dream, action without vision just passes the time, and vision with

action can change the world.”Nelson Mandela

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What , there are four secrets?

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Is what you need to make a change in the world no matter how big or small,along with…


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1. Help with the education of children in less privileged parts of the world.

2. Bring communities together, either online or face-to-face, so we can all share what we believe is a global responsibility for helping to create opportunities for children.

3. Connect communities to the opportunities that are available through technology.

The Logged On Foundation is DETERMINED to:

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We want to bring our experience & vision tothe next village, with your help!

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visit us at:


thank you!