the tower of babel...the tower of babel removing the silos helene abrams ceo, eprentise...


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Page 1: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012
Page 2: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012
Page 3: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012


Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise [email protected]

Page 4: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

AGENDA q  Introduction q Silos in Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) §  Root Causes and Negative Impacts §  Examples

q Eliminating Silos in EBS §  Starting a Data Quality Initiative §  Defining and Managing Common Enterprise Goals §  Plan, Scope, Execution, and Measurement

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Page 5: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

LEARNING OBJECTIVES q After this session you will be able to: §  Objective 1: Identify root causes and impacts of silos in Oracle E-

Business Suite implementations.

§  Objective 2: Learn how to eliminate silos in an Oracle E-Business Suite environment.

§  Objective 3: Learn techniques to enable different parts of the organization to work towards common goals.

§  Objective 4: Learn how to get started with an enterprise data quality initiative .

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Page 6: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

INTRODUCTION q  eprentise

§  Established in 2006 §  Transformation software for E-Business Suite §  Helene Abrams, CEO

q  Who we serve §  Large and middle-market US-based and international customers from both

private and public sectors

q  What we do §  Provide software that assists companies looking to upgrade to R12, particularly

companies that need to re-structure their business to change configurations, consolidate instances, separate data, or address other significant organizational changes they have experienced since originally implementing EBS.

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Page 7: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

SILOS IN ORACLE E-BUSINESS Root causes, impacts, and examples

Page 8: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

INFORMATION SILOS q Silos are stores of data in an information system

that are locked up and inaccessible by both other parts of the system and the people that should have access to them

q Silos disrupt the relationship between business processes and their underlying IT systems.

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Business Processes IT Systems

ERP / CRM / BI §  Finance/Accounting §  Inventory §  Vendor Management §  Customer Management

§  Purchasing §  Manufacturing §  Advertising §  Marketing §  Sales

Page 9: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

INFORMATION IN THE ENTERPRISE q What are silos made of?

A. Disparate information systems §  Applications—ERP, CRM, BI, etc. §  Hardware—Databases, interfaces, middleware, etc.

B. Disparate business processes and bad data quality §  Example: Accurate reference data not available across systems

q  Isn’t technology supposed to help? §  Good data quality starts with people and processes §  Technology is a data quality enabler, not an automator

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Page 10: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

INFORMATION IN THE ENTERPRISE q Why do silos exist? §  Data becomes disparate if it is not managed correctly and becomes

disconnected from the business processes it is meant to support.

§  For large corporations, this means lots of data in lots of places.

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Page 11: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

ROOT CAUSES OF SILOS IN EBS q Existing silos in EBS originated in several ways.

Most of these were due to a lack of: §  Available technology at the time of implementation §  An understanding of how a global business should operate §  Knowledge of EBS configurations, hierarchies, ownership, and

security §  A solution for quick integration of acquired systems (M&A activity) §  Interdepartmental communication and collaboration §  Standardization

§  Process level: corporate standards, governance, and controls §  Data level: data formats, naming conventions

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source of truth for enterprise information

q Leads to a lack of trust in the data, resulting in:

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Page 13: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

EXAMPLE OF SILOS IN THE ENTERPRISE Instance   A   B   C   D   Distinct  

Release   11.5.10   11.5.9   -  

Size (GB)   1,425   548   61   96   -  

Languages   4   2   1   1   4  

Sets of Books   104   48   1   30   183  

Calendars   10   7   1   1   19  

Charts of Accounts   40   43   1   18   102  

Legal Entities   120   48   0   47   215  

Operating Units   121   49   0   47   217  

Inv Orgs   137   50   1   48   236  

Modules Installed   9   17   4   5   21  

Security Rules on Value Set   13,012   300   15   153   13,480  

Security Rules X Responsibilities   17,350   445   6   75   17,876  

Cross Validation Rules   86,845   39,925   25   165   126,960  

Currencies   56   28   1   28   64  

EBS Users   43,986   30,494   247   3,023   N/A  © 2012 eprentise. All rights reserved. 13 |

Sets of Books, Legal Entities, OUs, and Inventory Orgs Redundant and configured differently Charts of Accounts and Calendars

Disparate and misaligned

Sets of Books – Difficult to comply with local and statutory regulatory requirements

Legal Entities – Easy to over- or under-pay taxes and misstate financial information

Operating Units – Difficult to leverage supplier relationships (terms, discounts, etc.)

Inventory Orgs – Impossible to know if a product is actually in stock (or where it is on the shelf)

Charts of Accounts – Reports and data extracts must be done 40 times

Calendars – With 10 calendars, the company is depreciating assets in 10 different ways and closing periods at different times Redundant Objects

Redundant Objects

Page 14: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

REDUNDANCY WITHIN AN EBS INSTANCE q  Multiple charts of accounts (COAs) and calendars

§  Generating accurate and transparent financial results is virtually impossible q  Multiple sets of books

§  Accounting for intercompany transfers becomes cumbersome §  Transactions are accounted for discretely and without reference §  Timing and accounting errors are common

§  Incorrectly reporting on taxes and other regulatory requirements can lead to over- or under-payment

§  Misstating revenue can go unnoticed due to manual, error-prone reconciliations

q  Multiple operating units §  Supplier relationships and analytics become difficult to leverage §  Inventory valuation problems are very difficult to spot and resolve

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instance should be consolidated into other objects §  Eliminates redundancy §  Enables the company to

conduct operations consistently

§  Facilitates streamlined compliance with local statutory and regulatory requirements

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Instance   COAs   Calendars   SOBs   LEs   OUs  Inv  Orgs  

A   40   9   46   65   66   83  

B   43   6   12   13   14   15  

C   1   0   0   0   0   0  

D   18   0   6   24   24   25  

Total   102   15   64   102   104   123  

Page 16: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

RECOGNIZING THE COSTS OF SILOS q Soft / Time §  Duplication of efforts §  Less accessibility to business information

q Hard / $$$ §  Multiple license fees and support contracts §  Experts hired to create, implement, maintain, update, integrate, and

secure the different applications §  Interface adjustments and middleware §  Specialized hardware and applications for multiple backup, restore,

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Page 17: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012


Starting a Data Quality Initiative: Collaborating, Planning, Communicating, Executing, Implementing, Managing, and Measuring

Page 18: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

STARTING A DATA QUALITY INITIATIVE q  Historic definition of Master Data Management (MDM): §  Information critical to the business’ competitive position §  It is this data,

as an information asset, that distinguishes one company from another in a like industry

BUT…having consistent master data alone does not ensure that a business will be able to operate in a complete, consistent, correct, and transparent way.

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Page 19: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

STARTING A DATA QUALITY INITIATIVE q  Data quality is not just about

Master Data Management

q  Need to include all aspects of enterprise data: §  Metadata §  Reference data §  Configuration data and

data structures §  Even consistency among

different E-Business Suite instances

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1 •  Charts of accounts

2 •  Calendars

3 •  Functional currencies

4 •  Sets of books / ledgers

5 •  Legal entities

6 •  Business groups

7 •  Organization units

8 •  Inventory organizations

9 •  Subinventories

1 •  Database tables

2 •  Columns

3 •  Primary keys

4 •  Unique keys

5 •  Foreign keys

6 •  Rows

7 •  Objects

8 •  Other constraints

9 •  Triggers

1 •  Abbreviations

2 •  Units of measure

3 •  Customer type

4 •  Gender

5 •  Product line

6 •  Country

7 •  Department

8 •  Vendor Type

9 •  Purchase type

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Measuring the Results

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Page 21: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

STAGE 1: PLANNING q Determine the information components that will

need to work together §  Data §  Applications §  Business Processes

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STAGE 2: SCOPE q Focus on the information that is most critical to the

enterprise’s business strategy §  Which information assets are in scope? Out of


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STAGE 3: EXPECTATIONS q Create the business case and the metrics in order to

communicate the value to the business and determine whether the efforts are successful §  Engage the business to develop an effective

governance framework and to develop consensus

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STAGE 4: EXECUTION q Define clear governance processes that engage

stakeholders and still provide the ability to share a cross-enterprise view of both processes and information §  Owner and source of each data type §  Metadata attributes

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STAGE 5: IMPLEMENTATION q Consolidate systems and structures that provide

data for similar business processes §  Identify and resolve duplicates and incomplete data

(of all types) §  Even consolidate entire instances that have become


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STAGE 6: MEASURING THE RESULTS q  Define a baseline for the organization against which you can measure

the success of eliminating the process and information silos §  Concrete metrics for all operating costs

§  Days sales outstanding §  Days to close §  Number of manual adjusting entries §  Average number of invoices entered per month §  Number of payments made §  Number of discounts taken (and dollar volume)

§  Resource changes §  Reduction in license fees, HR, and consulting fees (maintenance)

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§  Number of allocations §  Intercompany entries §  Cross validation rules §  Security rules before

the restructuring §  Etc.

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SENSE MAKING WITH SURVEYS q Consider surveys that evaluate less easily

measured and often overlooked benefits of eliminating the silos §  Finance team won’t be as frustrated with the monthly

grind §  Spend time analyzing data rather than looking for and fixing errors

§  Customers will receive better and timelier service

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COMMUNICATION IS KEY q Employees will be aware that processes are being

improved q The team will work together consistently q More people will take personal responsibility for

their part of the close process, or for achieving results

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Page 29: THE TOWER OF BABEL...THE TOWER OF BABEL REMOVING THE SILOS Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise Visit eprentise in booth # 1531 Author Chris Busbee Created Date 5/1/2012

CONCLUSION Eliminating silos within Oracle E-Business Suite enables companies to: q Save money

q  Improve processes

q Add value

q Create an environment of complete, consistent, and correct information

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Thank You!


Helene Abrams CEO, eprentise [email protected]

Visit eprentise in booth # 1531