the truth about hypnosis€¦ · the secrets of self-hypnosis which is quite a feat. it’s the...

The Truth About Hypnosis by Jim Katsoulis and Tellman Knudson Transcription with Special Guest Adam Eason, Creator of The Secrets of Self Hypnosis Mastery Program

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The Truth About Hypnosis

by Jim Katsoulis and Tellman Knudson

Transcription with

Special Guest Adam Eason,

Creator of The Secrets of Self Hypnosis

Mastery Program

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Jim: Alright, welcome everyone to the truth about hypnosis and this week, who we're talking

to is Adam Eason. I'm really excited to speak with him. He’s a real up-and-comer in the hypnosis field, and he’s gonna bring a lot of kinda new insights into some older philosophies about hypnosis that you should be able to use right away because he’s really a master of self-hypnosis as well.

He’s a hypnotist, he’s a therapist, writer and broadcaster in the field of hypnosis and his

work has regularly been featured on the BBC over the years. He’s also the author of The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis which is quite a feat. It’s the bestselling book on self-hypnosis of all time at the Amazon so it’s quite an accomplishment.

In addition, he regularly works with clients and on his website, he’s got tons and tons of

personal development and self-improvement programs all utilizing NLP, hypnosis, and other various modalities. So, Adam, how are you doing?

Adam: Yup, I'm feeling fabulous. It’s really good to be here, Jim. Jim: Great. Let’s jump right into it. What’s your background? How did you get started with

using hypnosis and, to a certain degree, NLP? Adam: Okay. I came from a conventional medical background so that is … I’ve tried medicine

and psychiatry and, as a result, I was really discovering an area and looking at all kinds of different aspects of conventional psychology and psychiatry because I had a skin disorder. I don't know if you've ever seen or met anybody who has chronic psoriasis, but I was covered in this stuff all over the back of my legs, the back of my neck, and all over myself.

I spent thousands of pounds all over the world on various miracle creams. I've been

dunked in the sea, had light shone on me, you name it. As a last resort, I tootled off to see a hypnosis therapist. And funnily enough, I left the session thinking there's another 200 quid I've just flushed down the toilet.

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But, as it happened, within six weeks, my skin cleared entirely. I ended up paying the therapist again just to go and say to him, “But what did you do? What did you do during that time that we spent together? What went on there?” And after kind of couple of discussions that he and I had, I found myself wanting to go and study it, and started the journey really.

Jim: That's really cool. So, really, with one session, you really got amazing results. It’s cool

when people change their behaviors but it’s like extra impressive when people see it with their own eyes and it’s actually a physical thing. You got those great results with one session from hypnosis?

Adam: Yes, absolutely! My early career in hypnosis suffered, I think, as a result of my initial

success because I, then, thought I have the cure for psoriasis. “Here we go, world. Listen to me. This is what I've got to tell you all about it.” And everything that happened to me, my process, my journey, I just applied it like it was some panacea to everybody else in the world who had psoriasis.

Now, over the years, over the past 12 years, I've worked with a number of different

people, in the hundreds of people with psoriasis, and I've probably met a handful that actually got the same (what was like seemingly) miraculous results that I had. And because, of course, a real ethos to hypnosis is that we are all individuals and as such, we respond uniquely. So, rather than just applying flat exactly the same thing that happened to me, what I learned, rather painfully, in those early days was to meet the individual at that place and respond to their illness and their condition as opposed to what I believed helped cure me.

Essentially, a single session was what did it for me. And so, I found it very difficult to be

anything other than psychotically enthusiastic about hypnosis simply because of the results that I experienced and encountered in those early stages.

Jim: Sure. That's really impressive. I think you make a great point and I think, for everyone

listening, it’s important to recognize that. You know, sometimes with hypnosis, people look at it like it’s gotta be this miracle thing, like one session and your entire life is changed; and the thing we put the most faith in is our westernized medicine which isn’t a hundred percent.

Adam: No.

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Jim: That's trial and error and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. You have to

approach it differently. I think if people approach hypnosis like that a little bit more, it makes their success much more possible because they keep tweaking and trying it.

So, you got into hypnosis and what was your focus? Were you kinda just a generalist,

you'd work with anyone, with any (overlay) you can help them? Adam: Yes, I think a lot of people when they start out with hypnosis do pretty much what I did

and that is sort of layer this thing. You know, “Heck, I'm now trained in hypnosis so, therefore, I could now help people to stop smoking, reduce their weight, overcome anxiety, phobias, and blah, blah, blah,” and they offer this plethora to the world without actually being incredibly a specialist in anything and wonder, perhaps, why they're not getting the results that they ought to.

And so, for myself, I spread myself quite thinly over a huge amount of things without

having the largest amount of experience and I'm a really big believer … For example, Bruce Lee, rather randomly, he was the unstoppable master of martial arts and developed this kind of fighting technique that he had. The brilliance of the chap, the brilliance of Bruce Lee caused him to sort of go on this never-ending journey. You know, forever, he was searching out the best within all the various different styles of martial arts and so on, and developed his style, almost like a formula rather than any kind of this specific technique.

And his suggestion was to always keep an open mind and use anything that works

because what works on someone today is gonna be completely different tomorrow. Yet, always, something is gonna work somewhere.

At times, he’d encounter an adversary with abilities that are profound and so his

ideology was you must let that person into your space, maybe take a bit of inflicting damage in order to then stop working in a different way and, heck, Bruce Lee became virtually unstoppable according to many accounts.

Somebody then asked him the question, “What do you call this technique of

devastation? What do you call it?” and for a very long period of time, he refused to answer that question because he tended to become afraid that if it was titled and if it

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was set up in that way and framed in such a way, the essence of what he did would, in turn, be devastated.

The truth of what it was, was adaptation to whatever worked; and I tend to think there

are some parallels with hypnosis in the way in which hypnosis is used. It should be something that is always growing and always being organic and that you're adopting and adapting your life experience in all manner of different things, richly and diversely and eclectically and just using this stuff in your own unique way as I said right at the beginning.

Jim: Sure. Well, that's great. And, actually, I wanna get into that a little bit more later

because I wanna talk about self-hypnosis and, specifically, whether it’s more beneficial … for you, it’s funny because you went to a hypnotist and it’s always funny to hear the stories of when people … you almost didn't even believe it and yet it worked in spite of that.

Adam: Yeah. Jim: There's that approach but there's also the approach where you start to learn hypnosis,

and you understand it, and you begin using it day in and day out, kinda like in the way you're describing. I wanna get more into that in a second. Give me kind of your definition. What is hypnosis and how does it work?

Adam: It’s a level of mind and I think it’s best understood in a largely metaphoric manner of

differentiating between your conscious and your unconscious mind, whereby the conscious mind does the rational stuff and hears your internal dialogue and so on. And the unconscious mind is where your gut feelings are, your intuition, your instinct, the kind of stuff that communicates with you sporadically from time to time.

And so, it’s worthwhile just extending that metaphor, that notion and that they are separate, in order to understand hypnosis, in my opinion. And that is that we tend to step over the conscious mind, the part of people that are listening consciously, applying their rationale, the part of them that tries to do things on a day-to-day basis. We step over that part and start to access the unconscious mind.

And, that said, attempting to define hypnosis can end up being an everlasting

discussion and blindly, I've read discussion and been involved in them on forums online

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that had been the biggest pain in the back side I've ever heard of. And attempting to define it, I think, can sometimes limit us.

Jim: Sure. Adam: I mean, the very name “hypnosis” after the Greek god of sleep, Hypnos, I mean, it really

doesn't fit. Hypnosis is not sleep. It’s not really that much like it. But the word “hypnosis” has a fabulous ring to it, doesn't it?

Jim: Yeah. Adam: And hypnosis depends on a specific subject’s present experience so … and, again, I

say this because although I’ve found many similarities within my own experience, they're always so different and the listeners out there are gonna find book after book … there are as many different definitions as there have been hypnotists.

Jim: Sure. Adam: And I like to savor Dave Elman’s idea of hypnosis which is that hypnosis is a state of

mind in which the critical faculty of the human is bypassed. The best way, really, in illustrating what on earth that means … recently, my auntie called me. My auntie called me to tell me my cousin was having another baby and I said, “Congratulations, [inaudible] I get a card in the post,” and so on, you know, like you do; now, when she said to me, “Adam, you know, your cousin’s having a baby,” my response was not, “Are you sure? Can you please send me some scans? Can you prove this to me before I accept what you've just said?”

She has access to a part of me where I believe that to be the truth and, as such, I was

influenced into believing it and accepting that as the truth. So, that information bypassed my critical faculty. It went straight into that part of me where I believed things.

So, hypnosis for me is that stepping over of the conscious mind, stepping over of the

critical faculty and into the unconscious mind, into that place where we believe things to be the truth. And, yes, hypnosis is allowing you to enter that place where you believe things, where you're influenced by them accordingly.

Jim: Sure.

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Adam: It’s that naturally occurring state and nothing unusual. Like when you've been reading a

book and you think, “I've got no idea what I've just been reading. You know, I've been reading the words; none of the plot has sunk in. I'm gonna have to go back and read it.”

When you've been driving in your car and you think to yourself, “I've no idea where I've

been for the last five minutes. Did I just drive through a red?” And, “Oh, I can remember being sat in my History class at school watching the teacher teach me but my mind is a million miles away wishing I was doing something else.”

Essentially, with hypnosis, what we're doing is taking this naturally occurring

experiences and doing them on purpose, doing them with intention, entering that state with intention and some depth, and an element of control. And I don't know if the people listening are gonna be really acutely aware of Milton Erickson, and the guy is hypnosis in man form. You know, this guy is hypnosis personified.

And he was once asked to define hypnosis and his exact words were, “Oh, hypnosis is

a loss of the multiplicity of the foci of attention.” Man, is that one hypnotic bloke or work! Even his explanation of hypnosis is hypnotic and inducing, you know.

Essentially, hypnosis enables us to be open to suggestion, allowing that suggestion to

be amplified and to amplify other aspects of ourselves, too. So, to try and just condense a little bit of what I said about it, you know, I think it’s the stepping over the critical faculty of the mind and accessing the deeper, larger unconscious aspect of us.

Jim: Sure. I always get asked that question and it’s too hard to just answer it in a statement

because depending on my mood, I'll say a different definition. So, we put suggestions into the unconscious mind and step over the conscious mind. Talk a little about … is the majority of our reality and our experience and our behaviors dictated consciously? Do we just decide what we're gonna do in every moment or are we more subconscious as human beings? What’s your take on that? Why is the subconscious important to get to and access?

Adam: Initially, it’s far. It’s big and a lot of people would liken it to some kind of a storehouse

with all your experience. All your reference for everything will get sorted through there, so your life experiences, your learning, your influences from the people that have been close to you and influential in your life, so to speak, and teachers, friends, or parents

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and so on. These are all stored up and every blade of grass you ever saw in your entire are stored there in your unconscious mind influencing you in some manner.

And some people might even refer to it like the big chicken soup, so to speak, just

whirling around influencing us in all manners, in different ways. And so, we can sort of make some ad hoc day-to-day decisions consciously. But it’s likely that those conscious decisions and thought processes are being driven and are being inspired and motivated by this large storehouse that just sits slightly beneath it and where we're getting feelings that we all then respond to in nanoseconds.

That’s what I think is the key difference where the unconscious is just this vast chicken

soup of stuff from our life and so on that is constantly feeding into and drip feeding into elements of the conscious mind and the conscious mind just start making decisions based upon that, yet, comes from a slightly more rational perspective on a day-to-day basis because we need to. We can't walk around all day having every reference from our entire lifetime at the forefront of our mind.

Jim: Sure. Adam: You know, heck, your brains … your head’s gonna explode. Thus, that needs to be

stored away where it could be readily accessed from time to time. Jim: Right. Okay, so that makes a lot of sense. For people that have never been exposed to

even what hypnosis really is, other than just a stage show or whatever, do you think they're mistaken in the idea that they … a lot of times, when people wanna change something, it seems like they approach it with the willpower. “That's it, I'm gonna make this, I'm gonna do it,” and they never focus on that lower level that's kind of feeding us constantly, the subconscious mind which is giving us all these ideas. Do you think people make a mistake when they try and change solely by using willpower?

Adam: Yeah, I think so, I think so. You know, the conscious mind is when people try and in

hypnosis [inaudible] and say to the therapist, think of how you use the word “try” because it tends to assume failure and when people try to do something, they're not actually doing it. When they're consciously thinking about something, they're not actually engaged in the process of doing it.

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I think one of the classic hypnotic example is if I were to say to somebody and sat around the dinner table one evening, “Okay, you try and make yourself salivate some more. Go on, salivate,” whereas if I were to say, “Imagine taking a lemon that is chilled, just come out of the fridge, slice it in half, slice it in half again, now take that juicy lemon, and sink your teeth right into it. Imagine a sensation of how it feels in your gums, in your mouth,” and so on. And if we really embellish that some more, the chances are that as they start to engage their imagination, that salivation will start to occur even though they have no lemon inside of their mouths.

Jim: Sure. Adam: What I want to just illustrate quite simply is the difference between someone

consciously attempting to do something and actually unconsciously engaging some of their vast resource, and it can become a lot more powerful and profound as far as the response is concerned. I mean, the unconscious mind will have far more ability to be able to do that.

Jim: Right. That's a great point. Don't people do that? I work a lot with weight loss and so

people on an unconscious level will be thinking about dessert and they’ll say, “Okay, I gotta stop eating ice cream,” for example, and they're using their imagination to think of the ice cream exactly the way they like it, imagine themselves eating it, and they’ll start salivating, and then they're consciously trying to say, “Okay, I'm not gonna eat that.” And so, it’s like they're kind of sabotaging themselves and working against themselves.

Adam: If you took someone into hypnosis and said to them, “Whatever you do, don't think

about those lovely cream cakes that you eat every afternoon,” you know, you might as well be stopping them in their mouth.

Jim: Right, okay. Adam: I mean, the classic hypnosis example is to say to somebody, “Don't think about a pink

elephant,” and you know that they went and just did that. In order to do the process of “don't do it,” you have to be doing it. When people are consciously trying and using that conscious mind, they need to be thinking of a lot of the outcome and that successful outcome rather than the things that they don't want to the conscious level.

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Jim: Sure. That's great advice. In your experience, what have been some of the biggest misconceptions that you've seen people have about hypnosis?

Adam: I think there are many. In my consulting rounds, I once had a girl who was coming to

see me to overcome a phobia, and she was led in to my clinic. She was led in by her huge boyfriend; and when I say huge, you know, the guy had muscles coming out of his muscles, tattoos on top of that, [inaudible] in every manner. He was a fairly formidable-looking young man. And as he walked into the place, he said, “I don't believe in all this hypnosis mumbo jumbo.” And I said, “Good that we're not working with you then. You could go and sit down and be quiet. I'm gonna go and work with your girlfriend.”

And he said to me, “Uh-uh, I'm coming in, too.” And I said to the guy, “What are you

coming in for? Do you have a phobia, too?” And he said to me, “No, you might make her do stuff she doesn't wanna do. You might make her pay more money than she wants.” And I said, “Well, you know, first of all, when you walked in here, you said you didn't believe in all this hypnosis mumbo jumbo. So, why is it that you could believe in this?

Second of all, do you honestly think that if I was the kind of person who would do such a thing, or I was such the kind of person who actually could do such a thing, do you honestly think I would have chosen you or your girlfriend? Did you not think that maybe I would have used my powers to elicit loads of cash out of my bank manager or Bill Gates or Richard Branson? I would be set on my own island right now and a lot of luxury rather than being here attempting to help your girlfriend overcome her phobia.” And, at that point, some penny dropped inside of his head and he started realizing.

The point is, you know … and there's a lot of people that don't necessarily agree with

what I'm saying but, really, you can't be made to do stuff that you don't want to do. In fact, with using hypnosis, you’ll probably find some of the less worthy people in life (some people who are maybe manipulative for their own gains in life, without using hypnosis in this formal way) probably make people do stuff they don't wanna do in a much better way than if they’ve ever attempted to use hypnosis. And people believe this often by maybe having seen stage hypnotists make people do seemingly crazy stuff.

Jim: Sure.

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Adam: And if all of these people on the stage show … if the stage hypnotist went up, touched them on the shoulder and said, “Well, what I taught you on the show that you'll go and stick your head in the oven until you die.” They wouldn’t that.

Jim: Right. Adam: There's an element to them that knows how to draw the line and knows how to do

things. Jim: Right. Adam: In addition, another very common misconception is that a lot of people believe that

being in hypnosis is like being unconscious and, so often again, they’ll see stage hypnosis shows and maybe think that these people look like they're “out of it.”

But I'll say, you know what, how did that guy know how to get up and bark like a dog?

He heard the suggestion to do it. He’s still hearing. He’s still alive. That guy has not been zonked out.

If I wanted people to be unconscious in hypnosis, I'll [inaudible] 24:22 keeping a cricket

bat in the corner of the room, you know, and smash them on their heads. There's no use in being unconscious, in particular, from a therapeutic point of view or from a personal development change point of view. When we're unconscious, we've no communication occurring within us at all.

In hypnosis, we need some internal communication. We need some element of us. A

lot of people think that when they go into hypnosis, they're gonna spontaneously broach into telling everyone their most intimate secret.

Jim: Right. Adam: And, again, you know, that's not gonna happen unless you're guided in that direction,

unless there is some relevance to your pertinency to that intimate secret that you're suddenly sharing. Unless you're guided in that direction, really, you wouldn’t just sort of start coming out with that stuff.

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I think those are probably the biggest misconceptions that a lot of people have and probably the most old fashioned, too.

Jim: Sure. You hope so. I mean, obviously, the longer we stay in this field, the more we

realize kinda how silly that is. You know, I think once you experience hypnosis firsthand, a lot of that falls away. What are some of the areas that you have personally found hypnosis to be the most effective for?

Adam: Okay, in my own experience in working with people, I would say, some of the areas

where it can be used more effectively … self-esteem and confidence enhancement. And, obviously, there is a difference between self-esteem and confidence. Confidence is related to abilities and self-esteem is related to the value we place upon ourselves.

The very nature of hypnosis and self-hypnosis, in particular, but the very nature of

hypnosis is such that you learn a great deal about yourself and you develop a very intimate relationship with yourself. And a real byproduct of hypnosis tends to be an enhancement of the self-esteem and an enhancement of self-assuredness.

People are really getting to know themselves and getting to become … and heighten

the self-awareness which really a byproduct of that is self-esteem and confidence enhancement. And, I would say, that also and, in particular in this last or 18 months, there has been a great deal of research and media coverage that has demonstrated the efficacy of hypnosis with the alleviation of pain. And I'm talking about [inaudible] 27:17 physiological pain.

And people say … doing hypnosis, how on earth can that stop, you know, walking with

real life stop like pain? When I was a little boy and I would go and be doing the gardening with my dad. And I can remember my dad would give all the crappy jobs like going and doing weeding, stuff that dads don't really wanna themselves.

And after this bout of heavy weeding in the garden, I went in, washed my hands of odor, mark and grime, and I realized I've got a big graze, a cut on my hand. And upon seeing it, it started hurting. And people are the same with paper cuts. You get a paper cut and you don't even realize it’s there, but upon realizing it’s there, it’s, “Ow,” that suddenly hurt. And so, there's this natural analgesia or anesthesia that's going on all the time in our day-to-day

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existence, and it’s wonderful that suddenly, on a grandest scale now, there are universities and hospitals … I mean, blindly, in Iran at the moment, they filmed Cesarean births, two C-section births happening over there using only hypnosis.

Jim: Right. Adam: I was one of a handful of hypnotherapists allowed into hospitals, last year in the UK, to

work with patients for natural anesthesia. And I've worked with a lady who had a lump removed from the top of her breast. Now, she could feel herself being tagged around and pulled around a bit, but her perception of the pain was altered massively, her perception was altered greatly.

And it’s wonderful to see that happening, and hypnosis is a fabulous tool for enhancing

that ability to do that. If you search the internet … just over the last year, I mean, I was blogging about these things like crazy. There were just stacks of stuff.

There was a guy who had a bone removed from his hand. There was a lady who had

an operation done on her leg just using self-hypnosis, not even having a kind of [inaudible] hypnosis experience.

There’s a great chap written about in history hypnosis books. I'm sure you're aware of

him, Jim, a guy called James Esdale who was a military doctor; and he would perform military surgical operations using only hypnosis or as they titled it then, “auto-suggestion.”

And he would do stuff as complex as amputations. If your arm has just been removed,

at some point, you're gonna know it’s gone. Hypnosis isn’t gonna make you think that your arm’s there. Well, at some point, you're gonna want to lean against the wall. But the point is, you're always gonna know that your arm’s gone.

But during that process, the hypnosis amplifies the body’s natural ability to be able to

overcome what we often would perceive as being a painful experience. Jim: Right. Adam: And I love the fact that it’s being used for that rather than just all the usual sort of uses

that people usually associate with hypnosis and smoking and things like that.

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Jim: Well, that’s what funny, I mean, in the history of hypnosis, it was really primarily

explored for its pain because before they had anesthetics they could use for people and anesthesia, this was the thing.

It’s funny, isn’t it, because most people now … don't you think because they know of

anesthesia, they almost just trust that more than ever even thinking about just using hypnosis?

Adam: It’s so easy, isn’t it? Jim: Yeah. Adam: Okay, I'm gonna sit here and you pop me up. It’s like the tablet culture that we have in

this world now which is, it’s so goddamn easy just to put a tablet in your mouth. You know, people wanna take tablets for being happy, to overcome depression. They wanna take tablets to overcome pain. They take a tablet to be thin. They wanna take a tablet to become rich if they could.

People just wanna take tablets because it’s so easy. Yet, if they just realize, often, the

tablet is stimulating something within their brain, and their brain is the thing that’s producing all the chemicals. The brain is the thing that's producing all the stuff in their body that's making them better.

Jim: Right. Adam: I'm not suggesting that this is universal, and I'm not suggesting that people stop taking

tablets that are being prescribed by doctors. But I, certainly, am suggesting that people are far, far more capable of doing things using their own brain and being taught how to use their own brain than simply taking a tablet.

And I just tend to think that learning how to use that is such a wonderful sensation. I'm

doing this for myself. I'm using a bit more of my brain. Jim: Right. I wanna move into that. Again, anyone listening to this, if you like this approach

and we're gonna get more into the self-hypnosis now because this is really one of Adam’s real specialties; but if wanna find out more about Adam’s other programs or his

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self-hypnosis program, specifically, go to and check out his self-hypnosis mastery course. It’s really, really good.

And I wanna get to that because we talked a little bit about the idea of people wanting to

take pills because they think it’s easy. What do you think? With self-hypnosis, what are the shifts you've seen? When you've worked with people one on one, and you've done the hypnosis on them, what’s the difference between someone getting hypnosis done on them and when they learn self-hypnosis and begin to internalize this and can do this to themselves?

Adam: Well, when it comes to self-hypnosis, I wouldn’t want to suddenly start suggesting that

self-hypnosis is some kind of panacea that could just be applied to everything and everything and is going to just cure all. I certainly wouldn’t want to give that impression.

It, certainly, can be applied to anything and everything and used to amplify our ability to

deal with anything and everything. I think what we're doing here … when a hypnotist takes somebody into hypnosis, there are no sparks coming off the ends of their fingers, you know. They weren’t born with some gifts and they then go around wielding, going, “Ha, ha, I'm hypnotizing you.”

You know, these people are basically being offered a construct, the framework, if you

like, by the hypnotist, by the hypnotherapist that they follow that takes themselves into hypnosis. And, essentially, what I'm suggesting that can be done as far as self-hypnosis is concerned, is that you take them out of the process and that you develop for yourself that construct, that framework which enables you to access the exact same state for yourself.

Now, there are certain times and certain aspects that, I would say, it’s good and

probably far better to have a qualified professional walk you through the process, especially something analytical. You need a neutral perspective there to help you analyze and process in a progressive manner.

So, it’s not for everything all of the time. However, when you learn how to do this, you

can take the other person out of the … and it suddenly becomes something you can do on the train, you can do before a job interview, you can do when you're out on a date, you can do in a bedroom, you can do to get over your hangover, you can do to do whatever the heck you like in your life.

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Jim: Right. Adam: And with that, do you believe … sometimes I believe that sometimes people are already

hypnotizing themselves throughout their lives, pretty much in every area like you just said. A lot of times, people go to a job interview and I would, basically, describe the situation … is they, a lot of times, will hypnotize themselves to feel nervous (overlay)

Adam: Absolutely! Jim: Do you think like … Adam: That is the nail on the head, Jim. That really is. Jim: I agree because, I mean, this isn’t to be said for medical things, necessarily. I mean,

you've used this in tandem with using a doctor and all the rest of it. But for the typical day-to-day things, the emotional things, do you think that when people learn self-hypnosis, that they actually can prevent themselves from doing the bad self-hypnosis on themselves?

Adam: A couple of things here. I just wanna build upon that quick point that you made there

which is that however much of a great hypnotist anyone may believe themselves to be, the greatest influence on and in anyone else’s life is you, is themselves.

You are the biggest influence on you. What you think, what you believe, what you

accept, that is what’s influencing you, how your internal dialogue is doing. My mom used to do this thing. Whenever something crappy happened in our lives, she’d tap and go, “That's typical of me.”

And I think that, “Well, of course, it’s bloody typical because you keep saying it’s typical,

for goodness’ sake.” And she would affirm this to herself so, yes, people are hypnotizing themselves all the time. They are the greatest influence on their lives.

With self-hypnosis and a good structured self-hypnosis program, you learn how to use

that stuff in the right way and how to use it. A lot of people will believe and it’s certainly my own belief that the unconscious mind is very literal. So, what you ask for tends to be what you get. And for that reason, there needs to be some order to how you think about

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what you want, and there needs to be some order; and maybe to begin with, a little bit of structure to get familiar with before you can abandon that structure and use hypnosis in your own unique way.

And when you do then learn how to use your mind’s ability in a far greater way, you

know, there are some stunning results and some mind-blowing experiences to be had. When I was first learning to use self-hypnosis, even before I was properly doing hypnotherapy, I used to use it just for fun. A couple of friends and I used to attend the [inaudible] festival and we used to just teach people how to use self-hypnosis to get high without drugs or alcohol or anything. You know, people would have some fabulous experiences.

However, of course, good self-hypnosis should also be teaching people how to prevent creating problems for themselves, to stop thinking the wrong kinds of things and to actually have a heightened awareness of what it is they're saying to themselves, the kind of imagery that they're flashing around inside of their brains, and so on and so on.

Jim: Yeah, and again, that's one of the reasons that we wanna get you on this because you really have this profound understanding of self-hypnosis, and I just wanna talk a little bit about what your course is because I think it’s a great structure for people who have been listening to begin self-reflecting.

Do you think a lot these people just take their thoughts, and their thinking, and their

language for granted maybe because everyone around them is pretty much talking the same way? That's kinda how you learned it. I know everyone I've ever talked with hypnosis has found this, that when you still hear with yourself, and you'll hear other people giving themselves very negative suggestion and it’s like a big red flag to you now, do you hear it that way?

Adam: Yeah, absolutely. Even when they're talking, you know, because a lot of people don't

realize that when they're just talking in regular … as people talk, they often thought of those words in nanoseconds beforehand, and so, they’ll be talking out and somebody will say something like, “Ah, yeah, I'm rubbish with remembering names,” and I think, “But, of course, you are because you keep affirming it, you keep saying it.” Or somebody would even take it a step further and say, “Ah, got memory like a sieve, I have.”

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And I think, you know, “Yes, you have.” It’s all done. What brilliant self-hypnosis to talk yourself into having a memory like a sieve, brilliant. And somebody might say something like, “Ah, you know, he’s my best friend. It was the least I could do.” And I just think, “Well, come on, if he’s your best friend, how about doing the most you could do? What kind of a good friend are you?”

In England, we have this thing and, you know, you say “hello” to somebody and you

say, “Hello, how are you?” And quite often in England, people will say … you'll say, “Hi, how are you?” and they’ll say, “Not too bad, thanks.” What the hell kind of a response is that? Was my question, “Please, tell me, what degree of bad are you today?” “I'm not too bad, thank you.” I didn't say that.

How about offering yourself some encouragement in this life? How about encouraging yourself to feel something better than “not too bad, thank you very much”?

Jim: Right. That's a good point and people listen to that sometimes and this isn’t like positive thinking. It’s not like putting roses on everything. It’s really generative thinking. Instead of people always talking about how … you know, people say, “Oh, I'm so lazy. I can't get myself to workout. I can't get myself to eat. I can't, I'm so lazy. I just sit on the sofa all day.” You know, just the very fact of saying, “Well, what would you like to do? How would you like to do it?” in and of itself can change things.

Give us kind of a rundown. What’s The Secret of Self-Hypnosis program? What’s that

all about? What do you take people through? Adam: Okay. I choose my words very carefully whenever I talk about the masterclass program

because The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Masterclass audio program is my baby. It’s a very personal thing for me. It’s what I consider to be the most comprehensive instruction guide to using self-hypnosis and applying it to your life and it has been a niche of mine that I've wanted to carve out for years because it impacted upon my life so much.

My first published book was The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis and the masterclass audio

program then builds upon that over … I think we've got over 23 volumes of techniques, strategies, and much more.

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I'm very particular about this stuff, you know. In my early years, I went through all kinds of courses and, at the end of the day, with five months of scratching my head, thinking, “What just went on today? People have used a lot of big words today and I'm not really too sure that I know what’s going on.”

I like to move beyond just theory and give people the process in very easy to

understand, real life terms so that self-hypnosis is something that anyone can use at anytime. And, like I said before, so as well as using it home, you get to use it on trains, before job interviews, on an airplane, like I said, when you're out on a date, to zap your headache away.

Jim: Right. Adam: Now, I'm particularly fond of the program. Like I said, it was my own personal journey to

start with; and because I'm so enthusiastic about it, I keep adding more material to it. And, you know, we've added video clips, we've added more Western material, a couple of e-books we've added to it.

So, basically, each time I add to it, I then decided that … because I feel so much about

it and because I like it so much and it’s a real love of mine, I wanted to make sure that anyone who had ever invested in that which, essentially, they're investing in something that … a real love of mine. They're investing in my baby here. Anyone who ever invested in such got everything else that I ever did with no extra charge forever.

So, everyone and anyone who ever invested in the program gets my word that they’ll

get all the updates forever and everything that’s ever added to it and really, I tend to think … I don't wanna go for [inaudible] here but I tend to think that my biggest challenge is getting people driven to persist with self-hypnosis and getting to use it consistently and persistently. Knowing self-hypnosis and not using it is like owning a Ferrari and keeping it in the garage. And I keep adding stuff to it so that other people, hopefully, will become as excited as I am about it.

Now, my particular method of my process of self-hypnosis starts with a structure. So, there's a very simple structure that they get familiar with, that shows people how to enter hypnosis, how to be in control of it, how to deepen the state, how to deliver suggestions to themselves, how to develop a relationship with their unconscious mind, and then how to bring themselves out of the state, quite important.

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Then, how to use the right kind of language while you are in there, and then, how to just abandon that structure and use hypnosis in your own unique way once you are familiar with it. And then, we have volumes’ worth of some of the most gorgeous techniques and strategies to apply to yourself when you're in self-hypnosis states. So, using all kinds of techniques to start accessing different parts of your brain, to start tinkering with your physiology, to start feeling differently, to start talking to your feelings, and using all kinds of different metaphors and using your imaginations in some way that you just take yourself on a kind of personal development journey while you're in self-hypnosis.

And it shows how to use the language of the unconscious mind to enhance your day-to-

day experience. It shows how to use it on a day-to-day basis, but then, also how to do some bigger stuff, how to do some bigger, more profound things as well.

Jim: Great. Let me ask you this. I know [inaudible] but as far as personal development

material, is there anything that comes close to self-hypnosis. I mean, you can read all these motivation books in the world, the techniques books, but is there anything that you've ever seen that comes as close to creating profound personal change as self-hypnosis and hypnosis?

Adam: Well, for me, no. For me, no, and that's the reason … again, I don't wanna have to

coerce and convince the world that this is it, this is the one thing. But in my personal experience, nothing else has come close and you know, I struggled to find what it was that worked for me and what it was that helped propel me in the right direction.

I'm also a very firm believer that if you want to hypnotize another, you ought to be very

good at experiencing hypnosis yourself. I'm amazed that the amount of hypnotherapists and professional hypnotists that I meet who claim to ever have only been hypnotized probably a couple of times. And I wonder how on earth they can empathize and connect with the experience that they're attempting to induce in another person with no real consistent experience of it themselves.

It’s only my own personal take but I wouldn’t wanna see a therapist for weight reduction

if they weighed half a ton. I wouldn’t wanna stop smoking with a therapist who smoked

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and smelled of cigarette. I wouldn’t wanna be hypnotized by someone who didn't really know what it’s like to spend quality time in hypnosis.

I think that self-hypnosis is something that opens up all kinds of worlds to people. I

think it’s something that anybody can have access to and I just think, how on earth have we gotten to this stage in the world where everybody doesn't just know how to do this, where everybody can’t just use this as a tool to be infinitely better in numbers of different ways?

Jim: Sure. And that's the point I wanna make. You know, I get on these calls and

sometimes I hype things up a little bit too much maybe, but when I look at the alternative that people rely upon and accept as the truth whether it be psychiatry, psychology, a lot of Western medicine, which has its place, but to not have hypnosis be a part of that, to me, is almost criminal.

Adam: Yeah, it’s crazy stuff. Jim: Yeah. I mean, do you think in your own life if you had never learned hypnosis and

never even mind the psoriasis, never mind just the physical stuff, but do you think you would have been able to succeed as easily as you have if you hadn’t known these techniques to things?

Adam: No, not at all is the simple answer to that. A lot of people try, a lot of people use

affirmation, you know. They're already wanting to communicate with some higher level of themselves, go to some higher basis. Just the words, though, do sometimes tend to be static, will tend to be staid, and maybe a little bit one dimensional.

You know, because a lot of people will say to me, “Well, what’s the difference? I'm

using affirmations already. You know, I've got a book on affirmations and they're telling me everything that I need to know.”

Surely. You wanna incorporate and the program, my own program … you wanna

incorporate aspects of other stuff, you know. There are worlds of beautiful information about cognitive behavioral therapy, about NLP, and about other therapeutic modalities that can be applied and enhanced through the vehicle of self-hypnosis which are just wonderful.

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Very few people … what would a lot of people … if they need a bit of a rocket up their back side to do stuff in their life, they've got abilities, they've got the skills, they've got the potential to do stuff; but maybe they need some more drive and some more inspiration. And I say to the same people, “If you won a million pounds on the lottery today, I'm guessing, you'd find the motivation to go and cash in that ticket, wouldn’t you?” And they said, “Yeah, of course.” And I said, “You wouldn’t just leave it in your pocket for six weeks and then think, you know, ‘Ah, yeah, I think I can be bothered to go and cash my million quid in today.’”

The motivation exists in principle within them all the time and the potential exist within

them to do anything they can dream about. And so, the self-hypnosis gives them access to that part of them that does that.

Jim: Right. Adam: Who wouldn’t be better off not having that? Who wouldn’t be better off having that in

their lives? Jim: Yeah. Would you agree with this that … because, again, I see affirmations and I see a

lot of different things and it’s great but I look at it as being part of the picture. Sometimes, with self-hypnosis, one of the things that I think is so valuable with it is that it gives you kind of a new philosophy of how your mind operates. You know what I mean?

Adam: Yeah. Jim: So, if you're doing affirmation, you're just saying them, you're not really getting that full

power, a lot of times, because you don't understand how to tap into your imagination and really kinda expand and blow up those results. Do you think understanding how hypnosis works to a certain degree gives you a lot of benefit?

Adam: Of course, absolutely! I tend to think that, like I said earlier, you're developing this

wonderful relationship with yourself and you're developing a really great influence upon yourself but also, exactly as you said, you are learning how you work and the reason I say to people that, eventually, you wanna abandon the structure is because only you know what structure is best for you and what way of working with your mind is best for you because what works best for me isn’t, necessarily, gonna be the best thing for

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everybody else. Like I said, with my psoriasis, I suddenly thought that I had this thing that I could apply to everybody.

When you stop to get results, you'll notice what things helped you get that result and

you start to gauge it and you start to pin point your own self-hypnosis. It becomes wonderful because your own self-hypnosis becomes something that is yours, something that you are doing. And so, yes, you're learning how to use your own mind, learning how to use your own body in relationship with that mind, and how to communicate with yourself in this wonderfully beautiful, intimate way.

I ask people throughout the process of self-hypnosis to make the differentiation between

the conscious mind and the unconscious mind whereby the conscious mind is kind of orchestrating the process. It’s orchestrating and pointing out the process and the unconscious mind is providing the results and so on. And, as a result, what we're wanting to do is create a relationship; and many people just don't have that relationship with themselves where they're courteous to themselves, and they thank themselves for those experiences, and even consider in their mind creating their unconscious mind as if it’s someone to be loved and as if it’s someone to be embraced and hugged and communicated with respect and courtesy and love.

And so, you're developing this fabulous relationship with yourself and with your

unconscious mind to such an extent that it starts helping you get the results that you want.

Jim: Right. That's such a good point because, again, I think a lot of people … they approach

it and they say … you know, sometimes, with the affirmation, they’ll say, “It sounds great and all but that’s not who I am.” And once they understand that … when you're so hard on yourself, it literally just sends you down the wrong road, in a sense. It emotionally and physiologically makes you feel kinda bad. It mentally kinda focuses you on all the things you don't want.

And when you're seeing it from a more technical perspective, it’s not just … do you feel

like, in this field, sometimes it kinda gets lumped in with like … I don't wanna say positive affirmations are great but almost kind of this like, “Woo, woo, I don't really know. It’s kind of just ephemeral. It’s not really scientific.”

Adam: And often, we get lumped in with psychics.

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Jim: Right. Adam: And we get lumped in with things … sometimes, even verging on a lot of the spiritual

stuff and so on and a lot of people would say to me, “Ah, you do hypnosis. Great, I did reiki once so we must be pals as a result of it. And I say to them, “Well, great, I'm loving the fact that we have a connection there.” Yet, I'm thinking, that connection is bizarre because that has nothing to do with each other whatsoever.

Jim: Right. Adam: It would be like someone saying to me, “I'm into car racing, therefore, I must love

hypnosis,” or whatever. They have no real parallel but one of the biggest challenges we face with hypnosis is that hypnosis, essentially, is working with the mind. And when you say to somebody, “Whereabouts is your mind? What is it?” You know, it’s not a thing. It’s not something you can throw tablets at. It doesn't exist tangibly. It’s not something you can a poke a screwdriver in and start tweaking around with.

Jim: Right. Adam: And, as such, it’s very difficult to get quantitative research done upon it because there

are no real hard and fast rules that the scientific community or the medical community can just say it’s black or white, or yes or no, or right or wrong.

And so, it’s difficult for us sometimes to forge our way into conventional medicine

without the kind of research … being done these days but without research to prove black or white. And it’s very difficult to do that with hypnosis because it’s subjective a lot of the time and we're working with the mind.

Jim: Right. Adam: And also, people have so many different ways of doing stuff, and every human being

has a unique way of them accessing their own mind potential and accessing their own trance state so it’s very hard to measure and, like I said, quantify.

Jim: Right. That's a good point and with that being said, though, I mean, you'll do

psychology and psychiatry and they try and do that …

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Adam: Take the boxes and categorize and so on. Jim: Right. Do you think self-hypnosis is one of the more practical understandings of the

mind? Adam: I do, I do, simply because of what it does. What it does at its very basic level is accept

the self. But just by the very nature of being called self-hypnosis, you're working with your self. You're directing a relationship with yourself.

I don't see how there could be any better way of doing things. Now, of course, it’s

probably not for somebody to start with self-hypnosis if they are paranoid schizophrenics hearing voices just telling them to do crazy stuff. Probably, then is not the time for them to start learning self-hypnosis. They can start by having someone else help them through that for a period of time.

So, of course, it’s not the only way forward. I do tend to think that it offers up a fabulous

model and a fabulous set of benefits for anybody looking to understand themselves psychologically.

Jim: Right. It’s one of the few things that’s not just focused on where the problem came from

but very quickly gets to how do we solve it? You know what I mean, what do you want to accomplish? Then, in a sense, that builds right into the model of self-hypnosis.

Great! Again, anyone listening … people hear me on all these calls saying this stuff

because I think it’s absolutely true. I look at my life and you're gonna hear me from every person we interview that hypnosis, literally, is life changing and my opinion on this that goes along with Adam here is that when you learn how to do it yourself to a certain degree and you take it on as a modality of self-improvement, to me, it’s, at least, one of the most effective ones. And I think Adam, as he said, and you can tell that he has a real passion for this and his Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Program is really topnotch.

So, if you wanna create changes in your life and you're tired of struggling … this is really

what this is all about. It’s about doing it in a natural way, in an easy way. If you've tried everything, if you keep repeating the same mistakes over again, and you end up in the same spot over and over again, an alternative is to learn self-hypnosis to learn how to create these changes in a new, natural way and Adam’s program is topnotch for making

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that happen. So, if you wanna learn more about that, if you wanna find out about his program, go to

Let me wrap it up with this here. Give me a success story, someone whom you have

worked in person or someone who has used your program and has experienced amazing results. Tell me a little bit about your story.

Adam: Sure. Well, you know what, there are bunches of them. The first person that just came

into my mind was Natasha. Natasha, if you are listening to this, “Hello.” I've mentioned her stacks of times on all kinds of stuff. I've written about her. And that is, that within the program, within the self-hypnosis course, we teach people how to create anesthesia for themselves.

Now, Natasha at this particular time was 19 years old and so probably not as worldly as

she is today. She learned it on a weekend, ran through the process on a weekend, [inaudible] On a Monday, went into her dentist, had a wisdom tooth removed using only self-hypnosis.

The dentist was … his brain was pickled by this so much, and he [inaudible] so

amazing, he came to see me individually and I got stacks of clients from this dentist who just thought this was, “Wow, amazing!” And this dentist trained to become a hypnotherapist with me and all kinds of stuff.

The reason I mentioned Natasha is because this thing that she did gave her some

belief. The fact that she then went and did this seemingly extraordinary thing, had a wisdom tooth removed using only her mind for anesthesia, she, subsequently, then believed she could do anything.

And she had invested a belief in herself and began to start helping herself in a wide

variety of different ways. She started having boyfriends because she hadn’t had before. She had the self-esteem and was so confident about who she was and how she was. She had an identity of someone.

You know, when you have that skill set deep within you … you know, I talk about this a

lot, you cannot not communicate all of the time. It’s as if we’ve got a huge antenna stuck out of the top of our head all the time telling the rest of the world what’s going on inside.

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When you're glowing with that, when you have that sense of self and that ability and that

confidence within yourself that you could take stuff on, that you can take life on, that you can kick it backside a little bit; and suddenly, you start thinking that the rest of the world feels that, and senses that, and starts to respond accordingly; and it’s wonderful.

It’s like you start to hypnotize the world around about who you are now. And Natasha

just embodied that wonderfully well. Jim: That’s great. That's the point of self-hypnosis. The point of your program is that it …

these little steps sometimes they come in huge leaps, sometimes it’s small steps and then a huge leap. But when you understand this approach, it’s a new path, it’s a new way and so, again, if you wanna experience that for yourself … it is a tremendous thing because you can begin doing it … you begin doing it all the time and at the same time, you realize you're already doing it all the time, and you start (overlay) positive way (overlay)

Adam: Absolutely! Jim: It’s funny. It’s a doubly effective thing that really, literally, changes your life. The reason

I say it literally changes your life is this isn’t like affirmations, you might do for a little while and it might work.

The funny thing about self-hypnosis when I've seen people take this course and really

learn it in an effective way is that you realize that you were never not doing it; and it gives you the reasons why, if you're not getting the results you want, all of a sudden, you start to understand why.

Adam: Exactly. I'll tell you what, that is a really nice way of putting things, Jim. Even when

we're teaching NLP or hypnotherapy or self-hypnosis … in a number of my different courses, people will often say to me, “I'm already doing this.” And I say to them, “Well, yeah, we didn't just create this stuff.” It’s happened because we've learned it from other human beings and we've learned it. It was already there. We didn't just create it. It already existed and we're just showing people how to do it on purpose. You have to do it with some intention. And suddenly, when you start structuring this stuff which you're doing already, it’s beautiful when it starts happening and you've got some familiarity with it.

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Jim: Right. Adam: “Wow, yeah, I used to do this and this has been helpful for me before, and now I'm

doing it on purpose, and I'm doing it better, and I'm doing it more often, and I'm not even having to think about it again.”

Jim: Right. And the funny thing is, as an ego gratifier, in a sense, is that even when you

understand this all of a sudden, even the kinda bad things that you do, at least, you can, all of a sudden, understand how you get yourself to do them automatically even if it’s bad.

So, (overlay) a little better because one of the big things people get so upset about is

they get really frustrated because they're doing everything they know how to change but they're not able to make it happen. But it’s because they've never learned an effective way to make it happen.

If you grew up in China, you'd speak Chinese and you would just be fluent in that

language. Well, to a certain degree, there's a fluency in your success language and you're programming yourself … kinda like you said … I think all hypnotists hear this in their family members and parents sometimes. Well, they're hear these kind of suggestions, these definitions put on them, and sometimes, because we got them when we were young, we just start to believe them, and we start to identify ourselves as that person and live as that person.

When you understand this approach, when you understand self-hypnosis that way

Adam teaches it, all of a sudden, you break free of that to a certain degree, and you can begin to choose which suggestions you want to accept, and which ones you wanna change in a new way. So, if this sounds interesting to you, it’s because it is, and if you wanna take it to the next level and really master it …

Adam: And the reason I'm smiling while you were talking then, Jim, is because that was a

journey that I went on and, boy, am I delighted today. It’s not always rosy, you know. The journey’s not always rosy. There are some challenges but then that’s life. Of course, there are some challenges and it’s not always easy.

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I don't want people to think, “Yeah, he’s just saying it.” It’s easy to learn, it’s easy to apply, and sometimes, the results that you want are gonna need a little bit of effort invested and, of course, you gotta be orchestrating these things yourself. But it’s a wonderfully gratifying journey when you've got the tools to enable it to happen.

Jim: That's the key word there, the tools. For me, anyways, the tools that I've learned …

everyone just assumes that they think they got willpower and they need to get themselves to just take action and do it. But, I'm telling you that there’s a whole another aspect to it and I think that the self-hypnosis tools and awareness give you the ability … again, yeah, it’s not always easy but the difference, again, is that … I feel like sometimes when you know self-hypnosis and when you have that understanding of the mind and how it works, even when things are bad and not going well, there's not that hopelessness because, at least, you can understand them on a slightly different level. You know it’s not gonna last, you know how to influence your physiology, you understand how to influence your thoughts and all the rest of it. So, you know, at least, there's a different level.

Adam: Yeah, absolutely! One of the things … I hope I'm not speaking too long and I'm not

ranting on here. I was speaking in Dublin last year at an event and after I've done the questions, wrapped up and so on, a couple of people wanted me to sign some books and stuff and there was a guy. As you get invariably get at these kinds of things, there was a guy hanging around at the back. He just wanted to have a chat with me. He wanted to talk to me. He wanted to ask me something that he didn't wanna share with anybody else. And he kept and he hung around and hung around and, eventually, snared me.

And he said to me, he looked me straight in the eye, “Do you recognize me?” And I

said, “Well, there's all this familiarity going on but I see a lot of people.” And he said, “I came to see you a couple of years ago for hypnosis to stop smoking and I just thought I'd tell you it didn't work.”

And I said to him, “Okay, sit down. Tell me what part of it didn't work. Tell me what

happened.” He said, “Well, I left the meeting. I left our session and I didn't smoke for 18 months. And then, I got divorced and I started smoking again.” And I said, “Well, tell me again, what part of it didn't work?” And he just said exactly the same story. The hypnosis worked. It was fine. When he set his mind to it, it was fine.

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The difference was that sometimes other stuff happens in your life. It doesn't now make you immune for the rest of your life about everything. If you had a phobia of dogs when you were young, and then suddenly, as a young adult, you went and saw a hypnotist and he helped you overcome and let go of that phobia; and then 10 years later, you got bitten by a dog in the park, you're well within your rights to get that phobia back.

It doesn't, necessarily, mean that you're immune for life because you had hypnosis.

What the self-hypnosis does is that it gives you the tools to deal with each thing that comes along, to be in control of your mind, and to not allow certain things to influence you in the same way.

And when you got it yourself, it’s there with you always. So, when something does

happen, you don't have to go racing to see the hypnotherapist necessarily straight away. In fact, you can start working on it yourself because you've got all these wonderful things, these tools to use to help yourself overcome it.

Jim: Perfect. And, you know, the flipside of that … I mean, if you think about it, this is what’s

so crazy to me. So, say someone has no knowledge of hypnosis or NLP, no understanding of that, how do you deal with emotional stresses? Do you analyze and talk about where it came from all day because how does that make you feel?

Adam: Yes … which amplifies the stress, yes. Jim: Exactly. So, I feel that's probably the number one thing, maybe you try and go into

denial and not think about it. You know what I mean, that's what so amazing to me that I don't understand how this is taught like first grade across the world but it’s like … what are the alternatives? If you don't understand some sort of structure of how to deal with the crappy things that happen in your life, what are you left with? psychology and psychiatry? pills?

Adam: Yes. Jim: Spiritual stuff which has its place but, you know, in a scientific age, we need needs that

we can rely upon and duplicate, and, again, self-hypnosis and NLP techniques give you that. That's a great point, too, with the hypnosis. I think that the real benefit of self-hypnosis as opposed to hypnosis, [inaudible] that we don't live in vacuum. Things change, things happen, and all the rest of it. (overlay)

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Adam: You're open to influence all the time, of course, you are. However, with self-hypnosis,

you get to control that level of influence for yourself. Jim: And let me ask you this, real quick sometime but when you see … I don't know how it

adds on in England, but we have … and, specifically, the ones I always bring up are the pharmaceutical ads. We have ads over here where they start off, you know, if you ever woke up tired and suddenly you were hungry in the middle of the day and all these … and they just string along thing after thing after thing, and then they throw their medicine in there.

But do you think understanding suggestions in self-hypnosis, what it feels like, and

understanding the science behind it, do you think that allows you to protect yourself a bit from some of the advertisers (overlay)

Jim: Absolutely! And, once more, inside of the program, I actually show people how to use

self-hypnosis specifically for that, to free yourself of mind viruses, to protect yourself from negative influence. I mean, I'm guessing, I have a group of friends I went to school with and we are best pals, okay. We played football together when we were young. We're best pals.

As we grew up, we now lead very, very different lives and we get together a couple of

times every year, and have a few beers, and catch up. One of our friends is utterly morose and morbid and hard work to be around and we call him the fun vampire because you get to sit down with him for too long, he sucks the fun, and the life, and the joy out of you. But we kinda take turns.

Now, the funny thing is, I know that everybody knows someone like that or someone

who just comes around and unload their crap on your doorstep and people who just kind of suck and drain the life out of you.

And so, what you can learn to do with self-hypnosis is take on board the lessons and

the learnings of life without necessarily responding emotionally or psychologically to stuff that you don't want to, that you're actually being protected, and you're not even having to think about it consciously, that, in fact, it’s almost like you're wearing a psychological armor plating. And I give that exact tool within the program.

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Jim: Yeah. I mean, it’s just so powerful. Again, you got me. I use this stuff everyday and my life completely shifted because of it and the beautiful thing about living in this day and age is that you can now get access to this information. It wasn't this easy 15 years ago to get this kind of information.

So, that's what so beautiful about this. And, literally, it is life changing. So, if you're

looking for something, skip the next self-help book and learn yourself from self-hypnosis and some psychological, literally, techniques. Techniques that are actual, that you can use, and that you can get an actual result from.

You'll feel differently. You begin to understand how to run your mind better. So, if you wanna do that, go to You can learn more about Adam’s Secrets of Self-Hypnosis Mastery Program and I believe, you'll be able to sign for his [inaudible]. You do a ton of stuff online, Adam, programs and everything.

Adam: Yes, absolutely. Jim: Sure. So, you can learn more about that at that site as well. So, Adam, thank you so

much. I really appreciate you taking the time to talk about this stuff. Adam: It’s an absolute pleasure, Jim, it’s an absolute pleasure. Jim: Great! Thank you, everyone, have a great day, and we will talk to you all next week.

Thanks a lot, Adam. Adam: Best wishes, thank you all. Bye-bye.