the underground weight- cutting survival guide! · sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s...

The Underground Weight- Cutting Survival Guide! A Complete Guide for Wrestlers By Steve Preston MSed

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Page 1: The Underground Weight- Cutting Survival Guide! · Sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s where we have other quick weight-cutting options. The earlier you know that you might

The Underground Weight-Cutting Survival Guide!

A Complete Guide for Wrestlers

By Steve Preston MSed

Page 2: The Underground Weight- Cutting Survival Guide! · Sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s where we have other quick weight-cutting options. The earlier you know that you might

Introduction If you’re a wrestler, coach or parent of a wrestler, you are well-aware of weight-cutting and all of its issues. Weight-cutting and wrestling go together like white on rice. This guide is a collection of weight-cutting information from years and years of experience. By taking the information in this manual, and applying it to your weight-cutting and overall conditioning, you will find dramatic improvements on the mat.

Page 3: The Underground Weight- Cutting Survival Guide! · Sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s where we have other quick weight-cutting options. The earlier you know that you might

Who Am I and Why Should You Listen To Me?

My name is Steve Preston. I’m a PE Teacher and Sports Performance Specialist in Virginia Beach, Virginia. It all began for me in 1981. I discovered the local high school weight room as a 14 year old freshman. Since I was kind of puny for my age I wanted to get bigger and stronger. I found out that this was the place for me. Within 2 years I became a New York State Powerlifting Champion. I was bitten by the iron bug. Strength training became my obsession. And I’ve been doing it ever since. At my peak, I officially bench pressed 500lbs. at a bodyweight of 193lbs. I squatted 630lbs, deadlifted 630lbs. and bench pressed 480lbs. at a 181lb. bodyweight. The 181lb. weight class was very competitive. I wanted to bench press 500lbs. at a 181lb. bodyweight so badly. There weren’t that many guys at the time who had accomplished this feat. For 3 years I went after this goal. My bodyweight had risen to around 195lbs. So I had to cut weight for each competition to make the 181lb. class. I ALWAYS made weight. But… I never reached my goal of a 500lb. bench press at a 181lb. bodyweight. Why?? I never learned how to cut weight properly. I made weight every time I competed, but I killed my strength by using weight-cutting methods that were just plain stupid. I got extreme in my methods and paid the price. Powerlifting is a sport that requires absolute strength. You don’t have to be conditioned for endurance, just strength.

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How does this apply to wrestling? To be a great wrestler you must have a combination of the 8 performance factors. They are:

• Body proportion • Neuro-muscular connection • Skill/Technique • Cardiovascular endurance • Muscular endurance • Flexibility • Leanness • Strength Of these 8 performance factors for wrestlers, 2 are non-trainable. They are your body proportion, and your neuromuscular connection. Your body proportion is simply how you’re made. The length of your torso, arms and legs is inherited. Your basic structure is inherited. You cannot change this. Your neuromuscular efficiency is the relationship between the nervous system and your muscles. The brain is what determines the amount of muscle power an individual has to perform an athletic skill. People with a high level of neuromuscular efficiency are able to contract more muscle fibers and are stronger than those individuals who have a lower level of neuromuscular efficiency. The rest of the performance factors are trainable. They are all determined by your muscle. Your skills, cardiovascular endurance, muscular endurance, flexibility, leanness and strength are all determined by how much functional muscle is on your body. As I learned how improper weight-cutting would kill my strength, it simply made sense that any athlete involved in weight-cutting would kill their athletic performance unless they learned how to do it properly. I’ve spent the greater part of my life seeking the truths to improved athletic performance. I’ve discovered through trial and error how to maximize performance while weight-cutting. It all has to do with having a concern for muscle. When you learn the methods to proper weight-cutting, you will find your wrestling performances to be better than ever.

Fat Loss First In this guide I will first teach you the basics for fat loss. You will learn a 10 step system for losing body fat while keeping your muscle. You will learn how to responsibly take control

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of your body. Wrestlers are notorious for cutting weight incorrectly. Some have even died from it. It doesn’t have to be this way. Basically, you want to strip the fat off your body, and then (and only then) apply proper water reduction techniques to make weight. Open your mind, learn how the body works, and get with the times. Why use a 1950’s approach to weight-cutting. Lord knows, we’ve come a long way with everything else since “the old days.”

Step 1 The first thing to do is get away from the weight-cutting methods that are counter-productive to an optimal wrestling performance. The typical methods wrestlers use to cut weight are:

• Spitting in a cup • Sitting in a sauna • Jogging in a rubber suit • Vomiting • Eating very little • Dehydrating • Practicing with layers of clothing in a very hot wrestling room The list goes on. Every year I hear of new, bizarre methods that are dangerous and ineffective if the outcome of maximum wrestling performance is to be achieved. Let’s consider some of these methods listed. Spitting in a cup, sitting in a sauna, jogging in a rubber suit, dehydrating through not drinking ANY water, practicing with layers of clothing in a very hot wrestling room are all used to make weight by dehydrating the body. Our bodies are comprised of 70% water. Our muscles are comprised of mostly water. These methods of cutting weight are usually performed by wrestlers on a weekly basis to make weight. They then consume water and food after they’ve made weight. The idea is that they will hydrate the body after weigh-ins and wrestle at a higher body weight. Now here’s where I’ve found problems. When you dehydrate your body, you are stressing it out. Every single body function you have requires water. When you try to “dry out” in an effort to make weight, your body systems are working too hard. It’s kind of like trying to drive a car that is lacking oil. You might make it down the road a bit, but if you don’t get oil in it quickly, the engine will seize up. Fortunately, cars can be replaced. Your body cannot. Now take that same car that is low on oil. Let’s say it is grinding parts from lack of oil. Fortunately, you have a gas station right up the road. You make it to the gas station before the engine completely seizes. You add a quart of two (or four) of oil. Do you immediately race it down the road? I hope not. You would probably want to let the car sit at idle, until the oil has made its way through the engine.

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Well, that’s how the body works when you dehydrate it. As I found out in my powerlifting days, you cannot “dry out” from dehydrating, make weight, and expect that your body is actually hydrated that same day for optimal performance. Your stressed body systems require time before they are working at full capacity again. The result is that the wrestler makes weight, TRIES to hydrate the body, and gets on the mat with a body that isn’t ready for the task at hand. The wrestler is at his original body weight. Yet the weight gain is from the weight of the water consumed. For every 16 oz. of water that is drank, a pound is put back on. But, the water hasn’t made its way into all of the cells and body systems. The result is a body that weighs more but is still dehydrated. Muscular strength is affected. The wrestler can still win through better technique. But what about the opponent who is just as good, just as strong, and who DIDN’T cut weight improperly? Would you agree that they now have a distinct advantage? What about vomiting and eating very little? Where I come from we call vomiting after eating an “eating disorder.” So is starving yourself. Let’s look at what actually happens in these cases. The food that you eat is fuel for your body. In fact, that’s how I like to refer to it. This fuel is a combination of three macronutrients. These macronutrients are protein, carbohydrates, and fats. These three macronutrients are required in order to allow the micronutrients to perform their functions within the body. The micronutrients are vitamins, minerals and water. When a wrestler starves themselves by barely eating or vomiting, they are creating a serious nutritional deficiency in the body. This nutritional deficiency forces the body to scurry around for food. The body is left with two choices for food when it thinks it’s starving. It will now get its food from muscle and the brain. Wrestling is a sport that requires more calories than other sports because of the intense physical demands placed on the body. Therefore, the wrestler’s body requires energy from food. A calorie is a unit of heat. These calories or units of heat are burned within the body 24 hours a day. Wrestlers practice hard, and long, and this requires a constant flow of calories to burn for fuel. When a wrestler eats very little, and still practices hard, trains hard, then wrestles hard each week, the body begins to look for fuel. When very little calories are consumed, the body begins to get in its “starvation defense mode.” When the body thinks it’s starving, it wants to

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hold on to fat. A gram of fat contains 9 calories. A gram of carbohydrates or proteins contain 4 calories. Therefore, fats have more calorie burning power than carbohydrates or proteins. In the case of starvation, the body will hold on to fat for defense. It will then realize that it has no carbohydrates for fuel. The carbohydrates that you eat are broken down into glucose molecules. This glucose is converted to glycogen, and then stored in muscles when things are normal. This glycogen is used up rapidly when the body is starving. The body has no choice but to use protein for fuel. Why is this a problem? Your muscle IS protein!! If you starve your body to make weight, you are holding on to body fat, and using your own muscle for fuel. This is like suicide. If you were to do this indefinitely it would eventually kill you. Now, imagine what this does to your wrestling performance? It is a quick way to guarantee that your wrestling performance is hindered greatly! So, you are now aware of what actually happens when you cut weight the way you have been. I’m going to share the best ways to eat, and cut weight as you progress through this guide.

Step 2 You must first decide what your goals are before you begin to cut weight. Starting before the season begins, a wrestler should try to find out as early as possible what their goals for the upcoming season are. Sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s where we have other quick weight-cutting options. The earlier you know that you might be cutting weight, the sooner you can begin the process. First, consider that wrestlers are bound to reaching a “scale weight.” The body’s total weight that you see on the scale is made up of a number of things. Your body weight is comprised from your muscle, fat, bones, skin, organs, water etc. When you make weight, the scale doesn’t care what was lost, or how. BUT YOU SHOULD! You can’t lose weight from your bones. Agreed? You can’t lose weight from your internal organs. Your largest body organ is your skin. You’ve got to keep that as well. You can and will lose weight from your fat, your muscles and water. Wouldn’t you agree that between muscle, water, and fat, you’d want to lose your weight from fat if ultimate wrestling performance is your goal? I hope so. In order to do this you must realize that fat cannot be “burned” quickly off the body. Fat loss at best is 1 or 2lbs.

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each week. You can’t speed this process up! I don’t care what fad diet, miracle supplement, or crazy idea tries to tell you. They are simply trying to get your $$ and have no scientific support to back the claims. So it makes sense that if you want to lose fat instead of water or muscle, you need to start earlier than later. The less fat that you can use from your body for weight loss, the more muscle and water are used for weight loss.

Step 3

Have you ever seen the school-aged wrestlers who are growing, and cutting-weight through the usual methods such as spitting, vomiting, starving, dehydrating, running in plastics etc.? They look like walking potato chips. I mean the Pringles kind. Their shoulder are rounded forward, stomach is sunk in, skinny and tired. They’ve done just about everything incorrectly and their body’s pay the price. You can beat this right away by including at least 2 days of strength training during the season. In fact, NOBODY should every try to lose weight without strength training. Let me explain. Wrestling requires a tremendous amount of aerobic activity. Aerobic activity is actually counterproductive to fat loss. The body reacts to excessive aerobic activity like it does when it doesn’t get enough food. It goes into a defensive mode. If it believes that it is getting too much aerobic activity or not getting enough calories (or both in the case of wrestlers) it immediately slows the metabolism down. Metabolism is the rate at which your body burns calories. It does this because it wants to hold onto body fat. Recall that your body has 3 choices for energy/fuel and fat is more calorie dense per gram. This excessive aerobic work from the long practices combined with too few calories is an absolute 100% guarantee that you will lose muscle.

By strength training 2 days per week all season, and especially when cutting weight, you will hold on to muscle, and allow the body to use more fat and less muscle for energy while cutting weight. Strength training while cutting weight should be 2 full body workouts each week. They

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should be done first thing in the morning. I would advise one morning during the week on a non-match day. The second workout should be the day after a match. Sunday seems to fit well for many wrestlers as Saturday’s are tournament days. The strength training day during the week is done first thing in the morning because the body will use carbohydrates for fueling the workout. If a wrestler strength trains after practice, the glycogen has been used up for the practice, and the wrestler will need to use muscle to fuel the strength workout. It has to do with oxygen. You need oxygen to burn fat. Strength training requires contractions of the veins and arteries. This contraction of the veins and arteries cuts off their ability to transport oxygen. Therefore, burning fat by strength training is minimal. Strength training is the key to holding on to muscle when cutting weight however. You need the glycogen that is stored in the muscle cells to fuel a strength training workout.

Step 4 You should begin eating for athletic performance. The way you eat year-round will have a profound effect on performance. Before I outline the eating system that you should adhere to for optimal athletic performance on the wrestling mat, let’s go over what the 3 macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, fats) do. Protein is responsible for growth, tissue regeneration, and repair in the body. Protein is made up of amino acids. Proteins are very long, complicated chains of amino acids. Therefore, protein digestion is a much more complicated process than digestion of carbohydrates or fats. This makes protein a non-preferred source for energy. Protein requirements for wrestlers are higher than other sports where cutting-weight is not an issue. Protein is also a macronutrient that isn’t stored in the body. Small, frequent feedings of protein are advised due to its inability to be stored. Carbohydrates are chains of glucose molecules. Carbohydrates are the body’s preferred source of energy, since they are easily broken down and absorbed into the blood stream. There are 2 kinds of carbohydrates. The first are simple carbohydrates. These are sugars in any form. Juices, honey, table sugar, fruits (yes, although fruit has vitamins, minerals, fiber, antioxidants, it is still loaded with sugar), candy, soda etc. These are the carbohydrates that should be avoided in general. TIP: It is advisable to consume up to 80 grams of simple carbohydrates with some protein immediately following a strength training workout. The workout depletes the muscle cells of the ever-important glycogen. By consuming simple sugars in the form of bagels, juice, or honey combined with protein, will make the body recuperate faster from the workout. A sample drink would be 12oz. apple juice with 1 scoop/23 grams of whey protein.


Page 10: The Underground Weight- Cutting Survival Guide! · Sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s where we have other quick weight-cutting options. The earlier you know that you might

Complex carbohydrates have longer chains of molecules. They are more slowly digested by the body. They give a constant source of energy. Athletes need these types of carbohydrates. Wrestlers should consume complex carbohydrates all year long. They might cut these out for only a day when trying to make weight. More on that later... Fats should always be incorporated in your meal plan. Fat in your diet is very important for athletic performance. If your body sees that you’re not giving it any fat, it gets nervous about starving and will hold on to its own fat. It won’t release any fat for energy. What’s just as important is that fats are loaded with water-soluble vitamins that your body needs to have its systems running smoothly. The key is to stick with unsaturated fat. Saturated fats are fats that are solid at room temperature. These are your whole cheeses, butter, margarine etc. You want to stay minimize these in general. Unsaturated fats are oils, vegetable fats, etc. These fats are healthy and will play an important part in safe, effective weight-cutting. With all that said, wrestlers should eat to support the recuperative needs, health needs, and performance needs of their body. In order to do that you want to incorporate a system that works daily, throughout the year. Here’s what I like wrestlers to do: The United States government has spent millions of dollars to find out the specific food group ratios that best serve the population. This is where the food groups come in. Now I know most people search for the ultimate diet, fat loss plan, or secret supplement to lose fat.

By following the lead of our government, you can design a meal plan that is ideal for athletic performance. The balanced eating plan that follows is ideal for off-season, pre-season, or in- season wrestling. The difference lies in sudden weight-cutting techniques, which I will go over for you. For now, follow this plan and you will have the perfect meal plan for most times of the year. • 55-65% of a wrestler’s diet should consist of carbohydrates. • 15-20% of a wrestler’s diet should consist of proteins. • 20-25% of a wrestler’s diet should consist of fats. This ratio will change for short periods of time when cutting weight quickly. For now, we will stick to the RDA (recommended daily allowance) from the 4 food groups. The 4 food groups are the meat or high protein, milk and dairy, fruits or vegetables, and cereals and grains. The government’s RDA for consumption of these groups is 1:2. Basically you will eat: • 2 servings daily from the meat or high protein group • 2 servings daily from the milk and dairy group

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• 4 servings daily from the fruits or vegetables group • 4 servings daily from the cereal and grains group Of course, this ratio would change from a light-weight wrestler and a heavy-weight wrestler. You’d simply keep the ratios the same.

I know what you’re thinking. What’s a serving of each one? The servings are: • A serving size of meat is about 4oz. • A serving size of vegetables, fruit, cereal and grains is about 1cup. As a wrestler with tremendous aerobic and anaerobic requirements as well as a growing body, you will need to eat at least 4 times each day. The four meals should include the 4 groups mentioned above. A larger, heavier wrestler with more caloric requirements might have a ratio that looks like: • 4 servings of meat or high protein • 4 servings of milk and dairy • 8 servings of fruits and vegetables • 8 servings of cereal and grains Again, these foods should be consumed in at least 4 meals per day. If you are beginning to think about weight-cutting, or have a slower metabolism, increase the number of meals to at least 6 per day. This wouldn’t be 6 sit down, dinner-type meals. This would be 1-3 meals, with 2-3 snacks. Some examples of quality proteins to focus on are: • Whey protein • Meal replacement drinks • Lean meats • Poultry • Fish • Skim milk • Cheese • Yogurt • Nuts • Beans • Lentils • Tofu

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Some examples of quality carbohydrates are: • Potatoes • Breads (whole wheat) • Rice • Pasta • Fruits • Lentils • Cereals • Beans • Corn • Peas

Step 5 Ok, let’s get down to the meat-and-potatoes of cutting weight for wrestling (pun intended). In step 4, I went over the eating system that you can use for most of the year. Now we want to learn how to set up our own weight-cutting plan when it’s time to do so. The first thing you want to do is figure out how many calories you need each day to maintain your body weight. If you are currently maintaining your body weight, you will need to write down everything you eat for 3 days. Try to make sure that these are 3 normal eating days for you. Write down absolutely everything that you consume. Get a calorie counter guide. Add up the calories and divide by 3. You now have an average number of calories that you consume. *Remember, you will burn more calories once wrestling season has started. You need to account for this, if you’re doing this during the off-season. If you’re in-season, and are maintaining your body weight weekly, then you won’t need to add calories for wrestling practices. The average calories burned during a wrestling practice is in the area of 800. Now, I know you might be thinking that you know what you eat so it doesn’t matter. Don’t be fooled. In order to do this right you absolutely must do this step. Write down every morsel of food or drink that you consume.

Step 6

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In order to begin a weight-cutting program by the numbers, you will want to lose more weight from fat, than muscle or water. That means you need to start early. If you leave it to the last minute, you won’t lose any fat. Therefore, you will have to take the weight off with water and muscle. I will talk about a quick weight-cutting plan for those of you that like to eat until the last minute (2 days or so before weigh-in). For now, let’s assume that you are going to take your time cutting weight, maximizing fat loss in the process. Once you know how many calories your body burns each day to maintain your bodyweight, you will then need to subtract calories to start burning fat while you still feed your muscle. A pound of fat equals 3500 calories. You want to set a realistic fat loss goal of 1-2lbs. per week. In order to do this you take 3500 calories and divide by 7, since there are 7 days in a week. This comes out to 500. You then subtract 500 from your daily calorie level. This will allow you to start losing fat, and still keep your strength. Many wrestlers tell me that they lose weight once wrestling practices start. That’s fine and logical because the increased activity will burn calories. However, you need to make sure you’re not burning off too many calories and taking in too few. This will lead to muscle breakdown. ========================================================= ** Fat Loss Tip: If you’re eating 4 times a day, getting your food requirements from the RDA you can speed up the fat loss without eating any less food. HOW?? Take the same amount of food that you eat in 4 meals and increase it to 6 meals. Your body burns calories 24 hours a day, so if you divide it into more meals, those calories are used more rapidly, and you will notice more fat loss!

Step 7 OK… here’s the part where we get a little “underground.” Many wrestlers don’t have much body fat. Others simply don’t want to follow a fat loss plan. Perhaps it’s because of too many obligations. Perhaps it’s a little bit of laziness. As a strength and conditioning specialist I’ve realized that wrestlers tend to want the quick- fix when it comes to cutting weight. This is where we get a little tricky with the body. If you need to lose fast weight, and don’t want to dehydrate then listen closely.

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You need carbohydrates for energy. You would show a very poor performance on the mat if you pulled carbohydrates from your meal plan for too long. If you need to drop up to 10lbs. quickly, you will need to manipulate your approach to carbohydrates for a short period of time. Each gram of carbohydrates attaches to 3 molecules of water. This is why people who go on low carbohydrate diets see quick weight loss on the scale. They mistakenly believe that it’s working and continue to low-carb. The problem is that they quickly slow their metabolisms down. They also lose muscle in the process. They become a smaller version of themselves while still being flabby. Therefore, I never advocate low-carb diets for fat loss. In the case for cutting weight, it might be necessary at times. You aren’t trying to lose fat when you have to weigh-in in 3 days. You just want to make weight. This is the point where you have no choice but to make a cut from carbohydrates. If you cut carbohydrates for 2 days you will be cranky, low-energy, and craving carbs. But, you’ll make weight. If you haven’t done any fat loss dieting, you can count on water loss from dropping carbs briefly. Here is a short-term plan for quick weight-cutting: • 2 days before you weigh in eat ground beef (85% lean) 4 times a day. You should eat between ½ lb. and 3/4lb. • You don’t eat any carbs with these ground beef meals. • Don’t add any salt. • Drink nothing but water… this should be consumed liberally throughout the first day. • Starting 15 hours before weigh-in, you consume only 6-8oz. of water every 3 hours. This plan has helped countless wrestlers make weight. I want to tell you that I don’t particularly like to do this because it requires an unusual eating pattern. This can drive you nuts, and stress the body. BUT, it works. Notice how the water isn’t cut out completely. That is extremely important. If you cut out all water, you will pay the price on the mat. It is not worth it to treat the body that way. Water is the body’s number one nutrient and should be the absolute last area to restrict when weight-cutting.

Step 8 You’ve made weight! Now what?? As I mentioned before, the more sudden stress you place on the body, the more time it takes the body to recover. If you’ve cut any carbs for a day or two, you need to replenish. Let’s

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work on replenishing the body. Unless you have a full day tournament you need to immediately get some carbs in your body. I like to have a bit of protein mixed into a fruit juice. This combination looks like: o 16 oz. of grape juice or apple juice, with one scoop of whey protein to slow the absorption of the sugar (so you don’t get tired from an unstable blood sugar level). Another thing that is good after weigh-ins are bagels. Don’t gorge on carbs because they will bloat you. Try wrestling while bloated and you’ll quickly see that it’s uncomfortable. If you have one dual meet match, you can load up on carbs by eating as much as you need to be comfortable before you wrestle. If you have a long tournament and have just made weight, you will find that carbs will make you sleepy. I would recommend that you drink a carb/protein drink as mentioned above as soon as you make weight. Then, you should stick to proteins and fats. Fats can give you energy for a long day without making you too sleepy and bloated. Peanut butter on celery if a good choice. Keep the fluids up all day. Water is always the beverage of choice for athletes. Gatorade and other electrolyte drinks are fine, but I would stick to water if given a choice. Step 9

This part discusses the supplements that a wrestler can use for maximizing performance on the mat. Supplements are just that. They are an addition to a sound program. They only work when you have a handle on your nutrition. Meal Replacement Drinks - I love these! Meal Replacement Drinks are high protein, relatively low complex carbs, and vitamins, minerals, small amounts of unsaturated fats, and fiber all mixed together. These are a wrestler’s best friend when it comes down to cutting weight. When you’re starting to cut weight, you can add these to your meal plan. If you’re not cutting weight, you can still consume them. They are food, in an easy-to-use delivery system. These can be used as many times a day as you’d like when cutting weight. They have a higher protein level to support muscle while depleting calories. They have just enough carbs to stoke the fat-burning fire. They are calorie dense as well. This means that they have lots of nutrients without too many calories. If you are a lighter wrestler you can even cut servings in half. The box that they come in gives the nutritional recommendation for using them. Whey Protein - 100% whey protein is the same protein found in meal replacement drinks.

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The difference is that there aren’t any carbs at all. They also don’t add vitamins and minerals. It is an option if you’d rather “eat” your carbs. These days you can get RTD protein drinks. RTD stands for ready-to-drink. That makes them a convenient option to carry with you anywhere you go. L-Glutamine - Personally, I think this stuff is mandatory for wrestlers. L-Glutamine is an amino acid. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. L-Glutamine is the most abundant amino acid in your muscle cells. It helps you preserve muscle when dieting and cutting weight. I would advise you to supplement with it all season long whether you’re cutting weight or not. It takes at least a month to get into your system however. Therefore, you should supplement early. Here’s the good news. There are some very good, high- quality protein powders in any health food store that already have glutamine in them. You can get the best of both worlds by using these protein powders. Branched-Chain Amino Acids - These are your essential amino acids Leucine, Isoleucine and Valine. Essential amino acids cannot be made by the body. You must get them from complete protein foods or combinations of incomplete vegetable foods. There are 9 essential amino acids: histidine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, phenylalanine, tryptophan, and valine. Your body can make non-essential amino acids by itself from vitamins and other amino acids. The essential BCAA’s are of particular importance to athletes because they are metabolized in the muscle, not in the liver. They can used to build new proteins or burned as fuel when weight-cutting. They are very important when cutting weight. Creatine Monohydrate - Creatine is a supplement that most people in the wrestling world have heard of. Creatine causes water retention in the muscle cells. It is found in red meat, but in trace amounts. That means you’d have to eat a ton of red meat to get a serving of creatine. It can have a positive effect on muscle strength, and muscle endurance. However, due to the fact that it causes a few lbs. of weight gain, I wouldn’t advise it to anyone who is cutting weight. It’s great if you’re not cutting weight, or are following a plan to gain weight to go up a weight class. Step 10 Step 10 is the “reality check.” Wrestlers are usually school-aged. That usually means that a wrestler’s body is still growing. It is not advised to contradict this with extreme weight- cutting. These days there are body fat tests and hydration tests that wrestlers need to follow. This is a good thing! Don’t try to fool the tests and get away with something that is harmful. These tests were created to not only keep you healthy, but allow you to wrestle at your best.

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What I’ve advised in this manual is sound, safe weight-cutting practices. If you’re body is absolutely struggling to make weight, then it’s not supposed to cut that weight. There comes a time when you need to admit that you aren’t meant to lose any more weight. Many wrestlers don’t like to hear the “wrestle at your own weight” approach. I’m not sure if it’s a mind-set that if you don’t cut weight, you’re not sacrificing. Perhaps it’s something that is accepted as common practice. I’d like to see more wrestlers wrestle at their own weight, and supercompensate. Supercompensate is when you load up the muscle cells with glycogen and move up a weight. You will be at your absolute strongest, fastest, and have higher energy levels. This is how we supercompensate wrestlers: Eating The wrestler eats 6 times a day. Each meal should consist of a lean protein, a starchy/complex carbohydrate, and a fibrous carbohydrate. The idea is to “visually” set up your plate so that you eat twice as much of your complex carbohydrate as your protein or fibrous carbohydrate. In other words, when you’re putting food on the plate, you put twice as much potato (or whatever complex carbohydrate you’re eating) as your protein and fibrous carbohydrate. Your protein and fibrous carbohydrate portions are roughly the same size. Meal replacement drinks will be drank as well. But instead of combining them with water, you combine them with a fruit juice. This will give you a similar ratio of macronutrients. Sandwiches are great as well. Let’s say you eat a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread, with lettuce and tomato. Add a glass of fruit juice or a yogurt and you’re all set. The whole idea is to increase your carbohydrates, while maintaining consistent protein, and fibrous carbohydrates. Fibrous carbohydrates come: • Broccoli • Cauliflower • Asparagus • Onions • Peppers • Mushrooms • Lettuce • Spinach The proteins and carbohydrates are listed above. The good news is that when you supercompensate, you don’t need to count calories. Just make sure to eat 6 times each day, combining the lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and fibrous carbohydrates in a 2:1 ratio of complex carbs to proteins and fibrous carbs.

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Creatine Monohydrate – When you are supercompensating, you should supplement with creatine. Personally, I like the effervescent type that doesn’t require a loading phase. It gets into your muscles within a couple of days. Meal Replacement Drinks – I mentioned these above, and how to use them. They aren’t so much a supplement as they are a food. L-Glutamine - Even if you’re not cutting weight, L-Glutamine is a great supplement for wrestlers. Wrestling practices are very tough. Throughout the course or a season, even the non weight-cutter starts to break down muscle tissue. This supplement will help prevent that. Caffeine – Caffeine can be supplemented for increased alertness. It isn’t something that you need however. Caffeine can also help with fat loss in someone who isn’t used to consuming it. As with anything else, too much would harm you. In fact, you should have a doctors approval before doing any kind of supplementing or weight-cutting. Water is to be consumed in great amounts when supercompensating the muscles. You should drink water as often as possible. Never let yourself get thirsty. I’ve seen wrestlers easily climb to the next weight class by following this supercompensation method combined with sensible strength training. Don’t worry if you have to go up a weight class. Come in strong as a bull, and work over the competition that just starved themselves to make weight!

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Sample Meal Plans for Weight Cutting 7 Day Meal Plan for 103lbs. – 119lbs. Cutting Weight Day 1 : Breakfast, 1 cup skim milk, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 tsp jelly, ½ cup apple juice, 1 pat of butter, Lunch - 1 cup macaroni, 2 oz (56.6 grams) hamburger, 1 cup green beans, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese, Snack - 1 orange Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 2 tablespoons sour cream, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup skim milk Day 2 : Breakfast, 1 cup oatmeal, ½ cup orange juice, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat butter, Lunch - Ham sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) ham, 2 slices rye bread, ½ c fruit cocktail, ½c peas/ ½c carrots, Snack - 1 banana Dinner - 1c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green beans Day 3 : Breakfast, 1 english muffin, 1 cup skim milk, ½ cup applesauce, 2 pats of butter, Lunch - Tuna salad, 2oz (56.6 grams) water packed tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 peach, 1/2 cup carrots, Dinner - 1 hamburger, 2oz (56.6 grams) ground round, 1 bun, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup skim milk Day 4 : Breakfast, 2 pancakes, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat of butter, ½ cup orange juice, ¼ c syrup, Lunch - Turkey Sandwich, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 2 slice wheat bread, ½ c corn, Snack - ½c dried fruit Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) fish, ½ c rice, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat of butter Day 5 : Breakfast, 2 French Toast, 1 orange, 2 pats of butter, 1 cup skim milk, Lunch - Peanut Butter/Jelly, 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp Jelly, 2 slice bread, 1/3 c raisins, 5 carrot sticks,

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Dinner - 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 1c stuffing, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup skim milk Day 6 : Breakfast, 1 cup skim milk, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, Lunch - 1c tortellini, 2oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1 cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 apple Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 1 cup skim milk, 1c vegetable medley Day 7 : Breakfast, 1 bagel, 1/2c orange juice, 1 cup skim milk Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) roast beef,2 slices wheat bread, 1/2c peaches, 1/2 cup green beans Dinner - 1 c lasagna, 2oz (56.6 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup corn, 1 pat of butter

7 Day Meal Plan for 125lbs. – 135lbs. Cutting Weight Day 1 : Breakfast, 1 egg, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 tsp jelly, 1 cup apple juice, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat of butter, Lunch - 1.5 cups macaroni, 2 oz (56.6 grams) hamburger, ½ c green beans, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese, Snack - 1 orange Dinner - 3oz (84.9 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 1 whole grain roll, 1 cups broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons sour cream Day 2 : Breakfast, ½ cup oatmeal, 1 blueberry muffin, 1 cup skim milk, ½ cup orange juice Lunch - Ham sandwich, 3oz (84.9 grams) ham, 2 slices rye bread, 1 c fruit cocktail, ½c peas/ ½c carrots, Snack - 1 banana Dinner - 1.5c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green beans

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Day 3 : Breakfast, 1 english muffin, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, ½ cup applesauce, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Lunch - Tuna salad, 2oz (56.6 grams) water packed tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 cup carrots, 1 peach, 1 cup milk Snack - 1 cup grapes Dinner - 1 hamburger, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground round, 1 bun, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup tator tots Day 4 : Breakfast, 2 large pancakes, ½ cup orange juice, 2 sausage links, 2 cups skim milk, 1 pat of butter, Lunch - Turkey Sandwich, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 2 slice wheat bread, 1 c corn, 1 peach Snack - ½c dried fruit Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) fish, 1 c rice, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Day 5 : Breakfast, 2 French Toast, 1 orange, 2 sausage links, 1 cup skim milk, 3 pats of butter Lunch - Peanut Butter/Jelly, 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp Jelly, 2 slice bread, ½ c applesauce Snack - 1/3c raisins Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) turkey, 1c stuffing, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 1 roll

Day 6 : Breakfast, 1 egg, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, 1 cup skim milk Lunch - 1.5c tortellini, 2oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1/2c cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 apple Dinner - 3oz (84.9 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 1 roll, 1c vegetable medley, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pear Day 7 : Breakfast, 1 bagel, 1 sausage patty, 1 cup skim milk, 1/2c orange juice,

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Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) roast beef, 2 slices wheat bread, 1/2c peaches, 1 cup green beans, Dinner - 1.5 c lasagna, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, ½ cup corn, 1 pat of butter, 1/2c applesauce

7 Day Meal Plan for 140lbs. – 152lbs. Cutting Weight Day 1 : Breakfast - 1 egg, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 tsp jelly, ½ cup apple juice, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat of butter Lunch - 1.5 cups macaroni, 2 oz (56.6 grams) hamburger, 1 cup green beans, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 orange, 1 granola bar Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 1 whole grain roll, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons sour cream Day 2 : Breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal, 1 blueberry muffin, 2 cup skim milk, ½ cup orange juice Lunch - ham sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) ham,, 2 slices rye bread, ½ c fruit cocktail, ½c peas/ ½c carrots Snack - 1 banana Dinner - 1.5c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green beans Day 3 : Breakfast - 1 english muffin, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, ½ cup applesauce, 1 cup cereal, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Lunch - Tuna salad, 1oz (28.3 grams) water packed tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 peach, 1 cup milk Snack - 1 cup grapes Dinner - 1 hamburger, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground round, 1 bun, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup skim milk Day 4 : Breakfast - 2 large pancakes, 1 bran muffin, 2 sausage links, ½ cup orange juice, 2 cups skim milk, 1 pat of butter Lunch - turkey Sandwich, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 2 slice wheat bread, 1 c corn Snack - 5-6 animal cracker, ½c dried fruit Dinner - 2 oz (56.6 grams) fish, ½ c rice, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter

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Day 5 : Breakfast - 3 French Toast, 1 orange, 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup skim milk, 3 pats of butter Lunch - Peanut butter / Jelly, 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp Jelly, 2 slice bread, ½c applesauce, ½ bagel/ cream cheese Snack - 1/3c raisins Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) turkey, 1 c stuffing, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup skim milk Day 6 : Breakfast - 1 egg, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tsp cream cheese Lunch - 1.5c tortellini, 2 oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1 cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 cereal bar, 1 apple Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 1 roll, 2c vegetable medley, 1 cup skim milk Day 7 : Breakfast - 1 bagel, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups skim milk, 1/2c orange juice, 2 tsp cream cheese Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) roast beef, 2 slices wheat bread, 1/2c peaches, 1 cup green beans Snack - 1 pear Dinner - 1.5c lasagna, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 roll, ½ cup corn

7 Day Meal Plan for 160lbs. – 171lbs. Cutting Weight Day 1 : Breakfast - 1 egg, 2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 tsp jelly, ½ cup apple juice, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat of butter

Lunch - 1.5 cups macaroni, 2 oz (56.6 grams) hamburger, 1 cup green beans, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 orange, 1 granola bar Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 1 whole grain roll, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons sour cream Day 2 : Breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal, 1 blueberry muffin, 2 cup skim milk, ½ cup orange juice Lunch - ham sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) ham,, 2 slices rye bread, ½ c fruit cocktail, ½c peas/ ½c carrots

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Snack - 1 banana Dinner - 1.5c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green beans Day 3 : Breakfast - 1 english muffin, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, ½ cup applesauce, 1 cup cereal, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Lunch - Tuna salad, 1oz (28.3 grams) water packed tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 peach, 1 cup milk Snack - 1 cup grapes Dinner - 1 hamburger, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground round, 1 bun, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup skim milk Day 4 : Breakfast - 2 large pancakes, 1 bran muffin, 2 sausage links, ½ cup orange juice, 2 cups skim milk, 1 pat of butter Lunch - turkey Sandwich, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 2 slice wheat bread, 1 c corn Snack - 5-6 animal cracker, ½c dried fruit Dinner - 2 oz (56.6 grams) fish, ½ c rice, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Day 5 : Breakfast - 3 French Toast, 1 orange, 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup skim milk, 3 pats of butter Lunch - Peanut butter / Jelly, 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp Jelly, 2 slice bread, ½c applesauce, ½ bagel/ cream cheese Snack - 1/3c raisins Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) turkey, 1 c stuffing, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup skim milk Day 6 : Breakfast - 1 egg, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tsp cream cheese Lunch - 1.5c tortellini, 2 oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1 cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 cereal bar, 1 apple Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 1 roll, 2c vegetable medley, 1 cup skim milk Day 7 : Breakfast - 1 bagel, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups skim milk, 1/2c orange juice, 2 tsp cream cheese Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) roast beef, 2 slices wheat bread, 1/2c peaches, 1 cup green beans

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Snack - 1 pear Dinner - 1.5c lasagna, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 roll, ½ cup corn

7 Day Meal Plan for 160lbs. – 171lbs. Cutting Weight Day 1 : Breakfast 1 egg, 3 slices whole wheat toast, 2 tsp jelly, ½ cup apple juice, 1 cup skim milk, 1 pat of butter Snack - Cereal bar Lunch - 1.5 cups macaroni, 2 oz (56.6 grams) hamburger, 1 cup green beans, 1 pear, 2 oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 orange, 1 granola bar Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 1 whole grain roll, 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tablespoons sour cream Day 2 : Breakfast - 1 cup oatmeal, 1 blueberry muffin, 2 cup skim milk, ½ cup orange juice Snack - 1 bagel (3.5 inches) Lunch - ham sandwich, 2oz (56.6 grams) ham,, 2 slices rye bread, ½ c fruit cocktail, ½c peas/ ½c carrots Snack - 1 banana, 8 vanilla wafers Dinner - 1.5c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 cup green beans Day 3 : Breakfast, 1 english muffin, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, ½ cup applesauce, 1 cup cereal, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Snack - 1 small muffin, 1 pat of butter Lunch - Tuna salad, 1oz (56.6 grams) water packed tuna, 2 slices whole wheat bread, 1 Roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 peach, 1 cup milk Snack - 1 cup grapes, 3 graham cracker squares Dinner - 1 hamburger, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground round, 1 bun, 1 cup cauliflower, 1 cup skim milk Day 4 : Breakfast, 2 large pancakes, 1 bran muffin, 2 sausage links, ½ cup orange juice, 2 cups skim milk, 1 pat of butter Snack - 6 saltine crackers Lunch - turkey Sandwich, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 2 slice wheat bread, 1 c corn, 1 apple

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Snack - 5-6 animal cracker, ½c dried fruit Dinner - 2 oz (56.6 grams) fish, 1 c rice, 1 roll, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup skim milk, 2 pats of butter Day 5 : Breakfast, 3 French Toast, 1 orange, 1 cup yogurt, 1 cup skim milk, 3 pats of butter Snack - 3 cups popcorn, 1 granola bar Lunch - Peanut Butter / Jelly, 2 Tbsp Peanut Butter, 1 Tbsp Jelly, 2 slice bread, ½c applesauce, ½ bagel/ cream cheese Snack - 1/3c raisins Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) turkey, 1 c stuffing, ½c mashed potatoes, 1 cup broccoli, 1 cup skim milk Day 6 : Breakfast, 2 eggs, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tsp cream cheese Lunch - 2c tortellini, 2oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 cereal bar, 1 apple Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 1 roll, 2c vegetable medley, 1.5 cup skim milk Day 7 : Breakfast, 1 bagel, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups skim milk, 1c orange juice, 2 tsp cream cheese Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 3oz (84.9 grams) roast beef, 2 slices wheat bread, 1c peaches, 1 cup green beans Snack - 1 pear Dinner - 1.5c lasagna, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 roll, ½ cup corn

7 Day Meal Plan for 189lbs. – 215lbs. Cutting Weight Day 1 : Breakfast, 1 egg + 2 egg whites, scrambled, 2 english muffin, 1 Tbsp jelly, 1 apple, 1c skim milk, 2 pats butter Snack - 6 ritz crackers, 1 oz (28.3 grams) cheese Lunch - 1.5c macaroni, 1/2c spaghetti sauce, 2 oz (56.6 grams) mozzarella cheese, 1 cup green beans, 1 peach Snack - 1 bagel (3.5 inches) Dinner - 3oz (84.9 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 2 whole grain rolls, 2 c broccoli, 1 cup skim milk, 1c fruit cocktail, 2 pats butter

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Day 2 : Breakfast, 1/2c cup oatmeal, 1 muffin, 1 cup skim milk, 1 large banana, 1 sausage links, 2 pats butter Snack - 1 bagel, 1 string cheese Lunch - Roast Beef Sand, 2oz (56.6 grams) roast beef, 2 slices rye bread, 1/2c applesauce, ½c corn Snack - 17 grapes Dinner - 2c spaghetti/meat sauce, 2oz (56.6 grams) ground turkey, 1 cup peas, 1 slice Italian bread, 1c skim milk, 2 tsp margarine Day 3 : Breakfast, 1 slices toast, 1 Tbsp peanut butter, ½c cereal, 1 cup orange juice, 1.5c skim milk Snack - 1 tortilla Shell, 1 oz (28.3 grams) cheese Lunch - Tuna Salad, 2oz (56.6 grams) water packed tuna, 2 tsp mayonnaise, 2 slice rye bread, 1 roll, 1 peach, 1 carrot, 2 tsp butter Snack - 2 nutrigrain bars Dinner - 1 cheeseburger, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 bun, 1 slice cheese, 1c baked beans, 1 pear, 1c skim milk Day 4 : Breakfast, 2 large pancakes, 1 bran muffin, 1 sausage links, 1c skim milk, 1/2c peaches, 2 tsp butter Snack - 1 string cheese, 1 cornbread 2 inches Lunch - turkey Sand, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 2 slices bread, 1 apple, 1 c corn, 1 tsp mustard Snack - 4 fig newtons Dinner - 2 oz (56.6 grams) fish, 1 cup rice, 1 rolls, 1c green beans, 1c chocolate milk, 1 cup pears Day 5 : Breakfast, 3 french toast, 1 orange, 1 pear, 1c skim milk, 1 c yogurt, 2 tsp butter Snack - 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1 peach Lunch - Peanut Butter/ Jelly Sand, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, 1 Tbsp jelly, 2 slices bread, 1/2c applesauce, 1 bagel/ 2tbsp cream cheese Snack - 8 graham cracker squares Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) turkey, 1 cup stuffing, 1 cup mashed potatoes, 2 cup broccoli, 1 cup skim milk Day 6 : Breakfast, 2 eggs, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, 1 cup skim milk, 2 slices bacon, 2 tsp cream cheese

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Snack - 6 ritz crackers Lunch - 2.5c tortellini, 2oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese Snack - 1 cereal bar, 1 apple Dinner - 2oz (56.6 grams) chicken breast, 1 cup rice, 1 roll, 2c vegetable medley, 1.5 cup skim milk Day 7 : Breakfast, 1 bagel, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups skim milk, 1c orange juice, 2 sausage links, 2 tsp cream cheese Snack - 6 triscuit crackers Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 3oz (84.9 grams) roast beef, 2 slices wheat bread, 1.5c peaches, 1 cup green beans Snack - 1 pear Dinner - 1.5c lasagna, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 1 roll, ½ cup corn

7 Day Meal Plan for Making the 275lb. Weight Class Day 1 : Breakfast, Scrambled eggs, 1 egg + 2 egg whites, 3 slices raisin toast, 3 Tbsp margarine, 1/2c orange juice, 1 apple, 1 cup skim milk Snack - 2 cereal bars, 1c vegetable soup, 1 orange, 1 string cheese Lunch - 2 c tortellini, ½c pasta sauce, 1c green peppers/tomatoes, 2 oz (56.6 grams) pork chop, 1 peach Snack - 1 apple, 1/3c raisins, 1 oz (28.3 grams) cheese, 14-15 animal crackers Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) chicken breast, 1 large baked potato, 2 whole grain rolls, 1 c broccoli, 1c skim milk, 2 tsp butter Day 2 : Breakfast, 1 cup oatmeal, 1 blueberry muffin, ½c fruit cocktail, ½c orange juice, 1c skim milk, 1 sausage link Snack - 1 bagel, 1 oz (28.3 grams) cheese, 1 nectarine Lunch - ham sand, 3 oz (84.9 grams) ham, 1 oz (28.3 grams) cheese, 1 tsp mustard, 2 slices rye bread, ½c pears, 1.5c broccoli, 8 triscuit crackers Snack - 1 banana, 14-15 vanilla wafers, 1 string cheese Dinner - 2c spaghetti/meat sauce, 3 oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1c green beans, 10 cherries, 1c chocolate milk

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Day 3 : Breakfast, 1.5c cereal, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, 2 apples, 2c skim milk Snack - 1 english muffin, 1 banana, 1 oz (28.3 grams) cheese, 2 tsp butter Lunch - tuna salad, 2oz (56.6 grams) water packed tuna, 1 tsp mayonnaise, 2sl whole wheat bread, 2 rolls, 1.5c carrots, 1 cup skim milk, 2 tsp butter Snack - 2 c grapes, 6 graham cracker squares, 1/2c apple juice Dinner - 1 hamburger, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 bun, 2 tsp catsup, 1 cup cauliflower, 1c mashed potatoes, 1c skim milk Day 4 : Breakfast, 2 large pancakes, 1 bran muffin, 2 sausage links, 1 cup apple juice, 1c skim milk, 3 tsp butter Snack - 5 saltine crackers, 2 Tbsp peanut butter, 1 banana Lunch - turkey sand, 2 oz (56.6 grams) turkey, 1 tsp mustard, 2 slices bread, 1 cup stuffing, 1 apple, 1 cup skim milk, 1.5c green beans Snack - 15-20 animal crackers, ½c peaches, 1 string cheese Dinner - 2 oz (56.6 grams) fish, 1 cup rice, 2 rolls, 1 c carrots, 1c skim milk, 1/2c pears, 2 tsp butter Day 5 : Breakfast, 3 french toast, 2 slices bacon, 1 c yogurt, 2 oranges, 1 cup skim milk Snack - 3 cups popcorn, 4 fig newtons, ¼ c cottage cheese Lunch - 3oz (84.9 grams) roast beef, 1 baked potato, 2 slices bread, 1 cup green beans, ½c fruit cocktail, 1c skim milk Snack - 2 rice cakes, 1 c pineapple Dinner - 3 oz (84.9 grams) pork chop, 2 cups noodles, 1 pear, 1.5c broccoli, 1c skim milk Day 6 : Breakfast, 2 eggs, 1 bagel, 1/2c fruit cocktail, 1 cup skim milk, 2 slices bacon, 1 Tbsp peanut butter Snack - 12 ritz crackers, ¾ cup nuts Lunch - 2.5c tortellini, 2oz (56.6 grams) Turkey, 1cup corn, 2oz (56.6 grams) parmesan cheese, 10 animal crackers Snack - 1 cereal bar, 1 apple, 8 fig newtons Dinner - 4oz (113.2 grams) chicken breast, 1.5 cup rice, 2 roll, 2c vegetable medley, 1.5 cup skim milk Day 7 : Breakfast, 1 bagel, 1 cup oatmeal, 2 cups skim milk, 1c orange juice, 3 sausage links, 2 tsp peanut butter

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Snack - 10 triscuit crackers, 1 cup yogurt Lunch - Roast beef sandwich, 3oz (84.9 grams) roast beef, 2 slices wheat bread, 1.5c peaches, 1 cup green beans, 1 cup rice Snack - 1 pear, 8 graham cracker squares, 1 string cheese Dinner - 2c lasagna, 3oz (84.9 grams) ground beef, 1 cup skim milk, 2 rolls, ½ cup corn [Disclaimer: This nutrition program follows ADA guidelines and is not to replace the counsel of a qualified Health Care Professional and is not designed for people with specific pathological conditions. Please consult your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. This sports nutrition program is for educational use only.] Follow the meal plan that suits your current weight and goals. These plans assume that you are wrestling daily in practice and matches. If you don’t find the scale going down, move to a meal plan in a lower weight zone. These meal plans are ranges that you want your body to be in. You can’t determine EXACTLY how many calories you need because your metabolism (the rate at which your body burns calories) is constantly changing. This is why we choose a range. The best way to figure out how many calories your body needs is to follow the steps in the previous sections for finding out how many calories you need. Remember, you can use meal replacement drinks whenever you don’t have time or desire for a meal. You can substitute meals from your favorite menu.

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The Ultimate Wrestling Strength & Conditioning Program!

This is our complete Strength, Conditioning and Nutrition program for youth, high school, college wrestlers as well as mixed martial artists!

A complete year-round program to transform wrestlers into Champions!

Click here for more information on the Ultimate Wrestling Strength program!

Page 32: The Underground Weight- Cutting Survival Guide! · Sometimes it’s not that easy, and that’s where we have other quick weight-cutting options. The earlier you know that you might

Wrestling PerformanceNeed personal coaching on weight-cutting and nutrition?

Do you want personally-designed meal plans?

Do you have training questions that youʼd like answered by Steve?

Then you NEED to join us at Wrestling Performance - The Worldʼs #1 Resource for Wrestlers, Coaches and Parents Seeking Strength, Conditioning and Nutrition To Gain the Advantage Over the Competition!

Youʼll get:

• Hundreds of articles to increase your speed and strength for the wrestling mat!

• Interviews with some of the worldʼs best wrestlers on their training and nutrition secrets!

• Cutting-edge nutrition and weight-cutting advice to become a Wrestling Machine!

• Video of unique, wrestling-specific exercises to develop wrestlers at any age or level!

• A members-only forum where you can ask Steve any of your pressing questions about training and nutrition... and get quick answers!

• and so much more!!

Click here to learn more about Wrestling Performance!