the unitedhealthcare south beach tri training 12-week...

Developed by Coach Troy Jacobson Head Multisport Coach for LIFE TIME FITNESS The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week International Plan 0-1 Years Experience

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Page 1: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

Developed by Coach Troy JacobsonHead Multisport Coach for LIFE TIME FITNESS

The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week International Plan0-1 Years Experience

Page 2: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

Table of Contents

Introduction from Coach Troy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 1- 3Getting Started with Your Plan: FAQ’s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 4The 12-Week Training Plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pages 5-16Copyright & Legal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 17

Developed byCoach Troy Jacobson

Head Multisport Coach for LIFE TIME FITNESS

Page 3: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

Introduction and Overview of theUnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program

Congratulations! Welcome to the UnitedHealthcare 12-Week Tri Training Program for newbies! It’s a pleasure to have you join us in training for your triathlon experience. By following this plan and living the triathlon lifestyle focused on regular exercise, good nutrition and personal wellness, you’ll find that your health, energy and quality of life will take a step up to the next level!

GETTING STARTEDNow that you’ve made the commitment both physically and emotionally to train for a Tri, it’s time to ‘do it’. As with anything, you want to start off on the right foot and take proper steps from day one (no pun intended!). Therefore, it’s my recommendation that you begin immediately learning how to use a heart rate monitor and train according HEART RATE TRAINING ZONES using the chart below, also known as the Metabolic Training System.

Training with Heart rate (HR) is the most effective means to monitor your exercise intensity and maximize your workouts. The fact of the matter is that each of us process fuels differently during exercise and at rest, making up our ‘metabolism’. The goal of heart rate training is to train your body to process the ‘right fuels’ at various exercise intensities. For example, did you know that trained endurance athletes tend to use proportionately more fat when exercising then do non-athletes? Using your training heart rate as your gauge, you can train at the levels most appropriate for improving your endurance, strength and speed.

Let’s take a quick minute go over the training zones used in this training program. Zone 1 training is very low intensity… ‘easy does it’. It’s used primarily for ‘active recovery’ days, after hard blocks (or days) of training in which the goal is to stay loose, keep the metabolism primed and to burn a few calories. We’ll use this intensity sparingly in this plan due to the lower overall training volumes contained herein.

Lower intensity or aerobic training, also referred to as Zone 2 Training, is the best way to teach your body to burn fat as fuel more efficiently and to train your muscles for prolonged endurance activity. This intensity is ‘comfortable’ and manageable for long periods of time. In addition to HR, we can also take the ‘talk test’ to determine if you’re in Zone 2. Simply stated, if you can hold a conversation when exercising, you’re likely in Zone 2. Much of the training done in this program and in other novice level training programs will be at Zone 2 intensity to help you ‘build your base’.

Zone 3 training intensity is a step up from Zone 2 (Z2) and focused on building primarily muscular and cardiovascular endurance. Your effort increases, as does your heart rate and work output. Zone 3 training is a little less comfortable than zone 2 training and makes it a little more difficult to talk as your breathing rate is higher and the working muscles are placed under higher demands. We do a little bit of Z3 training in this program in order to get you used to a higher level of effort. As you progress to more advanced level training programs, you’ll be doing even MORE work in that Zone 3 range.

Zone 4 is where the ‘rubber hits the road’, so to speak. This is where holding a conversation is nearly impossible as your breathing rate is high and your muscles begin to feel the burn from the accumlation of lactic acid. The effort is sustainable, but only for limited duration as your body starts incinerating carbohydrate as it’s primary source of fuel. Zone 4 training will help you realize awesome fitness gains, but is not used that often in beginner level training plans like this one. You’ll see more Z4 training as you progress to more advanced training plans in the future!

Rest days are schedule often and, according to some of my athletes, are their favorite days! On rest days, I advise that you do light activity (go for a hike, play with your kids, perhaps do some light stretching or low intensity yoga) and focus on good nutrition and recovery. Remember, it’s when you rest that your body gets stronger from training!

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Page 4: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

Introduction and Overview of theUnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program

TRAINING INTENSITYBelow is a basic overview of the Training Intensity. If you have any questions specific to your individual zones, please inquire at your Life Time Fitness and a coach will be happy to assist you.


TRAINING PROGRAM DESIGNWithout going into too much detail at this point, your training plan is designed using the basic principles of progression and periodization. Workouts are limited throughout most of the program to 2-3 sessions per sport. In other words, the program assumes you have a solid base of fitness and works to improve your aerobic base and endurance in the first phase. The second phase of your training plan continues with building your endurance but also begins to incorporate some strength and tempo intervals in order to boost your anaerobic threshold and ability to sustain your faster paces for longer. Going into the final ‘power or speed’ phase before your taper (reduced training to rest the body for race day), we’ll focus on shorter and higher intensity intervals … akin to the “icing on the cake,” so to speak.

If all goes well, as I’m sure it will, you’ll come out of your taper feeling rested and in the best condition in your life prepared to have a great Tri experience!

SUPPLEMENTARY STRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITY TRAININGWe all know how important it is to be a stronger and more flexible athlete in order to achieve peak performance and avoid repetitive motion injury common to endurance sports athletes. The scope of this program is to focus on your specific tri training, staying within certain weekly time limitations. It is my recommendation however that you add a strength and flexibility component to your overall training program on a year round basis, if at all possible. Working with a local personal trainer or taking a group fitness conditioning class once or twice per week is recommended.

NUTRITIONAnother important area of consideration when training for any event, especially endurance training for a triathlon, is your nutrition. A good nutrition program can help your training progress quickly and effectively from one level to another while an ill-conceived program can set you back in terms of your fitness progress and your health and well being. In addition, having a good race day nutrition strategy is important to the ultimate success or failure of your Tri experience.

As with strength and flexibility training, sports nutrition is beyond the scope of this basic program. However, it’s highly recommended that you consult with one of our coaches or seek outside nutrition advice in order to maximize your training energy levels and recovery.

Zone Description of Effort % of Max EffortZ1 Really ‘Easy Does it’ Pace 65 - 75%

Z2 Comfortable Conversational Pace 75 - 85%

Z3 Labored Breathing Pace 85 - 95%

Z4 Hard Effort 95+%

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Page 5: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

Introduction and Overview of theUnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program

MENTAL TRAININGHaving confidence in yourself and knowing ‘how to achieve’ is a key to success in a challenging event like a triathlon. The desire to finish is only matched by the will to prepare and without a solid foundation of focus and determination, you’ll likely fall short of your goals. Athletes are known for their ‘mental toughness’ and ability to deal with adversity. Be prepared to find your true self during the training process as well as on race day.

EQUIPMENT CHOICESGet the most out of your training experience by using the proper equipment for comfort and performance. I recommend obtaining the advice of a local respected coach, reputable triathlon retailer or other experienced athlete in order to ‘dial in’ your equipment choices. One of your most important considerations is that of proper bike fit. Remember that in any repetitive motion sport like cycling , swimming and running, small biomechanical flaws can create big problems in the form of overuse injury in the long run! Getting sound advice regarding proper bike fit, running shoe fit, etc. at the very beginning will pay off.

PERSONAL COACHINGThe bottom line is that we can all benefit from having an experienced coach guide our training process. A personal coach can look at your training program and progress from “30,000 Feet” and see the bigger picture of where you are now and where you need to be in order to be successful. This program provides a basic template for success but should ideally be used in combination with a coach’s guidance and expertise pertaining to your personal situation. Please contact us at [email protected] if you’re interested in ‘raising the bar’ with personal coaching guidance and advice.

I want to wish you the very best of luck with your training and preparation for the South Beach Triathlon. For more valuable training and racing tips on video, please visit our website. And if you ever have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly! We’d love to hear about your training experience as well as your results so please be sure to stay in touch.

Best Wishes,Coach Troy JacobsonHead Multisport Coach for Life Time Fitness,

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.


It’s time to tie your running shoes and get started with your program. This quick reference FAQ will answer a few questions you might have regarding your program. If you have additional questions, be sure to contact us.

Q: I notice there are some ranges for time and/or distance for each workout session. How do I determine the proper distance for me in each workout?A: It is up to you (perhaps with the help your coach) to determine how much distance you should cover in each workout depending on your current level of fitness and how you’re feeling on that particular day. If you’re just starting an exercise program, or if you’re feeling tired or overtrained, select the lower end of the range. As your fitness improves, you’ll notice that you’ll be covering more distance in a given amount of time.

Q: What if I get sick and cannot train for a few days during the plan?A: If you need to miss a day or even a few days for any reason, never try to ‘catch up’ by cramming missed workouts or lots of additional training into your routine. This is a recipe for injury and overtraining. Instead, simply pick up where you left off. If you have more than a week off the schedule, consult with your mentor or coach for advice.

Q: What if I feel tired before a workout?A: You need to listen to your body and develop a highly tuned sense of self awareness. If you feel tired, start the workout at a very light pace. If after about 5-10 minutes you still don’t feel strong, it might be a sign that your body needs some rest. At that point, call it a day and relax… coming back swinging on the following day. Again, contact your coach for more advice if necessary.

Q: Swimming is the most difficult sport for me to master! How can I learn how to swim faster and more efficiently?A: Most adults find swimming to be the most difficult sport to master, so you’re not alone! We suggest that you find a local swim club (masters program) or coach to assist you with your swim technique and training plan development. Remember, start with good habits and you’ll be much better off in the long term!

Q: Do I need to complete the workouts in the order in which they are listed on the training program?A: Ideally, you’ll complete the workouts as listed but we realize that busy people need to squeeze workouts in whenever time allows. Therefore, we recommend that you complete the workouts as best you can, juggling them with your other daily activities.

Q: What if I only have 3-4 days a week to train?A: If you are not able to complete all weekly workouts, make sure you at least incorporate a swim, bike and run workout session each week. Brick workouts (incorporating two disciplines) are a good option if your time is limited.

Q: I like to train with a group. How does this impact my training program?A: Training with a group can be effective and is encouraged at times, but you need to remember that when training with a group you are following the herd and not necessarily adhering to your own schedule. With that said, it’s still important to train with a group at times for variety and companionship.

Q: How do I find more information on how to do swim drills, transitions and other skills necessary for triathlon training and racing?A: We have a full (free) video library of swimming drills and other training tips available at . Your mentor will also provide you with information on transitions and what to expect on race day as they big day approaches. Or for other basic questions, please feel free to email us at [email protected] for a prompt and courteous response.

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Page 7: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 1Workout Description:Welcome to the training plan! Now that you’ve started, it’s time to get to work. As mentioned in the introductions to the plan, it’s recommended that you have a solid base of aerobic/endur-ance fitness ‘under your belt’ prior to starting this program and to monitor yourself throughout.

We’ll be gradually building your volume and inten-sity throughout the next 16-weeks, with a taper at the end in order to have you fresh and well rested for race day for a peak performance.

Coach Troy JacobsonHead Tri Coach - Life Time Fitness, Inc.

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1500 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (youchoose the drill based on coach’s recom-mendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 4x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 200-300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim 300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 30-40 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on using good form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lower range on other days as an ‘active recovery’ run.

Pre Activity Comments:Use a treadmill for your running 30-50% of the time each week! It’ll save your legs from the pounding and help you ‘dial in’ your pace. Try to use a 2-3% grade whenever on the TM. Good luck!

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:05:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 40-45 minutes (90-100rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 20- 30 Minutes aerobic

Pre Activity Comments:TIP: Treat ‘brick’ workouts as race simulations in terms of ‘transitioning’ from one sport to the other. Have your running clothes set up in a transition area and try to go through the process quickly, as in a race.

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1500 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (you choose the drill based on coach’s rec-ommendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 4x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 200-300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest, Cooldown 200-400

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 0:50:00Distance (P): 15 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 40-50 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms. Focus on staying in the aerobic zone and maintaining a steady cadence. This workout can be done on the roads or on the trainer or Spinning bike. HR can drift up to the upper range of the aerobic zone if you’re feeling strong on this day, but not over it.

Pre Activity Comments:TIP: Spinervals ‘aero base builders’, such as 16.0, 17 and 18.0, are good indoor ‘aerobic’ Zone 2 workouts.

Day Off : Rest DayWorkout Description:Rest, and relax.

Tip: Try some yoga! Most endurance athletes lack flexibility and strength, and a consistent diet of yoga will pay off in the long term.Pre Activity Comments:A good day to relax and get a sports massage.

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 15 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2-3, 45-60 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms.Steady state, longer aerobic rides like this will build your aerobic and muscular endurance. Target 15-18 miles.

Run : Long RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 6 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on usinggood form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lowerrange on other days.Target 5-7 miles

Pre Activity Comments:Run on a treadmill or other soft surface today. Focus on good post workout recovery... nutrition, ice, rest.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 2Workout Description:I hope your training is going well so far! One of the areas of skill development every triathlete needs to do is learn how to crest a hill more ef-fectively. This includes pacing yourself up the hill and then having the reserve to ‘pop’ over the top with momentum to then bolt down the other side at full speed. Watch this short video tip for more information on how to crest a hill on the bike,

Pre Activity Comments:Tip: Get your bike fit by a professional. Proper bike fit is a key element of successful riding, and is worth the time and money to receive an

expert’s point of view

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Workout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (you choose the drill based on coach’s recom-mendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 4x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 200-300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim 300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 30-40 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on using good form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lower range on other days as an ‘active recovery’ run.

Pre Activity Comments:Run on the TM today, 2-3% grade. Incorporating treadmill work into your weekly run routine is a great way to stay injury free, as well as to monitor pacing.

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:05:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 30-45 minutes (90-100rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 20- 30 Minutes aerobic

Pre Activity Comments:Transition quickly!

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Workout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (you choose the drill based on coach’s rec-ommendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 4x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 200-300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim 300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400

Pre Activity Comments:Always stretch well before starting your swim workouts. For some video training tips, visit

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 12 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 35-45 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms. Ride steady and focus on good form.Target 10-14 miles.

Pre Activity Comments:Check out Spinervals 12.0 for a similar workout on video.

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 30-40 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on usinggood form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lowerrange on other days as an ‘active recovery’ run.

Pre Activity Comments:Do this on the tread

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 18 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2-3, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-95 rpms. This workout is for ‘aerobic endurance’.Target 15-18 miles.

Pre Activity Comments:An aero base builder work-out, like Spinervals 17, would be a good video for today.

Run : Long RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 6 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on usinggood form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lower range on other days.Target 5-7 miles

Pre Activity Comments:Treadmill again today at 2-3% grade. Here’s a short video explaining the value of doing some of your runs on the treadmill!

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 3Workout Description:We’re starting to slowly and surely increase your training loads now! Make sure that you’re monitoring your gauges. Just like a car racer checks their engine and chassis before each ride around the track, you need to do the same with your body. Become aware and intuitive, recognizing the subtle signs of potential overtraining. In the end, always listen to your body and modify training accordingly!

- Coach Troy

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 1800 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4-6 x 200 steady tempo @ 20 sec rest (even split eachrep) then swim 200-300 straight (steady pace near your 200 pace)with a pull buoy if so desired.

Kick Set: 4 x 50 kick fast with !ns @ 15 – 30 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Pre Activity Comments:Training Tip, Swim Drills: Technique development is the key to long term success in triathlon. Developing imefficient motor patterns early on is a recipe for long term frustration, especially in the sport of swimming. Therefore, I encourage my athletes to place a strong emphasis on swimming drills in each and every workout session. Please take a moment to watch this short video on swim drills and technique, sure to consult with a local swim coach in order to have them help you with your swimming... it’ll pay off hugely in the short term and the long term! - Coach Troy

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 30-40 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on usinggood form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to theupper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lowerrange on other days as an ‘active recovery’ run.

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:05:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 30-45 minutes (90-100rpms), transition in1-2 min. then run 20- 30 Minutes aerobic

Pre Activity Comments:As you get more experienced with ‘brick’ workouts, it’ll take less time for your legs to get loose for the run.

Other : Training TIPWorkout Description:Always warm up well before your workout starts with a set of dynamic stretches. After a workout, cooldown... and then do a set of light static stretches.

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1500 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (youchoose the drill based on coach’s recom-mendation) on 10 sec rest(rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 4x100 tempo (steady, chal-lenging pace but one thatallows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 200-300straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 18 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic base ride with some tempo:Warm up for 15-20 minutes, then do a series of intervals at your ‘race pace’ or Lactate Threshold HR (LTHR):5 x 90 second intervals at 90 second recovery. Then cooldown. You can do an indoor cycling / Spin class today in place of this workout!

Day Off : Rest DayWorkout Description:Enjoy this day of complete rest! Try to stay off your feet and relax... doing other activities that you might not be able to do otherwise because of your intense training schedule! Smell the roses today.

Pre Activity Comments:Tip: For your quality or interval training on the bike, go indoors! Indoor cycling is the best way to control training variables, not to mention it’s safer than being on the roads.

Bike : Long Bike RideDuration (P): 1:30:00Distance (P): 25 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 75-90 minutes steady aerobic, 80-90 rpms.Build your endurance and do some ‘over-distance’ training withthis 75-90 minute steady state workout.

Pre Activity Comments:Try Spinerval 31.0 for this workout to build your muscular/ aerobic endurance.

Swim : Swim 1500 straight, easyDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 1500 yardsWorkout Description:Swim 1500 straight and steady. Focus on good form, gliding, reaching, etc. On days when you feel strong, push the middle 500 to ‘tempo’ or ‘race pace’. Otherwise, use this workout for the purpose of building endurance and stretching out.

Run : Long RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 7 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Push thepace a bit higher.Target 6-7 miles

Pre Activity Comments:Push to pace a little today, at least for 10 minutes of the run.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 4 Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 1800 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4-6 x 200 steady tempo @ 20 sec rest (even split each rep) then swim 200-300 straight (steady pace near your 200 pace) with a pull buoy if so desired.

Kick Set: 4 x 50 kick fast with !ns @ 15 – 30 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:45:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on using good form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lower range on other days.Target 4-5 miles

Pre Activity Comments:Hit the Treadmill Today at 2-3% grade

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 40 minutes (90-100rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 20 Minutes aerobic

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:45:00Distance (P): 1650 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (you choose the drill based on coach’s rec-ommendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 5x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim 300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 18 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic base ride with some tempo:Warm up for 15-20 minutes, then do a series of intervals at your ‘race pace’ or Lactate Threshold HR (LTHR):5 x 90 second intervals at 90 second recovery. Then cooldown. You can do an indoor cycling / Spin class today in place of this workout!

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base Run. Steady 40 min run.Target 4-5 miles

Pre Activity Comments:Keep it easy today

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 2:00:00Distance (P): 38 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 120 minutes steady aerobic, 80-90 rpms.Build your endurance and do some ‘over-distance’ training with this 100-120 minute steady state e!ort. Maintain a HR below AT (Z4)and use gearing that forces you to hit the ‘sweet spot’ cadence inthe mid 80’s.

Pre Activity Comments:Spinervals 31 is a good substitute today. Push that aerobic endurance pace!

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 7 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Push your pace a little bit for 10-15 minutes and venture into your zone 3 HR range.Target 6-7 miles.

Pre Activity Comments:Tip: Consider running on a variety of surfaces, and not just asphalt. Mix some trail running, as well as treadmill work, for a well balanced running experi-ence that’ll reduce your risk of injury.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 5 Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1500 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (you choose the drill based on coach’s recom-mendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 4x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 200-300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)4 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 35-40 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on using good form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lowerrange on other days as an ‘active recovery’ run.

Day Off : Rest DayWorkout Description:Relax today. Even if you’re tempted to train, take advantage of this rest day for maximum recovery

Pre Activity Comments:Tip: Work on the mental aspects of competition. Learn how to focus, staying in the moment and positive when the workouts seem long, hard or boring.

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:45:00Distance (P): 1650 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (you choose the drill based on coach’s rec-ommendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Main Set: 5x100 tempo (steady, challenging pace but one that allows for you to even split) on 20-30 sec. rest, Pull 300 straight and steady (use a pull buoy between your legs and swim 300 yds. Without stopping),

Kick set: (Use a kick board)5 x 50 @ 15-30 sec rest,Cooldown 200-400

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 19 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 55-60 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms. This workout is for ‘active recovery’ and is to be completed at thelower range of your Z2 heart rate.

X-Train : Wildcard dayWorkout Description:Today is your Wildcard day! You can choose any aerobic activity you want that you’ll perform for at least 40 minutes. Go for walk, hop on the elliptical at the gym or take an easy spin class. Whatever it is , go easy , burn some calories and try to do something unique and different to keep your training interesting!

Other : Training TIPWorkout Description:On days when you have a rest day scheduled, take full advantage of it and try to stay off your feet and relax!

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:20:00Distance (P): 25 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2-3, 80 minutes steady aerobic bike, 90-100 rpms.Start building some intensity into this workout as your fitness improves. Challenge yourself to push bigger gears.Target 20-25 miles

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 7 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 55-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Push the pace a bit higher during this steady state effort.

Pre Activity Comments:Start to push yourself to the upper range of Z3 after a good 20 minute warm up for at least 10-15 minutes, then back it down.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 6 Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 2000 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 5 x 200 steady tempo @ 15-20 sec rest (even split each rep) then swim 300 straight (steady pace near your 200 pace) with a pull buoy if so desired.

Kick Set: 4 x 50 kick fast with !ns @ 15 – 30 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 6 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on using good form and staying within your comfort zone. Run on the treadmill today, 2-3% grade

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:30:00Distance (P): 25 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance Brick: Z3, Bike -60 minutes (80-90 rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 30-40 Minutes aerobic

Pre Activity Comments:Pushing the volume up a little bit now with the bricks, as well as the inten-sity. Keep it in the comfort zone, but up the ante. NO RACE PACE

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 2000 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 6 x 200 steady tempo @ 20 sec rest (even split eachrep) then swim 200 fast straight

Kick Set: 4 x 50 kick fast with !ns @ 15 – 30 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:10:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Tempo: Z4, 65-75 minutes, 80-90 rpms. This is where the ‘rubber hits the road’ and you start getting faster and stronger. Start with a 10-15 minute warm-up and then start your main set of 5 x 2 minute ‘race pace’ intervals just ator above your AT (also known as your ‘functional threshold’) on a rest interval of 30-60 seconds, depending on your currentconditioning. After your intervals, soft pedal for about 5 minutes easy then do a 5 minute ‘tempo’ race pace e!ort again using a big gear and trying to maintain at least 80 rpms with good form. Finish up with an easy cooldown.

Pre Activity Comments:Spinervals 36 is a really good time trial workout to consider for today’s session.

Other : Wildcard day!Workout Description:Need a break? Take today off, and listen to your body. If not, do a light workout with little or no impact, like riding the stationary bike or doing the elliptical for 30 minutes. Go easy.

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:45:00Distance (P): 30 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 110-120 minutes steady aerobic, 80-90 rpms. Build your endurance and do some ‘over-distance’ training withthis 110-120 minute steady state e!ort. Maintain a HR below AT (Z4) and use gear-ing that forces you to hit the ‘sweet spot’ cadence in the mid 80’s.

Pre Activity Comments:Try Spinervals 31.0 today

Swim : 2000-2500 yd Steady State Form SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2000 yardsWorkout Description:Swim steady state (not super fast) focused on your tech-nique. If necessary, break this swim into 500’s, alternation 500 pull / 500 swim (free). Focus on strokes per length and rest no more than 60 seconds between each 500, should you choose to break it up that way.

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 7 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 55-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Push the pace a bit higher during this steady state e!ort. Stay out of your ‘race pace’ and slow down if you feel your HR drifting up to or above AT.

Swim : Optional Swim WorkoutDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 1000 yardsWorkout Description:Are you ready to swim an extra day?! If so, try to incorporate a steady state swim of 1000-1500 yds today. Go at a comfortable pace and focus on tech-nique. Don’t worry about speed. When your form starts to ‘fall apart’ due to fatigue, call it a day.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 7 Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2000 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4 x 300 steady swim @ 30-60 sec. rest (hold your splits), kick 100 easy w/board then swim another 300 faster than !rst four reps.

Drill Set: 8 x 25 choice @ 10 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Striders: 30-40 minutes steady aerobic. After your warm up of 10-15 minutes, incorporate anywhere from “ve (5) to ten (10) ‘striders’ (faster runs of up to 90% speed, focused onstretching it out, running fast but with con-trolled form) of 30 seconds in duration with 30-60 seconds rest between each repetition. These efforts are designed to start building fast leg turnover and speed. Start with five reps and progress to 10 reps asyou feel your form improve.

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:15:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 45-60 minutes (90-100rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 20- 30 Minutes aerobic

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 1650 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 5 x 200 steady tempo @ 15 sec rest (even split each rep) then swim 300 straight/hard,with a pull buoy if so desired.

Kick Set: 4 x 50 kick fast with !ns @ 15 – 30 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:15:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Tempo: Z4, 60-75 minutes, 80-90 rpms. After a 15 min warm up, do 2 x 6 min (your race pace) @3 min. rest. Cooldown

Pre Activity Comments:Try Spinervals 34 as an alternative to today’s workout.

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:50:00Distance (P): 6 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 45-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on usinggood form and staying within your comfort zone. Run on the treadmill today, 2-3%

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2200 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 1650 – 1800 yds. Straight (Swim ‘heads up’ for several strokes each length and swim just near your anticipated race pacefor the 1.5K Open water swim.)

Drill Set: 4 x 25 choice @ 10 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 2:15:00Distance (P): 31 milesWorkout Description:Race Simulation Brick: Z2-3, Bike up to 90 Minutes or 25 miles, then run 45-60 minutes or 10K.

Pre Activity Comments:Don’t go race pace... just feel the distance and get the time in. Practice race day nutrition strategy and practice your transitions. Your endurance is improving!

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:55:00Distance (P): 7 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2,50-60 minutes steady aerobic run. Focus on usinggood form and staying within your comfort zone. Push to the upper range of Z2 on days you feel strong and keep it at the lowerrange on other days.

Pre Activity Comments:Go easy today. If your legs are overly tired from yesterday, rest today!

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 8 Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2000 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4 x 300 steady swim @ 30-60 sec. rest (hold your splits), kick 100 easy w/board then swim another 300 faster than !rst four reps.

Drill Set: 8 x 25 choice @ 10 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Striders: 30-40 minutes steady aerobic. After your warm up of 10-15 minutes, incorporate anywhere from “five (5) to ten (10) ‘striders’ (faster runs of up to 90% speed, focused onstretching it out, running fast but with controlled form) of 30 seconds in duration with 30-60 seconds rest between each repetition. These efforts are designed to start building fast legturnover and speed.

Other : Wildcard dayWorkout Description:Another wildcard day! Do what you feel your body needs. Perhaps it’s a rest day, or just a light day of swimming. Enjoy

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2200 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 1650 – 1800 yds. Straight (Swim ‘heads up’ for several strokes each length and swim just near your anticipated race pace for the 1.5K Open water swim.)

Drill Set: 4 x 25 choice @ 10 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:15:00Distance (P): 22 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Tempo: Z4, 60-75 minutes, 80-90 rpms. W/up 15 min. then do 3 x 5 min race pace tempo @ 2 min rest. Cooldown 15-30 minutes.

Pre Activity Comments:Spinervals 14 is a good alternative for tempo/threshold training.

Run : 40 min run with tempoDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:warm up 10 - 15 minutes, then do a 1 or 1.5 mile run at your ‘race pace’ (10K). Then cooldown. Make sure you’re warmed up well prior to the workout and that you cooldown and stretch!

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2200 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 1800 yds. Straight (Swim ‘heads up’ for severalstrokes each length and swim just near your anticipated race pace for the 1.5K Open water swim.)

Drill Set: 4 x 25 choice @ 10 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 2:00:00Distance (P): 38 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 110-120 minutes of steady, bigger gear training to build your muscular strength and endurance.Target 35-40 miles

Run : RunDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 7 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance: Z3, 60 minutes steady aerobic run. Not race pace, but run at a steady moderate clip. Try to get in at least 6 - 8 miles.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience(See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 9Workout Description:Training Tip: Strength Train-ing for Triathletes: Improving your strength is good for your performance as an athlete as well as for your over health and well-being. Given the fact you are busy and training for 3-sports is a lot already, you can still carve out 15-20 minutes a few days/wk to do some resistance training! Here’s a short and effective routine on video for you to consider.

- Coach Troy

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2200 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 8 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 15 X 100 steady tempo @ 15 sec rest (even split each (use a pull buoy on odd reps)

Kick Set: 4 x 50 kick fast with !ns @ 15 – 30 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:45:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Tempo Intervals: 40-50 min. After a 10 minute warm-up, incorporate a set of four (4) to eight (8) 90 second intervals done at ‘race pace’ (above AT or Low Z4, or around your 5K race pace) with 30-60 seconds of recovery between each rep.These can also be done as ‘400s’ on the track. Cooldown after your workout. Start with doing four reps and progress to 8 reps as your form improves.

Pre Activity Comments:Tip: Consider doing Runervals video 5.0Also, warm up very well with some striders before launching into hard intervals.

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:30:00Distance (P): 25 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Endurance Brick: Z3, Bike 60 minutes (80-90 rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 30- Minutes aerobic

Pre Activity Comments:TIP: Hydrate well...

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 2400 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 1800 – 2000 yds. Straight (Swim ‘heads up’ for several strokes each length and swim just near your anticipated race pace for the 1.5K Open water swim.)

Drill Set: 4 x 25 choice @ 10 sec rest

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:15:00Distance (P): 22 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with tempo:Today, w/up then do a 10 min tempo (race pace) rep (85 rpms) spin 5 min then do 2 x 5 min race pace reps (80 rpms) @ 2 min rest. then cooldown.

Pre Activity Comments:Tip: Spinervals 22.0 - Time Trialapalooza, is a great threshold workout.

Day Off : Rest DayWorkout Description:Training Tip: Choosing the right Equipment: The bottom line is that the right equipment will help you to perform better, whether it’s using the right tool for a house repair or the right bike for a triathlon. Shorten your learning curve by getting the equipment advice of a professional who has a track record of success. Your local bike shop can be a great resource if the staff is knowledgeable regarding the needs of the triathlete. If not, seek the aid of a coach and get the right equipment for the job! - Coach Troy

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:45:00Distance (P): 2000 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

1650 straight / near race pace in order to get a true sense of what you’ll do on race day!


Brick : BrickDuration (P): 2:15:00Distance (P): 31 milesWorkout Description:Race Simulation Brick: Z2-3, Bike up to 90 Minutes or around 25 miles,then run 30-45 minutes or 10K. PUSH IT TODAY, but leave some gas in the tank. Practice your race day strategy.

Pre Activity Comments:TIP: Work hard for this workout and practice ideal nutrition / hydration techniques.

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 12 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 30-45 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms.Active recovery!!! Noodle it

Pre Activity Comments:If you feel tired or sore from yesterday’s hard workout, take today OFF and recover.

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience (See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 10Workout Description:It’s time to start a light taper so that your body can be as rested and ready as possible

for race day.

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1300 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4-6 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4x50 Fast (95%) on 45-60 sec rest, 3x100 Fast (95%) on 60-90 sec. rest, 4x50 Fast (95-100%) on 60-90 sec. rest, 4 x 25 FAST (100%) on 1 min rest.

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:35:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base with Striders: 30-40 minutes steady aerobic. After your warm up of 10-15 minutes, incorporate anywhere from “five (5) to ten (10) ‘striders’ (faster runs of up to 90% speed, focused onstretching it out, running fast but with controlled form) of 30 seconds in duration with 30-60 seconds rest between each repetition. These e!orts are de-signed to start building fast leg turnover and speed. Start with “ve reps and progress to 10 reps asyou feel your form improve.

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:30:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 45-60 minutes (80-90 rpms),transition in 1-2 min. then run 30-40 Minutes aerobic

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1300 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4-6 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4x50 Fast (95%) on 45-60 sec rest, 3x100 Fast (95%) on 60-90 sec. rest, 4x50 Fast (95-100%) on 60-90 sec. rest, 4 x 25 FAST(100%) on 1 min rest.

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Race prep tempo ride;warm up 15-20 min, then do a 10 min tempo/time trial effort. Cooldown 15-20 min

Day Off : REST Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 1000 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200Swim 500 at a steady, moder-ate tempo, Cooldown 300 easy Stay sharp for race day

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:30:00Distance (P): 25 milesWorkout Description:Steady 25 miler in zone 2... keep it light and easy.

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Run 40 min aerobic. Steady, Z2

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience (See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 11 Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1500 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (Swim easy), 6-8x 50 drill/ choice (youchoose the drill based on coach’s recom-mendation) on 10 sec rest (rest for 10 seconds on the wall before doing your next rep.),

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 1300 yardsWorkout Description:Warm up 200-400 yds (swim easy), 4-6 x 50 drill choice on 10 sec rest

Main Set: 4x50 Fast (95%) on 45-60 sec rest, 3x100 Fast (95%) on 60-90 sec. rest, 4x50 Fast (95-100%) on 60-90 sec. rest, 4 x 25 FAST(100%) on 1 min rest.

Cooldown 200-400 yds

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Run 30 min aerobic, steady, Z2

Brick : BrickDuration (P): 1:05:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Brick: Z2, Bike 30-45 minutes (90-100rpms), transition in 1-2 min. then run 20- 30 Minutes aerobic

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 1000 yardsWorkout Description:1000 yds stay loose, swim comfortably and focus on form, not speed

Cooldown 200-400

Bike : BikeDuration (P): 0:40:00Distance (P): 12 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 30-45 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms. Focus on staying in the aerobic zone and maintaining a steady cadence. Spin the legs out and stay loose.

Day Off : Rest Day Bike : BikeDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 18 milesWorkout Description:Aerobic Base: Z2, 45-60 minutes steady aerobic bike, 85-100 rpms.This workout is for ‘active recovery’ and is to be completed at thelower range of your Z2 heart rate.

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:45:00Distance (P): 5 milesWorkout Description:Run steady for 45 minutes / Z2.Target 5 miles

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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© Copyright 2015 Life Time Fitness, Inc.

UnitedHealthcare SOBE 12-Week International Tri Training Program | 0-1 Years Experience (See Training Key for definitions of terms and abbreviations)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday


Day Off : Rest Day | Week 12 RACE WEEK!Workout Description:All week, focus on getting 7-8 hours of sleep each night and stay off your feet as

much as you can!

Swim : SwimDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 1000 yardsWorkout Description:1000 yd swimWarm up then swim 300 at race pace tempo, then cooldown for 1000 tot. yds. relax!

Run : RunDuration (P): 0:30:00Distance (P): 4 milesWorkout Description:Run an easy 30 minutes on the treadmill. Add a few 30 sec. striders if you want to stretch it out. Relax!

Brick : brickDuration (P): 1:00:00Distance (P): 20 milesWorkout Description:Bike 40 min easy then run 20 min easy. Stay loose and focus on form and Z2 intensity.

Swim : Race day prep swimWorkout Description:Optional: 15-20 min or 800-1000 yd swim to stay loose. Nothing hard...just swim easy.

Other : race prepWorkout Description:swim 1000 M easy...use your wetsuit, and relax.

Bike 30 min easy. Dial in your bike, the gears, etc. Get ready!

Day Off : Rest DayWorkout Description:Rest, rest and rest. Get your gear together, and relax.

Pre Activity Comments:Stay off your feet and relax. Get everything ready for race day.

Run : Run EasyDuration (P): 0:15:00Workout Description:Run 15 min easy. You can spin your legs out on the bike a little too, and perhaps swim around... but don’t do anything tiring!

Pre Activity Comments:Do pre-race prep workouts early in the morning the day before race day. Then rest up and get ready! For taper tips and more info, visit

Bike : Bike EasyDuration (P): 0:20:00Workout Description:Bike 20 mins easy

Race : Race Day: GOOD LUCK!Workout Description:Execute your plan and have a great race! You’ve done the hard work, paid your dues and you are ready. Good luck and have some fun!- Coach Troy JacobsonHead Triathlon Coach - Life Time

TRAINING KEY:RPMS = Pedaling Revolutions per minute Zone (Z) = Heart Rate or Perceived Effort Training Zone Brick = A two sport workout session, quickly moving from the bike to the runTM = Treadmill Intervals = Short, higher intensity efforts followed by a brief rest period

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Page 19: The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week… · The UnitedHealthcare South Beach Tri Training 12-Week

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There is inherent risk of injury, whether caused by me or someone else, while participating in endurance sports training and in the use of or presence at a Life Time Fitness center, the use of Life Time Fitness’ equipment and services, and participation in this or any other Life Time Fitness’ programs. I understand that sports training and endurance is an extreme test of a person’s physical and mental limits and carries with it the potential of for death or serious injury. This risk includes, but is not limited to (a) injuries arising from the use of any of the Life Time Fitness’ centers or equipment, including any accidental or “slip and fall: injuries; (b) injuries arising from participation in supervised or unsupervised activities and programs within a Life Time Fitness center, to the extent sponsored or endorsed by Life Time Fitness; (c) injuries arising from participation in supervised or unsupervised activities and programs recommended by a Life Time Fitness endurance coach; (d) injuries or medical disorders resulting from exercise at a Life Time Fitness center, including, but not limited to heart attacks, strokes, heart stress, sprains, broken bones and torn muscles or ligaments; and (e) injuries resulting from the action taken or decisions made regarding medical or survival procedures.

I understand and voluntarily accept this risk, I agree to specifically assume all risk of injury, whether physical or mental, as well as all risk of loss, theft or damage of personal property while I am participating in this or any other Life time Fitness program, using or present at any Life Time Fitness center, using any lockers, equipment or services at any Life Time Fitness center or participating in Life Time Fitness’ programs, whether such programs take place inside or outside of a Life Time Fitness center. I waive any and all claims or actions that may arise against LTF Club Operations Company, Inc. (“LTF Operations”), its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, independent contractors and agents as well as each party’s owners, directors, employees or volunteers as a result of any such injury, loss, theft or damage, includ-ing and without limitation, personal, bodily or mental injury, economic loss or any damage resulting from the negligence of LTF Operations, its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, agents, independent contractors or anyone else using a Life Time Fitness center. If there is any claim by anyone based on any injury, loss, theft or damage that involves me, I agree to defend LTF Operations, its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, agents and independent contractors against such claims and pay such parties for all expenses relating to the claim, and indemnify LTF Operations, its parent companies, affiliates, subsidiaries, successors, assigns, agents and independent contractors for all obligations resulting from such claims.

© Copyright 2015, Life Time Fitness, Inc.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of Life Time Fitness. This publication is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information in regard to the subject matter. Life Time Fitness and their agents and representatives do not render any legal or medical advice. Please consult with your physician before starting this or any exercise program.

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