the universe


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Aquesta és una presentació feta per la mestra d'anglès, dirigida als nens i nenes de Cicle Superior. Està relacionada amb l'exi transversal de l'escola i amb el treball de recerca realitzat per tots els cursos.


PowerPoint Presentation

The Univers

The Earth

We live on the Earth.

The Earth is a planet.

The Earth

The Earth is roughly spherical and it can spin.

71% of our planet is water.

From Space , the Earth looks like a blue ball.

It has got air we can breathe.

The Sun

But what do we know about the Sun?

The Sun is 150 million kilometres away from us.

It has a massive diameter of 1,393,000 km.

Our Sun was probably formed from a large cloud of gas about 5,000 million years ago.

The Sun

The sun is spherical in shape.

It gives us heat and light.

It is much, much bigger than the Earth.

The sun is our nearest star.

It is made of gases.

The Sun

The altitude of the Sun changes during the year.

In summer, the sun is high and days are long.

In winter, the sun is low and days are short.

The Sun

When it is summer in the northern hemisphere, it is winter in the southern hemisphere.

Earths Movement

Earths Movement

The Earth is 149 million kilometres away from the Sun.

The Earth orbits the Sun.

It takes a year (365 days) for the Earth to go around the Sun.

Earths Movement

The Earth spins causing day and night.



As the Earth orbits around the Sun, it also spins on its own axis; which is tipped, like a globes.

At any time, half of the Earth facesThe Sun, and receives light.

The other half faces away from the Sun is night. This part is in night.

This part is in day.

So, when the Sun rises in Great Britain, on the other side of the world, its about to set.

Great BritainNew Zealand

The Earth rotates on its axis.This movement is called ROTATION. It takes 24 hours to rotate completely . We have..........D A Y and N I G H T.

But, dont worry! Thanks to the Earths gravity and atmosphere,

The Earth is also orbiting the Sun.

This movement is called REVOLUTION.

It takes 365 days.

We have seasons: WINTER,


But, dont worry! Thanks to the Earths gravity andatmosphere we wont fall off.

The moon is a satellite.

It orbits the Earth.

Its a rocky ball.

The Moon

The moon orbits the Earth...

Sun the Earth orbits the Sun.

The Moon orbits the Earth.

It takes 28 days.

The Moon

The Moon is roughly spherical.

It is smaller than the Earth.

Earth Moon

Who was the first to walk on the Moon?

This is the first man to walk on the moon in the year 1969. His name is Neil Armstrong.

The footprints of the astronauts will be visible on the moon for thousand of years.

Do you know what Armstrong said when he arrived to the Moon?

When he put his left foot down Armstrong said: Thats one small step for men, one giant leap for mankind.

They also put a plaque with President Nixons signature and an inscription reading:Here men from Planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon July 1969. We came in peace for all mankind

Famous astronomers


He was from Poland. He discovered that the Planets go around the Sun

Famous astronomers



He was from Italy.

He was the first person to

look at the stars and the

planets through a telescope.

He discovered that the Earth

and the other planets go

around the Sun.

Famous astronomers


(1571- 1630)

He was from Germany.

He discovered how the planets move.

Famous astronomers


(1889- 1956)

He was from the USA.

He discovered that the Universe is getting bigger

The Kepler Mission

Its a NASA space telescope designed to search Earth-like planets orbiting other stars.

It lifted off on March 6th. 2009.

The mission will spend three and a half years surveying more than 100.000 years Stars of our Milky Way Galaxy.


Each star in the sky is an enormous glowing ball of gas.

Our Sun is a medium-sized star.


All stars are round, but they are not the same colour and size. Old stars are red.

The Sun is a yellow star.


Groups of stars are called constellations.

Plough Orion

The Solar System

The Solar System

The nine planets orbit the sun.

The Solar System

The Solar System is a collection of planets, moons and the stars they orbit.

Our Solar System has nine planets that orbit the sun.

The Solar System

The Sun is the centre of the Solar System.

The Sun is a star.


Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun.

It is small.

It is very hot.

It has no moons.

This is faster than the fastest plane! It only takes 88 days to orbit the Sun.


Venus is the hottest planet.

The temperature on Venus is 480C.

It has no moon.

The surface of Venus is covered with craters, mountains, volcanoes and lava.


We live on the Earth. People cant live on the other planets.

It is the third planet from the Sun.

The Earth has one moon.


Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun.

Mars is red.

It has two tiny moons.


Jupiter is the fifth planet from the Sun.

It is the biggest planet in our Solar System.

It has many moons.


Saturn is the sixth planet from the sun.

It has beautiful rings made of ice and rocks.

It has many moons.


Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun.

It is a light-blue gas.

It has 27 moons.


Neptune is the eighth planet from the sun.

Is is alight-blue gas.

It has many moons.


Pluto is a rocky planet.

It has one moon.

It is the smallest planet in our Solar System.

It was reclassified as a DWARF PLANET in 2006.

Did you know?One day on Venus lasts 117 Earth days.Jupiter orbits around it in just 9 hours and 57 minutes.One day on Mars is about the same as one day on Earth.

The Solar System

The Sun is the star at the centre of our Solar System.The nine planets orbit the Sun

Memory aid: My very excellent mother just sent us nine pizzas.

The Solar System

Play the following game.

Do the following puzzle.

The Milky Way

The Milky Way

Galaxies are large groups of stars.

The Milky Way

The Milky Way is our galaxy.

It is one of the millions of galaxies wich form the universe.

It contains hundreds of billions of stars.

There are three kinds of Galaxies: Spiral, Elliptical and Irregular.

The only difference between the three is what shape they are.

The Milky Way

Scientists measure distances between stars in LIGHT YEARS

A light year is the distance light travels in one year.

It takes 24 hours.It turns anti-clockwise.Do you know...It takes 365 days.It turns long it takes the Earth to spin round once?

which direction the Earth turns?

how long it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun once?

which direction the Earth orbits the sun?

Now, explain to your partner:

How long does it take for the Earth to turn once?Why does the Sun appear to rise and set?

Why, if is it day in New Zealand, it is night in England?

Why does the moon appear to change shape?In which direction does the Earth spin on its axis?In which direction does the Earth orbit the Sun?