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The University of Queensland Minutes of a Meeting of Senate held on 12 October 2017 at 5:30pm in the Senate Room, Level 5 Brian Wilson Chancellery, St Lucia Campus Minutes confirmed by Senate on 4 December 2017 Index 1. Welcome and apologies 2 2. Declaration of interests 2 3. Confirmation of the minutes 2 4. Matters arising from the minutes 2 5. Statement by the Chancellor 2 6. Statement by the Vice-Chancellor and President 3 Strategic matters 3 7. Industry partnerships at UQ 3 Academic matters 4 8. Academic Board President’s Report 4 Financial / Operational matters 4 9. Instrument of Delegation for Student Residences Project 4 10. King’s College master plan 4 11. Grace College master plan 5 12. Recognition of long service 5 Governance matters 5 13. Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures 5 14. Legislative Committee / Governance Committee 5 15. UQ Holdings Pty Ltd Constitution 6 16. Terms of Reference for University of Queensland Press Board of Management 6 17. Bequests and donations 7 Senate Committee Reports 7 18. Advancement Report 7 19. Campus Infrastructure Committee 7 19.1 King’s College Master Plan 7 19.2 Grace College Master Plan 7 19.3 For noting 7 20. Finance Committee 7 20.1 Delegation for Student Residences Project 7 20.2 UQ Holdings Pty Ltd Constitution 8 20.3 For noting 8 21. Legislative Committee 8 21.1 Recommendations by the Legislative Committee 8 21.2 Amendment to Senate Rule – Faculties 9 22. Risk and Audit Committee 9 22.1 UQ Governance Framework 9 22.2 Enterprise Risk Management Framework 9 22.3 For noting 9 Matters for noting 9 23. Senate report on litigation 9 24. Senate annual calendar 10 25. Senate Elections 34th Senate Status Report 10

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The University of Queensland Minutes of a Meeting of Senate held on 12 October 2017 at 5:30pm in the

Senate Room, Level 5 Brian Wilson Chancellery, St Lucia Campus

Minutes confirmed by Senate on 4 December 2017 Index 1. Welcome and apologies 2 2. Declaration of interests 2 3. Confirmation of the minutes 2 4. Matters arising from the minutes 2 5. Statement by the Chancellor 2 6. Statement by the Vice-Chancellor and President 3 Strategic matters 3 7. Industry partnerships at UQ 3 Academic matters 4 8. Academic Board President’s Report 4 Financial / Operational matters 4 9. Instrument of Delegation for Student Residences Project 4 10. King’s College master plan 4 11. Grace College master plan 5 12. Recognition of long service 5 Governance matters 5 13. Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures 5 14. Legislative Committee / Governance Committee 5 15. UQ Holdings Pty Ltd Constitution 6 16. Terms of Reference for University of Queensland Press Board of Management 6 17. Bequests and donations 7 Senate Committee Reports 7 18. Advancement Report 7 19. Campus Infrastructure Committee 7 19.1 King’s College Master Plan 7 19.2 Grace College Master Plan 7 19.3 For noting 7 20. Finance Committee 7 20.1 Delegation for Student Residences Project 7 20.2 UQ Holdings Pty Ltd Constitution 8 20.3 For noting 8 21. Legislative Committee 8 21.1 Recommendations by the Legislative Committee 8 21.2 Amendment to Senate Rule – Faculties 9 22. Risk and Audit Committee 9 22.1 UQ Governance Framework 9 22.2 Enterprise Risk Management Framework 9 22.3 For noting 9 Matters for noting 9 23. Senate report on litigation 9 24. Senate annual calendar 10 25. Senate Elections 34th Senate Status Report 10

2 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017 Attendance: Present: Mr P N Varghese AO (Chancellor), Ms T Dwyer (Deputy Chancellor), Mrs M Brown, Mr T Crommelin, Professor F D'Agostino, Associate Professor G Hainge, Mr P Hennessy, Ms K Hirschfeld, Professor P Høj, Mr D Kerr, Mr T Mackay, Mr G Murdoch, Associate Professor T Roberts, Mr C Sartain (left at 7pm), Mr M Starkey, Ms M Tredenick, Dr C Tromans, and Mr M Zivcic.

Apologies: Hon Justice M Daubney, Dr Z Hodge AM, and Mr J Merrick.

In attendance: Provost, Professor A Byrne; Chief Operating Officer, Mr G Pringle; Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement), Professor I Watson; Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor R Ward AM; Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Advancement), Ms J Karlson; Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Teaching and Learning), Professor D Macdonald; Chief Financial Officer, Mr A Betts; Executive Director, Strategic Marketing and Communications, Ms K Robinson; General Counsel, Ms C Seeto; and Executive Officer to the Vice-Chancellor and President, Ms J Connah.

Secretary: Dr J Montgomery.

Observer: President UQ Union, Ms G Starr.

1. Welcome and apologies The Chancellor welcomed Members and Attendees to the meeting, and apologies received were noted.

2. Declaration of interests Changes to interests provided by Members were noted.

3. Confirmation of the minutes An amendment was made to the general minutes (8. Academic Board President’s Report – School and Institute reviews) after which the general and confidential minutes of the meeting held on 17 August 2017 were confirmed.

4. Matters arising from the minutes The list of matters arising from previous minutes was noted.

5. Statement by the Chancellor On behalf of Senate, the Chancellor congratulated Justice Martin Daubney on his three-year appointment as President of the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal. The Chancellor thanked Members for their contribution and participation at the Senate Retreat in August. The University is keeping in close contact with the Queensland Government regarding the Governor-in-Council appointments to the incoming Senate. The University Legislation Amendment Bill was passed by the Queensland Parliament on 9 October 2017. One of the consequences is that the governance model proposed by James Cook University was passed. This opens the way for other Queensland state universities to reconsider their governance models.


3 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017

6. Statement by the Vice-Chancellor and President The Vice-Chancellor’s Report to Senate and the UQ Latest News, which had been circulated with the agenda, were taken as read. Members were invited to comment. In particular, the following items were noted: Higher Education Reform Package The Vice-Chancellor provided Members with a brief update on the Federal Government's proposed Higher Education Reform Package. Courting the Greats The Vice-Chancellor thanked all those involved in the Courting the Greats event held on 11 October 2017. This event is UQ’s annual alumni awards ceremony where exceptional alumni who have achieved distinction in their chosen field and recognition amongst their peers are celebrated. Times Higher Education University Ranking The Vice-Chancellor advised that UQ has dropped five places in the latest Times Higher Education University Ranking, from 60 to 65. Opportunities arising out or change of senior school syllabuses A Member referred to the presentation by the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) given at the recent Academic Board meeting. The QCAA is redeveloping and revising senior school syllabuses and is introducing new subjects such as psychology. The introduction of new subjects presents an opportunity for the University to consider how it might meet these opportunities. The President of the Academic Board and the DVC (Academic) will take this comment on notice. University Senior Management Organisation Chart A current organisation chart will be included in the agenda papers for the 4 December 2017 Senate meeting.

Strategic matters 7. Industry partnerships at UQ

Professor Iain Watson, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (External Engagement) presented on industry partnerships at UQ. Professor Mohan Krishnamoorthy, Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research Partnerships), was present for this item. A discussion paper provided an overview of engagement between the University and industry partners and other universities. Several mechanisms have been put in place to support engagement and these were outlined in the paper. Various points arose out of discussion – The Queensland Government is UQ’s top partner. The University engages with the Government on an individual basis, with the top three contributors being QLD Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation; QLD



4 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017 Health; and QLD Department of Science, IT, Innovation and the Arts. UQ is trying to get greater oversight. It is encouraging that UQ is co-authoring publications with top tier universities. Future partners who will support the University’s strategy will be proactively sought.

Academic matters 8. Academic Board President’s Report

The Report of the President was taken as read. Professor D’Agostino referred to the Summary of Top Academic Risks in the Risk and Audit Committee Report and in particular to the top risk: assessment integrity. Increasingly, there are more sophisticated and difficult to detect plagiarism tools and techniques available to students. Various resources and practices to mitigate this risk are being investigated.

Financial / Operational matters 9. Instrument of Delegation for Student Residences Project

An Instrument of Delegation is required to enable the Vice-Chancellor or the Chief Operating Officer to sign the main Student Residence Project construction contract. This Instrument of Delegation is necessary because the current Financial Delegations Policy contains a financial limit of $25 million for the Vice-Chancellor, and it only allows the Senate’s delegate to execute contracts. It is also silent on the essential element of delegates administering and managing the contract, and the Principal’s Representative, who has a key contract administration role under the SRP construction contract. The proposed Instrument addresses these deficiencies. At its meeting on 6 September 2017, Finance Committee resolved to recommend to Senate for approval the Instrument of Delegation for the Student Residences Project Contract, as circulated with the agenda papers. Senate resolved that – 1. an Instrument of Delegation for the Student Residences Project Contract, as circulated with the papers, be approved; and 2. Mr P N Varghese be authorised by the Senate to sign this delegation in his capacity as Chancellor.

10. King’s College master plan A link to the King’s College master plan was provided in the papers, and copies of the master plan were available at the meeting. A letter to King’s College dated 19 September 2017, re: King’s College Master Plan, was circulated with the agenda. The Master of King’s College and the architect presented at the Campus Infrastructure Committee meeting on 12 September 2017. After discussion and


5 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017 consideration, the Committee resolved to recommend to Senate that the King’s College master plan be approved. Senate resolved that – the King’s College master plan, as tabled at the meeting, be approved.

11. Grace College master plan A link to the Grace College master plan was provided in the papers, and copies of the master plan were available at the meeting. A letter to Grace College dated 19 September 2017, re: Grace College Master Plan, was circulated with the agenda. The Chairperson of Grace College Council, the Principal, and the architect presented at the Campus Infrastructure Committee meeting on 12 September 2017. After discussion and consideration, the Committee resolved to recommend to Senate that the Grace College master plan be approved. Senate resolved that – the Grace College master plan, as tabled at the meeting, be approved.

12. Recognition of long service Senate recorded its appreciation in recognition of long service to members of professional and research staff.

Governance matters 13. Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures

The Vice-Chancellor thanked the Legislative Committee for its effort in bringing the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures to Senate. He noted, however, the advice from the external solicitors that the Policy and Procedures do not provide a process for the investigation of complaints. The Vice-Chancellor reminded Members that the Respect.Now.Always report mentions that so few people report an incident because they do not know what the process is or what would happen if they reported an incident. If this process was not to be in the Policy and Procedures then it is vital that it is conveyed in another way in order to ensure full transparency. Senate – 1) approved the Vice-Chancellor’s promulgation of the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures, as circulated with the agenda papers, and 2) approved the amendments the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy, as circulated with the agenda papers.

14. Legislative Committee / Governance Committee The role of the Legislative Committee was considered in the context that Program Rules had been delegated to the Vice-Chancellor since 2014, and that all University statutes have been converted to policies. The University Legislation Amendment Act 2017 removes the ability of universities to create further statutes.

Dir. P&F

Dir. P&F

DVC (Academic)


6 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017 As the majority of the work of this committee has now been allocated to the Vice-Chancellor, it was proposed that Legislative Committee be disbanded at the end of 2017, and that a Governance Committee be established from the start of 2018. Much of the work which the Senate Governance Working Group is doing would be transferred to the Governance Committee. The remaining responsibility in the Legislative Committee’s terms of reference is that of oversight of the University of Queensland Act and this would also be transferred to the proposed Governance Committee. The Chancellor acknowledged the work done by the Legislative Committee and the contribution of the skills of its members over many years. Senate resolved to – 1. Disband the Legislative Committee with effect from 31 December 2017, 2. Establish a Governance Committee with effect from 1 January 2018 by adopting the Terms of Reference circulated with the agenda papers and as amended at the meeting, and 3. Review the membership of the Governance Committee early in 2018 once the new Senate composition has been established.

15. UQ Holdings Pty Ltd Constitution In early February 2017, after informal discussions with the Chancellor, Vice-Chancellor, Chair of Finance, and Chair of UQ Holdings, it was agreed that it is appropriate that UQ Holdings and its subsidiaries should report to the Vice-Chancellor. As a consequence it is necessary to change the Constitutions of UQ Holdings and its subsidiaries. These changes have the support of the Vice-Chancellor. UQ Holdings, as the parent company, approved on 25 August 2017 the changes to the Constitutions of its subsidiaries. On the recommendation of the Finance Committee, Senate resolved that the Constitution for UQ Holdings Pty Ltd be amended as indicated in the agenda papers.

16. Terms of Reference for University of Queensland Press Board of Management The Deputy Vice Chancellor (External Engagement) and Chair of UQP endorsed the Terms of Reference as circulated with the agenda and recommended these to Senate for noting. Senate noted the Terms of Reference for University of Queensland Press Board of Management. It was suggested that ‘and culturally progressive’ be removed from 2.1. This will be conveyed to UQP. The DVC (External Engagement) and General Counsel were thanked for their participation.




7 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017

17. Bequests and donations Senate approved the bequests and donations as set out in the Senate agenda papers.

Senate Committee Reports 18. Advancement Report

The Advancement update for Senate – October 2017 was noted. Ms Kathy Hirschfeld, as Chair of the Advancement Committee, updated Members on the progress of the launch of the Campaign. It was announced with great pleasure that all Senate members have participated in the University’s first comprehensive philanthropic campaign. Senate has gifted or pledged $222,350 to support the 33rd Senate scholarship fund for student accommodation. Ms Patty Danver was acknowledged for her help in setting up the Gift, and the Advancement Committee was thanked for their efforts. The Campaign ad was played for Members and fact sheets and packs were distributed.

19. Campus Infrastructure Committee Senate noted the Committee Report which provided a summary of the items discussed by the Campus Infrastructure Committee held on 12 September 2017.

19.1 King’s College Master Plan [Refer to item 10 of the minutes.]

19.2 Grace College Master Plan [Refer to item 11 of the minutes.]

19.3 For noting • Capital planning process • Capital infrastructure program • Construction and capital works report • Sustainable Futures Building • UQ St Lucia Masterplan Government Working Group Terms of Reference • Campus Planning and Design Governance Framework Terms of

Reference • Criteria for consideration of College Master Plans • Comments about College Master Plans • St Lucia Master Plan • Aluminium cladding.

20. Finance Committee

Senate noted the Committee Report which provided a summary of the items discussed by the Finance Committee held on 6 September 2017.

20.1 Delegation for Student Residences Project [Refer to item 9 of the minutes.]


8 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017

20.2 UQ Holdings Pty Ltd Constitution [Refer to item 15 of the minutes.]

20.3 For noting • Investment Policy and Financial Delegations Policy • Finance Report – Quarter ended 30 June 2017 • Student Residence Project • Enhancing Systems and Services

21. Legislative Committee 21.1 Recommendations by the Legislative Committee

At the Legislative Committee meeting held on 3 October 2017, the Committee agreed to recommend the approval of the Sexual Misconduct Policy and Procedures and amendments to the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy (refer to Item 13 in the minutes). At the same time, the Chair made several overarching recommendations to review certain processes. 1. A review of UQ’s disciplinary bodies, disciplinary processes and appeal bodies, including the composition of disciplinary committees and appeal bodies. These are set out primarily in the Student Integrity and Misconduct Policy but are also referenced in other related policies. The definition of ‘general misconduct’ should especially be reconsidered. The view is that the disciplinary and appeal processes, which developed over time largely to deal with matters of academic misconduct, are outdated and do not adequately address contemporary requirements for such bodies, particularly insofar as they are required to deal with matters of general misconduct (now including sexual misconduct). There is also an urgent need to review the composition of those committees to ensure appropriate skills are represented to determine the issues which arise. In the case of the appeal bodies, a review of the composition is required in order to ensure impartiality, and the appearance of impartiality. The role of the UQ Legal Office in the prosecution of disciplinary matters and appeals also needs to be reviewed. A review of disciplinary processes for staff is also desirable, but it must be taken into account that these processes are contained in the enterprise agreement. 2. Whilst there are no issues with the management framework within which the Investigations Unit (IU) operates, there is a lack of appropriate governance oversight of the way in which the IU conducts its investigations, i.e. “who watches the watchers?” It is desirable that the operations of the IU be governed by overarching principles which clarify the way in which the IU conducts its operations, and affirms the IU’s adherence to appropriate investigative principles, e.g. the necessity for the IU to recognise the “right to silence”. An external review of the IU’s terms of reference should be undertaken, with the review also to consider whether a Senate committee ought be assigned the task of IU oversight by incorporating it into its terms of reference.

9 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017 Senate agreed to – 1. A review of UQ’s disciplinary bodies, disciplinary processes and appeal bodies, including the composition of disciplinary committees and appeal bodies. 2. A review of disciplinary processes for staff taking into account that these processes are contained in the enterprise agreement. 3. An external review of the Investigations Unit. 4. Receive an update to Senate at its April 2018 meeting.

21.2 Amendment to Senate Rule – Faculties

Senate resolved that – Senate Rule – Faculties, Rule 3(1)(d) be amended by deleting: “, except for the Faculty of Science which will have two”.

22. Risk and Audit Committee

Senate noted the Committee Report which provided a summary of the items discussed by the Risk and Audit Committee held on 31 August 2017.

22.1 UQ Governance Framework The UQ Governance Framework was presented to Senate for consideration. As there are a number of new governance matters still to be considered, such as the consequences of the University Legislation Amendment Act, it was agreed that this Framework will be considered by the Governance Committee alongside other governance documents.

22.2 Enterprise Risk Management Framework The Enterprise Risk Management Framework (ERMF) is intended to replace the current Enterprise Risk Management Policy and related Procedures. Senate resolved that – 1) the current Enterprise Risk Management Policy be rescinded; and 2) the Enterprise Risk Management Framework, as circulated with the agenda papers, be approved.

22.3 For noting • 2017 External Audit Plan • Update – audit management letter issues • Top academic and non-academic risks • Reports on enterprise risk, internal audit, integrity and investigations

occupational health and safety and research integrity • Flammable building cladding.

Matters for noting 23. Senate report on litigation

The Senate report on litigation was noted.








10 The University of Queensland Senate Minutes: 12 October 2017

24. Senate annual calendar The Senate annual calendar was noted.

25. Senate Elections 34th Senate Status Report The Senate Elections 34th Senate Status Report was noted.