the upanishads

THE UPANISHADS “SITTING DOWN NEAR” 108 IN MUKTIKĀ “they express the restlessness and striving of human mind to grasp the true nature of reality. They set forth fundamental conceptions that are sound. Their lofty ideals and poetry have the power to move the greatest minds”

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Post on 11-May-2015




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An attempt to understand something


  • 1.THE UPANISHADS SITTING DOWN NEAR 108 IN MUKTIK they express the restlessness and striving of human mind to grasp the true nature of reality. They set forth fundamental conceptions that are sound. Their lofty ideals and poetry have the power to move the greatest minds

2. TIMELINES < 1500 BCE Rig Veda is composed < 900 BCE Yajur, Atharva and Sama Veda < 650 BCE Early Upanishads Composed 483 BCE Death of Gautama, The Buddha 468 BCE Death of Mahavira 400 BCE Mahabharata composed by Vyasa ~ 300 BCE Dharma Sutras composed 325 25 BCE Alexander and Greek invasions 324 BCE Chandragupta Maurya ascends. Chanakya 265 232 BCE Ashoka reigns 200 BCE 200 CE Ramayana written by Valmiki 320 CE Gupta Dynasty 788 CE Adi Shanaka is Born 3. HINDU PHILOSOPHICAL ROOTS Vedas Brhmaas rayaka Upanishad Uttar Mms Higher Enquiry Philosophical texts related to self realization Prva Mimamsa Explanations of the fire-sacrifices, Brahmanas and rayakas (forest scriptures!) Vednta The appendix of Vedic Hymns ~ Veda + Anta Upanishads, Bhagawad Gita and Brahmasutras 4. AUTHORSHIP Yajnavalkya Uddalaka Aruni Shvetaketu Shandilya Aitreya Pippalada Sanatkumara Maitreyi Gargi Jabala Bharadwaja Pratardana Ajatasatru Varuna Gargyayana Adi Shankara Madhvcrya Bal Gangadhar Tilak Maharshi Aurobindo Swami Rama Eknath Easwaran Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Professor Hirannayya Max Muller Schopenhauer Originals Commentaries 5. CONCEPTS Brahman and Atman synonymous at times! Saprapancha and Nisprapancha Para and Apara Vidya and Avidya (maya) Sravana, Manana, Dhyana and Upasana Nivritti and Pravritti Jivanmukti, Videhamukti and Karmamukti Jagrata, Swapna, Susupta and Turiya Bheda and Abheda Satyam Jnanam Anantam: Atman/Bramhan Tajjalan that which gives rise to the world - brahman Brahma-vivarta-vada 6. Fundamentally Monistic ruti and not Smti Philosophy The Upanishadic philosophers regarded the Self as the ultimate existence and subordinated the world and God to the Self. The Self to them, is more real than either the world or God Presentation Upanishads are primarily presented as conversations between two persons or animals rather than expository statements of philosophy or ideology Fountain of Philosophical Thought West: Curiosity Hindu: Solve problems of life 7. DASHOPANISHAD a - The Inner Ruler Shukla Yajur Kena - Who moves the world? - Sama Kaha - Death as Teacher Krishna Yajur Prana - The Breath of Life - Atharva Muaka - Two modes of Knowing - Atharva Mkya - Consciousness and its phases - Atharva Taittirya - From Food to Joy Krishna Yajur Aitareya - The Microcosm of Man - Rg Chndogya - Song and Sacrifice - Sama Bhadrayaka - Shukla Yajur Veda 8. Doctrine: Scholars have long held the view that all Upanishads propound the same doctrine. As to what the exact nature of that doctrine is, they differ widely!! Prof Hiriyanna Phase change: Ashwamedha as meditative act Brihadaranyaka Philosophical: Onslaughts against sacrifices, rituals and ceremonies Mundaka Upanishad Prime Object: removal of aham-kara; the basis of all evil; cultivation of detachment or vairagya Darshana A mere reasoned conviction is NOT enough Upanishadic God: explicit repudiation of objective conception of god. (Agni, Vayu subordinate to Brahman Kena) Upanishads have consistency of intuition rather than logic Dr. Radhakrishnan 9. A UPANISHAD DESCRIPTION OF THE NATURE OF SUPREME BEING 18 Verses IT MOVES; IT MOVES NOT IT IS FAR; IT IS NEAR IT IS WITHIN; IT IS WITHOUT 10. KENA UPANISHAD Story of Brahman, Indra, Agni and Vayu Not that which the eye can see, but that whereby the eye can see: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore; Not that which the ear can hear, but that whereby the ear can hear: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore; Not that which speech can illuminate, but that by which speech can be illuminated: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore; Not that which the mind can think, but that whereby the mind can think: know that to be Brahman the eternal, and not what people here adore. 4 Sections, 35 Verses 11. KAHOPANISHAD ATMA CHARIOTS PASSENGER BODY CHARIOT ITSELF CONSCIOUSNESS DRIVER MIND REINS OBJECTS PERCEIVED BY THE SENSES ARE THE CHARIOT'S PATH 3 Sections, 109 Verses 12. PRANA UPANISHAD QUESTIONS TO SAGE PIPPALADA The son of Katya, Kabandhi: Root cause of the universe Bhargava of Vidarbha: Relation between senses and prana The son of Ashwala, Kausalya: From whom prana orignates Souryayanee Gargya: Which elements in a human actually sleep Shaibya Satyakama: What fruit does one get who regularly meditates on holy syllable OM till his/her death? Son of Bharadwaja the Sukesha: Description of the vedic divine being 6 Sections, 67 Verses 13. MUAKA 64 Mantras Question for Angiras - I want to know from you if there is something I can learn which will explain everything to me Para and Aprara There is a sacred word -- OM -- which is the bow; your own self is the arrow and Brahman is the target. Without trembling, hit the mark, and like the arrow, lose yourself in It! Shivo Bhutva Shivam Yajet My son, when you know that Brahman, you become that Brahman 14. MKYA Ayam Atma Brahma Fundamental approach to Reality Shri Radhakrishnan Sri Gaudapada Adi Shankara 12 Verses 15. TAITTIRYA ANNAMAYA MADE OF FOOD PRANAMAYA MADE OF BREATH MANOMAYA MADE OF MIND VIJNANAMAYA MADE OF KNOWLEDGE ANANDAMAYA MADE OF JOY Matru devo bhava, Pitru devo bhava, Acharya devo bhava, Atithi devo bhava 3 Sections, Quite long 16. AITAREYA Aitareya Aranyaka of Rig Veda Chapter 1: Creation of Purusha, other divine beings, creation of food Chapter 2: Three births of the self Chapter 3: Pragyanam brahma: Consciousness is Brahman 33 Verses 17. CHNDOGYA Tat tvam asi Dialogues between father Uddalaka and son Svetaketu 8 Chapters, Quite long 18. BHADRAYAKA Aham brahmsmi neti neti Asatoma Sadgamaya Close your Eyes