the usa’s decades long warfare against china-part i

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  • 7/29/2019 The USAs decades long warfare against China-PART I


    PART I

    The USAs decades long warfare against Chinaby Robert S. Rodvik

    In the first part of his study of the low-intensity warfare carried out by the

    United States against communist China since the Cold War, Robert S. Rodvik

    focuses on the U.S. collaboration with the nationalist government of

    Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek. As a rabid anti-communist, Washington

    knew it could count on the Generalissimo to be more preoccupied with anti-

    Communist extermination campaigns than with resisting the Japanese

    invaders, and complicitly turned a blind eye to Chiangs massacres and

    unbridled corruption.

    Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek (L) appointed Allied Commander-in-Chief in the China theaterin 1942, with his very influential wife, and U.S. General Joseph Stilwell (R) who served as

    Chiangs Chief of Staff, and at the same time commanded US forces in the China Burma India


    For as long as I can remember the US has been waging an undeclared war

    against China, the latter very lucky to have avoided being nuked when it joined
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    North Korea in its battle against the Empire. Considering that millions of North

    Koreans were wiped out by the bombing, killing, murdering giant, its land

    devastated by the marauding monster, the mere fact that the Joint Chiefs were

    unable to get the OK to nuke China seems a rare non-happening of great

    importance. This doesnt mean, however, that the US hasnt continued its covertwars to actually destroy communist China over the years. So dont be surprised

    when that scenario actually comes into play; sooner, I believe, rather than later.

    At the end of WWII writes William Blum, "The ink on the Japanese surrender

    treaty was hardly dry when the United States began to use the Japanese soldiers

    still in China alongside American troops in a joint effort against the Chinese

    communists." [1]

    Blum was referring to US collaboration with Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shekand his Kuomintang (KMT) nationalist army and their plans to repel Mao Tse-

    Tungs communist soldiers, at war with the rampantly corrupt KMT. Chiangs

    nationalist army hoarded US aid monies, arms and material to such a degree that

    President Truman wrote that "the Chiangs, the Kungs and the Soongs (were) all

    thieves" having stolen some $750 million dollars of US funds. [2]

    To understand the role of the Generalissimo and the KMT in the long, tortured

    history of modern China we need to go back in time and examine Chiangs

    monstrous role in the countrys development.

    Dr. Sun Yat-sen was the respected leader of modern China and the early

    leader of the KMT. His death in 1924 led to a scramble for power, which, in turn,

    led to the head of the Green Gang triad, Big Eared Tu (Tu Yueh-sheng)

    succeeding Sun as leader. Tu was the undeniable head of opium trafficking in

    China and also the head of worker suppression for the Chinese elites and their

    foreign counterparts in the International Settlement who found labour turmoil as

    anathema to profit. In 1925 worker and student unrest was such that police from

    the International Settlement were called in and a British detachment "fired intothe crowd killing twelve workers and wounding fifty others. This May 30th Incident

    precipitated strikes, boycotts, and demonstations," [resulting in the further killing

    of fifty-two protestors in Canton] murdered by "French and British machine

    gunners." [3] Big Eared Tu and his close drug trafficking sidekick Chiang Kai-shek

    were on their way to controlling all of China.
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    In February 1927 yet another workers strike took place in Shanghai and along

    with them student supporters were passing out leaflets on city streets. As Sterling

    Seagrave informs us in his valuable book The Soong Dynasty, "Police and soldiers

    fell upon them, dragging them into the middle of streets and beheading them on

    the spot. In the presumed sanctuary of the International Settlement and FrenchConcession, British, American and French police arrested students handing out

    leaflets, and expelled them from the barricades into the waiting arms of warlord

    soldierswho immediately beheaded them. Two hundred were decapitated that

    day...In an act of calculated treachery, Chiang ordered his army vanguard [alleged

    rescuers]to stop twenty-five miles outside Shanghai...The man whose troops carried

    out these beheadings, Li Pao-chang, was rewarded by Chiang a few weeks later

    with the command of the Eighth Nationalist Army." [4]

    By now the Western leaders of the International Settlement were closely

    aligned with Big Eared Tu and the Green Gang with the French Concession

    becoming the heart of Chinas opium and heroin trade-all of which was

    controlled by Big-eared Tu, Chiang, and the Green Gang. As Seagrave writes,

    "Each month Big-eared Tu was realizing profits of $6,500,000 and passing

    $150,000 of this on to French government officials and concession police to

    guarantee a happy working relationship between the Concessionaires and the

    Green Gang." [5] It also helped that the chief of detectives of the narcotics police

    was Green Gang honcho Pockmarked Huang (Huang Chih-jung). By now Chiangwas the undisputed leader of the drug-dealing killer triad, as ruthless as any

    hoodlum in written history. As Seagrave informs us, "Chiangs police record in the

    British-administered International Settlement grew over the years to include

    murder, extortion, numerous armed robberies, and assorted other crimes. He was

    indicted on all the listed charges, but was never brought to trial, or jailed." [6]
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    Shanghai 1927: Chiangs execution squad beheading a communist worker.

    April 1927 soon became infamous with Chiangs White Terror slaughters of

    leftists and communists (massacres that would accompany Chiang throughout his

    murderous career). Throughout April more than 12,000 were killed in Shanghai

    alone. Two Chinese scholars write that, "In the year after 1927, over 300,000

    people died across China in anti-communist suppression campaigns executed by

    the KMT." [7] Other researchers estimate the deaths being in the millions, mostly

    in the rural areas where communists and leftists had retreated from Chiangs


    Publisher Henry Booth Luce ofLife and Time magazine fame (later the leading

    light, along with wife Clare Booth Luce, of the China Lobby) became an early

    apologist of Chiangs butcher gang and of Chiang himself. In its April 25 edition

    ofTime, Luce would have Time declare that the Shanghai Massacre was merely

    an example of Chiang "impeaching" the leftists. [8] As Luce was equally a rabid

    anti-communist I believe it is accurate to say that he was fully informed of the

    Generalissimos Nazi-like operations and therefore, with his defense of Chiang,

    approved of the massacres undertaken by Chiang and his KMT armies.

    Chiang, meanwhile, was extorting massive payments from all segments of

    society and T.V. Soong, Minister of Finance, was aware that virtually none of this

    money was going to the national treasury, most of it going into Chiangs endless

    pockets. T.V. knew that he was "no match for a military man whose troops enjoyed
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    disemboweling young girls and winding their intestines around their naked bodies

    while they were still conscious." [9]

    The illicit partnership was consummated when T.V.s sister Mei-ling (Madame

    Chiang) married the Generalissimo in a royal wedding in Shanghai. Chiang nowhad an inroad into the wealth of China via T.V.s role as head of the Central Bank

    and Soong stood by helplessly as the silver reserves vanished into Chiangs

    personal accounts. Another of T.V.s sisters, Ai-ling, married wealthy industrialist

    H.H. Kung, principal agent of the Standard Oil Company of China. Both Kung and

    wife Ai-ling happened to be personal intimates of Big Eared Tu and FBI reports

    stated that she was responsible for the assassinations of family enemies.

    Now, in the 1930s, Chiang became enamored with Italys Benito Mussolini and

    Germanys Adolf Hitler. Thus, when Hitler came to power in 1933 Chiang askedhim for help in his ongoing war with Mao Tse-tung and the communists fighting

    against the massive corruption of Chiang and his warlord armies. Hitler

    dispatched his top military strategist, General Hans von Seect and his aide

    Lieutenant General George Wetzell. Together they devised a Scorched earth

    policy for Chiang and the KMT, which brought famine to the mountain

    populations that provided shelter for the communists. Historian Edgar Snow

    estimated that "in all a million people were killed or starved to death." [10]

    Chiang became so enthralled with Hitler and the Nazis that he sent hisyounger son, Wei-kuo, to be schooled by the Nazis. As Sterling Seagrave reports,

    "Wei-kuo became a second lieutenant in the 98th Jaeger Regiment and before

    returning to China took part in the invasion of Austria in 1938." [11]

    By now, Chiang, T.V. Soong, H.H. Kung and Big Eared Tu were entirely in

    charge of Chinas opium and heroin trade. "Shanghai police reports indicate that

    in 1930 T.V. Soong personally arranged with Tu to deliver 700 cases of Persian

    opium to Shanghai under KMT military protection to supplement depleted Chinese

    stocks." [12]

    Then in 1931 came the Mukden Incident by which the Japanese contrived

    (Like the Reichstag fire in Berlin) a self-inflicted event thus allowing them

    opportunity to invade northern China (Manchuria) where it established a puppet

    state called Manchukuo. Chiang was not eager to fight the Japanese, preferring
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    to continue his war with the ill-equipped communists in their mountainous

    retreats. Even within his KMT army an uprising against Chiang and his policies

    gave rise to the Xian Incident whereby the despised Generalissimo was

    kidnaped by some of his generals and held in confinement till he agreed to

    opening another front to fight the Japanese. Chiang agreed, took the generalswith him to Shanghai, then had them executed. Killing communists was far more


    The Second Sino-Japanese War broke out in July 1937 and Chiangs leadership

    led to the retreat of the KMT towards the interior city of Wuhan. Prior to their

    flight however, Chiang ordered General Shang Chen to destroy the dams around

    Nanjing in order to impede the advace of the Japanese army. This resulted in the

    "killing of 500,000 people in the 1938 Yellow River flood." [13] Barbara Tuchman

    elaborates further: "Eleven cities and 4,000 villages were flooded, the crops and

    farms of three provinces ruined, two million people rendered homeless, and in that

    vast and sodden wasteland another fund of animosity stored up against the

    Government." [14] As Sterling Seagrave notes, "General Ku Chu-tung, the author

    of the atrocity, was eventually promoted to commander-in-chief of all KMT

    armies." [15]

    Numerous secret files on Chiang et al from this time period seem to have

    disappeared from US Treasury and FBI archives, nevertheless still leaving a

    damning indictment via those files still in existence and which author Sterling

    Seagrave has meticulously researched. What the existing record shows is a

    continuation of horrifying atrocities that took place up to the time of his death.

    With Chiang in virtual control of all of China (except for Maos mountainous

    retreats), the countrys most notorious gangster, drug trafficker, murderer and

    extortionist, Big Eared Tu, was now "respectable, the director of many banks,

    companies and exchanges, including the Bank of China." [16] Sort of like the fox

    being in charge of the henhouse, but with very sinister designs for the future ofChinas wealth.
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    Mao recruited peasants to join his Red Army. He then trained them in guerrilla warfare.

    Nationalists attacked the Communists repeatedly but failed to drive them out.

    Chiangs KMT government was so thoroughly corrupt that masses of Chinas

    peasant class willingly joined Maos communist army and after a protracted

    struggle Chiangs nationalists were handily defeated on the fields of battle,

    resulting in preparations for the evacuation of KMT criminal forces to the Island

    of Formosa (renamed Taiwan by Chiang himself). The Generalissimo quickly made

    plans for the departure. As Sterling Seagrave informs us, "Chiang set his most

    trusted men to systematically emptying Chinas banks, her arsenals, and her

    museums...[which included]...treasures collected by Chien Lung, the Fourth

    Emperor of the Manchu Dynasty. His reign, from 1735-96, had been a golden age

    of the arts...The Generalissimo regarded these as his dynastic

    heritage...[thus]...Nearly a quarter of a million paintings, porcelains, jades, and

    bronzes ultimately were spirited away to Taipei before the conclusion of the Battle

    of Huai-hai. Eleven days after the battle ended, on January 21, 1949, Chiang Kai-

    shek resigned as President of Nationalist China...That February, although he was no

    longer President of Nationalist China, Chiang Kai-shek arranged for the

    governments remaining gold reserves to be removed urgently to Taipei." [17]

    A study of the historical record shows that every ruthless dictator worldwide

    supported by the US; the Shah of Iran, Marcos of the Philippines, Somoza in

    Nicaragua and numerous others, all driven out of office, departed with their
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    nations wealth, leaving the poor to pay the debts undertaken by these depraved

    gangsters - all with the approval of their US patrons.

    "In Shanghai that April, Big Eared Tu saw Chiang one last time...Chiangs real

    reason for coming to town was to get Big Eared Tu and the Green Gang to help himrob the Bank of China...Chiangs plans for the Bank of China had been laid with

    considerable care. A dingy freighter was tied up on the Bund, opposite the Cathay

    Hotel. Its coolie crew, dressed in filthy rags, were hand-picked naval ratings in

    disguise. Several executives of the Bank of China had been given large bribes and a

    promise of passage to safety on the waiting freighter, in return for opening the

    vaults. Nationalist troops had cordoned off an area of several blocks around the

    bank." [18] The countrys wealth was being stolen by the leading bandit of the

    era. All with the USAs approval.

    Chiang Kai-shek, Franklin Roosevelt, Winston Churchill and Madame Chiang Kai-shek at the

    Cairo Conference in 1943.(CNA 11/22/1943)

    Native Formosans were appalled at what was happening to their island,

    suddenly beset by a million thugs in uniform descending unwanted upon them.

    After WWII "the allies had turned[the island] over to Chiang as part of a secret

    agreement made during the Cairo talks. [As with Formosa, the US also turned

    Palestine over to the Zionist thugs and we all know what has happened since, the

    massacres of thousands of Arabs by the Zionist terrorists] Chiang forced Taiwan

    to heel. There were massacres: in the first, 10,000 Taiwanese were slain by KMT
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    troops in downtown Taipei. Twenty thousand more were put to death before

    Chiang was firmly established." [19]

    American statesman George Kerr was in Taipei during this period and had a

    personal observation of the ongoing terror. He later wrote a book of hisexperience, Formosa Betrayed, which outlined the KMTs murder spree against the

    native islanders. From an upper window in his refuge Kerr saw and reported the


    "We saw Formosans bayoneted in the street without provocation. A man was

    robbed before our eyes - then cut down and run through. Another ran into the

    street in pursuit of soldiers dragging away a girl from his house and we saw him,

    too, cut down. This sickening spectacle was only the smallest sample of the

    slaughter taking place throughout the city, only what could be seen from onewindow on the upper floor of one isolated house. The city was full of troops ." [20]

    Kerr continues: "The roadways, the river banks and the harbor shores were

    strewn with bodies at that moment, and the Nationalist troops were spreading out

    through the countryside, to bring "peace and protection" a la Kuomintang. In later

    days when UNNRA members, missionaries, foreign businessmen and our consular

    staff men could come together to compare notes for that week, the stories were the

    same from every part of the island. For the government had decided on a policy of

    pure terrorism." [21]

    "We saw students tied together, being driven to the execution grounds, usually

    along the river banks and ditches about Taipei, or at the waterfront in Keelung.

    One foreigner counted more than thirty young bodies - in student uniforms - lying

    along the roadside east of Taipei; they had had their noses and ears slit or hacked

    off, and many had been castrated. Two students were beheaded near my front gate.

    Bodies lay unclaimed on the roadside embankment near the Mission

    compound." [22]

    The Corruption of USA Politics

    Kerr continues: "I shall not forget the wordless appeal in the eyes of four well-

    dressed young men who passed my gate and my protective American flag at
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    midday on March 13. They were tied together by ropes attached to wires twisted

    about their necks, their arms were bound, and they were being hurried along

    toward the execution place on the banks of the Keelung River nearby. The ragged

    Nationalist soldier prodding them along at bayonet point saw the American flag on

    my jeep, and gave me the smartest salute he could manage. Here was the betrayalin its most simple terms; the Formosans looked to us for help, we armed and

    financed the Nationalists, and the Nationalists were making sure, if they could, that

    there would be no more appeal to the United States and "democracy". [23] [A

    fantasy sold to the uneducated at home and abroad].

    With Formosa/Taiwan completely under Chiangs control and fully supported

    by Henry Booth Luce and General Douglas MacArthur (who in the late 30s was

    put in charge of unleashing War Plan Red - the invasion of Canada, mostly to

    take over the immense water resources), [24] the China Lobby promoted Chiang

    as a model "democrat" and a perfect partner in the US war against Mao and the

    communists. Scott Anderson and Jon Lee Anderson offer more detail about

    MacArthur and his role in promoting "the Peanut" as General Stilwell called him.

    Appearing before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, the General

    extolled the virtues of the Kuomintang government:

    "I superficially went through Formosa. I was surprised by the contentment I

    found there. I found that the people were enjoying a standard of living which was

    quite comparable to what it was before the war...I found representative government

    being practiced...I went into their courts. I found a judicial system which I thought

    was better than a great many of the other countries in Asia. I went into their

    schools. I found that their primary instruction was fully on a standard with what

    was prevalent in the Far East...I found many things I could criticize too, but I believe

    sincerely that the standard of government that he [Chiang] is setting in Formosa

    compares favorably with many democracies in the world. [25]

    Aside from the fact that he was lying through his teeth, one has to wonderhow the members of the Senate Committee could accept that MacArthur

    accomplished all that he stated in the course of his one day visit. We should

    accept, rather, that he was speaking to a like-minded cast who cared not for the

    truth and were fully supportive of elevating Chiang into being the USAs #1

    Chinese hero. A glance at the historic record of the MacArthur family
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    demonstrates a vicious set of cutthroats finding a home in US military life.

    General Arthur MacArthur, Douglass father, was, for a period of time, head of the

    US expeditionary forces invading the Philippines. US atrocities resembled those

    inflicted upon native American Indians in the US conquest of tribal lands, not

    surprising since Gen. Arthur MacArthur led military campaigns during the IndianWars, most notably against Geronimo. Of the Philippine Campaign, MacArthur

    displayed his ruthless side, declaring that it would take "ten years of bayonet

    treatment" to subdue the Filipino people. [26]

    Gen. Douglas MacArthur established his own appalling record early on in his

    military career. In 1932 WWI veterans who had been promised a bonus payment,

    but had not yet received payment, marched on Washington to demand their

    promised reward, setting up a tent city in the Capital. President Herbert Hoover

    ordered the estimated 40,000 protestors removed and Douglas MacArthur led

    troops and tanks to fulfil the job. In 1934 he sued journalists Drew Pearson and

    Robert Allen for defamation after they wrote that his treatment of the Bonus

    marchers as "unwarranted, unnecessary, insubordinate, harsh and brutal". [27]

    South Koreas first President Syngman Rhee, right, and General Douglas MacArthur attend aceremony for the establishment of the Republic of Korea in Seoul on Aug. 15, 1948.

    Pearson and Allen struck back harshly, adding the name Isabel Rosario Cooper

    to the witness list. MacArthur had met her in the Philippines and she became his

    mistress. Adding her name to the witness list caused him to withdraw his suit and

    the reality of his brutality became recorded in history. President Harry S. Truman
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    relieved MacArthur from his command of the Korean War when it was known

    that the latter was advocating the dropping of nuclear weapons on China. US

    military entry into Korea took place to protect Syngman Rhee, another of

    Americas savage, murderous tyrants. And, contrary to most historical narratives,

    legendary journalist I.F. Stone pointed out in his bookThe Hidden History of theKorean Warthat Rhee and his military were the first offenders, attacking the

    North which led to their responding invasion of the South. Not a scenario that

    the propaganda press wanted known. Rhee and Chiang had hold of US foreign

    policy much the same as Israels vicious rulers have taken control of Arab

    destinies in order to rule their US-appointed land (Israel) and serve as Americas

    Jannisaries in the Middle East. Killers all. The US war in Korea killed some four

    million people and also involved numerous atrocities in which American forces

    massacred South Korean civilians, No Gun Ri [28] being but one of the savageries.Only Chiang, to date, could manage as many deaths.

    Thus, along with his American pals and also having an abiding hatred of

    anything communist, Chiang, immediately on being in control of Taiwan, set up a

    Nazified academy of terror training designed to overthrow leftists across the

    world. Fellow assassins in numerous countries were invited to Taiwan to enrol in

    Chiangs deadly World Anti-Communist League (WACL) in order to apply their

    terror education against unionists, scholars and civil rights activists, leading to

    further death and destruction that knew no end. That record is well delineated inthe book Inside the League.

    It is impossible to believe that the USA was not aware of the entirety of

    Chiangs appalling record, what with the OSS and numerous agents reporting his

    bestiality at every turn (Which is likely why many records are still off limits to

    researchers, even to this late date). That the US government nevertheless

    promoted Chiang to all who would listen (as well as supporting dozens of the

    worlds worst killers and plunderers), tells us all we need to know about a

    hypocritical, depraved system that sets about bombing the world into

    submission, while simultaneously extolling their own revolting values to all who

    have been brainwashed through US media propaganda. USA#1 indeed.
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    On February 28, 1947, the KMT troops of the Republic of China began a repressive crackdown

    of a popular uprising on Formosa against the Chinese-imposed local government, which the

    United States permitted to rule following Japanese surrender at the end of World War II.Four decades of harsh martial law followed the 228 Massacre and subsequent White Terror

    period when it was even illegal to commemorate the anniversary of the 1947 tragedy.Wiki Commons photo

    Although Chiang and the majority of his KMT army took refuge on Formosa,

    massacring the indigenous peoples while doing so, a large number of Chinats (as

    opposed to Chicoms) fled into northern Burma to the resentment of the Burmese

    government. Here the CIA organized its drugs army into bands of marauders and

    sent them into China on various sabotage missions, some of the earliest

    campaigns against the Chinese people by the USA. Having had decades ofinvolvement in the drugs schemes of Chiang and Big Eared Tu, these KMT

    leftovers also managed a new drugs empire being run out of the Golden Triangle,

    the CIA flying the finished product to new homes in the western world. [29]

    As William Blum writes: "Burma was not the only jumping-off site for CIA-

    organized raids into China. The islands of Quemoy and Matsu, about five miles off

    the Chinese coast, were used as bases for hit-and-run attacks, often in battalion

    strength; for occasional bombing forays, and to block mainland ports...The Chinese

    retaliated several times with heavy artillery attacks on Quemoy, on one occasion

    killing two American military officers." [30]

    In August 1954 the Chinats placed 58,000 troops on Quemoy and another

    15,000 on Matsu on the basis of "recovering" mainland China; another of Chiangs

    delusions. With the artillery attacks devastating the islands the Joint Chiefs of
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    Staff recommended the use of nuclear bombs against China, an idea thankfully

    rejected by Dwight Eisenhower. During this period numerous CIA flights to gather

    intelligence were conducted against China and many were shot down, with many

    killed and a few captured, all for little gain.

    "Beginning in 1957 or 1958," writes William Blum, "the CIA began to recruit

    Tibetan refugees and exiles in neighboring countries such as India and Nepal.

    Amongst their number were members of the Dalai Lamas guard...Those selected

    were flown to the United States, to an unused military base high in the Colorado

    mountains, an altitude approximating that of their mountainous homeland... [where

    they were]...trained in the fine points of paramilitary warfare." [31]

    September 11: Inside Job or Mossad Job?by Laurent Guynot

    Israels role in the events of September 11, 2001 that shape the 21st

    centuryis the subject of bitter controversy, or rather a real taboo even

    within the 9/11 Truth Movement, causing the ostracism of the man who

    dared to broach the subject, Thierry Meyssan. Most advocacy groups,

    mobilized behind the slogan "9/11 was an Inside Job," remain discreet

    regarding the evidence involving the secret services of the Jewish state.

    Laurent Guynot focuses on certain compellingthough grossly under

    reportedfacts and analyzes the mechanisms of denial.




    While Israels role in the destabilization of the world post-September 11 is becoming increasingly clear, the idea

    that a faction of Likudniks, aided by their allies embedded in the U.S. State apparatus, are responsible for the

    false flag operation of September 11 is becoming more difficult to suppress, and some individuals have the

    courage to state so publicly. Francesco Cossiga, President of Italy between 1985 and 1992, declared on 30
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    November 2007 to the daily Corriere della Sera: From areas around the Palazzo Chigi, nerve centre of direction

    of Italian intelligence, it is noted that the non-authenticity of the video is supported by the fact that Osama bin

    Laden in it confessed that Al Qaeda was responsible for the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers in New York.

    However, all of the democratic areas of America and of Europe, with the Italian center-left in the forefront, now

    know full well that the disastrous attack was planned and executed by the American CIA and Mossad with the

    help of the Zionist world to falsely incriminate Arabic countries and to persuade the Western Powers to intervene

    in Iraq and Afghanistan[1]." Alan Sabrosky, former professor at the U.S. Army War College and the U.S. Military

    Academy, did not hesitate to proclaim his belief that September 11 is a " classical operation orchestrated by

    Mossad" carried out with accomplices within the United States government, and his voice has been forcefully

    echoed by some U.S. Army veterans sites who are disgusted by the vile war that they were forced to wage on

    behalf of the September 11 lie or that of the weapons of mass destruction of Saddam Hussein [2].

    The arguments in favor of the Mossad hypothesis are not only related to the reputation of the worlds most

    powerful secret service, which a report by the U.S. Army School for Advanced Military Studies (quoted by

    the Washington Times on the eve of September 11th), described as "wildcat, ruthless and cunning. Able to carry

    out an attack on U.S. forces and disguise it as an act committed by Palestinians/Arabs[3]." The Mossad

    involvement, together with other Israeli elite units, is made evident by a number of little known facts.

    The dancing Israelis

    The eBook by Hicham Hamza, "Israel and September 11: The Great Taboo" (2013) brings together the case against Israel, with

    impeccable precision and all easily accessible sources.
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    How many of us know, for example, that the only people arrested on the same day in connection with the

    terrorist attacks of September 11 are Israelis [4]? This information was reported the very next day by journalist

    Paulo Lima in The Record, the newspaper of Bergen County in New Jersey, according to police sources.

    Immediately after the first impact on the North Tower, three individuals were seen by several witnesses on the

    roof of a van parked at Liberty State Park in Jersey City, "celebrating and jumping up and down, and

    photographing themselves with the twin towers in the background. They then moved their van to another

    parking spot in Jersey City, where other witnesses saw them display the same ostentatious celebrations. The

    police immediately issued a BOLO alert (be-on-the-look-out): "Vehicle possibly related to the terrorist attack in

    New York. 2000 white Chevrolet van with New Jersey plates and an Urban Moving Systems sign at the back, was

    seen at Liberty State Park, Jersey City, NJ, at the time of first impact of jetliner into the World Trade Center. Three

    individuals with the van were seen celebrating after the initial impact and the explosion that followed[5]." The

    van was stopped by police a few hours later, with five young Israelis aboard: Sivan and Paul Kurzberg, Yaron

    Shmuel, Oded Ellner and Omer Marmari. Physically forced out of the vehicle and pinned to the ground, the

    driver, Sivan Kurzberg, launched this strange sentence: "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems

    are our problems. The Palestinians are the problem[6]. Police sources who informed Paulo Lima were convinced

    of the involvement of the Israelis in the mornings attacks: "There were maps of the city in the van with some of

    the points highlighted. It looked like they knew[...] they knew what would happen when they were at Liberty State

    Park[7]. Passports of various nationalities, nearly 6000 dollars in cash and open airline tickets to travel abroad

    were also found on them. The Kurzberg brothers were formally identified as Mossad agents. The five Israelis

    worked officially for a moving company named Urban Moving Systems, whose employees were mostly Israelis.

    "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me[8]," stated one of the few non-Israeli workersto The Record. On September14, after receiving a visit from the police, the business owner, Dominik Otto Suter,

    left the country for Tel Aviv.

    The information disclosed by The Record, confirmed by the police report, was taken on by investigative sites

    such as theWayne Madsen Report(September 14, 2005) and Counterpunch(February 7, 2007). It was also

    reported in some main media as well but in a way that minimized its scope: the New York Times(November 21,

    2001) failed to mention the nationality of the individuals, just like Fox News and theAssociated Press.

    TheWashington Post(November 23, 2001) said they were Israelis, but passed over in silence their apparent

    foreknowledge of the event. However, The Forward(March 15, 2002), a magazine of the New York Jewish

    community, revealed that, according to an anonymous U.S. intelligence source, Urban Moving Systems was a

    Mossad undercover unit (which did not prevent it from receiving a federal loan of 498,750 dollars, as shown by

    the tax records)] [9].

    The FBI conducted an investigation contained in a 579 page report, partially declassified in 2005 (it will be

    completely declassified in 2035). Freelance journalist Hisham Hamza analyzed this in detail in his book Israel
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    and September 11: The Great Taboo. It shows a number of damning elements. First, the photos taken by these

    young Israelis actually show them in attitudes of celebration before the North Tower on fire: "They smiled, they

    hugged and they gave each other high fives ." To explain this, stakeholders said they were simply delighted " that

    the United States should now take steps to stop terrorism in the world" (although, at this point, a majority of

    people thought the crashes were an accident rather than an actd of terrorism). Moreover, at least one witness

    saw them positioned at 8:00, before an aircraft struck the first tower, while others certify that they were already

    taking pictures five minutes later, which is confirmed by their photos. A former employee confirmed to the FBI,

    the fanatically pro-Israeli and anti-American atmosphere that reigned in the company, even attributing to its

    director, Dominik Otto Suter, these words: "Give us twenty years and we will seize and destroy your media and

    your country." The five arrested Israelis were in contact with another moving company called Classic

    International Movers, four employees of which were interviewed separately for their links with the nineteen

    suspected hijackers. One of them had called "an individual in South America with genuine links to Islamic

    militants in the Middle East." Finally, "a sniffer dog gave a positive result for the presence of traces of explosives in

    the vehicle[10]."

    As Hamza notes, the reports conclusion is thought provoking: the FBI informs the local police detaining the

    suspects that, "the FBI has no further interest in investigating the prisoners and appropriate immigration

    procedures should be initiated[11]." A letter from the federal Immigration and Naturalization Service in fact

    shows that the FBI management recommended the termination of the investigation on September 24, 2001.

    However, the five Israelis spent 71 days in prison in Brooklyn, during which they refused, then failed several lie

    detector tests. They were subsequently repatriated under the simple charges of visa violations.

    Omer Marmari, Oded Ellner and Yaron Shmuel, three of the five "dancing Israelis" are invited to report in an

    Israeli TV programe upon their return in November 2001. Denying being members of Mossad, one of them said

    candidly: "Our goal was to record the event."

    We must finally mention an important detail of this affair, which may provide an additional explanation for

    the exuberant behavior of these young Israelis: some witnesses specify in their calls to the police, that people

    rejoicing on the roof of their van seemed to be "Arabs" or "Palestinians". In particular, shortly after the collapse

    of the towers, an anonymous call to police in Jersey City, reported on the same day by NBC News, described "a

    white van with two or three guys on the inside, they look like Palestinians and they are circling around a building",one of them "is mixing things and he has a sheikhs outfit on. [...] He is dressed like an Arab[12]." All indications

    are that these individuals were precisely the five Israelis arrested later. Two hypotheses come to mind: either

    our false movers are actually engaged in a staged action to appear as Arabs/Palestinians, or the witness or

    witnesses who described them as such were accomplices. As in the other case, it is clear that their goal was to

    initiate media rumors that Muslims had been spotted rejoicing not only for the attacks, but also for having
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    foreknowledge. The information was actually broadcast on some radio stations at noon, and on NBC News in

    the afternoon. I personally lean toward the second hypothesis (informants as accomplices rather than true

    Arabs in disguise) because the police report makes no mention of any exotic clothing found in the van, but

    especially because the informant cited above, who emphasized the clothing details, seems to have wanted to

    mislead the police about the exact location of the van; the latter was intercepted only because the police,

    instead of being satisfied with just this location, blocked all bridges and underground tunnels between New

    Jersey and New York. But the important thing is this: If the Israelis had not been arraigned in the late afternoon,

    the story probably would have made headlines with the title: The Dancing Arabs. Instead, it was completely

    suppressed and was circulated only confidentially under the title The dancing Dancing Israelis, or The Highfivers.

    Ehud Barak, former head of Israeli military intelligence (Sayeret Matkal), was Prime Minister from July 1999 to March 2001.

    Replaced by Ariel Sharon, he moved to the United St ates as a consultant for Electronic Data Systems and SCP P artners, a Mossa d

    screen company specializing in security issues which, with its partners Metallurg Holdings and Advanced Metallurgical, had the

    ability to produce nano-thermite. SCP Partners had an office within ten kilometers of Urban Moving Systems. An hour after the

    disintegration of the towers, Ehud Barak is on th e set of BBC World to describe bin Laden as the prime suspect (Bollyn, Solving 9 -

    11, p. 278-280).

    200 explosives expert spies

    Few people, even among the 9/11 Truthers, know the story of "the dancing Israelis" (we are still waiting, for

    example, for the Reopen 9/11 Association to talk about it on its Francophone site, though they are very sharp

    on all other aspects of the case). Also, few people know that at the time of the attacks, the U.S. federal police

    were busy dismantling the largest Israeli spy network ever identified on US soil. In March 2001, the National

    Counterintelligence Center (NACIC) posted this message on its website: "During the past six weeks, employees of

    federal offices located throughout the United States have reported suspicious activities related to individuals
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    posing as foreign students selling or delivering artwork." The NACIC specifies that these individuals, citizens of

    Israel, "also went to private homes of federal officials under the guise of selling art objects [13]."

    Then in the summer, the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), after being targeted by a large number of such

    incidents, compiled a report which was revealed to the public by theWashington Poston November 23, 2001,and in The Worldon March 14, 2002, before being made fully accessible by the French magazine Intelligence

    Online. This report lists 140 Israelis arrested since March 2001. Aged between 20 and 30 years and organized

    into teams of 4 to 8 members, they visited at least "36 sensitive sites in the Department of Defense ." Many of

    them were identified as members of the Mossad and Aman (Israeli military intelligence), and six were in

    possession of phones paid for by a former Israeli vice consul. Sixty arrests occurred after September 11,

    bringing to 200 the number of Israeli spies arrested. All were eventually released.

    Michael Chertoff, an Israeli citizen, the son of an Orthodox rabbi and a pioneer of the Mossad, headed the Criminal Division of

    the Department of Justice in 2001, and as such was responsible for the retention and destruction of all evidence regarding th e

    11th of September from Pentagon cameras to World Trade Center beams. It is to him also that the "dancing Israelis" owe

    their discreet repatriation. In 2003, he was appointed to head the new Department of Homeland Security in charge of counter -

    terrorism on U.S. territory, which allows him to control dissent while continuing to restrict access to the file of Sept. 11 through

    the law of Sensitive Security Information.

    The DEA report concluded that "the nature of the behavior of these individuals [...] leads us to believe that the

    incidents are perhaps intelligence gathering[14]." But the nature of the information collected remains unknown.It may be that in fact espionage was just a secondary coveran undergarmentof these Israeli art students,

    considering the military training received by some as demolition explosive ordnance expert, combat engineer,

    bomb disposal expert, electronic signal intercept operator, according to the DEA. One of the arrested agents,

    Peer Segalovitz, "acknowledged that he was capable of making buildings, bridges and cars explode, and anything

    he wanted[15]." Why would these Israeli agents have diverted attention from their real mission in a campaign
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    of espionage as ostentatious as unproductive curiously focusing on the Drug Enforcement Agency? The answer

    to this question is suggested by a disturbing geographical link between this network and the attacks of

    September 11.

    According to the DEA report, "The Hollywood community in Florida seems to have been the focal point ofthese individuals[16]." In fact, more than thirty of the fake Israeli student spies arrested shortly before

    September 11 lived in or near the city of Hollywood, Florida, precisely where 15 of the 19 alleged Islamist

    hijackers had regrouped (9 in Hollywood proper and 6 others nearby). One of them, Hanan Serfaty, through

    whom at least one hundred thousand dollars transited in three months, had rented two Hollywood apartments

    close to the apartment and post office box rented by Mohamed Atta, who was presented to us as the leader of

    the gang of hijackers. What was the relationship between the " Israeli spies" and the "Islamic terrorists?"

    According to the embarrassed explanation by the aligned media, the former were just monitoring the latter.

    Listen for example to David Pujadas introducing the Intelligence Onlinearticle televised March 5, 2002 on France

    2: "More about Israel, but specifically concerning Afghanistan now, this espionage affaire is troubling: an Israeli

    network was dismantled in the United States, particularly in Florida: one of its missions was to track the men of

    Al-Qaeda (this was before September 11). Some sources go even further: they indicate that the Mossad may not

    have shared all the information in its possession." This euphemistic explanation is an example of damage control.

    Israel appears barely tainted, since we can not reasonably blame a spy service for not shariong information. At

    worst, Israel can be accused of having "let it happen", which guarantees impunity. This explains, in my opinion,

    the sub-secondary cover of the spies-as-fake-Israeli-students, actually experts at false flag attacks. In fact, the

    students deliberately frail cover was made to draw attention to their secondary cover, that of spies, which

    would serve as an alibi for their proximity to the alleged pirates.

    Why does Pujadas (propelled to France 2 television news just a week before September 11) mention

    Afghanistan, which has nothing to do with the information being introduced? The slip can only be deliberate and

    illustrates "the great taboo" which Hicham Hamza alludes to: never mention September 11 and Israel in the same


    The truth is that they were probably not spying on the pirates, but that they manipulated them, financed

    them, and probably likely eliminated them shortly before September 11. An article in the New York Times of

    February 18, 2009 established that Ali al-Jarrah, cousin of a suspected Flight 93 pirate, Ziad al-Jarrah, had beena spy for the Mossad for 25 years, infiltrating the Palestinian resistance and Hezbollah in 1983. He is currently in

    prison in Lebanon. Lets also recall that the Mohamed Atta in Florida was a fake. The real Mohamed Atta, who

    called his father after the attacks (as last confirmed by the German magazine Bild am Sonntag in late 2002), is

    described by his family as reserved, pious, avoiding women and having a fear of planes. He had his passport

    stolen in 1999 while studying architecture in Hamburg. The false Mohamed Atta in Florida was living with a
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    stripper, ate pork, loved fast cars, casinos and cocaine. As reported by the South Florida Sun-Sentinel on

    September 16, "The suspects actions do not add up ." As also reported by many national newspapers, this Atta

    got drunk, drugged and paid for the services of several prostitutes in the weeks and days before the September

    11 attacks, and four other suicide bombers had similar behavior incompatible with Islamists preparing for

    death [17].

    The New York Network

    According to the renegade agent, Victor Ostrovsky (By Way of Deception, 1990), the Mossad draws its

    effectiveness from its international network ofsayanim ("collaborators"), the Hebrew term designating Jews

    living outside Israel and ready to perform illegal actions on demand, without necessarily knowing their ultimate

    purpose. They number in the thousands in the United States, particularly in New York, where the U.S. Jewish

    community is concentrated. Larry Silverstein, the leaseholder of the Twin Towers as of April 2001, appears as

    the archetype of a September 11 sayan. He is a leading member of the United Jewish Appeal/Federation of

    Jewish Philanthropies of New York, the largest U.S. fund raiser for Israel (after the U.S. government, which pays

    annually three billion in aid to Israel). Silverstein was also at the time of the attacks, the intimate friend of Ariel

    Sharon and Benjamin Netanyahu, with whom he was in conversation every Sunday, according to the Israeli

    newspaper Haaretz. Silversteins partner for the mall basement in the lease of the WTC was Frank Lowy, another

    Zionist "philanthropist" close to Ehud Barak and Ehud Olmert, former member of the Haganah. The head of the

    New York Port Authority, which privatized the WTC, granting the lease to Silverstein and Lowy was Lewis

    Eisenberg, also a member of the United Jewish Appeal Federation and former vice president of AIPAC.

    Silverstein, Lowy and Eisenberg were undoubtedly three key men in the planning of the attacks against the Twin


    Lucky Larry! Every morning, without exception, Larry Silverstein took his breakfast at Windows on the World

    atop the north tower of the WTC. Until the morning of September 11, when he had an appointment with a


    Other members of the New York-based network can be identified. According to the NIST report, the Boeing

    that crashed into the North Tower "cut a gash that was over half the width of the building and extended from the93rd floor to the 99th floor. All but the lowest of these floors were occupied by Marsh & McLennan, a worldwide

    insurance company, which also occupied the 100th floor[18]." The CEO of Marsh & McLennan was then Jeffrey

    Greenberg, a member of a wealthy Jewish family that contributed heavily to the campaign of George W. Bush.

    Greenberg was also the insurer of the twin towers and on July 24, 2001, they had taken the precaution of

    reinsuring their contracts with competitors who had to indemnify Silverstein and Lowy. And as the world of the
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    neocons is small, in November 2000, the Board of Directors of Marsh & McLennan welcomed Paul Bremer,

    President of the National Commission on Terrorism at the time of the attacks, and appointed as the head of the

    Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in 2003.

    Paul Bremer appeared on September 11, 2001 on the set of NBC, calm and relaxed, while 400 employees ofhis company are missing (in the end, 295 employees and more than 60 of the groups associates were to be

    officially counted among the victims).

    Complicity must also be sought in airports and airlines involved in the attacks. Both airports from which

    flights AA11, UA175 and UA93 took off (Logan Airport in Boston and Newark Airport near New York)

    subcontracted their security to International Consultants on Targeted Security (ICTS), a firm financed through

    Israel and headed by Menachem Atzmon, a treasurer of the Likud. A thorough investigation would certainly

    lead to other accomplices. Such an investigation should, for example, focus on Zim Israel Navigational, a giant

    maritime shipping outfit 48% held by the Jewish state (known to occasionally be used as a cover for the Israeli

    secret service), the US head of which left his offices at WTC with his 200 employees Sept. 4, 2001, one week

    before the attacks - "Like an act of God[19] - commented the CEO Shaul Cohen-Mintz.

    Its the oil, stupid!

    All these facts give a new meaning to the words of Bob Graham, a member of the September 11 Commission,

    who, in an interview with PBS in December 2002, cited " evidence that foreign governments contributed to

    facilitating the activities of at least some of the terrorists in the United States [20]." Graham, of course, was

    referring to Saudi Arabia. Why would the Saud family have helped Osama bin Laden, after having deprived him

    of his Saudi nationality and put a price on his head for his attacks on their soil? Grahams response, made in

    July 2011, is "the threat of civil unrest led by Al-Qaeda against the monarchy[21]." The Saudis supposedly

    helped Bin Laden under his threat of fomenting a revolution. This ridiculous theory (that Graham, short on

    arguments, developed into a novel) [22]. has only one goal: to divert suspicion away from the only " foreign

    government" whose links with the alleged terrorists are demonstrated, Israel, towards its enemy, Saudi Arabia.

    We smile similarly when reading the summary of the book The War After(2003) by the anti-Saudi Laurent

    Murawiec that "The royal power [Saudi] has succeeded over the years to infiltrate agents of influence at thehighest levels of the U.S. administration and to organize an effective intellectual lobby that now controls several

    universities among the countrys most prestigious[23]. "

    In asserting further that the Saudi track was stifled because of the friendship between the Bush and Saudi

    families, Graham and his friends use neoconservative George W. Bush as a fuse or lightning rod. The strategy

    paid off since the 9/11 Truth movement as a whole barks against him and balks at pronouncing the name of
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    Israel. One can recognize the art of Machiavelli: have the dirty work done by another, and then lead the mob

    against him.

    As I have shown elsewhere, a more appropriate term for the "neo-conservatives" would be "machiavelo-Zionists." Michael

    Ledeen gives proof of this in an article in the Jew ish World Review (June 7, 1999) where he defends the th esis that Machiavel li

    was "secretly Jewish" as at the time were thousands of families nominally converted to Catholicism under threat of expulsion

    (mainly Marranos from the Iberian Peninsula). "Listen to his political philosophy and you will hear Jewish music ". By

    definition, Machiavellianism advances masked by virtuous speech (ie the human-rightist), but a growing number of Zionists

    overtly espouse it: Another example is the book by Obadiah Shoher, "Samson Blinded: A Machiavellian Perspective on the

    Middle East Conflict."

    The day when, under pressure from public opinion, the mainstream media will be forced to abandon the

    official theory, the protest movement will have been thoroughly infiltrated and the "9/11 is an inside job" slogan

    will have prepared public sentiment for an outcry against Bush, Cheney and others, while neoconservatives

    remain immune from justice. And if, by misfortune, the day of the great unravelling, media zionists fail to keep

    Israel beyond the reach of justice, the Jewish state can always play the Chomsky card:America made me do it.

    Noam Chomsky [24], who camps on the far left since the Trotskyist Irving Kristol veered to the extreme right to

    form the neoconservative movement, continues in effect to relentlessly push the hackneyed argument that

    Israel is merely carrying out the will of the United States, as its de facto 51st state and the policeman in the

    Middle East.

    According to Chomsky and hyped radical U.S. left personalities such as Michael Moore, the destabilization

    of the Middle East is Washingtons strategy prior to being that of Tel Aviv. The Iraq war? For oil of course: " Of

    course it was Iraqs energy resources. Its not even a question[25]." Sign of the times, here Chomsky has Alan

    Greenspan, head of the Federal Reserve, joining in the chorus. In his book, The age of turbulence (2007)

    Greenspan pretends to concede "what everyone knows: one of the major factors in the war in Iraq was oil in the

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    "I personally believe that there is a deep connection between the events of September 11 and peak oil, but its not something I

    can prove," states Richard Heinberg, expert on energy depletion, in the documentary Oil, Smoke and Mirrors. Might as well

    say that the thesis arises from irrational faith.

    To this we must respond in unison with James Petras (Zionism, Militarism and the Decline of U.S. Power),

    Stephen Sniegoski (The Transparent Cabal) and Jonathan Cook (Israel and the Clash of Civilizations): "Not only

    did Big Oil not encourage the invasion, it did not even manage to control a single oil well, despite the presence

    of 160,000 U.S. troops, 127,000 mercenaries paid by the Pentagon and the State Department, and a corrupt

    puppet government [26]." No, the oil does not explain the war in Iraq, nor does it explain the war in

    Afghanistan, nor does it explain the assault on Syria by surrogate mercenaries, no more than it explains the

    planned war against Iran. And it is certainly not the oil lobby that has the power to impose the "great taboo"

    over the entire media sphere (from Marianne to Echoes, in the case of France).

    The Israeli culture of false flag terror

    A reminder is needed here to better situate September 11 in history. Americans have a long history of

    manufacturing false pretenses for war. We could go back to 1845 with the expansionist war against Mexico,

    triggered by U.S. provocations on the disputed area on the border with Texas (the Nueces River in Mexico, the

    Rio Grande for Texans) until clashes offered President James Polk (a Texan) the opportunity to declare that the

    Mexicans spilled American blood on American soil." After the war, a member by the name of Abraham Lincoln

    had Congress admit the falsity of the casus belli. Thereafter, all the wars waged by the United States have been

    under false pretenses: the explosion of the USS Maine for the war against Spain in Cuba, the sinking of

    the Lusitania for entry into the First World War World, Pearl Harbor for the second, and the Gulf of Tonkin for
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    the burning down of North Vietnam. However, only the explosion of the USS Maine, which caused few deaths,

    falls into the category of a false flag ploy; although it is still not completely clear.

    The transatlantic liner RMS Lusitania was torpedoed May 7, 1915 by the Germans, while operating in a war zone. Remember the

    Lusitania is the slogan that President Woodrow Wilson used in mobilizing public opinion in favor of U.S. entry into the war. The

    fact that only one torpedo was enough to sink the sh ip in fifteen minutes raises questions. In his paper, Mend el Edward House ,

    Wilsons adviser, reports a conversation he had shortly before with the British Foreign Minister Edward Grey (later in 1919

    ambassador to the United States). "What would the Americans do if the Germans sank a transatlantic liner with American

    passengers on board?" Grey asked. House replied: "I think a fire of indignation would sweep the United States and that would

    be enough to get us into war."

    However, it is a fact that Israel has a heavy past and great expertise in false flag attacks. A world history of

    this strategy would probably have to devote half of its pages to Israel, though it is the youngest of modern

    nations. The mould was cast even before the creation of Israel, with the bombing of King David Hotel, the

    headquarters of the British authorities in Jerusalem. On the morning of July 22, 1946, six terrorists of Irgun (the

    terrorist militia commanded by Menachem Begin, the future Prime Minister) dressed as Arabs entered and

    deposited 225 kg of TNT hidden in milk cans around the central pillar of the building, while others planted

    explosives along the access roads to the hotel to prevent the arrival of first responders. When a British officer

    became suspicious, a gunfight broke out in the hotel and members of the commando fled after detonating the

    devices. The explosion killed 91 people, mostly British, but also 15 Jews.

    The strategem was repeated in Egypt during the summer of 1954, with Operation Susannah, whose aim was

    to thwart the British withdrawal from the Suez Canal required by Gamal Abdul Nasser with support from

    President Eisenhower. This also went stale and is known as the "Lavon Affair", named after the Israeli prime

    minister who was held responsible. The most famous and most calamitous of the Israeli false flag attacks was

    that on the American NSA ship USS Liberty, June 8, 1967 off the coast of Egypt, two days before the end of the

    Six Day War; we see already a deep collaboration between Israel and the U.S. The Johnson administration had
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    covered up and perhaps even encouraged this crime against its own engineers and soldiers. I evoked these two

    cases in a previous article and will not go over them again here [27]

    In 1986, the Mossad tried to make believe that a series of terrorist orders were transmitted from Libya to

    various Libyan embassies around the world. According to former agent Victor Ostrovsky (By Way of Deception,1990), the Mossad used a special communication system, labeled "Trojan Horse," established by commandos

    inside enemy territory. The system acts as a relay station for false transmissions sent from an Israeli ship and

    immediately reissued on a frequency used by the Libyan state. As the Mossad had hoped, the NSA caught and

    deciphered the transmissions, which were interpreted as evidence that the Libyans supported terrorism, reports

    that Mossad came opportunely to confirm. Israel relied on Reagans promise of retaliation against any country

    caught in the act of supporting terrorism. The Americans fell into the trap and dragged with them the British

    and the Germans: April 14, 1986, one hundred and sixty U.S. aircraft dropped over sixty tons of bombs on Libya,

    targeting mainly airports and military bases. Among the civilian casualties on the Libyan side was Gaddafis

    adopted daughter, aged four. The strike torpedoed a deal for the release of US hostages held in Lebanon,

    allowing Hezbollah to continue as public enemy number one in the eyes of the West.

    Isser Harel, founder of the Israeli secret service, would have predicted to the Ch ristian Zionist Michael Evans in 1980 th at Islamic

    terrorism would eventually hit the USA. "In Islamic theology, the phallic symbol is very important. Your biggest phallic symb ol is

    New York City and its tallest building will be th e phallic symbol they will hit. "In reporting this exchange in a 2004 interview,

    Evans, author of "The American Prophecies, Terrorism and Mid-East Conflict Reveal a Nations Destiny", hopes to elevate Harel to

    prophet. Rational minds will see the indication rather that September 11 matured for 30 years in the deep state of Israel.

    The manipulating capacity of the Mossad at the time can be further illustrated by two stories analyzed by

    Thomas Gordon. On April 17, 1986 a young Irish woman named Ann-Marie Murphy unknowingly carried 1.5

    pounds of Semtex on board a flight from London to Tel Aviv. Her fianc, a Pakistani named Nezar Hindawi, was

    arrested while trying to flee to the Syrian Embassy. Both were actually manipulated by the Mossad, which
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    achieved the desired result: the Thatcher government broke off diplomatic relations with Syria. But the

    manipulation was exposed in high places (as Jacques Chirac later told the Washington Times) [28]

    In January 1987, the Palestinian Ismail Sowan, a Mossad mole who infiltrated the PLO in London, is given

    two suitcases packed with weapons and explosives by an unknown person supposedly sent by his PLO chief.Ismail reveals this to his Mossad contacts, who send him on a trip to Tel Aviv, then denounce him to Scotland

    Yard as a suspect in an Islamist attack in London. Ismail is picked up on his return to Heathrow Airport and

    charged on the basis of weapons found at his home. Result: the Mossad gains the favors of the Thatcher

    government [29]. After the February 26, 1993, attack against the WTC, the FBI arrested the Palestinian Ahmed

    Ajaj and identified him as a terrorist linked to Hamas, but the Israeli newspaper Kol Hairshowed that quAjaj

    had never been involved with Hamas or the PLO. According to journalist Robert Friedman, author of an article

    in The Village Voice, August 3, 1993, Ajaj was actually a petty crook arrested in 1988 for forging dollars,

    sentenced to two and a half years in prison and released after a year following a deal with the Mossad, for

    whom he had infiltrated Palestinian groups. Upon his release, Ajaj undergoes a classic sheep-dipping by being

    briefly imprisoned again, this time for trying to smuggle weapons for Fatah in the West Bank. We have

    therefore, with the bombing of the WTC in 1993 a prototype for September 11, in which are demonstrated

    Israels responsibility for terrorism and its willingness to have Palestinians accused.

    The attack against the Israeli embassy in Buenos Aires in 1992, which caused 29 dead and 242 wounded, was instantly blamed on

    Hezbollah suicide bombers who used a truck bomb. But the judge in charge of the investigation revealed pressures from the US

    and Israeli delegates and manipulation of evidence and false testimony to lean the investigation toward the theory of a truck

    bomb, while facts indicated that the explosion came from inside the building. When the Argentine Supreme Court upheld this

    argument, the spokesman of the Israeli embassy accused the judges of anti-Semitism.

    It is interesting to recall what was written by Philip Zelikow with John Deutch in December 1998 in an article

    in Foreign Affairs entitled "Catastrophic Terrorism," positing that the bomb used in the 1993 attack was nuclear,

    and already evoking a new Pearl Harbor: "An act of catastrophic terrorism that killed thousands or tens of
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    thousands of people and/or disrupted the necessities of life for hundreds of thousands, or even millions, would be

    a watershed event in Americas history. It could involve loss of life and property unprecedented for peacetime and

    undermine Americans fundamental sense of security within their own borders in a manner akin to the 1949

    Soviet atomic bomb test, or perhaps even worse . []Like Pearl Harbor, the event would divide our past and future

    into a before and after. The United States might respond with draconian measures scaling back civil liberties,

    allowing wider surveillance of citizens, detention of suspects and use of deadly force[30]."

    On 12 January 12, 2000, according to the Indian newspaperThe Week, Indian intelligence officers arrested

    eleven Islamist preachers who were preparing to board a flight to Bangladesh at Calcutta airport. They were

    suspected of belonging to Al-Qaeda and wanting to hijack the plane. They presented themselves as Afghans

    who had stayed in Iran before spending two months in India to preach Islam. But it was found that they all had

    Israeli passports. The Indian intelligence officer told The Weekthat Tel Aviv "exerted considerable pressure" on

    Delhi to secure their release.

    On 12 October 12, 2000, in the final weeks of Clintons term of office, theUSS Cole, en route to the Persian

    Gulf, was ordered by its homeport of Norfolk to refuel in the port of Aden in Yemen, an unusual procedure

    since these destroyers are generally supplied by a Navy tanker at sea. The captain of the ship expressed his

    surprise and concern: the USS Cole had recently filled up at the entrance of the Suez Canal, and Yemen is a

    hostile area. The USS Cole was executing docking maneuvers when she was approached by a dinghy apparently

    for the removal of garbage, which exploded against the hull, killing 17 sailors and wounding 50. The two

    "suicide bombers" driving the boat also perished in this "suicide". The attack was immediately attributed to Al-

    Qaeda, although bin Laden denied responsibility and the Taliban denied that their "host" could have been

    involved. The accusation gave the United States a pretext to force the Yemeni President Ali Abdullah Saleh to

    cooperate in the fight against anti-imperialist Islamism, closing for starters three paramilitary camps on its

    territory. On top of that, a few weeks before the elections, the attack was the October Surprise that brought

    Bush to power.

    John ONeill was in charge of the investigation. A twenty year veteran of the FBI, and experienced specialist

    in counter-terrorism, he had investigated the bombing at the WTC in 1993. His team came to suspect that Israel

    had fired a missile from a submarine: the hole was indeed indicative of a penetrating charge and inexplicable by

    the explosion of one dinghy. The suspicions were shared by President Saleh, who spoke in an interviewwithNewsweek, of the possibility that the attack was due to Israel, "trying to spoil the US-Yemeni

    relationship [31]." ONeill and his team suffered the hostility of U.S. Ambassador Barbara Bodine. They were

    kept from diving in order to inspect the damage. Finally, taking advantage of their return to New York for

    Thanksgiving, Bodine refused them re-entry to Yemen. The crew of the Cole were put under a gag order

    forbidding then to talk about the attack to anyone other than the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS). In
  • 7/29/2019 The USAs decades long warfare against China-PART I


    July 2001, ONeill resigned from the FBI. He was soon after offered a position as head of security at the WTC

    starting on September 11, 2001. His body was found in the rubble of the WTC after he had disappeared for two

    days. As for Barbara Bodine, in 2003 she joined the corrupt team of the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) in


    Where does the list of Zionist-designed fake Islamic terrorism end? The "New York Times" and other newspapers reported that on

    September 19, 2005, two agents of the British Spec ial Forces (SAS) were arrested after forcing a road block in a car filled w ith

    weapons, ammunition, explosives and detonators which they drove disguised as Arabs. It is suspected that they were planning t o

    commit violent attacks in the center of Basra during a religious event, to stir up conflict between Shiites and Sunnis. The same

    evening, a SAS unit freed the two agents by destroying the prison with a dozen tanks assisted by helicopters. Captain Masters ,

    charged with the investigation of this embarrassing affair, died in Basra on October 15.