the vetting exclusive - obama's literary agent booklet ... · the vetting - exclusive -...

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated sen'ice ihat requires calles to slate tleir nm€ and company, shich we did. she nevcr answcrcd- The desiSn of the boolilet was unde'tale! by Pjchard Bellsy, who has since closed his buins. Bellsey, reached by telephore, ould not recall tbe exact details ofthe booklet, but told Breitbait Ne$s thai it "sourds like one ol ourjobs, nle I did lor tAdon & Dystell h!€nw years ago or more.rr 1991 Booklet: 'Bom in Kenya and ra... Page 4 of2l Eilwerd J. artol aIaDo Dyrt€! TIE p ade of authoh alongsidc obda in &e b@Uet induds politicians, su.h as lomer Speaker of the Houe Tip ONeill; sloris legends, $ch as Joe Montana dd Kaen AbdLdJabbar; lnd Dune.ous no&No{d celebritiN. rlE releFe side ofthc pagc that fcaturcs Bamck obama includes fo.mer cre€n Pdty pr.sidentjal cahdidate Ralph Nado and edlr- 199os boy band" po! scBation Nc\L Kds ont\e Block Efl !/[a.rk tl Tlo!n4a Otl[6lU p-,Big-Government/2012105/17/The-'lell|,lns-Barack-Oham^-T ir'r^ e1''at''41'

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Page 1: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in

se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by anautonated sen'ice ihat requires calles to slate tleir nm€ andcompany, shich we did. she nevcr answcrcd-

The desiSn of the boolilet was unde'tale! by Pjchard Bellsy, whohas since closed his buins. Bellsey, reached by telephore, ouldnot recall tbe exact details ofthe booklet, but told Breitbait Ne$sthai it "sourds like one ol ourjobs, nle I did lor tAdon & Dystell

h!€nw years ago or more.rr

1991 Booklet: 'Bom in Kenya and ra... Page 4 of2l

Eilwerd J.artol


TIE p ade of authoh alongsidc obda in &e b@Uet indudspoliticians, su.h as lomer Speaker of the Houe Tip ONeill; slorislegends, $ch as Joe Montana dd Kaen AbdLdJabbar; lndDune.ous no&No{d celebritiN.

rlE releFe side ofthc pagc that fcaturcs Bamck obama includesfo.mer cre€n Pdty pr.sidentjal cahdidate Ralph Nado and edlr-199os boy band" po! scBation Nc\L Kds ont\e Block



p-,Big-Government/2012105/17/The-'lell|,lns-Barack-Oham^-T ir'r^ e1''at''41'

Page 2: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

The Vefting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: 'Bom in Kenya andra...Page 5 of 2I

Ralph Nenr Kids Onthe Block

Acton, $ho spoke to Breitbad N€is by telephone, onfirncdprccise details of the bookler ,ld said thai it cost the agency tds ofthoGands of dour6 to rroduce.

Hc indjcated that {hilc "rlnost nobody *rotc his or her o\rbiography, the non-athletes in ihebooklcti Llhoh the agents deal

[t] with on a daily b6h, $cr. "lrobably' dplroached to apprcrc

Dystel did not respond to nuocloDs requ€sls for @nnent, \'idenailand tclephone. H€. assista.t told BrcitbadNews that Dtstel"does not ans\erquestioro about Obam,"

The errant Ob,ma biogralrhy ir the Acton & Drstel b@klet doesnot cont.adict th€ anthendciq, of Obama s bifih @.tificate.Moreo\rr,se\€ral conl.uFralto\Ls accohLs{httrr://ircnicsrrealisn.copr/20r2lo11.1/obrm.roao iitcn ic\!:\$e-qoirg to rcs| Obama's

barl8round des( i bp ObJnd .s hc\ing bftn 1.. ,' i,' ll. s.'ii(lrtrp://1Lrsl.r\ rines,con/rqoo/o:/o6^s/fi 6t-btdl elcdolirq!sird.Luriu..d:ljiu:!cJ!rLlrl!!l).

The biogmthy dos, hoNer€r, fit a partern in r\'hich Obama-.or thcpeople rcpresenti.g Dd supporting hin- manipdate his publi.

oJrid Md1' ss" fonhm,nrna broaruDh\ o'Oi..,n h",rcportedly !!ut!r\dG!!!rjr!r..q!r!&!!l]rlr4)q!Lit'!s./,?!r_? /o64bu. g-b^r.cklob-anr nlh . dayid ndnniss), fo. mplc, that a EilldendObana desc.ibed in D/ea,6trn My aar/rer was, in fact, mabalgd of seleral separate indn'iduls.

In additior, ObaDa and lis handlers have. history of redefininghis identity 1!hen cxpediert, In March 2oo8, for ermple. hc

{hitp: //nrr\'.hllnrct{rrmst.cou/2oo8/or/18/obanra-rrcc-!Ee!!h.r!!d.lllr1 e?ozz.!1r!ll: "I crd no nore disoM Ue.emiahwdghtl thm I cm dGor$ the black coDnunity. I aD no moredisoM hin than I can mr rvhite s.andmother-''7lIhe-\ ettlnt-Rtr,.L-oham,-r jr""

Page 3: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


Page 4: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

Al'l'IDAVtT OF David Y!n

I. David Yun. am o\'er l8 ye4rs old. ha!'c pcrsonal kno\ ledge ofthe torcgoing and can and attest !o theIbllorving:

1. I havc o\,er I0 \,ears ol computcr intbnration technology knoulcdge.l. I am cunenlly a conputer lnlbmtation Svstenrs anal.,--'st-

i I fcrlhnn dili'bJ,c,rtd cnnrf'dtcr rcp.rir yrr,(e.4. I havc an cducalionul backglound in conlpulcr scicncc fiom Devrl Unir'ersit1..5. J lbuncl rnultiplc individuals. r,rho arc 100yearsold. 150 ycars olcl.200 ]'cars old, uho are clrritully

votinq in cach and i'vcl! election.6. Attorl1cl, Orl) lailz.wbowasacandidatefbriheLJ.S.Scnarein2012primarycontactedmeand

providcd \!ilh thc f)VD ofthc CA votcr rcgistmtions asking to anal!ze the dau.7. I pers()nall)' perlormed the anrlysis ofthq dalabase provided to me by attomcy Orly laitz.I I tbund multiple iffeqular;tjes in thc obtained dalabase.

9. I found the lollouing cntries:

A. 898 rccords rvi*oul limt name

h. 757 reco.ds $,ithoul birth dale

C- 756.113 records *ilhout place ol birlhI). i rccords $ilhout an address

Il. 141.861 possible duplicate records

F. 1,10.019 records \\ith binh date older fian I00 ]earsI0. According to CA Elcctions code 2I50 cvery- voter registraiion is suppos€d 1o contaiD a binh date of the

\oter. as \\ell as olhcr infonnation. such as courtD ofodgin. tirsl and last nanre. prior vorer regis(ration.

address, inlbrnration disclosing whcther the perspoctive voler is a felon or parolee. a drivers licensc. last

lbur digits c,fthe Social Securitv nurnber or an identifier numbcr.

1l. Based on my peasonal dala analysis in onl) one of8 parameters ofvcrillcation. biflh dale. there are

hundreds ofrhousands offlagrantly inlalid \'oter registrations Nhich need 1() b€ removed lroDt thc

database and I36.01t) votcr registralions with binh date sho\ring the voter to be over I00 ycars old.$hich is a suspicious votcr registralion- r\hich lced ro bc verified.

I altcst that all ol the inlbrmaion hcrcin is truc and correcl to the bcsi ol my knowlcdge. I declare this

under the pcnalty of pctur).

Namc David YtLn

Address 3,100 W t homron ave. Anahcim. (lA 92804

S$om to lnd subscribed befotc n1e this

*ffi-,gr+i*:e*'1[!-^iI - Juiir;.;;i; '" Ire--+:._=Jda) of .2012.

Page 5: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


I, David Yun, am over l8 yea$ old, have personal knowledge ofthe foregoing and can and aftest to the


I " I have over l0 yea6 of compute! information technology knowledge.

2. I am currently a Computer Infomation SysterN analyst.

3. I perlorm database and computer repair services.

4. I hav€ an educatiorEl backgrourd in computer science from Devry University5, I found multiple inegularities in the obtained database.

6. I found multiple individuals, who have listed their place of bi(h as US or USA. A valid place of birth is

required in 14 states as stated in PTF Appendix C.pdf of Califomia voter registration guide.

http://www, nal_repofi,PTF_Appendix_C.pdf

7. Attomey Orly Taitz, who was a candidate for the U.S. Senate in 2012 primary contacted me and

provided a DVD ofthe CA voter registrations askilg to analyze the data.

8, I personally performed the analysis ofthe database provided to me by attomey Orly Taitz9. I found multiple inegulariti€s in the obtained database.

10. I found the following resulv entrie(s):

A. 685739 Records where Place ofBirth is listed as US or USA.I l. According to CA Elections code 2150 every voter registration is supposed to contain a birth date of the

voter, as well as other information, such as country oforigin, first and last name, prior voter registration,address, informalion disclosing whether the perspective voter is a felon or parolee, a drivers license, lastfour digits ofthe Social Security number oran identifier number.

12. Based on my personal data analysis in only one of 8 pa-ram€ters ofverification, birth date, there arehundreds ofthousands of flagrantly invalid voter registmtions which need to be removed from thedatabase, which is a suspicious vot€r rcgistration, which need to be verified.

I att€st that all ofthe information herein is fue and correct to the best ofmy knowledge. I declare thisunder the penahy ofpe{ury.

Sisned / . )

J - -)z - /L \,/Nam>:Diti-d tun 'r, /'Address 3400 W THORNTON AVE. ANAHEIM- CA 92804

Suom and subscribeil belore me this day

l r"ii*il, .oMM + tgas2aizkffi3 onANGE couNrY

{ w ^8lTli,'fi ll88^iil8l


\uroRNtA, rir ExPrnEs

5. tot 6


Page 6: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


Page 7: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

Case 8:09-cv-00082-DOC-AN Document 134-1#:.2548

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\i'r llrli'r,n(,1 rll i|:rr \1, l;|ncrrl,o r. rr.hrrrrrtrl prr, lli'e ritc.t, \ r:r,.jrj. r(".I lI I l,ri. iuI I )l,. 11it . i\ir i ,._,1 ij,.,1. 1., 1lr!.

srri\llrillrrl lh. Ii,r!.,1(!,'crfllrrnt-i (' clr;llkl | \ ')r\lfrel .lU.i!u\:.. ..:. :.1:. r'r,:. .i \ ... rn,;

lJ.s.J,'r.,ur c\.rr,r.rlr\r, (,r rl:!,nl,,n .rrr,,rr f'r.,ri.l!.1.\\*irrr\.,rurit.. tt,ri:{,r\t\,r,:.,elt ;.hc:r aJ.||..rcJ hr lhr,c,,Lrfl l]exri[t IIN rtrrll.r ji]. \l.,tc l]ir (.lonr,l dcr(I|llrnc tll,r \rljdlt\ (,l llr(ij,,rttrrrent h.rt \r.r\fI.(.Lrl!{l I,,rlrec,rurr \','rrr' e,'rnIlliIt irlio(r,|c(mr.r nr-ll"r.,l Ii i('rltl :e(lrril\$ l),j\,)I.l rl,rr.(,,1 :dl rh( Srrlr. lt.||. \,,!h.,\rtlr't,Nrl\L,j'cJ\,{1 ,,lrf|.,rt!$ithrh( l)i.ri.\lt,,nr.\ .rr.l !hr l)!t\.!r,It l ('l Jir\rcc.

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L)r ,'tlur .ril!,r,rti,'Ir rx)r rr(l[(l(J rr \oor liri,rlL,,nrpLunl. \,'r lrri( l{(' 1,IltrL,o: l.ll irrrnrcrli.rrt.r-: \i.ur!.. llrJllr.r ,'lir,,r,r\1,,,t).rl\lIe.rl\$ith.,(,qnl,l.IIl \n.rl\,t.\,'Inr.r\ lcilr..r r,,rtrrr.\':r:c\rll)\ r I r::r i:l:r;1,5 llsi ll!\Ir.t,'.lcJrl\ i(icrltil\ thL'lr\\lcr J,,[ll,lrrlrcJ ,,t. rh. r:rrrrrrrt,rr.r'.ri ,r'),, \,, r(1.]lh,rlc |lrnrrltr rnuluJrrrg rlrt ,rcI cr\lc In \r{x 1r'ire rrr.\\J!c. I t(( .{rf li!ior \r.rl\.! \ rll :(rLr: n \lrlr raJl rithir l l.rr*rrre".l.rrs

lhL:stc,'rrJ,'l'tir,rrr\t(ir(\lur:\ldrcSlrn!llrr'\u,lrt]t:lt.\r!lrlrrittt'rr'rrLl\,,ur..'rrflriol \l.rll,,fir.\ nr:,\ ru'Pcrr \,,'rt !!,rrrl)i.Iril rljrf L! .llLJ(rr|l]rrn!. t|.rt r,,rL fic:rrrte,l rt;r. .i:rrrtj..llttcti.ler,te rlt,,ut r,,rr rL,I l,Irir I dr thrl llrr \lirl. lJurrl()s.rl )d(rc,,l|rl,lirrl nillrl'tlr i \ hirsis \'(,I ntu\r. I I i r I r r I r \ ,

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Page 8: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

Case 8:09-cv-00082-DOc-AN Document 134-1 Filed 0827fl2 Page2of2 PagetD#:2 9

Sutc Bar (tl'Celitbmia-Audit & Rcric$ Unit.I 149 South fiill Street

Los Angelcs. CA 90015-2299,

Plcrsc oote thal tclcphonlc rcquFsts lbr rcvicrv will not bc acccpted.

l he Slale Bar cannot givc )..ou lclFloo"_icc. lf )ou $ish (o corlsult an a(tomeJ about ant othcr renrediqia\ rilahle to ]or.r- llrc Los Angelcs (iruprl lrdr

^ssocialk[ can providc ihc nanles ol-uttorncys \\ ho ota]

hc rrblc to nssisr ]ou l'hc countl bar {rsocialion's conucl infoDn&tion is: l.os Angclcs Count\,Bar.\isociorioi. P.(). Bo\ i50:0. Lol ,\,r*ciL's. ( ,\ t.,055.1010 {i 13, l4i-15.5-


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Page 9: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


Page 10: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

_. 1t ! ,1,t.-y.

crafrflcaTL ot uvt SnTN1i11,,. I5l

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Page 11: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


Page 12: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

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Page 13: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


Page 14: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

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Page 15: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

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Democr€dc Party of Har€iilO50 Ala iihana Bh/d. {12660Honolulu, Hl 06814Phme (808)50&2980Fex (809)50&2S85Emsili dphslEff@inborcoolr\reb6 :t€ : www.haurail.democ.rat8 or!


S?6te of Hawai'i

THIS lS TO CERTIFY that the following candrdabs for Ptesldent 8nd Mc6Pre8idsnt of th€ Unit€d States sre legally qualitlod io serve under the prcvlsionE ofthenatonal Democratic Padios bellotng at lhe Pre5i.t€.dial Pteference Poil a.rd ciucusheld on February 1 Sp, 20OB in the State of Ha\'v8ii end by acclamation st lhc NationalDEelqcrBtic Convenion held Augusl27, 2008 in Denr€r, Colorado.






For PreridBnt of the Unld sleies

Barack Ob.mrP.O. Box 8102

Chicago, lL, 60000

For Vicc turddedt ot tho Uniled Stabs

Joo Biden1209 Bad6y Mill Rd.

Vvllmington, DE 19907

D€mocratic Pany of HErtsii105O Als Moana Bhd. ,t2660Honolulu, Hl €6814

oF ITAVAFhor.; (8nE)

"&2t30 . Ee (w 59&2985

lN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we ha\re hereunto set our hands on tlr x All4iglvof August, 2006.

Dsmooratlc Parly of Hauraii1 050 Al€ Moana Blvd. #2660Honolulu, Hl 96014

DEMOCRATIC PARTYlotoAhMmr Blvd. SdE D26 o Horoldq Hl %8U .


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/itt *t7

4t*&-e-z-C-bair, Democratic NatioaalCmvention

Commonwealth of Massachusetls

Cou y ofsuffolk


Before me on this 29th day of July 2004 person€Iy appeared BILLzuCIIARDSON AND AIICE TRAI/IS GXRMOND, to me lnova or ploYed to me o!ttsbasis ofsatisfactory evidence, wLich were for each l,rrnrrr

. to be t]re persoDs who oxgc-rrted tle foregoilg instument as Cbair 8ud Seqetary,respectively, of the 2004 Democratic National Conveatioo, ia behau ofthe 2004D..,nocratio National Cotrvertion, aad cach havitrg acloowledged 6at tley cxecuted thesale as their ox! Ae6 act and deed and as tie free act aad deed ofsaid 2004 DedoqaticNational Convention.

)) ss:



My conmissioa cxpires:

Lynn B. Gaseidnes, Nobry Plblictuty cbmmissie FeirEs August 28. 2009

Democritic P.rty r 430 Sou(h C4lttol Street, SI t v2sl!trglotr, DC, 20003 r (202) 863-8000 t f.r (202) 863-8174PaA fo. b tte De adark nahotul Conn$tee. Contrttbatiott! t tbe Deflanzlk NoAotLrI Cott t tlee alt,tot taz dedL.iith.


of the Uaited Siates of America, held in Bosto!, Massachusetts o! Iuly 26 :dj.ougi29,2004, the followhg were duly aomiaated as candidates ofsaid Party far Presided andVice Presidsd of tle Ulited States respectively:

For President of the United StatesJohn F. Kerry

19 Louisburg SqureBosto!" Massachusetts 021 08

For Vi€e Presialent of the United StatesJohn Edwartls

3323 Allegbany DriveRaleigh, Nort! Caroliaa 27609

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ffiffi"ry''=2::::2' 6 -.4 q€D



'IUIS IS 1O CEI{TIIiY that at the Natioml Conveution of the Demooulic Padyofthe United Stares 01'Amcrica. held in Denver, Colorado on August 25 though 28,2008, the fotlowiug were duiy nomiuated as candidates ofsaid Palty for Presideot ardVice President of the Unitcd States respectively:

I{rr l!re$ident of the lJnited St^tes Obama5046 South Greenwood Avenue

Chicagr.', Iliinois 60615

For Vice President ofthe United States

Joe Eiden1209 Barley Mill l{oad

Wilmington, Delaware 19307

Seqetary, Democrat jc NalionalConvention

Cily dnd CoDnty of Denver )) ss:

State ofcolorado )

SubsQrib€d .uld swom 10 belbre me i[ the City ard Coudy ofDenver, State ofColorado,this /{tay ofAugust, 2008.

sHALlFA A. Wfi.l,tAillsoNNotorv Publlc

Siole of Colorodo,ry cohmr*oi Erpr@ s€Pi,nbd 06, 2ol I

DcnocrelicPa.q'ilcadqnarrersE4]0siurh*pjrolslir{rl,SDE1'('lr'liiglon,Dc,20003E1202)861'31$af.dl2A2)363'8174Paid /or b",, lha Deno dtt N.itiofinl Conniltee. Conrkutkn! to he\rlr Naltolra; Cuttn lltee aft nd kLt .le&i1ib!e

lisii ,rir *cirsile xt s$rden r!'31\ org


AFrce Travis GennondChafu . Democratic NalionalConvention

loinmission expiratiof date

Page 21: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated


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TTIIS IS TO CERTIFY that at the N*iottsl Convention ofthc Democrmic Parry

oftbe Utritcd Statcr ofAmcrioa, hald iD Ddv€r. ColoEdo on August 25 thoug! 2&2008, tbe frllowirg were duly aminaed as candi&tes of said Party for Presid€Dt and

Vic! Presided offhe Udted Sttrrl:s rEspectively rDd rhat tbe followiug candidaies forPresidot ard vice Freslde ofdE Uuited State3 6re lcBally quElified to scrve llgl&r rhe

provisions ofthc Unltrd Siates Constinnion:

For Prld.lcrt of tic Utritd Strter

Benck Obaua

- 5046 South Grecrclood AvenueV chicaeo, litrois 60615

E For Vice Prccidmt olthe Uritcd slrter





Joc Bidcn1209 Bartqy Mi[ Roqd

Wilmington, DclawEre 19807

Chair, Democratic NationalConvention

Cily atd Couty of Dcov€r

StEts ofcolorado

Secrctary, Democatic Nstional'Connention

)) ss:


sHAr.lFA A. WlLuAMsoNNoiory Publlc

stot€ ot Colorqdot rc!.frtl|lnar lELaLt *recaoc 2!ll

t!.oo.'dc F'tly E .iiq!.rr.6 . {3osoulhcryildl st!.t sB r rvdin80n, Dc, um3 t (202) s53't00 t ']x(11$lf]}{.U4Po fu bf fr4 Dqno;atx Nawd Canmttba tulbulirs tn ttb€ hnestb lhtund Co4'nfia| olE td w MR

ltdt orr xEbits { rt*d.tlali!.0.!.

Subscdbed aad sqom te b€forc me i! the city arul Comty of Deilver, Sbte of Colotado'rhisjfltry ofAugruq 2O0S- n

coriadssion erqirstiofl datc


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Birther Queen Orly Taitz's Big Comeback on California Senate Ballot - The Daily Beast Page I of5




T|!;IuPET;FAST tffit;;,1f.*Lllj,FREE'0,,".v

sEN N F6 [email protected]'iybean



Birther Queen Orly Taitz's Big Comebackon California Senate Ballotb'JfuAlb

Orly TaiE, the mastermind behind theconspiricy th@ry that Ob.mawasn't born in th€ United States, could finish in the top two inCalifomia's Senato pdmary Tuesday, John Avlon says itrs time to

Odv Taic, quen or Ihe b'dhss. is on tE b.[rt Tuesdav h Carirdoa She is tunning

as a Replbli€n ro challenge seo Dianre Fei6lein tor .elets And Flls sh4$al Ta tz jusl fr th1 make the top,Nvo cul and be an offic al challeng€r in the rall

rl s hard io @tate jGt h@ bad frat@uld be for fle Gorden State GoP

An arcred binh{ aciivsl and riljqanl.

dent st attomey molherofthe, a.dMoidovan immloEnr who radiat6inslab ry erd be llE siandad-beas oithe pady of Reagan rn the aE*t.t.te ln

rh€ naiion rs lrb a 9€.t @unuy q wh.t?

rve met TaiE.


and spendinq an hdr ar her rtrofice/dental pradr@ in tie hills or Rando

sanra lrarg..ita whil€ I was @earchii! lzrgq$ she s not uniniE I'genl and is

dd6t dEomgt 'ene, poudly sh@ng ofi p@n'@nt arleged Feeh@k rae ds

aid rhen cofrpanno obama to srarin, alltr4lire pa$ing ovdnundreds of paqs ot

xeroxed dotumenls she has senl to qo€mors ol a r 50 slals and the edie u ssenate The pa.ker deiairs @sarims

'ndudmg impssabon ot a miriary oafer,

ib€ , detudalon ot characrer haEssmenl b@akLno inlo fie @frpuler system of lhesupreme cou( volg liaud, a.d torqery, @iclld no: venly the above racG b@gmioMrd by fe and dmand ooama/soeroo s immediaie r6Enalio or emdd rrvnolt @ due lo tfald and @nsl lullonalinabilry Naloialsecudly and n€t ona suto val

depends on you. exp€dienl adions


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Birther Queen Orly'faitz's Big Comeback on Califomia Senate tsallot - The Daily Beast Page 2 of5

li olher wonrs nut bar s or y Tallz as 3 €f d'date for u s sen€le @uld nake

chnsrne o DonnerLbor l'keHenrycray srre @urd glaqqll\lsts l@r( I'ke

Danre Websle. Q9!4!!! I!!!p seens a model or eslra nl by compar son

Th's 's

tudny bul ( s Je $d Th's rs wnat happ€ns when yd bun dM he bE lenl

The CalllonE Repudi€n Pany has a l@9 ,nd d,sliJrgushed l6drtro. Itm HrEm

John$n rr Earl Waren lo Rrchard N xon to Ronald Reagan lo Pele w en ll Msone rhe qu nres€nra bg tent though {@nE ned plenly of ideo €r@ld'saqremdrs Mcr imponanl il @n eleclids apperho ngh( and @nrs

Effi ffir5F4t




Bui a r*nt spale of RrNo.hunring comb ned wfh the nar onal dr fi of rhe GoP a@y

irom lhe €nler has he ped make cardorn a lu.ctDna ly a onepany slale

Ttue n 20r0. bolh Meg Wh tma. and Cany Frcnna@€ on ihe ballol r.'slng

bo:0oads ol€sh and qeneratnq some buz Blllheklrrin css in thal Tea Party

year s€m b have @sl'tuted a Do Nor Enler s'gn td €nddales @nsrdenhg . run in

a pr€sdenlia e ecton.tcle lhal obama !s exp.cled to win in a ca lo,n'a ands'de

so despire arrlhe lalmt. 'maqinaton

anbt@ and m@ey Ihal g€vt tes1o lhe

Go den state. ie wo d s e,orilh ra.gesr Mnomy, lrre Republ €ns en I r4ruil .serousroder€ndidale lo tun lor unlred slares senale Thsispalhelc


lrrr-trii:'i"ni $ h.ret Pegsy Noonrn $hen You xecdHer?

Bush l aid A Gorc.

()r'lr llriiz corrirl srr,,ali ir rrnrlcrther.i...,,-,....i.

(li\tr.llc1i(,n llrroLtLlrortl l(lll. \rtci I


To rhe ca don6 coP s ced l shopngandp€ynglhatTailzdesntwn The

stale pady endors€d aur'sm'aclrsl E rizb€tn Emken. a ri.srtime @ndidal€ who

nonelheresboa$se$enrarysensbre@nleFrgt'lpo oes sh€wourdnrbear

ln the cr@ded totrtwo open pimary. €mken and Tart wi be @dpexng w 0r 14

olher Republrens to tun aga nsl the pop! ar senalor wno s 73 yea6 odAur n sudr a qotrded ncMme ierd a hnse €ndida€ sth ielati@ly high name lO

andan e^se if enreme y narcw bas ol supporl ould frake a de lnen4ioErvo pro@s isi l rhe p@brem: orher 8ra1es have used I effecr vey lor yea6 Theprobrem E lrr€ lack ot $nds €nddar6 i wrsh lhal $mene l*e Ptinng Replbli@.

REPUBUCAIT Co]lvEilTlo]l At[-STARS,birther-queen-orly-taitz-s-big-comeback-...913n012

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Birther Queen Orly Taitz's Big Comeback on Califomia Senate Ballot - The Daily Beast Page 3 of5

R€p orvid Dner h€d th.own hls hal n lhe ring il only to p@eerue Ihe nlegnry of the

The possib liv thal TaiS @uld end op beng lne Republi€n cliarlenger 1o Fe mlern is

€ising a gapsk( *n€ ot despair tM caliicmia @*Mliv6, osp€ially d rhe

'ln Calilon6 ils posnbb b lind riFu*nds ot pdple willlnq ro Mke up ar 4 o d@r l.fte mming, des up n drckd suirs, and Mit in rire arl day jlst io Mrh a laonq oftefs Make a D€61 but the C€ ifmia GOP €n't fnd one lemed od siab eqistator.

redist ided @ngessman. or dot{s @Ne wili ng lo tun against Diaine Fei.slein.'sys John PhilrpB. . hGI ar iark .adio 79o KAsc in L6 angel6

'The sme pady lhat bbught the aoid Dd< Nrlon. Ronard R€gad, $d Pele wlen@dd n@ ndimle a @man for slat4ide oflie sno js bakhn dazy ll s b.yondembarcsslnq:ils su cidal P hil ips ad ds 'Tne c3 itomia Repu blien Par0 s oi!.iallyin ttre Tem Sdiavo slage ol $ ite '

s@us of lhe lack of eous caldde s€nab endidatF. arlenton 's

ds4hee onlhls E ect on Day The.e are @nge$iona pnnar es @uri*y of rhe t El esindependenl red sfiicllng eilrd n calibhLa Narionarry. arr eyes ae on wsns n'shiqh3Lks l€lleledion ad ony T€ii2 dld 3n6k in unds tne 6dar and be [email protected] distEcnon lhroulhotn 2012 And L s n€rery hope lhis do€sn r d€ t@Be€use @nlrary 1o ehal some olic think, I don l ke wnling ab.ut crdy The lreakbedonlymatt€6whd lh€ exlrmessr bintrudem debar6, !h6lhe tinle sians lo b urwlh Ihe bas And rhals b€en happening t@ much ralely

A few G€(s ago, I w5 happy ro e the Aizda e@tary of slale iinslly €ll ofi lhenquis tioi on lne binh @d ti€le and aclo@ edge tliat lh. prdideil ms bod in

Hawail. r hoped lh6i wou d .eue ihe mater one and for a I Then rrump sianedd@iatnq t}s binher rl@res s eve.y stadon h€ 6uld €ll inro whle ll€ f{onney€mpaien esned him a@und lik€ a p@m dale and ln€ i$ue @s again iQnnea

ll s tn6 b slop lh. inendy so ln hoping ltEt nh€ pdmary loEs of carifdi. do mrelevab a onspiracy lh@nd b a general elelion for U S Se^ale Th@ or you !+Flnink il wolld be tunny to pul foeard a dMn sh y uneledab e anlrdatHnd lhosof you v!fio lhi.t that Taitz is emeh6 strang€ly speaking lr!$ lo p@g --J!nk oryour$are Inink of your @unr.y

NolhaMnga c€drble€nddareboiherto run rorlheu s ser€G 6 bad Hav'ng a

demon$€bly u.hinged psen gaina nominauon F@e lr d€g€d6 erdemocEcy lt s pBlheic lhai we e€n need lo entBr€ n lhie possib ily. We €n doben€.+nd re ne€d ro do b€ner s€ndsry

Lrke The Dairv B@si on Faeb@k and ionM B on Twlfter ior updalF an day

John av on is senor @lumnisl lor NM@ek and The Da y Beasl end nie anchor

of Beast w He is a cNN dhbdor €gllady .ppeanng on fle show E n BemdOll Frcnl al 7 p m EST He rcn lhe ilaliml Se€ly ot N#9aper Cdumnislsawa.d for besl on ine column in ?!12.

For nquin6, preas onta.r The oairy B€sl ar ed,tdiaLt{r€d.jrvb@t6.

rA6s qa{omia us. Polld€

Krd Rock wlrrjam tor Mm Rmn€y nTamp.rhL!r€ek. FrcmRay Ch.d.sbangra Hamon roJohn w.yne se orh.r

eret a6r Mr .trrlo€d tu $6 GoP.

,rL- lgc NEWSItit0altY[nsls nnclrptf,tflIsl&P TEn

counesy ot our panns.s @ NBcNem,lctltfl t0 4s/(y

Te. Rsndom Notes oD lsnpaLors ot2016 polrurn9, roi3 olvaguen.56. and Im

sussing nol6 loi orbouncc

So Uveryoncrs Telking About... Clintso !n hd bad 6s d€ E6lk@d 59ecn 16 Rm.y?



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Birther Queen Orly Taiu's Big Comeback on Califomia Senate Ballot - The Daily Beast Page 4 of 5

c0titMfftTsClitrt Hijrckr Romney\ Momenf

E$rvood's @nvenrim rcutne rundsaefiy GoP mmrtu

'n Trmpa. say5 Hsard Kunz.


Tweets froh the Campai9n Trail


ir|Hr-l .,ai



F!. "



n.(frdrrcd&ghry rd n tu

http://www.thedailybeast.con/articles/2012l06/05/birther-queen-orly-taitz-s-big-comeback-..- 9/3/2012

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vr.dE rqE I}F .,e oli4 Ard..s c..c.. uE



sk,,o,s{snbr4doin*r.B.*&4^m64D!l.rE{swswExl.UmEFMI!red] A@ CoN@Td FA'NbTIANOifu




FREE 2OX2 CreditScore NOW@)

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The California Ballot and the Ftdw&auml;ngler Principle ll]pdatedl - Forbes

cfi @Ifr TH

It. r lt'!l\



Most Read on F'orbes

@ P@de Ptrq c@!@

Says who? Emma Hcmina-WitlisDenics Btuce Is Suing ADDIe Over Right:1oBequ@thltisiTuncs,'

Who Is The Sm{Il€t CovemmcntSpender Sincc Ei$enhower? r 'otrld YouB.lide lr's B,nck Obama? . .

Bru.e willis Midt sue Applc over

Obma's A..€le€tirg Dolfi{nrd Spi.alForAmeri@ . , .,

Brcakina Bad'Cliding Over All' ScssonFinolc Rsi€w - Many DdtlN I ll

Ih, ulnonq rho uorl.\ i,, rhr San Ftunci..o.m..ofshmL H nJ& hcon IrI rin a l'tisaior$n. sl)c.ialtcs in F)dlcl! lnbili! , cu6uncFI'otednnr !,l.!al anal$s and sldillg I ha$ale b.!n hlolgn,g er l!odrn(, rtr'rdrsnr. ?006.

nnd!)!.aralsololbB n. oD't\jrtcr d

The California Ballot and theFurtwdngler Principle [Updated]EC C{'-**.'

Todav s prirnaa' eleetion day in Califomia, and ttre ballot includ€s

the usual selection of tunatie sprinkled in among t}le vast throng

of caldjdaies who should p.obably all be rcjected for more

You may have hea.d of some ofthose running for presideit,inchrdingthe current guy, aNobel Peace Pdze winner and liberal

Democrat committ€d to "transparency" who has gone to war

without Congressional approval at least once, signed a bill thatalloas th€ ind.finite nriljtan detention of.A.mclicap ci!i!qN,lra! 4

sccrci kil! lisi' that nlclu{elarEr44lli,tiz3Ds and has actudllut.llied at least three American citizens, vhich may or may not hav€

been legal according to a ltra-q-thal lou're ot allos'cd to see. And

this might stll be the leasi stup;d vote you could casi.

Mitt Romney, of course, has the GoP nomination locked up, butRon Pari, Newt Girgrich and Rick Santorum arc all still on the

ballot, it appeds, atong with Buddy Roemer, Libetadan Partv

candidate Gara Johnson (who at least has the sood sense tosupport legalizing adrug most ofthese peoplehave used

anlvay) and Fred Ka.Eer wait, who?

Why, l]ldylarger the first openiy gay man to run for president

sjnce Dick Gephrrdt, and c€rtainly the fi$t openly gay R€pubitan man to mn

for pr€sident. Given ihat he is an openly gay Republican whose AuffngtonPosf editorial yest€rday was entiiled "$lty I Am Still RuDDing for President,"

his chances probably are nor great, but on th€ oiher hand he does not appear

to be crazy and is the only GOP uMidate otner than Romnev who is stjllactively runnhs. You nevfl know

l'm sol1 of a libertarian, but I sdll probably wouldn't vote for Green Party

candidaie I)r- Kent M€splr!. Seems like arational personbut he was bom in

Papua New Guinea. Both his parents were U.S. citizens (or so he ciains) so

does that make him a "natural-bom citizen"? I think so, but Papua New

Page 1of 6

http://w*v.lbrbes.corvsites,4<evinunderhilll2012106/05lrhe-califomia-ballot/ 9/1/2012

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The Califomia Ballot and the Futw&auml;ngler P nciple [Jpdated] - Forbes

cuinea? w€ have enough tmuble wjth people trying to get birth certificates

oui of Hawaii. AmusiDgly, another Green Paty candidat€ is named

"Roseanne Ban," but this is cetainly not the same - oh. Seriously?

seriouslv. "she is the lone voice of courage and reason who is unstoppable

Ithe oth€rs seern to be stoppablel as she holds corporate-fimded politicians

feet to the fire," she says, so maybe you sbould overlook her kno&'n shrillness

and her unrcasoning hatred of apostrcphes.

Hey, did you know there are 25 people mnning for president on the Califomiabaltot, and that the tuU list o{ crndidates is 148 pages long? I slrre as helldidnt when I started witing this. I have at least scanned the whole thiDg and

it seems to confirm my beiiefthat its the presidency and lhe Senate thatreatly bdnts &em orr of tire woodwork. The unsurprising exception may be

san francisco, where "Sumrner Justice Shields" is running ior NaleyPelosi's House seat. Shjeids is listed as a Demo$ai btlt I see her campajgn

announcement was mentioned on lnRouch€ Ifshe's a ]-yndon

LaRouche supporter then she's a nut. (Th€se days, LaRorcbe appea$ to bepushing something called "The rruriwanglcr P.ipciqlE," which I suppotwhoteheartedlyjust based on the name. It also has the benefit ofbeins tqtel!rEq,4Prehelliuq)

The most reliable sourc€ of ioons is usually ih€ American Independent Party,

which previousty featured Alan R€yes among its inmates bui now has to be

satisfied with "Mad Max" R€ikse, of Frujtporl Michigan. Not much

infomation seens to be available aboft Mad Max, who may recenrly have

switched to the AIP fiDm the Citizens Part'J. The Citizens Party website has a

group page called "Mad Max Riekse for President 2012," a Sroup thatcurrently has ten members includint "Free the Toss Salad Man-" I wasnt able

to view Frce the Toss Sald Man's profile witiout logginS in, which I had no

intention of doing, but I would iike to see him on the sallle ticket ar The Rent

Is Too Darnn High Guy.

Finally, and this is why I stai€d this thing in t}le firci place, famed Birther-

activist and natumlized-Moldovan-lawyer'dentist Orlv 'f4itz js runnine fbr the

Senate. Sh€ hopes to run asainst Dianne Feinstein, and according to some

polls sh€ may actually get the c.hance. Califomia has a "top two" pimsry,meaDing all candidates run on the same balot and the top iwo then face off inNovember. Fei$t€in will be number one, and tlrere arc 23 ot}er candidates

\Ting for numbe. two. As no one else has any name recoSnition at all, there is

some concem - induding in the GOP - that Taitz might eke out enoughvot€s to stay arcund untjl November. She does have a lonlrecord of losine,

but also a long record ofbeing undeterred by it.

An official Taitz run would be amusing but atso disturbing, as John Allon

'lrites at the tciltr Eeost That piece is worth reading patly for its comical

descriptions ofTdE as "almost chamingly insan€," "demolrstrably

unhinsed," 'clownishly unelectable," and a candidate vho "would make

Shanon Ansle look like Daniel webster " As amusing as that mjght be,

though, Taits doesnt deserve any more attention Avlon says the CalifomiacoP is endorsing Elizabeth Emken, so maybe she's the besi altemative ifyou're not a Feinsteinian.

Personally, I'n reservingjudgment untjl I know where all tlese people stand

on The Furtw?ingler Principle. Or at least what it means.

Update I: Nore -just kiddins about Gephardi. Hjs name just popped iniomy b.ain and that is completely .andom. Reary.

Page 2 of6

JlLitcmre doLur.le,red 10 , -

Yor sar'Indefi nne Miln.{ rrli.mionof cirizeNl.ikcjlsssodrhine,:i

Rcd crcs would r-ike nules.lw ^pdi.drovids cancs tudde{rl ',.

TsA sctlcs with won,rtr w]t$ lbp lt'as I'ulled

wloDins to tuNi& Dut i'rs ,\irrn crd.,

who Just Made a Billion Dollars?

O r Real 'llme llilurnaifd score}orrd lm.L\tln bisqatIroldnrgslbr50.f tl,.rorlds

see who s uD & sho's dosn riglrt now >

Hffitr-.LifeLock@ Otlicial sle

FoRBES - a3c an i*ue! 12l06/05/the-califomia-ballot/ 9/1/2012

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From: CoEon, Kay tmallto:Kay.CottonGrrov ocsov.comlseru thusday, ar4r.6t 09, 2012 9:11 Pl.lTo: C€orge CdlinsS{ RE: Dircct fly€E -corect infomation.

ln 6nswe. to your quesl on regarding Ihe bidh dale belng oul of€nge, we do considered lhose individuals as.egistered volers and llreydo reeive voter informarion lundeEta.d thal na.yyea6aqo, illhe.ewas nota b'rth date,lhe syslem would gobacklo lheyear 1900.Thal swhyyo! see some bidh dales oul ofrango

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_--- Forwarded mess€ge ---From: Publlc Recods <p!b crecords@rrcc.>Date: Thu, Aug 30, 2012 at 4:50 PMSubject FW: RequestVoter Registration€*c

Good aflernoon,It seems that I mis-spoke (or typed). Please see the response below ftom a Djvision Manager in ourElection Bureau.

The Federcl Voting registtation fom do not rcquest a bifthplace. ln my rcspon66 I stated that if the personindbates that h/she is a US Cilizen, lhen ou data ontry operator will updata the applicant file with thebirlhplace US. The applicant do not list their bifthplace as there ia no place on the form fat thatinfomation. ff the pe6on still insist on a copy, it B on our SOs website.

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Non-Citizens & Political Representation Page I of2


Non-Citizens Political Representationhat there 15 equa rcp,esiato ror equa nlmbe6 of p4le.'Ihe

neide! erey b prordt ihe votrns pow as F^As


Do non-ciizens get politcal representation too?

bt s even ,r they ale mt e s b e ro ldetopmtedmunedrbws'D60rch

mmiqants he b.s th€ bEd ol rffi nMDtio wlrs aolq6rarred to pa$.on0ehenst. mid'qb (;OIERNII|NI RESoURCEStaoerriq lmm g.ants some or tlro* aws rqunea pdf of 4a $atus ro rmt housnq d Dmhibiten lboreEfrcm qather io m n@6 io 4 qr !o b pas 1e9ts dtbn ihat wourd

G€iaa l€aG o rcdifrdlnq on be round

.llheirlloang!16{hid'delbe9ojci!5Fow -any 1or ctTens I ve 11 Amenca crrert yt Enftrc

rhe tupadnEit of troft aid s<ur ty (DHs) prcv des the m6t @rcit statsrrc on Lhe dumber.frmmircnb r{ lq ri th€ un'bd slaB. A(ordrng to tne Dris, 15 of Jaiuary r, 2003, Lhe numbs of M'.ihac equar€d aro.dnat€t lr.l nlrrion 09 7 mlrd hgal 6'dd6 and 4'd@rdy [5 maounau$odz€d hmEEnb). don k€ar pLmMr 6ftnr5 de er,sbrc b nanElbrd atts a midM oa

i\eyaredafft.toal]sgtzein the lnirn s(ares but are mr s €n pe id vn6b adhoded !J wol{ o,

Do states have to use total populaton data to draw diskicts? Can stalesjust use date on citzens since ihey are the ones e grble lo voteT

A3 d F.kninary mG, a {.te d6d6 b {lude nm-tus fm dp r€d*d'nq brs nhire indud'ns


DeFd no on rhe @ioi o. $o !.9., sbt6 have tie cotEn b tre e'$r theporrrdbn

'n rlodrhi{ ditu' I rfsdd@, if,dud'ng it@ w

oegs mun be rdnkd tu dermini@ dE aE or pdicr d$Krs Hi'@,6nodd rhr ftce luisdhthose who are er'q'bLe to vob

Why should non citizens be considered in redistrlciing?


|U.idft6lty6Ftop.t?iipffi annd lhe.ounty albr nd .h

Nd{(65areal|}edbveldhGnssn@ 1992 odrer na omnun'u.s in frarybnd allow nmdl'd

votf,saswell IncSf.rqhrsc!reManedenEarcalostatovoterorhembssolthePhnnrngcdnfrine Ii N€! Ya( m drrrds w€ arro!€a b 6E h @muilty rhc.l bo.rd dedhs tu mdedbnd'l€deod.9b€fge[ryeloofugn20l0,nsdt4n

shors n rhe Los Aiqe es unirred Schml D $d Mddr, ereden off.ars have a duty to repre*€@e in the r d6t ct, not lusl ihe pqle wlro vded tu thd, mr lln th. pe.FE who are ob enoqh lbvote'aidiolrustlherD]ewlbarc.t'ens.

htp:// 9/4/2012

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Non-Citizens & Political Representation Page2 of2

nqnrr aa!' a (iorr[spoliticalrepresentation 9/4/2012

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Pew Study: 24 Million Voter Registrations Are Invalid - New America Media Page I of I

I Politics & GovernancePew Study: 24 Million Voter Registrations Are lnvalid

apporimaioly 24 hillion acliw voter r€lbhEiiotu in lhe uniled staleB aE no onger v6lid or h.v. signiic.nt€ci€., e@rd ng to th. Pew

c€nier on t€ s!aLs. Res.lh in Peds 6po( ln@6b, c@{y, and lmftci6nt, und€6co€3 [€ re€d br reglstatj@ tEt b€lle. minlainrcrer eadE, !.v€ m@€y, and ltEmlh€ [email protected]. nis i! s etud lhal rt|lt stai6 .€ sF neading with PE /rs $opod.

Th€ repod h thliohls Ure chel €nges natonw do:

. Ar b6r 51 million €rilJibb clriEB @ain unclbtecd{o€ thd 2a orthe ellgibL popuhbn.

. Moe rhrn 1.a milid$d individua& @ l6ied 6 eliE voie6

. Apponnaiot 2,75 millid Focl6 hare €divr r.gistaliF ln m@ lhan on6 stale.

. Abolr 12 million F@ds haw ln@recl 3dd€65.s. nean ne 6ilherihe voleB moled. or erol' in rh6 inforfiation mak€ [ unlik.lya.y neilin$ €n


dy '!k. or viG or xd an.tu x.dr., rrAr @ o, dehr b dn d d.ld m.n!., on4 p{blir.4lrn€ aid,rrr rmrln h 6.ll.EhlvB. tr y.u lb nd ftn. FUr ldnrlry @nMt d t comdr. d $L.rb, ph-. Dlnln

N* aEr. M€6., 275 d $,sr, s- FEEF, ca o4r(xlcovno o ftio P.drc Ns S@i: a @i. R.s€d.

http://newamedcamedia.ory/2012/02lpew-study-24-million-voter-registrations-are-invalid.p... 91512012

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C.lifornir Gencrsl Alftd.vitState ofCalifomiaCounty oforange

I, lhe undeBigned, do hereby swear, certift, and affirm that:

1. I am over the age of 18 and I am a resident ofthe state of Califomia .

2. I havc personal knowledge ofthe facts hereiq and, ifcalled as a wihe,ss, couldtesti& cofipetendy thergto.

3. I did load the data from the CDROM given to b€ my Orly Taitz which looks to bethe data fiom th€ Orange Coudy Regisbar ofvoters, Voter Registration List.

4. I did ex€cute upon thar dafa and SQL statement to refitm all voters that h.d a birthdate that was eilher bla.k (!lo birrh drte in lhe required field) or havidg a biflhddte in the rcquired field and that birth date met the criteria ofbeing older thenI l0 years.

5. I do state that thc data retun€d dDw€d a large number ofregistercd voters havinga birth dare of I 850 - 1890. Many ofthes€ registercd votsts wcre shonn to have

be€n voting by absentee ballots.

I declore undcr p€ alty ofpedury that the forgoing is lruc and corr€ct.

Executed this 10s day ofJult 2012 in saota Ana, califomia.

Signed George M, Collins

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I, Vih.ent carmen Pertoso am over 18 years otd and a resjdeni of 95 pteasant viN Rd.Derbv Connecticut I am of sound mind and do no1 suffer kom any meniat disease or menlatimpaiment make the iollowi.g stalemenl as an erped in soffware rest and evatuatior. Myexpertise is deived through eduetion and as a Tesi & Evatualion Enginee.tor35 years.

During ny carer I worked for ihe Siate of Fbnda Deparlrnent ot Eteclions (DOE) as a elatiryAssurance Subject Matter Expert (SME) consultant ilr soflwarc and hadwarc tesl andevaluation Ai DOE Flonda I inleruiewed oiher voitng system St4Es in government andacademia conceming voting machine developmenr standards and rcquircmenls. Based onthose interuiews I @authorcd a technicai report for DOE Fjo da that containedrecommendal'ons on changes io Federat and State voiins machtne developmenr, and system deptoymen!. Atso I authored a report out'ning the OLratity

AssuEnce methodology process to prcduce and deploy voring systems for DOE Frorida. prior

to this t worked for the US NAVAL Sudac€ Warfare Center in Dahrsren VA as a System Test &

Evaluation Engine€rwhere lwas considered a S[,{E on the lest and evaluatio. of lhe missib nrecontrcl system known as lhe Vedicai Launching System now depioyed on AEGTS ships or rhe

Based on my expenene and knowledge concerning voling system sofrw€re and hardwsre tesrand evaluation lstale underihe penalty ol perj!ry the following:

Curcot voiing systems use commerciat hadwarc and sofhdarc cornponents mad€ a[ overthe world. Tbe commercial ha.dware and sofhr?rc components are vutnerabte and roLlinelysuGssfully attacked by hackers. Wortdwide manufaciureG of commerciat sottware and

iniegraled chips can imbed aberant code in ihe sonware and aberanl cjrcuitry rn theintesrat€d cnips. Tne comprcmised componenls tust menloned once in a voring syslem canthen be lsed io alter election resutts. tn some cases the viotation of secuity onceeslablished in a voti.g system can be undetecrabie no malier how rigorous the sovernmentvoting standards arc made or testing peformed. Atso most voting systems fietded loday arcnot adequately designed tor audtabitity and requne rcbust support for mairiainjns iheintegrity or 6vent logs, vote data a|d battor cor$gurarion data.

The.eiorc ii is rcasonabl€ to dedue that voting sysiems and balot couniing machines cancurently be dgged with abeffad soflr,va.e @de, abenant imbedded circlttry on the .ircuilboatus, or abeffant imbedded circuitry in the iniegrated chips used, either of which can atier

Page L oi 2.

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This b€ing the ca$ cunent d6ployed voljng sy3lems cuch as those raed in CA can be

irfed, The @mprcmis€d voting sysitems go undiscovered endenog vote @unt r$ults ionot always be reliablo. So abent a manual vote count lh€ el€ctronic counl cannot be

viewed as a conect rcffection of actuatvoting. The conclu3ion is that votlng slsteds such as

lhos€ dsployed fo. U3e in CA or anyshero 6ls€ cannot at lhjs tim€ b6 Ehorn b.yond a

shadow ol doubl to be seorr.d and are lh8efole intut€ dy rDt trustwodhy. The

aforemontjoned issuss with components used ln lhe mandacturc of cunent votinq systems

in use are noi yel wldely undeFtood by the g€neral public and govemmenl. Vonng system

s€drily and voie colnt inleqrily csnnol at lhi6 time be assllrecl and is in &ubi.

stgrEgl4s_s!&8!:Thal the atatemerts ler above in thb Affdavit are made upon oath and affirmalion of b. €rand knowl.dge conc€ming these matteG, fact8 and things are irue and co.rect to the b€st of

-"2r"-tt-.ffi. PU

t 4e:2. d2.


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Page 48: The Vetting Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent Booklet ... · The Vetting - Exclusive - Obama's Literary Agent in se\cnl tihes d d el€nl da's. Her @Is dc s.rcened by an autonated

Oates: Nov 30, 2001 - Oec 3, 20O'l

Q Professional License(s);{None Foundj

ht FAA certifications:INone Foundl

* FAA Aircrafts:iNon6 Foundl

,S. .lwater"raft:(None Foundl

El Voter Registration:

DOA:3h5/1976Gender: luale

Nam€: DA[,4ON DUNNAddress: 2058 KNOLL CREST DR, ARLII'IGTON TX 76014-3686DOB:3/15/1976Gender: MaleState of Regiskalion: TexasStatus: INACTIVE

Namd DAI4ON J DUNNAddressj 101 35 GATE PKWY N APT 1 1 1 1 . JACKSI)NVILLE FL 32246-8264


lNone Foundl

(! Bankruptcies:

lNone Found]

IF Liens and Judgments:

ffi ucc Filing"'JNone Foundl

APossible Properties Own€d by Subj€ct:

Parc€l Number - 804"101-04Property Address: - 23626 VIA ORTEGA TRABUCO CYrl CA 92679-4134, ORANGE GOUNTYOwner Address: 23626 VIA ORTEGA. cOTo oE cAzA ca 926/s 413a oRANGE COUNTYsale oate - 11/'1512009sale Price - .t9O5,o0OLoan Amount - t724,000Loan Type - CONVENTIONALData Sourco - A

Pe.el Number - 404- 101-04P.operiy Address: - 23626 VIA ORTEGA, TRAAUCO CYN CA 9?679-4134. ORANGE COUNTYOwner Address: 1 POLARIS WAY STE 100, AL{SO vIEJO CA 92656-5360, oRANGE COUN IYData sourc€ - A


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lh:rnk lou,




Apr 13, 201ti)

Dear Sir c,r Nladam:

I nm rvriung io document my correspondence rvith NIr. Damon Dunn. On Julr' 10, 2009 N{r.

Dun contacted our ofice ti:r telepirone and asked for brs rnehgible vorer tcgistratior recordto bc renoged ftorn the Duval Countl, database. I contacted the Divisiol of Elections later

rhat del'to inqure if tus rvas possible and the I-ega1 Department for the Divisron infornlcdme drxt the record could not be deieted frol-r the database because roter regisuxtron is

Permaoerlt [ecord

t dTen t]raded a ]etter to X'Ir. Dunn nfolning him of rnr' fil1dhgs. I have not hnd addrtlonalcorrespondeoce ivrth Nlr. Dunn stncc tlus incident.

"H''--Direcror of \:oter Admirristauon

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State al ck. ttuD.r t4

Couniy oi oea,J6E

I,-/, z. tt();- lq 7Sz; tt , hereby declare that the artached reprocruction ot

rs a 1rLre, correct, and compleio photocopy oi a documenlin rny possess on or contro,

PC/4 6 t'l'

'S uril)ed ard $rorn to id dfi-trm.d) lcfoE !r u this l,si- dlv ol ,I 5t- ..-- - ,

20lO by d c r-.1 LA rf.L ___ __

OPTIONALThaugh lha lnlatnatian b6lar! is nat @quned by la\!, il nlay prcve valuabte to pesons rclJ'ing an theda.Lr.ent and coutd pevenl

hAuduletl rcnoval ahd rcatachnenl ofthis latn ta anathet dacunlent.

Further Description of Attached Document

Title orType of Documenl. Li a- ?aoAFL ItzE, t s).tz - oF€rLt of rtlf S

Document Dale: A?p.L t2. zcro __Number of Pages: _ I

Signe(s) or Lssuing Agency:. .J-r-i.! rrA{.e- /Lr i(, J (

Capacity Claimed by Custodian

! lndivldualn Corporate Officer -


! University or School Ofiicer - Tiilei[] Governmenlal Officer or Agenl * lltle:E Business Proprielor or l\4anaqerD AttorneyC Trusteea Olher:

Custodran ls Representingl

3236frehmolAve FO.€oira4,C

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AFFidavit of William Wagener

I am over the age of60 years, and have a intemel clips on yOU TIIBE, and my

Web site: Wu,Q!,S9!a!dlltqu!b! 1!. I affirm the following is true and conecl

To the best ofmy knowledge, I started seeking interview with Dr. Orly Taitz and

Mr. Damon DUNN, both ofwhom were / are seeking the Republican Nomination

to Secretary of State of California. Dr. Tajtz was available, Mr Dunn consistently

avoided interyiews. So I obtain some copies ofwhat is purported to be the Nominaiion

Papers of Damon DIJNN, candidate filed in Otange County, Califomia, circulated by

A Dante G- Salazar, allegedly collected between March I, and March 6d', 2010.

I called and then interviewed Mrs & Max Liston on video tape, and they repeatedly

Insisted they did NOT know ll4r. Damon Dunr and had NOT signed his nomination

papers. I uploaded that interview to YOU TUIIE on my channel: Wiiliamwagener,

As "NOMINATION FRALID", before the June 86 prirnary. I also called the Orange

County Registrar ofvoters about it. I also called a woman named Gloria Duthie,

3201 Via Buena Vista B,laguna Woods, 92637, whose name

Appears onthe alleged valid Nomination Papers [2 ofl5] at949 587-0709. She

ryot only sard the never srgned them, she said she kept a calendar , and was not evel/oYANg! u*'l)1,,{r' ,k /erz",/ b Califo ua. on the week she allegedly affixed ber name , address, and signature. /

it appears to me, based on these peoples taped statements, lbrgery has played a

Significant roll in putting Damon Durn's name on the ballot.

AfTirm this to be true and corr€ct to the best ofmy abilify.

. Az. i.ih'/1z24,2-- "rN"*-t :

s in"., "ty, -/;./' ?//Z"l

t1 Mlliam \l4-eerer-Mlljam




Q.. ", t. \l'J.X"PFE2, ,t r'tc (t t t ) R<--13't0 frs /,"

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t.,A/-/ , /),"J 1, -r\ZNh,(r' -)J

i of I


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,a t) / ) ,- r'7-'f ntL," ' ) i/ )