the washington star - digifind-it · 2015. 12. 3. · • ' di'^fte n cntluur cnatt and...

THE WASHINGTON STAR VOLUME XVI. WASHINGTON, WARREN COUNTY, N. J., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25,1883. NUMBER 44. PMOFESSIONdL. ^yM. A. STIWKEU, Civil and Criminal Law Practif'oner, WASHINOTOH, N. J. - JOHN M. VANDYKE,. WilHlllllK.oii. >*..!., Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Solicitor anil Muter in Chwctry, I'R.U'.TITIOXEIt IN TIIK 'UN'ITKD STATUS COURTS, Aml in nil the Court* of 2ieie Jattij J OSEPII H.WILSON, Attovncynt-Linv, Solicitor in CLnrecry, Commissioner of Deals. Office ovorKiiiR'a New Dniff Store, cor- ner orFront k. Mntmllold Sin., Belvi- dero.N. J. Transacts nil brunches of local business, flmnyly J O. OSMUN, SUROXOX DKXT1ST, WitHiiiiiKtoji, nr. a. With nil the latest iuiprovtHtienta, I am prepared to do Hrat-clasH work. Fine Gold andextra Silver Fillings at rcdnccd price*. A largo assortment of the best Artificial Teeth that arc UIUIIP. FRESH GAS EVERY DAY. All branch™ of the profession cnrcfully performed. All work warranted, ond cheap for cash. , W K. UL'CKMAN. IDENX -18T.SOl{'lIIA.Ml'iU> STKhhT, •: > EASTON. PA. ArllQt-iul Sets properly ninth! on Celluloid urc givlni; tlic t.e«t Mitfefuctton to lliu wearer ot iinv material In we. unit for lower set w ncclally so. Wllns tenth wltli gold, etc., ilouc vllli unntcore. 30-ly- D ill. E. M. BEESLEY, 8UHGIJON DENTIST, Bt'lviOcre, Warren County, New Jureey Q. S. DEAItflORX, M. D., . WASHINGTON, N. J. Office over Groff & Co.'s Store, HOTELS. S" IT. OI.OUD HOTEL, stables in.the 1 WASHINGTON AVK., WAHIilNlt IO.N, .f. J. in Location, Accommodation and Manage- ment. Permanent and Transient Guests well entertained. Pvloca Konwonnble. A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached, 0. I'\ STAATES, Proprietor. ^piiT; WTNDSOHJIOUSK, . Washington,"?* .'.'I 1 . The finest hotel in Northern New Jer- , stiv, centrally located. . Satisfaction Kitar- nntecd to nil g«csts,'pcriiiaiieiit or tran- sient. Billiard Ilocin and Barber Shop in couiiection with the hotel. J. K.JIOAGLANJJ, I'roj'rlrhf. A CARD. THE NKW Bouifc Shoe Store! . ISC T r U E R f ' l l i r BRICK BCILDIDU, >'<.. 15.1 Wnmilnulon Avon WASHINGTON. N. J. -J. T. BOWEKS= Will open tliU Nuvr Store, for thu fiiitrminget the t'ubili-, on or ubuiil October SMh, ItttV with u [till line (if llontu anil Hioiv. mi'li as urc kcjit Inn (Int-claM utoro. My line of good* will Im complete, nnd H'coml (•• none in iiuallty. al»o cheaper ttmn you can luty {hum clwwiicre, ull ol Ihu Istot cuW nml f hopCH eimul to those made tit order, tor Coiii*lduv(il>l>' L t s u H M o n e y . Come cfc See Men'* lleney Ihot», Ihy*' Uoiru Jtoat*. ChilJrat'a Una, Lad ten* Iltarif Shiva. '" i' llany Shot*, Children'* llrary Shoe*, HOOTS, SHOES, AUBtttSUS, ETC. Men't Fine lloot», »• Fine Hoot*, Children's Fine Boot! Ztulies' Fine Shoei, •Mlue* Fine Shots, Children 1 ! Fine Shorn A Full Line of Slippers. MkW.Boy..*. Girls', C'hll- ,:' Klnt! nun Conrto IlnoU, of eke and quality tu null the licft und t-bcapeit slock ri'd formic to tho people rklnltv. r nsk you tu. cull und sec rgc rtiick. tO fcjtllOW OOOClH. Bowers, ihlflBton AvcnuB, ren Co.. N. J., U. S. A. ft, Won <lren*« and Itifnw Shoes and Rulilji-n all. Conic and ma In tlit* line ever olTc o( Washington and - t most renpccl(ull for yoursclvea my hi S'o Trouble J-T. NO. 184 Wo \Vnshliigti.n, Wni Keystone Restaurant, I'NDKR BKATTV BCII-DINO, WAHIUNGTOX, N. .J. —o—o— First-Class Dining Saloon, 1 MEALS AT ALL HOURS. 1 Btcryihlnit ne'*t, clean und In iiurfect DiJcr. Win. Jl^VUIlON", Livery. Sale & Exchange St. Clourt Ilotol, WAsiuxarox.x.J. !3>-First-<!h»« Hiss, Doulile or Sinflc, Day or Xiglit. PKQUEST HOUSE, '- MAItKIiT KT.P BKI.VIDEKK, N. J, On the site of the oloV'WaKliing Hotel." Tlio hotel is conveniently located and'is prepared to runiish the best a<* commodations to the travelling public. kettstown 8TITUTE. V.GEO. H.WHITNEY,D.D ritESlDENT. lies 1 college, Prepares young mci illege.' Boat facilities for music, art commercial ijrnneheB. ThoroujihiiesH ivery department. Best building of it. I, with Rtcam-licater, lias, hot and cold v.Close attention to manneri and lionllh. ' Location pleasant aiid .Hlifnl,'" Catalogue sent free ou .apjili- ion, 1 ' Yearopeos September a. icKBTTSTOWN. N. J. JANOVKR'JJ SPECIFIC. An iinfaillna an •edy.enre for Nurvous DelilUly and Weoknea ••- of Vitality and Vluor, Xorvuuf. PrjBltiUlo: "•hi. or any etll rasa It ot indiscretion, cite •ort nbnana ol Alcnhol. Tobacco. A c . (ov hoiiHBiul tiiMltlve cure*.) •Bend )5c. pontntM on trial box ol 100 jilll •m Ur M. W. IUUON, laife St.. it Ciilliotiu Place, ClilcSjro, III. venlsiit etovc t BMtly'a Manufac- $2 FOR LARGE LOAD DeliTorod toany Ptrt'efiho City. icavoerdcrswlllibam Ymii>in», carttnan,- I i irt n l 1r c - nlcu llelltlv Uallll -"Ki " r t'ncttirj iprof. I. Sharp, Toachorof Drawl ngand Painting, : In all ils Bnuidwd. ; , •treasonableiirl-.eB. For further parlluv call ut oTiit oilJoe, or address - I. SHAltl 1 , I MONTH mid D3AItl)(or:t live JOODI a - or tndlfl*. In e«h eoimlv.'Ad. IVW< ZlKGI.KIt ACo., 1'hlHdcl.. OYSTER HOUSE and RESTAURANT. tcrw irliolesali! und rrtstll. YmnUh-s und Sole Agent for Port• Norris C070 Plant OYSTERS. Ovetur.-servcd hi every fh-k.\ . .... All oynters opened freoh from tlic shell. ,. -'-" ji-ia-eni. HARNESS, ROBES, BLANKETS, And everything kept In atirsUdusnliurncen store, In endless variety. A'JC P 1 H C 3 3 S XO BCIT JLJJI S. T. VANNATTA'S, No, 1O llclvltlow! Avoime WASHINGTON, N. J. Mrs. K. Wl.Skisvher's, FOB THE BEST A full line of choice confectionery nhvuys _. onhttud. '" OSE THIAI, WILL SHOW THAT 'Ifiese Goods are the 'Jiest. Give thorn a Trial* ' i> . l Aprl 1 'Sl-ly CLOTHING i '"l!j:!l**™!" lP . I . IUB! ?'* II1IKO «°< 1 ! n . H -^- *Ti)c Riibscrlber lma aiici.ed his new Btoro in the Smith bullilliig im WnflhinL-Uni' uve.. und lhes to Inform the people ol WuKhlnj-lon, hlK former iiatrotm am! thu public gctieruliy tllllt 111! llllHftfllll HtOCk Of Ready-Made Clothing, all now and fresh, 'A full line of Gouts' Fur- ishing tiomln at price* Unit defy competition AlltholutoBtBlylCHOf hats, etc. l ; lno UMOP incut of watdien und cbulne. ,." . RoodH Sold at Dot(0111 Ctmii Vrhrvn. ;'. SOL. LEVY, IO-18-iy ' •' WiisLIiicton, N. J. WITHOUT A TEA*lirER 1 I I S ' l t l < J u l r t o ?jt of Piano nod Organ.__ l'llec 8 1 . Will day. Von couldn't lenrn it from n 'teacher In * month for *Su. -Tiy it aud bu conylnccil._ Piimpln enny will bu maltcit to nny nddrcflB on receipt of 2.1 cants in itnupB by IIEMJNB It CO. 1'ublleUorr, 1\ 0. Box HST. «u,w Yutki"- '--•'; .-.;-—--.--•- - - S l'KCI.\l.M.\i>TKU'6«.\l-K OK ItKAI. KSTATK. IX I'AUTITIOX. ttrvlitu«of»ordpr«.(lboCatirt o( Cbtncnr ol New Jcr«i7, in id* In tha rai* wherein WlliUti Wllinn ta Cu.n!>iafDini and ElUabttti Wilton m< other* ire DufcudatiU, lli« tn1merU>«r. one ol th Stxcial Marlera ef the Court of Ckaocar), will Ml it imbllc vatuluc, ou T n c i N->. in, turtotidtr ta crllwd, known t>tnv»lcsil farm ur N) »w n.tiaj jicrchrr. iu tlio luwn«blpor Orocuwkb, Ii Iho Ciwnlj of Wnrrtn anil Slate ot Haw Jmey.ui WKDNKSUAY.TIIRTTH OPNOVEMBER, 1*1 tiatwcetilbehonriortwclroand Ax* o'clock in itjuimnoonntnlil dnr.allthit folluwln^ f " [ land and prciDiK*. rk: : KI.KVKNTH.-AII Hut certain »«.)<! lot or par- cel ol Unrt diuito lytnK and Wlna in the tuwntblii ~ A tirvftiwicli. Inilia county of Warrrn and ctr ' di*l>ionorth«aturc>4ld'landaaa(lruai URUIU_ laid John WllUimtiiD. dtccMcd, and It liuundii crlo Mari;iTrtC(ivcnbuVfii. in n, hr.a of the »atd John Wlint.n 1 * land; from ihrnr^ mmilnjf raia CuVfbhuvan'* Una {u nurth furiy-tlvu litunt* rart, lour cbilinloattflks anU •tunt-» in lli.f. comer ti> ht Nu.S; ttincc liya Ili.o nf lul [i\ iiiittb atiihlcciidii;ri'i-» uctl, ddenn ct a&>l muctT-tk'liI links ton it,ku and itotiCKtor- ro'nertu Jot Ko.«.laaliiit)o[tho**id Job a II. Ullruu'* nrm; lliruco l»r mid line 13] aoulli tlilriy-iev»ade»;rt»*MH, (uur Cttnlun to nnulhvr •take and atoni-a In. «aUl lint, and Ibencis [t, •uutli I'luhtiien lUureo* i'*tt, tlltarn chalur nuu - i.ij-iilua Ituhi totho place or bcetnilutr, IMJS flv« l e n t and iwtuty BTC hundtuutt icrt-of lind. WKLKTII All that CL-rltln tot ut laud »1 1.« lowi»LI|iol Franklin, county or Warrun Mate of New Jcricy. bonudvd ai loilowc littiluc at it comer tu Utidol JohuM.WIUun, In a liuu or I'bllli* 1*. Wcllci-a land; ibenci III *untb (uvnitccD and n ball duirice ca^t, vi-ih- lfi-B cDftln^niil Bity-eiKhtilnkR tu another ntriuiaid Weller'n line! ibunca [3] by Hinltti'i Iai,d north flity and »(iiiartcr d<>i;rrc8 tntt. three chain* and rixlv-MK link* tu mutlitr cottur, Itisacu [3J vtill tiyMalih'a land nurlh alztcvn (W Krees wed. llltein chalnaand tilnctj.ievcn llnkr lo n comer ul «uld Wiiron't land: ilitnce [f 1 aluuk bit llliu lliif111 vl|*hiy Uhiu deiftCL-* wt-Et, itifi'i) Cbnlna tnd furty-iuur llnki to tho bt^luninir. con. talulii«nvi;acrti»Dd cljthlj.lhrpo ImuJreUUnt nf " lVilitriI l KXTII.-Ainnii'c«tain lut of land iice (Jri ll in lot wIch id buiinilcd aa fullourM*. llrciuntni! HI A wtilto ojk mnji for a Cunitr, Ihwicc eouth flitevti tie - >i,t:li!VincniilQmud*t;ven Hutu lo ;i ... :r in a line nf Asrun ContTCt'a five ncrc' lui; cue* (outli i-Itihty-uliic tiexwti vnel. rour chnt Uliiij-tunt itukK ton iliiku aud rtut.c» tm rnuriti t,*ruvtllti)['« line; ihnire mirth n)iti... %tve* we.41, i-tuvvn ctmlns uud JHIy-ftrcii link* H HiikPMra corui'i; thtccf nortti uli;bty-iiliiu ittuvt wot. lourchiilusatid nity-thrut) links tu J FuuTtTSliNTIl!- 0 AU 0 |hitUcrtalu'l&t or |i.irtcl ilatuUnd pri-inUi'drltuululylnt; anil tieln^ In iuicw:iihli>ol(Jfetfnwichiiruri > i>:itd, biititil nnd Tlimcbcr'a stouu timer, thi'im uty-u lc** li C!IIIID4 nud __ Itukatoarukei lin«; ttictit.'iiortn clvliti'i'U oi'urtL'Di hlrty mluuioi wod, tvvtn e^nln* nnd twt Ink* to a duke and ttonra eatmr ID Sip tV'ellur 1 * lut; tbtnctf uluo^ tin* MalU Welter'* 1 loalb, luvcntf.icvca ana a hill decree* v,v*t. ctmlnn ai.J illiy links tu II corner lu Thui Thatcher'* Hue; thence *onth fotirtiin di-^r n t , Bt'Vtn chaliiit tu UiupUce of bi-^funtuc. c lining live acrtit, bu the tataa marv ur lee*. t'IFTKCNIll.-AII ttiu lollouluj; dcteili act or pieceof laoiltltuiielu thu towtiJhl|i Uncnwincb, lu Uiu county of Wnrnu, lu Hid U LoundtJ i fit, tivcutytwi. ... niirkvd red oak; [U] " r tUiliin " in n U i . , 3} not Hi blxty dartre (»(', Iwtiitylwo cbnlu* iudlltiyi>cvviiljukt;[4] »ouih elKtitucu ami n '• di'^ften cntluur cnattn and lony llnk^ lo ond tauU. MXTEbNTII.-AlltUt certain tmct r>r p.irwl nl land, fltuate In ihc tuld lownotilii of UtKta- ulcti, Uouuty and Siate ulorutaid, mid boundi'il n-l'ullowi: l!c^liiniiiKaltti-!oneruniLTof l'lilllp I". Wfiler, tbtnceiumh cuventuen iie^rges CM, Duvtui.b3liu»amJ Uonly lluks lo a corner or "•id ot l'etcr U*ll!uvLT;"tUeDCU euulh elKUty-nluu tui.b3liu»amJ U id ot l'etcr U*ll!uvLT;tUeDCU euulh el n hull <li'i;ree# wi-t. five chain(* to n tbeace sttll bj .M'llkvfr'f !at:d souili tllt u bulf dvgriif) c'Hi l h i i l;nks (on curoeft l deitrc f !ad s nchiin louth t l t n lity tvr d tl^hltilJ: nd a v« eaet, two clmlnand nxiyilve lluke ii a corGcr ot Henry CruvvltCK's I'ind; ibcuce uinh tiru'endi'^neacuol, seven clialns ana a fly. wo liuUtoucorner; Mr._foose>i lind 'niY"ri;vtuiy U l'n"rKu B nnKa'"'lit' a"corot-r *IJr*"V'1;'tur >VLlisvvt'» fiiud; ibi'iice by the *ami! acd Und ol William Cowcll notib, uluetean ili-urtL-a w«fl, fliitty~tbri'c cbdine und cii^bty Hub A to n corner In llie public ruud; llitLCL'.ilutiK the mine sou11. fllly-iwo decree* w«l, twelve cnnlii" mid »i.'v.-iiiy llnkii to a corner; tlipnci; nuotn ailvnvu oi^-rum Kid, «Ule«n ctiulcs utiil ulily-ltiru^ tin Kit tu tliu .Ittreol licrlrjuliiu, coutnlulni: ei^-niy acre*and ML'iity>*ls [itrcbt-s ol lan'l.bu tliu mtaa more or litioiowuedlij'i'tkT Uiiitvtr, cjinwonciun nt the nuilUwum corner ol 1' - lot, •»:<»BR the wedt flao ut tlie pumu, »IUIII euvtii^i'li di^ri'i!* east, uue rod wtditi ttte dtniuLGi! ol loity FIJC mtl u SE"*IINTEENTH.—All ihat tract or put;! ol md and premises. Bl*uaie, ljiii^ aud Uului; in LU irjwustjlp of Greetuvich. county ol \Varteu ad Htntii oi New Jviecy, buliiK n m e t o( land uml remised adjoininntrn: lasialoreraid tract men uued and uuscrlln-U <H »iiiti:*ru. and located II lbs BOUIhuiitfl title of «.ild truci ol ui^lity iictca nd iweniy-Mx jitrciie^, «nd contains nliout llvu ItiMVo I'owdL-rt, Worm I'nw.U'r. &c'iillc Poiv'li'i All Mier^ ou i-alc nt Dru^bturca Jlarntni Ut-aler Price ol KllU'tinfivtr. Uuru $1 jorhinllo. Fur further |iarllcul:irs frtiu hoom. ttc*. «rilc t Ellis Spavin Cure Co., \O..'ili MMltiiirjSlrOol. IIONIOII, Slnt' Ini'it '-.r" parcel" ul ?? 1 ^ imrl ' Cl " .a o[ bL'^lntiln^', cum «u Imudtccilliaoi an aci T\VKNTlflTH.-Allth . TWENTIETH—All thai truei or parcel or land and |)Tuiul;CS licreluultcr puttlculurly dutcribud, (Uualc, lyinj* aud bului: iu ihutown»lii|) ul Pruiik< IU In .11.. milipib i.t U'ur'iili n.irl Cn.n f\ t Mui. w i l l . , 4.4 .UtoLV^ll?lJ||r Ui Kl**.| I , iu ui. v.'uiiiy or Wurtcu nudbtuic of Jfu,, rsoy, Uuutd und boundud ni lolluits: iit'^la- 11,'fti untune eomw tothe afurk.>euld .luliu M. ruriy-QvuilutiiL'CB west, thnu clinlui nna i.lnuty- elKhl liuUa ttioinrBalil WHKOU'O litm to n titunu cufiiur inEleanor; Wiltou's line touth i-lthisuti 1'uier Wllicvcr'alatid';thci.C8 (:» slonn nuld Wll- BUII'I) lino uottb iluy-out; Uc^reca cast, lour c!ulu.< mil eevoriiy-Bvi! Uiiks toa HIUIIU for u con^-r iu PHIU llnu; tnuuco (I) nurtli thlriy-Blx dc^tui:!- went, two t'uilns iinil ttvunietr) llukii luthu tiluuu of icitt ni luii'd, ttrlcl mcuiturii. ; «SiiId ILIIKIII uro ul tudtu In 'i iruud iici"iitior!iuuj In clnru tiroxltnliy iu churditiH, ntiiooU mid 6to re* ind of L'liod (jiml)iy, HUIUU or ciiU lu 18 bulnj,' KUUII tvoud land; Tlicsu imctd uru well ' worth tin: m- luitilon ul thore duulrlni; unud ptqiicrtlu^. Timy trcupiiJtiuuuriiiu liitida or ivliflli Julin M. Wll. •on, latu ul ihu county ut lluuturdon, dicil ecli-.uil. y«ld lunda will lio .old lu tnittn, »u|i:intk>, or Outlier, us may bu dutniud liuei. Thu en\a nt nil THCTX wtlltiiku place ou He, Ili-lbu hunu ; e<U'ad. •Turnia will !>e o»y, nxu condition* inncu known 3n ihcdny.ol talc. . Any uae di;»lrlii!i lurlliur lii- lutuiatlon prior tuduy »f BUIO may' (.n't on Wll- lum Wiluonof Juecult 1'. Wileuti. rualdlus i.unr Kv..rlt(Btown, lliinLurdou county. N. .1. S.ilu Poaltlvc. ClIKS'lJilt VA.\MYCKHL, 11. VAS CAur.'&nctloncer. iSpuclal Mtistcr. "' VAlll) I'. CONKLIND, Solicitor. 1 . - ;W,1S84. Kleinhiaiuii, hV-Ii Dittcd A KlyV UruuuiUalincur. cd,liim. 1 hnve m- icndud It ,, to Apply by llttla crlnto Ilio uoHt l biI It iAY-FEVER Ktf/.teiW'R *1IUJB inn»raTHntloti, pr..mcte the mcmbrauul llii- inn»rarnntlon, pn.iuete tbe mcm ' tliu head Irom addillonnl OiUla. th d t UB neiEa ppllcahons. A Ui Jnaqimllcd for culdK tud lor circular. J^hyra t will c UI^IJ . i*." lly i Cored'iviiiioiit 11mIIHO or lh« KN1FK, l'OWDEi: 011 SALYK. m No J'AIN. NO charge nnill lTO fltEB. iWrils for r'lcr^r a. issnfisnh*sitN Ull.' DOmtBS' DISTIL I'ARWJW, 11 IlAtcUrStrect,Muw York. 8door* from Ailor lonee; 1 dvnr from Si. reler'a Chorch. yrtali T>hlladolphla & Hooding R< R.— TIME TAIll.K JUNKit. W41. 7A»W l<itee Jutitlhn KOIt NEW VoltK. ittWAIIKand INTSKHB. :.0IA. M.-Exprcf*. T.MA.S!.-CniiiifCtlniralllldi Hrlduchr HI«b Urlduo nmiiili. at ltnun<t llrmlc lur Trenton and l*bltadcl|ihln, nt btUiklhiHiit fur Lout; UrniicB.Occin'Jnivf.ttc. U.aa A, M. - Uonnccittii; at Illch IlrUzo lor ehoiiUy * Mountatn, Illijh Itrldjo UrnDChtftc; ntHotncrvtllalor Klemln-inu; it Ik.and It rook for Tieninn and I'hltndc1|iti|.i. nt Kli/itiXhpnrt \\}t l i n g Urmicb, tlcrnn Urnve. tic, 1.37P.M.—Coi.nectlni*at Siiniuivlllu for Klero (nuton; at Ilnnnd Ur.iolt for Ttciiton. and I'btla dctpbla. AI UI:»I.ulhturt lur l-oii^- Ur.tifti. Uccan 'Uuvf.tte. 4.i:~l > ..M.V<inncciliiltnl]Hsh HrfJ^i' I«'r Itk'h Ilrldffti IlMiich, nt Simifrvlllu lur Kii'inlni;mn, at Ijimnd liriHix furTnulnr.niid I'lillndHpTih; at "lillMiu'iniHMl itir IJIIIK lir.inili, Ucvitn (>r<tV4, etc. n.M ]». M.-Way. 7 :w 1-. JI -\v»v. SUN" D A T S I r.nitA.M.-Ktopptncni nil »lntlnim, cut.tittttnE iti LliA*i?>olIi|H>tL tut Id iU^ Ittmch* t'le* Zaire Philli/nlnny. -'•Hilj'li and S[i«fjiicn(tint r>lti«l>in. - 7 13 A. M.-For Msoeh Chimb, Ac. !i.4i) A. M—fur tcrnaliin. .Vc. 11.1>) A. M,—Fur Scnintiiri, 4,-, .1.« I". M.-Kor Munch Uhitnk *c !1 W, I 1 , M.-Por Sciatitoa. Ac. iU V. M.-I\ir Stanch Uliui-h, &v. Returning roit JUNCTION* LiA*o Sew V.irK. foot nf UlKTly SlRH-l-e.-n ..IKIA. H.; 100, 4W, I W. 3.TU I 1 . M. Sundi " A.Ill p. m. S«w*rk,ltrosilbtrt!i>t Ktmlnn. 0W>, »03,». ... l[i.i,4uy, r,.Tiu in. Sundnji-aaiji, III. Elli.Wll., 7.-JI, ».:ht a. iu. I.a7,4 aj, .1.00. « 03 p tu. flalna>iM,7 4!), 3.*,.*., a. iu.'Jill .'.01,01 ». iui'daviU.^lp in, Bouientlll«,.V.lJ,8.H, ID.lS.a.iri. J.S!>, 3.3i. «« i. Bi. Sand*yi i.-Ti a. m. 7.10 i> in Flomlngton. 7 *i. ['.*) a. lu. 1,1.1,-t.%'. p in. MtfVot furtli«r Infurmatl.iu .ej Tliao T.bln. ; : t : . ' c . UANTOIIJR, Otn. Paw! & Tkt. Avt J.*E. WUOTTBV ben. Manner. . PENSIONS A X L^ S SOLDIERS AND SA1L0KS, i dlnailed by woiiu.l:', ill* \*V, tilt! Uit Ot K - _. . ...rtnicdiitrrbii'k. rupL .... pflrtUHy no|, IOJS of htislui;. falling luck uf 1M», rhcaiUjUlftn. any disability, uo mittur how I'h'llt, ulvi.'H you n PQIIFIIIU. \'ac nnd Honorable Dinehanjeit Ohtnihed. Widow*. eMM««n. mcxiim and (ntliets or *ul- i><ii ilylnu in thu ^urvieu, or Hltunmrila fr.nn \+ruM colitmeli"! or wound r.iculved whllu In toe I'fTlcc. nt* cutitted tu lunsinn. l^Jectiid-and L.iailuii«(l cliilins ii fpvcinliy. lloiiuty, buck pay, ndlioMuchiiiuscolkctuil. Increase Your Pciittion. iiuiuu LAND ANDI'ATKN'l* CLAIMS SOLICITED. MY exucrlcncn. unrl lielu^ here .it heniiqusrtiT*, :nal.|e* mi! to at torn! pmniipily idallclBlnii aitalui'i .ha Governmont. CirmlarB frue Ad<!r«*r. wlib [tump. 31. "V. Tr/illMJY. Au« 9-Iy Hoi -IS5. Wdflliluaton, D. C. SIGO.GQ AWEEK ! iislnueH. Very llttlu cnpiui ruvtilred. We it lioiitJoboM arli^tc ni t-alublo n* Hour.' Xt Sells Itself 1 :t is n*«l every day In i-vcry rauilly. You do not i«eiltoexplnln \t* nn'rlis. Tlicru U u rich liar' .•est Tor all who embrace this «O!I!I)II opportunity. . .x .-..'.. 11.1*. .. x. . . ~ ...... . . * _ t The Cream of all Books of Adventure. HEROES'r-%L DEEDS The llirilllnu' adventurex of nil tho licro oxplou<r>! iirtlriMilkr dull turs wii b Indhiiif, outliiws imd .•llil hiinnw.ov.nv uur 'wiiulu ' runiilry, Irom ilio nrlleht tlino tu tlio pm-eiil. Lives nnd (uiuuus rplolU ol Ui'^iito, l-iibulk 1 .- ahitnlt-li llocne BBIOII, Ilrudy, Crockuit. llotvle. llountou Cur- S:S?SyifKKaiiSPi5iv'isK- AGENTS WANTED, l,nwt'rlceaiinA*liputs any- The -Western' I ARif MORTGAGE CO.. I Liwituxci!, KAS., ulVura to Investors I tlio lii!Ht scuuriticH lu tho nuii'kut. B FIRST MOKTG.U.IM,UANS uimti B imtirovcd farms. Intonwt, uud iirln- •cl|nil pnltlon dny of nmltirily.In N{-yr • York. FiuHla]iroiniitlri)lnced. l.iurp) 'axporlcnco. NO'-IIMMIS. Saul (SS *o,i'uiilurT references nml minijilt! forms. Iff. M. l'crkins. 1'iw,; J. I. Warno, Vlcu 1'rcs.i h. IUl'erkliirt, Suu., Clifl- W. Glllett, Tien ' " CARPETS!! REMOVAL. ,ll<-l<><HH>r|tr-»MC-iUftc-n*oiii we will rc- . uiovo (o our now nntl coiumoill- 797 ANDT93 THIRD" AVENUE, Car. JOih Si reel, (nowIn conrto of enmtrnct- lon). Tu avoid imivini; our prtatnt tramenfe itock, we »li*ll f.fTi'r It nt nrici-a that will com* mand crrmio and linmedlsia fMe. UtacK Ii un- luutlly Ina'onnd volerlrd byuxpvricncad tiuji from both f'<tuli;ti am) <]*nu->tlc inarkci*. add t bracca all Ihu new pattern* nil vliadei In IflOQUETTE, - VELVETS, •an ""•* TAPESTRIES, •DAMASKS, With Kordcrs 1<> Mnt< Urirnlnl Cnr|itt» Olid Iti!**. al<o K*nnlti[;ton Art S.iimfon, in nil tlim. .Mulling and Moor Clolliii of all lit'pcrliitliint. Window Shades a Specialty. W'einii-t nil ilia UntK nr tnoro It nt A i;r [p«n»e. iht'iejiifu |ir|voi> Hill bo Hindu tu ln*i .ii'in nil vilm npi>rtcinii',i-irii;r i iit K"odi w Mow market pilco. irrhitMri imtUv by lliorrtiilortt ofihU |inper ilcllvvri'tl Trro at rliiir^c. Reuben Smith, d I Fourth Avenue, New York litnte. Wmtd tlh Avenue PICKEL & BRO., ISUTCIIKltS, lliEI.', VEAT., LAMB, SIUTTON. PORK, t t K'l'L'. * 1'OULTItY' IN .SEASON. llOV rlllllKllUT I»>I>U Ijllt IllO bOi^t ttllCk-, fUl wilU'll Ihuy [illy tliu IllOHKaT CA^II l'HICK, uml tlitri'liirc urc iiblo to olTtr their [iiiUiiiiH thu 11KST IN TI1H . M.M1KKT. Sausaijo a Specialty. PICKEL'S MEAT MARKET, Xo. 18 Ueivitlcre Avenue,,, IVashiiif/tott, jV. */. Extraordinary llaiinir jusl re.-dvrin 1.AUI1K ASSDRT- IKNTdf NKWCOODS. we wonhl linltt! till ur frlemls uml (.utlmiie™ to cull :iml suu lie- >ro luircliii-lii^ druwlnTC.-' UV huvc ;i Full Line ol JJ!I.LBM:i£V ; A!lth» LstTst Styles allies' and I'liildreis's Hosiery. riCE ASSORTMENT OF Wf)0I> GOODS, WOOL SACQUES, ZEPllYltS, MACMA11A CORD, LACES, Anil aFull Line of ^otioiisf ?"S(m- floods wtwtiiiitly bL-ln^ mkkil. i Stamping a Specialty. HAMPTON & WASHINGTON", N. J. to—1—:Jm f/ '• COMIFERA. ,.^ TRKSTf.s, N. J., July 17, lS&t'" Drt. GIHIH Mvi.Cu.— ,' (II:SM: I liavo lioon grenily tronhled ror year* willi TttU'r In tlio Henri, aecompnt-U'it with Uun- dinil'. Tliu Aleenfii at llmeri was very annOyltiK, ami artittly iioiiuled HIM. I purchased a lioiil* ut youf COMIKKItA for llio llsir, u( John S. Anls- •nkI, ilio wcllkimwti druj;i.'le<t or UiU ciiy, mul, iller-iirtliii- It. for n low weok*. to my urent «ur- irlce HIKI yrnUflcutlon Hi* (lleeasi: lia* c-ntlruly liBB|i|ie.ircd: - : HUSKY a. DITMAK*.- " . for. Clinton andElnit-r Sti"., , -I; , Trenton, N. J. Br.lBsMi'sBloolMStoiiiacli A coiiililnatlon of tlie be»t known Hoots, Unrka .nd Ik-rim 111 tliiivcKCt(it,lu kingdom. Tliu littl itood 1'urlfliT, ilia heel appotlzur anil .Die niobl lisasnnt li]Hnr«.ii» I tin ninrkitt. - ..=..-.. .-..,.~ Tli"v onm nlldlKi-nmisot the IJIOOI).'Dymni^la;' h'lntul'oncy, Sour Btomnch, Conxllprilloii. Skit or Nervous lk'»dticlnj, GuuL'tnl Del.tllty, I.^xliudo. IIIISIMMOII nnd in fnctarcii (iircreiaeJy fornll (3T'K joii are troubled «lili n cnusli irybrV oitSilCld'ii'AIIIEKlCA'S' COIMJK NVKUI'r Blue cii'ru lor ti CUUKII, cold or lung dlnoutc. It :i"5~ilku initeic, Clitldron cry fur II wftur takliie It oncu. Evofybody with a coti^n or colil slioald try It. TilcoWlC n lioltlo. 'She DJi. QUiBS Mfa. Co., i vS3 tad 95 6th Avo., NowYork, . Ajl »'* . . 83r-Koriiilel>y Dnu-clslB in Ocutinl- AN ,!NKY RESOLUTION Ehll t | Wo DEUVEltFltEEnnywwhorB.nll ctisrnns oi& AG ENT^S=W AM-TEO Of citrft ability and experience, to taku aer.otal t^l-OiHtlRi! setBC!eB,-.t(i.8na.o!»ii»!arl,Mtlntr ;sa-_ /ae«r«on fiislpeillnK UooUB.-Knra 1 lili-lv com- nlB^kiiis. AppUcautB mtirt *liow they mean buBioofiliy hiulnc hy latter (no poMal cam), tally nil exnunencu, qiialificiit-un*, ulc. A lm^o per Mnt, offered unth. Aiidrcfs•• , v - HENnYBUCKLlN&CO, _ ^ _ f l l O Arch at...P'iltadeibliiii::i l a— AGENTS RANTED TO SELL .MOM<E).M!SM,-~ UNVEILED. Tho most OOMl'I.KrBnud OVRRWIltiLMINQ canoBeoft!icCBlSlE3eiidSBUftS'r.rHAUT10E3'r ufMoniioulpm. lucliKten tliu lil'oaiul cntileB*lon» or Mormon Uislione. John U. nnd llrk-liiin Yoimn. STAien.lNdnnil THRILLINO HKVK. LATIUNS! 1'KOKIJSKLY 1I.I.USTIIATKD. A lively book to fell. •• SUAMMIil.h &. CO., I'h'.la- dolphin, PH. "Slim •( lYltN lbatD ati<1 eata nctdi a different mtthol of treatment In or der to tlTtct * cute, and a momtai** reflection muxt coavlnce that any of tha quick no-lram. InlMcduprtathouabtlccUlnilniitucare til at i nnnibcr of d!»melrlcly different diiceic* tnnH C rovu lallart', even if we do not call them hum- lilt*. l Pooplu nr mod«al un,»udCT«npconlflWfll to an or wealthy flat! thai iho cnormoni chareca of practlilnjc rhjtlclam arc s K-iluttn burden to them, mid aim iltid tlialf- pajlnir ihrui'clvc* poor that no benefit ha _ crueri to thrui, Ibat In lad Ihcy hava thrown Ihclr mnneyawav. To overcome Ihcu CTIIH we nflr Whvelcr'a.Vii.BitiuruItcnicdiea In tho Hck nr. ruflcrliijr. ono ((ntncilr for tach dinranc, without fora moratntclaimlnif thatnnu remedy will cure any athur dlrun^u than lh«one clilmedfur ll.nnd a* tbCFu tcmi'dlc have itoori theUit Of ienr wiilinuta»itii;>li»llot9. wo fljircu tori'.'unii th money pilil In every liiftauc* wlitre a c'Jro h tin lvely ,|T«t«(l. Thu rrinedle* aro cntlrrl ablt-, ran do no harm, mid will positively every iil?ca«i [or which Ihcy sre pti'frrlbl , Gonl.UniPnrMot .loi I, hclailcii and SuunlitU atonea nnd putltlvely c hy iho u;o or Wlineter'i No. !Ht Itliemaill", lini ily. We ray boldly that In the worrt canca 'if nn mnlliTlin't-Ionic Unnrlini, how miluaii or h»w p.itn[iil, wiicitunotnnly ulvu rtllrt bill pihilively euro f»rnil time. Kilflnx tn do iblt wo will \> •*!- tKf fi'Iiitnl lliunifitiey picJ fur iheirt-aiinuiit. nm llyuiir tulle,luu* »ro not potltlvelr tloppi'J turall tlmi! you have n'it thruwn your innnry nwar a* ro not potltlvelr tloppi'J tur ! you have n'it thruwn your innnry nwar wunld un any other thai tW uuifnntcei edlc. The prlco or Wliarlur'* N«. tu Ittiuii ..inilc Hml l l W l tUlll t ilnii;(il»ti' KlaiajMUl . The prlco or Wliarlur'* N mivily lacnly Wci-nlF ottUlna or arut Uve bv mail uu t-rrlpi. SUFFERING WOMEN. *Sfft?&R vvltli u prulty lacu I dutiful niturt', faultluM cotupluxluti, «* wdl a* ili'V. mwi prenmiurcly uld. criiymid wrinkled ILT lurtii Imun ItM puifuct Cutitonr. tliu complexlyc ijcnunt* Mlluw, iti« brliflilnt** IU.IVM thu t-yu, n Iculiit^ nf Innuu'ir t a k e tbei-!iice ul ihu unrt ljui>y:mt fpUli'. *n Irritable.ut<rvi)ii« frictions trlllo:* Hntrjr lur till IIIH IH'COIIU^ unlie-irkbti. 1 . Al tlila H-IHK cmfti' hy (lie*jhy»lcil tltraagiiitiviit!! uf riinluiuK nature prevunia tlielr innklnL'kr.uwn, nud or wlilcli tho iKiior.incouf ihutueOlcnl pn» fe««lnii prevent! a cntu. I.ady fader, pjti;o nnd cuncldiT, lUa duly joit owe your^ell, your fital- ly and your Uod, Ihat yuit nhonlil cnru younell ol itiCNc iroutles and mice mure (oel Iliu L>1OWuf fierfuct lii'alili and Hplrlti tint n.tturu iiitunili'i wr juii. WhoulurV So. MI'twcrlplUiuo nr plt'u^itit and piLitublo to like, CON lulu notlilni; u. an Ii Jurloiis nature, and mayle tttva by ull w+ nt nil lime-and In all cundlttuns wlllioni poiei- illliy ol III tlU-tt', and will pi>»ltivMv e:itu«*iy r' hel. Failing lu produce u perluct curetlii* pn irlctoti will refund tin- inunujpnlilfiir irentiiu-n fjou ti*vca*ullow ur t termltlnnl bcactacliei, hncKncb^, ri»[li > i«ii«»-, loi >r npuatlte, >uppreHi.[»n<i ol mowlily How, i. irrfHulurlllei tliereol nccompnuk-d by licndacl.t>« A'li*jtir'v No. Ull I'rccfliillon "11" will pomlvi-ly •tf tnru you toliL-i.lUi tfyun InTun ». > u^ntl»n of heut and tlirobblni; In Uiu bick. fmrniout lulni- lni( ipell*. LcucorrnL'n ur wbltu dUchurire!". palu- Inl ur tealdliiK nensatlon in urinating, r.-ilillpti or white di'ixwlie iirine, lint nnd dry i-kln, Wheeler'i J'), mi I'rutcnptlmi "U" will uivu 1mined I nt« aud iBtins rellvr. The prleu or Whedur's No. '.Hi luserlptlom " » " and "(j" arc Ml cunts eitcli, ol iltiabla irom irtmuUtu or >eut bymail ovcni 'ttUi ^b^cfVJitloLi pu*t p.-lhl -i.ti rruflpl (.( prlc< O'IUKU slaiii|m liiktn. . . . . Arc oi ucuiu or cintiiiiu t,Mi»rru or uiuiiuy rt'tQini* ml. WliceliTV N't '•«'> inHunt ll«ll«l und Sit re t'nri! tor Cntiirrh will curutircry caso of caUrrli. liny fever nr !ii-lhiiii, price fl.WI |ier piictrt fw, frum (IfiiL'L'lttJUjr «ciil by mall post paid on receipt of price. WhrdetV No. WStirf Cute fur Kidney anil :ldncy», lulLuuntiou of' klantj 1 * or liver, price "VhVeier 1 * VIKCI*))!** PIU'B nr« tbu uuly remedy [oa u|x.ii wblcti I me cbnncuH anil we ppuciully Invltu [he tiutrouaso uf the itinuy pt-ri*' w wlio lutvc irlfld iitlior r«ucdl«Jt without t.'iT«c: nr drpldnd »lielr ji'ir^cs by payiu" doctor liillj th:it bcnt'tiltcd hem nut. HOWTB-OBTAINSSfJSSrJ'J lor them. II tbiy luvi t h'Ot them, wrltu at oncu to tho iiroiirktnr*. en oflni; the price In money or ninmpj, and they lll Bent you at unco hymall, pum<'. Cu. fjiouilcnco ml 1 cited. Adilrutd jilnlnly ,-•.•: ,- L. WIIEKI.BU &C0., - V : Xo.iKiW. liiiltiinoroSt., . !C|i(J UALTI.MUItK.MD. PURCHASERS OF ORGANS rill do woll to examine porsonnlt.vul tlie waro- loma ol Ihc mnnuficttircrj,-HI Uib Street, Jnlon Sqiiarc) Nuw York, tlic l l u t i u l ; » H - Moi'tniuntafthc l)OHt OI'HTUIIH we avo cyerolTjreU; In aollil ciau* of natural wooa#, rok-t-nutly ilccoMted inp*»ld,sUvoi' or )oloi*9. M a n y «o>v stylet* nro tty 1*^H nre Trotn $TS to^.1)0. . For. otiHli i jtisvpnyniuntH or r u n t e d •"with mriii'iiiuul tlmt Ifrfiiit ha -promptly luldimUl it amounts to tin; prlco ol tbu ar^iu 'tt'bccDiiiL'B' tliu properly, of tbi! person lilrlnif wlthnut rurtliur liny ni ent. That tlicsu Orfiiiui are t l i « i l»ONfc lit tlio >'(>rl(l;ls iJioVtu-by- Uiu aw.ird-'to Ihcm.uf iKliudt Jioiioi'Snt every (cjicttf .•orltl'Hexliililtlon (or Hlxtuon oiira; no other Anicrlcnn Or^miA luiviu^ en-fl-|lllid-0ililiii-!i-.-llii!ln'"uL)i7iy""Acali!* illn- tch nmioiinco* Ihut tliuy sreH'jr'iilii recipients nf EliuiiL nivird :ii tlic I lit oi-nutloiinl u^uatviaLlp^Ii^^lttoii "ow ln_£C^ liluoM-Rtert C n l n l i m i H i !'«»-.^V" uiilly linveuu liuiiil In our vnrctunmH Vpccitil ,/lcn not In«ite, and second htind oru'inB vblch we cmollor nt very law prices. Mason & Hatiilin Organ &PianoCo Public Sale OF IH5AJJ ESTATE. miiis heirs of Murgurct U'nrno. tlutruaspil, will 1 well iu, iiulillc "nlu «n""- SA.TURDAY, DK- CKMBKHS'iil, it&t, Uclu-uun tliulioui'H i.f 1^ . ntnl Ii r.M., on tliu pruinlwi'. tlio rollou'tliu' incrllxjil I'liul ui-lnle: Afuriii wi!iliiiiilni,'iSi ;res. uttiitiieil In Frmikljn tnwiulilii, miir ruaihvuy nillriuid simiim. ontliuniud hunting -'AVER'S Sarsaparilla run* ltliciiinntUiti, NrnnilRln, Itliptnimlle (iinil, <;.-i..-n.l D.lillii}-, Cuhirrli, And alt tlU'iriliT* •niMcl l.y n thin nni| im|>ovi'rli>hril, or ci.rruptti|, r-nnlHloii (,f tho Mo.hi; o i ^ l l Ih II|] f h t i th.t Ihu I.I'«.|.|.,]«.,!•< frr.Ni th.t f nti.l rominhn; HH-M.H-1, nn.I ll iHirlttif a; i^riol < t mucr-iSI.-U-.l tueful- i»M, Avr.ti'H S.tu*Ai>.uiti.i.\ IIIK JTIIVUI Im I^rfeet a<lii|'t»il<>u ili.t emu it nil .ll*-.w< crli:iti.-itli)^lni«K>rl>l'«-l:iMl(iui'iiki-iioh'lta1ll)-. Itl«it IIIKMJ-ifini'critriilrii cxlrnit of Xnrtn- pnrliln IIIKI t.tli.-r l,l.ii.,|.|.iirlfyli^- roofN, roiuliinni ullli loiililc of •<>1:IM.tulu unit I r o n , nnil It tin- *;irr«t, tn«nt n-]l.iM.-,:uitl niMt comiotnleul Mo<t.|.|>iirlll.-r ntc! 1MN,1 f, w.-l Hint can I* IMI-II. IriHnniiiiulor)* Itlii'iunntliiiit <:urr>l. "A\Kll'* S.\l«,t.A li;i<<'iiiv>!im-i>r lln) Inllaninmt''ty Kb.'UNiiiilKin, nith uhlH. I Unvt * r.-r mitiiy t r u n . W. II. .MotUit^ 1 Hutlmn, la., JiHu-l, :•, (,,-, "Kl«lit yrnr.«ni;i I li.t.l m> nUtuk ut ItlHitiiiru tlmiih'ij.!V.r.>tli.ill.-iil.|i,.itni.nrfr-.iiitli''lHil. ririlrtci'.MlIl.iiiilli.-l]., 1 irl..| Mit-rnl ll vltliout lumh If nny t-lli I, until I 1^-k .S.\IIHAIMIIII.I_\. l.y III.. U/.r (>r !«.. h hll I ri>tiii.t<t<'lyiii h th lth 1^-k AVHlio .. h.tU.'H nf I Uhleli I wn.4ri>tiii. tr(iubkd«lth thu lthfiiiiiiill>i»>lii.i'. ll:it(-n»l.l hiruo •innuiitli'fl ft \»w .SAiinu-Aliil.i.A.iiiiil It mill rrlaln» II,•>.,„.I,,hH ,H,j,,,l:lrity. Thl- liuiliy iiuinMueurjit It Intl.U ilt-inliy^n. vliifn nut Hint It lf t IMIM.I 11,-inu<-vcr oifiTcil to Hi-, i:. I*, ll w:i!iV lllvir SI., llucklunil, Mus.t., .May In, |>M-. " Ijut;March I uaxn'i wv.u'.i L-iii'-rJil ili- l.Illly tli;tt I ci.ulil m.l uulk uliliuiit lull'. Kill. hi»lt.l;ilii>ndvleiM.rnfrk'>dl:iklii|{ Avi:it'rt .SUHAl'AIUl.l.A. nml Uforu I lind iKM tliri'o buttleit I fflt nsMflluK I cvi-nlMiii my life. I Ui\aU-en ul work f.,r luo month*, m.,l think ynur KAI;S.U-AUII.1..V ihu crmtoi I.].KH1 nicillehieh.thHHorhl. .IAMI;> .MAVNAIIP." I'MWent t'M St., Nuv." Yurk, .Inly in, \tfi. AVi;U"» SAIMAI'Atitl.t^ riiri'x' Siritfiilli im.) ill Si-rurnli>ii.<Ciiui|i!nliitr<, KrjhliuluK, i:.-. Jfiiin, It|iiKM-nrin, lltohlii'K, Nori-H, Ititlln, Tinniirx.iiriil i:i-u pt lmi» on!••• N It In. Itrlcata tin- M-x-1 i.f nil lini.tirilkK, ai.b .ll^Mi-m, Mlnut. 1:tt<>!t|li» action of Hi.- IMWIJI, IIII.I llnu mt'T-a vitality mill itr«iii>tli('iiit tho wlmlo cy.-teni- ••i:i;i-Aiii'.ti iii- Dp. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass. SoM l.y all Uru^U!,.; price SI, »l* 1>IIH,;J, $Z. TORPJD BOWELS. DISORDERED LIVER. . and MALARIA. 1 •rom tin:*) MIUICOS uthu tliri'D-fourtlianf A|ipetlt.r. »uw«l4 > vu*tlvt, l t!(ck UtaSl oche.riiUiJc;* niter vatUtK, uveralttli to CXCrtlOll or Illlll V fll* 111 I fill Vrllrlritlm. »t, Ir.liui.llHy «r tCHpcr,Tow «l.lill», x rn-Hn}» of ImvlnR uct;Icvtcd •i.meUiuy, IMiiliiem, I'; nt the Iltnit, iiotM I'vioru Ihr even, liluiiu-cal. ortrt ifiln.., t'OA'STIIMTlorv, niiil tic- iimml ltiiiii»ir nf:t fi'tniiily tlmt nttsillrcctly nnUiiiUvur. AsnI.lvLTme<llc[iti; TU'CT'S i liil-simvi-ii'i i;.|ii!il. Tliuirncttononthi) ill limimitil-j tliroti^li'* b'esi'"^"-' r °" l °*'"•''" '"Wi of the Kj-oiEiii," pidiliiciiig iippe- tltit.sounil tllwi'stifm, ruKulur stools, n cli'iir akin nmllt vl^oritiis Imily. TtETT'S VH.IM ANfipO^"TO l M tUm uvn a -i}" 1 * 1)y . s l" !l i sl "' wl ' 11 ' Coitstlptt.- Wt«is onmff.'ilii'il TCTT'S itr" tliu^flr^t mttii.'"" ""Kl^^mVARDd^I'nltnyra.a^ •- 11 nwT«liMif.aBc. OttlM,U aiurrar3t..y.Y. IKDIANS AS SOLDIERS. DIP strnnji Cant nut* nptwrcn Two Xtw Mtxitan Trlbr*. M tkmlix Fe, K. if., Out Lagnntu Indlani proscntcdtlioiiiwctflclflof tho only IndUu militiirj-orgnnlMtionintho world winning iccoiirl tiouon iu a general contest of lor- ritorlnl militia. It I* lutcraiUtitf to watch lliciuuuilcrcummninl. Tin. busltieiaMenu to bo a very scrioan ono for tlitm. Tlu-Ir set jn\vs nnd flicil eye* kiiiiwik plainly a tmrpoM togivo tlio Ito ty tlio old boMt tint Indian cnnuotfithiniwlf tot diBdtillnod rfarff. Every man nt tlio captain's word U w t liimwU wholly to Urn litulneu ljcfora him. A Mitmlnciis of slionltlcn Hint Boemi Urn in tho tribo nnd to wlilch tbclr maaxet 'A long Imir pivo qttit'j HH much proiniuenc* l* tho bulging bresuU of their JnekcU, de. UactM somowliut perhaps from a soldier*! i U'n of ercctucm, but tho Apparent stoop ti it least uniform, and their tjllstciilng liulmetM nnd wll-brunlicd clothca mora IOIIR in linn with miclilncliko precision. A curious ntid *frikiug contrast is nfforiled tho Lagmm nnd Aconias, thn latter a iwwerftil nnd pletUKM{n« tribo from tho northwest. Their common dims, though often shabby, display,! nn iunato love of color which oven thohrlllinnt thinkelod iwnjoi'ii hardly np|ira.tcli. Their riinwb id blnnkcts hnttg from their ftltouldora in fol.U as fitntely u everftItomau'a robes nud *r« ilccortitcit with n hipndinrj or fenthetd mil lmiilit thnt giUtcr ID tho sunlight HVo ijwfls. lint their glory la most resplendent m festival nnd (pita d.iy«. wlicn their np- penrnnce'U to bo compared only to Oriental Jiiifjcnntry. Ilia colon of n kiiloitloscopo arc not inoro varied or briltiuiit tlmn the*; of their ilroM, which lenves exposed nt tho botfoi.i only beaded inoccasiiio and fits cluscly to thu neck iibove, tho front to tho waist bting mlonied with b:U of contrnstiug whir UDiltroidiivHot fur nud metnl. Ker-" jhiors of fanciful print mo wound upward tfom tho top of tho robp, encasing tho neck « d lower face, whilo from tho forehead ilownwird the licud nnd fnco uro hidden bo- hind folds cqunll;- picturesque, loavin^ only UiooyexnnilnvitrihtDnI{{ht. Ahatsbapod like »bishop's natro Htuddcd with bright colored beads nml flashing with crown-liko splendor completes this unique outfit, nnd fifty Wives so attired furnish n sight Hint dwarfs in interest a spectacular drama nnd luvcstH with regal Rpleiidor—from n dUlnucc -acoNlnmo the intrinsii; vultio of lvhjcl •' wouldljo highly nppraised nt $j.—Com,' pondenu liuffalo Courier. TUTT'S HAIR OYE. Ciur Hun <III WiiintiiHs clmnccil la- ui-si-ntl.yi-.ii.i^ai.n rcc.iliitcirai. Ullkit^4iIiiri-:iyStruot'NcwYorlc TUTT'S MANUAL OF USEFUL RECEIPTS FREE. Ale ilma Tilting niicimmtlsin, Spcrnininr «•. <'r!:ci!!ii::il Wt-ntmraH, nnil fifty (itltc: :»i:!iilm»r' .We claim It i. tptdfie. /liu Itniilclii'iiml rninpnpc^ tlic ]i:ttlent—not liy tlio l!itnui:ict!H!ior«jtlatL'annili!ra»llcc:itliarticH,btit by tlio w-tfinitltji) (if ncilvilr tn Ihu utiimncuniul iicn-ii'!* >y.-tvm. wlifrotn" tlie brain !•"• rcllt-'vi'il or morbid fancies, wbkU itru created by tliu ciiiijcs above reM-HMl to. To CIiTsrinen. l.n-.vycr». j.iiernry men, Mrt- chniitH, thinl;cM, Lmlks mul all lliusu who^c Bed- lriv<;iilurU!iM o'f'uio blooil, ftutiuich, bmvols nr ]dtliii'v.-nii'»'!iurt'i|iilru :i UITVU louk'.ii|)liulUi'rur ftlmnlint. S.1MAU1TAN NEHVISB ID Invaluable. Tlioit^ii'iiMivi^talm UlliDiiio^twniKkrriilliivlK- OMiit Ui;aVver Hii>liihiv<l Hit! Hlnklnn Vycli'tti. HI.M). Soli! bv nil Drtiiisis'ts. Tim HH.S. A.lMull- itt»:;i).J(K!>.CO.,-l'ruj)rlt:tors.St.Joacii!i.-.Mo1--: Ci::. II. CritissUa, Agosl, HHf Tert City. ... (1) 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 VOT.VAI13S Iho uliolccel Illurntiirc of Ilio Wurlii;i 1 ;lOtt-piiRO Cnlulogtio.;lree.--.I.QwcBt. prlccfl over known.. huTtuin by -UCAICH. SCIIL lor cxamlnallon lwforopi»ymmU..oo^cyl!)etn:(» of ircpfiiW-foul liiillilliigsr"-TI S raTnriii nT^i-nti i "it ur r >?i fiVi 1 II -^ !J J r[>ru 'Mic "l i ^Ti-.'' "\V i AS 1 'i' ^ bi d il very easy terms. Anv <mu desiring finlliiT iforniiillnti, in-to vltiw Ilio 'iri-inifHB mn call i»J>r.».ddnksj:riJa1iJViir.i.!Ct.A^I'iiry. N-A-*^ "J.'KW-'Jin. 'S:.'M{ Murffaret WnriiUj ilvuM,..'. :sK)ji'.\i.i.icn nitii.i-iANov WITH I.KAST I.AIIOI! AND \Vt'ni'>I'T INMUKV „„, :. ..TO I'lNEST SlMiKACU." - - - - "' IU YKARS INHOUSEHOLD USE. Siil*l l>y tJvodoi'fl ntul OniKffi^is. ' TIIK Jiijiit'Ttto sir.iro.v v.».. ; K 72 JOHN ST., NEW. VOItlv. R a t h e r TooTCongTy" ~ 'I"""lijiw iiifiK~itUl'y(iu"siiyj r """"'"-~~T~- " \ Boarders Wanted- aviitmi?. u few Jlirorn liulow XVtriilsli A'CX factory, would like to tnko ji few Itoarilrri Tlio rdinnn nro piunsant mid terms- ruaiiDiuttilu i 1 ' 1 ' " • Apply to , . .„ Mr.S.T. lt;tiinickit.i, VH., li'ill nuUy, ae ilimmli |Hl>>khiK ot ilnu illinpl- iliifjd Vflcetlmi ul liNlife. "A(, Hmi<»l nlnxut ilitlij- WO.'! 1 II I won •TR t;srnrp:ic.rt t p a nd- w.i rrfliscvaa:! STI^PW-t;Sir?r nnd nm w .w finiud IIH tlioni*l; my llvoi 1 ywtv (iinduolluiUiriibhiT; 1 -- ' , JJiTPOii't-iiuUHo the old fi^lntincd plusluiH- nrKurtunuily. Look for the wind CAI'CINE, wbk-b 1Hcut In Ilia gemiluu. 1'rlce T> cunin. SLM- ' ry ,'tJfllinMiii, Cl.nn liftc, NciV Vii'lf. --.•--- r " 1 *jgj3" t Oil! pnpeH, for i:' MUSIC INDIANS M.<K&. At the ciunp nflor tlio paraile nt Snuta Fo. N. II., Iho Apaches put aiido much X thoti \ ;.. ; finery nnd gathered in groups for games \ mil Bongsl Tlicir Hinging always attracts a : '".\ :ro\vd to tlio tcnta. Ths fasliion is to in n circle, tho leaders in n row, proviucd willt tom-to'ais or other sounding iustnt- 'uts nud tlio rest at tho party with twigs, if procurable, ur tjlicku ur utiylluiig with ivbich they may heat timo Ca tho palm of me haud. Two Com.incUcB, rcnogaclcs from their own tribes nnd known as Conwn- with hnwk oyesand perfect teeth, aio Uio best singers of tho baud. John has proiiilcd hmiself with n largo dish-pan. Hia kuet: I nre spread fur apart to hold it. Ahalf doz- en others havo tins of varioiw sizes, tlis smallest being a dipper. Duclakiu has been stretched into drum covers for, joints ]f stovepipe and for kettles. Bows tightly strung rest upright - between tho legs ot three or four others, nud ouo genius lias . fashioned n rude instrument with two itriugs resembling abasjo. Every perform- er hi\a n stick nbout double tlio length and thi<'J*iicss of^-" ij. fci 'i"*-^^il, Johu or Doniin- go ^eis the movement antl-Tviieu-"^*. tittlu tins nnd tom-toms £y,-e caught rhytlim, whioh i«_ a-jftytt,J'ifgiiltir.-beating,i-;,; ami tbo^bow strings nre thrumming and tho pului Hwilthw fulliijg iu Umti with it, who- - ever muy bo in tho lend starts a soug. A compass of livo notes is rarely exccodcil ex- opt tostriko an occoaioual octave, and there is invariably a minor refniin. The entire band keep ut this for hours, with ouly occnsionul momentary resting spells. As the song goes ou members of tho circle rise, three or four tit a time, v nud bob up nnd uowii with deacon-like faces. Tho bob- liing is said to call muscles into play tlmt. would quickly exhaust persons not used to it, burit-^-ifa-^iuuiu mid kixy. The Bigual for tho end of it fellow with n Htripedveeil, ou which lie pij a succession of ntirve-lrying notes.—CVr. mjmule'nce Jlujfttto Courier. •"'. CIRCUSPEOPLE. •; "Tlioavemsa intolligouco of circiw peo. plo—osiilo from tho hboriug men—ia yory Tar abovo tho general estimate. Tlaosoim- mediately conuecteil with tho OMOUUVO do. pttrlinent^ w»° liave to(1 ° w ' tb newKjapors, railroads, city (minorities and hotels, aromen of unusual iutelligenco, edncatioE and oiperi- _ once in their respective liuea," and tho sal- aries such positions commanded in ^former limes servo to. draw into., tho,.business JUo;•. bast tluatieierfi, advertisers,-bobk-keopors anil'™ purchusors money could eecuro. "Within tho. post few years tho character of men in tbeso departments has improved vary considerably 6o^hatuow.perB0us possessid of ,.tbo . higli. "esT order "of commercial intelligonco'" "freely v offer tboir fiorvicce, and managers, find more j flgoutsthau thereis.demand.for,. retain.tho.d_ best nut] pny theso" much' BmallorY'alariea™'' ttiaii they formerly had to. - Stilt,', tliera'oro ..- Eomo men whoso ealnrieg run as high as §7,000 in ono instimco nnd quito. a number - of men recoivonfi'mucb as I52,IJCJ6.''for tho ' eeason—usually six months in leuglb, . Of v Into years quito n proportion of porfonumsj como from gymnasiums, aud many of" Jhosa ,< have been young men who bnvo impaired ~ iioalth by loo much study aud Sud in circiu lifo the.physical exoreiso uoccBfiary to hoailh ami tho gratiflcntionof iTdcstfo to travel Jn- culcatcd by reading or tha nomadio inatinct BO natural to tho yows%,-~P?i£ladclphia Ttm*.' .. . ..'• : ; : : : .• . Tlic syinjitoms nrc 'moisture,'- Hko' per-' scratching, vtvy; disLrc&sinj;! parliciilailyat, ''^l "uiRUt,"'soemii : it9jr pliu worms wcro;cra>vling :.''l£ViEi iirninl ("tbo niclnm; tlic private parts"""" —— inetiiiiea (ilTcctoil. If nllowcJ to con- -.may-follow.-.. ant, suro wire.'"Also for Tetter, Ttch. S Khcum, Sca\i\ Head, Erysipelas, Bnvlmin Tieh.Illo'chcp, nil scaly, crusty Skin Dia- D3Sl.y.»t(inBt.ftmpsv:—AilitreeB,T" % SWAYNK Ai'BON, rhilnuolphid, Soli! by druggists. "h .// , •• '- BM pa aa smBBiBB^ mm•••• ••• MirlMblM •WtnBlllM !*•>* IIPlWIWIW ••* II JVIM1 •••!•• UW«b1ltltm*<< •• WqtplilWifrJmml'

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Page 1: THE WASHINGTON STAR - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 3. · • ' di'^fte n cntluur cnatt and lony llnk^ lo ond tauU MXTEbNTII.-AlltUt certain tmct r>r p.irwl nl land, fltuate In ihc tuld



Civil and Criminal Law Practif'oner,WASHINOTOH, N. J.


WilHlllllK.oii. >*..!.,

Attorney and Counsellor at Law,

Solicitor anil Muter in Chwctry,



A ml in nil the Court* of 2ieie Jattij



Solicitor in CLnrecry, Commissionerof Deals.

Office ovorKiiiR'a New Dniff Store, cor-ner orFront k. Mntmllold Sin., Belvi-dero.N. J . Transacts nil brunches oflocal business, flmnyly


WitHiiiiiKtoji, nr. a.With nil the latest iuiprovtHtienta, I am

prepared to do Hrat-clasH work. FineGold and extra Silver Fillings at rcdnccdprice*. A largo assortment of the bestArtificial Teeth that arc UIUIIP.


All branch™ of the profession cnrcfullyperformed. All work warranted, ondcheap for cash. ,


-18T.SOl{'lIIA.Ml'iU> STKhhT, •: >EASTON. PA.

ArllQt-iul Sets properly ninth! on Celluloidurc givlni; tlic t.e«t Mitfefuctton to lliu wearerot iinv material In we. unit for lower set 1« w

• ncclally so. Wllns tenth wltli gold, etc., iloucvllli unntcore. 30-ly-

Dill. E. M. BEESLEY,


Bt'lviOcre, Warren County, New Jureey

Q . S. DEAItflORX, M. D.,

. W A S H I N G T O N , N. J.

Office over Groff & Co.'s Store,



stables in.the


in Location, Accommodation and Manage-ment. Permanent and Transient

Guests well entertained.Pvloca Konwonnble.

A New BILLIARD PARLOR Attached,0. I'\ STAATES, Proprietor.


Wash ing ton , "?* .'.'I1.

The finest hotel in Northern New Jer-, stiv, centrally located. . Satisfaction Kitar-nntecd to nil g«csts,'pcriiiaiieiit or tran-sient. Billiard Ilocin and Barber Shopin couiiection with the hotel.

J. K.JIOAGLANJJ, I'roj'rlrhf.


Bouifc Shoe Store!. IS CTrUERf'llir BRICK BCILDIDU,

>'<.. 15.1 Wnmilnulon AvonWASHINGTON. N. J.

-J. T. BOWEKS=Will open tliU Nuvr Store, for thu fiiitrminget

the t'ubili-, on or ubuiil October SMh, ItttVwith u [till line (if llontu anil Hioiv.

mi'li as urc kcjit Inn (Int-claMutoro. My line of good* will

Im complete, nnd H'coml (•• nonein iiuallty. al»o cheaper ttmn you can

luty • {hum clwwiicre, ull ol Ihu Istot cuWnml f hopCH eimul to those made tit order, tor

Coi i i* lduv( i l> l> ' L tsuH M o n e y .

Come cfc SeeMen'* lleney Ihot»,

Ihy*' Uoiru Jtoat*.ChilJrat'a Una,

Lad ten* Iltarif Shiva.'" i' llany Shot*,

Children'* llrary Shoe*,HOOTS, SHOES, AUBtttSUS, ETC.Men't Fine lloot»,

»• Fine Hoot*,Children's Fine Boot!

Ztulies' Fine Shoei,•Mlue* Fine Shots,

Children1! Fine Shorn

A Full Line of Slippers.MkW.Boy..*. Girls', C'hll-

,:' Klnt! nun Conrto IlnoU,of eke and quality tu nullthe licft und t-bcapeit slockri'd formic to tho peoplerklnltv.r nsk you tu. cull und secrgc rtiick.t O fcjtllOW OOOClH.

Bowers,ihlflBton AvcnuB,ren Co.. N. J. , U. S. A.

ft, Won<lren*« and ItifnwShoes and Rulilji-nall. Conic and maIn tlit* line ever olTco( Washington and- t most renpccl(ullfor yoursclvea my hiS'o Trouble

J-T.NO. 184 Wo

\Vnshliigti.n, Wni

Keystone Restaurant,I'NDKR BKATTV BCII-DINO,

W A H I U N G T O X , N . .J.—o—o—

First-Class Dining Saloon,


Btcryihlnit ne'*t, clean und In iiurfect DiJcr.W i n . J l ^VUI lON" ,

Livery. Sale & Exchange

St. Clourt Ilotol,


!3>-First-<!h»« Hiss, Doulile or Sinflc,Day or Xiglit.


On the site of the oloV'WaKliingHotel." Tlio hotel is conveniently locatedand'is prepared to runiish the best a<*commodations to the travelling public.




lies1 college, Prepares young mci

illege.' Boat facilities for music, art

commercial ijrnneheB. ThoroujihiiesH

ivery department. Best building of it.

I, with Rtcam-licater, lias, hot and cold

v.Close attention to manneri

and lionllh. ' Location pleasant aiid

.Hlifnl,'" Catalogue sent free ou .apjili-

ion,1' Yearopeos September a.


J A N O V K R ' J J SPECIFIC. An iinfaillna an•edy.enre for Nurvous DelilUly and Weoknea• • - of Vitality and Vluor, Xorvuuf. PrjBltiUlo:

"•hi. or any etll rasa It ot indiscretion, c i t e•ort nbnana ol Alcnhol. Tobacco. A c . (ovhoiiHBiul tiiMltlve cure*.)

•Bend )5c. pontntM on trial box ol 100 jilll•m Ur M. W. IUUON,

laife St.. it Ciilliotiu Place, ClilcSjro, III.

venlsiit etovct BMtly'a Manufac-

$ 2 FOR LARGE LOADDeliTorod to any Ptrt'efiho City.

icavoerdcrswlllibam Ymii>in», carttnan,- Ii irtnl1r c-nlcu l l e l l t l v Uallll-"Ki " r t'ncttirj

iprof. I. Sharp,Toachorof Drawl ngand Painting,

: In all ils Bnuidwd. ; ,

•treasonableiirl-.eB. For further parlluvcall ut oTiit oil Joe, or address -

I. SHAltl1,

I MONTH mid D3AItl)(or:t live JOODIa - or tndlfl*. In e«h eoimlv.'Ad.IVW< ZlKGI.KIt A Co., 1'hlHdcl..

OYSTER HOUSE and RESTAURANT.tcrw irliolesali! und rrtstll. YmnUh-s und

Sole Agent for Port• Norris C070 Plant

OYSTERS.Ovetur.-servcd hi every f h - k . \ . ....

All oynters opened freoh from tlic shell.• ,. • -'-" ji-ia-eni.HARNESS,


And everything kept In a tirsUdusn liurncenstore, In endless variety.

A'JC P 1 H C 3 3 S X O B C I T JLJJI

S. T. VANNATTA'S,No, 1O llclvltlow! Avoime


Mrs. K. Wl.Skisvher's,


A full line of choice confectionery nhvuys_. on httud. '"


'Ifiese Goods are the 'Jiest.Give thorn a Trial* '

i> • . l A p r l 1 'S l - l y

CLOTHINGi '"l!j:!l**™!" lP. I. IUB!?'* I I1IKO «°< 1 ! n . H -^ -

*Ti)c Riibscrlber lma aiici.ed his new Btoro i nthe Smith bullilliig im WnflhinL-Uni' uve.. und

l h e s to Inform the people ol WuKhlnj-lon,hlK former iiatrotm am! thu public gctieruliytllllt 111! llllH ft fllll HtOCk Of

Ready-Made Clothing,all now and fresh, 'A full line of Gouts' Fur-

ishing tiomln at price* Unit defy competitionAlltholutoBtBlylCHOf hats, etc. l;lno UMOPincut of watdien und cbulne. ,." .RoodH Sold a t Dot(0111 Ctmii Vrhrvn.

; ' . SOL. LEVY,IO-18-iy ' •' WiisLIiicton, N. J.

WITHOUT A TEA*lirER 1 I IS ' l t l < J u l r t o

?jt of Piano nod Organ.__ l'llec 8 1 . Will

day. Von couldn't lenrn it from n 'teacher In *month for *Su. -Tiy it aud bu conylnccil._ Piimplnenny will bu maltcit to nny nddrcflB on receipt of2.1 cants in itnupB by IIEMJNB It CO. 1'ublleUorr,1\ 0. Box HST. «u,w Yutki"- '--•'; .-.;-—--.--•- - -

Sl'KCI.\l.M.\i>TKU'6«.\l-KOK ItKAI. KSTATK.

IX I'AUTITIOX.ttrvlitu«of»ordpr«.(lboCatirt o( Cbtncnr

ol New Jcr«i7, in id* In tha rai* wherein WlliUtiWllinn ta Cu.n!>iafDini and ElUabttti Wilton m<other* ire DufcudatiU, lli« tn1merU>«r. one ol thStxcial Marlera ef the Court of Ckaocar), will Mlit imbllc vatuluc, ou Tnci N->. in, turtotidtr tacrllwd, known t> tnv»lcsil farm ur N) »wn.tiaj jicrchrr. iu tlio luwn«blpor Orocuwkb, IiIho Ciwnlj of Wnrrtn anil Slate ot Haw Jmey.uiWKDNKSUAY.TIIRTTH OP NOVEMBER, 1*1tiatwcetilbehonriortwclroand Ax* o'clock in

itjuimnoonntnlil dnr.allthit folluwln^ f "[ land and prciDiK*. r k : :KI.KVKNTH.-AII Hut certain »«.)<! lot or par-

cel ol Unrt diuito lytnK and Wlna in the tuwntblii~A tirvftiwicli. In ilia county of Warrrn and ctr '

di*l>ionorth«aturc>4ld'landaaa(lruai URUIU _laid John WllUimtiiD. dtccMcd, and It liuundii

crlo Mari;iTrtC(ivcnbuVfii. in n, hr.a of the»atd John Wlint.n1* land; from ihrnr^ mmilnjfraia CuVfbhuvan'* Una {u nurth furiy-tlvu litunt*rart, lour cbilinloattflks anU •tunt-» inlli.f. comer ti> ht Nu.S; ttincc liya Ili.o nflul [i\ iiiittb atiihlcciidii;ri'i-» uctl , ddenn cta&>l muctT-tk'liI links ton it,ku and itotiCK tor-ro'nertu Jot Ko.«.laaliiit)o[tho**id Job a II.Ullruu'* nrm; lliruco l»r mid line 13] aoullitlilriy-iev»ade»;rt»*MH, (uur Cttnlun to nnulhvr•take and atoni-a In. «aUl lint, and Ibencis [t,•uutli I'luhtiien lUureo* i'*tt, tlltarn chalur nuu- i.ij-iilua Ituhi to tho place or bcetnilutr,

IMJS flv« l e n t and iwtuty BTC hundtuutticrt-of lind.WKLKTII All that CL-rltln tot ut laud »11.« lowi»LI|iol Franklin, county or WarrunMate of New Jcricy. bonudvd ai loilowclittiluc at it comer tu Utidol JohuM.WIUun,In a liuu or I'bllli* 1*. Wcllci-a land; ibenci

III *untb (uvnitccD and n ball duirice ca^t, vi-ih-lfi-B cDftln^niil Bity-eiKhtilnkR tu another iu ia id Weller'n line! ibunca [3] by Hinltti'iIai,d north flity and »(iiiartcr d<>i;rrc8 tntt. threechain* and rixlv-MK link* tu mutlitr cottur,Itisacu [3J vtill tiy Malih'a land nurlh alztcvn (WKrees wed. llltein chalnaand tilnctj.ievcn llnkrlo n comer ul «uld Wiiron't land: ilitnce [f 1 aluukbit llliu lliif111 vl|*hiy Uhiu deiftCL-* wt-Et, itifi'i)Cbnlna tnd furty-iuur llnki to tho bt^luninir. con.talulii«nvi;acrti»Dd cljthlj.lhrpo ImuJreUUnt nf

" lVilitriI lKXTII.-Ainnii'c«tain lut of landi i c e(Jri

l l

in lotwIch

id buiinilcd aa fullourM*. llrciuntni! HI A wtilto ojkmnji for a Cunitr, Ihwicc eouth flitevti tie — ->i,t:li!VincniilQmud*t;ven Hutu lo ;i . . .:r in a line nf Asrun ContTCt'a five ncrc' lui;cue* (outli i-Itihty-uliic tiexwti vnel. rour chntUliiij-tunt itukK ton iliiku aud rtut.c» tmrnuriti t,*ruvtllti)['« line; ihnire mirth n)iti...%tve* we.41, i-tuvvn ctmlns uud JHIy-ftrcii link*H HiikPMra corui'i; thtccf nortti uli;bty-iiliiuittuvt wot . lourchiilusatid nity-thrut) links tu

JFuuTtTSliNTIl!-0AU0|hitUcrtalu'l&t or |i.irtclilatuUnd pri-inUi'drltuululylnt; anil tieln^ Iniuicw:iihli>ol(Jfetfnwichiiruri>i>:itd, biititil nnd

Tlimcbcr'a stouu timer, thi'im

uty-ulc** li

C!IIIID4 nud__ I tukatoarukei

lin«; ttictit.'iiortn clvliti'i'U oi'urtL'D ihlrty mluuioi wod, tvvtn e^nln* nnd twtInk* to a duke and ttonra eatmr ID SiptV'ellur1* lut; tbtnctf uluo^ tin* MalU Welter'* 1loalb, luvcntf.icvca ana a hill decree* v,v*t.ctmlnn ai.J illiy links tu II corner lu ThuiThatcher'* Hue; thence *onth fotirtiin di-^r

nt, Bt'Vtn chaliiit tu UiupUce of bi-^funtuc. clining live acrtit, bu the tataa marv ur lee*.t'IFTKCNIll.-AII ttiu lollouluj; dcteiliact or pieceof laoiltltuiielu thu towtiJhl|i

Uncnwincb, lu Uiu county of Wnrnu, luHid U LoundtJ i

fit, tivcutytwi. ...niirkvd red oak; [U]

" r tUiliin "

in n

U i . ,3} not Hi blxty dar t re (»(', Iwtiitylwo cbnlu*iudlltiyi>cvviiljukt;[4] »ouih elKtitucu ami n• '• di'^ften cn t luur cnattn and lony llnk^ lo

ond tauU.MXTEbNTII.-All tUt certain tmct r>r p.irwl

nl land, fltuate In ihc tuld lownotilii of UtKta-ulcti, Uouuty and Siate ulorutaid, mid boundi'iln-l'ullowi: l!c^liiniiiKaltti-!oneruniLTof l'lilllpI". Wfiler, tbtnceiumh cuventuen iie^rges CM,Duvtui.b3liu»amJ Uonly lluks lo a corner or"•id ot l'etcr U*ll!uvLT;"tUeDCU euulh elKUty-nluu

tui.b3liu»amJ Uid ot l'etcr U*ll!uvLT;tUeDCU euulh el n hull <li'i;ree# wi-t. five chain(* to ntbeace sttll bj .M'llkvfr'f !at:d souili tlltu bulf dvgriif) c'Hi l h i il;nks (on curoeft

l deitrc

f ! a d snchiinlouth tl

t nlity tvr

dtl^hltilJ: nd av« eaet, two clmlnand nxiyilve lluke

ii a corGcr ot Henry CruvvltCK's I'ind; ibcuceuinh tiru'endi'^neacuol, seven clialns ana a fly.wo l iuUtoucorner; Mr._foose>i lind

'niY"ri;vtuiyUl'n"rKuBnnKa'"'lit' a"corot-r *IJr*"V'1;'tur>VLlisvvt'» fiiud; ibi'iice by the *ami! acd Und olWilliam Cowcll notib, uluetean ili-urtL-a w«fl,fliitty~tbri'c cbdine und cii^bty Hub A to n cornerIn llie public ruud; llitLCL'.ilutiK the mine sou 11.fllly-iwo decree* w«l , twelve cnnlii" mid »i.'v.-iiiyllnkii to a corner; tlipnci; nuotn ailvnvu oi^-rumKid, «Ule«n ctiulcs utiil ulily-ltiru^ tin Kit tu tliu.Ittreol licrlrjuliiu, coutnlulni: ei^-niy acre* andML'iity>*ls [itrcbt-s ol lan'l.bu tliu mtaa more or

litioiowuedlij ' i ' tkT Uiiitvtr, cjinwonciun ntthe nuilUwum corner ol 1' - lot, •»:<»BR thewedt flao ut tlie pumu, » IUIII euvtii^i'li di^ri'i!*east, uue rod wtditi ttte dtniuLGi! ol loity FIJC mtl u

SE"*IINTEENTH.—All ihat tract or p u t ; ! olmd and premises. Bl*uaie, ljiii^ aud Uului; inLU irjwustjlp of Greetuvich. county ol \Varteuad Htntii oi New Jviecy, buliiK n m e t o( land umlremised adjoininntrn: lasialoreraid tract menuued and uuscrlln-U <H » i i i t i :*ru . and locatedII lbs BOUIhuiitfl title of «.ild truci ol ui^lity iictcand iweniy-Mx jitrciie^, «nd contains nliout llvu

ItiMVo I'owdL-rt, Worm I'nw.U'r. & c'iillc Poiv'li'iAll Mier ou i-alc nt Dru^bturca Jlarntni Ut-alerPrice ol KllU'tinfivtr. Uuru $1 jorhinllo.Fur further |iarllcul:irs frtiu hoom. ttc*. «rilc t

Ellis Spavin Cure Co.,\O..'ili MMltiiirjSlrOol. IIONIOII, Slnt'

Ini'it '-.r" parcel" ul

? ? 1 ^ imrl'Cl"

.a o[ bL' lntiln ', cum«u Imudtccilliaoi an aciT\VKNTlflTH.-Allth. TWENTIETH—All thai truei or parcel or land

and |)Tuiul;CS licreluultcr puttlculurly dutcribud,(Uualc, lyinj* aud bului: iu ihu town»lii|) ul Pruiik<IU In .11.. milipib i.t U'ur'iili n.irl Cn.n f\ t

Mui. w i l l . , 4 .4 .Uto L V ^ l l ? l J | | r Ui K l**.| I

, iu ui . v.'uiiiy or Wurtcu nud btuic of Jfu,,rsoy, Uuutd und boundud ni lolluits: iit'^la-11,'fti untune eomw to the afurk.>euld .luliu M.

ruriy-QvuilutiiL'CB west, thnu clinlui nna i.lnuty-elKhl liuUa ttioinrBalil WHKOU'O litm to n titunucufiiur in Eleanor; Wiltou's line touth i-lthisuti

1'uier Wllicvcr'alatid';thci.C8 (:» slonn nuld Wll-BUII'I) lino uottb iluy-out; Uc^reca cast, lour c!ulu.<mil eevoriiy-Bvi! Uiiks to a HIUIIU for u con^-r iuPHIU llnu; tnuuco (I) nurtli thlriy-Blx dc^tui:!- went,two t'uilns iinil ttvunietr) llukii lu thu tiluuu of

icitt ni luii'd, ttrlcl mcuiturii. ;«SiiId ILIIKIII uro ul tudtu In 'i iruud iici"iitior!iuuj

In clnru tiroxltnliy iu churditiH, ntiiooU mid 6 to re*ind of L'liod (jiml)iy, HUIUU or ciiU lu 18 bulnj,' KUUIItvoud land; Tlicsu imctd uru well ' worth tin: m-luitilon ul thore duulrlni; unud ptqiicrtlu^. TimytrcupiiJt iuuurii iu liitida or ivliflli Julin M. Wll.•on, latu ul ihu county ut lluuturdon, dicil ecli-.uil.

y«ld lunda will lio .old lu tnittn, »u|i:intk>, orOutl ier , us may bu dutniud liuei. Thu en\a nt nilTHCTX wtlltiiku place ou He, I l i- lbu hunu;e<U'ad.•Turnia will !>e o»y, nxu condition* inncu known3n ihcdny.ol talc. . Any uae di;»lrlii!i lurlliur lii-lutuiatlon prior tuduy »f BUIO may' (.n't on Wll-lum Wiluonof Juecult 1'. Wileuti. rualdlus i.unrKv..rlt(Btown, lliinLurdou county. N. .1. S.iluPoaltlvc. ClIKS'lJilt VA.\MYCKHL,

11. V A S CAur.'&nctloncer. iSpuclal Mtistcr."' VAlll) I'. CONKLIND, Solicitor.1. -

;W,1S84. Kleinhiaiuii, hV-IiDittcd A

KlyV,liim. 1 hnve m -

icndud It ,, to

Apply by llttlacrlnto Ilio uoHtl b i I It

iAY-FEVER Ktf/.teiW'R*1IUJB inn»raTHntloti, pr..mcte the mcmbrauul llii-

inn»rarnntlon, pn.iuete tbe mcm' tliu head Irom addillonnl OiUla.

th d t UB neiEa

ppllcahons. A UiJnaqimllcd for culdKtud lor circular.

J^hyrat will cU I ^ I J .

i*." lly i

Cored'iviiiioiit 11m IIHO or lh«KN1FK, l'OWDEi: 011 SALYK.

m No J'AIN. NO charge nnilllTO fltEB. iWrils for r'lcr^r a.i s s n f i s n h * s i t N

U l l . ' DOmtBS' DISTIL I'ARWJW,11 IlAtcUrStrect,Muw York. 8door* from Ailor

lonee; 1 dvnr from Si. reler'a Chorch. yrtali

T>hlladolphla & Hooding R< R.—

TIME TAIll.K JUNKit. W41.7 A » W l<itee Jutitlhn


:.0IA. M.-Exprcf*.T.MA.S!.-CniiiifCtlniralllldi Hrlduchr HI«b

Urlduo nmiiili. at ltnun<t llrmlc lur Trentonand l*bltadcl|ihln, nt btUiklhiHiit fur Lout;UrniicB.Occin'Jnivf.ttc.

U.aa A, M. - Uonnccittii; at Illch IlrUzo lorehoiiUy * Mountatn, Illijh Itrldjo UrnDChtftc;

ntHotncrvtllalor Klemln-inu; i t Ik.and It rookfor Tieninn and I'hltndc1|iti|.i. nt Kli/itiXhpnrt\\}t l i ng Urmicb, tlcrnn Urnve. tic,

1.37P.M.—Coi.nectlni*at Siiniuivlllu for Klero(nuton; at Ilnnnd Ur.iolt for Ttciiton. and I'btladctpbla. AI UI:»I.ulhturt lur l-oii - Ur.tifti. Uccan'Uuvf.tte.

4.i:~l>..M.V<inncciliiltnl]Hsh HrfJ^i' I«'r Itk'hIlrldffti IlMiich, nt Simifrvlllu lur Kii'inlni;mn, atIjimnd liriHix furTnulnr.niid I'lillndHpTih; at"lillMiu'iniHMl itir IJIIIK lir.inili, Ucvitn (>r<tV4, etc.

n.M ]». M.-Way.7 :w 1-. JI - \v»v.

SUN" D A T S Ir.nitA.M.-Ktopptncni nil »lntlnim, cut.tittttnEiti LliA*i?>olIi|H>tL tut Id iU^ Ittmch* t'le*

Zaire Philli/nlnny.-'•Hilj'li and S[i«fjiicn(tint r>lti«l>in. -7 13 A. M.-For Msoeh Chimb, Ac.!i.4i) A. M—fur tcrnaliin. .Vc.11.1>) A. M,—Fur Scnintiiri, 4,-,.1.« I". M.-Kor Munch Uhitnk * c!1 W, I1, M.-Por Sciatitoa. Ac.iU V. M.-I\ir Stanch Uliui-h, &v.

Returningroit JUNCTION*

LiA*o Sew V.irK. foot nf UlKTly SlRH-l-e.-n..IKIA. H.; 100, 4W, I W. 3.TU I1. M. Sundi "A.Ill p. m.

S«w*rk,ltrosilbtrt!i>t Ktmlnn. 0W>, »03,». ...l[i.i,4uy, r,.Tiu in. Sundnji-aaiji, III.

Elli.Wll., 7.-JI, ».:ht a. iu. I.a7,4 aj, .1.00. « 03 p tu.

flalna>iM,7 4!), 3.*,.*., a. iu.'Jill . ' .01,01 ».iui'daviU.^lp in,Bouientlll«,.V.lJ,8.H, ID.lS.a.iri. J.S!>, 3.3i. « «

i. Bi. Sand*yi i.-Ti a. m. 7.10 i> inFlomlngton. 7 *i. ['.*) a. lu. 1,1.1,-t.%'. p in.MtfVot furtli«r Infurmatl.iu .ej Tliao T.bln.

; : t : . 'c . UANTOIIJR, Otn. Paw! & Tkt. Avt

J.*E. W U O T T B V ben. Manner. .


i dlnailed by woiiu.l:', ill*\*V, tilt! Uit Ot K -

_. . ...rtnicdiitrrbii'k. rupL . . . .pflrtUHy no|, IOJS of htislui;. falling luck uf

1M», rhcaiUjUlftn. any disability, uo mittur howI'h'llt, ulvi.'H you n PQIIFIIIU.\'ac nnd Honorable Dinehanjeit Ohtnihed.Widow*. eMM««n. mcxiim and (ntliets or *ul-

i><ii ilylnu in thu ^urvieu, or Hltunmrila fr.nn\+ruM colitmeli"! or wound r.iculved whllu In toeI'fTlcc. nt* cutitted tu lunsinn. l^Jectiid-andL.iailuii«(l cliilins ii fpvcinliy. lloiiuty, buck pay,ndlioMuchiiiuscolkctuil.

Increase Your Pciittion.


LAND AND I'ATKN'l* CLAIMS SOLICITED.MY exucrlcncn. unrl lielu^ here .it heniiqusrtiT*,

:nal.|e* mi! to at torn! pmniipily idallclBlnii aitalui'i.ha Governmont. CirmlarB frue Ad<!r«*r. wlib[tump. 31. "V. Tr/illMJY.

Au« 9-Iy Hoi -IS5. Wdflliluaton, D. C.


iislnueH. Very llttlu cnpiui ruvtilred. Weit lioiitJoboM arli^tc ni t-alublo n* Hour.'

Xt Sells Itself 1:t is n*«l every day In i-vcry rauilly. You do noti«eiltoexplnln \t* nn'rlis. Tlicru U u rich liar'.•est Tor all who embrace this «O!I!I)II opportunity.. .x . - . . ' . . 1 1 . 1 * . . . x . . . ~ . . . . . . . • . * _ t

The Cream of all Books of Adventure.

HEROES'r-%L DEEDSThe llirilllnu' adventurex of nil tho licro oxplou<r>!iirtlriMilkr dull turs wii b Indhiiif, outliiws imd.•llil hiinnw.ov.nv uur 'wiiulu ' runiilry, Irom ilionrlleht tlino tu tlio pm-eiil. Lives nnd (uiuuusrplolU ol Ui'^iito, l-iibulk1.- ahitnlt-li llocneBBIOII, Ilrudy, Crockuit. llotvle. llountou Cur-


AGENTS WANTED, l,nw t'rlceaiinA*liputs any-

The -Western'I ARif MORTGAGE CO..I Liwituxci!, KAS. , ulVura to InvestorsI tlio lii!Ht scuuriticH lu tho nuii'kut.B FIRST MOKTG.U.IM,UANS uimtiB imtirovcd farms. Intonwt, uud iirln-•cl|nil pnltlon dny of nmltirily.In N{-yr• York. FiuHla]iroiniitlri)lnced. l.iurp)

'axporlcnco. NO'-IIMMIS. Saul (SS*o,i'uiilurT references nml minijilt! forms.

Iff. M. l'crkins. 1'iw,; J . I. Warno,Vlcu 1'rcs.i h. IU l'erkliirt, Suu., Clifl-W. Glllett, Tien ' "


,ll<-l<><HH>r|tr-»MC-iUftc-n*oiii we will r c -. uiovo (o our now nntl coiumoill-

797 ANDT93 THIRD" AVENUE,C a r . JOih Si r e e l , (now In conrto of enmtrnct-lon). Tu avoid imivini; our prtatnt tramenfeitock, we »li*ll f.fTi'r It nt nrici-a that will com*mand crrmio and linmedlsia fMe. UtacK Ii un-luutlly Ina'onnd volerlrd by uxpvricncad tiujifrom both f'<tuli;ti am) <]*nu->tlc inarkci*. add tbracca all Ihu new pattern* n i l vliadei In



• a n ""•*TAPESTRIES,

•DAMASKS,With Kordcrs 1<> Mnt<

Urirnlnl Cnr|itt» Olid Iti!**. al<o K*nnlti[;tonArt S.iimfon, in nil t l im. .Mulling and MoorClolliii of all lit'pcrliitliint.

Window Shades a Specialty.W'einii-t nil ilia UntK nr tnoro It nt A i;r[p«n»e. iht'iejiifu |ir|voi> Hill bo Hindu tu ln*i.ii'in nil vilm npi>rtcinii',i-irii;riiit K"odi w

Mow market pilco.irrhitMri imtUv by lliorrtiilortt o f i h U

|inper ilcllvvri'tl Trro at rliiir^c.

Reuben Smith,d I Fourth Avenue, New York

litnte. W mtd tlh Avenue




t t

K'l'L'. *


llOV rlllllKllUT I»>I>U Ijllt IllO bOi t ttllCk-, fUlwilU'll Ihuy [illy tliu IllOHKaT CA^II l'HICK,

uml tlitri'liirc urc iiblo t o olTtr their[iiiUiiiiH thu 11KST IN TI1H

. M.M1KKT.

Sausaijo a Specialty.

PICKEL'S MEAT MARKET,Xo. 18 Ueivitlcre Avenue,,,

IVashiiif/tott, jV. */.


llaiinir jusl re.-dvrin 1.AUI1K ASSDRT-IKNTdf NKWCOODS. we wonhl linltt! tillur frlemls uml (.utlmiie™ to cull :iml suu lie->ro luircliii-lii^ druwlnTC.-' UV huvc ;i

Full Line ol JJ!I.LBM:i£V

; A!lth» LstTst Styles

allies' and I'liildreis's Hosiery.



Anil a Full Line of ^ o t i o i i s f

?"S(m- floods wtwtiiiitly bL-ln^ mkkil.

i Stamping a Specialty.


WASHINGTON", N.—1—:Jm f / '•

COMIFERA. ,.^TRKSTf.s, N. J . , July 17, l S & t ' "

Drt. GIHIH Mvi.Cu.— ,'( I I : S M : I liavo lioon grenily tronhled ror year*

willi TttU'r In tlio Henri, aecompnt-U'it with Uun-dinil'. Tliu Aleenfii at llmeri was very annOyltiK,ami artittly iioiiuled HIM. I purchased a lioiil* utyouf COMIKKItA for llio llsir, u( John S. Anls-•nkI, ilio wcllkimwti druj;i.'le<t or UiU ciiy, mul,iller-iirtliii- It. for n low weok*. to my urent «ur-irlce HIKI yrnUflcutlon Hi* (lleeasi: lia* c-ntlrulyliBB|i|ie.ircd: - : HUSKY a. DITMAK*.- " •

• . for . Clinton and Elnit-r Sti".,, -I; , Trenton, N. J .

Br.lBsMi'sBloolMStoiiiacliA coiiililnatlon of tlie be»t known Hoots, Unrka

.nd Ik-rim 111 tliiivcKCt(it,lu kingdom. Tliu lit t litood 1'urlfliT, ilia heel appotlzur anil .Die niobllisasnnt li]Hnr«.ii» I tin ninrkitt. - ..=..-.. .-..,.~Tli"v onm nlldlKi-nmisot the IJIOOI).'Dymni^la;'

h'lntul'oncy, Sour Btomnch, Conxllprilloii. Skit orNervous lk'»dticlnj, GuuL'tnl Del.tllty, I.^xliudo.

IIIISIMMOII nnd in fnctarcii (iircreiaeJy fornll

(3T 'K joii are troubled «lili n cnusli irybrVoitSilCld'ii'AIIIEKlCA'S' C O I M J K N V K U I ' rBlue cii'ru lor ti CUUKII, cold or lung dlnoutc. It:i"5~ilku initeic, Clitldron cry fur II wftur takliie

It oncu. Evofybody with a coti^n or colil slioaldtry It. TilcoWlC n lioltlo.

'She DJi. QUiBS Mfa. Co.,i vS3 tad 95 6th Avo., Now York, .

Ajl » ' * . .

83r-Koriiilel>y Dnu-clslB in Ocutinl-


Wo DEUVEltFltEEnnywwhorB.nll ctisrnns


AG ENT^S=W AM-TEOOf citrft ability and experience, to taku aer.otalt l-OiHtlRi! setBC!eB,-.t(i.8na.o!»ii»!arl,Mtlntr ;sa-_/ae«r«on fiislpeillnK UooUB.-Knra1 lili-lv com-nlB^kiiis. AppUcautB mtirt *liow they meanbuBioofiliy hiulnc hy latter (no poMal cam),tally nil exnunencu, qiialificiit-un*, ulc. A lm^oper Mnt, offered unth. Aiidrcfs••, v- HENnYBUCKLlN&CO,

_ ^ _ f l l O Arch at...P'iltadeibliiii::ila—



Tho most OOMl'I.KrBnud OVRRWIltiLMINQcanoBeoft!icCBlSlE3eiidSBUftS'r.rHAUT10E3'rufMoniioulpm. lucliKten tliu lil'oaiul cntileB*lon»or Mormon Uislione. John U. nnd llrk-liiinYoimn. STAien.lNdnnil THRILLINO HKVK.LATIUNS! 1'KOKIJSKLY 1I.I.USTIIATKD. Alively book to fell. •• SUAMMIil.h &. CO., I'h'.la-dolphin, PH. "Slim •(

lYltN lbatDati<1

eata nctdi a different mtthol of treatment In order to tlTtct * cute, and a momtai** reflectionmuxt coavlnce that any of tha quick no-lram.InlMcduprtathouabtlccUlnilniitucare til at innnibcr of d!»melrlcly different diiceic* tnnH

Crovu lallart', even if we do not call them hum-lilt*.

l Pooplu nr mod«alun,»udCT«npconlflWfll

to an or wealthy flat! thaiiho cnormoni chareca of practlilnjc rhjtlclam arcs K-iluttn burden to them, mid aim iltid t l i a l f -pajlnir ihrui'clvc* poor that no benefit ha _crueri to thrui, Ibat In lad Ihcy hava thrown Ihclrmnneyawav. To overcome Ihcu CTIIH we nflrWhvelcr'a.Vii.BitiuruItcnicdiea In tho Hck nr.ruflcrliijr. ono ((ntncilr for tach dinranc, withoutfora moratntclaimlnif thatnnu remedy will cureany athur dlrun^u than lh«one clilmedfur ll.nnda* tbCFu tcmi'dlc have itoori theUit Of ienrwiilinuta»itii;>li»llot9. wo fljircu to ri'.'unii thmoney pilil In every liiftauc* wlitre a c'Jro h tin

lvely ,|T«t«(l. Thu rrinedle* aro cntlrrlablt-, ran do no harm, mid will positivelyevery iil?ca«i [or which Ihcy sre pti 'frrlbl

, Gonl.UniPnrMot .loiI, hclailcii and SuunlitU

atonea nnd putltlvely chy iho u;o or Wlineter'i No. !Ht Itliemaill", liniily. We ray boldly that In the worrt canca 'if nnmnlliTlin't-Ionic Unnrlini, how miluaii or h»wp.itn[iil, wiicitunotnnly ulvu rtllrt bill pihilivelyeuro f»rnil time. Kilflnx tn do iblt wo will \> •*!-tKf fi'Iiitnl lliunifitiey picJ fur iheirt-aiinuiit. nmllyuiir tulle,luu* »ro not potltlvelr tloppi'J turalltlmi! you have n'it thruwn your innnry nwar a*

ro not potltlvelr tloppi'J tur! you have n'it thruwn your innnry nwarwunld un any other thai t W uuifnntcei

edlc. The prlco or Wliarlur'* N«. tu Ittiuii..inilc H m l l l W l t U l l l tilnii;(il»ti'KlaiajMUl

. The prlco or Wliarlur'* Nmivily lacnly Wci-nlF ottUlna

or arut Uve bv mail uu t-rrlpi.

SUFFERING WOMEN. *Sfft?&Rvvltli u prulty lacu

I dutiful niturt', faultluM cotupluxluti, «* wdl a*

ili'V. m w i prenmiurcly uld. criiymid wrinkledILT lurtii Imun ItM puifuct Cutitonr. tliu complexlycijcnunt* Mlluw, iti« brliflilnt** IU.IVM thu t-yu, nIculiit^ nf Innuu'ir t a k e tbe i-!iice ul ihu unrtljui>y:mt fpUli'. *n Irritable.ut<rvi)ii« frictions

trlllo:* Hntrjr lur till IIIH IH'COIIU^ unlie-irkbti.1. Altlila H-IHK cmft i ' hy (lie *jhy»lcil tltraagiiitiviit!!

uf riinluiuK nature prevunia tlielr innklnL'kr.uwn,nud or wlilcli tho iKiior.incouf ihutueOlcnl pn»fe««lnii prevent! a cntu. I.ady fader, pjti;o nndcuncldiT, lU a duly joit owe your^ell, your fital-ly and your Uod, Ihat yuit nhonlil cnru younell olitiCNc iroutles and mice mure (oel Iliu L>1OW uffierfuct lii'alili and Hplrlti tint n.tturu iiitunili'iwr juii. WhoulurV So. M I'twcrlplUiuo nrplt'u^itit and piLitublo to like, CON lulu notlilni; u .an Ii Jurloiis nature, and may le tttva by ull w+nt nil lime-and In all cundlttuns wlllioni poiei-illliy ol III tlU-tt', and will pi>»ltivMv e:itu«*iy r '

hel. Failing lu produce u perluct curetlii* pnirlctoti will refund tin- inunujpnlilfiir irentiiu-nfjou ti*vca*ullow ur t

termltlnnl bcactacliei, hncKncb^, ri»[li>i«ii«»-, loi>r npuatlte, >uppreHi.[»n<i ol mow lily How, i .irrfHulurlllei tliereol nccompnuk-d by licndacl.t>«

A'li*jtir'v No. Ull I'rccfliillon "11" will pomlvi-ly•tf tnru you to liL-i.lUi tfyun InTun ».>u^ntl»n ofheut and tlirobblni; In Uiu bick. fmrniout lulni-lni( ipell*. LcucorrnL'n ur wbltu dUchurire!". palu-Inl ur tealdliiK nensatlon in urinating, r.-ilillpti orwhite di'ixwlie iirine, lint nnd dry i-kln, Wheeler'iJ'), mi I'rutcnptlmi "U" will uivu 1 mined I nt« audiBtins rellvr. The prleu or Whedur's No. '.Hiluserlptlom " » " and " ( j " arc Ml cunts eitcli, oliltiabla irom irtmuUtu or >eut by mail ovcni'ttUi ^b^cfVJitloLi pu*t p.-lhl -i.ti rruflpl (.( prlc<O'IUKU slaiii|m liiktn. . . . .

Arc oi ucuiu or cintiiiiu t,Mi»rru or uiuiiuy rt'tQini*ml. WliceliTV N't '•«'> inHunt ll«ll«l und Sit ret'nri! tor Cntiirrh will curutircry caso of caUrrli.liny fever nr !ii-lhiiii, price fl.WI |ier piictrt fw, frum(IfiiL'L'lttJUjr «ciil by mall post paid on receipt ofprice.

WhrdetV No. W Stirf Cute fur Kidney anil

:ldncy», lulLuuntiou of' klantj1* or liver, price

"VhVeier1* VIKCI*))!** PIU'B nr« tbu uuly remedy

[oa u|x.ii wblctiI me cbnncuH anil we ppuciully Invltu

[he tiutrouaso uf the itinuy pt-ri*' w wlio lutvcirlfld iitlior r«ucdl«Jt without t.'iT«c: nr drpldnd»lielr ji'ir^cs by payiu" doctor liillj th:it bcnt'tiltcdhem nut.

HOWTB-OBTAINSSfJSSrJ'Jlor them. II tbiy luvi

t h'Ot them, wrltu at oncu to tho iiroiirktnr*. enoflni; the price In money or ninmpj, and theylll b« Bent you at unco hy mall, pum<'. Cu.fjiouilcnco ml 1 cited. Adilrutd jilnlnly, - • . • : ,- L. WIIEKI.BU &C0. , - V :

Xo.iKiW. liiiltiinoroSt., .!C|i(J • UALTI.MUItK.MD.

PURCHASERS OF ORGANSrill do woll to examine porsonnlt.vul tlie waro-loma ol Ihc mnnuficttircrj,-HI Uib Street,Jnlon Sqiiarc) Nuw York, tlic l lu t iu l ; » H -

M o i ' t n i u n t a f t h c l)OHt O I ' H T U I I H weavo cyerolTjreU; In aollil ciau* of natural wooa#,rok-t-nutly ilccoMted in p * » l d , s U v o i ' o r)oloi*9. M a n y «o>v s ty le t* nro

t ty 1* H nre Trotn $TS to .1)0. . For. otiHli ij t i s v p n y n i u n t H or r u n t e d •"withmriii'iiiuul tlmt Ifrfiiit ha -promptly luldimUl itamounts to tin; prlco ol tbu ar^iu 'tt'bccDiiiL'B' tliuproperly, of tbi! person lilrlnif wlthnut rurtliurliny ni en t.

That tlicsu Orfiiiui are t l i « i l»ONfc l i t t l i o> ' (>r l ( l ; l s iJioVtu-by- Uiu aw.ird-'to Ihcm.ufiKliudt Jioiioi'Snt every (cjicttf.•orltl'Hexliililtlon (or Hlxtuono i i r a ; no other Anicrlcnn Or miA luiviu^en-fl-|lllid-0ililiii-!i-.-llii!ln'"uL)i7iy""Acali!* illn-tch nmioiinco* Ihut tliuy sreH'jr'iilii recipients nfEliuiiL nivird :ii tlic I l i t o i - n u t l o i i n lu ^ u a t v i a L l p ^ I i ^ ^ l t t o i i "ow ln_£C^

l i l u o M - R t e r t C n l n l i m i H i !'«»-.^V"uiilly linveuu liuiiil In our vnrctunmH Vpccitil

,/lcn not In«ite, and second htind oru'inBvblch we cm ollor nt very law prices.

Mason & Hatiilin Organ & PianoCo


miiis heirs of Murgurct U'nrno. tlutruaspil, will1 well iu, iiulillc "nlu «n""- SA.TURDAY, DK-CKMBKHS'iil, it&t, Uclu-uun tliulioui'H i.f 1^

. ntnl Ii r .M., on tliu pruinlwi'. tlio rollou'tliu'incrllxjil I'liul ui-lnle: A furiii wi!iliiiiilni,'iSi;res. uttiitiieil In Frmikljn tnwiulilii, miirruaihvuy nillriuid simiim. ontliuniud hunting

-'AVER'SSarsaparillarun* ltliciiinntUiti, NrnnilRln, Itliptnimlle(iinil, <;.-i..-n.l D.lillii}-, Cuhirrli, And alttlU'iriliT* •niMcl l.y n thin nni| im|>ovi'rli>hril,or ci.rruptti|, r-nnlHloii (,f tho Mo.hi; o i ^ l lIh I I | ] f h

ti th.tIhu I.I'«.|.|.,]«.,!•< frr.Ni th.t f

nti.l rominhn; HH-M.H-1, nn.Il l

iHirlttif a; i^riol < t mucr-iSI.-U-.l tueful-i»M, Avr.ti'H S.tu*Ai>.uiti.i.\ IIIK JTIIVUI ImI^rfeet a<lii|'t»il<>u i» ili.t emu i t nil .ll*-.w<crli:iti.-itli)^lni«K>rl>l'«-l:iMl(iui'iiki-iioh'lta1ll)-.Itl«it IIIKMJ-ifini'critriilrii cxlrnit of Xnrtn-pnrliln IIIKI t.tli.-r l,l.ii.,|.|.iirlfyli^- roofN,roiuliinni ullli loiililc of • •<>1:IM.tulu unitI ron , nnil It tin- *;irr«t, tn«nt n-]l.iM.-,:uitl niMtcomiotnleul Mo<t.|.|>iirlll.-r ntc! 1MN,1 f,w.-l Hintcan I* IMI-II.

IriHnniiiiulor)* Itlii'iunntliiiit <:urr>l."A\Kll'* S.\l«,t.A li;i<<'iiiv>!im-i>r lln)

Inllaninmt''ty Kb.'UNiiiilKin, nith uhlH. I Unvt* r.-r mitiiy t r u n . W. II. .MotUit^1

Hutlmn, la., JiHu-l, :•, (,,-,

"Kl«lit yrnr.«ni;i I li.t.l m> nUtuk ut ItlHitiiirutlmiih'ij.!V.r.>tli.ill.-iil.|i,.itni.nrfr-.iiitli''lHil.ririlrtci'.MlIl.iiiilli.-l]., 1 irl.. | Mit-rnl llvltliout lumh If nny t-lli I, until I 1 -k.S.\IIHAIMIIII.I_\. l.y III.. U/.r (>r !«.. h

h l l I ri>tiii.t<t<'lyiiih th lth

1 -k AVHlio.. h.tU.'H nf

IUhleli I wn.4ri>«lth thu lthfiiiiiiill>i»>lii.i'. ll:it(-n»l.lhiruo •innuiitli'fl ft \»w .SAiinu-Aliil.i.A.iiiiil Itmill rrlaln» II,•>.,„.I,,hH ,H,j,,,l:lrity. Thl- liuiliyiiuinMueurjit It In tl.U ilt-inliy^n.vliifn nut Hint It l s i l i . i l l f t IMIM.I 11,-inu<-vcroifiTcil to Hi-, i:. I*, ll w:i ! iV

lllvir SI., llucklunil, Mus.t., .May In, |>M-.

" Ijut;March I uaxn'i wv.u'.i L-iii'-rJil ili-l.Illly tli;tt I ci.ulil m.l uulk uliliuiit lull'. Kill.hi»lt.l;ilii>ndvleiM.rnfrk'>dl:iklii|{Avi:it'rt .SUHAl'AIUl.l.A. nml Uforu I lind iKMtliri'o buttleit I fflt nsMflluK I cvi-nlMiii my life.I Ui\a U-en ul work f.,r luo month*, m.,lthink ynur KAI;S.U-AUII.1..V ihu crmtoi I.].KH1nicillehieh.thHHorhl. .IAMI;> .MAVNAIIP."

I'M Went t'M St., Nuv." Yurk, .Inly in, \tfi.

AVi;U"» SAIMAI'Atitl.t^ riiri'x' Siritfiilli im.)ill Si-rurnli>ii.<Ciiui|i!nliitr<, KrjhliuluK, i:.-.Jfiiin, It|iiKM-nrin, lltohlii'K, Nori-H, Ititlln,Tinniirx.iiriil i:i-u pt lmi» o n !••• N It In. Itrlcatatin- M-x-1 i.f nil lini.tirilkK, ai.b .ll^Mi-m, Mlnut.1:tt<>!t|li» action of Hi.- IMWIJI, IIII.I llnu mt'T-avitality mill itr«iii>tli('iiit tho wlmlo cy.-teni-

••i:i;i-Aiii'.ti iii-

Dp. J. C. Ayer 4 Co., Lowell, Mass.SoM l.y all Uru^U!,.; price SI, »l* 1>IIH,;J, $Z.


. and MALARIA.1 •rom tin:*) MIUICOS uthu tliri'D-fourtlianf

A|ipetlt.r. »uw«l4 >vu*tlvt,lt!(ck UtaSloche.riiUiJc;* niter vatUtK, uveralttli toC XCrtlOll or Illlll V fll* 111 I fill Vrllrlritlm.»t, Ir.liui.llHy «r tCHpcr,Tow«l.lill», x rn-Hn}» of ImvlnR uct;Icvtcd•i.meUiuy, IMiiliiem, I'; nt theIltnit, iiotM I'vioru Ihr even, liluiiu-cal.ortrt ifiln.., t'OA'STIIMTlorv, niiil tic-iimml ltiiiii»ir nf:t fi'tniiily tlmt nttsillrcctlynnUiiiUvur. AsnI.lvLTme<llc[iti; TU'CT'Si liil-simvi-ii'i i;.|ii!il. Tliuirncttononthi)

ill limimitil-j tliroti^li'* b'esi'"^"-' r°"l°*'"•''"'"Wi of the Kj-oiEiii," pidiliiciiig iippe-tltit.sounil tllwi'stifm, ruKulur stools, n cli'iirakin nml lt vl^oritiis Imily. TtETT'S VH.IM


tUm uvna-i}"1* 1)"! lisl"' wl'11' Coitstlptt.-Wt«is onmff.'ilii'il TCTT'S itr" tliu^flr^t

mttii.'"" ""Kl^^mVARDd^I'nltnyra.a^•-11nwT«liMif.aBc. OttlM,U aiurrar3t..y.Y.


DIP strnnji Cant nut* nptwrcn Two XtwMtxitan Trlbr*.

M tkmlix Fe, K. if., Out Lagnntu Indlaniproscntcdtlioiiiwctflclflof tho only IndUumilitiirj-orgnnlMtionintho world winningiccoiirl tiouon iu a general contest of lor-ritorlnl militia. It I* lutcraiUtitf to watchlliciuuuilcrcummninl. Tin. busltieiaMenuto bo a very scrioan ono for tlitm. Tlu-Irset jn\vs nnd flicil eye* kiiiiwik plainly atmrpoM to givo tlio Ito ty tlio old boMt tint

Indian cnnuot fit hiniwlf tot diBdtillnodrfarff. Every man nt tlio captain's word

Uwt liimwU wholly to Urn litulneu ljcforahim. A Mitmlnciis of slionltlcn Hint BoemiUrn in tho tribo nnd to wlilch tbclr maaxet'A long Imir pivo qttit'j HH much proiniuenc*l* tho bulging bresuU of their JnekcU, de.UactM somowliut perhaps from a soldier*!i U'n of ercctucm, but tho Apparent stoop tiit least uniform, and their tjllstciilngliulmetM nnd wll-brunlicd clothca mora

IOIIR in linn with miclilncliko precision.A curious ntid *frikiug contrast is tho Lagmm nnd Aconias, thn lattera iwwerftil nnd pletUKM{n« tribo from thonorthwest. Their common dims, thoughoften shabby, display,! nn iunato love ofcolor which oven tho hrlllinnt thinkelod

iwnjoi'ii hardly np|ira.tcli. Their riinwbid blnnkcts hnttg from their ftltouldora in

fol.U as fitntely u ever ft Itomau'a robes nud*r« ilccortitcit with n hipndinrj or fenthetdmil lmiilit thnt giUtcr ID tho sunlight HVoijwfls. lint their glory la most resplendentm festival nnd (pita d.iy«. wlicn their np-penrnnce'U to bo compared only to OrientalJiiifjcnntry. Ilia colon of n kiiloitloscopoarc not inoro varied or briltiuiit tlmn the*;of their ilroM, which lenves exposed nt thobotfoi.i only beaded inoccasiiio and fitscluscly to thu neck iibove, tho front to thowaist bting mlonied with b:U of contrnstiugwhir UDiltroidiivHot fur nud metnl. Ker-"jhiors of fanciful print mo wound upwardtfom tho top of tho robp, encasing tho neck« d lower face, whilo from tho foreheadilownwird the licud nnd fnco uro hidden bo-hind folds cqunll;- picturesque, loavin^ onlyUiooyexnnilnvitrihtDnI{{ht. Ahatsbapodlike »bishop's natro Htuddcd with brightcolored beads nml flashing with crown-likosplendor completes this unique outfit, nndfifty Wives so attired furnish n sight Hintdwarfs in interest a spectacular drama nndluvcstH with regal Rpleiidor—from n dUlnucc-acoNlnmo the intrinsii; vultio of lvhjcl •'wouldljo highly nppraised nt $j.—Com,'pondenu liuffalo Courier.

TUTT'S HAIR OYE.Ciur Hun <III WiiintiiHs clmnccil la-

ui-si-ntl.yi-.ii.i^ai.n rcc.iliitcirai.Ullkit^4iIiiri-:iyStruot'NcwYorlc


A l eilma Tilting niicimmtlsin, Spcrnininr«•. <'r!:ci!!ii::il Wt-ntmraH, nnil fifty (itltc::»i:!iilm»r' .We claim It i. tptdfie. /liu

Itniilclii'iiml rninpnpc^ tlic ]i:ttlent—not liy tliol!itnui:ict!H!ior«jtlatL'annili!ra»llcc:itliarticH,btitby tlio w-tfinitltji) (if ncilvilr tn Ihu utiimncuniuliicn-ii'!* >y.-tvm. wlifrotn" tlie brain !•"• rcllt-'vi'ilor morbid fancies, wbkU itru created by tliuciiiijcs above reM-HMl to.

To CIiTsrinen. l.n-.vycr». j.iiernry men, Mrt-chniitH, thinl;cM, Lmlks mul all lliusu who^c Bed-

lriv<;iilurU!iM o'f'uio blooil, ftutiuich, bmvols nr]dtliii'v.-nii'»'!iurt'i|iilru :i UITVU louk'.ii|)liulUi'rurftlmnlint. S.1MAU1TAN NEHVISB ID Invaluable.Tlioit^ii'iiMivi^talm UlliDiiio^twniKkrriilliivlK-OMiit Ui;aVver Hii>liihiv<l Hit! Hlnklnn Vycli'tti.HI.M). Soli! bv nil Drtiiisis'ts. Tim HH.S. A.lMull-itt»:;i).J(K!>.CO.,-l'ruj)rlt:tors.St.Joacii!i.-.Mo1--:

Ci::. II. CritissUa, Agosl, HHf Tert City. ... (1)

000 ,000 VOT.VAI13S Iho uliolccel Illurntiirc ofIlio Wurlii;i1;lOtt-piiRO Cnlulogtio.;lree.--.I.QwcBt.prlccfl over known.. h u T t u i n by -UCAICH. SCIILlor cxamlnallon lwforopi»ymmU..oo^cyl!)etn:(» of

ircpfiiW-foul liiillilliigsr"-TI S raTnriii nT^i-nti i

"it ur r>?i fiVi 1 II -^ !J J r[>ru 'Mic "l i Ti-.'' "\V i AS1'i' bi dil very easy terms. Anv <mu desiring finlliiTiforniiillnti, in-to vltiw Ilio 'iri-inifHB mn calli»J>r.».ddnksj:riJa1iJViir.i.!Ct.A^I'iiry. N - A - * ^

"J.'KW-'Jin. 'S:.'M{ Murffaret WnriiUj ilvuM,..'.

:sK)ji'.\i.i.icn nitii.i-iANov W I T H I .KASTI.AIIOI! AND \Vt'ni'>I'T INMUKV

„„, :. ..TO I'lNEST SlMiKACU." - - - - " 'IU Y K A R S I N H O U S E H O L D U S E .

Siil*l l>y tJvodoi'fl ntul OniKffi^is. 'T I I K Jiijiit'Ttto sir.iro.v v.»..;K 72 JOHN ST., NEW. VOItlv.

Rather TooTCongTy" ~

' I """ l i j iw iiifiK~itUl'y(iu"siiyjr""""'"-~~T~- " \

Boarders Wanted-

aviitmi?. u few Jlirorn liulow XVtriilsli A'CXfactory, would like to tnko ji few ItoarilrriTlio rdinnn nro piunsant mid terms- ruaiiDiuttilui1'1' " • Apply to

, . .„ Mr .S .T . lt;tiinickit.i,VH., li'ill nuUy, ae ilimmli |Hl>>khiK ot ilnu illinpl-iliifjd Vflcetlmi ul liN life. "A(, Hmi<»l nlnxut

i l i t l i j -

WO.'!1 I I I won

•TR t;srnrp:ic.rt tpa nd- w.i rrfliscvaa:! STI^PW-t;Sir?rnnd nm w . w finiud IIH tlioni*l; my llvoi1 ywtv(iinduolluiUiriibhiT;1-- ' • ,

JJiTPOii't-iiuUHo the old fi^lntincd plusluiH-nrKurtunuily. Look for the wind CAI'CINE,wbk-b 1H cut In Ilia gemiluu. 1'rlce T> cunin. SLM-' ry ,'tJfllinMiii, Cl.nn liftc, NciV Vii'lf. - - . • - - - r"1*jgj3"t Oil! pnpeH, for i:'


At the ciunp nflor tlio paraile nt Snuta Fo.N. II. , Iho Apaches put aiido much X thoti \ ;..;finery nnd gathered in groups for games \mil Bongsl Tlicir Hinging always attracts a : '".\:ro\vd to tlio tcnta. Ths fasliion is toin n circle, tho leaders in n row, proviucdwillt tom-to'ais or other sounding iustnt-

'uts nud tlio rest at tho party with twigs,if procurable, ur tjlicku ur utiylluiig withivbich they may heat timo Ca tho palm ofme haud. Two Com.incUcB, rcnogaclcs

from their own tribes nnd known as Conwn-

with hnwk oyesand perfect teeth, aio Uio bestsingers of tho baud. John has proiiilcdhmiself with n largo dish-pan. Hia kuet: Inre spread fur apart to hold it. A half doz-en others havo tins of varioiw sizes, tlissmallest being a dipper. Duclakiu hasbeen stretched into drum covers for, joints]f stovepipe and for kettles. Bows tightlystrung rest upright - between tho legs otthree or four others, nud ouo genius lias .fashioned n rude instrument • with twoitriugs resembling abasjo. Every perform-er hi\a n stick nbout double tlio length andthi<'J*iicss of -" ij.fci'i"*-^^il, Johu or Doniin-go ^eis the movement antl-Tviieu-"^*.tittlu tins nnd tom-toms £y,-e caughtrhytlim, whioh i«_ a-jftytt,J'ifgiiltir.-beating,i-;,;ami tbo^bow strings nre thrumming and thopului Hwilthw fulliijg iu Umti with it, who- -ever muy bo in tho lend starts a soug. A •compass of livo notes is rarely exccodcil ex-o p t tostriko an occoaioual octave, andthere is invariably a minor refniin. Theentire band keep ut this for hours, withouly occnsionul momentary resting spells.As the song goes ou members of tho circlerise, three or four tit a time, vnud bob upnnd uowii with deacon-like faces. Tho bob-liing is said to call muscles into play tlmt.would quickly exhaust persons not used toit, burit-^-ifa-^iuuiu mid kixy. TheBigual for tho end of itfellow with n Htripedveeil, ou which lie pija succession of ntirve-lrying notes.—CVr.mjmule'nce Jlujfttto Courier. • " ' .


"Tlioavemsa intolligouco of circiw peo.plo—osiilo from tho hboriug men—ia yoryTar abovo tho general estimate. Tlaoso im-mediately conuecteil with tho OMOUUVO do.

pttrlinent^ w»° l i a v e t o (1° w ' tbnewKjapors,railroads, city (minorities and hotels, aromenof unusual iutelligenco, edncatioE and oiperi- _once in their respective liuea," and tho sal-aries such positions commanded in formerlimes servo to. draw into., tho,.business JUo;•.bast tluatieierfi, advertisers,-bobk-keopors anil'™purchusors money could eecuro. " Within few years tho character of men in tbesodepartments has improved vary considerably6o^hatuow.perB0us possessid of ,.tbo . higli."esT order "of commercial intelligonco'" "freely voffer tboir fiorvicce, and managers, find more jflgoutsthau thereis.demand.for,. retain.tho.d_best nut] pny theso" much' BmallorY'alariea™''ttiaii they formerly had to. - Stilt,', tliera'oro ..-Eomo men whoso ealnrieg run as high as§7,000 in ono instimco nnd quito. a number -of men recoivonfi'mucb as I52,IJCJ6.''for tho 'eeason—usually six months in leuglb, . Of vInto years quito n proportion of porfonumsjcomo from gymnasiums, aud many of" Jhosa ,<have been young men who bnvo impaired ~iioalth by loo much study aud Sud in circiulifo the.physical exoreiso uoccBfiary to hoailhami tho gratiflcntionof iTdcstfo to travel Jn-culcatcd by reading or tha nomadio inatinctBO natural to tho yows%,-~P?i£ladclphiaTtm*.' .. . . . ' • : ; : : : .• .

Tlic syinjitoms nrc 'moisture,'- Hko' per-'

scratching, vtvy; disLrc&sinj;! parliciilailyat, ' ' ^ l"uiRUt,"'soemii:it9jr pliu worms wcro;cra>vling :.''l£ViEiiirninl ("tbo niclnm; tlic private parts"""" —— •

inetiiiiea (ilTcctoil. If nllowcJ to con--.may-follow.-..

ant, suro wire.'"Also for Tetter, Ttch. SKhcum, Sca\i\ Head, Erysipelas, BnvlminTieh.Illo'chcp, nil scaly, crusty Skin Dia-


S W A Y N K Ai 'BON, rhilnuolphid,Soli! by druggists."h .// , •• '-

BM pa aa smBBiBB^ mm • •••• • • • MirlMblM • W t n B l l l M !*•>* • IIPlWIWIW ••* II JV IM1 • • • ! • • U W « b 1 l t l t m * < < •• WqtplilWifrJmml'

Page 2: THE WASHINGTON STAR - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 3. · • ' di'^fte n cntluur cnatt and lony llnk^ lo ond tauU MXTEbNTII.-AlltUt certain tmct r>r p.irwl nl land, fltuate In ihc tuld

The Star.| , A H O i ; <£ ItOIlMl'Al.T,,

lUlforn Kiltl rnbllhliprH.

' $1.50 par Year. In Advance.

WASIUNIITOM, N. J., OCT. •£>.!».""




Stephen C. Larison,VV lUCKETTrlTUlVN.


„„ , „ . " ' . ' ' • , , , On Mmiilif cwalng of l » l wi«k • nunlllu fullnwillK Idler , tnfcon from by llu'IIMIM of Hunncl S. (Irey, M . v « I

H m S . Y. Trih'tlif, tilinwH rsiu'lly tlll> Vmk, iuxom|Kil> by Bin wlli-. gilt .iff • •poRilicm rif tlie Ui>juililic:in ]iallyi*ni | l , 1,, .\ W, irjin iitl>.iviT, imil slnrtwl on ;thl> ti'liiliH-itlHvqlii'slinli: itloiiil lli>. nmil Inward t!u» Ailfiinilne.j••T..II...K.III..(i.fllioTriMiw, I Wluli llwy nrrivnl at II lonfly |«irl..('•!•••'

•Slr.-I ilm'l ivanl tn l«.ru.vmii l.ul »- yi.u n m i | | | n ) . nilutfa'il li'n nlf.i »illi n iluli,,


•!.orv<l » i 1..vnl.l«-r i t t rnn^iLi iy i i f t l iuoli i .

i-r, !•> iii' It with iu-titiii

••Tin1 Kti^ifliitntn VV

iTl><itrf the 'jjnivi1

jvitf. fur I jirni'i'M' t

n*!)1, ami to my j im

y tiii-iiiiln-,'. I <|nn*t

IDMiM It ttl.f Aihiiii r .n

i mki' .v(nir{

AitoiT PENSIONS.—The report of tlie

Comuiwsioiicvrif Pentiums for Iho lin-

eal year ended Juno 90, 188:1, aliowa

that there were 303,058 pensioners

on ihc roll at - tho cud of the fiscal

year. During the year tho HUMPH of

ri8,ll"»- new jiciiHidiii'i-s :uul tlicniunt's

of 7ilfi whose pensuittri had . bei'ii

dropped |u*cvious(y wore luhV-.l to iho

roll, unking !W,l)nS pension.1* uddotl

during tlio your, an exi'em of H),itl.">

over the preceding 'ywir. The aver-

age nniin:il v'llmt of fitch pension was

$1011.18, ami the a^rcjjuti! annual

value of nil pensions wn» $:12,'2

(in increasi- of $2,.»O4,0!)O. 'the.

amount pniil for jicusioiw was $110,

0fi4,000, exceeding their unmntl vnlne

by several million dollnvtt.' Tlie whole

numhor of claims tiled aiiicfl lSlil was j

8R(i,i:i", of whicli »lQ,\m wvre ul-

lowetl. • During the siimc tiim> Sfi'Jl,-

078,2!'" were paiil for pmisioiw und

tho costs of disbursement.

Tlnit tho South Ulu'ingvM'y mind-

ly developed in shown l»y u tuliU:

published by the Xew OIIOUUK 'J »ww

... Doiwcntt. It gives the valuations of

property in eight houtlieru StitU's in

. 187!) nnd 1883. The inuroiwu in four

years amounts to nearly half a billion

, dollurs. The value of new products

raised in these States lnw been in-

•'• creased fnmi $:WH,UOO,O0O in 187i»

to $5G7,00(),O0U in lSH:t, and (ho

mineral product $4,00(1,000 to itli),-

000,000. Xew Orleans has ium'tisud

its commerce in a single year ttl per

cent. This is not a inure spurt, but

. is associated with rnilmnd and nther

improvements*, punmuicnt in clmrac-: ter, that are just begin iiiii1.' to ahow

..,. themselves in the dpvrtnpniPiit ol

southern 'resources.

ra IIIVII nu t lifliitlii) i:i'|tttMlt-:i!t ]i:.ttv. | " " , " " ""'"' ~\

i tw.ui»l irfirlli-iilnrly wU-ii^l l ir 1U| n l - u n i 1 fitlIllI>" ' ^ "

i>nrty !• i;«-Iti-; to liclji U-tiii'rnci- •; II rr • ' Dnteii, «lic'O i l i

J l l ' I t 'JffM-y tiit.- fJ.i 'm

•-. ; i ihl lnMuliK'No;il l) .^

tin.- ltvftii'lfcnn jinny U -luli-ln^ tho

• by •>-cMn- U> .illy It»L-ir with lliu ll-m

:.-t in \\v\fi>( iiuMti'xt election.

kn-.iv tlt<: IK' cmtli- ;>:irtv I* ulilli-i:

hurt I1-. Imt 1 ;il«.. tli:it flu- H.-fiiUU'

I>lirty i-ti'l ullSiu-i [-. .!.> u« ;mv sj.-.l. .,n,l 1 •

jii-t l.lii:.1 fiioii:!i ii<.t u, , / c sit.y <]!ltVr.tii". 1

:tio. 'Ity thi*-fntiV wu .<l.:il! kii<

Ilii-tii.*ami itVllw -'inilt «•(llu- tine' - u r y ••!

••Our rltiij'IMi.v In lit-t|ili;i; Hut i;<-|»i!>lli'

jmrty I:i tin- !».;«• -.f any n-Iiirn rail. l» iiiliul \ *>

tin- iiff.-i-llii^ lii-iiitkv "I Hi'-''y'Viii'li w'c. -v.-nt 1 it.

Itilln- rii:i!i:i'.-c-K- im.l wu- l"i.I l.y I In- I.I—.HT ' (,

UiaMtif il.rliiii.t liixt ii trli-k i>f I'titlUii: "J.% [,,

edits In ;i l-i:\. Vmitli tri-il Ii ;im| tiu-•<!.-;

|ili:ui! <li>l ii: tut »lii-ii tlu>. y.,:i!Ji,' u<'»ili'i'i!iii j

iijiki-il to ».v liim i-lvi- Hi-: in.imy hae!; ! ! ; . • ,

kivj«T r.-m.irk.i!- -UV lit-v.-r nniL-l.t lihn t t u : i

I r l . V " ••• ' l l

| -Theili-nrutil ittimMiiMii i-nrly i':iii | ill mir! „

L-Ii'in Hit* li>vt.T>-titivly.Mit ii hn-ii«!\vr

•artiwt \h<- trli-k or KUIMS any ln-1|t Iwrk. I

lliltik llu- llnio Int. IIIH>UI coiir.- f,.r IM IK IK-II I

in t int iliri'cli.'ii. :w.l. tf I IVIV. ; . -

ry. In 1IIL< Minn- v/ny I-1<<|>1HUIH ;tn- ii*ti:tl!y

' i iahl-liynui-uil t..-ntliiL'.

• ' • \ ! i ' I i.liniitilti'1 i:nily M-i.inler t-f l!»-r,-%

i.iiMHitl!'ti'my iii'.ml." -

"Yniir*-•m-l'i. yi.m> irnl.-.

"I'llAilMN l>. N . . . . .

••W.tcliiimltMi. X. .1 . . l U . *.. l\-.-l."

tijtji.tiviitly uitli tlm intiiilioiitier. Hit1,1 ^TIMIIKHI "munlcr" ttl tlu* lopn( I,IT \ w i ' , nmfUv itu-n K.-i^.i lirr l.y ihoiliviMi mil i-lmknl Iti'?: ;i!i ilie lit'canic in-Rt'itfiMt1. Wlu'ii tlio ri'covi-ii'il lu r pmimv,Komu timo flftcrwanl, he hnd dKiiuwnni).Slit looked nrutiml nnd pnwt i t l ; <lim:»ver<•tl a Hfihl, townril nhtch rhv \mtvcrM

ut tho lioiiHo of Jntinslio toltl ilic story of tlie mtir-

.•wMiili. Mm. Cimy found njmii" f I'^ii-.Miminin^lu'r JMCUL-I itiat her liuslmml

IIILI] stnli'ii litr puckvt-boulc contultiing

i r . uliout S4 in munoy und sotno other rnnalljnrticics. On Ttisuday udornoon a wurrnnt

,< j w.i* fsntti iigtin.U (Jray for n^iiult nndn ji.ittiery with iiiti-nl uv kilt, :ii»1 l-.cViw•» ;vi-.|tturi»il i.n Tinir.-iKv . . i ^ t> l.i.iit.^*"(! .« Iiiirn hfii'iiKit'U to .vliraiti KHIIIHHI'

L]''tiiHhti Uini> tniln> Ir HiVmi.i . I I - I U H„ {t;'il tu-rmi> .liifliiv t!.iv*i>, ut l)ovi>r,

mill ui.'l I'.itt'iy, l.i.i i!m:.-il tmviiig

t i l u kill lu> «ik-. H H W W cmiwyiil

Miuri-'t'inn im»l ' " ' tn^l l l 1 Jllil-


ijUl *.f It tttsi-H iviimriiiiii: nni'liitiiu'il in

- 'Wushin^m, X. •'.. I""" "Hi'-'1 r«r il«f


ORGAN $55.Including hlool. li(H>k nin] nmfiic. Hnoi't.Aii I'nifi:, Suri.lHt, witli. ut >Niol, uook und

Minnie. Tlie I'uri* Imiilun ttml J\V<r Y»rt Orpin in Imilt I'XjiKHhly to Hiili|ily everyl:oiiH;)itild Iliri'iigltnnt civiU^itinn with organs ut jM-pttlur JIMOM. It lit himdAfimclylitiilt, for tin-l'lirlnr. I.ot^u Cliurcti or Huhlintti fchoul, und I* '•" ttriiaiiiont fur thisjmrlur nf tlu> ii'illumttiri', ivnrkini:m:in or tlm awnv wi-j-ti-tn (avincrs, etc. Jtr!ef\/V>m>//'»»: NVw StjU-, No. 7D(P, IMylit. f»D indit*; I.«n;MK •»' indtw; l^pth, 23

•lu-tt; Wi'ifilil, lio.xt-il, it '.Vlit pniindx.


• K.VCH-—In the i'u.-i

Mary Ann' 'Miller against Stfjilieu

. Beck, an. action to recover diiiiiuge.s

.forbreach of promise ofjuami

tried at Enston lust Friday, tlie jury

'-•found nvcrdiol for tho plaintiO'in the

sum of §l,108.;i:t. The case was

novel one. The parties were1 first

cousins, and both have readied and

partly .passed the pviino of lift1. Tim

plamtitY was housekeeper for the dc-

'fentlant anil told how: in- iuid

dressed her in the usual country style

of L'ourliujj. Wlien iiskqd if In? had

ever kissed her she said, ".More than

a hundred thousand- iiine.s.": Tlio

terdict she gained is at the rak> of n

cent for a kiss, with » littli:

thrown in.

.[inlge 1'oniker, tlm (Iffcutfd llt-

]ml)Hcati I'iuulid.iU' for ovcninr of

Ohio, had a superstitious di'c:t«l of\lQj>'^ <KV ft OftTOjt'h ' Oil Tills, Any,

•'hen a ctn'ltl. hft fell tVom a widunt

:.tree-aud ljroke liis shoukU'r lilade;

on the same date,when a voting man,

he loBt'SlOO oii' three cariVinuiitft; on

the 9th of October,while in the tinny,

he fell oft" a horse and had in go to

the hospital for a month, and on tlio

^ . ^ r : : : . . : , 9tli oFOt-tnbfir, Ifi7(i, he lnsi':,ii)) im-

portant lawsuit, which had changed

the course of his life ever since. The

judge will Im-'Q loss.; res]icct for tho.

" nth of OctoUet iiow tlmii ever WXoro,

politically on



'=Diphtliei"ia hlill defies mcdictil skill,

nothing in the form of a well estab-

lished specific having yet been dis-

Horo and there .successful

treatment is reported, but nothing

general • applicnbiliiy.

Frcnchiuari has ofl'er-

.! ed a prize of $5j000 .to. the .person,:r : "whatever his vocation or nationality,

,-;-TV1IO shall discover an inl'ullible moans

•?.*of .curing this much dreaded

- Here is a chiuicc for;both -fatu'u and

fortune for some of our^ncrgeticiind

.': flliarp-witted American pliysieuns.

KAUOK roil"TiiK'.t-rtiosK; ETC.—The

j , Apollo jay cvy. anxious to have Larir

ppart of his campaign)" 'ii'iid snys,- "aword from him will settle it." Won'ta wprd ' from Conover bo in orderabout this time iii"reference; to

tun piirt of the campaign? "SYluit issauce for tho goose ought to be saucefor the gander. But the1 Chaii'iniin

j^holds the reigna,.and.oufc of his heart0 the mouthpieces of the parly speak,

Vn;l. L.liiirm-ViiUoi. 'Milclii-UMilli-r .\i Sun..itwfiiliS. Mittlii:WI . I . MdckliuimiKCh. 15. Wll


\i\\ iIiniUiH tliv (ntwt'r of thu organ;" "' i TttpM nttti I^ft;I u i i i f i l M m .

1'ranU !iniii|irt'r. I . I ' .T . ). M m Murrit-.Mr^. K. A. Ityfki.iiiii.

. Ainnnilii TiirniT.

J.K. l'fi.:-KH. V. M.


'I'lu. Ap'iltn last v.-i^lc cmt!iiiiiKl an

iii-ticli; in wltii'h it iiltempf^l l» pivj-

ndii'O flu1 li'iliiis nt" tin- ti!l:i|ivl';tln-<'

[id»]*)('• iijraitist Mr. l.iri';"::. Imt UMM '"'

intii-1.' fuih-d t.. onnlmv the iU>>iri-d; TI,M«.V.W

I'flW-t mid w:w met with well l i i tntrt l! . w

" • • - I- • I tl> II ililMM I

coiili-iiipt. '1 in- temperance people •< ^

of this Distrit't are not such fouls usto be caught by those strt'tflun^s oftlu> Apollo editor's imagination.

Last week, €iiio day, two of theworst criminals in X«w York i-itymet in usuluuii, (luavroleil itliout snnio

A liitl.'l-i.v siiut uHlM. ' . ln l ,

TIM-M'IM. . .

Tlii-llilti-hlfil wii*|.!ihit*-.l rnt


Tin- Hull- I'uy Wl'rti Kiil*-!iiTlii..Kiri

.•Atiillii'ffns •lliHiiiMii'llynH-kcn..

ascality in which the a mutual-ly interested, and then, drawing re-volvers, shot filch, other. Tin- twoshots were tired simultaneously andboth men fell dead. Tho police nu-ll tori tics are greatly r^joii'fd over the

T U B J5I:ST MOTTO.—So fur in t t ie j |.;vt.

campaign wo liavc seen im Ki-puljl i-js. <'. ]

Tlmt Imyls jn.-t nimuiimf »

. <l, riccolrk; 1(1. .Molian; 11. Cliirii'lu'l; 1'J, Cftlt; V.\, Vox Juhi-„ , Unit*; 14, CJnratalln; IS,'(Irani) Organ Km-c Hop. Tho last

it Htnps nro o]»cratiil in ilirrcl conjnnclion wilii nliovn wiwn, Itringiny (ortli, utimmtil of tlio jicrttumer, most chnrmiiif,' music, with beautiful orchestral flffiTi, fnun

ii nun.1 whisper, i»« it worn, to a (jrunil hunt of Unrmotiy. Its Thunder'uuj Tout*,«mini; tlie full nr^iiii, tnnut be henrd to \*Q npiirociutod.

Tliis ortfrinnl Caliinct Organ oontnins Fits M* Col-lrn T-imjue liml* u.-t follows:—1st, Five {'<} Ot'tnvi> S<'t DiiqMHon or I'nrin Itmfe; 2d. I'ive (5) full & t Duiciutiu UuahlotiCil'M-ouilnn" Htjli-; \Ul Sneot Voix (Mostc ItMils of Ihrcu full Octavi>.«;-Itb, Ono (I)'nil Oclnvu IVvfrful Mmuml Boxeil Sub-lkss lteeils; fttli, Two ('!) Ootnvcsoath «'f Piccolo ami Hn.\aplioiic UccJs combincil. 'Yhv nt iw1 !-'iv.> S«-ln nf.-KtI'litirt'ly and ar>> uovcrcil by patents obtained nt ttie United Stuff* Put nit Ofi'ire.Tlii- tinuiitifitl l'i.inof'Ttu Upright Parlor i>r Cabinet Or^uii cmitaiiH l-'ivo Full Uctnvcu,One Mniiual nr Key 1'outO, llnndsninu wnlntitcusp. Ki'ceplaclu for 1JOO1;B and .SheetMusic, L(imp KmiiuM, llmullo!). KUIKTI, Treble Upright Uullnws, iinmtnsd power,

,1 miter iirouiul.

!• I l l - I>IIM

Steel SpringH,io full pow•tnnvint; th

uittu that rivals in pitli atul

beauty of sentiment the famous out-

put forth liy tJniiiie.-i M. Scovi-l ut tlio

State Convention: "Wo will i-leet

If yiHI im^t v<i ami i-tUlc Kirplu|>,

U'iitU .1,-wti ilia liUl uml tlit'ii sllilo um

CIHIII Uyi>. - [ H n x t k l n i Kits;]

,• trtii' Dpinocnit will vote for

irisoii. If he in not elected it

will bo the fault of DomocmtH.


Jonathan Dhoa hv $r»,onn:;> This| U:i7."iJIw«"cnan:r~Vy Ker.'Th^. Ty*.*.m o t t o , h o w e v e r , wi l l n o t win . . \ o t f s j ty. to Kdnti ^ . Lsiytim. of liruuclivllli-, Sus-

win in Xew Jersey, .and tlic-y uiv '»fii-

i—Tlio Civil

Iliyht.s bill, which war-1 passed '.iy a

Coiij,'ro.s3 ostensibly tnr

the benefit nf Ilio (tolorod people, has

been declared unconstitutional by tlie

Supreme Court of the United States.

This is the way Hepnblican bi'iietits

turn nut.

The decision of the Supreme Court

of tho United States, declaring tlie

livst and second sections of the Civil

Riyl.U " '.bill :;-u;icou:-ilitutiuiiai,. v.-ill

[irove a.stiviirise to many, and will

doubtless be nigjirded by tlie i:bl«reti

[K-oplu as a severe blow to then-hope's

of rapid advancement,—3T. Y. Times.

F.\n.L'itK ix Mi:xiei).—The tirm of

? Co.. one. of the oldest

and wealthiest houses in Monteroy,

MI, lias siwnotidfld with $fino,iino.

nnd his heart is "not."now.— Comet.

very" full just

"""T'Cirisiiowr SKSTi:scKn". -Oii TiioKy-Jud^oDopuc denied the motion for

' ' anbi'V. .ti*ii*.l for •Tuhn vCliisholm.^3^^_,Li5r:.jiiontoneed thc^'pVisoner'to be handed|y|J"-T:~"'':nu~"Triursdiiy, >Tovenil)cv' 22d. ,fHe

:n-l ."*ST!!.-Oi i"» l l t r IOt l1.-

i k ! i i w i MI)i-rUtT, of A

,n M., t!;iu_'li!•»(,-. Siis-.-es cuniity.nmvBii—STAAI.*.—At tlii>'» tiiirvu^.,'r

i ' ' l i . N. . i . . ' i t ' '

!ov: WmVMcCutn; Mitr-iMit. Siifi-vv i-niintv. tnf WiSlkim I.nutz. of I.u-


cMiluni-o of tini.JSSH, l.y iln

-\Tiim I.. Slumo("K!litii.f ILtcKL'tt.-t'jWti.

tLi.-i/.i;it-Ci.iNt:.—M A.-biir.v. O n . lti. iilit- lmu.<c »f M r s Cuiliariiii' Hii-lwy. nuiit ithe Iiriili- liy tlio li«v. f'ic.n. W. Timimi.luiiii A.lluli-'lzcr. of HIiMJiiiiilmry. M I.IKZIClisie, t-( A^luiry.;

Ci uv.=os—l.rrns.—Oi-t. lllili. iKSi, liy t!ii tv. 11. M. ViM.rlim>. Sir. T«iJinu(li!«'Clawim <>[ lluckcl^towii , to Mrs. Li/./k- l.iilu,f Kiilriiiiniiii, N. •".





tv tlio

One i';nuiMi;tfLli fruni reading the

llepubliiian papers liiaf. ihore is uuy

:nndid:itt! rumiiny; lor (iovernor in

his Stall! except. Luoii Abhett. Tlmy

in) all HO busy slan.liu-int,' Mr. Abbc t t

.hat they, seem to havii forgot ton

vi.iiT.—Uft. 17. ISSt. lit Wiu-liliiitluii,'>"..!..Mw. Klisntwlh limvll..*, i.,'«l m "iin.iilli mill 17 day*.

- F . - A I U'nnlit»i;tini, TIICHIIIV; t h t - 1').l I1 H f f l 2-J y« iw n l I

H F A »i;; Cliurlw I1. Hoff, n

unil -1 iliiy.-.

ThniisiUid.-i ilie from ni'fjloct to • projierlyIreut. Impure Blood, Const i pal ion, Dys-pt;psin/Miiluria, Apoplexy; I-iver; Kitlney.Huurt Iliseases. l)ro|i*y, iitiJ Rheumatism)1

But 10 tbo dubiliUtcil, burdened with suchk i

But 1 tserious sicknuss

SWAYnscientiously rccora-' l l I S " h i h

serious s i c k n u , c s n t i u s y rccoramcnd."SWAYXK'i3 I'll.I*S." which enn-tniii mcdifiiiuU propertiea possessed by non:]it-r remedv. .Swil liy mail for 25 cents,box of :W pifis; "1 lmx«.v, $1, (i t p )Atlilrew, DRSWA.YNI-; A.-HON, f'hiln-(lulpliia, I'ti. SolJ li.v I)rn»»i<ts.


iisi'Ku's S(n,ir.'ifji;Y.^^At'ter tlio re- i

jif; clft-.tiuii-in Ohio was dcHtiitoly

known, (IOVCTJKH' Foster is sn id ' t u

nivu KLfliloi]ui/C(;il thus: Tiiin loolts

,iko a hole; it is 'it bole; T will rmwl

into itiind|piill it'iit at'ter me.

The ifoiTis county Dcinoitratsheldtboii' .(•mmty.(!Oiivfint,iou pii JFoiiday

ml'iinininarod 13r. J. \V. .Taclison, of

cclcawjiy. .for..•-'.Stale Seimtor, NoJ

noiuitiation was . imidu . for-. County.

llevk. • • ; •' , :-

W'OHKS TO VOTK.-7-A. bill gnuitiiif;

woincn the right to vote has pnssedthe Oregon House onieiiveseulatives.Fav-olV Oregon talce« Ib'e'ioncl; willother Stales full in? v" l r . . . •

Hon. Win." McAdoo in likely to betho younj{cMfc niembev of the nextCongress. ]fe is.thirty yeavn old to-

that t,l;.e./;ltiji])iiblieiin party in it sd go,"

will nol. afVect. President 'Artluir-rforlie is gontsjiiOHt^r tbo time now.

simlile ro.siillH ol pure lilooii. The posses-sor of linulthy blood luu lii= facilities atcoiumaml, iind u clear ami quickncm-miini, wltich is itupof.»il>lu when tlio(•IIUHI jx .liiiuvy >UM\ HliiuiriRli. with .itnpiiri-,!„•.. \ ........ Hm'jj.ipuriitd jii tlio'iwst blood

limigh iiitiiiwimrt1 cutisi's may operateto turn tlui lmir f^riiy; nil that ia ticcded toivst.)i'o tlm niLlunil color in Hull's Vegeta-ble Sicilian Hair Huiiuwcr. l^or more

i^tfft!n"y,!-y»t|trs,.its . SUUM- Imve. lieea•muiis, but we have jut lo learn of its

Jifst failgro.

pnnti'-r tii] vunltzi-r kimwii.

TIutL nil muy teat und uo coiivinoed ofthe superior merits of Klectro-SiliiioL', tlio

jityer polish, wo will mail sample. , rrcuoijit'o.'idiilrenS-iit-'i-.-iIohi

tiircei, Nuw-York.-:,-"1^""'-"' •• - ;" - • • - - - -

Tlie V. S. Kiivy.Now tlint General Tom Thuiuli irf ileniii' United Stiitcn Nuvy " ill lnko ita plaothe smallest tiling in tho country. Tin

greatest la undoubtedly.V lVhieura l'la*lets," sold at all druggists. The promeatami only known cure Tor corns; others re-the, thi'i"'(itiitus. Why endure houi-s piiwiii wliitii: 25 cunta will r<<lieve you? .^Swyou put it in a tin box, with steel cngrnveiltrade murk label with sigimniro of iiivent-nr. All good things nrc imilntod, so iathis. Get the gcnuiuoTit cosle no more'iintl wilticuvb; the olheri won't. ^ ^

J Itiilii Wr«ncl»t in lite Forctil.y""How 'ilcpfcs!ijiigr it" is' 'to'-seo ""ncrca"b'trw'H'tul'tluwti iii'tiici-mliUtor.'a'iioaloforcst. How Nuddciiing it is utso to see thai.!hiu>i)ni -in .tlii! midst of. .jourl. otherwiseibumliint lmir. .Stop" it nt once liy tliomh'iUnt hitir. .Stop it nt t

c of 1'nikeVn Iiuic BalMim.

VO1XCELESTE,Opi'im wl tlirve ontuve Hftd.'j, givinjjvtryi'huimititf, Hwoit, mflinliotistonp;

P R E N C H H O R HImitfttOH si Full Or<'lic*tr;\ nnd I-runsItnnd.

S DIAPASONmdOprns tivr full Ociavi'i new m

itinl "rmi*" U In:O DULCIANA

lvovprfut Five Oclnvt'S Ciotdi1)! lJpftlsaro thrown open liy lliis stop. Tone,


Trcmnlnnt; which [m(tn1i>«li.r ;t r*vWHEKt. llirr Intman voirc.

_, . . . " UigiiVKiicVriwcHValpo iio'ft 'Orau'd "OrRuii Km-oSwull. by "wliicliiho full powt'i* of this organ may lie obtained nt pleasure by IIHI> uf Iho knee without

In; liuiiils from the Kt-ybtKird.

Vnt; QL» Jifxjwit Sraxz>,317 NORTHAMPTON ST.,


We liavc on hand and arcconstantly receiving all

the latest an-J

.Host Fnsliloiinlilc S(jlc»


whicli are being sold at pricesto please the closest buyer.

Hirtirillitr tlltritttim jutid l» Iti«i\Mrhct, I M niul Jcirthy.

KvtT>f iirllrlu li< warninU'il us Tqirfirli

.T. 12. I S I T C '.11 itii'olil plnrr. ~

;S1~ XortllniiiptoH SI.



Wnil.l ri-i-iiirtfully inform t tnlr inlinefrlniiU llmi Ihry "liiivu r.m-ncil tlifi cturi!IIHTIV w i i | i | « l liy I'. W. Fliinvrri'li. «m \l>

IIIT« ivt-Miii*.

All Goods New & Fresh.SHKLFGOOD^,


A S I)

General Groceries.

Teas & Coffees a Specialty.

of jour !.utr<mui;i\ weKnimtfully

N. J


?ov A-iiothei- Week-

Dress f

r i K i k i i ) ,

Lawn",' Oin»linm«,


Silk Mum.


Atllie largest Dry Goods House in Eastern Pennsylvania.

F'-'FSEL LJTho 'Whole Stook oi*:

CLOTHING, Clothing, CLOTHING,to make room for tlie largest stock of Fall and Winter

G LOTHlfI';':':


•£\ «:(-ly Vowr Mb «n<l XortifiMjiton fitt.,- KASTON, PA.

Tho largest line of Millineiy iuid Fan-cy tloods, and at the lowest prices intown.


L ESTATE!TIIR mibst;rH.L'rrt executors of tlm lust will

itnil ti'MHiiiL-nt »f Win. MeKInney, clecuii.-'ctl,latti irf tint TuwiihWii of l-'rnnklln. In tho C«un r

tv ut Warren.' will t»\l at imblle venilua at lhuSi . Clouil Hiitel. In Washington, «tu SATL11-1>AY, SOVKMKKIU7. I SSI, all tliiwi: curtaini .nr .vls . i frni l^lut . - . t.Mvit: .". bullilbi!! lots

l i f W l h N

A Offer,I dewirc pvcry homo within the reach of civilaration to poHscm one of tuy matchless

organs and lo tuifi end only I make tins offer.,with book,.(tool and music, completeboxcd,(le]ivereil OD carnal Wiutliiagton

rullp tlie Followlnit ^ ^ d M a i l WTth

No. 111.Upon receipt of this Notice from any reader of

iriih interest nt 0 per cent, froone year'suse. . .

1 dale of yonr remittance, if not UH reprcficntcd after(rilgn'eil), DAS1KLP. BEATTT.

£3?"lloiueint)er to secure tliis Great JJttrguliuited time has expired, Nothing enn bo gai

j t l O i t d d

Great JJttrguln you stiouUl order nt once beforo thei g n bo gained by lonf? corrcspoiidenec My solehas expired, Nothing enn o g

bject t hnve Ibis popular Organ introduced,ousehold throughout civiliznlion,; as early and

fT th fit i t t ifie to i t r

object IB to hnh h l d th

n you stioUl order e b o ened by lonf? corrcspoiidenec, My sole

d, "without 11 moment's delnv, into everyd i k l ibl I illio__ , os quickly IIH possible. I am willing

to offer the first instrument ns a snerifine to introduce, as every one eold EO h\r bas eohlIn ono particular inslnncu thirty sales, nt S(!5 each. Imvo followed tho first

mrchaso'J. First Organ is wliippcJ ut 355.00 as nn advertisement. All I auk injfyoUistoshow tho instrument to yonr circle of friends. - The - inatrumcut

spcuks for ilself; it sings its own praises. If you tire nuiiule to ncccpt this Gront Offor, .,_write mo tlio rcaBon why. Perhaps you Imvo nu ins-triimciit iilremly. of some other IJ

i h ^ t n .mikur'is l

u l l !1 New i-tr^t.

t mid pontatiiof limit. Th

.tr.lf VllHi Miitaliw nine UiinilKidihn nf »»

"1'lic tliinl jiiiii.- li>t.s i>f Vanis unil Kliiiu-iniin. itml umluim.iimlrL-ikhs nf mi :iore of Intnl.

nut K11111l Tti-rtM.f iitmlT "TI IR llftli

uii1 thu lHJiirc <>( \'i amilL-ui.«.nof>nl(l (liuvivlinnuuli! known 1>y

.1011N MCKINNI : \V




Suit pork , . .I.umlw, lh->'..Clilrkuns, livFowl*, live.1.Turkuyi*. liveDurkx, Hve,Wlival. • • •

Shipments of Beatty's Organs, Church, Chapel and Parlor (this doesnot include Beatty's Pianofortes) during the past In r ; ; " •=••••••• r n p n t h s r W B r o a s fallows:-.-;~.~•.•.--.:..-= , . , = = : :

A p r i l ' 8 3 - -•••-••• 1 3 3 5December '82 - 1410:Jariuary;-^832^7'rii;j052j:

February'83 • - 1152

March '83 - - - 1435

SSay 'S3- - - - - !4O!-june '83 - - - I6O6

Total9441.. _ _ ,_ _ uro in nceil of mi Oi*i;an yoiisli'tinM RVIHI ybursulf of tho nhoyo oflbr'ftt

ODCO, no it will notbp repeated. Let me liciirTrom jou anywny. (Hear iii miml, thutI will not ituvittto frtin tlio above offer.) OIIDKII IMMKIIIATKI.V.

o r C a l l KJpon l l i e jVt tani i r i ic tHrcr , / : ' " -



-i to .ft1,.13

--' .11


' 1 Ho

— ~ ~ - ~ - On- - Se

v<. iisi Ini* Coart. --.

W]iltav#.Jvhn Hmdiier. Incmjc. Kl PI.

The <alc inWli lit or tho above pirtles HondaUloiiriicl to tnkc plaen "t tho '<>':« Ho?**Jn lh»niviiof Ui^lvldere, " " " "" " "Trsjiitalv, Novombtr 8.1SS3

Vaiuabie Real Estate

I ivllU'ffcrI

tI l l U r at iirlratcinlo Iho imiiierty,Hrte

I now icjilo, ullmlcil In llm ra»lr» "<town huvlllK 100 feet from 'HI llclvlilero ttve-

liakliii; It vnlunMo for lnnlno" p«ri«>Bc«.


- GOw-.-«••• WIKHJIWAM^AND itKT.vir^ DI:A IVHKB I>

GrrooerdesAN" [Provisions,Family »nd Patent New Process Flour, Feed, Meal and Grain.

CI1OICK V A K I E T I K S I I I ' r O H K H i X A N D H O M E S I ' l l ' F R U I T S ' A 1 . W A X 3O X ' I I A X I I .


i"il'l-'l*UfN'(f A T KXTIU;MKI,Y.|,O\Vl*lilClvS t.V.'i'AClC.VGKS OR HYTllK .;,.„;,;,rniTXii. "AI/JO A KINI-: i .or u\> s . o. JIOLACSES OF n , ; ? , . . . . .

•_w . VAUIOUS aitAiti:s.

SALT MACKEREL and NTOVMQI,ASSES.- Connfi't/:Produce taken in:exchange

, WM. C. C!i!EVKr.lN(J. .... CIlAd. UIIKVELINQ.

For the past twelve years wi'.h Johnston & Son, • I

Practical Tinsmith&SHeet IronWorSTOVES, HEATERS &

VU.'tn-ut.ASS I'l.UMI'.tNC DO.NK : :

Repairs and Grates and Bricks for all Kinds o{ Stoves and Heal

Tinware, Honsofurnisliins G665s7& Cutlory|• I i .- F|",ni or uv mull recelvn I'llrc* low and cntti'liicllciigii'it

Huisizer & Mershon,. - : • " - • - • T ^ ; = - i ) K A r ; K n s - I N — - • : : • - • . . - - • - - •

.. —STOVES-—

Arp'icftUnral Iniplcmenf^,


•MuuU 'hiiiiltiu ami VlinnWii^lm

Soid on.-Easy Payments. &

* o r eull; '_u;>ou , . . . ' . . ^ ^ •' ' ••

Wavrcu Piano & Organ Co., ,

Dressmaking.Sellic Dulrviu^J'- IJMS* clinnccd tier

t & O l ' o r l y : i u > i n j 2

iVn'irVa'i'itVsof "a". IVScrtinton, Patrick Hiin-inn ami MutlilanStumeU, sllimtc.1 on lliril iciuUii!! f'-otii_Oxfonlt.Fi'vniu;c.,J.«.;,J'riis

fnrwer : pliirp.-'- -Tltit 'Iininrorcuicnu HICIJ.-JJU.couslrttof afj'ood'.Dwulllii}*"n/ii^orlinrn -unitnil nuccssurv oiUlmiWlncs. TMiiirc 1M ft wclVbvtlm doornnd n slruiun ot .wivlftr flow Ing 'liroui;iitUu iweiiilscs. Thereon n / j nil kinds of frhiftrac3-iiiVtari»g-tJ«HJill0'^i£:\'i''iti1. fi»rty--ai«i'C!of tlm •land In i n i n r n v f i j / - '"" " ' .:. '"'•"•

Anj .pe rson W;lsl'it>

Stewart,. Street, .directly o'Hioglto Sir. j]"!iiinl'.T,-\vhcrc"Bliol-"'—-—' '-•-'--•' '1-1-•i,lfi<!)Bntiikillii' In n I - -

inl lUtcmion given to cuttiiTg-ftiiii flUUig.^

rwinMifiilly follritii n nuntlniinneuV IhA M


. . . , m wlsliiiifc <"' vluw" lliu jwoncrtycan uo so by CM11!II^'/II tinsMiiUscrlljcr;-rcsuUiipon tLeLprcinlsw.-/c' iW1WIoni1-.vIH ,be.mat!"

—SSri- . ' i i l l i , ! '^" ' • ' • • • ' • • e"\ ' 'M'l-9m

i, b-flnncrR)iavinK.l)uekwhi.>ntf«it, lo lliclr Interest lo cnil on tlio wibgj

Ncw.l'roccfiH. Flour J n : t n n f ^ / ~faetlim (innmuH'Cd." -

Page 3: THE WASHINGTON STAR - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 3. · • ' di'^fte n cntluur cnatt and lony llnk^ lo ond tauU MXTEbNTII.-AlltUt certain tmct r>r p.irwl nl land, fltuate In ihc tuld

The Star.WASHINGTON, St. J., OCT. SI, 18S1.


Ultiol) . 1-.*W. It. II. Co'i. vltvatm rebut*-tlrtito law|>«rton.• • r « a.8spcrton.

Stuve , 3,!mpcrtnn.Ctmlnut 40) per ton.I'M 3 » per ton.(** 6<H qualms* ilwayi* vu baod tlij (umicr

iottt.t .Coul lotJi>d -Ktocl* (otcr ncrocti*)


To Our Eoadors.Wo ovri1 uiir iradi'M.nn-uiMilngy for tint

Kiting tiicm the muni aniuiuit of tiiUu'cllaucutitirundli'sj tnaitcr (III* «-«{.', otnl wo irli'li Id a*fctheir I till ul gut ice for licit week aUo, iiromlflii};Uii-iii in return Ibnt we will more limn .repaythem In tliQ near future fur tvlwl Hiry lo*c

'during thin and next week.

S T A B LIGOHCTSS-—Jug-break next Tuesday nifjht.

'. —Itettd (be now "ail." of ,1. T. Itobcyin Oils pnper.

• —Walter's 0 . K. flour at Humptoii itMcKinneyV . <*

—Xew jewelry, beautiful putt emu, ju.itreceived at Krendi'H, If;

—A fullline of utulerwoar nml woolenhosiery nt Shaw i ('arler's. :

—Good apples uro selling for one dollnrper bushel iu .Morris county.. —IlosenlicrgcrJU'os., tonsoriul artists,

near P . 0 . Shaving, liaircutting, etc, [*22-—About 300 pe'-san?. titil nnd young,

arc Klid to have signed tlnj pledge nt Hope.—A tiaudsoaio new ttcll-focdiug parlor

stove for sate cheap. Inquire nt thisoflioe, :

—The Kcjslonc hoys had the steamermil on Now street for pruelico Inst Thurs-day night.

—(.iODnilBci!A..l. Swt'naonV fine se-lection of pnrlor nnd rtinkiiij* stoves licforeyon buy.

—At Shaw k Carter's you will findfull Hno of gouts* furnishing goods nt iln,1

lowest priced. 41-tf

—The Xcnburgli contcnniul last Tuurs-.(Ifty was quito largely attended by peopleot this county.

—The success ol the Stiitu fair this yearhas enabled the Association to declnre ndividend of 10 piTcont.

—Conttablo McUlnllen, of Hacltcttd-town, has been appointed a member of theNew Jersey Detective Untuau.

—Messrs. Sol. Levy and A. J . Swen?oiboth hung out new sign.* ncrjas the Hidewalk in front of tlieir pluces of l;usiucE3 last•wnpJc. . . - « . .

—Mr. .1 .0; Stewart is the Correspond-ing Secretary from thi* place, chosen bythe Democratic Executive Committee olWarren County.

—Just received at l'reneb's—lnuaicnliciEtrumouts: Finn (jcrmnu imported ac-cordeoDSf violins, mouth organs, banjos,bows, bridges, pegs, strings, etc. *-—Lizzie E . Myer of Port Culduu diedlust Thursday iiif*tit. She bud her life in-sured in tbe Prudential Insurnuce Co, of.Newark for §103. •/:

—Tlie marriageable young luily is fullyan-nke to the fact thtU 1HH4 is leup year,nud so arc;thc old bachelors—tliey beginto tremble already. .

-•••—On Sundiiy next about one. o'clock .theofbnplism will bo ntlministcred

to about 10 new converts, by Rev. J . \V,Moody in tlio Mimconolcong Creek, nearSenator Cramer's mill.

—.Messrs. J . Fitts & .Sons havenew building at Oxford ubout completed,

- and will. opuu their now riirnitavo storo• and undertaking establishment 4t that

place in a short tiio«.

—We have received n good assort-ment of purlorslovcs nnd heater to wbictiwe invite the attention of those wishing ti

,.'.', buy thfi .same1. Respectfully,

tf. JOHNSTON & Sox. j

—Sometime ago it was^nnnouneed that.'the peanut crop was a. failure, but now the

" ifti' the* crop will exceed:;by lSO.UUUbushyl?.- Tbe

nt attention to the .newthe tailor. He is in bis

ihiugton avenue, upleased to see all

and many new

-Election onn week froii next Toesilay,

—Tbo Dorcr car shops regularly employ

250 men.

—Extra liow mackerel at Hampton &Mr-Kfnncy'M. * I

—KiWROOiirnwIn*: •'>• »•• »••' w | y H I > « :gn to WilllaniHon'c *!

—(JoloA.J.Swcnaon Tor stovw aiuljhcitcra. N'OWKIOI*. * ;

—Choici: leas nnd coflwn n Kiwciully ntllanipton & McKIotiey'n. *

—KxlruN. 0 . niolassos ond eyrupj atilumpton <& McKinnry'*. "

—The finest stock of fancy good* andnotions at bhuw' & Curler'*. -11 tf

—New buckwheat Jl nr nt Hampton kUcKinnoy'rt. • - *

—For ti good clnin shuvo go to Itoson-bcrgcr Kros.', jiwt Movr thf post ofllee. *

—K very thing new nnd fresh at Hamp-ion & McKinueyV Cull nud KO them. *

—According to tlio Jewish, calendariliia yeur coataiua III months or ;ii)."

—A menting ot tho VFutm Couoly'croperance Alliance will bs bild in thounduy-flchool rooms or tho I'rcsbyteriaiihurali in llnckctUtown on Thurtday ofJih w«b( to.iibeiui the duly or leiuiwr-inoo voter« in the unwnt rnmitalgn andtranuct iniscellwieoiis buHlmfw. AllFriend* of tempemncu nro cordially Inrl'^J

utlctid tho mooting. . .—On Sunday morniiiK lust » littlu l«u-

•cnr-old sou of Mr.lmla &iawnil,o! tbUlaro. died of puralysls produced by a fall,'oar or five days l«r«rw )»» dentil tho lit

l:i ilio yard near thel tor

iis j e i r c j— -Just received, nn elegant line of U-

itH1 and gents' kid sloven.41-lf S iuw & CARTUII.—A Dcmocrittic masi meeting will lie

held In Ik'nUy Hull on Thimday evening:l\n 25

—A week ago lust Suturduy two menwere drowned m Lake llnputronj-by tho

ptiixiug of u boat.—A lino linti of guld huittiit^ mid cpun

fiico watches, new btyica.^ Call niul see:hcm. Irfjwr thiin thu lowctit nt Frcncti'i".

—Chestnuts are retailing fur 30 cents'[>cr ijuail in MoiNHtown, nnd a fair qunli-iy of quinces for §1 n hundred.

—William Laubach'H nisw "ml." vvua wceived too late for imoriinn tltiI t will appear in our next issue.

—Are you going to tlio ball, in UeattyHull,'this evening? No, not this evening,Friday evening. Good evening.

—Dr. Penrbnrii will address tho lomp-cmnre meeting in the Reading Room nostKmiOny aftcrunon ut -1 o'clock.

—I came to Btny. llringinyaurcloekaami wntches if you want them repaired tokeep time. C. <J. PIIKNCII-

—November 10th will be tlic-100th anui^versary of tho birth of Martin Lutlicr. IIey

will be colebraleil by tin.1 Lutheran church—The Reform Club of this pluec Bub-

scribed for 100 copies of the Cmiut.'Hhpapers arc mailed to voters about town,

—Tho catch of black bliss in tho Dela-ware has been quite small thin season, birthe crop of bass lii?3 is up to tho average.

—The first name of Mrs. Bowlby, whedied on Wednesday, the 17th, was Eliza-

t t d lboth instead vt S-jruli, as we stated ta!at-k." •' : '

—The early frosts tiiis full destroyedgreat many late pcac.'u^, Ono limit, Jus,Anthony of German Valley, lost -101) bas-kets of this fruit.liy the frost.

—We ncliuowk'ilgu the receipt of a ilmillustrated catalogue from .1. D. Cornisli,with Le Ranlillier liwthurtr, Xew YorkSend your address to .Mr. Cornish nnd tovill semi you ti cntnlogii*.

—Wu buve tweivcil ti large aioci:itovu.H nnd ranges ranging in price from$•1.00 to §00.00. Please tall ami sen llicibefore purchasing. Wcwi'l not be uuileisold. IIULSIZKII .t MLKSHON.

—Mr. John Williamson has nwilc nindditiou to hi? restaurant, by fittiug updining-rooui up stairs for the use ol Indieiand private parties.- Mr. Williamson'restaurant"' id .• rirsi-uiuh»,-'iiiiii'"ila""ci"ii'iVi.:iii-ienccs tire now excelled by none.

—The Women's Temperance Union willhave n supper in the reading room on Sat-urday night, 27th inst,, instead of Fridaynight, us nniiomiued in ht.«t week's paper.Friends all co'iic Trice of supper only25 cents, ..

. -John 1). Sweeny,' Town Ulurfe of1'hillipsliurg, died at. (in early hour onThursday mornhit;. Hie 11 th inst. l i ebud been suffering with malarial fever, but

^ill bu present nnd i tTho WuhinKton direct Hnml will Mralib

kVl'tllow was,loiisc, where there ia u Hitmll v,

A Democratic mara mcoUng will

Mcld lu Uealty Hull on Thur ,.I ,y CIVCD25th imU Hon. H. B. Hnrrtii, Hon. It.

nml 11. S..ill bu present nnd ii'tdri'iw llin

W h i d t H l wil


mu&Iv for tho o!

Turn nut, Demo-

nutuwuh-r filled In with BUMCI u»d Mir-jundod by u low tiwird curbing. He mllown ou (lie edgo n! tho curbing for a fewlonelily NUi],l<uJw liU balance, fell O « T

tacknunl on the nt..:icn. Htrikitig on hi*,cnd un.l twek. The uluwk it>jii«'d his>inul curd mid ciutm.-d pamlynlH, which

,/uduuily (jxt'juJutl over 1il» whole bwlyintll it resultiid iu hli death as beforo

The funeral took place onYciliie«d:iy. Tho nfflicted family IMITOl ie pympntliy of all.


—Mr. ]) . JI.Porryoriliinp1uwttltciiiI-d u n union of the First Army Corps onhe <i!.i Hull Bim.baltlpBfW, hy i p « W in-flation, on Momlny uf last week. Thobjectoi thia visit tu the eld battlefieldrus t« dcihiitcly tettli' Iho lines uponrfaicli tho First Army Corps nud Us op-rfrtipnt* fought. Miijor-Gcneral Long-.itrcti mid many officers* ami soldiers of the

ntc army were also present. ; Mr.L'erry win wounded in that battle and leftm thi! Held, and knew the exact positionif the linen better Ibnn any other personIving. Ho camo bnck very uiucli pleased,-itli bis trip, nnd saya he never enjoyed

himself better in bU life.

—Daniel Tetty, son of Thompson I'cUyaf town, is snlftring with a soro eye. Onoday recently, whilo gathering chestnuts, aburr fell from tho tree under which hovvns Htntuling nnd Hlritck him in tho right>yo. atinic small thorus from ilio.bnrrre-iiiiued in tho eye until taken out by n


Ou Momlny a council of the chutcliCH ofthu Cutilrul Nuw.Kraoy UnjitUt Axiocin-tlou nntl ul Ui-ntlyV Hull for thu puipoioof consiilerinx the mlvU^bility uf tYvcoguUzing tlio Firrtl llapliHt chureli of Wnsli-lnj(t>>ii ni u r.'gutar ihtirL-h. After a veryBoaruhii)^ invt'Klly.ition tlit* council nnanl-moiisly ri'Hiilvi-d MI tn ito, the fvrytci'H In1*[nt; held iu thu t-vi>uiii{!.

About -I o'clock in thu uticrnoon thocorner Htouu of the nuw church eJiflcu waslaid by Bov.T. X, Hill of Uiintoii. »ev.0 . W. O. Nyco of Tort Murray irflurcdprayer. Remarks WITU made by ltcr.Mr. ncoilriekioii of Xo«r York Slato, andthu buiicdiuliou was pronounced by Itcv.A. U. Still of IlbtlilclwitL

In the uvcitinK Ihu row^nitiou ncivia-J.•ere held, us follows: Uciuliii^ of Hcnp-

turcs, Kuv. l''i»hcr Wilson of Itingocf:iiiuj; prayer, l t tv. J l r . Love of Croton;

trriiKin, Kov. I \ I,. Chapoll of FK>mtug-ton; recognition prayer, ltev. M. l(. L:ui-ning of Sandy Ittdgc; rijjlit-fiund of fel-lowship' extended iu Pastor John \V.Moody and DcuuonAYillium'i'. Melroy,by 11L>V. A. J!. Still nfUcthlclicin; clinrgutochtu-clt (iud pastor, Rev. I. N. UillofClinton.

Tlio Baptist church is now in lull andI'gtihir tttntidiiifr in the riciioni inn lioniMcli in tl)i!4 Stnte bus nearly '21)0 dnircli-H nnd nviT :i3,()00 conuuunicantii.


—The tctu|wmiiCi uooling Itcld &l Ihoclub-room, Bniibitth nftcrnoui). wai veryInteresting, Tho mldrctis of Judge Mor-row lioil tin; ring of tho Iron ini'tal, and:nntlo Rniun slicpy cliunlt lnombcm rub

icir oyc.i and nxaka to tlio fact (hat woio in n progremivii ago nad nro font ma-ing Inroads into the old ami musty system

>f "not doing g°od unlcia wo feel Hko it,"ml "letting well enough alono." TIIP

>nve tho churcliM ft Iyu |nve tho ch (J

ip on (ho tpU'Klioti ol duty'to tho world,ami moro ospccially tho causo thai ii Jubt

tv ntlraclinfj m much attention—tnnpjrancp. 11. J), Htiafor al?o nmdo a tellingKpcech. ''Dick" 1* fnat liocoming nn nblunnd eloquent tnlkcr. Hu mid the Judge,

well nn othtr cunicst wor!(cr», aro outlomewiicrc nearly every nlitlit, talkingempcrnnco anil ndvocatlng tho election of

cUamuion. There novel* has been inclishaking up of the dry bones as is now

,jing on in thi.i dmtrlct. Kvcry man thatjftii talk or viag a enlisted iu the work.'Thinga aro Indeed In a shape to pu»h, andIho boy* arc pushing them for nil they aro


nty of hunterstlm mountain

above J nekton Valley, whnt I* generally,' of thievesir rnther a

Oni> iluy lust wok a pdiscovered, in a • ravine ii

believed to hi* the don of a (j

who fcour tho neighborhood, •


—Mr. nnd Mn. I1. H.Thoru, Miaa.Pyne, I1. It. l'yne, Jr., andTh. 11. Barber, of New York, were yucstsof thu Windsor Houso last Thursday night.While in town they visited Mayor Beatty'a.. story nmi ofllces. Mr. Pync is ouo ofthe officials of the I)., U k \V. rniltoad,

-Mr. nnd Mrs, AUnson Perinc, ofPhiinficld, X. J., with their eon andlintttfhter, visited thin town and theirfrieiHls uiul relatives here lust week, slop-ping at the residence of Mr. Clias. I'ickcl.From here tm>y went to IJtairsiown andNtiivton to visit friuuiU and rclaiivcd.

—Mrs. Henry Stryker and daughter, ufIlnckcltstowo, and Mr. II. \V. Voorhece,of IlingliamtoQ, X. Y., have been so-journing id Washington, the quests of Mr.Wm. A. Htrykt-r at the St. Cloud.

—Mr. Hnff, of Milburn, a cousin of op-erator 'Win. Ii. HolV, spent last ijtinday iu


Mr. Uo!V WHS nt one time

-Poor Hniull, jndyini,' from his deport-ment of late, has grown tired of living nndlongs in He nml moulder in thu tomb wltlithe groat anil good of pant Qgc3. It hasIJCCII two weeks to-duy (Tuesday) Bincc ho

.t eaten u hearty meal, and notwith-i H d th

—A short report of tho oyster supperfell, held by the Mclhodiat pcoplo olHits place lant Wcdncmlny und Thundnyevening*, will, w<i think, intercut fomo oftho rrntli-ni of HIRKVAH, in fuel we knowIt will l>» rcail with Inlcn-Ht liy tlHWfl liv-ing ID tills vidnily. McCrcu Hall was thosccno nf tho festivities, ami 1* WM iibund-antlj&providcd with everything to pletucthooyonud tempt the palato. Thu hall\vaV brilliantly lighted, uiid the- finelydrcuisl tali lew, the nicely arranged Htandsfor Iho sale of different urticles, nnd thocrowd of people oil apparently enjoyingthemselves, was a ECCUQ that gave pleasureto tho beholder, no matter how disinter*eitcil hu mlfjht h:\sa been. Almost everv-llilng in the wuyof provUlnnn was donntcdby the ladiea, Tn this lino ttio followingdonation* wcro particularly ootlconblo: Alargo ca!to from Mrc. Joseph Beam, whichborolhc woril»,'TrcBcntcd to tho M. E.S, S., l'ort Murrny"; u line caku fromMr. Uuhlcin, uf Washington; a roll of but-ler, iiiado in Ibo fonn of nn opening roso,from Mrs. Emnnuel Crcgcrj a cako sur-rouniled by a handsome wreath of flower*,



d c o | j , uttolid

iiuiifforcrco and pcwi'iotitly .rcfnwn ti

t a g the crttrcnty ofadvice of |.l:jsici;m<t, he tuaiiUuin

liroak ihuplit' Mill

that.'lie "liitiu't ntty '

upon it' Hu

drinks n jjuod deal of v.atcr. At times hebu iu great ilislieaa *>T body,

Kliil Hut dnwn ou '.ils «11 floor wild groanri.A hit «.f frit-inU bnniHlit him dclicncli* wCL-ntly, but hu refused tu toturh ihciii. Huis [^rnwiuj,' wry wonk, nnd tmlcsi tho t'f-;)rt» makinjt lit Inrltnv liim V* nal i»C "UC-

i'{!!cilii> cannot live

to iiiilliMtu tint lu

presented by M M , Annie Winters; apresented by Mn. . Samuel Perry, Ihofrosting on which reprcHented u bunch ofgrapes and vine; i\ handsoiuo cake fromMra. Willcver. Them were numewnsother cnki'H whorit) IIOIHIM' rniniOJ wonot h-iini. Thn ii.tuns for carrying on thefvhtival worn procured by Kolicilnttuii, mn

nppiHiitctl for this work were kindlyreceived nml respond*! to l»y wvury fjuillywith the. vxcunliun of iwo or tlirui! win:did not coufriltuto miylhiiiff. Ami now nfew words cwicsruiiig the tablM and thoa

attended th'.-m, nnd thcr, wa will CIOHI

was. not considered danpermisly HI untilthe day before/hH.dotilh..;— _; -..

—The Wizard Oil troupe who vthis town several weeks ugo, were rotteii-egged one "iiijjht roceiitly by. the "collegeittidents at I'rincettin a fight betweenwhich the studnnts

pengaged in the printing busiticss. Hegave HIP STAB office a call ou Monday.

—Mr. Kinder Snydcr, of the MauchChunk Daily Timei, jjnvo \it ami otherIriemls iu town a cull On Saturday. Hereports the newspaper business good up

MC"Jjt!'.i~!i' V-!!C""""' '••"u'~"—• „-...,.... ,„

—Mrs. George Buril and her mother,ilr-s. DcWitt, of Btroudsburj,', are visit-u^ at tht* rcBideuce of Mr, Sylvester Urofl':i \ \ oshington avenue.

— Last Thursday Mr. Joseph U. White,ioket Hgcnt on the H, L . A W., at Dover,

paid » briftf visit to hia cousin, Mr. E. U.liemlerson.

—Mr. 11. 1). Andrew, of Uluirstowii,aitrtl this place last Thursduy. He

found time while litre to give us a pleas-nut call.

—Mr. lii-urge Coinpton, uf town, isl

hiOing-pKitc for their i>liimVr, Below nledge of roeka in the ruviuo wore foutn"nuinen>us tirtiok'H, such an burglars' toolcooking utensils ami spoils of one or morerobberies, consisting chiefly of knives,forks nnd clothing. The nriic.lo.i wore notdisturbed, but the parly came or .sent to thi:borough for Polieo QAlccr Tliotnpson tcvisit the p'neo and get what cluo ho t-juUas tu who were the "proprietors*" of tho!ranch. Hut by the time ho got thero the ,sharpers thi'inst>lves had paid tlie piuoa uliving visit and departed with tntidt of thovaluables as would be ofinoat :i?e to them,leaving behind their uasl-otV clothing andother goods alout an Vdlniible.- Ono Mueshirt seen by the hunters was identified usnne laketi from u store in I*hillip3bur™some time before. I t would bo advisablefor the guilty parties, if they do not wishto he ciuight, to make tliem-sclvcH ratherscarce in the neighborhood hen-ntt^r, for awatch is set for thorn.


i>tig. Hi* piilso

. i <if Hirt.'Hfitli utiilI no need of fooJ. Wo nre prepared tohear ulniwl anjthinj; with ref nrd tu bin

L'uiiduit. :— A fjentln luaid vf tender ynurs called

Utl II WiOoWiT, lk fr*.V iliiy^ liilKC, tl) tul'.Ucounsel as tu what courfo to pur-mo withreft-rencu to giving her heart nml liund tua man \>lio wiu paying uttcntiii?i to herwith avicw' tto m:uriinoi.y. The auitonhowever, so thu story HGtii, utcasiuuulljimbibes ot Jersey lightning, uml thu youngwoman, not wbluittf ti» 1>I; ".slriu'k,"sought thu advice uf her friend, who {javoher lo uitdcrsttind tlmt it would bu

tlubof Utucin-dy who wilt

iuc, a black bassThis id n chance

E onr piscatorial frienoJs' to make3 day's work.

Voe, the Hackcnsack weather j>ro-iays'there will be litllo snow and nog until after Christmas. The pro-

phecies of DGYOO-• and Vennor are about, on a par, and peoplo have great confidi.'ncein—the ignornnco of both.

—Mr. John Williamson evidently be-:-HeycH in the effitacy of pniitcrs ink »a ho^lias been'using it quite extensively of late

^ i io '~" r _ '~ """"•' that hn has (or Hale at his restaurant first-

. "class oysters in every style..." " " • ':'• 'r^thnt WHhiivc, reneti tly'^iidd -

ed a stock of new type to our jobbing!; de-ifo therefore pnipnred to

;. . . Also,.rcniQinbor. which form

and bill-beads if

. Hiker a genuine

The affair ended"town and ".go"

were used-pretty

iwiih his orchoatra was o.11

' :Tho":"weo Bma' hourn" began to;grow?- largi boforo the party dispersed.':''•/—Oar"exchanges aro publishing the

foHowTng item from (in agricultural wri-tor:-;.*'I do nol believo thoro is one aeroof Htrawbbrrics in a thousand cultivated sm•Siifl-.CaUttU^tliat.-y fel'iS. O.YWJ>.Be;!lHl LV.hntit .would if tho ground wag , properly prc-pared^beloro""."plnntlrig," If- this is true,"

• *r why'doS1 v? tHo writef^tell • tho" prbpevway ;

—\'A exchange says o party of peraomentered the church at W>lpack Centre,Sussex county, one night last week .am'tarred and feathered tho organ, a bond•sot.ic and valuable iustrumciu. The tur

i3 pprend over the organ, inside and out,id the featheis npplicd iu liberal quanti*

tics, comiilclcly ruining the instrument.The deed is said lo be the culmination ofn series of petty quarrels in the churchand coinmuuiV'/t Efforts arc being pillfnrth to^disnovcr, ihn, perpetrittu-iVir.'dastardly act.

—Prepare your pocket-books and your'inner men", for another three-night Festi-val. The Sous of Vuluruns (Jamp of thii

place have completed moRtoE the arrange-inenls for holding n festival in Ilealty.Mu-lin (lail nn tho eveniiiga of _ November 20,

27. ami .28. ,-Tlic.V-expect toJiavo in..towroir'fioVno'of^UiQ'Tcvcniiigs'.rjraiidilArmyjPosts find Camps from.neighboring places,!md have a gunerid- '"big time." T h o '>riiiuipat "-'feiitufiia -""of tliuocouaion will intil probability be quite as interesting asthose of the firemen's festival. \ "' . / '• ~—Tho -ladiesvof..the M. .33. church willhold ti jug-break in Deatty^ Music Hallnext Tuesday night, Oct, -30tii\ Tlio jogsiwC'ro.(lWtvi!}ut«l_.>Mnjnigjllii;Huiiday-Echoolscholars! Borne tinio ngn, nnd-on.TueHLlay.night they will b» broken and their con-tents counted. Tho celebrated -fan drillwill bo performed by n. number oE Misseselaborately dreused* in Quccu Anne stylo.

•I'rhero will also be singiug by children iu

At ti meeting or the Presbytery of New-ton, nt Hamburgh, N. J., on the !>il inst.. j W(1 w n n t tn 1,-nithe following was adopted: , [escape,

that nliu lit: it ubtjil. her nccl:and cjht littK'lf iulo the Pemibsl ITOL'IIt lun to mi iln mid j;ivc her for-tune to a I'riukiny num. rivii.'ilk' advieo!

—They &ic circulating nil Kurtrfi nf re-j}ortn over thu wtiy ubout S. 0 . LurHon.tjomo gay hu is an out uml out icinpcrancc*uinutjwhile others claim thi t he i» far fromthis, but on [lie contr.iry has [iletlgol him*Hulf to Iho U(|tior nu'ii. W<j iluu't knownnvtliini; niiuiit it, but if allowed an ex-expression uf rti opinion should say thatthere is no truth it: tliid report. We don'tbeliuve ' Ltirisoii could so 'far foigctmanhooi nml stultify Iiiuisulf by cutfi-ing

for tlic whiskey


exion'slvi! i>rqmratlc.ii!< for the aiipmiiriat'i;- conimemorution »>f tlmt Inmurtant uvunt:

ThiTvforeitESOi-VEit, Ut. That, hi

thu reeoniniiiiulatiuii of the <!iIlic lTiMbyiiTT "f-Newtwi hnther tiorUmw of our own Linntlicr I'rotcftauL Uciiomlnutio.-,... ...,tUdr RruU'lul rcmwiiliraacu of tlio uuiumircclutlonofthcworkof lUU prenl Infor-mation leurttr. wlui no lurj^uly assisteil in ron-furring thu MuHrtiiip ul n-IIjtlirtw - H;'lit nml1UaS;ll^h!Slit%n1Ucr,nf[..lorresbvterv bu rccouimumlcil lo cnniiinti;!!. intliuir Several fields of Inhor. tiv all uwrui.riiitu

• •fforLi of thu Lutlivran brcthreu. •«

p—The Rev. Mr. l'riuwe, wiio

sal! cstssietl hint )y.$K: M,: N.I'oct Oram, Morria county, h

currying one hand in ii sling, mused by MI


HU .wi l l i

2ti£will) u!l



Tlie" following itenriippeareil'in a late lie

issue ol'tho Philadelphia Time*. We will

not vouch for ils truth, but. it is interest-

ing: • " ; ; . • •'Among the bequcsta, aggregating

S50.000, made by 'ho late James D. Stry-ker, of Lanibertville, N . J., whose willhas just been filed lor probate, wits ouofor S250 lo Conrad Xi1 Jordan, of NewYork city, treasurer of the New York,Ontario and "Western ^vrnilroau, aiid formany years cashier of the Third NationalBunk. There ia a history attached to thisbequest. Years nfjo Mr. Jordan was the llauovor Nutionnl Hank of New-York cityT''a ,wny home, over theCortlaiuU street lorry, one bitter-.r.y-iiHnDecember, he saw a lady attempt to junpfrom tlie departing ferry-boat. Shu hadboarded the bout in jidvanay,of the gen-tleman to whom slip was ongaged and to

i , u efforts of thu I.utli rthat tlw fotebratloniniiv lie fitting, niul ilpiiiircc of ;jrrcat-j;('"i]-Vn Ktn>ni;Mii'iiinij tiliwwU of nit I'roieMaiUchrUtiuns hi tiieft'iirti-to frcti inm from thu ynke nf rell^imIntulcruiiw uiiil opjircsfion ..„.,...• „ .- .. UESOI.VUIV. airTlit t t : ' lliw -nwimioiw. hspruiiil upon thu iiiimitus of Ibo Prwbyterami a copy offered for pubtlciition bv thu lmlli - Tan S C

tlciition bv thu lmn STATEt> Ci.Kiiii.

p p g—Ou Tuesday evening of last wcok,tho

Democrats of,,HackeUatownasseniTjlctin.trtKo~CIareo 'clon""HiiuHO~tvi K! TjiorHili;JTrj/oPmapeut organization"with"tbo'following of-

^ : : A O V i a l l ^ M I' "Vice-presidents, B. 3. Price, M. B. Bow-

J S ' V ^ 2 G A I Ic r i , p , ,"Dellickcr; Socrotury, Okarles RitteohouBe;Trcaaur^r, GoorfiO -Mil led ; ExecutiveOpnimitteo, Jc8BQ"Bilby," Nathan Klotz,

?X'OhhrlM Kern, Job Johnson, Al. Staats-Noah Beod/'.TftcoU*. H; ' Pcatty, Martii

iiisie by the popular Orjiheua Mule Qisite. From1 lack of soaco we tiro iiuablo

Lo givo tho program in full. Printed pro-

p;rfltnB •will be distributed iu a few days.Tickets will bo. for sale at the Warren

County. Drug .Store.'-—^Thcro^iH-iiu'iiC'cesaity-ior-crilliou;.

inlion to tho adyerliacment .of Messrs,_ . ^ o wlbE-Jfe. Bro. .as !it Jsjiirfie.otiojigh"j'o

(ipeak for itself,.but\veiro^'^rds~-concerniaff^,th!B_. enter prising

firm. They have been in business hero for

•iolyefl^jmttall of" tho paople'JLK thj place as Itoncat,

fair-dealing buainess men. : They nowhave on hand tho largest stock of goods iptheir Hup .to J imndjnj l iwjpiaco , ^^uTpTiullwcountyrthusaffordinstllcustomera unequalled advantages in iving-: pclcctipna..,.. This; ..Ipgqther Svill/unprecedented offcrwhioli they• a i a t |their ttdvertisHi'eiiiiVo'buiiiinurijble their already extensive iwtronajto.J

Tl»>' ciMifi'titininirv U"b!« was altomlcd byMi*. C-.x, HM-MLII hy Ihu SritMlH Br>wini ilispru-icd stwci-t thitiy-t to all uillnilisi>riinin:iti»n. Til'* I'me appf:iriiilt!<<the i>ti|ip'-T taiilen was dun In Iho rkill,Mr«. J. W. l?«irki'r, wlw..lia*l cl.argotlicit1 urraugcmeiit. J t r . J . W. I'orkur

ml Ur. t'nx collected ut the oyster tablenud they were mwiited by Mra.ThompHiiMn. J . Itunu, M H . I J . Ilnun, Mm. M_... . , M M . Kills and Mm. Sluwact, winHL'rveil tin; liivulvoH to those at the tubliMensr3. .Fred. Henifoss and David Pri(nttemliid the leu-m-am department, assistcd by M H . Sunrfosi, M H , I . McCrea anMw. DavW Trice. Mr. E . (J. Kern uctoas casliier, and his promptness in niakiulmn^e mid courtesy to all won him geni-rttl fuvor. Thi loc ream fur the occnaioivu3 mannfacttired by Mr. Cleo, StarkeiWi> wimlil nnt forget tho aland dowiin the "hi store, where Mr. S. I-'. Thorn]sun UIIUVIMI this i>;>ng* of the. thir.stydi'tilinj,' out birth h«ur nnd other tvuipviiint'it levyrdgiM. (Joloicii Hnrriut priparei.1 thu oyster*, nnd BtooJ bravely at hpost until all were satisfied. An interesling fenturo of tho occasion was tho giviiot a liihle, valued at S10.50, to the selllar who uhlained tho. largest amount Iton-cent subscriptions during the festiviMiiB llosa Cax obtainedi'nuariy SM incurried oil tho prixe.' Tlie whole amoirrcalizcil on thcl!iblowaiiS37.75. Alt'gt'thcr the festival was enjoyable and ve:

If he has done this, ] successful, nnd tho M.E people feel gralfill .to .'tli'isf .who ao readily and libem'gave them assialance nml patronnge. Tnet tunoitnt rcnlizeil wns §142, which vbe appropriated to the use of the Siiuda;


withdraw hU ticceptiuiee. llo visitedtbe place and tond.ucU'd out! 'or two ser-vices. He WHS »oon. ccnviuccd that a dif-ferent sort of man.was'needed there, nmiBt'tdl accordingly. His health is not good,hence the,task appeared too.yrwtt fot him.

school and the payment of ininister'rf sal

ary.—Sunday night whou thu

goiu^ home from church a young midrove' furiuunly along-,thc • street, passiiright throiish a crowd of people. Onetho wheels of his buggy struck Dr. Coxhenc theja-.k^ppeaved too.yre.t ftn him. t o 8 ? y ^

Hi, lamily will i l L f c w romafc In IMvi- «•« V««k, hnotUig him dnWn. the I)'.fere for L pr.,ei:t. • tor w<» briu,ed and badly up, I

«™P^ scn01IS mim* ^ ° ''"f0 '


The St. Matthew T. A. and Ii . Societyof Oxford will bold its thirteenth annualball in Ueatty II all on Friday evening, the2Cth Just . Prof. W. II. Fisk'K excellent

iiiR bund has been engaged for.the c-cca-sion. The best refreshments will bo pro-vided. A committee will be in attend-ance lo see that, every one is tnmlc com-'fortable, and ..the occasion mode pleiwantand cnjoyableto all. No intoxiealPil ordisorderly persons will he admitted, KO noone need Tear any offence from that, <pinr-ter. A jjeiieraVinvitalion toaltoud is ex-tended. ' Tickets Tor sale nt the door.


—Thoy hud unite a serious wrtck onthis 1>. U .t \V, 'raih-oiiil, m llriilgcriilcitatiou, Jlomlny p. m. A. coal enginejumped, the track, I'urryiiiu with her utiumbcrof "jimmies" nnd ''gomlolas." Thetireniftii;was quit*i •seriously injureil. Thewreck blockaded tin; trucks, far. neratlc period.

—Mabeii and Knjrlish lutvc idafter st'ciiring over 1S00 pledge-and wiil nssmilt the batteries of KastStrutidiiburg,- IV. Tlie Sunday eveningineulinjj wan immonso.

—Or. Oeet^o nibble, of Milfoil), X. ,T.,fell'c depot in that plate, a Tew Oayiago, niid reccivcil•soiiuua injury. ITis lefthip is broken and liis right leg seriously

ijurcd. .- T h e Hon. H- H. Ilnrrid lias, not y d

completed the task of paving all tho em-ployees of the olil Oxfui-d Iron Co. Theycome in droves nearly every day lo get

their checks.- • '—Our Methodist friends htivi\ we im-

dcrstttnd, selected tlwir Subbath-schooloflicers for iho ensuing":year. The school

—The- oyster supper 'alsj.hp SI. K, church

whom sKw-Wiis subseipiftiilly iniirried.'audlilliijAioat^

ihti'iiUetiipted to nitnrifio hiin. Slit; fiillltovtlie water.. .iiniVdiHiippnariJilliiiiicathlie muss u( hroitun ice that .tilled the slip.

in-'-i'il'loi1 her and[Old her head above the freezing waterntil both were .fished out.- The risk ofia-venture-was- augmented,-by..tliG -.fact.

:bat tho lmly weighed two hundrediioumls. She was a daughter of the late

ker.—Mr-.,.Tonl*n-niTjis&Ttg lell

>, but- Mr, Stryker diaeovered it

after protracted inquiries, nnd his daugh-ter sent Mr. Jordan 3100. Mr. Jotthinrotumed-il-with a note Haying, in nub-itance, that ho did not savo'porsona fromdeath fora consideration. In placo of thoti.ll; ii'. dozen .bottles. of currant wind was'onvardcil lo Mr. Jordan by Miss Stry-ker, with iho asaumnco-; that shciuado ithcraell. Onco a; yeiu- until his death. Mr.Stryker culled upon Mr. Jordan lo remindthat gentlcmnu of his gratitude. Theiinount tliatv Mr. Jordan rccoivoa uuder.itiFWiil'lifl1 will invest in r. souvcnir;of;the

cycnt, Ko is n wealthy man."

,*-Tbe Waihlngton Tcinptrauco f>foriii:iub mot in onr villtge iho 18th liwt.. BI

announced in U-l wci-k'a STAR. Tbnikcra who havi> put'.liprawlvcf. into theKm worn promptly on lime Afiwtlii*

...iminarii'M wore Raze tbroiigli «tth tin-'resident, Dr. McKlnKtry, Introduced U.

MlHer, li«|. , who gave us a good t»'i»p-inco lecturo. Iln portrnyod tho vile andIcslablo ahtwe «f rum by ilcpravwl n u n , tlie catslognu of nrlme i«Tr*(rat«-il

laily was optmlllnfrfrcin this kinjr of c*iKtlio closo of hi» lectnro Mr

franc wni intr<yVt<*H. 1Irom practical txporience,

>rmy uneounteniwllh l ib family and theirltl when ho wus It* slave, nr.d iho lout:lwn years bowiu il« muter , nniljieil B"home"cotiweuhl to timlMtoot him-r and family. A Mw. Johuston vrutl introduced. Khe read a toilcbinj;

.jry of n dutiful son, \vbo3C name wasWdb.tind dnrltiK a hunting excursionimo homo for tho flrcl tlmo in a itato of.bauchcry that was pcrilouB, ond the kindLtcntion ho received from his mother; ho

I with nil his will power that huouldnaverlnato it again. He kept his

iromise, and, nn the story went ou, of theirccrs ho 'received from his comrades wat•lillv ti toiichinff rcciinl. M n . JoliBiton'iocution mm uilmlri'il Th« aia|{ins fromio glco dull enlivened the mooting veryinch. 1 wnulil say, In lwhnlf of Uin poo-lo of Broadway and vicinity, that i t wastMircu <>f gri-al [i!ua.iuH lo have the clubciimo, and wu uckituwlwicu tlwir worthiLihilt noble nerv!ca to the came nl tern-mncu I iwirlily cnui i i i.Hh ifr . Mil-

s r h r h w vicwif, "that the mxva joi

ctpuiluif nukos the ufTurt a 'ptiwer on

•nrtb' "—The Vftffttiihte kiu'udoni thai IIUH IHHTibeuutifiilamlfoll of iiu^him> and joy,o hills with tlu-ir briiuiiful forest, nudic birds thitt a fuw wci'k

he iniilKt nf their blithswmu eiiinymcnt.topped suddenly in singing their eveninglid morning songs and dituippep'ld, aniT

ic Rlmuu ut iitituinii, with its wi.d wind!md frosty uir, baa swept over all, carryin;

ithniul decay throughout. Tho louelitreams murmuring as their waters go onhe way tumioijle «ith the far wanderinde of the mighty ocean, to seek the sidi

if bur whose smilo is . always blighter:hcir cmniiif. How uften thin gloom;season of thu yeiir reflects upon the millif poor inun wlio is born unto trouble i;ho Hpurks fly upwards, away to tinionic whoncc no traveler returns.

— Itcv. W. Tiiuisuii occupied the pulpm Sunday last. Text, IfonosfH B:24. Imiule <nini! remarkf* of tho rarly date"the world mid the privations limn to whwu huvu now. His practical illustrationnf Enoch's remarkable life with (JOII, am

is implicit coolidcnce, were full of rocaiug. He adnioniHhcd liin hcurera of ll

_onsoquuiice of sin, nnd tho happy resuli»f Knoeh'u example in walking with Go/

—The Itronilwny choir wa3 poliiely iiviled by tbo choir of the M. E. church iAsbury to visit them at nn entertain menwhich liVy did, and hiid a very enjoynb)

time.—There will bo.n Sunday-school entei

Uiument here in tho near future.(IlTIZEX.

Climbing tiieJSpira! Stairs.I l'm-Honairc.



—(•)—he \ , Y. and China Tea do.,


iiiifiiitl 11 Ten Store In tl" ' Cinrtlner Build*/ nuxt door to W. 0 . fn-vcllnsnnj, ; .•Hn».*« KTiwry »t«ri-, im Ili-lvMi-re ovc


iiuhi; ilyimii, "i». l.n-nkfn-l/


fJlll^'IT . . . .

.•S-Vrli.. 'i'irli'.. •SieU.

sugars.wir.t. in: sol.i>

ATi 'nn,


in :ill I'l^iniii'TS liuyini; our 'IVa* and


llim ma »uU. -tit plut-us; KtiulWli willow nete,-M I.ICCCH ; ltiihi(nn:L',40]ili'1ccMj white


ulluponi, H and torks,

I.ainpf. Cuspatl'ircK. Tea Pota. andEVKKVAUTIcr.KFOK HOUSEHOLD USE.

We Will Sell Goods at WholesalePrices Without Presents.



—0—TO l . \ KfiK UKAI.EBS.

t m i l Mil t , i n n l i i l i . l n r . U i r l u [ ( r a »1 tu i | 11* Hi h r m ^ t lion e l n N d i }<irl


re married andltd mj hu'lanil nod I alt by onr winter flroH* we iliil tiertro otir little ono* cime tothu clrtlc. I.'f« It aoraethlnc like iplul

I he »(«>l we »t»it«l l r0 !n . Oll'y o n a dt'Ct119 r«*rthpr.

"Thai iii>ra pec.[CUT >UU9t! " rematked • lii rinto lUo Klowlui to\U

licit from the nmtiy-

scrions injury. We hopeyoung .man. whose name we contiou'if we chose, will lie more careful inhis mutincr of driving in the rum re.

—Rev, Mr. iTeiiilriukVoii, a'former pas-tor of the Unptist church, Ims been visit-...„ ! fric'c'ds,.'in'.'this jildcc. Last Suiulayr.ftenioou ho prcnchcti'iu the M. K. Hall,'where.the—Methodiat uiuLBaptijt.eongre-gntious joined to hear him. In the ove-.ling lie preacbed at the IiajHist church,whero the two coiiKi'Ogations again uuitud.Tlic- attendancu on bolli.ocflasimis waplitrgc mid the sermons excellent.

—Last Frulay night Mr. (Jeo. Urynn'scows f;ot out of tiic 'yard ami wandereddown to the railroad. Tho fast freight,which ciimo along while they were on thetracks,- struck ami killed a vithmtiln Aider-uuy heifer. Several others narroivly es-

lanltlife II

yaped boiiifi killed.

CEinic oil on Friday and SutuTftiofiast.week, -The alleii(ltinc« wlniul^thc. ail'uirqiiilt which hail IJebn nmtUi l»yfor this occusiuii netted ' fifty-*1

Mi'H. Aiiilr'W'Soyiler-wis1." the;;, fortunaterecipient having received-.tlie Inrgest ntini-bcr of votes. T'IO occasion was \e»liby music Yocnl and instrumental,tho first evening .tlm music -wis_ ftinimhedby Ilov. Win, II. Carson anil wife, Mrs.Kiddie- and Alias Groveling, all ot Uroail-

i j , whoso.lino .8tngins3viis,a)i1J.ii)i>ortiui_tfcivtnrft"of the ontVrtainlneiiE™-.'""™™'.'""

—William HotTinan and lita wife cclo-bratcd their golden wedding on Wednes-day of last week by a goncrnl hoinij' gath-ering o( their children nnd grandchildren.During all the fifty years of their marriedlifci thcy.hayo resided in this -iioighbor-

I lOOtl : ' '""'""•"" •!

" ~ - " " ™ ' - — - . • - - " - ^ . . . • • - - — ; -

—Mr. Hurry Evans, of West Liberty,Ohio,^a.yisiting friends'ia thta'ptiicci" ~~called ai the public school last week nnddelighted iho children with an nccoimt of;his visit to tho Yellow 3iono Pork andpth5rrej;ioas;i!i'lho.fflr.:WBSt.- —Mr. Joseph B. White- awl Mrs. W3ilOoUarj.Iiir:D_o>jr,H nnd M M Budio


.VHiiiehart;* uiiiia nicnib'cr. cif thatexcelk-nl

od'ythiuH, of .Junction,his soviire illness with

wus watched over willi such

3 ' VUl'.Y

aurpriscHl by iTiftBSbof o1'on aiUuiday cveniiij. with a'liufsd'ot'iSiT.fiUr" Urii

mart was so full that ho could hardly ex-!his gtt1.til'ii!e;-however lie 'managed

:oTsiuiiiliior'oliV:11idJLtJitini» iii^CuUtl^—'As'iicro" was^'iid^tlaueiug" at ihis pbasnuL

•, there was no extra expense for

I O U B O c l e a n i n g - . - • . - - - - • .••-:-.• . . . • - • - . , .

—Every Deinoerat.'.should bu nl thoills on election day, • oast IIIH vote lorcon Abbott amVcloct liim by ^ » r g o

m a j o r i t y . • • •. - . - • . - . v,-. - . . • • . : . •.^...';.^. • . _ . ...

...-!• i i p t i Tiu'silay tiveninjj hisl -luring the

arcnfiiiiiig ruitriv votoran trninp - |iiutauil

throiigh our straels Hinging "Moine Sweet

Homo." - \\ .—Eov. J , ' 15.' Ivugler " will iKOiiuh his

favcwoll Bcrmoii next Sunday at tlio "minihour fornotviue in the ufternoi

•Mr. U. U. Nigh tin gulf, -iof- Change-wtitcr,-was thei guest oU'rof. I. Sharp, ou

very Duo^Chapel Organ' recently receivedfrom Holi, P - ' F . 'Een.tty. After:ii' longtest of the instrument, it lion given entireia^iariretionTiii;?. t6nbvot Uic7orgairirallthat could be defired in aweetncsB and invnricW, , u. L .: v-TJ.-AV*;TOOSDIT.—.' " ^ V -I~^-rrT7---v--••;;•

lO^ouncea TO8~takftn from' tho "Delawareriwr nt tho Water Gnp In t w k ,

^ y j ^ £. —The parsonage of tlio M.s rc l

grenlly,improved by a new^state;roof;andquantity of new fonco. -.:.--•-• - ; -

. r^ohn JInlBir.Qgj and Lizgie -Kliuo__ werei d W d n e s t y ovoning~liwtL>J:"'""married l Wednesday ovoning"last"

' ' . • • • : M A I I B .

U p . ; p

ilurgb^fltook of. tho finest gold nni£»"A iuGri«u":Ti i* tcico "c?cr. in'--i!ii" ™ ~

Cull and soft thcni'jit O. tt, French'


—The llev. Dr. Ballard, ofEpreached a very ablo sctinon in thfi Pres-bvtcrian church in this ]>lnce on Sundaylast. On Batidny before last the Rev. Mr.L'uxlon. a young man from Phihidt'lnhia,I V , preached as u candidate; he delivereda very excellent sermon both imifniiijj.aiul

| afternoon.1 • 1'hu: congregation were highly

fith him' mid expected himpreach again hist Sunday, but Jtr . : jU. E,Vail received.a letter from him lnst week,•liinli - \vii9 read..hi

morning, stating that hn positively' "de-:lined Doing a1 candidate...foivtiiia place,

the rigjit

malt in tlic rig'tu—Mr. and iln. D. A..

in tlLEunuce-Blty n.uVilletl tha n'lvnncu inmd my riiire .or tliat. tf»t l.mi: siacj mj

lealtrl iitterly broke down. My nyitew w«* I""- laria. -wyd^ur t l i0.n


cvra in

ao^nV Il

l l?inc'hitictil^atTl^tl^Vud Ilnnvlihout cliloy-nml niLiiiiu'clreui'Uioriiiiitiltloii tu pcrlurm

'my hoiishu'a duiic*. Medlctl• tr«iilinertuitMU tbe »s»(ot ihelronlii*. TheUt--

•whlcli DUCIIIUI) to bu waiktiuiMif ull « n 7 - p n * m ' j mull I **& «"""» « ' « > "i mv iinyeiclrtiii pcunouuctU to bj acutu con-mot Hit Homiieh. TheHst of ttiu*o VIA* a

-• - -*--|'-^ic ;ind 1 wjn ^tvcii \\\t to 'llOp• • AtTmiti»lly pulsed, my liuelmml liesrdof I'ARKEit'iiTosic arniii Inviijiiriinimat an mine., 1 looitlt and Itf.t lt«t once. It oppeattid 11 pervado mjcli tbo bli!S»IiiB of new lifu had cJmcin no oilier niudlciiK! I coinlmu-d tt-amnswlnbrtlertiMlih tlwii Mim

•utnintfirvtisw with wife ol Kuv. 1'

jf tbu mei

IBBnprove.;"[Esirac«iry, [«ii


Stylish Suit—(.010

Tlie Tailor.

Suits to order from $ 40



m Nov. 22 and Dec. 5 , 1 8 8 3 ,JIR IlKHtd OK WM. SHIELDS, DEC'D.- - :

• 111 offer at jntlillc snlo as follows: -

On Thursday, KOV. 22nd,• ivl one o'clock r . it., on the prcnilflcs, ' :

"wo Farms of the Choicest Land inWarren County,

'rheHomciitead Farm,liittal w t t b i h t m m i i e ^

...i! inilu o( Nu^-Kamptoiat about 140 ucrrms-rlic tiiu fniloWHi a HANDSOME T ' . _ __1IA1.K STORY FKAME HOUSIi (MI/.U -IIwitlf.tlatt! .roof—house 'jontnltm 15 roo.... .

mid 2d tloora; u lnrge burn (sizeSSslOO), '"i machine hmicu and Uovel utta''- : d ; .1il barracks; I double vragonImtue;with -;iuries over mime; corn erilm; bog lionae, .

(=e; icu house; u dinull (runic iioiiBu, for-iicrly occupied bv fnrnicr; A GOOD YOUNGUEAltlXG APPLE ORCHARD of about 8(1:reen, cliolcc fruit nn Bniiin. F i r location andlew It 1B nnsiirpusBuil, THOSE DEHIHIS'O TO


> ; • • > ; - • ' " • • • •

jiha Homestead Tarn,

„ ..I frombo a' email dwelling

V*1KO flOxTTj! B barrucKn •, * » uwu .iu»=^° (.».«.«crlbx nnit grannrii'M in ono of them); Ice houfe;

'-i.liotise; ltoij liottse; etc. Tlieabovc cncceeslbte to rntlrdttile, churched, Bchooln

etc. . .: • • ' . . . • • •

On "Wednesday Dee. 5th,nt l o'clttck P . M., nt tbe St Cloud Ilott-J,"'npiilngton, S.'iT., the following properties'

pa I (I borough: • .


frowsers 1Overcoats

. 4 to 1012 to 30

3 £ i i K a B x X K a(located in the central part nf tho borouglil

I 31x85) three fltory, press brick and platess fmnt, • firm, - tloor. now occupied by Jobn

. Coolie IIB a store room;. second floor fittedniid-oecupied us an odlec nnd dwelling, eon-taliilng 7 rooms, fitted -tip with 'modern Im-~

' e m c t d l l l d tloor a lar 1 l I d t



oms, fitted -tip with modern Imtd; llilrd tloor, a largo 1mlI and ante- ..

ow occupied by a select ucbool). On 'HOUHC liroiicrty (situated in tho rear

Mrs, K W. fjiiindon, of New York, werola o£ tho Blairstowu Mouse on Tu«s-

dny Inst on the way from the Delawaretur'tJap to tlie oily. T ;—-•----_„.,- „„,.Miv.Cliiis.U.-;"Strickland-titi'l •. Wm.

jj, Jr . , acconipaiiiud liy a friund fromNu\v YorkrMr, Wmr 1'efry; ol'Knowlton,:

d.Mr. John VanAuken, of rulnu|»urr,y,started on MUIKI.IV lust' fur -a len'dayM'(inniting oxpedttion in l*iUe oounty. I'u.Success to them. .•' _,,_„. |J;

—Mr.'" lliu'ctis IJ"'iliSe', our popiilm*ii'iblc'miiii, in" Uirninj,' mil" soiiie veryaiidHLiiiiu. .wtirkv .^iilud^tn^. from tnemount o'^vork \w ia_ tiding tho.. peupli*



1xT mmrr/-

. . . in ( o w occupied y elect u c b o )said store HOUHC liroiicrty (situated in tho rear

• me) .V VIIIOT-OLA88Ji»N ( i 22I2C)

ry Valuable. Building Lot Suita-ble for Manufactories,;; " i

the same running along side acdtaking in part •- ':-uf the Shabbccotig Btream,'.Bltnatcductweeumd (rooting on eucli Broad uml Hornbakcr , „itH.—m{ feut on Broad St. and 68>£ feet on ~-InruIiTtficrohTanil about SM faat-i!»a» :"5«1U^^-^L talnii A SMALL FRAMEDWEtUNa."""""



tVli HIM A I I M . I . AT

154 .Washington.1 AveMUl* STAIKS/.

publicans,.. ,._.__.. , ._ _ . ^ . i w o r k i t ! g i l l >S . ! ] l l i i 3? i I Z-Tk i l I _!

-Fnicorn.Mli ... .. _.• — Miss Miiry Sliiirpsyof- Utta- ylaiioi'.1

visitiiigrMniiycfl at Oxfprcl....^ ' .' j |Democrats voij.jqrjjot

.J.«ltiuKl!teAInv^.TOuki2*!iiig^frieiyJiT nTUiis^ piiiclir UII-BUIHIUJT- » ««-Slomlity last. " '" •-, -i;•'"•'*£?"•;-•'.'.,.—'l'jio liickorynu L crop. w_ ii g'bail oticiliorc;'iiioy*iirftVi!lliiig'fi»'''ono1' dollar per

HrOMl«*> i. I4lh M ,NEWVORK,

Consists of u lot size (tha M ll-ia) on Horn-" ~.nkerSt., wltli adrivewnv of Vi fwttlirougU.0 Hrofld St., witlv A'iftbOU- D'-VKF.T.INQf •'"i/.c34x2(1) tlicrcon. -•.:•'?' ":"" '".v:..- -).-.S'O.4, r- ^ " . - ) | '

ree imlltlUiir lots fltnatwl ou'Hornbukfr :it. tneur M. ikH. U. It.) caeli aliont.W-ft'et :/

iunl and about VtO fuel deep. ,.-•:,-••„- ,r..- ._ -Anyone wlslilng_to viow the uforecald prop-

rUcii will coll onWin. StileldH, Jr., or Janio* ~. ShtHrtu, WnKliliigton,'JI. J.

TERMS EASV.Condltiour! will he made known on tluvl u l i y • ••••' -• . • *


The HeirsO-ia- t s . . -:•-••-•> of Win . Shteliin., dccM.

LOOK!rl state- tli« t\m nt collar,..iT hy'mair ONB'O(-SIV=

tae polddesant Dross Shirts, postage paid.I mukc tills liberal offer In ord

which urc eomiiosed of tho bcBt;Wamantta"r

Himliii, havo rrlnforccd extra heavy tbroo-plyUncn bospiiiB, 1'rcnch Placket clecvcs andiiiiv,IflUed In a mitst superior stykv - - - . ~ . . ; : : . .

DcenrlpUvs circular ol shirts atu\ valuablejirefsnt to..cich pur*1 •' • . . . . . . .

'%-;=T.-EGBETv^Eastern, Pa

Page 4: THE WASHINGTON STAR - DigiFind-It · 2015. 12. 3. · • ' di'^fte n cntluur cnatt and lony llnk^ lo ond tauU MXTEbNTII.-AlltUt certain tmct r>r p.irwl nl land, fltuate In ihc tuld


THE SCVAEX EEALIHG OLOTHTEES, HATTERS AND GENTS' ITOfflSEEES. • - • V .. . • • . . • . : • • • • —r-i-r A riTTTTVT/^ r n n i V T TVT T . ' . . . . . • • • ' • • • -W A8HINGKTON, N. J.,


HAT~AND~G£NTi' FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT1 1 X a; 1. . : , , „ .„ , , - , , U T U T I C T U TXAI'C . . . ; i l n't « n cimnml head We have a novcltv in the P


A New Invoice of Sealskin Caps Just Arrived-AII Styles for

Oilindra Hat

n's Wear.

In order to increase our business ami .properly' advertise our various lines of goods to tho attention of the people of Washington and vicinity, especially those who have not as yet visited ourpresents to the person making the nearest estimate of the number of pens contained in a jar: ; . . . .

ilore, we offer as .inducements the following

Mm 1And to the Person Making the Second Nearest Estimate—the Second Present viz:

A. HANDSOME SOLID GOLD WATCH-Stem Wiiicler-YALUED AT $75.00.All customers who make purchases at our store of T W O D O L L A K S A M ) U P W A R D S will be entitled to nuke an estimate for which special blanks will be furnished, where also the jar containing the peas will be

on exhibition as also the presents. On February ad, 1SS4. the estimates will be opened and also the jar by a committee of three gentlemen who will properly record each estimate as it is opened from the box .and also count the peas contained in the iar, and the customers who make the nearest estimates will receive the presents, no matter where they reside

• . ' • • . • • • • • • as it will'be duly published .in this paper anil notified by mail.

This is No Humbug but a Fair Medium of Advertising. Our Prices will be as Low as the Lowest whichyou will find out by Pricing; our Goods.RESPECTFULLY YOURS,

F . - * . BOWLBY & BROTHER,Bqnare JJealing Glotliiers, Hatters and Gents' Piiriiisliers;

DAUB' S.- f c . _ ; _ [ I tun now blforiiig Si'Ko'i.u.' IJAK^AINS'III'

Parlor Furniture,. . . . . . .. '___ALSq^-^.._..: :.: •>_,

Special LOW Prices

Wm.J.Daub,403 and 405 Northampton Street,

Newark Furriers,

Fur-Lined CircularoV 11 » " •



, lalti'd at inunuiattun-'M l»ri«*,* Ordem Hy, ,;•. mail wtil receive ptoinitt iiitoiitloii.

W. H. & R. BURNETT,17 -.V«'«<l«iuiy HI,,

N«ur i'osi-<)lti<:<-. NEWARK, N. J.

ices Pai^for Raw Skins.

l i / t i n <«•< « r n.lcnlM4 nr i nUr rn , Wnk»liihic>«. a*'1* t*'J* ^ "J

^ S ~l Sura Cure/in-CornB ni»jf/

Grand Fall Opening


A . T

The Largest House in;Eastern-

Where/)The largest stqcfeji'dry goods.ind carpetsr^can always be

•- W h e r e - i -Tlie^one-pricc1 cash systein^pr-iginated and where i t" sliallcontinue. ..

WhereThe ..cleanest stock of dressgoods can be seehl:a"nd;appre-ciatcdundcrsplendi4skylight?



X3SI B A R B E L S J^J>TT> O A S E S .

prfw.oiEitra KnelneOM.T*l!o,v Enalnu oil, .


ilacturcd uy n* at Di:r work*, oni*fi|'iL-riily w.1 ulvo Ui.;m tin- IJI'IH--»ii|jcTvifloo. and uuai

[n.ltrOll, Hill s> rm OH..,,[ :U. IIUJ.IUBII'. "

, tismnlttit:. Si;0,


Sp«riu MuMiiLTy i>1i; " Ilrlnlt 1'rviied Oil,;""-~ Ml.irk Cir till ,- •No. UUcblunr/OiL. \\V. ll.S|.una Oil, I -form IMcUms Oil,

lnllrn»il I.uhrU iUr, i IMiac N'e^t^uot Oil. = I'.iit.'rr-' nit,

liHtti!i!;I.Libri(!Nti>r, j No. 1 Ni-stflfoot Oil, i-i'rowii" l.t. r,,m\i.< ,

Crllwil"l!wlw| Oil", tSoAi-ild'on1! ' J n ';i[i»miiVMI!H'ir«i"i'," " i



i.-,-ly : WIIA lit" FOOT OP THiIil) AVE.,' Slitt Mi'*. N,-I

Art1 i-revmral lo ineut lint (IUIIIIIIIIIK nf '\n: jintill- In ll idr line of li-ndc.' Wu l i n v t c n i K

Miiuily i»ti l i iuidafull mipiilyof dioii'uiiiiiiit uf nil ltliiilx, unrt rrmn tlil»it "f nil klml",

lime Intcn.l.kc

J1.-.'.:-J^..-'i- .\ii— I- . .+-"« -;• •

t NT%\ aiMi ww, w » i • - ! -•

dollar per bought.

WhereA guarantee is given with everyyard of black silk sold:

MUTTON.'VKACTOHK. roui.-TKY, IIOLflRXA SAUSA0.E, Siiiokcinklil.

•f~ Port, Sartsasre & Larfl A Specialty.:V. ' >V»i imvi! hii]iniV(!il niHCliViiery' fin1 milkingK thClU," !Hui1wit]l.'l«'i;'iVtt")"CRrs1 CXpCrk'llPU,WC

{eel cniiflrtunt we I'nn unuftl tlio licwt. in market.Come in Hliil wee inii.J1"* will (iml everv-

J h l n j - - - '

Bclvidoro Avenue,

The greatest sale of I-adies'=Mus!iniUnder.w.ear-J5=b.o.o'ming.-

W h e r e v

Everybody., is.treated alik,e, vis-itors.'are: "welcome. an.4i'!.9.')05' obliged tDiPJifcJVa'ss-I

I VLQiliti'tliit lie l


Iiiii.y cif I'urnilure, coiisisting oi" """'""

ft SPLEND!0 ASSORTMENT'JOFJEDSTEADSlNO MATTRESSES.Kims lot of very liniulaoiiio l'utoiit| Kocltmu-VfA.-'goo;!'stock 61 Mnrblu Top Tulilw,

Plain Lounnos n'nd Bod Loungosi A Largo Stock of Chairs, Cano-:.; • t' from $8 to S2O- I tj and Wood sea ts . lViA.\thsroort8. wnriiNG DESSS. GOTTAOU SW'~ ' " •

if not nt lunid will lie obtained j'roiii good mitiiufuclitr

. Wiiverooms1


p | e a ^ e C d l l u u lniliuii,Urn AXcntio below bt Cloud Hotel

„- - - _ _ JitiHuIJ'ittUHfti.

L'litty IluililiiiKt next door to tlic ptjst tlilicc. Rooms lurjic I....1 cnniniijilidiin. 'iw uml mmmractnrcil by the celebmtwl J . M; Uunswicit »t BuHte Co., !«?. Y .e pronounnoil 1>J" good jUilgcs In ha the best in tho world. Onme anil we even if you»rt piny. No pay 1 I'wni1 for ull, Ucst bramla nf t:tgiirs always on lmiul. v-wni for nil, Hest brands of cigura always on

JOHN 8.GA8TON,Proor1etor.


jkcrv . •!•! I";•;;-.• '.TTrikfwL'lianilHii'Sot ' J.nn

[;.i*iil!ii'.'s';°; ~\ Ulilss "V:'. ..-ts i 'mm «0 cfitils to ±Goble t s . 1V0111 7,-i cunts Lo S^oO per i lo*Tnml i ln r s , IV0111 0(1 Mills t o :<i.V " "

l '.'tll.L

Kerosene,, Neatsfoot.

. > Machine OilsA SPECIALTY.

Parlies wishing lo Imy Cto gi ll



.lioiirtvntopatWiiTo often nffested. Ajapii-Maiit, einiKHiilMl and poallka euro, SWATNE'JOIMMKNT U Hii[H-v[or to any etllcle <n tho marketP,,|,l l,;-ilriitsf''ia,i>r6cnilf.Utia.ln,1-ct6[ami)fl. 3

d nil Bilious Complaint! nro n.

ndian Vegot

I^MpiflHlTIIE S^erica,^6T.NrortJiamp.confet.,-. ... ^^WmiM"