the washington times.(washington, dc) 1921-05-03 [p...

Copyright 1921 Umat Safa-mr & Mar You're 100% certain here We want you to feel sure about us and our goods; to buy here in complete confidence in every transaction. If by any chance you get less value than you expect, bring it back; it's our mistake; we'll correct it with new goods or your money back. Hart Schaffner & Marx Pin Stripe-Tweed,- Serge SUITS 4O The same identical values in Silk-Trimmed Suits that you ' paid $60 and $65 for last year. We purchased a lot of them for less than their worth. An- other case of Extra Value for the price of $40.. A Sale of Hart Schaffner & Marx TOPCOATS $37.85 Twee. Hurringbaee Oxfork ..laU Deposit N. Garge te Raleigh Haberdasher 1 109..1 11I Pennsylvania Avenue AMG O ABLISNG SAYSPMSOCTOR Dance Craze Has Made World bett, FReich Medioal all 00 A40deseof PARI, Ma 8.-News of the revi- val of the tango should be reestved with Itmost gratlloation by physi- otane and all interested in the publi healtL. I attribte asnhesitatlugly the fact that the wold'g health has be so ifush better geSneIly in roest ye"vs $6 *. , 100seea tesults of the daeo erase, and et all dae the tango is the best troa the health point of view. arring aeeldents, the aan er woma, who dances at least two dsnoes every day will last longer than the man or woman who never danee. It has been on8teaded that from the point of view of exercise the dance is not varied enough, nor in- tense enough in the efforts which it demands. Doubtless this is true .if dancing the "mne form of exercise. which gymnasts save been accus. tomed to ud. If I had my way the- tango wo1d be.prescribed as a morning exeauise at all schools. particularly those re- served for girls. It is an exercise of suppleness, wit h particularly happy effeots on the respiration and circulation of the blood, and it to also noteworthy'for the play it gives all the senses. Instead of being the subject of con- sure by the polle, public balls should be. subsidised by the government. made free and thrown open in every quarter day and night. For Your Furniture-- give a Ma.dry without hard rubbing 3S to $SA sion-Al Damis PAl New ( Na jo-Fox Trot No. 20494 chestri. Actuelle 020194 Hapolness-Fox Orchestra. JAll for You-F4 No. 20495 Orchestra. Actuelle 020495 Oh. Bov-Qne I chestra. , Masi -Pux Trot No. 2049, Band. Acttlelle U20298 Do You Ever T Greene Bros. Raffamuffln-Fo3 No. 40217 -hestra. Actuelle 040217 My Java Belle- Orchestra. No. 20497 3Callina-Vernon Actuelle 020497 Honey-Vernon 53 On a Par Alont No. 20494 Club Orcheata Actuelle 010496 Sweet Love-Ve chestra. No. 204a9 road Blues- Actuelle 02049, Sweet Mamma- Band. POPULAR VOC No. 2256 I'm Missing Maa Actuelle 022326 f Over the Hill. No. 20493 j Loveless Days. Actuells 0204932 Royal Garden 1U No. 20490 3Make Believe. Actuelle 020190 Aunt Jemimas AcNol 05 h Lve i ia No. 20491 Angels (We Ca Actuelle 020491 1 Here. James INSTRUMENT4 No. 25052 Whn You'r ao Home Sweet H No. 20489 'tucky' Home. Actuelle 020489 Old Black Joe a Both by Jules I STANDAR No. 20500 Forgotten-Ar-th1 Uoc Little Grey Hon No. 22504 Southern Medle1 Actuelle 022504 Plantation Medli { Go Down Moses No. 20485 Yend of Juble land lingers. SIX RECORDS NOW ED Dear Little thse g r-alofA Didn't You-One Mtep-Waloorf-A. Bright Uyes-Fox Tro-aieDi Look for the Silver Lining-<asinc Make Belleve-Nchoa Orlano's Two Sweet Lies--Nicholas Orland4 Pathe eas1.-Preoe SI Rosie-,Jeeh Samuels' Mbnic Mai No Wender VmBlu1 h lap Deep in Tour Eyes. Pathe iness--ersee 61 Arba Tg)a rem Trio. McHUGH & 1222 G Str Hm.s of the celebras ..a 0 .. ERSSaw of Info Den armruer -- --Ret as -.. g ap. g whe V t9S~et4 members of t A.M~ae. Oq qNo. met at tho !Fsb iPatrisk stra"t ee ='Yeidd ever bT Mayor ad the to tolews: Presi- das* FW an ""s aiesi dent. W. W. as"ie; seeend_ ies presideat. Chk W. Stump; Moore- tary. William Sulsivaa; assistant 000. rotary. James Eeaneo: treasurer. rle W King; pIan. AndretW suillivan. -rot leat.ta K. C. fad& ett; soesat. Nelson V. ashingten; 0e r hose. I Modens; r*Pore" Hary C. Aaron; membership committee. W. W. Do- maine. H. C fadgett.aad H. C. Aaren. A special grand SUT is ln negsies at the CourtheSse here teag having been summond by' Judge Meosures or the corporation ..ut, to investigaut seferal a seat en rom police eeurt. The Rev. PereY F. Hall, assistant tor of the ChUrc of, the Epiphaany IWashington. has acepted a call to uipulpit of st. Paul's piscopal urch here. The mew rector will as. sumo his duties about June 1. The congregation of 8t. Patis Church has been without a rector since the resig. nation of the Rev. P. P. Phillips last Osteber. The Citisen's Band will give its first musicale Friday night at the Young People's Building. The band was organised last May and has a large membership. The Piedmont Conventionl will hold an all-day meeting tomorrow at Grace Episcopal Church. About 150 dale- gates are expected. The Parent-Teachers' Association will meet today for the purpose of considqring the possibilities of retain- ing th4 services of Mrs. Olive Jones I. Whitmer. as sociaL hygiene agent. After prayer meeting at the Metho- dist Protestant Church tomorrow eve- Ing, the new pastor, the Rev. Robert Browns. will meet with oficers and ttustees of the church. A May festival an4 bassar opened last night at St. Mary's Academy. The festival was largely attended. It will continue tonight and tomorrow night. A delegation of Odd Fellows and Daughters of Rebekahs will leave for Staunton May 8 to attend the grand encampment and Rebekah Assembly which ,will convene in that city May 1. The degree of Chivalry will be conferred on four Alexandria women. Eugent . Fegans has bought from W. L. Davis and wife a house and 1.t at 1829 Duke street. Charles T. Lu it has bought from Gordon Jones houses and lots at 1104 and 1106 King street. Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Rena V. Lyle. daughter of Mrs. Ada Lyles and Michael Reese, both of this city. The ceremony was performed last Satur- day by the Rev. D. H. Martin at the parsonage of Trinity Methodist Church. HE HITS Dance Records -Lanin's Roseland Or- Trot-Lanin's Roseland ax Trot-Casino Dance Itop-Casino Dance Or- -Grpene Bros. Novelty dink of Me--ox Trot-C Novelty Band. I I Trot-Hub Dance Or- -Fox Trot-Hub Dance $.25 Country Club Orebestra. 8 ',OUntry Club Orchestra. Isle-Vernon Country A. 'on Country Club Or- c -Fox -Fox Trot-'ynco Ja3 AL. RECORD nmy's Kissia'- 85c lues. 8 rubilee. ~.85c line. 1.00 I Them Mother. Down ~8 a; Jose. J. RECORDS t IeWon't Fo ret.0 ame and My Old Ken-3 nd Massa's .n Do Celd.' ivy. Jr.'. Brass Quartet. D SONGS ar Moller. 8 '-Acmte Maest-arery 85cg -Noble Uisale's South) ,Noble Sleea's 86tth-j 85c JOYING TREMENDOUS Rrry .lO-Aetaelle eMe toria Dane. Qrchestra. tOrcestre. neeOrehestra. Irehestra. LAWSON, etN.W. &Devia Plh... ThARSE7 Hair-Americaj Visters No L.w In Style. PARIS, May .--edred t Aqwri- can society wmen in PariS with per- maaestly "wavod leks"t have fesad, tbemelvee bepeleuuly .ot of fashion. t'hey are estfroated with a "eW style which is set by MameIselle 4p0eliA the woman with the WorId- famed leg of beauty, who is wearing her hair tightly dra4w from, hW. foe- head, exposing her ears. Despite the pathetically doprate appeals from those wearing the per- nent waves, the hair dreiners are unanimous in deelaring that so ma- chine for removing the "kiake" K yet been invented. The new miide was most pro- nouncedly visible at Longhamipe yes- teWday when the weekly style parade broke all records for inaevat$tee. The new and startling idea included para- sols fashione afte Louis XVI splad- ly table legs, bearing ostrich Plum"s gorgeously dyed. There were also "weeping willow" hats, bearing single ornaments such a a humming bird set in diamonds. An attempt by a mannikin to launhe stockings manufactured of solid gold thread failed, the weight forcing her to discard them and join the "nothing below the ltaee" group. In obedience to the mysterious die- tates of fashion, society has unan- imously discarded jewels above the waist, sad now wear themn instead Is the form of anklets and diamond studded shoes, One woman appeared with a magnifeent rope of pearls fee- tooned from the knee. Experts e"timated that the legs in the paddock ybsterday afternoon rep- resented conservatively 500,000 frames. Showing her habitual disdain pf the decroee of fashion king@, Princess Michael Murat, noe Stallo, wore a cape of Scottish plaid ornamented with skunk fur and coral ornaments. Read Arthur Drisbano's smmene on this new-a ''Teday edlma en eamt _r___ ROYAL MOUNTED TO PATROL IN PLANES Polioe In Far North Will Fly After I Law-breakers Under I New Plan. EDMONTON, Alta., May 3.-ky trails of the North will soon lash with arlt as the Royal Canadian I Mounted ;klice fy in pursuit of law- breakers. e Government lias an- I nounapd a plan to equip the famoup corps with airplanes. All winter the police have been pa- trolling the Peace and Athabasca rIv ers to prevent foolhardy parson from striking in for the Por't Nor,- man oil fields on the Mackensle. Theol will continue this work even in the summer, as the journey is difficult and dangerous in any kind of weather. They will permit no one to start who is not physically fit and amply equiped with provisions and clothes. No firearms will be allowed. The oil camp will not be of the traditional Wild West type, and the "bad mea" will not figure In Its history. Gam- blers and women also will be barred. But for all this vigilance the coun- try will swarm with adventurers. Air- planes will add to the celerity and effectivenews of police work, and out- laws will be able to fnd few wilder- ness retreats safe from the eyes of | these policemen of the sky. Quarters for the police have been I established throughout the north country. With these posts as flying I bases, the police will be able to keep the vast regioq between Peace river I and the Arctic ocean under constant surveillance with daily airplane pa- I trols., GUNS NOT CASH REDY; BLAMXHANLSABSMT GRANTSVILLE, Md. May .-In- struotid by the "Black Hand" to take $6,O00 to a lonely spot near Conti- nental mine No. 2, not far from Uniontown, under the penalty of death, John Messak, a butcher, went to the designated place, secompanied by a large gun, five detectives, and he State police Instead. The writers of the letter failed toI keep their end of the engagemnent and the police are still hunting them. MALTED MILK .It h1as adieli- cious flavor that makes youlookia, ward othe I c7he protein s~in~ rho~ ManP6 see nm-416 e& a , 6 f-4.fLe sh e "A Suprm.eMerchandisng Triuanph"-IDstraesd i inToew a Bargain Basement Specials I This is to be a Record-making Week fqr the Palais Royal-. Look ahead-and profit by buying summer suppies now. Linene Suits and Dresses im~ Mut i n , for e j Wednesday'S. Rady 9:15 Tomorrow Morning. J .0.1 You cannot here be shown the tailored effects-nor the beautiful colorings -or the quality of the linene used in these suits and dresses. Nor the chic styles--Mth ei. broidered trimmings and sea pearl buttons-giving the appearance - of custom-tnade. Sizes 38 to 44-at 010.00. Pin ReVd-in B m020"0 -S. Bou-- D..t. .-merD..... at --so Tricolette, Voile, QianI Daiib U--.& - " ; $2.79 -m :r'--"=$9r95a" -baek and overblouse model.. Wondem- -but they look rations "Othdita at thepde. facy Sii Stocings at ~ 90suad S~eii Nase I DO Lze Skft Stip Silk f~ ~ w1gei Ma'$1.39 -- 6 8131 W aanquyd Ony$I I "I* Gloria Unabrulas at Ap ckG ghms at wears. longer. Tiht rlng $264~gngas wash and as LUC - s - png- $2.98 ~--'' ."10c * r ane. Sil cord Z=Ods-41n leawth. of1 handles.5 Exr fkcmgvn toS 3 yads.j Traveling Bags at [,O OYr Ornadsse UL n Rera cowhide criap-ail in the lowaest -the Bas lin--d -- -$2 98 - -- w. e and 1nLT ____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mC4 an1fl Rilu Duys oUIt-i K lKB JUl I* I Silk-like mercerized-finish Socks, with cuff tops, in pink, blue or I i brown stripes. Wear-resisting-with reinforced feet. All sizes-4yj to 4 a 8. Extra special-at 2 pairs for 46c. Note-Limit of six pairs to each purchaser. J I. I Pink Brocaded Corsets - 1000 Drese uScarfs at g I Llghtlv boned aThese- WO lace-trimmed Linen ~ noit anyxtthi $1.89 Scd -s wil oeat -'','."59ec F e ~hfnysicig ~'wl ohRber top and low bust tal and useful. Look and worthI Inodels, with medium long skirt. nearly twice 59e. Wash satin CaMisoles VoBe and Ghiglam Dresses Of heavy pink satin, made Dainty enough for shop- up in dainty styles; yokes of 85c ping-these coming pretty laces. Full sizes. De mornings, and for po'eh .and Jwue garmenta-at a surprisingly little home wear-wt note attractiv? See I price, thene dt~ '~l at only $SAM. $1.00 Envelope Chemise Tomorrow at. Of fine nainsook-with yokes of laces, sore with medal- lions, -W, instead of $1.00. Special for Wednesday only. 69c Note-Limit of two to each purchaser. Extra-Siwe Petticoats Women's Batiste Night Gowns Made of reliable gingham with Pink and WhitO- om0 with tt gr :59 s-: n.-a~a 5 pretty str"e, finished with neat 59 saMX rlceyks tossdb J flounce. Extra special-limit of Itily embroidered. Sarnpleg-240 two to a purchaser. $1.98--special at $1.00 for Wednesday. 3 Shadow-Proof Petticoats Longeloth, 10-Yard Pieces II Of white sateen-looking 3,000 yards of this 40-inch i l . Noa tae$1.00 wd,"e ,; %25 n|-ad0 like brilliant silk Nt .I ' " 0yr * double panel. Standardl at 11 u 9icsa ny05. It's a $1.98-special at $LOO for Wednesday. p.asng opportuibty. Bedspreads--Satin-Finish--Specially Priced if the1 were not "mill mends," the 8 prices wou d be nearly thrice $3.98 to $7.98. It's a passing opportunity to acquire a de luxe Bedspread. 1,000 Yadst White Walstings 10,000 Yard. 36-inch Gaze Beautl fullyv sbeer voile and i I MTis bieache' Gauss makes sIen wal for waits and dresses. S e-3 C did edusters t.. Soft Aal ry .t 16 1 U := EU EU SUE E U U US EU R =. a IIm

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Page 1: The Washington times.(Washington, DC) 1921-05-03 [p 5] · You'reCopyright 1921 UmatSafa-mr100%&Mar certain here

Copyright 1921 Umat Safa-mr & Mar

You're 100%certain here

We want you to feel sureabout us and our goods; to buyhere in complete confidence inevery transaction.

If by any chance you getless value than you expect,bring it back; it's our mistake;we'll correct it with new goodsor your money back.

Hart Schaffner & MarxPin Stripe-Tweed,- Serge


4OThe same identical values

in Silk-Trimmed Suits that you' paid $60 and $65 for last year.We purchased a lot of them forless than their worth. An-other case of Extra Value forthe price of $40..

A Sale of

Hart Schaffner & Marx


Twee. Hurringbaee Oxfork

..laU Deposit N. Garge te

Raleigh Haberdasher1 109..1 11I Pennsylvania Avenue


bett, FReich Medioal

all 00 A40deseofPARI, Ma 8.-News of the revi-

val of the tango should be reestvedwith Itmost gratlloation by physi-otane and all interested in the publihealtL.

I attribte asnhesitatlugly the factthat the wold'g health has be soifush better geSneIly in roest ye"vs$6*. , 100seea tesults of the daeoerase, and et all dae the tango isthe best troa the health point ofview.

arring aeeldents, the aan erwoma, who dances at least twodsnoes every day will last longerthan the man or woman who neverdanee.

It has been on8teaded that fromthe point of view of exercise thedance is not varied enough, nor in-tense enough in the efforts which itdemands. Doubtless this is true .ifdancing the "mne form of exercise.which gymnasts save been accus.tomed to ud.

If I had my way the- tango wo1dbe.prescribed as a morning exeauiseat all schools. particularly those re-served for girls. It is an exerciseof suppleness, wit h particularlyhappy effeots on the respiration andcirculation of the blood, and it to alsonoteworthy'for the play it gives allthe senses.Instead of being the subject of con-

sure by the polle, public balls shouldbe. subsidised by the government.made free and thrown open in everyquarter day and night.

For Your Furniture--give a Ma.drywithout hard

rubbing3S to $SA sion-Al Damis


(Najo-Fox Trot

No. 20494 chestri.Actuelle 020194 Hapolness-FoxOrchestra.

JAll for You-F4No. 20495 Orchestra.Actuelle 020495 Oh. Bov-Qne I


,Masi -Pux Trot

No. 2049, Band.Acttlelle U20298 Do You Ever T

Greene Bros.Raffamuffln-Fo3

No. 40217 -hestra.Actuelle 040217 My Java Belle-

Orchestra.No. 20497 3Callina-Vernon

Actuelle 020497 Honey-Vernon53 On a Par AlontNo. 20494 Club Orcheata

Actuelle 010496 Sweet Love-Vechestra.

No.204a9 road Blues-Actuelle 02049, Sweet Mamma-


No. 2256 I'm Missing MaaActuelle 022326 f Over the Hill.

No. 20493 j Loveless Days.Actuells 0204932 Royal Garden 1UNo. 20490 3Make Believe.

Actuelle 020190 Aunt Jemimas

AcNol 05 hLve i ia

No. 20491 Angels (We CaActuelle 020491 1 Here. James

INSTRUMENT4No. 25052 Whn You'rao

Home Sweet HNo. 20489 'tucky' Home.

Actuelle 020489 Old Black Joe a

Both by Jules I

STANDARNo. 20500 Forgotten-Ar-th1

Uoc Little Grey HonNo. 22504 Southern Medle1Actuelle 022504 Plantation Medli

{ Go Down MosesNo. 20485 Yendof Juble

land lingers.


Dear Little thse gr-alofADidn't You-One Mtep-Waloorf-A.Bright Uyes-Fox Tro-aieDiLook for the Silver Lining-<asincMake Belleve-Nchoa Orlano'sTwo Sweet Lies--Nicholas Orland4Pathe eas1.-Preoe SIRosie-,Jeeh Samuels' Mbnic MaiNo Wender VmBlu1 h lap

Deep in Tour Eyes.Pathe iness--ersee 61

Arba Tg)a rem Trio.

McHUGH &1222 G Str

Hm.s of the celebras..a 0 ..

ERSSawof InfoDen

armruer-- --Ret

as -..g ap.g

whe V t9S~et4 members of tA.M~ae. Oq qNo. met at tho!Fsb iPatrisk stra"t

ee ='Yeidd ever bTMayor ad the totolews: Presi-

das* FW an""saiesident. W. W. as"ie; seeend_ iespresideat. Chk W. Stump; Moore-tary. William Sulsivaa; assistant 000.rotary. James Eeaneo: treasurer.rle W King; pIan. AndretWsuillivan. -rot leat.ta K. C. fad&ett; soesat. Nelson V.ashingten; 0e r hose.

IModens; r*Pore"Hary C. Aaron;membership committee. W. W. Do-maine. H. C fadgett.aad H. C. Aaren.

A special grand SUT is ln negsies atthe CourtheSse here teag havingbeen summond by' Judge Meosuresorthe corporation ..ut, to investigautseferal a seat en rom policeeeurt.The Rev. PereY F. Hall, assistanttor of the ChUrc of, the EpiphaanyIWashington. has acepted a call to

uipulpit of st. Paul's piscopalurch here. The mew rector will as.

sumo his duties about June 1. Thecongregation of 8t. Patis Church hasbeen without a rector since the resig.nation of the Rev. P. P. Phillips lastOsteber.

The Citisen's Band will give itsfirst musicale Friday night at theYoung People's Building. The bandwas organised last May and has alarge membership.The Piedmont Conventionl will hold

an all-day meeting tomorrow at GraceEpiscopal Church. About 150 dale-gates are expected.The Parent-Teachers' Association

will meet today for the purpose ofconsidqring the possibilities of retain-ing th4 services of Mrs. Olive Jones I.Whitmer. as sociaL hygiene agent.

After prayer meeting at the Metho-dist Protestant Church tomorrow eve-Ing, the new pastor, the Rev. RobertBrowns. will meet with oficers andttustees of the church.

A May festival an4 bassar openedlast night at St. Mary's Academy. Thefestival was largely attended. It willcontinue tonight and tomorrow night.

A delegation of Odd Fellows andDaughters of Rebekahs will leave forStaunton May 8 to attend the grandencampment and Rebekah Assemblywhich ,will convene in that city May1. The degree of Chivalry will beconferred on four Alexandria women.

Eugent . Fegans has bought fromW. L. Davis and wife a house and 1.tat 1829 Duke street. Charles T. Lu ithas bought from Gordon Jones housesand lots at 1104 and 1106 King street.

Announcement has been made of themarriage of Miss Rena V. Lyle.daughter of Mrs. Ada Lyles andMichael Reese, both of this city. Theceremony was performed last Satur-day by the Rev. D. H. Martin at theparsonage of Trinity Methodist


HE HITSDance Records-Lanin's Roseland Or-Trot-Lanin's Roseland

ax Trot-Casino DanceItop-Casino Dance Or-

-Grpene Bros. Noveltydink of Me--ox Trot-CNovelty Band. IITrot-Hub Dance Or--Fox Trot-Hub Dance $.25Country Club Orebestra. 8',OUntry Club Orchestra.Isle-Vernon Country

A.'on Country Club Or- c

-Fox Trot-'ynco Ja3

AL. RECORDnmy's Kissia'- 85clues. 8rubilee. ~.85c

line. 1.00I Them Mother. Down ~8a; Jose.

J. RECORDSt IeWon't Fo ret.0ame and My Old Ken-3nd Massa's .n Do Celd.'ivy. Jr.'. Brass Quartet.D SONGSar Moller. 8'-Acmte Maest-arery 85cg-Noble Uisale's South),Noble Sleea's 86tth-j 85c

JOYING TREMENDOUSRrry.lO-Aetaelle eMetoria Dane. Qrchestra.tOrcestre.neeOrehestra.



&Devia Plh...


Hair-Americaj Visters NoL.w In Style.

PARIS, May .--edred t Aqwri-can society wmen in PariS with per-maaestly "wavod leks"t have fesad,tbemelvee bepeleuuly .ot of fashion.

t'hey are estfroated with a "eWstyle which is set by MameIselle4p0eliA the woman with the WorId-famed leg of beauty, who is wearingher hair tightly dra4w from, hW. foe-head, exposing her ears.Despite the pathetically doprate

appeals from those wearing the per-nent waves, the hair dreiners are

unanimous in deelaring that so ma-chine for removing the "kiake" Kyet been invented.The new miide was most pro-

nouncedly visible at Longhamipe yes-teWday when the weekly style paradebroke all records for inaevat$tee. Thenew and startling idea included para-sols fashione afte Louis XVI splad-ly table legs, bearing ostrich Plum"sgorgeously dyed. There were also"weeping willow" hats, bearing singleornaments such a a humming birdset in diamonds.An attempt by a mannikin to launhe

stockings manufactured of solid goldthread failed, the weight forcing herto discard them and join the "nothingbelow the ltaee" group.In obedience to the mysterious die-

tates of fashion, society has unan-imously discarded jewels above thewaist, sad now wear themn instead Isthe form of anklets and diamondstudded shoes, One woman appearedwith a magnifeent rope of pearls fee-tooned from the knee.Experts e"timated that the legs in

the paddock ybsterday afternoon rep-resented conservatively 500,000 frames.Showing her habitual disdain pf the

decroee of fashion king@, PrincessMichael Murat, noe Stallo, wore acape of Scottish plaid ornamentedwith skunk fur and coral ornaments.

Read Arthur Drisbano's smmene onthis new-a ''Teday edlma en eamt_r___


Polioe In Far North Will Fly After ILaw-breakers Under I

New Plan.EDMONTON, Alta., May 3.-ky

trails of the North will soon lashwith arlt as the Royal Canadian IMounted ;klice fy in pursuit of law-breakers. e Government lias an- Inounapd a plan to equip the famoupcorps with airplanes.

All winter the police have been pa-trolling the Peace and Athabasca rIvers to prevent foolhardy parsonfrom striking in for the Por't Nor,-man oil fields on the Mackensle. Theolwill continue this work even in thesummer, as the journey is difficult anddangerous in any kind of weather.They will permit no one to start whois not physically fit and amplyequiped with provisions and clothes.No firearms will be allowed. The oilcamp will not be of the traditionalWild West type, and the "bad mea"will not figure In Its history. Gam-blers and women also will be barred.But for all this vigilance the coun-

try will swarm with adventurers. Air-planes will add to the celerity andeffectivenews of police work, and out-laws will be able to fnd few wilder-ness retreats safe from the eyes of |these policemen of the sky.Quarters for the police have been I

established throughout the northcountry. With these posts as flying Ibases, the police will be able to keepthe vast regioq between Peace river Iand the Arctic ocean under constantsurveillance with daily airplane pa- Itrols.,


GRANTSVILLE, Md. May .-In-struotid by the "Black Hand" to take$6,O00 to a lonely spot near Conti-nental mine No. 2, not far fromUniontown, under the penalty ofdeath, John Messak, a butcher, wentto the designated place, secompaniedby a large gun, five detectives, andhe State police Instead.The writers of the letter failed toI

keep their end of the engagemnent andthe police are still hunting them.


.It h1as adieli-cious flavorthat makesyoulookia,ward othe I

c7he protein


rho~ ManP6 see nm-416 e& a , 6 f-4.fLe sh e

"A Suprm.eMerchandisng Triuanph"-IDstraesd i inToew aBargain Basement SpecialsI This is to be a Record-making Week fqr the Palais Royal-.Look ahead-and profit by buying summer suppies now.

Linene Suits and Dressesim~ Mut i n , for e j

Wednesday'S. Rady9:15 Tomorrow Morning. J .0.1

You cannot here be shown the tailored effects-nor the beautiful colorings -orthe quality of the linene used in these suits and dresses. Nor the chic styles--Mth ei.broidered trimmings and sea pearl buttons-giving the appearance - of custom-tnade.Sizes 38 to 44-at 010.00. Pin ReVd-in B m020"0

-S. Bou-- D..t. .-merD..... at--so Tricolette, Voile, QianI DaiibU--.&- " ; $2.79 -m :r'--"=$9r95a"-baek and overblouse model.. Wondem- -but they look rations "Othditaat thepde. facy

Sii Stocings at ~ 90suad S~eii Nase I

DO Lze Skft Stip Silk f~ ~ w1geiMa'$1.39-- 68131Waanquyd

Ony$I I "I*Gloria Unabrulas at Ap ckG ghms at

wears. longer. Tiht rlng $264~gngas wash and as LUC- s - png- $2.98 ~--'' ."10c *rane. Sil cordZ=Ods-41n leawth. of1

handles.5 Exr fkcmgvn toS 3 yads.j

Traveling Bags at [,O OYr OrnadsseUL n Rera cowhide criap-ail in the lowaest-the Baslin--d---$2 98 - --w. eand1nLT

_ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ mC4

an1flRilu Duys oUIt-i K lKB JUl I*I Silk-like mercerized-finish Socks, with cuff tops, in pink, blue or Ii brown stripes. Wear-resisting-with reinforced feet. All sizes-4yj to 4 a

8. Extra special-at 2 pairs for 46c.Note-Limit of six pairs to each purchaser. J


I Pink Brocaded Corsets - 1000 Drese uScarfs at gI Llghtlv boned aThese- WO lace-trimmed Linen ~

noit anyxtthi $1.89 Scd -swiloeat -'','."59ecF e ~hfnysicig ~'wlohRbertop and low bust tal and useful. Look and worthIInodels, with medium long skirt. nearly twice 59e.

Wash satin CaMisoles VoBe and Ghiglam DressesOf heavy pink satin, made Dainty enough for shop-

up in dainty styles; yokes of 85c ping-these comingpretty laces. Full sizes. De

mornings, and for po'eh .andJwue garmenta-at a surprisingly little home wear-wt note attractiv? See

I price, thene dt~ '~l at only $SAM.

$1.00 Envelope Chemise Tomorrow at.Of fine nainsook-with yokes of laces, sore with medal-

lions, -W, instead of $1.00. Special for Wednesday only. 69cNote-Limit of two to each purchaser.

Extra-Siwe Petticoats Women's Batiste Night GownsMade of reliable gingham with Pink and WhitO- om0 withtt gr :59 s-:n.-a~a 5pretty str"e, finished with neat 59 saMX rlceyks tossdb J

flounce. Extra special-limit of Itily embroidered. Sarnpleg-240two to a purchaser. $1.98--special at $1.00 for Wednesday. 3

Shadow-Proof Petticoats Longeloth, 10-Yard PiecesII Of white sateen-looking 3,000 yards of this 40-inchi l . Noa tae$1.00 wd,"e ,; %25Clt.sln|-ad0like brilliant silk Nt .I ' " 0yr

* double panel. Standardl at 11 u 9icsa ny05. It's a$1.98-special at $LOO for Wednesday. p.asng opportuibty.

Bedspreads--Satin-Finish--Specially Pricedif the1 were not "mill mends," the 8

prices wou d be nearly thrice $3.98 to$7.98. It's a passing opportunity toacquire a de luxe Bedspread.

1,000 Yadst White Walstings 10,000 Yard. 36-inch GazeBeautl fullyv sbeer voile and i I MTis bieache' Gauss makes sIen

wal for waits and dresses. S e-3 C did edusters t.. Soft Aal ry.t 16 1U := EU EU S U EE

UU US EU R=. a IIm