the washington times.(washington, dc) 1921-11-19 [p...

w...a k u*a.w,, -r " W Aena eI to RKN k Ea aalfrc isn a bdw toW bithen s bsNs, ad wlw, ra wy +owR at Wes- Wo Am ot of saoo taschenergy that" yto ai-needd. ynt O degina t our Nokals business an woste er y abt your s e t 6-.--=the y edgfo ou d hNool After rNoo d ateyiistledkoMne theota the .Me .?ueyuwih oo it at that point, on the waramest day of winter or the coldest. You have sho a ed your last coal, carried out last ashes and scrubbed of the last coat furnase grine frow your handy and face. (Nokol is clean-no coal,no ashes, no soot,no dust.) InhaNing Noool. wil cams ffu no nmec A Nokol ane.daon requires no alteradion of your heading plant The Nokol burner is sin- eup in place of the grate bars. Notmore w halfa day is necessary for the joeouh time to pull your fre, assemble the sianple ases.. and onn-e with your fuel tank. Methly ''rms Can Be Arranged if Desired MUTUA L SERVICE BUREAU, Inc. +- DISTRIBUTORS' 1411 New York Ave. N. W. Phrue Main 3883 yr besting pan. Te Nko brnr s lm to ullr yOr hrasebete M~~mthl .r.wr Cant. Ai rre f eie Hirsh's Are And W Specialists Also in Children's Special!! Shoes in Price Another Day for Childr Featuring Sturdy, Solid Shoes at Bit end Little Boy.s issadCide Ltle *ay Tan an Gun Msss sd ChdrnsTn -.to2.._....2.45.4 ball sta;Goodyear welt: with 1m a h........... t 3.95 io a. 1I3.95...4 DI e r Ta...-. t.1: . Mtl S o1...... ~~Uini~i bsnt" af 2.5 to34 Misses an Children CoHigh Cut aee-Wihor Tamoa 5195Withot due heeps. 115.4 Dro..................s. "S~rfghe" Setffes"a GunW Metalash- esobbyartt and Heethen- $345 ~aon solitoteee. sae .58.................M Sies Tanwithdl to thels gues 3.................3.45 -13, ickDr. Penrak beets, $295 DTank kid, siou heel.' .a.. :-...........'sU Hatr SWEN7II: Wakingt on's Fastest Groseing Shoe Hoss IZZVEIISTEIN UEINOR-GEDI. ITS' NEESIS Gotham nbfore is Or.abst h -personsr Extans-Uss Talents on Job. or Lao T. R34TIY, LEsmresl New" veess. NNW TORE. NIrv. $ s.-When the anent and seret eier et Mobh Galnders .convenes' Is ssm, e.noth- bound conclave its members may feel ate from the prytvg eyes of "rum- hounds" who t attempt to spoil the party by un#.motously selisng the liquid refreshments and dragging those pre eint off to the hoose-gow. In other cities, where ordinary prohibi. tion officers enforee 'the "righteenth commandment" this feesag of safety might be justified; no so here. For Irsy Zinsten. the ene.san boos squad. chameleon-like masquer- ader of the dry taeust may be expect. ed to drop in anywhere from an exclu- sive party in a Fifth avenue million- aire's residence to a private gathering of East Side ward heelers. No amount of caution, no amount of secrecy can insure the prohibition lawbreakers against the sudded and dramatic an- nouncement of this dry sleuth that he Is Izzy Einstein and that those present can prepare for a heavy fine or durance vile. A Maesquerader. When a group of convivial souls get together at the most exclusive clubs for actors to imbibe a nip of Scotch or synthetic Johnny Walker nobody can say for a certainty that lay may not be among them, dressed in formal glad rags and chattering of props and soonery and "the profesh." Or it may be an undertakers' con- vention. In this case lazy will be ar- rayed in all the sombre hablllments of that morbid trade, and few indeed would recognize in this solemn young man anything but a business-like mor- tician. When Iy fares forth In pursuit of the Demon Rum said D. R. must do some tall going to dodge this super- detective of the prohibition forces. His latest stunt was to appear on the big football field in Van Courtlandt Park disguised as four-elevenths of a football team. The soiled and grim- faced warriors. with heedgsar tilted back and noseguards hanging from their belts, were none other than the famous lazy Einstein squad. At a lit- tie cafe near the park the four men roughly ordered the waiter to bring whisky and to hurry it up. Others at the bar were convinced their order sounded almost like a college yell and that these were indeed and truly vet- erans of the gridiron. Highball Stars. Eddie. the waiter, saw too late that these were highball and not football stare. As it was he went unsuspect- ingly to his doom-somewhere in the back room-and returned with three small glasses. One of the gridiron he- roes handed Eddie $2.50 to pay the $2.25 bill and waited patiently for his quarter back. "Four-eight-seven-twOl" shouted one of the men, and at the signal the team got into action like a perfectly-oiled machine, despite the fact none had touched the lubrication in the glasses before them. lazy impounded the evi- dence, and Eddie was turned over to the police on a charge of violating the well-known Volstead act. In his comparatively brief career Issy has impersonated a policeman, a politician, a movie actor, a newspaper reporter, a fireman, a truck driver and A longshoreman. His nt may be a female impersonation. t en Today arnPries Groswing Girls Growing Girls' Patent Colt igh Cut Lace Shoee-English mnd natural shapes; $ 9 islum 2% to 8........ * Growing GiWs Tan Bregue ughCut Lace ShOes-Goodyear Ielt; with or without rubber eels; extra good $48 uality .............. Growing Gils Tmn High Cut Lae Shoe--English and natural shape, with or without rubber 0 3.. ...........5 Growing Oirls' Gun Metal High 3et Laee Shoee-English and atural .hape; sine" $3.95 to S...... Regimentals for Girls Mises' sisee, .s.45 Chlren's sisee, )'RES 7T.,N.W. 8.tsnassaK mesa LANS BURGH & BR Wa'Inmngte--New York--Paris. STO Kmwa for /sldas, NKm Supple Taffeta Petticoats The Beat Petticeat. Availble at Their Price e $9.75 . In a perfect whirl of brilliant color- in and the newest ideas of model and trimming effects. Two-tone ideas in changeable, elusive coloring that are the vogue of the season. Although we have illustrated four styles, this is by no means the limit of our variety-many others equally attractive. Tailored or novelty flounces. You will note that scallops are in evidence pnd what a finish they form. Embroidery is anothe of the attractive touches-plentiful in this special group. ThrdFle -brp " Brothr. One Day Only at These Special Prices Children's Wavy Hair Switches Handkerchiefs 3 ina bos -Novely fig J "~t uire. or plain, 25 wih rolled~ 5 $2.45 $4.95 color. 3.95 $5.95 Juvenile figure. or in. ewei " or color. ) More than merely a tempting value-this of- ' h fering includes the service of our expert hair dresser who will match your hair exactly and show you how to dross your hair with one of thse wavyl switches that look natural -as life. wel shaed thant deep wave ad 'eve oor brel no one would know you were wanting a switch. Sophia Hair Ness-Invisible but strong. Cap Cpal Gte- 25 shape that is so easy to apply and stays 8cria Ceer and Y so well in place. Dosen............... 85c Third F ~seE-cAfsburgh a kroler. fre, size. 18, 20, 22 and 24-in. spread.l $2.00 Rah! Rah! Rah! It's Here! coplete with 0 The College Girl's Sweater silk $.0 Price Lower Than Y: Goa You'd Suppose, Only embellas, In all its glory-man- Inseel cl nish, jaunty, typically or.; wide tape $3.25 the modern college girl's edge; bakalite sport garment a la mode. handles, with Heavy knitted stitch and ring. model equally clubby in urels, effect. Note the wide 1 roll collar and crisa-cross .nvroscl belt-by the way, therighnls belt can be detached ifexletql: 5hE you wish. Invisible1 pocket and close-fitting Po sr carina, hathr Rd )8 ina o Slae.-8with 4rollet all in-betwensizes.oGur nee Wateso i.cesl* Women'srTdreadw$1t2 fus es eecrr. c $1.00 ti~merenltad we'llCgvey an ew Thred-sik, i blak an corovan Als18,e 20, 22 and an mil fier n te lt. oton ops coton epogh'fe Grit a f value wihout sucessfulrivairy Wome's Fll-Fshioed Slkil~ cel .ut Stocings $2.0 an $2.0 fae~ritngea Finethred slk I blck, rey nd an. iseSilk G lorat quetio th mot uusu vaue btanabeor ths wid ae .e clas ofcommdit. as ed ge; bakmlit mg foosLamuruhA bethr. hdes, fowih Firs cod r righnls OTHi R V DefMdJ TThe New inant &Wr 11, 10l1 4ke-40 D Street N.W. Still Another Day to Buy Hats in a Sale that Has Made this Week Famous Better Value than You Have Been Looking for at $3.95 The high lights of this wonderful collection of NEW HATS are the modish Sipper Satin Hats, trimmed with flowers; new Metallic Cloth Hats, trimmed with ostrich; Metallic Cloth Hats, with brims of fur, and Duvetyn Hats trimmed with flowers. Also feather hats. ALTOGETHER one of the most beautiful and stylish hats we have ever offered in a special sale. There are scores of styles, each vieing with the other for popularity -and the colors present a perfect riot, including henna, pheasant, copen, brown, red, sand, also plenty of black. Every hat a recent creation-smart, chic and charming- and the BEST VALUE you have ever seen for $3.95. sece -argh a rether. Suedelike Tams, $1.50 For girls, misses and youthful women. Becoming, smart and at our low price a value that cannot be sur- passed. Full range of colors and every tam bears the SUEDE- LTKR label, proving it is genuine, which means a lot, for cheap imitations try to pass for the read brand. eses Fler-Lasbrgh a rN'er. "It' Wise Person Who Buy. oe When The Son Shines," Meaning U-m-b-r-e-1-1-a-s It's a wiser one who buys them here, where quali- ties are superior and prices inferior. These for women: Cetten Gloria U brena.--On paragon frame. and with leather handles; 26-inch spread.. .... 0 slk Gloria Umbrellas-On a fram with .boine handles, finished with' 2.7 loo . e in .ls -lck - . -- or leather strap handles; Pbeautiful ap o b5.0 t ra... .n....h aBrther. Children's Day in the Hosiery Section Supplies, pricing and everything special for todaw, because that's the day set apart for outfitting the ctil dren, and what more essential than STOCKINGS? Chindren's Flee List. and Meroerised Stocking-ed makes, but better values-that's because we made a oitof sele- ing makes that would tempt mothers into comig here whenever the children need hosiery. Firm ribbed hose Inblack, ~L white and tan; sises 6 to 9%. Patr............... Deys' Ribbed Cetten Steekinge-Made for service and pced for economy. Black only, but a very good black. .0 Siss8to 11 P ir ..5.. .he ..r .0.0. Chindren's Durable Cettom Steeklmge-Black and white in mIses 0 to 9%. These are excellent shool and every- c day stockings, specially priced, pair................ * elSport Stechin-a acy roll top stockings, in a et fsateffecs ses 7 o9%, very spe- $5 elal at, pair.............--.--..--.--..--.--..-..--..-..--. Children's Noelty Stehlngs-Faney ribbed mercerised steck- ings, in neat mixture effects or silk roil top hose, in $0 mises 7to 9%. Pair keand....... .. ......... nest nIee-LAmbnrIh a areahe. RIBBONS Are a part of the Christmas scheme. Our reasonable prices are part of your economy. Ribbon. at 6se Yard-Widths fromn 7 to 12 inches cvrn every wanted kind for mashes, fancy work, theater begs, al soles and host of uses only the skilled needle woman knows. Plaid1 Roman stripes, moirs, plain, satin edged and no end of Bea reeade Ribbons, $.7S Yard-Perfectly beautiful In every way. New colors combined with silver ad geld threads and the loveliest brocade designs. Fausy Lingerie Ribbon Rosettes, see to see See-Plaa ad two-tone effecs artistically made Ia sets for lingerie. Duluty *olors suitable for the purpose. Fansy Ribbon Gartes, 81.10 to P38-Plain and tooesue effects. Well made with the ribbon shirred over golastle to allow for stretehing. Complete line of Ribbon Novelties for SChristmas, see to i3.

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w...a k

u*a.w,,-r" W Aena eI to

RKN kEaaalfrc isna bdwtoW bithen sbsNs,adwlw,ra

wy +owR at Wes- Wo Am ot of saootaschenergy that" yto ai-needd. ynt O

degina t our Nokals business an woste

nener y abt your s e t

6-.--=the y edgfo ou d hNool

After rNoo d ateyiistledkoMnetheota the .Me .?ueyuwihoo it at that point,on thewaramest day of winter or the coldest. You have

sho a ed your last coal, carried out lastashes and scrubbed of the last coat furnasegrine frow your handy and face. (Nokol isclean-no coal,no ashes, no soot,no dust.)

InhaNingNoool.wil cams ffu no nmec

A Nokolane.daon requires no alteradion ofyour heading plant The Nokol burner is sin-

eup in place of the grate bars. Notmorew halfa day is necessary forthe joeouhtime to pull your fre, assemble the sianple

ases.. and onn-e with your fueltank.Methly''rms Can Be Arranged if Desired


1411 New York Ave. N. W. Phrue Main 3883yr besting pan. Te Nko brnr s lmto ullryOr hrasebeteM~~mthl .r.wr Cant. Ai rre f eie

Hirsh's Are And WSpecialists Also

in Children's Special!!Shoes in Price

Another Day for ChildrFeaturing Sturdy, Solid Shoes at

Bit end Little Boy.s issadCideLtle *ay Tan an Gun Msss sd ChdrnsTn

-.to2.._....2.45.4ball sta;Goodyear welt: with

1m a h........... t 3.95 io a.

1I3.95...4DI e r Ta...-. t.1: . Mtl S o1......

~~Uini~i bsnt" af2.5 to34

Misses an ChildrenCoHigh Cut aee-Wihor

Tamoa 5195Withotdue heeps.

115.4 Dro..................s.

"S~rfghe" Setffes"a GunW Metalash-esobbyartt and Heethen-

$345 ~aon solitoteee.

sae .58.................M

Sies Tanwithdl to thels

gues 3.................3.45-13, ickDr. Penrak beets,

$295 DTank kid, siou heel.'.a.. :-...........'sU

Hatr SWEN7II:Wakington's Fastest Groseing Shoe Hoss


ITS' NEESISGotham nbfore is Or.absth -personsr Extans-Uss

Talents on Job.or Lao T. R34TIY,LEsmresl New" veess.

NNW TORE. NIrv. $ s.-When theanent and seret eier et MobhGalnders .convenes' Is ssm, e.noth-bound conclave its members may feelate from the prytvg eyes of "rum-hounds" who t attempt to spoilthe party by un#.motously selisngthe liquid refreshments and draggingthose pre eint off to the hoose-gow. Inother cities, where ordinary prohibi.tion officers enforee 'the "righteenthcommandment" this feesag of safetymight be justified; no so here.For Irsy Zinsten. the ene.san

boos squad. chameleon-like masquer-ader of the dry taeust may be expect.ed to drop in anywhere from an exclu-sive party in a Fifth avenue million-aire's residence to a private gatheringof East Side ward heelers. No amountof caution, no amount of secrecy can

insure the prohibition lawbreakersagainst the sudded and dramatic an-

nouncement of this dry sleuth that heIs Izzy Einstein and that those presentcan prepare for a heavy fine ordurance vile.

A Maesquerader.When a group of convivial souls get

together at the most exclusive clubsfor actors to imbibe a nip of Scotchorsynthetic Johnny Walker nobodycan say for a certainty that lay maynot be among them, dressed in formalglad rags and chattering of props andsoonery and "the profesh."Or it may be an undertakers' con-

vention. In this case lazy will be ar-rayed in all the sombre hablllments ofthat morbid trade, and few indeedwould recognize in this solemn youngman anything but a business-like mor-tician.When Iy fares forth In pursuit of

the Demon Rum said D. R. must dosome tall going to dodge this super-detective of the prohibition forces. Hislatest stunt was to appear on thebig football field in Van CourtlandtPark disguised as four-elevenths of afootball team. The soiled and grim-faced warriors. with heedgsar tiltedback and noseguards hanging fromtheir belts, were none other than thefamous lazy Einstein squad. At a lit-tie cafe near the park the four men

roughly ordered the waiter to bringwhisky and to hurry it up. Others atthe bar were convinced their ordersounded almost like a college yell andthat these were indeed and truly vet-erans of the gridiron.

Highball Stars.Eddie. the waiter, saw too late that

these were highball and not footballstare. As it was he went unsuspect-ingly to his doom-somewhere in theback room-and returned with threesmall glasses. One of the gridiron he-roes handed Eddie $2.50 to pay the$2.25 bill and waited patiently for hisquarter back.

"Four-eight-seven-twOl" shouted oneof the men, and at the signal the teamgot into action like a perfectly-oiledmachine, despite the fact none hadtouched the lubrication in the glassesbefore them. lazy impounded the evi-dence, and Eddie was turned over tothe police on a charge of violating thewell-known Volstead act.In his comparatively brief career

Issy has impersonated a policeman, apolitician, a movie actor, a newspaperreporter, a fireman, a truck driverand A longshoreman. His nt may bea female impersonation.


en TodayarnPries

Groswing GirlsGrowing Girls' Patent Coltigh Cut Lace Shoee-Englishmndnatural shapes; $ 9islum 2% to 8........ *

Growing GiWs Tan BregueughCut Lace ShOes-GoodyearIelt; with or without rubbereels; extra good $48uality ..............

Growing Gils Tmn High CutLaeShoe--English and naturalshape, with or without rubber

03.. ...........5Growing Oirls' Gun Metal High3etLaee Shoee-English andatural .hape; sine" $3.95to S......

Regimentalsfor Girls

Mises' sisee,.s.45

Chlren's sisee,

)'RES7T.,N.W.8.tsnassaK mesa

LANSBURGH & BRWa'Inmngte--New York--Paris. STO Kmwa for /sldas, NKm

Supple Taffeta PetticoatsThe Beat Petticeat. Availble

at Their Pricee

$9.75 .

In a perfect whirl of brilliant color-in and the newest ideas of model andtrimming effects. Two-tone ideas inchangeable, elusive coloring that are thevogue of the season. Although we haveillustrated four styles, this is by nomeans the limit of our variety-manyothers equally attractive.

Tailored or novelty flounces. You will notethat scallops are in evidence pnd what afinish they form. Embroidery is anothe ofthe attractive touches-plentiful in this specialgroup.

ThrdFle -brp " Brothr.

One Day Only at These Special Prices Children's

Wavy Hair Switches Handkerchiefs3 ina bos

-Novely fig J"~t

uire. or plain, 25wih rolled~ 5

$2.45 $4.95 color.

3.95 $5.95 Juvenile

figure. or in. ewei

" or color. )

More than merely a tempting value-this of- ' h

fering includes the service of our expert hairdresser who will match your hair exactly and showyou how to dross your hair with one of thse wavylswitches that look natural -as life.

wel shaedthant deep wave ad 'eve oor brelno one would know you were wanting a switch.

Sophia Hair Ness-Invisible but strong. Cap Cpal Gte- 25shape that is so easy to apply and stays 8cria Ceer and Yso well in place. Dosen............... 85c

Third F~seE-cAfsburgh a kroler. fre, size.18, 20, 22and24-in. spread.l $2.00

Rah! Rah! Rah! It's Here!coplete with 0The College Girl's Sweater silk $.0

Price Lower Than Y: Goa

You'd Suppose, Only embellas,In all its glory-man- Inseel cl

nish, jaunty, typically or.; wide tape $3.25the modern college girl's edge; bakalitesport garment a la mode. handles, withHeavy knitted stitch and ring.model equally clubby in urels,effect. Note the wide 1roll collar and crisa-cross .nvrosclbelt-by the way, therighnlsbelt can be detached ifexletql: 5hEyou wish. Invisible1pocket and close-fitting Po sr

carina,hathrRd )8ina o

Slae.-8with 4rollet

all in-betwensizes.oGur neeWatesoi.cesl*

Women'srTdreadw$1t2fus es eecrr. c

$1.00 ti~merenltadwe'llCgvey an ew

Thred-sik,i blak an corovan Als18,e 20, 22 and anmil fier nte lt. oton ops coton epogh'feGrita f

value wihoutsucessfulrivairyWome'sFll-FshioedSlkil~ cel .ut

Stocings$2.0 an $2.0 fae~ritngeaFinethredslkI blck, rey nd an. iseSilk G lorat

quetio thmotuusu vaue btanabeorths wid ae .eclasofcommdit. ased ge;bakmlit

mgfoosLamuruhA bethr. hdes,fowih

Firscod r


OTHi RV DefMdJTTheNew inant

&Wr 11, 10l1 4ke-40 D Street N.W.

Still Another Day to BuyHats in a Sale that HasMade this Week Famous

Better Value than YouHave Been Looking for

at $3.95The high lights of this wonderful collection of NEW

HATS are the modish Sipper Satin Hats, trimmed withflowers; new Metallic Cloth Hats, trimmed with ostrich;Metallic Cloth Hats, with brims of fur, and DuvetynHats trimmed with flowers. Also feather hats.ALTOGETHER one of the most beautiful and stylish

hats we have ever offered in a special sale. There arescores of styles, each vieing with the other for popularity-and the colors present a perfect riot, including henna,pheasant, copen, brown, red, sand, also plenty of black.Every hat a recent creation-smart, chic and charming-and the BEST VALUE you have ever seen for $3.95.

sece -argh a rether.

Suedelike Tams, $1.50For girls, misses and youthful women. Becoming,

smart and at our low price a value that cannot be sur-passed.

Full range of colors and every tam bears the SUEDE-LTKR label, proving it is genuine, which means a lot, forcheap imitations try to pass for the read brand.

eses Fler-Lasbrgh a rN'er.

"It' Wise Person Who Buy. oeWhen The Son Shines," Meaning

U-m-b-r-e-1-1-a-sIt's a wiser one who buys them here, where quali-

ties are superior and prices inferior. These forwomen:

Cetten Gloria U brena.--On paragon frame.and with leather handles; 26-inch spread...... 0slk Gloria Umbrellas-On a fram with

.boine handles, finished with' 2.7loo .

e --

or leather strap handles; Pbeautiful ap o b5.0tra....n....haBrther.

Children's Day in theHosiery Section

Supplies, pricing and everything special for todaw,because that's the day set apart for outfitting the ctildren, and what more essential than STOCKINGS?

Chindren's Flee List. and Meroerised Stocking-ed makes,but better values-that's because we made a oitof sele-ing makes that would tempt mothers into comig here wheneverthe children need hosiery. Firm ribbed hose Inblack, ~Lwhite and tan; sises 6 to 9%. Patr...............

Deys' Ribbed Cetten Steekinge-Made for service and pcedfor economy. Black only, but a very good black. .0Siss8to 11 P ir..5.. .he ..r .0.0.

Chindren's Durable Cettom Steeklmge-Black and white inmIses 0 to 9%. These are excellent shool and every- cday stockings, specially priced, pair................

* elSport Stechin-a acy roll top stockings, ina et fsateffecs ses 7 o9%, very spe- $ 5elal at, pair.............--.--..--.--..--.--..-..--..-..--.

Children's Noelty Stehlngs-Faney ribbed mercerised steck-ings, in neat mixture effects or silk roil top hose, in $ 0mises 7to 9%. Pair keand....... .. .........

nest nIee-LAmbnrIh a areahe.

RIBBONSAre a part of the Christmas scheme. Our reasonableprices are part of your economy.

Ribbon. at 6se Yard-Widths fromn 7 to 12 inches cvrnevery wanted kind for mashes, fancy work, theater begs, alsoles and host of uses only the skilled needle woman knows.Plaid1 Roman stripes, moirs, plain, satin edged and no end of

Beareeade Ribbons, $.7S Yard-Perfectly beautifulIn every way. New colors combined with silver ad geldthreads and the loveliest brocade designs.

Fausy Lingerie Ribbon Rosettes, see to see See-Plaa adtwo-tone effecs artistically made Ia sets for lingerie. Duluty*olors suitable for the purpose.

Fansy Ribbon Gartes, 81.10 to P38-Plain and tooesueeffects. Well made with the ribbon shirred over golastleto allow for stretehing. Complete line of Ribbon Novelties forSChristmas, see to i3.