the white legacy--generation 3, chapter 5

What Kind of Eternal Luau Doesn’t Have Nachos? The White Legacy: Generation Three, Chapter Five

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The White Legacy children begin to leave for college.


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What Kind of Eternal Luau Doesn’t Have Nachos?The White Legacy:Generation Three, Chapter Five

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Welcome to the final chapter of generation three! The next chapter will come under the Generation Four banner. Hooray!!

Also, a quick note. I just installed Triplets & Quads. It won’t have an impact for a few chapters, but I thought it deserved a mention. Since, you know, apparently I am masochistic and think raising four toddlers at once might be fun.

Last time among the spares, Spar discovered he was adopted. Emily starved herself to death in the wake of her husband’s demise, leaving her two children, Zircon and Nepheline, alone to fend for themselves. In the main legacy house, Gizmo proved to not be the Child Oracle Chantelle had hoped for, and vampire William Valentine came to protect the Gen Four kids from a vampire threat.

But before we get back to legacy central…

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Now, I know I promised last time that we wouldn’t be seeing as much of the spares. Here’s the thing. I’m a dirty rotten liar.

First off, if you remember, Cygnus and Elle’s youngest son, Calcite, was supposed to be a cheesecake twin. Since he was not, he developed magical powers in much the same way Merry did. The difference? Calcite hasn’t picked out an alignment, so while he does have some natural talent, it’s not being directed at anything. He hasn’t really been pursued by the witch orders like Dez and Merry were… which is probably a good thing for him, considering how roughly life has gone for them.

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After dealing with a bit of buggy CC that was causing the game to crash, Cygnus and Elle finally had their birthdays, and are now elders.

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Celestine, Spinel, Aquamarine, and Sulfur, the four oldest of Cygnus and Elle’s six children, became adults and finally got some much-deserved and much-needed makeovers. Aquamarine married her boyfriend, Joshua Darling, and became the first White ever to take on a different surname. The Darlings will be pleased to know that I’ve relaxed my spares policy. Used to be that if they had a kid, I felt obligated to play them until the kid was an adult and the adults were dead. From now on, I’m only playing spares that I take an interest in for some reason or another. I really should have done that from the beginning.

All of Cygnus’s adult children (plus Aquamarine’s new hubby) moved into a newly-installed apartment complex in Peachtree Valley.






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This apartment complex, in fact.

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If you’re keeping track, this means that the only two teens left in Cygnus’s house are Spar and Calcite.

Everybody else got a picture, so I decided they deserved one, too, even though they didn’t have a birthday or get makeovers. There ya go, boys.



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Also, Skip became an elder.

Oh, come on. You knew there would be a Skip-spam slide somewhere in here.

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I also have to note that at the exact moment I zoomed out to look for walk-bys the house could befriend for Elle’s job, Rosie walked by. So, this became a shout-out to my sister. Hi, Rosie!! You have two bolts with Cygnus!! Thought you’d like to know!!

Now then, let’s see how Par’s unfortunate kids are getting along, huh?

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Zircon: “You gonna get that, Neffy?”

Neffy: *puff* “I’m busy. Go *huff* get it yourself.”

Zircon: “Why bother with the movie anyway? It’s not like you’re paying attention.”

*doorbell doorbell*

Zircon: “Alright, alright, I’m coming! You’re getting it next time, Neffy.”

Neffy: *puff* “Deal.”

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Zircon: “Aunt Arie?”

Arie: “Hey there, Zircon. Mind letting your poor, old great-aunt inside?”

Zircon: “Yeah. Old. Sure.”

Arie: “You are much too sweet, great-nephew of mine. Now let me in, I’ve got a few things to tell you two.”

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Zircon: “Hey, Neffy. Turn the movie off. We’ve got a visitor.”

Arie: “A pink leotard, Neffy? I would never have thought you’d be the type.”

Neffy: “Hey, Aunt Arie.”

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Arie: “…so that’s the story. I tried very hard to bring your father back. It didn’t work.”

Zircon: “But why? I don’t get that part.”

Arie: “I don’t know. The Grim Reaper just kept saying he was ‘ineligible.’ I didn’t know at the time that your mother was also… um…”

Neffy: “Dead.”

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Arie: “…yeah. If I had known, I would have tried to resurrect her, too. I’m sorry.”

Zircon: “I don’t see how it would make a difference. She let herself starve because she missed Dad. She would just do the same thing again.”

Neffy: “So you’re not even going to try? You have a direct line to the Grim Reaper, but you’re not even going to try to bring Mom back?”

Arie: “He cut the line. Nobody in Riverblossom Hills can contact him anymore.”

Neffy: “…oh.”

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Zircon: “So was there anything else you needed, Aunt Arie? It’s about time we need to get dinner in the oven, and Neffy still has homework to do.”

Neffy: “I’ll do it when I want to, Zircon. Nobody made you the boss.”

Arie: “Ahem. Actually, there is one more thing.”

Zircon: “Yeah?”

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Arie: “I know it’s been tough for you two, living alone here without your parents. If you’d like, there’s a spare room at my house. You’re more than welcome to come live with me.”

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Neffy: “No way. Zircon and I are more than able to take care of ourselves. We don’t need your charity.”

Arie: “Neffy—”

Zircon: “Thanks a lot, Aunt Arie. We really appreciate the offer. Really. But we’ve been doing pretty good on our own, and I’ll be an adult at the end of the week anyway. Thanks, but not thanks.”

Arie: “You sure?”

Zircon: “Yep. No worries. We’ll be fine.”

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Arie: “…well, alright.”

Zircon: “Promise, we’ll be just fine. We’re not hurting for money, and even if we were, I’m in charge of Dad’s business now, and all we’d have to do is go in and run it for a few hours. Really, Aunt Arie. You don’t have to worry about us.”

Arie: “I’ll still be coming to check in once in a while.”

Neffy: “Bye, Aunt Arie.”

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Alright, with all of that wrapped up, this brings us back to legacy central, where the White family is receiving a guest in the dead of night. In his defense, he’s dead, too, and nighttime is really the only time he can show up without burning to a crisp.

William: “Good evening, Jade. May I come in?”

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Callie: “Nope. Sorry, Willy, but I’ve been doing some reading.”

William: “I assure you, Miss White, you are completely safe from me.”

Callie: “Not that I don’t trust you, but according to the internet, you can only come in if we invite you. Since the internet is sketchy on how to un-invite a vampire, we’re going to play it safe. If you really want to talk, there’s chairs by the pool, outside, where we can talk. And also have Mom or Dad nearby. Preferably both of them.”

William: “Surely you don’t always want your parents around when you’re with your friends?”

Callie: “We do when the friend is a vampire. Sorry.”

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Isis: “This was such a great idea. I love this hot tub. We just have to remember to lock the gate during a thunderstorm. I’ve heard bad things happen to sims who soak in water outside during thunderstorms.”

Dez: “…”

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William: “Well, I was just coming to check in. I heard your younger sister recently had her birthday.”

Callie: “Yup. She’s finally a child.”

William: “Congratulations. That is an important step. I look forward to meeting her.”

Callie: “Yup.”

William: “So how are the both of you doing? Have you seen any strange people wandering the grounds lately? Any vampires?”

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Callie: “Besides you?”

William: “…yes, besides me.”

Callie: “Nope. Are you sure there’s a threat?”

William: “I am positive, though it does surprise me that they have not made their move. Perhaps they have seen me here and are watching their step. Or perhaps they are merely waiting until Gismondine has had her teenage birthday, so they can collect all of you at once.”

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William: “I worry about you. You are both such lovely, upstanding young ladies, and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”

Callie: “Trust me, nothing will. Dad hasn’t let us alone outside since you showed up. Sometimes even during the day.”

William: “That’s good. Actually, that is very relieving. As long as you’re safe, I am content. …You may think it impertinent of me, but has your father made any hint as to which of you is going to be the heiress to your fine legacy?”

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Jade: “Why?”

William: “I only wish to know because the others will be watching for that information, as well. They are looking to bolster their numbers by forcing the three of you into the loathe, but the heiress will be more good to them alive and human. Female vampires cannot have children, and so they would likely look to impregnate her to further increase their numbers and influence with her children, and also to be sure that the heir of the next generation is one of them.”

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Isis: “That is quite enough! You don’t need to go scaring my daughters like that!”

William: “Mrs. White—”

Isis: “Goodnight! Come on, Jade, Callie. Back inside.”

Callie: “Mom—”

Dez: “…go inside.”

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William: “It has been a pleasure as always to see you, Ladies White. My hopes are high that we will have the chance to meet and speak again.”

Isis: “GET!”

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See, this is why I bothered to raise the cousins at about the same time scale as the legacy kids: I was really hoping that they would bring their cousins home from school and be friends. It has finally happened. They brought Calcite, who you met earlier in this chapter, who attends the magic program at the private school they go to. Also—wait, who is this?

Teen With Black Hair: “Um… um…”

Jade: “Sara. She’s one of the teen townies who go to our school.”

Really? I don’t think I’ve ever seen her before, and I thought for sure that by now I’ve seen all of the teenage townies.

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Sara: “I’ve gotta go! See you later!”

Calcite: “She is so weird.”

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Callie: “Hey, sis! This is a weird place for you to be studying. You usually use the education bookshelf in the TV room. What’re you reading?”

Jade: *startle* “Logic.”

Callie: “Sure. …wait, you already maxed your logic long time ago, didn’t you? Hah, I see that cover! You’re totally reading a seedy romance novel!”

Jade: “Am not!”

Callie: “You so are!”

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Callie: “Is this the Sim State admissions office? Hey. I’m Callie White. I’m coming. See you there!”

Hold up, is it that time already?

Callie: “You betcha.”

Where are your parents? Shouldn’t they be here to see you off?

Callie: “Are you kidding? I’m aging up. I don’t want anyone nearby. They would die!”

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Isis: “Chalcedony White. For the last time, you are not an ‘angel of death’, whatever that is.”

Callie: “Mom!? Dad!? What are you doing here!?”

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Isis: “Your father has something to tell you girls before you leave.”

Callie: “Really? What’s up, Dad?”

Dez: “…”

Callie: “…yes?”

Isis: “Jade and Gizmo are waiting in the parlor. Join us.”

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Callie: “So what’s up, Dad? The taxi’s waiting.”

Gizmo: “Yeah, Daddy, what’s going on?”

Isis: “Just hold on. Let your father finish idle animating.”

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Dez: “…Jade.”

Jade: “Yes, Daddy?”

Dez: “…You’re the heiress.”

Huh? But, but Gizmo’s not a teen yet! What about giving her a chance? Besides, I was sitting here thinking it was going to be Callie!

Dez: “…Jade is heiress.”

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Dez: “…Callie.”

Callie: “Huh? Is there something else? Because I really need to get to school…”

Dez: “…you’re the magic heiress… if you want it.”

Callie: “What does that even mean?”

It means he’ll pass his magic on to you so we still have a good witch among the spares. We need somebody countering Merry, after all. Not that she’s made an appearance for two full chapters…

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Gizmo: “What about me? Am I heiress of something?”

Isis: “You can be heiress of whatever you want to be, sweetie. You’re under no obligations.”

Gizmo: “Hmm… ooh, ooh, I know, I know! I want to be heiress of THE WORLD!!”

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So, after the single shortest family meeting in the entire legacy, Callie is brought over into magic by her father…

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…and then climbs in the taxi, tips the driver for the time he spent waiting, and leaves the household forever.

But don’t worry. We’ll be seeing her again very, very soon.

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The family, all lined up as they were to bid Callie goodbye as she left for college. The symmetry pleases me.

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Isis: “So Jade, about ready to go back inside? It’s kind of cold out here.”

Jade: “Mom! Did you see that!?”

Isis: “See what, honey?”

Jade: “A shooting star! It was a shooting star! It passed right by…”

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Jade: “YES! It passed right by a PLANET! A NEW Class M planet!! Ohmigosh! I have to report this to SNASA right away!!”

Isis: “I don’t think I’ve ever heard you get this excited about something before.”

Jade: “It’s SCIENCE!! Of course I’m excited!!”

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Politics, Isis? Really?

Isis: “Why not? I had a lot of time on my hands, and I’ve already got a gold pottery badge, so why not take up a job? We need the career reward, anyway.”

But why politics? Seems kind of a strange career choice for someone whose highest goal in life is to raise twenty puppies or kittens.

Isis: “Eh, it was the only good job on the computer. Figured, might as well.”

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Gizmo: “Daddy! You’re home! I love you SO much!!”

Dez: “…what did you do?”

Gizmo: “Huh? I ran out to say hi… is that what you mean?”

Isis: “GIZMO! Come finish your homework please!!”

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Cake for breakfast, Gizmo? I think your mother might have something to say about that.

Gizmo: “Well, sure. Maybe Mommy would.”

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Gizmo: “Daddy’s the one who’s here right now, though.”


Dez: “…”

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And this is why we love Seasons. Ghosts change in and out of their outerwear when they go outside when it’s cold… which means cow mascot suits and career uniforms get changed out of. Don’t you like this much better, Brie?

Brie: “Eh, I’m just here to raid the fridge. Tory’s waiting back at the Luau for the nachos and punch.”

Don’t they have food there?

Brie: “Sure. But no nachos. What kind of eternal luau doesn’t have nachos? Seriously.”

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And since we’re on the topic of ghosts, check it out. Par’s out for the first time.

Par: “How come I have to be old? Not that I’m complaining… but this isn’t fair…”

I know, Par, I know.

Par: “How are my kids?”

They’re getting along. How’s Emily?

Par: “Good. She was pretty sad when she first came, but she’s beginning to cheer up a little bit.”

Brie: *stare*

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Par: “Hi Isis!! Go check on my kids, okay?”

Isis: “WAAAAAH!!”

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Isis: “Hi Zircon. This is Aunt Isis. Yes, I’m sorry, I know it’s late. I’m just calling to check in. How are you and Neffy doing?”

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Alright, birthday time for—wait. *checks notes* You’re not that old yet, are you Isis?

Isis: “Sorry, I really am.”

You know, usually the heir is the first one to age up because he’s older than his spouse because he gets a day or two at the home lot before inviting the prospective spouse to move in. So how is it you’re older? It doesn’t make sense.

Isis: “Sure it does.”

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Isis: “Refer back to this old picture. That’s me in the foreground, adult. That’s Dez in the background—”

Teenager. Yeah, I see it. Okay, you’re older than he is.

Isis: “Thank you.”

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Not bad, not bad. I might even let you keep the shirt, or something like it. And by the way, yes, that is photographic evidence of Dez actually cheering at a birthday celebration.

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Gizmo: “Mom’s old! SMUSTLE!!”

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Yeah, we decided to keep the shirt, but we switched out the jeans. The studs and cowboy boots just weren’t going to cut it.

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Jade: “I’m going to college tonight, Giz. I’ll see you when it’s time for you to come.”

Gizmo: *sniff* “Do you have to go?”

Jade: “Yes. I love you, Gizmo.”

Gizmo: “Love you too, Jade.”

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Jade: “Hi, Daddy. I’m going to school.”

Dez: “…be safe.”

Jade: “I will. Love you.”

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…the symmetry is gone. We need another household member here.

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There. Symmetry is a good thing.

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…ahem. Anyway. Off Jade goes to college, which means there’s only one kid left in the house.

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Gizmo: “Hey, guy! Who are you?”

William: “A friend of the family. Do you mind if I come in?”

Gizmo: “Sure!”

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Gizmo: “Guess what, guy? Both of my big sisters went to college this week! It’s gonna be a long time before I get to join them, though. Mom and Dad had me really late.”

William: “I see. I’m sorry, but did your parents happen to mention which of you charming women is the heiress for this generation?”

Gizmo: “Sure. Jade’s the heiress for the family, but I’m the heiress of the world. Why?”

William: “Mere curiosity.”

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Gizmo: “Hey, I know! Do you wanna play dolls with me, guy?”

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Gizmo: “And then the Mommy doll and the Daddy doll kissed, because they have three bolts, and that’s what three bolt Mommies and Daddies do!”

William: “Um…uh… how did I get myself into this…”

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Now that Dez has maxed his skills and topped his career and reached the extent of his magical capabilities… he’s got some time on his hands. This is why he is standing triumphantly over a painted brick. Well, either triumphantly or ferociously, you be the judge.

Dez: “…”

Hold that thought. We’ve got a birthday party to attend. Grab your noisemakers and join us in the dining room!

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Happy birthday, Gizmo!

Gizmo: “Thanks, Author!”

You’re welcome, sweetheart.

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The pink somewhat-punk dress. Does this surprise me? Not at all. Remember that as a toddler she grew up into the pink frilly dress, and as a child she transitioned into a shirt with a kitten on it.

Gizmo: “Is there something wrong with liking pink?”

Of course not.

Gizmo: “Good. I like my look as it is, though I could use some makeup. Now let me clear this cake so we can get going with the next party.”

Next… party? Who else has their birthday today?

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What!? NO!! No no no no no!! You can’t have Dez! I love him!

Isis: “Watch it. That warlock is my husband.”

Dez: “…”

Dez! Hold on! Go drink some elixir of life! I’ll get a cowplant and feed a townie to it! Do something!

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I’m too late. The animation has already started. *sniff*

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So, here they both are, post-birthday.

Dez is an old man.


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Arie: “Woo yeah! Go Zircon!”

Neffy: “Aunt Arie, you’re a nerd.”

Butler: “Photobombing~.”

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Arie: “Well, Zircon, congratulations. You’ve come a long way. I’m really proud of you.”

Zircon: “Thanks, Aunt Arie.”

Arie: “I oughtta be getting home. It’s been great to see you both.”

Neffy: “…”

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Neffy: “Aunt Arie! WAIT!”

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Arie: “Whatcha need, kiddo?”

Neffy: “You know something about my dad’s murder, right?”

Arie: “Not as much as I’d like. What about it?”

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Neffy: “Do you know who killed my father?”

And that wraps it up for this chapter, and for Generation Three! *confetti!* The next chapter is going to be the first college chapter of Generation Four, so stay tuned for that! Until then, happy simming!

One more slide this way -------------------------->

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Zircon: “What the heck!? These things can break!?”