the word · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl )...

THE WORD AND WORK A MONTHLY MAGAZINE S ET TO DECLARE TH E WHOLE COUN S EL OF GOD VOL. LVll No. 3 MARCH, 1963 In This I ssue Tulki11i; Thing., 01cr -( .. R. I.. ·19 C (; I C( :l 11 rc$ h ip !\I TR UTH ADVANCE SECTION- Qncsiions .-\ skcd of Us -S. C:. 52 "GO QU ICJ \LY /\ ll TELL .. .'' - Wm. Robc rl Heid :;r, The of · nbelicf - J. 11. 56 'J'hc Nccd For Nell' Tr:111s la 1ions - .J. l\d w:11: tl l ll1yd r,7 The <if C:c1hsc111a11c - .E. L. J. 59 Onl )' - ll oo k Rt:vicw -F.rucst E. L )<>ll 62 J' IH :'.CIOUS REl' ll lNTS - 'J'h c Frec<lo111 of Simple Cl11 iHians ( 11 ) - R. 11 . llo ll G:I Saho tnging cbc Co111lng - J. R. C. /\ Christian Vh:ws lhc - Ernest E. L )' C) JI A bou1 1h e . criCl! - Carl 1'i 12111 ill er I>\> Yon i\fc;in I I-lave To? - Frctl C. Re nir h Sl::ED T ll OlJG H TS - J. I .. 1\ dd:ims. Si. );EWS NOT ES 65 (ii 69 '70 7-1

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Page 1: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion




VOL. LVll No. 3 MARCH, 1963

In This Issue Tulki11i; Thing., 01•cr - ( .. R . I.. ·19

C (; I C(:l 11rc$ h ip !\ I

TRUTH ADVANCE SECTIO N- Qncsiions .-\skcd of Us -S. C:. 52

"GO QUICJ\LY /\ ll TELL .. .'' \V i1 1 1 e.~si11 g - Wm. Robcrl Heid :;r,

The Trage<I ~ of ·nbelicf - J. 11. ~l cC':a l ch 56

'J' hc Nccd For Nell' Tr:111s la 1ions - .J. l\d w:11:tl lll1yd r,7

The ~ l )SICr)' <if C:c1hsc111a11c - .E. L. J. 59

Chri.~Li:t11s Onl)' - llook Rt:vicw -F.rucst E. L )<>ll 62

J'IH :'.C IOUS REl' ll lNTS-

'J'hc Frec<lo111 of Simp le Cl11 iHians ( 11) - R . 11 . lloll G:I

Saho tnging cbc S~n111d Co111lng - J. R. C.

/\ Ch ristian Vh:ws lhc ~cws - Ernest E. L )'C)JI

A bou1 1he l111 crn~ 1ional . criCl! - Carl 1'i12111 iller

I>\> Yon i\fc;in I I-lave To? - Frctl C. Renirh

Sl::ED T llOlJG HTS - J. I .. 1\ dd:ims. Si.







Page 2: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion


(1) The Premillennial Position of the Primitive Church.

In Lhis book the testimony of the early fathers, church historians, reformers, restorers a nd others are gathered together to show th at the earl)' church was premill ennial. T hen a series of short articles setS forth the teaching of the Bible on tbis truth. - - ----- - -- Price, 50c

(2) The Parables of Jesus.

Here tJ1ineen of the delightful stories of .Jesus are swdied. These were first p resented in a series of radio talks. _____ Price, 50c

(3) The Bible, the Word of God.

First it is poi n ted out tJrnt the Bible itself is its own best witness, Lhat it cl;i ims to be the vVonJ of God in all i ts pans and as a whole. Then credentia ls to back up these claims arc presented. T he booklet closes wi th a revealing article on "Jesus Is Real." ------- - Pr ice, 35c

SPECIAL PRICE: All three above booklets for $1.00. Se nd no

postage. Order from Word and Work, 2518 Portland Ave nue,

Louisville 12, Kentucky.


TWO NEW RECORDS Two recent recordings, both a cappella. pleased me very much.

One is tJ1e small-size (115 r.p.m.) recordi ng by the Good Ticli11gs 0 ()unrt11t ol' 8 or 10 rine hy11111s. They arc suitable for Hi-ri (or a ny gc>0d player) , and are sent postpaid for $ 1.00 each of tJ1c two.

The other is the latest production by The t i bile11e Chornlaires, entitled .. Great Son!JS of the Church:· N ineteen greac hymns, a ll from The Alphabeu ca l H ymnal :tre used- bea uti fu lly clone, except that one or two are a bit rapid. This one is obtainable e ither for monaural Hi-fi ($3.98), or for stereo (S4.98) . T he envelope in \\'hich this record is shipped shows a picwre of Lhe hymna l on the CO\·cr- the lllOSl beautiful phOLOf,'Ta ph Of a book, OI a ny book. that 1 have ever seen.

Both of these recordings are highly su itable for radio use, and are obtainable from the Word and , ,\fo rk. -E. L. J.

Page 3: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion




THE \VOltl) ANll WORK, 2518 P orcl:111d A\'CllllC, LoniS\~llc 12, Ky. Sccu11d Clns~ l'o 'ltai;:e Pa id At Louisville, Kentucky.

Single s11h~crip11011 .:>:! .00: Club> of four or 111u1 c Sl.75 each.


J•1ed Rc·11ich\ :it 1i1 le· ("Do \ nu ~ 1 ... a11 I I l:t\'(' T oi-") . on another page in thi!-t ii.~ue. 111:i) po~'tiblr caui.e a !ew C)'l·hrow~. " \\'hat''> this? Arc we rewrning to legalism?" Tho~e \\'ho don't know the a u th or 1 n ig-h t pcmi Ii ly IHI I that ronstntction 11 po11 it. Other~. ll'ho have ncvtr rc·i ill y Ileen f1 'l'<.' from law, mig-h1 fct·I Ll1:1L i1 ~trc 11gthcm their posilion- howcvcr. bear in mind that lll:tny fee l the ~a 111 c· \\'a~ about the \\'l' iting' ol Palll. i'o. there is no l cgal i"l1 here. God forbid th:11 \IC ~hould Olll<-' again ht·wmc ... 1:"c' to the 'Y~ten1 ol 'al\'a1io 11 I>) \\Olk\.

FRO:\l Gll ,\C E TO Ll(.C~TIOC!>:-; ES.<i

:"\ow it i' u·uc th:i1 our brother due) not gi ,·c :i rnmplete treat· 111ent nl 1he )lfbjeu .• t11d 'omc 111'1) find l:ntlt \\'ith \\'hal liulc he h~~ )aid, h11L 1hi:. 11n1th wnnot be dcni1:d: I le ha' put hill fin~er on a \'Cl') real ill. l lc;i1 t.hat. wt. n:ali1.c hnw clcepl) thi) n.aligna11 q lw, ca t.en inw the lite of l11c ch urc lt c~. Llow little we ~cc or rea l. whoh:-hc:1r11.·d <.:OlllmitlllClll LO the will (Jf God! I low much WC do SC(' or 1.•111pl )' prote.~s io11! There ·~ a l'C:t,CJll fu1 it.; 110lhing .. J us r Im ppem."

T o o ne , idc ol grace there i.» lcga li 111. I.a w 5a)'!t . " Oo thb and t.ho11 'halt live" ( Ro111 . 10:5). I low 111a11 r 'i111c1 c ~Olah have l:1bored long 1111dc r th e i llusion 1lt:1L 1hi~ i~ Llic W:t)' o l sal\':tli<lll! l hen one da)' dawm t.hc I ight: Right.cous11cs:. comes by fait.h ! S:t l· \·ation is rerei,•ed as a free gift and freedom lrom Jaw is ofadh accepted . ·o tar. 'o good. Then come) u1e <ferailnu:nL. ~Ia~l} {I would ah11m1 ~ar 111<>.fl ) ~cc 111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w m ean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion to C:o d. th a result. ohcdience lxcomc:. optional-exccpl, perhaps for baplism. An out~ta11ding brother recentl y ·aid. "Every belie ,•er lias 1/1e priuilege of being fillec!


Page 4: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

with. tl_le H oly. Sl;'irit. '' We accept this as being almost axiomatic, tut It JS not B1bl1cal. In Ephesians 5: 18 it is in the imperative, "be filled ... " l suppose every preacher I have ever heard (includin<Y rnyseH) has read similar exhortations of the So·iptures and the~ added the comment, "Herc Paul is telling us that we ought to do tliui. and so," when in reality Paul is saying we must.

. So then wJ:at happens to obedience?- Oh, we obey, all right­Jt:st a.s l01_1g <.ts 1t pleases us. One afternoon recently two boys were stan~rng 111 lront of a house on Portland Avc11uc when a clog came n111111ng up. The one, wanting to show how he had u·ained his dog, called out, ''Lie down!" When he saw that the clog was going ro sit instead of lie, he quickly added, "No, sit!" The dog promptly obeyed- or did he? ls tltis obellie11ce, wbe11 we choose the comma nds we will obey? NOi This is nothing but varnished licentiousness! Out of one side of our mouth we tell of our devotion a11d service to the Lord, and out of the other side we say, "I know I ought tO

pray more, etc., BUT ... " If such a conression is noL prompted by godly sono\1' anti accompanied by a real exercising o( the conscience, /"\_... then it is nothing but a cloak to cover the wickcdnc ~ of rebellion against Cot!.


\\'e !>ay Lliat forgi,·e11es& does not depend 0 11 whut we do or do not do, and that is very true. The merit is altogether .in the blood of Cbrist. ''Salvation belongeth unto Jehovah." It is God who c;omcs down w ll\an: I Jc takes the initiative. Even so, in us there must be a n:siJonse. What is that response? ls it merely to admit t!iat we have s1n11ed and ask forgiveness? The word "confess" (1 John l :9) is not as shallow as our word "admit." The basic meaning is to agree with Goel about the sins we've committed, so the next thing b w \CL' what Goel really thinks about our sins. When we discover that, we' ll also know whether or not we agree with Him . .-\ ,·cry little schooling in the Scriptures suffices; Hosea, for example, re,·eab the deep gricl God feels for the sinning child He so dearly Jo,·c . II 0 111 l cc:J ing truly correspond to the fcc linbrs of Cod, the namral rewlt i ~ "godly sorrow which worketh repenLance."

It is to repentant hearts that forgiveness is (reely given, not to I'>.~ hei!rt.s that rnnigly say, "Oh yes, I'm a Christian. I know I've been sa \·cd. It is tn1 c I dnn't li ve the way I should, but ... " Repent· anc.:e, like faith, is not a once-for-all act, but a way of life. As a rule, the two «O wge ther. RepenLance is basically " to refuse the evil and choose tl~e good." Thus it becomes et1ual to " i11 the_" - a c.:ontin11ing c.:011ditio11 for forgiveness, and a must m our daily li (e.

TRLJE Gl.l1\CE -we who have entered into this grace o( God in which we stan<l,

M:incl with ~hoes removed and bowed -heads. Who are we that we sho uld &ec God, and yet live? R c?eemed we are- there i:. no doubt, there is not the shadow of uncerr:unty-yet we stand bclore the Holy One in awe that such as we should be called children of God. \l\/e J.tand poor, for \\'C left our rights and privi leges <ll the cross. Yet


Page 5: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

\\'C arc rich- heir, of the kingdom anti po~ e~\or~ of hea\Cn and earth. \ \Tc Mand naked, stripped ol all the good a11d noble d1ing, we have done or had thought LO do, for such riglueou~ness is nought bu t filthy rag~. YcL \\'C srnnd cloLhed-magnificen tly clothed in the sclfsn n1c r ightcou!)11ess o ( the Onl)' Begotte n Son. \Ve arc slave~. w ith 110 cho ice of o u r o wn, 110 wi ll o[ ou r o w11, 110 desires o( o ur o wn- for all these we gladly urrcndcred to H im to whom they right· full} belong.

J n Lhis grace we walk, llOl pcrlecll y nor wiLhout )in. but yet not taking lighcly the oft-repeated fau lt. Our dimbecJicnu: we do 1101 excuse, nor cvu11t as a mountain that cannot be remaved. but in te~tr' of repe ntance a~1cl ~lccp co!1trition of hem·t pour o ut our confessio n to 111111 whose l org 1vcnes~ 1s complete, a nd who doe~ ~ ive power LO O\'Crromc.

Is th is too d ifficult? " ' o uld any say, " l can't": Let such bt: numbered with tho~e who fell in the wilderness becau~c of unbelief­impugning the \ Cl}' \Cracit)" of the God who promi~cd . " Relo,·ed. we arc persuaded better thi11g~ of you ... though we thus ~peak." Ha ve we forgottCll that lherc is power in the command or God? Whe 11 the T welve were ou t (l\Ik. f>:i-13) . they obeyed- and worked wonders. \Vhe11 they obeyed in lhC distribution of lhc bread and lishes. 5000 were fed (a nd there b 11() 'ign of laiLh hel'e. 'CC :\J k. li :5~).

Would you see the power of God poured our in your l il e~ Then cultivate a comciencc lor the commamh of Cod. I ake to voursclt Lhe m ind which wa:. i11 Chri:.L .Jel>us our Lord: ··1.0, I am ~ome w do t11y will, 0 God." "My meat ii. to do the will of l lim Lhat sc11 1 me." Let honest confession Lake Lhc place of weak excuses, a nd .... ee ho w God will bring H is g lory imo yom soul.

sec L£CT 1t E1>1111• ·'• •\JtCH 11-1-1

Southe::mcm Christian Colk-ge's 1963 Lecmrcship opens .\lontlay night, ~larch II , wh c11 Richard Ramsey will deliver the first in a M:l'k'S of four even· iug lcclUrt'5 011 rh c Old T1.•:n:.1111en1. 13rotbcr Ramsey, who is 11otcd as :i preacher of the gospel. cdi1or uf rhc E.:horrcr, :ind Di rec1or of rhc Church of Chri ~l lliblc Chair i11 Jl a111111011d, La., co111plcwd doctoral studies in the Old Tcs1.1· 1111~111 Jicld a11d is c11tinc11tly qualified by U'a ining a n d cxpcric11cc 10 deliver 1111: following lccLlll'CS: The Old Tt-stamc111 C:o<l in the l\lodcm World, The Savior in the Old Tl'~l:u11c111 , The O ld T<..,t:1111c11 t View o( the Pl:wc uf God's People in the Earth, .111d The Oltl T c:1t:1111cnt \l~,ai:c for the F 11111rc.

The tJ1c111c of tJ1c 111omi11g lccwre. 1~ill he ··TH E \.HRl'i"I I.\~ .\~I> I HE ST.\ TE." You will be iuform<.~ and st imnlatctl by 1he mt">~:tgcs ancl discussion\ on current and \'it:illy important 10pics, including these: T h e Pol iti cal Life o [ the C:hri•ti:m , Sho uld a Ch ristian Bear ,\nu.s?, ;rnd The Ch11rd 1 R c.-acr• 10 Co111 m1111i;.111.

l' n1h lc111s rcl a1i 11~ 10 Cllltl ·1 1,\ :-l El>UCi\ T ION will he w11sidc1cd in the :if1crncu111 sess io ns hy J n111c• £. Rcdd1:11 (,.;uisti cs a ucl the Co1111111111icatlon of tJ1c Gospel). Nea l T' hill1ps (S1111day School t ircra tnrc), and Jame~ I~. Fa rnl\~ r (Tcachc·r Ti:-.iining).

P r:1ycr lime' dirccwd b~· SCC s111dc11t, a nd scnno ns frn111 fai1hf11l o-ospc:I pre:1i'l1crs will p ro\'idc sc:mms o( spiriru~ I 1c fr1."Shi11g. "

.'1:0\\"-Scnd \OllT 100111 TC>cnatiou 10 l l;1rri~ Hrilc\, Chah111:111 ur lhc H o, pitalhr Commillt.'C, outhcastcrn Chris: ian College, Windu!>ter, !\.~·.

T llE:\ - \\"c hclicv1.'-we know-~·ou will say, "II w:is good to h:l\ e been to !Ill" 19Ci3 SCC Lectureship."

!i i

Page 6: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

Stanford Chambers

QUESTIONS ASKED OF US 111 ) Ollr hook, "Co111111cring ancl 10 Con1111cr" you 111nkc 1hc· ~1 :i tc111 c111 1hat

a lari::c:r per cc111 of Jew~ :ire confe.,,ing- Ch rist Lh:m the per cc111 of any 01J1cr ran:. Whal i'i )Ollr source of infonuation on 1ha1?

Over 40 rears ago I heard a represcntatjve or the Hebrew Chris-1ia11 Alliance n1ake the staLement, a11d I 11a,·e heard a ucl seen Lhc \t.1te111c11t a 1111111be1 of Li mes 11ince and ha,·e never seen il di pULed or qucsLioned, l>O 1 h:1vc assumed it Lo be correct. Regardless ol perc;enLages, it is a well-known fact that many J ews, including some rabbi,. are co11 fessi11g Christ, while 1na11r others are showing much i11 1erC\l. I .ct 11 ~ be glad and rejoice. The liule magazine Tire Chos1·11 /'l'ojJI!·. o ne of many H ebrew-Christia 11 publica1 ions. h ns 28 broad­<a)ti11~ sLaLions in thi) counm', and a vai.t amounc of literature euin~ Conh '.1 ~us a' Lhe :\lcssiah js being d istributed. Demands for -:'\e,~· Tc.,Lament~ hy .Jews exceed tht· ~uppl)'· All of which i' ig11ilicalll. Keep your e)'C Oil lite .J ews. Do )'Oll pray ··ror Lite peace or .Jcrusalcm"i' Sec P~. 122:G; abo ha. G2:6, 7.

Is there a Scrip111rc 1htt l definitcl)' ~ lalCS thnt the church is the hride o[ Christ?

No1 in so 111:in y words. Hut iL i.-. most c<:rtai11ly M!l f'o rlh a) ~o. "Chl'i'-L lo\ed Lhc: churdi and i:,r.wc himself up for iL ... Lhat he mighl prc..,c1ll Lhe churd1 unw himself" (Eph. 5:26, 27). Following hi~ instrunions LO hu band~ and wh·es, the apostle says. '·t\"evenheles~ I spea k of Chri~t and Lhe church." \\'riling Lhc ch ul'ch :n Corinth. the same apo ... tlc ~a>' (2 Cor. I 1:2) " I c~pou~ccl you lo one, that I rni.gln pt c,em you as a pure virgin LO Chri'it." ln Reveladon 19:8. 9. the J .a111b's wife is e11visioncd as adorned for her Husband, a nd her line line n "i~ Lhe righteous acl\ of the sa ints."' T lrnL would wem ~uflirient idemificaLion.

In >"'". hoo~ )Oii a rt: not in full agrccn1 cnl wi th those who 1e;1ch that in :! T h cs., cJi. 2, it is the ltoly Spirit who is " taken out oC the w:iy •.. "

I do not find that Lhc Hol)' Spirit is ·'taken out of the way:· Thcrn~h Lhc ( h11rch i~ caught up, th<: \\·ord or C od b ll ()l taken :1111a y. neither 1hc I lol.y Spiri L. T he Great Gorn111ission is to be cxccu Lcd to the end of the age, and haptism ·' imo the name or the FaLher and of the Son and of the Ilol)' Spirit" is Lo be performed. ·1 lw ~:rvcd rem11a11L of l srael (Rom. 9:27) will certa in!)' enjoy die gill ol Lite Hol)• Spirit according LO prom ise (AcLS 2:28, ff.) "who111 (.od haL11 gi\'e11 to them that obC)' him·· (Acts 5:32).

IL i) also u ue, however, th:tl the Hol)' Spirit docs exercise a 1 c.~traint upon Lhe ' '11 1ystery ol J awles~ues~ ··-the undcr-co\'er work-


Page 7: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

in"~ of in iq uity, which had already begun w hen Pau l wrote. Hy il­lu~1inating the Lord's redeemed ones to be "seen as lights in the world," by afford ing them "the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God," a nd by afford ing Lhem as "the salt of the canh" that savor and sa ltiness to preser ve from corruption, the Spiri t ha~ these many cemurie restrained iniquity to a cerca in extent, thcrngh, anouialous as is the fact, iniquity abound~ more in the "highly civi­lued" cities and nations than in the commu nities o( the African Pygm ies. But Pau l .is talking ol' the man ifestation of the ma n of si n himself. 1\11 tl as pointed ou t in our book, his nrn ni fcstatio n docs not come until Sata n is cast o ut of h is long-held position in Lhe heavenlies (Rev. ch. 12. R e. his present place in the heaven lies, Eph. 6: 12; also 2:2). Auemion is also called to the fact th:n the word trt1nslated "restrain" in 2 Thcs 2:7 is " hold" and ''hold fast" in o ther wr itings by Pau l, ct. a l., and in the Jigh L a lso of R evelatio n di. 13, conseq ue n t LO ch . J 2, it is Satan, no longer able to ho ld l'ast, Lhanks LO Michael, who is "taken out o r the midst" (Rotherham'<; 1 cndering, cl. al.) and ":1ccording to the workinrr of Satan," the beast (man of' comes imo manifestation "i11 l1is own season.'· Then he who is thus manifested, by the ener gizing of Satan (Rev. 13:2), inaug urates b is /\ n tichrist reg ime and carries on as per the remainder o f the chapter and continues umil the 111:111ifesui1io11 or Lhc Lord .Jesus as per R ev. J!): 19, 20, corresponding to 2 Thcs. 2:8. ;'\ow and a lways, the people of Goel <u-e to have preserving sa lt in themselves, to hold forth the light to dispel darkness, to wie ld the :.\\'Ord o( the Spirit aga inst the forces of sin rampa n t on every hand.

An old brother in our congre~ation positivcly d enies that " Holy G host" :Uld " Hol y Spirit" are the same. Bow may we help him?

At his age and seasoned in his own think-so, he may 11o t !Jc helped. You may lia\'C to let him have his way about it. The word />11c11111a, so man y times translated "ghost" in the Ki ng J ames version is a lso tra11slatecl a few times "spirit" in the same versio n, and .i nvariably it is ·' Holy Spirit" in the 1\merican Standard and the ,·arious other rccenl translations. P11eumn i the Greek word for spirit. \ Vho does llOl kuow that? Why say Holy Ghost? for mystery 's i,a kc '

Mow clocs the Churd1 oC Chris t stand on Lhe question of entire sauctific:i tion?

The quesLio11 betrays ~1 denominationa l concept of the Lord '~ church. 1 Tow few there arc who do not be tra y the ~an1e COll<'Cpt ! Disab use the mind of uch concept and fi nd what the ~cw Testa· men t teaches on tlt is or nn)' other subject a nd m ark it as the teaching o f Cod's ch urch o n the subject. Ir some local church does nol so teach , or some drnrch leader, it is from lack or growth ''in grace and Lhe know led ge <Jf the truth." The teaching of the church of the Lor d remnins the same. 1f sanctification is not "entire," that is hardl y th e r igh t name for iL. Now see 1 Thes. 5 :23; Heb. 12: l.'1 :ind o th er parallel passages, i f' yoi1 would know what the church o f Christ teaches, that is, ' ' the church of the fi rs tborn who are e11 rollcd in hea\'e n" (H eb. 12:23) . What i t teache<; is "settled in heaven" (Ps. I 19:89), being a it is the word of Jehovah .


Page 8: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

h 1101 ch11rd1 at1r11il1111ce g iH·11 1111d11c i111porrr111cc by 11u111r people:

If their c.:hurcl.1 au~ndanct· is relied on for their accepLancc by t!1e ~ .ore! J e'u.s .or is bemg a substittnc for the dailr walk and lrf(· 111 the Spmt, 011r answer 1!> Yes. On Lhe other hand let no 011c im:1gi ne that he can be !>O good in beha vior or in doing good dcC'd~ tl!at h~ doc' not need the benefit of the blessings our Lord ha~ pro­uded J11 the home of God. 1L is to no man's a·edit to feel no joy in the h m.1~e of the 1.ord. J~ewarc of holding H is house in contempt. .\t tcrnble <:O'>l did I le make prnvi ion lor His own in His church'!> ":.\\'l'Cl c.0111munion, solemn vow), Her hymn ol Jo,·e and pr:ii,e." \'0 11 cannm "for1>ake the aS!>c111bliog'' of your:;.elf with other!> in I li111 ;111d ho ld as your cxruse the good life )'Ou daily Jive. "Exhort one a11mhtr, and so 111u rh the more :i ye sec the d:iy approad1 ing" (Heb. I0:~5). The da} of the Lord draweth nigh. lL i' nearer ihan tht: unfaithful would ha\'C or think it LO be. ".Exhort one another." 111 Lhc assem bl y is afforded opportunity LO exhort a11d to be exhorted, all of which h of importance. Do nol disregard l lcb. 10:25. And "hc:1r with the word ol exhortation." ~

l11 rour hook, top of p. 130, )OU make 6G6 as tJ1c Mllll of the 1111meric:1l va lue., or the leu ers that spcll out L:11ci11os, whel'cas they :idtl np co 766.

Tlia11k\ for lhc rorrcctiu11. The la ... l lcuer, sigma (011r "s' ') . ,houltl be gi,·c11 the , -:due 200 imtcad ol 1300, ai. your diet io11ar)' will ~ho\\'. ~cc n 11 merica I \·aluei> of the lcucr:. of the Creek al phabct.

The 111:111r, manr religious org:111iz.1 tions of ioday at'C foi ling 10 counteract tJ1c 1rc111L' and cdh or our day. l$ there no war to do it?

"~ot by n1ight 11or hr power, bm h)' Ill)' Spirit. :.aith the I .onl." \'o id ol t11c Spirit, they re.'>Ol'l to orga11i1.ation and nurnbcr:. and budget~ ;rnd "acLi\'ities" and what not! 1\ lobili 7.alion impulsed br the ~pirit ol Cod will do (anti has done) what 111ultiorgani1.atio11b arc Jailing LO do.

Some arc \'Cq· optimibtic abouL tJ1c church )'ct convening the world and making the kingdoms oC tile world O\'Cr into the kingdom oC Christ . ..

nli11d optimi ... ts, they. "Evil sed ucers a nd imposters shall wax worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived" (2 T im. 3) . "When t11e Son of man cometh, will he find the faith on the earth?" Cor· rupt cloc:trines do not produce " the faith."

Wh) h there 1101 111orc earn~~• pm)ing 1hr11 we 111:1) "he fillccl \\'ith 1hi: Spiric"?

Ye "know how LO give good gifLS LO your ch ildren; how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to them that a~k him" (Lu. 1 1 : 1~) . Something is lacking in the professing church wda). ebc thcrc .woul.d not uc ~uch rna.n!fcst i111potcncc L~ cope \\'itli the prcsem ~ 1 u1auou1 such lack. ol mrl1~ancy ; ~tHI agg~·css1vc 11 c!.'> against the ramp;irb and force1> of ev1l, Mtch meffccu vcness rn appeal­ing to the losr, l>UCh wcakncs' i11 attempts at rescuing the perishing. Savorlcsi. sa lt docs not counteract r.utrd:u:LioJ1. But the savor of the ~alt dcpcnch upon the Holy Spirit; chc Holy Spirit within. "Be ye.: filled with t11c Spirit" is the :.idmonjtion to us al l. Precedi ng sudi fill ing i~ always an emptying. Vacuum)) are nonexistent.


Page 9: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

~ t;a 2edd-t" altd 7ett, ,,

, ,

WITNESSING Wm. Robert Heid

Every Christian is, by virtue of his calling, a wit11es~ lor Lhe l .orcl .J esus Christ; and in a very special degree lliis i' Lrnc of Lhe Bible teacher, preacher, o r missionary abroad. At 1:-1 is ascension, J esus: last words were: "and ye hall be my witnesses, in .Jerusalem, and 111 <ill Judaea and Samaria . and unto the urtermosc pa rt of the eanh." Perbaps this singleness of purpose h;is been !m t to vi l'\\'

of many who wo uld fain erve Lheir Lord, Christ.

111 L11e beginnings of the chw·ch, the apostles were eye-witnesses, ear-witnesses and even touch-wimesses o f Jesus. John begins his firs t cpi~ tle with the words: "Thal whid1 was fro m the hcbrinni11g, LhaL which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, th:u which we beheld, and our hands hancUecl, concerning the Word or life ... declare we unto you." And the apostle Paul, who likened himself to a child "born o ut o f due seaso n," vouched for his apos­w l ic a11tliority because he had 'ccn the Lord and heard words f'ro 111 I Ji:. mouth. But the be<lri11g of the wiL11css 11111st go on always. cve11 "LO the consummation o f the age. " and so the testimo ny must or nece~sity he h;mded from o ne generatio n to another. .J esus foresaw this necessity, and provided for it in the very s;imc C real C:<.> 111111i ~~ io11 : ' 'Lcad 1ing them (the newly m:ide disciples) to o bser ve all thing:.. whatsoever I have commanded you." So this privilege o( witnessing hecomcs our responsibility, and our God-given opponunit}' ("which 1hinw. ;mgcls desire w loo k imo") .

Oaths taken in cou1·ts of justice require a man to Lell the truth. the whole truL11, and nothing bm the truth. Howe,·er, we crin look at this witnessing task as lrn ving only two compo nent parts, rmher 1han three: simply tlw trnth with 11othi11g added, a nd tlw t ru th wi//1 11otlii11g tahe11 away. Thus w:u ned the Holy SpiriL in th e condu~ ion of the Revelation .

The ba~ is of o ur mc~~<igc i., the wriuen word o l C:od , the trnth a it ii. in Christ .Je:.11'.. Thi\ wo1d was in~pired by the. I Inly Spirit, written by the hand~ of Chr ist':. chosen o nes, a nd n1i1 ac.11 lou~ ly

prcse1Ted for us by the power o( C od. Blessed are we tha l the word hai. bcc11 lranslated for Ul> inLo ou r n:uive tongu e, and that by :1 throng of students whose rirsL loyal ty was to Lhc ir Cod, and bc lore the clays ol' clcnominarionaJism. And through al l of Saw11's altacks, Cod'l> statement has held: "heaven and earth shall p:hs a way, hut my word ~hall not pass away."

. \ ~ witnesses, t\\'O tcmpL:Hio m assail m . First, the te111ptatio n Lo add this Llting o r th:u, as new circumstances ari~e. - thing~ that miaJu eem to make sah'atio n easier (as adult sprinkling) or more widely indusi,·c (as infant bap tism) o r more l:t ~ ti ng (as eternal


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security) or more:: selective (as closed communion) or more e njoy-1:1ble (as instrumentalism) or more asthetic (as robed formality; or more palatable (as interdenominationalism). But where will we find ;w thoriz~tioo for ~uch jnnovations? Here we tend to cease witnessing aud begin schen1ing . A noted preacher was once asked what he tho 11gln abo ut a cert:.t in doctrine. "'!\'hen God has spoken, as H e has clearly done here, I do ~ot have any right to think" was his reply. H God had told us to build a church or work out a plan of salvation, w~ wo u Id l~a ve reason for the variety that is present today. But with lhs orders 111 our hand, we 11ecd only to follow. vVho dares do more?

The second temptation, to omit testimony, must be dealt with in a fater issue.

7M 7'tatµde/ o{ Und.ette{

J. H. McCaleb

Trnl y. our great s111 is the siu of unbelief.

Tiie .J cs 11:> of tile 1lible, and of history, pedorl1'.1ed many miracles. He fed the hung1y thousands with a few loaves and a few fishes. H e st illed the storms and made calm the waves that threatened to destroy. He hc<dcd the sitk ;rnd made the bJjnd to see. He brought the dead back to Ii 1 c. w c accer1. with our minds, but 0111' hearts remain ltOU· bled.

J> erliap~ we are more deeply impressed when we realize that JeSU$ ' 11rcd Lh<: ~ ick 111i11d as we ll as the sick body. As an example we S<::c the ma n, l'onnerly wrmcnted iJ1 spirit and n;iked, now sitting al th e feel of .J esus, clothed and in his right mind. 'Ne begin ro see the 111ig h1.y power tJiat is in Jesus Christ, but still we hold back. /"'.

"Ask the Savior to help you, (;0111[ort, strengthen, and keep you; He is willing to aid you, He will carry you through."

\Ve sing tile same se11tin1ents, ancl still we do not understand. Om Lord is all-powerful. We believe that statement in ' theory but are not sure that it applies to each one of us individually. ls God a c;tua 11 y in terestecl in me?

In Christ J esus our Lord we have everything . Through fa ith, \1·e can lay hold o[ every promise. Through unbelief, we have only the power of men. v~e need to make our faith re~l to the extent that we live hour by hour m the power of God. He wdl cany us through.


Page 11: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

7~e 'Jteed 'JM 1tew. 7'tafe4tationa

]. Edward Boyd

Jn the great reformation in Jeni3aJeru after the; return front Babylonian captivity (Nchc111iah 8) . the mo~t i111portanl fe;uurc wa~ the reading or the Law of God to the people. IL i\ said (' '· 8) that ·'1hey read in the book, in the law of God, distinctly; and ther ga,·c lite sense, so that they undersLOod the reading." The word lor .. distinctly .. may abo be rendered ''with an interpretation," a~ in the foornote. This ha led \Omc :.cholars to believe 1.hat a'i Lite: law wa:. read from the Hebrew text it was translated imo the Ara111ait., whi('h had come to he used as the com mon language of the va1 ious 11a tio nali1 ies, including tltc J ew , of that time. 111 any Clt5e, the intcm wa~ w g ive the people.: the law of God in language that they <0uld 1111denLand. During 1.he ccmu1 ies that followed, Gn•ek re· placed tJte A~ramaic as the language of common comm1111icatio11 nm the cla~~ica l G reek of the scholar:.. but that whid1 i~ known a'i Ll1e koinc. the kind Llrnt wa:. \)>Oken and wriucn by plain, ordinary people throughout the Roman world. lt was in this languag-e of the plain people Lhal we !'\cw Te:itament was for Lhc lllO'l part w1 iuc11. . \ gain, it wa~ Lhc e,·idcnt purpose LO g i\'e the precious rnt•,sage of the gospel i11 1he la11guagc o( die pc.;oplc \CJ th:tt they ( 1111Jd gel the SCllSC.

0/ow it 5eems Ob\'iow. that a translation or Lite Bible into anv l:111g11agc .,hould ·er"e the ~a1nc purpose. But i t appenrs evidc11·t Lhat the King Jam<.'S vel"'ion, cx< cllcllt though it wai. when il :tp· pcarcd j50 years ago. falls con,idcrably i.hon o( sen ing that pu1 p<he ror the people o[ today. Erroncou:. ideas ha\'e been deri\'c<l J rom it, :t:, the following irn.tancc' 'how. (These arc Crom mv own pcr­'on:tl ob\el\ :llion.) (I ) "Je5ll'> wok Ll1c cup ... 'aying. Drink ye all of it." Therefore it is wrong w leave any wine.:, or l{r:tpejuicc, in t:.hc commu nion cup. (There is no ambiguity in the Grct:k; it i•: de li11ite ly .. ,\ Jl ol. you drink o( it.") (2) Peter's mother-in-law " 111inistcrccl 111Ho them (Jc!.11~ and Hi disciples) "; there fore it i:. quite propc1 for a woman w preach! (Strangely. 111 <.' 1\111crican Standard rcuu ns these rcnderi ngs; other 1 nodern versions ma kc them rlcar.) (:$) .J esus was in hell d11ri11g the Lime between I !is de:1u1 :ind resurrection. The proof? Peter quoted fron1 Ps. IG: 10, "Thou will 1Wl lc;ave my soul in hell," and applied it to the rcrnrrcc.t io n of Chri:it (Acu 2:27-31). No hint in lhe Jame\ that this was I Jad es. 1hc abode of the dead. noL necessarily a place or torment. (·I) . \ boy was dimtrbccl by the admonition, "T ake no thought whaL


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Y~ i.h?ll cat . : ." I lo.w could Lhat be :ivoided, as people workcd­J11a nung, reaping, cooking, etc.? Later he obtained a revised version. ;wd th~ problem wall solved: Jesus was admonishing people not to !~e :111x1ous, not .~o worry. (5). l\ncl how m:i ny tod;1y know wh:1t

f<.:td1 . a compa~s mea ns? (2 Kings 3:9; Acts 28: 13.) (G) Or whal 'IOn c~ I feat wa~ pc:rr~rmed by the psaln1i t when he "prevented the <law11111g of the morning? (Ps. l 19: 147.) Many more such instances co11Icl be mentioned: bm the e mu~t suffice.

\'ct die critit ol n:ccm tramlationlt (in ··rnbte Versious and Pen crsiom") cxpres~es doubt that they <ire easier to understand than the King Ja111c~ ver~ion. To justify such doubt he refers LO cern1 i11 p;!~sagc~. That is or rnurse e ntirely beside the po int. No doubt 1fttT<.' are 11rnny pa~~ai;c:s in the Kin~ .J ame~ Lhat arc cnsily t1ndcrswod Ii) the.: ordinary n :;1dcr coday. B11t it is also trnc that many of ils palt~age~ arc mcaninglcs'>, obscure, or even misleading LO the average: 1 e;1der o[ I !Jli:l. :\<lw we do not doubt thal LO one who has for m:in\ }t·ar\ bl'e11 :i c.Jo~c \tudc.:111 and tcache1 of Lhe King .J amc:i. \'Crsio11, :1111 1 lO whOlll LhC lllC.:alling or LhC hundred!:> nnd hunc.Jrcd~ Of Obso)CLC• :ind archaic; word~ and phrases is well known, it shollld be al111ost a~ c.:a>il }' u ndcr.stood as any. Such a pcr~o11 is scar eel)' in position w j11tlgt• of 1IH: dilft( 11lties l<J others. .C:videnre of this is fo11nd in 1<H111c1 tio11 1d 1 h hill ct i titis111 ot a lkrkeley rendering in Elckic:l 3 7: 11. which 1cprc~cm-. hracl a!> saying: "\Ve arc completely done for." .\pparellll) he Lhink the King J :imcs rendering. "\Ve are cm off lor our parL:.." i' fully aJ> 1111dersta11clablc. Twice recently I frn,·e pm it w a test; omc liclorc o\lr college: swclcnt:., amt 011rc before an :<>><.' 111hly in dwrcl1. NOL one professed to know the meaning of 1hc: King j;1111c:s rc:ndc:ri11g. But lhc other seemed to make sense.

·n, in harnt<J ll )' with llroL11cr lloll's coumel published in I 9% (rcpt illlcd in Dcu·111bcr, 1~16'.!, Word and Work), we conclude wiL11 the suggestion: llol<l on to the King .J <tmes version if you will; but, in \·icw ol ih inadCt(llllC)' for our time, avail youn.ell oL the ad . \ :i1nagc' allot clcd b} Lite b~t and ~arc,t ol the ''en.ion~ in 111ode111

E11gli ~h.

"Cl-I RISTJAN~ O~L\'"'

jam~ Del 01n ... 1 .\lurch, author o[ the hool.. " Cbri)1ia11s Onl).'' rcHe\\·ed in 1hi~ is,ue, is a man worth reading after. He ~ a 11nit)·rni11ded 111:111. 11ot as some ulhCl'>. by rt::l'>f.lll ur the 1ibcr.:tlis111 thal tlOl'Ml'l cnrc :JbOUl the tliffcrenc~ th.IL tlhillc 1hc people of the Restoration Movc111c111 , h111 b)' reasou u l' ltis l•11w ... hcar1ccl rn11ccrn and I01'e for <il l L11e brethren. Moreover, he is certainly the first man

11( his group in mall) years 10 write o( us "righLists" wiih ge1111i11c i111cres1 and umlcn.1.111dini; and 1u g1\c 10 the plain old·liuc group 1he ~pate rhat he Ml

gcnciou>l) aud ~i111.crcl) de\ oles IO 1hc111 a111I •heir rni~ion:u) :11111 cd11ca1io11al .u Ii\ iiic,. B) all mean), all wbo c;ire 10 know more of the hbtorr and present ,tallls of the C:ampbcll·Stone Unit) mo\·e111 e111 should procure thi' hue ,·olume.

- 'E. L. J. 58

Page 13: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

7 lee ?lttt4te'Uf ol IJetlt~~ane

E. l.. J.

Few women are held in higher respect around the \V.\V. oITirc• 1han our devoted sister in the Lord. ~frs. P. f.IZ. She is :n1thor ol Lite fi11 c book on family and H ome, bought up bv :vl ooch Pi e~~ ~0 11 1t~ years ago for distribULion. A letter from her: lately ' rcccivccl. i ~ chiefl y commendatory bur takes mild exception to a line or two in our Jan11ary anicle on Prayer. This provides occasion for Lhcse n• orc prolix remarks on the question , 'Wl1 ~1t was the "cup' ' th:t t Jc~u' prayed abo ut on that dark beu·ayal night in the grtrdcn?

Our sister K. thinks perhaps it was the second death, the hell of !ire, and that from that (of course) He was comple te ly Sa\'t:d. :\11cl then she opens up a second question: How could Jcs 11 ~ · physical death aw11c for or satisfy God 's wrath, since H e pronounced tli c l:ikc ol' fire as pena lty for unforgiven sin? But who is sufEicielll w answer such a question? However, we shall try, later 011, Deo Vo lente . .Just now our study line is this: \ ·Vbat was the cup?

Was it Lhe agony clrnL his own fami liar lriend , 0 11c ol Ll1c d1o~c 11 Twe lve, should be the one chosen of the devil to identify l-1 im in the d:;rkness to the mob. and that with a t.raiLOr k iss?

Was it Lhe fear that He might die of weakness; Lhat tlte devil ( I lt:!b. 2: l•l) might l>c :ib le to ki ll Him before He wuld gc;;t I li111 ~e l l up to the p lace of' the curse to atone for the sins o( the world?

Was it the impending separation from the pulsing, throbbing heart of Cod in whose bosom the Son had lain from eternity? (Fnr Uc h;1d to die the sinner's God-forsaken death- for us.)

l hcsc !cars and lcelings may have pla yed a pan in the dreadfu l d1 ama; but personally l hold strongly to the common view- th at the cup was the cross. It is true that the scripture passages that ha ,·e rnnvinced me do no t sa y ill so many words, "This is Ge thsemane"; a nd what we ca11nut read in so many words we do no t pre;1ch r1s d og,11111 . But the llible teaches many things it does not say in ~o 111any wo rds (that the church was e:; rnblished on Pemecost is an example). Thc~c " uni11~pired conclusio ns" we do not seek LO bind 0 11 :111 )' 111:111. \\'c yield Lhe111 if. and when, 1.hat i ~ necessary for peaceful progrc!ts a nti ( ongrcga tiona l coo peration. .:-\ever the less, i( Lhe right to thi~ llH:!tlto d of growth be given up-the right co compare scripture: with scripwrc, 10 " put two a nd two cugether" and so to r each v;Llid co11cl u~ io 11)-il th is l rcctlo111 be lost, the church becomes no Ill ore tlia n a du I I. dead , dry and stagnated little Rome, dependent o n the " higher up," !or interpretation. :-.Jo, it is not tfl(/t unity we seek, but that which en­courages free personal investigation of the word, and be:irs in lm·c


Page 14: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

wiLh sud1 diffc1 enc.e\ a' mar arise ouL of Lh:H freedom. . Jf 1 were in a debate (which r am not), affirming the common

~ 1rw- thaL ''Lhc cup" was the cro~s a!°1d all that human!)' went wil11 11 - I wou ld first clear away Lhc ob1ect1ons that could he niiscd:

"T he cn111111011 vie w make:. the on Lo 'shrink back'. which I lc h. 10 :~8 f orbid~." .\1bwer: Is it so ccnain that Heb. 10 : :~8 rder~ w Chri'~· 01: as a warning .to those in danger of thac \ 'Cl') thing: 'But ~ranung IL refer'\ to Clnm. did He reallr " -hrink b;ick'': He f w m death, s11rh a death. with all iL\ conc:omitanu, hlll not from (,ml\ will.. Three Lime:. in the garden prayer He affirm~ I Ii \\' i liing­ne~• to abide b)' the fmher':. ,,·i ll: How can we call this "!.hrinki11g IJ:eck"? This then does not disprove the commo n view. Funhe1· 11101t·. it i ~ clearly implied in H eb. 11:17. 18 that H e (who was in all point!> tempt ed like as we are) fe lt ome son o f temptation in (,c:tlhc111a11c. and that the avior' vicLOt}' in thi awful hour had 'on1ething co do with preparing Him to succor other~ when they arc· H 111p1C'd. We mmt rcmc111bC1· that though J e!.u i. wa:. without ~in, He w:" 1WL wi1ho111 temptation (Heb. 5:8, 9, et al.) . I'""'\ •

.. I he com111011 view is incompatible with Christ's ow n predic-1io11s of His ' li(Ling up', 'vith His rebuke of Peter who sought to dissm1dc H im from the cross, and with His rebuke of tha t 'certain 11 11 t·' who cl11•w :1 1>word against the mob. and Chr ic, t's saying. 'How ti1c:n )ho11ld the ~rripLUre be fulfilled , that thm it n1mt be:?' ( i\ fa11. '.::!li:!i I)... Amwcr: The last statement occuned after the weakne'~ had p :h~cd. 1lw 01her\ occurrC'd before it ca rnc upon I Jim. lL i ~ 111Hltri.1a 11 dah!C'. He had "emptied Hiin~clf" of ,\'1mwtlri11g. . had gone down i11 Lile fl esh to Lhe plane O[ hu111an-kind, a11d was now 1111J\·i 11g step by ~tcp under the Father's direction. He sa id, "The Son do<'' 11othi111-\' wiL11ouL the Father." H e knew the Father wa/> the God ol th e in1po~~ible. II'" cannot ~cc how a ll }' othc1 way could be pm~iblc-1111 Jc~, pi ophc1 y could be era~ed and 11:w~t; but I fr knew I Ii ' f ather was nble. "able to sa,·e him from death " : it was possible: hut was it hl'st? Ah, that was for God LO settle. Hi~ will. C od\ i.;oml, all-perlC'rt and full y acceptable will- tliat wa-. lhc rea l mea ning 11! C.:hri ;, t's rcq11c'Jl, 1hc rc•d meaning ot Hi~ pr~1 ycr. the c.kcpcst wi'h n! Ii i-. hean of hcans . .\nd in this requesL. " He was heard" (so it 1 cad;,) . "heard for His godly fear." And \1·hcn that apparent sub~ti - "", 111tio 11 came, all "arcording to the ~rripture~ ... the rea l hcarL ol f l i., P•·•}l'l' wa .. \\'lapped up in the amwer: the 11ccclcd su·cngth o r will and bod). a nd the literal obedience and fulfuhnenL that followed.

Hut 110,,· it i~ time t0 q uote the dccisi\'e pa!>sage, Heb. 5:7-Y. I ha\'c inncncd cc1 win word-. a;, I would if reading in puhlic:

"Who. in the clays o[ his rtesh , having oflcrcd 11p prayer\ a nd .\llpjJlir11fi~ms with strong crying ~nd tear.> unto billl LJiat was ab/1· to smw /wn from dentlt, and havrng been heard for his godl}· fear, t/l(Jug!t he wa) a Son, yet lenmrrl obedienre by the thin~ which he ,u lf c1cd; and having been mnde perfect, he became unto all thc111 1l•at obey hi111 the author o( eternal salvation."

11 these inspired words do not desc1-ibe Cethseniane and the evc111 :. lollowing, what "hour" and what evellls of Christ's eanhlr


Page 15: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

life, do Lh<:y describe? Wlun prayers :ind supplicatiom, what lears. ,,·hat death- if not the death immediately impending? \Nhat learn­ing of obedience hr suffering, and what "being made perfect"? And what ran he lhe mean ing of the word "though" in verse 8, except to illmtrate that e ven the Son of Cod could not have exactly what (in that hour of human wcarine .. ~) H e had asked? Certainly,

c beclicncc, implicit obedience, was always in E-lis he:m-"Thy will, l!Ol 111ine, be done"-it was IIis r eal desire; but now, finall y, I re had w '' learn '' 1>bedience, yea, the hard way, in experience, 1hro ugh :.11/fcrino-a · I have to learn it. as we've all got to learn it. What a light, wi1:u a radiance, this throws on the problem of l1111n :rn ~offering!

" Thou, Lord, an good" (how ~ood) "and ready to (orgive" (how ready). "and abundant in lnv111gkindness" (how ab1111cfan1) "un to all them that call upon thee" (Ps. 86:5). He b indeed too good to wi h u any harm; too wi!.t: LO make any 111i-;rnke; too ~tro1l~ to permit any evil that He cannot sanctify to our eternal blessing . How g lad I am that it is ~o!

I do not )CC that the Ceth~crn:me prayer is in c;o11 1lic;t with Christ's ow11 teaching 0 11 prayer: ''Ask whatsoever ye will" (John 15:7); ''Jf we ask a nyth ing accordi ng to his will ht hearcL11 u~" ( I .J ohn 5: 11). l do 11ot ':ry thm God's wi ll is a Lhi11i; ~o fixed t.lwt

i i has never been changed hy be lievi ng prayer: it ha~. But th:it i~ another Hlld)• line. J uH no\\', we arc LO that God, sitting high abO\'C all earthl) ~tri[e and turmoil, looking down che :igcs to the final good, is the final judge and arbiter ol our 1cque:.~-LO turn darkne') imo lig h t. and evil into good. IL wa~ so wiL11 the Sou (who ltad hec 0111e ma11) , a~ the· Holy Spii it bore His \tr:rngc appeal to tl1t• Throne of fi nal decision: 1 here was. in reality, notl1ing that He wislwd or really desired but the Father's will. And " H e wa~ heard.'! On wi ngs ot cverlnsli11g lovc-s1,•iru:r than light and su anger than death- came the angel with the amwer: Su·engt.h! That wai. the rc;a J need; not willingness, hut strength of mi nd and hody; ,Lre11gth !'or 1 ha t "i.11fl'eri ng, friendlc~s One, weeping, praying th ere :ilo ne"­in 1hu shacloll' of 1 he o live tree,.

Once more, tl1e Sa\'iOr pra\cd, it ~l'cms, but il w:1~ ~cuh:d no\\'. l he hour had come ancl the betrayer " 'as al hand. Note ;\I ark's use (in chapter 11) of the word ''hour' ': in verse % He pra ys that "the ho111 rnight pa-., awa} ltom him": in verse 'I I. "the hour is rnmc; the .Son of ma n i~ beU:t)Cd into the hands of \inner,": .11e 1wt thcite two "hours" o ne a 11d the 11amc?

'io now we kno\\' tbe ll'l)'Stcry of Gethsemane-or do we? It is the privilege of C\ 'CI')' free Chri:.tia11 to examine the >cripture-. for hi1mclf, to M.:e \\'hethcr thc~c thing:. arc so (Acts 17: 11 ): :.11d it i~ o ur pri\'ilcge and o ur nobility to lO\'C and chcl'ish :il l sur h s:ri11ts­v:hcther they agree with o u r conclusions or not!

O )'C), God amwers pr:t)'Cr: usually "Yes," but never "No"; ~omc­timc::s " Wait"; and )>011H.: ti111e~ (perfect parcm th:H f le i~) I le will :.ay: "Not Lhat, bu t this." .\ ml when it comes, what '<.c111cd to be a ,.ub titution will be tbe \'Cl') thing \\'C wam ed, but in the highe~t p<Miblc fot 1111


Page 16: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

CHRISTIANS ONLY (This art icle reviews C'JuisLiaas Only, by James Del~orcst Murch, published b1· Standard Publishing Co., Cincinnati, Ohfo, 1962.)

Ernest E. Lyon

The: reading of The Fool of God, a novel based on the life o[ Alexander Campbell by Louis Cochran, made me desire to know a g?od deal more about the movement established in this country by Campl>cll and other nten selected of Goel in the beginnin•Y of the IDLh ~cn tury. Since the churches that are in the fellows hip served l>y Lh1s paper are a part of the result of the work of those men I had known s~metlting of the beginning and something of wha~ had happcncu 111 between then and now, but it became obvious 1 ll:iL 111y knowkdge, like that o( most of those who want LO be ··c 1t~·is.1. i a11s On ly" tocl~y, .was very small. With the publication of Cl11_·1st//111s 011/y tbcre 1s lntle excuse for anyone to be ignorant who cb 1rcs LO know about our bilckgrounds. Our desire not to be '"Ca111pbc.:1I i tcs·· or "Stoneite~" or an y other sect of' ch ristendom should not keep us from knowing some of the work and rcsulls of that work by men who desired, as we do, to restore New Testament Chri~tia n iL)" as d osely as possible.

Mr. Mmcli bas been [or years a promi nem worker among what we call Lhe "Conservative Christian Churches'" and has written Cor and wo rked wiLh several magazines desiring unity on Ne,\· Testa­ment lcrms. .He was one o[ the leaders of the nnsuccessfu l auempt~ w n.:s torc unity among Christian Churches and Churches of Christ, widt Claude \ Viuy represeming the "'non-instrumem::il'" Churches of Christ.

Mr. 1'vlu rcl1 says i n his preface, "This book frankly presents :in irenic personal view of the historical [acts implicit in the events c>l J50 years in the life of a great p eople, now approximately five 111illion ~trong . "' He divides the churches today into Leftist (the "'Di~ri pie o r Christ," those lllOSL active in the International Con­\'("Jttion) , the CenLrist (the "Conservative Christian Churches" or ·· 1 mle1ientlem Christian Churches") , and the Rightist (a ll th e "non­instrumental" Churches of Christ lumped together) . T hinking of oneself as being in the midd le o[ the stream does not g ive one the best posi Lion LO Lal~_ uni Ly witb those who fe_el that ~1ey themsel,ve) ar~ in Lh e correct pos1l!on, so lhose on bo1.h sides or Bro. 1'vlurch ~ posi­tion wil l take issue in many points with him, but I believe that it \\ottltl b<.: difliudt LO fi11u a fairer appraisal of the situation in these d1 11r('h<:' w uay and thrc1ugh Lile 150 y<.:ars o[ history. 1L would be \'cry interesting LO find a u et1ually good historian fro m both of the mher "'roups as Brother M urch classifies them and then compare all dll"ee ~olumes. Until then I believe that everyone o( us ought to read 1.hi~ fi11c IJook bolh for h istorical imercst a nd lo revive in o ur:.elvcs agai11 die passio n fo_r New Testa 111 ~~ 1l Cluistia~1iLy_ thaL

1110,·cd Lhc early men co ··go \\' Jthout the camp o( dcno mmauonal­i!.lll and tr)' LO establish churches where all Chri tiam could " ·or· :.11 i p the Lord wgcLher.

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(This reprint is the latter half of a tract by R. H. Boll . The first pare was printed last month.)


It may be urged, however, tlrnt unity must be maintained, and that therefore disturbing teachings must perforce be excluded. This principle lrns its measure of truth, but can with the greatest ease be abused <ind turned in to a weapon of spiritual tyranny. This false unity-pica is really the genesis of all authoritative huma n creeds. They were all "unity" measures at fast; and they have aH been the fruitful cause of division and sectarianism. "You must cease to teach Lhis or that , or there will be division," say some reputed leaders. And stra ightway those leaders themselves sec to it that there is divi­sion. They will have Llteir way and their doctrine or llothing. If a man will not submit he must be marked and avoided (Rom. 16:17, 18) because, forsooth, he is causing division. Now if any man can distinguish th is from creed-making, and sec any difference between this son of procedure and the way of the sects he must ha\'e a better microscope ·to detect fine lines than the rest of us possess. That is not the way of unity; it is the exercising of arbitrary jurisd ic­tion over the minds and hea rts of God's people; jt is the imposition of a human yoke. Nay, already it is altogether a fau lt in us if the honest presentation by ~L brother of whaL he has found (or, say, wha L he thinks he has found) in God's wore! should cause trouble in the church. \ 1\lhy shou ld that cause trouble? Unless there were some iu po\Ver who arc intolcram o r having their own findings regarded as Lhc final authority. To be sure, if the ofTcnding brother had de nied the Lord .J esus Christ, or the inspiration a nd authority of the Scrip· ture.,, or i[ he had rejected th e Gospel, or if he had claimed for hirnseH some special right to depart fro111 the word or Cod, or if he had tried to form and lead off a faction, or had tried to inu·oduce some practice which would force a separaLion among God's people -we must needs deal with such a one according to the insu·uctio ns of Romans 16:17, IS. Blll ii" iL i& merely a ca~c o r opposition on the part of some who th ink that they have: Lhc very last word 0 11 Bible truth and who wish to rnsL out 1:bose who differ wit11 them - it ought to !Jc: obv ious that somebody is assuming pope-ship over God's heritage. a11d that such me n do 11ot know and have perhaps never kno wn whaL New Tesrnn1e11t Christianity is.


Again, it is argued tliat if trouble is caused over 11011-e~sen.llal doctrines, say abou L mauers of prophecy, such doctrines ought to be: suppressed. We ca11 be saved withom them. It is not necessary to b1ing them up at all. It is mere 'rnntonness to stir up trouble over such matters. No one knows or can know anything about it


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at any rate, th ey think, and every man should keep his ideas on prophecy to himself.

. This specious and fallacious !·easoning seems to have weight wi th ~ome. They do not see that 1t fi nally rests upon the authority o( men who presume to lay clown to their brethren what is, and what is not necessary, and therefore what is, and what is not, to be taught. It would b e su·ange if a Christian, having the word o( God in his hands, needed somebody to define for him what part of it is necessary and whaL superfluous; and whal can be understood and what ornnoL; and what should be taught and what should be left off. Surely no sectarian leader would wish any wider concessions than that, and any man given that righ t would have no difficulty in consu-u cting a b unrnn creed for Lhe chu rch . ' "' hat part o[ God's word is un-11ecessaq•? What is th e irrcductible minimum of essential doctrine? Perhaps only a few verses- say fifty, or a hundred? And shall we disca rd all the rest then, if someone challenges it, l est it m ight cause trouble? And what if the man who sorted out Lhe essemial l'rom the non-cssemial 111adc a misLakc? l s nny pan o( Lhe word to be set aside as valueless? Granting, however, that a man could be saved without a knowledge o( Bible prophecy-ought not that to be the best reason for mutual tolerance on the subject? Rut with strange perverseness some will niake Lhat very thing an excuse for intoler­ance. A man is worthy to be condemned, say they, if h e raises differ­ences over docrines that are non-essential. Of course if he raised differences over Lbfr1gs Lha t are essential, he would then /!nve Lo be con­clc~1111cd a nc1 casL 011 t. lt conies then to this, that i [ you dare to differ with cercain of Lhe "leaders" in the church- i[ it is on a non­essential out you go, because it is non-essential; if it is on an essential­ou L you go, because it is essen tial. If you differ with the.m at all then on anything whatcver- 011L you go. No sect on e<lnh, R tmic herse lf 11o t excepted, is more creed-bound than that.

VIGILA NCE Al""D LIBERTY .. f or freedom did Christ set us free: stand fast auJ be not en­

tangled again in a yoke of bondage." This ad mon iLion applies es­peciall y to tho~c who would be simple Christians. Here nlso it is true that eternal vigilance is the price o[ liberty. And here, too, it is true 1·hat,

"They enslave Llieir childTen's children. Who mak,e compromise with wrong."

.:\ow liberty is not license. '"' e do not advocate individualism a11 d ~c ll'-will. The free Christian will feel all the rnore responsibility w cousider ltis brother's intcresL, LO weigh well hi~ sp eech and guard his teaching, because of bis Eberly; for Lhrough love: w~ musL be servan ts one of another. But watch we must forevermore; [or oo one pretense or another, untler on: cov~r or a1_1<?ther, comes. the dang~r of thra ldoni LO 111an·s creec!. ~he lu!?h pomron o( the !illliple Ch1:1s­ti:m and of the u11de11ommauonal cl1Urch must be zealottsly marn­cained against all encroachmen t of fa1se authority and against the: spiriL or sectai·ianism.


Page 19: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

Sal.ota9'~ t~e Se~~d ~~9

J. R. Clark

Rro ther Ho ll o nce preached a sermon on "Sabotaging The Second Corning o f C hr ist." ' •Vhile in a meeLing in Iowa J h eard Lhis sermon on a tap e rcC'order. Though J do noL rementber the d eta ils of the m essage, yet I did p ut d own the four main points that he used. l wish Lo p;iss on this outline with my own comments.

Tlte 11·<n cl "~ab() ta~c" mc:am "The wi Hui i njUl')' or destruction of machiner y or maten a l by workmen." Thus the word applies to those wh o com ntit acts o ( d estrnction, usually by s tea lth. This type of th ing lly is quite c:ornmon in the tune of war. Some QTeac donri ne~ of the Bible h:we been subjected to such treatment.


:• p osllc Pe tcl' ~pc:1ks o f some who "even deny the master that boughL the111." who, working Crom withi11, seek to snbo tagc Lhe atonement. B rother Bo ll used to say tha t there were four Bible books that the devil especia ll y ha ted: De u teronom y, Daniel, Revelatio n, :ind perh aps the fou rth was th e G ospe l o f .J ohn. T he L ord used Demeronomy pas~agcs LO Loil Lhe devil in Lbc Lime of rempwtion, John sets lorth His d e ity, a11cl D<lniel and R eve lation inform lhe d c:v'il o( his fuwre d oom. J 11 this slUdy we arc interested in setting for th tbe me thods used by .Sa w11 in sabotaging the second coming o( Ch rist.

fi rl> t, b}' dn1ial Lhe d evil seeks w get r id o ( Ll1 <.; second corni11g. 0[ course, he must use h is sen ·;uus. The seco nd coming is taught pla in! )' and much in the Bible. One o ut of e very thirty verses in the ;'\ew re~ta lllC lll 111entio115 Christ's l'C llll'll. Jn John 1'1:3 J esm says, "A nd ii 1 go and prepare a place !or you. I r omc aga in, a nd will receive you unto m yself; tbat where 1 a m, t11erc ye m:I )' be a lso." T h e two :11wcb who ap peared w tile disciples when J esus wc m up, said. "Ye 111~ 1 o ( Ga lilee, why stand )'C looking inco h eaven ? this J esus, who w:i received up lro111 you into hcavc11, shall ~o cnn1e in like m anner as ye beh eld hint goi ng into heaven." i\-fany <ire tltc passage~ of both Old and ~el\' Te uunem th:u sp eak of Lhe !>econd co mi ng ol Christ.

H. N. Ru Lhcrlurcl in "l>Cl' lllO ll ~a id or Lhe advclll, " I t i ~ Ll1 c: 0 11(:

event moH often recorded i11 ho ly scripture. 'l'lte ll oly SpinL set~ it (onh i11 type. in symbo l. in p la in declaration, in prop~1etic fore­rns t, in a nalogy, in parable, in h yper? olc, in mcrnphor, 1~1 e~ailed son g. \Vhen you close ~he Hook y~u lccl that tl.1e nex L thing .1s the corning o l the :1-ort!· . l rom Genc~ 1 s LO Re vela uon the clonnnc .of the second com mg 1s mwrought w1Lh the warp and wool. o l the 111-

~pired word and lies a:. Lhick upo n its pages as the autumn lea\·cs 6;j

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'diich wh!rl abom Manhau;rn, and he who keeps his ears alert as ~le op~11s HS pnges ma y hear the ru~Lling of the fooLSlCps of the com-111g King."

Jn 2 PCLtr '.$:3-·J we read, "knowi 11g this firsl, tha t in Lite la~ l d:i y~ nwckcr!>. sha ll rom~ with 111ockcry. wa lking after the ir ow11 J11s1~. and :.aying, \Vhcre is Lhe promise of llis comi11g? for, from the d:1) tliat the. Ja1_hers fell a Jeep! all Ll1ings continue a~ they were f1011_1 d~e beg111n111g of the a·eanon." Bm Peter quickly answers by r<. n111Hli~1g then~ of lhe rtood. thnl came in the days of [ oa h. So shall tlw. pronrnc ol the com 111g of the Lord come to pass. in spite of :d l denials LO the contrary .

. A more subtle way of sabotage is by neglect. In Hebrews 2 the wn1cr S<l)'S . " how slwll we escape. ii wc ncglccl su grcnl .1 sa lv:Hion? (That is, our sa lva lion in t.his age ol grace.) Also His -.ernnd comincr is called sal varion in a Ce\\· passages. For example. "So Christ also~ having been once offered LO bear the sins of ntany, ~hall appear a ~C'cond lime. aparL lrom sin, LO them Lhal wait for him, unto ~al · v:1t ion." .\ ChrisLi:w is wught LO live in the lighL of this C\ "Cnt. 0.: They ha ve wrn ccl lron1 idols. "to serve a liYing a nd true Goel, and 10 wait for li is Son Lrom heaven ( I The-. 1:9. JO). \\le cannot sa le!>• neglect thi~ hope for it has n ~a l u tary effect upon our lives. " I le 1hn1 h ath 1hi, !wpe ~ct 0 11 I rim puriflct.h hin1self e\'en as I Ic i pure." If we 1·cfme to deny L11e Coming. Lhen Sawn wi U try h is tool of ueglect on m. So docs he seek LO ~abotage I Tis coming.

The third \\':1)' lw trie LO 'abotage th is doctrine j, hy getting m w ,\pi1it11nl1 z1• il. l' rt>phecy, 10 be 1111dcrstoocl, 111mt be wkcn in it~ obv ious aran11na tica l .. ense. allowing for symbol~ and figures of speech. Un~lerncalh the symbo ls li~s a lirera ~ tn~th. Some go ~o far ;i<, 1.0 think that the Lord Jesu~ 1s 1101. co111111g- 1n pcr,on, but 1n ~ome -;piriwal way, such ns in sonic great refonnation movemenc. n ·\i\'al. or such like. Thus some have it that. H e ha~ :ilready come. Others. whi le not going that far, yet spiri tual ize man): pas-ages. espet ially in 1hc Old Testament '.lnd the Book o[ Rcve~auon, appl)-ing the p:"'a~<''> 1n the first com ing. 01 w the church 111 'ome w;w. 1\ ccorcl i 1 w w ~n111<· I Le says one 1 l1111g and me:i ns another. So do 1hcy um~rminc th i..: deta ils of this great truth, even Lhough ~1cy belic\'e in the facL of H is coming. Says one. "Tf what you believe I" is true. il is a liea11tiful doctrine." Answered the o ther. "T he n ice thing about it is that it is u·ue!"

The last. mcLhod of sabotage of the ~econd coming i, by removing tlt111 day far 11w11)" This one doc~ not deny. nor 11eglcc1. nor -.piril· 11a lin'. but ~eek-; w rc111ove Lhi) da\ lar a\\'ay. S:t\' l(''ll'· " But if thaL evil ~er\'a111 i.hall ~ay in hi:-. hcarl, ~ l y lord t:i'rrieth; and shall beg-i11 Ln beat. his 'fcllow-scrva11ts, and shall e:n ~1 11 d drink with the drunken; the lord of that ervant shall come in a day whe11 he ex­pcttcth 1101., and in an hour when he k110\\'CLh not. .. . " \Ve ;:ire 1:111glt1 LO be 0 11 lite :ilc1 L, w;uching lor His coming. lest coming udd<·nly He lincl It) sleeping.

God purposely made H i con1ing imminent )0 that Ghris1.ia1i­would always be on Lhc tiproe of expectancy. The co111i11g o( tht·


Page 21: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

Lord ii. i111111 inent-C\'Cr-Lo·bc·e.'Xpccted. Otherwise how could we watch, look and wait for His coming as we arc urged to do in the New T estament?

Let m not join with those who seek to sabotage the second com­ing of the Lord. Let us r:llher be wil.e serva nts, whom the Loni when He cometh shall find so doing.

/I ~Wttan 1/te«.t4 '?~e 1te«.tL

Ernest E. Lyon

JNTERNATJ01\'A I . COl\'.TROL OF EDUCATION . Bob Ross, bead of the De partment of Bible at SCC, sent to the D epartment of Sta te after thi:. column appeared last October and got a copy o( the "Convention on Discrimination" as mimeographed by that depart­lllent. One significant change occurs in article 8: Instead o.f say ing that e ither party IU a di ~pute may rdcr the dispute to th e Inter· nationa l Court of Justiccc lor decision the State D epar tment copy i·eacls, ' 'at the request of the parties w the dispute." vVhethcr this i ~ a revision or a result of incorrect t-yping on the part of a secretary I do not know, but L ani glad to pass on to you this change as i t occurs in tlun copy. App::m:ntly anyone who wishes a copy may get one by sending to the Depanment of • uue in " 'ashington. Gel a copy and ~wdy it for yourself.

C~UOT:\ rlOl\' OF !"I-! E i\IOi'\1 11 : "\\' ild ~ pending on the part or l:hose who inherit L11eir lllOllC) . Illa ) always be quest ioned. Bu t wild spending on th e.: pan of tho~e who obta in fund through polit­ical duress and lax rollcctiom is infini1el} worse and the major prob­lc:m <>r our ti r11e:· -Odt:~,a (T c.:xa') .\meric1n.

OJ.D QUOTATIO~ 0 1· TH I~ ~ I OXTH: " I bt:lieve Ll1erc arc more i nsw 11cc.:s of the n bridgemcm of the I rec cl om of the people by gradual :ind 1. il cnt encroachment of tho.~c in power than by violent and sudderr UHtrpatiom." - .Jame, ~ l ad im11. the "(;rther of our Consti­tution."

A HEART THAT WAS C HAi'\ GED BY POWER. Before he be­came president, the la w F. D. R oosevelt said, "The Constitution of Lite United Stutes gfres Congrcs no power to legislate in the matter of a great number o( \"ital problems of our governmcm, such as the conduct of public utilities. of banks, of insurance, of business, n( agriculture. of edu ca tion, or social we lfare and of a dozen other


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imponant features. ' '\lashington must never be permitted LO inter­fere in these nvenues o( our affairs."

NEWS BRIEFS. ln 43 years no new worthwhile drucr has been devcl~pe<l in Russia :111c~ ruore h ave been de\'e loped in tl1e U.S. A. tha n. 1.11 all other counu·1es-a vel')' vocal argument agai nst socialized medicine ... Los Angeles has rejected federal aid for w-ban renewal because of irate citizens opposing Lbis seizure of private property by the govern me nt to turn over to other private citizens at g reat cost to the govcrn 111c11t ... A mi-Christian ntrocities that killed 80 Chris­tians :ind razed 50 tribal villages i11 New G uinea last fall h ave ap­parently strengthened rather than dampened the consecra tion of lfaptists in New Guinea ... A business man in Parkersburrr, West Vir[?'inia, made a telling argument agajnst high taxes last year by p:'ly1ng f11ll paymcm for all 11rccks of the mouth each month except the las t week a nd then taking all the month's tax o u t of chat week. Some of th e employees actually owed him money for that week! ... lu a urvcy of 81~5 111e111bers of Lhe Luther League ol Aincrka, 87 per cenl admued they chea ted on high school exams. What would it /'"'"'\_ be for a non·Christian gn)Upt ... For the first time in a buncu·ed years, the percentage of chtll'ch members in the nation's population has registered a decrease .. . Low-cost public housin~, touted as n mean~ of decreasing crime, has accually increased cri me, accord ing to Stephen H. Marcus in 1-.lum(l.n Events for January 19, 1963 ... T hough the newspapers of the counu·y reported chat the bank in E lizabethville, Katanga. had been robbed before Lhe U11it<:cl Nations got 1 here, Robert C. Ruark had reported in the \<\l::ishiug10n Daily News so111e ti 111 e b<;fore that U. N . troops had actual ly ' 'rnbbecl"' the bank. l wonder what the true story really is.

POLITICAL PROPHECY. The Fre11d1 observer a11d thinker, A lex is de Tocljucvillc, wrote, after a visit LO this country a cemury and a q uarter ago, Lhal our poli tical system would finally lead to

a "democratic despotism." He foresaw this not as an alien dictator­ship im posed from without a nd by conquest over a beaten but re­bellious people but said Lhat the democratic despotism would manifest itself as n b,,·ad ual but spreadi1~g pa~·a l ys i s o( wil.1,. ;~s ~~. ''failure oE nerve." as a ··gT:,dnal erosion of 111d1v1dual re~pons1b1hty. ~

.\ :--iOT E ABOUT T HE COMMON MARKET. It ii. not me11-Lioncd in our ucwlipapcrs that th e six countries of the Common Marke t arc Catholic religiously. Many of the Englis.h were opposed .to Britain's entrance fr1 the Market 1.>ecause of this and, so they said, thal 1he prime ministers or d1ose COlllllt'ies were ;1 11 Ron1a 11 Catho lics. It is interesting to note, and very sad, that when Gcnnany was cruelly d ivided after World War II, Russia was given control of the east t.0ne which was SUI per ce1~t Protes~an.t and the Allies ~ver~ g~ven control o( the Catholic poruon. Th is JS another of the 111d1cauons that Goel mtt)' be a llowing the (;onu1:1on Market to bcc?1nc the nu­cleus Lor 1.he rc,•ival o( the power o[ R o111e as shown 111 prophecy. This may be, however, just a "t.lress rehearsal" which we still need to watd1 carefull y. vs

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Carl J(jtzmiller

The Bible co1H11ins 1185 chaptet·s. IC we should attempt to cover it by studying onc cbaptcr each lesson on Sunday morn ings, i t wou ld 1:1ke something lik<· 2~ years to compleu: 1hc job just o ne time. Even if we eliminatc.:d the Old T esrnment, it would take over 5 years to cover the 285 chapters of the New Testament. Add to that the fact 1 hm man} Bi hie rhaptcr<t arc much too long to be sufficiently studied i11 one lcs,011. and we arrive at a ' e 1} ob,·iou\ roncl usion. There mw.t be a ~clcction of the material we w ill cover in the weekly Bible cl"sses. E\'en a f:iilure to select is in iLSelf a selection.

Taking the Bible iu.e lf book by book, verse by verse. as cxccl­lcm as the method nwy be, means that certa in e ntire books o[ the lliblc will ll l'\Cr be: touched. ('Ve mention this method because ir is often the one chosen if we decide not co use class literature.) I 11 the hand-, ol a thoroughly capable teacher, it possess cerrnin n :ry great ad\'a11t:1gci.,, e~pccia ll y in t11c older da:.~e:.. Uut this method ii., al111ost alwa)'l> we:ik i11 Old Testament study. P robably no church ought w use this mc tl1od e.'Cdusivel)r, though we wou Id not like to it dj~comin11cd c.on1plccely ei ther.

If the1 e i, w be \Ome serie~. whose ~hall it be: o mc imcr-dcnomination:d M.:rie~ a1c u:.ed with adaptation br the teacher, but most of tl1e,c lca' c ~omet.hing 10 be desired and show certain areas ol weakne''· \ Ve can, <>f course, prepare o ur own- locally, or as a group of cl1urc.:hc,. At various times iL has been suggested that the !fiord and fl'or/: Q11<1rterly should discontinue the present Inter­national Unifor1n series in favor of a selection or a series of lessons or our "own ...

\Vithout a11c1HpLi11g LO speak for the editor:. of ll'ord a11d ll' orh we wish to ct fo1th one man':. opinion. lL is to be doubted thaL i(

11ch a choice were made ic would be any more satisfactory to a greater nm11be1 ol 11~ Lhan the pre~eut :.cries, and it might no t po~ess some of tile \in uc:. found in the JJrescnL J e~sons. ''Our" ~erie:. would have it~ weaknesses LOO, n11cl Lhc choice of passag~ or wpics 1 might n1akc wo uld seem quite inappropriate LO anoLher. As o ne who ha:. auc111pted Lo write some of the lessons for the Quarterly a, based on the internationa l series, I wish to ca ll aucnlion Lo a few uf the good f ea ture~ or the present series.

1. le docs bah111ce the study between the T estamen ts, about ~ix month~ per year spem in each.


Page 24: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

2. In some of the Old Testament books a few lessons nre more practical for ~1c average. cJass than an attempt lO spend months or years covering 1.he enure book .. ~Ve can only hope to a·eate a hunger on the part of the more diligent students to study further.

3. The mc1.hods of s1.udy are varied-book study, character s1.udy, topic swdy, doctrinal study, survey study, and verse-by-vexse study. An able teacher can also easily introduce other methods.

'1. -n1e passages chosen are ordinarily quite good for the de­velopmcm of a lesson. Often the choices show Jess tcndancy to "axe-grindi ng" a nd a broader scope o[ imerest tha n would selec­tions of our own . Infreq uen tly a liberal bias may show in a lesson topic, but this is no rea l problem so long as fu ndamenrn l writers arc developing the lessons. It may even present occasion for teachina

l . 0

anc warn111g. 5. Only the topic and the Scripture passages are selected by

olhers, so drnt the lVord a11d Work Quarter/)' is ''ours" in essential features- co111111cnts, lesson layout, additional passages we may wish ,r--...

LO include, Cl C. ' i...

6. Much good supplcmema.ry material is available which also uses the same series. This is especially valuble to teachers who do not have a ~ubsu111tia l supply of commentaries and study aids.

DO YOU MEAN I HA VE TO? For a number of weeks a visiting preacher had been cond ucting

union meetings in a certain city in Australia. No small stir had been created by the vi~it. There seemed LO be an intangible d iffer­ence in the con.cent of the man's message that had the evangelicals c.onfusccl. One day a Christian leader approached Lhc visitor:

"i\lr. __ , whaL is the difference between your doctrine and mine: I believe 1.hat rruly saved people obey God."

"l know )'OU do," the preacher replied, "but m11st tbef" "But if people are reall-y born again, they will obey." "But what if they don't? Do mey have to? The basic difference

between my doctrine anti yoLU·s," the visitor went on LO explain, " is that yo u have taken the teeth om of your go)pel. \ !\That God in- /') tended to be obligatory you have madt: purely optional. T he only MUST left iu your theology is this: the si nner n1usL believe .in Christ or be lost forever. Heyond that all is optional. You have let "0 o{ the o ne truly effective means fo r moving the heart settled in s~L(-i n tcresL. That n1eans is the rigbt and fa ithfu l use o( LAVV­Cod's LAW- in your theology and your preachjng."

T h is incidcm illustrates what the wriLer believes to be one of the most vita.I areas 0£ need in the whole world-wide picture of Christian Lhought and action. No matter where one goes, the picture is the same. From the well-taught evangelical groups in the U. S., Australia, and .Britain to remote assemblies of believers in Africa, India, China a nd oilier mission fields, the basic problem can be summarized ns an absence of any truly deep sense of "I MUST OBEY


Page 25: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

COD OR P£RISH.'' as a conv1cu on rooted deeply in the conscience of bel ievers. Obedience to God is not obligatory. W hatever Jesus Christ has or has not done for u s, were is a feeling almost universal that H e has set us free from the 11ecessity to obey God.

Nothing is more clear in the Bible than this basic reality: Jesus Christ is the 011l y way back i11to a loving, free, heart-wrought O·

bedience to the authority of the Eternal God and His holy law. He is looked upon, however, as the One v\'ho has set us free from this obligation. The re is an e ternity's chasm between being free to obey God and being free frn 111 obedie nce.

lVhy should Lhis problem be ra ised in a missionary publication? Because many of those who read it are themselves considering the Christian ministry either at home or abroad. The issues involved in such a call ing are life and death issues. Behind the scene are arrayed mighty spiritual forces- on bo th sides of the battle-line. He only knows victory in this high calling who becomes a channel through who111 God by His Spiri t can wage war against sin and Satan.

But the heart of this battle centers in the qu~stion of authority. Goc.1, therefore, can only use really that man or woman who is in wltole-heaned harmony with God's authority. His love rests on His authority, and is an expression o( it. That man does not love God who does 11 ot loue His autl1 01·ity. God cannot trust a person with power who is not himself devoted to the absolute authority o( God and His revealed will. Nor can a person deal effectively with others beyond what he himself bas experienced.

The Psalmist could :.ay: ··o how l lo,·e Thy law." \Visdom says: '"The fear of the Lord is tbe chief part of wisdom.'' Paul wrote: "Knowing the terror of the Lord, we persuade men." lt is one thing to accept the idea of God 's authority theoreti-

c;illy. Jt is quite anoll1e r w realize the developn1ent wirhin on e's own conscience o[ n burning MUST in one's relationship t0 God.

f\fost J grow in grace, or is is just, ' '1 ought to grow in grace"? .Must l find victory O\'e r besetting sin, or is th:u merely a n "I

ought"'? Must God"s presence become a rea lity, or am I content with a

vague longing? Must I be lie ve th e promises, or is Jiving raith optional i' Jesus Christ is the answer- lmt only as that sense or MUST be­

comes more and m ore deYclop ed within Lhe conscience will one be driven LO Lhat kind of implicit trust that finds Him so. The law L.hus becomes our schoolnrnster LO drive us to Christ again and again in new and v:iricd areas of our live~. Now is Lhe lime to prepare. Classes, lectures, books, degrees ca n ne ver accomplish Lhis. See in God's \Vorel how J esus Clu·ist honored His Father- b ow low in your heart before thac awful throne of authority and love, and repent of the wickedness o( a nonchalant attitude toward His holy way­and turn in faith to Hirn 'Nho came ·'That the righteous require­ment of God's lav: might be fulfilled in us- who walk not after the llcsh but after the Spirit. ·· -Fred C. Renich, in H orizons.


Page 26: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion


Of Interest To Christi:rns

.J . L. Adda1m, Sr.

Cct lnio Cod's Will

Wouhworth , in one of hi-; poc1m. tell ' about a bird that w.1~ c.111 ied lrom l'orwav in :1 w1111. ·1 he bird fought against the storm, 1ryi11g LO find it:. way back. lt erro11~ were in \'a.i n. .\t l:m. the hi rd yic• lclccl LO the wind, and in· ~tend of being can-ied to dcstruc· tion. it wa~ car ried to the wa1 Ill ~hort'' of E11g land. to it\ g'rccn 111c:11lowi. :incl forests. JI we go t01111tc1 to Cod\ will. we will cud in dc,u uction. lf ,,·c 'ield to II i-. wi ll. thl rt•,ult, will b~ a bJ~,ing.

I llm rnac! ( \nd ho" ohen \\C

co111p<'I C .od to do the <..irnt·.)

Fir\t FaL11er: ··1 n cvc1 know how 11111c h money 1 ough L to -.end lllY "'»' :11 college. It \C<.:111 ~ tlwt 111· u-.c-. al l I send him."

Scrnnd Father: "\Veil, I nlwa'' keep 111y boy :i little ~hon ol tlic 111011c) he needs. I find in thi, w,1\ he write,, home more oltcn, .111/1 11n1c h more charming leuer ..... . . . .

" I.c t ll) endeavor 'o LO lh e th.u CH·n o ur 'enemies' will be '011'

''hen we arc gone.''

ll E WILL MEET (;()I>

In addressing a cliplo111atk wrp:. i11 Pari:., Prcn1ier Nikiw

h:u d his head may fall offl'' The ,;id reali7ation i-; tht• fact that 11t:111\ "Chri-;Lian'" talc the -.ame .1uiL11de. if uot openh, L11e11 with· in their hearLS. '

T llllEE hl ~l)S

I he1 c arc th1 cc ki11d~ of people "-. who already have their reward: tho~e who give for ~how, those who pray for show. a11d Lhosc who l.1,,t for !>how (M:1u. ():~. [i, IG).

l here are I !tree kind'> of people "ho will be 1 cwanlrd openly: tho-.c who gi"c ~ecreth. tho~c who pr:i' 'ecrelly, a11cl tho,L who f.1)l ,tocth (:\rau. <H. Ii. 18).

•••• "C.:hri~tian people \hou lcl be cm­

ployt·d on the comt1 tit lion ga111{; not on the wrccki ng- <.rcw."

( llE,\l.E.'lm ER T ll E 1 ITT l.t: O N.ES)

\11 an~cl pa\\ed in hi' on ward flight

\\ ith .1 ~eccl of lo'c and truth and light, r""\

\ml he cried. "Oh ,,1ic1e -.hall the i.cccl be '>0\\'11

I hat it yieltl 1110\t h uit when fully grown:"

I he S;l\·ior heard .. 111d I le said a~ I le smiled,

" l' l;u c it for i'vlc in Ilic hcal'L of a child."

Khru,hchcv said. ··1 do not agree • .. • .. with Chi i't when He -.aid whc11 If ~ou don·l h:l\c everything you :11c hit on the right thcck )<>II 'ot1 want, be th:lllkl11l lor the .ire w wrn chc left check. J hit Lhing:. )OU don't have that }OU

right back on Lhe right chcd .. ~o didn't want. 72

Page 27: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

A ;\lark 0( Ch.rh1 li kcn~'

.\ Zulu chief savagely beat h is wire because she a ttended a go · pcl meeting where she heard and re,ponded LO the call of .J c~m. He left her ~ dead. L ater he re­turned LO Lhe p lace where he had Je rt her :ind fo und her li\'in~. The chief lecrC'd :u her a11d i1 ~kcd , "'And wha t can your J csm Chrbt do lor you now?"' C e nti)' ~he re· plied. "H e help me to forgi\'t: you.··


Far Ea:>t Rroadca:.ting i now operating a 100,000 wau radio tr:immittcr on the isla11d of Okin-

~ awa, 350 111ilc~ off Lite coa~ L ol ma inland China. DniJy urnad­r asts of the Gospel in the Chi nc~e languages arc beamed behind the ban1boo c-w·ta i11 for three hour:. a dny. Thi:. new u·;-i nl> mitter joi11 \ ot!te_r:. in the Ph ilippine gh ing-11t1l11011s 1111der Com11111 11 i,t I\ r­annr the o ppon11ni L)' of hcari 11u of Chrbt. ,...

PRIOC OR .H - ~ ll LIT\ :

A hauglHy lawyer once· a\ kt•d a Christi;111 l:irnu.:r, " \\'hy do11't )'CJU hold } our head up in the \1°01 Id r" I do? I bow 111)' head before ne i1her God or man."

"Squ ire." replied the former, "sec that fi eld of grain: Onh 1 ho~c head~ Lhat are cmptr stand 11pngln. [ho'e th:n arc \1•cll fi lled nrc the ones how low."


"After p urchasing a new watch, a 111a n a~kcd Lhc jewc.:lt•r ahou1 li te h t::st ti111c to wind it, i.c> 1lt:1t it 111 ight keep perfect time. He cx­pl:i ined 1hat it was best to wind it in the morning that it might h:n·e " ~trong spring to with~ ta11d the ~h?ck of Lhe clay. A t night, while 1}·111g quietly on Lhe table, ic wou Id nm need the power which


it d id during the bu~y da ylight ho urs. W hat a parable of life! H o w we need to h:we the spirit· ual mainsprings or 0 111' li\·es strengthened each morning that ,,·c nrn y be able to li,•c courage· ously dming those hectic a nd try· i.n"" days. L et us not neglect to kc~p a rcndczvou~ with Him in the p lace of prayer ea ch chi)• ..

"'Yo u must seek J I im in the morning

II you wa m Tl i m through the day!"

Prescrip tion for :i Jlcviv:1l R~:

" If a ll the ~ lccp i ng folk will wake up,

"'. \ nd if a ll the lukewa rm fo lk wil l fire up.

" •\11cl if a ll the di~honcH fo lk will confess up,

··. \ nd all Lhe cl isgrnntlcd folk will sweeten up,

" .\nd all the discouraged folk wi ll cheer up.

" \ 11cJ aJ I the dep1 es .. ecl folk will look up.

" \ 11d all the c-.t r:mgcd fo lk will 111ake 111>.

". \11d all Lhc gos~ i ping (olk will SHUT UP,

". \ nd al J the dry bone,-. wi I J ~hake up,

.. f he11. you ca n lta\'e Rc\•ival." (And we don't mean jmt a

··re\ i\'a) rneeung.")

0:-i \'O It 1,;-. Ef:.. ...

. \ mar blc c11ucr, with chi~cl and ~ rnmmer, ,,.a changing a stone rnto a Hawe. A Su nday Sd1ool teacher looki ng 0 11 said, " J whh I could deal surh tc lli11g blows on the ston y beans of my pupil~."

· /'ltc workma n tlto uglH for a 1110111c: 1~t and replied: " Maybe )OU wultl 1f )'Oil wor ked like I do­upor~ ) our· knees. .. CI he same :rpplrc to parents and prenchers.)

Page 28: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion


Please Note: .\lex \\"ilson and hi~ 1 rcasun:r, Rro1 her George A lhus, have hecn advised by the ll11 rca11 oC lntcrn:d ll eve1111c that for 1ax-deduc1 ion pur· poses the \Vilsons' account should :>JOT he ca lled .. Church of Christ (\\"orld· \\'idc),'' a s was announced p reviou sly. Therefore, fro111 110\\' ()ti, an)' rhccl: · se11 L for 1 he \\111~011 ~· s u pp-Ort should he: 111adc out t(I Porrlaud 1\ve. Church of Ch rist, a n d dcsig11aLed beneath, ··1:or Philippine :\fissions." They may he sent direct ly to llrothcr :\lbus' home. 1!027 ~ l nryl:1 11d , l .ou ibvillc 5, K )'.

l'rc::sto11 Ti·a,·cl f 1111cls Needed

T he P rcsto 11 fa111il)1 is 10 lc:H·c 1hc Philippines for a much n ccd ccl Inrln11gh a houl April I . T u cla1c ( Fehruar~ 5) there is about ' l ,900 i11 the ir t ravel fund . The ha sic cos1 of t.h eii· fa re from \la11ila w the " 'L'S t Coast of the Uuitcd !:i iau:~ is $2.300. So111cthiug like SiiOO is yet 11ecdccl for c hc i r 1 ra vcl f11ud . Theu 11101e f11ncls will he net.•dcd for their t ravel from the \ Vt.'Sl (',oast to Kc11· tucky.

I ( you \\'ould li kc for llrothcr T'l'eston ro ,~isit you ol" yu 11r congrcg:11ion duriug the 1i111c h e i, in this cou11tq. plt:a~c con1a~1 1hc Call :1ti11 Church of Christ , P. O. Box 808, Gal latin , Te1111.

Louis,·iJlc, Ky.: Please rc11cw Ill) su h· s~riprion 111 che \\' & \V, and kee p up lhc good work. It is indeed an i11spir:1· tio 11 w re;1d articles written by 111cn (111:111 )' 1 hat l kn ow pe rsonally) and to kuow that 1he ir lirc~ bear wi111 css 10 the thinf.:" 1hcy t\'arh . - .John :\. Kccrnn

Oall\ ilk, K).: I h:iH· li11i shed reading buLh magazines (Dec. and January) and tl1cr arc withoul equa l in my est i1na · tion. I ha\·c so111c 1hu ug hts rnnuing through 11• ) 1niud .1bm11 1h c IJlnsi nµ u l' tro11hlc and aflli c-ti1111. Were i1 11nt for tronblc a11cl :illlictiou we would 11ot he able to syrnpat hizc with those wh o a rc t rouhlcd a nd alllictcd. I have been th rough a f'VOd 1Jca l of suffering. b111 '1wa;, al l i11 \.od'.' purpose.

I a111 i i rears old. i!! the ·1th of June. God w:Uin~ me to Jh·e that Jong. - .\frs. H. G. Hcis~l er

AllOUT T H E A. S. V. lllULE \\'c ha \'e jt1Sl received nu liCc frOlll

T homas Nelson R: Sons, p u blishers uf the .r\merio m Srandard l\iblcs, cha t 1hc1


.ire co1npletcly out o[ Bibles 2252X ancl 225·1X and do not intend to tcprint these. I lowcvcr. I hey arc sli II able tv >11ppl )' th e ~l!!i2 (al $12.50) a111J the !.!250 (al $14.50 - this is lliC sa1ne as the ~!!ii~, \dth added prescnlaliou page, fam­ily n :conl . 32 pages of llil>lc help$, 9u pages of q11est.io11s :u1d a11swcrs1 and 1;:1 illu:,trations) . T h ese latter arc the 'a111e a> t he on es tha t arc out o( prin1, except for the paper and hiuding. They a rc on Bible Paper (a liule thicker than the 111dia paper). aml they have the: Jca ther hi11di11g (i 11slcad of the more l'X pe mil t' :\lorocco).

Fi.shcnillc, Ky.: A lex Wilson visiced us recen t I )' ll'iLh a word fro m the T.ord \\'hich b lessed our hearlS. As a d i rect ni11sc11ucncc, the 1·onf'·cgatio11 decided ~ to ord1·1· :1 h1111dle o :'l l issiouary Mes· ..,... >Cngt:ri. cad1 month i11 order t:o keep np \\'ith the acti\ i ties of 0111· missionaries.

.'in..,J11i llc, T c1111.: l.a>t Jt1l )' 13 J M IS·

taiiwd the third hc111111orlrngc in lit )' right eye in about 8 111omhs. T his failed IO clear away as the others had . . \ s a result, l ca11' t sec 10 read. n or to drh e 111y car . This wgcther with a 1101hc1 thrca1 ha' s lowccl 111e <low11. I p reached last )(;;II' al :\dams, Tc1111 cs.~ce. '\\'hile I h :wc 110 a p p ointmcnlS for this 1car, I hope to be: able to fill occasional i1ppoi11101e 11 ts as opporlllni ty alfonls. Others lllll'l rc:1d to 111c. While J h:wc 111c11wrilcll a 111111111 .. r ul' songs, J keen Ir miss licing able to read the words a11d m usic in the worship o( Cod. In :tddi· 1iu11 LO huntlil )' tryiug to preach for ovc.-r :10 )'cars. I have lccl the s i11gi11g for GO nf o u r 111 i11is tns in i-edvals. So I have 111:111 ) pleasant 111c11rnrh:s. and man y C.'I. · pcric 11ces for which lO be th:mkCul. - ·E. Gaston C:0Jli11s, I IOi Caldwell Laue. /""'\

,\1 111Ta)', K y.: Thi ~ n o te is to Lr)' :iu d l1l·:1t £.1 .. .J . to .. Lhc punch .. in praise CtJtl· <crni 11 g the J-"d.>rnary issue u( \\' & \\"! The \\'hole paper is filled witb articles f:ir abm·c 111 m 1 periodical~ of thi s typ e. ;\lore po11•cr from :ih<>ve 10 th e: c11t1 rc ~1an . - GL·orgc L. Dunn

Hallas, Tcxa~: :\lay r suggest some· 1hing? Could we. each 111o urh , h ave half :1 page wiih 11a111cs u( o u r 111i ssi o11aric~. toi:-e1hc1 with 1hc address 11[ rhosc who h:111d lt- fi11a11t'CS for ea ch! So often a d~-ire I ( • send for a certain 111issio 11aq· j,: h;1111 pcrc<l b )' lack of k11o wlcdge of who lrnndks 1 he finan ces. T his woull l

Page 29: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

ncctl to be a pcr111a11cm page .rn<l acl<lc<l w as new ones go. I trusl thn t th is c:in be arrnngcd. - Dr. Horace E. ·w ood

Let's Bring lhe Gnrretts Rack T h e S. D. G;trrc tt fn mily has hcc11

in Afiic:i 7 yc..-ars wi thout Fur lough . nor even 111c111io11ing o ne. J lowevcr, ~pon · c.ancously a 1111111bcr of brethren here ;me! tbcrc ha,·c begun pr.t)ing and ta lk· ing abou t it. Jt is certainly ti me that th l·se fai1'1 1'11J scrvauts of the Lord h ad a sca~ou of r~L :llld refreshing. Let 's join in showing our appreciation LO th e 1. ord for them. Send your check to the S. D. Garrell ~l ission Fu nd. c / c) Elbert \'. Coss. TrcaNur<:r . ' cl h:r~burg Church of Christ. St: lkrsburg. lrtt lia na.

Other :\lissiona r r Briefs

Vt·rnon Lawyer is in need o ( ad equntc support. Allen i<'•ill c (Ky.) church is ~t..irring interest in a n f1111d for ' 'Wings of L ife " iu the P h ilippi ne;. Use of tJ1c p la11c is m 11ch curta iled for lack of money. South Louis,i ll e drnrch reports tha t over ha lf of bu dl{el goes 10

1111"ions. La1c~t 11nder1aki111:: The un. dt'nniting of $ 120 per 111ou1h £or two teach ers i11 the Ma nila ll ible lnsli1H1e. f l iglwicw and others arc participating. Victor llroaddus still 11ecds mer $2,000 ro li11ish l1is house. Oc1111 is Allc11 rc..'­q11<:su pr:1 yer for guidance in 1 he pos~ i­ble c)\pansion of the work in I long Ko11g . llc ing considered is n second rooftop school and the advisahili tv of p11rclinsing property. To111my ,\ln"h

. needs :1 11 1111wrnohi lc because of hi5 p h ys· ica l concJ i1 ion. 1\ bou L S2,000 will do it.

Orlando, Fla.: W ife a nd I :i rri \•cd hc1 c Jan. 18th :111d we hall our fi rs t '>t:I\ ice with the'inAto11 Uri\ e rh11rd1 S1111d:l)' the 20th. ~ l il..c Frye. a young 111an I() years ol<l. 111:tlh: l it e good confession and w;1s baptized into Ch riH in a ne:1r bY lake. ' t'he Spears fam i l)' arc the woi1der f11 l lcadc.:rs here a11tl 1hcir i11llucnre i 11 their IJU~incss :rnd 1he ci1y ant.I the church i~ w1111hy o[ all co111 111c11dation . IL is w<>rthy nf 111c n 1ion 1ha1 110 one Sta\'S wi1h Llt c111 in their l>11\i 11c~' or ~''ucia1cs with their ('hil· drc11 1h:11 foi ls co :ic('ep1 Ch r iRt. l\ rothcr Spc:1rs is the 111inis1cr ol 1hc Word when 1.hcre is no \'isiti ng p rc:ichcr.

' Ve had a wonderful trip d own from Lcxi 11gto11 . W e spenr 1he nigh t witJ1 1 hat gi·c:11 wo111;111 of Cod, Si,1cr Salo111c Ogd on . It 's a lways :i ;.11·1•:11 ~ p i ril'u:ol inspirat..ion an d ci1cour:1gemc11 l to he in fellowship wi th her.

Uurks and the Cramer ;111d I l a11\'ovcr church in We niiss the dt.'3 rly beloved in che LorcJ there. - 1 l. :-\. R m herford

MOVING? L:1sL year many or our Criemls movccl .

~ome lorgot to nolii)' u s in Lilllc, :11 u l <luring lbe yea r we paid 0111 over ~ JOO for undel iverable 1nagazincs. 1n :uldi -1ion lO tbese di rect char ges b)' the I'. 0 . Dep't.. WC ha d the addi l l(J l\a I Co~l or poSLage for 111aili11g out n1:1gadncs to rep lace those tha t were left behin d :11 th e old add ress. Please think about lhis when you wove and 110Li fy tts in :idvanet• if Ill a II po'ISible. - ;\Jack • \ 11dc1~0 11

J ei:u1i11i;s, Ln.: We wam to thank a ll who arc daily remembering Doe in your prayers. T h e knowled ge that you a rc pmying gives us tha t needed ~lrcngth !or each day. "Thnnk you" co the 111:un who have b1.:c11 so kimJ as to rcnu;111bcr us wi tJ1 your cheery cards a n d lcllcr •. In s pite of her illness we have manr 1 hi11gs for wl1ich to pr:iise Lhc Lord. Doc has !Jome a wo 11 tlc1·ful 1cstin1011y for the Lord iu her cheerful :iuiwde 1owarcl it all. The " peace of God th:11 passetJ1 all u nderstanding" is a reali ty 111 her and it is cvid cm 10 all who sec l1t:r. '"I ha 11 k you" 10 a ll ag;ti u fo r rour 1l1uug'1 lf11 l 11c~s ;1n<i p le-J'C ron1i n11e to pra}. - An roi11e \'a lcJetcro

Limou, !Jtdiau :i: We a rc happ y lo send }'Oii Lhe na111es of c!Jcsc twenty-eight fami li(.~ who arc now 10 receive the \\'or tl :0 11 d Work. T hanks ~oc.~ to one o f the bretJ1re11 for !his good deed. I le J1appcnccl on In :i copy of the Word and Work nbout a yem· ago a nd has hccn l't•

pleased with 1 he gootl he ha~ gninecl f1on1 i1 that he w:111 tS e:tch family :1~~·1· d:11cd wi lh the l> n111111ervi lle chu rch 10 get a cop y. Wonderful we thin k! T his is but o ne or rhe examples of the Jove :rnd in1ercsl 1hat h11 s hceu 111a11ifcst :11 S1u11111crville >incc I hcc 1111c their 111in­h1 er last .-\ ngust.

T h e Su mme rville ch 11 n :l1 o( C hrisL, li\·e 111ik-s 11orth of Limon . is the old home church o f hrothers Claude an d l'a 11I Neal. T h eir sister :ind he r fn 111ily :1 11end regul:irly. :\ l though Lh is church had ii.- hcg i11 11ing manv vca rs ago, T a m thei r lirsL regular rn ii'iister . Already there ha \·c hecn several respon ses :ind .il l seem to have a "mind 10 work." SL· ldom a week has pa,~cd ()111 wh:11 \0111C l111prO\'ClllCll l of "Ollle kiu d h;1 ~ 1101 bec11 111a<lc. Their main concern

l'ray for u s, :ind p rn isc C ot! 5plr:11tlid work here. l' r:iy for

for the is winning the lc1st , however. Pray for Brotht•r 11s. - Eugeu c Pound.


Page 30: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

Loui~' illc, K r.: The Onu~b) ,\\ enuc (.hurch has lost three mem bers thi' ~car. Mrs. llq,oic Norr is, 81 years of age, 11'110 has been a Ch ristia n since she ll'as 111·clvc, dcpar1ed 10 be wi1h 1hc I o rd a r1cr a lo11g illness. Charles T. l lihlJ( , 70, a gootl C hrinia11 ma11, who li.uJ hc:cn q1111i11g 10 Ormsby for man) 1cars was c.11lcd Home 1:cbr ua ry •l. li e: "a' fonnerl} :1 me111bcr :n " 'onhington, h}·· church oC Chris1. ~l rs. <:1.111''· who ll'a> !II. ll':t) the lasl 10 i:;o. ,\lm111 c1·e1-, Sund:t)' for a period of eight rears n1y \\'i re :rncl I picked Sister Crav1·s n p :111d too k hr r to Sunday ~choo l a u tl church. She was a friend of ~m11hcastcm Cl11 isl ia 11 College. I lc:r largest gifl to t hc College was S!iOO. 'he ~pent her l.1>11 da~'! at Keeling i\u1-..i11g Home, Lo11is1ille. -]. R. Clari..


the cm1 \\Ollld be $2.80 for the month, 01 $1'1.-10 for lhc qunrtcr. J-'ony at 1211.: c would come to $5.00, etc. Our print hi ll a lone com()) to a lmost 15c per copy. h11 1 if ll'C could a d d rroni 1000 w

!!000 na 1111~ to 0 11 r list the price per cop) would he Jc~,. T herefore the bpt·cial price offered here.

Richart! Ram~ey scuds The E x horter 10 '111 memben or cooperating churchel' wl1e1her or not 1hey pay. As much a\ we would like to have :1 large rc:td· i11g list, we h:n c 110 other source oC funcls, an<l for tllis reason cnnnot send rloe W.W. out free.

Tiu· i11rn111c rro111 liool.. sales pa)·~ wh .11 i> l:ickini: in ~nhsc:lipLion price 011 I he 111ag-J:tinc. fhis ncl\· group suh\rription plan won't change lhe ft. 11.111rial \1ict111'c 3 i;rc.11 de;il, but we do feel t 1a1 it 111:1\' help to greath· i11· lH'·"C our lisl 11( re;11lcr.. - J.R.C. ' ~


111 :1 rcce111 p1cad1cno- lc:tdcrs' rnee1 i11g 1hc mallc.:r or s u bscriptions 10 1hc \\'ord ;md Work came u p. It was the upi11ion o f those who spoke tha t this Chri,1ia11 journal , 1iouh] go lo 11101C· hn111t:'. . \ p1r.1rht•1 111111dcrcd wha1 I 0() c.1d1 1110111 h 111 a churd1 would 10,1, Other!> \\'ere i 11 tercsted i n a buu· dJc plan. but of less quantit)-per·

- ----fml7"'"'"f '.!6 01 :?.i up to .'iO.

For a 11 111nhc r o( ic:irs our dc.1cll ine lor articles lrns been I he I !Wt o r the 111onth , :111cl for ne\\~ 1hc !!0th. \\'e .1pp1<:ci:11c tlll' \\011dcrf11l \1,I} thal our 1·ario11s writer. h:wc ghc11 their CO· 01wr.1Lion. H011cver, we ha,·c a prob­l«11-.M~1lly-;"e-n11rinro a p1 i111 -111g connrct wit h the Mis~io 11 ary l\fe11· ~c:11i;cr (which co111c' out about 1he ~.1111c lime). " ' hen this happen,, we arc lat<: in gelling the W & W into 1hc mai l~. To keep our mailing date \Ch<.'<lnh.~I 11car 1hc hr\! of 1hc month, wt· :ire !!\king a ll of 0111• crn11rib111 i11i; wlil('I°' 10 ha1c .1r1irl~ in hv 1he 10th. J ur nc'"• the old deadline (the 20th) 11ill still hold.

.. f , • I

C:l1111chc.' order q11ar11·r lies for all of 1hcir 111c111hc:r~ :rnd think nothi11~ ol pa )·i 11g 2!.c c:1ch for them. Wh) ll'ould not it be a good idea to add :1 C'hri•1 ian ma!f-11i11c for cad1 church ho1m:? " 'c c:ou ld 111111 1his to 1hc: q11111

ICI h liter.JllllC bill. or bill it lllOllLhlv. i'<•rh;1p~ tl1c best plan wuultl be Cor u,

111 mail the \\'ortl :111d \\'ork to each home rather 1 h:rn 111 1 he: church in a hunclh-.

r il l' c<1s1 10 Lh!' ch11 n:l1 or 111 who· <'1cr pays wou ld he: For from 20 w :l!'I >11h>crip1ions, I le per copy. For ~O or 111111c. l !!Y.:c 1·arh. Fo r 20 1hc11

• •

Rcg:1rdl c~' o( clc.11lli111-.., an~ new' Ill tllllt'r ilcl11~ or 'lll'cial illll:l't:M Ill

11 1 ~c·11cy ll'ill be p 111 in . righ t up IO 1he l;.-1 1nu111cnc, ch~plari 11g {lthcr 111a tcr· ial. This is in keeping with long·"-<'< In lil ishc'd poliC)'. - <:.R .l...

• • I would rather 111ecL and preach i11 a barn and livl' i11 a hcuhou~c.:

1.ith a dedirnccd, working member hip who TO .\ i\ IA~ wmmiuccl 1hc1mcll·e,, w sptc<icli ng the gospel by a ll me:ini> possible, l11:i 11 I wou ld w Ji I'<' i 11 a 111:1 n~ion a ncl draw a ~ a lary ol ~no.on a week pl 11 , ex­pense~ lor keeping o lft i;c hou rs i 11 sOlllC ch u rch where I was tbe o nl ) 011c engaged in Lhc work o f the. Lor~ . Lhal is, d eclaring a nd teaching Lhe g<J~pe l lo llw loH! l submn ili1\ a~ a challenge w the broLhcr· hood w tp iiL todtll i ttg u s, a lll.I to pu L u s im o Lhc ha1 nc ' where we belong-not pct fon11i11g t.hc riwah )0 long as oci:ucd with Lhc .. dodt, .. ot ~et\ i 11g a~ c:hmd1 managers or public rehnions men lor t.he chu rch­In tl o u t o n the firing line where the battle is th e thick.est. and the need is the grea1c\t: PR EAC H I N G T HE \\'ORO! - T crrr Bla ke.


Page 31: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

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Page 32: THE WORD · would ah11m1 ~ar 111.fl ) ~cc111 to take freedom h 0 111 Lhc law-principle w mean h ccdorn from oblig-.uion

MRS. A. J.

RT . l . BOX



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