the world of geography “what is geography?” “5 themes of geography”

The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

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Post on 20-Jan-2018




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Geographers Geographers- ask 2 basic questions Where is it located? Why is it there? “5 Themes of Geography” To organize answers… use “5 Themes of Geography” Location Place Human / Environment Interaction Movement Region


Page 1: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

The World of Geography

“What is Geography?”“5 Themes of Geography”

Page 2: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

Geography- what does it mean?study of the Earth and everything in or on itGeographersGeographers- the ones doing the studying

Analyze info. from many points of view

• Distance• Direction• Oceans• Landforms• Plant Life• People- more

importantly… – How they affect Earth– How Earth affects

them– How they affect each


Page 3: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

GeographersGeographers- ask 2 basic questionsWhere is it located?Why is it there?

To organize answers… use “5 Themes of “5 Themes of Geography”Geography” • Location• Place• Human / Environment

Interaction• Movement• Region

Page 4: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

““5 Themes of Geography”5 Themes of Geography” 5 ways to look at Earth (categories to organize their info.)

1.) Location1.) Location- first step in studying a place… learn of its location2 Ways To Do This2 Ways To Do This

Absolute Location-(exact place on the Earth)“geographic address” identify this by using 2 kinds of imaginary lines around the Earth

• Latitude– E/W circles on map or globe (aka parallels)

– Never meet– Divide globe into units called degrees– Middle line (Equator)

~ 0 degrees latitude~ measure locations N

or S of it~ farthest N or S is 90° (N and S Poles)

• Longitude– N / S lines… pinpoint place from E to W (aka meridians)– All meridians run through N and S Poles– Prime Meridian (main line) runs through Greenwich, England at 0 degrees

longitude– Describe locations as either E or W of Prime Meridian– Maximum Longitude is 180 degrees (half-way around world)

Relative LocationExplains where a place is by describing what it’s near

• Must have distance, direction, and a landmark

Page 5: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

““5 Themes of Geography”5 Themes of Geography” 5 ways to look at Earth (categories to organize their info.)

2.) Place2.) Place- describes what it’s like there (includes a location’s physical and human features)

Physical FeaturesTo describe… may speak of climate, or land features (mts., rivers, etc.)

Human FeaturesTo describe… may speak of population or man-made features (cities, etc.)

Page 6: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

““5 Themes of Geography”5 Themes of Geography” 5 ways to look at Earth (categories to organize their info.)

3.) Human / Environment Interaction3.) Human / Environment Interaction-

Theme stresses… how people affect their environment, how environment affects people, and how they affect each other

Geographers also use discuss consequences of people’s actions

Page 7: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

““5 Themes of Geography”5 Themes of Geography” 5 ways to look at Earth (categories to organize their info.)

4.) Movement4.) Movement-helps explain how people, goods, and ideas get from one place to another

Example: immigrants migrate to “New World” and bring own culture… enriches nat’l culture

• US as the “Melting Pot”

Page 8: The World of Geography “What is Geography?” “5 Themes of Geography”

““5 Themes of Geography”5 Themes of Geography” 5 ways to look at Earth (categories to organize their info.)

5.) Region5.) Region-Tells what it’s like there by making by making comparisonscomparisons

Each region has a unifying characteristic like…

• Climate• Land• Population• History

Examples• Plains• Highlands• Basins• Coastal