the write stuff: getting the media to share your story

The Write Stuff: Getting the Media to Share Your Story Katie Pemberton and Michelle Sathe

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The Write Stuff: Getting the Media

to Share Your Story

Katie Pemberton and Michelle Sathe

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A bit about us …

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Who likes a good story?

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With today’s 24/7 news cycle ...

There’s never been a better time to get your story out!

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Get ready to pitch!

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Who to pitch

• Research community print, web and broadcast

• News desk is best for a “breaking” story

• Features or lifestyle writers/editors best for events

• Try national pet and mainstream outlets for extra-special pet stories

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PRO TIP: Find the pet people!

Google to find out:

Regularly does stories on pets?

Has a consistent pet segment?

Talks about or shares their pets

on social media?

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What’s newsworthy?

• Initiative launches and milestones

• Adoption events and promos

• Touching people and pet stories

• Unique fundraising or recruitment events

• Real-time needs (kitten season!)

• Holidays and pet recognition days

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Touching pet story: Tyson

• Young pit bull with fast-growing cancer needed a foster home

• Adorable photos of Tyson with “bucket list” helped sell the pitch

• Kelli at People Pets wrote the story

• Inside Edition, MSN and Yahoo picked up the story

• Tyson found a foster home and we were able to recruit new potential foster volunteers

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Case study: #Holiday100

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Tools: Press release

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Tools: Media alert

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Tools: Advance brief

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#HOLIDAY100 results!

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Overcoming media PTSD

• The media WANTS to

help animals

• If they believe you do too,

they’ll help you

• Step 1 is building their


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Beat them to the punch

The first time

they talk to you

should NOT be

when they call you


something’s wrong!

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Give the media good experiences FIRST

Build partnership and trust by keeping them informed of

the great things happening at your organization.

Even if they don't cover it, they're watching, noticing and forming opinions.

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Keep the long game in mind


– Pitched a local business paper on our

new veterinary medical director


– Same paper published a story showing

faith in our new administration

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But the short game saves lives, too!

Dec. 19

Dec. 29

Dec. 29

Dec. 30

Dec. 31

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But the short game saves lives, too!

This media outreach led to:

41% increase

in private adoptions

132% increase

in rescue transfers

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Rule #1 of PR

Don’t be dishonest or


Then you’ll never worry about media

“finding out” about something

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Rule #2 of PR



Unless you’ve been ordered to

by an attorney ...

They hear, “I’m hiding something!”

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Build mutual trust

• Know what your goal is and share

that with the media and in interviews

• Be upfront about how close you are

to reaching your goal (or how far

away you are)

• Tell them what you don’t want to


• Tell them what you need!

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Turn “Oh no!” into “YES!”

Oh no! A media call about euthanasia!

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Transparency: Don’t be afraid to let them help!

24% YOY increase in adoptions for the week following the story


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Oh no! A HUGE unplanned intake, and no kennel space!

Turn “Oh no!” into “YES!”

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Turn “Oh no!” into “YES!”


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Turn “Oh no!” into “YES!”

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Turn “Oh no!” into “YES!”

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The positives of this negative situation

• Got the community actively involved

• Thousands of dollars in donations

• Hundreds of items donated

• We reached even more people with the message of our


• Opened up more kennel space than ever before!

• Most important of all: ZERO dogs were euthanized

for space as a result of this intake (but they would have been

IF NOT for this intake)

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The positives of this negative situation






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The positives of this negative situation

Our most



post EVER,

reaching 438,400


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Don't be a press pest …

• Don't call during crunch times or


• Be brief, especially on the phone

• Know what is and is not


• Don't pester them to cover

something that isn't newsworthy

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... Be the press’ best

• "We're full" isn't news if you're full

all the time.

• You have to find a newsworthy

hook. Dig into your data!

– Intake is up XX% over last year

– XX more dogs have tested positive

for heartworms

– Brought in XX% more cruelty cases

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The need for speed

When you control the timing:

• Make sure your spokesperson is available for interviews when you send out your outreach

• Be ready to do interviews the day you send it

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The need for speed

Be able to respond to media ASAP:

– Have cell phone numbers of all your spokespeople and subject matter experts

– Have news desk and/or reporter numbers on your cell phone

– Have cell phone numbers of all PIOs in related departments

– If you can, get a mobile login for your shelter software

– Have more than one media-trained person

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Find your spokesperson

• Can articulate your message

• Is comfortable talking to the media

• Is presentable and appropriate

• Knows there is no such thing as “off the record”

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Practice makes perfect

• Rehearse top three messages

• Responding vs. reacting

• Dress the part

• Find your comfort zone

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Remember your audience

• General public, not advocates

• Don’t use jargon

• No matter what, keep a positive attitude and explain how any animal lover can play a part to Save Them All

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Ready for your close-up?

• Ask for questions or premise in advance

• Develop talking points

• Practice!

• Is it live or taped?

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Pick your pet star!

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Going off-site? Do a test run

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Live remotes at your facility

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Double the fun

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Get in position

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Remember ...

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PRO TIP: Attitude of gratitude

• Email contacts to say thanks and how their coverage made an impact

• Send a thank-you card and/or small gift at the holidays

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PRO TIP: Attitude of gratitude

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Ideas and resources

• Look for local PR, photography, social media and design help by listing your needs on

• Ask your local college’s graphic design class to help with logos, collateral materials, websites, etc. Same for photography, PR and communications needs.

• Reach out to local PR and marketing professionals to see if they would be willing to take your shelter on as a pro bono client or greatly reduce their rates.

• Recruit interns from local universities.

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Why we do this ...


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