the • y 11922

THE y 11922 SENIOR r orman Clemens Strong John Holmes Callen Rollin Main Ransom Frederick Lamond Bradley Karl Pierce Herzer Arthur Newton Matthews Frederick Henry Ameluxen Frederick Lamond Bradley Qtb ristmas m:e tm m:rinit p m:etm 26 . President Vice-President Secretary-Treasurer Senator . President Vice- President Secretary-Treasurer Senator

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THE • y 11922


r orman Clemens Strong John Holmes Callen Rollin Main Ransom Frederick Lamond Bradley

Karl Pierce Herzer Arthur Newton Matthews Frederick Henry Ameluxen Frederick Lamond Bradley

C!l:la~~ ®ffictr~ Qtbristmas m:etm

m:rinitp m:etm


. President Vice-President

Secretary-Treasurer Senator

. President Vice- President

Secretary-Treasurer Senator


1919 Edward Gabriel Armstrong New Haven

Freshman Junior B a nquet Committee; Freshm an Rules Committee; Class Basketball (1); Cla-s Baseba ll (1); Class F ootball (1), Captai n ; Junior Promenade Com­mittee; Class Secret a ry-Treasurer (2); Class President (3); Football Squad (1, 3); Football T eam (2); Senate; Sophomore Dining Club ; M edusa; 'liT.

Hurlburt Allingham Armstrong New Haven Cia s Baseball (1, 2); Class Track (1); The J es ters (1, 2) , Pres ident (3); Sena te; Sophomore Dining Club ; 'liT.

Ernest Emory Norris Hartford Freshma n Junior Banquet Committee; Freshman Rules Committee ; Sophomore S moker Committee; Assista nt in Phys ics (2); A TK.




1920 George Arthur Boyce Berkshire, N. Y.

Class Secretary-Treasurer (l ), Vice-President (4); Class Football (l ); Football Sq uad (2, 4); Secretary New England Intercollegiate Athletic Association (3); Senate (4 ) ; KB<t>; D.KE.

Harold John Brickley Baseball ( l , 4); <t> r .1..

Carl Gustav Frederick Holm

Jewett City

Hartford Freshman .Junior Banq uet Committee; Freshman Rules Committee; Class Vice-President (2); P olitical Science Clu b; As istant Manager Football (3); Manager (4); K Bot>; D.KE.



Jack Wible Lyon Sewickley, Penn. Sophomore H op Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Class President (~); Assist ant Manager of F ootball (~);

19~0 IVY Board ; Senior Assembly Committee; Student Member of Committee on Sta te of College; Pres ident College Body (4); The J esters (4); In augura tion Co m­mittee (4) ; Sophomore Dining Club ; K B <J:; A D. <1>.

John Alfred Ortgies Forest Hills, L. I . Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Senior Assembly Committee; T ennis Team (1, 3, 4) ; Manager (3) ; Captain (4); Runner-up College Tourn a ment (3); Winner (4) ; Class Baseball (1) ; Class Basketball (1); Class Vice-Pres ident (4); Secre tary-Treasurer (4); Basketball Squad (3) ; Assistant Manager F ootball (3); Baseball T eam (3, 4); KB<f>; M edusa; AXP.

Randall Edwards Porter Somerville, Mass. Cross Country T eam (~. 3); Track T eam (~) ; T ennis Team (2) ; Freshman Rules Committee; Sophomore

moker Committee; P olitical Science Club ; A X P.


THE 11922

Arthur Van Riper Tilton Hartford F reshma n Junior Banquet Committee; Class President (1); Tri pod Board ; Alumni Editor (1); Associa te Editor (2, 3); Editor (4); The Jes ters (4); Inaugura tion Committee (4); nion Committee (4); T ennis T eam (3, 4); Presiden t College Body; M edusa; 6 4>.

Richard Palmer Pressey Portland, Maine Musical Clubs (1); P olitical Science Club ; ')I T.

Harold Theodore R eddish Cliftondale, Mass. Freshma n Junior Banquet Committee; Class baseball (1, 2); Class F oo tball (1); Baseball T eam (1, 2, 3); Freshman Rules Committee; Soph omore S moker Committee; P oli t ical Science Club ; Sena te (4); In-auguration Committee; K B 4> ; 4> r 6.



1921 Frederick Henry Ameluxen Hartford

Sophomore H op Comm ittee; Sophomore Smoker Co m­mittee; Junior Promenade Committee; Junior S moker Committee; Secretary, Union Committee (4); Inau­guration Co mmittee (4) ; Interfraternity Co unc il (3, 4); Track T ea m (2, 3, 4); Football Sq uad (4); Winner C. V. A. A. Cup (3); Senate (3, 4); 1921 In; Class Secretary-Treasurer ( 4); AT K.

Frederick Lamond Bradley Ozone Park, N. Y. Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Com­mittee; Cia s Vice-President (2, 3); Th e J es ters (2, 3, 4); Cross Country T eam (4); Track T eam (1, 2, 3); P olitical Science Club ; 1921 Ivv ; Senate (4); AX P.

Thomas Galludet Budd New York, N. Y. Freshman Junior Ba nqu et Comm ittee; Junior Prome­nade Committee; Football Squad (1, 3); Class Secre­tary-Treasurer (3); President (3); In terfraterni ty Co uncil , President (4); K B <I>; IlK E.



Robert McMeekin Collins

I 11922

John Holmes Callen Arlington, N. J . :Freshman Rules Committee; Freshman Dance Com­mittee; Cha irm a n Freshman Junior Banquet Commit­tee ; Soph omore H op Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Chairman Junior Assembly Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Interfraternity Counci l, Secretary (3); Class Vice-President (1), President (2); Vice-President (4), first term; The Jesters (1, 2, 3, 4); President (3); Assistant Manager Track (2); Manager (3); Political Science Club; M edusa; AX P.

Ralph MacDonald Graham Hartford Runner-up College T ennis Tournament (4); Political Science Club ; t. <1>.

H artford Track Squad (3); Assistant Manager Commons (4).



Tom Thompson Hawksworth New Brita in Freshman Junior Ba nquet Committee; Junior Smoker Co mmittee; Political Science Club; Junior Promenade Co mmittee; Tripod Boa rd , Associate Editor (1); As­sistant Circulation Manager (1); Advisory Council (3); Cross Country T eam (1, 3); The Jes ters (1 ); Ll <1>.

Milton Leonard Hersey Randlett, tah Transferred from Vl'es tminster College in Sophomore Year; Political Science Club ; Football Sq uad (3, 4); Manager Employment Bureau (4); l:N.

Karl Pierce Herzer Hartford Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Baseball Sq uad (1); Sophomore H op Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; Cia s Vice-President (2); Junior Prome­nade Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Class President (4) ; ')! T.



William Cleveland Hicks Washington, D. C . Junior Smoker Committee; Cha irm an, U nion Com­mi ttee (4) ; Ina ugura tion Co mmittee (4) ; Secre ta ry Sena te (4) ; Interfra terni ty Council (3, 4) ; F ootball Squad (1, 4), T eam (3); Track T eam (l ) ; Tripod Board (l ) ; Chapbook Board (3) ; 1921 I vY; College M a rsha l; ',}! T.

Arthur Wayne Hoard Point Marion, Penn. Transferred from University of West Virginia in Junior Year ; Basketball Team (3, 4) ; A A <1>.

Herman Charles Hoffman East H artford



Claude Zoel Jette Wauregan Transferred from rorwich U niversity in Soph omore Year ; Sophomore H op Co mmittee; Ass istant Ma nager of Baseball (2) ; Sophomore Sm oker Commit tee; F oot­ba ll Squad (2, 3, 4) ; Junior Smoker Com mittee; 2;N .

Walfrid Gustaf Lundborg Hartford Junior Promenade Co mmittee; 1921 IvY; Junior Smoker Co mmittee; President Neutral Body (4) .

Arthur Newton Matthew Windsor Track Sq uad (1, 2, 3) ; Cross Count ry T eam (1, 3, 4); P oli t ical Science Club ; Biology Ass istant (4); Gy m­nas ium Ass istan t (2, 3, 4); 2; N.


~.~.··, ,'. l ~' --

1 ~ p

((/ f,


Howard Arnold Talbott Morse Warehouse Point P olitical Science Club ; Sophomore Smoker Committee; 2:N.

Beaufort Rossmore Lewis Newsom Clinton Transferred in Sophomore Year from Norwich Univer­s ity; Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Promenade Committee; Political Science Club; The Jes ters (2, 3, 4); 1921 IvY ; Junior Smoker; t.\ll.

Robert Irvin Parke Cleveland, Ohio Assistant Organist (1); Organist (2, 3, 4); Freshman Dance Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sopho­more Smoker Committee; Senate (2); u nion Com­mittee (4); Lem uel Curtis Scholar; 1921 IVY ; Holland Scholar; <I>BK; t.<l>.





Rollin Main Ransom Windsor Class Senator (~); Sophomore Hop Commrttee; Chair­ma n Sophomore Smoker Committee; Class Pres ide nt (3); Junior Promenade Committee; Secretary-Treasur­e r of Athletic Associa tion (3), President (4); Track Tea m (1, ~. 3, 4); Captain (3, 4); Football Squad (3); Cross Country T eam (3); Basketball Squad (3, 4); 19~1

IvY; M edusa; ::!: •

Stuart Woods Reed, M.D. Hartford Practi sing Physician in Hartford; entered Senior Class in 19~0 .

Harold Thompson Slattery Bridgeport Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Freshman Dance Committee; Secret3!ry-Tre~surer (1, ~); Sopho­more Hop Co mmittee; Junior Promenade Committee; Chairma n Junior Smoker Co mmittee; Inte rfrate rnity Council (3, 4); Political Science Club; Freshman Rules Com mittee; Cheerleader (3, 4); Class Baseball ; 19~1 IvY; l ' nion Committee; <I> rD..



Norman Clemens Strong Hartford Class Vice-President (1) ; Tripod Board (1, 2, 3); A sistant Advertising Manager; Advertising M anager (2) ; Business M anager (3) ; Assistant Track Manager (2) ; Class Vice-Pre ident (3), Pres ident (4) ; Busi ness ManageT 1921 IvY ; Chairman Inauguration Committee (4); Union Co mmittee (4) ; ALl. <1>.

David James Walsh Poughkeepsie, N . Y. Freshman D a nce Co mmittee; Cha irm an Sophomore H op Co mmittee ; Sophomore Smoker Co mmittee; Junior Smoker Committee; Baseball Sq uad (1) ; Class Secretary-Treasurer; 1921 I VY; Sophomore Dining Club ; KB<I> ; Ll.KE.

William Busemore VanValkenburgh West Springfield, Mass.



JUNIOI C!lass ettictrs

€btistmas 'Ql:erm R einhold Enoch Nordlund Thomas Jo eph Ahearn Verner Warren Clapp . John Bayard Cuningham

'Ql:tinitp 'Ql:erm Howard Somervi lle Ortgies Tenison Westenra Lewis Newsom Merle Stephen Myers . John Bayard Cuningham


. President Vice- President

Secretary-Treasurer Senator

. President Vice-President

Secretary-Treasurer Senator

THE I .y ll92~ Thomas Joseph Ahern South Windsor, Conn.

Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Class Secretary-Treasurer (2) ; Class Foot­ball (2); Junior Prom Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; 1922 IvY Board; Sopho­more Dining Club; <I> r fl.

Edward Clarence Andersen H artford

· <I> r fl.

Joel Morse Beard Saybrook, Conn.

Sophomore Hop Committee; Class Base­ball (2) ; Ba eball Squad (2) ; Class Football (2); Football Squad (2) ; Track Squad (2); ATK.



Wilson Gillette Brainerd Hartford

Chairman Freshman Junior Banquet Com­mittee; Class Vice-President (1); Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Promenade Com­mittee; Basketball Squad; Football Squad; A~cl>.

George Andrew Brown Hartford

Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Freshman Basketball ; Captain Golf Team (~); Junior Prom Committee; AT K.

William Earl Buckley Hartford

Track (1, 2); Cross Country (2, 3).



THE ¥Y n922

.James Kingon Callaghan New York, N. Y. Political Science Club ; Secretary-Treasurer

(2); President (3); Sophomore Smoker Com­mittee; Musical Director Sophomore Smoker Play; The .Jesters (1, 2, 3); Production Manager (3); .Junior Smoker Committee; Editor-in­Chief Trinity Chap book; 1922 IVY Board; A X P.

Robert Dennison Byrnes Norwich, Conn.

Fre hman .Junior Banquet Committee; Chairman Bible Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; .Junior Smoker Com­mittee; Political Science Club ; Tripod Board (1, 2, 3); Secretary (2, 3); Associate Editor (1, 2); Managing Editor (3); Publicity Direc­tor, Alumni Council (2, 3); Associate Editor 1922 IVY Board; A T K.

.Jarvi Dixon Case Hartford

Class Track (1, 2); Political Science Club; Goodwin Hoadley Scholar (1, 2, 3); ~<I>.


Verner Warren Clapp Poughkeepsie, N.Y.

Track (1, 2, 3); Cross Country (2, 3); Class Secretary-Treasurer (2, 3); 1922 IvY Board; Sophomore Dining Club; ~ .

Albert Edward Coxeter Hartford

Class Track (I) ; Cross Country Squad (2); Track Squad (1, 2); AT K.

Clare Edward Cram Hartford

Basketball Squad (2); Junior Smoker Committee; Baseball (1, 2, 3); ~N.


THE .y ll922

John Bayard Cuningham Hamilton, Ohio

Class Vice-President (1); Chairman Fresh­man Rules Committee {2); Freshman Junior Banquet Committee (1); Class Senator (2, 3); Union Committee (3); Junior Promenade Committee; Inauguration Committee; Stu­dent member, Discipline Committee; Inter­fraternity Council (3); 1922 IvY Board ; KB<I>, AXP.

John Mitchell England Washington, D. C. Class Football (2); Football Squad (2);

Manager of Baseball (3); Class Senator (2); Tripod Board (2, 3); Athletic Advisory Coun­cil; ~ <1>.

Oscar Harold Engstrom New Haven

Political Science Club; Sophomore Hop Committee; Class Baseball (1, 2); Track Squad; Assistant Manager Football (3); ~N.



H arry Birch Franchere North Adams, Mass.

Transferred from Tufts College, Dental School, in Sophomore year; Choir (2, 3) ; Vigilance Committee; to <I>.

Francis Strong Oliver Freed

Class Baseball (2).

Wallace Watt Fuller


Washington, D . C.

Transferred from St. John's College in Sophomore Year; Sophomore Smoker Play; Political Science Club ; Football Squad; AX P.



THE .y ll922

Bert Clayton Gable Hartford

Golf Team (2); A X P.

Keale Hersh Gladstein Hartford

Class Baseball (2); Junior Smoker Com­mittee; Charles F. Daniels Scholar (2, 3); · 1922 IvY Board.

Morton Davis Graham Meriden

Political Science Club; Assi tant Organist; College Choir; Junior Smoker Committee; Class Football; Class Baseball ; Toucey Scholar; 6. <I>.


1 __


Charles Grime Cheshire, Conn.

Political Science Club; Junior Promenade Committee; Assistant Manager Football (3); ~N.

Alfred Napoleon Guertin Hartford

Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Track Team (2, 3) ; Cross Country Squad (2, 3) ; ~N.

Robert Irving Gurwitz Hartford


THE .y ll922

Louis Michael Guzzo Hartford

Class Football Team (2); Art Contributor to IvY.

Edward Buell Hungerford New Britain, Conn.

Freshman Rules Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Com­mittee; Class Vice-President (2); Jesters (1, 2, 3); Track Team (1, 2, 3); Cross Coun­try (2, 3); Captain (3); Editor-in-Chief 1922 IvY; AX P.

Joseph Bernard Hurewitz Hartford



John Hilder Johnson Everett, Mass.

Transferred in Sophomore year from Val­paraiso University; Football (2, 3); Captain (3) ; ~K E.

Ned Granger Kendall Granby

Class Football (2); Sophomore Hop Com­mittee; ~K E.

Cyril Streator Kirkby Essex Fells, N. J.

Assistant Manager Track (2); Manager (3); <I>~.



Henry Tracy Kneeland St. Louis, Mich.

Transferred from University of Michigan in Junior year; Jesters (3); 1922 IvY Board; B8II.

Frederick Earl Kunkel Belmar, N. J. Transferred in Junior Year from Lafayette

College; A X P.

Robert Ward Loomis

Class Football (2) .


East Hartford


David Joseph Loughlin

Political Science Club.

I ¥ y 1!922


Paul Armand de McCarthy Durham

Sophomore Smoker Committee; <I> r ~-

Edward Thurston Bancroft Macauley New York, N.Y.

Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Sophomore Hop Committee; Sophomore Smoker Committee; The Jesters (1, 2, 3); President (3); 192'2 IvY Board; ~'!F.



MacAllister Reynold Mohnkern Waterbury

Fresh man Basketball Manager; Basketball (2) ; Manager (!'l) ; S. A. T. C. Football; Track Squad (!'l) ; Clas President (!'l); Sophomore Smoker Committee; nion Com­mittee (3) ; Junior Prom Committee; Chair­man Junior Smoker Committee; Jesters (!'l) ; 19!'l'l IvY Board; Sophomore Dining Club; t.K E.

Merle Stephen Myers Fort Madison, Iowa

Chairman Sophomore Smoker Committee; The Jesters (3) ; 19!'l!'l IvY Board; Secretary­Treasurer (3) ; Political Science Club; t. <I>.

Nathan N amerovsky Winsted




Tenison Westenra Lewis Newsom Clinton

Sophomore Smoker Committee; .Junior Promenade Committee; Junior Smoker Com­mittee; The Tripod Board (1, 2, 3); Assistant Busines Manager (1) ; Advertising Manager (2, 3) ; Assistant Manager of Basketball (2) ; Manager (3); Business Manager 1922 IVY;

Ll 'l!.

Reinhold Enoch Nordlund Hartford

Secretary-Treasurer (2); Junior Prome­nade Committee; Clas President (3) ; Base­ball (1) ; Freshman Basketball Team (1); Basketball (2, 3); Captain (2); Football (2, 3); Sophomore Dining Club; ~ .

Howard Somerville Ortgies Forest Hill., N.Y.

Political Science Club; Class Football (2) ; Class Baseball (2) ; Junior Smoker Commit­tee; The Jesters (2, 3) : Baseball Squad (2) ; Tennis Team (2) ; Class Pre~ident (3); Assistant Manager Football (3) ; Manager­elect (3) ; A X P.



THE • y 1l92Q

Robert Johnston Plumb New Milford

Sophomore Smoker Committee; Junior Smoker Committee; Assistant Manager of Baseball (2) ; I922 IVY Board; A to ci>.

Richard Conrad Puels Brooklyn, N. Y. Choir (I, 2, 3); Class Football; Tripod

Board (1, 2, 3) ; Circulation Manager (2, 3); Jesters (1, 2); Football Squad; Manager of Ba eball (2) ; I922 IVY Board; Sophomore Dining Club; toKE.

Robert Gardner Reynolds Glastonbury

Freshman Junior Banquet Committee; Vice-President (I ); Class Ba ketball Team (1); Sophomore Hop Committee; Sopho­more Smoker Committee; President (2); Interfraternity Council (3); Senator (3); Secretary of Athletic Association (2, 3); Baseball (I, 2, 3); Captain (3); Sophomore Dining Club; to ci>.


THE I • y ll922

Milton Herbert Richman Hartford

Sophomore Hop Committee; Junior Prome­nade Committee; Track (2); Football (3) .

James Patrick Rooney Hartford

Political Science Club (2); Class Track Team (2); Track Squad (2); AT K.

Frederic Talbert Tansill New York, N.Y.

Class President (1); Chairman Sophomore Hop Committee; Chairman Junior Prome­nade Committee; Freshman Basketball Team Basketball' Team (2, 3); Captain (3); S. A. T. C. Football Team (1) ; Football (2, 3); Captain-elect (3); Sophomore Dining Club; K B <I>; ilK E.


THE .y TI922

John Patrick Walsh Hartford

Class Track (1, 2) ; Class Baseball (2); ATK.

Ralph George W oolfson Hartford


THE 11922

SOPitOMOII Qtlass ®fficers

H erbert John Ferguson Francis Bunnell Creamer St evenson Willia ms Webster . J a mes Ernest Black

Stanley Potter M iller Willia m Wesley Charlton Frederick William Bowdidge . H arold Leonard Smith .

<!Cbri~tma~ \!l:erm

\!l:tinitp \!l:erm


. P resident Vice- President

Secretary-Treasurer Senator

. President Vice- President

Secretary-Treasurer Senator

THE I . Y n9 22

~opbomore~ Arthur Bertrand ndrews Earle Berg Anderson .James Joseph Bany, Jr. James Ernest Black George Lyle Booth Frederick William Bowdidge . Thomas Spranger Bradley William Gregg Brill Angelo .Joseph Calano . Walter William Canner Carroll Burton Case Luca Celentano William Wesley Charlton Harry Hayden Clark Francis Bunnell Creamer Ernest James Jennings Cullum Sydney Alfred Cullum James Walter Dolan Reginald Ellis Fred Evans Herbert John Ferguson Sereno Bowers Gammell Conrad Herbert Gesner Fred Leonard Griffin Charles William Hallberg Robert Tillotson Hartt Erwin Leon Hippe Frank Armstrong Ikeler, II Glover Johnson Edmund Alden Mackinnon Stanley Potter Miller John Joseph Mitchell Joseph James Mullen William Francis Murphy Abner Buckingham Newton Alfred Moring Niese Fred 0 er


Putnam New Britain Jewett City

Coburg, Ontario, Canada Hartford

. Alliston, Mass. Ozone Park, N.Y.

Bloomsburg, Pa. Hartford Cheshire Hartford

New Haven Astoria, N. Y.

Woodbury Williamsport, Pa.

Concord, N.H. Concord, N.H. Malden, Mass.

Jersey City, N .. J. Hartford

. Norwich

. Hartford Waterbury . Stamford

New Britain . Hartford

Webster, Mass. Bloomsburg, Pa.

New York, N.Y. . Hartford

Port Marion, Pa. Thorn pson ville

Hartford . Hartford

Durham New York, N.Y.



Joseph Poczos Wallace Sage Roberts Barent Ten Eyck Schuyler James Henry Seeley Robert Vincent Sinnott Harold Leonard Smith Lloyd Edwin Smith George Ernest Stevens William James Tate, Jr. George Pomeroy Tenney Arnold Frederick Wallen Stevenson Williams Webster Allen Avon White John Sheaff Zantzinger

¥Y n922


Bridgeport Utica, N.Y. Utica, N.Y.

Danbury . Hartford

Shelton New Britain New Haven . Franklin

Claremont, N. H. New Britain Bel Air, Md. Short Beach

New York, N.Y.



C!Iass ®fficers

Michael Augustine Brennan John Peacock Sinclair . R aymond Vincent Palmer

Daniel Green Morton George Ormond Rose Frank Stafford Jones

~bristmas ~trm

~rinitp ~trm



. President Vice- President


. President Vice- President


'THE I • y ll9>22l

.ffresbmen Daniel Abramson Hartford William Henry Allen Hartford Robert George Almond Wellesley, Mass. Herman Asch New York, N.Y. Israel Beatman, Jr. Hartford Thomas Joseph Birmingham Hartford Kenneth Bayard Bleecker Flushing, N . Y. Marcus Irving Blum . Rockville Chester Alford Bolles New York, N.Y . • John Carlyle Bowen Wallingford Francis Wellington Brecker Hartford Michael Augustine Brennan New York, N.Y. Jacob Brenner Hartford Luther Browning . Hartford Christian Harmon Ter Bush Bangall, N. Y. Donald Grafton Childs . Litchfield James Wilmac Crocker New York, N.Y. Charles Edgar Cuningham . Hamilton, Ohio Michael Leonard Day Hartford Carl Walton Deckelman West Hartford Louis Mario D'Esopo Hartford Nathan Do rison Hartford Roger Richard Eastman . Woodstock, Vt. George Russel Freeman Mount Vernon, N. Y. Albert John Fulner Burnside Henry Richard Glaubman Hartford Randolph Goodridge Hartford Burton Francis Hall New Britain Richard Goodman Ives Danbury Lewis Paul James Hartford Chandler Burbidge Johnson Hartford Frank Stafford Jones Blackinton, Mass. John Francis Keating New Britain William Thomas Kelly . Brooklyn, N.Y. Stanley Livingstone Kennedy New Brighton, N.Y. Francis Ludwig Lundborg Hartford Sam Marranzini New York, N.Y.



D'Aiton Lee Marsh Richard Joseph McAneny James Joseph McMackin Illingworth Merritt John Vincent Mills Albert Dale Mitchell Daniel Green Morton Jonathan Elmer Mulford Robert Franklin Murphy Carl Warren Nash Francis Tracy Newton . Julius Jacob Nirenstein Gerald Waldron O'Connor Raymond Vincent Palmer Kermet Edison Parker . Benjamin Franklin Poriss Thomas Joseph Quinn . St. Anthony Joseph Rich Eldon Steven Robinson George Ormond Rose James Leo Rourke Randall Walker Rutherford Howard Charles Ryan . John Peacock Sinclair . Harry Mundell Sutcliffe William Spencer Terrell Harris Henderson Thomas Ephraim Salisbury Totten Elmer Paul Wallen John Delanie Woo lam Thane Bellows Wright Charles Edwin Wright John Hutchins Yeomans

.y ll922


. Westport Kingsbridge, N. Y.

. Everett, Mass . . Hartford

West Orange, N.J. Bethlehem

Asheville, N. C. Bridgeton, N. J. . Malden, . Mass.

Minneapolis, Minn . Middletown . Hartford

Flushing, N.Y . . Hartford

New Britain Hartford

. Hartford Bri tol

New Haven Mexico

Farmington Wethersfield

. Hartford New York, N.Y.

Manchester, N. H. Wallingford

Denton, Md. Brooklyn, N.Y.

Ne)V Britain Warehouse Point

. Hartford New Britain

. Andover