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  • 8/8/2019 TheInpirer july10


    Highlights | Exclusive Interview |The Observer | Motivation Articles |Aspiration | QuickiesPublished by the Counseling and Development Unit, SSSD Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS

    Eighth Edition | September 2010

    TheInspirer___________________________________________________________________________SURVIVING THE FUTURE: JACKOF ALL TRADES, MASTEROF ONE


    A CULTURAL PHENOMENON_____________________________



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    ADVISORHaji Abdul Jalil Abdullah

    EDITOR-IN-CHIEFMohd. Ashraf bin Nor Azrol

    SECTION EDITORS`Arif Amin bin Ahmad Puzi

    Nor Nadia bt. Jamal Abd Nasir

    Lim Camille

    Muhammad bin Hasan Azhari

    PROMOTION EDITORDevashne Selvanathan


    Nur Izyan Izzati Abd Halim

    Ahmad Fikry Mohd Anwar

    Editors NoteIn Pakistan, over 200, 000 people died in one of the

    most catastrophic flood in history and half a million

    people in Haiti are homeless after a mighty earthquake

    hit their capital. Should we be concerned about them?

    No, because none of those two incidences are directly

    affecting our lives. However, we should rethink our

    ignorance and look into what we have become. One

    day when disaster hits us, will there be anyone to help


    Individualism has been ripe in this university,

    building upon academic performance and social activi-

    ties. Yet in terms of humanity and consciousness, we

    are like rats trapped in the cheese jar. Nothing else

    matters because we already have everything, so why

    bother about the problems of others? Although there

    are events and programmes that have tried to raise

    such awareness, the response in them can hardly fill in

    a lecture room of 30. The reception among students is

    low and demoralizing. Despite the fact that we are go-

    ing to live in the outside world once we graduate,

    many of us do not see their role in the society.

    In this edition, we explore the idea of students

    role in the society and the future that they are going to

    live in outside of this campus. Under the theme

    Awareness, we bring to you insights and the impor-

    tance of inculcating awareness among students in this

    university. We should change this I-dont-care attitude

    to I-do-care if we are to become well-rounded stu-

    dents. After all, we only spend at most five years in this

    university, but there are many more years to come in

    this real and unforgiving world.


    Mohd. Ashraf b. Nor Azrol


    Highlights | 2Exclusive Interview: Dr. Azrai | 3

    The Observer: Awareness | 5Motivation Article: The X Factor | 7Aspiration: A Cultural Phenomenon | 9

    Quickies | 11

    C o n t e n t _________________________________


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    2ighlightsAwareness. Awareness? Awareness! What

    about it? Well people, some parts of your somewhat

    hectic varsity life, filled with pretty much chaos and

    excitement, how often have you stop to ponder,

    about environmental issues, HIV/AIDS, green house

    effect, sickening actions of teenagers, or maybe poli-

    tics and world economy? These are the problems

    repeatedly being debated across the nation and as

    university students, you and I should probably de-

    velop our conscience, and be more sensitive towards

    our surroundings. We are not little children anymore,

    we are future leaders. If we take it for granted, I do

    not even dare to imagine what will happen to our

    world by the time we were to lead its development.

    Scary huh? But nevertheless, lets just forget about

    that for a while, because Im not going to write any-

    thing about the rising world temperature, or AIDS, or

    cleanliness. But rather oddly, Im going to writeabout family this time around as awareness can only

    begin there.

    Lift your right hand and put it on your heart,here meaning the left of your chest, because you

    cant literally touch your heart. Put it there and ask

    yourself, how long has it been since you called

    home? How long has it been since you last heard

    from your parents? Dont say it out loud, just keep

    your little secret between you and your whispering

    heart. Yes I know, youre busy, Im busy too, and in

    fact who isnt. But do you think the word busy

    should really be the reason for being distant with

    your beloved family back in your hometown?

    For now, reminisce while youre reading this.

    Do you still remember the times when you were

    three? The times when your mom used to hold you

    everywhere she went in her arms, talking to the

    neighbors, making you your milk, buying vegetables,

    sometimes even to occasions like wedding dinners in

    her beautiful dress, only to have you puke on it, but

    still, she patiently cleaned you up before herself al-

    though you made her ugly and stinky? Do you still

    remember on your birthday when your mom and

    dad blew out the candles with you and you smiled

    goofily with your coconut hairstyle? Can you still feelthe warmth of their voices, telling you to change

    after school and go have your lunch? Can you still

    feel the touch of the rough palm that used to hold

    yours snug and tight, leading you across the road,

    and almost everywhere you went?

    But slowly, we were not that little child in

    moms and dads arms anymore. We all grew up, we

    went to school, we met friends of our own, and soon

    became best friends with them and told them all our

    secrets, just like the way we used to with our parents.

    Eventually, we all had our dreams and goals, we

    moved on. We left for college, we worked extra hard

    to achieve our targets, and we eventually got busier

    and busier. We have a life of our own now. But what

    about mom and dad? Yes, we are considered an

    adult now, but in our parents eyes, we are always

    their little princes and princesses. Parents, they have

    never let go of us, their love have never gotten any

    lesser from the day we were born. Trust me, just a

    five minutes call is more than enough to make theirday, and an I love you will totally melt their heart,

    like an ice cream melting down the cone on a hot

    sunny day.

    If parents can love us

    unconditionally, regardless

    of how naughty we used to be,

    despite how rebellious we were to them, why cant

    we do the same? They were the one who raised us

    up, taught us how to read and write, fed us, dressed

    us, and showered us with all the love they had. And if

    there are any persons on earth that deserves our love

    the most, they are our parents. They had sacrificed a

    lot for us, and without them, we wouldnt be here,

    and you wouldnt probably be sitting down in your

    chair right now, reading this article without needingto worry about food or shelter, like the unfortunate

    do. Well people, lets make the smile in the family

    portrait a reality, rather than just a commanded ac-

    tion to make the picture looks better. Cherish your

    old folks with love and respect; make their lives per-

    fect by having you as their greatest success.

    By: Lim Camille




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    1. Why should students not be reduced to


    Students nowadays are not what they used tobe like back in the old days. They are active in manyother things and for me that is what makes a persons

    character. Years ago, we did not have the internet butnow we do, so the bookworm habit should alsoinclude those who sit in front of their computers.This should not happen. You and your computer donot make the society. Communication needs to bethere to gain the trust from the society. Students needto start networking, in reality rather than online, andhope to have many friends even from different coun-

    tries. I myself am still in contact with my American

    dorm mate even though we have not seen each otherfor more than 20 years.

    Previously, networking was a business thingbut today, it has gone to a more personal level. Most

    importantly, this creates an avenue for us to handle

    Exclusive InterviewSurviving The Future:

    A Jack of All Trades, Master of One

    By : Mohd Ashraf bin Nor Azrol

    directly or indirectly any of our future dealings like abusiness or job. Sometimes, the indirect way or friend-of

    -a-friend relationship helps to move things along faster.Thus, I feel that being a bookworm has not workedbefore in the past, thus it will not work in the future too.

    2. What other skills besides technical knowledge

    are important?

    Technical knowledge alone will not be enough.There must be other complements to accompany theknowledge such as attitude and manner. Be humble andthere is nothing to lose. In the past we did not have toteach things like this but today we have to embed them

    into the curriculum. Actually, it depends on the individ-ual. We might teach, lets say leadership skills, but stu-dents may not become good leaders. Students should beable to adapt their behaviours and manners with anysituation. For me, that is what I did. I will be differentwhen I am teaching in my class compared to when I am

    having high level meetings.

    lose-mindedness in the university have been worrying educators for years. The vision of having a well-rounded student is unachievable as long as open mindedness is not inculcated. The Inspirer seeks to find out

    the truth about this matter and we interviewed one of the most open-minded individuals in UTP, Dr Azrai b. Hj.Abdullah, Head of Management and Humanities Department of Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS. When he was ateenager, he ventured into selling imported calculator from Singapore to changing academic streams for his under-graduate, post-graduate and doctorate studies. He is indeed the one person you want to talk to about being open toall possibilities and muster the courage to realise your dreams. The Inspirer was glad to be able to meet him in per-son. Lets check out the interview.


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    The Y generation mostly like to bulldoze theirway sometimes impolite and rude in terms of their

    behaviour towards others. Certain things that are rude tous might be considered normal to them. That is notgood especially when it is the first meeting, as a goodfirst impression is always vital because it will determinewhether the relationship or rapport will last or not.

    3. Relating to the courses that your department

    offers how is inculcating awareness among students

    on subjects beyond their field of study essential?

    In reality, you will work within your core; letssay engineering, for mostly about 5 years. After that,people will move to management. That is why we have

    electives in management here offered by my departmentso that when our students move to the managementlevel, there would be less problems for them. Even be-fore you move to management, what happens if letssay your boss asks you to do the budget for your team project. How you go about doing it is one thing butcommunicating it to others is another. That soft skill is

    what our department offers to students.

    In the end, everyone has a degree but whatmakes you better is when you have these skills such ascommunication skills and critical thinking. So far UTPstudents are well accepted by the industry because they

    recognize our students to have better skills. More than85% of them were employed within 6 months while theremaining few are not jobless but they either work inde- pendently or chose to pursue higher degrees. Why docompanies prefer our graduate? That will be partly the job of my department to think about. Previously thethinking was a Jack of all trades, a master of none. Weneed to be specialized experts in some field of study

    and be very good at it.

    However, nowadays we need to be able to multi-task. A company would not want to spend on more em-ployees if one employee is able to do many tasks. Thus,

    the current thinking is a Jack of all trades, a master ofONE which means we must have one core specialty beit engineering, technology or finance but we must begreat in other things as well. This is what makes peopleexcel in their career.

    4. How exactly is working life like? What factors

    contribute to a happy and productive working life?

    The question is what makes people satisfied? Isit money, environment or passion? Different peoplehave different requirements as to what they term as ahappy working life. For me, it is when you work in

    something you are passionate in. Money will never beenough. If you earn a high salary, but the work is so

    stressful, it may not bring happiness. The indication issimple. If you wake up every morning and start towhine when you think of work, then you are not happy.

    We must consider two scenarios: Whether theworking environment fits us or we fit into our workingenvironment. It has to work either way. If not, consider

    choosing another career because the most importantthing is that you are happy in what you do. This is a

    borderless world and you can go almost anywhere tofind the most suitable job.

    5. What should university students do to become

    more competitive in the job market?

    The problem is some do not mix with others.They must mix because only then will they become con-scious and alert about the surrounding. They will beable to know the facts of whatever that is happeningaround them. Not too long ago Malaysia signed an inter-national agreement called the Washington Accord. This

    allows our engineers to work in member signatory na-tions without repeating the process of gaining new li-

    cence as qualified engineers required under the law of

    those states. The question is when the avenue is there,what is stopping students now? Some are branching outfrom their own field of studies after a few years because

    they are venturing into things that they want to do. Adegree is just grounding so that if you fail in something

    you want to do, you can always fall back to your core.TI


    Management & Humanities



    Economics Finance


    Doctor of Philosophy in South East Asian Studies,University of Hull, UK

    Masters of Science in Corporate Finance, The Uni-versity of Salford

    Bachelor of Science, University of Southern NewHampshire, USA


    From Natural Economy to Capitalism: The State

    and Economic Transformation in Perak, Malaysiac.1800-2000.

    A Behavioral Study on PETRONAS Carigali Baro-nia Offshore Platform Personnel at SKO, Sarawak.

    Assessment of Pre-Selection Program (PSP) forPETRONAS Dagangan Berhad.

    Organizational Communication Climate and Com-munication Conflict: Their Impact on Organiza-tional Commitment.

    Development of a Prototype for a 3D Virtual Reality

    in Teaching Technical Communication. Entrepreneurial Development and Small Business

    Management of TEKUN Micro Borrowers.

    PETRONAS Dagangan Berhad - Selection Processfor Potential Dealers.

    A degree is just grounding so that ifyou fail in something you want to do,you can always fall back to your core

  • 8/8/2019 TheInpirer july10




    We hear it all the time; awareness on health, protection of environment, global

    warming, social issues and many more. But the question is how aware are we

    living in this massive society?

    According to Sheikh Abdullah Adhami,

    The 'best awareness [ma'rifa] is for a man to

    have self-awareness. And the best knowledge

    ['ilm] is for a man to stop at the limit of his

    knowledge.' . Thus, is awareness a common

    practice in todays world? This is something

    for us to take into consideration seriously

    about things happening around us.

    As a student, the most essential aware-

    ness that I think we

    should have is self-

    awareness. What is this

    all about? Self aware-

    ness is attained by re-

    flecting on our inten-

    tions and our actions. It is being aware of our

    own emotions and channelling them in order

    to achieve what we want from life. I am sure

    that many of us overreact towards our lives.Some people feel that when they are very

    busy with loads of works; they cannot enjoy

    their lives. Some even feel that they have no

    life when they had to stumble upon too much of

    problems in life. Hence, self-awareness comes

    into the picture. It enables us to be proactive and

    more in control of our life. Self-awareness com-

    mences from reflection, on trying to understand

    what we do and how we might do it differently to

    accomplish greater success.

    Besides that, self-awareness involves self

    knowledge. MahatmaGandhi, an Indian philoso-

    pher once said that A

    man is but the product of

    his thoughts; what he

    thinks, he becomes. As

    we identify ourselves, we

    learn to believe in our-

    selves and rely on our own judgment rather than

    the judgment of others. To develop self-

    awareness, we need to take the time to think

    things through. In todays world, the key di-lemma is that we get so caught up in the every-

    day happenings of our lives that we just do not

    take the time to reflect. Nevertheless, it is im-

    perative for us to take a break at times to reflect,

    The Observer

    Self-awareness..Trying to un-derstand what we do and howwe might do it differently to ac-complish greater success

    By: Devashne Salvanathan



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    to look back over the happenings of our lives

    in an attempt to discover how we have be-

    come the person we are. Based on the re-

    search done by Carl Rogers who had devel-

    oped person-centred counselling, in order to

    develop a persons full potential, everyone

    needs to develop a positive self concept. Posi-tive concept assembles once we replicate our-

    selves. The positivity and negativity in us will

    be reflected and then self knowledge will help

    us to work around our weakness and build up

    our positivity.

    There are several techniques of creating

    self-awareness. George Sheehan, an American

    physician stressed that the minds first step to

    self-awareness must go through the body. So,

    over our thinking process and tries to correctone perfect way would be by doing yoga or

    meditation. It is a spiritual way of self-

    awareness which revolves the mind and soul.

    Christians, Muslims and many other religions

    recognize the advantages of meditation. Medi-

    tation leads to greater self knowledge, control

    our thoughts. Besides that, we can also redis-

    cover ourselves. How? This is through our

    own self observation. Take a piece of paper,

    and write down all your thoughts, chart your progress and decide what you see as impor-

    tant. When you make your mind up about

    what is important in your life then you have an

    initiative of what you value. Knowing what

    you value in life is a vital tool in self aware-

    ness and success.

    When we know what our values are,

    then it is much easier to visual a path in life.

    In doing so, you clearly see what is important

    in life. I

    Write, chart your progress, decide what is important

    The world is not a problem; the problem is your unawareness.Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh (11 December 1931 19 January 1990 )

    Every human has 4 endowmentsself awareness, conscience, inde-

    pendent will and creative imagination. These give us ultimate human

    freedom The power to choose, to respond, to change.Stephen R. Covey (October 24, 1932 , age 78)



    Man who is created alone should be aware that he will also die

    alone. Yet during his life, he lives almost addicted to possessions...

    The only assets one can take with him when one dies is one's belief

    or disbelief Harun Yahya (2 February 1956, age 54)

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    There are a few old-fashioned expressions to soothefear. We usually hear of:

    There is nothing to be afraid of It is only your imagination

    Do not worry

    These expressions may relieve you for only a shortperiod of time but the fact is these medicines donot really cure fear. It is because these phrases areactually telling you that fear does not exist. Thereality is, fear does exist and it must be conquered.

    Fear has its enemy: confidence. You build yourconfidence when you conquer your fear.

    How can we actually conquer fear?



    What we say repeatedly gets etched into our sub-

    conscious mind. That is why we have heard thatyou become what you think. So, it is a good ideato do positive self-talk. From now on, in anythingyou do, try a few affirmative phrases such as:

    I can do this.

    I will beat those defenders.

    I am confident.

    As Henry Ford saidIf you think you can do a thingor think you can't do a thing, you're right. Toshape your thinking, say it out. Check out the com-

    mercial video Nike-make a difference-The Pledge.

    See how those players do self-talk.

    iving in a contemporary society, we cannot run away from watching and measuring people. Some peoplethrive in anything they do while some stumbles or just playing it safe. Are you aware of the difference

    between successful people and average people? What is behind the victory of an individual? What is the factor

    that makes him/her to succeed? In my observation, the factor is No Fear attitude or having sky-high confi-dence easily said. No Fear is the X factor that separates excellent achievers from the mediocre ones.

    Fear can be an encourager, and can also be a hold-backer. Fear may or may not work for ones advantage. It

    either helps someone exert greater effort or prevent him/her seizing an opportunity. Therefore, it is very impor-tant to manage our fear accordingly.

    The X Factor:

    Motivation ArticlesL

    By: Muhammad b. Hasan Azhari



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    Imagination is better than knowledge. Knowledge islimited. Imagination encircles the world.(Albert Einstein)

    One of the best capabilities of human being is to imagine.To see what the eyes cant see, to feel what is not there atthe present time. So, let us use this gift. Picture ourselvesin our mind as what we want to be. Say, you want to be agreat striker, imagine yourself playing like David Villa. Ifyou wish to be a great orator, picture yourself givingspeeches like Soekarno.

    Play this mental picture as often as you can. The besttime is before you sleep.


    Procrastination and indecision fertilize fear. The moreyou delay, the stronger the fear inside you grows. Thebest way is to take action when the opportunity comes.When you face a problem or a choice, make the best

    decision and take action immediately. After a while,youll gain more confidence and lose your fear. Lookat Nikes motto, simply: JUST DO IT.

    These tips may look simple but believe me, these isenough to transform you into fearless and confident person. Anyone can have the X factor. GIVE IT ATRY, NOW.TI



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    background, you will know the reasons why they aredoing a certain act and of course when you understandhow somebody can do something wrong, in time you

    will learn to forgive them and you will try to seek moreunderstanding from those people. I think right now, this

    is widely done in UTP. From the actions of the StudentRepresentative Council (MPP) and the InternationalStudent Council (ISC) especially, you can see that everypart of UTP is cooperating in trying to make this culture

    a norm. So the culture norm for me in UTP firstly has tobe about understanding.

    3. In your opinion, does a significant difference

    exist between our cultures that hinders understand-

    ing and communicating between people of different


    As I told you in the beginning, culture is about beauty.When you look at one picture, a person may say that thepicture is beautiful while at the same time another per-son deems it weird. It is the same thing that happenswith culture. Here in UTP, you may face a culture thatyou have never seen or experienced before so once you

    face it you say, This is wrong. This is weird. because

    you do not have a good understanding or you do notunderstand the background. You are not able to see thehidden beauty inside that culture. But once you see it ofcourse you would understand.

    eing students, engineering and technology

    students at that, it would be a rare find to lo-

    cate someone qualified enough to address the more

    common awareness issues of health awareness and

    environmental awareness. With that in mind, The

    Inspirer selected the topic Cultural Awareness/

    Awareness on Culture Norms as this is an experi-

    ence that every individual goes through. Sharing

    his opinions relating to this topic is none other thanthe President of the International Student Council,

    Mr. Sermphon Klaiseengern.

    1. How do you define culture and how signifi-

    cant is it in a graduates life?

    I define culture as the beauty and the diversity whicheach peoples have cultivated from their background, thelong history of their own country and from the society

    that the people have grown up in. A norm refers to thenormal practice which is done by the people in a com-

    munity. So the cultural norm here in UTP, which I amgoing to refer to as the UTP culture, should be widelyadopted by all UTP students regardless of their back-ground. They are here, they are UTP students, they arein a multicultural community and they have to believethat we can stay together as one. Everybody should

    accept this culture norm of UTP. It is a must that every-body abides by and accepts this culture norm so that we

    can stay together in harmony and in peace. Of course,no matter what the society, as long as it is in peace andharmony, the development can obviously be seen.

    2. You mentioned the UTP culture but what

    does that imply?

    The UTP culture is the culture of respect and under-standing. In UTP right now, we have students frommore than 33 countries all around the world which

    come to study in this university and in the future I couldsee the number of these countries will expand alongside

    the quality and reputation of the university which isspread by our current and graduating students all aroundthe world. The key point is that in this multiculturalsociety we need to stay together with respect and under-standing; No matter where you are from, we are now inUTP; we are UTP-ians. Of course, misunderstandings

    have happened in the past. I will not give an example asI feel it is not important to mention one but the most

    important thing that I would like to emphasize here ison the understanding itself. If you understand peoples




    No matter where you are

    from, we are now in UTP;

    we are UTP-ians



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    4. Is there anything the students, local or interna-

    tional, should do to further understand different cul-

    tures and how does ISC help in bridging this gap?

    Of course we try to bridge this gap. In this year alone,

    we collaborated with the MPP to organize the Interna-tional Culture Night and we do try to organize a lot of

    events supporting this cause. For your information, eventhough the ISC is the main body for international stu-dents, our objective is not to only focus on internationalstudents. We do believe that the international students

    here have the potential to contribute back to the univer-sity and to play an important role in promoting the repu-

    tation of this university. In terms of culture, what we dois we organize International Culture Night which all o fUTP students can come and experience. In only onenight, you can see the cultures from all around the world.So we do hope that the students can receive the hiddenmessage that we try to pass to them. Even if the perform-

    ances, the performers, the colours and the outfits are

    different, if you appreciate it you would see its beauty.You must not only be there but you must try to under-stand it. If you are not there, you will not see. Comparingto everyday situation, if you see a situation happen andyou feel that it is wrong but you do not try to experience

    or talk and approach the peo- ple involved, how are yougoing to know him? In theend, you misinterpret peopleand that is why misunder-standings happen.

    5. Would you say that

    the lack of awareness ofcultures and cultural differences creates a problem

    for locals and internationals to gel together in classes,

    sports and such?

    I think the people in UTP already have the awareness but

    of course when we stay in a multicultural society, con-flicts can easily happen. I would not blame the aware-ness of the people towards culture. To me, the reason behind that is more to misunderstanding. The conflictswhich happen for instance in the football games orsomething like that can happen everywhere even be-

    tween the people from the same nation. So with that, I

    will not blame anything on cultural awareness. I feel thatthis community, this family already has it; we just needto enhance it.

    6. Can you comment on the Malaysian culture?

    Anything that is to your liking or not so much your

    cup of tea and how maybe the locals can help the in-

    ternationals in adapting to the Malaysian society?

    Sure. I will give an easy example that some of the inter-national students, including myself, felt weird and rude

    seeing for the first time: The way some people call eachother by clicking their mouths. Please do not take this

    example seriously but it is an easy example to give thatcan enable everybody to see the difference of culture.That is small thing actually but if you look into certaincountries, making those sounds is the way to call a dogor a cat. Some international students do not understand

    it. They think Why do you call me like that? butonce they accept it as a difference in cultures, thingssmoothen out. For international students, it takes time

    to learn and in the meantime we may do somethingwrong because we do not know. It is then that weneed the local students to explain. Forgiveness mustalso be present.

    Fortunately, I am from Thailand and there is not that

    much difference between Thailand and Malaysiaespecially the hospitality of the people. I did not havethat many problems in adapting to the society butstudents from the other regions may have some diffi-culties. Since I have a similar background to the Ma-laysian culture its easier for me to adapt. But what Iwant to request to the UTP community is to realizethat certain students are from far away and the cul-

    ture there is totally different. Hence, it takes longertime for them to learn and understand the Malaysianculture but of course, once they do, they will feel

    very appreciative towards it.

    7. How did UTP do in the recently held Inter-

    national Students Sports Carnival?

    In the beginning, ISC did notexpect that this plan wouldcome to fruition. Last year,we went to the Ministry of

    Higher Education to presentit and the ministry offered usthe chance to be the organ-izer of this event. With the

    full cooperation from theRector and the management, the plan became a real-ity. This event truly exhibited the unity and the po-tential of UTP students. Why I say unity? For your

    information, in this competition, the athletes in eachteam consisted of international students from variouscountries as well as the local students. There wereseven sports played with 11 gold medals up forgrabs. The eleven sports are: volleyball, futsal, net-ball, tug-of-war, basketball, sepak raga, and campus

    relay. From the eleven gold medals, UTP managed towin 5 gold medals and 3 silver medals. UTP alsobecame the overall champion of the sports carnival.

    This success serves to prove that if we are together asone here in UTP, no matter what challenges comeour way, we can achieve our goals. And it is further

    proof of the tagline of both organizations which havebeen created to symbolize UTP students: United con-tributions generate excellence (tagline for ISC) andpursuing togetherness (tagline for MPP).

    8. Finally, what are your hopes for the future

    of UTPs multicultural society?

    For the future, I just hope that we stay together asone. I want to see the UTP students where ever they

    come from be it Thailand, Malaysia, or anywhereelse come together here as a family; to consider eachand every one of us as brothers and sisters. To staytogether as one by understanding and respecting eachothers culture. If that happens UTP is going to beone of the greatest places to live in.TI

    I want to see the UTP

    students where ever they

    come from come together

    here as a family


  • 8/8/2019 TheInpirer july10


    11 QuickiesCow Sense

    Eh Po Nim spends her tertiary years in Melbourne.One day she was at the cafeteria with her boyfriend,

    Ah Loong and her boyfriends cousin.

    Ah Loong : This is Ah Teck, my auntys son. EhPo Nim, my girlfriend.Ah Teck : Call me David.Ah Loong : Wah, youve got a Christian name

    now? I thought people from cowboytown dont have Christian names. (Hejabbed Ah Teck in the ribs)

    Ah Teck : Raub is not asmall town okay?

    Just then, Eh Po Nims housemate an Australian girl

    named Gail walked into the cafeteria. Eh Po Nimwaved her over.

    Eh Po Nim : Hello Gail, come join us.

    She pulled up a chair and Eh Po Nim introduced her

    to the boys. After the introduction was over, Davidnodded towards Eh Po Nim and commented.

    David : Ah Loong you sure know howto tackle a pretty girl.

    Gail : What sports did you play with Ah

    Loong, Eh Po Nim?Eh Po Nim : None. Tackle is not a move you make

    in sports, Gail. Its a Manglish wordfor courting. To woo. Manglish is Ma-

    laysian English.David : Excuse me, I have to do my business.(David got up from his seat and looked around for thetoilet)

    Ah Loong : The loo is over there!(Ah long pointedto a door on his left)

    Gail : What business is he in? I thought hesa student like us?

    Eh Po Nim : Hes gone to ease himself.

    Shortly after David returned to the table, they finishedtheir drinks and left the cafeteria together. They took aleisurely stroll back to their lodgings.

    David : This is a nice weather for walking.Back in Malaysia, wed be sweating

    like a pig already.

    David steps down from the pavement and prances onthe road.

    Ah Loong : Careful, David. This is notyourgrandfathers road-ah!

    Eh Po Nim noticed a quizzical look on Gails face

    Eh Po Nim : He doesnt mean it literally. Davidsbehaving as if he owns the road, but ofcourse he doesnt.

    David skipped to the pavement

    David : It is safer up here. If someone with

    a kopi-o-license comes along, Im adead duck.

    Eh Po Nim : A driver with such a license doesntknow how to drive properly becausehe obtained his license through bribery.

    Gail : But, this is Australia. There arentdrivers with kopi-o-license around, EhPo Nim, you must teach me moreManglish words. Manglish is fascinat-ing. Whats the meaning of kopi-O?

    Eh Po Nim : Its black coffee literally but kopi-o-

    money means bribery.David : I can teach you Manglish! Its very

    easy. Only people with no cowsense cant understand it. Thatmeans stupid like a cow. Sorry, I dontmean you-ah.

    David gave Gail an apologetic salute.

    Taken from Do You Wear Suspenders?-The Wordy Tales of Eh Po

    Nimby Lydia Teh.

    A cigarette shortens your

    life by 2 min

    A beer shortens your life

    by 4 min

    A working day shortens yourlife by 8 hours

    Quick Thoughts



    Articles chosen by: Nor Nadia bt. Jamal Abd Nasir