themes, motifs, and symbolism in “hills like white elephants”

Themes, Motifs, and Symbolism in “Hills Like White Elephants”

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Page 1: Themes, Motifs, and Symbolism in “Hills Like White Elephants”

Themes, Motifs, and Symbolism in “Hills Like White


Page 2: Themes, Motifs, and Symbolism in “Hills Like White Elephants”

This short story is about a couple with a major conflict – the girl is pregnant and does not want an abortion – her boyfriend appears to want her to get an abortion.

“Hills Like White Elephants” was written by Ernest Hemingway and was published in 1927 in a book titled “Men Without Women.”

Over time, since its publication, people have read and analyzed this seemingly simple piece of fiction and have formed various opinions on the themes, motifs, and symbolism throughout. I will be presenting some of

them here.

Page 3: Themes, Motifs, and Symbolism in “Hills Like White Elephants”

THEME – the main thought or central idea expressed by a work

One theme is Communication including

• A conflict between the couple

• Their inability to communicate


• The girl’s dependence upon the


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Another theme...Selfishness and Manipulation

“Well, let’s try and have a fine time.”

“It’s really an awfully simple operation, Jig.

It’s not really an operation at all.”

“I know you wouldn’t mind

it, Jig. It’s really not

anything. It’s just to let the

air in””

“I’ll go with you and I’ll stay with you all the time. They just let the air in and then it’s all perfectly


“We’ll be fine afterwards. Just like we

were before.”

“That’s the only thing that bothers us. It’s the only

thing that’s made us unhappy.”

“You don’t have to be afraid. I’ve

known lots of people that have

done it.”

“Well, if you don’t want to you don’t

have to. I wouldn’t have you do it if you didn’t

want to. But I know it’s

perfectly simple.”

“I think it’s the best

thing to do.”

“I love you now. You

know I love you.”

“I won’t worry about that because it’s

perfectly simple.”

“But I don’t want anybody but you.

I don’t want anyone else. And

I know it’s perfectly simple.”

“I don’t care anything about it.”

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A final theme... Choices

• Confronting and accepting the future


• Evasion of responsibility

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MOTIF – Something that recurs throughout the piece to develop the theme. This could be a reference, an

incident, or an activity.

Alcohol is one motif

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There is drinking throughout the story

• First they order two glasses of beer

• Then the girl wants to try Anis del Toro

• They order a second round of beers

• Then they order a third round of beers

• After moving the luggage, the man stops in the bar room and has another


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In trying to avoid conversation and the issue at hand, the couple fills their time with alcoholic


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At the end of the story they each drink alone

He sits at the bar and drinks an Anis

She is at the table finishing her beer from the third round

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A second motif The man’s over-simplification of the


Using this euphemism, rather than the harsh word “abortion”, is one way

he minimizes this choice.

His continuing statements stress how “perfectly simple” this process can be

and also imply his strong opinion that she should just “do it”.

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SYMBOLISM – the use of words, places, characters, or objects that mean something beyond what they are on a literal level. A symbol is a word or object

that stands for another word, object, or idea.

The title actually contains three different symbols including hills, the color white, and the white elephant

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the rounded enlargement of the girl’s stomach with a baby


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The Color White

Symbolizes the innocence and purity of her unborn child

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White ElephantSymbolizes

uselessness or being unwanted

A white elephant sale, for example, is a type of yard sale or bargain-bin sale. At these sales, stuff that is unwanted is sold. This reference could imply that the unborn baby is

useless or unwanted.

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White Elephant

Symbolic ofa valuable possession which the owner can not dispose of

According to Asian legends, the possession of a white elephant was regarded as both a blessing and a curse. It was good because the animal was sacred and was considered

to be a high-level gift. It was bad because the animal could not be used as a labor animal and would be expensive to own and maintain.

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White Elephant


avoidance of a difficult topic (“an elephant in

the room”)

The phrase “an elephant in the room” is a euphemism for a topic painfully obvious that no one wants to discuss – it refers to a question, problem, or issue that is obvious but is

being ignored.

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White Elephant

Symbolic ofstrength and


According to tradition, Buddha’s mother had a dream about a white elephant that brought her a lotus flower. The following day she gave birth to her son.

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Jig(Nickname of the girl)

A jig is a device used in wood working. Some have suggested that her name is symbolic

because the man thinks of her as a tool – an object – rather than a person with emotions and feelings about her

unborn child.

A jig is also a traditional Irish dance. This nickname can show, in a subtle way, that the girl and man dance around each other and

around the problem that exists without saying anything important or coming to any

clear decision.

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Bamboo Curtains


boundaries the couple is facing at this point in their life OR the

separation that exists between the couple

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Anis del Toro

This powerful liquor can symbolize the excitement

that her American boyfriend has to offer to Jig, but the

drink fails to deliver.

This new drink that tastes like licorice can represent the

innocence of Jig, since she has never heard of this drink before.

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Railroad Tracks

These are tracks that run side-by-side, yet never meet, and could represent the

relationship between Jig and her boyfriend – being together – yet never coming


These tracks are the dividing line

between the green, fertile land, and the brown, dry land, representing the division that

exists between the couple.

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Train Station

Symbolic of

the point where a decision must be made, as it is the midpoint between

their journeys

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Green Side of Station

(Lush, fertile, vibrant green landscape)


fertility – the growing baby – a new life – a new beginning

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Barren Side of Station

(Brown and dry landscape)

Symbolic of

Death – the abortion – the end of life

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Ebro River

Represents life and vitality

Symbolic of the passage of


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Symbolic ofthe past

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Hotel Labels on Baggage Represents

all of the places the couple has

traveled to


the man’s spirited and unrestricted lifestyle, which he will have to give up if he needs to

settle down and raise a child

Page 28: Themes, Motifs, and Symbolism in “Hills Like White Elephants”

“Hills Like White Elephants” is similar to many of Hemingway’s other short

stories. He uses straightforward writing, simple prose, and skeletal sentences.

He leaves information out of

this story intentionally. This allows the readers to fill in the blanks and come to their own conclusion.

Hemingway knows how to trim

language and has been said to “get the most from the


Hemingway uses a style that analysts call the “Iceberg Theory.” This is very

evident in “Hills Like White Elephants.” His hard facts float above the water but most of the supporting

structure, filled with symbolism, operates underwater.

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“Hills Like White Elephants: Themes, Motifs, and Symbols.” SparkNotes. (4/1/10).

“Hills Like White Elephants.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (3/31/10).

“Elephant in the Room.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (4/6/10).

“White Elephant.” Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. (4/6/10).

“Hills Like White Elephants – Literary Analysis.” Virginia Community College Systems Literature Website. (4/1/10).

“Hills Like White Elephants Symbolism, Imagery & Allegory.” Shmoop Beta. (4/1/10).

“Hills Like White Elephants: A Study Guide.” Cummings Study Guide. (4/1/10).

Hemingway, Ernest. “Hills Like White Elephants.” (3/31/10).