theo reconciliation

Sacrament of Reconciliation Called as Sacrament of Penance, Confession or Reconciliation. The sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in His love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses committed against God. To provide healing for the soul as well as to regain the grace of God, lost by sin. Only validly ordained priests can administer. Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been (state a time) since my last confession” … “I absolve you from your sins…” The Code of Canon Law requires all Catholics who have attained the age of discretion to confess serious sins at least once a year.

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Sacrament of Reconciliation Called as Sacrament of Penance, Confession or Reconciliation.

The sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ in His love and mercy to offer sinners forgiveness for offenses committed against God.

To provide healing for the soul as well as to regain the grace of God, lost by sin.

Only validly ordained priests can administer. “Bless me Father, for I have sinned. It has been (state a time) since

my last confession” … “I absolve you from your sins…” The Code of Canon Law requires all Catholics who have

attained the age of discretion to confess serious sins at least once a year.

The sacrament has been received during the liturgical seasons of Lent or Advent (or prior to special times in life such as confirmation or marriage)

Seal of the Confessional – the strict confidentiality of the penitents confession to the priests

A priest or anyone else who breaks the confidentiality incurs latae sententiae (automatic) excommunication reserved to the Holy See (Code of Canon law, 1388 §1)

Confession to Laity and Deacons is unusual and is not the Sacrament

Elements Three actions of the penitent

- Contrition

- Confession

- Satisfaction The priest’s Prayer of Absolution

Effects We are reconciled with God and restored to grace. We are reconciled with the Church. We receive remission of eternal punishment incurred

by mortal sin.. We receive remission, at least in part of temporal

punishment resulting from sin. We receive peace and serenity of conscience and

spiritual consolation. There is an increase of spiritual strength for the

Christian battle.

Is confession by e-mail, telephone or internet allowed?