theoretical study on fulvic acid structure, conformation and … - 030217... · 2016. 5. 20. ·...

Theoretical study on fulvic acid structure, conformation and aggregation A molecular modelling approach R.A. Alvarez-Puebla a , C. Valenzuela-Calahorro b , J.J. Garrido a, * a Department of Applied Chemistry, Public University of Navarra, Campus Arrosadı ´a, E-31006 Pamplona, Spain b Department of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain Received 17 February 2003; received in revised form 29 October 2004; accepted 12 November 2004 Available online 26 May 2005 Abstract The ubiquitous presence of humic substances (HS), combined with their ability to provide multiple sites for chemical reaction, makes them relevant to numerous biogeochemical processes such as mineral weathering, nutrient bioavailability, and contaminant transport. The reactivity of HS depends on their functional group chemistry and microstructure, which are in turn influenced by the composition of the surrounding media. In order to help towards an understanding of structure conformations and aggregation process of HS in soils and waters and to get a better knowledge of these kinds of materials, a fulvic acid (FA) has been modelled as a function of its ionic state under different conditions. Our proposed theoretical model based on the Temple-Northeastern-Birmingham (TNB) monomer fits well with experimental observations on the solubility (dipolar moment) and electronic and vibrational spectra of FAs. The presence of water molecules has a great stabilization effect on the electrostatic energy; this effect is greater as ionized rate increases. In vacuum, the non- ionized aggregated species are more stable than monomers because of the increase in their interaction due to H-bonding and non-bonding forces. When the molecules are ionized, no aggregation process takes place. In solution, the FA concentration is a critical factor for the aggregation. The system containing two FA molecules probably did not form aggregates because its equivalent concentration was too low. When the concentration was increased, the system gave rise to the formation of aggregates. The ionic state is another critical factor in the aggregation process. The ionized FA has a 0048-9697/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2004.11.026 Abbreviations: FA, fulvic acid; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; HS, humic substances; MM, molecular mechanics; OPLS, optimized potentials for liquid simulations; PM3/tm, parameterization model 3/transition metals; QD, Quenched Dynamic; SA, simulated annealing; SE, semi-empirical; TIP3P, transferable intermolecular potentials with three point charges; TNB, Temple-Northeastern-Birmingham; UV–vis, ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy; ZINDO/S, Zerner’s intermediate neglect differential overlap; MD, molecular dynamics. * Corresponding author. Tel.: +34 948 169601; fax: +34 948 169606. E-mail address: [email protected] (J.J. Garrido). Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243– 254

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    Science of the Total Environm

    Theoretical study on fulvic acid structure,

    conformation and aggregation

    A molecular modelling approach

    R.A. Alvarez-Pueblaa, C. Valenzuela-Calahorrob, J.J. Garridoa,*

    aDepartment of Applied Chemistry, Public University of Navarra, Campus Arrosadı́a, E-31006 Pamplona, SpainbDepartment of Inorganic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain

    Received 17 February 2003; received in revised form 29 October 2004; accepted 12 November 2004

    Available online 26 May 2005


    The ubiquitous presence of humic substances (HS), combined with their ability to provide multiple sites for chemical

    reaction, makes them relevant to numerous biogeochemical processes such as mineral weathering, nutrient bioavailability,

    and contaminant transport. The reactivity of HS depends on their functional group chemistry and microstructure, which

    are in turn influenced by the composition of the surrounding media. In order to help towards an understanding of

    structure conformations and aggregation process of HS in soils and waters and to get a better knowledge of these kinds of

    materials, a fulvic acid (FA) has been modelled as a function of its ionic state under different conditions. Our proposed

    theoretical model based on the Temple-Northeastern-Birmingham (TNB) monomer fits well with experimental observations

    on the solubility (dipolar moment) and electronic and vibrational spectra of FAs. The presence of water molecules has a

    great stabilization effect on the electrostatic energy; this effect is greater as ionized rate increases. In vacuum, the non-

    ionized aggregated species are more stable than monomers because of the increase in their interaction due to H-bonding

    and non-bonding forces. When the molecules are ionized, no aggregation process takes place. In solution, the FA

    concentration is a critical factor for the aggregation. The system containing two FA molecules probably did not form

    aggregates because its equivalent concentration was too low. When the concentration was increased, the system gave rise

    to the formation of aggregates. The ionic state is another critical factor in the aggregation process. The ionized FA has a

    0048-9697/$ - s



    optimized poten

    annealing; SE, s

    UV–vis, ultravio

    * Correspondi

    E-mail addre

    ent 358 (2006) 243–254

    ee front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


    s: FA, fulvic acid; FTIR, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy; HS, humic substances; MM, molecular mechanics; OPLS,

    tials for liquid simulations; PM3/tm, parameterization model 3/transition metals; QD, Quenched Dynamic; SA, simulated

    emi-empirical; TIP3P, transferable intermolecular potentials with three point charges; TNB, Temple-Northeastern-Birmingham;

    let–visible spectroscopy; ZINDO/S, Zerner’s intermediate neglect differential overlap; MD, molecular dynamics.

    ng author. Tel.: +34 948 169601; fax: +34 948 169606.

    ss: [email protected] (J.J. Garrido).

  • R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254244

    higher electric negative charge, which increases the energetic barriers and inhibits the approximation of FA caused by the

    Brownian movement.

    D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

    Keywords: Fulvic acid; Structure; Conformation; Aggregation; Molecular modelling; Molecular dynamics; Electronic spectrum; Vibrational


    Table 1

    Experimental and theoretical selected chemical properties for FA

    Experimental data FA (I)

    C (%) 40.1 42.26

    H (%) 3.57 3.16

    N (%) 0.67 1.33

    S (%) 0.65 3.05

    O (%) 55.0 50.2

    Formula C35H38N1S0,3O36 C37H33N1S1O33Carboxylic groups 6 6

    Phenolic groups 3 4

    hMwia (g mol�1) 1,058 1,051a Average molecular weight estimated from Mw=3.99q280+490

    according to Chin et al. (1994).

    1. Introduction

    Humic substances (HS) can affect soil fertility,

    mineral weathering, and water acidity; they are

    involved in the transport, sequestration, and mitiga-

    tion of contaminants; and may even have an impact on

    atmospheric chemistry through the carbon cycle, in

    which carbon is constantly recycled among plants,

    animals, soil, air, and water (Stevenson, 1982).

    A special characteristic of HS is its capacity to

    show spontaneous changes in their conformation and

    aggregation state as a function of solution conditions

    like pH and ionic strength (Senesi, 1999). The eluci-

    dation of the aggregation mechanism of HS is impor-

    tant because these processes have a great influence on

    their interaction with nutrients and contaminants in

    soils and waters (Wershaw, 1999; Alvarez-Puebla et

    al., 2004a). The aggregation process has been studied

    using various techniques such as ultraviolet–visible

    spectroscopy (Senesi, 1999), cross-polarization

    magic-angle-spinning nuclear magnetic resonance

    (Tombacz, 1999), light and X-ray scattering (Chin

    et al., 1998; Manning et al., 2000) microscopy

    (Senesi et al., 1997; Myneni et al., 1999; Alvarez-

    Puebla et al., 2004b), size exclusion chromatography

    (Swift, 1999) and dialysis and ultrafiltration (Jones

    and Bryan, 1998). However, little direct testing of

    this phenomenon has been carried out.

    Systematic studies of the structures of these sub-

    stances are the first step towards understanding how

    they interact with other elements and compounds.

    Such knowledge will be necessary to predict and

    control the impact of chemical and biological

    changes in the environment. Developments in soft-

    ware and hardware permit an advance of theoretical

    approximations in the study of FA aggregation pro-

    cesses using molecular modelling (Bruccoleri et al.,

    2001). In recent years the number of papers in which

    molecular modelling is used to study HS structures

    has increased (Schulten, 1995a,b; Sein et al., 1999).

    This technique permits the study of physical, chemi-

    cal (Schulten and Leinweber, 2000) and electronic

    properties (Bruccoleri et al., 2001) at the molecular

    level and some interaction mechanisms between HS

    and other molecules present in the environment:

    mineral phases (Schulten and Schnitzer, 1997; Shev-

    chenko et al., 1998), pesticides (Kubicki and Apitz,

    1999; Schulten, 1999) and transition metals (Davies

    et al., 1997; Kubicki et al., 1999).

    Most of the published models have been carried

    out under vacuum conditions. This approximation has

    been widespread (Schulten, 1995a,b, 1998; Schulten

    and Schnitzer, 1997; Shevchenko et al., 1998; Sein et

    al., 1999). However, some authors have suggested that

    this approximation is unreliable because the natural

    media of HS is aqueous solution (Kubicki, 2000;

    Schulten and Leinweber, 2000; Bruccoleri et al.,

    2001). Therefore, studies have been performed in

    which the HS has been solvated with a small number

    of water molecules in order to simulate the hydration

    effect on their geometry and stability (Davies et al.,

    1997; Schulten, 1999; Kubicki, 2000).

    The aims of this research are: (i) to propose a

    model for FA based on experimental results (ele-

  • R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254 245

    mental composition, number of acidic groups and

    hMwi); (ii) to validate the proposed model againstthe experimental UV–Vis and IR spectra; and, (iii) to

    use computational techniques to study the structure,

    conformations and aggregation of the FA model as a

    Fig. 1. Molecular modelling methodology for the TNB modified FA (I): (i

    conformational space exploration (graph); and, (iv) geometry optimization

    function of the ionic state in various modelling

    conditions. In order to reach these aims the FA

    fraction of a commercial HS was extracted, purified

    and characterized. Computational techniques were

    used to propose the FA model based on the TNB

    ) 3D structure (II); (ii) geometry optimization with OPLS (III); (iii)

    with OPLS of the structure number 7 (IV).

  • R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254246

    model (Sein et al., 1999) and additional character-

    ization data. This proposed FA model was used to

    study the structure, conformations and aggregation


    2. Experimental

    2.1. Extraction, purification and characterization of

    the FA

    The FAwas fractionated from a commercial HS by

    Acros Organics (Geel, Belgium) by adjusting the pH

    of a 40 g L�1 HS solution to 1.0. The obtained FA

    was purified using a XAD-8 resin column, converted

    to the protonated form by passing it through a proton-

    saturated resin and freeze-dried, in accordance with

    Fig. 2. Structures obtained by geometry optimization with PM3/TM, for th

    with the carboxylic and phenolic groups ionized (VII).

    the procedure proposed by the International Humic

    Substance Society (IHSS) (Swift, 1996). The C, H, N

    and S contents were determined by an elemental

    analyser CHNS EA1108 (Carlo Erba Milan, Italy).

    The UV–Vis spectrum was recorded by a Lambda 3B

    spectrophotometer (Perkin Elmer, Norwalk, USA) in

    the range from 900 to 200 nm in accord with Chen et

    al. (1977). The IR spectrum was recorded by a FTIR

    Avatar 360 spectrometer (Nicolet, Madison, USA)

    co-adding up to 200 scans with 4 cm�1 of resolution

    (Niemeyer et al., 1992). The COOH groups and the

    total acidity of FA were determined by calcium acet-

    ate and barium hydroxide methods (Stevenson,

    1982), respectively. The phenolic acidic groups

    were calculated as the difference between the total

    acidity and that of the carboxylic acidic groups. The

    acid–base constants were estimated from the end

    e non-ionized FA (V), with the carboxylic groups ionized (VI) and

  • R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254 247

    points obtained from a potentiometric acid–base titra-

    tion in a Metrohm Titrino 702SM autoburette.

    2.2. Molecular modelling of the FA in vacuum


    Molecular modelling was carried out with

    HyperChem 7.01 Software (Hypercube, 2002a). The

    model design was based upon the TNB model (Sein et

    al., 1999), in accordance with the elemental composi-

    tion, number of acidic groups and hMwi (Table 1). Themodified TNB model (I) (Fig. 1) was optimized by

    using the OPLS force field (Jorgensen and Tirado-

    Rives, 1988) with the Polak-Ribiere algorithm. In the

    present study, the convergence limit was set by a max-

    imum acceptable gradient of 0.042 kJ mol�1 nm�1.

    Quenched Dynamic (QD) cycles at 700 K with a step

    size of 1 fs, were performed on the optimized structure

    (III) in order to explore the conformational space

    (Balbuena and Seminario, 1999). The most stable

    local minima were re-optimized in the same conditions

    and the most stable minimum (IV) was optimized by

    using the SE method PM3/TM (Hypercube, 2002b)

    with a convergence limit of 0.418 kJ mol�1 nm�1

    (Young, 2001) (Table 2). For the modelling of the FA

    as a function of the ionic state, the carboxylic groups

    from structure (I) (Fig. 1) were deprotonated first fol-

    lowed by the phenolic groups. The procedure followed

    for the molecular modelling was equal to that which

    was followed for the protonated FA.

    The electronic and vibrational spectra were calcu-

    lated on structure (V) (Fig. 2). The electronic spec-

    trum was calculated by using the microstates method

    (Merchan et al., 1998) carrying out a single point

    calculation with ZINDO/S SE method (Zerner,

    1991) using the configuration interaction. The vibra-

    tional spectrum was calculated by solving the Hessian

    matrix formed by the second derivatives of the energy

    with respect to atomic Cartesian coordinates by using

    the PM3/TM method (Seeger et al., 1991).

    Every proposed molecular model for FA should be

    taken as the representation of a small portion of the real

    mix (Bruccoleri et al., 2001). Since this mix exhibits a

    near continuum of exemplars of the typical organic

    functional groups it is possible to perform a Gaussian

    distribution around every theoretical absorption line,

    convoluting the obtained peaks to get a theoretical

    spectrum with a continuous absorption in a similar

    way as is obtained in an experimental spectrum. The

    theoretical electronic and vibrational spectra bands

    were built by entering the position and intensity of

    the most relevant absorption lines in the Gaussian

    distribution equation

    y ¼ a0e�1



    �2h i

    where a0, a1 and a2 are the intensity, position and band

    broadness, respectively; a0 and a1 were entered while

    a2 was allowed to vary until it formed a continuous

    spectrum due to band overlapping. This convolution

    procedure was carried out using a Fourier algorithm

    with the PeakFit software (SSPS, 1995) for analysis

    and deconvolution.

    2.3. Molecular modelling of the FA in aqueous

    solution and its aggregation process

    For molecular modelling in an aqueous media, a

    91,125-nm3 cubic box was built with approximately

    2950 TIP3P water molecules (Jorgensen et al., 1983),

    enough to avoid the severe edge effects. The geometry

    was optimized by using the OPLS force field with

    convergence limit of 0.42 kJ mol�1 nm�1. Simulated

    annealing (SA) cycles from 700 K to 298 K with a step

    size of 1 fs, and a new geometry optimization were

    performed on the optimized structure. Aggregation was

    studied through the docking of two, four and eight

    molecules with the same ionic state, applying SA and

    constant temperature molecular dynamics simulations

    at 298 K.

    3. Results and discussion

    3.1. FA structure as a function of ionic state

    Fig. 2 shows the results obtained for the FA struc-

    ture, simulating its behaviour at a pH ranging from

    3.41 to 941 in accordance with the end points

    obtained from the titration curve, by geometry opti-

    mization with the PM3/TM method (Kubicki, 2000).

    The conformation for the protonated FA (V) folds

    itself over, maximising Van der Waals, electrostatic

    and H-bonding energetic terms. The H-bonds show an

  • Table 3

    Calculated properties for FA model in vacuum by the SE method

    PM3/TM as a function of the ionic state

    V VI VII

    Charge 0 6 10

    DHf (kJ mol�1) �5.05d 103 �4.04d 103 �7.43d 102


    (kJ mol�1 nm�1)

    1.55 1.94 2.15

    l (D) 8.12 16.8 19.9

    R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254248

    extraordinary structural flexibility and variability, act-

    ing in a similar way as in Schulten and Leinweber

    (2000). As the carboxylic (VI) and phenolic groups

    (VII) become ionized, the molecule tends to expand

    because of the electrostatic repulsion generated by the

    charge increment. These results agree with the con-

    clusions obtained from the application of the fractal

    theory to the aggregation study (Senesi, 1999), since

    the charge rises as the ionization increases and, in

    consequence, the inter- and intra-molecular repulsion


    Some of the calculated properties for the FA

    model as a function of ionic state are shown in

    Table 3. The formation enthalpy, DHf, gives informa-tion about the conformational stability in the model-

    ling conditions. An increase in this parameter with

    the ionic state means that the deprotonation global

    process is endothermic. The dipolar moment, l, andmolecule polarity are related. As the ionic state

    increases, the charge increases, and so does the dipo-

    lar moment. This increase means that the conforma-

    tion has a greater tendency to solvate when it is

    dispersed in a polar solvent. In the case of FA,

    which is in continuous contact with aqueous solu-

    tions in the environment, the dipolar moment increase

    involves a solubility increase or a colloidal stabiliza-

    tion in solution.

    3.2. Computational model validation

    The electronic spectrum simulation of the structure

    (V) yielded 26 theoretical absorption lines, where

    only 8 of them had relevant absorption intensity.

    The theoretical peaks, obtained from Gaussian dis-

    Table 2

    Energy and gradient values obtained for the molecular modelling of

    the FA

    Structure I II III IV

    Ebonda 6.53d 104 4.04d 102 7.24 8.99

    Eanglea 7.66d 103 79.1 33.1 35.4

    Edihedrala 66.1 28.4 195 178

    EVan der Waalsa 4.18d 1021 3.41d 107 �29.3 �63.6

    Eelectrostatica 0 0 33.9 �14.8

    ETotala 4.18d 1021 3.41d 107 240 144

    Gradientb 8.91d 1023 3.26d 108 0.042 0.042

    a kJ mol�1.b kJ mol�1 nm�1.

    tribution over each of the theoretical lines and the

    spectrum obtained by peak convolution show close

    agreement with the experimental spectrum (Fig. 3a).

    The experimental spectrum has a maximum at 231

    nm, which is located at 249 nm in the theoretical

    spectrum. In the region between 360 and 900 nm,

    spectra differ slightly, probably due to the presence of

    other atomic groups that have not been considered in

    this model.

    The vibrational spectrum simulation of structure

    (V) resulted in 152 theoretical absorption lines,

    where 47 of them had relevant absorption intensity.

    Absorption at negative wavenumbers was not found,

    confirming the energetic minimum of (V) (Kubicki et

    al., 1999). Fig. 3b shows the experimental and theo-

    retical spectra and the peaks found by the Gaussian

    distribution noted over each absorption line. The

    values calculated by the PM3/TM method show a

    close correspondence to the experimental values.

    The error percentage in the wavenumber of every

    band does not exceed 10% in any case. The method

    predicts O–H and N–H stretches in the interval from

    3157 to 3954 cm�1. The C–H stretches of aromatic

    carbons and symmetric and asymmetric aliphatic car-

    bons have higher wavenumbers: 3096, 3035 and 2975

    cm�1, respectively. The two bands at 2719 and 2521

    cm�1 are due to the O–H stretches for H-bonds,

    which agrees with Davies et al. (1997). The band at

    2418 cm�1 is due to the N–H deformations of the

    amine group. The carbonyl bands, from acidic groups,

    esters, and ketones, and those of aromatic and alkene

    C–H deformation, are shifted about 150–200 cm�1,

    which is in line with the usual error of the method.

    The band at 1408 cm�1 is caused by the C–O defor-

    mations, which are experimentally located at approxi-

    mately 1200 cm�1. From this point onward, there is a

    multitude of low intensity bands caused by bending

    and rotational modes of the molecule.

  • Fig. 3. Experimental and theoretical spectra and theoretical bands calculated using a Gaussian algorithm around the theoretical absorption lines,

    (a) electronic and (b) vibrational spectra.

    R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254 249

  • Table 4

    Energy and gradient values obtained for the FA model in vacuum and solution as a function of the ionic state


    Solution Vacuum Solution Vacuum Solution Vacuum

    Ebonda 7.11 8.996 13.43 28.58 20.59 52.26

    Eanglea 36.32 35.44 72.51 79.20 86.44 105.9

    Edihedrala 220.0 177.8 197.7 184.5 205.5 201.9

    EVan der Waalsa 93.01 �63.60 49.62 52.84 162.8 34.60

    Eelectrostatica �837.5 �127.6 �1,961 1,758 �2,466 3848

    ETotala �481.1 31.06 �1,628 2,103 �1,990 4243

    Gradientb 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042 0.042

    H2Oc 14 – 32 – 48 –

    a kJ mol�1.b kJ mol�1 nm�1.c Number of H2O molecules in the 1st hydration sphere.

    R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254250

    3.3. Modelling in solution

    The properties shown in Table 4 are determined by

    a single point calculation with OPLS on the models

    Fig. 4. (a) Aggregation process in vacuum for non-ionized FA. Variation

    molecules for: (b) non-ionized FA and (c) with the carboxylic groups ion

    obtained by simulation in vacuum and in solution.

    The water retention in the first hydration sphere

    increases with the ionic state in the FA. This increase

    in electrostatic retention of water involves a change in

    of the potential energy as a function of the distance between the

    ized and with the carboxylic and phenolic groups ionized.

  • Fig. 5. Aggregation in aqueous solution for a system containing (a) two; (b) four; (c) eight molecules after 12.34 ps of constant temperature MD

    simulation; and, (d) eight molecules after 83.5 ps of constant temperature MD simulation.

    R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254 251

  • R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254252

    the molecule conformation and more negative poten-

    tial energy values. The variation of the total energy

    values shows that the presence of water molecules has

    a great stabilization effect on the conformations due to

    the great decrease in electrostatic energy, which

    becomes more important as the ionic state rises. The

    conformation stability in aqueous solution increases

    as the ionic state rises, which is in line with the

    determined values for the dipolar moment (Table 3).

    3.4. Aggregation of FA in vacuum and solution

    Fig. 4 shows the initial and final systems for two

    FA molecules placed in vacuum at a distance of 1.600

    nm without ionization. The non-ionized FA

    approached to form an aggregate (Fig. 4a). Stabiliza-

    tion is due to the interaction of both molecules by

    weak-bonding forces and the formation of four inter-

    molecular H-bonds, which makes the system much

    more stable when it is aggregated than when it is

    separated. The variation of the potential energy, V,

    with respect to distance was tracked during the SA

    cycles. For the non-ionized FA (Fig. 4b), the decrease

    in potential energy, V, can be divided into 5 seg-

    ments: (i) from 1.6 to 1.5 nm, the curve shows a

    steep slope as a result of the increase in electrostatic

    attraction as the distance decreases; (ii) between 1.5

    and 1.2 nm, the decrease of the slope shows an

    endothermic conformational change in both mole-

    cules as a result of their approach; (iii) from 1.2 to

    0.95 nm, the curve increases its slope again due to

    the electrostatic attraction; (iv) from 0.95 to 0.52 nm,

    the slope decreases as a result of a new conforma-

    tional change; and, (v) from 0.52 to 0.22 nm, the

    slope increases due to the formation of intermolecu-

    lar H-bonds. The ionized FA shows a wide separa-

    tion because of the great charge they support. The

    separation increases with the charge values and the

    potential energy decreases as the distance between

    the molecules increases due to the decrease of repul-

    sive electrostatic interaction (Fig. 4c).

    The simulation of the aggregation process in solu-

    tion is shown in Fig. 5. The system containing two

    FA molecules (an equivalent concentration in FA of

    0.035 M) did not lead to any aggregation process

    (Fig. 5a). Both molecules showed conformational

    changes in order to increase their electrostatic inter-

    action with water molecules. When the FA concen-

    tration was increased to 0.070 M (4 FA Molecules)

    the aggregation process began (Fig. 5b). After 19.21

    ps of constant temperature molecular dynamics simu-

    lation, three of the four molecules of FA came closer

    so as to form a single particle where the different FA

    molecules were linked by means of intermolecular

    H-bonds (Fig. 5c). Although the simulation contin-

    ued until 40 ps, one of the four molecules of FA

    remained stable in solution. The behaviour of the

    system containing eight molecules of FA (an equiva-

    lent concentration of 0.140 M) was similar. At a

    simulation time of 12.34 ps, two particles composed

    by two and three FA molecules were formed. This

    system progressed and gave rise to a compact parti-

    cle formed by five FA at a time of 83.49 ps of

    simulation (Fig. 5d). Nevertheless, although the

    simulation continued until 150 ps, three molecules

    of FA remained stable in solution. Systems contain-

    ing the same equivalent concentration of ionized FA

    did not lead to any aggregation processes.

    The behaviour of these systems shows that in

    solution the FA concentration is a critical factor for

    the aggregation. The system containing two FA mole-

    cules probably did not form aggregates because its

    equivalent concentration was too low (Wershaw,

    1999). When the concentration was increased, the

    system gave rise to the formation of aggregates.

    Nevertheless, in all the systems there were stable FA

    molecules in solution. This can be explained by the

    aggregation of some of the system molecules decreas-

    ing the effective concentration of FA in the solution to

    levels lower than the minimum concentration neces-

    sary to give rise to an aggregation process. The ionic

    state is another critical factor in the aggregation pro-

    cess. The ionized FA has higher electric negative

    charge, which increases the energetic barriers and

    therefore inhibits the approximation of FA caused by

    the Brownian movement (Buffle and Leppard, 1995).

    4. Conclusions

    The proposed theoretical model based on TNB

    monomer fits in well with some properties of FA:

    solubility (dipolar moment) and electronic and vibra-

    tional spectra. The presence of water molecules has a

    great stabilization effect on the electrostatic energy.

    This effect is greater as ionic state increases. The ionic

  • R.A. Alvarez-Puebla et al. / Science of the Total Environment 358 (2006) 243–254 253

    state is one of the most important factors in the

    aggregation process in vacuum. The non-ionized

    aggregated species are more stable than single ones

    because of the increment in their interaction due to H-

    bonding and non-bonding forces. In solution, the FA

    concentration is a critical factor for the aggregation.

    The system containing two FA molecules probably

    did not form aggregates because its equivalent con-

    centration was too low (0.035 M). When the concen-

    tration was increased (0.070 M), the system gave rise

    to the formation of aggregates. Nevertheless, in all the

    systems there were stable FA molecules in solution

    because the aggregation of some of the system mole-

    cules decreases the effective concentration of FA to

    levels lower than the minimum concentration needed

    to give rise to an aggregation process. The ionic state

    (i.e. pH) is another critical factor in the aggregation

    process. The ionized FA has higher electric negative

    charge, which increases the energetic barriers and

    inhibits the approximation of FA caused by the Brow-

    nian movement.

    In summary, the power of molecular simulations to

    link experimental data with detailed chemical inter-

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    Theoretical study on fulvic acid structure, conformation and aggregationIntroductionExperimentalExtraction, purification and characterization of the FAMolecular modelling of the FA in vacuum conditionsMolecular modelling of the FA in aqueous solution and its aggregation process

    Results and discussionFA structure as a function of ionic stateComputational model validationModelling in solutionAggregation of FA in vacuum and solution
