therapeutic refactoring

Therapeutic Refactoring Katrina Owen @kytrinyx

Upload: kytrinyx

Post on 11-May-2015




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Slides for the Therapeutic Refactoring talk presented at NordicRuby on June 15th, 2012, and Scottish Ruby Conference on June 30th, 2012. The code samples are on github:


Page 1: Therapeutic refactoring

Therapeutic Refactoring

Katrina [email protected]/kytrinyx/therapeutic-refactoring

Page 2: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from Am Adult by Allie Brosh

Page 3: Therapeutic refactoring

Photo: Johanna Owen 2011

Page 4: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from U B Hatin’ by Allie Brosh

Page 5: Therapeutic refactoring


Page 8: Therapeutic refactoring

refactoringis not


Page 9: Therapeutic refactoring

Inspired by true events

A Story

Page 10: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from The Scariest Story by Allie Brosh

Page 11: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 12: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from The Scariest Story by Allie Brosh

Page 13: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from The Scariest Story by Allie Brosh

Page 14: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from The Scariest Story by Allie Brosh

Page 15: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 16: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 17: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 18: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 19: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 20: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 21: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


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(the first middle)


Page 23: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService doend

Page 24: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

it "works" do end


Page 25: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(stub) }

it "works" do end


Page 26: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(stub) }

it "works" do end


Page 27: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(stub) }

it "works" do end


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describe XYZService do

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(stub) }

it "works" do subject.should eq("something") end


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subject.should eq "something"

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subject.should eq "whatever"

Page 31: Therapeutic refactoring

subject.should eq "freddy"

Page 32: Therapeutic refactoring

subject.should eq "something"

Page 33: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

Stub received unexpected message :publish_on with (no args)

# ./xyz_service.rb:6:in `xyz_filename'

Page 34: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

Stub received unexpected message :publish_on with (no args)

# ./xyz_service.rb:6:in `xyz_filename'

Page 35: Therapeutic refactoring

Stub received unexpected message

:publish_onwith (no args)

Page 36: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

Stub received unexpected message :publish_on with (no args)

# ./xyz_service.rb:6:in `xyz_filename'

Page 37: Therapeutic refactoring

# ./xyz_service.rb:6

Page 38: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


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Page 42: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(stub) }

it "works" do end


Page 43: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(target) }

it "works" do end


Page 44: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

let(:target) do stub(:target) end

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(target) }

it "works" do subject.should eq("something") end


Page 45: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

let(:target) do messages = { } stub(:target, messages) end

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(target) }

it "works" do subject.should eq("something") end


Page 46: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

let(:target) do messages = { :publish_on => ? } stub(:target, messages) end

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(target) }

it "works" do subject.should eq("something") end


Page 47: Therapeutic refactoring

describe XYZService do

let(:target) do messages = { :publish_on =>, 3, 14) } stub(:target, messages) end

subject { XYZService.xyz_filename(target) }

it "works" do subject.should eq("something") end


Page 48: Therapeutic refactoring

Stub received unexpected message

:xyz_category_prefixwith (no args)

Page 49: Therapeutic refactoring


:xyz_category_prefix => ?,


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:xyz_category_prefix => 'abc',


Page 51: Therapeutic refactoring

Stub received unexpected message

:kindwith (no args)

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:kind => ?


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:kind => 'unicorn'


Page 54: Therapeutic refactoring

Stub received unexpected message

:personal?with (no args)

Page 55: Therapeutic refactoring


:personal? => ?


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:personal? => false


Page 57: Therapeutic refactoring

Stub received unexpected message

:idwith (no args)

Page 58: Therapeutic refactoring


:id => ?


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:id => 1337


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Stub received unexpected message

:titlewith (no args)

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:title => ?


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:title => 'magic & superglue'


Page 63: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

expected: "something"

got: "14abcunicorn_1337_3f4894ca_magicsuper.jpg"

(compared using ==)

# ./xyz_file_spec.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>

Page 64: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

expected: "something"

got: "14abcunicorn_42_3f4894ca_magicsuper.jpg"

(compared using ==)

# ./xyz_file_spec.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>


Page 65: Therapeutic refactoring

let(:target) do messages = { :publish_on =>, 3, 14), :xyz_category_prefix => 'abc', :kind => 'unicorn', :personal? => false, :id => 1337, :title => 'magic & superglue' } stub(:target, messages) end

Page 66: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

expected: "something"

got: "14abcunicorn_1337_3f4894ca_magicsuper.jpg"

(compared using ==)

# ./xyz_file_spec.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>

Page 67: Therapeutic refactoring


1) XYZService works

Failure/Error: subject.should eq("something")

expected: "something"

got: "14abcunicorn_1337_3f4894ca_magicsuper.jpg"

(compared using ==)

# ./xyz_file_spec.rb:18:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>

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subject.should eq "14abcunicorn_1337_3f4894ca_magicsuper.jpg"

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subject.should eq "14abcunicorn_1337_3f4894ca_magicsuper.jpg"

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subject.should match/14abcunicorn_1337_[0-9a-f]{8}_magicsuper.jpg/

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Finished in 0.00073 seconds

1 example, 0 failures

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Finished in 0.00073 seconds

1 example, 0 failures#WIN

Page 77: Therapeutic refactoring

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

Page 78: Therapeutic refactoring

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

Page 79: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from The Scariest Story by Allie Brosh

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def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

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:publish_on =>, 3, 14)

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:publish_on =>, 2, 7)

Page 84: Therapeutic refactoring

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

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target.kind.gsub("_", "")

Page 86: Therapeutic refactoring

:kind => 'unicorn'

Page 87: Therapeutic refactoring

:kind => 'magic_unicorn'

Page 88: Therapeutic refactoring

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

Page 89: Therapeutic refactoring

target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').


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:title => 'magic & superglue'

Page 91: Therapeutic refactoring

:title => 'I <3 Sparkles!!1!'

Page 92: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from Bycicle by Allie Brosh

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target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').


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target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').


Page 95: Therapeutic refactoring

it "works" { ... } it "leaves square brackets???"

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it "leaves square brackets???" do target.stub(:title => 'i[sparkle]s') end

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to match


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it "works"{ ... } it "leaves square brackets"{ ... }

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def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

Page 100: Therapeutic refactoring

"_%03d" % (target.age || 0)

if target.personal?

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"_%03d" % (target.age || 0)

if target.personal?

Page 102: Therapeutic refactoring

it "works" { ... } it "leaves square brackets"{ ... } it "personalizes"

Page 103: Therapeutic refactoring

it "personalizes" do target.stub(:personal? => true) end

Page 104: Therapeutic refactoring

Stub received unexpected message

:agewith (no args)

Page 105: Therapeutic refactoring

it "personalizes" do target.stub(:personal? => true) target.stub(:age? => 42) end

Page 106: Therapeutic refactoring

"_%03d" % (target.age || 0)

if target.personal?

Page 107: Therapeutic refactoring

"_%03d" % (target.age || 0)

if target.personal?

Page 108: Therapeutic refactoring

it "works"{ ... } it "leaves square brackets"{ ... } it "personalizes"{ ... } it "handles nil age"

Page 109: Therapeutic refactoring

it "handles nil age" do target.stub(:personal? => true) target.stub(:age? => nil) end

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def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

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length > 9 ? 9 : length

Page 112: Therapeutic refactoring

:title => 'I <3 Sparkles!!1!'

Page 113: Therapeutic refactoring

:title => 'I <3 SPARKLY Sparkles!!1!'

Page 114: Therapeutic refactoring

it "works" { ... } it "leaves square brackets" { ... } it "personalizes" { ... } it "handles nil age" { ... } it "handles short titles"

Page 115: Therapeutic refactoring

it "handles short titles" do target.stub(:title => ‘O HAI’) end

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Finished in 0.00386 seconds

5 examples, 0 failures

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Finished in 0.00386 seconds

5 examples, 0 failures#WIN

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Illustration from This is Why I’ll Never be an Adult by Allie Brosh

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(the second middle)


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replace methodwith method object


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class XYZFileend

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class XYZFile

def initialize(target) end


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class XYZFile

attr_reader :target def initialize(target) @target = target end


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class XYZFile

attr_reader :target def initialize(target) @target = target end

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


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class XYZFile


def self.xyz_filename(target) ... end


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class XYZFile


def xyz_filename(target) ... end


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class XYZFile


def name(target) ... end


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class XYZFile


def name ... end


Page 129: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


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module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) end


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require_relative './xyz_file'

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) end


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require_relative './xyz_file'

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) end


Page 133: Therapeutic refactoring

require_relative './xyz_file'

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) end



Page 134: Therapeutic refactoring

require_relative './xyz_file'

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) end



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Finished in 0.00398 seconds

5 examples, 0 failures

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Finished in 0.00398 seconds

5 examples, 0 failures#WIN

Page 137: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 138: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 139: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 140: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 141: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" ... end


Page 142: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" ... end


Page 143: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" ... end

def truncated_title end


Page 144: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" ... end

def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" end


Page 145: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name...

def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" end


Page 146: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name...

def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" end


Page 147: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name...

def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" end


Page 148: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name...

def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)] end


Page 149: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name...

def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)] end


Page 150: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" ... end

def truncated_title...


Page 151: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title}" ... end

def truncated_title...


Page 152: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title}" ... end

def truncated_title...end

Page 153: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << "_#{truncated_title}" ... end

def truncated_title...


Page 154: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def truncated_title...


Page 155: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)] end


Page 156: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)] end


Page 157: Therapeutic refactoring

target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').


Page 158: Therapeutic refactoring

target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').


Page 159: Therapeutic refactoring

target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').


Page 160: Therapeutic refactoring

target.title.downcasegsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/, '')

Page 161: Therapeutic refactoring


Page 162: Therapeutic refactoring


Page 163: Therapeutic refactoring


Page 164: Therapeutic refactoring

truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : lengthtruncated_title[0..truncate_to]

Page 165: Therapeutic refactoring

truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length


Page 166: Therapeutic refactoring

length = truncated_title.lengthtruncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length


Page 167: Therapeutic refactoring

length = truncated_title.lengthtruncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length


Page 168: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.downcase.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/, '') truncated_title[0..truncate_to] end


Page 169: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def truncated_title truncated_title = target.title.downcase.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/, '') truncated_title[0..truncate_to] end


Page 170: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def truncated_title target.title.downcase. gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/, '')[0..9] end


Page 171: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def truncated_title...


Page 172: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def truncated_title...


Page 173: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" ... end

def truncated_title...


Page 174: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" ... end

def noise end

def truncated_title...


Page 175: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" ... end

def noise Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8] end

def truncated_title...


Page 176: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << "_#{noise}" ... end

def noise Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8] end

def truncated_title...


Page 177: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 178: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 179: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def age "%03d" % (target.age || 0) end

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 180: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 181: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 182: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def publication_day target.publish_on.strftime("%d") end

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 183: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def publication_day...

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 184: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def publication_day...

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 185: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{category}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def category target.xyz_category_prefix end

def publication_day...

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 186: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{category}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def publication_day...

def category...

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 187: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{category}" filename << "#{kind}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def kind target.kind.gsub("_", "") end

def publication_day...

def category...

def age...

def noise...

def truncated_title...


Page 188: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{category}" filename << "#{kind}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def publication_day... def category... def kind... def age... def noise... def truncated_title...


Page 189: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "#{publication_day}" filename << "#{category}" filename << "#{kind}" filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end

def publication_day... def category... def kind... def age... def noise... def truncated_title...


Page 190: Therapeutic refactoring

filename = "#{publication_day}"

Page 191: Therapeutic refactoring

filename = "#{publication_day}"

Page 192: Therapeutic refactoring

filename = publication_day

Page 193: Therapeutic refactoring

filename << "#{category}"

Page 194: Therapeutic refactoring

filename << category

Page 195: Therapeutic refactoring

filename << "#{kind}"

Page 196: Therapeutic refactoring

filename << kind

Page 197: Therapeutic refactoring

filename << "_#{}"

Page 198: Therapeutic refactoring

filename << "_#{}"

Page 199: Therapeutic refactoring

return filename

Page 200: Therapeutic refactoring


Page 201: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 202: Therapeutic refactoring

Page 203: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 204: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 205: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 206: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 207: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 208: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 209: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" filename << ".jpg" filename end ...end

Page 210: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 211: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 212: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 213: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 214: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind ... end ...end

Page 215: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << publication_day filename << category filename << kind ... end

def prefix [publication_day, category, kind].join end


Page 216: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name ... filename << prefix ... end

def prefix [publication_day, category, kind].join end


Page 217: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << prefix filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 218: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << prefix filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 219: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 220: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << "_#{age}" if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 221: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = "" filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 222: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << "_#{noise}" filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 223: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << "_#{truncated_title}" "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 224: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << truncated_title "#{filename}.jpg" end ...end

Page 225: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << truncated_title "#{filename.join("_")}.jpg" end ...end

Page 226: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << truncated_title "#{filename.join("_")}.jpg" end

def prefix... def publication_day... def category... def kind... def age... def noise... def truncated_title... ...end

Page 228: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 229: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << truncated_title "#{filename.join("_")}.jpg" end

def prefix... def publication_day... def category... def kind... def age... def noise... def truncated_title... ...end

Page 230: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 231: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << truncated_title "#{filename.join("_")}.jpg" end

def prefix... def publication_day... def category... def kind... def age... def noise... def truncated_title... ...end

Page 232: Therapeutic refactoring

module XYZService

def self.xyz_filename(target) # File format: # [day of month zero-padded][three-letter prefix] \ # _[kind]_[age_if_kind_personal]_[] \ # _[8 random chars]_[10 first chars of title].jpg filename = "#{target.publish_on.strftime("%d")}" filename << "#{target.xyz_category_prefix}" filename << "#{target.kind.gsub("_", "")}" filename << "_%03d" % (target.age || 0) if target.personal? filename << "_#{}" filename << "_#{Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(rand(10000).to_s)[0,8]}" truncated_title = target.title.gsub(/[^\[a-z\]]/i, '').downcase length = truncated_title.length truncate_to = length > 9 ? 9 : length filename << "_#{truncated_title[0..(truncate_to)]}" filename << ".jpg" return filename end


Page 233: Therapeutic refactoring

class XYZFile ... def name filename = [] filename << prefix filename << age if target.personal? filename << filename << noise filename << truncated_title "#{filename.join("_")}.jpg" end

def prefix... def publication_day... def category... def kind... def age... def noise... def truncated_title... ...end

Page 234: Therapeutic refactoring

(the ending)


Page 235: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from Chartjunk by Viveka Weiley

Page 236: Therapeutic refactoring

Illustration from Chartjunk by Viveka Weiley

Page 237: Therapeutic refactoring

Top 10

Page 238: Therapeutic refactoring

Lousy Comments


Page 239: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

# States the obvious def state_the_obvious "whatever" end


Page 240: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

# Takes modulus 100 def say_it_again(number) number % 100 end


Page 241: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

# Subtracts def incorrect_comment 1 + 1 end


Page 242: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

# add def fuzzy_comment 1 + 1 end


Page 243: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

# ad too numbers def bad_comment 1 + 2 end


Page 244: Therapeutic refactoring

Unnecessary Explicit Return


Page 245: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

def spurious_return return "i before e except after c" end


Page 246: Therapeutic refactoring

Trailing Whitespace


Page 247: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk def a_method 'Use your words' end end








Page 248: Therapeutic refactoring

Commented-Out Code


Page 249: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

def tweaked_logic(wday) # ((7 - wday) % 7) * (7 - wday) % 7 end


Page 250: Therapeutic refactoring

module Codejunk

def tweaked_logic(wday) if false ((7 - wday) % 7) * end (7 - wday) % 7 end


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Needless Parentheses


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module Codejunk

def spurious_parentheses() junk() end


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module Codejunk

def more_spurious_parentheses (0..(one_method_call)).to_a end

def one_method_call (10 - rand(10)) end


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Explicit Default Parameters


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module Codejunk

def spurious_arguments [1, 2, 3].join('') end


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Unnecessary Requires


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require 'active_support/all'

# Nothing uses active supportmodule Codejunk ...end

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Stringifying Strings


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module Codejunk

def spurious_string_interpolation "#{thing}" end

def thing "a string" end


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Too Much Hard Work


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module Codejunk

def spurious_stringification "I am #{age.to_s} years old" end

def age rand(25) + 15 end


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module Codejunk

def spurious_transformations [1, 2, 3].map(&:to_s).join end


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module Codejunk

def spurious_complexity s = rand(2) == 0 ? "abcde" : "abc" cutoff = s.length > 4 ? 4 : s.length s[0..cutoff] end


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module Codejunk

def spurious_hard_work s = "I <3 Magic!" s.gsub(/[^a-z]/i, '').downcase end


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Duplicated Tests


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describe Codejunk do

subject { stub.extend(Codejunk) }

it "gets rid of spaces" do subject.sanitize(" o m g ").should eq('omg') end

it "gets rid of funky characters" do subject.sanitize("omg^%#=}{?_").should eq('omg') end

it "gets rid of numbers" do subject.sanitize("omg123").should eq('omg') end

it "downcases everything" do subject.sanitize("OMG").should eq('omg') end


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Combine All The Codejunk


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module Codejunk

def junk # Subtracts s = rand(2) == 0 ? "abcde" : "abc" cutoff = s.length > 4 ? 4 : s.length s = s[0..cutoff] s << "#{spurious_string_interpolation()}" s << "I am #{age.to_s} years old, and " s << "I <3 Magic!".gsub(/[^a-z]/i, '').downcase s << "#{(0..(one_method_call)).map(&:to_s).join('')}" return s end


Page 269: Therapeutic refactoring /therapeutic-refactoring

Page 270: Therapeutic refactoring /therapeutic-refactoring

Page 271: Therapeutic refactoring /therapeutic-refactoring@[email protected]

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(the moral)


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Working Memory


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Problem-Solving Strategies


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Worry & Panic


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makes you smarter!


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counteracts panic


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makes you happier!


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Fast Tests

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are awesome

Fast Tests

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leads to good design


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Illustration from God of Cake by Allie Brosh

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Katrina [email protected]/kytrinyx/therapeutic-refactoring