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Publioation NUFON •• lliited by, JEt<11Y RANU"ES 9 Crosfield Road INum ber 1001 JAN I FEE 1983 lIortbern UFO News SUbsoription for all 1983 issues: 1:.4.20 NEWS UFO ru<:S&!\RGII llOR'l'H CoV\'!r design by: rAN MRZYGLOD Somerville Walla'loy ! lirral L44 91:.'11 IN TKi:3 ISSUll::_ Media Hatters (Pages 4-6h 100 Corner 6-8), Brie'f' Caaea from Scotland, Wf!les . Otr Manohester, I·ler!leysi:ie,llorthant s (,: \;est Yorka (PageS 8-10) Case Historieo •• Multi-witness from Sootland 11), Close Encounter with effects fI'Qm Gtr ManohMter (pae;es 12- 1 4), Airborne encounter over (Pa,ees 14- 15) Plue all the latest ne,,-g ,\ rene'le.

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Publioation o~ NUFON •• •

lliited by, JEt<11Y RANU"ES

Addre~,,; 9 Crosfield Road

INum ber 1001 JAN I FEE 1983

lIortbern UFO News

SUbsoription for all

1983 issues:



UFO ru<:S&!\RGII llOR'l'H

CoV\'!r design by: rAN MRZYGLOD

Somerville Walla'loy !lirral L44 91:.'11

IN TKi:3 ISSUll::_

Media Hatters (Pages 4-6h 100 Corner (P~9 6-8), Brie'f' Caaea from Scotland, Wf!les . Otr Manohester, I·ler!leysi:ie,llorthant s (,: \;est Yorka (PageS 8-10) Case Historieo •• • Multi-witness ryhoto-o~oe from Sootland (p~ 11), Close Encounter with effects fI'Qm Gtr ManohMter (pae;es 12-14), Airborne encounter over It~ly (Pa,ees 14- 15) Plue all the latest ne,,-g ,\ rene'le.

lI'o:M:hern UFO 1I."a

Hello thera, an' "1I100.a to a Tery ~:M:~ e41tiOD in tk. 11~a o~ lIo:M:kem tJlI'O 1I._.It iB t-po:M:&Dt for tlu-ea Bpeoial reaaoM.

PlratlT, .. o.l.brat. au:r 100 tll 1slJ\l., lIarlB( co.. a "wy 1011&' ~ d"o. n. first Gpli-.t .. ooph. 1'011_ ott n. pr ... iB Ill.., 1914.NUJ'OII aft" No:M:hern 1JPO Hewe (or BUlf a. it iB &ttaoUoutalT oall_, .n become qabole tor tll. a_ BplrU o~ OOGpu-aUo" .Ukin u1'oloQ.tt aq aflTWl' JiIa.­"a bMD. the b1aeBt, ohaapast,l8OBt ~o or .on aip.lfioaat publ1oatw. O1itput ••• but U ..... .tuck arowa .... , all tlaa .. , ...",. lJI'O .... dll ... -. U to 100 etltlO11a ,Gioll 1 •• ad. brai trus tact. Ant lIert Bprll1&' _ re&OlI a f\lrtllll1' .ila.t01l. win IiUJQNe t .. tll biriWIQ'.I t"-1l: we 0" ~ •• 1 • liUle prod o~ ,,),at _ liI.a.,. <iolle tlle.a p .. t Teal',.

ID orier to .uti: tll1. OOoaeiOll we ""ft "1101.01 ... to t1'7 to Mlr.. lrtIf a brit .. prouct tor 7OU.1 a .. prof ••• loaal atyl •• b1_olltb.ly publ1catloll (4 tta., a Tear pIu. &m.er .... VUlter' Report' in bri_1I.) azul a,v teatura. wtliok I hop. you will r~ to ue.mm ia :rou:r IIIIPdne al:lIIl "" 1IOUlti ( Y lik. to "enlop 11;; _ f"tIrilwr.'!'liIat relia. upoa juat a .all bere ... is "',a _ber ot r,"'er'll - 80 CO oat aad tell all :rou:r ... bal', OJ' 1"r1.eaole ab-OI1t n. D.ew at;r1. tIortll.en. UJO ..... la .. oI.oD.'t fOJ'pt: tkat .eo1al ottfir' we .nUOD. ... last .oD.tll. Si:.: full ialJ\la' of tld, k1D.il ia D.Ot 'be;yoaf. our tt.a.-oh1 raaoll with a l1tth bit ot atto:M:, _ hri~ 1983.

PiaallT, vUlI tld. iBlItI., ..... a dill o~ tlle D.IIY Bp1r1.t ot oooper'at­lOA dr."" _Uoa ... , .... t..,l_et tlle 111 ... 1II1JIl'" iD. a ep.olal ba.lletia 1:0 ulIOoiat. crouP. last .u~ Va b". "oU" to nap tlla lIUPOIf ~. -'IIIzt; witll tlle IlUbtltle UJ'O RBSIWlOH WORTH. ve atron&:lY urp .all. .. eeclata Il'O\1pa to u". t1l1ll 00IIamlN 11nk, 111 JrolI'OfU. _ 1J1IO 1lBSKlRCH NOIrl'H. Not oat7 will it o_et au:r th" u an UlrorattJ. .etwork iD tlla eya, o~ tlle publio. BIn U vil1 ,,_ to atta 'IlG," tw.upt .... ".u,wUlI the crouP' iD ceBt I'a(lllld. 1Il1o b.o ... tJlI'O R£SEA1tCH JlIIIL.umS "urlq 1982.

I "0 DOt beU...,.. tbt this aaka too -.0111 of .., trol7'OR P'OUP. PI .... ttl1llk .bout it. JeDZq il&DSl

1. R, 00IIIDft'S • • • • • ... InlIIber o~ UFO autaoriti.a lLa"a rooeatl:r iaquirecl into tM _ewlIat alal'lldne "'art). o~ Ul"O report". Ju.t what is - or r.tller 1. DOt - happ.lliJlC ?

'l'otal 0.". _bars IlaTe ata"'il7 .. clin ...... ho. 1977 n ... ot tlle 1 ..... Cf'IIat Britis). ....... IIUJ'CS fil\U'a. aao", 1911 (332h 1918 {213}, 1919 (156), 1980 {84h 1981 (68) .... 1982 (;tuat 38).1 briaf .ill1.--.. 1. reo ... ber 1980 'broI1cIIt Ue 110 •• pot 010". IID.OOUD.hr" (iD011141D., tlI.a la11t CI3),'bat ol.arly lIO.et1ll1D.C "..a to be "'er:r &111 •••

JIlClOHI1 haT. writtllD. IlUck OD. tllie tcpio an4 on. of tu place" olt ... tor b1 •• b7 IIaIIiJ' eouro ..... allllo tIM CiDe.a UJ'O lID" eci-ti 1I;ype, aBpeo1ol1:r our ou. friad Spielarl' with 1111" CIo!! IPoountera ot na 1'II.id gn<! {retel!lsd iD. Cl late 1911).TId" 18 p:robabl1 part ot tile an ... r.'l'lae publ10 liIa .. been 1IIUp.:zo...llat-urate" with UJ'O nor1ll11 to tlle peUlt eere tha;r "Dtally 1I1I1:toh ott __ t .... 1IO:ril uro ie _tioD .... Yet tile .1Iti. (eo suppo.edly r.n.et the publio llrtara.t) IlaTe DOt bellD sv1to ...... ott ,C.rtaiaJ.T t ru.n towW. _ra aft" more ct .,. tt ..... -'tOt" to 1lImdl1D. .. 11%1<1\11" •• fro. '",radio and jour.allste.1J1IO" it "a.e, "till tasc1Jla.ta th ••

Pcr"oDal11 I thb]r. a tua4 ... tal factor 18 t .... " we are •• rely iD a troup wi thiD the tJI'O cycle. SiDoe tke tcm T-.r p.rio'" ot 1967 ell 1911 ... ".a "",~"t I!l Dew UJ: _ .. a:row>t 1987 we .IQ' DOW be cliabia .. lip to1f&ri.a: .ore rellJloCltable 1...,..111 ot UP'O aoth1,t,.,olthouP 11: oouU be a "Ml. bafore ... llee oasa" of tu oalibr. ud lIIacnJ,tu". of tho". raoll1lt but "aparta" "q".

Parhapo a'Hll acra cruclal,oD.& probabl,. tha dneta laoat iapori_t reaaoll wh;r VII are laokiD.1I: report", i a tile "eoreu.d D\VIar ot iBTe"tiptora.'l'hare are DOW just 3 or 4 aoth .. lIUJ"OH ~o .. Cppeae4 to a dozan or .ore quita recalltl,.. BIQ't" I 40 _t rapr4 tM ... a bad tll.1nll:, baoau!! im'etiptiOIl ill, thie oountr:r ie IIOra and 1I0ra concarnM witb IltudJ1,ng 111-4eptll seleoted. Ouall.na w%'1' tsot that we llI'e ip.criD.C 1:10 1118D;1 tITS reporttr ill 1Iatural1y lUitlD.C cu. itotale. LITS, af'ter all, do t01'll the bi~et peroent8&'ll o~ tJI'O. ea.".





tforlkern UPO Rews

Jlt OOMMEli'l'S cont •••

It iu "'Y considered -wi.".. that 20 Ml and interelltine reports proTide much _no llo1,..nt11'10 pqj.1rt in :uq ODII :J'1Iar than 2000 written on the back of 014 .... lope •• or t:H lilol.(.ol!rt of vldch are IJIOe ~v).Lack ot specific n_be", h !!2! 18pOrtant. ne c004 c.aae .. are sUll ehinJ..ng throuGh.

JUOO1Il..l ask in ita editorial what has happened to UP'ODI. impl;rtne that this i .. ,,_ .. how link" with the laek ot close enoounters.1J7OIN h not dea.ol.lt any-­thln" i't has in .... eDII. 8%pandai to A'Ilcorporate the nationc.l. InTIIBtigatiollB CollllldU •• (a BJi'ORI. i1l:iU .. Uve, but involTiD-C 1Ian;}'" uoupa).Tbe U1'Ont principle 11 .... a on.an4 I 8'Ilcc--t tut ~I\II W>o ol.au.bt .. taia e%SIIine tllll 8%_l1on1; case reportll t.t Iftill noo" in.'1'lIIq' Ill'" not be lantlinp with trace ... or '8bduoUolle to J_s.But th.a.t Is the fau11; of the '{'ha_non s.Itd not our ... thoda.When the UFO" _. a&ain (and I tldnk the,. will) w shall be reaoiy.

Your Tt.tIlI OIl t1l.111 topl0 are requested tor our new feature (to et"n nm:t issue) ••• 30 mu SlY. ' 1ell.!!} ~d lfi'S - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - _ ... - - --- -- - - - - - - - - ---.... , ~ ~ ** A. new ~p to report on thill month (althoup thq have actually belln in operation tor Bn'eral IIOntbe,lUld. ha" already attracted. alar", ... barahip) The '1'ODIIOIlDEJI' tJPO SOCIII'l"f __ t .. ont1lo17 in a 'to_ centre pub and. can be oonh.oteo1 .t 3 Barl .,. Tl1ba Victoria Ra Toa..onlen Veat Torka. 'l'el:- 'ft)oiaorien 6541

- J. ,.ew OOIIIputer iruie:x of 'lJ1I'O IJ>forlllation Liaiaon POintll' ha. been iSIll1" ad. ma.:r intareet serious reeearohere. It liets 201 1eal1n~ reaear<lherB.ehinc M.Uesa __ sp-=ialit7,w.tth a topio heated list ot lIpeoia1,it1ea ino1uAel.Por fIOre btorlllatiOll write to AAo1f SObneUe:r Konrall-Ce1tis Mr. 38. 8000 Ihleclloe. 70, Veet Oe~. Britiah. roee=ohers list" ar., C.pbell,DelaU, ~, Pall a, arazrt, OraUaa-Oailt. .... Rill , H:I.nd. , Jluaer&T8, 1laMl ea,Ro",rllOn & 3t~tf. So it ;rou' :re not then, dIl:rou think )'Oll shQuld be - wh7 not Ilrop • line,

•• PiDal17 anotber .. _tion tor an excellent fIOurCHI of book:e,n.,... and lIeOOH­b.and...lfuBIrHa of ti1;1ell (iBoll14inc _oIl 'nr7 :rare oU. lJJ'O ~IJ) ar. Oll their booklet list at ucellant pricee . (T!t..,. OUl pt rq bookB oheaper tllaJl I canl) CoJrtaO'h )(JDllLl: BJ.S'l' IIOOXS 16 BrocbJUmrat Oard-_ Mill Hill London JW7 2,n



~ Major artiolea el eewhre

KA.OO!IIA No 11 (£2. 4 issoell,tro.l 64 Urio J." •• "w Malllen, su.n-e:r H3 4.1W) Object io:D8 to t he lllrlh 'rr_a HJpot hellb, IIUl Creuwell ••• a Ter;r oopnt look at seae ot tlroe va;re in whiCh tae new UTilI Lawean tlleer;r (that lJlI'O abcluC'tioTUI are .~riee ot tae l/itna88es birlll) talls ~_ • .b lIIIswer hall. LSIII!O!!. to co.e? (PIWl a dnilish Cbriat •• Quis ••• 1 an_red. 6 om of the 23 rott_ quelltionall

I!flI'IlfI'fY Jlo 1 (Det ails , 13 Torbrex Rd., CUnlbernauU, C]..all£Ow G67 2JU) SCi tmOe,PMloeoph;raD1l the Pa;rohiO! JOM Beet • • • a eood a'tart to a new IIapzine f'roll a new 'nee-science' BOciet7 whioh ,ill0ludell UlI'O" in it", perspectiTe) lSpp litloo to our tona&t tldo article ia & lon&, look b:r a IIcien'tist at the reactio!!. or rejection ot DOTel phe_ens. &8 ooarpare4 with the under8tandinc of quantu. .eolllanioe.3oIIe u lleM U.ea.a are a:z:preelled.

UPIAll R!:s&.\RCH IJI PaoOllBSS Ho 1 (n5 fro. I (".oap UPIJ.R PO Box 11 221 1-20110 11I11ano Italy)

Time Di atribution in Iberian UlI'O Aotirlt71 P.JPernandell & J.M. Perreira ... a 'Y8r:7' detail'" st&tiotical . tudJ' of' Iberian oaee. (1950-1971) iI!. Ill! a'ttoupt to tind a reliable oyclic pat'tem.3oIIIIe poaitiTe raSUltll see. to have N.el'pd.

POR1'&AJ{ 'l'lJIES No 36 (£.5,4 iellUee ,tro., BK-PORTEAN 'l'DI1CS London \fClN 3XX) Pe,-cbonoetr;r ot Ca.ttle )!utilationel Peter J. J o ......... Pour psychiC" c:I:'nI readinl:'ll


1'oJ' Tour Perueal Cont •••

on Cattle Mutilation. aDd oo .... _t 011 tll.eli.le,pd canaat1olLlJ ••• .llllO Nlp]. Ve.-h_ OOTers • Air"hip '" 1n hill reruJ,ar UP'O ool'lUlft 1111011. a Upt-1l.e/U'tad touoll..

No 94 (£3.15, 3 issues,from; PO ]Ox 13 Velebpool, Po~ ) beco •• inoreasingl,. t.poTtant to utoloii ~II.il1 tho wake o~

Dn'ereux) book EAR'l'lILlaHTS.Tl\1a issue renews tlwl 82 .,ot, uro" Nld urlll eneraisa.Plua lnd,. ColliDe talk 011 tbe par_ OOJIT.CT pd t).8 queat for tu aaci08l • OI'eell stolle'.


BOOIS Olr 'l'H& MOXll:N'l'


1915 1982

!fJllffl!Jflll (reiosue4 1982) Both by P"h'iok Tille,-

As Earthl1pts 8tH1 oaptures the UP'O book limeliCht it le worth takin&' '" dicht dd'l!l'tep into the works of Patriot: TUle,., en helo-AIII.Mean author with wboII you IIIq not be f_iliar.

So far aB I all . "are these are hi. onl,. two publio:Jhed attennp. Both are _la whioh deal with the 'paranol'll-.J,.' in a retee.hillc vlQ".Botll. baTB uro C01lD­

ot«t;iona • .bd both are 4eeerd!)l:" of }"O\lr attllntion. HISS"IOR. the product of ."oh thouabt aM. work, is the one ;rO\l rill cnrrntlT

tind ridinr hip in n.e paperback but-eellers Iht.Ho .. ...-el".iD rq new, it iB leell SUOOIISllful than hiB lIarlier nOTII1. MISSION oonCel"Jl1I the BUdden appllar.l1oe at _.ter-ti"'lI o~ a body on a Ne .. York ,"ortuary el ab .. hioh thll youn&, dootor COn­ollrned. beli_1I1I to bear an UlI.olmII3' r llseDIblpce to onll o.rtain JellUe Cbrillt. Shll oalle her boy1'riend.a Jewieh laWJ"er, and both arll eolll witnllulIs to the IlIiraolll 01' rlltJUrllc1ioJl, whioh tt'al1lJpirell.Said JIlIlUII th_ 'bollell in' on thelle two IQ1d theT 1'acll thll UJIeJ1Tiablll task o~ deoiAinc ..... t to do without ceUinc locked in a paold-' cell.'l'hey arll not helped by the ~aot that thll lfellll1ah 111 not exactly what one wou14 expect.He is a oosmio being with an iD.tllresUn&, 'Ki llll1on '.

The text i s heavy Oft the ~et8P~lIioe, but Patrick Tilley tells lie thill is ~eant to be taken very IIlIriouely.It croeeee into UiO territory lIore than onoe and thllre is 9O!UI nioe 1tuM0u:l" !!Iilke4 fro .. the lIituation t(>O.

FAD~UT, however. ill ",ore directly releTant to our subject. Its theme concerne a eudden siobal elect~~etio bl&Ck-out.~rter tenaioD thanks to eacb lIi4e wond_riDe 'who done U' the culprit turns out to be a pant UJ'O, which pI"Olrptly lande and ie ()'eu eue8l5ed. it) ooTered.-up by the US goven:IIIIont.The llain part ot the story concerns the att .. pt.s ot a lIoien'titio teall 'to unlock the 3eoret ll ot 'the alilln dence, am!. the tannon aountll to a IfUJI llrbly enipatio _Un~. 'l'he book really scores because the phl!l101!l.enon iB Ihown to be truly ali.n, not a .ere extl'8l)olation ot h".an teoMolor.;r • .t. tremeMOlls illustration et .. hat !!light be (or !l.ooordin&, to sOlle alr-..:ty has beenll)

Patriok tells .. e that Warner IIrothtorll were to .ake a .. orie ba.aed on the book but alone C(!Ile Columbia and 9pi el berg wheJl, plone were ,.ell adTanced.The budpt ottertd to Cloee ilnooUll.tere coul1. not b. lIlatched all the fillll ,.as shelTed •• pit1. i'.t.lJE....OU'l' knoeke spot. ott Spill!lborg's ' pr.tty ligtrt .. •• So, ..... 11 tbough you oan't .s.e the ...,rie ::rou OM at l.ast r ead the book. It is worth your time.


(((((1 1 1))) ) A look et tlFOI!I in the publio ey.

Spielb.Tg·s E-T. Sll i1' you didn·t know it, ie the 1'ilm ot the lIIOIIIent.Al1d it i s k.epin« utolo{l'i sh on their toes dealing with 'th .. pr$!l.1ctabl ... ",dia rush to 1'ind 'topioal' M d 'oricinal' stories (lIOet ot which .rul Up bein&, neither).'1'he tmc 'l'v reTiev ot the movie said somethiJl,c lilt •••• '! 1f'1 l1h tor OJl,O. Spi!!lberc would mak. fI ti1. "bout a r.al i Slllle ot today, not a fantas:r' • .t. te,. ot you od," I10t think D'Uch of thatt

f C"-

l I


( I

Northern UFO Neva

NeHa Hatters oon't •••

, "


Severill ot the nationalll have 001111 up wit. Ul"O artioles to link with &-'r.'1'he .m!! rang me with tbe dcrn.staUnr n!lWB, 't'TII ,hlat up:lklln to Patria\c Moors and he 1Ia;r1l erlrahrrlllltl"1al lite ia hirhl:r probable, but lJJ'Oa us not 11:1 What about that - ehl' ~Te •• " 1l1Ii18 I "1 can't arcus w:I:th 1:1I.at" • .I. etwlned .. UenG tI was foll-owed. by a pai,Ded atte-pt to real ufolopata."TOU'T8 0Bl,. pt a rew k=drei .. _be", the tbouaaDie.So the,. are the :tru. repre8lJJlt~lTeIl of the pretty tut after thatl In the elId the COOd old SuIl •• 'Do ~ know ao.eolle .. 110 loob like !!:'l"

!fen c •• the ,.,uld olll,. talk to t:h_ abovt UAPa \U1d the 0 ... , "" OOUld to print that,- u~'a tb.,.."Real17," 118JD I. "Yes, honest.. al18na?" I retused to oo_ent.On »eo_bel' 5 their story 'm 1W! ALRE1DI LANDED' taat:u.red. Lord. Clanoariy proolaiminc that ET ana. CLOSE EllOOUNTI!:RS are b&l'lflll 011 real upe'l'ienclIII and. .:re part of the alien ed.­ucation propo_a.Oorion Creiclr\oll bHped l"SR aDd Britisb utoloi3' no end by telling th_ all atout 'loo", with 311. alillll «irl' IIBd elqinc,'"they.1Q' lIeed _e or our ceee to rental1 .. th.ir OVll ..tock". ('l'I!.e,. Call b.aYe .b. PI;f tiae 'thll7 oan to oall ••• I lIee" 11 Dew pair all th .... er. h~ at 'the e"cell!)

The onl,. nllVtllpep.r I would talk to """ the D..,s.11 Emr.ee.wbo ebowed 'to •• 11 tair approach.Th.ir JaIDlarJ' 4 1983 interne .. vi'th •• 'Atter ET will there be .or. lJJOe eIMII? ' wae oond4erab1,. bortter than -M1' I haYe eee)!. alId r.latiy.l,. t'ree or lIIi..takea , althouah I ooy.red tlJ'O waYee,the piMo-e1eotrlo ett.ot, the hip 11'0 proportion, the lack or pboto&'l'aphll ot ololle lI11ooUDte:re aM. witlPlllIlI'excu.e.' about al ien _tiye •• So ... 11 done,GeoN !fe_ •• Kin" :rou it UJ'O lIlULI'l'T is bued. 011 20 ,.eere r.llearoh I .. ..till tryinc to lIOrlt cmt what rell.arch I was doinC et prillar,. eobooU (Por 20 :rou ehould read 101)

Looal rafio did. • _be:r ot procr_1I1I too,Up and- d.o1m the countr;r.Of'tea tu e .. e rlatioll ooyered. the subject 'tlOioe.Botlt. Peter Souch ezul .1'IIelr, tor .u.ple, did. illt.rrt ...... with IlSD !IOSB IUDIO {LlIlloe).Peter lfarrillgtoD did. birth RADIO }lAIf-:­CBES'!'EIlll1ld ita _eroial rlyale PICCADILLT.!n.il 1414 IUllIO JI:B:&SKfstDE (twioe,) all" a OIle-l\o'Ilr pholae in with IWlIO CITY (Keree,..t. North Kalell) whioh led to the orrer or e ."elaT or bi-weela,. eer1.II.(lIlore 011 that in the nll%"t 18IlUe). )!oet or thu. helped with the PR I_ace tor UFO" !U1d. broup.'t in 1I0fI. Oa.llH. hi <li4 the 13 IIb'llte epot I .u CiYIIII on Wo.8lUI HoIU' (th. la.rp..t aw:!.illllo. radio procr_e in Britain) 'l'hi .. went out Oll Chrillt .. Ii>fe _d. hall broucht • tr1okl" ot lle. oae •• tro. all o,"r the {]X •

.lWIQ' f'ro. mo-azda the &p.in ()lOT_Hr 28) reported on the ' .ccentric iny.tor' JolQl ot the J'ly1Dc Sauaer Raider' .Searle. the late..t thorn in the aide ot .. e:riou" hae been bn1ld1nC hie epatl_ .hip",to .edie teA1'uell,f'or 11 te. ,.earn.Xe runll the 'lI'ati011al apac. Re"ea.roh Con­IIOni,.' (wh .. te.er that ill) all" cla.iJle to ' ha.., lannc)le4 n;rlDIiI' IIlWaerll and. be ,.e!lr8 ahead o't the super--po,",erll. Thill tille 1I.e _e clll1iht practieall,. blaclciDC out 'the whole ot eouthern. End-and b:r remorlDIf OOJapOnllnte trOll 1I,.10nll and cuttinc up otherll with El. 8e.: .111 beo/llll!le the eleetr1cit;y board had tined hill' tor bM....,iDC hiB lIehr with eophillUcated pdptr;rl Re tu preeenU,. lmdercoillg medical eppraie .. H .lno! TOU wonder ,m.,. ..... haYe probl_s.

Wl'LL,I SUPPOSE I ASICKD POR Ut J8Dn7 Ia!!.dleB • _ OOoooooooooooooOQO()aooooooocoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo~

~ '"l'''' OD. »ee.,.bel' 17 I did an interrt"" with R&dia XerulYIIUe dieoulIsinc the etteat

ot the .. avie w:r 011 .eriaua utalo87.Daring thia I pve out III;p' adc!ren.,. ~ phoDe rI_ber aDd here (1Iuaphrseed) ere a OOUp~1I ot the calle I tot lUlllbered with.

A geDtlelllaD. froJII lla1DtOr4 hegan to de"eribe his UPO , like a train in the ok:!',> and beto~ loa&, I 0_ he vas 'talk:W:I& abcrot the Hew Y"er8 EnI 1918 re-en.tr,r at th" Ru8s18Zl b)oster t'l'Oai Co....oe 1068.1 told hi. 110.

'WlQ" are 70U such a eceptic?' saYII he 'I tboupt you WOH there to help.Hobod,. want" to belie ••• e'

'I do beli.,." ~,' I told hi ... ·Yo,u had • ve..,. eXCiting and ~atac.ue.r sightinC at Bo.ethil1C:rou will probabl,. never Bee ap.in.It "'all reeLl III just t.ninc ~ .hat it wae.'

Northern UFO NoW*

Well,I =PPOSII I lLaked tor 11::1 ool1t •••

• It had anU-et.tio "treaaora daneline trOll the back' 'Well I would nn'er dre. ot insiatine UpOn w"t ;rou etui'. lint in !IQ" "rlew thorw reall,. ie DO doubt that it __ the Russ:l~ bcoeter rocket .'

I oould .u-If't see hill :m.e. pleadil1&' all he spoke, 'But 1Ihat ahav.t the little pine lien that are seen? Tbase !U'1I1!. · t RuesiaJUl.' 'Woll •• JIG •• but what has that got to do with your dptinc?' 'Do ;rou beU,," in God? Be doee ~r:rth1n&' in s_ •• So wtq not eeY1lD worlD'! UJOe OOIIe tro. l1\IIIIher d:I:.'

·J(qbe ••• '""t ••• • 'I will ~ to 1117 &T"" knoll'ing what I saw waa " spaoeeh1p.The:re ie ncthin&' IDOre to tBlk a'bcmt. Good-dq. '

)\olllll11tS l ater the pbonflo rang 01l0flo IIIOre.O)l no, I thougtrt, what h88 he tOl'fOtten. But it lI'&II a nllV 1fitnesll trom Waterloo. He soemed "r;r intorested in how AlRllY C UFOs I had seen in Walla"e;, einoe I had 1II0nd tbenl tbree weeks betore. '1' 111 an inTeatiptor ot other people'" eX'periencee.Not rq 0_.' s...,." 1 'Oh ... ilall 88e;" that's over the _tel', ilJIl't it? Yee ... ! can teel ths "rlbrat ions

Sbould U' 'Vell, I don't kIIo ..... by?· 'Ien't that whtrt IJI'O illTelrUp.tor" do?' 'Ho •• • ' by..,w I NI teeliBC vor;r peJ'lexecl.· ilbat .crt ot UPO OX'parllJl1Ce ~ 10u had? 'M,. wite and I _re sendiJl.c a ChrllJ'traaa card to 1117 aister In Eesa: lut niclrl •

.I..s we wrote 110 out ahe rant lle. What about that, eh?' 'Ver;r tnterestlnc ••• but what ' s it got to do lI'it)l UFOs?' ·So. II1U1J' uro" dld you see ill WlIlTillgton theJI? ' '1 told JU'II ••• I tnTest l cate other people's s1Ct1Unge.· 'But I tllouCht :you \f$7'e all expert' (Vari01lll _seorted ftplutte't's tollowed noo. .... ) ')Ioll·t you think the tenl Ul!'O 18 deroptor,r?' (I gave hll11 a lonG' o:zplanation ot the transi t ion t'ronI i'1)'1ng Ssncer-uFO-UAP) 'Whate UAP etand tor? ' 'Unidentified. "*-!1pherio PhlJ1lOllenon. Wc thil:lk it' , less _otive.' 'Oh ... Yes, bat UJ'O . Ot'ten at partl"" wen It,"lI had too .. uo)l to drlDk (Like nov, thl.nk:9 1 ) Th&t ' lI what I pt to14.' ' Eh? ' 'U •• ¥O ' 'Ch. •• I doll't th1J>k that eUeate our judc-eut reall,..· ·still. it oudrt to, ouchtn' t it. ' .... ud he rlllli"otf.

ri/ulio lI.ereo:TSi de clearl;, have BOIIe _ird Iht"nor " . When the;, called .. on January 6th to do It 'Phone-in I wae lIe rcitu1 1;, clad ot ..,. contract with Radio Clt;, preventing it. I put the .. onto )(IGAP ••• and the beat ot Dritillh luok to the:


1110 CORNZK - With the lnvesti@tor in mind 0'" ".' ? r 0"'

SKY lIOTES (Jan _ Mar 19(3) f7;\ cOl2piled ~: Peter VlIlTington !'RAt:! t1V \ IV/"" Im All tiOlle are ln GilT 24hr olock:. Latitude 52 N b a Une t~ Ml1tOl1 ICfI7II.ell

&; Ipmdchl 56 N throug.. Edinbal'gh. Liverpool 1e appro;r:. 53 + 11'

~ ~ !!.!!.52N 56N ~ 5211 56N

SUN 1 8.08 8.32 15. 58 15. 35 7 8. 07 8. 30 16.05 15.43

14 8.0) 8. 24 16.15 15.55 21 7.57 8.15 16.26 16. 08 28 7.48 8. 04 16. 39 16.22

1 1


" 28

18 . 33 1.13 8. 29

11.08 15. ';9

18.13 1.18 8. 54

17.38 15. 35

10.00 12.20 16.23 23.11 7.46

10.21 12.13 15.59 23.1 2 8.10



, ( I

Northern uro lie"" JlN<:!1

~ Notes cont • • •

Februarv ~

'U" 1 , 14 21

" ~:oo!r 1 , 14 21

" 1 , 14 21 28

~OOII 1 , 14 21


lli!. 52 11

7.24 7. ]2 7.19 1.05 6. 51 21. )8 ) . 43 8 . 23

10. 45 19.08

6. 48 6. 35 6.19 6. 03 5. 41

20.30 2.37 6.47 9.22

18 . 01

56> .2!i 52 11 5611

7.51 16. 46 16. ) 1 7. 45 16. 57 1 6. 44 ,. '" 17.10 17.00 7.14 17. 23 17. 15 6.57 17. 36 17. )0

21. 37 ,.4S 9. 51 4.05 11.59 11 . 37 8. 33 18.41 13. 31

10 . 25 2.02 2.22 19.04 1.1\8 7.54

6.54 17.la 17. 32 6.39 1'r .49 17. 45 6.21 18.01 11 . 59 6,03 18.13 18.14 5. 44 18.25 18.28

20.32 8.08 8 , 09 3. 02 10. 33 10.08 6.55 17.40 17.33 8.58 1.10 1. 3]

18,00 6.10 6.13 The 'lOON ill Fv.ll (r) and New (N) at the :rollowing dates and tiglllll:- 11' (05.08); N JGII 28 (22.26b l.I' J'eb 13 (00.32); 11' Feb 21 (08~58h 11' (11.43), If Mar 28 (19.21)

Jan 14 Mar 14

Pro.1nlll'1t Planet.. • ••• 'lEmJs: Very brlpt .:Id Visible 1n the SIt (Jan),IfSW ( Feb) and W (Mar)llo., in tbe Bk:r and 'risible for a abort time af'ter SUll"et Pan) to ISn-erlll hour. !If'ter s\lneet (Mar) •••• !!!!il Hot prollinent , In.lt visible in th. SIf for two bours after ~s.t (J_hlov in the SSIf aDd .etUDe earl,. __ lliDg ('.b) and for a vel'1 short t1lle (around 19.00).10w OD the If bori"oJ'l,1n ear17 Ma.rch. Uhr that not at all for ""lae IIIOnths • ••• JUPITlm is ""'1 bright (but not quite NI

bricbt !Ill Ve,.,Iltl) in the S8 and low just before ~unrise Ja,n) ana for e ..... ral bro in the SE (hb) and lIOot of the IIOminC (liar) - pr. d&WIl. On. Mar 6 tbe 1I00lI p&lllleO ill front of JupUer (ocalllta it) 3l!d 90 the two objeote will be o.el\. in close pro:d..ity bttore and af'ter the e_nt ••• SA'l'URN: Visible in the III during 4arl)' IIOt'llil1r (J.) and SI: (Peb) although b1~hsn J\:.pitfor.Durinc (Mar) it rieeo on the SE hori~on at a.bout 21.00 and is visible trom then on all nicht.l!:erl ,. on the lIO:nI.in, of Mar 3 the 1ftOOJ'I pa'''''''e within 2 degreee (four .con diu1;ers) of the planet and 110 both objecta will b. Been 11" 01.ose proxiorlt,..

Xeteor Sbo_re •• • Erpeoted JBZl 1 - 6 (Pt:nk _bel' lan 3!4).'l'he Quedrantidtl._ the,. az-e known. arfl uaually bri&'lt Idth fin. trails. Betwefln late lan and !llid. P.b (peak Peb 6-9) arfl the A11rlcilbl bricbt and. relatively alow. l'inally tha Centaurid.s shovel' lI!I%Jectfod bet"sen Feb 6 and 15 (peak: Fob 8) . "ot v.ry brit:bt.

It 10 hoped that this Dew recuJ,ar feature will helll fOIl in your search t o ident it;r M1;ronomioally suspeot \JF'Os. You uhould be able to erlrapolate,to suit your reQuired tae and location needtl,troll the data ciTen. Peter Marrill~on would like to hflar troll you OD the value of the infOftatioD, aDd with any ideas you Idebt have for data that could be added.


SPOT THE Il1'Q. . .. Teet your povers of inveetigation.

~aoh i ssue tM" spot will featu.re a oase lIor which e l'1Ia"oDable i dentificat­ion hili! been fOUlld. You will be gi"e n the account ~d the 1I01ution will be given (upeide down) !Lt the bottOIl of the De:rt p~. So pretend you are the in,",stigator and BUg~Bt ",hat the culprit might haTfl ~een.

We begin with a IItOry 'tol d lie by a BOO enpneer during lunoh br"ak OD Xau ~ whilllt recording tbe ' WoIIIlJlII Hour ' radio show.


Northern UFO N01l8 ""'lIT Spot the lPO oont • • •

About 20 :r1llll'1I 8{lQ a young ine%perienced teloCOllllllUni oatioDS Operator lIU :lent by the BBC to check OD a fault at the SkeltOD tral'llllll.itt er , whioh ill not tar tro. Penritb in Cumbria. It vu quite lata at night and t he aurrour.d1DgB were very dark, tboup the alcy VD.lI olear and 1t was cool tlDd oal • • On arriTal &t the locati on the encineer was terrified to dillco.,ar an al'<:l of vi'fid blue lip..t ,.,hich >laa puldng in 11 disjointed rlqthllo . And !'roll out of the mi dsh of the eners::r dOlllo o",.,e = 'lIlien' voice , carried aor<lllll the de!!erted f i el d. toward him and epeakinC _rd" he could not understand.

Tb. young "all fied the lIoene back to his Yan and in h;rlJtericB oalled across the airwaY"1I to ~e ••• ·'l'h.:r ' ra har.: The aliena bave landed'. My BBC contact was ODe of thoell back at bMa, and b e admits be laughed for a good while pre­=minS" tb' ohap was hanD& 11 j oke on them tor Bending hi .. 1:0 lllUoh an inbollpitabl e job.DId! when ha ned back toH.~ ... , thB job undone,&tlll dilllplmllC obriQ1lJl tear, they all stopped lanchillC and ••• cBlltioual :r ••• aDd not aloftel •• • vent back out to the sit, where the tanlrt !ftill r e,htered. Here the:r tound the 4r.ad.tul truthJ

ifhat was it? ( See toot of' Pace) 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

4[' ')::~/~ Some :'i~::iP:i:D8 ~<:2S' ... _++++++++++++#++-+ .+++++ ____ ++++++t+++-<+ I , , I I , , I +++t#+++

F RQk PIlnt el.l§'KllITS TO Sn.VER lIEII • • •• Al l eged Close lboounter ot the 3rd Kind Case 8085' FKBRUA,RT 16 1980 Ol.CO Edi.!!.'lmrgh,Soottand In ... , Stlllphell. Bornett

The witnes" (DL) is alarried with t,." children and aged 39 at the ti"e ot incident. He ie ellployed as a lorry dri V1lr.J.bout 6 llIOntl\.s before the"e BTe:ntll he >fall troubled b:r a voice inside hi" head oal-lin&, his :aPoe.He .. nor his CF ana went for. :dIort OO'W'lIe ot treat.ant, but voluntaril:r stoPled tbis before the i:aoident as h" felt it vu doing no good. (1'he voioll9 continued •

On Feb 15 h. had h3d. Bev.ral cUoinks in a pub,then r eturned to a tTiends house for mor e drinka.!k wall tinally driven hem. by the father ot hill tTiend. Aft.r baine; dropped ott outBide his home (a 13 .. tor .. ,. blooK ot natal h. tiret went inside, then tor a r.asoll he CafIlIot ~hdn r .. turned outBid .. aeain.

In a.."1 npen lJP(I.Oe beside the bulldill:;: h. olai"" to ha .... ' ..... m a Uo>t ( lik. the moon) llhininS- on the sround and upon lookin8' up saw a d£U'k ovlll sha:pe,the "l'p;U-<!"II:b sl~ .. of 1\ dinner plate at anI$ lenf;'th, .. Uhouetted a..,..,.inlrl the 1I1I:y . At

thie point he clailllll to hAve becOllle IIngulfed in a ' U sht-tube' whi ch aurrounded hiel and left hiD UlIable t o IOOve.lle felt nU/llb but oal". and w9.MII~and oo"ld lIIIel l lIhat seemed to be otrong burnine: l:Il\tohes (8Ulphorou8?).He no", 8/1,11 t hree figuros emer ge from the light at eround l evel.{)ne llPProaohed and signalled to the othera) with a &elrlure ,to ata;) baak.The,. we::'" htaan-U.ke 1. 7 III in hrlBht. a ... er~ge build, lIearina: a on.-"i(tCe suit ot d ark metallic eil'ItCr. The fac e waa oovered by • bro_ v1aor


which had ... round attatch/!'lent (but no tubint;) . 'l1nder eaoh shoulde r w"s a bulge.The hands ,",re oov~red by a material that WM

dnrker than the reaainder ot the suit . The 'alien' s:po\':e in a voioe ' like !!liKed foreign tongueo ' but after Il lllhil ..

he could underotand =d they co=ioated 'in the r:li nd' . It ~ve hin a mesell8'e to pass on ••• VIZ "This wao our nlanet before you,and we will not allow you to deotroy it.It J'OU try lie will send a warnine and will shudder the earth. Only the in1100ent .n.ll IlUr'Vive ft

The tieure 'flIlllshed.leaving Il. _ak and dbll,..'ie returned hollle and called the j>olioe .'1'hey told Stephen llurnett they believed the lIitnells to be ~Tl:e w:l:tneos himsnlt teminated the inveetigation , but the conoludon lIeems eelt evident, ...... +_."".++-++++-+ ............ ____ #_ •• -++++ .......... _ ......... , , , , I I , '+t:H I I I , U,~I

SPOT 'l'IG lFO (Answ.r) (Ple(l.Se turD updr!.e do_' : i 141111'OP"o..'I. i yuueg: 111..-_~1W "l(~ :;<unnl;ll;anl.l~ aJe"fl Je P al{~ OlUi pe~'I-~-Jili"'l. Dlletnd. 8ll' ,flOtS, III{~ o$.;J1I ~ur~'l'uo,!, Q'I- D.II.'l':>:>''FUOO "'CA a..laqdllolll:pl a'tL·~'[n1I.J 1111'1- o~ 'Pat p'8\( 9"'!'o.nil to0'l'.;J~olllX ,


I ,

I] (' •



---=----------:---------,,-­Norlhern UJ'O R.If" NmE

Brl..t Cues Cont ••• • ~ +_++++++++. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 1++++++++_-+-++++++++<1+++++++++++++++-·+""\'++++++_

YOU' LL KEVKII. O"~£, ALONE •••• Low Definition Possible earthlishts Cue 8086: geptciber 1980 DuP: Cla"tterbri<it:e,W1rrM IM" Jenny RatMUes

Tbie case b probably of 1II0ri int.reJJt because of the naIIe ot the prilll ... ...,. wit­nells, Gerr;r Ilrareden.Gerry,tor thana of you. not ao;ing hippies ,iII lead BingeI' with the gl"(I1li' 100rry &nd the Paoemakers ' , 11 leadinc light in sixties lIIullio with lNoh eong., NI 'You'll DeTer walk alone ' aad 'Ji'eIT7 'Ol"OII':I tbe lIerse,.'.OeYT)'" i s still eindnC and repor'\:td thb Bighting to •• art ... hearing a radio illhrnIN. At the t1lll0 ha was driving alons tbe 1153 _tOrwR:Y with hie 4ao.,;,;bter azld. two fr­iends when 1;h",. ssw a '"17 bricht whUe 11(11t in the SE.Bfling n. keen aru.tfftU' aatronollel' (and lL UJ'Q entooeiaa1 too it e8et1s) be turned otf the l!IotOrllll.:r and stopped whell unable to i4tlll.tU'y the light. It then prooe.ded t o lIKIve ill • very odd wa;r, ill • • 1liC'-'lla& pattern that for.ed a vide triangle in the $k;r.Th, IIIOVftS _re .ery ebrupt.The car beiug stop-ped they 11s.ned tor sound bat heard nothing. Then the object shot across the ak;r at a tantastio rate and "'8l'Iished OVftr the horizon.'It dotinitely ~o",ed and did not just go out' Gerry told me. The oase is in taci: remarkably like the one desCribed by polioe otficer Norman Collinfloit (see NUN &. PSR and iD the tortbcomnl • The Penn:iDe IlYO Mystery'). '1'be bebanour i s in keeping with aD earthlisht, although I am aware ot no tault-1ine in the ~a..But ql.l&Mz- beariD8 rock it indigenous. When I ldi!lcussed tbe theory witb Gerry be was impreslled by it =d added wrlly ••• 'Thank rood nell ll 'tor that.I've llpent two years .orried that th.y wer. ~1ng to cOlIe back tor lIIeJ' .'.1'11' ___ """',."++++++"1."'1"'.", ............ ,",.,'"++".,.,1'1' LEIl'!' ur IB '1'KE Ull •••• .u1.~ oerial enccnmter InuufflcieDt DAta CAU 81 69 : July 12 1981 02.)0 Point ot Ayr. Clwyd ID.' Jenny Randlee

On the day t~t tbe June 1982 DIIIZI-Air CNe made tb, nevs (oee full report lateT in tb.1s buu,) I vas called by a lIan IIIhc told me that he worked tor Dan_Aiit at Liverpool Airpol"t 1n>t rerv.,.ed to gi ... hill !!>ame becauae it 1RUI policy tor air crew not to ..ue tJPO reports public.iM ga.ve in'toraatioD about BD i:Goident at the above date and 100ation, inT01Ting a DIIl\·lI.ir cup plane coming in to land and crossing the DeeSide coast at this point (.ery olose in tact to O"eDhol t - soen' ot tbe SUnd,rland r.aily encountere in ALIO! CO)/'l'.lCT) • .lpparazo.itly the objeat seen was like a pulllillg ball ct white liibt over the ooa.st.It w.3 reported to Linrpool ATe o.er the radio and to grOWId orew 011 llUl41ng.But no official report was logpd. In .... nigatio)!. . t Lh"'Z'pool Airport has tailed to discover IDOre intcl1!lation, but 38 · the call was lIIade to lIIe when it see~s only Don-Air stett bsw ot the 1'}82 o .. se ~bere ill no reaSOD t o suspect. asdia in,a!lired hoax.The 100ation ill just acros, tbe DEE tl"Olll the ,lite ot the abo,.e incideDt . , , 1 , , , , , '+_++' I , 1 1 , , , 1 , 1 I , , , I +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ____ ++_+ THE AMAZING ADV~ITIJru:3 OF RAT MAN ••• Alleged Close Encounter ot the 3r4 _ind Case 8235: July 22 19$2 23.00 OD iligM., Ctr tlanohester Inv: DIGM'

':'his was a b.,)t ni,pt and thTee _en, who se husb:mdo were working ni«ht shirt, deCided to sit on tbe pavement in SODe ohairs cbattiug aw~.Opposite the~ aere some fiats a.n.d to their right .. line ot ~ages and MYOlld th"t It. piece ot waste lllZld.Afte r .. bout 2 ho\ll's outdde oh­a.tting ~irs H noticed It. brighg star cver the fiats ( Woat ) b tbs 22nd beoame tbe 23rd the star beg<m to DO,.. to ths flortb and elongated.lt toplc on the appellf';ulce ot a spinrrillg t op and bscaaoe reddioh.At 00 .15 i t curve:d a.w .. ..v over ~~lnter Hil1.At 02.00 the .Jack Ruose! 1~01:' t""t . ",!Ut with th9lrl began to whine Md d~ed ett into t he house. 'It that point the 3 woaen beard It. noille that Hrll • s3,J'IJ 'We !never want to hear again in all our li.eo ' It was like It. sqolc1ng,oroald.~ o.nd _s repeated four tiOlu .Suddenl:r, 1lith 4 huge !Jucki~6 lIO~thb terrifying ag-­ure apt:e<c~ il on the waste land.J.tter s eeing 1t tor a r ...... oecones they I\l l "ere-8IIed and ned 1l:1s1ds. It was nOJ"lll!.l hei&bt and wearint: Il one-'Oiece ouit with Il


I Coldfl"h 'bowl on the head. There was p gl"33 Visor, " rtdced tube like ott ele­ph;:u:rt tl'Ul'l.k and " bQx on the ahest into wbien th13 led. Around the !3CtI-end of the tube "eN! luarp ll . The ri~t IU"1II WI'8 held stittlT and the other held the bc% (na ~hown ) . Mrll M woke her san who liTed. oppoeite.Re t ri ed to fil. the area with !:lis c=or/l. but the flash fldled to wo:rk (even whim new batteries were put in). The fif:Ul'fI Ya.8 not s een again afi,er the first bx-1er encounfer.The police ware cAlled Md a.rri.ed l"uzb,ing,at 02.35. but !loon chaDged w'.len they eaw the -tear of tbe volltm. A _on PC searched the area, round nothing (although the d_g reacted adversely 7:! the t>aro.gea ) IUld left at M wn. Sinee then the WI,IIJOn ha,'vo lIeen 8811-orted LITS in the area (only one of whichl ill worth mentioning - "" . l ater ~n this 138'0.11) . The,. also ohecked fire,police '" ooWlol1 officolI oot could not find &

suit l ike the one worn.A 1:Ieigbbour suggested that they tight have .een 11. wol"lQaan ::;pl'a.:r1n« l'lLt nobon but the counoil said they voUld not do so 3t that t1llle.

The "uit is in taot ver,. likll thoSIl WOl"rl by rll.t -o<'lll.lt hu to bo 80 to avoid the toXicity. The BUckillg 1I0 i se occur" too,to transfer the poieon from the obellt bo~ up the t ube. One IlUggeetion t bat ilia,)" be worth,y of note is this.A. l ocal ott-dut,. rat " an, ted up of the women ohattering away UIltil 2_ 1IIa.Y have donned hill suit nnd gone out intent on soari!!.&, them ott.An.d who could blamll hi.: InvlI!(tigation by A:Mhur TOllll1nsoll and steve Balo!!.. +++++++++++++ __ I I I I I I I I ++++_~+++++_+++++++++++++++ I I , I I , I 1++++++++ UfO HAtTr!TS FOHM:E:R STm.l«lRICS CS 1 (~lIttectll) Eleotrical Ph_enon? Cnge; 8238 September 3 1982 02. 00 Corby,Ji'o rtbant9 InY; Ra,.ond Shall' 0

)lr & Mr" 11 live by the 911:. of thll old IItllll1 works.Both ~rll awakllned 011 the night in question alltllg with their 13 Ylla1r old lion WIIJllII.Their other child.rlln 1J1ep1r right throue:h.What aVCIke the-. ..... " a brlllbnt blulI nash ot l1g!1.t that lit the &k;y.lt lasted two lI.e oondft uui eeeDed to be emitted b;r an objeat thnt moftoli

'\" I 'Q- /' - ,,~ _ n - 0

- ---/' "

t roll beside th_ to the _"t, IIoOrthward8, to bOYer OYel' & line ot pylon" from the fOI"ller ateel site.iWllr;y' 30 _ins or 90 a tufther bright nash oocurred and durilll' olle ot the8e the houselights went out for about 3 sllconda.After TWO ROUR3 (1 ) the object taded { ' like a sll<U"ohligtrt' ) .~tbougb. );rll B said it be08lll11 DOre c igar sba.ped 118 it ya.nished.Mr 8s digital watch failed to operatll during this pllriod,but began to fUnotion again When the objllct di sappeared,The object itself va.e ailYe%7 and round,the size of a twopence

a t anlS length. It was surrounded by white lieMs that ellitted "MlII • .1 very loud l'nlmldllg noille (like an eleotrici ty lItl~ation) _ 11. pres ent &11 thll till. the ob­jll.ot w(III,The looal eleotrioity board t)pecu.l ll.ted to the illvosiigator about the pOllaibility of corona. rl111cnarge, but had no l'eoord of voltage n1l0tuo.t1onll to aecount t or the lOllS ot l ieht.lleither the -polioe n01r media had &DJ' other reports ot tbi. lcng duration eYent , whioh ee 8Jl>l; ... t odd in " residential al"ea..


", ," """" ""ll "II" ~ ___ +H_"" I1I ,. +, "'" "" ,+++++++++ ( AlIOT!lER FAULT-LINE UFO •••• Jolediwn Definition Poellible earthlightB 0 Ca.ae 8239; Sspt_bllr 261982 19.50 Illtle;{ ,lIost Yorkn lnv! Nigel Mortimfll'

Thrae mlraes travelling t o work noticed a bright "are ahove the local laDliaarlt ' Cow and Cal. f Rookll' .'l'hi" WN to the eou.th of their patb.Two ot th_ eav the object a8 statiOnAry for a tew secondll, the other 9a.,.. it wall &1_YII movill;. But when it ,lid be~n to ilellcend this vas at a fairl,. rapid 1'&te (muoh faster than n star for e~ple) . Af'ter nbou t Ol\e minute it was IIwallowed out of lIight behind thll bie outcrop ot rock ( whioh ill en nctiVII f llUlt <)one) . The aw arent sbe ot the object W311 like tn.t of a football Ird it took the !!hap .. of tllO cirou].ar balle lIid.e 'by dde.TM ';;;-;~-::-T.,,"T.:-::-;:=:,-l d c.sc .... t w(\o verlic:o.1 8lld 110 DOWld Wall hllard ... nlthougb. they _re inside a oar ul the t!ma. 'l'he Slow vtlll sutficient t o illualnate thll laneoape around. ++++++++++~++++++.++++++++++++Y++~++++~' I " "" , 11 11 """ I I I ,,,,,, aeNlers Ifo '!:es on above ca81111' • • •

• iloMhern UFQ llewn

i 'l'H~ Nlo:-rr lP ;l'RJD.\Y 1'HE 1'i!lR'l':::;;:)fl'H ..... UlILUcr: FOR SOME:

);1l1ti...."ntneu Close ElnootUlhr. Investigation b;r 1WJ'OR.l a: DIGAI' (Peter Hougb)

Dah: Auga"t 13 1982 AbX'aIII, Hr Wigan, Ot'e ... ter 1Iancheg'\.u"

On Auguot 14 1982 the Lanoashire Olvening Po lit carried a bt-iet nell$ it,,~ 'Close Ohcountera 01' Three Kinds'. ratering to the lIul:tiple dsbt~ the pr$riou .. night that CIOnatltu"ted. an intar."rlinlr "erh. 01' ""1111.10" abo .... the LlIZloaahb" ooalfiel ds. DIGjp (care or Arthur Tbmlin~on) visitod the w1tneaoe" to gain aft initial und,,~ stl!ll\ding and then joined foroes with l4UFORA. for who ... Peter Roup oonducted a ful l saBle invast!gation >/hilat mOAl' chased 'IlJI 1II0fI1I other indepftldlUl't wi.-bees"", ?inall:r. on October 21, J~ Randl"" returned with Peter HouCb tor ,,_flral hours 01' re-int"rTi~ with tha primary witnesseD and on-01t .. "~ln .. tiona of the vari~ 100ale" in.alvad with the 008 ... Th .. final result is one 01' the lIo"t inter­esting ca.u. 0-: 1982.

'l'he pri.noiple e .. n1;s took place around the town ot A.br ..... ' although peripheral and d ir"o-t1y rel at.cl incidents occurred 1n othor t" lClClt'l'l;iona - a.e indioated in the adjlloCellt IIIsp.The :urea around Wicnn nnd Leip,lIIhilet DOli in tlzneY ,",,~ count,. ot Greater J(uocheeter la in. teat th. heat .. ot the South Lanc_hire co&l,tield.)lIIlIY Clt 'the old ?-I:I.

plh are dineed (al:though their coDoealed llbatta ".~ .. and landao"". sla.chea:pn r .. &in '"'17 v1sible).&nd '*'" ......... _.1

'i!l.~­C HAT mo.<;.s

'0 .. ~ ...

otlMr pite reasun open, lNob t'I8 Biokel'Bm.ve Col-l;i@~~-;;;.;~;;"""';-,c.:;;;:-,,::-;-;::;::;-.J 11er;r, whiob tOnlS an integral part ot thin stori.Th1, excurlJlon into the looal geocraphy could prOTe rather impol;'tant to an \Uldel"atanding ot the oonrpl ox eventll of this evenlng.Eopeclall::r u: an;y glanoe at UJ'O records , or ItOre particularl::r the tilea ot local netnrpapera 9I;Icb u: the lblton &oerdng !lava, rill abow jwrt boil extaeordiNlrll::r rioh the 1Io1ton-Wi,sM-Leigh 'trianel.' h8s been tor decadee :in providing UFO tales. It is (Ill intrlcuing tl!;Ot that thl ar .... baa never been p_ted aa a 'window' ,11ka Wa;%1Iinster has, although it in t:ruth ha.o I!ICIre tactual olp tor such a dascripticn.

~~.~F.:'~.!~:!' Mr 1tr1an Lydon (aged 45) and Ma wite Ber,rl,lLl'e the b o lDOat iarportlll1t principlee in thie oaee. Mr Lytlon ia " f'lU'niture saleSllan, but he spent s ... ral ,.al\l"a 38 a ainillg wrve;ror with the lIation.al Coal lbard and hia extenaiTfl kIlolllledge ot the local ~loe:r and tlining operatione proved ot gTaat Yal1;1"laltbougb these lIIa'ttera onl,. DIIerged totmrda the "nd ot the investigation,liIhen r&ised by" the investigators.It must ba eaid thst Mall Lydon hilllselt saw no Iqlparant conneotion be'twaen his bl'lCkground, 'the looal ,eoloe:r and tha UFOa.

The LydODS liTe in Do oorn~r s8IIIi-detatched bou.es ill an est ate at Abr_.'1'be1r garden taon aou'th (towards Warrington) and contains ,. large aerial to atlllOlllOdate Brian's hobby ot CB radio oollllllllniot'ltion.Adjaoent to the houee h a larp open pl~nl': tields whioh aftord.o COCd vieVl! to the noMh totmrds W:iJ!.tsr 11111 (an O"Qtorop ot the Pennines nOMh ot lblton witb a TV .1I8't vieibl. t'roII aruch ot the north-werl) anl'l to the e ast 'toverdo Leigh IUld _snohestsr.A.t 'the tal' end ot 'the field (about tbre&-(juarlers-ot-a_11e awa.;r) al'e the bright floodli6htS ot the Biokersh,.we pit on the edge ot La1gh.

At between 21.30 and 21.45 (preoies tille unknown) _rs Lydon S8.111 "" .. thi.n. odd 'through the large loune:e window that loob IlQUtb.lt was proll!inent enough to dis­'turb her trOll! watching TV. She called to her husband (who was in another part ot the house) and t hey went into their real' garden 'to v,,'tch 1II0re olosel,. as a .a"t unu~a.l object IIIOVed !\Crasa slowl,. tron. a pGsi'tion in the eou'th-weat 'towards the east . Both 89"e" 'that it 11188 a large cigar ehape,greyiah in colour,and with t'I l:iJ!.e ot aqUlU"e 'portholeB' along the l ength iBs'jnt bri S'ht light. At the rear oame a

:~!r!h:r;::/:;\g!o:b;::! !::~e!~.l::~:.=!; ~~c r:~~a ~~~h t~~~ inguiahinl foa'ture.After a taw I1OlIento ot observation th..,. d"cided 'to move onto the playine- fialda ton e better view. I




NoMhern UFO Nwe TiURTEm , The night ot il'dtlll3' t),e 'l'hirteumth cont • .

a a -lH ,.~ d 0c;;( c: •• (according to Beryl Lydon) ,.~

(according '0 ,I, •

The Primru-y Ob:lect D= ~ir DL) The' Arrowhead'

On arrival ",t the f ield the Lydon's sill' that a neigbbour,)!r 3,and his nephew, were already out there watching the obje~t.3uddenly the attention of all four witnesses was dbtracted to tbe fioodlights of tbe colliery naross the field. Here two smul lights were applV'antly oircling the floodlights.'I'hen,f'rom the Winter Hill direotion oame a fourth object, mo'1ng very fallt and seeming to streek along MllIOst at ground level.This WaS very unutnlal in shape, being like an arrowhead or ioe-oroOlll cone.It was greyish, but ~ two orange liehts at tho rear, a white light on the nooe 3lld a white light sprXing out a fon or.lI'ped re;y on th/l under­side.

Turning bnok f'rom the diV<!rsive act! ty over the Colliery they looked again at the oigar objeot round to the south. The glow f~ the rear had oeased and the porthole lishtn weee coing dimmer and brighter (according to BriM Lydon it was ae if "OIIething were paesing in front 01'1 th811 obscuring light, but nothing was positively vieible).It " .. s at this point (it seems about 22.00 - ie 15/20 mins into the dghting) that the Lydorul decided to drive to a location they knew noarhy which should place them nearer to the c~ like objeot.They left ths other wit­nesses still on the field, but not bef'o" all had observed the two ligb'h and the 8.I"l'Owhead lIet off f'rom the Collie%'y head'ing towards the cigar.The arrowhead put on a f!\ldden buret of "P .. ed and reached t~ prim8TT object f'irst and then disappeared either 1a!2. or ~ the cigar.Whatevs:'1 the cas .. , none of' the witnesses saw it again ... althoueh the other lights (or what was aS8Ul'lled to be them) were seen .

The drive l"",hd five minutee,during which they lost the objeotn in strestlight glare on the mnin road. They then turned ~ff onto Park Lane,whioh heads east to a location known !llJ the Valley adjacent 1'0 Crank lfood .Here there ie open land with the only building en Alloy Factory of' quite maul scale to their l ef't (north) and a landcllo!lped lIillock to their rigb~ (eouth).'l'he lane petere ont and continuea direetly nhead of the point at which th'P'" etopped (beneath the welcollling 'safe haven' of the rseOlU'i ty light on ths sid, of the faotory building).Ahead (east) th, track (nn it t hen ia) leade into ths woods and to farms.

At thio point (by "'bram AlIOyu) the ~ig8.I" was visible over Crank Wood movi.ng very slollly north~e"st.The two lights 1I'1re directly ahead over the track. One seemed to r_.un ~tstion!U7 (although some wa;y lbaek in the sky ).'l'he other at first continu&d toward the oiglLl' but then ohMged oourse and began to head along Tl\e

(:'l . -'. ~ Va.l~e:r in the direction of tbe Lydons car. N Srr ,' -ii.:~r~~ .. /· ''.5;'; UeaJ!.vhile the cigar was 1I0Ving ont of sigtrt

+-- , ' I " \~......; beh¥>d the treco of the woods, but Beryl, who t r:'l' .' T"l.' ,,10C4) wss /watching this more olOllely, Say'II it moved

"",-.r 'c' 1r v/" '.::I. "' 'ond-on' away t'rom thelll in "ou.rios 'step' S ~~ "f" I] i";'" .' J/ . faaldon, Blt .. :rnately in !l horizontBl,then D :):,,' •. ,~~ ,;1-~ V<!ryioal~Plane.)leanwhile tbe light comi"g

T ... ,~. "" . If/ , \ ,~, alov-g The Valloy was increasing speed towards (M . t"". - them and Man dO!cided it was time to leave.

I.I..:-:":::"'O":~~'''''-:-:-::-:-~";··",""·~:-! ' I At, be readied the o~ his wife continued to watch the light, but Brian was distractbd by wh"t looked like two COU' hsadlights

~::i;~e::mW:n!h:e!:a:~t~t~gt~: ~d~h~r~~~a!ot~~i::a:~~e~; ~~tt:~a~~he into reverse,and turned in the oonoretel apron of Abram Uloys bensath the light",. ~Ioving back onto Park Lane hs g1.anced~s left and saw one sin~e ball of orange light where the 'headl ighto' h besn,just a coupls of hundreJ. .;-ards I).wl'Cj

heading towarde them down the track.H& ~ ed the car right (!.Dd Ghot off back to civilis ation,seeing tho orange ball nce "'0 .... in his mirror.nothing elae "as lIeen and they raached home at about 22.



lIorthern uFO }l fM'l FOURTWl

Soon atter they" r eached hOllle (and without> lIentioning their exneriences) the Lydon's ten ye~ old aon)~ichael~oame in NnU told how ot ~ound 22.00 ho and hi. rrienda had been pla.,ving by the canal 'b8nks wan they had seoll lights aDd sparko COIJing out o~ Crank Wood.

Othor &Ioountero: \ •••••••••••••••• Interviews with lfr S aild hi s nephew ""pparted the L;:rdon'" "tory; 1!.8 d:!.d tbe ~act that " ne:I.;dtbour of the:!.ra (Jil.r IlL) had quite indepandantly Been the c:I.ga.r-objeot f or 10 !!I:!.nutee,around 22.00,trolll hi3 l anding windo ... (whioh l ooke out east).I!ia description VM erlr8!!lely similB.l', but tor the t ail 'fin',

It WM also :found that two of thPwomen illVtllvod in the .July ' Bat-llaD' oaae (see earlier tbiB i " eue) had troll! ifigan "een at 21.50 .. brigtrt object with P. circl e of white light " (Like' chlllldelier droppers') hovering for a short while ... bove the 8'lU"dun and then heading towards Winter Hill. Silllilarly e loll' .t Ilre P returning ho. Binl:O .. td ~ SS" two round silver lights and s silver cig&r headill« in 11. t>:ilngle tonn .. Uon towards Winter Hill around thie same time.

Elvidentty :lOIIIe":h:!.ng w .. " over this aroa 011 Frldq tho thirt.enth.

BUeotsl Brian L;rdon alll!lr,ee that the nerl tillle he OMle to use hh Od (Sunda,:r)

he found the ligbt " would not wol'k.On ohecking he f'oun~ two blown tuses and charred wiring. Beryl thillks she reo&].ls SIIIelling the burning a t that poiDt (which ' would suU"'st that the burn-out occurred on the SWtday). Bot Brian think. it was directly linked <.th the close approBeh of tbe object and II q'1'1 he recalls his indic"tor lient tailing to ..,rk aB he tumed oft Pule Lane to head back boaIe OD the Friday.

TI:Ie _an <lot Bl')'II, who le al"o a CB oper .. tor, desoribed " story which Brian Lydon rel~ted too.lt e eem" th"t a group of CB oper .. tors up on Winter Hill BrOUnd midnight ?ridq!Saturday 1 3th/14th alflO eaw the c i gar shaped object end .... tohed it llll'd in a quarry. '!he police arrived (havillg heud the CB :nrporte) _d cleared the radio operators ott the hilltops.ln the early hours ot the morninr.,however,they saw the ob~eot depart !JOuthvard.:. and CB operator6 on Frod"twa HUl (south of "al'l'ingtonJ ,and i1l. the nerbTllhire Pennintl6;>s ..... it too.The police bave not oonfl.nlled this story (which Brian Lydon ee;:re is beolWee they should not have had CB rsdios whillJt on patrol) and the operatorll concerned have not been traced.Tbe wolllan st 1tr;rn aJ.!JO -<138 that her CB 'rig' ellitted a l territic 'soreeoh:!..ng' noise whUst the IJPO was 'on the air';> and other local CB \IlIel"!l olaillled to have heard thie too.

Conclu'idon:'!: I ....... .... This i e a ca.plicated ease, ot which we can only "eratch the wrtace here. It ehould p erhaps COlle as no eurptiee, t Ol' aDaple, to loam that Brian L;:rdon has so 1IIan;,' other parMormal. encounters to relate that another arliole thb l.ength oould" be :filled.Many 01 theee iIIvolye ghosta eeen at the IIpeive tomel' US ' Air:field at Burtonwood~llear Warrington (wheN lIrian renoT3teo old aircraft 101' a _eeua) . Other" inokude preoognitive dre_s. Tbe phYllioal effect .. 1Ia,y or mq not be r6lovl)llt . And it lllUat be 6aid that Bris.n ha!! had a tendpoy since,to view dozen" ot'UPOu' (soveral in the preaenoe ot Peter Hous!l - allot which were aircraf'tJ~ He has al."., oollle up .r:.th weird tbeorie". involving 'ree;enerating h_an.oide ' and \. ~ t tlF06 drawing powar !'rom a nearby reservoir. Jk) ... evar, tbe 1nveatigatora ru"e ouite aatietied tbat the original report does deecribe sOlletbing Ulluaual.

'l'be ge.ologJ ot the are .. aholfB IIllol17 f..ut-li. .. es close to the surtace,includ1ng the m .. j or Pannington Fault (along ... bioh a recent earlhquak::e oCCUl'red).'l'he 8l"ft. by AbrlVl llloye is virtually 01'1 top ot one such fault. In paaaing Brillll Lydon mentioned "recen1ly we dug up .. fIUl'lIrisinpy rich vein ot quartz", when talkilllJ a bout tbe local. f!:sology.ln v1.,. ot the connection betwean Q.uartz and the pie?;o_ nloctrio etfect (whioh might well e-vlain this extraordinar;r light show) Brisn was asked why he lIIent ioned this ."I tb1.nk they come here atter quartz ," was his replyl1 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000


Aerial encounter: Investipted tor DlFORA by Peter WiUTinrton to Philip TlQ'lor

. On 1'Oute trolll Gatwtek to Corfu two craw and two pll86anger8 cn board .... British Dan-Air Doein/l' 737 jet briefly ob6erved somethin6' in the ekilll'! o(ar Brin<iisi, soutbern Italy. '1'ba want OOCl.1l'r6d 011 ,TIl"e 21st 1982 and was reatured ill the n(l.tionr.l. pros" in t orm" v!ll"Ying H"", For b.u,l aeeountll to 1lUe't:estionll that the dr:hting was an oman of the birth of' t he l'Oy..J. bab:yl


I10ribu'n UJfO lleotll FIF'I'n:

AiriIorne enOO\mtar ovor Itol,. cont •••

81noe JW\e :!2 (when Peter tlarrine;to first spoke to the '\'Iilot) he and Philip 'I'qlor h.ye oontinu.d to investigate t events through relevnnt courcoo.Thi~ r.p.ato the DUcDee.tul partnership whi O$J)lained the Jnl,. 1976 rar'.:u-!v1oualin-'fI:llnnll' 1\ TJrithh J\irwo.,." Trident ovor ortugal . Phi11p T~lor had shown the "f'ill'l1al objeot to b. l'I1I erperiClent;ll bfll oon, and Feter the rMal' as ground il'l~s. at leNlt to a IIntie factory degree of p bnbility.

'!'b. Dttn-Air &oounter, Th. 737 vu on holid~ fiisht carrTing mos11y to\ll"iata • .... " ...............

About 130 powple vor. OD board ot whict. onl ,. 4 ar. known to have seen tb. obt,at.

~I h' , AI!'.A~tA . !lap) d vas heading nlona Upper Ar.Iber 14 on a ,." .. I "\; : Tb. .0.'" h'" "" ... '""""i bo~oo , ..

f\,n; Jo Ad~,,,h~ ,- be~ ot 1 25 dee;roee llN!. tor a. landinl; nt '\ 1<1 \ ~"" :(;111.l;J Ker a on Corf'u.They >lOre descending fro .. n .ooo

,~ '(; to 19. 000 tt and "t 45 nautiocl !lIiles SE of the ~, •• J,,, _ 8 ~ ~ BeaCII passing throueh 2) , 000 f't.Pilot Csp1:Rin

t Cct$~ Sch.. ~r drew the attention ot co-pllot »and ,~,

~'. e .. ..... ("" Robialeon to an objeot at their 11 o'clock pos-tion. At firnt thh WIU.I below the. bu drew level all the,. deeconded s1ithtly.

The objeat appen.r&d.. to be statioo=y::u to l1laintain ita hei{(ht.The airornf't paalod to itl right (\Od the object WM loot t view from the niahtdeck at tho 8 o'clock poeitiOIl.Dy thiD time it Ma:! nlightl:r ~~the nircrnf't' 5 height. The timo W3ll 1l.15 (liT 'Irul ths inCli~ent 1l\Shd bet~ n 30 and 60 soconde.

I n angullU' etv,e tho objeot wlUl abou hRlt that ot the moon and fro .. thi3 'both C'Nnll" gained the impreoeion that it : 01015" by them (within 2 miloe).Capt. Sohwaiger 5a.J11 his tiret thought tmJS t it vos an oircratt tyre falling to the ground, it being 'doustmut' .,bsped with a ..light deprOlleicm on the top IJ\U"tsce. When hs .. w the cbjotrt V88 not foll1ll&' ~e rejected h16 idea.David Robinaol'l thinkB the lover IlUrtaoe vas liks !UI upturned s_cer aDd the upper one rectanguJ.ar.Tho t_ ,u,~, ... (0 •• vi.it to th. ni~d_) ,._ n '''''u"u ... h .... .Ul 'O~ odtnessOll acree on " hlack, ehin;r 001 atioD.No 5PPend3lt'l1l vere lIeon. although the oo-pilot reported 1\ bright epot on he upper 8Ul"tl\Oe whioh the u&d..h, tel"lled. a vb.dow, de"Pite DaV'id Robinson a.otuall thinkiOK it Wo.rl pl'Clbably 0 sun reneation.

Thero 15 no rao:!nr ooverage tor this art ot their night end palttly due to tb1e (but molStl,. beoall"e of language ~bl"l) the inoident .. l1.li not reported to a1* t r "rfic oontrol in Corf'u, but onl,. oa return to &!.61aDd.The pa.B!leneerS by that t ae .. ere, ot onuree, lett bohirld in rf'u. to enj07 their hol1d~ arid leave the D_11l' oftioere to the media. on.lough'!;!

!~!'~~~F.'":~~: By virtue of the taot that in .... stigatol"ll who blow .. hat the,. _re dOing chssed up thin OMe lIImedh.tely~ wo were "ble to gain sccurate and TRl.ull.ble intormation about the llirorntt ' .. poo1t~on. opeed.and other oharacteristics.lt .. l1.li

!Lt -pooition N 40 3G.6, E 18 00.2~trl\.vellinG "t 280 knoto (10 un ' over the ground upeed ot sORle 350-360 ).D"5cent4Irate was approximately 1500 It per minuto.

Weather oonditions were found &a follova.It wao oloar $lid InUU\Y.Telllperaturo outeide at that height was approll:Ulate ,. lIIinWl ZOOC.'l'bo wind Wall ap'\'Iroullately

_ .t >\0 kno". ~ Tbe most- probablo oaodidato for eXl' anation has alva;:p1l boon Cl. balloon.lIrin6iei

doe. release well.ther balloons at 05. 00 and 11.00 (JfI' which IfUllt be coD.Uerod . ~, iD the pr .... ai11ng oanditiol\lJ he 05. 00 balloOD would noraally have bee:n either ca1'l"i ed .. el l beytlnd the airor "looll.tion or h(l.v. donoended by 11.15 .. ~d pr obl OlllS oeour tor the 11.00 balloon t o . To r el\Ch 45 1II11ell SE.lE!. poo!l"ibl.~g1ven the wind dirootion, but would have taken about en hour - Mhioh i ll too long. Even hsd the "e.1l00n anaooountabl:;r been lSWJ-chod illlprob",bly oarly .. in lID bO\ll" it sbould ha.o r el!.ohed 60 ,000 tt plue. So thie S"r'_1I t o be ~ten"ble.Attempt!l to dioCOVlIl' whothOl" other kind" of balloon II1gtrt t- bee" pre~ent ue still '" pr0'l r r ,,!> .

On the day in <I11eetion a NA'!O naval aerial exorciae('Deterrent Force') .. ;),!! iD coeration. Since tbe incident occurred 108e to the bordor of Italian & Greck: !dr SPII.C8 it is posdbll that nOllething frOm either country involved in the axercloo m"" NI tho culprit eg a target drone)IEtrort" to ascerttdn thi!l are ur.~.cl'WllY.

The oaoe should not be seen out ot perspective.At present we cannot ~le.in it but .. e h,lJ,"re a 6<lod opportunity ot doin~ 110 al'Id the probl\.bility ot it be tr eXplioable doe~ et thill time II.P"IlU" t o be hi.m.

northern uro Newo

FIlL\!. ',iORDS ):~:~ ~ The Dco(!T!l.ber issue or SH& !1I1\ffil,7.ine hnd AA intare.,1.in~ n.rtiole (:nre,HE to :;or) whidl featured an interview with Steven SlIielbllrg. To eet hold of him reporteJ"

)llU'ianne Orn,y l.l.ribcd the man ay l7.!ying },im " uro 3,.."t-3hirt (aee ollponite) in which DOne of you mi~ht just be intereeted.lt:l an erif'inal noaien by Pnul Yates and contains light errlttin", diodeo oonneoted to R oonoealed 9 volt battery llO the UPOo light upS An it Dhow di(lc8 over stonehe~ Paul "Intee irI olearly nu-fnit with tbe lateet researoh ioe~.I wonder whnt ooQminion PMUl Dev­ereux in g1Ittint;1 The sweat3hi:t't ill 'luito wnehable :.:Id oo~ta .. 19 and you oan eet it mnil order from 101 Oliw lloM London llW2 quR .Or from hie ahll at the Covent Garden IDarket in London (Wed. 'Phurs in the Ap~le Market

Sat\U"d~s in the Ju.bilee J.1arket) . In -the interview ';pielber g ea1(! a.bout ~70 entities ••• 'For me -they exist. They !U"e oxoi""ille: I'n<:! interesting and I 'te1ieve that wo bl(lll'le 'the spiritB' for our own nOBsible subconeo!oulI. ' App~fI,11.tly he 'lont hie innooenoe with III ET creature in >l !lolida;r Inn, apl17, and at 24 hflll hin rirnt enoounter with a poltergeist in ... haunted Teu.s hotlll . He ewn had n oar_ntop 'Xtlerlence! A Ws:r lad - eh. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

IF All • X' !PP ~\RS nr 'r:iIS BOX YOUR SUBSCIUPTIOII IS OV:i:IUX.IE. x PLKAS:': NOTE: 3ubael"iption io \':4.20 for all 1 983 i:';m1ea (:sill' editions due) . Cheoues eto should be iliad!'! lH\:r,,~le to NUFON or Northern UFO Netwo;-lI: and lI2! e/o Jenny Handles •••• ThMk You. .,)lJ .•.. J,3 w,n 'uver )""".r- 1'I:.!3 s ... b jjJ!. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

MEn' ;::;;;,-ua ••• Lots of el'oitin .. things, including (hopef'ull:r) B review of tbe Anglo/"?reneh 11J'O/OIJlII confcronee.Jillus (I. deta:11ed report on ' The Case of the .alent 'lulonn· ••• s I!Iulti-witne'ls &, movie-film encounter h'om the Eaot Y.idJ.endII. 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 . , CALEiIDEa • •• Sat Jo'ebruary 5 7~m ilUPORA leoture Kensington Librnry

' To Ride Peneazrun ' Sa.t/Sun February 19/20

Richard Bl!ct (SIGAP) UPO/Ofll Anv.o-Frenoh confllrence

in Boulor.ne s., Mnrch. 5 7;>1' BtrFORA looture KenllinrrJ;on Library '~notic Rer,r"ssioD - Hher" noW'?' Harry Hal'rie (KUPORA)

Augullt 27 , 28 I'< 29 Inhrnational Congress Lan" End,nr High Wyoolllbe (including 1I,ynek., Fried:nan,Rut:Ledge ,$; many othere) (Book:!.nl!S from JlUFORA oomrnelloing the be'tinninlf IIf April)

00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 UFO R3S&UlCH ?IOlM'H. •••• ::ruFOll Re610nal Gro1lJ'5

3cUPOII (Scotland) 41 Leven Court Alloa ClaC:a.&nanehire Sootln.nd liLOPOIO (J! . Lan09\C\.u:Ibria) a Beulah .\ve r.oreeMlbe Lnnes j}IGAP S.Lancs 24 3ent Fold Drivo Unsworth Bury IlL9 8110 I' IGAP Mllrseyside) 133 Il1nckley Rd Islands Brow st Helens \'All 8Jx I:m'ORA ot l:cr.Che~hir,,) 'i ~Iorth Ave Burnae;e NNlche llter JU9 21(R TlIF03 if YOrkSl 3 lIarley Villas Vietori p. Rd Todmorrlon ;fest 'forks J:;PR $ YorkI'! 17 Old 'ulU"ry Ave 1-talcs :Thl!!'field 3}1 aRW J1BJRJ hUJllberdde) ~ lestfi old Cottl'l.o":e Crowle Bank Rd ,ui:hoI'lle DNl7 3W llUFOIJ N.>tts & Dllrby!!) 433 ~!eMow L .. -.ne tlottine:n..1IP :1G2 3GB

* IJtWU r'i l"s are :o.Qoegseble % Syd Henley at th" 1I0ttineham addre"" above

m RE,3-;;".RCi! i-JI!lL.urns (I}rouM in LeicosterGhire t-, other midl<lIlds oountios) areh~n Hall '.3 Linden ad J inc.kley Lilies LElO OAR
