these 9 reasons say, "take a look"

B.F.Goodrich; Do you need a material that acts like rubber, but is tough- er than any rubber you ever saw? The answer could be here, in thermoplastic Estane polyurethane. There are at least 9 reasons why you should take an inquiring look. 1. tOUGHNESS. In fuel con- tainers, Estane polyurethane withstood the shock of crash tests far beyond similar metal containers. 2. ABRASION RESISTANCE. Stands up against- sharp ocean coral when used in geodetic buoy anchor lines. 3. TENSILE STRENGTH. At 73°F 5,800 lbs. per square inch. 4. LOW-TEMPERATURE PERFORMANCE. Traveled under the North Pole as con- ning tower cable on atomic submarine. 5. FUEL AND CHEMICAL RE- SISTANCE. High resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbons, hydraulic fluids, and fuel for hose, containers, diaphragms, and belts. 6. E A S Y PROCESSING on standard thermoplastic equipment. 7. RESISTANCE TO GAMMA RADIATION. Stays strong and flexible even after exposures up to 100 mega- roentgens. 8. FABRICATION FLEXIBIL- ITY . . . extrusion, molding, calendering, coating. 9 REPROCESSIBILITY. Scrap can be recycled. For the complete story on Estane polyurethane materials, including applications brochure (G-27) with sample of Estane material, write B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company, Department DF-10, 3135 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 15, Ohio. In Canada: Kitchener, Ont. B.F.Goodrich Chemical a division of The B.F.Goodrich Company 98 C & E N These 9 reasons say, Take a look Estane

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Post on 14-Feb-2017




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Do you need a material that acts like rubber, but i s tough­er than any rubber you ever s a w ? T h e a n s w e r could be here, in thermoplastic Estane polyurethane. There are at l e a s t 9 r e a s o n s w h y y o u should take an inquiring look.

1. t O U G H N E S S . In fuel con­tainers, Estane polyurethane withstood the shock of crash tests far beyond similar metal containers.

2. ABRASION RESISTANCE. S t a n d s up a g a i n s t - s h a r p

o c e a n coral w h e n u s e d in geodetic buoy anchor l ines .

3. TENSILE STRENGTH. At 73°F — 5,800 lbs . per s q u a r e inch.

4. L O W - T E M P E R A T U R E PERFORMANCE. Trave led under the North Pole a s con­ning tower cable on atomic submarine.

5. FUEL AND CHEMICAL RE­SISTANCE. High resistance to a l iphat ic h y d r o c a r b o n s , hydraulic fluids, and fuel for

hose, containers, diaphragms, and belts. 6. E A S Y P R O C E S S I N G o n s t a n d a r d t h e r m o p l a s t i c equipment.

7. RESISTANCE TO GAMMA RADIATION. S t a y s s t r o n g a n d f l e x i b l e e v e n a f t e r e x p o s u r e s up to 100 m e g a -roentgens.

8. FABRICATION FLEXIBIL­ITY . . . extrus ion, molding, calendering, coating.

9 R E P R O C E S S I B I L I T Y . Scrap can be recycled.

For the complete story on Estane polyurethane materials, including applications brochure (G-27) with sample of Estane material, write B.F.Goodrich Chemical Company, Department

DF-10, 3135 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland 15, Ohio. In Canada: Kitchener, Ont.

B.F.Goodrich Chemical a division of The B.F.Goodrich Company

98 C & E N

These 9 reasons


Take a look
