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TheSeven Chakra Energy A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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Get to Know Y O U R C H A K R A S

Chakras are energy centers in the body that play an important role in our physical, mental, and spiritual wellbeing. Understanding this mind-body energy system is essential for becoming the most vibrant, healthy, and radiant version of


The Sanskrit word Chakra literally translates to “wheel” or “disk.” In yoga, meditation, and Ayurveda, this term refers to wheels of energy throughout the body. To visualize a chakra in the body, imagine a swirling wheel of life-giving energy – the vital force

that animates us and all living things.

Since everything in the mind-body energy system is moving, it’s essential that your seven main chakras stay open, aligned, and fluid. If there’s a blockage, the flow of energy is constricted –

like water forced to run through a narrow pipe. So it is too with our bodies and the chakras. The key to unblock, move, and transform your energy – so that you can reach your highest

mental, physical, and spiritual potential – is simple: awareness.

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THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers1

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2GET TO KNOW Your Chakras

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Located at the base of the spine, the pelvic floor, and the first three vertebrae, the root chakra or Muladhara is responsible for your sense of safety and security on this earthly journey.

Balancing the root chakra creates the solid foundation for opening the entire chakra system. Imagine that you’re laying the foundation for a house in which you’re going to live for a long time. A solid foundation embedded in firm soil will provide the stability you need to create a home filled with joy for years to come.

The first chakra is comprised of whatever grounds you to stability in your life. This includes your basic needs such as food, water, shelter, and safety, as well as your more emotional needs such as letting go of fear. When these needs are met, you feel grounded and safe, and tend to worry less day to day. IMBALANCES IN THE ROOT CHAKRA

If there is an imbalance in the root chakra, you may experience anxiety disorders, unfounded fears, or nightmares. Physical imbalances can manifest as problems in the colon, with the bladder, with elimination, or with lower back, leg, or feet issues. In men, prostate problems might occur. Eating disorders may also be a sign of a root chakra imbalance.


THE ROOT CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences physical identity,

stability, and sense of safety.

How to Balance

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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MULADHARA: The Root Chakra 4

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The second chakra, Svadhisthana, is also known as the creativity and sexual chakra. It is located above the pubic bone – below the navel – and encompasses the genital region and the hypogastric plexus.

The focus of the sacral chakra is creativity. As humans, it is part of our nature to create. When we use our creative energy – whether it is through cooking, baking, gardening, procreating, or even finding a new solution to an old problem – we are opening our second chakra. A balanced sacral chakra leads to feelings of wellness, abundance, pleasure, and joy. IMBALANCES IN THE SACRAL CHAKRA

When this chakra is out of balance, you may experience emotional instability, creative blocks, fear of change, sexual dysfunction, depression, or addictions.


THE SACRAL CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences emotional identity,

creativity, and desire.

How to Balance

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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SVADHISTHANA: The Sacral Chakra 6

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THE SOLAR PLEXUS CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences ego identity,

personal power, and ambition.

How to Balance


The third chakra is called Manipura, which means “lustrous gem.” Located around the navel in the area of the solar plexus and up to the breastbone, it is a source of personal power and governs self-esteem, warrior energy, and the power of transformation. The Manipura chakra also controls metabolism and digestion.

When you feel self-confident, have a strong sense of purpose, and are self-motivated, your third chakra is open and healthy. Having clear goals, desires, and intentions allows you to move forward and achieve them. Each small step you take while honoring the larger intention helps to strengthen your third chakra. You can harness the power of Manipura to assert your will in a healthy way and achieve any goal you set out to accomplish.


If your third chakra is out of balance, you can suffer from low self-esteem, have difficulty making decisions, and may have anger or control issues. The digestive fire, called Agni, is also present in the third chakra – weak digestion may indicate a blockage.

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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MANIPURA: The Solar Plexus Chakra 8

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THE HEART CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences social identity,

love, and relationships.

How to Balance


The fourth chakra, also referred to as the heart chakra, is located at the center of the chest and includes the heart, cardiac plexus, thymus gland, lungs, and breasts. It also rules the lymphatic system.

The Sanskrit word for the fourth chakra is Anahata, which means “unstruck” or “unhurt.” The name implies that beneath the pains and grievances of past experiences lies a pure and spiritual place where no hurt exists. When your heart chakra is open, you are flowing with love and compassion, you are quick to forgive, and you accept others and yourself.


A closed heart chakra can give way to grief, anger, jealousy, fear of betrayal, and hatred toward yourself and others. Physical imbalances may manifest as heart conditions, respiratory problems, or upper-back pain.

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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ANAHATA: The Heart Chakra 10

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THE THROAT CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences self-expression,

communication, and integrity.

How to Balance


In the area of the throat, the fifth chakra, or Vishuddha, governs the anatomical regions of the thyroid, parathyroid, jaw, neck, mouth, tongue, and larynx. To be open and aligned in the fifth chakra is to speak, listen, and express yourself from a higher form of communication. Faith and understanding combine the essence of the Vishuddha chakra.

Work on the lower chakras will help prepare you for this level of communication. For example, when you align the first and second chakras, it helps with overcoming fear. Opening the third chakra helps you to feel your personal power and have the confidence to express yourself. Knowing what’s in your heart comes when you align the fourth chakra. Then, when verbalizing your needs, desires, and opinions, you’re better able to determine how to be truthful to yourself and others.


If your throat chakra is out of balance, this may manifest as difficulty communicating and expressing your feelings, indecision, and mood swings. Thyroid problems, a sore throat or stiff neck, and tooth and gum issues may also be a sign of fifth chakra imbalance.

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THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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VISHUDDHA: The Throat Chakra 12

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THE THIRD EYE CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences self-reflection,

intuition, and clarity of sight.

How to Balance


The sixth chakra, Ajna, is in the area of the third eye, which is found in the space between the eyebrows. It encompasses the pituitary gland, eyes, head, and lower part of the brain. A spiritual chakra which means “beyond wisdom,” this is your center of intuition. Ajna leads you to an inner knowledge that will guide you if you let it. An open sixth chakra can enable expanded imagination, visualization, clairvoyance, telepathy, and lucid dreaming.

Your intuition is like a “sixth sense” that grows stronger as you open your third eye, something you can look to for guidance in making the right decisions. With a blocked sixth chakra, only the mind, intellect, and ego are used in the decision-making process. When the third eye is open, however, the soul becomes involved as well. Pay attention to a hunch or a subtle feeling of moving forward or holding back. If you are conflicted, ask for your sense of intuition to be opened in order to help you make the right choice.


If there is an imbalance in the sixth chakra you may experience poor intuition, lack of concentration, impaired judgment, confusion, or depression. Physical imbalances may manifest as headaches, trouble sleeping, or nightmares.

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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AJNA: The Third Eye Chakra 14

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THE CROWN CHAKRA Heal the chakra that influences self-knowledge,

spirituality, and connection to the divine.

How to Balance


The seventh chakra, Sahaswara, is referred to as the thousand-petal lotus chakra. Of the seven main chakras, this one is highest on the body, located at the crown of the head. Sahaswara is our source of enlightenment and spiritual connection to our higher selves, to every being on the planet, and ultimately to the divine energy that creates everything in the universe.

While many of us have the demands of daily living and the busy minds that accompany these demands, reaching enlightenment may not be as far off as it appears. Practicing meditation, prayer, or daily silence are disciplines that lead to increased moments of spiritual connection. Once you’ve established a daily practice of these activities that connect you to universal consciousness, you will see expansion of spiritual awareness in your outer world. You will begin to experience unconditional love on a consistent basis. You will be more compassionate, kind, and forgiving, and show more humility. Life will become less about you and more about serving others because when you serve others, you are serving yourself.


A closed crown chakra can lead to lack of inspiration, aimlessness, feelings of loneliness, excessive materialism, lack of spiritual connections, and difficulty meditating. Physical imbalances may manifest as exhaustion, sensitivity to light and sounds, poor sleep habits, or migraines and tension headaches.

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THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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SAHASWARA: The Crown Chakra 16

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Awareness of which of your chakras may be blocked is key to aligning them. Our mind-body system is in constant flux between balance and imbalance – only when we become aware of our imbalances can we take the necessary steps to move toward a state of wholeness. As you integrate the information in this guide into your daily life, your chakras will begin to open and you will shine with the brilliance of your true self.

To learn more about balancing your mind-body system, visit

THE SEVEN CHAKRAS A Guide to Opening and Balancing Your Energy Centers

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18AWARENESS: The Key to Balancing The Chakras

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7 Chakra Energy Healing Crystals and Chakra Balancing

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1:

Introduction To Reiki

Chapter 2:

Learning About Reiki

Chapter 3:

Reiki's Negative Side

Chapter 4:

Considering Reiki For Health

Chapter 5:

Solving Problems The Reiki Way

Chapter 6:

More Advantages Of Reiki

Chapter 7:

Using Reiki Effectively

Chapter 8:

Other Treatment Benefits Of Reiki

Chapter 9:

What To Look For When Choosing Reiki

Chapter 10:

The Pitfalls Of Not Using Reiki

Wrapping Up

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Looked upon as a mysterious practice, reiki originated from

Japan, around 1922. Started by a Japanese Buddhist, this

practice of purported healing basically uses the palm of an

individual to emit positive healing energy unto the patient.

Sometimes reiki is referred to as oriental style treatment by

professional medical bodies.

Basic Reiki

Learn About The Natural Healing Energies Of Reiki

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Chapter 1:

Introduction To Reiki


Divided into two loosely termed branches reiki is sometimes

known as Japanese Reiki and Western Reiki.

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The Basics

Generally categorized into three main stages of expertise,

such as first degree, second degree, and third degree, a reiki

practitioner is able to heal himself or herself and also others.

The second degree practitioner had the ability to heal others

from a distance, also known as distance healing. The third

and highest degree is the ultimate level where the

practitioner is now thoroughly well versed and equipped with

the necessary knowledge and skill to teach and attune

others to the practice of reiki.

Simply put, reiki is a form of healing using the holistic

concept without the use of medications of any sort. The reiki

practitioner typically places his or her hands over the

individual needing the healing. The belief is that the positive

energy is then drawn by the recipient to enhance the natural

healing processes. There are even some seemingly bizarre

claims that the healing energy is self seeking and can “zero”

in on the injury to commence the healing process.

The dominant factor in reiki is the positive energy it is

purported to emit for healing purposes. As the energy of the

practitioner is expected to be at optimum levels and of

course ideally positive, there are certain requirements a

successful reiki practitioner needs to follow. Keeping the

body and mind as pure as possible is one of the


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Some people believe the Japanese reiki is more focus and

intuitive to specific areas that need the healing, as opposed

to the western reiki style that generally treats the whole


Chapter 2:

Learning About Reiki


Though reiki has been around for some time, it is only in

recent times it is slowly becoming a viable alternative to

seeking conventional medical treatments. Learning or

acquiring this art form does not require extensive intellectual

capacities, nor does it require years of study to master. The

beauty of reiki is that it is so accessible that the tenants can

be passed on from teacher to student without much


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Getting Schooled

Achieving the purest and clearest mind set is the basis of

reiki because the energy needed to make a successful

transfer to another individual for healing purposes consists

of positive energy. Some people even connect this to being

one with body and mind which yet some others say has a

certain connection directly to God.

Some people who have taken this art form very seriously

attest to having psychic sensitivity. Some even claim to

have the “third eye” capabilities, increased awareness of the

surroundings even to its molecular levels.

All these serve practically when addressing one’s general

health issues. The ability to harness this positive energy

translates to the ability to heal and be healed. People who

don’t want to go through extensive western style medical

processes sometimes find miraculous results when reiki is

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practiced. Reiki is an element that once learnt and mastered

stays with the individual for life. It is not something that can

be forgotten easily.

The successful practice of reiki affects the body, mind, and

emotions. As toxins that are stored in the body system over

time are often attributed to causing much negativity in the

body, practicing reiki enables the release process to begin,

using positive energy. Understanding the seriousness of

negative energy impacts, enables reiki to be an effective

means of gaining optimum health conditions.

However to successfully practice reiki, one has to be

prepared to make certain lifestyle changes. These

requirements all have beneficial qualities.

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Chapter 3:

Reiki's Negative Side


As with anything in life, there are always good and bad

sides. Reiki proves to be no different. Making the decision to

embark on the process of acquiring reiki skills takes time

and effort. A certain amount of commitment and

perseverance is expected which is sometimes difficult to

muster in this “instant gratification” expectations of today’s


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What To Watch For

To ensure the potential reiki practitioner is able to garner

positive energy, certain sacrifices needs to be made.

Refraining from consuming meat, fowl or fish a few days

before attempting a reiki session is a prerequisite.

As purity is the ultimate goal when practicing reiki,

consuming food and drink items that contain drug,

pesticides, toxins and other negative ingredients are

strongly forbidden. These negative elements cause the body

system to be thrown off balance and so disrupting the

smooth flow of positive energy.

Going on a water of just juice fast is encouraged. Minimizing

caffeine intake or cutting it out altogether is also required.

These elements also create imbalance in the nervous and

endocrine system. Other things to avoid at least three days

before practicing a reiki session are alcohol, sweets, and


Keeping a quiet and peaceful lifestyle is also encouraged,

however this may prove to be difficult in the fast pace

surroundings of everyday life. Reducing exposure to outside

negative elements is also necessary, thus watching TV,

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listening to unsettling music and reading distressing news

are all discouraged.

Keeping away from all other negative mental states, like,

anger, fear, jealousy, hate, worry are important, as these

emotions can block a person from achieving a successful

reiki session.

In some extreme cases, reiki practitioners tend to ostracize

themselves from others, simply because they consider those

around them “contaminated” and full of negative energy,

which they don’t want to be connected to.

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Chapter 4:

Considering Reiki For Health


Finding out one is suffering from a certain disease can be

frightening. Then to be bombarded with a lot of procedures

and processors add to the already stressful state. Besides all

this, having to choose from the various options available for

the treatment of the said health problems can be quite

confusing to say the least.

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A Mind Opener

When an easy and non invasive option is available, coupled

with the possible health recovery tag, most people are keen

to explore these avenues of healing. However embarking on

the reiki style of treatment, should never be at the expense

of discontinuing all other current medications, or other

ongoing medical procedures.

Reiki is a holistic style of treatment which is meant at its

early stage to compliment any preexisting treatment the

patient may be undergoing. The reiki element is meant to

work with the positive energy derived to combat any

preexisting negatives in the body system. As reiki energy is

meant to be dispersed according to the particular area

needing the positive energy, prior diagnoses or prescriptions

are unnecessary. Besides being unnecessary it is also

unethical to make any such recommendations.

People is severe medical conditions have made claims of a

certain percentage of success after using reiki as an added

and complimenting healing feature. The positive energy

emitted from the reiki practitioner unto the recipient is often

noted as very calming and helpful. With this positive energy

flowing through the recipient’s body some of the medically

impaired elements can be eradicated to a certain extent. If

continued for a longer period of time, if is even possible to

eradicate the ailment altogether.

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For an individual that takes his or her health for granted and

does not really take precautions to keep a healthy diet and

lifestyle, taking up reiki can be the turning point to a better

understanding of the importance of good health and mind


Chapter 5:

Solving Problems The Reiki Way


Almost everyone who has had some encounters with the

reiki world of positive energy practices sings its praises.

Touted to be a beautiful and calming practice, many believe

it is one art form the world at large can benefit from being

exposed to it.

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The Benefits

Most diseases, mind conditions and even the abuse of the

environment has been linked to the negative elements at

one time or another. The practice of reiki, can to some

extent eliminate this negative aspect or energy, and replace

it with positive energy.

Reiki’s positive energy addresses the mind, body, and

surroundings that connect it altogether one way or another.

When reiki is used to address the mind, elements like the

thought process, can be tuned to only consist of positive


When the state of mind is trained to always be positive, a lot

of good can be achieved and even transcend into the

surroundings. Besides the thought process, the reiki style of

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transferring positive energy unto another can help create a

better state of actual mental health. Headaches, migraines,

stress, and other brain related problems can be successfully

addressed with the positive energy of reiki.

Considered to be relatively “free”, reiki art of transferring

positive energy also works when applied to address ailments

in the body. This positive reiki energy is used to flush out

any negative energy which may be contributing to the ill

health of the individual.

Reiki’s positive energy transfer does not involve any amount

of pain or discomfort. In fact most people have attested to

experiencing a comforting warm feeling which in some cases

causes such relaxation that dozing off during a session is not


Reiki has also been known for its distance healing abilities.

This unusual feature is another advantage to those seeking

this type of healing to compliment an ongoing medicinal

regiment. An experienced reiki practitioner can transfer

positive energy through quiet meditation quite successfully.

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Chapter 6:

More Advantages Of Reiki


Reiki is an ancient form of harnessing positive energy from

one source and transferring it on to another, for healing


Practicing reiki brings many advantages into an individual’s

life. The more popularly and common benefits from

practicing reiki are; relief from mental and physical stress,

relaxation, comfort in body and mind and surroundings and

peace, to name a few.

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A Few More Advantages

There are also other little known advantages to practicing

reiki, though none any less beneficial. Some reiki

practitioners practice this art form to induce spiritual clarity.

In offering the relief needed during emotional distress and

sorrow, reiki helps one be more connected to the center of

one’s spirituality, thus preventing the state of mind and

body to feel totally drained.

Reiki also works to relief pain while improving the general

blood circulation throughout the body. In doing so, reiki can

also contribute to hastening the stoppage of small bleeding

wounds. Some reiki practitioners also attest to the benefits

of the cleansing element reiki can effect in the liver, arteries,

spleen, gall bladder, and lungs. There are many other

illnesses or ailment the reiki has been found to play a

positive role when introduced as a complimenting therapy to

ongoing medical procedures or medications. Some of these

medical conditions have to be endured with considerable

pain before reiki was introduced, to bring the much needed

relief, at least from the pain enduring angle.

Some medical conditions are generally linked to some kind

of imbalance and reiki has also made positive in road in the

area. Medical conditions such as chronic and acute nose

bleeds, chronic insomnia, depression, menopause to name a

few are where reiki has been a positive benefit.

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Reiki has also been known to be used to speed up the

recovery process after surgery. The positive energy

transference helps to bring about a positive and quick

recovery, without the use of further adding on any


Chapter 7:

Using Reiki Effectively


When undergoing treatment for a particular medical

condition, the individual often has to contend with various

other negative elements.

These added negative elements further stress the mind and

body of the individual and may sometimes cause other

complications or at best a slower recovery rate.

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Putting It Into Action

Some people have found that by adding the use of reiki to

their ongoing medical regiment, positive results have been

noticed. Such noticeably positive results range from faster

recovery to actually cutting down on some medication that

are no longer needed to treat the medical condition due to

the positive energy garnered from reiki.

Ideally reiki should be practiced for a reasonable amount of

time before some positive results can be expected. In doing

so, one can also feel the changes in other areas, such as the

new mental capabilities brought on by the positive energy.

In order to benefit from reiki effectively, the exercise of

transferring positive energy must be done with the

recipient’s cooperation and wiliness to explore this style of

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healing. A positive mind set is almost a prerequisite to the

success of a reiki exercise.

Many scientific researchers today are willing to acknowledge

the power in positive energy, when it used for its healing

potential. Scientists are often a skeptical bunch, and for this

sort of acknowledgment to be forth coming, proves that reiki

can be a beneficial tool in helping the healing process. Some

even go as far as to say the positive element is permanently

contained in every individual and learning to tap into this

energy has a high potential in guarding one’s health.

The best way to use reiki for the purpose of healing or

simply to gain a holistically healthy state of body and mind

is to experience the process itself. As there are no known

side effects, reiki is considered a safe endeavor, to embark


Chapter 8:

Other Treatment Benefits Of Reiki


Everyday there are new discoveries in the medical field.

Some encouraging while other aren’t. Yet others may be

quite costly to even consider, so when a discovery like reiki

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comes to light it can be a blessing to many needing this type

of promising relief.

Additional Discoveries

Though reiki has been around for a long time and practiced

successfully in many ancient cultures, mostly Asian, it is fast

gaining popularity with the younger set of people.

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Some athletes have opted to use this method of healing to

compliment their ongoing medical treatments with

astounding results.

Using the positive energy the reiki style of treatment is

based on, to counter act the negative elements of an injury,

the healing process of many athletes today have taken on a

faster pace.

Adding to this surprisingly faster healing time frame is the

“better than before” condition of the injury affected area.

Some new break-throughs have also been made, with the

usage of reiki in areas where the Aids disease has caused

untold misery to many individuals.

This promising state of using reiki as the positive energy to

combat all the negative elements brought on by the Aids

disease is encouraging many people to try out reiki.

Distance healing using the reiki technique is another

effective way of healing an ailment. As it is not always

convenient or even possible to be by a patient’s side for

various reasons, opting to use reiki is not only currently

widely practiced but also touted to be just as effective in

providing the much need relief and healing.

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Some people, who have practiced reiki for long periods of

time, have even been documented to be promoting this style

of healing for pets.

In trying to seek the best treatment for the beloved pet,

some individuals have turned to reiki for its non invasive and

gentle style of treatment. There are many reported cases of

success as this style does not further stress the already

unwell pet.

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Chapter 9:

What To Look For When Choosing Reiki


If one is in the midst of making the decision to embark upon

the reiki experience if would be prudent to first find out as

much as possible about this art form.

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Things To Consider

Some of the areas suggested, to be looked into before

making the relevant choices like where, when, who etc….are

as follows:

• Reiki benefits

• Treatment process

• Reiki credentials

• Treatment rates – if any

• Reiki training

• Reiki workshops and testimonial

• Credited reiki practitioners

• Possible tools and materials

When doing the necessary research it should be noted that

surfing the net for the specific needs takes time and

patience. When it comes to the subject of reiki, there is not

only a lot of information available but some of this

information can be quite contradictory.

The contradiction arises from the different ideas and

philosophies involved in the research and practice of this art

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form. Though confusing at times, the various testimonial

available for perusal can help make an informed decision.

Using the internet to help locate the nearest suitable centre,

group or society practicing reiki is also a good idea. Several

reading material can also be sourced to provide information

about the reiki art form of healing and holistic approach to

the body and mind.

However it should be noted that this particular art form can

sometimes be quite individualistic. Many people have

successfully practiced the art of reiki on themselves.

The reiki style makes it possible to use this art form to treat

the body and mind without necessarily having the angel of

healing in mind. Reiki can just be used individually to create

a positive atmosphere for the enjoyment and comfort within

one’s own privacy.

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Chapter 10:

The Pitfalls Of Not Using Reiki


Most illnesses or ailments today require some form of

invasive medical attention. When an individual first discovers

the presence of a possible negative health condition, the

anxiety levels of the individual is bound to be taken to the


Thus any introduction of a non invasive alternative or

complimenting treatment or therapy can be very comforting.

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What You Could Be Missing

Being a practice of transferring positive energy into a

negative environment, reiki provides the necessary leverage

often needed to combat a negative state of health which is

causing or has caused the presence of a disease.

In not exploring the possibility of using reiki for treatment of

health conditions, a great loss of possible recovery or

arresting of the medical condition cannot be realized. Reiki

not only helps in the physical healing process but it also

helps in the mental state of mind.

A lot of medical problems seemingly starts or is attributed to

the state of mind of an individual, thus by using reiki the

first step in combating the ailment, or illness can commence.

As reiki can be performed on oneself, reiki can also be

practiced regularly to eventually bring about a positive

outlook in life. With a better mental state of mind, which

contributes to a positive outlook the quality of life enjoyed

by the individual can be very rewarding indeed.

Although not much research has been done to create

conclusive evidence, some sources have attested to the

overall positive experience during pregnancy when reiki is

practiced. This deduction is made simply on the basis of

having a lot of positive energy both in body and mind

through the practice of reiki. Because of this said positive

energy which surrounds the expectant mother, the condition

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and well being of the baby is also assured. Happier and

healthier babies are the positive by product of practicing the

reiki art form.

Wrapping Up

You might have turned to the yellow pages of your

phonebook in search of a Reiki practitioner in your

community. Nevertheless, very few practitioners advertise

their services utilizing this media. Reiki practitioners work

out of clinics, hospitals, spas, and home businesses.

A few practitioners supply house-calls, traveling to your

location to present treatments. Check into message board

postings in natural grocery stores, metaphysical stores, yoga

classes, community colleges, and so forth. Reiki practitioners

frequently rely on word of mouth from their regular

customers in attracting new ones.

There are a lot of different types of Reiki systems, so make

sure to ask any questions you might have about a

practitioner’s services before you book a session.

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Legal Disclaimers & Notices ............................................................................ 2

Contents ............................................................................................................. 3

What Is Spiritual Healing? ................................................................................ 4

History of Spiritual Healing .............................................................................. 5

Shamanism ........................................................................................................ 7

Altered Mental State Healing ............................................................................ 9

Yoga ................................................................................................................. 10

The Chakras ..................................................................................................... 18

Conclusion ....................................................................................................... 22

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What Is Spiritual Healing?

Spiritual healing is the ability of your mind and soul to repair your ailments.

These ailments are not limited mere physical wounds, but can also relate to

mental illness and self esteem issues. Many modern day physicians invoke the

idea of spiritual healing along with western medicine as a means to promote

the health of their patients.

The belief that a healthy mind equals a healthy body is not new to anyone.

However, the idea that a positive spiritual existence might heal the body is

sometimes misunderstood.

But, those who carefully examine their own lives can probably see where their

mental state inflicts harm on their physical health. An easy example is the

“when it rains it pours” syndrome. Just when everything seems to be going

poorly some people find that they wind up physically sick. It is hard to believe

that the two are not in some way connected. The same can be said for working

things in reverse. Start feeling positive and having a more balanced energy

and physical illness can also dissipate.

Spiritual healing is often associated with religion and faith healing. There are

many religions, including Christianity, that believe strongly in the power of

prayer to heal illness. The belief in divine intervention has been widely

documented. The laying of hands or other religious rituals are claimed to heal

everything from cancer to blindness. This is not the same as spiritually healing

your soul so that your body can be more healthy.

True spiritual healing requires work on ones self. It requires you to figure out

how to get your body and energy into focused balance. There may be relation

to the belief in a higher power along with meditation, but in this context it is

not specifically about divine intervention.

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History of Spiritual Healing

Spiritual healing has been around for ages. Ancient Egyptians and Greeks

went to their priest-physicians when they needed help. One of the most

famous pf these priest-physicians was Hippocrates, who brought standards to

medical practices around 400 BC. He believed that they best approach to a

diagnosis included observing nature, life, and a natural healing process.

Today medical doctors still take the Hippocratic oath when they become


North American Spiritual Healing History

In America most people are familiar with the idea of an Indian Medicine Man.

Some Hollywood depictions paint a caricature of the actual practices used by

indigenous American people. Native Americans believe that any healing

process should be completely holistic.

Sometimes their rituals involved entire families if not the whole community.

They analyzed dreams and stressed ridding the body of toxins through special

baths, fasting, and the use of herbs. They also prayed to their higher powers

through music, chant, drumming, and dance. Native Americans believe in

healing a person, not necessarily a disease.

The traditional Medicine Man, or Woman, as the case often was, watched the

goings on in their environment. They observed the animal life, birds, climate,

and other actions or changes to determine whether the future would be

successful or difficult.

The Maya Indians used the sun cycles, moon cycles, eclipses, and the

movement of Venus to plan their lives. They prayed for protection from evil

in themselves and in their community. They believed that everything, even

vegetation and minerals had a life force. They respected animals and only

killed them for food, then asking for the spirit of the animal to be returned to

the animal kingdom.

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Sweat Lodges

Sweat lodges or medicine lodges have gained certain notoriety due to an

incident in Arizona where several people died in a non-Native American

sweat lodge. The Lakota Nation has actually filed suit against the owners of

that lodge for desecrating their beliefs and violating peace between Americans

and the Lakota nation for using a sweat lodge improperly.

In Native American culture these lodges are used to promote health and

community among their people. These lodges are tent type structures or dug

out of the ground with planks for tops. They use heated rocks to provide heat

within the structure. Sometimes the orientation of a lodge directs it toward a

specific spirit. Often they face East with a sacred fire burning just outside of

the lodge. These lodges are sacred to the Native American people. The ritual

includes either silence or chanting along with offerings and prayer.

Medicine Men or Women will be in charge of the sweat lodge, the purpose of

sweating is to drive out negative spirits from the body. There is also a raised

state of consciousness that comes with the rise in body temperature. This

allows participants to reach the spirit world on a personal level. It is in this

context that true healing is said to begin. The Native Americans do not mix

the sexes in their sweats nor do they attend in the nude. This is in contrast to

some new age sweats, and is in keeping with their traditional sacred nature.

Many Native American Spiritual healing practices were outlawed until 1978.

At that time the American Indian Religious Freedom Act was passed allowing

activities and rituals to again be practiced. There have been difficulties as

some of the land once used to consecrate their rituals now serves other

purposes. However, in the Native American or American Indian medical

system the use of traditional practices and rituals is still sometimes used.

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Shamanism is a range of beliefs or practices that involve communication with

the spirit world. The Shaman is known as the practitioner of said craft.

The Shaman is able to:

Treat illness and serve as healers.

Enter supernatural realms to receive answers to problems within their


Be the intermediary between the human and the spirit world.

Lead a sacrifice.

Tell stories or songs to preserve their tradition.

Tell fortunes.

Although there are many differences in the different beliefs that comprise

Shamanism there are some common threads shared by all. Shamanism itself is

made up of the idea that the world is pervaded by forces that are invisible by

that affect the living.

They believe that the cause of a disease is in the spiritual realm such as evil

spirits or witchcraft. They use both spiritual and physical systems to heal these

ailments. The Shaman will confront the spirit that is causing illness by

entering into the sick persons body. They banish the infectious spirit and

bring healing to their patient. They are also experts in plant life and will

prescribe herbs for treatment.

In the modern communities the belief in Shamanism has grown. It reflects a

path to knowledge rather then a specific faith. It is a belief instead of the

reality of spirits, not necessarily reflected in particular cultural group. They

believe in what is called the axis mundi or a pathway between heaven and

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earth for the sole purpose of spiritual contacts. The term ecstasy is used to

refer to the wholeness that is created when these spirits are reached. It is a

personal quest for inner power and knowledge. A practitioner of Shamanism

can live in both the real world and the spirit world, having achieved balance.

Those who have reached this point of balance say they feel more comfortable

with themselves and the world around them. Obstacles that had previously

stood in the way of their achievements are removed. Those who are ill have

new energy that heals them.

Westernized shamans will use spiritual extraction, past life regression therapy,

and hypnosis to reach the spiritual balance that provides healing.

Shamanism has been called into question as an occult because of the practice

of channeling spirits that take the form of animals. Some of the plants that are

used have hallucinogenic properties which also promote the belief that it is of

the occult. In North America, notably among the Navajo the use of Peyote

produces this effect. This is considered an altered state of consciousness. This

state leads to self discovery, knowledge, and healing. Other plants used in

ritual are tobacco, fly agaric, and psychedelic mushrooms.

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Altered Mental State Healing

Altered mental state healing encompasses many forms of spiritual healing. It

is not limited to the type mentioned in Shamanism which concerns itself with

the use of hallucinogenic substances. However, the spiritual practice of using

chemicals to reach a higher spiritual plain is well documented in Shamanism

and other forms of occult. The use of meditation can also produce a altered

mental state which allows people to get in touch with the spirit world.

One of the ways this is accomplished is through dance and music. Many

churches, including the Catholic church permit charismatic services. In these

services members of the church often find themselves in a state of ecstasy

where they speak in tongues, experience automatic writing jags, and even pass

out as they are overtaken by the spirit. These masses are often held in the

evening and kept rather quiet so as not to draw attention to itself as a version

of the occult. However, it just proves that an altered mental state can be

reached in the absences of chemicals in what might be considered a “normal


Many psychologists adhere to a sort of self hypnosis that aids patients in the

healing process. They start by telling themselves that they are not sick or that

they do not feel bad. The idea is that the mind will connect with the body and

in fact heal itself.

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With origins in India, Yoga is the practice of traditional physical and mental

disciplines associated with Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is believed to

date back to 900 BCE among figures found in classic Yoga poses.

Yoga is probably the most widely known and easily accepted forms of

spiritual healing. Yoga classes are held at virtually every health club and often

at churches and community centers. The process of meditation and stretching

that occurs when one does Yoga is accepted as at the very least helpful in

maintaining ones health. It is far more then just a stretching class.

Yoga is a way of life and a way of looking at the world. It is about creating

balance in your body through the development of both strength and flexibility.

There are certain poses that promote certain physical benefits. They can be

done in together quickly or slowly more geared to the perfect alignment of the


The idea of achieving a healthy and fulfilling life comes from achieving the

eight limbs or philosophies of Yoga. The limbs build upon each other with

only one actually involving a Yoga pose.

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

1. Yama - The five abstentions are non-violence, non-lying, non-

covetousness, non-sensuality, and non-possessiveness.

2. Niyama - The five observances are purity, contentment, austerity, study,

and surrender to god.

3. Asana - This literally means seat and refers to the seated position which

is used for meditation.

4. Pranayama - Suspending breath, to control the life force.

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5. Pratyahara - Meaning abstraction or the withdrawal of the sense organs

from external objects.

6. Dharana - Concentration or fixing ones attention on a single object.

7. Dhyana - The intense contemplation of the nature of the object of


8. Samadhi -The act of merging consciousness with the object of


As you can see by the eight limbs there is far more to Yoga then poses. It is

actually about a combination of exercise, breathing, and meditation as a

means to promote better health. Breathing is the source of life so once one has

learned to control and increase their breathing they can then fully meditate.

Meditation is not a state of mental blankness, but rather a quiet and reflective

mind. This state allows one to reach a higher state of mind and relieve

themselves of everyday stresses thereby healing the mind and, in turn, the


Once a higher state of mind has been reached stretching poses can help to

relieve tension and illness in the body. Yoga is used to treat what you would

expect body aches and pains, but also some things you might not expect like

arthritis and asthma.

Illnesses treated with Yoga include:

Sour stomach





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High Blood Pressure

Menstrual Cramps



Sciatic Pain

Sexual debility



Keep in mind that Yoga is used to treat, not necessarily cure, the above

mentioned ailments.

Yoga postures are the process of stretching and then balancing your body in a

specific pose. By breathing through these poses one can achieve balance

between mind, body, and spirit.

Yoga Poses

Downward Facing Dog - This position build strength, flexibility, and

awareness. It stretches your spine and hamstrings and allows your heart to

rest. To accomplish this pose you will need to be on your hands and knees

with your wrists below your shoulders and your knees under your hips. You

will slowly curl your toes back and push your hips up straightening your legs

and arms with your feet and hands pressed to the floor. Your head should

hang loose from your shoulders and neck facing down.

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Extended Side Angle Pose - In this pose you will strengthen and stretch your

legs, groin, and hamstrings. It also opens your chest and shoulders. To reach

this pose your left heel should be down on the floor with your leg spread so

the right knee is bent so the calf and thigh are at a right angle and parallel to

the floor. Your right hand goes inside your right foot and your left arm

reaches to the ceiling. Your face should reach up with your right hand. Once

you achieve balance with this pose you should repeat it on the other side.

Garland Pose - This pose opens up your groin and hips. To accomplish this

position you will stand with your feet a mat’s width apart. Then you bend to

your knees in a squat keeping your feet parallel. Your upper arms go inside

your knees and your elbows bend bringing your palms together in the prayer

position. If you can bring your hands to your heart and open your knees a bit.

Relax your shoulders and keep your spine straight. Remain in this position for

five breaths and then straighten your legs to come out of the pose.

Lotus Pose - This advanced pose is a Yoga classic that opens your hips. To

accomplish this pose one should sit then bend your right knee and bring your

right ankle to the left hip crease with the sole of your foot facing upward.

Then do the same with your left foot, bringing it up to your right hip crease

and turning the sole upward.

Standing Forward Bend - This stretch rests your heart and neck while it

relaxes your mind and body. At the same time it stretches your legs and spine.

This stretch requires you to stand with your feet nestled next to each other,

then swan dive your arms out to the side while folding forward. Be sure to

fold at your hips making the hip creases deep and not at your back. Bring your

fingertips to your toes and press your palms flat to the floor. Engage your

quads, lifting your kneecaps. Your weight should be held slightly forward to

the balls of your feet so that your hips remain over your ankles. Let your head

hang loose.

Warrior I - This pose strengthen your arms and legs. It also improves balance

and concentration and builds confidence. To move to this pose from

Downward Dog bring your right foot forward so it is next to your right hand.

Then pivot on to the ball of your left foot, dropping your left heel on the floor

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and turning your toes out 45 degrees from your heel. Bend your right knee

directly over your right ankle forming a right angle with the calf and thigh.

Bring your right hip back and your left hip forward so your hips are square

toward the front. Bring your arms out to the side then up touching your palms

together and facing up toward your thumbs, doing a slight backbend. Slide

your shoulder blades down your back. Repeat on the other side.

Cobblers Pose - This pose also opens your groin and hips. This sitting pose is

accomplished by bending your knees so that the soles of your feet are

together, letting your knees fall out to the sides. Maintain a long spine and

press the outer edges of your feet together firmly.

Half Lord of the Fishes Pose - This pose is said to cleanse your organs. It

also opens your shoulders and hops and stretches your spine.

Child’s Pose - This pose can help ease back pain while it gently stretches

your hips, thighs, and ankles. From Downward Dog drop your knees to the

floor and spread them as wide as your mat, keeping your big toes touching.

Bring your belly to rest between your thighs and place your forehead on the

floor. You can either stretch your arms out in front of you with your palms on

the floor or bring them alongside your thighs with the palms facing up.

Happy Baby Pose - A pose like this also opens your hips and groin. To do

this pose lie flat on your back. Bend your knees into your chest. Bend the

knees and bring them toward your armpits. Each ankle should be stacked over

the knee so that your shins are perpendicular to the floor. Flex your feet then

hold the outer edges of them and draw your knees to the floor.

Plank - The plank promotes arm and core balance and strength. The Plank is

reached from the Downward Dog pose by drawing your torso forward so the

shoulders are over your wrists. Your entire body should be in one straight line,

much like a push up position. Your forearms and hands should be firmly

pressed to the ground, do not allow your chest to sink and press back through

your heels. Keep your neck lined up with your spine and your shoulders broad

as you balance in this position.

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Bridge - This pose strengthens your lower back and abdominal muscles. It

also opens your chest and increases flexibility. This backbend position is

reached by bending the knees and bringing the soles of your feet parallel to

the mat and close to your buttocks.

Lift your hips up toward the ceiling and lace your fingers behind your back,

straightening your arms and pressing them down to the mat. Roll one shoulder

under and then roll the other shoulder under. Lift your hips further and draw

your chest toward your chin with out moving your chin to the chest. Keep

your feet parallel and release your hands slowly bringing your upper, then

middle, then lower back down to the floor.

Mountain - This will improve posture, self awareness, and balance. To

properly do this pose you should focus on aligning your body. Stand up with

your big toes touching, then lift all of your toes and fan them out. Place them

on the floor so that you have a solid base.

Place your weight evenly on both of your feet so that you feel your calves and

feet rooting to the floor. Draw your quadriceps upward so that your kneecaps

rise. Rotate your things in and tuck your tailbone, draw in your tummy.

Stretch your neck making it long so that it rises to the ceiling while your

shoulders slide down your back.

Cat - Cow Stretch - Increases spine flexibility. Begin this pose on all fours

with your wrists under your shoulders and your knees under your hips. Keep

your spine in a straight line that connects your shoulders to your hips. Extend

your neck forward all the way through the crown of your head and back

through your tailbone. Maintain the natural extension of your neck out from

your spine.

Learning to do the above poses may be daunting but the combination of

postures along with breathing and meditation has been known to increase your

lifespan. It is said that your body will detoxify and he blood flow to your

different organs increases with his work. It also helps you to simply become

more aware of your body and your mood. This will help you to understand

when or if something is wrong with you physically.

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There are a few people who should check with their physician before they

begin a Yoga program. Those who have uncontrolled high blood pressure, are

at risk for blood clots, have certain eye conditions like glaucoma, and

osteoporosis should seek professional medical advice prior to partaking in a

Yoga exercise program.

Focusing Energy

On a spiritual journey toward healing you will be asked to focus your energy.

You should understand how this is accomplished and why your would do it.

1. Stretch your muscles to allow energy to flow through them.

2. Move your body and joints, flex and extend your fingers and toes, ankles

and knees, wrists and elbows. Do neck rolls, knee bends, abdominal

twists, and arm circles to move the energy throughout your body.

3. Meditate. Sit in a comfortable spot and center yourself. Close your eyes

and visualize the energy of the earth being pulled up to your spine and

through your whole body. Meditation should continue for twenty

minutes or until you feel complete.

4. Breathe. Focus on your natural breathing rhythm for five or so minutes

and allow your mind to go quiet. Once you feel cleared, send out a

mental command telling any negative feelings to leave your body.

Visualize these negative feelings being carried away from you as you

exhale in a forceful manner. Do this over and over again until all of

those emotions have left your body.

5. Think clearly on your intent. Energy will flow through to whatever it is

your are focusing on. You might repeat phrases like, “my intent is to

heal my body” or “my intent is to heal my mind.”

In order to heal yourself spiritually you must be able to let go of anything

negative and allow positive spirits to do their work. We all hang on to regrets,

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guilt, lost ideals as we go through life. We may be angry at someone or

something that happened a long time ago or just recently.

All of that negative energy prevents us from reaching a spiritually higher

plain. Reaching that plain is what allows us to be free and for the spirit world

to heal us mentally, emotionally, and physically.

Healing through Chakras can come from variety of places. You might be

surprised to find out that even the foods you eat can effect your chakras and in

turn the emotional and physical ailments that are associated with them. Below

is a list of foods that will feed your chakras and aid you in being well.

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The Chakras

The belief that everything in ones body on a subtle level has a series of energy

field or center of consciousness. In traditional Tantric teachings these fields

are called Chakras. These chakras are along or just in front of the back bone

although they may be expressed at external points in the body. The teachings

of Chakras date back to religious, yoga and the occult teachings in India,

China, and North America. They have some common points but also vary on

several levels. The word Chakra itself means wheel in Sanskrit.

These sacred centers are said to carry ones spirit on their journey toward

enlightenment. The chakra is a center of energy from which your life force is

both received and expressed. Each Chakra that is in a body is believed to

govern bodily functions that are near its region on the spine.

The 7 Primary Chakras

1. Muladhara - The base or root Chakra, located at the last bone on the

spinal cord of the coccyx. Sex organs are controlled here as well as

emotional feelings of lust , sensuality, and security.

2. Swadhisthana - The sacral chakra located near the ovaries or prostate.

Sex hormones are governed by this chakra it also relates to the emotions

in relationships, violence, addictions, emotional needs, and pleasure. It is

represented by the color orange.

3. Manipura - The solar plexus Chakra, near the navel. The manipura

governs ones digestive system as well as power, spirituality, and growth.

The color yellow represents this chakra.

4. Anahata - The heart Chakra, obviously located near the heart. This area

governs circulation physically and emotionally it involves complicated

emotions like love, compassion, tenderness, equilibrium, and well being.

It is noted by the color green.

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5. Vishuddha - The throat Chakra located in the throat and neck area. This

relates to communication through expression. It is represented by the

color light blue. It not only governs communication but also,

independence, fluent thought, and a sense of security.

6. Ajna - The brow or third eye Chakra located in the pineal gland. This

Chakra is concerned with envisioning and regulating sleep and

awakening. It also regulates clarity and intuitiveness. It is represented by

the color white.

7. Sahasrara - The Crown Chakra located on the top of the head or the soft

spot of a newborn baby. This is considered the chakra of consciousness.

It is represented by the color violet and involves inner wisdom and the

death of the body.

Several modern healing techniques use Chakra points. Practices like

aromatherapy, mantras, Reiki, hands healing, flower essence healing, sound

therapy, light therapy, and crystal therapy all rely on balance at your energy

points or chakras.

Even in modern, western medicine the concept of Chakras is used. The

description of aligning ones spinal column from the base of your spine to the

top of your head is based on Chakra ideas. Some New Age practices use

colors or lotus flowers to visualize each chakra and place it in alignment.

The Chakras are believed to control energy and to draw it to them. This

energy keeps the spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical health of your

body balanced.

Root Chakra

Root vegetables like carrots, potatoes, beets, and onions.

Protein heavy foods like eggs, meats, beans, and tofu.

Spices like horseradish, chives, cayenne, and pepper

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Sacral Chakra

Sweet fruits like strawberries, oranges, melons, and mangos.


Nuts like almonds or walnuts.

Spices like cinnamon, vanilla, sesame and caraway seeds.

Solar Plexus Chakra

Grains and granola like pastas, bread, cereal, and flax seed.

Dairy including milk, cheese, and yogurt.

Spices like ginger, mints, chamomile, and cumin.

Heart Chakra

Leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and greens.

Air vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, celery, or squash.

Green tea.

Spices like sage, thyme, cilantro, parsley, and basil.

Throat Chakra

Water, fruit juice, and herbal tea.

Tart or tangy fruit like lemon, lime, grapefruit, and kiwi.

Tree growing fruits like apples, pears, peaches, plums, or apricots.

Spices like salt and lemon grass.

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Brow Chakra

Dark bluish colored fruits like blueberries, red grapes, and raspberries.

Red wines and grape juice.

Spices like lavender, poppy seed, and mugwort.

Crown Chakra

Fasting or detoxing.

Incense and smudge herbs like sage, juniper and frankincense to be

inhaled or smoked, never to be eaten.

You can also fuel your chakras through visualization techniques. Similar to

meditation, visualization allows energy to flow through your chakras. To do

this you must be able to visualize at color, like white light or one associated

with a particular chakra coursing through your body.

You have to focus the energy into the Chakra spiritual centers and filling each

up with light. Experience doing this will often allow one to feel a physical

vibration or warmth as their chakras fill with light. Then they will sense the

freedom that has come from spiritual energy clearing out negativity. Just as a

negative attitude or sad heart can make one sick, turning those thoughts

around can help to heal.

These concepts are taken from ancient cultures all over the world who have

used altered mental state healing in the form of trance and music. It is not so

different as modern hypnosis and dream analysis, just often more accepted.

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The connection between the mind and the spirit can not be denied. Those who

have tried any form of spiritual healing have quickly learned that they feel

better physically when they have handled their emotional well being first. A

spiritual journey can be anything you want it to be.

Some people find that faith healers and extreme measures give them the state

of consciousness they require to feel better. Others may find that simple things

like Yoga classes and meditation works for their needs. It does not really

matter which avenue you choose to heal your soul what matters is the healing

that takes place.

If you are physically sick you may want to research which types of spiritual

healing have helped others with your specific affliction. For example, some

people have found great help overcoming pain through meditation and yoga.

Others who face depression and stress may find that they way to healing for

them is through a spiritual guide who can help them on their journey to

connect with the spirit world. There are many kinds of spiritual healing

available, all you have to do is find the one that works for you. It is all right to

start small, get your toes wet until you feel comfortable moving further on

your spiritual journey. If any part of it or any particular group makes you feel

uncomfortable move on to another group. There is no specific guide that

works best for everyone because it is such a deeply personal experience.

Along your journey you will find that you did not know yourself as well as

you thought you did. You might also find that old wounds, both physical and

emotional, had not healed as much as you let yourself believe they had. You

will also probably be surprised to find how much better you feel once your

spirit has connected with your body and soul and a more complete way then

you had previously experienced.

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1:

What’s Behind Crystal Healing

Chapter 2:

Ramping Up Your Energy

Chapter 3:

About Amethyst

Chapter 4:


Chapter 5:

Green Serpentine

Chapter 6:

What Turquoise Can Do

Chapter 7:


Chapter 8:

Blood Stone

Chapter 9:

Choosing The Right Crystals

Wrapping Up

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Crystal therapy or crystal healing is a sort of vibrational medicine.

Crystal therapy necessitates the application of crystals or gemstones

to help healing.

Gemstones hold spiritual and healing attributes that may be tapped

into an assortment of ways. Crystals may be carried or worn on the

individual, or placed in a location where their therapeutic vibrations

may be felt by whosoever is nearby. Healers likewise place stones on

their clients' reclined bodies to equilibrate the chakras and aura.

Crystal Healing And The Power It Gives You

Learn How Crystal Healing Can Help You!

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Chapter 1: What’s Behind Crystal Healing


Crystal healing is a sort of healing that utilizes crystals or gemstones.

The crystals are primarily placed on particular areas of the body

named "chakras."

Chakra is a Hindu term implying spiritual energy. According to that

teaching there are 7 general energy centers in the body, every one

featuring a color affiliated with it.

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A Little Beginning Info

A few crystal healers lay the same color crystals as the color of the

chakras on the individual to heighten the flow of energy. Crystals are

stated to guide the flow of energy to the individual in a certain part of

the body and bring in balance to an individuals energy.

Ultimately, they're utilized to clean the individual from foul or

damaging energy believed to induce a sickness. Driving out the

defective spiritual energy eases the physical ailment. Crystals are

utilized for physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing.

Not only do individuals visit "crystal healers", in a few places,

professional nurses are getting trained to utilize crystals for their

patients. In addition, crystals may be worn, placed next to an

individuals bed as they sleep, and in a few cases placed around an

individuals bath.

The conceiver of crystal healing is nameless. All the same, this

practice has been around for hundreds of years. Individuals have

utilized amulets, magical stones, and gems all through history

(although primarily in the eastern cultures). It's now making its way

into the western culture, principally in the New Age and Occult


Crystal healers contend that it really works; all the same, there's no

concrete scientific evidence to establish that it really heals.

Individuals state they've been healed and feel better, however these

cases are broadly limited to personal testimonies.

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A lot of the scientific world has brushed these testimonials off as a

placebo effect, selective thinking, aspirant thinking, sympathetic

magic, or communal reinforcement.

Crystal healers generally prefer clear quartz, because of its shape and

color. All the same, as chakras have colors associated with every area,

they might place the particular color crystal/gemstone on the same

color chakras.

The crystals/gemstones are stated to have vibration frequencies that

are shape stimulated, interconnecting the earth's and the persons

energy field. The crystal is utilized to expand, or realign, human

'psychic' or cosmic energy by guiding vibration energy.

To maintain the crystal, it's laid in salt water or covered with table

salt. Sustaining the crystal helps keeps it clean from "environmental

unbalance." It's stated that it likewise needs to be recharged and

actuated through assorted methods.

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Chapter 2: Ramping Up Your Energy


In the wake of extreme physical or emotional effort, the effects of

weariness are certain to follow. Points of tiredness may last a couple

of hours or, in extreme cases, a great deal longer.

And, in today's stressful times with tension pelting us from all sides –

work (or deficiency thereof), loved ones, youngsters, physical

sickness, finances – it might all feel overwhelming, and our bodies

and minds will, sooner or later, come to the conclusion that they'll

shut down!

Luckily, the battle over fatigue may be overcome.

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More Power

There are a list of crystals that may help you and provide you that

much-needed supercharge of energy. Broadly speaking, if faced with

tiredness, pick out stones that are connected with the component of

Fire. This component is energy personified. You'll discover, likewise,

that stones ruled by fire are frequently ruled by the Sun or the planet

Mars and are nearly always red in color.

Mars is frequently called the planet of warriors. If you wish to fight

fatigue, you'll have to think like a warrior. That being stated, the

crystals in that category are Ruby, Garnet, Red Jasper, and Amber.

And as fatigue might likewise bring with it rounds of depression

and/or insomnia, Amethyst and Green Aventurine are likewise on the


Ruby is a crimson crystal that's ruled by the component of Fire and

the planet Mars. This potent energizer step-ups blood flow, heightens

stamina, and presents you renewed energy. Utilize it on the sacral or

root chakra. Raw, rough rubies are much less expensive and are

perfect for this sort of healing. Reload rubies utilizing a soft cloth to

wipe them down with and putting them on a windowsill at nighttime

to be charged up by the stars.

Garnet is a burgundy-red stone that's likewise ruled by Fire and the

planet Mars. Put on the root chakra, it may improve circulation as

well and expand that sense of vitality you might be missing. This

warming crystal may be worn or carried in a pocket (as with all of

these crystals) and it may be recharged even on a mirky night.

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Red Jasper is “the warrior rock”. This red rock is, like Ruby and

Garnet, likewise ruled by Fire and Mars. It's indispensable if you have

to step-up stamina, heighten circulation and give an awesome boost

of energy to the system. It's affiliated with the root chakra and may be

recharged by passing it through a red standard candle flame.

Amber, the fossilized leftovers of ancient tree resin, is affiliated with

Fire and the Sun. This fiery, golden-orange “stone” reloads your

energy levels by arousing a more favorable attitude. If your emotions

are running rampant due to emotional overcharge, lay amber on the

solar plexus or sacral chakra to counterbalance those emotional

tensions. It may be reloaded by placing it on a sunshiny windowsill.

Amethyst is a quieting stone for those enduring fatigue ascribable to

emotional overload. This purplish crystal is ruled by the component

of Air and the planet Jupiter. It's thought of as an awesome healing

stone for emotional weariness, insomnia and headaches. It likewise

balances blood glucose levels and has been recognized to recharge

other stones. Put it on your brow chakra or beneath your pillow at

night. Naturally, it may be worn or carried. Reload amethyst by

putting in moonlight, as this stone shouldn't be placed in direct


Aventurine, while green, is a marvelous crystal for clearing off

negativity, increasing optimism and affecting a more favorable

outlook. It's a more gentle stimulating stone, but may still encourage

a regenerated zest for life. It's an Earth stone and is ruled by Mercury.

Aventurine is utilized on the heart chakra to quiet panic-attacks and

nervousness affiliated with emotional fatigue. It may be recharged by

placing it in amongst the leaves of a plant during the day.

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A few of you might be wondering why the elements and planets are

named with the crystal descriptions. Every element – Earth, Air, Fire

and Water – and every planet – from the Sun to Pluto – correspond

to assorted energies, emotions, attributes, colors, and so forth.

Fire, for instance, is affiliated with the color red and is utilized for

physical strength, staying power, protection, energy and bravery.

Water is blue and is utilized for healing, relaxation, rest, and psychic


Earth is regulated by green and is utilized for grounding, peace,

constancy, fertility, cash and gardening/agriculture. Air is yellow and

is the component of communication, travel and all matters regarding

the intellect.

Mentioned here were Mars, the Sun, Jupiter and Mercury. Mars is for

bravery, passion, protection and strength and is governed likewise by

red. The Sun deals with physical power, protection, healing and

success and its color is golden or yellow. Jupiter is for meditation,

spirituality, success and psychic cognizance and its color is purple.

Mercury regulates communication, wiseness, self-reformation, study

and travel, and its color is yellow.

A different area you might need a bit of a bracer is that afternoon

burn out. You've ate lunch, its early afternoon and you're about

prepared for a nap. This sort of afternoon slump may be alleviated

with your crystals, instead of caffeinated drinks or sugary snacks.

Crystals that are going to hike up that afternoon slouch are Ruby,

Amber and yes, Red Jasper. Ruby and Amber are reloading stones,

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and will jumpstart your system. A different one to try is Aventurine,

which will add a little of optimism to the mix.

What if you're having difficulty catching some Z's? You're so wore

down, you think you may sleep for a week, but your mind won't

switch off. Cup of Chamomile Tea? Maybe some calming music and a

little meditation? Go for it.

Rose Quartz and Amethyst will likewise bring a more relaxing sleep if

placed beneath your pillow. These are quieting stones that will greatly

help those with overtaxed brains and bouts of insomnia. A different

stone to help you relax is Blue Lace Agate that, if held in your hand,

will help your entire body relax.

It will likewise better the quality of your sleep, as will the crystal

Iolite, which likewise helps with headaches, eyestrain and mental

tension, by calming those overtaxed nerves.

So, whether you're a long-distance runner or simply running through

the stress of day-after-day, I hope one or more of these crystals will

help you to battle your fatigue and bring you serenity and energy.

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Chapter 3: About Amethyst


Amethyst is a gemstone frequently worn by healers, as it has the

might to center energy. A healer will commonly wear various pieces of

jewelry with amethysts set in silver, particularly an amethyst


The individual to be healed will have an Amethyst to hold while the

healing is being executed. The healer will place a different piece of

Amethyst on the area of the body in demand of healing, the heart or

lungs commonly.

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What This Stone Is Used For

Amethyst is utilized for issues in the blood and in breathing issues.

Amethyst crystal clusters are utilized to keep the air and vitality in the

home clean and favorable.

Amethyst clusters, points or various tumbled Amethysts laid in a

window that gets sun most of the day are really beneficial to utilize in

healing and to heal negativism in the home. Place Amethyst clusters,

points or numerous tumbled Amethysts in moonlight and everybody

in the home will be feeling less agitated. Utilizing an Amethyst as a

meditation center will expand the positive spiritual feelings. Amethyst

helps defeat fears and cravings. It likewise helps alleviate headaches.

Hold an amethyst stone in each hand when meditating. It's an

excellent stone to better meditations as it helps better visualizations.

Place a couple of amethyst stones around the room where tempers

might frequently be riled, like high stress occupations and business.

It's a stone of peace and helps bestow love and happiness to all who

utilize it.

If you discover yourself addicted to anything and you're working hard

to check the addiction, an amethyst stone crystal may help. Hold a

stone, ask it to remove the desire, and then draw strength out of the

stone. It helps you do away with all sorts of addictions.

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An Amethyst stone makes an awesome gift for anybody that works as

a psychic or those that show psychic powers as it helps increase all

forms of psychic abilities.

If you endure migraines, here's a simple crystal healing curative that

has been known to help. Lie down and shut your eyes. Put an

amethyst stone on your brow and attempt to relax and let the

gemstone do its work.

Historically, muscle and joint traumas like sprains have been helped

to heal quicker by putting an amethyst stone inside an elastic bandage

that has been wound around the wounded area.

To assist breathing issues heal faster, along with any medications

from the doctor, put an amethyst on the chest, between the lungs.

Dependent on the harshness of the illness, you are able to actually

tape a stone in place with a band aid and slumber with it in place.

To make an amethyst stone elixir, put one or more amethysts into a

clear glass jar full of water. Let the water sit outside in the moon light

for the whole night. The closer to the full moon the better on this one.

You are able to utilize amethyst water to help clear up blemishes and

soften the skin. You may wash with it or utilize it as an ingredient in

any clays or masks you might apply.

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Wear an amethyst stone round your neck of carry one in your pocket

to help fortify your bones.

If you discover yourself having issues sleeping at night and spend

more time tossing and turning than really sleeping, place an amethyst

stone beneath your pillow to help with insomnia.

To expand the number of dreams that you have and to help you recall

your dreams when you awaken, utilize an elastic hair band as a head

band around your fore head. Slip an amethyst stone beneath the band

as it is known to help cause dreams.

Bury a little amethyst stone at every entrance to your house to guard

against thieves. A cheap strand of amethyst chips works perfectly for

this. Don't forget to bury a little beneath every window, as well as the

doors. If you've a window that's far away from a place where you may

bury the stones, like a window above a cement patio or porch, put a

tumbled stone or little amethyst stone crystal formation on the


Utilize the same technique above to protect against thieves to likewise

keep evil from your household and will help keep all who wish you or

your loved ones harm from attempting to come into your home.

If a man is seeking the perfect mate, somebody that will work with

him on a journey to establish a life together, carry an amethyst stone

in your pocket to draw in good women.

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For the women, if you believe your man might be losing his interest in

you, give him a gift of an amethyst stone to expand his attraction to

you. This may be in the form of a ring or pendant, or even a worry

stone to hold in his pocket will do fine.

To commune with your Spirit Guide or Higher Self, discover a

peaceful time and place where you won't be interrupted. Carry an

amethyst stone in each hand. Take a couple of deep breaths, shut your

eyes feel the powers come from the amethyst. Let them come up your

arm and into your head where you see them from inside your minds

eye begin to glow. Invite your guide to come forward and talk with

you. This helps you attune with your higher self.

Make an Amethyst Stone elixir and utilize it to bathe the parts of the

body that are undergoing circulatory issues. It step-ups circulations in

both the physical body and the etheric.

With the mad hectic world moving so quick around us, we frequently

find ourselves strained beyond the capacity the human body was

specified to take. Spend a couple of minutes absorbing the power of

amethyst crystals to help mend the nervous system.

You've likely heard it stated, "You’re your own worst enemy". Self-

deceit, particularly when concerning matters of the heart induce more

heart aches and chest pains than anything else mankind has ever

mustered up. Amethyst stone crystals protect against self-deceit and

let you view things the way they truly are.

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Chapter 4: Apatite


It's frequently been stated, before you are able to change something,

you have to accept it as it is. This is really true for most individuals

where excess weight is a problem. An Apatite gemstone crystal is a

multi-talented gemstone assisting us attune to our inner selves and

take on the healing, communication, balancing and teaching it has to


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Slimming Down And More

Apatite gemstone is perfect for those with weight issues for it not

solely aids in appetite suppression, but lets you look inside and see

the truths inside ourselves. This is frequently required in a quest for

weight loss so you are able to get to the root cause of overindulging.

The perfect gemstone for utilization on any of the chakras as it can

both perk up under activity and calm down over activity and clear

congestions in any of the chakras.

Apatite gemstone crystal aids in the development of psychic powers

and helps you attune your mind, heart and soul to the spiritual forces

that run throughout the universe.

Apatite gemstone helps bones to mend faster and stronger. It aids

your body absorb calcium from the foods you consume, which helps

to keep bones and teeth firm.

To help ease the hurting of arthritis, wrap the involved joint in an

elastic bandage allowing it to hold one or more stones against the

impacted joint. The apatite gemstone may help heal the painful

sensation and heal the joint quicker.

To help lower hypertension, wear an apatite gemstone so it hangs just

about on the heart. Wearing one on a chain is all right or if all else

fails, pin a stone to the interior of your shirt.

If you realize inside you the tendency to let your emotions rule

instead of logic, particularly in emergency type situations, apatite

gemstone crystals may be your resolution. This gemstone will let calm

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prevail presenting you the time and power to let logic rule in the


Wear one or more apatite crystals while executing any kind of creative

work. It helps you to link up with your originative center and produce

spectacular works.

Does shyness or doubt forbid you from enjoying yourself at parties or

in additional social situations? An apatite gemstone may provide you

the confidence to attempt contact with other people and provide you

the feeling of security you require to shine at your best.

To expand your power to receive visions of the future, meditate with

an apatite gemstone leaning against your 3rd eye chakras (somewhat

above and between the eyebrows). Blue or purple colored apatite

gems work best for this.

Require a little extra motivation to get the job finished? A gold or red

apatite gemstone held during meditation may help you keep your

mind centered on the subject at hand presenting you the desire to

continue working till completion.

Produce an elixir by placing one or more apatite gemstones in a glass

container of water and let it sit outside overnight, preferable under a

full moon. This elixir may be drank to help beef up bones and heal

and prevent joint pain.

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Chapter 5: Green Serpentine


Serpentine is an earthling stone that helps meditation and spiritual

exploration. It clears up the chakras and energizes the crown chakra,

opens up psychic powers and helps us comprehend the spiritual basis

of life.

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Detox For The Body

This stone opens up fresh pathways for the Kundalini Energy to rise,

aids in the retrieval of wiseness and regains memories of past lives.

Serpentine assists you to be more in command of your life, corrects

mental and emotional instabilities and assists the conscious direction

of healing power towards trouble areas.

Physically, Serpentine mineral is exceedingly cleansing and

detoxifying for the body and blood to assure longevity. It does away

with parasites, aids calcium and magnesium absorption and treats

hypoglycaemia and diabetes.

Light-Green Serpentine is a gentle, tender-natured stone that gets

you into contact with angelic guidance. It gets at and integrates the

past, present, future and is an awesome stone for past-life


This stone encourages compassion and forgiveness for yourself for

what you experienced. Holding this stone leads you into the healing

regions that exist in the between-lives state, so that healing that

wasn't undertaken after a former life ended may be accomplished. I

This stone heals instabilities from past lives and clears up emotional

baggage from old relationships. If placed on the Throat, it helps

speaking of the past and resolves issues carried forward into the here

and now. The stone is awesome to utilize when you want to confront

anybody from your past, as it brings in a gentle touch to the meeting.

Physically, Light Green Serpentine is awesome for pain relief,

particularly menstrual and muscular aches and annoyances.

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Chapter 6: What Turquoise Can Do


Turquoise gemstone is the healing stone that attunes our physical

selves to the greatest realms. It helps us to better comprehend

ourselves and to bring our thoughts and emotions under command so

we may see them get fruitful in our reality. You've but to stop and

listen, be quiet and be prepared to hear the truth about whom and

what you are. Simply then will you find your full power.

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The Revered Blue/Green

Respected by the Native Americans as sacred, the turquoise gemstone

soaks up negativity, transmuting it into valuable energy. It likewise

helps you to become one with the cosmos. The real Turquoise

meaning comes from the heart and the soul of the individual utilizing


The list of turquoise gem healing attributes is long and wide-ranging

and the assortments of turquoise crystal shapes, sizes and colors that

may be utilized are as wide-ranging as the individuals that utilize


Worn anyplace on the body, a turquoise gem healing stone will

protect and bless the wearer. It's considered a hallowed stone in some

cultures, personifying a gift from the gods.

A strand of turquoise gemstone crystal beads worn around the neck

soaks up all negativity from the body and brain and helps you

formulate your own innate powers. You are able to align your chakras

by laying a turquoise stone on each of the chakra points for 3 to 5

minutes whilst the gem executes its work.

If you don't have seven turquoise stones, it might take a trifle longer,

however laying a single stone on 1 chakra at one time for the same

three to five minutes will still align your chakras for level best power.

A strand of turquoise beads utilized as a bracelet, necklace or even an

anklet will help detoxify the body from alcoholic beverages, pollution,

poison and radiation. The thought is to wear a circle of beads around

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one area of the body so as the blood flows backward and forward

through the area, the turquoise may purify it.

Anybody that has issues with their lungs, throat or from asthma, may

hang a turquoise gemstone from a cord or chain so it hangs

immediately over the area causing the issue. This helps the gem

energies get as close as possible to the trouble area and start the

healing work even quicker.

Those suffering from depressive disorder may sleep with a turquoise

gemstone to help lift the depression quicker.

Add a couple of turquoise crystals to a container of water and let it sit

outside overnight where the moon may shine on it and then so the

sun may shine on it during the day. That evening, pour the turquoise

water into a bathtub of bath water, step in, sit down and let the

healing energies work on your body.

This same healing elixir may be utilized to soak a sprained or pulled

muscle, beef up the body so you may fight off viruses and infections,

and assist damaged or cut tissues to mend.

For headaches, soak a cloth in the elixir and put on your brow till the

pain disappears.

Have a speaking date coming up? Sleep with a turquoise crystal taped

to your neck at night and wear one on a chain round your neck during

the day to guarantee your ability to communicate with other people


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Chapter 7: Quartz


In the pecking order of crystals utilized in spiritual healing nothing

stands higher up than Quartz. The healing energies of quartz have

long been recognized. Since the time of the fabled Atlantis no stone

has been more revered for its crystal healing attributes than Quartz.

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The Main One

To the shaman and metaphysical healer quartz is the quintessential

curative stone. Quartz crystals posses all of the attributes the

practitioner of Crystal Healing looks for.

Whether that's the Reiki Master, the Shaman or the acupuncturist

who utilizes needles that have been coated with quartz. Even science

realizes the unparalleled and astonishing abilities of Quartz Crystals.

The crystalline structure of quartz carries electricity and radio

frequencies. It's why Quartz is utilized in radios and additional

electronic devices. And why men of science are experimenting with

Quartz and additional crystals as sources of possibly unlimited

alternative energy.

The “Dilithum” Crystals that powered the Starship Enterprise, and

the nearly magical crystals that were the basis of Kryptonian science

in the Superman flicks, are likely not as implausible as it might seem,

and were more than probably inspired by the really true energy

transmutation powers of quartz crystals.

There are a lot of different sorts of Quartz Crystals, and every one has

their own unequalled healing powers and impact different parts of the

body and help with different ailments.

For instance Rose Quartz is utilized by crystal healers for headaches,

the handling of heart issues and kidney disease. Although Clear

Quartz is utilized to draw out pain, bring back clarity of

consciousness, and to broadly amplify all curative energies.

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However all Quartz Crystals have the power to accord with and

realign the vibrations of the body, bringing back balance. That's what

makes quartz crystals so efficient in healing. Most disease states, but

particularly mental disorders, and neurological issues may be linked

to some sort of “chemical” or “Neurotransmitter” instability. The

influence of quartz crystals may mend these imbalances.

The electro-magnetic attributes of quartz are mostly due to the base

of its crystalline anatomical structure being made up of Silica. Silica is

a natural occurring glass. Silica is detected in some level in nearly

every healing crystal, Chakra stone, or ritualistic gem. Silica likewise

shares it chemical and molecular construction with Silicon, likewise

known for its electro-magnetic attributes (does the name Silicon

Valley mean anything?).

That’s correct the same basic component that we rely on to

communicate and transmit all of this data worldwide; that's allowing

you to study this very page; might likewise help us communicate with

and tap into the fabric of the cardinal energies of the universe.

Once more science and spirituality are not so aloof after all. It was

Einstein himself who stated “The more I come to comprehend the

universe, the more I'm convinced of the presence of a superior

reasoning energy. There are 2 ways to live: you are able to live as if

nothing is a miracle; or you are able to live as if everything is a


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Chapter 8: Blood Stone


Formerly, bloodstone crystal was called Heliotrope. The word

heliotrope is compiled of the Greek word for "the sun", helios and the

Greek word for "to turn", trepein. The beginning historical uses of the

stone were to induce changes in the weather. It was thought you place

a bloodstone in water and let the water and the stone suck up the rays

of the sun, it would induce a storm.

During the Middle Ages, the red spots on the stones were thought to

be the blood of Jesus and the early Christians believed the stone held

all the powers of Jesus, including the power to make the wearer un-


A few believe while Jesus was on the cross, his blood fell down on

some jasper on the ground at the foot of the cross and this is how the

bloodstone was produced. It was stated that the stones from that area

held enormous power to cure almost anything and the gemstone was

dedicated the nickname "The Martyr's Stone" because of this.

A hero's gemstone, frequently seen in armor breast plates and on

swords for its power to arouse bravery in the most dangerous spots.

Likewise considered to be a really strong healing stone allowing the

wearer to remain impregnable in battle long after those around you

have fallen down.

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The Stone Of Blood

It advances creative thinking, self-expression, and artistry.

In the Middle Ages, bloodstone was ground into a powder, blended

with honey and eggs and given to patients to heal tumors. A paste

made of mashed bloodstone and honey was rubbed on cuts to stop

surplus bleeding.

To help cure snakebite, affix a bloodstone to draw the poison out of

the bite. Notice: This was an ancient utilization of the stone. I may do

this while on my way to acquire medical help but to do this rather

than getting medical help will be foolish.

The ancient Babylonians utilized engraved bloodstone in divinations.

They utilized the way the assorted spots of red looked to tap into their

psychic powers, producing an affect similar to a vision by following

the array of the spots.

To purge your mind, body and soul, on the night of the full phase of

the moon, find a place outdoor where you may lay under the moons


Put a stone on your forehead and as you lay there, visualize the

moon's power entering your body, filling it with perfect white light, as

your body fills, see all the negativism, illness and tension leaving from

your body, leaving from the rear of your body and sinking into the

ground under you.

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Ancient Egyptians utilized bloodstone magic to assist them in battles.

They utilized magical empowered stones as amulets for the warriors

to expand their personal strength.

To turn "invisible" to your foes, wear or carry a bloodstone and

visualize a cloak of power emanating from the stone and enfolding

around you, making you un-seeable to those you don't want to see


Athletes may utilize a bloodstone amulet to help expand their

strength and speed. Wear or carry a stone and visualize its power

entering your body and inducing your muscles to become firmer (or


This same magic may be utilized by anybody in need of bravery to get

through a situation. Simply envision the powers entering the body

and presenting you the aspects that you require.

If you know of somebody that tends to be a bit too "me" oriented, give

them a gift of a heliotrope. It helps them to see how matters affect not

just them but other people around them or even the whole world.

Hold a bloodstone in your hands with meditations designed to help

you connect with your preceding lives. Once you've entered the

meditative state, turn your thoughts backward to a time before your

birth and let the images guide you to sights of your prior lives.

Keep one or more bloodstones on your desk or work table to help

expand your business and riches. Even those that don't run their own

business may benefit by letting the stone draw in additional sources

of money into their lives.

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As a healing stone, a bloodstone is utilized by healers to help with any

sort of blood disorders. This includes but isn't limited to anemia,

circulatory issues and Lupis.

Wearing of carrying a bloodstone helps to beef up the immune

system, clean toxins from the liver and kidney and purify the bone

marrow. Makes and awesome stone for women as it helps to alleviate

both menstrual and menopausal symptoms.

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Chapter 9: Choosing The Right Crystals


Here is an easy procedure to identify which crystal will work best for

your particular goal.

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How To

Distinctly identify your aim

Seek a few crystal assortments that appear to support your goal

(in a book, net, from a professional, and so forth.).

Select a particular specimen that provides vibrational match to

your frequency.

That final part is best achieved by holding the crystal in your hand or

thinking about holding it (if you're purchasing online for instance)

and say your purpose: "I wish to slim down." Always say the purpose

in an affirmatory sentence (so do not say: "I wish to quit feeling


Affirmative sentences allow the flow of energy (which is what you

require), while damaging sentences trigger resistors. Shut your eyes

while you say your purpose so you are able to center inward.

If you're more in-tuned with your emotions, seek a great feeling

(light, tingly, happy, grinning, great memories spring to mind,

laughing are all great).

If you're more in-tuned with your body, you are able to utilize muscle

testing: balance yourself upright and let your body "hover" and let it

fall in the way it wishes. If you fall frontwards, it means you have a

great match. If you fall rearwards, you don't. There are a lot of

different ways to utilize muscle testing for this intent, this is a simple


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Once you've discovered the crystal, make a conscious conclusion to let

yourself be open to its influence. In order to interact with the tangible

world, we frequently have to shut down our receptivity to remote


That may lead to a generalized shutdown where all influences are

barricaded. You may discover yourself inadvertedly fighting the

crystal's influence.

One last thing you are able to do to facilitate the influence procedure

is to place your crystal close to a little water fountain. Don't place

them in the water, as the mineral deposits may damage them.

But anyplace near the fountain will do. This lets the really powerful

chi of the water propagate the vibrational frequency of the crystal

throughout your home or office.

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Wrapping Up

When you look for the help of a crystal, you're enlisting a potent ally

to "raise" your vibrational frequency. Regardless what the crystal is

utilized for, its desired effect is always a gain in your vibrational

frequency. We frequently crave particular crystals because we have a

great "vibrational match" with them. This vibrational match implies

that proximity to this crystal elevates our vibrational frequency,

therefore making us feel "great."

Choosing a crystal for a particular purpose is an awesome way to help

yourself without having to commit much energy to it. The proximity

of the crystal is perpetually affecting your own frequency,

maneuvering you upward towards your goal. Likewise, a crystal that

doesn't have a great match is perpetually draining you by lowering

your vibrational frequency. Therefore, picking out the right crystal is

of essential importance.

There are a lot of books that depict crystals and their usage, yet most

of them disagree on precise properties. This makes perfect sense if

you think about that different crystals of the same family have

assorted properties, and likewise that individuals will respond to

them differently. But with the knowledge you have gotten here you

should have a starting point.

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Terms and Conditions


The Publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject Matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of income made. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, accounting and finance fields. You are encouraged to print this book for easy reading.

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Table Of Contents


Chapter 1: The Basics Of Spiritual Discovery

Chapter 2:

About Meditation

Chapter 3: Meditation Techniques

Chapter 4:

The Throat and Chakra Connection

Chapter 5: How To Tips

Wrapping Up

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The chakras are described as being aligned in an ascending column

from the base of the back to the top of the head. New Age practices

frequently associate each chakra with a particular color.

In assorted traditions chakras are affiliated with multiple

physiological functions, an facet of consciousness, a classical element,

and other distinguishing features. They're visualized as

lotuses/flowers with a assorted number of petals in every chakra.

The chakras are thought to vitalize the physical body and to be

affiliated with interactions of a physical, emotional and mental

nature. The purpose of the chakras is to spin and attract in energy to

keep the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical wellness of the

body in balance.

They're stated by some to reflect how the unified consciousness of

humanity is divided to manage assorted facets of earthly life. It is as

well associated to spiritual healing.

The Chakra Checklist Chakra Your Way To Health And Fulfillment With This Complete


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Chapter 1: The Basics Of Spiritual Discovery


When people embark on a journey of self-discovery, they commonly

focus on the physical and emotional side of their personality. Rarely

do people consider the importance of spiritual self-discovery, even if

they identify as spiritual side to their personality. When we take the

time to explore the part of our psyche that we sometimes call spirit or

soul, we discover a unique and different aspect to our personality we

may not even have realized existed.

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The Journey

We are people made up of physical, spiritual, intellectual and

emotional dimensions. We experience the world and the experiences

we go through in the world, by looking at them through these

dimensions. This is not new.

We know that humanity has always considered these dimensions.

Roman and Greek mythology, Roman astrology and ancient religions

are all testimony to the very real role that spirituality has played in

human development.

We perhaps identify best with the moment we see a magnificent

sunrise, or an amazing act of nature that leaves us in a state of

bewilderment and wonder, recognizing there are things in our life

that are beyond our ability to control. We have a conscious or

unconscious desire to know this power and it is what we can term


When people think of spiritual wellbeing, they commonly think of

God. Whoever or whatever they conceive “him” to be. Some consider

him a supreme being and others consider him as “the man upstairs” a

belligerent father figure. Still others reject the concept of any sort of

being, and find their spirituality in the earth, or in nature.

So how do we discover the spiritual side of our personalities? Some

people discover it through embracing formal religion, others discover

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it through yoga or some other form of meditation that causes them to

focus in on themselves and still others go on a journey of self-

discovery and call this a religious experience.

Some have compared this spiritual awakening with a heightened

sense of experiencing. As we allow our inner selves to experience life

at a deeper level than just what seems obvious around us, we begin to

relate to things in a different way.

In whatever we choose to embrace the spiritual side of our

personality, when we do focus on spiritual self-awareness we

commonly discover we come alive in our personality and this has an

effect on how we relate to self and others.

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Chapter 2: About Meditation


Spirituality entails a lot of practices; some are physical some are

spiritual. Physically, there are activities such as singing of religious

hymns or even sitting on the wheel of prayer.

As a matter of fact, some go to an extent of doing certain physiological

body routines before performing any spiritual activity. However, one

of the main activities that link both spiritual and physiological

activities is meditation.

This is the process through which many spiritual individual tend to

connect with their inner spiritual realm and even connect with God.

All in all, not everyone understands the importance of meditation in

spirituality. This can only be explained by understanding the power of


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Behind It

Meditation is a vital tool for anyone who wishes to grow spiritually.

For those who ignore meditation, they tend to suffer from unease.

Notice the difference; dis-ease and disease. The latter is a disorder in

the body while the other is a disorder in the spiritual self that results

in some sort of discomfort.

This is mainly brought about by that disconnection with God. In

relation to this, meditation tends to connect our souls with God hence

bringing about growth of the spiritual self. This is the main power of

meditation in terms of spiritual.

Basically, meditation is said to have several benefits to the mind, body

and soul. This is because the three are linked together to form the real

you. As for the soul, it gets its nourishment from our connection with

God which can only be achieved by regularly meditating. Therefore,

not meditating is denying the soul its food.

This is hazardous; just like denying the physical body food. With this

trend, we might end up starving to death and the same will happen to

the soul. And a body without a soul is ‘dead’. Therefore, if you feel

some unease, the n that is a sign that your soul is starving. Take

action before tings get worse.

On the other hand, there are various levels of meditation each meant

to serve a particular purpose. Many have the will to meditate but end

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up frustrated in the end due to lack of results. Why do you think this

happens? It is simply because they perform the wrong meditation

practices for their level hence bearing no results.

For more information on meditation levels, consult a meditating

expert who will give you directions on the various meditation levels

and their uses. Therefore, you will be in a position to choose.

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Chapter 3: Meditation Techniques


Although there are many different approaches to Chakra meditation,

the fundamental principles remain the same. The most important

among these principles is that of removing obstructive, negative, and

wandering thoughts and fantasies, and calming the mind with a deep

sense of focus. This clears the mind of debris and prepares it for a

higher quality of activity.

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The negative thoughts you have – those of noisy neighbors, bossy

officemates, that parking ticket you got, and unwanted spam– are

said to contribute to the ‘polluting’ of the mind, and shutting them

out is allows for the ‘cleansing’ of the mind so that it may focus on

deeper, more meaningful thoughts.

Some practitioners even shut out all sensory input – no sights, no

sounds, and nothing to touch – and try to detach themselves from the

commotion around them. You may now focus on a deep, profound

thought if this is your goal. It may seem deafening at first, since we

are all too accustomed to constantly hearing and seeing things, but as

you continue this exercise you will find yourself becoming more

aware of everything around you.

If you find the meditating positions you see on television threatening

– those with impossibly arched backs, and painful-looking

contortions – you need not worry. The principle here is to be in a

comfortable position conducive to concentration. This may be while

sitting cross-legged, standing, lying down, and even walking.

If the position allows you to relax and focus, then that would be a

good starting point. While sitting or standing, the back should be

straight, but not tense or tight. In other positions, the only no-no is

slouching and falling asleep.

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Loose, comfortable clothes help a lot in the process since tight fitting

clothes have a tendency to choke you up and make you feel tense.

The place you perform meditation should have a soothing

atmosphere. It may be in your living room, or bedroom, or any place

that you feel comfortable in. You might want an exercise mat if you

plan to take on the more challenging positions (if you feel more

focused doing so, and if the contortionist in you is screaming for

release). You may want to have the place arranged so that it is

soothing to your senses.

Silence helps most people relax and meditate, so you may want a

quiet, isolated area far from the ringing of the phone or the humming

of the washing machine. Pleasing scents also help in that regard, so

stocking up on aromatic candles isn’t such a bad idea either.

The monks you see on television making those monotonous sounds

are actually performing their mantra. This, in simple terms, is a short

creed, a simple sound which, for these practitioners, holds a mystic


You do not need to perform such; however, it would pay to note that

focusing on repeated actions such as breathing, and humming help

the practitioner enter a higher state of consciousness.

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The principle here is focus. You could also try focusing on a certain

object or thought, or even, while keeping your eyes open, focus on a

single sight.

One sample routine would be to – while in a meditative state –

silently name every part of your body and focusing your

consciousness on that part. While doing this you should be aware of

any tension on any part of your body. Mentally visualize releasing

this tension. It works wonders.

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Chapter 4: The Throat and Chakra Connection


According to the ancients, there are certain vibrations, sounds, that

correlate to the different color vibrations of the chakras. What does

‘connecting’ mean? It is a feeling that is easier to experience than to

describe. Suppose you are trying to connect the throat friction with

the area between the eyebrows, for instance. In the beginning there is

a simultaneous awareness of them. Then a resonance automatically

takes place between the two.

The area between the eyebrows seems to vibrate together with the

throat friction. Then a ‘mixing’ takes place. The throat friction

combines with the feeling between the eyebrows. There is a

communication of energy between the larynx and the Chakra. That is

what is meant by ‘connecting’.

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Connection There follows a simple but essential experience: the perception of

the Chakra quickly becomes more distinct and tangible. This result is

clear and instantaneous. The effect of the throat friction is to ‘give

shape’, make things more substantial. Therefore, whenever you

connect the throat friction with a chakra or any other organ of energy

the organ becomes more perceptible. The larynx makes things

manifest, it reveals them.

A similar effect will be observed when working on auras. You first

have to build up the inner space and engage the process of seeing.

Then some exercises will show how your perception of nonphysical

halos and auras are instantaneously boosted when combining throat

friction and vision. The lights and colors will appear significantly

‘denser’ and more tangible.

The throat friction can also be used to establish a linkage between

different structures of energy. Not only can you connect the friction to

the Chakra or any other organ of energy, but you can also enhance the

connection between different organs of energy, and link them

through the friction.

we see that through the voice we express our thoughts and our

emotions, which is a way of giving them a more defined form. you will

realize that the throat friction makes the Chakra more tangible, as if

shaping it. You will tune into your Chakra, and as soon as you start

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implementing the throat friction, the Chakra will immediately be

perceived more clearly and more intensely.

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Chapter 5: How To Tips


There are 7 major chakras, or energy centers, along the spine--from

the base of your spine to the top of your head. Each chakra has a

assorted purpose, but they all work together to bring the body into

balance spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Meditating

on the chakras may enhance this balance and, in turn, your life.

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Do It Right

• Sit or lie in a comfy position. Shut your eyes and breathe deeply

in and out, counting on every exhale till you reach twenty. Note

any thoughts that pass through your mind, but softly let them


• Picture the Muladhara chakra at the bottom of your spine.

Picture it as a round red light twirling such as a wheel. Center

on the color and this chakra's purpose as the center of power for

how you translate and react to the physical world.

• Picture the Swadhisthana chakra in the region of your

reproductive organs. Picture it as a round orange light twirling

such as a wheel. Center on the color and this chakra's purpose

as the center of power for your creativity.

• Picture the Manipura chakra in the region of your solar plexus

or navel. Picture it as a round yellow light twirling such as a

wheel. Center on the color and this chakra's purpose as the

center of power for your emotions.

• Picture the Anahata chakra in the region of your chest or heart.

Picture it as a round green light twirling such as a wheel. Center

on the color and this chakra's purpose as the center of power for


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• Picture the Vishuddha chakra in the region of your throat.

Picture it as a round blue light twirling such as a wheel. Center

on the color and this chakra's purpose as the center of power for

expression and communication.

• Picture the Ajna chakra in the region of your forehead. Picture it

as a round indigo light twirling such as a wheel. Center on the

color and this chakra's purpose as the center of power for your


• Picture the Sahasrara chakra at the top of your head. Picture it

is a round violet-white light twirling such as a wheel. Center on

the color and this chakra's purpose as the center of power for

connecting with The Higher Power.

• Picture all seven chakras twirling together in unison. This can

be difficult, but gets easier with every meditation session.

• Clear your mind and breathe deeply in and out, counting on the

exhale till you get to twenty. Once again, note any thoughts that

pass through your mind, but softly let them go. Open your eyes,

stand up and feel more balanced the remainder of the day.

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Wrapping Up

Our bodies bear sensitive areas that are filled up with energy and are

the focal points of emotions, feelings, hunch and insight. These

energy points are named Chakras. Each Chakra has its own features

and singular properties. It will help you center your mind and body

as you work to detect how your Chakras serve you and how to best

utilize them as guides in day-to-day life.