
THE PROBLEM OF OBESITY: IMPLICATION TO MENTAL AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Teacher Education Surigao State College of Technology Surigao City In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education By: Ali, Sarah A. Ampo, Maricor L. Mangmang, Girlie E.

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Page 1: Thesis



An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to

The Faculty of Teacher Education

Surigao State College of Technology

Surigao City

In Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirements for the Degree

Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education


Ali, Sarah A.

Ampo, Maricor L.

Mangmang, Girlie E.

Ono-on, Madelyn R.

Razona, Edgar J.

Page 2: Thesis




Obesity is one of the major health problems in the

Philippines. An estimated 500,000 Filipinos are suffering obesity

and some of them are very young of age (Deneros, ).

The National Statistics on malnutrition (Year 1988) shows

under nutrition as a major problem of developing countries like

the Philippines. However, this is fast changing. As Filipinos

adopt more of the Western lifestyle and diet as reflected by the

so-called “Mc Donald’s index”, a segment of our population

inevitably becomes subject to the consequence of being overweight

and finally obese.

Based on the data gathered from the NUTRISTAT Protocol at

St. Luke’s Medical Center (1999 – 2000), 34% of the total

admitted patients are malnourished and yet surprising about one-

fourth of them are obese. There was more overweight (2/3) than

undernourished (1/3) patients.

Obesity is an epidemic in the United States today. According

to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about two

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thirds of American adults (nearly 130 million people) are either

overweight or obese. These conditions put people at increased

risk for serious medical problems, including type 2 diabetes,

heart disease, stroke, certain cancers, and osteoarthritis. They

can also impact people’s quality of life, cause disability and

reduce life expectancy.

In several human cultures, obesity was associated with physical

attractiveness, strength and fertility and was considered a

symbol of wealth and social status in cultures prone to food

storage or famine. Well, into the nearly modern period in

European Cultures, it often serves more as a visible signifier of

“Lust for Life” appetite and immersion in the realm of the

erotic. (

Many obese persons are not conscious of the habit they have

of nibbling at food. Many are emotionally unstable and are easily

fatigued after eating when the reverse should be the case. The

endogenous variety is somewhat more complicated thyroid. Hypo

function associated with obesity results in increased fat storage

by decreasing the metabolic rate so that fats are not consumed

through a normal energy output. Excess fat stored in the tissues

is inactive and takes no parts in the body metabolism.

Hyperthyroidism as a cause of obesity is said to account for only

8 percent of all endogenous cases. Psyfunction of the adrenals

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causes obesity in an entirely different manner from that arising

from thyroid deficiency.

There is also a fatty increased at the side of the face and

about the eyes. A fair share of the cases of obesity describe

heretofore are somewhat difficult to classify. There appears to

be some disturbance of the Central Nervous System which will

account for many of them. Some fat persons, instead of exhibiting

placidity, show signs of hysteria, neurasthema, neuralgias and

other symptoms suggesting a brain lesion. Obesity has followed

upon an attack of sleeping sickness (encephalitis lethargica),

which bears out the theory of nervous origin in some cases.

One of the most common and most serious of many important

complicating of obesity is what involving the Circulatory System.

Fat frequently invades the heart muscles leading to heart

failure. A large percentage of fat persons have hypertension and

it has been calculated that circulatory disease is about 2 ½

times as common in the obese as in those with normal weight.

It is estimated that in the United States approximately 7.3%

of the adult population has an anxiety disorder that necessitates

some form of treatment (Regier et al, 1988). In addition, stress-

related emotions, such as anxiety, are common among healthy

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individuals (Cohen et al, 1991). The current interests in

prevention have heightened interest in exercise on alternative or

adjust to traditional interventions such as psychotherapy or drug


In this matter, obesity identified in the sense that it

occurs when the body is sustained in positive balance energy

where the amount of energy (calories) eaten in the form of food

is more than the energy used and needed by the body for life and

daily activities.

From the foregoing discussion, the researchers encourage to

explore more about obesity, particularly the main reasons and its

cause specifically its implication to physical and mental aspects

of a person.


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The most common tool used in medical settings to determine

whether a person is overweight or obese is the body mass index

(BMI), a calculation that uses height and weight. A BMI of 25 to

29.9 is considered overweight and a BMI of 36 or more is

considered obese. ( However, the BMI may

overestimate body fat in people who have a lot of weight from

lean muscle (such as athletes) and underestimate the body fat of

people who have lost a lot of muscle. Therefore, other factors

may be considered such as a person’s waist measurement or his

risk factors for obesity-related diseases.

In 2004, the Federal Government put new programs and

initiatives into place to address this public health issue

including Scientific Research on the causes of obesity and on

what can be done to0 help treat and manage it more effectively.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

(NCCAM) is an active participant in this research effort.

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has identified

obesity as a priority area for action. The National Institute of

Health (NIH) is playing a major role through scientific research

to better understand the forces contributing to obesity, the

diseases that can develop from it and strategies for prevention

and treatment.

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Bariatric surgery deals with the gastrointestinal tract,

specifically, the stomach and the small intestines. The procedure

may be purely restrictive (Gastroplasty, Gastric Banding) so that

satiety is attained even with a small amount of food intake or

malabsorptive (Billiopancreatic Diversion), which minimizes the

chance of food nutrients to get absorbed from the gut. There may

be a combination of the above techniques (Gastric Bypass, BPD

with Duodenal Switch). Procedure may be done as Open Surgery or

Laparoscopic. The most commonly performed technique in the U.S.

is Roux-ex-y Gastric Bypass, thus making this technique the

present gold standard. In Europe and Australia, Gastric Banding

is relatively popular. Surgery is the most effective means

available for successful long-term weight loss in the morbidly

obese patient, the lowest weight generally attained in 12-24

months. The Philippines is the first in Southeast Asia to provide

the service of Bariatric Surgery and the most active in creating

awareness for global problem of obesity.



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Obesity is a condition characterized by the presence of

amount of fat, where fat has been accumulated to an extent that

is likely to be detrimental to health.

Obesity occurs when the body is sustained in positive energy

balance, energy where the amount of energy (calories) eaten in

the form of food is more than the energy used and needed by the

body for life and daily activities.

Many factors are important in the development of obesity

such as behavioral influences, physiological, environmental and

psychological factors. All of which should be addressed in the

treatment of this complex disease.

There is overwhelming evidence, based on statistics obtained

by life insurance companies and studies at Harvard University by

Jean Mayer and his collaborators, that overweight of sufficient

extent is associated with an increased in mortality from a number

of important several diseases.

In subjects rated as overweight, the mortality is 150% of

normal for men and 147% for women. The difference is particularly

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striking for heart disease. And in addition to that, because

society increasingly tends to equate obesity with gluttony and

thinness with beauty and virtue, obesity causes serious

psychological hazards, particularly in women and adolescents.


Fig. 1 The Schematic Diagram of the Study


Profile of the Respondents- Age- Sex- Occupation

Extent of Problems of Obesity- Dietary- Mental- Social

Mental and Physical Activities

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The main problem of this study is to determine the problems of

obesity and its implication to mental and physical activities.

Specifically, the problem seeks to the answer the following:

1. What is the profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 Age

1.2 Sex

1.3 Occupation?

2. To what extent are the problems of obesity are being perceived

when categorized into:

2.1 Dietary aspect

2.2 Mental aspect

2.3 Social aspect?

3. Is there a significant difference in the perception of their

respondents in problem 2 when they are categorized according to

profile variable in problem 1?

4. What programs are to be initiated to minimize the problem of



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To pursue the interest of the researchers in doing their

study, they will be guided by the following hypothesis.

Problems 1, 2 and 4 are hypothesis free; however Problem 3

is hypothesized as:

H01: There is no significant difference in the perception of the

respondents in problem 2 when they are categorized according to

profile visible in Problem 1.


The findings of this study are expected to benefit the


Medical Practitioner. Being the one studying in pertaining to

medicine. They could easily look into views which stressing on

the problem on obesity and could easily look for best treatment

in terms of medicine, aiming to give good output for prevention.

Obese Person. The one who is the center and focus of study; it is

their primary objectives to use and make good balance and healthy

lifestyle and to know more descriptive data that pertains to

obesity or malnutrition.

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Nutritionist. The implementer in terms of proper and right

healthy diet. They ensure help and right specification in giving

medicine in prevention of obesity and malnutrition.

Future Researchers. Are benefactors and receivers of the study

whose aim is to know and gather data knowledgably from further

studies. They gather more data to help the study and improve the

application by planning and making strategies for the research.


This study is limited to the following aspects:


This study focused to the treatment for the obese persons,

how it can be minimized and solved.


The participants of the study will be the obese persons

residing in Surigao City.


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This study will exclusively to be conducted in the Academic

Year 2007-2008 at the Surigao State College of Technology main

campus, located at Narciso Street corner Sarvida Street. The

maximum target will be 50 persons, not less than 30 persons.


To make this study comprehensible, the following terms that

have been defined are as follows:

Obese. Refers to a person who is having a BMI of 30 and above

Overweight. It is the presence of an excessive amount of fat in

the body and it has a BMI of 25 to 29.9

BMI. This is a tool used to determine whether a person is either

obese or overweight and it is an acronym that stands for Body

Mass Index.

Treatment. It is the act or manner of treating a patient’s

disease or pathological conditions.

Mental Activity. It is known as activity exist and being produced

by our mind, thinking rational and thoughtful reasoning.

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Physical Exercise. It is a matter of giving forces to our body

build and opposed with our mind carefully.

Diet. It is the manner of losing weight and make starve oneself

or reducing.

Mental Factor. Refers to somebody’s intellectual ability, a

habitual way of thinking; being a stable or steadiness of mind

Physical Factor. Having a stable physical ability involving

physical features or body

Exposure. To reveal to the public or frequent appearance to the




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This chapter presents the research designs to be used, the

participants of the study, instrument, procedures and data



In gathering information and needed data, the researcher

utilized the descriptive type of research.

The descriptive method was used because it involves the

process of data concerning the status of many respondents and it

describes the present condition of investigation on the obese

person, its effect to physical and mental capacity behavior and

most especially, its intelligence.


The participants of the study were the teachers and students

of Surigao State College of Technology, Surigao City Campus, with

their respective corresponding courses.

These will represent the 100% of the total population of the


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The researchers utilized the questionnaire as the principal

gathering tool.

In the preparation of the questionnaire, the researcher used

the guide sheet from National Statistics on malnutrition adopted

here in the Philippines.

The instrument stated was very important to complete the

research work so that it can gather more information from the



The researcher made and submitted a written permission in

the conduct of the questionnaire for approval from the office of

the Dean of the Programs and Standards of SSCT. Upon the

approval, the researchers personally distributed the

questionnaires to the respondents of the study.


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In determining the statistical tools to be used in the

research, the researchers will apply the following statistical


Percentage: This statistical tool was used to determine the

respondent’s profile based on their reactions and answers from

the questionnaire which has been distributed.

Weighted Mean: This was used to assess the data and

information in aspects of reacting on the study of obesity or

under overweight.

T-Test: This was used to determine their perception and

views about obesity and its concerns.


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This chapter presents, analyzes and interprets the data on

the problem of obesity and its implications to mental and

physical activities of Surigao State College of Technology, A.Y.

2007-2008. The data and information gathered by the researchers

from the retrieved questionnaires presented, analyzed and

interpreted as follows:

Problem 1: What is the profile of the respondents in terms of

age, sex and category?

Table 1. Profile of the respondents in terms of age

Age N %

Below 18 yrs. Old 10 26.32

18 to 20 yrs. Old 12 31.58

21 to 23 yrs. Old 8 21.05

24 yrs. old & above 8 21.05

TOTAL 38 100.00

The table I presented the age profile of the respondents. It can

be seen that 10 or 26.32 percent belong to an age bracket of 18

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years below, 12 or 31.58 percent from 18 to 20 years old, 8 or

21.05 percent from 21 to 23 years old and same also with the age

bracket of 24 years old and above, they got a total number of 8

and 21.05 as their percentage.

Table 2. Profile of the respondents in terms of their sex

Sex Group N %

Male 13 34.21

Female 25 65.79

TOTAL 38 100.00

The data in table 2 showed the sex profile of the respondents. It

is revealed on the table that all of the 13 or 34.21 percent of

the respondents were males and 25 or 65.79 percent were females.

Table 3. Profile of the respondents in terms of their category

Category N %

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High School 5 13.16

College 25 65.79

Teachers 8 21.05

TOTAL 38 100.00

Table 3 emphasized the respondents profile in terms of their

category. It has been computed that 5 or 13.16 percent of the

respondents are from High School category, 25 or 65.79 percent

are from College category and 8 or 21.05 are from the teachers


Problem 2. To what extents are the problems of obesity are being

perceived when categorized into: physical aspect, mental aspect

and social aspect?

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Table 4. The extent of obesity for physical aspect as perceived by the High School students, College students and teachers

Items of Physical Aspect H.S. x QD

College x QD

Teachers x QD


1. Increase of weight cannot be stopped

2.84 MP 1.68 NP 1.97 AP 2.16 MP

2. Conscious of the dress to wear

2.87 MP 1.87 AP 2.55 MP 2.43 MP

3. Overweight 3.00 MP 2.03 AP 2.32 AP 2.45 MP

4. Figure 2.61 MP 2.26 AP 2.44 MP

TOTAL 2.83 1.96 2.28 2.37 MP


N – raw score 3.25 – 4.00 – Very much a problem (VMP)

x – mean 2.50 – 3.24 – Much a problem (MP)

QD – Qualitative 1.75 – 2.49 – A problem (AP) Description

1.08 – 1.74 – Not a problem (NP)

Presented in table 4 are the extents on the problem of obesity

for physical aspect as perceived by the high school students,

college students and teachers.

It can be seen on the table that the three (3) categories of

respondents rated it with an average mean of 2.37 and

qualitatively described as much a problem. The highest mean score

for the High School students is on the item of overweight in

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which they qualitatively described as much a problem. They also

rated the three (3) items with similar qualitative description

that have been mentioned above.

The College students on the other hand, rated the items of figure

with the highest mean score of 2.26 and a qualitative description

of a problem, 1.68 as their lowest mean score and it is on the

item of increase of weight cannot be stopped and is qualitatively

described as not a problem.

Otherwise, the teachers rated the item conscious of the dress to

wear as their highest mean, with the score of 2.55 and

qualitatively described as much a problem. They also rated the

increase of weight cannot be stopped as the lowest mean, with the

score of 1.97 and a qualitative description of, a problem.

Table 5. The extent of obesity for mental aspect as perceived by the High School students, College students and teachers

Items of Mental Aspect H.S. x QD

College x QD

Teachers x QD


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1. Find no time to study 2.85 MP 1.73 NP 2.15 AP 2.24 AP

2. Not interested to learn 2.85 MP 1.88 AP 2.50 MP 2.41 AP

3. Experienced loss of memory

2.96 MP 2.15 AP 2.19 AP 2.43 AP

4. Laziness 2.54 MP 2.31 AP 2.43 AP

TOTAL 2.8 MP 2.02 AP 2.28 MP 2.38 AP

Table 5 presents the extent of obesity for mental aspect. The 3

categories of respondents rated it with its individual mean

average result. For High School category, they rated 2.96 for the

item experienced loss of memory as their highest mean and a

qualitative description of much a problem while the lowest mean

is only rated only 2.54 with the item of laziness and a

qualitative description of much a problem.

From the College category, the highest mean is on the item of

laziness, it has an average mean of 2.31 and qualitatively

described as a problem and they also rated 1.73 for the item find

no time to study as their lowest mean with a qualitative

description of not a problem.

On the other hand, the teachers rated the item not interested to

learn with a mean score of 2.50 and qualitatively described as

much a problem. This serves as their highest mean score while the

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lowest is rated only 2.19 with a qualitative description of a

problem and it’s on the item of experienced loss of memory.

The overall average on the mental aspect by the 3 categories of

respondents is qualitatively described as “much a problem” and “a

problem” with a mean average of 2.8, 2.02 and 2.28 respectively.

Table 6. The extent obesity for social aspect as perceived by the High School students, College students and teachers

Items of Social Aspect H.S. x QD

College x QD

Teachers x QD


1. Feel inferior to associate with friends

2.75 MP 2.88 MP 1.63 NP 2.42 MP

2. Sensitive to issues specifically on weight issues

2.88 MP

1.50 NP

1.88 AP

2.09 MP

3. Easily tired to participate in social activities

2.63 MP

1.75 AP

1.38 NP

1.92 MP

TOTAL 2.75 MP 2.04 MP 1.63 AP 2.14 MP

Presented in Table 6 are the extent of obesity for social aspect

as perceived by the High School students, College students and

teachers of Surigao State College of Technology.

Problem 3. Is there a significant difference in the perception of

the two groups of respondents in problem 2?

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Table 7 shows the significant difference in the perceptions of

the 2 groups of respondents according to the factors stated in

problem 2.

Table 7. Analysis of Variance on the Perceptions of the Student Participants on the Problem of Obesity as Implication to Mental and Physical Activities when grouped according to their Profile Variables

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value DecisionAgeBetween GroupsWithin Groups

0.23 3 0.08 0.15 0.93 Accept

Ho16.94 34 0.50

SexBetween GroupsWithin Groups

0.08 1 0.08 0.16 0.69 Accept Ho17.10 36 0.47

CategoryBetween GroupsWithin Groups

0.53 2 0.27 0.58 0.0013 Accept Ho16.64 35 0.48

*A-value at 0.05% level of significance

As revealed in the table, when the participants are grouped

according to their Age, “there is no significant difference” in

the extent of their perceptions on the Problem of Obesity as

Implication to Mental and Physical Activities, as based on the

following computed P-value: Between Groups has the Sum of Square

(SS) 0.23 divided by the degree of freedom (df) 3 resulted to

Mean of Sum of Square (MS) 0.08 and in the Within Groups has the

Sum of Square (SS) 16.94 divided by the degree of freedom (df) 34

resulted to Mean of Sum of Square (MS) 0.50, F-value was computed

by dividing the Between Groups’ MS-value by Within Groups’ MS-

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value resulted to 0.15 with the data analysis in excel P-value of

0.93 was calculated, the decision was determined to Accept the

Hypothesis because the P-value was greater than the Margin of

Error or the Alpha-value of 0.05.

When grouped according to their Sex. “there is no

significant difference” in the extent of their perceptions on the

Problem of Obesity as Implication to Mental and Physical

Activities, as based on the following computed P-value: Between

Groups has the Sum of Square (SS) 0.08 divided by the degree of

freedom (df) 1 resulted to Mean of Sum of Square (MS) 0.08 and in

the Within Groups has the Sum of Square (SS) 17.10 divided by the

degree of freedom (df) 36 resulted to Mean of Sum of Square (MS)

0.48, F-value was computed by dividing the Between Groups’ MS-

value by Within Groups’ MS-value resulted to 0.16 with the data

analysis in excel P-value of 0.69 was calculated, the decision

was determined to Accept the Hypothesis because the P-value was

greater than the Margin of Error or the Alpha-value of 0.05.

When grouped according to Category still “there is no

significant difference” in the extent of their perceptions on the

Problem of Obesity as Implication to Mental and Physical

Activities, as based on the following computed P-value: Between

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Groups has the Sum of Square (SS) 0.53 divided by the degree of

freedom (df) 2 resulted to Mean of Sum of Square (MS) 0.27 and in

the Within Groups has the Sum of Square (SS) 16.64 divided by the

degree of freedom (df) 35 resulted to Mean of Sum of Square (MS)

0.48, F-value was computed by dividing the Between Groups’ MS-

value by Within Groups’ MS-value resulted to 0.56 with the data

analysis in excel P-value of 0.58 was calculated, the decision

was determined to Accept the Hypothesis because the P-value was

greater than the Margin of Error or the Alpha-value of 0.05.

Therefore, there is no significant difference between the

perceptions of the participants on the Problem of Obesity as

Implication to Mental and Physical Activities when grouped

according to their Profile variables. The hypothesis used is




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This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and

recommendations of this study.


The main purpose of this study was to assess and find out

the problem of obesity in students and teachers of Surigao State

College of Technology, A.Y. 2007-2008

Investigation looked into the profiles of the 2 groups of

respondents namely: Students and Teachers in terms of age, sex

and category.

The study further assessed the problem of obesity its

implication to physical, mental and social aspect of


The study was conducted in the main campus of Surigao State

College of Technology for both High School and College students

and teachers.

A set of questionnaires was used to gather data of 2 groups

of respondents. The statistical tools employed were simple

percentage for problem 1, weighted mean for problem 2 and t-test

for problem 3.

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The study revealed the following findings:

1. Most of the respondents belong to an age bracket of below

18 years old.

2. Majority of the respondents are female.

3. The most number of respondents are College students whom

age bracket is between 18-20 years old.

4. The 2 groups of respondents namely students and teachers

rated the 3 major aspects: mental aspect, physical aspect

and social aspects.

5. There is no significant difference in the perception of the

2 groups of respondents in mental, physical and social



Based on the findings, the following conclusions were


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1. In the mental aspect, students considered it as much a

problem and for teachers said that it is a problem in

terms of finding no time to study, not interested to

learn, experienced loss of memory and laziness.

2. In physical aspects, students and teachers found much

problem in terms of weight increase and cannot be stopped,

consciousness of dress to wear and specially body figure.

3. For the social aspects, they realized that it gives much

problem specially the making of critics or discrimination

from those people they met for every moment.


The light of findings and conclusions of the study, the

following recommendations are given:

1. An individual must consider right and proper diet

therapies. One of these is individualized modest energy

restricted diets, where diets based on healthy eating with

modest reductions of energy should always be used as a

first line treatment of obesity and overweight in

combination with a change in eating behavior and lifestyle.

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And/or most diets are based on the principles of healthy

eating such as typically low fat, low sugar and high fiber.

2. Behavioral change is also considered for this behavioral

therapy that helps patients to become more aware of their

eating and lifestyle behavior and examines the trigger

factors that cause bad habits to develop.

3. Lifestyle change. For this, any weight management program

should include as increase in physical activity / exercise

whenever possible. Exercise helps to speed up and maintain

weight loss and may assist with promoting a healthier fat

distribution across the body. Exercise can also help manage

some of the complications of and medical conditions related

to overweight and obesity.


Online Resources:

Page 32: Thesis

- Lust for Life

- Obesity – A Global Epidemic

By: Susan L. Burke, M.S., K.b., L.b., CDE

Director, Nutrition Services, e-Diets


Konishi in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association,

Vol. 6 (1965), p. 186

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Appendix A


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September 5, 2007

DR. MERLYN M. SANCHEZDean, Programs and StandardsSurigao State College of TechnologyCity of Surigao

Dear Madam:

The undersigned researchers are conducting a research study entitled “OBESITY: Implication to Physical and Mental Activities as Perceived by Surigao State College of Technology Bachelor of Secondary Education Students, A.Y. 2007-2008.”

In this matter, we would like to request your good office to allow us to conduct the questionnaires to the students and teachers of Surigao State College of Technology. The result will be used in gathering data for the said study.

Hoping for a favorable action.

Respectfully yours,

Ali, Sarah A.Ampo, Maricor L.Mangmang, Gerlie E.Ono-an, Madelyn R.Razona, Edgar J.


Recommending Approval

RONITA E. TALINGTING, Ph.D.Research Professor/Adviser

APPROVED: _____________, 2007

MERLYN M. SANCHEZ, Ph.D.Dean, Programs and Standards

Appendix B

Surigao State College of Technology

Surigao City

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Part I. Respondents Profile

Name (Optional): _______________________________

Age: _______________________________

Sex: _______________________________

Occupation: _______________________________

Part II. Extent on the Problems of Obesity

Direction: Below are the items that will assess on the problems

of obesity. Check only the appropriate column using the scale


Point Scale Description

4 Very much a proble(VMP)

3 Much a problem (MP)

2 A problem (AP)

1 Not a problem (NP)





A. Physical Aspect1. Increase of weight cannot be stopped 2. Conscious of the dress to wear

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3. Overweight4. Figure

B. Mental Aspect1. Find no time to study2. Not interested to learn3. Experienced loss of memory4. Laziness

C. Social Aspect1. Feel inferior to associate with friends2. Sensitive to issues specifically on weight issues3. Easily tired to participate in social activities

Thank you VERY MUCH!!!


Personal Profile:


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Home Address: Sitio Looc, Brgy. Luna, Surigao City

Birthdate: May 9, 1969

Age: 38

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Married

Parents Father: Jose Bonotan Alceso

Mother: Genoviva Toraja Alipao

Address: Himamaog Tagana-an, Surigao del Norte

Religious Affiliation: Muslim/Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Elementary: Himamaog Elementary School

Secondary: Taganaan National High School

Tertiary: Surigao State College of Technology

Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Major: Home Economics

Motto: “Strong faith and action with greater

determination lead to progress and success.”


Personal Profile:


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Home Address: Mabini Tubajon, Dinagat Province

Birthdate: March 4, 1986

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Parents Father: Diosdado Galinzoga Ampo

Mother: Marcita Modelo Lasco

Religious Affiliation: Church the Body of Christ

Educational Background

Elementary: Mabini Elementary School

Secondary: Loreto National High School

Tertiary: Surigao State College of Technology

Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Major: Home Economics

Motto: “Successful is described as fifty-fifty.

50% vision and 50% action.”


Personal Profile:


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Home Address: Escolta, Dinagat Province

Birthdate: August 9, 1986

Age: 21

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Parents Father: Elpedio Rondon Mangmang

Mother: Vilma Jarabe Edera

Religious Affiliation: Iglesia Filipina Independiente

Educational Background

Elementary: Dinagat Central Elementary School

Secondary: Dinagat School of Fisheries

Tertiary: Surigao State College of Technology

Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Major: Home Economics

Motto: “No one is perfect.”


Personal Profile:


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Home Address: Purok-I, Poblacion Cagdianao,

Dinagat, Province

Birthdate: October 9, 1987

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Civil Status: Single

Parents Father: Margarito Damaterio Ono-on (deceased)

Mother: Adelina Agape Reuma

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Elementary: Cagdianao Elementary School

Secondary: Cagdianao National High School

Tertiary: Surigao State College of Technology

Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Major: Home Economics

Motto: “Poverty is not a hindrance to success.”


Personal Profile:


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Home Address: Purok 1, Brgy. Poctoy, Surigao City

Birthdate: March 6, 1987

Age: 20

Sex: Male

Civil Status: Single

Parents Father: Victor Borja Razona

Mother: Zosima Gultiano Jandayan

Religious Affiliation: Roman Catholic

Educational Background

Elementary: Poctoy Elementary School

Secondary: Surigao del Norte National High School

Tertiary: Surigao State College of Technology

Course: Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education

Major: Home Economics

Motto: “The essence of being human is one who doesn’t

seek perfection.”


The researchers would like to express their profound

gratitude and appreciation to the following persons for their

Page 42: Thesis

invaluable assistance, encouragement, moral and financial support

that leads for the realization of the study.

Dr. Merlyn M. Sanchez, Dean of Programs and Standards for

her generous help and concern afforded to the researchers and for

giving the permit to conduct questionnaires to the students and

teachers in this College.

Dr. Ronita E. Talingting, the research professor and

adviser, for her encouragement, deep concern and assistance for

the completion of this research and also for her technical

expertise in making this research study more scientific and


Dr. Milagros G. Villarama, member of the examination

committee for sharing her knowledge and expertise in the field of


Dr. Elvis P. Patulin, member of the examination committee,

for his unselfish support and sharing knowledge in making this

research study fully realized.

The participants, for their most valuable time and effort

extended in answering the questionnaires for the study.

Page 43: Thesis

Their beloved parents, for the prayers, inspirations,

financial support and understanding that the researchers made and

accomplished their study.

Above all, to the God Almighty, for giving them the

strength, good health, wisdom, love and guidance.




Title Page ................................

Page 44: Thesis

Approval Sheet ................................

Acknowledgment ................................

Abstract ................................

Table of Contents ................................

List of Figure ................................

List of Tables ................................




Review of Related Literature

Conceptual and Theoretical Framework

Statement of the Problem


Significance of the Study

Scope and Limitation

Definition of Terms


Research Design




Data Analysis


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A. Letter of Permission to Administer the Instrument

B. Questionnaire



Figure 1 Schematic Diagram of the Study

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Table 1 Profile of the Respondents in terms of Age

Table 2 Profile of the Respondents in terms of their Sex

Table 3 Profile of the Respondents in terms of their Category

Table 4 Extent of Obesity for Physical Aspects

as perceived by the High School Students, College

Students and Teachers

Table 5 Extent of Obesity for Mental Aspects

as perceived by the High School Students, College

Students and Teachers

Table 6 Extent of Obesity for Social Aspects

as perceived by the High School Students, College

Students and Teachers

Table 7 Analysis of Variance on the Perceptions of the

Student Participants on the Problem of Obesity as

Implication to Mental and Physical Activities when

Grouped According to their Profile Variables