thg weekly e amd times.sly cubbed. _l this dlmm olx tnlttliom li try dl knotm't cuain:toti....

SLY CUBBED. _l this dlMM OlX tnlttliOM li try DL Knotm't Cuain :TOTi. Tlwtt powojn in u* otnrn ts*t will ear* CdBtuwOoa r tb* moil iro Uw-laiatd, lith In U*m, «o4 tito to aSnTtae» . nohanbnr, mvfllfonnrt u i« mifl, pat-piM, • m i T»ui i no money until yen ir» r their enntrrt powert. If joor iraj, don't deliy In fMaj QUM u they win raitly care yen. > box. KM. tent to «oy put of or Cts*di, by mill, onKctlpt of LiH 4 BOBBINS, MO Fulton 81, Brooklyn, R. T, ^EPILEPSY o OB' ,G' sfOK'N"E"B'S> CCWD-XO snnva-vt on [ or Di Oocuo'i CkLxnuno i PcrmnJ. To cooTtoe* rofftrtn I wUI do ill we cUlm (or thin _ j» by mill, rorr r«R>, i ran far. Goaiud ii lh« oslr ptirilclu Lj this dlK«M iptcitl IIMJ, icd tbooMsdi Kite U«n rnuu- lt>« »Mof lb«M renruuu, »1 A rrxujjrxirr enre in •TCTT CIM , m.«o»iT trrtron. All raf- r- ibiM prwim »n eirly trlil, icd .MlJ eanitlM p o e n . . e box Mt». or < t»«« for110.00, r-BT .urt of th« Cnlud 8UIWor I•-. of | d « , or b ; «pr«H, C. 0. D. «0 ftJton St., Brooklyn, K T. ILES AVERY errv St., Rahway, DEALER IK I Genii* and Children*! IOEUOT, k Work a Specialty.' lied for the best "Aalhtg . ad Fa bile SerrUea or lent Garfield, \t M rtttl mjnmgt. The mert .; IB4 Christian Kavk lift txfort •V i /rknrf of hvmaAlly. Hit lut •d 151; told by one ot the be«t MtxO all dtKcrt. LOOM DO Umt vj. Kxtrs Irmi, ootfll it. Addrwi tt on«. 1Y, Pub., 61Comhlll, Bo<ton,Mui New Book ||koi Birti, 129 pp., 80 Iliu- IJKtniioni. All fitu on ill IWoird<. By mill, K eu.- : :.t. Jc_ HOLSES'S BIRD >,«n Uhstrtud Monthly. Article* [ .-, St. Andrtubert Canary. Plplnj Mule), New Bull!, Food tad CiM, il-50 a Tear; Sample, l( <c prepaid. wirlrt lor tnininc, warranted U :rchofce. Good, IliO. B««, %i IEASBBHO CANARIES, wltli I late note*, J< ; eitn, $5. ;--« lent bTeipr»8, C. O. D. LDE5, J87 Sixth A r t , H. T OFFER FOR H LIDAYS! tt EITRAORDDJABT r cufi. Ia'fj.'menti rtCfllrtd .7A53. J « . ISO. t«0 up. MAQ- <t. ROSEWOOD FLASOS.Hool $190. Wimoted 8 jtin. Him mailed. Apma wmted, HOS i ± CO.. Mica.'sctartn lad Dcti- -r, Ktir Tort. TENTS k. LEMOM, Att'y at Law HTOy, D. C. eodf! for PrelimicArj u to Pi'.£L'jb!l;ij p , for wh!ck -is. If Kporttd pi;en'JibI«, no anlcti tacceuful. 6«ci BLISIIED \X 18C5, 1ARIA AND AND AGUE ne Bottle of onroe's Remedy, it the use of Quinine. IXTEDISEEE CUBE. : any Promineat Citlzeni .Can Ttst'fj-. . j??ist for it or Address MONROE & CO., |«l JORALEMON ST., Brooklyn, M. Y. RCUUR. i Salesl Boy* Wanted! iood Comm'iiioii I 45 "LAT1ST" . '- F'..:'ji/orJ, SLidt « rer.l corrn- :icr. U.T. JONES, lefferton, X. WESTERVELT, :p on Bridge St., SEX, - RAHWAT r fl.J. Promptly Attenflefl To. t. (Hortrt'l AT. ZK. t'J a C«J flome eiillj m '&J'It fr«. iddtets Tivi * AY MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. 07HCS TH EAST CORNER OF It, and Milton Ave,, , K. J. of th« Rahwi/ Kttnal Fin Icinr- r luTtnj been extended for Thirty ril 1880, tb< Coaipan? liprtpand (• of Inronnce to nutfea lean os ti« 'i termj to Inland. DIRECTOR8: Pxnn>Df. 8T VYTWELL. ISN. BB»J. J. MILLER, .L, LINUS HIGH, L. JOHN R. AYBH3, _ ._. ;. D. CHAPDi, ft EORGX LAWRiNCB. f uxut Ices or damige by flre KMT 7AV0BAS1X TXSXI i ANSUAIXT. |r.»j prefer. T n t d t t a u of lUhwtT (Bui (oaitn u* aolldted to »T»n I the ficilklw tad -'" . lnatltatios ! THG WEEKLY E AMD TIMES. OFFICE—37, 3y A.YU 41 CLI.VTON SitiLfr W.'L. MBIiSUON & CO., PUBLIBIIEKS ESTABLISHED iS: RAHWAY/N. J., SATURDAY, NE \V VOL,, XL!.-No 8 WEIGHED IX THE BALANCE. BC8ISE38 OABSS. USTIA KHHUOH. Ho- 88 'Irving Street. UKAlrrUHBK OKSEOAKH. ; \VI.-.!'U. r « and K'UII llfil'T I" | . i' .f lir»n<ii nf li'itn' miinfK'toie »n TM'XO^S fM And ,.n.k fK And ,. iKMASIA KIIIK IN SV OK MKWTORK CITY D, Fir.' G f M A U S II [[(IT AIK 'lace KanjjM, Tin lU (T ! 'iStK«l. lUhwu. ,i<: M. PLUM, ,Y Asi) WKKKI-Y I'AI-KH-S itry, Hooks. Kuncy Articles, &<!., ilvo'ytl rpilOS. WUITK, Sh(rAKS AKD TOBAGCJO, MKEItfCIIAUU ril'EK. *' Ifl- [IAII.T l'.U'KK«. A.I.-O KflK 6AU2 KRKK. No. !) CllKIUlV STllEKT. HOLZrWiAHTH, UE.U.EH IK; ! tt-ATCUEs. CLOCKS ANU-JEWEUKV. PENNSYLVANIA "RAILROAD. On »IK1 iflcr Hmuluy, .I»n. 22od, lftOl, UIDS will liave Ilaliw»r w follows: Fun HAI.TIMOIIK, WASIIIKOTOS, and |KjjnU fviutli: 0:10 a. m.. md \A~. 7:4J p. in. YUM l'mi.ADKi.i'liu,. I ify, tilfi, &:16, a.m., IMCi, 1:(7, .1AH, 7-V), Humlny, 1 if) and 10.47n. in. .V.4>!. IM, p. in. Koti 'I'IIKKTOS, HXJ, 7:J*, «.f/2. (*:10 a.m., 12:00, 1:<7, 2^V), G:4H, and 7>W, p. m. Holidays, HX), 10.47. s. m. UAH, 7 >W, p. m. ' - Kou NKWliiii.'.vfwicK, 122*i, 1*0, 7iJ0. l):l(i, 10OC, it. in. 121K3, 1:47, 2^iO, 3:40, 4:47, fi:lS, G.-07. ':>H, p. in. Sundayi. (Kl. 1023, a.m., 1 iA, . r i:48,1 M, p. \n. Kon ilHiciiKN, 12 2-1, UX), 7J», 822, i Sl-.IO, 10:00, it. in. 12M, V:4'J, 2fA,\ a:(0,4:17, .1.18, Gi)l, 1 :U, 1M p. m. Hun- days, HKJ, 1023, u. m. U1«, 7:H, 1M 1>. in. .- Kou IUNIONTOWK, 122-'J, 7^0, 10*0," ii. tn. l'-!:0C, 1:41*, 2>W, 8:40, Z:Vi, 6*7, 7.:14, 7:.'iS j). in. Sundays-, 10:2:} i:'iH, 7:14, tto p. III. i Fou I'/LHTU AMIKJV litiASCii, 72-1 and i 11 :<)r>. a m.. 3 ii2, -1:40, C i«, p. m. ! Foil KMZAIICTII, 2:41, SiiO, 0A0, G-'!0, drapery. j he presses " ThertTj na place like hem*'." j o f ter ileeij She tings; and the fall tender! " I t « i, tones soar away be* headed licheti-tipptd frowning crags, dying , ana iuc tun t^uui.*i away betwixt hoary-' dare to tak rocks and'md, even a«-ly aloft!scions lacd touch he b^ " I tee a says, exit OD thi among the rufrged peaks of a vast natural cathedral, drowned by the atural cathedral, drowned by hirr of the kit and the hoot of the! h ME WONDER OF HEALING! Catarrh. owl in th«r eerie hoihe. Around the sragtr sit a grocp o mitti** protwrtle* of tb« Itxirmcti oar Pf*^U »rnmmm bmhatM fov DM la cttur- iBhetunatism, Henralgia. . K>IUU7 ** mf compUInt* H tbe Szirmrt. Hemorrliages. %„, K<*, or from «nj cwae, h ipeMllT 1 lUtctior. ptld lo i-piirini Wt'.chci. All Work. Vunniei. 7 <KJ, 10:40,11 7 Mi, 8:1 , a.m. i 2:«, (iiiO, , , , 8 i!0,K:41, 'J iW, 10 >30, , 8:S0, Ckmberlin's i Hotel Opposite Rail Road Deriot, KiHVViY, K r . J. Tbii Hou>o is coavcnicaU)' locaWd (oi llie traveling public. [ Addc-d ic- this Elotfl for theiccomodation tit lUe public is a j • LUNCH ROOM, Whtrc tnfcils arc served at'ill Uoars. Trsmient Board and Lodring: 50c. per lU-i.1 HJKI r,f)c. IxKigiDg. I ['crmnnent Board aud Lodsrfnir Tor GcnUemen by the wetk. " : UOOKS FOR FAMILIES. | fjf Billiard Roam andBtali'.c canhected in (Uc Hotel. . WiL S. CIIiHBF-RLK, Proa. . .18,10 iid, 11 i!0 [i. iu. Suiiflays, 2:« t "<?/), 8:4-1. 1020, 10:40 a. m. 12:1-1. 4>10, 7*<J. biid, \l?>*. llft'i n. m Foil XKVAHK, 2:4-1, -1'"0, G<XJ. CiiO, 7W, 7>i0, 7:4'J,8iiO, 8:41,1/»J, 10?ti, 10:40 n;(0 a. m. 12:42, l-;M,2-aj,3ii0.-4r»0rS20, GrOO,02-1, 7:00, 7,'W, 8<J<), &:«, «i10,l*>», 1020,and 1120, p.m. Sundays, 2:4-1, 7:30, 9:4-1. 1020, 10:40, a. m., 12:1-1. -4-10. 'tify. •M, OiW, 11:05 p. ci. FOR NEW YOUK, 2 -.4-1,530,0 iiO.7:00, 7 i'/i, 7:«, 8:13,8 iX), 8:41.9 iiO, 10 •;», 10:40 1130, a. in. 12:42, VMi, 2i'A, iiiiO, 4 20, .120, Gill), G:2r,. 7 to, 7 >to, 8:00, bSIC, 8 -10, 0 >i<, 1020, 1120, p. m. Sunday;, i :4-1 7iiO, ( J:4-1, 1021), 10:40. a. m. 12:1-1, 4v5G, 7110, 8iiO, flii 1 ;, llftj p. iu. Foil BROOKLTX, X.V., all ihrougli (rains connect al Jersey City with. Coals of " Brooklyn Annex" affording direct trans- fer lo and from Fulton street, avoiding double ferriage and journey across New York. Citj": FUR Bosros, (without change) 6'30, p. m. TRACKS LEAVE NEW VORK FOR R.UI-| WAY, fi if). Gt'j), 7flO 7:40, 8 &i, 9:10,10:1<3, 11,10, a-m., 12:00, noon, \iO, OX), 230, 3:00, 3:20,4:00, 4:10, 4J3O, -450, 5:10, 1 '20, .1 i J ,0.. -1 :M, C :1O, G JM, 7*0, 7 30, 8O"J, 9 <X), 10^J, 11 >)0 p. m.( 12.00 nigiit. Sun days. 6:13, 8:00, 9ui0 a. m. 100.430; 5:4'-1, Gii'J. 7rUO, 9 > ' W p. m.. 12 :00 nicli 1 .. wi.-hin,<; lo lite Southenj h I. LOHiULLER, bxxtzn DC or Western express trains, not stopping a Railway, will be obligeil to late a prtced ing Iriin lo some'point where tlie erprea- irain makes recular ttap. ' FOR FCKTUEP. inlonnauon apply Tickel Agonl who will furnish.lime labl and rive information as to Routes, Cliectj ing Ilagcage, &c. FRANK THOMSON, Gen! itanagcr. L. P. FAR5IER, Genl Piss. AcenU , F. W. JACCSOX. Gen'l Sup'lT?. R. H. \". J. Div. I JAilES McCREA. Sup't X. Y. Div. FLRXITUP.E, MATTKASSE8 !"! ( j in all its brandies. RE-UITIOLSTEIUXG AKD "JEPxraKG DOSE. 12 KAIK STREET, RAEWAY, K. J. si; vi In all (Ubr»n T V K. (•[,.«. UK, (urns-cur H r.i'.-UCCCU, I sliotuloa - "lies. rrr 8URVKY0R. corno: M»1D i old p c rait-«. " i ipocIOcitijioi f9t l$$ff l T a I! ECK, 0 ('iryanlft ot Icconl Prt«i)THrim CiurohJ TKACREIl OFOKOAN* PIANOFQUTE Itiic Sircet, ucar Wllliira, [Uh*«Jr, N. fclil3-tf "' i •» & nvsro, i 111. ! ] Ku. Ill Haiti 81., Udhwir.N.J. Kiimfm-iiir--r. «nd d c\f -:fi we nffcr r!<owlii'ro. i In Furniture I'n- nltK i all IU I ATTOKSI'V «[.I.,,-««. , Koruo* ( and (. Elclunjt- [lulldlnj, Kibwir, K.J. I EDW'D 'AtWroer »»d Oounjellor tt IqalUblt BnUllnj, ^ ituw, Rahi Hichir.fe DalMlof. PLUMBING, STEAK AKD GAS FIT RASOES, READERS, ETc! I' e.-PlsmliiEg W. H. done 4.LSO K o o r a c lbs litc»l Smilsrj- A ind Pic n«ltcT, 1«8 M«(n J Wfddlnirfi. Vtrlli'», tilnmtnu (urntihcdoii ind «l Ihc most reiuonn crcrj- racirnlajr «r« o'clc in<J prompt!)- miendod fot, Ruhwn-, H I Picnics t<nd Enlot- Ihe »,horte4t nodce, ilc r«tr«- (lei Holli >k, ordorn^llcltKi o, , f o'""" 1 LINUS Succfasor lo i, J 18D0. OtiUJ* IX Carriage materials, IRON. STipiCti, .<t<L 1IW GRAND 8T,, J, W K AVE INVKSTMKN'I MISCKLLANEOUf DOUOUT AND 8OLD. ( LOANS NKOOTIAtKD. OmcF.s:—lloom ik Sinltli Corilnudt Ptrtet, Now Eidmngc Building, llaliwiy, N KWIS 8, AYKRS, D.Il.a. Ortdnnta of tt e I'eiiD. Col Dental purg< Frlieof Oold Mtdtl for otnet OVKH coi.|»' UAIM Ho.U0BK>»dn»T. ,K.I. RAHWAY POST-OFFICd. i TO TAKE EFFECT OCT, 31 si, 188 New York Time. 1£AILS ARRIVE. 1. Xe\s-York,Korth,East,or\Vest,5:l»A. 2.| " 951 3. Philadelphia, South and West, 5:19 ' 4. " 5:55 ' 5. " " " " 9 AS ' 6. Woodbridce and Pertli Ainboy,":M ' 7. Nortlieru Way Maili, 9:21 8 Soulhcm, " 9>5S ' 1/. NewYork, Xorth and East, 1:52 rji£ 10. " " " " 557 11. Philadelphia aud South, 4:40 IC. " " West, 5:4o 13. WoCKlbridpe and Perth Ainboy,4-o U. Nurllicrn Way Mails, " 557 !). Southern, " -1:4o Mails are received from. Xew Bruniwie Jlstueheu, Princeton, Trenton, Bristi! Soulh and West Jersey, aad Bc-lvidcie Delaware Railroads, al 9 5>S a. m., 5:4-5 p. 1 a Mai',5 are icccived from Elizabtlh, Xe r- ark, Xorth Jersey, Delaware & Lad a wanna and Xen: Jersey Centril Railroai s al5:H', 0:21 a. m., 527 p. m. HAILS CLOSE. 1G. Woodbridge & Perth Amboy, 7 KW 17 Xew York Xorth and East, 7:30 18. " " " i " 930 19. " " " ' "12:30 20. Philadelphia and Way, 1 9:00 21. ThroucU Southern, aiid Pliila. 9:00 22. WcKxlbrideeor Perth Amboy. 5:10 23. Xcw York", Xorth and Eajl, 4*0 24. " " " " 5:10 2.5. " " " " 7:15 20. Philadelphia, and Way, • 5*0 27. " " " " 7:15 25. ThroucU Southern, and Wesl, 5:10 29. "~ " " " 7:15 .Mails are despatched for Elizabeth, Newark, Delaware & Laekivwanna, ^ Jersey Central Railroads and Xorth New Jcrsej, al 9:30 a. m., 4:00, 5:10 1 nd 7:15 p. m. Jfails are despatched for Philadelpl in. Trenton, Princeton, Now Brunswick, Me- ' J n 1 Slrccl. (11., HIG 4L. H. RAIIWAY, N.J. Trenton, nm«wu, «v.. tuchen, Soulh and West Jersey and Be dere, Delaware Railroads at 9:00 L. 5fl0, and7:15 p. m. Office opens al 7 00 a. m. ;i closes a t ' -30 p. m. Sunday Mails irrive 5:19 and 8:43 &. n., and close lo all points at 8:00 a. m. Office open on Sunday from 9:30 to 1( 30 m.' I MONEY ORDERS. Sold at the following ratw, payable at kny money order office: ] Orders nol cicccding $15.00 10 centp 30.00 15 "I " " " 40,00 20 50,00 25 Orders payable in Great Britain and3er- many, Canada, Prance, Algctlft and are low sold at this office Ht the followlnr ntes; BUITISU.—Onlera not ovet $10, 25o nls over $10, and not over $20, J50 cents; >vci $20, and not over $30, 70 conts; over (30, • - - »in « ~.n(clnv(T t40. and 8EOU1UT1ES, York, BT. to 8 p. picnic«r«, al their feet the remains ( ei<ie. ,f| Helen al^riticg. ydarliDgi he thicks; ne kias« the encon- he feels, it at with the rtere his hoi or. of lifcht wei c^n effect Helen aistriticg, tL way tovrarcJ the ligtt. yondex, r riiek elintr eiue ui wucui u-^v .. , moon-faced Buddhis, a line of an- j el if ccstral saints, letter Huddhas, and' ^ Here i.\ an oatltt( aj. I thought, e effort, ilnjiyuge clears " ; ooping low, After so email deceased priests standing oat in boldj a email sjiace, and, s: relief from the rocky wall. Not all j forma an zich with tw the pandcur of the vast cave, not! "Yoa Idok like 4tb all the wondeni of BaddhUtical carv- a g r e t n •«••<• ing, not bird or leaf 'has a chance of '•'••"<• —i.:i. 11,1,., ok like Mw supporting phthetia& ptotaptlj. It 1< itarerare. P.r Pll«, BlimJ, BI«JI» it U tit« gnftUst ksova remed r i O U B « m *r O| drawing ( attention Featherstone while Helen rub.! lU«Uoa«p<mthe«lim«tr««Uta. CautUm.—PO-VTrS EXTRACT U* l«n <•<- rid,' ihe stone, " I fear ,, scratches ijram the liailjes. gmilk-s! Irs. Feather- under them. lining many p^ are sust irXCIALITM JKD7OHMT JLTTCTTI ' POND'S EXTRAa 50c, %\M, 11.75. Tei^tCreun 1,00[C»tirrii 6i.*» UpSit/j Te(IefS<a7 Oirtmr.t their prodresi. There ^ " ' tention in i-tone to might vie glances u Her.pale oval face, with its tender gTay eyea and sweet but unsmiling lips, is turned'from her listeners to- wards the mouth of the cave, and,. -s she sings, they all >look at herlments of '•'1 admiration and wonderment, pure white dress, with here and mere delicate touches of black upon it, hang? in soft clinging folds aroand her, the fdeeves falling away at the /j elbow, showing arms snowy and Hutff li grandly otitlinexi as those of a Greek WafeKSia 50c).-. l.OO [statue;' her hands, arelessly clasped, :support a rounded cheek and chin, j and her hair, richly brown, falU half I loosened over her thruat. At her I feet lie* a handwme boy, his dark eyes fired lovingly upon bis mother's face. As she sings, the thoughtful gray eyes glisten and shine, the grave lips soften, and the pale cheeks fluih warmly But only one in that little group of piciiicere really knows what it is that makes the tender eyes darken .and shine, the firm mouth quiver, I the warm blush come and go. J Colonel Gurran stoops slightly for- i from a reclining position on u.^ tor*o of a deceased faint, and sees a figure standing quietly, within m entrance tothe cave. " An exile from home." goes on the singer; but this time the you ' I tbinlj undergo n! says poinl uneven m|>i«y grotind lore than tha ana pi J ~ . c—: fallen ro<k that I would for yoa," he uses on the where frag- till obstruct too much" of hii tones for gnore wiiat * as mere' b: inquirin|lj and sees fi something] ehe has n^ver seen |be.' . 50 . 50 Syrfip, S1,00, nu p»«e< 15,18,11 ltd -. piuet Vbl£h &C£OIQpVllMGUh tKttlo. " Om K I T P uawLXr WTTH Hnxon 0r ozx uu-iiiiioM Bxn TBZZ, ox Arruasiai to POND'S EXTRACT CO..C 14 West UUi SCNe-w York. laying b^re of th^ rjian's passioa Sh ki o attempt to escape She 'makiis no attedpt to escit. , from thejdetaining; hind laid upoc|. ilage . , . rrJ_ - r*\i. J,^. uriit< 1 ,»^j POXD'5 EXTRACTS. FOP. SALE AT BROVTS'S DRUG STORE. CHARLES AVERY, DEALER K '• Geau ' " d ChlId tn " \ wa'rd'Vro^alfcTmmg portion on BOOTS AND SHOES, . » CHIRRT ST., RAHWA.T, i. /., Helen Peathtrytor.4 iadden tears. ! • ! • " He I6V« me !" she sots, :OQtro!Iab!e agitation,! '• Bat,', 1'olonef Curran, h- i* trut—*o itniej :hank Heaven !" j * • « » 'llie next t^orniiig Mii-^r Lage carde iccordii.g to .quest. There alwtary Jlea»nt5i in tLe <lirk bn.'i;ii t- |dri\rn line of 'pain roand the i '• Vou bad<- tue coa« *.'< |day,'" te SAS>; " and I La\e I wwul.l toi-e ti iyo'j from (|lie other end of tL-:- I arms. he lf you bade t^t! r : ' Ihleii fectly calm new. i to a seat tear her. a rijrht, after wLjit [a?cei U as yesterday, to Le-irsoci^vi-Lai than you l.i\e told lit ; ye:. e riyjtk t tliiuk 1 j rr.oj y me all—all. Gerald does tot tit bcsiiit.- lA pair. 1= » moveiiiect. '•' Yo EL 'yi o( •kice to teli v of which Lotc hw c-rer >[i-;ak, r he saya;t!y nt-xi is thert ': 1o r i ki. 1 [ have ilrei-iy laid* y-y~ Je-;. i;- me. "—he [>oinu to th-.- I. - t l . - -. miil-^teanivi ltavti [deliberateiii- [ilrs. Feather- otherwiiis she .dinage. SLeji evecing.' I = into his face.1; streczth tofctav—andsc-e ihere which!' -" • ' ''•:.; [ore, a certain m her. I hive 1 1^=. there U fdi : c...Efidea:.: b twe-en ui," Helta JIV<. " It viY: ( voa good, to sptik-'" f I owe it to )'';~. I kiiow," Ami hers. Hdreyes fall; stie waits. |:pa"aies, as if t- " Sit diwn for a moment,". ArrayH: ee ther for one 1 . . . t . . a.. - - ,u ^ .. .. T-t - tage saysj drawing liei to a fiat and seating him-elf k- dde her. want to sjiy something toyou." " Wellj I am liite ing,'" Helen's quiet Toijx says; and the Land h< holds mojes gc-ntlyiin his. " I do jiOt know \i viiit I have tc -j_youth. '-The fir-: Ii member L- [-overty. say i ; Will (interest mc'r ( enough j-our bf i friend Am I not ye{ for what \: The great superiority of DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP over allothercough remedies is attested by the immense popular demand for that old established remedy. the go g eyes rest no longer f h di Glf ut thi on the blue line me: hotly, veen a -—o- -i -.--. , say to bcrof intervsx t "Fritndl" he cries know I have cevqr S3)" rathir"—hi* voicje siuks fully—" I »m your love yoa I" As he »peaks he idr turns hii ; face from b bnemv. friend niourL. for— Lies, as if to gather «v.'ift lea I back: tc U L* I car. r •tritv, cria in<r fiovertv, babyhc-:"!, the d d h W2..~ the bii-c i.- of ia\ L-: trial liiV uy tek her ,ps her br, and gTX>ac. For the Cure of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, 1 Croup, Asthma, Bron- chitis, Whooping Cough, Incipient Consumption and for the relief of consumptive persons in advanced stages of tne Disease. For Sale by all 'Druggists.—Price, 25 cents. DR. BULL'S COUGH SYRUP, •FOR 5A.LE AT S DRUG HTORE. of the distant Gulf of Martaban and the pagoda hills of Maulmtin, but are completely veiled, by their long dark lashes, so that Gerald Anuytage, so standing, half hidden by a friendly jutting rock, cannot encounter their pathetio sadness, which says so much to him, and yet not enough—not half enough. The tenderness of her voice, its plaintive ring, half passionate, half piteous, stirs the heart of the man who has no home, no loving help- meet, no fireside—the man who is a wanderer, though it be of his own fr<te will, on the face of the earth- When the song dies away, he tries to pull himself together. There is a little hush, and then a buzz of praise bursts from.the party. Amid the general laudatory bun, the new-comer recovers himself and walks forward within the cave- temple. Gerald Armytage, magistrate of Maulmein, is a tall soldierly man, ap- parently about forty. Sallow, pale, and. worn-looting, with a face and mien that convey the idea that he has done everything there is to be done, seen all there is to bo seen, he still betrays a restless seeking for action. Kot that he is restless in demeanor. The bowwith which he greets the assembled, picniceni is as quiet and composed, as Mrs. Fea- His mien is rather of a rejected | was pr J-J.3. a,i. lover tha^n that of b tian beloved b Helen Ffatherstone. j She d6t= not speak. A look cjf .erfect content fettles'upon her facj. hood, and lh ! '• 1 never ki.-iw I died yoiinsi ac-I : pittance. My 1:. : valid, but 1 *' j quescLiblt si-irit. iu jtion for her childrtt T.-. I Beside her coach ve—1 1 imbibed, the idea that v.x- iuu<; 1 j in the v-jciil «i.-ale, izid that CX-J^ ] icd m-jocv al-j:ie, v."i.i- 'to L-.- tL-.- L i der by which thv L-cen IZ.L-\ j made-. My sister wi,» *..'k-r -.Liu i«i,p took k'iudiv to tL- ; iita, f-.-r ; . 1: La L :: .: t. - id' -ilii -Al- •he a'X-ep'.'i'i al: ' fell-'."--, aud her it ld s-eem as; if she has heir p i eyej. luxury, a rich turnel out well, ovir.g t..i contained, prudent mturv. me there was no suth C'.n. I Wlievc-d rather in L-^IUCJ in money. I hive- said tLi was the lunt of mybibyh .fftr fr- L^ rjirri." j. Lvr s. :f leUtlii tlu-lli t p--iv< ty ->.].l: l:t [ : caught but his list words, has s naught tyut the passion in his e; She lays'her hands upou her Losum j « ^ ^v. t.^... ^ „_. . _._ . and dravs a long I breath, isof ouejlike most happy cbii<lr<.-L, from whom a lifted. Thcalfe'.t it then. It -•-• " r she tutiches him lightly on tie!boyhood, into shoulder. He lolks up into L< r i coveted richc*. radiant face. Ahjho/w is he to ovei -1 for anothc-r. It vvii pain shadow jihat face, ^o de?l out to h<r j sc-e my mother s: p Lc-r dry toid in misery ipstead of blias? ' -- •-* •- *• ••'•' •'"- '-'t\-r-ir*-:.i-l oi Arid now temptation, s-tronc. ove 1 grev>- i etuee. ti.i r uiy;..-!f. can evelknow, wtL«B*rs passion. U| have gi 1 . _ i_ _j . 1.:_/-:- J- rt M.,in *,-\ Ilia anni'" ! mctther Oo^ po np, comes to thi k ti* s man. \Vl|vlUr doinjj tliv vork. I ail tM C« LlJyW, WM-i^M-"-*" f-~~ ' II ^ ! I he takej this fair women to hi* armi? 1 mother contine-i to tU- No one] his intertneldled with hts 1 a shilling could not (en:-, in these iilds of Burmih.'these tw joy or ihis sorrojr (for many years; he may: great r binds h the brain aj I . tinis 14 its wild fur tnadderjing wish; c vorticef ions blast, ta^ rcling in ti $20, and not over $0, ami nol over .$40, 85 cents; $50 $100 nts; over | , over $40, fond not over |50, 11.00. GEIUIAN Ekpuui, FBAKCB ANP QKUIA.—Onlersnot over |10j 15cents; |20, and not over %'i<), 80 «mt*; over $80, »"• i>: ~x«i.. nrm 140. and Building Room 2 J. |Ai. nol over $40, 45 ctints; oror |40, andl not over $60, 00 cents; over $50,75 cents CANADIAN.—OnUrs not jover $1( ~"\ 80 cent^; not over --• k>vor 8 M. OLIVER $50, 75. EDWARD CROLIU8, PCKCHA8INO AQKNT. ORDERS rROJUTLY ATTKNDEnJTO Orders can I* left dully nt Qeo. Pli ra's J. D, .Dolnier'a, J. R. Loinbcrti'i on thlr Residence, 80 Riw-i Street.' SUBSCRIBE FOlj THE WEEKLY ADVOCATE * TIVJIES as quiet a p tlicrstone's manner, It the unquiet brown eye, i f th c is only in which has 11 studying hard fur a sA-jUrsLq| :• '., which to- eani enough v> put tiiv i—with the aid of tutoring—thr tv«m occurred L,^ u^.^^. _., it wa.^ i iiirsc or not. ! shesajs, ''why U tlis the first whisper of the storm : aftcnvards wrtcked lay lifu." Her yuioe, pure anil true in its oa- : college, when an dencc-, brines back uis honor to hi In. whether •' "•"- " Ge|ald -whyj , I -Oh Heaven , : hdw hard this is the unquiet brown eye, which the restiveness of the curbed Arab, in the impatient mobile lips, that one reads the story of a life wasted through impulse of a nature too early ihd in the balance and found through impu weighed in the balance wanting, F re t y and found th»t I at me your*. must go slowly as drops of li -marfied !" " HMen," he POSITIVELY CURED ST Benson's Capcine Porous blasters. QtUer P«wu» Vlaa^cn or ~ Flnt. BecsnM titr pocaces tQ th« merit cf lidon tbtitto ike nnri/ dtocoTtKd po«u<ttl «nd j«lTo»tsrt»M« cotnblnitlon «Ucb let* wtthls- coouttr Irriusl CSKU. . Seeon*. OK4UM ihtjr ut 4 gronint phmatMstical pnp- union, md 99 recopuied tj the pnicMioo. j Third. BMUM thnr tn th« onlj fluten tut nUn« ptln tX osm. j Fourth. Forgive me for listening clandes- tinely," ne says, his voice changing eubtilly as he addresses the one woman the world holds for him. " You are tho only listener who has not thanked me," Helen Feather- stone returns, with the smile that is so precious because so rare, and the charming coquetry she permits her- self only to.him. "A man scarcely thanks a woman for depicting the charm of that which he has no hope of ever win- ning, r is the quick reply of her ear alone. " I think, before tea, we should light up the cave," observes the Commissioner. : u Who has the resin and the bamljoos to make the torches ?" I My fellow,} believe, 1 ' says young t up fe is .. offended 3 breath of kuv looking up at bar, Her f al ' I ha' in one which vou. " "X have r r . And; you leave'me soon!" not speak; of this now,' : debars me' frpni offering if t .,, ^ t T .,. slowlv; ot offfiideti aie. v Siie . says dleadingly.i to-uig! howlj the 1 and t<5 tohmllrtlj t b Itr4 BM#<>M t onl j a«ltl> other rtsudiw will not tra Mim Fltth. ft MOO shTtlcluii ud dni£gt<t> hav* eMifiea th*t tktr tn mptrtof to kl 1 tdlcises for exttxsAl a**, Sixth. 9 m»af»rturni hit* wti ttr giren for powui plMttn. DoTiofin'o f^TiniTio Pnwin? PhetoTl DcIISUu & udyUiHc rUluUS iww\ SEABURY A JOHNSON, Mbiatactnrun! Oi«nl»t», Noi Tort. K HUD'S Ifcdiutod CORN md BUNION PUSTtR. I ; My fello, I Frere/TU call him." The arrival ofthe i resin-soaked mg, mua BENSON'S CAJ'SIXE POROUS PLA8TEUS, I POH SALK AT KN-8 DRL'O STORE. B>- AA tor 188 a, «l* If" F T6© p n » l lot««< T«>>1« Srnl (0 «nj nldrw onr»«lp» o( J. B bamboos is the signal for a general move. 1 ' . " Shall impenetrate the darkness?" he says. " These good people have the truly English mania for erplor- inc; strong upon them." They turn inward among the silent Images, the huge natural pul- pits of granular limestone, the frown- ing crags, now lit tip bythe garish flame ot the torches. , The gloom, the gigantic marble spectres that start out weirdly at every turn, the sepulchral dampness of the atmosphere, strike un- pleasantly on Helen. She shivers, " You do not like this horrible darkness^?" Major Armytage says, sensitive toher lightest feeling. "No, I don't think 1 do." " I should not have let you come," says her companion tenderly. "Give me your hand; let me help you." She stretches out a hand, to him, and its touch sets bis heart beating as evea in his stirring life it has never beaten before. He is close to her. He canhear her breathing, he looks! will i two j the man, ; u t mutteri troh . - , . a scoundrel to tell vou. lo Helen, I believe I have Is it not sf '"I she sc< my m p her tea to avoid the- petty c-i.per.i-. butter. It gatle-i me to so^ r.w a sL-rviiu, to SJ.A! last: c ure lling c a BatIIH:hair, and women to kt:-| ilitt: 'surely verjtui-e to snatch iL: is i makict: a purifo bttwvvn them to Jive jipture, despite a past tL it me the education battling 3 c^T.'-t. Temptation whirls lisfinan. ^ ""~ - --'••'' --' •••• evcldue whirls its vjc-! me. Our I «• poverty grvw hido-ru al»r.a" t-lvtee.:;, u-.i ptCT With ti.i trtL. for a r..: for 1KL;L I At tL-; e:. (.if-.- bi--i: •( ti., gU" i - v...- u.t fir fr•.,-:: k.,: [..•; -:..-1 . ir. Ltt,. k:. •-. .L—He! L.r. r c -iL^ I- -!. . :-in-.-; '• N'erer. ercc['. JL>. I hive til'--:- ,.j kliUr k t . v t L t •.••-! - 1 : . ,i-k:.. ;;L -*..:; •. \ ejr.v T-, Li, -Fr.':.. j U'-v •> :-.-. "GI. "An I •tL:r..' t., . i r tL. •, , 1 si..-:.-t MV:, ifter i tLil I Live !..-ir , i k r . •••'.-y...-ir v i i e . " ::;! i. I v. .. 1 U-i'- I U-.'-v " WiT - VH. I kr.ov. ,y- tLit v---^ =-..-.-t : Ai:l ve-. v.:.-— y,,: eve:/ LI, U- -ii rtproa..-L L-r: r. •: heirts ci:. L-. L-:-: ku= i'r.l !---.k« fcr.l. -Ati- I L ^ v , Lr; •' [[,- H-. L:-- Al. - Ye-. ALI up- enderly ,,vc:> Li, •• lu-:i L iirru-i -::' - TLi'. re-Mli.-! ir,- i- vililv. -TL. G^ll"-^-,- Ly.- i "l;.~—-~±.rAi:-i -.Vi-.L ir. Le: Lvirt. '-•:-•.- 'i--:-">-- F-.r - n,-: -::.- -1 ..-.-••: Li- L-i. i. li,: I're- :il L :.-. 1. T: ., :. li-L ::., Ani. •,-;-_-•:• '.•'Ved i!i A:, i. 11.1 ttitn x "; "G \VL 1 i. 1 i WLy I:. tL, ••You fi V'.iU L'iVe l il-..--." "True: I never dreit kr. >y- ill d Mr>. Fe as thoLi^ti •• TLit i.- clu-- t H--'-' (.'-!. but ogi that so I lo mad Don't There came to live with 1 my IL sing all self-con-; axi orphan girl. Loua ki . ivrispOSJcS.St.-d. ve j of course it wd< left lv I trustees until her ok; that, Htk-ti—' until in the ;o, love, witlti" those eyes of i when it w..til I am "—the] words! ally her own. eiblood iropf her le (1 IL-r father. I b<i "c 1—.' ••-• - - - |un I had k'Ved my uiotln.-r in former to by vlt ut. vv is Lit her ISLe but s <il Xari: W- I , I and wished hi* diugLter It ft eri|s; beseechingly,! carv. If she did not uurty til "•speak to mi |i»-ay from h not coiiu' to her »«>! livm .1 .u. . ..v. , . •oil by speak ng | sLe married love and of t lat j her riches. Until p ^,._.., Let us be ha fat. lo-nior:ow, Gerald voice lihg'.'rs lovingly liver to-inprrow come tci me then. » jliO coald ,iat lime s!| an allowance uf tbtw huudr year, ioiK'-thirvl of which 1 pri- son ! she spent in drvss." Ho s[K-:ib -es. i bitter disdain. Hi* listener i* |DO! silent; she sighs une;i>ily, but I Ishelall. "The other two huu.lre-<l| for the different style of Illmeall—!al OB what use 1 ? patieltlv. " My cbrling-my darl t us part give ijie the ouly 1 tling I want—h< not see jfoil| aguin. Hesjven r , know}* I might l>c you! Tdlfme, darling"-j-he temp throws'both aim hungril}- if hi e, dag around her Uto her f were different ll you love me?" flashes into her " He! au, if things you might—WQUI A swift light e^yes. j " Yes," ehe flrios, with passioli in her v.iice; "and, is long as I li * ive no other For a monetit hers, I and then they start apart -,--< thii |s4 " Hallo, cood pj plorijig made eas) rounjl a corner 0 torcri in his. han gone ri keer is in ran iu h oombanion. "AVell, Helen cries Gerald Ire. You caijnot ipe. empted—I m iman his lips toil! pie ! This cries the ComniisBiopur, as he ap rock, an ei 'Mr?. ^e to look r or you. ering Helen his arm—'• [ill be cold, IMrs. Feathe«|toue '" i was twontv-oiie-, 1 m. Ur till uld !-t, if laini Lid laud -if 1 bo tage. eVe-S, 10 do geli- "we'U the Us." -with •Led like sei oiee ears we werv obliged to adopt, will nough.'" \Vas she pNUy':" asLs 'eatherstone. '• Xo," says Gvrakl dev'idovH " My mother siid she wot; jvely," goes on Major Arm_ She had. a Urge mouth, big nd was tall and gawky: but. ier justice, she w;u truthful, •rous, and se-lf-denviiiL:. Y .houghtfully— '• I liked her >uough. till my mother uud latal mistake of try ins to ui I; And then S"—quickly. ''Then I grew lo Ivate her gleam of th*t fatal impulsi af temperamt'iu .which he \.M much reason to dcploro. To hate h e r V rv[>i.'at> I Helen t rccatiugly, " Those ar<-| liarvl words.' 1 But they are-true. 1 haied the sisht of her and lier richo Cdrran Cojme' th along, Arjnytage. Ohj he'i has dreader the bommissionerj an 1 r Arravtage eyos of the _ no mood foi tea. Colonel) ookH rounkl t harply, then muse s walk and 1 xjks d'owu up<|u h ; -.-.I: L,iv.- I ki-. iv.- uved y-a—L'i^ ••'- aV» He!eL Fe.l I;.;-". IS I I•'•• e \ iijl^ilviv to her— dark. tu llclu Tell ILe LTe . "Teli ' I it — i U'u- ll'e . • \ e ." - - - ! - " " ..- v- e 1 r i!..a. Wr.l., C.i>.:V. <>! .or.e- .^iae: •e.-.k I" V" 1 -! :•• vlir w i l e . l::i..-- -^ V"'.l -i\ v^—'v. :tl.,.at Tel W:..: iLil.k tljUy He for ni tilt! t NllUe UUICe HOIK- i.j l i p v> me 1: Hi! -. r> I'.iid •Uioh. ugly Mr*. I'. Hi! k l l - i w s t i r In.!!; 1 .-.- ••[ w : i i ' } I h i l l i h e y v- ii" li..'. I-'--'. It. l.ol.i- in der-i-er ro,:,: . ti... 1.1 WS 1 if Le'!:-.-r thill t'.e'. \ . i . ' i..-. \ V. \ i-jlutcl IUILI h 1- ••v.\\ tL- -.. i n wlhuu l-'ite 1..^ l'evli i:'.i:> i;.:L -.1 i. '-.I. 110 tiinptatt^'ti h..-. i-.i.v-i'.rt-l. \. !.-.- believe tLiit iLc f.uK u i\v! >:-: •.!.•. U r iK'..UlUe.-> i'f Virtue. IL !".-<.- I- Lit livl. k- Y o u U K all." Le ell'lll-.-ij.'.!.- ^!'|^< iv "th:il I a m t o 1 : 0 l a - k i - - i:-.v -..-Me: l".|!\-LiL;e. You i.ln-i'.u r.;-.- '..1 iL:>:' At the sight of his white .ii. paiu-i.UsteIl-U-1 e\e- LlelelL illli-'S sbritiks from the s.iore-1 ta_-k ;Lv Li he.r>e.lf. TLell she reiiieluler the dyitii: mother, an-1 resoUis tod' r biddu.g. " If it is not happiness to wUu-h doom you." slie s^yj, •• eiii y-ji; u>.' bo evtittut to fote^o it':" '"You—you sav this to me':'" Le lover luurmurs. She looks. ;vt himcnve'.y, i izre-vi. •;., t j.^.. pity anda cre-ate-r ho[.c in her ev - ' • I do '" she SAVS firmly. Oh. Heaven. Low' coll—h U- I.I. -. v'.l '.. I , _ 1.1 h •.. l: t;-. •irv.i 1' • My ' day Tl.o 'ii- U-.i I.. i l curi'.iu icti n ihiii I' Uuaur-M. iii wLici: tL-.- .- 1 '•'• ± Ti.-.r Kt- :.:»!•:: i'ilU t!. .^ lv is i.i are! little Armyuge r>-vm with •• And yet "— . Voli S.lid VOU mother urgod upon line that Lena Levinae would certainly many some one or! other, and tkt then her wealth would pass iwi; from us, leaving us again in U'Vert; Why should 1 not bo that souie one There was no stipulation regarding her marriage. None could prevent her marrying whom she Iwould. I resisted my dear mother'jSnotion for months,; for years. L; could g deeply'jilt .my for see eh* was f persistent refusal." " Yo lov i " You loved her dearly r" ( "Yds, deafly, lu short, Ik-achod Yds, deafly. , my twenty-first year, and, ,fo save Jo 1 cirviel you women ciries, pacing the wild impatient steps, stopping beforv her—' UOUld h.ivo lo\'e»l tile'." i Yt-s, I s.iid so"—and Uele-u n>o? too—"aud. it you will be >>.• nab le- as to go back 10 her and [-our suu- nliihe ou her life. I will <-iy ne>t ciily I could," tut ' I do love ynii!" " As she speaks, tLe \voiu:\n i\i 1 jLC= her axms down with wild abandon- ment. Gerald, looking at her, ^ro:in« within liiiusell. \\ iihiti his s^ul Le v^..,. that she i.- right, liut t... leave her, the woman who could love so devotedly, so madly, is surely Inore than man can de\ "What is her happiues? t .i'.L ti.-.' Uvttuct D.-u.-cis-. i3ii U rL-i.iii.-.:.:-./ \U: -ird the L--L..1VL ^Ji liLL !.i\v th-.-m tv\ SI.-.1 tLit L 'Ji:!. t!.e ; j'v* lit lU ^: ,:. t.t \\ :;1 uo: li.:- cc-^L'.ry Lc e li •:. it ll.-.' I.iU, L lit Lim u'.i-i u;o uli Ci.t il li-c l': ;Ur.lUe bil i-'_v iu i 1 .-till i;;;li;, e-' 1..-M iu r-ai'i.1 su.\ :v lL-.:i oc-.-. i t\r>t eljj^ i^ o you' he cries, with tender auge-r, SAVU) 1!Y OIL. ' Mn. Suiiaui Asm-is, Nn. 11 Bart't'.l : street. lUIioh'rc. Md , hsd for twenty two ! \ ti i< l^tn I £-afl\rer (rcm tores 1:1 J |uica i'in l.s: liui-s. Wie Hied miQv rcmi-Jivi j wilhjut icv (syorubk- resuhs. "Hjij->[waio.i; 1.1 hiir cf 3t. JdCoU' Oil, the coicluJeJ at j Ii?t (0 try 11. The result wis wonJeiful. like w;e'Uiled, llie jvuit-vauiiiid, MiJ rfiiij ii tow well again.

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. j??ist for it or Address


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i Salesl Boy* Wanted!• iood Comm'iiioii I 45 " LAT1ST "

. '- F'..:'ji/orJ, S Lidt « rer.l corrn-:icr. U.T. JONES, lefferton, X.


:p on Bridge St.,SEX, - RAHWATrfl.J.

Promptly Attenflefl To.t. (Hortrt'l AT.

ZK. t'J a C«J l« flome eiillj m'&J'It fr«. iddtets Tiv i * O»




It, and Milton Ave,,, K. J.

• of th« Rahwi/ Kttnal F in Icinr-r luTtnj been extended for Thirtyril 1880, tb< Coaipan? liprtpand (•

• of Inronnce to nutfea l e a n os ti«'i termj to b« Inland.




_ ._. ; . D. CHAPDi,ft EORGX LAWRiNCB.

f uxut Ices or damige by flre



|r.»j prefer. Tn td t t au of lUhwtT(Bui (oaitn u* aolldted to »T»n

I the ficilklw tad -'". lnatltatios





NE\V VOL,, XL!.-No 8



Ho- 88 'Irving Street.UKAlrrUHBK OK SEOAKH. ;

\VI.-.!'U.r« and K'UII llfil'T I" |. i' .f lir»n<ii nf li'itn' miinfK'toie »n: £ TM'XO^S fM And ,.n.k

fKAnd , .



G f


[ [ ( I T A I K

'lace KanjjM, Tin lU

(T K»!'iStK«l. lUhwu.




itry, Hooks. Kuncy Articles, &<!., ilvo'ytl

rpilOS. W U I T K ,


Ifl- [IAII.T l'.U'KK«. A.I.-O KflK 6AU2 KRKK.

No. !) CllKIUlV STllEKT.


UE.U.EH IK ; !



"RAILROAD.On »IK1 iflcr Hmuluy, .I»n. 22od, lftOl,

UIDS will liave Ilaliw»r w follows:Fun HAI.TIMOIIK, WASIIIKOTOS, and

|KjjnU fviutli: 0:10 a. m.. md \A~. 7:4Jp. in.

YUM l'mi.ADKi.i'liu,. I ify, tilfi, &:16,a .m. , IMCi, 1:(7, .1AH, 7-V),, 1 if) and 10.47 n. in. .V.4>!. IM,p. in.

Koti 'I 'IIKKTOS, HXJ, 7:J*, «.f/2. (*:10a.m., 12:00, 1:<7, 2^V), G:4H, and 7>W,p. m. Holidays, HX), 10.47. s. m. UAH,7 >W, p. m. ' -

Kou NKW liiii.'.vfwicK, 12 2*i, 1*0,7iJ0. l):l(i, 10OC, it. in. 121K3, 1:47, 2^iO,3:40, 4:47, fi:lS, G.-07. ':>H, p. in. Sundayi.

(Kl. 1023, a.m., 1 iA, .ri:48,1 M, p. \n.Kon i lHiciiKN, 12 2-1, UX), 7J» , 822, i

Sl-.IO, 10:00, it. in. 12 M, V:4'J, 2fA,\a:(0,4:17, .1.18, Gi)l, 1 :U, 1M p. m. Hun-days, HKJ, 1023, u. m. U1«, 7:H, 1M1>. in. .-

Kou IUNIONTOWK, 122-'J, 7^0, 10*0,"ii. tn. l'-!:0C, 1:41*, 2>W, 8:40, Z:Vi, 6*7,7.:14, 7:.'iS j). in. Sundays-, 10:2:}'iH, 7:14, tto p. III. i

Fou I'/LHTU AMIKJV litiASCii, 72-1 and i11 :<)r>. a m.. 3 ii2, -1:40, C i « , p. m. !

Foil KMZAIICTII, 2:41, SiiO, 0A0, G-'!0,

drapery.j he presses

" ThertTj na place like hem*'." j of ter ileeij

She tings; and the fall tender! " I t « i,tones soar away be*headed licheti-tipptdfrowning crags, dying

, ana iuc tun t^uui.* iaway betwixt hoary-' dare to tak

rocks and'md, evena«-ly aloft!scions lacd

touch he b^" I tee a

says,exit OD thi

among the rufrged peaks of a vastnatural cathedral, drowned by theatural cathedral, drowned by

hirr of the kit and the hoot of the!h


owl in th«r eerie hoihe.Around the sragtr sit a grocp o

mitti** protwrtle* of tb« Itxirmcti oarPf*^U »rnmmm bmhatM fov DM la cttur-

iBhetunatism, Henralgia.. K>IUU7 **

mf com pUInt* H tbe Szirmrt.

Hemorrliages. %„,K<*, or from «nj cwae, h ipeMllT

1 lUtctior. ptld lo i-piirini Wt'.chci.

All Work. Vunniei.

7 <KJ,10:40,11

7 Mi, 8:1, a.m.


2 : « , (iiiO, , ,, 8 i!0,K:41, 'J iW, 10 >30,

, 8:S0,

Ckmberlin's i HotelOpposite Rail Road Deriot,

KiHVViY, Kr. J .

Tbii Hou>o is coavcnicaU)' locaWd (oillie traveling public. [

Addc-d ic- this Elotfl for theiccomodationtit lUe public is a j •

LUNCH ROOM,Whtrc tnfcils arc served at'ill Uoars.

Trsmient Board and Lodring: 50c. perlU-i.1 HJKI r,f)c. IxKigiDg. I

[ ' c rmnnen t B o a r d a u d LodsrfnirTor GcnUemen by the wetk. " :


fjf Billiard Roam andBtali'.c canhectedin (Uc Hotel. .


. .18,10 iid, 11 i!0 [i. iu. Suiiflays, 2 : « t "<?/),8:4-1. 1020, 10:40 a. m. 12:1-1. 4>10, 7*<J.biid, \l?>*. llft'i n. m

Foil XKVAHK, 2:4-1, -1'"0, G <XJ. CiiO,7W, 7>i0, 7:4'J,8iiO, 8:41,1/»J, 10?ti, 10:40n ; (0 a. m. 12:42, l-;M,2-aj,3ii0.-4r»0rS20,GrOO,02-1, 7:00, 7,'W, 8<J<), &:«, «i10,l*>»,1020,and 1120, p.m. Sundays, 2:4-1, 7:30,9:4-1. 1020, 10:40, a. m., 12:1-1. -4-10. 'tify.

•M, OiW, 11:05 p. ci.FOR NEW YOUK, 2 -.4-1,5 30,0 iiO.7:00,

7 i'/i, 7 :« , 8:13,8 iX), 8:41.9 iiO, 10 •;», 10:401130, a. in. 12:42, VMi, 2i'A, iiiiO, 4 20,.120, G ill), G :2r,. 7 t o , 7 >to, 8:00, bSIC, 8 -10,0 >i<, 1020, 1120, p. m. Sunday;, i :4-1 7iiO,(J:4-1, 1021), 10:40. a. m. 12:1-1, 4v5G,7110, 8iiO, flii1;, l l f t j p. iu.

Foil BROOKLTX, X.V., all ihrougli (rainsconnect al Jersey City with. Coals of" Brooklyn Annex" affording direct trans-fer lo and from Fulton street, avoidingdouble ferriage and journey across NewYork. Citj":

FUR Bosros, (without change) 6'30,p. m.

TRACKS LEAVE N E W VORK FOR R.UI-|WAY, fi if). G t'j), 7flO 7:40, 8 &i, 9:10,10:1<3,11,10, a-m., 12:00, noon, \iO, OX),230, 3:00, 3:20,4:00, 4:10, 4J3O, -450, 5:10,1 '20, .1 iJ,0.. -1 :M, C :1O, G JM, 7*0, 7 30, 8O"J,9 <X), 10^J, 11 >)0 p. m.( 12.00 nigiit. Sundays. 6:13, 8:00, 9ui0 a. m. 100.430;5:4'-1, Gii'J. 7 rUO, 9 >'W p. m.. 12 :00 nicli1..

wi.-hin,<; lo l i t e Southenj

h I. LOHiULLER,bxxtzn DC

or Western express trains, not stopping aRailway, will be obligeil to late a prtceding Iriin lo some'point where tlie erprea-irain makes recular ttap. '

FOR FCKTUEP. inlonnauon applyTickel Agonl who will furnish.lime labland rive information as to Routes, Cliectjing Ilagcage, &c.

FRANK THOMSON, Gen! itanagcr.L. P. FAR5IER, Genl Piss. AcenU ,F. W. JACCSOX. Gen'l Sup'lT?. R. H.

\". J. Div. IJAilES McCREA. Sup't X. Y. Div.


! " ! (

j in all its brandies.



si; vi

In all (U br»nT

V K. (•[,.«. UK,

(urns-cur Hr.i'.-UCCCU,I sliotuloa- "l ies.

r r r 8URVKY0R.corno: M»1D

• i


pc rait-«.

" i ipocIOcitijioi f9tl$$ffl

T a I! ECK,

0 •('iryanlft ot Icconl Prt«i)THrim CiurohJ


Itiic Sircet, ucar Wllliira, [Uh*«Jr, N.

fclil3-tf "' i

•» & nvsro, i1 1 1 . ! ]

Ku. Ill Haiti 81., Udhwir.N.J.Kiimfm-iiir--r. «nd d

c \ f-:fi we nffcrr!<owlii'ro. i

In Furniture

I'n-nltKi all IU

I ATTOKSI'V « [ . I . , , - « « . , Koruo* ( and (. Elclunjt- [lulldlnj,Kibwir, K.J.

I E D W ' D

'AtWroer »»d Oounjellor tt

IqalUblt BnUllnj ,

^ ituw,RahiHichir.fe DalMlof.



I' e.-PlsmliiEg

W. H.


4.LSO Kooraclbs litc»l Smilsrj-


ind Pic n«ltcT, 1«8 M«(nJ Wfddlnirfi. Vtrlli'»,t i lnmtnu (urntihcdoiiind «l Ihc most reiuonncrcrj- racirnlajr «r« o'clcin<J prompt!)- miendod

fot, Ruhwn-, HI Picnics t<nd Enlot-Ihe »,horte4t nodce,ilc r«tr«- (lei Holli>k, ordorn^llcltKio, , f o'"""1

LINUSSuccfasor lo i, J



Carriage materials,IRON. STipiCti, .<t<L







OmcF.s:—lloom ik SinltliCorilnudt Ptrtet, NowEidmngc Building, llaliwiy, N

KWIS 8, AYKRS, D.Il.a.Ortdnnta of tt e I'eiiD. Col

Dental purg<Frlieof Oold Mtdtl for

otnet OVKH coi.|»'UAIM




TO TAKE EFFECT OCT, 31 si, 188

New York Time.1£AILS ARRIVE.

1. Xe\s-York,Korth,East,or\Vest,5:l»A.2.| " 951 •3. Philadelphia, South and West, 5:19 '4. " 5:55 '5. " " " " 9 AS '6. Woodbridce and Pertli Ainboy,":M '7. Nortlieru Way Maili, 9:21 •8 Soulhcm, " 9>5S '1/. New York, Xorth and East, 1:52 rji£

10. " " " " 55711. Philadelphia aud South, 4:40IC. " " West, 5:4o13. WoCKlbridpe and Perth Ainboy,4-oU. Nurllicrn Way Mails, " 557

!). Southern, " -1:4oMails are received from. Xew Bruniwie

Jlstueheu, Princeton, Trenton, Bristi!Soulh and West Jersey, aad Bc-lvidcieDelaware Railroads, al 9 5>S a. m., 5:4-5 p. 1 a• Mai',5 are icccived from Elizabtlh, Xe r-

ark, Xorth Jersey, Delaware & Lad awanna and Xen: Jersey Centril Railroai sal5:H' , 0:21 a. m., 527 p. m.


1G. Woodbridge & Perth Amboy, 7 KW17 Xew York Xorth and East, 7:3018. " " " i " 93019. " " " ' "12:3020. Philadelphia and Way, 1 9:0021. ThroucU Southern, aiid Pliila. 9:0022. WcKxlbrideeor Perth Amboy. 5:10 lj.it23. Xcw York", Xorth and Eajl, 4*024. " " " " 5:102.5. " " " " 7:1520. Philadelphia, and Way, • 5*027. " " " " 7:1525. ThroucU Southern, and Wesl, 5:1029. "~ " " " 7:15

.Mails are despatched for Elizabeth,Newark, Delaware & Laekivwanna, ^Jersey Central Railroads and XorthNew Jcrsej, al 9:30 a. m., 4:00, 5:10 1 nd7:15 p. m.

Jfails are despatched for Philadelpl in.Trenton, Princeton, Now Brunswick, Me-

' J n

1 Slrccl.

( 1 1 . ,


H .


Trenton, nm«wu, «v.. „tuchen, Soulh and West Jersey and Bedere, Delaware Railroads at 9:00 L.5fl0, and7:15 p. m. •

Office opens al 7 00 a. m. ;i closes a t ' -30p. m.

Sunday Mails irrive 5:19 and 8:43 &. n.,and close lo all points at 8:00 a. m.

Office open on Sunday from 9:30 to 1( 30m. ' I

MONEY ORDERS.Sold at the following ratw, payable at knymoney order office: ]

Orders nol cicccding $15.00 10 centp30.00 15 "I

" " " 40,00 2050,00 25

Orders payable in Great Britain and 3er-many, Canada, Prance, Algctlft and are lowsold at this office Ht the followlnr n tes ;

BUITISU.—Onlera not ovet $10, 25 o nlsover $10, and not over $20, J50 cents; >vci$20, and not over $30, 70 conts; over (30,

• • - - »in « ~.n(clnv(T t40. and




to 8 p.

picnic«r«, al their feet the remains

( ei<ie.,f| Helen al^riticg.

ydarliDgi he thicks;ne kias« the encon-

he feels, it at with thertere his hoior.

of lifchtwei c^n effect

Helen aistriticg, tLway tovrarcJ the ligtt.



elintr eiue ui wucui u-^v .. ,moon-faced Buddhis, a line of an- j e lifccstral saints, letter Huddhas, and' ^

Here i.\ an oatltt( aj. I thought,

e effort, ilnjiyuge clears"; ooping low,

After soemaildeceased priests standing oat in boldj a email sjiace, and, s:

relief from the rocky wall. Not all j forma an zich with twthe pandcur of the vast cave, not! "Yoa Idok like 4tball the wondeni of BaddhUtical carv- a g r e t n •«••<•ing, not bird or leaf 'has a chance of '•'••"<•

—i.:i . 11 ,1 , . ,

ok like Mw supporting

phthetia&ptotaptlj. It 1< itarerare.

P . r P l l « , BlimJ, BI«JI»it U tit« gnftUst ksova remed

r i O U B « m *r O|

drawing ( attentionFeatherstone

while Helen


lU«Uoa«p<mthe«lim«tr««Uta.CautUm.—PO-VTrS EXTRACT U* l«n <•<-


" I fear ,,scratches ijram the liailjes.

gmilk-s! Irs. Feather-under them.lining many

p ^are sust


POND'S EXTRAa 50c, %\M, 11.75.Tei^tCreun 1,00[C»tirrii 6i.*»


their prodres i .There ^ " '

tention ini-tone tomight vieglances u

Her.pale oval face, with its tendergTay eyea and sweet but unsmilinglips, is turned'from her listeners to-wards the mouth of the cave, and,.-s she sings, they all >look at herlments of

'•'1 admiration and wonderment,pure white dress, with here and

mere delicate touches of black uponit, hang? in soft clinging folds aroandher, the fdeeves falling away at the

/j elbow, showing arms snowy and

Hutff li grandly otitlinexi as those of a GreekWafeKSia 50c).-. l.OO [statue;' her hands, • arelessly clasped,

:support a rounded cheek and chin,j and her hair, richly brown, falU halfI loosened over her thruat. At herI feet lie* a handwme boy, his darkeyes fired lovingly upon bis mother'sface.

As she sings, the thoughtful grayeyes glisten and shine, the grave lipssoften, and the pale cheeks fluihwarmly

But only one in that little groupof piciiicere really knows what itis that makes the tender eyes darken

.and shine, the firm mouth quiver,I the warm blush come and go.J Colonel Gurran stoops slightly for-

i from a reclining position onu.^ tor*o of a deceased faint, andsees a figure standing quietly, within

m entrance to the cave.

" An exile from home."

goes on the singer; but this time the

you' I tbinljundergo n!says poinluneven m|>i«y grotind

lore than thaana pi

J~ . c—:fallen ro<k

that I wouldfor yoa," he

uses on thewhere frag-till obstruct

too much" ofhii tones forgnore wiiat* as mere' b:

inquirin|ljand sees fi something]ehe has n^ver seen |be.'

. 50

. 50Syrfip, S1,00,

n u p»«e< 15,18,11 ltd — - .piuet Vbl£h &C£OIQpVllM GUh tKttlo." Om K I T P uawLXr WTTH H n x o n 0 r ozx

uu-iiiiioM Bxn TBZZ, ox Arruasiai to

POND'S EXTRACT CO..C14 West UUi SCNe-w York.

laying b^re of th^ rjian's passioaSh ki o attempt to escapeShe 'makiis no attedpt to escit. ,from thejdetaining; hind laid upoc|.ilage., . rrJ_ - r*\i. J,^. uriit< 1 , » ^ j




' •G e a u ' " d C h l I d t n " \ wa'rd'Vro^alfcTmmg portion onBOOTS AND SHOES, .

» CHIRRT ST., RAHWA.T, i . / . ,

Helen Peathtrytor.4iadden tears. ! • ! •

" He I6V« me !" she sots,:OQtro!Iab!e agitation,! '• Bat,',1'olonef Curran, h- i* trut—*o itniej:hank Heaven !" j

* • « » •

'llie next t^orniiig Mii-^rLage carde iccordii.g There n « alwtaryJlea»nt5i in tLe <lirk bn.'i;ii t-|dri\rn line of 'pain roand thei '• Vou bad<- tue coa« *.'<|day,'" te SAS>; " and I La\e

I wwul.l toi-e tiiyo'j from (|lie other end of tL-:-

I arms.


lf you bade t^t!r

: ' H a . h r Ihleiifectly calm new. ito a seat tear her.a rijrht, after wLjit [a?cei Uas yesterday, to Le-irsoci vi-Laithan you l.i\e told l i t ; ye:.

e riyjtk• t tliiuk 1

j rr.oj

yme all—all.

Gerald does tot titbcsiiit.- lA

pair. 1= »moveiiiect.

'•' Yo


'yi o(•kice to teli vof which Lotc hw c-rer>[i-;ak,r he saya;t!ynt-xi is thert': 1 ori ki. 1[ have ilrei-iy laid* y-y~ Je-;. i;-me. S « "—he [>oinu to th-.- I.— - t l . - -. miil-^teanivi ltavti

[deliberate iii-[ilrs. Feather-otherwiiis she.dinage. SLeji evecing.' I =

into his face.1; streczth to fctav—and sc-eihere which!' -" • ' ' ' • : . ;

[ore, a certain

m her. I hive 1

1 =. there U fdi:c...Efidea:.: btwe-en ui," Helta JIV<. " It viY: (voa good, to sptik-'" f

I owe it to ) ' ' ; ~ . I kiiow," Ami

hers. Hdreyes fall; stie waits. |:pa"aies, as if t-" Sit diwn for a moment,". ArrayH: e e ther for one

1 . . . t . . a.. - - , u ^ . . .. T-t -tage saysj drawing liei to a fiatand seating him-elf k- dde her.want to sjiy something to you."

" Wellj I am liite ing,'" Helen'squiet Toijx says; and the Land h<holds mojes gc-ntlyiin his.

" I do jiOt know \i viiit I have tc

-j_youth. '-The fir-:Ii member L- [-overty.

say i ;

Will (interest mc'r(enough j-our

bf i

friendAm I not ye{

for what \:

The great superiority of DR.


allothercough remedies is attested

by the immense popular demand

for that old established remedy.


go geyes rest no longer

f h di G l f

ut thion the blue line

me:hotly,veen a

- — o - -i -.--. ,say to bcrof intervsx t

"Fritndl" he criesknow I have cevqrS3)" rathir"—hi* voicje siuksfully—" I »m yourlove yoa I"

As he »peaks he idrturns hii;face from b



Lies, as if to gather«v.'ift lea I back: tc U

L* I car. r•tritv, cria

in<r fiovertv,babyhc-:"!, the

d d h

W2..~ the bii-c i.-of ia\ L-:

trial liiV



,ps herbr, and gTX>ac.

For the Cure of Coughs, Colds,Hoarseness,1 Croup, Asthma, Bron-chitis, Whooping Cough, IncipientConsumption and for the relief ofconsumptive persons in advancedstages of tne Disease. For Saleby all 'Druggists.—Price, 25 cents.



of the distant Gulf of Martaban andthe pagoda hills of Maulmtin, butare completely veiled, by their longdark lashes, so that Gerald Anuytage,so standing, half hidden by a friendlyjutting rock, cannot encounter theirpathetio sadness, which says so muchto him, and yet not enough—not halfenough.

The tenderness of her voice, itsplaintive ring, half passionate, halfpiteous, stirs the heart of the manwho has no home, no loving help-meet, no fireside—the man who is awanderer, though it be of his ownfr<te will, on the face of the earth-When the song dies away, he triesto pull himself together. There isa little hush, and then a buzz ofpraise bursts from.the party.

Amid the general laudatory bun,the new-comer recovers himself andwalks forward within the cave-temple.

Gerald Armytage, magistrate ofMaulmein, is a tall soldierly man, ap-parently about forty. Sallow, pale,and. worn-looting, with a face andmien that convey the idea that hehas done everything there is to bedone, seen all there is to bo seen, hestill betrays a restless seeking foraction. Kot that he is restless indemeanor. The bow with which hegreets the assembled, picniceni isas quiet and composed, as Mrs. Fea-

His mien is rather of a rejected | was pr J-J.3. a,i.lover tha n that of b tian beloved bHelen Ffatherstone. j

She d6t= not speak. A look cjf.erfect content fettles'upon her facj.

hood, and lh! '• 1 never ki.-iwI died yoiinsi ac-I: pittance. My 1:.: valid, but 1 *'j quescLiblt si-irit. iujtion for her childrtt T.-.I Beside her coach ve—11 imbibed, the idea that v.x- iuu<; 1j in the v-jciil «i.-ale, izid that CX-J^] icd m-jocv al-j:ie, v."i.i- 'to L-.- tL-.- Li der by which thv L-cen IZ.L-\j made-. My sister wi,» *..'k-r -.Liui«i,p took k'iudiv to tL-; i i ta , f-.-r ;

. 1:La •

L : :

. : t. -

i d '-ilii-Al-

•he a'X-ep'.'i'i al: '

fell-'."--, aud her

it ld s-eem as; if she has heirp

i eyej.

luxury,a richturnel out well, ovir.g t..icontained, prudent there was no suth C'.n.I Wlievc-d rather in L- IUCJin money. I hive- said tLiwas the lunt of mybibyh

.fftr fr- Lrjirri." j .Lvr s.

leUtliit l u - l l i

t p--iv< t y

->.].l: l : t

[ :

caught but his list words, has snaught tyut the passion in his e;She lays'her hands upou her Losum j « ^ ^v. t.^... ^ „_. . _._ .and dravs a long I breath, i so f ouejlike most happy cbii<lr<.-L,from whom a lifted. Thcalfe'.t it then. It -•-• " r •she tutiches him lightly on tie!boyhood, intoshoulder. He lolks up into L< r i coveted richc*.radiant face. Ahjho/w is he to ovei -1 for anothc-r. It vvii painshadow jihat face, ^o de?l out to h< r j sc-e my mother s: p Lc-r dry to id inmisery ipstead of blias? ' -- •-* •- *• ••'•' •'"- '-'t\-r-ir*-:.i-l oi

Arid now temptation, s-tronc. ove1

grev>- ietuee. uiy;..-!f.

can evelknow, wtL«B*rs passion. U | have gi1 . _ i_ _ j . 1 . : _ / - : - J-rtM.,in *,-\ Ilia a n n i ' " ! mct ther

Oo p onp, comes to thi

k t i *s man. \Vl|vlUr doinjj tliv vork. I

a i l tM C« LlJyW, W M-i M-"-*" f-~~ ' II ^ ! I

he takej this fair women to hi* armi? 1 mother contine-i to tU-No one] his intertneldled with hts 1 a shilling could not

(en:-, in these iilds of Burmih.'these twjoy or ihis sorrojr (for manyyears;he may:great rbinds h

thebrain aj I .tinis 14 its wild furtnadderjing wish; cvorticef

ions blast, ta^rcling in ti

$20, and not over $ 0 ,ami nol over .$40, 85 cents;

$50 $100

nts; over | ,over $40, fond

not over |50, 11.00.GEIUIAN Ekpuui, FBAKCB ANP

QKUIA.—Onlersnot over |10j 15cents;|20, and not over %'i<), 80 «mt*; over $80,

»"• i>: ~x«i.. nrm 140. and

BuildingRoom 2J.


nol over $40, 45 ctints; oror |40, andl notover $60, 00 cents; over $50,75 cents

CANADIAN.—OnUrs not jover $1(~ " \ 80 cent^; not over

- - • k>vor

8 M. OLIVER$50, 75.



Orders can I* left dully nt Qeo. Pli ra'sJ. D, .Dolnier'a, J. R. Loinbcrti'i on thlrResidence, 80 Riw-i Street.'



as quiet a ptlicrstone's manner, Itthe unquiet brown eye,

i f th c

is only inwhich has

11 studying hard fur a sA-jUrsLq|:•'., which to- eani enough v> put tiiv

i—with the aid of tutoring—thrtv«m occurred

L,^ u . . „ _., it wa. i iiirsc or not.! shesajs, ' 'why U tlis the first whisper of the storm

: aftcnvards wrtcked lay lifu."

Her yuioe, pure anil true in its oa-: college, when andencc-, brines back uis honor to hi In. whether •' "•"-

" Ge|ald-whyj , I

-Oh Heaven ,:hdw hard this is

the unquiet brown eye, whichthe restiveness of the curbed Arab,in the impatient mobile lips, thatone reads the story of a life wastedthrough impulse of a nature too early

i h d in the balance and foundthrough impuweighed in the balancewanting,


re t yand found

th»t Iat meyour*.

must go

slowly as drops of li-marfied !"

" HMen," he


Benson's CapcinePorous blasters.

QtUer P«wu» Vlaa^cn or ~

Flnt .BecsnM titr pocaces tQ th« merit cf U»

lidon tbtitto ike nnri/ dtocoTtKd po«u<ttl «ndj«lTo»tsrt»M« cotnblnitlon «Ucb let* wtth ls-

coouttr Irriusl CSKU.

. Seeon*.OK4UM ihtjr u t 4 gronint phmatMstical pnp-

union, md 99 recopuied tj the pnicMioo.• j Third.

BMUM thnr tn th« onlj fluten tut nUn«ptln tX osm. j


Forgive me for listening clandes-tinely," ne says, his voice changingeubtilly as he addresses the onewoman the world holds for him.

" You are tho only listener whohas not thanked me," Helen Feather-stone returns, with the smile that isso precious because so rare, and thecharming coquetry she permits her-self only to.him.

"A man scarcely thanks a womanfor depicting the charm of thatwhich he has no hope of ever win-ning,r is the quick reply of her earalone.

" I think, before tea, we shouldlight up the cave," observes theCommissioner. :

u Who has the resinand the bamljoos to make thetorches ?" I

My fellow,} believe,1' says young

t upfe is. . offended 3breath of kuv

looking up at bar,Her f al' I ha'

in onewhichvou." "Xhave r r .

And; you leave'me soon!"not speak; of this now,':

debars me' frpni offering if t

.,, ^ t T . , . slowlv;ot offfiideti aie.v Siie .

says dleadingly.ito-uig!howljthe 1and t<5

tohmllrtlj tb I t r 4

BM#<>M tonl j a«ltl>

other rtsudiw will not tra MimFltth.

ft MOO shTtlcluii u d dni£gt<t> hav*eMifiea th*t tktr tn mptrtof to kl1 tdlcises for exttxsAl a**,

S i x t h .9 m»af»rturni hit* w t ittr giren for powui plMttn.

DoTiofin'o f^TiniTio Pnwin? PhetoTl


Mbiatactnrun! Oi«nl»t», Noi Tort .


My fello, IFrere/TU call him."

The arrival of thei







B > - A A tor 188 a, «l* If"F T 6 © pn»l lot««< T«>>1«Srnl (0 «nj nldrw on r»«lp» o(

J. B

bamboos is the signal for a generalmove. 1 ' .

" Shall impenetrate the darkness?"he says. " These good people havethe truly English mania for erplor-inc; strong upon them."

They turn inward among thesilent Images, the huge natural pul-pits of granular limestone, the frown-ing crags, now lit tip by the garishflame ot the torches., The gloom, the gigantic marble

spectres that start out weirdly atevery turn, the sepulchral dampnessof the atmosphere, strike un-pleasantly on Helen. She shivers,

" You do not like this horribledarkness ?" Major Armytage says,sensitive to her lightest feeling.

"No, I don't think 1 do.""I should not have let you come,"

says her companion tenderly. "Giveme your hand; let me help you."

She stretches out a hand, to him,and its touch sets bis heart beatingas evea in his stirring life it hasnever beaten before. He is close toher. He can hear her breathing, he


will i

two j

the man,;ut

mutteritroh . - , .a scoundrel to tellvou.

loHelen, I believe I have

Is it not sf '"Ishe

sc< my m pher tea to avoid the- petty c-i.per.i-.butter. It gatle-i me to so^ r.w

a sL-rviiu, to SJ.A!

last:c ure

lling ca BatIIH:hair, and


to kt:-|ilitt:

'surely verjtui-e to snatch iL: is i makict: a purifo bttwvvn them to Jivejipture, despite a past tL it me the education battling 3 c^T.'-t.

Temptation whirls lisfinan. ^ ""~ - -- '•• ' ' - - ' ••••

evcldue whirls its vjc-! me.

OurI «•

poverty grvw hido-rual»r.a" t-lvtee.:;, u-.i

ptCT With ti.itrtL. for a r..:for 1 K L ; L IAt tL-; e:.(.if-.- bi--i:

•( t i . ,

gU" i - v...-

• u.t fir fr•.,-::


-:..-1. ir.


k:. •-.


r c - i L ^ I- -!.

. :-in-.-;'• N'erer. ercc['.

JL>. I hive til'--:-,.j kliUr k t . v t L

t • . • • - !

• - 1 : .


; ; L -*..:; •. \ e j r . v

T-, Li,


j U'-v •>

• :-.-. " G I ."An I• tL:r . . ' t . , . i r tL. •, ,1 si..-:.-t MV:, ifter itLil I Live !..-ir

,ikr. •••'.-y...-ir v i i e . "

::;! i. I

v. .. 1

U-i'- I


" WiT

- V H . I kr.ov.,y- tLit v--- =-..-.-t• : Ai: l ve-. v.:.-—

y , , : eve:/ LI, U- -iirtproa..-L L-r: r. •:heirts ci: . L-. L-:-:


i ' r . l !---.k«fcr.l. -A t i -

I L ^ v , Lr; •'

[[,- H-. L:--


- Ye-.ALI up-enderly

, , vc :> Li,

•• l u - : i L

iirru-i -::'- TLi'.


ir,- i-vililv.


G ^ l l " - ^ - , - Ly.- i

"l;.~—-~±.rAi:-i -.Vi-.Lir. Le : Lvir t . '-•:-•.- 'i--:-">--

F-.r - n,-:

- : : . - - 1 ..-.-••:

Li- L-i. i.

l i , :

I ' r e -

:ilL :.-. 1.

T : . ,

:. li-L : : . ,A n i . •,-;-_-•:•

'.•'Ved i!i A:, i.



" ;

"G \VL 1 i. 1iWLy


• • Y o u fi

V'.iU L'iVe l

il-..--."" T r u e : I

never dreitkr. >y- ill d

Mr>. Feas thoLi^ti

•• T L i t i.-

clu-- t




ogi thatso

I lo


There came to live with 1my ILsing all self-con-; axi orphan girl. Loua


. j of course it wd< leftlv I trustees until herok; that, Htk-ti—' until

in the

;o, love, witlti" those eyes of i when it w..til

I a m "—the] words d r o p r . m g ! al ly her own.eiblood


herle (1

IL-r father. I b<i" c 1 — . ' • • - • - - -

|un I had k'Ved my uiotln.-r in former



ut.vv i s



s < i l


W-I , I and wished hi* d i u g L t e r It ft

e r i | s ; beseech ing ly , ! carv. If she did not u u r t y til

"•speak to mi|i»-ay from h not coiiu' to her»«>! livm .1 .u. . ..v. , .

•oil by speak ng | sLe marriedlove and of t lat j her riches. Until

p ^,._.., Let us be hafat. lo-nior:ow, Gerald

voice lihg'.'rs lovingly liverto-inprrow come tci me

then. »jliO coald,iat lime s!|

an allowance uf tbtw huudryear, ioiK'-thirvl of which 1 pri-

son ! she spent in drvss." Ho s[K-:ib-es. i bitter disdain. Hi* listener i*|DO! silent; she sighs une;i>ily, but IIshelall. "The other two huu.lre-<l|

for the different style of

Illmeall—!alOB what use1?

patieltlv. " My cbrling-my darlt us part

give ijie the ouly1 tling I want—h<not see jfoil| aguin. Hesjvenr ,

know}* I might l>cyou! Tdlfme, darling"-j-hetempthrows'both aim

hungril}-if hi

e, d a garound her

Uto her fwere different

ll you love me?"flashes into her

" He! au, if thingsyou might—WQUI

A swift lighte yes. j

" Yes," ehe flrios, with passioli inher v.iice; "and, is long as I li *

ive no otherFor a monetit

hers, I and then they start apart

- , - - < t h i i | s4" Hallo, cood pj

plorijig made eas)

rounjl a corner 0torcri in his. han


keeris inraniu hoombanion.

"AVell, Helen

cries Gerald

Ire. You caijnotipe.

empted—I m

imanhis lips toil!

pie ! Thiscries the

ComniisBiopur, as he aprock, an e i

'Mr?.^ e to look ror you.ering Helen his arm—'•[ill be cold, IMrs. Feathe«|toue

'" i was twontv-oiie-,1



uld!-t, iflainiLid



1 botage.eVe-S,

10 dogeli-







se ioieeears

we werv obliged to adopt, willnough.'"

\Vas she pNUy':" asLs'eatherstone.

'• Xo," says Gvrakl dev'idovH" My mother siid she wot;

jvely," goes on Major Arm_She had. a Urge mouth, bignd was tall and gawky: but.ier justice, she w;u truthful,•rous, and se-lf-denviiiL:. Y.houghtfully— '• I liked her>uough. till my mother uudlatal mistake of try ins to ui

I; And then S"—quickly.' 'Then I grew lo Ivate hergleam of th*t fatal impulsi

af temperamt'iu .which he \.Mmuch reason to dcploro.

To hate herV rv[>i.'at> I Helen

t rccatiugly, " Those ar<-| liarvlwords.'1

But they are-true. 1 haied thesisht of her and lier richo



along, Arjnytage. Ohj he'i

has dreader thebommissionerj an


r Arravtageeyos of the _no mood foi tea. Colonel)ookH rounkl t harply, then muses walk and 1 xjks d'owu up<|u h;

-.-.I: L,iv.- I ki-. iv.-uved y - a — L ' i ^


aV» He!eL F e . l• I;.;-". IS I I•'•• e \

i i j l ^ i l v i v to h e r —

dark. t ullcluTell


. "Teli' I it — i

• U'u-


. • \ e ." - -

• - ! - " "

. .- v- e

1 r i!..a.

• Wr.l . ,



.or .e- .^iae:

•e.-.k I " V"1-! :••

v l i r w i l e . l::i..--

- ^ V"'.l - i \

v^—'v. : t l . , . a t


W : . . :



Hef o r ni

tilt! t

Nl lUe



i . j l i p v>

me 1:

H i !

-. r>







k l l - i w s t i r I n . ! ! ; 1 . - . - ••[ w : i i ' }

I h i l l i h e y v - i i " l i . . ' . • I - ' - - ' . I t .

l . o l . i - i n d e r - i - e r r o , : , : . t i . . .

1.1 W S 1 i f L e ' ! : - . - r t h i l l t ' . e ' . \ . i . ' i . .- . \ V.

\ i - j l u t c l I U I L I h 1 - ••v.\\ t L - - . . i n

w l h u u l - ' i t e 1 . . ^ l ' e v l i i : ' . i : > i ; . : L -.1 i . ' - .I .

1 1 0 t i i n p t a t t ^ ' t i h . . - . i - . i . v - i ' . r t - l . \ . !.-.-

believe tLiit iLc f.uK u i \v! >:-: •.!.•.

UriK'..UlUe.-> i'f Virtue. IL !".-<.- I-

Lit l i v l .k - Y o u U K a l l . " L e e l l ' l l l - . - i j . ' . ! . - ^ ! ' | ^ < i v

" t h : i l I a m t o 1 : 0 l a - k i - - i :- .v - . . - M e :

l " . | ! \ - L i L ; e . Y o u i . l n - i ' . u r.;-.- ' . .1 i L : > : '

At the sight of his white .ii.paiu-i.UsteIl-U-1 e \e- LlelelL illli-'Ssbritiks from the s.iore-1 ta_-k ;Lv Li

he.r>e.lf. TLell she reiiielulerthe dyitii: mother, an-1 resoUis tod '

r biddu.g." If it is not happiness to wUu-h

doom you." slie s^yj, •• eiii y-ji; u>.'

bo evtittut to fote^o it':"'"You—you sav this to me':'" Le

lover luurmurs.She looks. ;vt him cnve'.y, i izre-vi. •;., t j . ^ . .

pity and a cre-ate-r ho[.c in her ev - ' • • • •I do '" she SAVS firmly.Oh. Heaven. Low' coll—h


• I . I .

-. v ' . l

'.. I

, _ 1.1

h •.. l: t;-.

• i r v . i 1' •

My' day

Tl.o ' ii-U-.i I.. i

l curi'.iu icti n ihiii I'Uuaur-M. iii wLici: tL-.-

.- 1'•'• ±


K t -

: . :»!•:: i ' i l U t ! .. ^ lv is i.i


Armyuger>-vm with

•• And yet "— .Voli S.lid VOU •

mother urgod upon line thatLena Levinae would certainly manysome one or! other, and t k t thenher wealth would pass iwi; fromus, leaving us again in U'Vert;Why should 1 not bo that souie oneThere was no stipulation regardingher marriage. None could preventher marrying whom she Iwould.I resisted my dear mother'jSnotionfor months,; for years. L; could

g deeply'jilt .myforsee eh* was fpersistent refusal."

" Yo lov


" You loved her dearly r" ("Yds, deafly, lu short, Ik-achodYds, deafly. ,

my twenty-first year, and, ,fo saveJo1

cirviel you womenciries, pacing thewild impatient steps,stopping beforv her—'UOUld h.ivo lo\'e»l tile'." i

Yt-s, I s.iid so"—and Uele-u n>o?too—"aud. it you will be >>.• nab le-as to go back 10 her and [-our suu-nliihe ou her life. I will <-iy ne>t ciily

I could," tut ' I do love ynii!" "As she speaks, tLe \voiu:\n i\i 1 jLC=

her axms down with wild abandon-ment. Gerald, looking at her, ro:in«within liiiusell. \ \ iihiti his s^ul Lev^..,. that she i.- right, liut t...leave her, the woman who could loveso devotedly, so madly, is surelyInore than man can de\

"What is her happiues? t

.i'.L ti.-.' UvttuctD.-u.-cis-. i3ii UrL-i.iii.-.:.:-./




^ J i liLL

!.i\v th-.-m

t v \

SI.-.1tLit L

'Ji:!. t!.e

;j'v* lit l U

: ,:. t.t \\ :;1 uo:li.:- cc-^L'.ry Lc eli •:. i t ll.-.' I.iU,

L lit Limu'.i-i u;ou l i Ci.t

il l i - c l':

; U r . l U e b i li-'_v iu i1.-tilli;;;li;, e-' 1..-M

iu r-ai'i.1 su.\:v lL-.:i oc-.-.i t\r>t eljj^ i^

o you'he cries, with tender auge-r,

SAVU) 1!Y OIL.' Mn. Suiiaui Asm-is, Nn. 11 Bart't'.l: street. lUIioh'rc. Md , hsd for twenty two! \ t i i< l^tn I £-afl\rer (rcm tores 1:1 J |uicai'in l.s: liui-s. Wie Hied miQv rcmi-Jivij wilhjut icv (syorubk- resuhs. "Hjij->[waio.i;1..1 hiir cf 3t. JdCoU' Oil, the coicluJeJ at

j Ii?t (0 try 11. The result wis wonJeiful.l i ke w;e'Uiled, llie jvuit-vauiiiid, MiJrfiiij ii tow well again.

Page 2: THG WEEKLY E AMD TIMES.SLY CUBBED. _l this dlMM OlX tnlttliOM li try DL Knotm't Cuain:TOTi. Tlwtt powojn in u* otnrn ts*t will ear* CdBtuwOoa r tb* moil iro Uw-laiatd, lith In U*m,


s3 . \ ,;

. 1 i: ! •

I ikif







ADVOCATE & TIME*Publi<thed Weekly






Tlif WlnlrtllirnliM IIMMI II

KKRIiNT l-1'/lfHHIIK/M !

H'niil'ill Pl(t1ll

»tfk i . WP (l'i not (lilnk n lu«krlnw lIx-™ .-niKd-'l ft" y r t will ' li l«<\wnti>. Illlll I l i w tin* M » »i''X '"! ' 'lidfiii'fiil ICRIKIHIIOII. Wi' jljuilii If tli'itorrr-i wn« n K>M|.IM In wl ik l | llcullffuri'iil

rArh nllior. Tim Uorc iti'ir1^ nriniiliiidnlld

dtp M i n i upon wllll B> inlmill mn«lilf m I N i M If tin1 l<<'i|n|c. nlid Ii

|nti(((!<l In 111'1 pni lv .ydl« In

In mnl<lri|! Hi'1"1

|rn<( In llm I ' l lcnl <>f M-I"''lllif l(rpiilill<t^i"l o i u c r r r d HrpiiMli'nii*. Ill"ijrn)ip(i|[i(mrth((if ,lii/l|!i' I l l l im anil lilo iioiiijimlfon al Mr.

rt J l D l i l l lKirk Id

jJu(l|!c Do

(lonlco l'i keep po l i lk" ddl ('urniA. The n|'|><>in(m'ii( f'f

from (Im j.nif-ll ' f i

l ' i , t l l ' l W I I I , '

Ihe JudMnlMi. Kirk Id'nfhl

• picdeoicit". Tho C"ui of KrrotH, tofivr in Iho l«r cjoni/'til In If l« (oncfnud,hm lilwaynlio.-n a (ulij 'dot |idl(U>. Thct<>ni'-lil, r'i!i<i«!ili(( 'if li* Hljll. •'!''< I'll ('nil 111 <mr high'.'"! Judicial IrBiimnl, ii'il (he/lire (kill"! In Ilic A-i'Mic-c nf Inw,lull avowedly b'caU". lli'-y :know noiljiWM It in ft nci'.-iir*, l« Ihe W(,i•(.( li]|;r«li(-nlIhcorr-ti^-illy lliAl c<< il 'I Iof jii'lpc". Tlml 11 d(i< •> n(ilj(lj:f(-at Hi'1. ltd-minl'lriili'in of jii'liic, l« du':- (othc-Hint Hi'1--': laymen always follow" His k-ilaw JtidgM. The fy>l"in liykvliicili Inymcn


t. The. lloipc of I/.r<l« Is Ilicli™! (riliun.'il in jfJrcaC HfiCaln.

fin'Kinftlly in ht.v Jctfcy, the': InImitation of Ilic Hou«: of Lordf r/mfliUU':4 our higlicU c u r l , ni' il did in NewYork until a few years ago. When (litCorKilulional Convention Mok all judirfapower away from the Senate and created aCourt of Error? lo exe.rr:i<e it, (he preserva-tion of Hie lay dement wliicli obtained inHie Senate TO deemed judicious. Theidea was A nomcncicnl one, and for the: pastfew yearn our Governors have appointlawyen! as lay judge;. As a result (heCourt of Errors lias lic-cn grcjwine strongerIn ability. Governor Lucllow, we presume,believes lawyers should not|be i-elcclcd fortacli position?. Consequently A.mzi Doddwhose resignation took froirt Ihe Court oneof its ablest members, is Euqcc'eded by Mr.Kirk, who brings lo the duties of his highoffice ft fine personal presence-and a goodcharacter. If lo these he pofJesstd sufficient•legal knowledge lo understand the argumenls which In will be called upon lohear, we ftould bcUer appreciate Hie pro-priety of his appointment Still, as ordin-ary lay judges go, he is above the average.

Why the Ledslalurc pasjed the bill in-creasing 'the Chancellor's salary from(10,000 lo (15,000 we cannAt understand.He held (he office for jo.vcri years, takingthe fees ju his pay. They amounted lo

probably :

pay was :a(W.000 perleast double

inuum. The

judicial officer la the Unilec

ing tho«e. mven years he

tint of anyStates. Dur.

received about

was given toas much as u&til recentlyour President. The Lc-^UIalure altercareful de|ilx--ration decided (o give a falury,and turn the fees over lo tin: State. Theyfired the imount of the Hilojry al (10,000.being the panic as that given lo (he UniledStates Supreme Court Judj cs and higherthan that given to our own SupremeCourt Juiticc? or that giver to Judge? offlmilivr po«ltion in New Yok and Mulsa-

chuse.lls. ; Whfn the Cliticpointed IJC knew what the »and the amount of nervlcc n

ellor was rflap-dary was l<j bequired. With

Hint knowledcc lie acccpled the ofilce.Biuce then he has lic-en au hnrir.ed l<i jap-point a fcoond Vice Ohano.'llor, llm? I relievlng him frvm a coiiMderJibk- portion ofthe work which ollirrwiso I.e.- would be re-quired lo perform. Yd llnvLogislaUire, a:we consider very much lo in discredit, in tlicfaceof iilKhwereiiMint for Hivlnglhe salaryat lls present Illierul rale: Inm-ased IIfifty per c'onl. What Adds lo lt« discreditIt Ihe fact thallhe bill was preyed with in.decent liMtc. Only two days lime intervencd between 111 introducl on and lls pasedge. There certainly WHS IUI occasion'(orthis haste, except (he lu.[ic: df making a lawbefore tin) people kucw of It. That aloneia enoiijrlrlo condemn any bill.

The bill ia spirit at least was in violmionof our new constitution which woiuutcnilctjto prv-vcnl any cliatipe In the pay of public-(jfflcers during their term. The languagela a« folloivB

"The Legislature shall nol pass private,lt)Cjd ot special lawn in any of the followingenumerated cases, that is to nay : Creating,incrvwing or decreasing Ihe per centago orall<rwanca ot publicoflkernduring the Urmfor which i-aid odjecu were elected or [ap-pointed."'

Considering (he emolument.t the Chanbel-

lor received duiinj; his first term, Ihe rolic-fhe gels from a scooiid Yicc-Cliaiiccllorthe libcriO salary i already allnched looffice, the'bill Incica'-iug it should beposed on its ineriti. The mode by vhidh llwas lushed (UroutU both houses was a vieious ono. A lililq more wurk nf dial Kindwi I bring1 (he bUhcs! judicial office of ilicState in a position' that will probably re-mit in an ribolislntieul of the office.

We am very glad the Governor hasvetoed Iho bill. In doing no he has adiled(o the very high nliolh parties nccorled to him last whiter,for till action In pMatlon. Aft mat

•sped llie be*l pcoplri of

eventinj Indiscreet leg, era now stand we can

gel along iinolher pear wilhbut new legl»lotion. Qontldoi'liii! what IIM tieoii dlono«o far, ithfl fandesl desire of lbclilwns (if Nevq Jertey r«t« Inhftpo that Provldciico will give us award BpVinp. and (hereby IndiiccitAtesmen to adjotrn In order lo attend to

curly planting. Tlon their ftnris thai in the Stale House.


That veteran inhas recently givenMeu York lYibviuvice Rtfoiin. AiwMr, Weed, Ii auroand when liltsubject which mr i.imount l ^be lightly njeotedlong regwdodMCUIOUI and

For thU reuon,


y do much le«a damxgo

lltlclnu, Thuilowthe public, through\{\\oIlls views on Civil Her.thing from the peii oflo command»ttent|on,PI are presented on aiy consider lo tw of pi»r-

they aw not Ilkelj toby the many who have

u one of the r»oitfai lighted nf polltlclini.

his rlewi on

tegtel (h»l tifl IIM pla«<1 lilm«el(|int«fml»iwl tmlngiitthm lo * teUititt ili« W**-(tHy tot wliich In iK-tofrilng tititj

d »0O6p(«d «IP(1 tnb te

In Ills lns( Arid wi« of hl« Iwigert Idlers,ptiiilMied Oil* week, Mr. Weed OpenlyAVOWS lil» adherence 1" tlifi doclrlte tlifttiio federfil iSttn fife rigiilful rcw»f'l» tit[inrHmin cifvl(en, flri'1 declares Ilinl (IIW611Mho mlnm/i in ft political (rnrty lo jM-l <'iity'ny oilier Ihwiry. Ills bxnr.t l<ingt|ngt> i»" N o |IOIIII(AI teriUrncnl Im* 'if'", ">""vplii'iiiciilly or fiioto (jcocfolly dotiWiicwlthan HIAI ' lo Hi" rlel'im Mong tli<i j>polls.This aoiillineiil, «l(h properh«« my hoAfly approval. Wlliiouintfowwl II IIIIK been flMwi upon t>y H10Wh|(i nml HepubllcAli pnrllf* tor 'Ml Aci'Miiiry, l'.vcr,r null Momoernlle J'rrol-dfiil, wllli line oi'Cpllon, Mid w t j r ntill

iiiiicinllo Uiivcriioi of llil« HlliM, b«»(niidci Ilii'lr pnllll'Al frU'ii'l* wlili Ihtlrno ui Ihe '(.prill*1 of yiolory."•i.pll'iii wan .loliii (JuliK-y AdnttK.jsnd (in

nIMiill, Mi. Wccdwyn, of liUrofuilfig " I

nl«h ti 1 n iiiicmlp« mid rowitrd III* frwlii'ii Mr, A<1nri)« liccftmn * ftnndU

to clecdmi d Hid dcfi

awnll* «ny ndmliililrntlon whldi (of ll« p(i(torm({C by (oinpell

on« lrre«|ie( (Ive of ptirly."Without al jircwul (jueillotiinR he no

.iiniry of Mr. Wccd'n ftnlcrnenld, It In «uf.flclenl in nay that Ihcy prrrfr: or Iy Ihe

nlc for

il (hnlspow:q

(inlvcri«allly nnd Ihn mnli^nnricy

evil (heyTliff fnrt,

are a d v n n ' e d (o «'II i« one , tlinl fv

nf (heipport,ry ad-omcen

'oljlicslmlnlnlra'l'iti bn" pnrrelled out Hiea« the |p(ritima(c "spoils" of l(«fri'-dd.i" fliowi bow completely tlof public, advantage has Iw.n niborilinaKd

10 Ihe purpdC1. (if rewarding by offlcinl fwj-nition Ihe bcii'.hmcri of political11 in an open ((infcwion Hint one lialf Hiepeople, whaU.vcr Ihcir [x-r«'mal rwrils or'(iialiflcnlions, have been political!/ ostra-d«ed for emci»ing Ihcir right 1.1 differfrom (lift victorious party. Mr. Adamsdefeat, we lire, (old, was accmnplMhed byIlic politician* of his own party, iiot U-.

came he was nol able, pnlriolic and pure[ml IICCAU.'C he made merit,and not partisantcrvlcei, the condition of appointrnenl loofilce 'And Mr. Weed warns u.s Hwt "anyadministration" will meel a simi ar fatethat shall adopt (lie fame principle of ac-tion. We do nol ecc how anylhinr couldmore clearly prove (he crying need of a reform in the public service, nor what more(ban Mx. Weed's own statement^ are re-quired to justify the general denunciationslie declares lo have been visited on Ihe sys-tem be now attempts lo defend.

To a politician, luch aa Mr. Weed,partisansuccesses may K«m so important a* lo out-weigh the faithful and efficient performance of publicduties, bul to the people the

subject presents a widely diflerenThey hold that the offices are sim;

aspectily posi

lions in which Ihe public is lo boBTvedforaju^t compensation, and that the pnewhocan fcrve them best in any given, office isthe person, who should be appoint*. Tinfearful results which might fojlo-w tinadoption of Civil Service Reform kre thusgraphically pictured: " I t admits thosewho fought against the Government to anequality with those who periled their livesin defence of the Union." Well, why notIf their disabilities have been removed byCongressional action, has not the jGovernmon itself made (hem equal 5 Aid whenone third of the National Congrea-: now i=composed of "lliose who foughli againsthe Government," it seems a petty fpilethat would fliut them out from the poaibility of obtaining a clerkship in ope of lh<Departments. But even worse l lan thisMr. Weed saye: "The Republicanwho votefor flarfield and Arthur loses an lappointment,which is given to the Democrkliccompelilor who voted for Hancock and Eng-lish." But as the firal cannot lose it unlesithe. latter proves himself lietter qu Uificd U

serve the people in the position lo ie filledwe do not tee that a man's havi ig votedright makes up for incompetent to fltiyfill ihe office. The truth is.Jhere'arc four

millions of men " who voted for Gai fieldand Arthur," but who, under llie spoilssystem, have no more chance of obl-ainingany appointment under Government thanif ihey hud volcd for Hancock or Weaveril is nol political virtue, bul the dirty scrvices rendered lo professional politician'thai constitutes Hie recognized claim to aparticipant1* in Ihe "spoils." Mr. We<_<knows (bl«. nnd il is because the peoplabo uuden-ttnd it that Ihcy so " Tchemenllydenounce " (he. whole system.


It IIM been said, lo the honor of humaanaluro, that in the grave all enmities areburied And in general this is 60. HarelyIs thereto be found a man so vindictive asfo cherish animosity towards one whohaving passed from earth can no longeroffer resistance lo an assault nor An injurytn (he living; and not unfrcquenlly menstanding by the grave of even an enemywill be able to discern excellencies of char,aclcr lo which, during his life, they hadbeen blind, so tlilit there Is more thansentimentality in the feeling which promptsmen to speak only good of the dead.

This genciou? and manly chamcteristicof human nature seems utterly lacking inIhe " Stalwarts,"—the men who vote (hemselves brass medals in honor of (heir slavishsubservience lo political masters and whosehaired of the inuu ihe people took in preference to their chiefs seems to intensify,though he b:.s been removed from theirpath and his position and power havebeen Irmiafcired to hands friendly lo themby Ilic bullet of an awassin. To some of Ihe'liore rccx'nl .Indications ot this unsleepinganimosity t'ic ADVOCATE referred in itsleading editorial o( last week. Since thentwo events have occurred which tads us locall attention again lo Ihe subject,

II will lie remembered that Esnory A.Stotrt was Ihe speaker who, at the LincolnClub banquet, spoke of the Hayes and theQarfleld' administrations as " four j years offoul, sneaking,- lying, blustcrinlg, nastyliypocrliinun, inand Coikling, nccmlngly forgot j that themartyred victim of Stahvartlsm, jumes AGarfleld, ha<l orpr existed. The j l l K land dljtum everywhere excited by-xhlhltlin* of the Stalwart spirit lmvebe<nwell vojeed, the present week, by Hou.Isaac Wee, a Slate Senator of Illinois, anold adm, rcr of Kmory A. Storrd, bul who,n coinn on wllh nltiMcntlu of ihe Iicpub-lcan pa ty, was grlcve<l and disgusted by

what occurred at iho Lincoln Ulub Ivan,qucl. We reproduce a portion1 of Mr.Rice's tottor. He writes thus - to Mr.Btom: 1' You seem to bo not aware UiM alargfl majority of Republicans flnnly be-lovo tl

outgrowhe BtAlkarU; and when we Nad such

y," and also thai Rev. l)r. New-his fulsomo aduhulon c>f Grant

io death of Oarftcld was theh o( the war made upon him by

peecbeslriltllcult«a>t, r

M Iho Hev. Dr. Newmwi'a It ino avoid the conclusion thai he, al

Urn (act. ArVhtir i u

•l< l(m of (lie i!«nnahfi I Oarfieid *ta tit

(Han th<toncelro—tlio We

enIhe liAnd ot hi

ifl (Ab"t cVcnl I '

. (it

rid, b y w - C n - M l l K * » r , . « « . i-.l.i,.tofi!,^<..1X,<-. «l,o the w,ll >.( il, ' , , , . ; , „ . . , „ Fay* «II t i l ing *fe M llrfy w-re; | prompt action'"""l l r i ' « l W I " ,,, ihe («.=! tU-miiy (licrc w/K no, ; governnvr.i fr ,

1 ln(« Presldcrii <hrMA,hy which to n , i r w , | | \\l(rt [ , 4 '.\a.t\y. tietmij W I d i m m imprlsf niid in ltt\nri<i.firew alike iheir nelite <J1 (he uxiitm't I w , |V/.mfl. Tii* olhcr answe.r U (hat gi?r-n in By Jf r HIK-I- r,<i_B,ll Mr an net snppi.-1, «l Urmrn , t In- »^Min«fion (.1 the I H'« KiWc. wliid. izc.t\U» to God ibe f.rijj- mentuy 10 sn : <•< nrfunn t'"- refund.n^


hiflaint f}'ix>6y,

i» M\ M.

rit of 8t«lt»»fli»ii

Ii»4fb«(lie gfi


.In »f.i Uil«n«« that ft *lof|«<niv> iw to

we l<x*

p p

>, victim of tfre tiellish »P«n (be mKerwJ worirf, iu mktes carpi* j f ,B. Kirk;led with l i« .

ief Apostle, Conkfitiff- The one i» jgVjve c . i r bearit m r.ijh;. or ojv.ri

. or ««oaeg»vl ' H. j. fll«*rin? with nfftrt j Irf t*« A«en

i h Uother M U|p»pn»»il>l«jjmVnlg



Ui Ihe one are Sited with

* a r.ijh. r o, W yof lite Itaaa c ««8a, at \ eilredin? »yoi'

i l l djy

we are \ land, now "ena igial in a" * t l d i

•my, U,bofl.««!i'iM.

qr, Wfenf. h a w t i r,»erthr<v» r,< Ijnt}wUli UiftA y \

;o/,ri«i»ctl ar,<1 planned ? To these q»«>-;lior« Ibatl iM O e ; m '

o (c> »I1 ti« „t {'ttngi CBpil iJ and lulor.

liie Sen4l«'v>nflrm>!Hor


jlynrv w«re z A y ,

(/» tlift people of Ir«-i WU th

which we; ref'» Is llw! lion-" (» ' . ai..«*n* only are p'*-iMc One; mimer.t ofj'.e


i(A fumlly; Tinculoglnllc (nd »;

(rilmte was ct r < ( , (1.,e e i i r , | , . • |

r, view* slil not nwlmilat*. We | ih«e h « U-n

»«r1 colwwl Tcnr Muce•Inftlfl lilf'tt. higlilj i^ilished/ and orna-; piivftic-istiM, (lU Yjt.~t, in^Un ind Ihf. f>yf,-! 'ball \r f r.'di',m(«l at (h? four ( .rners witli tlw Uniled j lian. Tlw reversrid ger.dqman USTI v«ry I

i(c« coat (ii nrm« n Mexican onyx iIhe marl.M. Omeral WKhc/s. In '• *

(hcmiirnoriil In l^hilf of Ihe ex- j ,1Wildicri> of Cmcirmad and j b;

lirkfl/*k<!(tiif<] \)A t^o< salicr,; features offtvh (•( ihe I.ealliciti tU(:o-\c*, which, he-d.v

A fnrr.n

Inity, declared that Hicy VAM irulliIy grid feelingly; uriile lh(ir roy-n innmctidalion of tide Inrnenlfd d<-ad with j p lvr , tii^1,«« of lh'; many lloosands of iheN'orth. |

of (he. people d1 the Bonlli MOnrtjeld'i death as sfncrely as ; "*"*

ha.| U-/11 defended by thf sxord and j Mil Of an acl fFf» tltfin p^»«l lo »pr-ak | of Ilift fa-plhl

icjfj, of'liic r.ii-^«rn sc:j,tift:< j Aswrnhly .ir.i1ill*, who pay lii.V- all Ihir.iM are iw

t h e y w e r e , A T , - ' ' ' • - ' • • f i ' ' • ' • • • " » ' • ' ' « • '

i by plii.osrtpli.--r>. r H HIof Uie \fHf:.Uitit* ot'lhinnd 1 1

*'< of \A ! an a n t/, lie

ii tit any othe

. wl.oi/- il.f-^were in Ihe v,u'\^Y.t<\ by lyii i-and Kan t . T/ . rv- Ihf-oriM are. n i i . cUn

y as follow*: Oiir s-'.i.i" *7.^/-rfi i - .of i

Tn th,'- ?c-r..imfasiiren pns«efor an act U, r-

.and r;iov;d hy'u.u.c ouUUU: V,VJ- rave rr.o'ioV., fa;i.--ir.;! ,^1] ' ' ,^ ' , ' " ; ' , . ' , '(hat. In (he rt-^.ln-; it 1" H'trnie accrlAin forr.,—!l,if of »

(bf-noil (he ol

presented " is voiced (he Irib.iU-.! what f,.U««nfH Fpii«-/-,,V1. f/;,« of l.^t l.y j f.,.,,,,,,, '•„, ,,.

old «oldif of .1,,. HoU,l,, .0 H,e ! \f\t't2%M!T^Mu'X ' ^ J i " ' ^ ;Wtli'of llie lat« Pre»id«tit." • j ivp . - r ip l .e ry nr.d lf,.-fA./l. i".i ir.V.rior rr.o?-1 f^'-rn' York -',g these two incidents (/-.gether— '• ed u-Trard the r/:r.:,-e, ir.amU.z Ih iv i - l ' -n ' - ! i r . r , , , j r T f , . .

' - np t -wi s l?nr,rfr.i ' ,,f i t ) / / « X M ! rnofion, tmlii fr'.m ti,« eou.Uor : f ,. ; i l ; . ; : . j ,1, , , . , I of t..c r.ij.idiy r e v o m r . z «r.:.ere ajrr.M* 0 . : • ; - . „ . / , ,

,eu hitler and umilu ! r r , . , . , , r w5. , , i r r < ^ n ^ f i r! I U ; firm of a i ; . ' ' : /" . . ; ; rV< t w o Prc -MdCTi f* , a n d ' r ; r , a ; — i l i c <. ' . i r ,e &•• m ' e r i 1 l i . r o w n f r ' . r r . a ; " i'f,' V-.!'•': ' ' :

worthWe l.Tingi HUlwArU'rm-» A. Oarfield;

In { allusions I/; the

s cxprcsaion of n;r.preeia!ion, 1ai d respect coming from tl.'- n

:n'-ral Oarfield riet in l.atde

'. r The r-;.-.;-:

u of lon nnd who

\T have lx;en his political o;.(,

let our readers form Ihcir own

'•.-.-ho:.; r;j'.!/-.ri.-.l of 11,'-. 'rir..-, l,y I;.- • A : : . . ^ ' ^ ' ^! f',:.'• li.-i! hvl vU-A i.r<n ll.e pf;.:c:r.:r.i. . ( , i e c j r / 7 , , r r -,' r.-..i>- frorr. which i:r,.i.-. l^-rifl'.iar.lieti.wj.' !.'-',.. ..'.'

and the .-.o|..Js it. and expreiainj; the.! |*iii ere I..nj have a _'ov

he,e people, and aj»kini for.n Ihft part of or.r natinna'

I lie rWcafe of American

•1ft 1, protidin-j; that wherea 4 '

iu-iRa.miient.4 i'» uliall bearf'r with intTftst, or ifruu1« mtch overpayment

Ihf-.n itunt f.'-r the.;

uion w,u rfc-ivnl fr'.r.i (lie :j). on (i..> (round of iM 11 n-

; {Hid for rtJiT rr-asor.^ the.;-.rtrt'-rnu-.? Ihe Grand Army ]'v which ciri-jinatw! in the. ;

in both l.oii-^j. ]IU p^w-ri 'wi» ihe Li;, for ;

iik L-.-iMi.TH ir. (••!•;£«. !

T::-s(:i7. arr.f.r.j the

Neuralgia, SeiaHia, Lumbago,backache, Sorentt* of th« Chest,

Goaf, Quint/, Sore IThfoaf, S wail-ing! and Spraini, Burns and

Scalds, 6enekal Bod///

r.':"-;;.'(f *ci;<v,{ .';> ^

.icj anrt t i f . cn :

f I

- ) " • • • [•'

ty'ooih, Eat and Htkdaehs, Frosted

Fast and Ears, <W all oiharPaint and \tches.

Ki Pr»t)«r«B.m on f a r t tqn*l« «r. J. . ' . i« O-.


T . . i ( ' : : : • - ' . " I . : : •!

ar.1 i . . - . . . . ! . . ^ f ' . r ;-, < : . ' ,

-ci-.!--whif'iirjt'willl ro'Ary rcofior.

n y , nor, iiowevcr J.ros

•- prey upon the dead.

l.y Iisingf-.r, wi'.i | cd . TI . I l i k t' • t i . i| p y

th'-ir ••.:;!y*i.'''? G;rr,-t ir.y.T l . < r e ; i.» \r. ti.-

b y Hrn and by flood K t m l&l ir.!r..:, i / i t (h---rft il a.''.o n r : d . i». 1.'i;1-'.-h a v c becomj: (he o rde r of the day . J i-f-i^o-)'1. -ar. ' ! ir/.prr.i^i--I-1. If ile-M

Tliie b u r n i n g p( Hit old i r«rW liui ldiug irj ; f,*— i] - i1'f'.-'.'" a - ' i - i ' ; . ' " ' . ' r •'•'•. f ' i i '} j cw York , w i th the l.tss of s i r or e i g h l ; e , r - j , i n / j ;-,-• r,'. U..: p;-i:.•'.•.*' If II.:-' - - - , was i r u c w e d a l b y t h e fire and e r p l o i ear th li.r.-w r<1 \\v- nv-or., - ' •- ' --'-• •' '

•I- ; . ' : l " ' • - . ; ' I , ' ,

• in c:..i.-a/-.;dr fr.'.r.; !n..jn at Chester, Ra., by which eever.teen • ; ' - ' ' ; ' - ; j ' : ' * ' r ' r ' i ' __ .. t t

ppnoDS were hnrriol int/i eterefty " . ' i 1 j ' ' , i ^ i ' , ) ^ i , . ' . j r [ " £ ! ^ i''i'-" ' rt«wri'fi a''";arly forty othera more or \<A- Bererely

ijared. . Now come tidings of widespread ; v. I..-;:-disaster At the Vfeat resulting from th* ' ] [ • ' • ' 'bavyrafnsof io-d Saturday and Sanday, j ' ' ; ;_"]

hich eiunded over the whole ares, of tLe j a :.4 ; ;

issfsafppi ValltyJ raising the rivers of the 111.'-1<^Test till they havij overflowed thcit lanlcs, I •'""' \ererywhere rpreading (yjn.s.terr.alion andriin, and ia a fei" houra destroying mi!-I. ona of dollars worth of property, togetLerT ilh cattle, swint and other stock, andi, nperillin? thousands of humin Urea.

he latest accounts present a pictuie 0;.' idespread desolilion, and daicnte thea jprehensions felt lest even more atrioa-

is in store for tLe p4o,r.I* of iLs

v illey. In Mi-siaippi ibe wafer k in canyf iaccs running over the levet*, as-I ihou-

indi of men arcjoa -constant guard, an-:oying all poi=ibie coatrivances to

» rengtben tiose lArriers ajaic-( tie iLu'.wcf Hie swollen waters. Sacics,'filled witi

, are u-ed in ILoasindi to L-ltvai.-- tLecrests of the ievex-j-: and prevent the waterf'om inundating he wLole country. At! w

'nr!.«.'-. t'.Tr.':\\:.r- c ' L : <-X:.-UU'•ir-.e. Or." , i'je.'. r.r.r. •up^.r. i'.-••:rf:i


o:v of li.e I he.-.r.' iti', i^cel i- tl.Al |.-.[.-• if L'rt:.:.- r.. .rr: !r. a fa'-* llcr,X-jtO t U l.;O-..:L:-:t: Of ti.-: p!.'..-.':.' •. :

.'v. 'kr.0K ill: lL':"riij-"!/ 'fe'l-- sr'.j-:, it (Ley w.;rc- ci:r.!-s of f..'-: t:.'-y

:• .l;r.(.:.!'.;...-. •..-, ir.:-.: il'. V- we ci.-... 't •of i:. It i-1 c--o..-.Ov'!..!t ?--.; sen r '.

•j' r.v.r ^ilu:- .nv . ; . . of l...\ rr.r.-.r.-.:-V-r- or.


paid can ha7« cll««v lad

1.01.1) BT ILL DICySriTa

rs ifEXiii^'J

A. VO&ELER As CO.,•-, JTrf., f . J.X.

• J "-.r. r. i.7 I-..-, cor.-'i

?T, .fAC'ji- OXtv.r:. r..i:.k ...r

p T

•U.'.' f : . . ' . r . ; , a.'.er '•'i '.-':•'- •-•xo-\'. ia.r/' P.i-ir. I.of ar' Vf., ii..-.c.-.r.:-

-'.r t"1--'. '. i'"!.- c!:j.-.'"i-.. ."- a:".t"1HL-". ^u".r^r.-.r O'.ur'.—*

t ' . ' . . - ; ' - " " V j ' f : t . ' . f.<\ r r - i v i ' . . : ' . _ • •

j - . '".f ; i . t - : ; ; - ! ^ Cv.r :

( ! ; , ! • «!..i.'. v.c d-.!-;:*l i.yC-rr.-.' !o Ir. f-.r-.i.r-c y-a'=.

t i r- ( V . ; r - O ':r.-..v.-Hof.- :,u

; ' i.-f. ir. 1"



Us IIRESH iiHAD, iho



.:: -r. ;r. 'f . .. - i

I i "

LT •-'l.r'_

0.Liour v,. ri'i il- fir--. r;OTetr. .r.-.::

1 r... 'fL =..-i; - • S C ' J T C H POT.J

.- T:-: 'Extra o|-stera for

V,, UAfi.:i..'..i. T L - : i. ..' i - - i • 1. ir.-j. At -,-:..:••* : . ( : ; . c : . - : . ,

r, .: !..-.-.; ( i - . - i A . ! : . .

{';:" • • • ' ' r ( " ; - ' i - . 1 ' ' ,

jT ' . . : V. _ - ^


are to'.':w(.-i [.-:!

whole febore IKITM-D KempLii I l e - c ' ; " ; t L L'-'7' l 'J :"-•••'';- L v i v 'J ,,. . . . . . . . . . , ir.; u; ti.:- 11 L.--: to. I u ; I.

resent the 1

nd Vickslwrg, dn ll.e Jfisii-aippi, an-1tie whole ea.cternl fhore of ArkAn-a^, areji^ice (her under watci or are threattcrsl with

euCu n:t:. I.C" f.ti.:-. il

ic cur-.

. v ^ - I , . . . ' . 1 :

r- i .'. I '. I:. I.:::,.!.-- 'd.'f.;- ci-

indalion. Arkan«.; City i-: c> mpletelyabmerged. Govfrnor f/iwry of Jli^sis-ppi telegraphs: 'iThe country oTerfiowtd

nod that rot subject, in go i;nder compr.-tie hest part of our St.itt."

tL- (

h.u- atHighly aixi-.i;e(l the people of th; Cnil-alc« lo ibe nccefjity of [irorupl a;.d


lorougbly1 Stale

Hcic-nl rnea-urvd' for ii.i supprt--.;on.1 argcand e;irnt»- nitttini-s I-JVC l.-ei; l.t-M

u'E-week in many of (Le cLi'-fciti".-. .jf li:t)Uiilry in which! a dctc-rmii.ati.jn lo 1.0

•nger loleralc lh^ Utah abodiiu-itioa L^Jeeti eipres-ed. TL'lie tveuiny of WaibinL'-in's birthday steins lo have fclecled L-yreturn cilie* as jm apprupriatc time for

public demonstrations apinst polygamy,an Fr.incisio, \ Cbiatgo, Milwaujcte,eokuk K'cd Miiiue.ipolU each had ici-

niense mewiugs of Ihtir ciliztcs oti ihat_ rcning. Al the liutor place the it'.ecTaphs atcs thai nftefnthou>andp<;o;il<; attendedlie meeting. Norwich, Omu., liold a mis^

ecting the s-iule evening. At everyrtiectinLC-ctin.e-eting s t i r r ing fpc-ticlics were n ; i J « and^solutions fidnpkd calling oa p juguss tokc immediate aclina fortde prompt sup-ression of polygiimy wiihin Hie Unitedtales. Dc^patchi.-? from U1.O1 <how Untie "Saints" rfro erectly t-rciled by tiietacks ou Iheir cLerislitd iuUitutioa audiat the ilormon leaden arv prvparinc toicel the petitions K»n io L>0: presentedrainst them by a icounkr-b!.tsl iwbich, in.agnitude at least, will dwarf the ir.oit>rmidalilc petitioh offered again?', p^ly-lmy. Petitions culling on Congrvis loecp ils hands off jtlie sicrcd institution art

How. ;!.-: I-:Ci;r..-r.

iVV.0'-Vi.7:7Gc-i'f V N V I - * VS r,;-ll.c K ^ p t i i n e v : ^ . - , : . } - . v.-;-l ;•mii-t l i iT^ its, fii i ir ac-i 'a. 'n'. ••;•:-:i.i::d ir. sli,•,!.•: w i v - f . ^ . - f ti.-: K.Th- r rc i - n ^ i - J ' b - r c r L . •r.Mz.ij-:

a>':t of D^i 'y v.'ii-fr.— li.-: e^rtL l-u:-ou'. foru; iij.'i v. ' 1 i i i >:..*>..>--- i.-- L I< -f:--.-- '.f th--- d - - p ir. i t v =;;;.-;-. ,i(,.[rr.'-.vv-l i.r--:i l l . . : f « . - . f l : . o w . . r - r - : " A , :r,r,i -aM. Ui ih-.-rv- !-: IL'L:: in--: ;!. -re u :.-Iil.i.1. ' ' Till!, V.l-'!.- r..i'.j--.vl lC'i:..L.r. <"';!.-; c r e i l iou (:ai;.i- s; i;L ii_: r i.ri.'!--.i i_ ti...(•a.-t. a u i r. fi.-.l/r. .; .-- li'.i • : - ; ' • ^ t . i :> ..:,.-rrcc:nt:-s (.:. i i r . j ' i . f u ' m - s . [.!:'•: [•:•- ^ '- . " ' . . .""' .'•ctfl'.d the cr^r.'.i--!:: r f !:;•:.' i:: c : : •••- r: I, J.V-;;'!."'," "

[• :: - iI f . ; - : - v - :L- :' :-: I . - : -:'--. A.-.-:..i.'


f.-.c ligl.t L I ( 1 ; D . . (the WA'.cr>'j Ti.-;


v.-r. il-:r. >./.., ••:::••'. i r

ou- t n a.'-k^j(!-.•[-•.•::•;.-.,:. ii. ! t i . - p

t i n u ' d ' h i l-i-li.-vt t h - y « cr- t.-'. i'•;no ruy of js.iuiiii. ' .—iL it tLcrt v.

the foa r th <liy >-.r pcr!-;<i i-f crv-i'i -r. i;.-. A"twu i-Tiit i ' . ' i . 's'. i-f L.-iv>r. '•-•

Till [iLi..

T L ; L . :v.::' : y 1 . • ; . ; ; .

• ' . . .-: - ! : . i. .

! - • : A - - ; . .

\ !

the k-sstr io t!.c I Li i :z [<-ri--d 5ca l ior . -urY, iL-; ivraz:-- cf ti..- v-:'-i- ] •"-;o-xan, of t i l- u:--i l i i i f iL-.- i.'r. L L . X '!• "•• !:•;•.•

r/viriiE-s. lu.-t:-.--. a : . i p i - r-.-oIi"..; :< .-.; • ' , ; ' ' : . ; ;

pc-artil: l u l i: w i - ur.'.ii i r - \bi: CJC!-. ( ' ' - ' K •• ' - • l

c 'erni ly Wi= !pa~'., nr.d ll.>: \--i:\< r-( ; : . - - - - - i. !-• • :

n » « s of rc;Hi>.-= w c r t buri-.-iiL. lL<: tv:..•."!- I-.-L- "•'•o i l ccnHtc.ri.-i-, t h j : li.-. t - . i t >;t-;i i:-. c;'_i-• ^ - - - " - ' ' • ' •lion t-y>k i , !Wv. ar.-i ll.e u u r c : : : i ' - a.i ' ' '•-• '• K. I ' ,•sumtd the iv:^^ <'. en::- : : t . v.L - .j f-^'l u^-!:v-r-.-!

wtru the cbiirj .- . tcrist io of the T t r t i i r y i:--r

i r c . T'L-J i iK v.-crk: of creu'.:-.-^ K I ; r. . i : : . • '•- -So says the li.:!-i;c-.-! icoi,.1:1 . , an-i n-•;••• -v P -confirms t i e f:-.--t. X - : uu : i ! U-: f<--.:;\.l-'*'-'••t:on« cf Hi-.' h'-xis..1 were li.u-d. r. --: lie'.:'. tL-: . •' "

in t:.-i .

did man• l a i d u p i c Ui-:ir st(.-r«-h---^--i.-. ;

In c!-'5inj^ ll.Q kc'. !::T f-iiu all|pjirfs of I*uh i cd also

Idaho, one by the women aod uiothery the men, aud itjis Kikitbit iniwo'wixksie*e pelilioos, with 100,000 t.

:jjn.-Uurvs 1it-

.ched will be in ^Visliinpton. I nvks t ic s;i3v'-'Nc v'.iv<> 'o~ :\tix-: u;cu::-ShiiQ"cV.rli*'; tLo'


d-x-s not l a r t p tLo I(1.-0 Lands of ;tL-v i n v ^ - ' - r o r a:..: > i : ^ v c : . •'-'}•' ! :

cr. God tc'.V- 1^ Low i-.. ! ^ :v . ; yHi - ! w . . : U ••.••--'.-and H,c-r\> i« s. ck- i r rvc- icc i iu ' ion wiih : * " ' ' ^ - '

I GvL-.-i; aE.l < B : ' . ' . T . TL ' i i i^vj - t r\•'. iLe '.L 'v.!-Li;L-r k i - '-'•'• r



IThe Rev. D. Halleron, pastor of Uie

econd M. E. chutvb, on Sunday eveningst deliverwl tha second k-cluft iu hfimrw on ''Science and the liibk'." TLe*cial subject of; this K-clurv wns"Tbvrcation." The te^t was Genesis i, 1:In the beginning Ood crvat«l the haven

prvcocd of

- . . . . Lf.iv..i-..s wi'.li l : - , ' ; v . " - r : :

,r do t h . y e . - i t v ^ K 1 : ;1's word: snd Xi- Sr''-'-;• )-,1-

j i n c for lli< L-unl frutn •[Gi'ory to (.ioq '. AUolu:.t

re:^-i!«h !Tbe

trust in ti.e, . , -c-rr . ? ;-<

Almighty, aqd feei a.>surf.-vl that when ._.curtains are idnmi a.~ijj md (he liictt of '"'"ff l ' x v -eternity fail* j>n the s o i c , lbs: so;plies wili ? r l l".v l l i L : ' , :

Maud discomfited ia ti.i I:V-H:IKV v.f G -d i - ^ " - - ^ = ' o tii ,.-.,if • : IL-' S.r...:.-1Himself.

id the earth." The reverend esntl tnun! The next Wtare of the ii>L.r=e -wil! ^ -wke sulislaolialW as followfe: ' i tiven. to-morrow e T « ; - - T ie sul-i-ci' Amc = i:..;

ilcst pile in civilization |\> m ^ "Ewlu i ion . " and an a a ^ r Wu W 1 ? t ! - ! ; : ; f

. -,-••- i A l . ' u T ' m I ' 0 ' 1 0 1 1 - i k - g i v t a 10 ifcc question •nlietli-r we t p ^ c - t e r s c J l L ' - r-", helher you survey Us lenatli. it* lieijbt.; from s.nd holil rvlitiocship wi-jj ihe «— ~ c<;-s lh<? ex ' -CI

the c«ner»l stylo i.f Its arcbitectarv, Un-! 1 .ructur* strikes' you &.« a most itnpofini;; ' jie. You fnlcr Us portals, anil iround : TIIE NEW J£KSEYui nre cen^taph^,' tablets and momoriil*. j

glittering) brass! 011 poli$liet1 marble, the iloaumenki (>f somie of the most illustrious;

mi S;.-T.-.-J a-

for n-irus-i n.

id greatcslof Ku'sland'i dead "In arms. j j , , o s r v T x w j 1 T - 5 ^ - ^ ^ l x T H V s v x1 art, tu soijg, iulrankof nobilny, aud in i A N t l " *"atcjmansliijv You hold Cvnimuci-'U: !


e noble (k;»d yono!*rve the ui^tiuj of i | 1 5 A i o . uo past ami:pt«c«t. and n slr»ngo f«fiuc • rteefh Mai

I .-

|3 O O K S 0 N B UIL DIM CI W 7 1 T C O 1 > T O ( K . : . < I I - . . . ' - ' - ; , : •" '


STRAWBERRl E S ^ i f f i

s. .:('

•w i

:z ...c JL-. J.• t - . ; - . i - . . . . : • : ^ :



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' • B i . . 1 - . t,:• • • > : : . • : . T - .

> " . -...- I , ; - ; . ,

5p:ci£l Prices n Hiiii^i-t

:; JASON'S QUART JAR:: j $1.25 DOZ.

( I L L ' S K A Z . l . V U

MAINi STREET.' . . .1 ..


.1 •.'.- .-

Corner Dry Goods Store,I WAIN and CHERRY Sis..



O O P E Xb;.-,.: :'.- '.Li,

HiiJiJfJ YARDS Of I l i 11.1

. J :

:^.-. A \ o r It ••.*.'-. r ' t r a : : «..-;..

" • • r . - . f : i r - .L i r . i i : •-. : : [..-.A I'--, i L:J-\ i-.'.-.-.-.L.u:.-. •-.

Crochet Edgings, Irish Trimmings

and Swiss Edgings,G c o l s t j . a : ^ e r e v> y ^ : . ~.x: i.i.f. •:..*:.-/ : .- •..-.-.-. ..- i - .• . - . . - • :_ .

Tuckings, Rufflings, Puffings.

I : '" - -

Ii H


Ar.-: ,i r . ; ; a>

Fine Cambrics, Plaid Ttlainsook, LaceStripes, and Figured Picque,

Swisses, Lawns, Organdies,Mulls, and all Fine Grades

of Muslins suitable forLadies', Gents'

and Children's Underwear.I..QQ0 Yards of Popular Colors La Dreis Goods .. y . . . • •

1,000 Yards of Plaids and Pi&Lc Serge Gco.-ii •.: : : . -. • .-

5,000 Yards of the moat Pcpuiir i l a t e i of Ciliioc-i.

AL i e vt:j-,-

TS FCH ~. *TTT~~ ~r.TT~,

'?•..&! ir i '...:* LI -I*.-






U t £2 . C-LIT: » ) l l CH " i . X :


Nearly 1,500 Ccnsc-cutivo R-3prc-:o::tati:r,:

. Throughout th-- United Sutos.F I "O. L I l i u i <.)-ii R e c o r d

.:: i-r ti.. rt.'-:.

fo: ^ y t:. i.-. l i L . t i.1.,; j

\j'---c ; J .^ . veur


|,<--!tijjiu^. T:»I.-:K ti.i n L'i; tnf. •:(:»-• -j

I P. 1'. 1r.1l eijtjsa ui'i.Wtj 13. "ELIVi j".i


niorai of Crtnar]Bladder — Suttt-s

Kr. ija&a Tt'.liij. 1

A'-y iiirf : . : VIL.IL IL

«•.> . . - : ] '^riL'.-.1 !-:- >[•-: •. •

:.'< p'.KW-i in ti:..- A;.--._i:y

j r.uv U- pcrin:-";>.-.; '.- \t[ •: : - ' ^ f c r ^ i n ^ . Y.V..V•it:-.-ti wo< i-cuv^i f-.-ailU Lilculi. or tLon^ : a

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*1. {.- st.-.i

un.:!' Ma j.4r


vtd by wr 11a •urwl m fly ia

uenrous dlsur- j e

n d i t h f a n i l v to s u c h ! '

ct.r i :

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-d:>. Ctc-t ;a!-•; t. 'j.-.; (.-! i .- i;:

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Opf ratloa — Et


:L )-:-j_-- I y Tir':cy ^.i.r^ J-'--.-:LI.- :: ..


: . . 1 ; . / . • • : - .

v i-.-.. .•• .:x'\.- Trv r.

The Greatest Piay. The Greatest Success.Brilliant Ovations.

Dazzling Triumphs.The Whole Country Electrified.

Theatres Packed to the Doors.Superb Metropolitan Cast.


ilLkls TJ cu.. tU'lI's'-ION ;t


- i L. - t : 1 - . 1L- . J.- UI..- - !I l - ' : f •

- D i > ; ; K -N . V - T _ , D - . - " • «- '•

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-..!: ...-d::.::...: i'. ; PATENT

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Page 3: THG WEEKLY E AMD TIMES.SLY CUBBED. _l this dlMM OlX tnlttliOM li try DL Knotm't Cuain:TOTi. Tlwtt powojn in u* otnrn ts*t will ear* CdBtuwOoa r tb* moil iro Uw-laiatd, lith In U*m,

Is Store,Sis..





msook, LacePicque, !


Sefor! ' I •


of Calicoes.

•e• . ' • < -


R C H 6



States, I

\n liocorti.

'atest Success.

|p TriumphsJHed. / i

the Doors. IlOast./ i




10* (Odi.

- j .


I fc»*» i^iTrrr-i par CC. l> K' Lvi*et »t wiii^fcoo r—r y.-f l i e <f

" -*-a,izb!j>lc!i'lf. 1100.8+m O:JTf»^» ri»ea. b » JBTO.N* IO-. Uu

11. I Mto; I..; r»!fnti,O»-f«:«.i b u . HC , l.r ikt lunid buin

>.(tanugh ui u s DoUtx-J ||i Uie £(T« ' .pi«l»I t8 Ud IJltetllJ liiu»

r r ' IflKrtKtM. md bu in i norUIOUIg .tw MCNtf* CO, h U i l »..!!cl-

• tDTtnC AUHK-JiK, J7 11 IH JUW,

i' ' '


'V.W. t

< i) j '!<?rr//

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OCAt, x/;w,<i

, Mnv d

: . t : . - ' r . i s ' A ' lf•'.!••

hits aseawrf; twt» MO iw«

' mify fcr fiie ertrtj. of

(35wj " ftazal ffjrke" in to (*• perforated io i B5amp<mi Gutter so old and hlgliry its-;yttul,' <5ntrfrMj'j Opera ITrtuwi nnj 1I14 weajngnf • petsjeii <jUiatn of Wowihridtp, sUo well'

midyear , ;T """i " " 7 «««>«? at 7.30 ,Vft- T'l"?- ; ' " j " < ' 1 »i ' , 'Tw.n. in ("in1 '

• j 4-1 >:•.;. v.r. fr •,•;<•. v - V v , - ^ vi nli7' m--.rrno.jr and .'.v.-iiiivj', A <-.-.'

• fi,4 fti^ V s - ' ^ L- i:< n*,7t i r:' i i l j :< ' 'U8 Welfuf.j f'f aui-vay M

;r.t<-, STHTOCJW

wy, w'.m Imriin Hie

ricnu. ami' ftnnrtrmml itn« porwu.*'» i f Kiw Ai ( i r t l i l

nnt myii

i M f ^ : .•



pJfarali 'i hj> u- rS Ti

Oi t ie Mdriiax) : kaown iii tliifc eitj. died .it iiisSquare Tiieatra in Sfcw auftfi It Ttfll no -lie foraer plart M ftimtay Iai-t aei-t 71 is saj -e. Tiie aidf aerre mediano 'ur UrndpiUa dr;tJf u large tutilienifc ' J y-Ttus. Tiie funeral «rr:i«i tonic plars on prica in marfeiH. i tn Tials at-25 afflt i. !

ic»; T r ' CamsT1* Itiltle Xerre PNlg f ir any;of

in anrai icli, indigestion, dyspepsia, &v

y »i'tiitr-s ohiiriwn. tnro ains and aj • , , j - , i C i- i —fsT: cr , 1 7 7 'widnwianu Hires caiuiwra. nroanns ami a -~z

•"" S r ' T ' t ^ J V ^ T 4«^er.. ICr. Colter w» ideui- .. '

• ."" juili(u-.vli/j('<u« >V. h . (,'uilU!, '.lie! iLiiii uv inn'-Ivitiw ,w~.:- r^cuit ^ [jl.u^ .v.i.di.!'" '"" <tr«rtl pliimlier, lias been ab»a t from thn.' wilt li^ ditBitilt-tii Sll. H e w for a lung*] ^ C.I17 tlie [Hist and prasent wiuek, lie Having ji'.'iiai; 1, member at tlie Prcsliyt<2-.aii cJiurcii'W(1"' ' Ilic tfonnrruy; w oliimlj tlia new holei ra 1 of ttui'olnM and w;is Unnoredaiid respect-

4_T3Hft—la this city;inkt. li;' '.lie liev. ,Inlin Juy P '

HimiT Tipi iMi. 'if W.imiliniSarali E: £;ra. of thi» city


dy hiiHt hy C. W. Tiuttie attf, near JUbury p k

p6y[ all ^v'.w ka«w iiim.

p6y[ all ^v'.w ka« M

s -illiiT dtiia lmr« hiui the .-ulrnnt- ,





in UIB

MEYER k4 Main $L. Rah-wav .

LCT(i 001? BELOW Cf/H• i n : i1.1"' ^ f f 1 ' ." '? K S ! i ' ' a ° n 3e lBi l? lu3 ! ulmiiwinn nf li" OTIS hava rcry pop- ~1i1rc.l1, I " iW- I .ie hmu=e nan ht«n fjuunuit.aed . j 1 • p, tj , and them is an rta. STllCl' lOiitf-FriR t)Ol

T TO«< „ l he health Juuwd 9f tliu. «ty j j ^ \ n % „ , n l l ( , gefentlilc leesumi

iris Goodis!1;TUe dejstiinit, hnvu Iwn ?:irr-.iitiitii'd. ! T'upy fiirniiiii an nppnmtnity for all tn"• l l u : Main «ri«l w IIIR niilmm! cmwiag was • wend an c.-Jcniuii nf pliasum and pmflt.*' ' l 1 I'lkwl [i> niililic (r.iv.i| ?i".i(erduy. in iu.npv-\T\itfii are fffw ptr-ons wtin wish in tlml



r.-,n\>r r,', - 1 ' 1 " " 1 •(1-'"1<-^in-; F. Tiiii'-i T^'vd, M

0 . . »•;,! 3;;-.•••. an p:Hrt"il;nmi'rj ^ f t ff<-.atia i-.mi1. e.i'i'mnii ihii

pr-s« ii.w.iri tin* mul ' U f

f.^s Minr.i« jl

-(>-.• cii r.r.i ; i . ' . Hiti ir. i' (.-, J- , ' . : ; - . ' • •''<f"U\,i. T U ^ . , . _ .

•< -'',-T.v. .y ' .-* fii-i. if. DmrT.r, ' /Cfrvji i'i-.r-.y.-ij-h' <-/ Cw -.iii;-, *; i ; .i\-,i;c'ir

' I - ' I!'

T..'. rv-V I;-. Ift-ri.'r,:, n?i;. '.Ci'ivi; '-.: Ivf ' ' / " ! mom ".iir 'ij•j'-i". Ci.rM fh .fd\j Vi-R-iotri-.-'i. !.''r-'i.''.-•'1','uUii*. {n' Tin1 v jmy

ir./ f'ri;»". I.-. '.:..•( -•"?.,':. j tin'. ii''£''""iJ. tivi'. iiim1. .',( liu1. l ira' ' ' '~ ' ' 'Zru. T-.n jr. iir.'.'.r -lniil thu r»;

h'.'.-'r"'.:!.-. ^ tn\l .' ,11 lili' r.'.i'Ar. rX 'uli!

- , - | . ' - '.f ti..- r.-.V.-r! .r,;oi:-«i t,-. f-'.'tr',? '.Vt'.<v?.a <;* PAJT

,' , . - . J. :,,-. • y '. r •••' ,r T , 1 ' .'. port ion r / ilu; lj":.!,m f o p . w n li ; ; • • / / ' . . ' ' r ; ; , ; , . ; . ; ; : ' ' " • : • ; • : ' . . : ' : : FV. R . ^ . t , w F;;f..i.-,^ •-/ M c w u - t •»

: ' . ' . : . . J ' i , . V . r V/ ; th ' . { A-U -'•"•'j.V;,.'i ^ « - " - . ^ - Fn;ii:r5C;O..ia.':- i.i^j

(-.:.-.,' - ' . ••(- i.' s ••'/•.• ' . » - . fi-.--.r.".,|t. ! • • i ' - . r - .

r-c-.r.:-- P . K i i r ' . . - . {

-r :-. f I.."-f;- .i.ii .ir. •; A

•v.u; , ru'.'•--/I: : < i , ; > : ^ :


? -.!'. vritriir. .'ii-.rj;n

' I ••:•.' ''T'.IK .:t iin:

• ••' ::;;i'.rrir.i:rt.-.i'.i-.

'i..u -ri'.-.'.a.

' " •" jl-.iy. itti m n u lir'lnir 7i>rJ hanf mil.wet-"iii 'nit 'mf w!rf<".:y :ii ntl dircctiiv

•*•."- Artl'r F.. Pvirp. thi> ,•) -."tir oli( ilurt f A^zn W ,1,1,! ifanliii, V. Pr™ -liort ; ,1(1 hnii f . . i .^^miuo. tfr.minrr . , . .nm J(,.irJ,,, fttV,.r 1( ,;„. r-jirnnta' r'sldenrj-, i , i ,n J ^ - J j" ' " ' ' • --.n Si-miniir;iirc,'!.-.m '.V-dBesriiiv. H . T 1 :

' n l • - ; * in :itti':i('.."t "^icrrfny nf:'".nnnn, ; AJ Ladtra knnwtlieir fnce*( '"}''•: :,u.. .«>.rvj'.'!.- lii' iWrtuc!.:! bv Re-J. Tulin '.m-.tive wiiini fi«sfrom pimr.m 1.1c 1 r.,, prmii'iv.v, .if li.c. F',r-t Piralivi-rinn 'j-inirer Tmir. ia popular amnne tliem. lie-y.-.iaii ' ,.j|Iir-.jlp T'.in dwui b,-.<('" nf iii« iittiii cjuld ' w * * it lianiulies impuritlia from hlnmt

wiU-lvi V,M ;n,,;,.,fiP,[ ;„ 1 r.,s,.T,:.nii MHia-.' inv-wd mrt ifcn inil mukes tlie fuce irinw and tin;m i t .'^ ' T-itii iir.u-ti V:\iw. TC'VCI. punui'U'it TM|I ; sy« JnarkJe .iritJi health.r" i;l'*-' ii.i'r.1 iiluc uiri nii'.iuii.'it TV.I'.I iilvi;r, '"iKmr. iliu!|'jil:5_ ; | l enlit in tiie ueait ia unR nf tlin lie.iir't H''. — ; — ; i# . 'hijjas *lmt.cjin iiuppea (.n a liulv w\ih a ini1?i n -if ~ aumiii-r °.f. m-.v. I-IIIIIK-'-I 7 n lake ; [lmVtilr.,-iTJiii'f. uiii Dr, Bull'-i <*nnii!i S v n n* o( • ".'«'•!• w.'iim .t f.vv x.'i'K.i in it irv 1;/ Mr. :„ i^d t - i i l v ;[ie iiest remwh' lu cure that

:'.-<':.rr". plum. I'U'. pr jin'i". r 'if Hie. SIUIQ . r«iii

; me if TUnrirfuy, March M. The admiB- ; 7 , . , . . ^ aiuin!i iiuii... full1 ' r iv- ~ • - "(— , j . : . ;<lon fee will he inly 13 eentB, wineliy gi1-' : ihin nf RllilmnB

Am, F..Pr.r-..,,,« ,. v-t^aM -Ui.1,11^ :„„ an n p p n m i l i i l T m Ticket, u, ; ' ^ L i , ^ « i ^ t S i t «;i,.chaT^-Adl

M in 'ipeia sliudua1. inly 5IH-., •v.-irmimi

fhcES are tnnrc at- , ^ ^ _ ^'?' ':"'- : i'.u'. ierr.vpt Iminir iWrtuc!.:! bv Re-J. Tulin '.ni'.tivejfiiiiii fi«sfrom pimpita. ' PruiHir'i; ; m^^maatmg^mmmm

nir. ia popular amnne them, lin-


es' ,uid


:i '.u lit.

No Whiskey!•!;r.i f: ,m inia,Hi..<~ . ini! ia.-.. ^air, : :! , : ; T , J f i . ^ ^ w , | ? y . , w T ) r ! . _,,,,,iv.,.5 _,n,

•« iniiuv Vln•\':.\i r'nuiT.'. iiifr ^amin iir.ra: ui Uie

11. r.i,ii- rfjiz v u ' u , i.ii'. ;iv.v..'.i-r, i.ritv.fHK t.i ..IIKV I' 'I .1' . 1 - ' T 1. . . . . . . . . ' f - ' ' I

• T ' u ' r ' ' " " r ' l ; ; t ' y < : » > • ' • ' ; • . " . i ; - " ' "•'_• j f ^ , L i - ' i i t t E . P i i i k i i u m , i W W i s t t r u•x4iv>ir<":,T"l,!;..:;1 r " :^ ' , ; " , :V ' r . ' ; , ^ " ' v ' i v . a M . Li-un. ir^--.. is mputh- m::mirnii

nr.iiii1'' .T''^3.!"' ':. ',"'., : . r ' i ^ ^ ^ 1 " ,1',!:. ,' " ' j . ' i'-^jr',', i m cnviuiiic. n-iiiitutiun f. 11- '.lie. surpniiiui:.ii; -iV.-1 !•',.'.',''; "r\r': I'.1!.,"."' " f ['"",',"' 7 ' ~ 'f. . • ''f- i ™ r e s " wiiii'.li .lufn1 rw.uit fmm '.lin :i!.c. ui^r r-t " • • '• ' ,". ' ' ' •-."'•>- -11- i ' n •' ' ' ' ' u 1<l" ' - : in;'- V"-:?r'.t.aiiii'- C.imr'Uinit in nil fi'maic .tia-

J r a d tu liiy fur pnmpiiiif.a.

'.'• -••— 'L- f r i - v j r / V ! - ; . ' ' /. -r. - i i - - : i ' . - : : ; ' • . : : • • : . [•

• '. •.-.: • :.• x ; . 1 C.-V-, .:'j.:'..

^.r.ue.-i'i.'...: •iyT.r.n:ii7

"'{'-..-. V.:r.." "l-. Vtxir.M- kr. i.i'-z.lti.l'-'--~'-<rr'---'r:'- •'• i?::.3r.:a. ' in: '•.-r. f-^hf . - i r I^ O7-M ir;.. :«: c:.iirT-! .-/t-io-.-:r.--y " nr.ii i r . ' ^ r . f i . - ; ,


1 : . :

' - .r i [[.'-••; u! •:1;'^"^-^^tZ:!:i " .

r-j=. ••'ii>-v'., i.-.i". i

l..-_ .-.rr.ii-.j-.- >: ; i , l i( ; T , . s u _ y , , ,^, w; ; . 7T».; , , ^ : . u

«.. i:ii;-. v: c i - v uy.:,r..-.T\r.z.: r.z r. 1,-r.: Ir. -Y'- -nar--'-'—'• . I ,'I.IT -rx.1 rj-.{r •:'.-..-"-/.ii i-7 izur-ii

.>-..:y.:ri n:c«

t-.: f •.:.-: :•:•-.•.-:-: (•: I" i<i ' L.'f(. ' l:.-.- f.i;.:-_.-. r- i:~^'i'-:-7i Lx;>".ri- - . - -7 p- - . -.-I.-J i". f.--t .^<7*._. ^ J l 1.1 2.7.Z

-- • ' f L.^ f - ~ l - t-". ' i -- i-iir •= K j f.< : : -,

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i'c.;i',iU'' T'.ir-fi "'Tv.i!:i x - r : iu'L'.rf. i u i i r e T i n ; - ;" ' ; J ( . -<.n. ia 'Hi:,"''..ic:i'. I'.rur; . tur:i ir i j i ; p:ii(";,(!'>.I V-:l'.k. I . I" . I ' "TIH Kiir-if I .•;••:'- " T.Kl Tt/iU : T'ilE Pill" 'Jnni1. TC".tll' 'if S<!W .,ri'JT-.C V ii'•- .- r;:;n7c.%v.'i if nr:J.i-'.r._' Ti'.iuiul iin^i.1.'' ,inii ; lili: iii'5t ini-:tic.:iiiu x'.iu: in lin: aiiirl.i''.. nut 'riii .•.!" snii' :i -aiiiii iiiii'. Tin: ii.ii--." i .v-.i Imii^-iti-. il ii' -:aiit ii:U \'.u: viiii.iL1'.'- nf A. 5iii'.'.-.r fur<fjj'-"';'i L i ; :* T••'-?"• Ifj.rrin En.—.cy. •' ii .J.:r. u;-.i -U'.'.1-::.. in-- ilia--- pn-niiu"."',. [: .s iii'iivy in

'l.1:;-. •.-. .Mi'.'.';- J_iiti-r.K,i;. ,i '..--.mi;. Tin:! r . i rn i r r ' iir.dy. rr.ii in i i r n r . .ami xe: l :uiiinn-'t fur'-,--*-• .in 'Vii» in''-'- I ' - 1 inii . T « J i:i<t tliii :ii;:.:r $T : -i('k:y r.i' •i:i, _'':iir:ii fumi'r; .u--.

- V ; \ i i uni .-.:,-.(.', Mii in itrfiiu:: if :il'-.: [:n;pii'.:ii " ' ' fiir-iaiu <w <h-\. i Er.-~ ; r ' ' r ••'

.::l!.:.i :::;<; li-c-i iicl.i :,: ;:i.i. ' i . t i i i r iu .1 .sin r-EH-v-ate! tii.i:. i i : ii:ui ju.-t T uk.: i — —

•'-. .r-':- "Jiiirii-T iir^.^iui. ii'a ir^iR iu-.liLi'-i uia .^..r^1. Scnainiutf-:n i l n -F ' . ^ 'jifir". a:' 5 ' •" ' u'.i'i htJ. wia i'lrcw: ui iilmii ' iiin iinui- ^ - t ^ y . J jT-'iiriiLr--' i ! . Ui'i'ii:

rrVhC'i? Brrnksis cne ci' tiie 7«y few frioicmedicines that are act enm-posed rncstiT cf ikciici! ITwhiskey, tiiuii beccmirur airiftfui acurce cf intemrjer-ance by promctnjj 1 ddirefcr ram.:

TT 5 tioif


from mcdinni loifluwt[Ixmtir.c aull.ani iniiMill IDt^l ilt^ltljtiiti jlja

Wingsin m-rr

I33HllTIDfBaiiiiiy rTur^iia -,:; iimUiuiilu. ui !l.- Ui---i

Urni. l-i... JI -.' ';..t

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i a n i i i e t e i t w < i « n i f : i i MT ' t i o r i - i . ' ; {- .IIHIUBlicl: Drws HiiLi, H."*i. :n :4'i..jl(* J1'I m w l Hill: .itt(i ^iiln*. llnv::.ui- ful^. .

Baltiu. Sill; i'Iujijt-3 :Uii =:.a:u.: I . .ivv-ti* .aid Vi-'UvltiMa—-v M:.J ,iu-.-. [Lul. -i-u

TTntoxti l ' . - . i . . tc-ri: ..f ' i t . i i n i i n i , ' l i n n :' . 1 : : :l i m l i n ^ ' A u a i i J i L i i ' l i c i . - . ' . : ! . . i i i . . i l ' . - : l -

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Iff) i i j [ t iT in | . i i j't f\. i'l Ji*?

W ' l l l G U l d I ' u U i r u i T..tii<. l l a r . u l . i '-i;.. . .L . l l t n . L.MK1 H i i n - ' . i n r ' . M i i t - . i . - . . ': '. u . i . i •W l i l o a m i i:,ii:ir<-.l Mm"- ' . i i i ( , ' , : : i . l i r : , i . i : c •

( . ' m m u < I l i ^ l i r . ^ l ^ i i i l n l . . \' i. .., , . I i . . :.:

l i r n i m - r r c l U i i i t i i : . ' I . i . ... i •' M . . . 1 , 7 ;; ; r r v - : u ! l i u ' i u , a u n . . . - , ••-•'. :....:..r.i•.• •

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Housekeeping Dry.1 l h ! rfflitfi.v.ri. ill .HIS'- l i l ^ ! " : ; :

i i n i l u l ' . t i i i . ' ' .

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mid J. .1 . Miai-

'"? ' ' . ' i n- ' , j . . R nf -'in. -I'IIU, :i.i--» -a »(' Itirv'-i E- 'r . iri i l ir , it. W. Hlnitt. .r.iiin BuiT.-.n.!„: a..:i.- r ^ . - l i ' j - ( , 1 r7lu'r..;[ XIT'"hr-ki ' - i ' "lr-oa ":n . •<'l'i'ln F'tiit. .ruiinn;' ^ i i i tc . Ciur'i'j- Tliura-

f' 'if"^'ii'..Ti'r' V i ' i r i ' n 'W111 *a.*rii'""-iiii- •i- ^-"!- J ' l i ' i 'iiiiri;. trinti T'.iili:. J[.-.-..,' -r'-'[i- .i-'."i is •;ir:cr.«.<i/i to liur". lit'.Kri .'.:iramif.i'.'i - ' [ ? - •"-i'"-:"'-"':"

'•.xil'-i ^r 1 mu-i'Tin-. saiii-.nihinL.: cuh::- u '.I( 'n \ ^ v i ' . 1 " ^ ^ 1 ! ^ - , ; ^ , '":':,"„ ^,. .- '!m ' i"r.-. !-.,-.: a n tU<" Fitlu-ir i r - ( . i . s ^ r tm l T'ui -r»ry ^ n i q i t . L . ^ . u . ^ pi iu^ .;•;>.,-» l l t '-! *'•••"

_ . ^ _ a _ - imnrriiiiiiii': '.Mr/ liiiiut iiitvitiir 'Y.mnti fr-iini'll 1 ii'mi i f iin" f'ir

:-. ML C'Ll

is fuarrinteed tc be a a::n~intc-ccsnnf -Ttmuiant, :nit -yul, ih a e /taic tiiii piaca cf ail liqjjor.ind at the jamt; tfme aq;:c-lumi'.r t i i the diiiiri 'for•.viiiiKsy anil cnu±r mta.'c:-

cinnir bever

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ELr/. G. W. i?_'CE, idifajr cf

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nr W '1r., m mm

,.,,.- •';,. •XU'.\. ' T i l t ' . a x e ,:<7':aui!T i m:in—miu1 . W.i'.ls' Ei-.:iil:i R.:ai-.T".r. r j a i e l r".mi:".';" -r(.r[.r"'*r. i i . ' . : - , j ( . j;iaii; iu(flir'i(f iii-—i-.n;!t(i i t 1:111 'in "-:ir.i ,irnn;it:u:". ii'.:uun:it. •••iiini- , . . ' . . i ^ - i ioun! :[ \Lr iu ' f . i i F- Sii:i"vr'.ii. ''.iu: nt-'-'-.i- 'iitiuiiiv £ . : . . $'.. it :iriL;:,"i;..'. Pvpnuui in'

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f-i-i tiiccr^ <ui i - : i ly s.:i; vL:'* ir.- ' , '. " 'tic- d c i t u U d of i-l« wife, t i i L-- ' " ' ' ' '

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1 «:<.ci't:!j p'.A'v: l y t r i = ; « . by i'--"•': • " • - - ' - : ^ - , ' • ; - _ii Eu ; i - x» t4 lo li»T\; b e t a Set b i . i i - .?:- ; , -«i< Jv~ _Z--.»- i - i £-:f!

CITV Cofxa t . - j ' u . i i l i y Wf^i FOR TRK XDWVATE \ X

-•• ^ ' L T " ; ^ ^ " h ' " ^ ^ ^ " ' ^ " Cv!"au,:':k mi:l '-11 F r - ! K h L..^Fu,:,.^i,ii:iii, l :l ,ym

..4-:'.:-.Mt:1«-:«cii.:dc.:<l.-.!. Mi i ^ , u iu lit:., ; ! r ; : ^ ' ^ ^ W* X , .

T i l l F \ T ' i i a en t i : s ( ' i : r ;y t t i i j .—" ' s :-en' y . a '•)'-' r > f n nia.'i. [' ia '.in -mi;'LLi-'t "n L''.-'^!".^"^ Yv~^Min;;(:1f f-T R.^ p-i.i Lii;iC i;i r 'u i r ini ' :e ' l '.u*'. Eu'-vir-:'JL

Tvii r(?ii;

.-i;.i J iy F<:UK.

u Lt«t ia. u>:'ji: • !rv-.o« wai

P ^ a v u r i i i a di'ir'iii. : ROW T'.' J l C C i i S HI .1LTUili:'i by ti.ii.y or IIII.T". ' h st':m.-i ••i.r-in^ limt in' ' . ;m: '.viii <ii:r-:r

' ' " ! „ ' . r e ' ! ' " \ m . j ' j i ' u ^ .--i O c i [ i i j r F , T I L T - I 'Kiiif'iiliiUf, •'[-..111. l a , : I I IU : I ; - ' ! i : r i . ' i i ; i - j i i i : . j { . , ' i r ' i i i i j r ill

- • - • » u : i J = . : c c , i . : , : r : u v.i, ; i l i ^ ^ i - i i j u i c a n . - - '1 < : ' ^ -:* k-'.-.-r ;£ O.-. zi-i'y- Til,; t»»<;r-;inl ^;n::«- .;r e i ^ c c

i ' f l i : : c i t v .;:c-i:i\" Siirdy ^s. sec-: r!:v i..''.l by tli'.' el, k tl •: - ' ^ ^ • ' • - ' Lvys^-L 1 rl'';'.:-. ~W cc':d yvi

n..(lcd to- ir.iUt R qu.'ru.T., tib.l • ij.V^Vi'"; 1 -r:-: :•( \l\ZL i"'-:^ ti

'^ • i - .^U.-^ i i i^ : I i:ia'.:rr ij-A : ^ ^ i c M N y ' c v i i ' ^ ' y t ' ; " 'tr;-I.i

Uln »udilix| t.yto.1, and the KcJscity ofidnlj to l«f

U'.v. I

tv lll'v.' wi-.' t':J.:-l ' . ' -": . U'.f

.""•;" r n . a i ; : r V B Fs i im ' . .TIT. f - T : " " F . T(.-.-:. ft-1. ..i p-,,..,, .^ : , . ( , ./.;;nt;'j S'ii'jl'ir f-'.'fll. UO C'i C.

in. tc lit.' W'i t, :

r n i v i i'-1"'-. l " ' i =';, «i:-:(i U?^a2. t.n.-r." TlJ

md.-i. a wtitro G'.'il ;':":ui» hi.iidt!- sii.-'iiv':. rurTic.Tit.' ijftni,—;a cri-jt.i.'n,

;;",;",•''";'. fL-.'v:.'i.;cc\i, in niii.n!£i:''n. Tliu 'JIJ.'.*-' • T''*, of n v 3eru:.:n t i i r s 15 iujj tj..- siiC-'cii

^ufi'.-'j'. hiru.'t-l ^ ' tin! piiy-iu.'ft; 'ir^'ii-iii-.iiliiiii.I". ;i- ini^ui:'.: ;t *L~:fJ:*.;]t:u;;iu <;.""ni, pii:u:.ini(

WVaiT:4\'f''.;ii: Jc'lijioy-'! E; yVi;.;uik JLiJ-3,--;;i 1 a.'i y.;rv':,iH J wr-'i.Ts inii LVbiiilyI?;ii'.'U* Ci'inpiiuu'',', '.i."3il a.'! Dit?t:tiiK:y iinii-..-U'irt^ i:i inij.'ur^ c:ui:jl:..'n :t liiu* L-'ccii.Li.TCr. KLiiJuuyt. ' jujmncii. j i i in . v.c. I'

»| c-'rr«;CU bii;!ii~t|i.'D. i 3iii(riii bof-'i: willp:of''i'..;p.;\: 3 eu!iin..'';ii cvi;r nafiooa ia . : j pr-r.-i: to y . u to murila ia a in:u.'l;i ,-:ui:T.:r.L'OOLHISJ:'.;.;s. t'.1 tn«o c.'i.Vc'.iTwiy ITJIL u ' h r r t A ' .TJ 111.T .1 citvaM, wpitim'Iy v:n:ui".;i7.'.i^1.'.-;. G-. d s rTTnii'.'rj'.iai iit:4.';i3j; :ijy o-'ai^ia:a:i in .'f.uii i:.v.)i;ia.'it:^1: yufx'^.T'i> ii.i-'.;i.r-i^':.I i:i tii-: fjua-i-.-iiT u'£ Uu. aa- hav'iu^ 1 '.-iDiiiiany I/J lubsui u ^ ^;ii i.-^t'. a ..'i *-L-:.:Q w..' i.i; 11 pa.-'.. T J . : OKII." ap- vL{>.,r of tiii bruili A;II] aucv.ju.'i $v,u-m.

" i i v - ^ i '[••"H'-il ^ ' - - ' - i3rr.|:rwry c£ Lj,: 5ir.ll.iiv ; ' _ ;"

' • 3 tlo.ui.---! cf liin:, i.'J.i lpiiccu'il DPtliiaicf >[u ui i BUILSL F.-r UBC ti'^rjiL'iv ami

,t-i.:...L. i.j r. - . : ' r . . - ' : ' . - ." " .. : — . u . . . .

a..'f.ii. I'-u

Lr-'UK jnn.'i1 . wiil rvMur-:

!h-.- r:a.i •

Jn. f'.'C: W cu. S'i'.i !.'».Dr. F . W, Oiivsr", U T . •-•(dvvrMir-- S..|» eiitrt l ' r ;«'Uirli"-1 t< • , i ,1 ;1-K " vi-Vi-'-a, u. fL^'-n.-.--g J^JJ . : . - i ; : x / c u . Jcnj U» L'r. i . v<, u i r i i i rAi . ' i

a i J u g l i l ^ p a U t ie S u t i t t l b ? ' , A u ! i - ^ ; i V ; - ' l , , t ' . r ,U < ^ !• 1" T i ? b ' s ' ^ • w v c i ; H - ^ " - ' h l n 4 " ' a ^ ! 0nn<] w i Oii'-.-rsis.

• • r t U ' i j ' ^ S ^ d ^ t V s L ' ^ w u t k ' a - 1 1 " - ' - ' - ^ " 1 1 1 ^ , ' j1 1;:-U' ° ! v t . ^ l r 1 •* ' ' * . ° ( •«i»<-" 'a i ' -sif^P. « t o « t ind t-r-K.-Uoi.' 14! TELE l i2>T I EVER ELSE'iv OF.,Vi'l>lStl w^-l/^ « '^ ; ' '-' '--"J1,-;'-^, ~V'--i3 woriia^i H; IT^MJ Ixi . (,'r ljc:S.;M; J. G. juri'.-y ,> L.rvai;iK'ut. 4,'i.j lint:.:'

f lu'j.-;a^"4! t:iii Ci;.:;:'.'a ef l.iw.-i C.

1; bad to-irvl Cu..d me. I, ib c-k~K. q tie be* K-Biedv 1 cv'tr taew of.

" ii'sr, Curhi cvn^imJtKV j IUH : »'-"<•• to.Mi.-83f*. Hyvc. M.'c^-oa. 12a f r v 0 1 ^ . j . , t L . , . i , » . u . .

livivl tbe n'u [lit of thf. ciuirch 1 Marsh Hrv«., Ut [imatiu-f i.,-js.- K>r us. .'wbicb,-wiiii Uw patriots 0 ' h : i 4»v, be w-4/. 75^-tj. ^.1,J. !;»" :LV / IT. W. Oii 'iiwl Sunday nuiriiiin; by 111? Her. : ll IIH-VVJ u.* tUit m-'tv i>. tfc i1 •<;/<> ni«|i: ti;ivU to cvn.<:J..-t ca'-woal i;u..-»i.:oaj I2d Gr^uij iad O/TMJjfa.

iiu-V, of Trvnloji, who p r v a c y i a ; wv-iv n-.-i. the p.- K> euwur*ge 1 i «i.Ui lb«t: ;);oibiiiJ. lo lay. l ie in-orjikiicui of oitr KS i A/T-c. HU l.-ii In-A*']prv»v.'; Ucv. J J.iy t vS-ivix


? t t I1 Ttnutv" '1 ticfor CUiutUi.

; M.xwv 12& » ccnsewocc tha: b

slt Hi* tf-JU

l'v. 17:1 " liojoiill uofifove our fytuw eaU'ttiiuoi^Qia. '•'; ^ u a t r

, Membont of Yoi


10t i Y 1lio

use Siii'oJi's Puwua Piastc-c fSeid by Dr. F W. Oiirsr Cur afiii Oiit«r Stt

FEATHERBEDS!H e a d TTr.. i. =• -

. .mir; i L.-r.utr. n: 'I:-.-: -xntn.^; :iii!« i:Jittiit? a' ')r. .i.lHI. I.- '.'iJllii^lII. iLli' (--1^ U

'; 11 lur ; i: nivciu- "anpziraiua i acc-irvii :i anpiit'i, v-il a-cli

-i-L wliu rt-ieit ;u aj'.n.n-;

NO MORE ROU^D SHOULDEESas bn-io. tiii:r-:uij'.u'/ jihTiiu

fcr 'iv-tjteni-ia. iniau'':it;i:n,

hil:t:i;:;ni:s:;. •vaicini::. dtfbii-

Tlie A.niei-ioaii Bi-ioe !I i 1TSI1 -.1 Sic: >.V..|;

i l I S J

.Tft Ul l lvv iu i - I i ^ ' u : .

%' ' i n i r r w i l i , . r : > ' . ' . - . M i i u - ' i ' i i •« i i - . t . : :.-.iinT,"-.' W<i h u u i i . i n i | - . - ' - " . l l . i l ! ' J i ' ' . i : - ' " 'U 111/ a u . i | . l u l l . * ' - i ' I l l :ilisi-:~ll'... I l l 1 . 1

If . ' : . . ' : . 1, : ' . . K . . I - : , ( i i . i . i : . . . ' 1 , ^ - » m i ' i m ^ ' n ' n r : l n : n n ^ i " ' - - ^S. M ; - l i l i . . i l " H I - . ' ': • • 1309 B:--o...-."-.,v. .. N :-v \

oiiday Di. c s, i;in.s

L U M' ;• ; • , • . ;

jf l " u i u u , j i a i u it iS-'i'v Jt:rs.- . ; ' j '.iii: 'ii:;t ;

i '•'':«!•,, iiiii'.'liiii)'..' A ii'1 'I 'u.'. 1'aili- 1

a wil i i 'Jji: i n i u u n ' a

l lurel i i, I 'ki l ^uiiii ;n '---ui-iir;.4 wliuijtoi I'.T VTW jinl oi-j:

j . IJ. ri UM:U.

Parker'sGinger Tenic


100 DOLL.U'-S

4t ' Eddxswne:«in.i.- Buu;. L..



BOOTS mid SlUHX ^-rv^.^^ " "V.,--.;

» ;)(j: nJ^VJlurt-lt'.'!,.:.,,.' i:,,u...

LIFE TWALMDEXECOT10M OFtili7V ft;';t ..•.•lliliilni!, l!ll.| L'K-'r. SU[I

? liuilV %?•:&<: ityji: i/i.l :n:i|iii. Me sjir-J i::.:

tad Cci'jts u c .'U tiicm.

i : U ' . I ' • ' • ( . • < . , , - . . . : - .

i " J J :


Page 4: THG WEEKLY E AMD TIMES.SLY CUBBED. _l this dlMM OlX tnlttliOM li try DL Knotm't Cuain:TOTi. Tlwtt powojn in u* otnrn ts*t will ear* CdBtuwOoa r tb* moil iro Uw-laiatd, lith In U*m,


fe i - i

Ofas yet to tliln

i if he fihnlhi* resolve

|hca<l and *tnndji creel, ijn iron renolvewhat lie IIM

latoli it by annd

|on his fare. ; I1

written, lie tu»crvaiil, andxjc» between himllie dhirnmefii:water the tiguKill.

Into lii«the nlftg attlift cry, " I \\:i\ th 'mj/jit , Surely (lieh i ' l K r i e m ' ( ( • - • • • ' • :- J - " "

Mr». I'Vailln o i l , W

wondeIOHC dank I

r ing lyufare before hi

" S l a y in il:pin- w1n«|>env,l l i i ng l o fia^

I'rescnlly I uThe lad old

the open do.l o v e r , it g e n i i

IKI-H on | i e r fn

"Gerald,"her band u|afresh by (orth.wily- llii« myour dory; ymine, I loo IListen lOHIK:1'never regre.t i

Armytage <not. e.ven tni 'her.

" [ have HOfir.I." Ifelen

tpigt.)icarcety dnren

l lhave


!rm to de

luslrdof II

; fromi

ely lieh t


he raises his

riC nky and[•Icn and .her

the agony ofburnt*•ii»

ealli it |a<THtone JBfoopstOliC JBfOO

brown eyeto fiep

inro fixedon (In

c vcrai:uiekly;


(1,'ih,have »oine

fo Major Arinylage." cnY

j| /i(y, a


radiant liappi-

(oflly, laying/iil 'ler bow

ire, " j '4u left me tooriling. I Vou told me

in iievej- linked1 nie forlig to lell.

•foreilJly; " you will11

oeK not (peak. lie,doe?.hiniHlf to look at


|/Of:ket-l|iok b(:t»

Ui give you', jilaeing an

leen \M reluct-ant finger*—from (lie dca.

Amiylage,obey", and drphotograph <rippling fiuireyes that prenioarnfnliicfsfall upon lh<

The i 'Anuylage allhard U> forge1

natf.-ly put bdiyeni>' VTitlilnulsivc n.ileave him, 1c.-i'.ts the fair

" If Lam t'VOU (ioflnot enough tl:promi~e, myfliis K notiSurelv vou tii|derstaiheart filled wyou, I do not

" Dear, dieHelen Fay's qu!out another—|marriage. Lremember?"

Helen's vodeuce, linger:invokes rnern^

" Do I notman hotly. 'me tlie<e, Helbring back thever-prefent \ji new future?

part (if mv menagei

as one ' half-Klupclied,\\vrr- fiodi-lhe cri'-e the

a flight girl wilh long.lid large tender eyes—:ige byl llieir ]ialh<-ticthe shaclow lUuhoilIdife o( tiieir owner,brings hack to (Jeraldthat hi' lia^ tried fo, all (hit he has olisli-iind hia dashe, whofi

n for thirteenif the old iin-• fire will not

groaiis heavily andIiortrailj from him.go to lier, whys-bould

•I Efeavijii, Ik-leu, is ilat I ha^e given you myvord ofjhonor, my-

•;, my darling,d that, with myat parting fromth pair

care to•e are betlv.

it a few more,"This"—taking

'taken|just after yourok at (he date. Vou

cc 11.1 s: a -.trange e.i-iir and sw(;et, as shery.rememlier'r'' cries theWhy jvill you KIIOW•n ? I <lo not wish to

CfflCmiMTf"the Fi

ktlfrWfi 8* ill »!turiHictn «lrn«kgat) In


ga p ,wii lm clxilpc l(jt of

lt/U!jf, ia tlhcl*. but IIM erld*rHl)\y (tic wive of cultureBe |»r«t«ntt hi* rwder

fornm'nufnctaro'uf brie n l/rae llm( will corni

i l n thellm)(«of (lie poorest purn« and!i to indke liotne (Icltaliiful. " A pretty

c d t e i l , " lie t«yi, -"In that of moskltig (ifly!upon a hi': lilni/1; (lit: dlsli rfiay U:

d t Il { i l l k of (le pianilio

y: lilni/1;o {vail


l/ntk of (lier r twed t Ili {ail k pwhere Hie deception will not U) wwily diij-covered, n|) ri'J la'ly or gentleman willcllrnli over |i plnfio, no matter ho x l l 'Iliclr (jucul^for Irnili," j

H l ' j t » linndful of mud-ft ll

jHe nlvi

cnn 1H.'foiui'l In any <>t 'AirJ l i l t (l ll

yt o i l i r o i i i HKnlnut (lie *iill nnd ftl

I io liiirdeil Il-will tli<!ti |ia«9 for An(iriolf'« nest or li rnro l/ll of Irivn, M fancy

d l l l |limy dielatc. | ]Ho nu (|l»l fnri may do service lu llie

lilftli nrl line \iy jlwrOK covered with (liffej--cnl (olorejl r(ino«ll«l pottage ntmri|/» awlihoiiliickiid to flic U>\> n1 a window fraint.

A \ITCMY "grouping ',' lor n rnnnlcl canUi ffirini'f willi li IIIIIIII of conl, ft brlck-lmt,ii coin cod and t chlld'i tlioe, over wliidishould IK: sprinkled a handful of soil"TliU will I*1 iound • vfrry effcctWc looj"li'i add", I 'll covered with n gliwn ijl'iljc!

We ranriol find opiu;i: to describe tilevnri'ni* (oiilrilnillom In offers, and onlypivc Uicw Tew U coining from one wlioloves lik ftllovr men nnd would dolw<( for tli':ir ei oii and refSneincnl.

ay MKU. DIIKWM.—»oyl" mji'l tlioj reporter,, " I don't knowwhether (lili U right." "Dou' l knowwlidlirr'wlinl li righ!!'demanded the (I yedllor. i"Tlii.V wedding. I went Iho e

night, and llicygitvc me n lieup <i{ r ital/iut Ihelr frrx-kn, hut I don'i f .wliellier II cotiici oul straight or no(. Now,lierc In MrH. -J . I've got lier in Itpftmiier nilk, irlinmfd a h pros prnin, will,lilnck point luce iindcrnkirt nnd fjor-plnifed ' hiifr. l)fX'S llial fiound na tura l j '" Who will yoii (n i wedding!' ' mked l(iccity cdilor coiilempluoinly. "Don ' t yiy

ow (hat


Got. Milton Ave. & Broad St...iiaddition to out USMI (t$ck o1 F\a4

Oloflerie i, we ha»« Ittrodoced » New Artijde (If Kl >tir, mumf*MRd from thSttJ'rWwlicht, »pA wonld recommend it to tbo«

Ornharn Brtad u bdog Doer titwhoiuseluklndfbU:mar

Ornhatn Brttd u Moghan anything heretofore offered

|«t. A 1*0 best quality of

ATENT FLOURrarfou* hrands.' Together wlfb » goodU8ortm( at of



fountry Bdtter and best Tub











T. K. J.

Dyspepsia! Dyspepsia jCUBED! CURED'!

pepida! Apepsfa!y^

That winold

r<-Ai, »lram*d j c:o« iua la [,!.i/.|c polal her-., and her hair wfi j ^ < d ^cornlifd tn i*iUht'.r. Vou outrht to knowjU-tftr Ilinii lo kret Iliiiif.-" mired llmt wal'. [ „ . ,] /

CUC did you gelt lfow wnsd d t " I' l il iluide. drc'Mdt"

replied llie \Vwore n WhiteT!iu!c veil;

' ' " I've got lier nil riglil!"! » « can:'e«l Knd reporter. " bit • "',',".!"!

ttfant willi a P:h>aif.-uiid|.|>kirt cut

the bottom, nnd trimmed wi(iy|liU'que ut the V" "Thai's better-


fdid Hie city editor, encouragingly. "Thitldt fomctlilng like. it. IIo*'wa.1 hl:r

[ f I h i U i d " liedg

[fer Ihailijifr!" " [fer Ihair « n tUifTed, repliedlilt West Kud I reporter. "Shirred at l i t


file.* and corsagea on top." " I don't lie-lil-ce liiiit'i rigid." ohwrvtd (he cilj'edilqr."jUead Unit'aiain." " I t wts corsagedklll|C fides and shirred, on lop," raid (Le\fe<(. f.'ud rejrirter, referring to hii notds,"jOf cour.-e," Erailcd llie cily editor. " | ttnlakes ali liie difference in the world. Touctrer saw a-wamaa with her haircorragedon top in your life."—L/juistille CharterJournal.

A true a-wis'.inl lo nature in restoring (i)esystem loperffct lierdlli. thuseD:ih!ing it \orefi't difcue, t-: Brown's Iron BittenT

A_gentltman- in a village in Kew Yorks'-ale IHLS a fidaily.of iLrc-e or four litlle

girls. Xnt looj fincc liie children wertHiking alKiut'u pair of twin-. One pftliem, an elder; one, (urntd to her falberand h?.id: " I^ipa, what do iLcy CAlIiitwhen Ihrt-e lii-.liits come i t once!" !Alitlle o:ic-, wlioiviis mucli in;en~tt<i in tliecxiu verbal ion, nnd wLo kad heard Uiknlmut llie small pox, ut ono; inlcmip(j.tltnd Mid with much animalion: " I know,

.papa." " W e i , what do they call i t!"; ] If t he past is | &iid llie father. "An epidemic," said die1th me, Show can I form ! little one, proudly displiyiug her ' - 'I wan

not to raise ruin?. Imv dulv t<i Ipcik atconteriipluoii!mueh, Helenenough. .Mywith you nohut you, my <:

His arms ai|she stands h{wearily upon

to anew,l

" liut one riorc," K|IC [deads gently—"this with be child taken when: \°' w

: she WK« (weull.v-one. 1i Armyta^p,; wit!', a show o

and child. In: fadness of thei wardly he rd

what it may,)! 'hadow. He.

large orlis wli[lifturc- to him.upon it.

" The eveshe says, giaiuones that loollenderlv into

is surely notllhese"—wilh a; " you ask toogesturd y

Let] rny word bewhole; being is filled

v—you! you—nothinguly lovi.-!"e thrown round her as

him;I his head fails


[Jsckion!. (Ulcb.) Dufly Patriot.]We learn (com Jfess Moore i: Huin-

phrty, that StJ Jacobs Oil is regarded astLe verj- licsl wiling linimenl erer sold, andis giving the highest falistaclion. It Ijaieflectedmanv I:CI<K\ cures.

thus clulreated, looksinler(-.l at (he mot her

wardh lie marks thewife's fvc-f, iu-(hat, cost him

lie wi

A foal and itn ac.eordi.-on ure YiCi'.h eudrawn out.—Ih'.t. Kvry Si(. I


: Siiuping, fiiurting, irriuiio:i cfurin:ir\' [lass.iL'i s, di>ea?e<l discharges, culit liiichupaiba. J l . al druircists. IK-[iiid liv exiireks $125, G f o f f i . E. -\VEI.f.S. Jorri.-y Cily, K. T.

i"N(i . I shall leave ray wife colhioid o l d ( i r i l l l i s ; " f l i t i i l w i y s h a i l

i lso iicijes a look ill t h e

eh a t ( luce e n d e a r s t h e

I remove that ! \i ill, and now I'll have mire."—Cbune

Ills hand

femiudj me of yours,"

I10VS AND G'rKI.S,K you wiuil (he Usl and clieipcst yo ioc(jilks' nniicr in the United Slale-i, suhscr:befjir " T i n : YoiNa FOLKS' C IHCLE," ane.;i;ht ]i:ii;r Uhi'ltnled pupir, published;

ing Lilt i llie sweet pjr.iy j (J'itvclnad. O.j onl\- U."i eeuls u vear, iinddown «<i tnithfullv.s'o !.v!ou Pl< iwopicums.oneot which H wdrtli

1 I will i liiote Ihan llie'pricc- of the paperfor n _v<- , , . | "j'ljc paper is |iii1ilUlied by uu did and "re

th is for d ie iiK-iv fesdmlilauce. Hut, | M ( . (Hevelnnd^flan, and ycni are sure folove, (here i°. im hcMity for mo in ' tn iv l r dealt wiih. If vou send tinthis world, t o Wdiian" will ever—" j ' W s uml nd-Ire^Hs ut 10 childrei

"Hush!" w|u«|ier^Hidon,with her f<ifi l>vliile ijuuid the words(hat aii' PO svyet aiidther,year!"

The man 1hewildercd, v,'|ludly Btartled. Il is ft

eel to lier. "There inSoe-jakri i this very

t'i yiurs of a p , they will wad you a linelilciure <i[ I'rvsideni (Jurlield and fulfill}',UiCboukewhet1 he wan botn"amMiffilW nl

n u f l } ,he wan botn"amMiffilW nl


u . h a otnamMiffilWKetit^.r. S.mtple t'upy free. AddtttJ| T i l l : VoUNci FoI.Kfl' C'lltCLK, i

Ckvelaud, (.1.

ul jit vaguely, half j

: cabinet portnjil, ilelil'alely liuled, ofHelen aud hcj sou. jTheii his eye-(<jtuHtiou her *ilh duluh ca^er (|Ues-turning. 'Phi y answer him with a

[lull an ear fivRii vrt]—lMon AiL|Yhv, ceiluiuh lutl. \\ e do ncl vve;ir cardIn-idii nyli1,' iu llie uppi-r elher.— JiVic

»rit, irm CUft Bro«. t Co ,Plt!*J<lshii.p iff ant mdsl «aio«t pbyiiciiiu tfdwlOi only tkr« boUla at

ll oitt or.e y«»f.B»(< IJoffm*n.

f Ddi« die bjA

tool lefaeor Ap<

Dr.ynita delace of Ut4


chronic cu«« of Ityrpeptta,eyiic Vertiuoi wtxxt ticn knanat

(< IJoffm fof D/tp«pde Coojrunpuou,

.cr b««t (.h/iiciai bot I U ca


A Heasao





Coughs asi dolis,Sr9sehiik and all

Disejues Le^diag to Ccsrcaptics.IsTS feELL IT.


Shake No More Remedy!20,000 BOTTLES SOLI)

The ?irrt Tear Befere Tba People.j f

'Sold »r All Dra«i»U.


MEATS,* • •


Literary Weekly Joarn



Condiw M by AJ.BT0X W. TOCRGtEE, j•autl.or of " A Fool's Errand," *w.| i

t imied by Diulii-1 0. Briatoa j 'and Kiitert S. Diivia.

Fi.ulr N i n a s a faartD F iaa i : A«T 1, UWSMl dtHrinixnlulleflJ antliora And akillf

•' Oca CfltrrrinWT." Tim F«tirnai7]unni.ain nnvulB and storluA lw Sdlun Ciuiibtiail,•under , E. P. Eiie. Jallun Hnviliirao,

" 0 . DUVIH, t\c.; j>i'!iy« l>y

211 Street. EABIAT I -'• Yue Eli Mtv of 11

liell i fit M r . fcn* )iy Pn-.xUUmi P n r i r nf

.; si ^^ j(il of Han'orrfl Provont pp':nnii7!vaniu. erj.- fjuliUin nnwn hvKji«UT: UIoHinirionii l»y Uuin« C. T ' t t in / ;ly PrnCjjwora itiiJirack, B«rtJ*rr. ftti*.; tnu-uu

tiv Mrs. Mnullan ; nirul .inpriviiiulm jn'j O. NV'ttJimi) , fun anrt Immnr ;iy C II| l C r n " ami i


| l M r bottlt. F'i pnifr Eaporiaqi tsd ftl





is i cd pciraj'fcf of iflciec: jtriock la nzczi iz. t fres&. IZCC.TICZ.wit tfi tie ce-ri cf the wcrid.

liizs no t7?nt G( human iauxzn, tzsL cfimuien!:-



BfO2Tt7M£NT^• i -




C R A I l f t ttOSUMEHTS.

Lets En:l:sei Etc.

: A ' : ? . i T i-.± r a s

United States Dyeing


37, 39 1 4 1 Clinton St., ";-=;"UGRAT1VE EMPLOYMENT

I tor Uu wisi i i r Li -^rs i is <LI:.-J-LI. \ :ry^ ^ 7 ! : - i ;



' Cuatorr. Wcrk a Specii.'vy.

tic l.if* a n d fi'ubtld fec

he^ Robfmcn. tO3 K. tltt ttttet.' — "

President Garfield,1

Jrerf iinzttvas CAM or Hjvj*.y.\c Yer~g lUnilsi, tat car«d wim two bottla

)r. Si|nT3«I W. Adjonf, of K<ir [Torfc city,hi'i wife tu ,b«en cared with Apcpauk.wont c«ea ia lh« known world.

I)r. Ad rca U QOV a*fn? Apcp fA In b» pnctlc*fiilare fn t lin^rie owe. TTifi "•

_. , ptrtcct rell*f, from two to &re«carid lie kont t««« la exi«tcnce.

V. B.8TCTSE, KJ). .t».tt Phjncfifl i rd 8argeon CS-A,Liu PhrticUn ird Sarp

Mr bottlt. For alt bj- 0 « . F. Bro»n.Eporiaqi tsd ftli drBQ-^u


raxnnicnd C«rterH Iron Pflb la enrjftbo a We»t, Ncrrocs, aA DrJc«£ngol;

wto ixn Ttta, Pile Upa,Tert, tzd *ho t n wiiioc!

or Ambhico. TleM PCi quiet lh*j « EtrrojCi to lie Dodj-, fcdect E«-

•htei E«p, Enrich tad J-srprrm Its q i i^ri« Bklod, «nd Pnii'rind KrijL'.en tie Coc-' Tt P"i»aoa of. the Et«rt,


cfFcce of

tile f }W

.-«»• TrgmWnp. Xerroa H i < ± ,pas, Pilas In the Back, and othtr fares^sWtitMsaj' Rtcecioer thaX tna b,e comtitnenU of the Blood, acd is tiai C H I P a ] J » l

Wft SO


They can

C « r t e r H I r t r a P a ] « T » « ;irfco ar* tnjabl«d with Kerrosa

S v i , Ac la metal bans.60M br t!X drogg^s, or Kct t*



gnle radiant"Helen, w!

mad? Vou

•IK lii^ is llji<'( Am I p1'11},'lid invjwift'--my child

I Amoiii; llie decMons (if llie Judgc-si of(lit! Aiui'ticim lust i lu le Fair for 18^1:

— this is stiri y"Your wi e— ye.-j" cries- Helen,

her eyes aligl t with |ove—"and Km-y ge«t—your eli

SO.MKN"(If wlml Is

competed V"(If corner '

railroad truoks,fields and skalii

" What porli" Alioul tliu

add a litlle pin• What is a l j


il—uur child !"

the Hii'dicc of (he i-srlh

ill, uiiirhly (KKir luiuls,u « . liiill giviumU, c r l t k e tf,r r inks . ' 'ill nf UiCi (.'IOIK.' ik w n l e r ! "'foiii ' tln Sol ikl i l i le i Ihej '

tnd milinef: In II ."

" A town i< njr-oiiMilerulili1 t-olleclion ofhouses iind iiilu|liiUiiUi, Vtllh fmir or livemen who ' runi llie p a r t y ' nnd li-iulmoney nl iKiteii per eeiii, im

Wlnii U a cily' A cily hA cilv is n

Mover wild lii'

I' Naino llio ((' Horw-ruCT,lnt; nrouiul l |

your note." Inlii how i:

vlded t""Hlx, being

i (own, withiv$ ilia!, lln- wlioli- wuiM

]in1cf« when hrj lift]>|nus lo lull llsl im ucrosswalk."

" W l m l I* coij" llorriiwiiij,'

iwu nnd dfidjrii.two.

imerce *"Ivo (Uillitm f u r 11 il . iy e r

' l l l f '




« yi«r 'or

Ixmt-iuci', lilcyiU- nue andIliul u iiuui lu intlursf-

clvlllmlrcnl nnil I ml in

" Wlinl unlit"TI IOSB wlilo

Imd lawi and |

Illifc'Ulellcd, clviliiwl, hlllf', too tiller, Uot-vVuitli H-.ugt 'nU."

s nrt' called follijlilencd 1"i have llie mftst' wins, llie

(oduec tin- worst cilminiilH."' How many

"Thnl'fl »«•''drliiku nnd win

•• Whnt l« tin" T h e lilii!.-' |i

und Clilcagu."" Whnt ciuiwja day nwl" Dny la can

. . V > l . . l . . i . .mil.Ihe ulreet Oar n

j " W l i » U « a :"A map U a

wharu Hmllh tlllfi under tlio

" Whiit l»» i" A Jug hold

VntM u gIrcu.


UroUier • n»«i«

[nny uuiikiint di-

liui t.lio eiirlli 1"jdlng In liow you mix your!-ll Wliy J'OU (;il liollll; '


"Mr. Kdwurd Clark, llu- iimulorl k W

ofIlnik'ij WnltniKKif Illiukiiif;, l< awarded inedul and lliwc diploma*, Ihe hir^esl j

awards made to nuy of Uie|ei-

Tlii( celelu-uled liluckitiR is now re(|t-oIrt-d las llie be-t, by one medal and (wo

[tiplou'iiw. jIt luiiy Ix.' olilaiucil at Ihe follow

ilucc 111 U.ihiviiy:f Win Howard,I Itcriuiiu Kleuckc,

rocera :^ >[.: Iv. Slokes.K. I.. iH'Imppniuu,J. Vimderhovt a.

(li-o. H. Hrvwu,W. U. Wiilsoii,

rilioo Store* :

K. II. Silvers.(ii-uro.1 B.tilev,W. \\. Fmztr ,I. M.

liirncss Milker:<[ Joseph AYwslilardwaivStotv:-; \Y. 11. Ilall.

gringo j ^Newn Depot :-((!eo. M. I'ium.

MK»!UI«. Kr.Y Hlioa.:, Druggist J,(N. V.—II ^tvivt me j;rval satUfivctloui' louy your Cream Hulm'(iTconimendw) ttf me

jiy u friend) has eomplelely ciiml ma ofli.ilarrh, of which 1 haj-n.Iwu afllielttl foriver tt'ti yeurn, alter trying almost ewrvcmedy itHMiumeiKkHl, none have pwjveu•o pleasant, effwlive aiulthoiougli as yfcur"ivain llnlni In ll» woik. Ycrv truly, (Jlc,

B. J. A I K K S , Wliole^alt' lieuler in Uj>ol-smil SIKKIS, US I'etlcml St., Uoslou. MJL-S.•\-b. 6, 1M1.

MKsana Ki.v lluos., DniKi;isls, Ow<jgo,I. Y.—I Imvo lifi-n afllleteiVwItli

for 8 years; 1 havo tried almost unuiim-I iii i h t llf ] t

f y e ; h a o tred amost uICKHI mmtiiiia without any rvllt-f.

iviutor I found mow mlief lu one bollln ofi'our (Vain llahn than In all the n - m ^

have used put together. C iua A.' i . ' , - 8 7 South Sixth 81., Ur\Kik-

K Yl'rl>vii)''ii','K.' iV,,'K7V.'. A'U'K. n'Tesb'. ' '

I'lice JO rent*.by night gttllng Utvdd b b d ki

l y g g g daused by everybody inkingid going home to nipper."iapt"rowing to show ihn jury

[iod when Joiif» gnv« him a«,"

,jiirlncr'« c i impa^ '"ng four gulloui."—Miyit

'ere O»t-ar Wlldet" *M ala male " Oh. lio'nonly «•lr«et ArtU to II.- ,. . ... .

UltMtvk Uml't run In hiTC to nhow 1•-— - — ' ' ' • with hi*

U1.ACK1N0 li'flu« nnd preserves Die leather, gives |( amleiil le-ilhei brllliiiucy, ami does not soilhe giivmcHt In wear. ' '

I'se II on your own ahow,(hi your wlfe'»»ho<«>On your ohlUlren'a >>\\ot».tMv Jour ntotUw-lu-lvn'ti slices,On your bal'V-eivnlago,On your satclu-l or vulue.

Any articlo of Iwttlior, ruMwr or c naiu«lt*iloth, WOIHI or IK>II, will umune an cU-yantii^lroua-bhiek ami retain 1(. Atk yyur

(jiocer of »lit>« (U'&ler for It. !

OU.^11.0, l !

I it«ko««i, m i l l t*rtfc<Uutr fcUftxl

om i <

fur itlm|jIt raniOen«r%lCation.

Tk»l 1lAdt*c!

IliPMltlT«Cur« ;I U M r»»»l»l«l« u l W M I U H H

-.tlvu.wont fvna o£ F«Oi*J« Com-

tn}Ut>lff«, llLQAmniAtloa Il U t

dU*olT« ind Hp«t tumcrt (torn tfc« utenu laTlit tmd«&C7 to t u -

<uuonliMr«lsclMck«d t

p»bUl«j, UMVIMBMO, Dttnakn at buti-

«7* p«niuuv3UT rand

M 3(4^ car« et ClJat? t\m^JilaU <id U uuarpcMed.

a E. PIXKHIX-S T t a r n B U COM-tSi tnd t36 Wffti.'ra Avtujc,

•X pric*. |1 p« Vox !« rithtr. Hrti*«n *J1 WUti of Inquiry. UA t

j o a l f 50

the 8GCCM9 cf THZ Scar. I;

Impcrtir^ >icma] eatiitiiied ux ihis K an tryiatiitf (ioies:jein paac Iiaa hesn mn^i'.ed if-j rTKZSCJT. E'«T impcrjuii journal ii&zdr ztsi-iag-h*a "bees, modiJec l t d hetLfcrid *a the .;r-_£ cfTax gel's ezsapfc

f ii ir_: be lie uin:

By Lterii tae cf Uit n*ir«prcaperity tUsrts we «haii mWore.

We eball prjjt t-'I tae newt, pnttinj"« in:.:

Lh.e tadlcoiul jirtstidc, cat fay t j mi inUTtL<* p<cpi<;- D'Jtince frca Pr-n'-ins1 B--:aae Solar-is act the I n t cccuidcntJcn. WVJL THZ Scaterer icniua^ lup ta:--* wcrJi r^pec^ng- T- pit iht




i l k jnn: inj~.<: f.r f£xj?. '

to eijtea* thiim. iacadentcod. WfiiT wiu:


- CHIClGO, RQCEISLA5H & P ACTFlfS E ; T !c_:a afj:Lj line, laaaaccan uiu £JJI and *iiit if ist. J

b. tia caa* it7ia :f t i l

i it rsx:;-iil2 crljsiupostage

ST. i .VDHt l 'BEBt

C. J. UOLDt.N. is-;

r n . a j j aii TB-tca Ch.:i:ii4:'. icd. M.:-..-.^.xgci^i


If Cir idea o wiut t r.«*«Jl^«;:«!ir.c.'i Id :-;ii.'B ; ' g R <^??=-"\' V i ii^ii.-. '-r-.c-.r. F^.::-.7. i) .

ErJ;IN"t:,-'i CALDS,

r?i1 i \ ' I i I r iS ' . i CAF.fii

- ^ - IIIL.L HEAD;.





joe, tend (ct T E I SCT-'"CSJSAT ROCiK. ISLAND ROUl(£(

R. R. pASL£, E . 8 T . JOHM.

j CH1CACO. '

GEOROE E. i-EMCH. *-.-.\V .1»UISOTON. U.


AGENTS W i m T U AT ONCE jto KI I the Hie and Complete j



» ; J ! en ::I! iCThe TRIAL OF GUITEAU.. „.d i sc losu re* c' LJIUU! ; US E-^A: cus:.._/_ a::ii j •"losure* c LL^ UU!; Ui E-;JS: «^sl> a::il

riLsi.^ i i tii-; 4224^ gfcrjn-!. Well I l lu»-d- VTi.:«iI bitad.-^'T. A^-ja;'* cu;i: SO . WIUTC

Milton Lake Ice,Madison Square Theatre |Furt^^;

r«n.'j--// 'ir(.i &r«C iidxciiij 5;,i ^Icf.

ff.-ci', y r.


OFFICE : H Cherry s t ree t .


Ccr. Miltc: m i St G?crgs's AvsP. 0 . ADjDRESS IB 1.

FLORIDA!AUauilc a u d G dtf ( oi*> C Au&l a u d

Okt t c t i obcc L&ud Co,

$50,000 Slujros, $10 Kadi.A : F A K *•.•:-. i L ' • ' s , - . ; •• x::i- i r tu..ii :•.'

>i.L-:s r - J E t L . . ..i L..:..J- .•; '. .- •• L . - / . ' : , .1 • ] • ! . _ - : . i


SIS..«. T.. 1C.I



a! b:30

I WHAT IliiES T^t CEiliaSf L i K a ;

! CATS GRADLE.Ti.; HANTS.'Vt_>1 l'\:.-. A.".

: B . ' W O U T H I N U T O M , TUO B r o a d w a y ,i S . V. I

UA'1, VtiV^T^

\V.i.v(i[.\(,T0.\ HILL. BULL

tan A ! ! | : IT A BIT* uid ( )lnai W.jrlt.warTivxjlud'^Q teat



L U o

t ' A . 1 ;

D L I . J ' I T E L S .


VER ANO AGUEOne Bottle of

II. C. Monroe's Remedy.W i t h o u t tLt- Uv«> i>( Uuikir..-.

A l i C i V L L D I S I" UK ( I l ; l .Wkicli 1'ruULiii-n.l i.'i".i^/.a.i

(0.1 ll'.^Ufv

I. C. HOMROE & CO.,101 J O R A L E M 0 M ST. ,

BrcoVly -.. \i. T


Immens2 Sales.'

F-'.AXKli Of ALL k i N ' V .WILLIAM WESTiiU'.Tli,

C v " n v f i"- *i f ^ / ' H -^ *' i " v

l p u u l l L l l ! J L ^ L L l

ifitAR t i S £ I ,

Medical Works!

l/ Iiixil4 U •lliout LTI>U t11X4. Tli«7 c»u» eomtjpfctioa. biMHy ci tiit ltt»r. S etati v«r bci.i " Wold


T. MEJ4CK,Clothing Emporium.

1 6 8 IMIaJLH. S t(Uuder Mtliok House.)

and Boys Clothing ! S i S

I t s P o p u l a r i t y N u y eI J U J U U U O U L U . . A««u«. a r ew»nit<» W ..:;{>>.<: nuudetful i:•,! ln-CK »tlct dflD»lidj .: l>; far TUK KEST,mo»l popular iJikbeapeM


S / 4 ^ " a i ' ~ - -l:-iIW"T---'i* -i Illustrated

< iht: «a:ir« ( I n

j l ie btot mil c!i>: lit? must ; V-rPOKTH\IT>



AUclock's Porous Plasters?se they have proved thcraselvi-s

est Kiterual Remedy tvor ia- i


the 1

UNBOUNDED;.V\-v goods, Cloths, Casstmerv.1*, '•

Over Coithigs, Iiniu^s, put- \

tons, aud TriiniuLasrs, of :ill Liudi. '

FAI : • ; •



.;: k-rilrl '.J i<]i*t!t IT1:SIPKBB STfctL

oc-Ji 5(K-.

They will ciirv asthma,

jjlis, rheuiu.Mi«ni, ut'urilsjia.

ul ajny local pains.

Trunks, Bags, Valises., &c.; DIRECT FROM FACTORY.

Alt ClvtUiuj uiadc ia lie [lace saaisplied; to the small of the baeklcvmom Wort. t;!caai=s, Alieriag »2d g / f ^ ^ E S ^ f r i j ' Sare infallible i-: IUok-Ad,e, i Rct>a:rili* ^=e ic s h T j i^r -"^Ss l t i i i "c iy . a ' "^JS^ .

, , . , | 1 &IU n o * U i k b j a l i . ' i e S t c c t *f iUa Mini. c>nr-:4. cu;n:i.Jiir'..r. $.W i ;o i . - l T.-iL._.ri)U3 D e b l l l t V , a i k l a l l K l d a e y ! , , , ,,-• .", , , , „ , yckoim.-: (!wcs.-t'.i^Siui.-vt» ta.-«.il^.n: i.'I.wtrii-

ies; to trip pit of ' the stomach j ! ,au uivu TAMEI K KSLUTV.



tijoub vs; to th^ pit of' the stomach i

tbey ire a sure cure f^r Dyspepsia j

id I tver Complaint.

ALLCOCK'S POROtTSPL.LSTERSgrant and quick to ewe.

itadons that blister and buru. |

Jas. X. MEI^ICIi.

L ANC:LI : ;V, 'AI


ing made t'o Order In tha Latest Styles, at



iMcin St. and MiltonI

\ V i ' ^ i T : " J ' " * :

Kiv;r . 6 ' icc?c!.;y sup: [:.t-i t - r

iod : lurgt jiower ; re^sts, isA h.

i_i .




. J - . : • : • : .


'- *-" V /LI \ V ^

: . '"—v.:


IBKAlTIKlt jOUtilM, Ihe u MO-

A L « A I S AT! H O S E . "- «•<-<o.A-n T ^ ^ , ii,«a,. soup WAL-. „ ; , , ) - j f^> i If vt'U witat »nv Hits o? Cajv»fur vour- J»>t"«»«ni«oi-. ju.<



^LLCOCK'S, the onlyPorouB 1'bster. i

iu i.>ur liae, calJ lit

17t5 MAIX ST11EKT.

tyt <

can-\ n^. ouc wJd «ii» I

btlni fil«v«d byMv new fwtory justcora-

Health is WealthK-:^4*bo>e; cr uvcr-ijjii^iJijt.'Ucu. i w!i:c

aii.-H-TT, I I ' ^ S T ami lieutil; Ouu Hoi *:LtLl ca^*:». &ic£l (>Oi COUltJIlS «UiI B l u u t iI;UL iJtia dvi iar » b c a . ur i n fur it1**; il«j»

!. b * !U4:1. I;Ct^itiJ, Oil r-,-<:v:j.)L vt prifli;. V«'..: w s ix t c i v t t to c'Jf-* 4117 CIL-M.'. >V|:.i tacli•««.i.Mt'.%i b? ua for s ix boa*.-w. tccQtiiii i-iivu

n o JAAU> MiihfcT, , a r a e r »l O««eJ Nvihln^: S*v«d b:' : Co»r*»foa4ettre» i »v new factory justcora

there vou wiJ! fiud an t>M ch^p bv the ' p ^ t ^ . csp^isy *.xw (aa vjiEKU'j ever* $6 4*^

fcbO¥« WAJJU cfcWp K>r,lbe rtady | goods fvr lew mocr? thai. »w Idilry**. or caJtuinthe »bov« w»au

STAMPS.!g c e ii e c r J tojxm PANIKI. r . BSUTTV,

), or caiil

" f *i=: -J;n insure Foraitm, Biiliiscay Le Hvcrcc. . '

t--» uot «J^C. & cutt . G;uraii/--e ilbuml bl' ) ^'J^ IU


r^ cc : il; short cc:..:;, i :y cjii-r^

03 TEE H:3T

ts. B r i e r s , Brokers. Li-*r- d u i i MVTV.II.:V ••-. ANNVA

ess M:a gecir-iilv, ire A>jar_-.-s_i^.^:-;;.-. :t:,.-..:.::.» ..'

b> ma:i w!l rvtiij.o (rvmti.ii:=at;(|ii. | , lv-H l*=7"-EU ^

n^i s w^i in joe- o»a tuwo- T M ^ >;I<1 6 j s tJ]-- !°( ptiu'.U j »ndDO oatlt U«. AUOKIH U UALi.«t & Cu i I i !.

i Miiae. ' i l l r - ; i - ^ :

m i cali, see our SJ^'J"

uctruia ci:




GO r i



I t : : ~- !






1 : 1 1

1 :1 "r "
