think and grow rich power affirmations - chapter 09 persistence

Think and Grow Rich Chapter 9: Persistence – The Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith

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Page 1: Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 09 Persistence

Think and Grow Rich

Chapter 9: Persistence –The Sustained Effort Necessary to Induce Faith

Page 2: Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 09 Persistence

This slideshow published by William Marshall is Copyright © 2016 by William H. Marshall.

All Rights Reserved.

Page 3: Think and Grow Rich Power Affirmations - Chapter 09 Persistence

I combine will-power and desire to achieve outstanding success.

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I back my desires with persistence to insure the attainment of my objectives.

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I follow through on all of my plans with persistence.

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I now apply all of the principles of success with steady persistence to accumulate the

money I desire.

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I have a definite goal and a definite plan for its attainment.

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I maintain a strong, burning desire at all times.

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I am consistently following the six steps outlined in Think and Grow Rich. I am

developing the money consciousness I need in order to accumulate a fortune.

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I am preparing my mind to attract the fortune I desire.

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I am attuning my mind to the vibrations which will attract the objective of my


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I am using the principles of auto-suggestion so that my habit nature hands

over to my subconscious mind a clear picture of the object of my desires.

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I am consistently conditioning my subconscious mind for success.

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I am applying all of the principles of success.

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I am purposely and deliberately developing the money consciousness.

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I am winning with persistence.

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I am gaining complete control over my will.

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I select my master mind group with care. I select people who are positive and


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I am cultivating the habit of persistence as an insurance against failure.

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I am passing the persistence test. I will be rewarded for my persistence.

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Through persistence, I turn every failure into an equivalent advantage.

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I persistently apply my desires until I achieve the victory I desire.

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I am continuously increasing my effort to succeed.

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I persist until I succeed.

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I am persistent because I know that persistence pays.

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I am cultivating the state of mind known as persistence.

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I know exactly what I want to achieve.

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I am cultivating an intense, burning desire to succeed.

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I believe that I am able to execute my plans. I confidently rely on my own abilities to

achieve my goals.

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I create and execute organized, definite plans.

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My plans are sound. I base my plans on accurate knowledge acquired from my personal experience and observations.

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I develop persistence through sympathy, understanding, and harmonious

cooperation with like-minded people.

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I concentrate my thoughts on the building of plans for the attainment of my Definite

Major Purpose.

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I accurately analyze my own behavior and results against the 8 factors of persistence.

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I carefully examine my subconscious mind in order to eliminate the real enemies that

stand between myself and success.

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I clearly define exactly what I want.

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I eliminate procrastination with consistent and persistent action.

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I am now taking action to acquire all of the specialized knowledge I need.

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I face issues squarely and with definiteness of decision.

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I take full responsibility for my results. I create definite plans for the solutions to my


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I refuse to accept unfavorable circumstances. I take full responsibility for

my circumstances and I take action to improve them wherever necessary.

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I strengthen my desire by purposely choosing motives that impel action.

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I organize my plans in writing so they can be analyzed by myself and others.

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I take immediate action when opportunities present themselves.

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I am willing myself to success. I demand success of myself and I follow through with

purposeful action.

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I aim for riches. I continuously cultivate the ambition to be, to do, and to own.

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I am giving a fair equivalent of value and service in exchange for the riches I desire.

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I eliminate all forms of fear. I create plans and put my plans into action with courage

and faith.

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I keep my own counsel and live my own life.

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I carefully examine my subconscious mind and concentrate all of my thoughts on faith,

confidence, courage, and success.

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When I recognize that I have made a mistake, I take immediate action to correct

it with faith and courage.

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My desire for success is stronger than my fear of criticism.

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I set high goals for myself and I take definite and decisive action to achieve


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When I set a high goal for myself, I immediately take action to crash through

the invisible terror barrier that stands between me and the freedom I seek.

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I breathe the breath of life into my ideas through definite plans of immediate action.

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Through persistence and determined action I create my own favorable breaks.

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I create my own luck.

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I create my own breaks by persistently applying the principles of success.

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I attract riches through definite plans, backed by definite desires, through

constant persistence.

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I develop persistence by pursuing a definite purpose with a burning desire for its


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I create definite, written plans expressed in continuous action.

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I close my mind tightly against all negative and discouraging influences.

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I create master mind alliances with people who encourage me to follow through with

both plan and purpose.

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I am applying the principles of success as a matter of habit.

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I am in complete control of my own economic destiny.

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I now have complete freedom and independence of thought. I think for


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I am on the road to riches in great quantities.

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I create my own favorable breaks.

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I am converting my intangible dreams into physical realities.

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I am committed to faith, courage and excellence. I am ambitious and I care

about my success.

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I am writing my own ticket and making life yield the price I demand.

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I master difficult circumstances with persistence.

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I am increasing my level of persistence every day. I refuse to quit.

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I am cultivating persistence, concentration of effort, and definiteness of purpose. I am

cultivating the true sources of all achievement.

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1. Save this PowerPoint to a new file.

2. Copy the Power Affirmations that you want to focus on to that file.

3. Review those slides at least 2-3 times per day—preferably once in the morning when you get up and once in the evening when you go to sleep.

4. For the affirmations that are the most meaningful to you, I recommend you memorizethem. While that can happen automatically as the result of reviewing them regularly, you will accelerate the process with a little extra effort.

The result of memorizing an affirmation, quote, or passage is to pass the information on to your subconscious mind. This is why we are instructed to memorize definitions, multiplication tables, etc., in school.

Review and listen to the affirmations regularly for at least 30 days. The purpose of these slides and other tools is to help you concisely articulate your self-talk for the purpose of conditioning your subconscious mind for taking positive action.

Only action completes the success cycle. Affirmations, visualization, goal setting, by themselves create nothing. To achieve success, you must add efficient and effective action. Faith without deeds is dead.

If you have any questions, feel free to email me at any time at [email protected].

Recommended Next Steps

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