think in enlightened self interest

Think In Enlightened Self- Interest

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Post on 18-Dec-2014




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Page 1: Think in enlightened self interest

Think In Enlightened Self-Interest

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Role of Enlightened Self-Interest in Contributor

Contributor think in Enlightened Self-Interest. In every situation they get into, they find a way to create good for self and good for all at the same time – including team mates, bosses, customers, their organizations.

Role of Enlightened Self-Interest in Non-Contributor

Contrast this with the mindset of Non-Contributor. Such a person is only concerned with his/her own self interest in a situation. He /She is not concern about the impact (Positive OR Negative) on the other person. This leads to unpleasant situations, broken relationships, unhappy team mates, subordinates & bosses & lower trust in any situation.

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“Swami Vivekananda disliked small-minded and fearful selfishness. He wanted us to be large, unselfish, and therefore and bold in our dealings with the world”

Swami Vivekananda Speaks to You

Act with unselfish motive

“If you want to help others, your little self must go . Give up this little life of yours. What matters if you die of starvation – you and I and thousands like us – so long as this nation lives?”

We will have to help each others, but we have to go one step farther: the first thing is to become unselfish in help. “If you do just what I tell you to do, I will help you; otherwise not.” Is that help? So help whenever you can, but mind what your motive is. If it is selfish, it will neither benefit those you help, nor your self . If it is unselfish, it will bring blessings upon them to whom it is given, and infinite blessing upon you ,sure as you are living .The lord can never be hoodwinked.

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“It is selfishness we must seek to must eliminated! I find that whatever I have made a mistake in my life, it has always been because self entered into the calculations. Where self has not been involved, my judgment has gone straight to the mark”

“Unselfishness is more paying, only people have not patience to practice it. It is more paying from the point of view of health also. Love, truth and unselfishness are not merely moral figure of speech, but they form our highest idea, because in them lies such a manifestation of power. Self-restraint is a manifestation of greater power than all outgoing action”

“Ask nothing; want nothing in return. Give what you have to give; it will come back to you – but do not think of that now, it will come back multiplied thousandfold – but the attention must not be on that. Yet have the power to give: give, and there it ends. Learn that the whole of life is giving, that nature will force you to give. So give willingly. You are a machine for taking and giving: you take, in order to give. Ask, therefore, nothing in return; but the more you give , the more will come to you.

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“The man who works through freedom and love cares nothing for result. But this slave wants his whipping; the servant wants his pay. So with all life; take for instance the public life. The public speaker wants a little applause or a like hissing and hooting. If you keep him in a corner without it, you kill him, for he requires it. This is working through slavery. To expect something in a return, under such conditions, becomes second nature. Next comes the work of the servant, who requires some pay; I give this, and you give me that. Nothing is easier to say, “I work for work’s sake”, but nothing is so difficult to attain. I would go twenty miles on my hands and knees to look on the face of the man who can work for work’s sake. There is a motive somewhere. If it is not money, it is power. If it is not power, it is gain. Somehow, somewhere, there is a motive power. You are my friend, and I want to work for you and with you. This is all very well, an every moment I may make protestation of my sincerity. But take care, you must be sure to agree with me! If you do not, I shall no longer take care of you or live for you! This kind of work for a motive brings misery. That work alone brings anattachment and bliss, Wherein we work as masters of our own minds.

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Project Goal :

To study how the people (contributor)“think in Enlightened self interest”.

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ENLIGHTENED SELF-INTRESTBehavior that is in the public interest and which also serve the interest of person performing it.

Being a civic minded and fair to others is in everyone best interests.

We should work for general good rather then self interest.

let we do work together …

How kind…….to us!!

I think work will go fabulously

Boss :

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• Worried only about their narrow role in the total picture.

• Give respect to only a select few.

• Thinks only “win-lose”.

• Thinks only into account of own interest.

• Focus on the big picture.

• Gives respect to all team members.

• Thinks “win-win”.

• Takes into account the concerns of all stakeholders.


Strategy regarding “Enlightened self - intrest” :

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Contributor Qualities regarding “think in Enlightened self -interest” : • Building a positive attitude.

• Success- winning strategy.

• Motivating your self and other everyday.

• Building positive self-esteem and image.

• Setting and achieving your goals.

• Doing the right thing for right reason.

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A person from Scotland named Andrew Carnegie came to America and started doing small works. Soon he became the owner of the largest Steel factory of America. It was the time when 43 crore people worked for him. 50-60 years before, one million dollars meant a lot. Someone asked him, "How do you behave with your people?” He replied, "Behaving with people is like digging a mine. When you dig for gold, you have to first dig tons n tons of mitti. But when you go for digging, you don’t go for mitti but for the gold”.

1. Building a positive attitude :

Be focused like the mine worker. If you try to find mistakes in people, you will get plenty. There a deep message hidden in this story. There is something good in every person and in every situation. To find the good, sometimes we have to go deep inside. Someone has truly said “A closed watch also shows correct time twice”. Build this positive attitude in mind.

Where should be your eyesight?

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2. Success- winning strategy :

•Do more than exist- Live

•Do more than touch- Feel

•Do more than look- Observe

•Do more than read- Absorb

•Do more than hear_ Listen

•Do more than listen- Understand.

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3. Motivating your self and other everyday :

To achieve progress, the leader must continuously motivate his team by giving them :

• Recognition.• Respect.• Make their work interesting.• Be a good listener.• Throw a challenge.• Help but don’t do for others what they should do for themselves.

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4. Building positive self-esteem and image.

Positive Self Esteem :

• Self respect.• Self confidence• Self worth• Self acceptance• Self knowledge• Self discipline

Negative Self Esteem :

• Self putdown• Self doubt• Self abuse• Self denial• Self centeredness• Self deceit• Self indulgence

Self respect doesn’t mean having arrogance and pride. When you & yourself don’t have the quality of self esteem, how can you expect it from your team members. Self esteem nearly means – “Way to find your self ”. When we feel good for our self, our productivity increases.

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5. Setting and achieving your goals.

Once a traveler asked an old man, "where will this road take me?”. The old man asked him, "Where you wished to go?”. The traveler replied, "I don’t know”. The old man replied, "then take any of the road, does it really matter you !”

If you are having a football team and excellent players, and suddenly someone removes the goal post. How can you score? How can you know that you reached destination? Setting your goals help you to define your direction.

To develop and achieve goal, the team workers have to be determined for their goal to achieve. They should develop Direction, Dedication, Determination, Discipline, Deadliness for their work.

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6. Doing the right thing for right reason.

What is the difference between win and winners?

Winning is an event. Being a winner is a spirit, they leave a legacy.

Winning vs Winners

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Great people leave their identity behind. They know themselves that they did not achieve it alone. They know that behind their success lot of people are involved without whom this would not have been possible.

Mohandas karamchand Gandhi

“Anna Hazare” Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

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Mark zuckerberg

Bill gets

Sir Adolf Hitler

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