third level1 how do we deal with racism? what are the different forms of racism? what actions can i...

Third Level 1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does Racism Impact on individuals and society? Successful Learners with: Enthusiasm and motivation for learning Determination to reach high standards of achievement Openness to new thinking and ideas and able to: Use literacy, communication and numeracy skills Use technology for learning Think creatively and independently Learn independently and as part of a group Make reasoned evaluations Link and apply different kinds of learning in new situations Confident Individuals with: self-respect a sense of physical, mental and emotional well-being secure values and beliefs ambition and able to: relate to others and manage themselves pursue a healthy and active lifestyle be self-aware develop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the World live as independently as they can assess risk and make informed decisions achieve success in different areas of activity Responsible Citizens with: respect for others commitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural life and able to: develop knowledge and understanding of the World and Scotland’s place in it understand different beliefs and cultures make informed choices and decisions evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues develop informed, ethical views of complex issues Effective Contributors with: an enterprising attitude resilience self-reliance and able to: communicate in different ways and in different settings work in partnership and in teams take the initiative and lead apply critical thinking in new contexts create and develop solve problems

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Page 1: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 1

How do we deal with Racism?

What are the different forms of


What actions can I take to deal with


What is Racism?

How does Racism Impact on individuals

and society?

Successful Learnerswith:Enthusiasm and motivation for learningDetermination to reach high standards of achievementOpenness to new thinking and ideasand able to:Use literacy, communication and numeracy skillsUse technology for learningThink creatively and independentlyLearn independently and as part of a groupMake reasoned evaluationsLink and apply different kinds of learning in new situations

Confident Individualswith:self-respecta sense of physical, mental and emotional well-beingsecure values and beliefsambitionand able to:relate to others and manage themselvespursue a healthy and active lifestylebe self-awaredevelop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the Worldlive as independently as they canassess risk and make informed decisionsachieve success in different areas of activity

Responsible Citizenswith:respect for otherscommitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural lifeand able to:develop knowledge and understanding of the World and Scotland’s place in itunderstand different beliefs and culturesmake informed choices and decisionsevaluate environmental, scientific and technological issuesdevelop informed, ethical views of complex issues

Effective Contributorswith:an enterprising attitude resilience self-relianceand able to:communicate in different ways and in different settingswork in partnership and in teamstake the initiative and leadapply critical thinking in new contextscreate and developsolve problems

Page 2: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Second Level 2

Successful Learnerswith:Enthusiasm and motivation for learningDetermination to reach high standards of achievementOpenness to new thinking and ideasand able to:Use literacy, communication and numeracy skillsUse technology for learningThink creatively and independentlyLearn independently and as part of a groupMake reasoned evaluationsLink and apply different kinds of learning in new situations

Confident Individualswith:self-respecta sense of physical, mental and emotional well-beingsecure values and beliefsambitionand able to:relate to others and manage themselvespursue a healthy and active lifestylebe self-awaredevelop and communicate their own beliefs and view of the Worldlive as independently as they canassess risk and make informed decisionsachieve success in different areas of activity

Responsible Citizenswith:respect for otherscommitment to participate responsibly in political, economic, social and cultural lifeand able to:develop knowledge and understanding of the World and Scotland’s place in itunderstand different beliefs and culturesmake informed choices and decisionsevaluate environmental, scientific and technological issuesdevelop informed, ethical views of complex issues

Effective Contributorswith:an enterprising attitude resilience self-relianceand able to:communicate in different ways and in different settingswork in partnership and in teamstake the initiative and leadapply critical thinking in new contextscreate and developsolve problems

SRtRC – Education PackThrough learning to access and use information from various sources, learners are encouraged to think critically about evidence and arguments to determine their own opinions and ideas. Learners will also gain skills of justifying these in discussion and debate.

ExamplesDuring the workshops, learners will gain knowledge form the DVD presentation and exercises contained within ; they are then encouraged to discuss their ideas, thoughts and opinions with the facilitator and peers within the class.

SRtRC – Education PackEnabling learners to understand their environment and community will help them develop an understanding of the political and societal issues. The activities aim to develop learner confidence to debate social, political and historical issues.

ExamplesRacism/racist bullying is an issue that affects everyone. Learners will have the opportunity to gain a wider sphere of knowledge to draw upon. Knowledge is power and this by its very nature produces more confident individuals.

SRtRC – Education PackThrough learning about values, beliefs and cultures of societies, learners will become more willing to question intolerance and prejudice and develop respect for other people. The pack aims to encourage learners to participate responsibly in political, economic , social and cultural life.

ExamplesThe workshops aim to promote a strong anti-racist message and positively celebrate multiculturalism. Whilst they are not designed to lecture on any one culture or religion, learners will gain new knowledge of many different cultures, using the multiculturalism in football paradigm. They discuss racism and its effects and are particularly encouraged to think about what they can do as individuals to stop the perpetration of racist attitudes within establishments and communities.

SRtRC – Education PackLearners are challenged to think of ways to contribute positively as active participants in civic society. Learners are empowered to channel their knowledge into positive action, which will benefit others in the local, national and global communities

ExamplesLearners are encouraged to fully participate during SRtRC educational presentations. e.g. having the opportunity to voice their opinions and be heard/ debating and discussing their peers’ opinions/ setting ground rules and expectations to encourage ownership/ getting involved in football coaching etc. Experience of this develops skills for life which augments learners process of life long learning.

Page 3: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 3

How do I keep myself healthy?

Sustainable DevelopmentBig Ideas for Sustainable Development

•Interdependence - I understand the links between people,

other living things and places and that what happens in one place

can affect what happens somewhere else.•Diversity – I understand the importance and value of

embracing diversity in people’s lives – culturally, socially,

economically and ecologically.•Carrying Capacity – I understand that there are limits to the

World’s resources and recognise that not looking after these will

disadvantage us all.•Rights & Responsibilities – I understand the importance of

considering the rights and needs of others and that what we do

now has implications for what life might be like in the future.•Equity and Justice – I understand the underlying causes of

inequity and recognise that for any development to be sustainable

it must not improve some lives at the expense of others.•Uncertainty and Precaution – I understand that it is

important to adopt a cautious approach to the welfare of our planet

as our actions may have unforeseen consequences.

EnterpriseBig Ideas for Enterprise

•I have had the opportunity to learn within real contexts across

the curriculum including those supported by partners in the community•I have taken responsibility for learning, showing independence

and initiative and the ability to make informed choices and decisions.•I have shown creativity, innovation, and flexibility when

approaching problem solving and entrepreneurial activities, using

critical thinking skills and accepting setbacks as learning experiences.•I have adopted a reflective approach to learning, building on

prior knowledge, achievements and strengths and showing an

awareness of development needs and a commitment to achieving

personal goals.•I am aware of and have adopted different roles when working

as part of a team, and have interacted appropriately and sensitively.•I understand and appreciate the world of work and the value of

different occupations through a range of work related experiences.•I understand the connections between learning, career

planning and life in the community.

CreativityBig ideas for Creativity

•I have generated a number of ideas which question and

challenge conventions, thinking beyond obvious ideas and making inventive connections.•I have considered a number of options before making a

decision about my approach and have applied my knowledge

and skills in imaginative ways.•I have adopted original approaches to solving problems

but recognise that I may have to modify this where appropriate.•I have taken risks but am flexible in my approach while

continuing to achieve my objective.•I have negotiated and compromised when working

collaboratively and have integrated the ideas of others.•I have generate something original which is of value and

have used resources, including ICT, in imaginative ways.•I have reflected critically on my ideas, approaches and

outcomes and those of others and have celebrated my own

creative achievement and those of others.

CitizenshipBig ideas for Citizenship (2nd/3rd /4th Level)

•I know about my rights and responsibilities in a democratic

community, have had opportunities to exercise them and am

aware of the main features of the democratic process.•I am able to participate in discussion of issues of local,

national and international public concern and where appropriate

take relevant, responsible action.•I understand the way my choices and behaviour can have

an effect on the needs and rights of others, locally, globally and

on the environment and where necessary modify my behaviour

to take account of this.•I am aware of links between Scotland and other parts of the

World.•I understand some of the reasons for differences in life

chances between individuals in our own and other communities.•I understand and respect differences in the needs,

perspectives and behaviour of others, locally and globally and try to

communicate and behave in a way that demonstrates respect and

friendship.•I can recognise the values that underpin personal and public

decision making and can express reasoned support and dissent

where appropriate.

Links to other themes

Page 4: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 4

Context Overview (responsive questions)

What do I know already?What would I like to learn?

How would I like to learn?

How will I share my learning?How do I keep Myself healthy?

For Example:Through participation in preparatory activities,pre-workshop evaluation s and experiences of responses young people are aware that: -• Racism is wrong;•Racism is a form of bullying;•Young people have personal examples of bullying behaviour they have witnessed; and• They can have misconceptions about what racism is – (is it hair colour?) or can beunaware that racism is against the law.

For Example:•Be able to define types racism•Recognise it’s different forms;•Understand the dangers of racism and its affect Individuals and the community•Display confidence to challenge Racism appropriately.

For Example:Opportunities for visual, kinaesthetic, auditory and discussion based learning arecontained within SRtRC teaching materialswhich challenge racism/sectarianism and other forms of racism like Islamophobia, GRT, asylumSeeking and refugee community

•For Example:•Present my learning to my peers in class or at assembly;•Display my learning within my school and/or Community in a range of ways including the school website;•Present my learning to adults within the school, parents and members of the community;•Participation in SRtRC national schools competitions.

Page 5: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 5

What is Racism?

Links to CfE Experiences

and Outcomes

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of my own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others.


Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking.


I can use my knowledge of current social, political or economic issues to interpret evidence and present an informed view.

SOC 3-15a

I have compared the rights and responsibilities of citizens in Scotland with a contrasting society and can describe and begin to understand reasons for differences.

SOC 3-17a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I develop and extend my literacy skills when I have opportunities to develop my understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about my own and other cultures and their languages.


When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion.

 I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.

LIT 3-02a

To help me develop an informed view, I am learning about the techniques used to influence opinion and how to assess the value of my sources, and I can recognise persuasion.

LIT 3-08a

As I listen , watch or read, I can:

Find, select, sort, summarise, link and use information from different sources;

identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text, and can make inferences from key statements;

identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text;

use this information for different purposes.

LIT 3-04a

As I listen or watch or read, I can make notes and organise these to develop thinking, help retain and recall information, explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.

LIT 3-05a / LIT 4-05a/ LIT 3-15a / LIT 4-15a/

I am developing confidence when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning. I can communicate in a clear, expressive way and I am learning to select and organise resources independently.

LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I can expect my learning environment to support me to acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.


I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.

HWB 0-05a / HWB 1-05a / HWB 2-05a/ HWB 3-05a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning through religious and moral education enables me to develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from my own.


I can demonstrate my developing understanding of moral values through participating in events and projects which make a positive difference to others.

RME 3-02b/ RME 3-05b

I am developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.

RME 0-07a / RME 1-07a / RME 2-07a/ RME 3-07a

I am developing my own understanding of values such as honesty, respect and compassion and am able to identify how these values might be applied in relation to moral issues.

RME 3-09b

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I can explore and use the features of a variety of familiar and unfamiliar software to determine the most appropriate to solve problems or issues.

TCH 3-03a

Page 6: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 6

What is Racism?

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria


Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Planning for the Big Questions

Page 7: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 7

What are the different forms of


Links to CfE Experiences and


CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of my own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others.


Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking.


Learning in the social studies will enable me to explore and evaluate different types of sources and evidence.


I can explain why a group I have identified might experience inequality and can suggest ways in which this inequality might be addressed.

SOC 3-16a

I can discuss the extent to which my choices and decisions are influenced by the ways in which I am informed.

SOC 3-17b

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I develop and extend my literacy skills when I have opportunities to develop my understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about my own and other cultures and their languages.


When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion.

 I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.

LIT 3-02a

To help me develop an informed view, I am learning about the techniques used to influence opinion and how to assess the value of my sources, and I can recognise persuasion.

LIT 3-08a

As I listen , watch or read, I can:

Find, select, sort, summarise, link and use information from different sources;

identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text, and can make inferences from key statements;

identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text;

use this information for different purposes.

LIT 3-04a

As I listen or watch or read, I can make notes and organise these to develop thinking, help retain and recall information, explore issues and create new texts, using my own words as appropriate.

LIT 3-05a / LIT 4-05a/ LIT 3-15a / LIT 4-15a/

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I can expect my learning environment to support me to acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.


As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others.

HWB 1-09a / HWB 2-09a/ HWB 3-05a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning through religious and moral education enables me to develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from my own.


I can demonstrate my developing understanding of moral values through participating in events and projects which make a positive difference to others.

RME 3-02b/ RME 3-05b

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I can explore and use the features of a variety of familiar and unfamiliar software to determine the most appropriate to solve problems or issues.

TCH 3-03a

Page 8: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 8

What are the different forms of


Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning Opportunity Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Planning for the Big Questions

Page 9: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 9

How does Racism

impact on individuals and society?

Links to CfE Experiences and


CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of my own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others.


Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking.


I can explain why a group I have identified might experience inequality and can suggest ways in which this inequality might be addressed.

SOC 3-16a

I can discuss the extent to which my choices and decisions are influenced by the ways in which I am informed.

SOC 3-17b

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I develop and extend my literacy skills when I have opportunities to develop my understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about my own and other cultures and their languages.


When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have the right to hold a different opinion.

 I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.

LIT 3-02a

When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can:

communicate information, ideas or opinions ;

explain processes, concepts or ideas;

identify issues raised, summarise findings or draw conclusions.

LIT 3-09a

To show my understanding across different areas of learning, I can:

identify and consider the purpose, main concerns or concepts and use supporting detail

make inferences from key statements

identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text.

LIT 3-16a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I can expect my learning environment to support me to acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.


I understand that people can feel alone and can be misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how to give appropriate support.

HWB 1-08a / HWB 2-08a/ HWB 3-08a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning through religious and moral education enables me to develop respect for others and an understanding of beliefs and practices which are different from my own.


I can demonstrate my developing understanding of moral values through participating in events and projects which make a positive difference to others.

RME 3-02b/ RME 3-05b

I can explain how the different beliefs that people have, including beliefs which are independent of religion, relate to their moral viewpoints and how this leads them to respond to moral issues.

RME 3-09c

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

While working through a design process in response to a design brief, I can develop and communicate imaginative design solutions.

EXA 3-06a

Page 10: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 10

How does racism impact on individuals

and society?

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Planning for the Big Questions

Page 11: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 11

What actions can I take to deal with


Links to CfE Experiences and


CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of my own values, beliefs and cultures and those of others.


Learning in the social studies will enable me to develop my understanding of the principles of democracy and citizenship through experience of critical and independent thinking.


I can explain why a group I have identified might experience inequality and can suggest ways in which this inequality might be addressed.

SOC 3-16a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I develop and extend my literacy skills when I have opportunities to develop my understanding of what is special, vibrant and valuable about my own and other cultures and their languages.


I am developing confidence when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning. I can communicate in a clear, expressive way and I am learning to select and organise resources independently.

LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10a

I can engage and/or influence readers through my use of language, style and tone as appropriate to genre.

 ENG 3-27a/ ENG 4-27a

I can persuade, argue, evaluate, explore issues or express an opinion using a clear line of thought, relevant supporting detail and/or evidence.

LIT 3-29a

I can consider the impact that layout and presentation will have on my reader, selecting and using a variety of features appropriate to purpose and audience.

LIT 3-24a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I can expect my learning environment to support me to acknowledge diversity and understand that it is everyone’s responsibility to challenge discrimination.


I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.

HWB 1-05a / HWB 2-05a/ HWB 3-05a

I understand that people can feel alone and can be misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how to give appropriate support.

HWB 1-08a / HWB 2-08a/ HWB 3-08a

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others

HWB 1-09a / HWB 2-09a/ HWB 3-09a

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

Learning through religious and moral education enables me to make a positive difference to the world by putting my beliefs and values into action


I can demonstrate my developing understanding of moral values through participating in events and projects which make a positive difference to others.

RME 3-02b/ RME 3-05b

I am developing respect for others and my understanding of their beliefs and values.

RME 0-07a / RME 1-07a / RME 2-07a/ RME 3-07a

I am developing an increasing awareness and understanding of my own beliefs and I put them into action in positive ways.

RME 1-08a / RME 2-08a/ RME 3-08a

I am developing my own understanding of values such as honesty, respect and compassion and am able to identify how these values might be applied in relation to moral issues.

RME 3-09b

CfE Experience/Outcome Planned Assessment

I enhance my learning by applying my ICT skills in different learning contexts across the curriculum.

TCH 3-04a

Page 12: Third Level1 How do we deal with Racism? What are the different forms of Racism? What actions can I take to deal with Racism? What is Racism? How does

Third Level 12

What actions can I take to deal with


Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a range of

SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria

Planning for the Big Questions

Learning OpportunityExample activites from a

range of SRtRC resources

Learning Intention/Success Criteria