this guide offers a printed version of the database records

10 Chapter 2 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF ARCHIVAL HOLDINGS The FMHI Archive database presently includes 1,160 records of materials arranged and described by Institute staff prior to the summer of 1991. Josephine Evans, a former librarian at the Institute, started the archival program during the 1980s. She processed the materials described in the researcher's guide between 1988 and 1991. The Library continues to acquire archival materials that will appear in future on-line catalogs or collection guides. This guide offers a printed version of the database records. The author catalogued these archival materials during the summer and fall of 1996 using Pro-Cite 2.0, a flexible database management program that requires an IBM-PC or compatible with at least 640K of RAM, DOS Version 3.0 or later, and a hard disk drive. The FMHI Archive database may also be used with A computer disk with the database researchers at the FMHI Library. later editions of Pro-Cite. contents is available to The following major fields were used in the "Manuscript" template of the Pro-Cite software: Auth: The primary author or authors of the work. This field includes personal and corporate authors. While cataloguers often ignore multiple authors (4 or more authors are generally classified under the first author, and followed by "et al. "), the unique natural of this special library and the level of scholarly publication by its faculty made full attribution of authorship essential. Items in this printed guide are arranged alphabetically by author. AuRa: The author role field designates if the person credited as the author actually served as an editor, compiler, or reviewer. Titl: The title of the material appears in the first "Titl" field. The cataloguer assinged titles to items that lacked a given

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Chapter 2


The FMHI Archive database presently includes 1,160 records of materials arranged and described by Institute staff prior to the summer of 1991. Josephine Evans, a former librarian at the Institute, started the archival program during the 1980s. She processed the materials described in the researcher's guide between 1988 and 1991. The Library continues to acquire archival materials that will appear in future on-line catalogs or collection guides.

This guide offers a printed version of the database records. The author catalogued these archival materials during the summer and fall of 1996 using Pro-Cite 2.0, a flexible database management program that requires an IBM-PC or compatible with at least 640K of RAM, DOS Version 3.0 or later, and a hard disk drive. The FMHI Archive database may also be used with A computer disk with the database researchers at the FMHI Library.

later editions of Pro-Cite. contents is available to

The following major fields were used in the "Manuscript" template of the Pro-Cite software:

Auth: The primary author or authors of the work. This field includes personal and corporate authors. While cataloguers often ignore multiple authors (4 or more authors are generally classified under the first author, and followed by "et al. "), the unique natural of this special library and the level of scholarly publication by its faculty made full attribution of authorship essential. Items in this printed guide are arranged alphabetically by author.

AuRa: The author role field designates if the person credited as the author actually served as an editor, compiler, or reviewer.

Titl: The title of the material appears in the first "Titl" field. The cataloguer assinged titles to items that lacked a given


title or statement of authority. These supplied titles appear in brackets"[

Medm: The differentiate

l . "

medium or format designator field is used to print from various non-print materials that include

kits, microfiche, videorecordings, etc.

Titl: The collection title establishes the provenance of the materials under one of the record groups designated in the Scope and Contents area (see pages 4 through 9) .

Date: This field contains either an exact or an approximate date of publication for the item.

Extn: and PaMe: The extent of the work and its packaging method refers to the number of pages, media items, kits, or other materials this record describes. If a book or publication lacks formal pagination, the number of pages appears in brackets" [ J ."

Note: The note field contains a variety of information about the item, such as an in-house publication number (e.g., "FMHI 2"), restrictions on use, or where an article or reprint originally appeared.

Abst: The abstract designation provides summary notes or other information that assists the researcher.

Call: The call number refers to the record group or manuscript collection, and often places the item at the folder level within a specific box.



[Behavior exercises]. Child and Family Studies files. 1978. Note: "CAD 64" ; On cover of first page: "Pinpointing and analyzing behavior" ; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 2, Folder 5).

[Bibliography]. Staff publication files. 1981. 10 pp. Note: "FMHI 14"; Covers the years 1981 and 1982. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Bibliography on family treatment]. Child and Family Studies files. 1978. 4 pp. Note: "CAD 14"; Adolescent Project. RG 89-04 (Box 2, Folder 6).

[The dictionary test]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [II] pp. Note: "CAD 108"; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

Extending social bonds: friends in need and deed. Staff publication files. 1980. 3 pp. Note: Appeared in Innovations (Summer 1980), pp. 22-24. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 3).

[Framed photograph and memorandum]. Child and Family Studies files. 1974 Sep 25. I frame. Note: CONFIDENTIAL patient information: photograph contains patients. Memorandum announces the official opening of the Hillsborough START Center. RG 89-04 (Box I, Folder 2).

Gerontology Alcohol Project. Staff publication files. 1984. 2 pp. Note: "FMHI 369" ; Appeared in Alcohol Health and Research World (Spring 1984), pp. 46-47. RG 89-01/7 (Box 7, Folder 3).

[Institute files]. Larson papers. 1974. 2 folders. Note: Folder 2 also contains an unlabeled 60-minute audiocassette. Includes correspondence, research articles, the "Law and Mental Health Project," and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson and the Florida Mental Health Institute. Correspondence in this series covers the period from 7 March 1974 to 26 September 1977. Larson (Box 8, Folders 2, 3).

[Measurement: inches, feet, yards]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [10] pp. Note: "CAD 119" ; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).


[Miscellaneous files]. Larson papers. 1970. 1 folder. Includes miscellaneous memoranda, correspondence, research articles, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from (circa) 1970 to 1972. Larson (Box 8, Folder 4).

Orientation manual, ward 3, supplement [Reorganization V files]. Larson papers. 1975. 1 booklet. Covers policies and procedures in Unit V, ward 3 of the Florida State Hospital. Larson (Box 7,. Folder 2).

[Perimeter and area pretest and posttest]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [12] pp. Note: "CAD 1 07'' ; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Personnel files]. Larson papers. 1970. 1 folder. Includes correspondence, research articles, personnel evaluations, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from 3 March 1970 to 22 October 1974. Larson (Box 8, Folder 1 ).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1970. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from July to September 1970. Larson (Box 1, Folder 4).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1970. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson, including a September paper on adjunctive therapies at the V.A. Hospital, Tuscaloosa, Ala. Covers the period from September to November 1970. Larson (Box 1, Folder 5).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1970. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson, including a status report on architectural drawings for FMHI. Covers the period from December 1970 to January 1971. Larson (Box 1, Folder 6).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1971. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from April to June 1971. Larson (Box 2, Folder 1 ).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1971. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson.

Covers the period from July to August 1971. Larson (Box 2, Folder 2).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1971. 1 folder.


Contains memoranda, correspondence, a proposal for staffing at the Florida Mental Health Institute, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from August to September 1971. Larson (Box 2, Folder 3).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1971. 2 folders. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from November to December 1971. Larson (Box 2, Folders 5, 6).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1971. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from January to March 1971. Larson (Box 1, Folder 7).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1971 Oct. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, a review of the working drawings for a mental health institute in Miami, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Larson (Box 2, Folder 4).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1972. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, letters of recommendation, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from April to June 1972. Larson (Box 3, Folder 2).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1972. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from May to August 1972. Larson (Box 3, Folder 3).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1972. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from September to December 1972. Larson (Box 3, Folder 4).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1972. 2 folders. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from January to February 1972. Larson (Box 2, Folders 7, 8).


[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1972 Mar. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson, including recommendations for changing the status of mentally ill criminal offenders. Larson (Box 3, Folder 1).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1973. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from July to August 1973. Larson (Box 4, Folder 1).

[Reading files). Larson papers. 1973. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, a September policy statement that provides ten guidelines for the formation of a system-wide professional library at FMHI, as well as correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Also includes papers regarding the START program coordinated by FMHI and the Division of Youth Services, administrative policy statements, surplus property, and a proposed gerontological studies program. Covers the period from September to October 1973. Larson (Box 4, Folder 2).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1973. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson, such as letters sent to participants of a brainstorming session on the implications of an HRS Treatment Center. Covers the period from November to December 1973. Larson (Box 4, Folder 3).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1973. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from January to March 1973. Larson (Box 3, Folder 5).

[Reading files). Larson papers. 1973. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence on subjects such as capital outlay budget and institutional standards, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from March to April 1973. Larson (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Reading files). Larson papers. 1973. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from May to June 1973. Larson (Box 3, Folder 7).

[Reading files). Larson papers. 1974. 1 folder.


Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from January to February 1974. Larson (Box 4, Folder 4).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1974. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from March to April1974. Larson (Box 4, Folder 5).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1974. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from May to July 1974. Larson (Box 4, Folder 6).

[Reading files]. Larson papers. 1974. 1 folder. Contains memoranda, conespondence, and other materials related to Edwin Atihur Larson. Covers the period from August to October 1974. Larson (Box 4, Folder 7).

[Reading files: forensics/dangerousness]. Larson papers. 1974. 1 folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, as well as correspondence and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson during his tenure at the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee). Covers the period from August 1974 to August 1975. Larson (Box 6, Folder 3).

[Reading files: patient information]. Larson papers. 1974. 1 folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient info!Tllation, as well as patient transfers, memoranda, job openings from the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee), and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from October 1974 to February 1975. Larson (Box 5, Folder 1 ).

[Reading files: patient information]. Larson papers. 1975. 2 folders. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, as well as correspondence, copies of the "Legislative News and Views" newsletters of the Mental Health Association of Florida, unit chief meeting and human rights committee meeting minutes from the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee), and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from September to December 1975. Larson (Box 6, Folders 1, 2).

[Reading files: patient info!Tllation]. Larson papers. 1975. 1 folder.


Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, as well as memoranda concerning intrastate hospital patient transfers, "grossly negligent hospital systems and flagrant patient abuse" at the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee), and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from May to July 1975. Larson (Box 5, Folder 4).

[Reading files: patient information]. Larson papers. 1975. 1 folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient and staffing information at the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee), and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period from July to August 197 5. Larson (Box 5, Folder 5).

[Reading files: patient information]. Larson papers. 1975. 1 folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient and staffing information, unit regulation, and memoranda concerning the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee), and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson. Covers the period fi·om August to September 1975. Larson (Box 5, Folder 6).

[Reading files: patient information]. Larson papers. 1975 Apr. 1 folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, memoranda, a petition for patient recreational yard time at the Florida State Hospital, and announcements. Larson (Box 5, Folder 3).

[Reading files: suit versus the Florida Department of Health and Rehabilitative Services]. Larson papers. 1975. 1 folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, as well as correspondence, newspaper clippings, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson during his tenure at the Florida State Hospital (Chattahoochee). These materials specifically address a libel and slander suit against Larson and the reduction of services in the State Hospital. Larson (Box 6, Folder 4).

[Reading files: Tampa program documents, vol. 1]. Larson papers. 1969. 2 folders. Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson and the planning for the construction of the Florida Mental Health Institute. Covers the period from November 1969 to January 1972. Larson (Box 1, Folders 1, 2).

[Reading files: Tampa program documents, vol. 2]. Larson papers. 1970. 1 folder.


Contains memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson and the planning for the constmction of the Florida Mental Health Institute. Covers the period from December 1970 to January 1972. Larson (Box I, Folder 3).

Relapse prevention treatment for dmg dependent inmates: the Hillsborough County Sheriffs Office Model Demonstration Program. Law and Mental Health files. 1988. 9 pp. RG 89-07 (Box 3, Folder 4).

[Reorganization V files]. Larson papers. 1974. 4 folders. Includes miscellaneous memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson and Unit V, Florida State Hospital. Larson (Box 7, Folders I, 2, 3,4).

[Reorganization V, VI, VII files]. Larson papers. 1975. I folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, miscellaneous memoranda, correspondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson and Unit V, Florida State Hospital. Larson (Box 6, Folder 5).

[Reorganization V, VI, VII files]. Larson papers. 1975. I folder. Note: RESTRICTED use. Includes CONFIDENTIAL patient information, miscellaneous memoranda, con·espondence, and other materials related to Edwin Arthur Larson and Unit V, Florida State Hospital. Also contains general correspondence and letters of recommendation. Larson (Box 5, Folder 2).

[Report on a famous person-- biography]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [12] pp. Note: "CAD Ill" ; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Roman numerals I]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [II] pp. Note: "CAD 112a" ; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

• [Roman numerals II]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [7] pp.

Note: "CAD 112b" ; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Roman numerals III]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [IS] pp. Note: "CAD 112c"; date is approximate. RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Solar system]. Child and Family Studies files. 1979. [16] pp. Note: "CAD 113" ; date is approximate.


RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 6).

[Staff publications]. Staff publication files. 1978.4 pp. Note: "FMHI 5". RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 2).

Abel, Gene G.; Becker, Judith V.; Cunningham-Rathner, Jerry; Rouleau, Joanne L.; Kaplan, Meg; Reich, Julie. The treatment of child molesters. Law and Mental Health files. 1984. 106 pp. This booklet described research on the treatment program for mentally disordered sex offenders (MDSOs) sponsored by an NIMH grant, the Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, and the New York State Psychiatric Institute. RG 89-07 (Box 2, Folder 2).

Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities. Presentation to the Study Commission on Child Welfare by the Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities, Inc. Official report files. 1990 Sep. 1 report. RG 89-0114 (Box 7, Folder 2).

Allen, Keith D.; Stark, Lori J.; Stokes, Trevor F. Some ethical and safety considerations for psychologists using palmar sweat measures. Staff publication files. 1985. 1 p. RG 89-01/7 (Box 7, Folder 8).

Allen, Keith D.; Stokes, Trevor F. Pediatric behavioral dentistry. Staff publications files. 1989. 31 pp. Note: "FMHI 412". RG 89-01/7 (Box 11, Folder 2).

Allen, Keith D.; Stokes, Trevor F. Use of escape and reward in the management of young children during dental treatment. Staff publication files. 1987. 1 0 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, vol. 20, no. 4 (Winter 1987), pp. 381-390. RG 89-01/7 (Box 9, Folder 5).

American Mental Health Counselors Association. Certification Committee; Messina, James J. (chairperson). The Board of Ce1tified Professional Counselors procedures. Staff publications files. 1979. 16 pp. Note: "ADU 149" ; Appeared in American Mental Health Counselors Association Journal, vol. 1, no. 1 (January 1979), pp. 23-38. RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 6).

Amish, Patricia L.; Gesten, Ellis 1.; Smith, Janet K.; Clark, Hewitt B.; Stark, Cynthia. Social problem-solving training for severely emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children. Staff publication files. 1988. 12 pp.

Note: Appeared in Behavioral Disorders, vol. 13, no. 3 (May 1988), pp. 175-186. RG 89-01/7 (Box 9, Folder 6).


Amour, Judith L.; Bedell, Jeffrey R. Facilitating return rates of mailed program evaluation questionnaires. Staff publication files. 1978. 13 pp. Note: Running head: "Program evaluation" ; Reprint of an article that appeared in Evaluations and the Health Professions, vol. 1, no. 2 (1978). RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 1).

Anchor, Kenneth N.; Vojtisek, John E.; Patterson, Roger L. Trait anxiety, initial stmcturing and self-disclosure in groups of schizophrenic patients. Staff publication files. 1973. 4 pp. Note: "FMHI 389" ; "AGE 32" ; Appeared in Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, vol. 10 (Summer 1973), pp. 155-158. RG 89-01/7 (Box 1, Folder 4).

Apsey, Carol L. The community survey interviewer's manual. Community Mental Health files. 1974. 31 pp. + [8] pp. of exhibits/appendices. Note: Date is approximate. RG 89-05/1 (Box 1, Folder 2).

Archer, Robert P. Generalized expectations of control, trait anxiety, and psychopathology among psychiatric inpatients. Staff publication files. 1980. 7 pp. Note: "ADU 111"; Appeared in Joumal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology. vol. 48, no. 6 (1980), pp. 736-742. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 1).

Archer, Robert P. Relationships between locus of control and authority. Staff publication files. 1979. 10 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of Personality Assessment, vol. 43 (1979), pp. 617-626. RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 4).

Archer, Robert P. Relationships between locus of control, trait anxiety, and state anxiety: an interactionist perspective. Staff publication files. 1979. 12 pp. Note: Appeared in Joumal of Personality. vol. 47, no. 2 (1979), pp. 305-316. RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 4).

Archer, Robert P.; Amuso, Kathy F. Comparison of staff's and patients' perceptions of ward atmosphere. Staff publication files. 1980. 7 pp. Note: "ADU 112"; Appeared in Psychological Reports, vol. 46 (1980), pp. 959-965. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 1).

Archer, Robert P.; Amuso, Kathy F.; Bedell, Jeffrey R. Time-limited residential treatment: issues and evaluation. Staff publication files. 1980. 4 pp.


Note: Appeared in Hospital & Community Psychiatry, vol. 31, no. 12 (December 1980), pp. 837-840. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 1).

Archer, Robert P.; Bedell, Jeffrey R.; Amuso, Kathy F. Personality, demographic, and intellectual variables associated with readiness for discharge from psychiatric treatment. Staff publication files. 1980. 8 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of Psychology, vol. 104 (1980), pp. 67-74. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 1 ).

Archer, Robert P.; Bedell, Jeffrey R.; Amuso, Kathy. Relationships and characteristics oflocus of control and trait anxiety among inpatients. Staff publication files. 1980. 4 pp. Note: Appeared in Social Behavior and Personality, vol. 8, no. 2 (1980), pp. 161-164. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 1 ).

Archer, Robert P.; Stein, Donald K. Personal control expectancies and state anxiety. Staff publication files. 1978. 8 pp. Note: Appeared in Psychological Reports, vol. 42 (1978), pp. 551-558. RG 89-0117 (Box 2, Folder 1 ).

Archer, Robert P.; Sutker, Patricia B.; White, Jerry L.; Orvin, George H. Personality relationships among parents and adolescent offspring in inpatient treatment. Staff publication files. 1978. 8pp. Note: Appeared in Psychological Reports, vol. 42 (1978), pp. 207-214. RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 1 ).

Archer, Robert P .; White, Jerry L.; Orvin, George H. MMPI characteristics and correlates among adolescent psychiatric inpatients. Staff publication files. 1979. 7 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 35, no. 3 (July 1979), pp. 498-504. RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 4).

Baer, Donald M., reviewer. In general--and in particular. Staff publications files. 1990. 2 pp. Note: "FMHI 434" ; Appeared in Contemporary Psychology, vol. 35, no. 6. Review of: Robert H. Horner, Glen Dunlap, and Robert L. Koegel, eds., "Generalization and maintenance: life-style changes in applied settings." (Baltimore: Brookes, 1988). RG 89-0117 (Box 11, Folder 6).

Baer, Donald M.; Baer, Ann M.; Clark, Hewitt B. [ ... deviant children for normal public schooling]. Staff publication files. 1971. 20 pp. Note: Appeared in E. Meyer, ed.,The second western symposium on learning: early learning (Bellingham, Wash.: Western Washington State College Press, 1971), pp. 112-131 ; top line oftitle is missing. RG 89-01/7 (Box 1, Folder 3).


Baer, Ruth A.; Blount, Ronald L.; Detrich, Ronnie; Stokes, Trevor F. Using intermittent reinforcement to program maintenance of verbal/nonverbal con-espondence. Staff publication files. 1987. 6 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, vol. 20, no. 2 (Summer 1987), pp. 179-184. RG 89-01/7 (Box 9, Folder 5).

Baer, Ruth A.; Williams, Julie A.; Osnes, Pamela G.; Stokes, Trevor F. Generalized verbal control and con-espondence training. Staff publication files. 1985. 13 pp. Note: Appeared in Behavior Modification, vol. 9, no. 4 (October 1985), pp. 477-489. RG 89-01/7 (Box 7, Folder 4).

Barber, Kristin; Barber, Micheal; Clark, Hewitt B. Establishing a community-oriented group home and ensuring its survival: a case study offailure. Staff publication files. 1983. 12 pp. Note: Appeared in Analysis and Intervention in Developmental Disabilities, vol. 3 (1983), pp. 227-238. RG 89-01/7 (Box 4, Folder 3).

Baum, Danielle; Gallagher, Dolores. Case studies of psychotherapy with depressed caregivers. Staff publication files. 1985. II pp. Note: "FMHI 378"; Appeared in Clinical Gerontologist, vol. 4, no"2 (Winter 1985/1986), pp. 19-29. RG 89-01/7 (Box 7, Folder 4).

Baum, Danielle; Gallagher, Dolores. Case studies of psychotherapy with dying persons. Staff publication files. 1987. I 0 pp. Note: "FMHI 377"; Appeared in Clinical Gerontologist, vol. 7, no. I (Falll987), pp. 41-50. RG 89-01/7 (Box 9, Folder 3).

Baum, Joseph G.; Clark, Hewitt B.; McCarthy, William; Sandler, Jack; Carpenter, Richard. An analysis of the acquisition and generalization of social skills in troubled youths: combining social skills training, cognitive self-talk, and relaxation procedures. Staff publication files. 1986.27 pp. Note: "FMHI 208" ; Appeared in Child and Family Behavior Therapy, vol. 8, no. 4 (1986), pp. 1-27. RG 89-01/7 (Box 8, Folder 1).

Bazelon, David L. The perils of wizardry. Larson papers. 1974. 6 pp. Note: In a RESTRICTED file folder. Appeared in American Journal of Psychiatry, vol. 13, no. 12 (December 1974), pp. 1317-1322. Larson (Box 6, Folder 3).


Bedell, Jeffrey. Case histories and shorter communications: systematic desensitization, relaxation-training and suggestion in the treatment of test anxiety. Staff publication files. 1975. 3 pp. Note: Appeared in Behavior Research and Therapy, vol. 14 (1976), pp. 309-311. RG 89-01/7 (Box 1, Folder 6).

Bedell, Jeffrey R.; Archer, Robert P. Peer managed token economies: evaluation and description. Staff publication files. 1980. 7 pp. Note: "ADU 113"; Appeared in Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 36, no. 3 (July 1980), pp. 716-722. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 1).

Bedell, Jeffrey R.; Archer, Robert P. Relaxation therapy, desensitization, and the treatment of anxiety-based disorders. Staff publication files. 1979. 4 pp. Note: "ADU 110"; Appeared in Journal of Clinical Psychology, vol. 35 (October 1979), pp. 840-843. RG 89-01/7 (Box 2, Folder 4).

Bedell, Jeffrey R.; Ward, Jr. John C.; Archer, Robert P .; Stokes, M. Kirk. An empirical evaluation of a model of knowledge utilization. Staff publication files. 1985. 18 pp. Note: "FMHI 101" ; Appeared in Evaluation Review, vol. 9, no. 2 (April 1985), pp. 109-126. RG 89-01/7 (Box 7, Folder 4).

Bedell, Jeffrey R.; Weathers, Lawrence R. A psycho-educational model for skill training: therapist-facilitated and game- facilitated applications. Staff publication files. 1981. Note: Incomplete. Alternate odd-numbered pages ONLY. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 5).

Bedell, Jeffrey; Ward, John C. An intensive community-based treatment alternative to state hospitalization. Staff publications files. 1989. 3 pp. Note: "FMID 304" ; Appeared in Hospital and Community Psychiatry. vol. 40, no. 5 (May 1989), pp. 533-535. RG 89-01/7 (Box 10, Folder 4).

Blount, Ronald L.; Baer, Ruth A.; Stokes, Trevor F. An analysis of long-term maintenance of effective toothbrushing by Head Start schoolchildren. Staff publications files. 1987. 15 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of Pediatric Psychology, vol. 12, no. 3 (1987), pp. 363-377. RG 89-01/7 (Box 9, Folder 5).

Blount, Ronald L.; Stokes, Trevor F. A comparison of the OHI-S and the PHP in an oral hygiene program. Staff publications files. 1986. 4 pp. Note: "FMHI 21 0" ; Appeared in Journal Q[Dentistry fur Children (January-February 1986),


pp. 53-56. RG 89-01/7 (Box 9, Folder 2).

Boyd, L. Adlai. Community entrance: Parent and Child Training (PACT) project. Child and Family Studies files. 1978 Aug 30. 23 pp +appendices. Note: "CAD 5?". RG 89-04 (Box 3, Folder 3).

Boyd, L. Adlai; Gordon, Richard E. Appendix 3: glossaty and description of terms. Staff publications files. 1981. 8 pp. Note: Appeared in Systems of Treatment for~ Mentally Ill (1981), pp. 355-362. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 2).

Boyd, L. Adlai; Keilbaugh, WilliamS.; Axelrod, Saul. The direct and indirect effects of positive reinforcement on on-task behavior. Staff publications files. 1981. 13 pp. Note: Appeared in Behavior Therapy. vol. 12 (1981), pp. 80-92. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 5).

Brey, Kathleen Healy. The mental hospital revisited: a program. Staff publications files. 1981. 5 pp. Note: "ADU 96" ; Appeared in Schizophrenia Bulletin, vol. 7, no. 3 (1981 ), pp. 522-526. RG 89-01/7 (Box 3, Folder 5).

Broskowski, Anthony; O'Brien, Gregmy M. St L.; Prevost, James A. Interorganizational strategies for survival: looking ahead to 1980. Staff publications files. 1982. 13 pp. Note: "FMHI II" ; Appeared in Administration in Mental Health, vol. 9, no. 3 (Spring 1982), pp. 198-210. RG 89-01/7 (Box 4, Folder 1).

Bums, Barbara J. Mental health service use by adolescents in the 1970s and 1980s. Epidemiology and Policy Analysis files. 1991. 7 pp. Note: Appeared in Journal of the American Academy of ChiW and Adolescent Psychiatry. vol. 30, no. I (January 1991), pp. 144- 150. RG 89-06 (Box 4, Folder 1).

Burns, Barbara J.; Friedman, Robert M. Examining the research base for child mental health services and policy. Staff publications files. 1990. 12 pp. Note: "FMHI 423"; Appeared in Journal of Mental Health Administration, vol. 17, no. I (Spring 1990), pp. 87-98. RG 89-01/7 (Box II, Folder 6).

Butters, Michael; Retzlaff, Paul; Gibertini, Michael. Non- adaptability to basic training and the Millon Clinical Multi axial Inventory. Staff publications files. 1986. 3 pp. Note: "FMHI 209" ; Appeared in Military Medicine, vol. 151 (November 1986), pp.