this is an illumination of a painting by francisco goya

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Post on 14-Apr-2018




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  • 7/30/2019 This is an Illumination of a Painting by Francisco Goya


    This is an illumination of a painting by Francisco Goya.

    The scene depicts a witches Sabbath. The horned figure corresponds to the figure of Pan above.In Satanism the goat/ Baphomet, is symbolic of Satan himself, Zeus, Pan, Lucifer, Osiris, Isis,

    Baal, Diana and Lilith are all different names for the Devil.

    In that culture, male and female identities are interchangeable.

    Cronus and Gea mother earth and father time, Satan and Lilith/Diana.

    The male god-hero or god-king throughout the earth who had his female consort is adopted

    directly from Satan and Lilith/Diana.

  • 7/30/2019 This is an Illumination of a Painting by Francisco Goya


    Odin the Scandinavian god of war correlates to the Zeus of the Greeks, and Jupiter of the

    Romans, most of these so-called gods, are all names of the same demon spirits that presented

    themselves to humanity at the fall of Lucifer.

    Thorson of Odin the thunderer or thunder god.

    The Nazi party of Hitler used two lightning bolts to signify their Sigreune, taken directly fromthe symbolism of Thor their thunder god.

    So we see that in the Bacchus cult of Greece and the Sadhu cults in India that the Cannabis plantwas regarded as an aphrodisiac and in some instances to gain contact with spirits this activity isreferred to as esotericism also called sorcery , today especially in the Caribbean region the

    Cannabis plant is considered sacred by many even Christian youth are being deceived enmasse

    attributing a godly attribute i.e. sacredness or holiness to an animate created thing namely a plant

    something expressly forbidden in scripture.A Cannabis Sativa Plant used as a sacrament in Cannabis Cultures including the Hindu Sadhus

    and Rastafari .Contrary to popular myth Cannabis is not indigenous to the Caribbean but

    originated in the Middle East and came to India by way of the Dravidians,Who were a Black skinned people. The Aryans who later conquered the Dravidians and

    comingled with them brought Brahmanism to the world Hinduism also came out of the region of

    which we speak. TheSadhu of India are in fact the men that introduced the Cannabis plant intoJamaican culture when they were brought to Jamaica as indentured servants.From this, we see that the practice is a Hindu practice and has no affiliation whatsoever with

    Black Culture Africans never smoked Cannabis preparations they smoked Tobacco and sniffed a

    Tobacco derivative another snuffing element was made from the Kola nut.This information is called right knowledge and is proven in history Cannabis and Hashish came

    to Africa (Alkebulan) by way of the Arab Hordes.

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    This is a photo of a Dutch Coffieshop in AmsterdamMarijuana is sold in these establishments

    throughout Hollandwherein it is legal to consume various Cannabis products including Hashish.

    Much of the Hashish sold in coffieshops in Holland is derived directly from the Middle East.

    Here we have a visual map aide showing the proximity of Arab countries to Africa it is from

    these places that Cannabis was introduced into the continent.

    In the next portion, I want to look at Ethiopian Orthodoxy and Ethiopian history.

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    This thirteenth century Ethiopian church hewn out of solid rock is located in the Lalibela

    province and it is said to be the place where the Ark of the Covenant rests.

    The ark is rumored to be guarded by Ethiopian monks of the Coptic Church.

    Coptic priests in Ethiopia wearing traditional headgear and carrying silver crosses.

    This is a celebration called Mescal, the gathering in celebration of the cross.The teachings of theEthiopian Orthodox Churchare contained in theLaw of the Kingsorthe Fatah


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    Pictures of twoEthiopian Orthodox Bishops, it is this Church that Haile Selassie was amemberof. It is impossible to divorce Haile Selassiefrom the Christian faithand it isimpossible to

    divorceEthiopiafrom theChristian faithas Ethiopia from its inception was inextricably linked to

    Christianity.Addis Ababa meaningNew Flower Haile Selassie was born in the Harare province to Ras

    Makonnen and lady Yashimabet.

    The newly born childs mother died during the birth of the young child.

    A young Lij Tafari, the word Lij is the Amharicfor child; a title reserved for the children of

    high-ranking nobility.

    Ras means literally head; a title of nobility similar to the English duke.

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    The emperor with a sheathed sword. The emperor lived in the traditional style of Menellek

    before him, meaning he was subject to the same experiences as his troops if they were expected

    to risk their lives in battle so was he .David before him set the example, as the Ethiopian royalty all claim descent from King David.

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    The original flag of the imperial dynasty of Ethiopia the rampant Lion on the flag represents The

    Conquering Lion of Judah Jesus the Messiah.

    The fact that the Ethiopian people considered themselves Christians should not be taken lightly.The very history and culture of the Ethiopian people portray their Christian belief and value


    The Ethiopian understanding of Christianity though is not in line with Full Body Ministryteaching, yet we know from scripture that apostolic teaching came to Ethiopia by way of the

    apostle Phillip.

    The Ethiopian Hebrew connection is well documented in Psalms, Isaiah and many more chaptersof the bible.What we have done is establish firstly that God made a covenant that still stands today that he

    will use Black men to lead the house of Israel to their promised position of restoration, today he

    will once again raise up Black prophets as was already prophesied a people who were no peopleand a nation who was not a nation would provoke the Jews to jealousy.

    Today the Black man of the west will lead one of the greatest revivals in the history of the world

    the provocation of the Jews.The Azusa Street revivals under William Joseph Seymour were the beginning of the raising up of

    black prophets and deliverers in the Western hemisphere.

    The fruition of this move of God is the Full Body Ministry not what your church is nor your

    denomination it is only what God is in you this is the gospel of the kingdom.

  • 7/30/2019 This is an Illumination of a Painting by Francisco Goya


    This man Haile Mengistu his name translated from Amharic to English means the power ofMary.Mengistu was the leader of the coup that toppled the regime of the then monarch Haile Selassie

    in 1974.

    Mengistu was one of many students that the government of Haile Selassie educated to take up

    the mantle of leadership in Ethiopia.In 1976 Mengistu became the president of Ethiopia his government was a Marxist government,

    all the other coup leaders were brutally murdered by Mengistu.

    In 1984, he became the head of the newly formed Ethiopian Workers Party.Somalia (The Horn of Africa), the country that is in a state of anarchy in the past saw a lot ofpirate activity by Europeans, Madagascar is also a country where many pirates proliferated.

    Today unfortunately, the Africans in those countries have turned to the tactics of their former

    colonial traducers as a means of survival.Much of the strife in Somalia is because of African leaders adopting both European and Islamic

    tactics as a means of governing their people.

    The methods employed by non-African people in the past to govern Africans were repressive

    how then can African leaders today expect to achieve a truly civil society by reenslaving theirown people?

    The Indian Ocean remains an international trade route, with Mogadishu being a coastal city,

    piracy was launched from Mogadishu for hundreds of years by British pirates,French pirates and

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    other European pirates and powers, the modern piracy that is being perpetrated by the Somalias

    is partially a European creation with impoverished Africans, and some truly criminal African

    elements taking up the pirate trade as a viable means of economic sustenance.The effect piracy has had on Somaliaand is still having is nothing short of anarchy and nihilism.

    Denouncing Somali pirates on a news network cannot solve the problem it is a criminal

    enterprise that was introduced to the region by Europeans it was also protected and developed byvarious European powers throughout hundreds of years.when it best suited the interests ofwhatever European power that chose to exploit the opportunity, piracy is in fact a characteristic

    of the European underdevelopment of Africa and it will take EU, Nao, UNand AU cooperation

    and financial aid in eradicating the enterprise.

    A modern Somali Shepard. Due to its arid climate, Somalia is a very infertile country with fewnatural resources.

    Animal husbandry is the most important economic sector.

    The war of 1991 virtually crippled the economy and it has yet to recover.

    The bungling of the Americans in the armed conflict in the early part of the 90s only worsenedthe Somali problem, the many clans and sub clans vying for power in Somalia, all adhere to

    Islam Sunni Islam is the religion practiced by ninety eight percent of the Somali population, the

    U.S. army nor any other occupying force can resolve the conflict in Somalia, the conflict is of anethnic and religious nature.

    The Somali people themselves are the only persons remotely qualified to intervene in the hghly

    complexed social-political and social religious milieu that is Somalia.

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    he emperor Menellek III claims lineage from King Solomon and the queen of Sheba.This man was emperor of Ethiopia; during the attempted invasion of Ethiopia by the Italians, the

    Italians were routed, in what became known as the battle of Adwa in 1896.I have not stated my personal opinions here, nor am I attempting to convert anyone or change

    another persons point of view, every person has the right to believe whatever they want to, butno one can change facts.

    The aim of this book in this section is to furnish facts hereby equipping persons in the African

    Diaspora, to identify betwen various aspects of our experience in the Diaspora.I have laid bare the facts researched by highly skilled professors who have shown, that the actual

    origins of Rastafari are esoteric and not bible based. The foundation of Rastafari is in tantricism

    not in the bible as so many erroneously state.

    From a study of the value system that Howell espoused one can acknowledge that this valuesystem teaches that man is in fact a god.

    Figure: This is a photo of a young Tafari Makonnen with his father Ras Makonnen.

    To fully understand the Rastafari one must first examine the man some revere as a god.Haile

    Selassie (Harare 23 July 1891 at Addis Ababa august 27 1975) was an Amhara this group wasthe dominant ethnic group or ruling class at the time.The Oromo fell on the lower stratum of the

    social hierarchy and were largely Muslim; with the Amhara being predominantly, Coptic

    Christian presided over by Abunas/Bishops.

  • 7/30/2019 This is an Illumination of a Painting by Francisco Goya
