this is england

THIS IS ENGLAND Digi Pack Harry Pickford

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Post on 24-May-2015




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Digi Pack

Harry Pickford


PosterThis is the official poster for the film THIS IS ENGLAND. Along with the other different media types used to promote the film you can see a continual colour scheme which has been replicated along the board. Not only is it a good way of linking the products but the actual colour scheme itself produces the colours represented in the national flag for the country. As the film has a storyline showing pride in the country this will be the reason for the use of red white and blue. As with the next few slides you will also be able to see the colour scheme and this will become a beneficial factor as for the film in their media advertisement campaign as what ever single type of advertisement they see it will automatically link to the film straight away which will increase the popularity and knowledge of the film before it has even been seen.With the poster itself the title straightaway draws your attention in due to the large bold uppercase lettering. Along with this the majority of the characters are looking directly down the camera which appears quite intimidating which makes you want to look at the poster. Both of these are good techniques used and as the images shown are similar across the other advertisement along with the colour scheme they link with each other which distinguishes to other films and make it unique.



With the website itself it tries to add all of the different advertisement into one area as you can see it shows the DVD’s on offer along with the trailer in the centre of the page. As well as this the main image in the background is of the same type as the other images used in other areas. When put together they shows a full picture of where the film is set which gives the audience a clearer picture of what the film is going to be about and where it will be set. As you can see it tries to portray a rough council estate to show the life back in the 1980’s.

Following on from the colour scheme which I have already commented you can see the way in which it has been incorporated into their website. With a website it allows you to be more adventurous with the way its is laid out along with the amount of content that can be added.


DVDWith the DVD cover, a much larger image is used and it allows us to see the characters much more clearer. The images used is the same of which was used for the poster although this time it has been zoomed in the characters which are most present throughout the film itself. Once again the same font layout as well as the colour scheme has been used which links with the other media types. As well as this the images used again is linked with the rough estate and as you can see in the background is the high rise flats which were a popular faze of that period.

Also another factor to the poster I liked was the way the image had been edited and been made to look like it is actually took from the 1980’s when the film is set. As the film was made in 2006 obviously some form of fade has been used to portray an old camera has been used and I feel this could be a good effect which I could use myself if I wanted to create a film of an event which has taken place many years ago.

Linking with this, as well with the other advertisement strategies, the mise en scène of the shot also plays a large part on the effect which is created on the audience. The way the cast are dressed and the their stance also links with the theme and setting along with the year they are trying to represent.



Considering the other areas of advertisement, a final factor to the films digi pack also continues with the similar appearance in the trailer. As you can see from a still image towards the end of the clip the same font and colour scheme has been used to show the title of the film. This continues with the link of intertextuality so when the clip is seen during an advert on the TV for example it will link back to all of the previous advertisement as it reminds you and gives a better understanding of the film.

The clip itself is a very good promotional strategy and it is one of my favourite trailers of the genre which I wish to try and create. The main element of which I like is the instrumental soundtrack which is used which I certainly feel is the way I will add sound to my
