this week at fellowship march 24 march ·...

Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner Sun, 28th Fellowship Riders to Coopers BBQ after church Open Road Biker Fest Children’s Easter Celebration Financial Peace Fri, 2nd Church Office Closed Sat, 3rd Blood Drive Sun, 4th Easter Sunday He is Risen! He is Risen, Indeed! March 24, 2010 Inside this issue: Pastor Michael’s Note 1 Pastor’s note continued 2 YAHB 3 Blood Drive 3 Adam’s Rib Dinner 4 Footsteps 5 Children’s 6 New Bible Study 7 Youth 8 Week at a Glance 9 Worship 10 Prayer & Praise 12 This week at Fellowship March 24March 31 My heart and my mind are still reeling from the amazing things we saw happen last week at Mission Ar- lington. It was such an awesome experience to watch our youth leading others to Christ. They worked so hard, and they did it with such enthusiasm…there was never a harsh word or complaint about the work conditions. It was a group of believers all pulling in the same direction…just like we do at Fellowship! The ride home from Arlington was pretty quiet everyone was tired. This gave me time to reflect on Fel- lowship and our next steps. I do not know everything, but I do know this I am more convicted than ever that we are to continue doing Kingdom work in and around Liberty Hill. As I compared this to what we experienced at Mission Arlington, I think we there are three things we need to learn and apply to what we do in Liberty Hill: The “M-I-N-E” Rule – During the entire trip, if anyone said the word ―mine‖, they had to do 10 push- ups. Most of our Youth and Adults developed some great arm and chest muscles as we all learned to stop saying the ―M‖ word. The premise behind this is nothing belongs to us. It is all a gift from God. When we start to see things from this perspective, we start to let go and give things over to God. I find Scriptural basis for this in Luke 9:23 (NIV): Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me. When we deny ourselves, we put God’s purpose, plans, and priorities ahead of our own. We start living an outward ministry in- stead of an inward ministry. As a church body, we should eliminate the word ―MINE‖ from our vocabulary. For example, if we all pitch in, we will relieve some of our perceived crowding issues. For example, if we all started parking in the grass and in the far-away places, that would leave room for guests and some of our Senior Saints to park closer to the entrance. Another way to help is to sit towards the middle in the Sanctuary. We all know it is more convenient to sit on the row, but that puts our purposes first. If everyone slides towards the middle, the end result is everyone is more comfortable and we can seat more people. There are so many examples of how to apply this. We should strive to see everything through the eyes of Jesus and look for opportunities to put his purposes ahead of our own. The “Blow Dart” game – This has been a lot of fun. If someone calls your name and you look at them without covering your neck, they shoot a make-believe blow dart at you. If you get hit, you have to lie down until someone comes along and rescues you. You are rescued when they touch your neck, pretending to remove the blow dart. What a great exercise in learning to see needs in the people around us and meeting those needs! My prayer is that each of us looks for ways to surprise people. I don’t mean we should sneak up on them, but we should look for ways to unexpectedly delight people. Our lives and how we serve each other is a testimony to Christ’s love for us. In John 13:35 (NIV), Jesus said “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” We should continuously seek to minister not only to those outside the church, but also to each other inside the church. (continued on page 2) Page 1

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Page 1: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Thurs, 25th

Celebrate Recovery

Sat, 27th

Multi family baby shower

Adam’s Rib Dinner

Sun, 28th

Fellowship Riders to Coopers

BBQ after church Open Road Biker Fest

Children’s Easter Celebration

Financial Peace

Fri, 2nd

Church Office Closed

Sat, 3rd

Blood Drive

Sun, 4th

Easter Sunday

He is Risen! He is Risen,


March 24, 2010

Inside this issue:

Pastor Michael’s Note 1

Pastor’s note continued 2


Blood Drive 3

Adam’s Rib Dinner 4

Footsteps 5

Children’s 6

New Bible Study 7

Youth 8

Week at a Glance 9

Worship 10

Prayer & Praise 12

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31

My heart and my mind are still reeling from the amazing things we saw happen last week at Mission Ar-

lington. It was such an awesome experience to watch our youth leading others to Christ. They worked so

hard, and they did it with such enthusiasm…there was never a harsh word or complaint about the work

conditions. It was a group of believers all pulling in the same direction…just like we do at Fellowship!

The ride home from Arlington was pretty quiet – everyone was tired. This gave me time to reflect on Fel-

lowship and our next steps. I do not know everything, but I do know this – I am more convicted than ever

that we are to continue doing Kingdom work in and around Liberty Hill. As I compared this to what we

experienced at Mission Arlington, I think we there are three things we need to learn and apply to what we

do in Liberty Hill:

The “M-I-N-E” Rule – During the entire trip, if anyone said the word ―mine‖, they had to do 10 push-

ups. Most of our Youth and Adults developed some great arm and chest muscles as we all

learned to stop saying the ―M‖ word.

The premise behind this is nothing belongs to us. It is all a gift from God. When we start to see

things from this perspective, we start to let go and give things over to God. I find Scriptural

basis for this in Luke 9:23 (NIV): Then he said to them all: "If anyone would come after me, he

must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.‖ When we deny ourselves, we put

God’s purpose, plans, and priorities ahead of our own. We start living an outward ministry in-

stead of an inward ministry.

As a church body, we should eliminate the word ―MINE‖ from our vocabulary. For example, if we all

pitch in, we will relieve some of our perceived crowding issues. For example, if we all started

parking in the grass and in the far-away places, that would leave room for guests and some of

our Senior Saints to park closer to the entrance.

Another way to help is to sit towards the middle in the Sanctuary. We all know it is more convenient

to sit on the row, but that puts our purposes first. If everyone slides towards the middle, the

end result is everyone is more comfortable and we can seat more people.

There are so many examples of how to apply this. We should strive to see everything through the

eyes of Jesus and look for opportunities to put his purposes ahead of our own.

The “Blow Dart” game – This has been a lot of fun. If someone calls your name and you look at

them without covering your neck, they shoot a make-believe blow dart at you. If you get hit, you

have to lie down until someone comes along and rescues you. You are rescued when they

touch your neck, pretending to remove the blow dart.

What a great exercise in learning to see needs in the people around us and meeting those needs!

My prayer is that each of us looks for ways to surprise people. I don’t mean we should sneak

up on them, but we should look for ways to unexpectedly delight people. Our lives and how we

serve each other is a testimony to Christ’s love for us.

In John 13:35 (NIV), Jesus said “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one

another.” We should continuously seek to minister not only to those outside the church, but

also to each other inside the church.

(continued on page 2)

Page 1

Page 2: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

1-2-3…Man up! – When you heard this shouted out, you knew there was something that needed done.

When our Youth heard this while on the Mission Arlington trip, they would all pitch in and the work,

chore, or task was completed in short order.

You see, 1-2-3…Man up! is a call for volunteers – it is the call that is going out now. As we continue to

grow and add to the Kingdom, the opportunities for people to step up and step in have increased.

When you volunteer, you invest in the Kingdom work God has set before us.

We have so many opportunities for you to be blessed! I believe we are all called to be a moving

part of the church, not just a member. There are numerous ministry opportunities here. We have

opportunities that match every person’s spiritual gifts.

In 1 Peter 4:9-10 (NIV), Peter said, ―Offer hospitality to one another without grumbling. Each one

should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God's grace in

its various forms.‖

As we have grown, we have been blessed by how many people have stepped up and volunteered.

Even the smallest task is important and has ministry impact. At the same time, we also see that

there seems to be a few people doing the most. We recognize the need to continue adding to our

volunteer corps and making the opportunities available and attainable to more people.

Here is what we have done to help. First, Stacey Warner has agreed to be our ―Volunteer Coordi-

nator.‖ We have never had one of these before and I am so thankful we have the need for one.

Stacey will help ministry leaders and teams connect with the right volunteers.

To get plugged in, go to our website, and click on the ―Spiritual Gifts‖ link.

This will take you to a website that assesses your spiritual gifts. These assessments go to Stacey

and they help her get you plugged into the ministries that allow you to grow and use your gifts.

You can also send Stacey an email at [email protected] with your interests and any

areas you would like to serve and volunteer. I know you will be blessed!

Each and every day, I am amazed at what God is doing at Fellowship. I am blessed by the people He has

sent and am so thankful for each of you. Together, we will continue doing His work, for His purposes, to His


In Christ,

Pastor Michael

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31

Page 2

Page 3: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31

Page 3

Operation Christmas Child

Items for the month of March will be toothbrushes and toothpaste that will be used to fill

boxes in November. There is a donation box in the foyer. Thank you so much!



Gatti Land in Round Rock

11 am – 2 pm, Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just a reminder that the Fellowship 5th /6th grade Sunday school class will be head-

ing to Gatti Land Pizza (in Round Rock at I35 and Sam Bass) at the conclusion of

the 10 am class time this Sunday, March 28. We’ll leave from the 5th /6th class room

on the second floor at Fellowship at 11 am and will return to the Fellowship park-

ing lot at about 2 pm. The church will pick up the cost of the pizza and drinks.

Please send with your child any money you’d like them to have for games or other


We’d love to have all of the young men and women in the class join us. Family is

welcome – it would be helpful if some of the parents could stand by to drive as

well if we get a large turnout. Also, please remind your son or daughter that this

is a great opportunity to invite their 5th and 6th grade friends that are not mem-

bers of the class.

If you have questions, call Pastor Tim at the church or Mark Witcher (512-819-


Page 4: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Young at Heart Bunch HAPPY


3-24 Jan Griffin

John Whitt

3-25 Ethan Easey

3-26 Sharyl Bray

Abigail McClain

Caden Napier

3-27 Stetson Alexander

Shannon Currey

Sandy Schultz

Meghan Whitehead

3-28 Betty Mott

Vince Perkins

3-29 Jacob Ingram

Lynette Reid

Heather Stefan

3-30 Lisa Crane

Demaris Dunsworth

Adam Holt

Sabrina Mabry

Noey Post

Stacey Warner

3-31 Letitia Ray

Nicolas Garcia

Vicki Davis

Zack Stiles

Page 4

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31

April 3 — Blood Drive

April 4 — Easter Sunday

April 9—YAHB Night (not the 2nd)

April 17 — Wildseed Farms


April 24 — Beth Moore We will be helping serve meals

The Blood Center of Central Texas will be conducting the second Blood Drive

at Fellowship. The date is April 3rd from 9:00am—3:00 pm.

You may sign up in the foyer hallway. For more info contact the church office

or Vince Perkins at [email protected]

Page 5: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31

Register online or

e-mail to

Brian Butler [email protected]

or James Moreno

[email protected]

Children’s Easter Celebration

Palm Sunday night, March 28th

during Fellowship 59

starting at 6:00 pm


We will have crafts, food,

a scavenger hunt and most of

all the wonderful

Easter Story

Page 6: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Page 6

March Memory Verse “Truthful lips endure forever.” Proverbs 12:19

Class Easter Egg

Hunts April 1

Parents, we will be celebrating Easter with an Easter Egg hunt for all of

our classes on Thursday, April 1. To help with this event, we are asking

each child to bring a dozen, plastic-filled eggs. Please check with your

child’s teacher regarding their egg hunt time and any party details.

Kiddie Acres Field Trip April 15!

Parents our classes will be going to Kiddie Acres in Austin for their

Spring Field Trip on Thursday, April 15. We will need to leave the Fellow-

ship parking lot by 9:15 am that morning

The trip will be $5 per child.

If you are able to help transport children please let your child’s teacher


Page 7: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Page 7

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31


April 14, 2010

6:00 p.m. till 7:30 p.m.

All donations and love

offerings will benefit Africa

Renewal Ministries, go to



Gatti Land in Round Rock

11 am – 2 pm, Sunday, March 28, 2010

Just a reminder that the Fellowship 5th /6th grade Sunday school class will be heading to Gatti Land

Pizza (in Round Rock at I35 and Sam Bass) at the conclusion of the 10 am class time this Sunday,

March 28. We’ll leave from the 5th /6th class room on the second floor at Fellowship at 11 am and will

return to the Fellowship parking lot at about 2 pm. The church will pick up the cost of the pizza and

drinks. Please send with your child any money you’d like them to have for games or other treats.

We’d love to have all of the young men and women in the class join us. Family is welcome – it would be

helpful if some of the parents could stand by to drive as well if we get a large turnout. Also, please

remind your son or daughter that this is a great opportunity to invite their 5th and 6th grade friends that

are not members of the class.

If you have questions, call Pastor Tim at the church or Mark Witcher (512-819-9695).

Page 8: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

This week at Fellowship March 24—March 31

Pastoral Pancakes coming next week April 1st

(this is NO April Fool’s joke)

Come early and have a great

pancake breakfast

with all the fixings.

Page 9: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Fellowship Student Ministry

Page 9

This week at Fellowship March 17—March 23

Page 10: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Page 10

9:00 am Footsteps MDO

6:30pm Celebrate Recovery


2:00 pm Dainty Diaper Baby Shower

6:30 pm Adam’s Rib Dinner


8:00 am Breakfast is served!

8:30 am Worship , Sunday School, KidZrock

10:00 am Worship, Sunday School

11:15 am Worship, Sunday School, KidZrock

4:00pm Financial Peace

4:30pm Women’s Bible Study

4:30 pm KidZWrap

4:45pm Men’s Bible Study

6:00 pm Fellowship 59

Children’s Easter Celebration


This Week at Fellowship

At A Glance



9:00 am Men’s Weekly Fellowship

9:00 am Footsteps MDO

3:00 pm Staff meeting

6:00 pm Evangelism Training & Visitation

(light meal will be served to those


Friday Wednesday

10:00 am Women’s Bible Study

5:15 pm Evening Meal

6:00 pm Youth & SMASH

6:00 pm WiZeguys

6:30 pm Adult Bible Study & Prayer

7:30 pm Choir Practice

John 11:26

“I am the resurrection and the life. He who

believes in me will live even though he dies.”

Church office will be closed April 2nd in celebration

of Good Friday.



Page 11: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Page 11

This week at Fellowship March 17—March 23

This past Sunday was an awesome day of excitement! The Fish Fry was

fun, the music was uplifting, and the stories about Mission Arlington

were amazing. I got a chance to go back to Dallas and officiate a wed-

ding for a close friend over spring break. I was a little nervous since this

was my first time, however it went great! I’m looking forward to warmer

weather and more outdoor events. Pray that God will continue to use

the music ministry here at Fellowship to reach the un-churched and

bring glory to Him. If you are looking to join the choir, come on out on

Wednesday evenings at 7:30pm in the sanctuary for rehearsal. The

praise team will begin practicing now for the BBQ cook off in April. We

are learning some secular tunes to encourage no-n-Christians to come

over an listen and hopefully find out about Jesus. If you are looking to

do a special music one Sunday, please let me know.

God bless you this week.

Praising Him with our worship,


Page 12: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner
Page 13: This week at Fellowship March 24 March · Thurs, 25th Celebrate Recovery Sat, 27th Multi family baby shower Adam’s Rib Dinner

Page 13

Prayer and Praise

March 24th

In the Nursing Home:

Lorena Hawkins—New Hope (N. Wiggers mom)

Irlene Brown—Park Pl. Center Rm. 111 Georgetown

Carol Rook’s mom in Bertram Nursing Home.

Kathy Brann—Sagebrook in Cedar Park

Ruth Lindsey—nursing home in Round Rock

Please be in prayer for: Our Missionaries, Church Services,

WiZeguys Children’s Program, The Church, The Deacons, Footsteps

Staff and students, Ministerial Alliance churches in Liberty Hill,

Celebrate Recovery Program,

Liberty Hill Pregnancy Help Center—pray for additional volunteers to

bless all the families whose lives will be changed because of the center

Continued prayer for: Joyce Burden, Brad Houtz, Ann For-

man, Greg Ringquist, Norma Joseph, Joy Olivera, George

Spencer, Roger Goza, Brooks Halloway, Jean Hinkle, Hazel

Clarke, Hollis Baker, Janet McAdams, Dianna Brewer, John

and Dinna Hamilton, Christopher Gordan, Jim Pyron, Pastor

Marcial, Jay Nash, Meredith Hart, Charles Fleet, Richard

Ware, Sherry Osborne, Stacy Adams, Guinn Crane, Barbara

Rhea, Kimry McDonnell, Jeremy McDonnell

Please continue praying for our school district teachers,

staff, administration, students

Pastor Michael— Please pray for God’s spirit to overwhelm Pastor

Michael with His peace and grace.

Sandie Hensley—pancreatic cancer

Sierra Guerin—unspoken prayers

Bob Post (Cidney Kiger’s dad) knee replacement surgery 3/15

Sharon Landry—as she recovers from surgery

Monroe Williamson’s family—please pray for the Williamson family

as they mourn the loss of Monroe’s mother. Pray for God’s strength

and peace.

Sokolosky family—please lift them up as they mourn the loss of

their nephew.

Mary Roddy—as she goes in for surgery on Thursday.

Shirley Deslatte—home with pneumonia . Please pray for full recov-


EJ Johnson family—for peace and strength that only our Saviour can


Pastor Tim—Please pray for God’s spirit to overwhelm Pastor Tim

with His peace and grace.

Please be in prayer for:

Rex Aaron Fortner— home...give God glory!!!

Corey Butler—as he serves in Afganistan for the Marines

Brian Dirner—who serves in Iraq

Matt Hayden (Haley’s husband) as he serves in the Air Force in Iraq.

Pastor Neal – Please pray for God’s spirit to overwhelm Pastor Tim

with His peace and grace.

Please pray for the Biker Church. Please pray for Pastor Butch and

his vision with God’s plan.

Pastor Steve—Please pray for God’s spirit to overwhelm Pastor Tim

with His peace and grace.

Please pray for the Ministerial Alliance as they move forward in the

new year with programs and plans for our community. Ask our Lord

to bless all of their ministries.

Please pray for the Food Bank as it is partnered with Angel Food

Ministries and the Ministerial Alliance.

Celebrate Recovery—Pray that the folks in our congregation strug-

gling with special hurts in their lives will make their way to the

program to start the healing process.