thomas' roots

By Thomas McPherson My Roots The End My name is Thomas McPherson. Thomas means “twin” Thomas is ranked 57 th in most common names, and 1 in 275 people have my name.

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Page 1: Thomas' roots

By Thomas McPherson

My Roots

The End

My name is Thomas McPherson. Thomas means “twin”

Thomas is ranked 57th in most common names, and 1 in 275 people

have my name.

Page 2: Thomas' roots

I was born on December 6, 1995. It was in Saint Joseph’s Hospital, in Denver Colorado. My mom told me that it took all day for me to be born. She said I “procrastinated like I always do”. I was actually supposed to be born around December 20th, but the doctors insisted that my mother be induced and I be born early.

According to my different sides of my family, I am actually half Irish, half Scottish.

My Roots

My BirthIn 1995, many important things happened worldwide. Including things that potentially led up to the United States/NATO going to war with Iraq.

In March of 1995, Yahoo! Was founded in Santa Clara, California.

In July, the law was passed in Congress to prevent child pornography. Also, Iraq admitted to a biological weapon program.

In August, the first woman to climb Mount Everest without oxygen was killed by an avalanche.

In September, the DVD was announced.

In November, UNSCOM (United Nations Special Commissions) intercepted 240 Gyroscopes and accelerometers on their way from Russia to Iraq. Then in December, UNSCOM found Russian missile instruments near Baghdad