those who thrift.docx

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  • 8/14/2019 Those who thrift.docx


    Eastburn 1

    Chloe Eastburn

    Blair Banwart

    WRD 103

    November 12th, 2013

    Those who Thrift

    Upon entering a Thrift Store, I always become immediately aware of a few things.

    The first being, the smell that overwhelms your senses as soon as you walk through the

    doors, and the second, the diverse people you find looking around looking around the

    shop. What strikes me most about the people you see in Thrift stores across the country is

    the variety in age, race, socio economic status, and gender you find within the stores.

    There is no limitation to the type of person

    who enters a thrift store, no targeted

    audience or group of people the stores are

    attempting to sell too, and no judgment

    shown toward anyone who walks through

    each stores doors. Coming from California,

    Im familiar with outdoor sales, and flea markets,

    and am completely unaccustomed to indoor

    flea markets or bargains. Now I know- that in the

    winter in Chicago, you just have to cram

    everything into a small little space and the

    feeling you get when you walk inside, the vibe in

    the store, the music playing, the diverse

    people you see- all come together the same. I know thrift shops have always existed

    indoors, but I had never ventured in one before. Once I finally was able to adventure a

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    little in Chicago, I realized how interested I was in finding new Thrift stores in the city.

    More importantly, itsalways exciting and heartwarming to know that it doesnt matter

    who you are, or what youve come to buy, you are welcome inside.

    I started doing musical theatre around the age of nine, which meant that by the

    time I started my first show, I found myself accompanied by my lovely mother exploring

    the thrift stores across Los Angeles, and on the hunt for the perfect costume. Whether I

    was a fairy godmother, pumpkin, Irish grandmother, a boy, or an islander, thrift stores

    seemed to be our saving grace. Besides my own personal experiences shopping in Second

    hand stores, or thrift stores, Ive found that as I got older- I became more aware of the

    people around me in these stores. By no means am I ever the only person inside the

    stores, but on occasion, Im the only person under the age of fifty to be seen surfing the

    racks of clothing, shoes, jewelry, handbags, books, furniture, and so much more.

    In this city, I expect to see a variation in the people that walk down the streets, but

    also those who I shop in the same stores as. Citys are a mecca for diversity and culture-

    which sometimes can be especially seen in tiny, hole in the wall stores. In one store I

    went to, you had to walk up four flights of stairs to get to the final floor that had a one-

    room thrift shop on it - owned by a very nice old Asian couple, who I recognized after

    coming to this place for the third time. Suddenly smells of must, and old sweaters became

    apparent- and I began to look around. Around the room I saw: worn in boots, records,

    embarrassing Christmas sweaters, floral dresses, and, as I expected, an eclectic group of


    I asked one of the shop owners if I could take a couple of pictures of him as he

    worked- he didnt seem to mind- so I began observing him. He was sorting through some

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    old brass figurines in a class cabinet- wiping them

    down, and reassembling them. I noticed he was

    paying careful attention to this figurines- even

    though they seemed miniscule in comparison to

    the amount of stuff in this very big room. Clothes

    and merchandise were not only hanging on racks,

    but shirts, and other miscellaneous objects

    were hanging from the pipes in the ceiling. All of

    these things, Im assuming were for sale-

    except for a couple of very obvious props that were meant to add aesthetic appeal to the

    room. Dcor aside, it struck me as very unique to see this old man making sure this small

    part of his store was kept nice and neat. Maybe he had a special connection to these

    figures, one that I wouldnt be aware of after a short conversation, or maybe he simply

    takes pride in every thing in his store- from the bigger sale pieces, to the tiniest ones in

    the shop.

    Moving along, I bumped into a very interesting looking record collection, one that

    was not organized so much by genres of music, but rather by decades. Although, if you

    asked me, I couldnt tell you the decade I decided to look through. Three or four bins

    were filled to the brim with old dusty record covers, some of which I noticed as I sorted

    through the piles, were missing their records. It wasnt so much about the music I

    realized, but more about the purpose of owning the artwork that is album covers. Selling

    from anywhere between two and ten dollars, you could blow the dust off of them after

    picking them up, I suddenly decided I better quit making a mess of their record table.

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    After admiring this stores music collection, I decided it was best to move on as I looked

    up, only to make eye contact with a terribly creepy porcelain doll- dressed in a faded teal

    gown- with one eyelid missing. It was time to look for some real people to observe.

    I turned around and saw a couple of people walking around the room. One, a

    much older woman- admiring the tutus in the back section of the store, and two younger

    women, both going back and forth between looking through clothes, and accessories. The

    older woman herself I did not take any photographs of, because while she seemed very

    sweet, and very old, she was precisely the opposite of that as she barked at the woman

    shop owner, concerning the prices of the tutus. Changing gears I chose instead to maybe

    approach one of the other two women. I walked up to a woman who appeared to be in her

    early twenties, looking through a selection of very retro sunglasses. She was wearing all

    black, but not just any plain old clothes- instead she

    had a printed black and white head wrap on, that

    added practically six inches to her height, a fitted

    leather jacket- and underneath, a long black dress. I

    struck up a conversation with her, telling her about

    my project, and surprisingly- she was willing to let

    me take her picture. She then told me she only came

    to the thrift store to buy a pair of sunglasses, but

    wouldnt object to buyinganything else she found

    along the way she loved. I told her I do the same- usually only having one item in mind,

    but leaving with three or four instead.

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    Next I spoke with a girl who seemed closer in age with me, who was shuffling

    through piles of jewelry. At first- I thought maybe she worked there, but soon I realized

    that she had just pulled up a stool she found under a table, and was rummaging through

    bins of very decently priced accessories, maybe looking for something specific, maybe

    just looking for something that appealed to her. Regardless- she had headphones in, so I

    let her be. I thought it was interesting though that she was listening to music in the store,

    planting herself in her own world. Maybe the music helps focus her, aiding to the

    sometimes-draining process that is shopping. It didnt matter anyway because in Thrift

    Stores, sales associates dont approach you asking, What

    can I help you with today? Finding everything alright?

    These stores usually only have one or two people working

    the shop at most, and tend to sit behind a storefront, leave

    you be, and are typically reading a book, or sorting

    through the stores merchandise themselves.

    A week or so later I found two more stores that

    were more second hand shops, that didnt necessarily focus on clothes, but more on what

    I like to call- chachka. One sold lots of jewelry and small crystals, colorful carpets, and a

    few racks of clothes, with items selling for $1. In the first store, I saw a couple looking at

    the clothes, and watched them as they were pulling a few t-shirts off the racks and

    laughing at the dated designs, or humorous logos. They looked up at me, noticing I was

    watching them, and smiled- asking if I saw any of the shirts they were getting a kick out

    of. I told them I hadnt, and they informed me I was missing out. As I moved into the

    jewelry section of the store, I noticed a older looking man, maybe late thirties- with

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    tattoos up and down his arms, piercings on his lips and nose, wearing a beanie covering a

    clearly messy and un-kept head of hair. He too had headphones in; again, taking him to

    his own world- a place I couldnt see. Lastly on my list of stores to hit, I found a used

    bookshop that also had a few odd objects here and there, like a miniature piano, a filing

    cabinet filled with old postcards, and a rack of old dresses (that reeked of mold and dust).

    Walking inside I saw a couple of girls that looked like they were my age, when I realized

    I knew them! They were two students from DePaul, admiring this old, used bookshop as

    much as I was.

    After looking into four different Thrift-like stores, I began to see a common

    thread between the people I happened upon. Still

    varying in age, everyone seemed to come to these stores

    for an experience - rather than coming with a list of

    items they needed to cross off, and find. Some- did have

    specific ideas in mind, but wouldnt stop looking around

    the store once they found it, and instead were interested in exploring all parts of the

    stores, hoping to look for something to entertain themselves, or bring back to a friend and

    tell a story to. A bitter old woman, college students, young women, married couples, and

    middle-aged men, are all examples of

    people I either observed or talked to in Thrift

    shops over the past couple of weeks. All

    these people wouldnt normally convene in

    the same location, but somehow in thrift

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    stores- it happens. Regardless of where you come from, or what you look like, Thrift

    Shops welcome in wanderers, and gladly accept their company and explorations.