thoughts - lxxiv [cromnibus, benghazigate, cia, walker, toomey, pa-legislature, exodus-movie,...

469 Having provided input regarding the “CRomnibust ” event yesterday [portrayed by the media as Congress Avoided Shutdown+, it is necessary to recognize the permanent damage created in the process, as Conservatives rage against the machine [for opponents of Obama’s immigration action had hoped the GOP would use budget to push back harder on issue]. The House passed the $1.1 trillion spending bill after a week of drama, as 57 Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with 162 Republicans to help pass the measure; Wall St. got its way. [ PALIN: 'Stinks to high heaven.' ] Very often, the mortally- wounded animal will twitch prior to its demise, a phenomenon that was just exhibited via receipt of an e-mail that defended the behavior of Fitz: The lib-Dems and Pelosi revolted on this budget because it cuts discretionary spending to the lowest it s been in years - especially reduction/cuts to the IRS & EPA, a good thing! {This was cinema [designed to press the “ethical egalitarian” button+ for, as noted, the ability to pour millions of new voters into the voting- pool within a few years was transcendent.} The vote also fixed many o f the military cuts Obama had forced during sequester  also a good thing. {Ditto, particularly noting how pacifist-BHO is mismanaging the military.} DHS immigration ICE is only funded till Feb, which doesnt give Obama enough time to enact his illegal amnesty. {TOTALLY incorrect; BHO is working apace to register everyone ASAP, for the irreversibl e implementation of this program has already started.} In January, the House and Senate will vote to directly vote down Obama's illegal exec orders on immigrat ion. Several Dem Sen ators have said they are opposed to Obama on this and will have a chance to fulfill that promise. {Yeah, right, tell me another one [just like the GOP-Establishment lied to a Congressman to get him to flip, just prior to declaring the polls closed].} NOTHING, at this point, can be envisioned that will absolve Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick of culpability for his contribution to the destruction of America as we know it. NOTHING! {I just rebuked the author of this e-mail after he called to claim he had “convinced” Dom Giordano *1210-Radio] of the rectitude of the CRomnibus; after some give-and-take, he said he finally understood that (as per what I have said/written incessantly for years) “all you want is a rider stopping BHO from implementing his Executive Order” providing immunity [DUH!]. After having discarded a few more “twitches *e.g., “you get what you can get” doesn’t entail ignoring Article I, Section 8 responsibilities], he expressed the hope that the Dem-Controlled Senate will append a rider that would preclude use of any funds to implement BHO’s Executive Order *sure, right, alternate-universe, gotcha!].}  I told this Fitz-sycophant that he should read this

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Having provided input regarding the “CRomnibust” event yesterday [portrayed by the media as

“Congress Avoided Shutdown”+, it is necessary to recognize the permanent damage created in the

process, as Conservatives rage against the machine [for opponents of Obama’s immigration action had

hoped the GOP would use budget to push back harder on issue]. The  House passed the $1.1 trillion

spending bill after a week of drama, as 57 Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with 162 Republicans to

help pass the measure; Wall St. got its way. [PALIN: 'Stinks to high heaven.'] Very often, the mortally-

wounded animal will twitch prior to its demise, a phenomenon that was just exhibited via receipt of an

e-mail that defended the behavior of Fitz: 

“The lib-Dems and Pelosi revolted on this budget because it cuts discretionary spending

to the lowest it’s been in years - especially reduction/cuts to the IRS & EPA, a good


{This was cinema [designed to press the “ethical egalitarian” button+

for, as noted, the ability to pour millions of new voters into the voting-

pool within a few years was transcendent.}

“The vote also fixed many of the military cuts Obama had forced during sequester – alsoa good thing.” 

{Ditto, particularly noting how pacifist-BHO is mismanaging the military.}

“DHS immigration ICE is only funded till Feb, which doesn’t give Obama enough time to

enact his illegal amnesty.” 

{TOTALLY incorrect; BHO is working apace to register everyone ASAP,

for the irreversible implementation of this program has already started.}

“In January, the House and Senate will vote to directly vote down Obama's illegal execorders on immigration. Several Dem Senators have said they are opposed to Obama on

this and will have a chance to fulfill that promise.” 

{Yeah, right, tell me another one [just like the GOP-Establishment lied to

a Congressman to get him to flip, just prior to declaring the polls


NOTHING, at this point, can be envisioned that will absolve Congressman Mike

Fitzpatrick of culpability for his contribution to the destruction of America as we know

it. NOTHING! {I just rebuked the author of this e-mail after he called to claim he had

“convinced” Dom Giordano *1210-Radio] of the rectitude of the CRomnibus; after some

give-and-take, he said he finally understood that (as per what I have said/written

incessantly for years) “all you want is a rider stopping BHO from implementing his

Executive Order” providing immunity [DUH!]. After having discarded a few more

“twitches *e.g., “you get what you can get” doesn’t entail ignoring Article I, Section 8

responsibilities], he expressed the hope that the Dem-Controlled Senate will append a

rider that would preclude use of any funds to implement BHO’s Executive Order *sure,

right, alternate-universe, gotcha!].}  I told this Fitz-sycophant that he should read this

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“Blast” e-mail prior to calling me back, and he should then share the guilt that will

forever provide Fitz a personally-engraved albatross (on as a “legacy.” 

In any case, this “Blast” e-mail mops-up items occurring from the local to the international levels, noting

that the Republican Jewish Coalition comprehensively analyzed inter alia two of them that are discussed

further, infra  [Senate CIA Report is a Partisan Attack  and Surprise! Iran is Cheating on Nuclear

Agreements]; as had been noted on Monday, each evening this week conveyed grist for efforts to assesspolitical forces that will be unleashed next year:

Monday [Abington-GOP]  –  already discussed were township-level events and

MontCo/State/National challenges; also, I was told that BHO’s ideology has not yet

infected the Customs Bureaucrats.

Tuesday [Zuhdi Jasser]  – I’m told (by two attendees) that he predictably presented the

“moderate Islam” viewpoint to a polite audience that, alas, wasn’t provided any action-

items *c/o “Stand with Us”+, contrasting with ZOA’s Action-Alert due to the fact that

Scholastic, Inc. Published a Children's Book that Omitted Israel from a Map of the

Middle East. 

Wednesday [Philly-GOP] – vide infra.

Thursday – the TPM (very much alive!) advises people to be aware of upcoming events:

“Convention of the States” online-briefing @ 9 p.m. [12/16/2014]; Sam Rohrer @ TPP-

Lower Bucks meeting @ Middletown Township Municipal Building in Langhorne

[2/5/2015]; CPAC @ Gaylord Convention Center in Maryland [2/25-28/2015]; and PA

Leadership Conference @ Harrisburg Radisson [4/17-18/2015].

This is a distillation of the current status of BenghaziGate:

The Second Benghazi Select Committee Hearing on “Reviewing Efforts to Secure U.S.Diplomatic Facilities and Personnel” determined that the Accountability Review Board’s

(ARB) 29 recommendations have not been implemented to secure High Threat Posts

following the 9/11-12/14 Benghazi terrorist attacks.

The panel of State Department representatives [Gregory B. Starr, Assistant Secretary of

State for Diplomatic Security and Steve A. Linick, Inspector General] did not explain why

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the DoS and the CIA were there; that the latter was ignorant suggests that BHO has

effectively emasculated internal oversight mechanisms.

Ken Timmerman tweeted an observation that is typical of BHO’s reign  [augmented by

the observation that Linik’s responses were often at variances with Starr’s remarks+:

“Greg Starr throws Chris Stevens under the bus, 'we had a little too much confidence in

the chief of mission' to determine security."

Starr said Anne W. Patterson [Assistant Secretary of the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs]

should explain why American personnel were in Benghazi; Patterson was Ambassador to

Egypt at the time of the Benghazi attack, when Muslim Brotherhood jihadists had

penetrated the compound in Cairo in a protest organized by the brother of AQ leader

Ayman al Zawahiri.

Inasmuch as the State Department has failed to release Hillary Clinton’s official papers

[despite a FOIA request] and inasmuch as Sharyl Atkisson reported that aides had

allegedly been vetting emails and documents related to Benghazi [under the direction of

former Near East Bureau aide, Ray Maxwell in a basement office in the StateDepartment], Rep. Trey Gowdy [over the objections of Dems] said Hillary Clinton is a

witness we would like to talk to.

CIA Director John Brennan offered a defense [during a rare televised press conference] of his agency's

Bush-era interrogation practices, but conceded there had been missteps and that it's "unknowable"

whether so-called enhanced interrogation techniques yielded key intelligence. In a number of cases, CIA

employees used techniques that "had not been authorized, were abhorrent, and rightly should be

repudiated by all [and] we fell short when it came to holding some officers accountable for their

mistakes. But the overwhelming majority of the agency's workforce carried out their responsibilities

faithfully; they did what they were asked to do in the service of our nation. Others defended the CIA:

[1]—Ex-CIA director defended rectal rehydration;  [2]—Intelligence Officials: Enhanced InterrogationHelped Save Lives, Capture Terrorists and Protect America;  and [3]—Former U.S. Vice President Dick

Cheney dismissed a Senate torture report released this week, saying former President George W. Bush

was "fully informed" about the interrogation techniques.

The House Ethics Committee scolded Reps. Judy Chu (D-Calif.) and Phil Gingrey (R-Ga.),

criticized Rep. Alcee Hastings’ (D-Fla.) behavior in a sexual harassment case but took no

action against him, and ended an informal probe of Rep. Tom Petri’s (R-Wis.) finances.

POTUS-’16 maneuvering is occurring among Republicans; for example, Jeb's Bush's financial affairs show

that he's politically vulnerable as a mini-Mitt. Also, Chris Chocola is being replaced as president of the

Club for Growth after six consequential years by David McIntosh who, like Chocola, is a former

Republican congressman from Indiana; he was also a chairman of the Republican Study Committee in

the 1990s and has close ties to Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, who is considering a run for the White House in

2016. Finally, my comment about a mini-glitch [Gov. Scott Walker Mixed Up ‘Molotov’ and ‘Mazel Tov’

in Hanukkah Letter+  was as follows: “He probably signed-off on a dictated letter that his typist

misapprehended; not a big deal, but a warning that the buzzards are always circling.” 

BHO’s Administration continues to relax enforcement of pot-law [DOJ Allows Native

American Tribes to Grow, Sell Marijuana] and to favor labor over management [Obama-

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NLRB Gives Unions Access To Employers’ Email Systems;  that’s why, in this poisoned

atmosphere, some argue the GOP needs to keep ‘nuclear option.’ 

Regarding the upcoming PA-Sen race, Sabato’s Crystal Ball Called Toomey’s Seat A “Toss-Up,”  I blogged:

It is necessary to cite two prior comments to “keep the record straight.” 

First, I explained  why Toomey will be difficult to defeat. [This was a structured

distillation of a decade’s worth of   observation that easily withstood typical-Dem


Second, I explained why DD  lacks credibility. [This was a summary of incremental

colloquy that concluded: “You have advocated the overthrow of the Israeli government

throughout Israel’s entire lifetime … explaining why you have endorsed the behavior of

Hamas [which the USA has designated as a terrorist organization] that is, itself,

promoting policies that are consonant with those of the Islamic State.”+ 


Let’s apply Inductive Reasoning to awareness of these two conclusions. This is a two-

step effort *proving (a) that “n=1″ and proving (b) that the theorem works for “n 1″ if it 

is assumed the theorem works for “n”+.

First, (a) is met when it is determined that Toomey has earned grudging-respect for his

proud-to-be-a-conservative conduct from across the political spectrum. Second, (b) is

met when it is determined that a reflex-critic [and Dem-sycophant] falsely claimed

Sestak didn’t attack his conservatism, even assuming he could occasionally be correct. 

Therefore, it is concluded that DD again confirmed he is not credible when attackingSestak for allegedly having failed to point-out Toomey’s political philosophy *“Toomey’s

not a moderate. He’s as, or even more, conservative than Santorum.”+. 


I attended their  Philly-Debate and it was replete with ideological conflict. Thus, again,

Toomey will be formidable, even against a smooth-operator such as Josh Shapiro [early

BHO-booster] and anything DD might upload to the contrary should be ignored.

When I read that PA legislators prepare old bills for new session with more hope  and that Liquor

privatization debate poised to resurface in PA House,  I noted that there was nary a mention of the

potential for the GOP-led legislature to pass long-delayed bills in January, prior to when Corbett is

replaced by Wolf; I posed this question to two legislators @ “Party” Parties, and I received enigmatic

answers *“It takes time to have the Committee on Committees meet” and “We do not want to be

divisive”+. I still don’t know why bills on issues that had been heavily studied cannot be placed directly

onto the floor for prompt passage related to Paycheck Protection and Voter-ID [if not Pension Reform



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At the Philly-GOP event @ Downey’s, I met Melissa Murray Bailey,  a 35-year-old

executive who serves as president of the Americas team of the Swedish-based

employer-branding company Universum,  who is exploring the Republican nomination

for mayor of Philadelphia because she believes she “can bring something new to the city

that’s going to allow people to flourish here for many years to come.” It is also noted

that Penn's president properly feels heat from her police for 'Die In' stance. Finally, Penn

State controversies rage, as the trustees chairman called a special meeting on lawsuit

against NCAA; allegedly claiming said he signed the NCAA consent decree under duress.

{Also note that, after  Phillies traded Rollins to Dodgers, Rollins' departure was viewed as momentous

but merciful; in my view, it should presage multiple efforts to turn-over an enervated franchise [recalling

the glory-days of Pete “Mr. Hustle” Rose, with J-Rol having been the prime-culprit during recent years].

Reviews of ‘Exodus: Gods and Kings’ and ‘The Imitation Game’ were positive; although

Ridley Scott's 'Exodus' Strays from the Bible, it was felt that Exodus: Gods and Kings was

enjoyable, entertaining and not insulting to a movie-goer. Yet, the movie is not without

its faults and it was disappointing to people harboring a faith-perspective. If you were an

atheist who wanted to ride the Bible movie craze, you would have to choose; if you didnot really care about the material or the beliefs of a few billion people, you’d make

Darren Aronofsky’s Noah movie, but if you thought it necessary to be respectful of the

beliefs of a few billion people, you’d make Ridley Scott’s Exodus movie.

The Israeli Future has been probed:

In the United States, it is harder to picture the severity of the threats to the Western

model of governance and civilization, because those threats are relatively distant. Israel

is effectively our front line. Europe is embarrassed by the legacy of the West—with its

whiteness and colonialism and capitalism—and probably would be happy to see Israel

disappear or change its character in such a way that the Jewishness of the Jewishstate is certain to disappear.

But Europe itself is faltering. At an event I attended this week, Natan Sharansky –the

former Soviet dissident and Israeli author and politician –made the following observation

in response to a query about resurgent anti-Semitism: “People always ask me, is there a

future for Jews in Europe? But I’m more worried about the question, Is there a future

for Europeans in Europe?” 

He concluded: “But of course they can come here. There will always be a future for

Europe in Israel.” 

This was written as Israel  encountered further strife with the EU [Danish ambassador and JPost's

Caroline Glick exchange verbal blows over EU attitude toward Israel and Rinsing Israel Out of Europe:

The Zionistfrei Movement]; Iran [Iran and US Fighting On Same Side Rattles Israeli Defense Officials and

Bachmann to Obama at White House Christmas Party: Bomb Iran]; terrorists [2 Injured In Another

Jerusalem Stabbing Attack]; Palestinian Arabs on the Temple Mount [MK Moshe Feiglin was informed by

the police on Wednesday that he would not be allowed to visit the Temple Mount on Thursday, the 19th 

of Kislev]; American reverse-racists who link the Palestinian and Black “causes” *Reggie Bush Compared

Ferguson to Palestine and Implied Israel is Racist+; and strife with BHO’s America *Obama secretly

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working to replace Netanyahu,  as anticipated, and Former CIA Chief R. James Woosley feels Pollard 

should be freed]. As it was noted that there are Ten Ways the Mafia and Islam are Similar,  Israeli

inventions were announced [the “Genie” (that prepares healthy food in pods that have a shelf life of up

two years without preservatives added) and The Cicret Bracelet (which is Like a tablet...but on the skin)].

Steve Feldman  noted that the Irish parliament [mirroring actions throughout Europe]

cynically voted to recognize a "Palestinian" state; what they are actually doing is

declaring that land must be seized from the Jewish people, and that the Jews are too

powerful. Were they really interested in helping the "Palestinians," they would have

been demanding that these individuals be treated humanely and be granted full

citizenship in the nations in which they happen to be currently living with "refugee"

status [rather than not being allowed to work or move freely in, say, Jordan, Lebanon or

wherever]. They would also be demanding that the "Palestinians" have elections, which

has not happened since 2005. {The Daily Alert is again replete with stunning updates.}

The Senate Foreign Relations Committee narrowly approved a measure to authorize the use of military

force in the fight against the Islamic State after some heated debate over how restrictive it should be.

The 10-8 vote was along party lines, with Dems supporting the measure and Republicans opposing it. Nofloor debate is expected in the Senate, nor will the House take up the issue during the last days of this

lame-duck session, leaving it for the new Republican-controlled Congress that will be seated in January.

Finally, as Kerry continued to warn of climate 'tragedy,'  he gained an adherent; the

POPE  said the Time to tackle 'global warming' is running out   [and Pope Francis Said

There’s a Place for Pets in Paradise].  And, predictably, Gorbachev Blamed the U.S. for

Provoking ‘New Cold War.’

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