three selves model of the whole person

Three Selves model of the whole person Simply the clearest map-model of the whole-person Copyright © 2012 by Bruce Dickson Published on Smashwords ~ Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA Publishing inquiries welcome ISBN new book, gift article eBook License Notes Did you enjoy this? Please share. VERBATIM REPRODUCTION ENCOURAGED as long as credit is given to is 60-plus articles, Tools That Heal, written by and for self-healers and self-muscle-testers. To Learn More: Bruce also recommends See also resource box and book-eBook list at end. v\V/v The Three Selves is the completely Western, version of Huna-Kahuna- Ho'oponopono. It requires no Hawaiian language at all. This article deals only with the Three Selves model, distinct from its Hawaiian roots. The Three Selves is a body-based model of humans in the Earth experience. The model appears to be the simplest, clearest model of the whole-person

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Three Selves model of the whole person

Simply the clearest map-model

of the whole-person

Copyright © 2012 by Bruce Dickson

Published on Smashwords ~ Bruce Dickson, MSS, MA

Publishing inquiries welcome

ISBN new book, gift article

eBook License Notes

Did you enjoy this? Please share. VERBATIM REPRODUCTION ENCOURAGED as long as credit is given to is 60-plus articles, Tools That Heal, written by and for self-healers and self-muscle-testers.

To Learn More:

Bruce also recommends

See also resource box and book-eBook list at end.


The Three Selves is the completely Western, version of Huna-Kahuna-Ho'oponopono. It requires no Hawaiian language at all. This article deals only with the Three Selves model, distinct from its Hawaiian roots.

The Three Selves is a body-based model of humans in the Earth experience. The model appears to be the simplest, clearest model of the whole-person

The model is: High self, Conscious self, Child within.


The conscious self ~ is you reading this. This is our isolated-onlooker-observer self, able to make choices and initiate change but cut off from the flowing Universe by design. This self only comes into its own after puberty when the locus of control shifts from the gut brain to the cerebral brain. See a full discussion in the article “Reversal of learning style at puberty” in this same series.

The child within ~ predominates prior to puberty; and, in old age in any “second childhood” due to Alzheimer's or dementia. It functions primarily in the subconscious, in theta brain wave range. It is functionally equal to our immune system.

The inner child has intelligence varying from three to five years old in most people. As with any 3-5 year old, it is an imitative being. This makes this self our habit body or habit librarian, in charge of all our habits, physical, imaginal, emotional, mental and mythological. In this sense the child within is our most “basic self” and the keeper of all our comfort zones. See also the Habit Body article in this same series.

Thru learning and forming habits, the basic self “excuses” the conscious self from many routine metabolic and routine behaviors such as digesting, pumping blood and eye-blinking. This frees the conscious self to focus on making healthy choices and decisions. In this the basic self functions like the crew of a steam ship while the conscious self functions as the captain in the wheel house, studying the maps, planning the best way to get from point A to point B in life.

The high self ~ Like the child within, this self also lives mostly outside conscious awareness. This is by design. They live in theta and probably delta brain wave states. The high self functions as an overshadowing Guardian Angel available on an as needed basis. It also provides access to higher spiritual Beings, as needed, thru the processes of prayer, asking and service to others.

The basic self and high self are invisible to all but advanced clairvoyant vision.

No rigid terminology by design

The Westernized version of The Three Selves permits and tolerates varied and

diverse terms for each self. The three stations of the spirit are variously termed by various authors and no final-definitive terminology for each individual self has been proposed. Multiple terms and diverse names are the expected norm. For example, the originator of the Westernized version of the Three Selves, Max Freedom Long, often called the lower self, “George” in the 1950s but this is no longer common usage.

De-emphasizing rigid terminology is part of the Three Selves wisdom. The mind is not the goal, not the home of the 3S. The home of the 3S is above the mind, unconscious, our mythological level. Theosophists called this the etheric realm, the highest realm in Creation, just below Soul. Find a full discussion in the Spiritual Geography PACME article in this same series.

The character of the etheric realm infuses the wisdom of the Three Selves; including, the character of “neither this nor that.” The etheric realm is in fact the home of “mystery.” Hence students are sooner or later forced to think flexibly and not get stuck on any one term since the Three Selves has been “discovered” over and over for one hundred years and now goes by many names.

In this sense, the Three Selves is a likely candidate for a “big tent” or “umbrella” for psychology where diverse 20th century approaches to the psyche can congregate and share the part of the elephant they hold in their hands and know about. The poem of the Elephant and Blind Men by Geoffrey Saxe remains endlessly relevant to understanding the character of etheric phenomena while here on Earth.

Reception and criticism

Wikipedia's articles on Ho'ponopono clarifies how the older Hawaiian tradition is intimately part-and-parcel with Hawaiian history and culture. Ho'ponopono requires learning the Hawaiian language to make use of the Three Selves. Wikipedia's fine and cogent article on Max Freedom Long makes clear Long's version of traditional Hawaiian mysticism and practical forgiveness is severely truncated.

His stripped-down, Westernized explication of the Three Selves may have been anathema to Hawaiian traditionalists but was received enthusiastically in the 1950s, in the U.S. It spawned an active fanclub now celebrating its 65th anniversary where 26 volumes of user-

reported experiments were generated and published in newsletter and then in book form. Long's The Secret Science at Work remains in print and is currently at about its 35th reprinting.

Long was enthusiastically received in the small 1950s sub-culture that in the 1970s would surface and spread more widely as the “New Age.” These fans were very open to Long's impulse to partially disconnect the Three Selves from Hawaiian culture culture, reframe it, and use it, as a general scaffolding or thumbnail sketch of the psyche, with universal utility.

Some readers will know both Gestalt Therapy and Transactional Analysis are related topics. All of these topics “rubbed shoulders” in the San Francisco Bay Area in the 1950s-1970 before going more mainstream. Long's stripping of Hawaiian mysticism down to its essential; and then, designing simple at-home user experiments performed with pendulums, was a throw forward to current interest in a more participatory and self-experimental approach to science, growth, change and self-healing.

The danger of stripping the 3S of Hawaiian language and cultural references is the loss of the mood on inwardness, mysticism, or self-intimacy that Ho'ponopono exhibits so strongly. The efforts of John-Roger, Babinet and Dickson all strive to preserve and enhance this mood; while at the same time, expand the clarity of presentation. All three authors view the Hawaiian language requirement as unnecessary. With Long, all three authors invite readers to try their own home experiments. All three agree using muscle testing as a locational method for ferreting out invisible disturbances, for purposes of enhanced wellness is both possible and desirable, as long as a spiritual frame is used. The 3S is explicitly used this way in the Peace Theological Seminary Masters and Doctorate programs. In Theta Healing and some other therapeutic modalities, this model of the whole person is more in the background.

Three selves as most accessible model of the whole person

You Have Three Selves, argues “the 3S appears to be the clearest, simplest, model of the 'whole person' yet proposed.”Extremely rare among 20th century models of the human psyche, the Three Selves explicitly acknowledges, includes and incorporates an invisible, higher-frequency self, the high self, as natural to all human beings.

Acknowledging the spiritual dimension of each and every human being attracts

people looking for a psychology compatible with the meme: “we are souls having a human experience.”

Body-based by design

Not immediately obvious is the Three Selves references the human body and human body geography. Tho invisible, the child within has a specific physical location inside our body either right under, or right above, the belly button and inside an inch or more. The high self is located about three inches above the head on all people surveyed so far. The conscious self is located in the vicinity of the throat; i.e., “the one who talks.”

Explicit body-locational aspects, true for everyone, gives the 3S a grounded subtext and useful underpinning. It also means students of other body-based psychotherapies can quickly gain their footing with the 3S model.

Using muscle testing or dowsing of any kind, the location of the low self and high self can be determined with some precision.

The inner child, the best known fragment of the 3S model

The inner child is the best known fragment of the 3S model. The three selves model is the whole; the inner child is one part, the lowest one-third.

Anecdotal evidence supports the idea the inner child continues to be the most widely used body-based holistic model of the human being. Only a survey poll of practitioners across diverse healing, therapy and counseling modalities could prove this. The inner child fills a gap in conventional 20th century psychology where an accessible body-based, image, vision and model of inner life ought to be. For example Behaviorism, Freud and Transactional Analysis propose models of the human being in the Earth experience devoid of any explicitly natural, pre-existing, spiritual aspect. This shortcoming is somewhat characteristic of 20th century psychology models. The Three Selves fills this gap partly int eh absence of almost any other cogent models of the whole person.

Strengths and benefits of the model

All body-based models of the whole-person avoid esoteric and overly-intellectual-abstractions. The Three Selves is about becoming more "real" in every sense, about becoming more fully human.

The 3S is comprehensive ~ While it is body-based, the Three Selves model comprehensively embraces all aspects of the human psyche, top to bottom, modeling both “wings to fly,” and "roots in the Earth.” The 3S models both our most earthbound and most ethereal spiritual aspirations. This is unusual in the last 200 years of modeling the human psyche.

Also unusual is the model is religion-neutral; in concert with its Hawaiian counterpart, it's spirituality is entirely and authentically ecumenical.

3S lends itself to simple diagramming ~ The 3S has usually clear and direct visual models of what it means to connect with both Spirit and with Earth.

The 3S scales down to simpler versions ~ The model scales down easily to versions possible to share with five year olds. It can be grasped in its entirety by college sophomores. It can be scaled "up" to include Spiritual Geography which the model has much synergy with.

3S invites users to self-discipline and self-mastery ~ The model actively encourages healthy self-discipline, healthy self-knowledge, compassion for others in the complexity of their experience, loving your self first, and service to others second.

3S encourages healing and self-healing ~ In concert with its Hawaiian antecedents, the 3S is a psychology of self-healing and community harmony. It asks, “How we can moderate suffering in the human condition?” Because the inner child is functionally equal to our immune system, and the 3S promotes direct communication with the immune system, many body-based illness are brought into focus so underlying causative issues become visible and accessible.

3S is highly compatible with dowsing and self-muscle-testing of all kinds ~ The “hidden” two selves are accessible thru dowsing and kinesiology testing to experienced practitioners of any method.

The 3S is the only model of the psyche with a clear model of how dowsing and kinesiology testing (arm-pull-down etc) works when effectively applied to health concerns: The conscious-middle-self asks for a second opinion from the lower self on matters of food, diet, exercise, vitality and sleep. Once the most-open

sensory channel is determined, any convenient muscle can be used to communicate with the lower self as it is converged with the immune system. Our lower self is the expert on these affairs of the body and can respond in terms of “true for me” or “not true for me” using the non-dominant musculature and the most-open sensory channel between the two selves.

The 3S encourages love and compassion ~ In concert with its Hawaiian antecedents and other humanistic thinking, forgiveness, personal and spiritual growth and collaborative group work, for the highest good of all, are highlighted.


The Westernized version of The Three Selves began with Max Freedom Long who began stripping away Hawaiian cultural distinctions, to highlight the structural model of what was later termed, the whole person.

The educator John-Roger, an educator and speaker, founder of an ecumenical church: was the next to expand on Long's Westernized model; significantly, in 1970. John-Roger extended the 3S model far beyond Long's parameters in a seminal extemporary talk presentation of the three selves in San Francisco around 1970. Recordings of this seminar are available here: He recommended Max Freedom Long's book, The Secret Science at Work, to Bruce Dickson and others around 1972. Evidence strongly suggests J-R can see both basic selves and high selves directly thru his clairvoyant ability giving his observations a more informed and authoritative quality than most Western authors.

The number of new angles opened in this one presentation are so numerous, no attempt is made to explore all of them in even both volumes of You Have Three Selves, the first known comprehensive text book attempted on the 3S.

John-Rogers's occasional brief returns to the topic between 1970-2000, provided keys to holistic health researchers and healers, who had been looking for both better theoretical foundations and deeper insights for articulating psychological reality and for healing purposes. His main impulse on this topic has been to encourage individuals to have, and validate, their own individual experience of the Three Selves.

In the 1980s Bertrand Babinet expanded on the 3S, adding a four-fold view of the inner child called the Inner Family. In the 2000s Bruce Dickson, a student of

John-Roger and Bertrand compiled, edited, revised and expanded the knowledge base in You Have Three Selves vols. 1 & 2. Dickson has particularly expanded the topic of the Inner Family in his topic, the Inner Court, employing the four archetypes of Arthurian legend. The Inner Family and Inner Court are functionally equal.

Comparisons with other three-fold models

Transactional Analysis (TA) ~ Eric Berne's Adult-Parent-Child model has striking similarities to the 3S. TA, Max Freedom Long and "body-mind thinking" all emerged in the same time frame in the same city, San Francisco, 1950-1970. Berne was asked directly about his awareness of Max Freedom Long. Berne claims no awareness of Long. The present author thinks it may be true they both accessed an idea whose time had come and was "in the air." Unless readers know otherwise, Berne, a Freudian-trained psychotherapist, never claimed his model was body-based. It is along this line that the 3S and TA begin to diverge.

Freud's Id, ego, superego ~

[,_ego,_and_super-ego] ~

Unless readers know otherwise, Freud never claimed his model was body-based. The innovation of body-based models, therapy and "body-mind thinking" is wholly post-WW II and mostly post-1965.

While Freud's model shares three-foldness and a similar hierarchy of three distinct "stations" the two model diverge primarily on the top self and what "on top" means. Freud compared the relationship between the his ego and the id to that between a charioteer and his horses: “...the horses provide the energy and drive, while the charioteer provides direction” [Hothersall, D. 2004. "History of Psychology", 4th ed., Mcgraw-Hill:NY p. 290]. This corresponds exactly with the conscious self and child within.

Freud's topographical model of the psyche, the iceberg model [] shows the "conscious self" as the topmost self. Impossible to argue without putting words in Freud's mouth, we can speculate this way: Freud’s interest was in penetrating the thinking mind; and beyond it, the sub- and unconscious minds. Freud's interests highlight, model and explain many mechanisms of the "ego." In contrast, the focus of the

Three Selves is wholeness, the whole person, inviting students to explore, penetrate and redeem connection in all directions.

Margaret Paul's Inner Bonding ~ WEBSITE~ The 3S and Inner bonding are indistinguishable and can be considered functionally equal. The two models emerged coincidentally in time, are virtually identical, with virtually identical goals, except for branding. Inner Bonding, developed by a Los Angeles psychotherapist and her clairvoyant colleague, stresses addressing active psychological issues: "Inner Bonding is the process of connecting our adult thoughts with our instinctual, gut feelings--the feelings of the "inner child"-- so that we can minimize painful conflict within ourselves. Free of inner conflict, we feel peaceful, open to joy, and open to giving and receiving love." ... Inner Bonding provides the tools we need to forge and maintain the inner unity that makes our family, sexual, work, and social relationships productive, honest, and joyful" (from the Inner Bonding book jacket, I believe, found on Amazon).

"[Margaret] Paul has worked extensively with this form of psychotherapy, which she calls inner bonding, and is the author of several books on the subject. Through loving behavior and acknowledgment of that "voice" within ourselves, the author claims that we can satisfy our own needs and not be totally dependent on others for happiness. She gives examples through her counseling work with those who want better family, marital, social, and work relationships and encourages outside help for special problems such as alcoholism, sex addiction, and codependency. This is a very helpful book for both individuals and couples who want to learn how to acknowledge their inner needs and address fears and false beliefs that often stem from childhood. Recommended for large self-help and therapy collections. - Demetria A. Harvin, "Hospital Medicine," New York, Copyright 1992 Reed Business Information, Inc." (excerpted Library Journal review of Inner Bonding on Amazon)

Rudolf Steiner threefold human being ~

Body <=> (willing-feeling-thinking) <=> mind+spirit

head <=> hands <=> heart

Developed coincidentally in time with Freud and Jung, Steiner developed a few body-based ideas about the threefold nature of the human being. "In his book Riddles of the Soul (1917) Rudolf Steiner first proposed the idea of

the threefold human being. Before him the German poet Schiller, and poet/scientist Goethe had developed similar themes.

Find a very complete and artistic presentation of RS's threefold human being, with illustrations, here:

In concert with psychology of the 1700s and 1800s, Steiner's threefold human being is interested in organizing what we have and know in the physical, material world. His model of body, "soul" and mind is a throw-forward to the "body-mind-spirit" thinking of the 1970s. The two attempt to circumscribe the same psychic aspects. Steiner's articulation of physiology and developmental stages in childhood within this model make it an ideal basis for stage-developmental curriculum sequencing; which in fact, defines Waldorf-methods education. John-Roger has said, "Rudolf Steiner provides a good foundation for my work" (private conversation reported by Maria Foley, around 1985).

The two models differ primarily in clarity of terms and scope of terms. What Steiner frequently calls or is translated as "mind" becomes wholly above the conscious self in the Three Selves: the high self. What Steiner calls "will" becomes the subconscious and immune system in the Three Selves, active but fundamentally less autonomous than the conscious self. Steiner had no concept of a healthy "habit body" [Habit Body text url]

Other authors of note

Tad James []

Direction and future of the model

The Three Selves appears to be the best candidate for a unifying "big tent" in psychology for those wishing a "psychology of the whole-person. Its simple but not rigid embrace of the range of human capacity accommodates the wisdoms of varied and diverse body-based and psychological models and resources.


You Have Three Selves, Volume 1: Orientation

You Have Three Selves, Volume 2: Find the 3S in Your Life.

Healing The Inner Family (out of print, eBook promised for 2012)

Dynamics of the Lower Self

John-Rogers' Three Selves MP3

Dynamics of the Lower Self e-Book (in PDF)

MSIA conducts a class, Introduction to the Three Selves

The Secret Science At Work (2010 reprinting) 978-1162922478

You Have Five Puberties A Three Selves journal on Children (2012) 978-1477497425

If you get stuck, give me a call.

Did you enjoy this? Please share. VERBATIM REPRODUCTION ENCOURAGED as long as credit is given to

Health Intuitive Bruce Dickson assists people who wish to avoid drugs and surgery. Working by phone/Skype; and with your permission, he talks directly with your immune system to learn what's oppressing your cells. He shows you how to throw off burdens you no longer wish to carry.

Bruce doesn't work from his own very limited mind; rather, from your own

Guidance. Your Benefactors know you much better than I how best you can heal!

Bruce co-founded the Holistic Chamber of Commerce in Los Angeles. A trained Waldorf teacher, he's also USM, Peace Theological Seminary, BreakThrough Parenting and NVC-trained. He has eleven years of professional practice and 15 paper books with all charts and diagrams; or, eBooks without any images because no known way to include them in eBooks yet found. Find him at

Gift phone-Skype sessions between 8 AM and 9:30 PM PST only.

Phone 310-280-1176

~ Skype: SelfHealingCoach

13 Healing Toolbox System books-eBooks HERE

Two gift eBooks by request ~

- The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book, Best books cross-referencing illness and issues

- Forgive from Your Soul; How to do Slow-Motion Forgiveness(SM), the Missing Manual

Either or both by request from healingtoolbox ~ at ~

What if a fraction of the new replacement culture, you and I are creating now, will begin around self-healing and training activity; from there, to intentional community?

To Learn More

Other articles in this series:

Habit Body

Inner Family - Inner Court

Spiritual Geography 101: PACME

Reversal of learning style at puberty”

Recommended support group for these topics

Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness.

Tools That Heal ~ 310-280-1176

~ Best Practices in Self-Healing System

~ Resources by and for self-muscle-testers

~ Composing your own vision of self-healing.

~ The three selves is simply the clearest, map-model of the whole person

Common terms for personal-spiritual growth

The Nature of Human nature ~ Source code for the Psyche ~ Source code for Self-healing

The future is already here; it’s just not very well distributed yet - William Gibson, author, Neuromancer

Gift sessions by phone to find and repair the weak link in your Ring of Success. Practitioners, healers and coaches especially invited to call.

Bruce also recommends and John-Roger’s Discourses. They helped me realign myself on all levels with Loving.

Books ~ eBooks

All paper books have charts and diagrams; or, eBooks without any images because no known way to include them in eBooks yet found.

Your Habit Body, An Owner’s Manual

Our Habit Body is our best and closest friend. It remembers every routine thing we do daily--so we don't have to relearn all our habits

all over again each day. Habits are reactivity set on automatic, behavior conditioned to repeat.

If this is so, how come the one thing human beings do better than anything else is to make the same mistake over and over and over again?

Based on results, we don't know as much about our habit body as people think.

An easier model of our unconscious

A "habit body" is an easier, clearer concept than "unconscious." A habit body connotes " I can change this, if I want to." The word

"Unconscious" was born 100 years ago when the unconscious was virtually inacessible. Since muscle testing met NLP around 1990, our

unconscious became much more accessible, for those who wish access. So we need a more accessible word and model for our

unconscious.We have habits on five personality levels: physical, imaginal, emotional, mental and unconscious. How are they organized? How do we keep all our habits organized so when we wake up in the morning, we don’t have to relearn everything? Personal-spiritual growth is upgrading our habits on any of these levels. Sound like a lot to manage? This makes your job easier, the missing manual for anyone who owns a Habit Body.

We used to say, “He who doesn't know his history is doomed to repeat it.” We can say more precisely, “Whoever neglects their habit body will have the same behaviors and results tomorrow, as they did yesterday.” Find answers here:

• Why we were more lovable when we were young

• Every day we are “training a new puppy”

• Why 90% of habits are invisible in 3D

• A dozen common terms for the “habit body.”

Garrison Keillor says, “Culture is what you know is so by age 12.” ALL culture can be seen as just a bunch of habits, including your own. Once you can see it, you can redirect it. 78 pages.


Self-Healing 101! Eight exercises to develop self-sensitivity & self-trust so you can talk with your immune system

Where will you begin your self-healing? Did you ever wish you could get your own answers to your own questions? Feeling safe, feeling comfortable and asking permission to test are where we all need to

begin. Safety also includes deliberately aligning our selves with Love, Light and Angels.

Eight simple exercises in self-sensitivity and self-trust lead you to friendship and conversation with your Silent Partner, your Inner

Healer, the matured-up inner child.

People can do much more self-healing than even recently thought. If you are motivated, most people can learn to self-test in about an hour if training focuses on the strategies of safety, self-sensitivity and self-


Eight simple exercises in self-sensitivity, self-trust and self-protection lead you to friendship and conversation with the "bigger you," starting

with your immune system.

With practice you can learn to grasp how to use your body and your senses as the "bridge" between your two minds. When you do, you have your own unique, personal, invidualized communication with

your immune system.

Awakening the Inner Healer is easier than ever now that we know how to slow down and begin with self-sensitivity, self-trust and self-


We also know NOT to begin self-healing with the old onlooker-observer science nor on auras and chakras. The new participatory science, popular since the 1970s, says to slow down and base self-

healing on self-sensitivity, self-trust, self-permission and self-protection.

Practice self-testing and you can quickly build to talking with your own immune system. Self-healing now must base itself and rely on what

is true in 'the domain of one person.'

Included are eight original simple exercises for lay persons, healers and coaches about FEELING SAFE to try new things, permission to feel, permission to think, permission to match feelings and thoughts; and, permission to ask Love, Light and Angels to be your Partners in all your testing.

The common factors for success at Touch for Health, NLP, Theta Healing, Psych-K, and especially PTS Master program, are self-sensitivity, self-trust and Love, Light and Angels. From this foundation, teaching any method-technique, including self-muscle-testing is a cinch.

Written for lay persons, coaches and practitioners of energy healing and energy medicine.

Success at Intuitive development training needs to be measured by whether students trust their own test results three weeks after training ends. Do they? If not, permissions and safety were not addressed adequately. 40,000 words 179 p. in 6x9 format.


Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel in Story Form

One of the wonderful experiences of my Waldorf teacher training was in a comfy living room, reading aloud Rudolf Steiner’s Fifth Gospel

transcripts, with a group of friends, round-robin style, a paragraph at a time. We read a chapter each night over the 12 Days of Christmas. If you've done this, you may also have felt the pull to draw closer to this material. I certainly did. The object of the present volume is to increase enjoyment for fans of the original lecture transcripts and for

use in read-aloud study groups over end-of-year holidays.

Dr. Steiner’s aim was to update the biography of Jesus of Nazareth, in light of the expanded intellectual understanding of karma and

reincarnation accomplished in the West since 1880.

The imaginative capacity of humankind, our increased ability to process metaphor, demonstrated by Depth Psychology and Carl Jung,

makes possible this portrait of Jesus of Nazareth and what he transformed into. RS's Fifth Gospel remains the most psychologically

astute portrait of Jesus of Nazareth this author is aware of.

An unexpected function of Rudolf Steiner's Fifth Gospel is to assist persons who have lost the thread of connection with their own Christ

consciousness. The Fifth Gospel is an opportunity to pick up their own thread again, and follow it. It heals many immature and plain

innaccurate ideas about Jesus of Nazareth, still the most psychologiclaly mature portrait of Jesus I know of.

Rudolf Steiner lectured several times, in several cities, on a body of information, apparently in the Akashic Records, regarding the life of

Jesus of Nazareth. According to him, what he found there was a series of “story book images” apparently quite closely and faithfully approximating children's Sunday School images of the life of Christ

and also by some stained glass images of the Stations of the Cross.

If you know Steiner, you won't be surprised to hear he went further to peer into, behind, under and round these facades and first penetrate

this inner reality and then articulate it in modern langauge for modern minds.

Steiner's lecture transcripts of these investigations were published verbatim in a book called The Fifth Gospel, but this basic clairvoyant

research was never compiled nor edited, except for verbatim accuracy. In no way was any attention paid to building a mood.

Several additional unpublished lecture transcripts, in typescript form, were also known to exist and may still be available to public from

specialized libraries. ALL these are here collated into a single chronological narrative in Rudolf Steiner's Fifth Gospel In Story Form. Supporting and bridging material to the narrative is drawn from Emil

Bock’s The Three Years to fill in some gaps.

PS: Rudolf Steiner Press tells me in 2012 that another version of Fifth Gospel material in chronological form was composed in Australia but I

am unable to find it online. Readers can feel free to share its whereabouts if known.

If you respond to this book, the rest of Emil Bock's books may also be of interest.

Topics include:

Inner experience of the disciples at Pentecost.

The two Jesus children, tradition of and evidence for.

Contribution of the Buddha to the Luke Jesus child.

The shepherds see the astral body of Buddha. -------------------------------------

Meridian Metaphors,

Psychology of the Meridians and Major Organs

Did you ever wonder how the basic self tracks and manages our mental-emotional activity? Ever think Chinese Medicine had some good ideas about how psychology and the body connect--but that

much was missing?

Now anyone can work either forwards or backwards, between disturbed organs and meridians on one hand; and, disturbed mental-

emotional states on the other hand.

All descriptions begin with healthy function. Disturbances are further categorized by under- and overcharge conditions.

This is an 80 page handbook-manual. Each of 14 sections provides comprehensive psychological language for

- Which meridian-organ absorbs which emotions,

- HEALTHY expressions of each meridian and associated organ,

- Disturbed expressions of each meridian and associated organ,

- UNDERcharged disturbed expressions of each meridian

- OVERcharged disturbed expressions of each meridian. Earlier literature is rectified.

An AXIS OF DYSFUNCTION is proposed for each meridian-organ.

Includes the myths and metaphors of under- overcharged organs-meridians condensed from Psychological Kinesiology plus much new

material from other clinical practitioners.

Finally it’s possible to move easily from meridian dysfunction and organ to psyche dysfunction; and, move easily from psychic

dysfunction to meridian and organ dysfunction.

22,000 words 80 page manual, 8 x10”


“Willingness to heal

is the pre-requisite for all healing”

This quote from Bertrand Babinet begins an exploration of:

- Willingness to change

- Willingness to serve

- Willingness to love

- Willingness to live.

If you can measure any one of these, you can measure any of them.

Any of these can be measured with self-muscle-testing, dowsing or kinesiology testing of any kind; ideally, with 'God as your Partner.'

Now anyone can pick a concern they wish to heal and measure their own willingness to heal on a simple scale of 1-10, using any and all

kinds of kinesiology testing, K-testing.

Willingness to heal is the key to aligning and integrating the three selves. Willingness is where the whole topic of the 3S leads.

What do infants have? Willingness. When we are born, A happy new baby’s behavior is primarily willingness. It is not "will;" it is not "willfulness;" we certainly do not have "will power." As healthy

babies, we exhibit willingness; Divine Receptivity. This is what we are trying to get back to as adults on any path of personal-spiritual


Have clients? The effectiveness of any energetic session, in any modality, can be estimated AHEAD OF TIME, with surprising

accuracy--before you begin working! Practitioners in any and all modalities, are encouraged to measure willingness to heal FIRST!

Willingness is only half a topic, one edge of a two-edged sword. The other half is reactivity. All of us reacting too rapidly to life, our outer

life out of balance with the inner half of life, our inner awareness. Wrangling and reducing our excess reactivity, is the greatest asset

and first order of business in personal-spiritual growth.

Just like on a see-saw or teeter-totter, as either reactivity or willingness goes up―the other goes down.

NOTE ~ This booklet assumes readers are familiar with self-muscle-testing or dowsing of some kind; preferably, with ‘God as my Partner.’ ---------------------------------------

You Have Three Selves; Simplest, clearest model of the Whole Person

Volume ONE, Orientation

The Three Selves is the simplest model of the whole person yet proposed.

It explicitly incorporates the natural spiritual capacities of human beings. The High Self stands for how each individual does—or does

not—connect with their own aspirations and Divinity.

These two volumes show the strong natural connections between the 3S and:

- Emotional IQ,

- Compassionate (nonviolent) Communication,

- psychotherapy and body-based psychotherapies,

- coaching and counseling, talk therapy of all kinds,

- Transactional Analysis,

- NLP and Brief Therapy.

The inner child, the "lowest" of the three selves, is already the world's most widely used model of the subconscious, used by teachers,

coaches, counselors and holistic practitioners of all kinds.

The "Three Selves" is the modern, completely Western version of Hawaiian shamanism, Huna, Kahuna and Ho'oponopono. This is the

first comprehensive textbook so far attempted. Written in an interactive, fun style by a Waldorf-trained school teacher and Health


In brief the model proposes:

1) A low self, a lower frequency "helper being," known by many names: inner child, immune system, etheric body, habit body, etc.

2) A "middle self," the familiar rational mind, either thinking-dominant or feeling dominant; and

3) A high self, a higher frequency "helper being" often called the Guardian Angel, who provides access to the spiritual potentials of the

human experience on an as-needed basis.

Strengths of the model

The Three Selves model is comprehensive in its embrace of all things human, top to bottom, modeling both “wings to fly,” in ecumenical spiritual terms; and, "roots in the Earth,” our most earthbound and

material aspects.

The model scales down easily to versions possible to share with five year olds. It can be grasped in its entirety by college sophomores

Thanks to its Hawaiian roots, both prohibitively esoteric and overly-intellectual-abstractions are scrupulously avoided. The Three Selves is bout becoming more "real" in every sense, becoming more fully


The model actively encourages loving your self first and service to others second. It is compatible with with Compassionate (nonviolent)

Communication and Blueprint of WE.

The 3S is the psychology of how we can heal ourselves; and, the human condition because the inner child is functionally equal to our

immune system.

The 3S model articulates with the entire range of 20th century humanistic talk-therapy practices; including, coaching, Transactional

Analysis, NLP and Brief Therapy.

The 3S is a candidate for the "big tent" in psychology, under which all other models of the psyche can be understood and have their unique contributions clarified and integrated. For example, the Three Selves bridges into and clarifies many “quantum science” ideas; for instance,

the 3S exist as overlapping fields of intelligence, which quantum science is still looking for.

The Three Selves and its better known fragment, the inner child, remains the fastest growing and most widely used holistic model of

the human being at this time because of its versatility for counselors, healers, and therapists. The three selves model is the whole; the

inner child is one part.

Unlike other wordy New Age philosophies and psychology, the 3S has usually clear and direct visual models of what it means to connect with both Spirit and with Ground. The 3S explicitly incorporates all

spiritual capacities of the human being. The High Self stands for how each individual does—or does not—connect with their own Divinity.

Each of the Three Selves is accessible thru kinesiology testing and self-muscle-testing of all kinds.

The Three Selves is FUN! Pop cultural reflections are all around us and are taken up in Vol. 2.

223 p. 6x9”-----------------------------------------

You Have Three Selves; Simplest, clearest model of the Whole Person;

Volume TWO, Find the 3S in Your Life!

If the Three Selves model embraces the whole human experience; then, representations must be all around us. Yikes, it's true! Find the 3S in your breath, body, blood, feet and our TWO nervous systems.

Find the inner child in fairy tales, Casper cartoons, sidekicks, several Rudolf Steiner ideas, Transactional Analysis, and in our immune

system and habit body.

Find the conscious and basic self in marriages in general, Mars & Venus, Batman & Robin, Rocky & Bullwinkle and Neil Simon's ìOdd


Find the high self in all popular imagery pointing to our many capacities ABOVE the rational mind; including, the Beloved.

Second volume of the first-ever general textbook on the three selves. It shows how the 3S can be a big tent for psychology, source code for

the human psyche and for self-healing. 93 p. 6x9”------------------------------------------

The Inner Court: Close-up of the Habit Body

The Inner Family or Inner Court is a view of the inner child, four times more precise and nuanced. Using a simple quadrant system, it

provides a close-up view of our “habit body,” the better, more timely, more accessible model of our unconscious.

Gift sessions by phone or Skype are available from the author. Psychology researchers are especially invited to call for a gift session.

Functional and dysfunctional memories, habits and behaviors, can be more precisely located and addressed with self-muscle-testing,

kinesiology of any kind and all persuasions.

Bertrand Babinet Inner Family ( showed us our inner child and gut brain has four discernible quadrants. Each quadrant has

a distinct and discernible character: Mother, Child, Grandparent, Father.

This more nuanced view of the inner child is shown to be origin of Satir stress-response-stances, Satir's Family Systems wisdom. It

transposes nicely to Arthurian Legend too.

The four-fold Inner Court is up close and personal with your inner child, beyond what is possible with a unitary concept of the inner child. Strengths, weaknesses and issues are four times easier to


Activity and relative strength of each quadrant can easily be assessed and measured with kinesiology testing, muscle testing, of any kind.

Further, our second brain, our cerebral brain, has its own four discernible quadrants; but, in different order and in a higher

frequency, so to speak.

Before puberty, the the four in the gut rule the four in the head. After puberty, the four in the head rule the four in the in the gut.

The activity and relative strength of each quadrant can easily be assessed and measured with kinesiology testing, muscle testing, of

any kind.

The goal for each set of four is LOVING. This too can be measured in any relationship of any two characters.

The relative activity and interaction of these eight quadrants models our personality and is suggested as the subconscious backdrop and origin of distinctions made in MBTI and virtually all other personality typology systems. Connections, similarities and differences of these systems become immediately more clear thru the lens of the Inner


More poetically, the Inner Court is a magic mirror reflecting your preferred memories, habits and behaviors more clearly. In our habit body they are the KEY ACTORS, acting out our habitual memories, habits, behaviors, routines and preferences. They are the “script writers,” script holders, “holding court,” determining our habitual

memories, habits, behaviors, routines and preferences.

Our likes-dislikes, strengths-weaknesses, functional-dysfunctional expressions, stuck places and addictions come to life in your unique expression fo each of these archetypes in you: body image, body

posture, attire, accessories and so on.

These insights have been tested by the author in client sessions since 2001.

Soul is choice; nothing determines our personality―unless we allow it! However, we rely on the acquired habits of our Inner Court to

suggest how to respond to life situations. If we do not change how we respond, we WILL respond in the habitual ways our Inner Court

knows to respond.

Say you are feeling bad. You can ask, "What's this about? Who inside me feels unresolved? Oh, it’s Guinevere! She feels rejected.

Let’s see why she feels that way and what she needs."

The present work associates the four quadrants with the much more nuanced characters of Arthurian Legend. These permit both deeper and higher insight into the four gut brain quadrants, beyond what is

possible with mundane family designations.

TWO Inner Courts is the inception of the difference between self-esteem and self-concept, between Conception Vessel and Governing


In the six possible relationships between the four archetypes, our personal failures, confusions and successes are expressed and can be

easily diagramed towards understanding our behavior.

The Inner Court makes obvious the strengths and weaknesses of many previous mysteries:

- The promise of research on right and left brain is fulfilled here,

- Personality typology in general is clarified,

- The four brain chemicals correlate with typology systems,

- The classic Supporter, Promoter, Analyzer, Controller typologies,

- MBTI ideas of how personality is formed thru preferences,

- Aristotle’s & Rudolf Steiner's four Temperaments,

- The pioneering work of Katherine Benziger is honored, 116 p. 6x9”


The NEW Energy Anatomy:

Nine new views of human energy

that don't require clairvoyance

The Three Selves is simply the clearest, easiest map-model for the whole person. Here’s the ILLUSTRATED handbook-manual-textbook of energy anatomy topics you would expect to complement the 3S.

The NEW Energy Anatomy is an easier, simpler, faster way to learn about human energy system compared to either chakra, auras or meridian systems; therefore, NEA is a better entry point for students developing sensitivity to human energy topics. Each view is testable with kinesiology of any and all kinds. You be the judge!

All models here are compatible with the Three Selves and will be of special interest to anyone who works with the more subtle levels of health concerns; including:

- health and medical intuitives

- Self-healers using K-testing, self-muscle testing, BodyTalk, Immunics, The Emotion Code, Touch for Health, MSS-DSS, etc.

Physical anatomy is used by every effective energetic practitioner and self-healer. When your target is invisible, as often true--the best map is invaluable!

Maps of chakras, auras, acupuncture points, and reflex points are common―and commonly confusing to students because they cannot be perceived directly without clairvoyance. These nine simpler views replace the chakra system as a starting place for most students of human energy. Each one is testable with kinesiology of any method. See for yourself!

Human energy is organized:

1) Right and left in the body, yin & yang in the body.

2) Top and bottom, enteric and cerebral nervous systems.

3) Front and back, CV-GV, Clark Kent and Superman.

4) As frequency, best viewed as four kinds of laughter!

5) Our gut brain has two frequencies, divided top and bottom, feeling above (hey, hey hey!) and willingness below (ho, ho, ho!).

6) Our inner child has four distinct quadrants, an Inner Court.

7) We have a second Inner Court in our head.

8) The back of our head is willingness to heal our past.

9) Hip stability is a Ring of Loving you can strengthen.

Other material includes the Law of Gentleness for healers, coaches & counselors.

These views prepare users for the subtle and unique details of each person's field by orienting readers to the location, placement and significance of much easier and effective reference points.

25,000 words 145 p. in 6x9 format.


The Five Puberties,

a Three Selves Journal on Children

Growing new eyes to see children afresh is the goal of this booklet; specificlaly, growing new eyes to see actual, living stage-development in living being--including children. Children are viewed thru lenses seldom used, all from a

Waldorf-informed perspective:

- Body, posture and stories the body tells,

- What animals and plants tell us about children,

- How five puberties, when successful, leads to independent thinking.

The natural connections between Waldorf stage-development model and the Three Selves are drawn.

Finally, we survey progress made towards a functional typology of children's temperaments in Anthroposophy, MBTI and Katherine Benziger, providing some clarification and direction for fruitful study. The perplexing problem of how children's typology differs from adult typology, is brought close to resolution.

It builds on the earlier Three Selves volumes or can be read alone.


Radical Cellular Wellness―Especially for Women

Cell psychology for everyone;

Radical Cell-Wellness--Especially for Women!

Why cells get sick and how to help them

Cellular awakening explained

Finally a coherent Theory of Wellness and Illness; as well as, a Theory of How We Heal, for everyone―especially for women.

Your cells are born healthy. Left on their own, cells remain healthy and reproduce perfectly. Only external and internal pollution can

interfere with cell health and reproduction.

If our cells are born healthy, each a happy Buddha Baby, why do we get sick?

Cells only sicken from interference. If we leave aside environmental poisoning, deficiencies, injuries and accidents, the only other possible

interference disturbing cells is internal; that is, mental-emotional.

The various forms of internal and external pollution we allow- promote-create are discussed with an eye to solutions!


How We Heal; and, Why do we get sick?

It begins with a dialogue in comic book script format: Every-woman in a dialogue, talking with one of her own cells.

Why every illness is a healing metaphor. A theory of Cellular Awakening, short version.

Does healing happen primarily from the outside in or from the inside out?

Your personal beliefs & myths about healing:

#1: If we understand our problems, they will be healed.

#2: If you donít know and donít understand, then you canít heal.

#3: Personal-spiritual change takes a long time and is always a slow process. After all, you've had the problem for a long time.

#4: If you've had a negative belief for a long time, it will take a long time to change.

#5: If you change quickly, it must be superficial and not long lasting.

#6: I canít change; ìThis is the way I am; Iíll always be this way.î

#7: If you are middle-aged or older, it is too late to change.

#8: Changing old behaviors and thought patterns is often difficult and painful, "No pain, no gain."

Why is pain allowed? Why do I put up with so much pain in my body?

What is the connection between pain and reactivity? How does reactivity pull us out of balance? Where is reactivity in my body?

What's the connection between reactivity and my comfort zones?

Can you help me see disease from Spirit's point of view?

Why does the conventional health care system limit itself to only pathology?

Is there nothing of value in conventional medical pathology for healing?

What do I have to know to begin healing my self?

But donít I need to know EVERYTHING before I can release?

What are trapped emotions? How do I release them?

Why won't God help me with my disease?

How do I get the attention of a Benefactor in Spirit?

Is this negativity coming into me or leaving or going out from me? 38

Is this a disturbance or a clearing?

What can illness teach us? What can I learn from it?

Where does disease come from?

Is examining past lives foolish escapism?

Why do you say, ìIf you can locate it, you can clear itî

Why do you say, ìIf you can feel it, you can heal itî?

Why does each of us heal so uniquely and use tools uniquely?

What's the fastest, easiest way to clear up unresolved childhood or past life issues?

How do we prevent illness?

How do we slow down the aging process?

Can I become my own doctor? How do I take back my power, take back my health from doctors?

How do Medical Intuitives work?

What does effective healing look like from Spirit's point of view?

What is self-healing? How can I heal myself?

What is Best Practices in Healing?

Whatís the single most useful tool for healing my self?

What does it mean to be Spirit-led?

How much of my disease is self-created; how much is genetic, in my genes?

If cells are constantly replacing themselves, why aren't we healthy from that?

What are ìcore issuesî? How do we heal them?


You have FIVE bodies; Spiritual Geography 101

Where am I? Am I this physical "meat body" or am I an eternal and immortal soul? Which direction is Home, the Home Office? The topic of Spiritual Geography, first recorded in the literature of Light & Sound

groups in the 1800s, addresses many of these questions.

Our physical body is maybe one-sixth or less of human consciouness. What makes us human is five more invisible bodies beyond our

physical body:

- imaginal body,

- emotional body,

- mental body,

- memory-habit-mythological body

- soul body (not really a body according to eye-witnesses).

The books, Tigers Fang, 2nd ed and When Are Your Coming Home? are pointed to as more authoritative. They are based on direct

personal experience way beyond that of the present author. Comments, additions and corrections from groups and individuals

using the PACME model are invited.

John-Roger, is the most recent Western proponent of a Spiritual geography. His model is covered here with additional comments and

concepts providing leverage for teaching purposes.

John-Roger emplys the Thesophy terms, Physical, Astral, Causal, Mental and Etheric (PACME). The PACME map-model point to basic distinctions in the human psyche and consciousness. Once pointed

out, most people say, "Hmm, that makes sense."

Spiritual Geography is emplyed by kinesiology and Energy Detectives as a map-model-tool to help locate invisible mental-emotional issues.

The uses of the PACME model for purposes of self-healing and energy detectice work are highlighted.


The Meaning of Illness is Now an Open Book;

Cross-referencing Illness and Issues

Virtually unknown to the public, excellent, EIGHT peer-reviewd books exist correlating illnesses and mental-emotional issues as of 2012.

It's now possible to simply look up the meaning of physical illnesses, the causative issues behind health concerns. Some combination of these mental-emotional issues is what oppresses your organs, tissues and cells.

For persons with their own Healing Toolbox, they can simply get busy doing what you can to locate, address and resolve these issues.

If you don't know where your Healing Toolbox is or what's in it, you can always find a Self-Healing Coach, Health Intuitive or Medical Intuitive. Find someone who works with loving.

Those interested in the mental-emotional meaning of illnesses tend to be, self-healers, self-muscle-testers, holistic practitioners, kinesiology practitioners, Medical and Health Intuitives, energy detectives of all kinds and anyone interested in what used to be called "psychosomatic medicine."

Therapeutically uselss and eccentric literature in this field does exist. This only highlights the eight best books.

Additional material conerns how one Medical Intuitive views his field and his practice:

- Illness as a healing metaphor.

- Willingness to heal is the pre-requisite to heal

- Summary of some very recent protocols and methods for connecting the dots between illnesses and issues.

Chapter Four has some original research on therapeutic metaphors for illness:

Cancer and tumors in general





ADHD, Attention deficit, Hyperactive disorder

Chapter Five is a Proposed Wikipedia page upgrade on “Medical Intuitive”



Cellular theory of wellness, cellular awakening

How clairvoyant are MIs?

Use of muscle testing & self-testing

Willingness to heal

History of Medical Intuitives


Comparison with “health intuitive”

Comparison with “psychic fortune tellers”

Comparison with “shamans”

Comparison with “mediums and channelers”

Comparison with energy medicine

Comparison with “mystics”

Comparison with faith healers

Client safety issues

Practitioner safety and burnout issues

Training opportunities



How does a Medical Intuitive work?

Your immune system is the expert on your body, not the rational mind

13,000 words 50 pages in 8.5x11 format.


COMING: Your Body Is the Bridge, Muscle Testing re-designed with ‘God is my Partner’

In DRAFT form. 100 pages on how and why muscle testing in any form works, the end of the joke: Muscle testing works in practice; its simply does not work well in theory.

COMING: Best Practices in Self-Healing System Series

You are a hologram; Why we are invisible to ourself

Measuring, math and scales--with ‘God as my Partner


Holistic Chamber Start-up Kit (2009 edition)

Everything you need to start your own local Holistic Chamber of Commerce .A fundraiser for local HCCs everywhere!

Each copy purchased benefits the local Chamber you buy it from. Bruce Dickson, Founder, Co-Chair ~

Camille Leon, Co-Chair ~ Westside Holistic Chamber of Commerce &

8,000 words to inspire you to start a local chamber, where the network is, tips and hard-won experience to save you time on the front end. Concludes with some ideas you can implement once you get going.

Other products

Slow-Motion Forgiveness ™ Practice CD

The Five Puberties, a 3S journal on Children, 40 p. 6x9”

Your Illness Is Now an Open Book, Free 31 page PDF by request.

Muscle Testing Practice Group DVD. One hour.

Rudolf Steiner's Fifth Gospel in Story Form

(140 pages). PDF available for free by email request.

1:1 phone sessions available. Group classes available. Training to do what I do is available.

Other CLASSICS of self-healing

& Medical Intuition

Forgiveness, Key to the Kingdom, John-Roger

The Emotion Code, Bradley Nelson

Messages From the Body, Michael Lincoln

Our Many Selves, Elizabeth O'Connor

Touch for Health, 2nd Ed, Mathew Thie

Your Body Speaks Your Mind, 2nd ed. Deb Shapiro

Core Transformation, Connierae Andreas

Bruce recommends

The best solution is always loving

If you get stuck, give me a call.