three ways to identify the symptoms of cataract


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Post on 02-Jun-2015



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Cataract is an eye disorder where the lens of the eyes becomes cloudy and if not treated on time the person can suffer from blindness. There are many symptoms which indicate that a person may be suffering from cataract. As soon as a person is diagnosed with cataract he should consult a doctor.


Page 1: Three ways to identify the symptoms of cataract

Three Ways to Identify the Symptoms of Cataract

Cataract is an eye disorder where the lens of the eyes gets cloudy. It is an age related eye disorder and

is very common in folks above the age of 80 years. Many people suffer from cataract will experience a

clouded vision. A cataract cannot spread from one eye to another. Cataract grips you slowly, it will

initially be unnoticeable but gradually it will reduce the sharpness of your vision. The cause of this

disorder is still a question of debate. But smoking, diabetes and protein accumulation in the lens of the

eye has been some common reasons that have been found to trigger cataract.

Cataract develops very slowly and if gone unnoticed then can worsen to a degree that the person can

easily become blind. Cloudy vision and blurry vision are the common symptoms of cataract. Apart from

these dim visions, difficult to see at night due to heightened sensitivity to bright light and glare, a halo

bright light and appearance of faded colors are some more symptoms. Other rare symptoms are double

vision and yellow tint in vision.

This common eye disorder starts at a slow pace but if proper medical attention is not given to the

patient then it can worsen. It is always advisable to visit an eye specialist when you experience any of

the symptoms motioned above. If you are diagnosed with cataract he can suggest you ways of getting it

removed. If it is diagnosed at an early stage corrective measures can be taken like applying eye drops,

eye exercises and wearing of glasses.There are many treatments for removal of cataract nowadays. The

most effective treatment by far is the refractive lens exchange, which involves removal of hardened,

cloudy lens and replacing it with a new one. The procedure is a simple one and takes only twenty

minutes. The recovery period is also a few days. The people who get this treatment done experience

normal vision and get rid of their glasses. This treatment is suitable for folks above the age of 50.

Page 2: Three ways to identify the symptoms of cataract

For making the job of diagnosis easy you can carry your earlier tests which you have got done to your

eyes. This will help the doctor to diagnose a cataract easily. Some people don't take the symptoms

seriously and later suffer from blindness. It is better to get an opinion from the doctor as soon as

possible. You should not be complacent as your carelessness can result in eye impairment and your

normal vision won't return if cataract grips you.

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