thtf mas'setti pfcg|lhta octobe, r 51915 john b. tyo · w%\tw|ow|;lipld his meat >buf...

-—-~ ^tyvjvji -; *-™(H*i-w*~ ~M • 1 Wi"W-UJM»"«M»WJyBftlMI.SWW!IlHP V•''' *SHed ^«^^ ; J;^*Sf^l^ff"- ! 'y; * , r ""-'. ''/' ^•fcrgF*' i B I /• f- *£>& m SUN'''' THtf MAS'SEtti pfcg|lHta, OCTOBER 51915 large with considerable swampy land, making it difficult to locate the cows unless in sight. He told the' Press Man that he'found the bell particu- larly useful Hen bossie has hidden her calf in' the pasture. No doutt •there are sectiidns in North 'Stockholm liere; bells afe used more .or lessbtft p &e Mia ipraotice of belling the •cows lias gone* out of vogue and exists #£ly ; in the {kemojy of those whose Wy&Ood $tf$ hayef long been past J i l e i i C l ^ l t e ^ e s s for a ftarv •idken that..wi:i";fi'fty-two .times' during $ e|jm<i m recipient of the toner's thoughtM kindness. K year's i ^ W $ \ < % k $ h e SNs«na .Press, %tt to' the absent relative or frienu" !^i^ e »- S°y 'tfr kirl; a^-ay to School will W? }$,3t-'W cn '&re\biate-d as Its visits I fet#MI^#i f ; # n t a i n | 'touch of. M&fii ''Senlykr pews items to, A.'L, Heath, fnfi >e;!p aiafee fhe Press the rs|r|ifidttj? d y l ^ i ^ alf'^inds ! pt 16b Our'o^I<rSa%n Ancestors were Quite Ti'gjit ana wise;'in naming October the '/wine, month."' The wine. Qf life is ja ^l$ps$ ""etegiS crisp- days. Our veins 'how ;?S©' &a|tfrig, in ithe October da#s, o^- ^;ilow%mf ia'gd?-i-you and I and a merry s ej-owdffl-boys land girjs,-. each- with, a ; ; -*£ske< oft sack [to,-fill, with, the Spi$en..-. 5 ? 'bi6%ii3|rea*suifes'''bj .'the/ forest;,'me ; c ci^s£aa1k ana<.ba*2ei^ttts- hid >e"ecfi- muts, hickories tand shagbarks? 'Sfhat '<0eat"spbH*'ii was^ -How'We scurried 4M6h^.^Vsun4ec^ed^w'o'oajanQ s wayi, i - gfcjnig .Hloudf with}i%e"-Jure'ioj^of. ug .•alfve^'i^eJcan' selryet'tne sa^i: ' ' »V- ^ n f ^ y ^ w ^ ^ ^ «tose ^y a chiBmunlt;|,(50|to •pigortiftMy, attd"from fhie sfiado]^yJ farm, Jenkins Corners, were 1 {imong* the.Brooklale visitors this week. John Wade is re-shingling his house and; other buildings. V»u iennan Street Biiiefs, •fW. ifa VanKennp and daughter, Mrs. Rali>h Wfiiig, attended the funeral of '(Ma*s/$e.nry VanK-ennan, at Norfollc, Tuesday. 1 ' Mrs. Xohn Roasaw, who has.been very ill, is gaining her health rapidly, Her daughter, Emma, of Madrid, is' Oaring for her; FredjGQodn'Ough* of Norfolk, trans- acted 'busitfess in this" section Tues- day. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bandy, of Brookside farm, visited their-son in ipotsdam, recently. , Mr. ajml 'Mrs. Henry Barkman of Norwood, were-gtiests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney. Felix on,Sunday. ' . •. ! dVlr*s. •Bharles Trots is- visiting her •mother, Canada. Mrs, if. Roasaw has returned to her home |n'Madrid, after an extended vis- it 'to her parents,in this street. Henry,and Earl Bandy of Bropftside |arin r dJsjpsed/ol-a lbid-of potatoes !in t 'Maasena,?fTue^da,isr..: - .... Mrs^ i^etes-Boish i a s coll?fet;e i d a ear- .load- of'jsr.egetjfcbles for the''G&ildren's Home in Ogdensburg. The yegetables were shipped from Plumbrook, (Mon- day. . • , Mr, - and. jitrs. Sidney Felix and daughter; Miss Jane, ..aamj^pjaM from a .visit Ho friends'%i ^aisd^a- .S^rings^v,..,, Jf ,-^-- .,:<•...>- '• ' Enjft>ps Stattonf ^ ., •: Work -has' ^began on, the aew milk station here. Ground was .broken on Sitnrday andftemasoii started work Tue*sday»-- A foy^e.of Cj»rpeni;fr,s. are fexpe^td^dai^ > . \ k_,-',•/".- r ?.'. ' •> /The Bpston' ffersey. dreamery com- jpany w e . short of. several-gallons of ^ i l k ^ d f t e s d a y j an,d ti.e>.mystery < .was, f'one" for* ^the, ^eei;%r,atea" Sierloek .. CJhaipfc-IMtace. iMr§. J e n | i | | « ^ ; h a s moved her !Bugehol|^iMi|Jone, where she • expels t f l ^ l l ^ p l e future. R. E. ,^S^|^'i!his family into •fe« :B » b ^ « f c which he pur- chased a ' ^ i l P 6 & S0. Thomis ;Shep.iias.,Sl&v^S family from ' " - " ^ tO:i|»Scoll house on De- pot»Street.g||i§ir- •,, ,'V.Oli»l|||f|||eiitIaiW, |. W%\tW|ow|;lipld his meat >buf "iness to M r ^ # b l " Ft. Jackson, wh[&v took possessffl«-,t' Mr. {.ocke has accepted thejpff jo, of patrolman on the State rbp#4^h is'nearly com- pleted. ' < 2f8\& ^||P«tioB, . I ' Harry B j | | ^ » p b a n y spent de week eEd'fa^i|M^'| of, A, B. Rolfi :' John ^ t e ^ l p t o u ' n g son <ft William'itfa|^f')vho has -been a^t the OgaenSln^^t^ Hospital under- going treatmelwpi ivdjseases .bone in John B. Tyo Ogdcnsbnrg, N. Y. - m ' ^ .^vf'-i^- f y cS«dr.en,- : •••%8® few dayi | T last week ;f|}|,-'Mrs, Joh: iBforan, ha> ' A s i l a * ; t o 'her home i 'Cbases Mfll^f S||. ; ; .\ - T^ie.MissigM^ the R. C; 'Chat^/elosMuj^ay, Sept. 26. Bis- i^0i#ib^ejs|8lfedensburg was pret k t>ant*atid^ i eoM§,edi a large class of The Store Thai «n— % 1JI700LTEX suits and co^fs were nevef, m t _ ^ 11 the leaders of fashito as fhey are thfefeli* 1^| the leaders of our many handsphie Wooltex 1 a § r e l .garments are the tjie hell^iox,. Howard ,Byk.e. camej qut, it an^tound'thai Iteweat to the H'ft||jsa 'gjiilo^^^d,' son of Rochester] lk^visitins.#i^ r M s . Mr > and Mrs. ti;ere?y JJ^IL ||^ 1 . ';-, ,-%eQa' Butlepsiaj; home. , Mrs. B. 'Jr. iSflJe is dangerously ill at frhig; 1 writi^|f|jdi.hopes are enter- 1 fta|ped jfpr .^e^^^oyery. , ll-^rkf^reor^^ffifey. and son Girard,, ^f •I'^atertb.v^^wBo have beea the jE|Ctor^,, forgot t o ^ e ^ e his-.jcait' of inijitey'jiJiiViaEd jbrought.'iis. ^milkv Mek. to the" "farm and dumped it?intQ , the tw!n>>.ibaBrel: Howard's 'mother -told; |he.,^res^Man fhatyshe- had..eagaged a jSaWe^i• bell for him,, and as s'oda as an W^imm&soomte '$w^e *$ fet^l^l^S^5» [•• ^ . t o * badk over, itf Y^; w « e^iouId^TvWaiy may^Tye n.ot $ak^ M<s:a. s aoyousiy todayi instead' of'mak- sjbktkrned Ui,onfej, ^Mrsday, !. , Mrs/ Myja»$§£jBj!£n's of McCollums is, ft1}ilgu;6Sfc'^Wr%^.p."Rolfe. } I Tjinotny . O l ^ ^ ' w h o recently un- fcae^^5it;iapJ(^r^,tjon for 'appendicitis ;'at Jiae'-QKy-fio^|tal at Ogdeneburg (| Jr4fcj^^^Qjfe^'(Wi;esday. r "-•-? 3^li"3|eJHe'|Sp^Bn''spent a few days' ^i. #|g,%b«rf ja|^;week. , ^SJf 9%$W* 8 l;eturned tTom k I'-'J^lmfmM^U^ o* St. Regis^ m-^. ^ p p | ; b | , l H e r •|iste*^Mis/- %I|za. s 'Ba;b-.| edjiic, for;'the past two week^, has re- .., ._,.,iurned toiler home iaColton, rtduJM.'-w&TvWpiy may,-we. n.ot $ak^f''%hernBr>e*pefRts<tor;the r har.vestd^^ fe c s.n .4iwoitffW+K*oV. J^^-^. ^„i,_ fi ^ r -ijeiaiagt.Saturday were §20-32. ,JJc, iSa^/MrsJ" Boy Ho^ie. and two cmlidren.^f'Wittthrop, are guests of .TUT-. ' -T— -a ***•-- . - -' '- ^ m-< itosbs- w0r«' la.5wn. ©oat; 0$s ' pe^& St-veriaa lhay stacks j-ia ith^>aortfe,^pa?t ct the towa^ere Bl&wn dfrwn ;by tn«, gale. . . ' , --.''•' •• : -;. . Re*. C. A, Heati Is Better, The many friends of the Eev. C. A. Heath, former pastor of the Brookdale . . w. M, Church, bity now of Pore^tdale, , Vt, who recently jarde^Weait an-sperr •' ation ffir -aj^e#djcitis «6 : the* Mary Fletcher Hosp'fW, BuriingtonyrVW will "•- - ; -.^e~pIease^T^ieaTO-th^t'Jtijlias,W "'.-.'-'-'^ - : ^i**• ^eroi&ttft^5iva%-se.ea ' s a s ^ g ' p.vec'' """".i",-v-"' -! .'.jflJiff se>po»^febd^ti-sih^C;J%st7;^eyen '•••CS:* "^C^^^l^Ws^^^l^lbiaBdwa? ' ---A*:-X:V/'1S6ek-^l;-seeii-'liJi'^Mi^WtW'M 6 ^ '". ',-•;{; > 7 : : Q$ lirffl&gi'$£r^m&J!§oj| >v .,.wJierW.}fe l : -"'. •->%& r caSl%d.a ; rai|M-|%o:?oi" Mr;e& Jiaiep apd-. i&ftvTa^sdayfbr Detroit "wtteVe they |w|U-pa!Ki their future home, , -P'r&ss ' Hiram Claffey is suffering from a- IMan .wondsrs Whether this- ^ayihg^-. frd«fured leg. '-Cft-t a'hatd one to'many-of Msf^dees 'nQt|;.#fesife'iQngsIef wade a shopping careful striving,!* live in the present'! a ifreight crew,.'came Birough' ^that. taeair that tve Shodl^ learn- to teust- trip to Norwood, Saturday the omnipresent power as a- ohild C §5 Kaapi>, statioa aget „_,— T trusts its earthly parents, cease our at unusual experience recently, when .Mtasoj^ ofj r^'dayfi ja towa laist 1 week" the'guei&^^r» '^d Mrs. O., W. ;M^^^^|^.^*' .... ; n [•'[Mr. aladV^^a^ej/^EcArthHr and, S^.'^n4Mr|i i 3S^ig^S x ^ ' sjsent, &\ few : days" Iffsf f^^jtlie Adfrondacks, oii" a i hunfiii'l'!M'r;..r2?; * - ,.._. - -' the. an j d-^-yes t;-gqodt|m^'- " '• were-'ttna^le to'^peak'fifaglisb, Mr*,] Br>obli:aaIr;<tegaBlzes Foot Ball Team. L a p p ' s French is spatewhajt riistyfeut 1, :|Fhe. J BroGkdate'A. O. will b;e repre- he managed to "understand them aftgr I seated oir tfin= wnn^fiw^n l+t >*" "-~— *—' - *• ' seated on thergrldfron'tMs seaspa^/by oa3s -of M 'fastest "!6o|bk1lT teams; Jn. | : ifo|n|''&fEhfuliy |ori«h'e : ''»opeaiag-of• the-) '•feasda,^Saturday,-. October 16, when 'gg^Les, y?UL pp. B^ye'd with, r I'thtfotAeFSfl't of'^owaYearns.'All home- Sanies -Will be playgd oa the Old Or- a^ri^iampn^:rjB^ed ; . , Jandrew.,. % ^o^iftJg^itle^eaM ail'Walter iesniere te5'ookdale^fei<!hie£r -Mcfcer, will assist 1 wife 'i;he Wprk. ? jQbjarley Launkey has •S^n eiiecttd! captain, and. J'Bill" Wag- :.st4tttreferee. --•Basier LaComb is the ayfashion. v ifss, Campbell, who'Jjas be^'visltrL'/?'.^:^ a^-c'/-.. , f ' f Q ^ p l ^ l a i ^ t uaiaue toiiring e a r s | | seenlsi-tjifsMpage this Reason passed ing\lter daughter and ienV'fn'Auburi : •K-T-. for tie past few days, returned _ _ t tfl wf !^i ie " e 'J IlUrSda ?- •' it^ftitS^rday^srweeTInd yf^ R ?.^ rS - ^^J'^rphy; tfimiMmmM Drake of Bostoa. Jt fl tt^.^ n * er ' Were over :Sund-ay It.^^pp^ipteahouse.on wheels, v? rt!#i.^ eXr ParentS ' ms - anfl M ^ t ^ ^ a ^ W P h . l wardrobe,, larder, R. E}. WSlkins is reported to be ou$e poorly at this writing. forty Vhojsrs' ,d^§ipn, ,.at BrusMonl Ja^^eelfei, /-f ^-^TV, ,r ,. 8 , |, 'Safest"jMamle Cfc«j;ley "of jB>opkd£le ^p&xt'iti weel^eqt' Vith^piss Nella . Rfv.^4^®R|dsh»w went to S'prth -Bangor Tueday ev^&iitg to preach ia J th^JVjt. B. Church at,, that-p^aee. ^ " , : ' .#. >P, !Btitler is .invp^ovbig' the' ap-' ijre^ance '<tf: his Residence *y a'Mrge) K . .viAi':.'-*''^' •-* •"' ^i;-i ; to ^ 1 ^ ^illlxi ^Alli. TAnfr I There is exceptional style and graeefulnes§-|ii r £he jsix-; Hi special Winningham'designs. Ji^ei^'one.ebiilopiis jfe/^M the season's most •fashionable style tendenc4es. , " . r XM-' : : " """"" I Fashion says: "Natural figure lihe&''_/Th^se^pe|;;'>r'.f; f tex Winningliam suits all have the graceful linesQ^M&'y natural figure which we all admire so muck Several have the stylish, hip length jacket. Others ;•/ have the equallr fashionable long jacket. - -1 Military collars and envelope pockets are features, ^f : .-',.• the Winninghapi Suits foi* ^roung woinenl Smaitly l&?<|/-.> collars and simulated belt effects are features of' ptjie^r ;i suits. . EAYMONDVILLE ^.'v^i*'.H7»PW8«9w» ?0ft' ^dte^s-moibrcvae.. *:" .1 ;pjh';dang^d |f. he. wpwldnft ask the a^pt^-Aps^Rread it*fer-Bim."-, . ItTpalt^r"|esmere|^who.has 'been on, i|5e|r|8i%^is;t, f is'no ,; w,-ahIe to sitfupsaad 'hajle^hfeb^slnad&j;^. ' .. ' . : \ of Mr. \tvmMBr^^fM4v comforts found in I »>mgd|t%ansphpat. .•fi*?i''fiT%fis a student of the pas- J; &ro^||y,:>fe'Enacted at Oberam- 1 ' 1 fSuflnl^f^iia,' Germsny, he has f l%fl||*.«piJi^e,.subject'for twenty', |'^|0||^in|' f f|i'ceaseeB' tfie' play' as, fetsMBff^fClne^fee'Pple *>i dbfiram-V l^a potter,, formerly'of Brookdale, ii%M^^Mf^W^s.VB a noted [Tglo,be-trotter>'%as'4 guesit of his .broth- ej; wdsisfe|;%-iaw,.Mr. and Mrs, .Ota J' 5?I^J* Si mSH Home farm, Jenkins Corners,- M^aaay ^nd" Tuesday. Mr. [Porter -has just returned from an ex- ^-;c \' •>;:'•• ^^Wi^teiW&^WkFtf air the # 5 tax-' 1 .-.-; v;u ; .:V'£»7^o|-ytae?twy-tbwns'nive"slgn:ed i Vtjie>;' f'^W^?*:^ 06 3aa% will J : - X-0^;^^^m^M^^Shtem inches .^jeture's screen^aad • Sfeynafd Mbrrison of Canton; was a gues$ of L. P. Wjoteott,. Stuiday.-' Bill O'Brien, of Brookdale, wis "a jailer,^t^a!Pps,-FTjid»K- ;.••:•;• '•"; ,-., M i s s ^ r i o n . Lyiek of^BrPokaaie^ -If S * he Vfalt ° rS la -- t W*.*»iSi W$m*&#&* ks lecture equip- ,tflls; Week,' ,J •• • . -~ "•-•* >5S^S*ltS££-JS34^a?-_ii-o. ; -i' ^__* f.Bgute ; tw1)/Basnhe honor ofiliemgtne •Ptdest gentletoan on the road where he lives. "Uncle JPha," as he- is called 'by -his many -patrons, fe one of the too.§t welcome callers in"this'section. Every day, raia or shine, hatt or snow, •Up i a s - a word of good che'ey and a smile for those he meets upoa the road, North Stockholm needs more f men/like ^Cnele John." • <•» for yon, miss or matron, a suit •I^|-.l!!le#;^f#...:- To tTieir exceptional style are added materials and tail- oring of the well known Wooltex quality, the high stand- ard of which is an assurance of satisfactory fit and ser- vice. , , . ; , ... ' * You know it fakes a good cloth and good tailoriug t6 make a stylish suit that will retain its smart, stylish &p : pearaiice. You can depend upon Wooltei garments. Come in today and see the new Winningliam suits and Pompadour coats. Try on a few and see t ffr your^ self their charming beauty and stylish designs. \i '•' forjf'ermont. , j^fSfrs.' Richard Jakdrew of Madrid, 'was a callpr at Cjloverdale farm on Tfie'sday, ; . , * - ', Joseph ^p'oshaw, ;of Jenkins Corners- was'^a welcpmp calmer in Brookdale on Tuesday. "Mr, Goosaaw' Jhas'/pass^ed, "thP three-score-and,-ten mark. He told the, Press Man that the felt like a two-year-old, and cbuleUdo as much as he could twenty years' ago. Mr,, and Mrs. H'.'B.'Starks, of'Brook- view, farm, attended the get-together' ••$$£!& ^^I^PpAlT^ursday. ^#-#^%K^apAan, v ' w l H y -has BRASHER FLATTS. ., „^/ : ' _ , ", ... Mr. and Mrs. Barcume of Edwards visited her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Currier a,few days recently. v., ' Sirs'. Ellen Small and nephew 'Lewis. SMorrlson spent Sunday with r>.< key. and family. t ,,. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry. >yisiteda| at his brother's^, S, Perry recently'- : Wi^pui^a^eels is built on th^ chassiSiiit;^,^^ car constructed of^ t ^ell'03#j.pia^|UrBs stained a land-* };Stfanp;fif^^^ e l l * 0<>r i s a t me ^-^ i h a ^ l p S f ^ p f l i ^ e •driver sits at at;t%i|a)egj.pi^'-..the other it at the reati|itMi.|g-f^:!fijis,head, the driver' may-]jP*ok : ^5li^^r t ^i^ ! road. TSi^lp|||i||t|i-5foot long, 6 foot.: w t Jd|^W^of^^nches;^rom floor tp ;1 ceil|^#lt|ife;|p i ^^r4ft.e;' the lecturer Suits at Coats at $15.00 fd $35.00 $9.90 to §27.50 ' You are cordially invited when in Ogdenshurg i.o at- tend obr Fall Opening Exhibition of Dress Goods, Silks, Carpets, Rugf, Lmolefams, etc. Our exhibit embraces all that is new and correct in the" fashionable fabrics of the day. .. car^SP^^Ifl&ng clothes ia which J-he^||B|^^|^e}*|>iatf0rm.- A .b|isi-, i, ae>s , ^f|jt^f^?hen doing Ihis own worfe^i Fall Millinery Our Millinery department is one of the largest in Noi'thern New York—one i 'en>/; , tire floor devoted exclusively to the manufacture and sale of Millinery, Buying ivom r first hands, in large quantities enables us to sell "Chic" Millinery at priees far nelSa^f : V ;: usual prices. Discriminating shoppers are amazed at the values they get MTCyo^/;^ Many qf our $5.00 fiats are superior to the specials now being shown .elsewhere..ij^i . $8.50. Our stocks move quickly. We are glad to turn over merchandise rapidly rath-fj'i er than make larger profits on less goods. Our slogan jh^jpqpuia^:prides,, * '-'^"^' j "-^ Jcf'ft'agent and other ne^es|peM.aM|a a dust proof en- Cl0|^|'|$^)iV. .'•"••^^^P^^to'JS weI1 fenowain rthe^§)Msj^^n;dt section is making htsfMft^&ughSCT'orthern New York wr __ hk Uj Tuesday eveaiag and Wednesday" with his parents here. „•; , \4 The many. ! friends'herp.ofnMTs. 6har-- ^S£i|fe^^9® &s - He -carries lcS W«#*MoBlfpnl*tO last several days, .••V'^mmmm?* -•?.'»,?•---:•-•f*..- f ' l M P P 1 8 toI, > recently. ^^Syfed^Marlow recently spent friends m Grant- has been ^l^^f^W-afi^ffiPiag trip tolPots- \^fmjpnied-ay||lns w^ek;'> h0$ s / &''Qi' Al U8Gp, of Malone, is a j M^MPh' and Mik L, M. Curtis and r M 5 5 i^' B - -'P'randy - at Meadowlands (brother, Judge has returned to lctfe Bell ohfirasher ffails.-Wt^.resrt dent of thi3 Jittle hamlet for'over shl .«™--v- -,-» ., . years will •h^^.J^l^^ZTj^HMMm^my^le Rayrno visited years will -be pleased toherethat she *• ?-.-,,=. a-^.- Xi i s ; , m ^ e , , r o a d , t p : - r e c q v p r J X 5 | ^ ^ p i » * &th ^ aSt V?\ ^efiousAlMess of several'vleks, f c t f r ^ P * E » ^ ' f s 'v^ rles ' i»"!»~— ,..- .- > - ' -^"^•MagBmKSsrtat~ski^t£fT.Ana Baker aid (Shop. V&ftMM operation'fbr'canqer oa^ateid. —«».«-. --«« i7 «^, -. , behead?,..' - " ' " W P P P * * ' 1 -,«Wb.tottte Small speat a day-thefcSlwM^T 11 - 3 ' ^ nt ' sey - w^fe with frieads .in BrasS||MtfefS%tf ™ ly m thlS pla ° 6 |Mi|S^ei-lets-dowa his bed "'"" """Bfri'fl turas ia for'the 'U t i e Queen City. |eakia§ of Hillcrest farm Mrs. ArOiur Mig, of Cedarhedge i * ' Cf&.l'?s. (Mir. and" Mrs.. Wesley Dignau.and : little'daughter, spent Sunday "witfa rek atjves on the -ridge. - * -. ; iQarl LaFlour is working for Peferj Small for,the present.»' > -J Miss Lottie Small spent -Monday. with friends in Louisville. .••>:-*, , x ,, m ^Several from this vicinity attended* ^ygj Qgdensburg Fajr. ' " Advertist in The Press. .•A~~v& k: ' - ' - '••-- : »^^^^^ < '-'*^|fe^ il 3>5iS?!tjSBWS«*- i ^ d U j I ^ ^ f l W ! liaepn;,. '"" '•'I.5'.'.'fe'-'-'' SEASON 1 OF 1915 Skate" Coikmencing May.Sjl until further ixp- tice, will make , TWO except Surt^aj, ,''b,efween 'MASSENA ANP ^RiNWAIUU running on the, following soheduls I MORNIMG'TRIF* j-LejaVes 1 Power House Dock,, I Massena 1 .... J 8:20 a. m. Leaves International Park.,9:'<15 a. m. Arrives at Cornwall &30 a. m. Retiirn Leaves iCornwall ......... 10:<W a, m. iLeaves International Park 10:30 a. m. Arrives -Power House iDpck, 4la.ssena ..... , . . _ . . . , . . 12:00 noon- Leaves Power <Souse^J3oek, JJIasseria. : 2:?0 p. m.| Leaves International Park 3:16 p. m. Arrives at Cornwall 3:30 p. m. ! Return Leaves Cornwall — .... ; 4:®0 p. m. Leaves International (Park 5:00 p. m. Arrives Power House Doek, : Massena ...«...;., ..*..,., 6:30 p. m, Hnbbard's BUs Lme.'^wiil connect with the Boat-each trip.-"- -Hack to or- der. •'"' ' 'Phone 132, WESTONJi, 1CL1NE, Captain $ - ~ ^¥,«^>^JS. v V38 passengers; .with stric% e a r e t i j ^ I b^ n T' ^ l i n e w m ^^^ ^ absolutely s a | e » ; : * basis, Your pateonag^e is solieited.«. 4 »«».,* . tJ '.*,^i *' * Leaving , a. m. * Massena •... S:00 * Louisville Corners.. 8:20— .2S * Beatty Corners 8.80-^-'. -.35 * Chase Mills :.. 9:00*- .50 j: Waddington 9:30—.65 * -B?own ; 01mrch 10:00-=- .85 % Ogdensburg 11 : 00— 1,00 ,;^ m^'4 Returning ; :.'}> - - 1,T. Ogdensburg ...«.j'; 3 h%M~** . Brown >p|uireh'. r .V. 4;00—I ,50^';- Waddjngten ./...-r^^O-^".165^%"-/... * Chase Mills-. JV..-.;.. i r a o - " jigffc;"'| Beatty C o r n e r s , , , ; 5:30— '.S&r-S/;""- 1 -.- •-*V Louisviu'e Corners.. S:^--'-^'©;-*-J Massena.. .„:..,. 6jqo-r J.,00?^; "M Even after faUurei there a sort of > consolation in feeling that you* tried % your best to succeed- » . . . . * tacit 10 or- 31 rrt.*. 1 < • - - - -*-- ^^v,*' ,: -hone 132. | Charges.-between stations 25e a«d 50e mmSmg^M;^ ^captain g custanee. -^ ( _ •_ ,; Y,;4;!v, :;pl. r -'*:-'^ *==?| We grro<3onpons"m the bunlar) Ponv^onfeaf^-%^'11 1 We giro coupons m the Dpnlap Pony^eontesr'-TS.^f t- -I --.•'-**:• _i"|v -••> < : '<•&?.&*>&•£•-: #'-ii * .» ^"l- *^-*&*>?*V»>*<&H^&*^ ^i^^^^t^^.4^ -. ***^%^-^ a^S^,. .*?««iiu.-4SMw*aMS^-^s^SS.' : S«ii' «S-i>T^>a«'^;i^5«,^^ciJ3«-»-s.i

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Page 1: THtf MAS'SEtti pfcg|lHta OCTOBE, R 51915 John B. Tyo · W%\tW|ow|;lipld his meat >buf "iness to Mr^#bl" Ft. Jackson, wh[&v took possessffl«-,t' Mr. {.ocke has accepted thejpff

-—-~ ^tyvjvji -; • *-™(H*i-w*~ ~M •1Wi"W-UJM»"«M»WJyBftlMI.SWW!IlHP

V•''' *SHed

^«^^;J;^*Sf^l^ff"-! 'y; * ,r""-'. ''/'

^•fcrgF*' iB

I /•

f- *£>&

m SUN''''

THtf MAS'SEtti p f c g | l H t a , OCTOBER 51915

large with considerable swampy land, making it difficult to locate the cows unless in sight. He told the' Press Man that he'found the bell particu­larly useful Hen bossie has hidden her calf in' the pasture. No doutt •there are sectiidns in North 'Stockholm

liere; bells afe used more .or lessbtft p &e Mia ipraotice of belling the •cows lias gone* out of vogue and exists #£ly; in the {kemojy of those whose Wy&Ood $tf$ hayef long been past

J i l e i i C l ^ l t e ^ e s s for a ftarv

•idken that..wi:i";fi'fty-two .times' during $ e|jm<i m recipient of the toner's thoughtM kindness. K year's

i ^ W $ \ < % k $ h e SNs«na .Press, %tt to' the absent relative or frienu" !^i^e»- S°y 'tfr kirl; a -ay to School will W? }$,3t-'Wcn'&re\biate-d as Its visits I fet#MI^#i f ;#ntain| 'touch of.

M&fii ' 'Senlykr pews items to, A.'L, Heath, fnfi >e;!p aiafee fhe Press the

rs|r|ifidttj? d y l ^ i ^ alf'^inds! pt 16b

• Our'o^I<rSa%n Ancestors were Quite Ti'gjit ana wise;'in naming October the '/wine, month."' The wine. Qf life is ja

^l$ps$ ""etegiS crisp- days. Our veins

'how we rased .to ;?S©' &a|tfrig, in ithe October da#s, o ^ -^;ilow%mf ia'gd?-i-you and I and a merry s ej-owd ffl -boys land girjs,-. each- with, a ; ;-*£ske< oft sack [to,-fill, with, the Spi$en..-. 5?'bi6%ii3|rea*suifes'''bj .'the/ forest;,'me ; cci^s£aa1k ana<.ba*2ei ttts- hid >e"ecfi-muts, hickories tand shagbarks? 'Sfhat

'<0eat"spbH*'ii was^ -How'We scurried 4M6h^.^Vsun4ec^ed^w'o'oajanQswayi,i-

gfcjnig .Hloudf with}i%e"-Jure'ioj^of. ug .•alfve^'i^eJcan' selryet'tne sa^i:

' ' »V- ^ n f ^ y ^ w ^ ^ ^ «tose ^y a chiBmunlt;|,(50|to •pigortiftMy, attd"from fhie sfiado]^yJ

farm, Jenkins Corners, were1 {imong* the.Brooklale visitors this week. •

John Wade is re-shingling his house and; other buildings.

V»u iennan Street Biiiefs, • fW. ifa VanKennp and daughter,

Mrs. Rali>h Wfiiig, attended the funeral of '(Ma*s/$e.nry VanK-ennan, at Norfollc, Tuesday.1

' Mrs. Xohn Roasaw, who has.been very ill, is gaining her health rapidly, Her daughter, Emma, of Madrid, is' Oaring for her;

FredjGQodn'Ough* of Norfolk, trans­acted 'busitfess in this" section Tues­day.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bandy, of Brookside farm, visited their-son in ipotsdam, recently. ,

Mr. ajml 'Mrs. Henry Barkman of Norwood, were-gtiests of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney. Felix on,Sunday. ' . •.! dVlr*s. •Bharles Trots is- visiting her •mother, i« Canada.

Mrs, if. Roasaw has returned to her home |n'Madrid, after an extended vis­it 'to her parents,in this street.

Henry,and Earl Bandy of Bropftside |arinr dJsjpsed/ol-a lbid-of potatoes !int'Maasena,?fTue da,isr..: - .... • •

Mrs i^etes-Boish i a s coll?fet;eid a ear-.load- of'jsr.egetjfcbles for the''G&ildren's Home in Ogdensburg. The yegetables were shipped from Plumbrook, (Mon­day. • • . • ,

Mr, - and. jitrs. Sidney Felix and daughter; Miss Jane, . . aamj^p jaM from a .visit Ho friends'%i ^aisd^a-.S^rings^v,..,, Jf,-^-- .,:<•...>- '•

' Enjft>ps Stattonf • ^ ., •: Work -has' ^began on, the aew milk

station here. Ground was .broken on Sitnrday and fte masoii started work Tue*sday»-- A foy^e.of Cj»rpeni;fr,s. are

fexpe^td^dai^ > . \ k_,-',•/".- r ?.'. ' •> /The Bpston' ffersey. dreamery com-jpany w e . short of. several-gallons of ^ilk^dftesdayj an,d ti.e>.mystery< .was,

f'one" for* the, ^eei;%r,atea" Sierloek

.. CJhaipfc-IMtace. iMr§. J e n | i | | « ^ ; h a s moved her

!Bugehol|^iMi|Jone, where she • expels t f l ^ l l ^ p l e future. R. E. ,^S^|^'i!his family into •fe« : B » b ^ « f c which he pur­chased a ' ^ i l P 6 &S0. Thomis

;Shep.iias.,Sl&v^S family from ' " - " ^ tO:i|»Scoll house on De-pot»Street.g||i§ir-•,, ,'V.Oli»l|||f|||eiitIaiW, |. W%\tW|ow|;lipld his meat >buf "iness to Mr^#bl" Ft. Jackson, wh[&v took possessffl«-,t' Mr. {.ocke has accepted thejpff jo, of patrolman on the State rbp#4^h is'nearly com­pleted. '<2f8\&

^ | | P « t i o B , . I ' Harry Bj | |^»pbany spent de week eEd'fa^i|M^'| of, A, B. Rolfi :' John ^ t e ^ l p t o u ' n g son <ft William'itfa|^f')vho has -been at the OgaenSln^^t^ Hospital under­going treatmelwpi ivdjseases .bone in

John B. Tyo Ogdcnsbnrg, N. Y.

• - m • ' ^


fycS«dr.en,- : •••%8®

few dayi |Tlast week ;f|}|,-'Mrs, Joh: iBforan, ha> 'Asila*;to 'her home i 'Cbases Mfll^f S | | . ; ; .\ - T^ie.MissigM^ the R. C; 'Chat^/elosMuj^ay, Sept. 26. Bis-i^0i#ib^ejs|8lfedensburg was pret k t>ant*atid^ieoM§,edi a large class of

The Store Thai « n —


1JI700LTEX suits and co fs were nevef, m t _ ^ 1 1 the leaders of fashito as fhey are thfefeli* 1 ^ |

the leaders of our many handsphie Wooltex 1a§ re l .garments are the

tjie hell^iox,. Howard ,Byk.e. camej qut, a£ it an^tound'thai Iteweat to the

H'ft||jsa 'gjiilo^^^d,' son of Rochester] l k ^ v i s i t i n s . # i ^ r M s . Mr> and Mrs. ti;ere?y JJ^IL | | ^ 1 . ';-, ,-%eQa' Butlepsiaj; home. ,

Mrs. B. 'Jr. iSflJe i s dangerously ill at frhig;1writi^|f|jdi.hopes are enter-1

fta|ped jfpr .^e^^^oyery. , ll-^rkf^reor^^ffifey. and son Girard,, ^f •I'^atertb.v^^wBo have beea the

jE|Ctor ,, forgot to^e^e his-.jcait' of inijitey'jiJiiViaEd jbrought.'iis. milkv Mek. to the" "farm and dumped it?intQ , the tw!n>>.ibaBrel: Howard's 'mother -told; |he.,^res^Man fhatyshe- had..eagaged a

jSaWe i• bell for him,, and as s'oda as an

W^imm&soomte '$w^e *$ fet^l^l^S^5» [•• ^ . t o * badk over, itf Y^; • w «

e^iouId^TvWaiy may^Tye n.ot $ak^ • M<s:a.s aoyousiy todayi instead' of'mak-

sjbktkrned Ui,onfej, Mrsday, !. , Mrs/ Myja»$§£jBj!£n's of McCollums is, ft1}ilgu;6Sfc'^Wr%^.p."Rolfe. } I Tjinotny .Ol^^ 'who recently un-fcae^^5it;iapJ(^r^,tjon for 'appendicitis ;'at Jiae'-QKy-fio^|tal at Ogdeneburg(| Jr4fcj^^^Qjfe^'(Wi;esday. r "-•-? 3^li"3|eJHe'|Sp^Bn''spent a few days' ^i . #|g,%b«rf ja|^;week. ,

^SJf 9%$W*8 l;eturned tTomk I'-'J^lmfmM^U^ o* St. Regis^


^pp | ;b | , lHer •|iste*^Mis/- %I|za.s'Ba;b-.| edjiic, for;'the past two week^, has re-

.., ._,.,iurned toiler home iaColton, rtduJM.'-w&TvWpiy may,-we. n.ot $ak^f''%hernBr>e*pefRts<tor;therhar.vestd^^ fecs.n .4iwoitffW+K*oV. J ^ ^ - ^ . ^ „ i , _ fi^r- ijeiaiagt.Saturday were §20-32.

,JJc, iSa^/MrsJ" Boy Ho^ie. and two cmlidren.^f'Wittthrop, are guests of .TUT-. ' -T— -a *** • - - . - -' — ' -



itosbs- w0r«' la.5wn. ©oat; 0$s ' pe^& St-veriaa lhay stacks j-ia ith^>aortfe, pa?t ct the towa^ere Bl&wn dfrwn ;by tn«, g a l e . . . ' , - - . ' ' • ' ••:-;.

. Re*. C. A, Heati Is Better, The many friends of the Eev. C. A.

Heath, former pastor of the Brookdale . . w. M, Church, bity now of Pore^tdale,

, Vt, who recently jarde^Weait an-sperr • •' ation ffir -aj^e#djcitis «6: the* Mary

Fletcher Hosp'fW, BuriingtonyrVW will "•- - ; -.^e~pIease^T^ieaTO-th^t'Jtijlias,W

"'.-.'-'-'^ - : ^i**• eroi&ttft 5iva%-se.ea ' s a s ^ g ' p.vec'' """".i",-v-"' -! .'.jflJiff se>po»^febd^ti-sih^C;J%st7;^eyen

• '•••CS:* " ^ C ^ ^ ^ l ^ W s ^ ^ ^ l ^ l b i a B d w a ?

' ---A*:-X:V/'1S6ek-^l;-seeii-'liJi'^Mi^WtW'M6^ '". ',-•;{; >7:

:Q$ lirffl&gi '$£ r m&J!§oj|>v.,.wJierW.}fel: -"'. •->%& r caSl%d.a;rai|M-|%o:?oi" Mr;e& Jiaiep apd-.

i&ftvTa^sdayfbr Detroit "wtteVe they |w|U-pa!Ki their future home, ,

-P'r&ss ' Hiram Claffey is suffering from a-IMan .wondsrs Whether this- ^ayihg^-. frd«fured leg.


a'hatd one to'many-of Msf^dees 'nQt|;.#fesife'iQngsIef wade a shopping

careful striving,!* live in the present'! a ifreight crew,.'came Birough' ^that.

taeair that tve Shodl^ learn- to teust- trip to Norwood, Saturday the omnipresent power as a- ohild C §5 Kaapi>, statioa aget „_,—T

trusts its earthly parents, cease our a t unusual experience recently, when

.Mtasoj^ ofj r 'dayfi ja towa laist1

week" the'guei&^^r» ' ^ d Mrs. O., W. ; M ^ ^ ^ ^ | ^ . ^ * ' .... ;n [•'[Mr. aladV^^a^ej/^EcArthHr and, S ^ . ' ^ n 4 M r | i i 3 S ^ i g ^ S x ^ ' sjsent, &\ few: days" Iffsf f^^jtlie Adfrondacks, oii" aihunfiii'l'!M'r;..r2?; * - , . ._. - -'


anjd-^;-gqodt|m^'- " '• were-'ttna^le to'^peak'fifaglisb, Mr*,] Br>obli:aaIr;<tegaBlzes Foot Ball Team. Lapp ' s French is spatewhajt riistyfeut

1, :|Fhe.JBroGkdate'A. O. will b;e repre- he managed to "understand them aftgr I seated oir tfin= wnn fiw n l+t>*" "-~— *—' - *• ' seated on thergrldfron'tMs seaspa^/by oa3s -of M 'fastest "!6o|bk1lT teams; Jn.

|:ifo|n|''&fEhfuliy |ori«h'e:''»opeaiag-of• the-) '•feasda,^Saturday,-. October 16, when 'gg^Les, y?UL pp. B^ye'd with, KJuaf.psr I'thtfotAeFSfl't of'^owaYearns.'All home-Sanies -Will be playgd oa the Old Or-a^ri^iampn^:rjB^ed ; . , Jandrew.,. % ^o^iftJg^itle^eaM ail'Walter iesniere te5'ookdale^fei<!hie£r -Mcfcer, will assist 1 wife 'i;he Wprk.? jQbjarley Launkey has •S^n eiiecttd! captain, and. J'Bill" Wag-:.st4tttreferee. --•Basier LaComb is the

ayfashion. v ifss, Campbell, who'Jjas be^ ' v i s l t rL ' / ? ' . ^ : ^ a^-c'/-.. , f

' f Q ^ p l ^ l a i ^ t uaiaue toiiring e a r s | | seenlsi-tjifsMpage this Reason passed

ing\lter daughter and ienV'fn'Auburi :

•K-T-. for t ie past few days, returned _ _ t t f l w f ! ^ i i e " e ' J I l U r S d a ? - •' i t ^ f t i t S ^ r d a y ^ s r w e e T I n d y f ^ R ? . ^ r S - ^ ^ J ' ^ r p h y ; tfimiMmmM Drake of Bostoa. J t f l t t ^ . ^ n * e r ' W e r e over:Sund-ay I t . ^ ^ p p ^ i p t e a h o u s e . o n wheels, v? rt!#i.^eXr P a r e n t S ' ms- a n f l M ^ t ^ ^ a ^ W P h . l wardrobe,, larder,

R. E}. WSlkins is reported to be ou$e poorly at this writing.

forty Vhojsrs' ,d^§ipn, ,.at BrusMonl J a ^ ^ e e l f e i , /-f -^TV, ,r ,. 8 , |,

''Safest"jMamle Cfc«j;ley "of jB>opkd£le ^p&xt'iti weel^eqt' Vith^piss Nella

. Rfv.^4^®R|dsh»w went to S'prth -Bangor Tueday ev^&iitg to preach iaJ

th JVjt. B. Church at,, that-p^aee. ^ " , : ' .#. >P, !Btitler is .invp^ovbig' the' ap-' ijre^ance '<tf: his Residence *y a'Mrge)

K . .viAi': . ' -*' '^ ' • •-* •"'


• ^


^ ^illlxi ^ A l l i . TAnfr I

There is exceptional style and graeefulnes§-|ii r£he jsix-; Hi special Winningham'designs. Ji^ei^'one.ebiilopiis jfe/^M the season's most •fashionable style tendenc4es. , " . rXM-'::

" """""I Fashion says: "Natural figure lihe&''_/Th^se^pe|;;'>r'.f;f

tex Winningliam suits all have the graceful linesQ^M&'y natural figure which we all admire so muck

Several have the stylish, hip length jacket. Others ;•/ have the equallr fashionable long jacket. - -1

Military collars and envelope pockets are features, ^f:.-',.• the Winninghapi Suits foi* roung woinenl Smaitly l&?<|/-.> collars and simulated belt effects are features of' ptjie^r ;i suits. .


^.'v^i*'.H7»PW8«9w» ?0ft' dte^s-moibrcvae.. *:" • .1 ;pjh';dang^d |f. he. wpwldnft ask the

a^pt -Aps^Rread it*fer-Bim."-, . ItTpalt^r"|esmere|^who.has 'been on, i|5e|r|8i%^is;t,fis'no,;w,-ahIe to sitfupsaad 'hajle^hfeb^slnad&j;^. ' .. ' . :\

of Mr.

\tvmMBr^^fM4v comforts found in I »>mgd|t%ansphpat.

.•fi*?i''fiT%fis a student of the pas- J; &ro^||y,:>fe'Enacted at Oberam-1'1

fSuflnl^f^iia,' Germsny, he has fl%fl||*.«piJi^e,.subject'for twenty', | '^ |0 | |^ in | ' ff | i 'ceaseeB' tfie' play' as , fetsMBff^fClne^fee'Pple *>i dbfiram-V

• l^a potter,, formerly'of Brookdale, ii%M^^Mf^W^s.VB a noted [Tglo,be-trotter>'%as'4 guesit of his .broth-ej; wdsisfe|;%-iaw,.Mr. and Mrs, .Ota J' 5?I^J* Si mSH Home farm, Jenkins

Corners,- M^aaay ^nd" Tuesday. Mr. [Porter -has just returned from an ex-^ - ; c \' •>;:'•• ^Wi^teiW&^WkFtf air the # 5 tax-'1

.-.-; r « v;u;.:V'£»7^o|-ytae?twy-tbwns'nive"slgn:ed i Vtjie>;'

f ' ^ W ^ ? * : ^ 0 6 3aa% will J : - X - 0 ^ ; ^ ^ ^ m ^ M ^ ^ S h t e m inches

.^jeture's screen^aad

• Sfeynafd Mbrrison of Canton; was a gues$ of L. P. Wjoteott,. Stuiday.-' • •

Bill O'Brien, of Brookdale, wis "a jailer,^t^a!Pps,-FTjid»K- ;.••:•;• '•"; ,-., M i s s ^ r i o n . Lyiek of^BrPokaaie^ - I f S * h e V f a l t ° r S la-- tW*.*»iSi W$m*&#&* k s lecture equip-,tflls; Week,' ,J •• • . -~ "•-•* >5S^S*ltS££-JS34^a?-_ii-o.; -i ' ^ _ _ *

f.Bgute;tw1)/Basnhe honor ofiliemgtne •Ptdest gentletoan on the road where he lives. "Uncle JPha," as he- is called 'by -his many -patrons, fe one of the

too.§t welcome callers in"this'section. Every day, raia or shine, hatt or snow, •Up ias-a word of good che'ey and a smile for those he meets upoa the road, North Stockholm needs more

f men/like ^Cnele John." • <•»

for yon, miss or matron, a suit •I |-.l!!le#;^f#...:-

To tTieir exceptional style a r e added mate r i a l s a n d tail­or ing of the well known Wooltex qual i ty , the high s tand­ard of which is an assurance of sat isfactory fit and ser­vice. , , . ; , . . .

' * You know it fakes a good cloth and good tailoriug t6

make a stylish suit that will retain its smart, stylish &p:

pearaiice. You can depend upon Wooltei garments. Come in today and see the new Winningliam suits

and Pompadour coats. Try on a few and see tffr your^ self their charming beauty and stylish designs.

\i ' • '

forjf'ermont. , j^fSfrs.' Richard Jakdrew of Madrid, 'was a callpr at Cjloverdale farm on Tfie'sday, ; . , * - • ',

Joseph ^p'oshaw, ;of Jenkins Corners-was' a welcpmp calmer in Brookdale on Tuesday. "Mr, Goosaaw' Jhas'/pass^ed, "thP three-score-and,-ten mark. He told the, Press Man that the felt like a two-year-old, and cbuleUdo as much as he could twenty years' ago.

Mr,, and Mrs. H'.'B.'Starks, of'Brook-view, farm, attended the get-together' ••$$£!& ^ I^PpAlT^ursday. ^#-#^%K^apAan,v 'wlHy -has

BRASHER FLATTS. ., „ ^ / : ' _ , ", ...

Mr. and Mrs. Barcume of Edwards visited her parents, Mr. aad Mrs. Peter Currier a,few days recently. • v., ' Sirs'. Ellen Small and nephew 'Lewis. SMorrlson spent Sunday with r>.< key. and family. t ,,.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Perry. >yisiteda| at his brother's^, S, Perry recently'-:

W i ^ p u i ^ a ^ e e l s is built on th^ chassiSiiit;^,^^ car constructed of

t ^ell'03#j.pia^|UrBs stained a land-* };Stfanp;fif^^^ell*0<>r i s a t me ^-^ i h a ^ l p S f ^ p f l i ^ e •driver sits at at;t%i|a)egj.pi^'-..the other it at the reati|itMi.|g-f^:!fijis,head, the driver' may-]jP*ok:^5li^^rt^i^ !road.

TSi^lp|| |i | |t |i-5foot long, 6 foot.: w tJd|^W^of^^nches;^rom floor tp;1

ceil|^#lt|ife;|pi^^r4ft.e;' the lecturer

Suits at Coats at

$15.00 fd $35.00 $9.90 to §27.50

' You are cordially invited when in Ogdenshurg i.o at­tend obr Fall Opening Exhibition of Dress Goods, Silks, Carpets, Rugf, Lmolefams, etc. Our exhibit embraces all that is new and correct in the" fashionable fabrics of the day. ..

car^SP^^Ifl&ng clothes ia which J-he^||B|^^|^e}*|>iatf0rm.- A .b|isi-, i , ae>s , ^f | j t^ f^?hen doing Ihis own worfe i

Fall Millinery Our Millinery department is one of the largest in Noi'thern New York—onei'en>/; ,

tire floor devoted exclusively to the manufacture and sale of Millinery, Buying ivom r first hands, in large quantities enables us to sell "Chic" Millinery at priees far nelSa f :V ;: usual prices. Discriminating shoppers are amazed at the values they get MTCyo^/ ;^ Many qf our $5.00 fiats are superior to the specials now being shown .elsewhere..ij^i . $8.50. Our stocks move quickly. We are glad to turn over merchandise rapidly rath-fj'i er than make larger profits on less goods. Our slogan jh^jpqpuia^:prides,, * '-'^"^'

j "-

Jcf'ft'agent and other ne^es|peM.aM|a a dust proof en-C l 0 | ^ | ' | $ ^ ) i V .

. ' • " • • ^ ^ ^ P ^ ^ t o ' J S w e I 1 fenowa in rthe^§)Msj^^n;dt section is making htsfMft^&ughSCT'orthern New York

wr __

hk Uj Tuesday eveaiag and Wednesday"

with his parents here. „•; , • \4 The many.!friends'herp.ofnMTs. 6har--

^ S £ i | f e ^ ^ 9 ® & s - H e -carries lcSW«#*MoBlfpnl*tO last several days,

.••V'^mmmm?* -•?.'»,?•---:•-•f*..-

f ' l M P P 1 8 t o I , > recently. ^^Syfed^Marlow recently spent

friends m Grant-

has been

^ l ^ ^ f ^ W - a f i ^ f f i P i a g trip tolPots-\^fmjpnied-ay||lns w^ek;'> h0$s<»/&''Qi'AlU8Gp, of Malone, is a j M^MPh' and Mik L, M. Curtis and r M 5 5 i ^ ' B - -'P'randy - at Meadowlands

(brother, Judge has returned to

lctfe Bell ohfirasher ffails.-Wt^.resrt dent of thi3 Jittle hamlet for'over shl .«™--v- -,-» ., . years will •h^^.J^l^^ZTj^HMMm^my^le Rayrno visited years will -be pleased toherethat she • *• ?-.-,,=. a- .- Xi • i s ; ,m ^ e , , r o a d , t p : - r e c q v p r J X 5 | ^ ^ p i » * & t h ^ a S t V?\

^efiousAlMess of several'vleks, f c t f r ^ P * E » ^ ' f s ' v ^ r l e s ' i»"!»~— ,..- .- > - ' -^"^•MagBmKSsrtat~ski^t£fT.Ana Baker aid (Shop. V&ftMM operation'fbr'canqer oa^ateid. —«».«-. --«« i 7«^, -. , behead? , . . ' - " ' " W P P P * * ' 1

-,«Wb.tottte Small speat a d a y - t h e f c S l w M ^ T 1 1 - 3 ' ^ n t ' s e y -— w^fe with frieads .in B r a s S | | M t f e f S % t f ™ l y m t h l S p l a ° 6

|Mi|S^ei-lets-dowa his bed "'"" """Bfri'fl turas ia for'the


t ie Queen City. |eakia§ of Hillcrest farm

Mrs. ArOiur Mig, of Cedarhedge • • i * '

Cf&.l'?s. (Mir. and" Mrs.. Wesley Dignau.and:

little'daughter, spent Sunday "witfa rek atjves on the -ridge. - * • -. ;

iQarl LaFlour is working for Peferj Small for,the present.»' • > -J

Miss Lottie Small spent -Monday. with friends in Louisville. • .••>:-*, ,x,,m ^Several from this vicinity attended* ^ygj Qgdensburg Fajr. ' "

Advertist in The Press. .•A~~v&

k: ' - '- '••--:»^ ^ ^ <'-'*^|fe^ i l

3>5iS?!tjSBWS«*- i ^ d U j I ^ ^ f l W !


'"" • '•'I.5'.'.'fe'-'-''


Skate" Coikmencing May.Sjl until further ixp-tice, will make ,

TWO except Surt^aj, ,''b,efween

'MASSENA ANP ^RiNWAIUU running on the, following soheduls I MORNIMG'TRIF*

j-LejaVes1 Power House Dock,, I Massena 1. . . . J 8:20 a. m. Leaves International Park.,9:'<15 a. m. Arrives at Cornwall &30 a. m.

Retiirn Leaves iCornwall .........10:<W a, m. iLeaves International Park 10:30 a. m. Arrives -Power House iDpck,

4la.ssena . . . . . , . . _ . . . , . . 12:00 noon-Leaves Power <Souse^J3oek,

JJIasseria. : 2:?0 p. m.| Leaves International Park 3:16 p. m. Arrives at Cornwall 3:30 p. m.

! Return Leaves Cornwall — . . . . ; 4:®0 p. m. Leaves International (Park 5:00 p. m. Arrives Power House Doek, : Massena . . .« . . . ; . , ..*..,., 6:30 p. m,

Hnbbard's BUs Lme.'^wiil connect with the Boat-each trip.-"- -Hack to or­der. •'"' ' 'Phone 132,

WESTONJi, 1CL1NE, Captain

$ - ~

^¥,«^>^JS. v V38

passengers; .with stric% earet i j^ I b ^ n T ' ^ l i n e w m ^ ^ ^ ^ absolutely s a | e » ; : * basis, Your pateonag e is solieited.«. 4 »«». ,* .tJ

'.*, i

*' * Leaving , a. m.

* Massena •... S:00 * Louisville Corners.. 8:20— .2S * Beatty Corners 8.80- -'. -.35 * Chase Mills : . . 9:00*- .50 j : Waddington 9:30—.65 * -B?own ;01mrch 10:00-=- .85 % Ogdensburg 11:00— 1,00

,;^ m^'4 Returning ;

:.'}> - - 1,T.

Ogdensburg . . . « . j ' ; 3 h%M~** . Brown >p|uireh'.r.V. 4;00—I , 5 0 ^ ' ; -Waddjngten ./...-r^^O-^".165^%"-/...

* Chase Mills-. JV..-.;.. i r a o - " jigf fc; "'| Beatty Corners , , , ; 5:30— '.S&r-S/;""-1-.-

•-*V Louisviu'e Corners.. S:^--'-^'©;-*-J „ Massena.. .„: . . , . 6jqo-r J . ,00?^; "M

Even after faUurei there a sort of > consolation in feeling that you* tried % your best to succeed- » . . . . *

tacit 10 or- 31 rrt.*. 1 < • - - - -*-- ^ ^ v , * ' ,: -hone 132. | Charges.-between stations 25e a«d 50e mmSmg^M;^ ^captain g custanee. -^ ( _ •_ ,; Y,;4;!v, :;pl.r-'*:-'^ * = = ? | We grro<3onpons"m the bunlar) Ponv^onfea f^ -%^ '11 1

We giro coupons m the Dpnlap Pony^eontesr'-TS.^f t - -I - - . • ' - ** : • • _ i " | v -••> <:'<•&?.&*>&•£•-: # ' - i i

* .» ^"l-*^-*&*>?*V»>*<&H^&*^ ^i^^^^t^^.4^ -. *** % -


.*?««iiu.-4SMw*aMS^-^s^SS.':S«ii' «S-i>T^>a«'^;i^5«,^^ciJ3«-»-s.i